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a general agreement about something : an idea or opinion that is shared by all the people in a group

one idea .. shared by all people.. i don’t know.

perhaps if that idea is deep/simple/open enough for all of us.. ie: short.. but we keep manufacturing consent.. aka: asserting power.. to force/prescribe inhumane/unnatural things.. to insist our choices are binary/finite.. ie: spinach or rock ness.. in the name of solidarity..

maybe that’s our hold up.. our roadblock ..

perhaps we have the tech capabilities (io dance ness) to redefine decision making..

and if we do.. perhaps we shouldn’t perpetuate efficiency of a mode/medium/means we no longer need.

perhaps we be brave enough to disengage from what’s irrelevant. from all the

manufactured consent ness.

perhaps we reimagine our broken feedback loop.

Collaboration is how problems are solved. It is the ability to reach consensus. Jaime Casap @jcasap Original Tweet:

is it..?

or is the ability we now have to find our people‌ with the short lag time we all crave.. perhaps we quit chasing the puck.. pleasing others.. assuming supposed to’s..

let’s do that. what if it’s less about moving our thinking around to match.. and more about moving us around to match..

eudaimonia as the day gershenfeld something else law www ness enough revolution of everyday life revolution in reverse

a nother way for (blank)’s sake…


“We need friction instead of consensus and culture instead of economics� | Social

It is precisely this dissensus that can hold a society together, because it presumes a great deal of trust in the other.

[..] we should learn to deal with dissensus, instead of trying to ‘solve’ everything through consensus. We

need to avoid consensus, because it is excluding.

Those who don’t fit the consensus, are truly left out. Dissensus, however, respects different perspectives and always holds the possibility that we see or realise something that we hadn’t noticed before. [..]

the need to redefine decision making.. ie: disengage from consensus ness

perhaps public can't have consensus w/o oppression ...

This also means that our ways of attributing meaning can continuously change. That way we can escape our current conservative model, which confuses a state of culture with a state of nature, as is happening both in politics and mainstream media. Here, the free market is perceived as a natural given, as well as the financialised society. There must be values that are worthier than a balanced budget. Current acts of terrorism, and least as much governmental responses to it, show that some things are more important than a balanced budget. Unfortunately this doesn’t count for the care of elderly or disabled, to name just one example. If we would look at this from a cultural perspective instead of an economic one, we would understand that the world could always be different. And that’s the point. If we would embrace commonism, we would create an enormous sense of possibility and cultural freedom. Pascal Gielen

brown quotes via David Graeber‘s revolution in reverse:

It *seems to me no coincidence, then, that so much of the real practical work of developing a new revolutionary paradigm in recent years has also been the work of feminism; or anyway, that feminist concerns have been the main driving force in their transformation. In America, the current anarchist obsession with consensus and other forms of directly democratic process traces back directly to organizational issues within the feminist movement.

huge questioning of this below.. freeman/male-female/interpretation/timing-ofimagination ness.. perhaps that was our interpretation (ie: obsession w consensus).. but we were missing that it was.. ..more a consensus of 7 billion people with their gut.. not 7 bill people with each other.. the daily gut check being the true north.. rather than some political mech for decision making.. to get us all to waggle/consent on an idea..

What had begun, in the late ‘60s and early ‘70s, as small, intimate, often anarchist-inspired collectives were thrown into crisis when they started growing rapidly in size.Rather than abandon the search for consensus in decision-making, many began trying to develop more formal versions on the same principles. from *seems to me no coincidence

so since no mech.. theory.. equitable imaginations beyond feminism… settled/compromised on consensus w/in public… rather than.. w/in self.. if even that… (because then not brave enough to change mind daily… perhaps) leading us to begging for antifragility

This, in turn, inspired some radical Quakers (who had previously seen their own consensus decisionmaking as primarily a religious practice) to begin creating training collectives. By the time of the direct action campaigns against the nuclear power industry in the late ‘70s, the whole apparatus of affinity groups, spokescouncils, consensus and facilitation had already begun to take something like its contemporary form. *The resulting outpouring of new forms of consensus process constitutes the most important contribution to revolutionary practice in decades. It is largely the work of feminists engaged in practical organizing — a majority, probably, tied to the anarchist tradition.

ok.. so let’s

go one iteration further.. ie: redefine decision making.. ie: disengage from consensus ness *most important contribution?.. perhaps.. but i’m thinking more.. worst damage.. because like shaw’s take on communication.. we assumed it/interpretation had been done.. and quit questioning the whole premise of decision/consensus making..

**This makes it all the more ironic that male theorists who have not themselves engaged in on-theground organizing or taken part in anarchist decision-making processes, but who find themselves drawn to anarchism as a principle, so often feel obliged to include in otherwise sympathetic statements, that of course they don’t agree with this obviously impractical, ***pie-in-the-sky, unrealistic notion of consensus. from *the resulting outpouring

the resulting.. comes right after talk of Quakers/religious consensus ness **this makes it all the more ironic…that *male theorists…. *rather today.. all the more ironic that we designate male/female… rather than human.. perhaps even multitude… does that cover…ie:humanity ness…? *rather today… all the more ironic that we designate.. and/or couple anarchy w set process… ie: decision making process

then last sentence.. on ***pie in sky.. unrealistic notion of consensus.. perhaps that.. framed‌ notion is unrealistic.. perhaps humane consensus.. is more w individual daily/hourly intentionality‌ gut ness‌ the whole.. improv.. shake-my-frames-up ness (ambival my frames) of the antifragile

perhaps even more – unrealistic notion would be of a consensus w/in each gut.. everyday/moment asking david… if perhaps interpretation of intent on consensus (in large groups-by said men) and/or perception of possibility/capability of consensus/decisionmaking (in large groups- by said women) was missed/ misunderstood (like how I’m perceiving his *Jo freeman take)

and that.. we still haven’t gone deep enough… ie: to no consensus on an idea… rather regrouping people (freeman small enough ness).. to the like idea… so their work/interpretive-let’s-just-call-it-art….isn’t compromised.. by having to buy in sell out to a diff mindset on their art…messing with the..

one ness ..of the dance we’re missing

david – could it be the *jo freeman interpretation of misconception (by you and/or her because of the imagination/capabilities of the time) is off/short/compromises the potential of a mech to facilitate us.


ie: focus on consensus.. when idea in small ness is more about hearing everyone than everyone consenting.. rather than spending time waggling/defending/pitching/selling each other toward one idea… we use mech to facil us according to daily (or 24/7 ish) thinking/curiosity/interpretation/idea/desire.. and then this is huge/different… trusting that if we are living a nother way.. where people have 23 plus hours of luxury/solitude/silence/freedom.. to decide for self and have bravery to change mind et al.. that what we are trusting in.. isn’t some man made mech/system of decision making (ie: polling/voting/waggling/et al) but rather.. we are trusting in 7 billion hearts/guts/whimsies.. the huge ness acknowledges the reliability oriented thinking.. ie: here we go again.. w tragedy of the commons ness; w tragedy of the structureless ness; et al… but have we honestly ever give it a fair shot.. have we ever honestly trusted people.. enough.. along with.. a mech to facilitate alive trusted people..? i think not. i think that’s why this is so huge/diff.

key is – nationality: human

*The organization of mass actions themselves — festivals of resistance, as they are often called — can be considered pragmatic experiments in whether it is indeed possible to institutionalize the experience of liberation, the giddy realignment of imaginative powers, everything that is most powerful in the experience of a successful spontaneous insurrection. Or if not to institutionalize it, perhaps, to produce it on call. The effect for those involved is as if everything were happening in reverse. from *the org of mass actions

spot on w the reverse… or rather.. stigmergic… but those festivals/occupies/et-al… can they really be considered pragmatic experiments… (ie: more like stuvoice ness in Ed…not a free enough experiment.. if experimenters still intoxicated w system… w broken feedback loop) ie: festivals ..thinking bi, or less police/political/et-al power… but those have all always been part/ial…so the dance has never danced… science of people ness

The organization of mass actions themselves — festivals of resistance, as they are often called — can be considered pragmatic experiments in whether it is indeed possible to institutionalize the experience of liberation, the giddy realignment of imaginative powers, everything that is most powerful in the experience of a successful spontaneous insurrection. Or if not to institutionalize it, perhaps, to produce it on c

possible to institutionalize the experience of liberation.. indeed… ish… but not by consensus as we know it..not public consensus

the need to redefine decision making.. ie: disengage from consensus ness

perhaps public can't have consensus w/o oppression ...

binary ness (from consensus ness) is keeping us from us it’s killing/suffocating us

key is – nationality: human we play any binary card.. and we’ve lost/compromised from the get go.. we have to help ourselves out of this mess by constantly reminding ourselves.. of the stories going on in each head .. the every actor has a reason ness.. the danger of a single story ness..

ie: men vs women… on assumed group we call men – and their condition today.. toxic… because we all placed on them the responsibility of: finances – owning/measuring/valuing money; wars- killing other humans to keep us from killing humans; work – bring home money from jobs they don’t love and to show how intoxicated that has made us all.. in regard to the assumed feminist movement ness.. remnants include women wanting responsibility for assumed honorable/desirable men’s responsibilities: finances – wanting pic on bills; wars – wanting to help kill in order to keep us from killing; work – wanting to spend hours of our day doing things we don’t necessarily/always love for money let’s let our combined/unified true north (for decision making/consensus/et-al).. be found/heard/seen w/in each gut/heart/soul everyday.. that’s a foundation we haven’t yet tried ie: hosting life bits where the data we focus on is self-talk .. but within a completely diff/nother way to live..

What had begun, in the late ‘60s and early ‘70s, as small, intimate, often anarchist-inspired collectives were thrown into crisis when they started growing rapidly in size.Rather than abandon the search for consensus in decision-making, many began trying to develop more formal versions on the same principles freeman ness

perhaps mech simple enough wasn’t yet imagined… to fit in mind/rationale/practicality of interpretive labor…. but now it is… now we can… which means we don’t have to continue compromising/misunderstanding/misconceiving.. smaller-size/intent issues because of larger-size/agenda issues more formal versions on same principles … always compromise all-of-us ness has to remain… antifragile/stigmergic/rhizomatic/et-al

let’s let our combined/unified true north (for decision making/consensus/et-al).. be found/heard/seen w/in each gut/heart/soul everyday.. that’s a foundation we haven’t yet tried ie: hosting life bits where the data we focus on is self-talk .. but within a completely diff/nother way to live..

the need to redefine decision making.. ie: disengage from consensus ness

perhaps public can't have consensus w/o oppression ...

and now that we have the means to facilitate all-of-us ness.. why would we go on manufacturing consent.. let’s disengage from consensus.. quit putting people on hold..

re re reading of David‘s rev in reverse .. last two paras under r in r section bureaucracy, however much it serves as the immediate organizer of situations of power and structural blindness, does not create them. Mainly, it simply evolves to manage them.

begs the rules be... no rules...

This is one reason direct action proceeds in the opposite direction. Probably a majority of the participants are drawn from subcultures that are all about reinventing everyday life. Even if not, actions begin with the creation of new forms of collective decision-making: councils, assemblies, the endless attention to ‘process’ — and uses those forms to plan the street actions and popular festivities. The

this is second to last para in r in r section

actions begin ( in direct action...r in r ness)... with creation of new forms of collective decision making: councils, assemblies, process.....used to plan street actions new forms...?. why can't collective decision be.. free/dom... ie:deep/simpe/open enough.. for all our changing/ambiguous/chaordic decisions… why can't only focus in solidarity (call it B if you must) be.. a&a.. 3 & 30..

and uses those forms to plan the street actions and popular festivities repeat from last copy...

or perhaps.. ginormous/small planning... aka: whimsy each gut.. every day/moment or perhaps... call it no planning/prep/et-al... just use mech to live/listen to gut each day

The result is, usually, a dramatic confrontation with armed representatives of the state.

this wouldn't happen.. because would-be/used-to-be... armed reps of state would also be playing... doing something else.. no more inspectors of inspectors... none free if one chained.. to inspectoring/representing/forcing .. et al.. to some manufactured binary ness

While most organizers would be delighted to see things escalate to a popular insurrection, and something like that does occasionally happen, most would not expect these to mark any kind of permanent breaks in reality. They serve more as something almost along the lines of momentary advertisements — or better, foretastes, experiences of visionary inspiration — for a much slower, painstaking struggle of creating alternative institutions.

why spend our days on momentary ads/foretastes/experiences-of-visionaryinspiration... for... slower...painstaking struggle of creating alt solutions..

last para in r in r section

One of the most important contributions of feminism, it seems to me, has been to constantly remind everyone that “situations” do not create themselves. There is usually a great deal of work involved.

no doubt... but more from listening... being quiet enough to hear.. perhaps even call it...

a collective... nother way… one each soul craves... and then crafting... to ensure its emergence/perpetuation... has no pre/script/ions

For much of human history, what has been taken as politics has consisted essentially of a series of dramatic performances carried out upon theatrical stages. One of the great gifts of feminism to political thought has been to continually remind us of the people is in fact making and preparing and cleaning those stages, and even more, maintaining the invisible structures that make them possible

huge.. from last note i wrote above... invisible structures.. that perpetuate/regenerate.. no prescribed structures

people who have, overwhelmingly, been women.

perhaps ... but whether female or male... overwhelmingly.. not themselves.. not free to be themselves... rather women/people enslaved to do-the-work/mend-the-remnants.....produced from toxic/manufactured actions/ideas ie:what person would make excuses for... clean the stage for... make the food/clothes for... the person(s) oppressing them... not free people in a free world (what we haven't yet seen... and won't see... perhaps... till we try it full on.. for (blank)’s sake)

The normal process of politics of course is to make such people disappear. Indeed one of the chief functions of women’s work is to make itself disappear.

not women's work.. fake.. imposed.. forced.. women's work....

One might say that the political ideal within direct action circles has become to efface the difference; or, to put it another way, that action is seen as genuinely revolutionary when the process of production of situations is experienced as just as liberating as the situations themselves.

only because in process ness is perhaps where you find alive... un prescribed...un obliged people... It is an experiment one might say in the realignment of imagination, of creating truly non-alienated forms of experience.

it’s time we break the chains of the invisibility that is breaking us blindness from trying to see with our eyes (little prince) via manufactured numbers/credentials/proof/prescription..

and free ourselves to the invisibility that awakens us the awareness/sight we get/grok from our hearts (little prince) via love

once we get caught up in visibility ness we perpetuate wilde not-us law because the being seen (perhaps just because we’re currently so intoxicated)

ends up trumping the being

there is

a nother way for (blank)’s sake‌

back to

disengage from

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