March 2018

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Page 1 . . . Table of Contents Page 2 . . . American Sign Language Page 3 . . . Why You Should Join Film Club Page 4 . . . What is Your Color? Page 5-6 . . . Track and Field at MHS Page 7-8 . . . Coping in High School Page 9 . . . Lacrosse Season is Back! Page 10 . . . Is Paul McCartney Actually Dead? Page 11-12 . . . How to Pull Up Your Grade Page 13-14 . . . How Has Beauty Evolved Over Time? Page 15 . . . Spring Break Plans

American Sign Language is not on a national curriculum in America. But it has good reason to be. There are many reasons that ASL is helpful for children growing up, such as an improvement in communication. Having another way to convey feelings can be helpful when a child is too upset to speak. It can teach children the use of body language as well, because much of ASL is done through how you sign, just as we use tone to give different meanings to the words that we say. Young children can also benefit from the motor skills used in any sign language, the dexterity of the hands that is required to sign. Another thing that will stay with kids for the rest of their life is the academic advantages to learning American Sign Language. One’s overall vocabulary will improve as sign language. Similar to the technique of writing a word down multiple times in order to remember it, seeing the word spoken leaves a stronger imprint on the brain. Also assisting with definitions because the sign for a word is typically similar to what the word means, for example the sign for “listen” is to cup your hand at your ear. Of course, these are all great, but they mainly pertain to children who would be learning English alongside ASL. What benefits does ASL have for adults?

Most of the advantages for adults to learn ASL are social-based. For example, there is always a chance that you could run into somebody that is deaf and also need to communicate with them. It would be very helpful to know ASL at that time. But there is more than the possibility meeting a deaf person. Late hearing loss is common in various work forces, and hard of hearing adults are becoming more and more common, in which it would be much easier to communicate having already learned ASL. American Sign Language, as well as any secondary form of communication, will help improve your understanding of general language. Overall, it is very beneficial to learn ASL, but how does one go about doing so? Finding an app online is very useful, as well as watching a few YouTube videos that will demonstrate the hand motions for you. These are the easiest, most accessible ways to learn sign language. What ever you end up doing, it is very helpful to pick at least a few phrases in sign language and the alphabet. Many who have learned ASL also use the alphabet to rapidly sign words, although it is most advantageous when telling somebody your name.

Rylee Cavins Editor-in-Chief

Why You Should Join Film Club Did you know that we have a school film club? Neither do most people. That’s why we’re talking about it. Film club is actually a small club started by Chase Cutarelli in the fall of 2016 and advised by Dr. Koukis. This relatively small club has already done some interesting things within its single year of existence. Film club started because Chase Cutarelli, the founder, wanted to make a film but needed people to work with. Film club is for people who want to do film but don’t have the resources at the highschool. The club is mainly focused on creating short films. The club helps to teach members the process of filmmaking and the different jobs people do during production. I am a member myself and I learned how screenwriting and storyboarding works when creating a film. The club also helps to teach how to work with other people to create something, which can be applied anywhere. The club is important because it not only makes short films it also contributes to the community by doing projects for other groups. The club has recently been working on a documentary about another club in Marysville named Foreign. In the past, the club has also created a PSA for the SOAP for Hope Film Festival. SOAP for Hope film festival is a youth film festival used to spread awareness about human trafficking. It was both the club’s and the festival’s first year and the film club won third place in its age group. Another aspect of the club is that they enter film festivals. When asked about what the club has done, Cutarelli stated, “The types of festivals that film club has entered is varied, if you want to get technical, we have only entered one. It was the SOAP for Hope film festival for which we won third place. This year we plan to meet the deadline for the Golden Lion Awards film festival held here in state in Cincinnati.” Who doesn’t want to make their own movie? Film is a window to other worlds and new experiences. If you are interested in filmmaking, the MHS film club would be a great option. It is full of fun and kind people who will welcome any new member. The club is rather small and is in need of volunteers to help with their projects. If you are interested in any aspect of film; acting, camera, editing, screenwriting, etc. Anyone who enjoys art could join too, it isn’t just restricted to writers and pho-

Photo of Film Club by yearbook

tographers. Please come to a meeting to see if you’ll enjoy it. Film is a medium that all people can enjoy. When asked about his favorite part of the club, Chase Cutarelli replied, “My favorite part of the club is seeing what other people have to offer, what ideas people come up with for what we can do for the school. What kinds of videos to make, stories that people want to tell. I find that interesting and sort of inspiring.” The club plans on entering more film festivals and continuing to make short films in the future. The Film Club is always interested in gaining new members since it is so small. Film club is always working on a project and welcomes anyone who wants to help. It is a rewarding experience and is something good to put on a college application. If making short films and going to film festivals interests, please do come to room A113 during monarch period on thursday. Emily Wigglesworth Advanced Reporter

they can be a bit independent, strong-willed, determined, could also seem to serius for their What is your color? own good, and they also tend to give of a front of How many times have you really thought about sophisticated and in control when they are actually your favorite color? People think pink is cute and quite insecure on the inside. There is a Sophomore, some people see orange as a color they would Rachel Collins who claims her favorite color is never wear. Though there is more to these colors black and she tends to have some of these personthan what they look like. Colors have meanings ality traits, like independence and determination. and a favorite color can affect your personality. People who like the color green tend to get anxious Colors all seem to have certain meanings with and unsettled at times, able to keep calm in a crises where you see them. Like red can be determinaand take control until it is resolved, they tend to tion, excitement, passion, danger or anger. Orange have a need to love and be loved, they feel a need could be playfulness, warmth, vibrance, pessimism to belong and they are strong-willed, do not like to or optimism. Blue is trust, reliability or coolness be bossed around by others. People who like the and green can be nature, freshness, growth, poscolor purple tend to be motivated by being needsessiveness and balance. Purple can be royalty, ed, they are gentle, free spirits, supportive, thinks spirituality or dignity. Yellow could be warmth, of others before themselves, usually introverted cheerfulness, happiness or intellect. White being and seen as shy, creative and like being individual pureness, cleanness or youthfulness. Black could in everything they do. People who like the color be sophisticated, elegant or mysterious. Gold and pink is usually loving, kind, generous, friendly, apsilver can be considered prestige and gold can also proachable, and the nurturers of the world. Anna be expensive and elegant. Pink can be nurturing, Walker said her favorite colors are pink, green and compassion, unconditional love and romantic. she doesn’t like to be bossed around and can be strong-willed. She can also be friendly. Oranges personality traits can be flamboyant, optimism, extrovertedness and generally agreeable. People who prefer the color yellow they’re personality can have happy deposition, can be cheerful, fun to be with, can have their heads in the clouds, and can come up with ideas that others bring to life. Some people who like the color blue tend to be reliable, trustworthy, conservative, they aren’t always spontaneous or impulsive, they’re also genuine and sincere. Those who like the color silver tend to be insightful, intuitive, can often be preoccupied with their own worlds, imaginative, creative, and can be open to new things and exploring new opportunities. Gold can have the personality traits like charisma, individuality, loving, compassionate, and tend to have a positive outlook on life. Having a favorite color is more than the reason Most everyone has a favorite color. Some people think why you like it. People tend to have certain traits depending on the color. So your preferences can that a person's favorite color help with the way you act or think. can show in there personality. Like if people like the color red they tend to have less patience, like to explore Reporter Charity Walker and can be impulsive. If someone likes the color black

Track & Field at MHS

Running through the finish line in what feels like seconds after the gunshot. Becoming a track athlete, you will have to run in warm ups and practice, whereas if you participate in throwing, you won’t do much running. Track and Field is important because it is the base of just about every sport you have to have a good running form football, soccer, basketball, and even baseball. Track at MHS is a no cut sport, which means the coaches don’t cut you for lack of ability or skill. They help you find an event in track that you will excel in. When asked to pick a word that describes Track, Coach Sundermier chose: “ Accountability. There’s absolutely nowhere to hide. No “bad calls” or substitution errors. On the track, in the circle, or on the runway, you are in control of your own performance. Great track and field athletes thrive with the consistency of the stopwatch and measuring tape. It speaks the truth.” I personally chose track because running and jumping is important. Outdoor Track at MHS started March 5, 15 days of pure conditioning until the first meet.

MHS Girls Varsity Track 2016-2017

I asked Girls Head coach Luke Sundermeier how he felt about the upcoming season “ The coaching staff is VERY excited to officially begin the outdoor season. We have a core group of returning letterwinners and a strong group of underclassmen poised to contribute. For the first time in recent memory, we also have two former MVP winners on the roster. MHS had a very strong Cross Country and Indoor track season, so there’s a lot of momentum this spring! Also, we’re coming off of a very successful 2017 season where we were undefeated in dual meets, won several invitationals and placed 3rd in the OCC with over 100 points. My first year, the team finished last in the OCC with only 8 points, so we are very proud of our progress and hoping to take the next step! “ Coach Sundermeier favors certain events, he said “ I am partial to the pole vault. It is a beautiful event and athletes must manage so many variables to be successful. It’s also an event that’s totally unnatural. It takes a certain amount of willpower to sprint with a pole, plant it over your head and catapult yourself into the air…” Pole vault is very skillful, having to sprint with a flexible pole as an aid to jump over a bar. Past track athlete Luke sundermeier gives his close second favorite event “ I also love the simplicity of the 400 meters. One lap of all-out effort. It takes a lot of discipline to prepare for the 400 meters and requires speed and strength. If you stand by the track at the 300 meter mark and look at the athletes faces as they round the final turn, you can peek into their souls. There’s nowhere to hide when acidosis sets in and you just want to race to be over and the pain to dissipate. “ I asked myself this tough question, and I’d have to agree with the 400 meter being one of my favorites although my second would be long jump. The 400 meter is one time around the track giving your absolute all, the significance is different from other races. Long jump almost like jumping onto a sandy beach, but having to get as far as you can, and land on to feet for your distance to be recorded. I’d sprint as fast as I could knowing in a few seconds there would be sand in my spikes, and in my eyes.

MHS Boys Varsity Track 2016-2017 Track & Field has and always will play a big part in sports, every athlete should join at least once. Track at MHS has over 15 events, all the coaches will put in as much work as required to make sure they find an event you excel in. It’s about your attitude and effort, they look for athletes that strive everyday at practice and embrace the grind, while trusting the process. Reporter, Tyshondra Russell

The Broken Dam at the Altar What do you do to relieve stress? Do you draw? Drawing is a kind of coping strategy. Coping strategies can be both positive and negative. For example, if you’re going through a tough time, a negative way of coping is to use drugs or alcohol to ‘numb the pain’. This kind of coping may provide a quick fix, but often it will make things worse in the long run. Choosing positive coping strategies, like the ones listed below, will help you to manage and reduce stress in a way that won’t be harmful in the long term. Here are some ways to find the best coping strategies for you: Write a list of the types of situations that you find difficult to manage When a stressful situation arises, such as art therapy, music, or writing Keep notes on how it went – which things worked and which didn’t You’ll probably find that some strategies work better than others in reducing your stress and helping you to manage. This may depend on the particular situation. With each experience or challenge you face, figure out which strategies work well for you, and which situations favor certain strategies over others.

She came in wearing the most beautiful, white dress. She walked down the aisle with her father until she got to the altar. She stood there, shaking and praying he would notice her. It never happened. Her heart sank into her chest as the priest married them. All she could do in keep back the tears from rolling down her face. She hoped that he would just glance at her. He kept staring forward. On the outside, she was a blooming flower, beaming and beautiful. On the inside, she was a breaking dam, with her emotions being a raging sea. Pushing and pushing their way out, even though she tried to keep smiling. She couldn’t even keep a damned smile on her face. The dam that she kept patched up for all these years broke, as did her body and mind. She fell to the floor right next to the groom, sobbing, screaming, yet he never looked at her. The priest didn’t stop talking, like everything was fine, even though she broke down before him. Just a glance was all she needed to feel happy again. As the priest asked if they take each other, she couldn’t speak. Only loud sobs escaped her mouth as everyone watched with a blank face. They stared at her as her body and mind was being split in two. Tearing and tearing and tearing her in half. As her vision started to fade, she woke up to get ready for her wedding.

For me, I’ve been really into poems recently and I wrote one that I wanted to share. It’s how I’ve been coping with my stress and anxiety. I had a dream and it was so interesting that I had to write about it:

There are, however, some unhealthy coping mechanisms to deal with stress and overwhelming situations. Sometimes people go to these things because they think they don’t have anywhere/anyone else to go. The following coping strategies are harmful to

mental and physical health: Drugs. Excessive alcohol use. Self-mutilation. Ignoring or bottling up strong feelings. Excessive working. Avoiding problems. Denial. Self-blame or blaming others. Other destructive or addictive behaviors like self harm, binge eating, or gambling. If you do have trouble with drugs, self harm, or alcohol, there are people you can talk to about these things. There are better ways to handle with stress then drinking, cutting, and smoking the pain away. Talk to someone and get help if it gets too bad. Bailey Prestwood

Lacrosse Season Is Back!

March is upon us, which hopefully means warmer weather, but it also means Lacrosse season is back which means boys and girls teams for MHS lacrosse season is back! For those excited for the season to start but don’t know the rules… I got you. There are 10 players on each lacrosse team. Four of the players must stay on the defensive half of the field, three must stay on the offensive half, and three can go anywhere on the field. The game is typically divided up into two halves and 4 quarters with each quarter being 12 minutes long. College lacrosse games are longer and kids games are shorter. The game starts with a face-off between two players on each team. The ball sits on the ground between the two players and the referee blows the whistle. This signals that the players can both try to get the ball. Only the goalie can touch the ball with their hands. All other players must use the lacrosse stick to carry, pass, shoot, or catch the ball. When an opponent has the ball or is within five yards of the ball, a player can body check them. There is an area around the goal called a crease. An opponent is not allowed to enter the crease, but they can reach in with their stick to pick up the ball. Sounds pretty simple right? Well it only gets better because women lacrosse is very different than men’s lacrosse. To the outsider, men’s lacrosse and women’s lacrosse may seem a lot like the same game. However, looking at the sport in detail will highlight a number of differences between each version of the game. The lack of knowledge is not a surprise; lacrosse is a fairly new sport at the high school level and not very old at the college level. Most schools still don’t have teams below college. So here are some of the big differences that stand out right away Aggressive and Physical Contact Level Men’s teams are allowed a significant amount of body contact during the game. This is illegal in the women’s version of the game. While female players can definitely stick-check one another, they are not allowed to body-check each other. Male players wear full body and chest pad armor, similar to hockey because of this major difference. Women don’t have to wear helmets, but tell anyone who has been hit in the face with a stick, and women players are likely to claim that they are the tougher of the two groups, being fully exposed during gameplay! Different Play Equipment:The lacrosse sticks used by the two genders are also different. Compared to each other, the men’s lacrosse stick has a pocket to catch the ball and carry it. In comparison, a woman’s stick is a tight net designed to move, pass, or hit the ball instead of carrying it over a distance. Number of Active Players on a Field The men’s team will field 10 players at any given time. Each

position has a name and function. On a women’s team there are two more players in comparison to a men’s team, and women players work in three groups of similar function. Style of Play:There is no real difference in style of play, despite the fact that each gender will say they are more aggressive, faster, more skilled, or more active with moving the ball. In reality, both genders can be just as hard on the opposing team, and both types of lacrosse require an ability to move the ball down the field and pass it despite physical challenges or contact. Also women have to play in basically a skirt, that would be very hard.

Little fun fact about lacrosse is it’s the fastest growing sport in the United States. Also did you know that the traditional aboriginal Canadian version of lacrosse had teams ranging from 100 to 1000 players on a field nearly two miles long. The game was played from sunup to sundown for two to three days During this article I got the chance to interview Jakob Hullinger who is on the varsity lacrosse team. For starters I asked Jakob how excited he was for lacrosse season to start. Jakob replied with a simple answer that he is fired up for the season to start. Johnstown is Varsity’s first regular season game and I asked Jakob if the team was ready for them. Jakob’s response was confident “Yes I do believe we are ready for Johnstown and we’ll get the dub, half of winning is believing”. I had one last question to ask him. Even though the season hasn’t started yet I asked him if he thinks they have a chance at States this year. His responded by saying it will be tough but hopefully we’ll do good.Now you know more about lacrosse which means you can go watch our highschool games. Which the schedule is on the Marysville athletics’ page. Go Monarchs!! Reporter, Ryan Moore

Is Paul McCartney Actually Dead?

Paul McCartney was part of one of the most influential music groups of all time. In fact, you’ve probably heard of them already; The Beatles. Along with fame, came one of the biggest conspiracy theories of their time as well: Paul McCartney is dead. No one can say for certain if this is correct, but there have been some pretty strong points that can leave even the most certain skeptics, well, skeptical. The Beatles first rose to fame in 1963 with the release of their first album Please Please Me. Soon after, they began releasing album after album. Fans screamed at the sight of them, they had it all. However, as time went on, people began to wonder why their songs appeared to have hidden meanings.

Not to mention, in the song Strawberry Fields Forever, at the end Lennon mumbles: “I buried Paul”. To add to the conspiracy, their famous (and last recorded) album Abbey Road (1969) was under heavy speculation. It is said that each of them represent a funeral. John Lennon is dressed in all white, like a clergyman, or some say his white suit represents the color of mourning in many eastern countries. Behind him, Ringo Starr is dressed in all black in a more traditional style of mourning dress. Paul is trailing behind Ringo without shoes. This is important because in many different cultures you don’t bury the dead with shoes on. He also is pictured holding his cigarette in his right hand, when he was known to be left handed. George Harrison is walking in the very back, wearing all denim. This has been interpreted that he is the gravedigger, the final steps in a funeral line. A more compelling theory is that it is the color of mourning in Canada; which makes all of the separate Beatles members to be in a state of sadness… all except Paul. (photo taken from

It is speculated that in 1966, Paul McCartney was involved in a gruesome car accident. Then, to continue with their fame and fortune, the remaining Beatles members covered his death and replaced him with a double. Feeling guilty after a while, the band then began to express their shame. This seems insane, but there are a few clues that seem odd if not suspicious. To start, The Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (1967) album. For this album, as seen in the photo below, fans have found a hidden message on the drum on the records original cover. If you look closely at the center, it appears to read “1 ONE 1 X HE 1 DIE 1”. The legible words seem fairly erie. When some fans dug deeper into the album, they believed that the character created for the album, “Billy Shears”, was the real name of Paul’s look alike that replaced him in the band. (photo taken from

Is it a hoax? Or did Paul McCartney actually die? Did the world live among an imposter? Or are the Beatles fans overreacting? In reality (or so we hope) Paul married, had kids, and was part of a band that will forever be part of music history.

Lindsay Ward, Reporter

It's near the end of the year and that means stress; stress to pull up your grades so you can pass, or thinking about summer school if you don't. There's a lot of simple tasks you can do near the end of the year to improve your GPA and be successful in all your classes. One thing you can do is look at your old grades. Ask your teacher if you can make up your old work that doesn't have the grade that you want. That can bring grades up and it's easy since you have already done before. You can ask your teacher for help, they will be glad that you are trying to improve your grade. Turn in old worksheets: you might not get full credit butyou can at least get some credit back and that will pull up your grade a little bit. Improve your study habits. Spend more time studying or, if you never study, start! It may not seem like it, but studying will benefit you. The average study time is 6-9 hours a week, it may seem like a long time but its only about an hour a day. Even just rereading your work over can be considered studying. Study with your mom or dad if you don't like studying alone. If you want to make it a little more fun, you can even make a study group with your friends.

Start working on big projects early. If there is a project due in a week, start working on it the day it is assigned. It's better getting it done early than have to rush to get it done right before class starts. If you have more time than it is likely that you will get a better grade, the teacher will know if you rushed on a project. If you get it done early then you have extra time to relax and be stress free. Get help if you need it. Don't be afraid to ask for help. You can set up a meeting with your teacher or talk to them when you have free time during class. You can also have your parents help you at home with your homework. Ask some of your friends to help you if you know they are good in a subject you are struggling in. Complete your assignments. Spend some extra time on your homework since for right now school is your number one priority. Turn your homework in on time so that you can get full credit for it. Ask your teacher about making up missed assignments so you can get some credit back. Prioritize school and get your school work done first then you can do hobbies or just chill if you want.


derstand the grading system. All school grading systems are a little different. Talk to your teacher about their grading system. Find out what the passing and failing grades for your school are. Once you find out the grading system you can set a goal for what grades you want to get on your work. Even if you set a goal to just be passing, making a goal will make you work harder to achieve it.

Extra credit can be a great way to get extra points just don't be afraid to ask your teacher if you can do it. If the teacher says yes, take the extra credit as a gift because teachers don't give extra credit to everyone and you should be glad that they gave it to you. Commit yourself to the extra credit even if it isn't required you should still take it as a required assignment.

Do more at school. You can do a lot of things at school that can help your grades. You can: get organized, go to every class, pay attention in class, take extensive notes, hand in any missing work, talk to your teacher, ask about extra credit, get peer tutoring. If you do these simple things you will see your grades increasing. Change your habits at home. Make a homework plan, an example is do your homework first then you can go on your phone. Study hard at home and not just at school. Start assignments right away and don't procrastinate. Get enough rest so you will be ready to start your school day in the morning. If you start doing all of these things, you will start pulling up grades and you will pass the school year. Reporter Chloe Bolt

How has Beauty Evolved Over Time? The ‘perfect’ ideal body types in women have drastically changed over the past century, even decade. Women’s hair, makeup, and overall appearance continues to evolve. (Which you’d expect it to in the time frame of a hundred years.) The country you live in also contributes a opinion on your definition of beauty. For example, most places in the world find that a straight set of pearly white teeth are best. But you see, in Japan, crooked teeth are seen as imperfections; and they consider imperfect teeth cute. With most men there finding that, what they call ‘snaggle tooth,’ is childlike and attractive. Let’s take a look at the ‘perfect bodies’ of each of era.

Ancient Egypt

During 1292 through 1069 B.C, a typical good looking woman was one with a slender body. They also looked to have narrow shoulders, a high waist, and a symmetrical face. Ancient egyptians tried their best to stay inside. Their society assumed for a woman with darker skin or a tan, they were poor because they had to work outside in the fields, while the other women with light skin stayed indoors and didn’t have to work.

All photos from:

Ancient Greece

In ancient Greece, around 500-300 B.C, the ideal body type included having light skin. Women would go as far as injecting toxins in their bodies to whiten their complexion. The ‘pretty ‘ women usually had brown eyes, unibrows and red suns tattooed or painted on their cheeks. During this era, everyone worshiped and looked up to the male body. People would proclaim that women’s bodies were disfigured versions of men.

Italian Renaissance

The Italian Renaissance was a period in between 1400 and 1700. The typical women would have more flesh and thicker arms/legs compared to nowadays ideal. They had full stomachs, full hips, and fair skin. In terms of facial features, women with delicate features were prized. This included soft features such as thin eyebrows, large eyes, a high forehead, pink cheeks and curly hair.

Victorian England

The Victorian era took place in 1873 to 1901. To start off, the queen of this time strongly criticized the use of makeup. If you were to wear bright eyeshadow, you were shamed. Women had to find ridiculous and harmful ways to to achieve what they considered beautiful. Women would go as far as dropping poison in their eyes to give them a doe-like look, using beeswax as mascara and using tar in replace of wax for their eyebrows. So as you can see, being ‘beautiful’ or flawless was difficult, or even impossible during this time. You were judged off your natural beauty. You couldn’t add anything to your face to make yourself look more appealing than you actually were.

Roaring Twenties

During the 1920’s a tan, sporty, and healthy look was in style. This era adored ‘natural qualities’ of women. Also the filming industry had recently started which gave women who were overlooked to shine! For example, redheads were always neglected in being considered pretty. Now they are producing black and white films which make their hair color identical to everyone else. Although the sporty look was in style, women also tried their best to hide their curves. Women wore dark eye makeup and aimed for a dramatic makeup look. They usually wore red lipstick and pink blush on the cheeks to achieve this look.

Golden Age of Hollywood

The golden age of Hollywood took place through the 1930’s and 1950’s. During this time, women wanted to look like their favorite movie star. “Harlow made the platinum blonde a beauty icon, while Rita Hayworth made redheads popular,” (thebeautybiz. com, Kuchinsky). Hairstyles became more feminine than decades in the past. The look was long and wavy or updo’s with soft curls. Womens also strived to have toned arms and legs during this time. Women started spending lots of time to make themselves look picture perfect!

Swinging Sixties

The 60’s was all about youth and rebellion. This era brought us today’s hippies. The ideal woman was super skinny and girly or ultra feminine and curvy. “The very modern ‘Twiggy-girl’ put time into her appearance and favored things like high boots, A-line coats, miniskirts, short shift dresses, culottes, and box shaped dresses. She also opted for short pixie cuts and dramatic eyes,” ( Their was really only one makeup look in the 60’s. It included: bold black eyeliner, fake lashes and light lip color. When not wearing fake lashes, girls would apply mascara to get the popular tarchala lash look. This was an eyelash look that made your lashes look clumpy and messy, but this was in style.

Postmodern Beauty

The 2000’s brought us the look of a Victoria Secret model: tall, thin, big breasts, and toned bodies. In the mid 2000’s artists like Beyonce and Jennifer Lopez became popular for their healthy curves. In 2007, the fight to be more and more skinny got worse. Eating disorders started becoming a problem. In the US over 30 million people suffer from a eating disorder. Studies show that 5-10 percent of anorexics die within 10 years after receiving the disease.

As you can see, women’s beauty trends, hair styles, body types and style has changed greatly over the decades! As a matter of fact, it does everyday. In ten years from now, we’ll look back and realize we now have a completely different view on style then than now.

Reporter Kami Carter

Even though the high today is only 44 degrees and we had snow earlier this week, do not be fooled. Spring is just around the corner. Well, maybe not in Ohio, but somewhere...anywhere else! With under a week to go before the district takes a much anticipated breather, we wanted to focus on the amazing places people are jetting off to...or where we would RATHER be heading, instead of waiting for this crazy weather to break! Rylee CavinsI will be visiting my older sister in Clarksville, Tennessee. As well as visiting her five wonderful dogs! Anjelica LacasaI will be enjoying my first 2 days of spring break with my friends then I will be going on college visits with my family and heading to Pittsburgh to celebrate my uncle’s birthday. Ryan MooreI get the pleasure to stay home during spring break and I’m fine with that because I get to play rugby during the week. Bailey PrestwoodI think I’m staying home with my family but I want to go to Tennessee with my friend. Chloe BoltI’m staying at home for spring break and I’m okay with it because I have more time to spend with my family…. and more time to sleep. Mrs. BiseI am heading to New York City with my daughter and mother. We plan on hitting up all of the local and tourist spots we can find, and generally eating our way through the five boroughs!

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