do over

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many people are currently: inspectors of inspectors and/or

obligers of inspectors and/or

angry/docile from all the inspecting/obliging and/or

dangerous/depressed from all the anger/docility and/or

. . .

tech, the web, whatever.. is allowing us to see these mind wrenching


• • • • • • . . .

anger/praise/money/sorrow toward pro sports players/fans rescuing refugees from the water (or not) as they flee war/destruction more laws/rules/rights to feed/free/protect us more people hungry/imprisoned/homeless/voiceless people complaining about service/verbiage people dying from service/verbiage

perhaps .. if we could

long enough to stop perpetuating not-us ness.

and instead.. give ourselves (has to be all of us to work) a

do-overs ad infinitum


perhaps then we could/would see ‌ ..what we are really like.. as humans.

..what we’re capable of.. as humans.

..the energy we already have within us.. as humans.

and then perhaps… we’d acknowlege the voice deep w/in each soul:

we can. so we can’t not.

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