Myboudoir {LOG BOOK}
Maysan Mamoun
{LOG BOOK} This documentation log presents all my works in Graduate Seminar II ARCH 5201-winter 2012at Azireli School of Architecture and Urbanism, Carleton University. The course is under the title of sensible Flesh and Edible Architecture: the Tectonic Imaginations and Sensorial Modalities of Culinary Arts and Architecture. My works examine three different exercises which demonstrate my ability and understanding of food as a design material. The following projects are comprehensively documented in visual and written formats. Maysan Mamoun April 18th, 2012
[Lollipops] . 2
[The Architecture of Boudoir] . 5
[Decomposing Seductive] . 9
[Lollipops] project 1a {Ingredients} 1 teaspoon canola oil 2 cups sugar 2/3 cup light corn syrup Pinch of salt ½ teaspoon favoured oil/essence, such as cherry or lime 15 drop food coloring, such as red or green 30 4”long lollipops sticks
{Directions} 1. Grease 2 large sheet pans with canola oil. Arrange lollipop sticks on the pans, spacing them 3” apart; set aside. (Fig. 2)
2. Put sugar, corn syrup, salt and 1 cup water into a medium pot; stir until well combined (Fig. 3). Cover pot and bring sugar mixture to a boil over mediumhigh heat (Fig. 4). Uncover pot and attach a candy thermometer to inside edge Cook, without stirring, until candy registers 310° (the hard-crack stage), about 15 minutes (Fig. 5). Immediately remove pot from heat and quickly stir in flavoured oil and food coloring (Fig. 6). Working quickly, spoon about 2 tbsp. Of the sugar syrup over the top of each lollipop stick to form 2”-3” circles (Fig.7). 3. Set lollipops aside in a cool, dry spot to let rest until they’ve hardened. Serve immediately, wrap individually, or arrange in a single layer in an airtight container and store in a cool, dry spot for up to a week (Fig.8).
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{Experience + Comment}
First Trail
Second Trail
The overall experiment was really interesting yet challenging in dealing with sugar. I had to repeat the recipe twice until the sugar became practical to make the lollipops. The first experiment was about discovering the ingredients and the mixture reaction in relation to heat degree and cooking time. The mixture was easy to prepare, while heating the process became a bit hard to determine the hard crack stage (I wasn’t using the candy thermometer at this stage). I just poured some of the mixture into the sticks and won’t dry even when I left them for 2 – 6 hours. I realized that the candy didn’t even dry, it was just liquid. And so I concluded that the sugar didn’t even reach any of its hardness stages. The second Experiment: the next day, I had to repeat all the methods, but this time, using the candy thermometer. So I followed the instructions step by step until I achieved my results; a lollipop that dries within minutes after pouring. I concluded, the sugar is very sensitive substance to work with and cooking sugar needs accurateness, practice and patience.
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[The Architecture of Boudoir] project 1b {Ingredients} + {Directions} Same as Project 1a (Fig.1)
{Molds} In this experiment, I was asked to form my boudior by using a dodecahedron siclion mold. It was a challenging to pour the sugar into the whole. As the sugar dries very fast, I had to use different methods to keep the sugar at liquid status. The mold worked very well to shape the sugar. I managed to add some items inside the sugar. I managed also to play with the sugar texture. (Fig.2) I poured the sugar as soon as it was liquid, and I keept it to cool down slowely. (Fig.3) I cooled down the sugar very fast, I put the mold in the fridge for 30 min, and so the texture results were very different from the first attept. The last trail (Fig.4) , I spread crystal colored sugar in the mold, the teaxture took very rough surface. Each trail represents (Fig.2+3) and (Fig.4) different concept related to the desire philosphy.
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{Boudior Concepts} The Architecture of Boudoir is an abstract experiment of translating desire into physical multi sensorial and edible artifacts. I examined two boudoirs made out of sugar with dodecahedron form. The two boudoirs corresponded to the meaning of dodecahedron which is universe or spirit. The boudoirs represented of how this universal emotion “desire” is achieved? The first boudoir is made out of very smooth surface texture. It represented Nicolas Le Camus de Mezieres’ philosophy, in terms of personal or edible items which were apparently visible in boudoir but not reachable easily. The boudoir translated the fuel of desire to create stronger eagerness to achieve (F.1+2). The Second boudoir represented the direct desire and attractiveness as in Marquis de Sade’s Boudoir. The boudoir was covered with crystallized sugar and made with very rough texture that at some point can cause injury. The idea behind it, since the boudoir is attractive and easy to lick, it causes pain to enjoy (Fig.3).
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[Decomposing Seductive]
prepared byHailey Weatherbee, Kanchan Quinlan and Maysan Mamoun {Concept} In the Christian tradition, the tree of knowledge of good and evil described in the Bible plays an integral role in Adam and Eve’s encounter with the forbidden fruit. You always want what you can’t have or shouldn’t have. Human curiousity leads to temptation. The tree with the forbidden fruit hanging from it is a metaphor for the seductive boudoir. The indulgence or pleasure that is associated with the act of eating the forbidden fruit is connected to human sexuality. The themes of seduction, desire, forbidden, nature vs. nurture will be explored in relation to the multisensorial boudoir. The use of warm lighting, a variation red hues, and natural materiality will reinforce and strengthen the seductiveness of the boudoir. Our project entitled Temptation is a chandelier, which is a symbol of luxury and status. We are proposing a chandelier that is an inverted tree with sugar coated branches. Suspended from the tree branches are hanging ornaments, which are comprised of the three forbidden fruits namely the pomegranate, apple, and the fig. Each hanging ornament on the chandelier will be a combination of the forbidden fruits. Each shell will be displayed as a cross section of an apple, using a tangerine as the mold. Inside the shell, a spiral apple core made of sugar will be inserted. The dying inverted tree with the sugar apple cores hanging from it are emphasizing the natural cycle of decomposition. The rotten apples so to speak have fallen around the bird’s nest that is framed directly below the tree. The nest is made of sugar coated twigs, in which egg shaped edibles are displayed. The idea is to reach to the ground and pick up the chocolate covered pomegranate seeds and chocolate dipped figs sprinkled with sea salt. The contrasting tastes and visual display of the food are meant to elicit the seductive, raw, and disgusting nature of the boudoir.
In this project, we have developed different sugar techniques such as crystallizing, coating, screwing and dipping.
[1.Sugar Crystallizing Technique] Preparation time: 9 days/ 35 pieces
{Ingredients} 8 Cups of sugar 3 Cups of water 3 Cinnamon sticks 1 Teaspoons of fresh chopped ginger 2 Small spoon red color 35 Glass cups 35 Pipe cleaners (Fig.1)
{Directions} 1. Add sugar, water, cinnamon sticks and ginger, mix them until become well combined. 2.Boil the mixture for five minutes only. 3.Add red coloring to the mixture and pour it directly into glasscups. (Fig.2) 4.Add pipe cleaners to cups and leave them for 7-9 days. (Fig.3) 5.Check the mixture on a daily basis, as not to allow sugar crystallizes on the edge of the cup. (Fig.4)
First trail result
Day 3 (replace the cups with a big container)
Pipe cleaner were dipped for 9 days continuously
Final result
[2.Sugar Coating Technique] Preparation time: 1 day/ 35 pieces
{Ingredients} 1 teaspoon canola oil 12 cups sugar 4 cups light corn syrup 6 cups of water Pinch of salt 3 teaspoons favoured lime oil 30 drop food coloring, such as red and yellow 6 pieces of (half cut) tangerine (Fig.8)
{Directions} 1. Put sugar, corn syrup, salt and water into a medium pot; stir until well combined Cover pot and bring sugar mixture to a boil over medium-high heat. 2. Uncover pot and attach a candy thermometer to inside edge Cook, without stirring, until candy registers 310째 (the hard-crack stage), about 15 minutes. (Fig.9) 3.Immediately remove pot from heat and quickly stir in flavoured oil and food coloring . 4.Workings quickly, dip the half of tangerine into the mixture, only the exterior part. Leave the coated tangerineto cool for 5 minutes. ((Fig.10) 5.Remove the sugar coat from the tangerine and repeat the steps. (Fig.11)
// First trail: I was trying to coat the inner part of pomegranate, but it was hard to maintain the form. (Fig.12)
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First trail
[3.Sugar Screwing Technique] Preparation time: 1 day/ 40 pieces
{Ingredients} 1 teaspoon canola oil 4 cups sugar 11/2 cups light corn syrup 2 cups of water Wooden spoon
{Directions} 1.Same previous steps (sugar coating) 2.Cool down the mixture for 5-10 minutes 3.Use wooden sticks or knife sharpen to twist the sugar 4. Twist the sugar around the knife sharpener –wait 2 minutes before you remove (Fig.13)
[4.Sugar Dipping Technique] Preparation time: 2 days
{Ingredients} 12 cups sugar 4 cups light corn syrup 6 cups of water
{Directions} 1.Same previous steps (sugar coating) 2.Dip the sugar over the branches (Fig.14) Set up and Hang the tree
Dip the tree with sugar
Afrer sugar dipping
The next receipes are made by pomegranate seeds and figs coated with chocolate.
[Chocolate covered pomegranate seeds Recipe] Preparation time: 1day
{Ingredients} 1 large pomegranate ½ cup of nutella wax paper
{Directions} 1.Refrigerate the pomegranate (not required, but it helps). 2.Remove all the seeds and place them in a colander. 3.Gently rinse the seeds, then lay them out on paper towels to let them dry. 4.Lay out a large sheet of wax paper on a a cookie sheet which will fit inside your refrigerator. 5.Melting the nutella: place in bowl and microwave until melted, stirring occasionally; don’t overdo it, though- you don’t want the chocolate to burn or get tough. 6.Add the pomegranate seeds to the melted chocolate (making sure the seeds are not wet on the surface, or else the chocolate can seize) and fold gently with rubber spatula until the seeds are thoroughly covered, then spoon out globs of the mixture, whatever size you like, on to the wax paper. (Fig.15) 7.Place the wax papered cookie sheet in the refrigerator and let the chocolate-covered seeds cool overnight.
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[Chocolate Dipped Figs] Preparation time: 1day
{Ingredients} 12 -15 dried figs ½ cup nutella sea salt, coarsely ground
{Directions} 1. Melt nutella in the microwave, stirring every 30 seconds until melted and smooth. 2. Stick a toothpick in to a fig and swirl in the melted chocolate, until covered. 3. Place chocolate covered fig on a piece of waxed paper over a plate. 4. Sprinkle a little sea salt over chocolate covered fig. Repeat until all figs are covered with chocolate and lightly salted. (Fig.16 5. Refrigerate until chocolate has set. 6. Store in the refrigerator in an air tight container, with waxed paper between layers.
{Assembling process: April 5, 2012}
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{Precedents} • Big Dipper. Dir. SarahVanGameren. YouTube. YouTube, 12 Nov. 2007. Web. 06 Mar. 2012. <>. • “Dezeen.” Dezeen Architecture and Design Magazine. Web. 28 Feb. 2012. <>. • Stummerer, Sonja, and Ulrike Köb. Food Design XL. Wien: Springer, 2010. Print. • “Sugar Frames Experimental Food Tech by Giffin’termeer.” Designboom. Web. 28 Feb. 2012. <>.