NWC Yearbook 1985-1986

Page 23

A Whiirlwind Tour

Toull'lli'J Clion.i B.oack row : T. SulhHl, 3. Sc:ltulL, f . Munkl-r. J. Du('bholl, • H~1:u1jng. l . Schwart. D. Baumlr r. 2nd ro,. , M W, e~lllld. P. Snyder, S. Dod~. It Schultz, M. Mtu.:lbr, M. Sch~wc. Jrd :row~ A. Glac c-, J . Mnth • K. BJUorf, 'P, rt- smCT~ A. GWN J. U. en, D. Wltt.e. from row: c. Otlllke. T. Hl1lMCD. D. 80fi\\'ardt, L. 'Wen , T. 01 n. fl. tl(let h, PtJ. WUd~t 1er, J . ~'infnwtein.

Frid.ly. tbl'! ~ IUh o-f April, lh~ Tourfng Cbo:nt mild 1~ rhfl"t! ;pnd 1 h•H ~>' whirlwind wtsi• •o 1hr:ltamctlnd of Mmin Wildauer. Jlm ~'inter ·1ein. 1100 lh!:' Detroit Ti~t<n witli !tops in Calciionia., Wl~n. 11 11.1•d Toledo, Ohia. The rigorow: 11eli;tdulle af concerC:il . r op lb,.. Prore !'I. Uknc:.hlne nd D1nwtc!r kept the cl'toruw hllidlniJ. The Wmd or God "" pmfbim ed in ii~ churd1 in lcthan foar doy11. wi1h four imr the concerti! hmdlni on Sun· da.y. M~ or tru r fret: tirnie- was .5])Clll h'a"¥ding hem city to city. On ~he bu we (11;C1Jpied uundve.s with a m.arl!dlon aet!p. l'liea.d pit1e, rt'jtdl1 mt! rin .ond , o{ ctHLTSC", U Ing 0111 011


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