April 2018

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Page 1 . . . Table of Contents Page 2 . . . Jump Off Page 3 . . . Feature: Emily Wigglesworth Page 4 . . . Why Catfishing Should Be Illegal Page 5 . . . State Testing Page 6 . . . Acne: Everything That You Need to Know Page 7-8 . . . SeaWorld: The Prisoners of the Show Page 9 . . . School Walkouts Page 10 . . . College is Expensive Page 11 . . . Volunteering in the Community Page 12 . . . Why You Should Like Tyler, The Creator Page 13 . . . Fortnite Page 14 . . . A Tech Addiction Page 15 . . . A Global Movement Page 16 . . . Hockey vs Golf Page 17-18 . . . What You Should Be Learning in School Page 19-20 . . . Mental Health and Preventing School Shootings Page 21 . . . Dress Codes: Are They Fair?

Hello Vibe Readers! It has been an exciting school year, a year that is almost over. With just a few weeks left of school, even less for the seniors graduating this year, it’s time to think about summer. Also for those of you returning to MHS next year, you may be wondering why you have to take the classes you’re in, if that is the case, take a look at What We Should Be Learning in School. And for those of you going off to college next year, you have undoubtedly noticed the rising prices for college, check out College is Expensive. Either way, this month is a full slate of articles, with nearly half of them being editorial articles which are factual articles that are also opinion based. Some interesting stories include: Hockey vs Golf, Dress Codes, and Student Mental Health. This month, we have one featured senior, our very own Emily Wigglesworth. Emily is featured as a graduating senior from The Vibe, so be sure to check those two out to learn more about them! The next few weeks are going to pass very quickly for everybody, just make sure you don’t focus too much on the upcoming vacation and remember to get everything turned in! There are still days left in school and assignments to finish. With that being said, it will also be my last month uploading The Vibe online, and it has been fantastic being the Editor this year. Editor-in-Chief Rylee Cavins

What would you say your biggest accomplishment is? Woah, my biggest accomplishment is, I think getting to illustrate a comic. What is the best advice you have ever been given? I’ve been given a lot of pretty good advice from my family. My dad likes to tell us, stay in school, don’t call me from prison, and don’t bring me home any children to raise. My mom has told me to try to break out of my shell and don’t be so scared of talking to new people. What do you plan on doing after high school? I plan on going to Bowling Green State University to get a Bachelor’s in Art and Design. I want to go on to make a illustration or maybe publish a graphic novel. Do you have a saying or motto that you live by? Always have a healthy amount of self awareness. How would your friends describe you? My friends like to remind me that I am a kind person, and they tell me that I am talented. What is your favorite high school memory? From when I’ve been on band trips with my friends, or just being with my friends in general. Like seeing one of my friends propose to Elsa at Disney World. Do you have any pet peeves? I have some really petty pet peeves, one that I have that’s pretty common is lip smacking and slow people in hallways.

Who is your role model and why? I think I have more than one, I would say my parents and Jordan Kirian from the library. What are the three best things about you? First, my self awareness, I am able to improve myself as a person because I am aware of how I act and how I treat people. Second, I guess I would consider myself pretty creative, because I like to do a lot of creative things, I enjoy music, drawing, and writing. I also like to think that I am a kind person. What goal do you currently have for yourself? I really want to continue working on illustrating comics, and I want to learn how to speak Korean. What will you miss from high school? My friends, and my art teachers. My art teachers have given me a lot of really great guidance. What are you most excited for in college? I guess, I’m excited for a new experience, I am also excited to learn things about the profession I want to go into. Favorite Quote I’ve heard it’s said that people come into our lives for a reason, bringing something we must learn. And we are lead to those who help us most to grow if we let them, and we help them in return. -Wicked Editor-in-Chief Rylee Cavins

Why catfishing should be illegal “A catfish is someone who creates a false online identity. Catfishing is common on social networking and online dating sites. Sometimes a catfish’s sole purpose is to engage in a fantasy. Sometimes, however, the catfish’s intent is to defraud a victim, seek revenge or commit identity theft.” (whatis.techtarget. com). Catfishing is an issue all over the the internet. Have you ever received an email offering you a million dollars? Catfishing is similar to that, it’s a scam. So, should catfishing or stealing someone’s identity and possibly giving them a negative reputation over the internet be illegal? A main reason why catfishing should become illegal is because of the suicides it’s causing in young social media users. Imagine meeting that person online, caring so much about them, telling them every detail and secret about yourself and life. Then you find out it was someone completely different then who they told you they were; and now they have everything you’ve sent and told them for their use. It would be heartbreaking. This may be causing suicides to increase in teens and young adults. 44,965 Americans die from suicide each year. 54% of online dating users believe they have came across profiles that present false information; while 28% of users have been talked to in a way they felt harassed or uncomfortable. Another reason why catfishing should be illegal is because it could lower your chances of being able to get into a college. Colleges look up your social media profiles usually on

Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to learn more about you other than the words you wrote down on the application that you want them to hear. If your catfish makes fake accounts pretending to be you, making rumors and presents a negative image of you, the college might not accept you for enrollment.

Photo found on: www.littlethings.com Along with not being able to get into a college, it could cause you to have trouble getting a good job. For example, if the catfisher makes you a fake profile making it seem like you’re a robber and have tons of police charges, it’s unlikely the businesses will pick you over another client for the job. It can be life changing having a negative reputation over the internet that can never be deleted. People in society will start viewing you differently, when in reality, you didn’t do anything to earn that.

Reporter, Kami Carter

State Testing - is it really that important and how well does it measure your skill set? Whether you hate or love them, standardized testing plays a major role in education today. The point of state testing is to evaluate student performance with state standards; but where did it all start? It all started in imperial China. They used tests to determine one’s ability for positions in the government of the ruling class. Later, during the early 20th century, Alfred Binet developed the ‘Standard-Binet Intelligence Test’, better known as the IQ test. Through WW1 the military used ‘Army Mental Tests’ to choose positions for the new recruits. Then, in 1936, the system of automating test scores by scanning bubbled-in answers was created. Anyhow, there are several reasons why state testing is irrelevant and may not show your full potential. Is there too much test taking nowadays? With the results of the tests reflecting so much on the teachers and your school, teachers often feel compelled to teach for the test all year. In most schools, less time is being focused on science, social studies and arts to prepare for the tests in math, reading

and writing. In 2001, a study from the Brookings Institution concluded that 50-80% of yearover-year test scores did not increase and “caused by fluctuations that had nothing to do with long term changes in learning,” said Lynn Olson. This shows that state tests are an unreliable measurement of student performance. For example, say you didn’t get enough sleep, didn’t eat breakfast and were late to school the morning of state tests; you’d probably get a lower score than you would if you got a good night’s sleep the night before and ate a nutritious breakfast. The point is, we can’t all help those factors. This is how state tests may not show your full potential. Standardized testing can also cause severe stress in younger students. Education researcher Gregory J. Gizek says that testing “produces gripping anxiety in even the brightest students, and makes young children vomit or cry, or both.” So, why do we go through so much stress just for a state score? Why don’t we go back to how it used to be when our parents were growing up? If you got the required grades you needed to move on to the next grade, you did.

Reporter Kami Carter

Acne: Everything That You Need to Know Acne. About 17 million people in the United States have it, but how many people actually know what it is? Usually acne is associated with hormone fluctuations in teenagers, but that’s not always the case. Initially, clogged pores cause acne itself. Things like excess oil (sebum), bacteria, and dead skin cells can lead to those pesky breakouts. However, there are two types of skin imperfections that are caused by unclear pores. Typically non-inflammatory, blackheads and whiteheads are typically a result from impure skin. Blackheads, also called open comedones, are caused by a combination of oil and dead skin. Even though the pore is clogged, it tends to stay open which oxidizes the substances inside; giving it that darker color. Fortunately, over-the-counter medications can usually treat these. In order to help blackheads virtually disappear, you must look for products (cleansers, toners, moisturizers, etc.) that contain salicylic acid in them. Exfoliating gently, even with a warm rag and facial soap, will help keep your skin from getting overwhelmed. Exfoliating too often, however, can strip your skin of its protective barrier and cause more issues. Be sure to always follow a face wash with a toner, then use your moisturizer. Comedonal acne, or whiteheads are similar to blackheads, but rather than staying open at the top, the pore closes itself which results in small bumps. Salicylic acid can be helpful, however topical retinoids give the greatest results for this type of acne. Adapalene (Differin) is an available over-the-counter retinol. If Differin isn’t strong enough, then consult a dermatologist for further treatment options. Inflammatory acne is much more complex than non inflammatory acne (comedonal and non comedonal). This type of acne is red and swollen, and are caused by sebum, oil, and bacteria. When an infection occurs, it typically happens under the skin’s surface which is why the red and gigantic pimples appear. It can be painful, and most of the time it is difficult to

get rid of. Benzoyl Peroxide may help with swelling and can get rid of bacteria in the skin. Papules and pustules are the most commonly seen types of acne. Papules occur when the walls of the surrounding pores break down under the skin. The skin around the papule will be pink and tender. Pustules also form when the walls break down, but unlike papules they are filled with pus. They bump out of the skin and are red in color, they also have white or yellow heads at the top. Nodules are clogged, swollen pores that go through further irritation and get larger. Nodules are deeper, and you cannot treat these at home. Prescriptions are needed to clear this type of acne. Isotonin is the most commonly prescribed medication, and can treat nodules in four to eight months. Cysts are developed by a combination of dead skin and bacteria. This type of acne is painful, and severe infections are common. Cysts are most likely to scar. Isotretinoin is frequently prescribed to treat this, and the if the cyst is severe enough, it can be removed by a dermatologist. It is very important to remember to be patient with treatments, nothing goes away overnight. If your skin won’t clear up using over the counter treatments, consult a dermatologist to get results. To limit stress, do yoga to detoxify your body. Exercise is also very helpful, but be sure to wash your face after intense sweating to limit bacteria production. To keep bacteria from growing in your pores, follow your face washing (which should be twice a day) with a splash of cold water. Eat vegetables, the greener the greater, and drink lots of water. Drinking green tea is also very beneficial to the skin and body detoxing. You should try to get enough sleep, and if you have trouble sleeping talk to your doctor. Meditating can help ease stress as well and can help you sleep better. Always put yourself first when it comes to stress, it affects more than your mind but your skin too. Nothing will be more important than your health, so give yourself some time to relax. Lindsay Ward, Reporter

SeaWorld: The Prisoners of the Show “If people knew what I know, or saw what I have seen, [Seaworld] wouldn’t sell another ticket,” Says Sarah Fischbeck. She was one of the workers at the aquatic park in Orlando in 2007 who, to note, voluntarily left in 2013. Sarah was a tank cleaner for the animals, specifically the orcas. To begin with, the environment for the killer whales is very stressful. In the wild, packs of killer whales typically swim up to an impressive 100 miles a day and can dive up to 1,000 feet. At Seaworld? They can only dive up to fifty feet and can hardly swim a mile. On top of that, there are other orcas with them. Many animals in Seaworld captivity resort to fighting to relieve their stress, but the most dangerous animals are the killer whales. Don’t be confused by their name, Orcas in the wild aren’t nearly as hostile as they are in the concrete bathtubs that they are trapped within. “You’d be diving at the bottom of the tanks and you’d find these long strips of, what looked like, black rubber,” Fischbeck explained. “And it was skin that they had peeled off eachother.” Many divers actually took home whale skin as souvenirs for their families. Think about that. They kept the skin of these animals in distress, because it, of course, didn’t affect them. Divers couldn’t swim within arms reach of the gates without whales trying to suck them in. It was very common to find teeth marks along the sides of these animals, and no changes had been made to make their condi-

tions more comfortable. In fact, in order to keep the trainers safe, they took away space in the tanks. It was also a regular occurrence for these whales to swim rapidly around the edges of these tanks, being chased by the other orcas. Trainers knew this. Everyone who worked there knew this. It wasn’t just the physical effects of the continuous harassment of these creatures that was an issue. Orcas are very smart, and have emotional capacities relating very close to a humans. So naturally their health was affected. In fact, one orca was being picked on so much that her only option was to push herself over a gate to another pool to escape. She was found the next morning with her stomach torn apart from the barrier she climbed over. Of course, Seaworld did nothing but return her to her old tank; fully aware of the stress that she was experiencing. One of the most famous whales kept in Seaworld captivity was named Tilikum. From a very young age, Tilikum was taken from his family in the wild in 1983 and was raised from then on, in the very high stress environment. At one of the shows in 2010, trainer Dawn Brancheau was pulled by Tilikum into the water by her ponytail. Her autopsy revealed that he broke her jaw, fractured part of her vertebra, dislocated her knee and elbow, before drowning her. Part of her scalp, described by the autopsy as well, was “forcibly torn from the head”. How can one argue that it is okay to use these animals for entertainment, when hundreds of people were involuntarily “entertained” by mutilation? Seaworld made it seem as if Tilikum was a safe, sane whale. While in fact, he had been involved in two deaths before killing Brancheau. In 1991, Tilikum and a few other whales drowned a trainer by keeping her from climbing out of the tank, and in 1999 a homeless man was found dead in his tank as well.

Other animals were also affected by Seaworld. In order to train the animals, like dolphins and whales, trainers withheld food until they could do the trick correctly. Often times the animals were neglected, left to swim around in concrete containers with other agitated animals. Seaworld is still thriving today. As of 2014, Seaworld was calculated to make a yearly revenue of 1.377 billion dollars. How can we thrive as a society when our source of fun is watching psychologically tortured animals “perform� for profit?

Lindsay Ward, Reporter (Information and photographs taken from www. seaworldofhurt.com, thedodo.com, and www.bbc. com)

School Walkouts

It’s been two months since Nikolas Cruz stormed into Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School with an AR-15-style rifle and killed 17 students and faculty members. In the weeks since the shooting in Parkland, Florida, survivors and their allies have turned their grief into activism. Part of that efforts are the national school walkouts. Here’s what you should know: What is it? The nationwide protest is both a memorial and protest action. Students and teachers across the United States walked out of their schools and universities to honor the lives of the 17 people killed at Stoneman Douglas and press lawmakers to pass stricter gun control laws. But some have argued that the people are just using this stage to talk more about gun control then talk about the 17 that were killed. When was it? The walkout took place on Wednesday, March 14, and last for 17 minutes to honor the lives of those killed at Stoneman Douglas. MHS students participated in a walkout on April 20. Who’s participating? The walkout is open students, teachers and staff. You also don’t have to participate if you don’t want to. How are schools reacting? Many schools are allowing students to walk out of class for the 17 minutes. However, some schools have forbidden participation, citing safety concerns and objections to disrupting class time. Some tried to strike a balance between interrupting the educational process and recognizing students’ desires and rights to participate in civil discourse. Schools have threatened to give out students with unexcused absences, docked grades and suspensions if they choose to join the walkout. Some school districts that originally took that stance have since backed off and have tried to compromise. MHS On School Walkouts: In an informal survey conducted with 315 MHS students, they were asked if they agree or disagree with the school walkouts, and why? And 140(44%) people agreed with the walkouts. The most common reason why people agree with the walkouts is because it gives the students a voice, they also said that they shouldn’t be afraid to come to school. I asked the people who disagreed to rebuttal to what people said why they

agreed, and they said you can’t come to school thinking with that mindset and if something bad happens we should know what to do. On the other hand 175(56%) people disagreed with the walkouts. The most common reason for this side of the argument is guns don’t kill people, people kill people and that we have a right to have guns. When I asked the people who agreed to rebuttal with that statement. Most said there is no good reason to have a gun like the AR-15 and we should be focusing on to stop the problem and not add to the gun problem. For those who I didn´t get to ask, what do you think?

Reporter Ryan Moore

Why Is College So Expensive It’s that time of year again when the senior class is rushing to get as many scholarships as possible and contemplating their future. College is becoming more and more of a necessity with the changing job market. But why is college so expensive? Why isn’t it more accessible? Why do the majority of students have to take on loan debt for their education? Financing an education can be difficult, but it wasn’t nearly as bad twenty years ago. Tuition has skyrocketed within the past couple of decades and it sometimes feels like a mystery as to why that happened. There are multiple reasons that tuition and other expenses have risen. First of all, college is a business. They are education services that help prepare people for the future, but they also need money in exchange for that service. With the increasing demand for postsecondary education, colleges are aware that they can use this to their advantage because people are willing to pay thousands of dollars for their service. Incoming students just accept that they have to pay a large sum for college and since no one protests, the college is able to maintain that high price. Colleges also have their own “brands”, you’re not only buying an education, you’re buying a name. Universities may also have a high tuition in order to maintain an image of prestige. A college that has fairly low tuition of maybe $10,000 dollars may look “cheap” in comparison to a college with a $30,000 tuition. Colleges will also spend a large sum of money on advertising and student acquisition. They will spend $35 or more just to obtain a potential student’s information. So a portion of your tuition will not go towards your education but to recruiting more students. So now that we know some of the reasons that tuition is so high, how can we solve this problem. Simply complying and trying to manage your finances while waiting for things to improve is not going to solve the issue. We need to actively try to make changes as a group. So first of all, we need to make sure that students actually graduate and graduate quickly. According to The Atlantic, only 60 percent of American undergraduate students graduate within six years. College would be much less expensive on an individual

Graphic from Business insider basis if more students graduated quickly. Colleges also need to acknowledge what is learned outside of school. Giving adult students credit for the knowledge that they’ve earned outside of school could possibly reduce the time it takes to graduate by about 10 months for a bachelor’s degree according to a study included in an article by The Atlantic. We should also establish policy that treats financial aid as a carrot and stick for schools. If a college does certain things to help students more or exhibits the desired behavior, they will be rewarded with aid. This would help to further reduce costs gradually. Also, cutting down on non-instructional costs will help reduce fees paid by students. College is expensive, we all already know that. There are so many options out there to help pay for it too. There are scholarships for everything, you just have to search for it. A lot of jobs provide financial assistance for student employees, which can surprisingly help quite a bit. Of course, taking out a loan isn’t the end of the world but do so wisely. Last of all, staying optimistic is one of the best things you could do for yourself. Optimism will lead the way to all sorts of solutions and make the college experience better overall. Emily Wigglesworth Advanced Reporter

Volunteering is generally considered an altruistic activity where an individual or group provides services for no financial or social. Volunteering is meant to benefit another person, group or organization. It is really good for everyone to volunteer. The more we give, the happier we feel. Volunteering increases self-confidence. You are doing good for others and the community, which provides a natural sense of accomplishment. Your role as a volunteer can also give you a sense of pride and identity (www.helpguide.org) The Hope Center is right here in the Marysville community. The hours they are open are: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday - 9am-9pm, Wednesday and Friday - 9am6pm, Saturday 9am-Noon. I interviewed one of the office workers at The Hope Center, here's some information that i got from them. What main services does The Hope Center provide? The Hope Center provides food, clothes, personal needs, spiritual, help finding housing, showers, mail, ministry, youth ministry, prayer ministry and many more. How can you help volunteer? Get ahold of Tisha Miller and fill out an application How can people people in high school volunteer? High schoolers can help with all kinds of areas, like kitchen, clothing ministry, cleaning and more Why is it good to volunteer? It is a blessing when you give to others when they can´t help themselves What kind of people do you help? The Hope Center helps those that have fallen on hard times or have circumstances that are beyond their control. How much help do you need? The Hope Center is in need of help all the time, they are 98% volunteers. When did The Hope Center? And why? It opened in 2011 to help transform lives. It was started by a group of churches, so it is faith based. What is your favorite part of your job? The day to day meeting with people and helping them out. There are so many great things about volunteering. Make new friends and be part of a team. When you volunteer it is a great way to make new friends that are in your community. Increase your practical skills.

Even though volunteering is really easy it helps with learning many skills that can be used in later careers. Increase your social skills. Volunteering helps practice and develop social skills and those can be used all the time in everyday life. Volunteering gives fulfillment and is fun. Volunteering gives a sense of achievement because you made a difference in someone's life. Care for your mind. Volunteering can boost your self-confidence, self-esteem, and life satisfaction. Stay physically healthy. Volunteering is good for your health at any age because you are getting up and moving around. Volunteering enables charities to use funds for those in need. If someone volunteers then the volunteering organization wont need to pay as many employees and use those funds to help those in need. Keep your personal life. Volunteer isn't required like a job so people can take a day off and come in whenever they can. Help others. Helping others is all what volunteering is about and volunteers help people all around the world. Without volunteers the world would be so different. We don't know how much volunteers really do. We wouldn't have support programs for the homeless, elderly or others in need. People to prepare and deliver thousands of meals weekly for the disadvantaged, homeless and refugees. People who raise funds for special causes. Visit babies in neonatal units and support our nursing staff. Support lonely patients and help visitors in our hospitals. Rescue and care for animals. Support the smooth running of major events. Help teachers in classrooms and at school events. All of these these are volunteer work. So go out and try to volunteer, if not at The Hope Center go out and try to find anywhere to help in our community. Volunteering can be really fun and can even be done with friends and family. Reporter Chloe Bolt

your life.

If you're a teenager in 2018, you probably know who or have heard of tyler, the creator. He is an American rapper, record producer, and music video director. He is most known for his rap career. His full name is Tyler Gregory Okonma, but he just goes by tyler, the creator because he has said in his raps that he hates his last name. I feel like he is a really good influence on teens today for the stuff he stands for and how he is an overall good person. he's anti-drugs. In one of his raps he says ¨and while yall rolling doobies, i'll be in my bedroom scoring movies¨. This means instead of doing drugs hes focusing on more important stuff in life like making movies and having a good career. Even though he's surrounded by it being in the rap game he still continues to say no to it. He still has very high energy and a creative mind without it. His opinion on gay rights. There´s some proof that says Tyler himself is gay but he's never came out and said he was. Tyler has made gay pride shirts in his Odd Future clothing line, the shirt says ¨golf pride, world wide¨. Many say he is homophobic, but he has friends like Frank Ocean and Kevin Abstract who are openly gay and he doesn't have a problem with them. The amount of stuff he's done at only 27 years. As everyone knows he's a rapper and has come out with 6 albums, plus another 5 albums with Odd Future (a group hes in). In all of those projects he doesn't only rap in them but he also produces them. He has been in and produced 2 shows and an animated short film. He has a clothing line known as Odd Future and he has come out with tons of merchandise that are sold at stores like Zumiez and Vans. What Tyler, the creator stands for and believes in. ¨we all die. The goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create something that will¨. He believes to do just do what you want and not care about what anyone else thinks. He once said in an interview what he wants kids to know is that it is better to do what you want and love in life than doing something that someone else wants you do that you will hate for the rest of

My personal opinion on him. I've been listening to him for a couple years now, and he's impacted me a lot in a positive way. I like how creative his mind is and how you can see that on the outside with his style. He has fun upbeat songs but he also has deep songs that include how his parents got divorced when he young, i feel a lot of teens can relate to him in that way. I feel some people don't like him because of his strong opinions, but i like that he isn't afraid to stand up for what he believes and speak in mind and shows teens that they should be able to do that to. He shows that even though he had a rough patch in his life that him, and anyone else in a dark place can get out of that and be happy one day, like he is now. Reporter Chloe Bolt

Fortnite Wiping out ninety nine other snipers, having a Victory Royale, and coming out a winner is Fortnite. Fortnite is a third-person cooperative, base-defense game. According to Tom’s guide In 2017 developer Epic Games took the concept and spun it into a separate, free-toplay battle royale game. Fortnite was created for PC, Playstation 4, and Xbox One, 3.4 million players across the world play on all variations.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGB1aLDR2Es The players fight to survive as the numbers on the server decrease to try and be the last player standing. The game Fortnite weapons are color-coded, grey items will have lower stats, white, purple, and orangecolored items will have better stats. In the game your health is recovered from bandages and med kits that take time to apply. Battle royale games are as much a state of mind as they are tests of shooting skills and Fortnite battle royale isn’t any different.

Unlike other multiplayer shooting games fortnite is played to survive, not get kills. With 100 people on a server you could kill 98 of them and still lose. Gold weapons are considered legendary, purple is epic, blue is fairly rare, and green is uncommon. Fortnite is a multiplayer game that is free for download that nearly 4 million people play. Although fornite is free for download they still make profit from players paying to unlock weapons and different features, Fortnite Save the World is cost $39.00 but it was announced that is will soon become free-to-play. Fortnite is a world viral game due to its graphics and is can be accessed in several ways free to download.

Reporter, Tyshondra Russell

A Tech Addiction It is recommended that you are only on screens for two hours a day, but the site Doctorsolve claims that one in ten teens are on screens for seven hours a day. There are many problems that can be caused from the addiction teens can get to technology. Teens only spend about forty five minutes socializing face-to-face on average. All the time kids spend on the screens can lead to isolation and that can be bad with the fact that people need human communication and contact. Being isolated can affect a person’s life:family,work and personal growth.It can cause depression.Getting addicted to screens and the internet can get you addicted to other things like gambling, . It can also mess with your family's life as well as yours. It can make the household inharmonious and stress everyone out. Though sometimes when people get addicted to technology it could be that the Person is shy, has low-self esteem, or a poor family environment.Technology addictions can affect a person’s mental health. It can make you more anxious, aggressive, have low attention span, lack of empathy, poor sleep, poor academic performance, social phobia, increased instances of cyberbullying, growth issues,

unable to control impulse to use tech/internet, feelings of happiness when using or thinking of using the internet. Some people play MMORPG(role play) games and escape when it becomes an addiction to them. In these roleplaying games they are exposed to identity theft because these games don’t always have all the security protocols most game would. There are many things that you could do that doesn’t have to do with being on a phone, computor or ipad.

Reporter Charity Walker


Global Movement My first move in taking action globally would be raising awareness on all global issues including migration, human starvation, and human rights. Migration causes expansion of different cultures, mix or differences, and open minds to flow. Migration can also cause overpopulation, increase in diseases, and increase in foreign affairs. Migration has been the cause of human starvation due to mass numbers of people coming from country to country searching for a better live and working jobs.

www. nohatespeechmovement.org Human starvation is a big global issues, kids and adults are starving across the country while we are wasting food in others. Food crisis is affecting over 3 billion people across the world , The lack of food around the world is massive and destructive. There are so hundreds of unaware cities and countries going without fresh food and clean water. For example the Flint michigan crisis is still in act, several places in flint have no access to clean water , and aren’t getting no government help for the almost 5 year overdue issue. Flint, michigan is located north in the U.S. stating that there are water crisis right here in the United states that haven’t been resolved. I’d start by using social media by spreading the word about the amount of people that are starving ,and have no access to clean water, or water at all. Firstly i’d mention how the Flint crisis is still happening and the India water crisis is still in ef-

Human Rights is a big global issue because human rights are something you are born with and no one can take from you, although they are still being violated. The United Nations is the creation of a comprehensive body of human rights law, which protects all human rights against other rights. I would first address the problem of separation and overdue segregation of different races upon the idea of muslims and african americans being a problem in the world. Using the people around me, along with social media trying to spread the idea of human rights are for every human , and that those are rights no one can take and or tamper with. I’d address that being different or looking different isn’t a bad thing but it is something we all would have to get use to, human rights are rights you’re entitled to that can’t be changed.

Reporter, Tyshondra

Hockey vs Golf

One day at lunch one of my friends looked me dead in the eye and said golf is harder than hockey, and at first I was confused because I think hockey is a lot harder than golf because of the fast pace and all the hitting. But then I heard his side and it convinced me a little but still not so much to where he changed my mind. My friends argument was because golf over any other sport is most difficult because what the concept of the game is. You take a four foot metal rod with a head at the end, and hit a ball that is one inch in diameter, at a hole in the ground. Not only that, but the hole is hundreds of yards away and the only way to detect where the target is by a flag sticking out of the hole. He also said that you have to control your power when shooting. If you try to swing the club as hard as you can thinking you’re Happy Gilmore, your club will most likely go farther than the ball. Hitting the ball far is not about a powerful swing, it is about properly swinging. So I listened to his arguments that had some good points then I had my turn. My first point was that hockey players have the strength and speed of football, baseball and basketball players, but what makes it even more impressive is that it all happens on (0.115 inches) blade of their skate. And if you’ve ever gone ice-skating, you understand how much of a struggle it is. I told him in golf you don’t have to balance as much as you do in hockey, or you don’t have someone coming to destroy you has you take a shot off the tee. Hockey games consist of three 20-minute periods for a total of an hour. Take into account stoppages of play, intermission and commercial breaks, and games are still only 2 hours long of intense playing and huge hits. In golf you just walk around trying to find your ball. I mean you have 5 other guys on the ice trying to hit you or do something dirty to you just to get the puck. After I said my statements my friend went to the mental game of golf. He said that golf is also harder mentally because you have to imagine where you ball goes before you hit it. You have to keep calm if you have a bad shot. He said one of the hardest parts is trying to keep your nerves down while everyone is watching you while you hit your ball and you have to stay focused on many things like the wind or how hard to hit your ball to the hole because the distance changes every time. But I had a

rebuttal to that as well. My reply was hockey players have to be always aware of their surroundings to make sure you don’t get hit while carrying the puck. You have to know what you are gonna do with the puck before you get the puck, you also have to imagine the next few plays to know what to do either on defense or offense. Hockey players have to shoot with accuracy and power which is determined mentally. For my last argument that hockey is harder than golf I showed him this quote said by Brendan Shanahn-¨Is hockey hard? I don’t know, you tell me. We need to have the strength and power of a football player, the stamina of a marathon runner, and the concentration of a brain surgeon. But we need to put all this together while moving at high speeds on a cold and slippery surface while 5 other guys use clubs to try and kill us. Oh yeah, did I mention that this whole time we’re standing on blades 1/8 of an inch thick? Is ice hockey hard? I don’t know, you tell me. Next question¨. I end my case that hockey is harder than golf.

Repoter Ryan Moore

Let’s be honest, do we really need to know how to read plays from Shakespeare? I don’t think so. It’s 2018 and no one talks like that anymore. Americans have made up so much slang that we even talk like foreigners. Here are a couple of things that I think we should be learning in school. 1. Managing money Schools like to teach finance, accounting, etc but they fail to emphasize the importance of saving, how to keep your own budget, how to manage your own money, and how our tax system works. Required in depth courses on building my own personal budget, negotiating contracts, reading financial statements, creating a budget geared towards long term saving, investing in companies and buying stocks would have been extremely beneficial. Above all else, we underestimate the importance of learning what the value of a dollar really means. While all of these are absolutely touched on in finance and business courses, the importance of maintaining a self-budget and managing your personal money should be required courses for all and heavily emphasized as required comprehension for life’s journey. 2. Mental health There is an immense amount of controversy today about mental health. From ADHD to schizophrenia to bipolar to depression and onward, there is a long list of diagnosed mental illnesses in our society. By emphasizing this as a topic of required learning and discussion, students would go into the real world not just with much more understanding of each of the primary mental illnesses and medical or holistic approaches that could help them, but with a better understanding of themselves. If you know what the issue is within yourself, you can find a way to fight it. There is therefore great value in learning more about this. Let’s start placing more emphasis on educating our children on mental health so that our future generations can live happier and more fulfilling lives and achieve what they are capable of. 3. Marriage, family, and raising kids Marriage, family, and kids are hard work. There are many wonderful things about family, but it has a

lot of ups and downs. Maintaining a marriage over the course of several decades (or more) can be very hard work. Only an intense understanding of love, connection, and the depths of it’s meaning can bond two people for a relationship’s long term course. Raising a family is no easier. Ask anyone raising a newborn, toddler, or teen and most will tell you there was so much to learn that they didn’t know prior. There’s much to be learned in the real world about marriage, family, and children we didn’t know anything about upon leaving school. 4. Cooking Let’s just say this one hasn’t done me any favors. I’m not much of a food buff. In fact, all I know how to cook is scrambled eggs, grilled cheese, popcorn, coffee (does that even count?) and shakes. This has done me no favors in the dating scene either. The fact is, cooking is a very important skill for home life, family, and romantic relationships / dating. Many have said that “Food is love.” Coming out of college not knowing how to cook is a shame. Cooking is an important part of our history. When I tell someone I’m really great at making a grilled cheese and coffee there’s a bit of a blank stare. 5. Survival skills There are essential survival skills they never teach in school or when you are in dire straits. First Aid, CPR, swimming, how to light a fire, read a compass, make smoke signals, read topography, and changing a car tire all to name a few. At any moment you never know when you or someone around you will suddenly be in trouble and to be self-sufficient in a life and death situation is a platform of knowledge unfortunately most people lack. 6. Job applications Many people don’t have any idea about how to find jobs. They don’t know where to job hunt, how to write a good resume, what temp agencies are, what employers look for, the structure of companies, how to give themselves an edge, and how to find who does the hiring. Once the process starts they don’t know how to interview. There’s certain strategies and tips people can use throughout the interview process. I personally find LinkedIn to be a

wonderful resource for job hunting. Believe it or not, it is still underused by many. The before, during, and after of the job application process should be incorporated more into our school’s curriculums. Finding quality jobs is a life skill that is required to reach our goals and achieve our maximum potential. A lot of the stuff we are learning is kind of pointless, like the shakespeare we learn or who Hitler was. What does matter is how to take care of children and yourself.I would like a few classes that focus on these topics.

Bailey Prestwood

Mental Health And Preventing One in four people in the world will be affected by a mental or neurological disorder. This means that one in four people around the world are in need of assistance or help in some form. A large portion of these people would be students. Teenagers are more likely to suffer from issues such as anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues due to the rapid changes during this period in life. This topic is especially relevant today with the increased number of school shootings occurring every year. There have already been about 17 school shootings since the beginning of 2018 until mid march according to an article written by CNN. Although the definition for school shooting they use is very loose, only a few out of the 17 events listed are a violent mass shooting like what occured in Parkland Florida a couple months ago. What this article focuses on is prevention of events like the Parkland school shooting. Mental health plays a key role in why a mass shooting occurs. According to an article by the American Counseling Association, only 34% of attackers ever received a mental health evaluation and only about 17% were diagnosed with a mental disorder. About 78% of school shooters had a history of suicide attempts or suicidal thoughts. Many attackers, about 61%, exhibit symptoms of extreme depression or desperation prior to an attack. Many attackers are also reported to be victims of bullying, which is about 71%. Often times, before a shooting, the perpetrator may suffer from a personal loss. For example the death of a family member. Being able to spot the signs is key to prevention. Counselors and teachers need to be able to effectively intervene when a student is suffering from severe depression or other issues. Obviously not all people with severe depression are not going to become a school shooter, only an extremely small percentage ever will. But it is something to watch out for, even if it’s not for the purpose of preventing a school shooting, these people need help. Highschool is also a rough environment and things like bullying and isolation can be detrimental to a person’s mental health. If you know that bullying is happening to someone, try to help. Also, if someone seems extremely isolated from all of their peers, try talking to them. Positive interaction

Imatge from Marysville Highschool walkout 2018

Image of Rose Whalen giving a speech at the Marysville Highschool walkout 2018

School Shootings

Image of sign from Marysville Highschool walkout 2018

Image of sign from Marysville Highschool walkout 2018

with others can go a long way. If you notice signs that someone may be planning to commit a violent crime such as a mass shooting, go find an adult who is able to intervene. Postings on social media about commiting violent acts should also not be taken lightly, it should be reported. School shootings are obviously extreme cases, but the perpetrators usually see themselves as victims and are lashing out for multiple reasons. There is no excuse for a mass shooting, once someone makes that decision, they have thrown away the right to call themselves a victim. But helping someone before they make that decision may save lives, not just your peers and teachers, but also save the potential shooter from self destruction. School shootings are not a pleasant topic of discussion but solutions need to be found. Whenever the subject comes up, someone always suggests gun control. Some of the points they make are right, no civilian should be able to have access to military grade weaponry like an assault rifle. But that only puts a bandaid on the issue and doesn’t stop the root of the problem. Even when certain guns are banned, mass shootings will still occur. The media and politicians rarely ever focus on why the attacker made the decision in the first place for more than ten minutes. The cause of mass shootings are not guns, it is when someone has become just desperate or irrational enough that they feel that violence is the only solution to their problem. Not enough students get the help they need. According to the American Counseling association about “75% of students struggling with a mental illness do not receive mental health services.” This is an issue that gets little attention and is almost completely overlooked by the media and government. Mental health is key to any child’s development. If we truly want to solve the issue of school shootings then we need to focus on the true culprit. More students need access to mental health services. The children are the future and those futures should not be doomed due to neglect. Emily Wigglesworth Advanced Reporter

I have a quick question for all of you; Do you think the dress code is unfair? Maybe you think that there are too many rules about “what shirts you can and can’t wear” and “what shorts are too short” and, honestly, I agree. I’m not one of the people who would show up in a crop top, however. I just think it’s pointless to put in a rule about not having tank tops because “shoulders are too distracting”. Even if people are breaking the dress code, they don’t get punished for that. So, what’s the point of having it if the students are not going to follow it and the teachers are not going to punish the students who disobey it. Not only here, but all across the U.S. Let me explain:

10. Short shorts (shorts must extend past finger tips) 11. Crop tops/midriff tops/tank tops/off the shoulder 12. Shirts advertising tobacco, alcohol, etc. 13. Shirts without collars/striped shirts 14. Belt chains, wallet chains 15. Camouflage clothing of any kind 16. Make-up of any kind 17. Cologne/perfume 18. Face piercings of any kind Haircuts that distract from student learning, such as Mohawks, dyed hair, initialed hair or other extreme hair styles, are strongly discouraged. (https://california.wcusd.org/cms/page_view?d=x&piid=&vpid=12 270970212163wa3)

Mostly all the dress codes are pretty similar. “No really short skirts/shorts, no tank tops, no showing midriffs, no showing underwear, no vulgar content, always wear shoes, no sunglasses, hats, bandanas, etc. etc. etc.” I get most of these things. We all know that one guy who has his pants hanging down to his knees but no one stops him from doing that. I surveyed people in my lunch period, around 250300 people, and 83% said that people don’t follow the dress code. Then I asked the people that said people weren’t following the dress code, “What do you think the school should do about this situation?” some of them said they need to be more strict but some also said that some of the rules are kinda pointless and they should either take out the rules or change them. Now, enough about MHS and Ohio in general, let’s look at the dress codes from other states. Let’s start with California; California’s dress code is a lot more strange and unreasonable: The following items are NOT accepted at any time: 1. Baggy, over-sized, or sagging clothing 2. Open-toed shoes 3. Graphic T-shirts 4. Musical/Roller shoes 5. Spiked jewelery or accessories of any kind 6. Dangling earrings/belts 7. Fake tatoos 8. Leggings worn as pants 9. Ripped, cut, or torn clothing

the outfit above is not following the dresscode listed because of the earings, dress, no collar, makeup, and the shoes. this is insane because she looks really pretty in that.

Bailey Prestwood

A lot of kids are already daydreaming in class just thinking about the idea of summer. The thought of what they want to do and where they want to go gets them so excited for school to be over. We asked people all over the school what they wanted to do for the summer and this is what they said:

Caeden - grade 9 - sleeping Jordan - grade 9 - gaming Hunter - grade 9 - staying at home Raiden - grade 9 - gaming Christian - grade 9 - nothing probably Levi - grade 10 - going to boot camp Mollie - grade 9 - getting a job Elena - grade 9 - hanging out with friends Brenton - grade 9 - nothing Preston - grade 9 - hanging out with his girlfriend Hanna - grade 11 - sleeping Izzy - grade 10 - walking Annabelle - grade 10 - hanging out with family Sophie - grade 12 - seeing her grandma Leon - grade 12 - sleeping Camron - grade 11 - gaming

Maddie - grade 12 - hanging out with friends Rylee - grade 9 - sleeping Aubrey - grade 9 - going to church camp Abby - grade 10 - going to Cedar Point Looks like the overwhelming consensus is that we should all be well-rested come fall!

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