1991-1992 DMLC Messenger Vol. 82

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NOV, 2 7 1991 'fI 'S(UN~H~



___ 8Bl1IaBa Vol. 82, No.1

Dr. Martin Luther College, New Ulm, Minnesota

Sept.lOct. 1991


PROFESSOR BARNES Rachellbisch Staff Writer If you ever see a fun, loving man parachuting from a bush plane into the remote wilds of Alaska, only to land next to a Winnebago R.V., there's a pretty good chance it's the infamous Professor Barnes. "Professor Barnes, the registrar?!" You got it. Seriously now folks, this Barnes fellow is a very interesting character. After serving in the navy, he satisfied his life dream with a wonderful marriage, but he didn't stop there. He went ahead to attend Mankato State, transferred to DMLC, then furthered his education at Marquette and finished off with post graduate courses at Ohio State. Kind of a drag? No way! Young Barnes enjoyed his studies (his donut runs, and the comic strips "Lockhorns" and "B.C."). His special interest was in Philosophy and Sociology. So the saga continues and our enterprising' navy man ends up teaching, not one or two grades, but all eight, with a whopping total of 48 students. He survived with his sense of humor and love for teaching still

intact. After three years, a new passion was dangled in front of him. He bit and took the job at DMLC. Do you know where you were in 1951? Professor Barnes was getting settled into his new position here at DMLC. With a little math you-will note that he has stayed forty years. That is a long time, but the professor has noticed a change for the better in the general attitude of the students. Since he first started teaching here, it seems that kids are more knowledgeable and open minded; morality has also greatly improved. Our registrar wishes he could be in the classroom more because he thinks college age students are easy to teach. We really do have a lot to thank Professor Barnes for. He's put a lot of himself into his career, a career which is a total serving ministry. As we prepare for our serving ministry, here are a few words from the wise: "take care of your teeth" "be all you can be" "enjoy youth" "keep your options open" "For Pete's sake, pay attention to what the kiddies spill - there's great blackmail potential out there!" PROFESSOR SCHROEDER Tim Schultz Red Fish Staff Writers Does anyone want an A in Prof. Schroeder's class? (Let me give you a bit of advice. When brown nosing, don't ever try to make small talk about the weather. It's a pet peeve of his.)

Martin Schroeder attended both the University of Michigan and Concordia Teacher's College, majoring in English Literature and Language. After graduating, he took on the big responsibility of not only teaching grades K-8 at Redeemer Lutheran school, Ann Arbor, Michigan, but also acting as their principal. When he received the call from DMLC in 1951, he jumped at the opportunity to teach English. Professor Schroeder has enjoyed teaching here ever since. He thrives on sharing the excitement of learning with the students and professing Christ. In fact, Philippians 1:21 is his personal philosophy of life. ("For me to live is Christ.")

Looking back over the years, our Professor has noticed a change in the attitudes of students. "The way of the world" is more prevalent and of greater influence in our lives. This is definitely a problem and so we've asked for a bit of advice. Having had a lot of experience in dealing with the world, Professor Schroeder knows what he's talking about when he reminds us of "the golden Schroeder - continued on p. 3

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THE SUMMER YOU MISSED Amy Meyer and Laura Buch Staff Writers For those of you who seemed to have lost touch with your fond DMLC acquaintances this summer - this is for you. Maybe it was due to a lost student directory, too busy to write, no money to call (all good and valid excuses of course). Whatever your reason, here's a quick review of what the student body was up to this summer. Travel seemed to be a highlight of many of your friends' summers. Had you kept in contact, you might have been invited along on trips to Arizona, Hawaii, South Dakota, Kentucky, South Carolina, Canada, Tennessee, The Grand Canyon, Alaska, California, or Texas. That's not all! Exciting excursions were also taken to the Wisconsin Dells, northern Wisconsin, Germany, southeastern Wisconsin, Prairie du Chien, England, Green Bay, and quite a few of the choice resorts in Door County. WORK! WORK! WORK! Almost all of your friends did some sort of manual labor this summer. Their main reason for working? Making money for school. Some slaved over grills at the local Golden Arches. Others toiled in less than favorable conditions at a factory for 10-12 hours a day. Some combined quality EFE time with making money by helping out at day care centers or Little League games. But, the REAL hardened men and women were those who perched for hours on a chair, risking skin cancer and unsightly tan lines all in the name of WATER SAFETY - the lifeguards. Some of the best parts of the summer involve your friends and their relationships with others. You will be surprised to hear that many of your friends spent every waking moment with "that special someone", while some of your love hungry friends spent all of their time searching for "that special someone." Others could have used some comfort and encouragement as they received the jolt of an unforeseen separation. You also owe some

congratulations to other classmates. Maybe a few cheers for those who decided to make their relationship permanent through an enQagement or marriage. . This summer seems to have been a pretty good one for most of the people on campus. Now that we're. all back together, let's start making our own exciting experiences that will last us until summer comes around again.

FROM THE EDITOR Laura Schmidt Editor When I was a little girl, the first day of school was so much fun - . even if I was a little nervous. Being back with old friends, meeting new ones, having different textbooks than the year before ... it was all so exciting! Some of you may have felt the same. Even as adults we experience similar feelings: excitement, anticipation, nervousness, homesickness and loneliness. What a comfort to know that we do not have to handle these years alonel Our Lord, Who is ever watchful, cares for us and will not leave us to cope with these feelings by ourselves. As a new year begins, let us remember why we are here at DMLC. May we work hard and put forth our best efforts. And "whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men" (Col. 3:23).


1991 MUSICAL"GEORGE M!" Lisa Kobleske Staff Writer "Whisper of how I'm yearning ..: for another DMLC musical production. Once again, it's that time of year. The leaves start to change color, school's back in session, nights grow longer, and certain people on this campus start singing. This year's musical is "George M I", the life story of George M. Cohan, composer, playwright and vaudeville performer from the early 1900s. Amy Jungemann and Wendi Kremer are the ecstatic co-directors. The "George M!" cast and chorus consist of 28 members. Wendi and Amy expressed their gratitude for the large number of students who showed up for tryouts (held on Sept. 3-6). "There's a lot of talented people, and we're sorry we COUldn't take more." The eight principles are .led by Doug Gurgle who stars as George. With John Roux, producer; Becca Klann, choreographer, and her assistant Caley Durfey, and Kim Pilz, chorus director, Amy and Wendi have gotten the show under way. Excitement is high - with the first performance being Nov. 8. Student assistance is still in demand. Anyone interested in ticket sales, costuming, and/or props can sign-up on the Drama Club bulletin board. And come November, if you're interested in some dazzling dance steps, sweeter-than-a-gumdrop singing, a few familiar tunes (like "Yankee Doodle Dandy" and "Give My Regards to Broadway"), head on over to the auditorium and let your senses be astounded I

STAFF Ll/ST Advisor Editor Co-Editor/Layout Photography

Prof.Arlen Koest!~~ Laura.schml rf Debbls SCh~d RebeK:r~~Kri::all

Staff Writers Laura Buch, Angie Fischer, Doug Gurgel, Rachel Ibisch, Usa Kobleske,Amy Meyer, Sara Mittelstaedt,Shelli Schmidt, Jenny Schroer, Tim Schultz, Shelli Toepel

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SeptJOct. 1991 Schroeder- continued from p. 1

mean-moderation" Then, looking at us as perspective teachers, he says, "Gladly learn all you can, now." Both of these helpful hints are sometimes hard for us to remember but they are good to keep forefront in our minds. Thank you Professor Schroeder. Enjoy your retirement. We'll be thinking of you as we continue to prepare ourselves for the teaching ministry.... We'll be thinking of you as we sweat and slave over 50 page essays. And where will our dear professor be? Lounging in first class on a flight to England and France, with classical music playing in the background, feet up and hand dancing across a brilliant piece of fiction, stopping now and then to think back on and giggle over a certain "Peanuts" cartoon. Upon reaching his destination, he wisks off to dine in a little cafe featuring a great jazz band ... Prof. Schroeder, wherever you go, God bless!

BOOKS ... AND SO MUCH MORE! AmyPingle Staff Writer When strolling through the campus with the kiss of autumn in the air, the beauty of the buildings arouse a keen sense of nostalgia; of tradition and the wonders of age. Suddenly before the wanderer looms the library. It's gorgeous structure seems to beckon lonely students to its open doors. It is a place to get away, to relax, and to get lost within the pages of a text book. The wonders of the library are accessible to students between the hours of 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., and 7:00 p.m. - 9:45 p.m., Monday through Thursday; 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. on Friday; 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Saturday; and 2:00 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 - 9:45 p.m. on Sunday. Bibliofile computers are located on both levels of the library. This modern convenience adds to the luxurious fulfilment of the library by allowing you to save items, bring up a review of what you looked at on the screen, and print up your selections. Other features of this building are: various art prints that can be checked out to hang in the dorm rooms, reserved materials that can be used simply by having your student I.D. available and computers. Various rooms such as the Children's Literature Room, Conference Room, and the Media Center are located in the lower level of the building. And if you can't find something, don't be afraid to ask the librarian behind the counter, eager to help. Take advantage of the library and open the door to the amazing world of knowledge that lurks just among the shelves!

THROUGH GRACE ALONE Shelli Schmidt Staff Writer Reformation. We as Lutherans are all familiar with this word which means, "to give up evil ways". On October 31 we celebrate our Lutheran Reformation. In 1517, Martin Luther nailed the ninety-five theses on the Wittenburg Castle church door. Luther's thesis challenged the selling of indulgences not only as a corrupt practice, but also as a theologically unsound assumption that salvation can be earned by works. Martin Luther swore to St. Anne that he would become a monk if she spared his life during a terrible thunder storm. The Lord works in mysterious ways. After this Luther became a monk. As a monk, Luther spent time in mental torment and physical abuse trying to please God and find peace with Him. He prayed for numerous hours, practically starved himself, and at times beat his body almost to the point of death hoping to gain God's favor. Seeking solace and salvation, Luther turned to the Bible. Two passages seemed to speak directly to him. "For in it the righteousness from God is revealed through faith, he who through faith is righteous shall live" (Rom. 1:17). "They are justified by His grace as a gift through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus." (Rom. 3:24) In these passages Martin Luther found the great comfort he had been seeking his whole life, the hope of salvation. Faith is free! Through Jesus' death and resurrection, salvation is ours, not by works but by faith. No amount of good works will save us but we do good works out of love for our Savior. This is what October 31st is all about! May we thank God, not only on this day, but also every day for this salvation. Let us thank Him for Martin Luther and his earnest searching of the Scriptures, which led him to reveal once again to the world the one way to salvation, through grace alone. Happy Reformation day!

FRESHMEN REACT TO INITIATION Angie Fischer Sara Mittelstaedt Now that Homecoming is over, the freshmen have had time to reflect back on Initiation. We randomly interviewed several students that participated in the events. Here are their reactions. Jeremy Bock: "I enjoyed it. Singing at the Girls' Dorm was fun. I'm so glad that I got to know the sophomores. I had a great time sewing my beanie." Jennie Baeckl: "It was pretty cool. Laura Buch and Heather Brenn (sophomore drill sergeants) were hilarious!" Nate Lauber: "I feel it was good clean fun and it made me feel a part of DMLC. I know that I will enjoy it in its deepest extent when I am a drill sergeant next year." Phil Punzel: "I don't know why people made a big deal about it. It was very fun and I'd do it all over again." A group of anonymous freshman women were really glad that they participated. They had a lot of fun and said, "That's what Initiation should be like!"

Sept./Oct. 1991

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LANCER OF¡THE MONTH Shel/i Schmidt Staff Writer Name: Age: Birth Date: Concentrate: Marital Status: Favorite TV show: Color:' Music: Soap: Food:

Sarah Dickman

22 June 11, 1969 English (but likes science) Single Northern Exposure all of them oldies but goodies Aloe and Lanolin (Oh, you mean soap opera?l) ice.cream

We give the honor of Lancer of the Month not to a sports stud or even to a class president, but to Sarah Dickman, a senior, who has some special thoughts to share with us before she enters the teaching world in December. When Sarah was asked why she was so excited about being a teacher in a few short months, she gave me this answer: "I want to have a great influence on little children. I want them to be their own person and know that I want to hear whatever it is they have to say. I want the children to be excited and have fun learning about the different subjects, and most importantly, about their loving Savior. I want the children to know they all have different abilities that God has given them and to strive to develop their individual gifts."

Sarah wanted to be a teacher even as a little girl. Coming from a family of tlve brothers .and two sisters, Sarah has. had some experience. She was born in Fond du Lac, WI. Now she lives in Campbellsport, WI on a dairy farm where she has the chores of feeding the chickens and milking the goats. But this summer Sarah left the goats and chickens behind to spend the summer in New Ulm with Professor Hermanson and his family. She made a killing working the salad bar at Bonanza and babysitting a thirteen year-old boy (I'm sure that was rough!). "This summer was an eyeopener. I associated with people of no religious background who had morals that extremely clashed with mine. Pretty sad to say, but that is the real world." Well, if Sarah's not in the cafeteria lunch line taking your number, she's probably reading a mystery by Mary Higgins Clark or writing a poem. She could even be playing intramurals such as badminton, volleyball, or basketball. (Maybe she is a sport stud after ali!) But the one thing Sarah enjoys the most is talking to people. "If you want to get to know people, the only way to do it is to.talk to them. Everyone has something to contribute and you might just learn a thing or two." Glancing into the future, Sarah said she will teach, hopefully get married some day, write childrens' books, and write one book which will move and inspire al~.

To the editor: Recently it has come to my attention that there is quite an apathetic attitude on our campus when it comes to news and current events. It exasperates me to realize that many students here at DMLC feel that keeping up on current ever.ts is unimportant. It is vital that we as future educators be knowledgeable about the events taking place in our world. We need to be familiar with current events if we. are to consider ourselves well-rounded adults. What better way to show your ignorance than to look bewildered and confused when someone brings up an important news event in conversation. It is not justifiable to say that you are too busy to read a newspaper or to watch the news. It is not justifiable to say, ¡Who cares, anyway?". We cannot be so caught up in our own little worlds that we forget about everything else! Keeping up on current events is important! You can make the time to do it. Read a newspaperI Watch the news! Respectfully submitted, Angie Fischer

I looked back to yesterday And found today passed me by. Then I searched into the future And tomorrow came to my door. So I sat and tried to find the days I had lost, And realized I wasn't looking in the right place, The present. - Sarah Dickman, August 1991

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Sept.lOct. 1991

RUNNING COLORS Doug Gurge/ and Tim Schultz Staff Writers When we last met our faithful harriers, the snow had fallen four inches thick and the women's team had just completed their impressive run to a national championship. (The men had just finished wishing they'd had a sixth runner to vie for the championship in the tie-breaker situation, but that's another story.) With these memories still lingering fresh, (like the air in Flandrau during a morning run) the teams laced up their shoes to begin another season. Through some quirk of fate, the women's team gained several new members with bona fide high school cross country experience. What a supplement an already strong team featuring two-time All-American' Brenda Baerbock! The men, meanwhile, gained a couple new runners and subsequently lost a few runners, returning their number to five. On September 7th, the teams fueled up with a 5:30 a.m. breakfast and departed for Winona - the land of endless hills and hazardous haybales. The women proved they are prepared to defend their national

THE SOCCER CLUB ShelIi Schmidt Staff Writer The soccer season started out a new year with new coaches and a new attitude. Joel Fenske and Tim . Jackson, both with eight years of soccer experience, led the team of twenty-seven. This year's team had both experience and commitment on their side. Practices were aimed to develop skills and endurance. The bearded bunch were focused on playing their best and letting nothing stand in their way. The first soccer game was Tuesday, September, 17th, at 4:30 p.m.

title by finishing second in the team competition. (Remember, early season meets are run primarily against larger schools.) The men's finish proved to be a little less positive; they finished fi_fth, but remember, early season meets are run primarily against larger schools. But all completed the grueling course, going the extra mile to give it their best effort. At the DMLC Homecoming meet on Oct. 5, runners from DMLC, Northwestern, Concordia, st. Catherine's, Pillsbury and Alumni came together for a merry race in uniforms of red, yellow, and green. The ladies were delayed by a faulty gun, but once on their way, Brenda Baerbock, Bethany Kuster; and a runner from Concordia took and maintained a steady lead. All in all, everyone did a good job. Our DMLC women took first and the guys took third. Medals were received by: Brenda Baerbock 2nd, Bethany Kuster 3rd, Patty Schimmel 4th, Megan Gross and Kurt Gosdeck 5th and Dave Lange 7th.

GOLF'SEASON UNDERWAY Shelly Toepel Staff Writer This golf season there was only one returning player, Senior Tom Price. The top players right now are: Tim Walkley, Scott Gostchock, Dave Schroeder, Andy Fix, and Jeff Weichman. The last two positions vary each meet due to the close scores among the players. The other five players are: Phil Cole, Paul Quandt, Tom Price, Joel Wade, and Dave Zank. The team practices at the New Ulm Country Club on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays. DMLC hosted the Conference Meet October 4th and 5th. The coaches are also allowed to play in the meets, but their scores don't count. Dean Woldt is among them, but was too shy to reveal his score.

LADY LANCERS SET FOR VICTORY Jenny Schroer and Shelly Toepel Staff Writers The Lady Lancers Volleyball team started off the season on the right foot. The Lancers defeated the team from St. Catherine's of St. Paul in three games 15-7, 15-7 and 15-9. Kari Rosenburg had a good night pacing the Lancers with twelve kills, four ace blocks, and nine digs. Tina Goltz had three ace blocks and Kelly Paulsen had 10 digs while Laura Adamczyk had nine. Paulsen and Kirsten Just led the team with service points earning thirteen and eleven points respectively. Gustavus Adolphus gave the Lancers a harder time of it. The Lady Lancers defeated the Gusties 3-2. This game was the first match for the Gusties so they began with first-game jitters. After DMLC won the first two matches, the Gusties counter-attacked, taking the next two matches. In the end, the Lancers prevailed with a 15-12 score, taking the last match. Cathy Oldfield had eighteen set assists, while Sandi Carter had fifteen. Kari Rosenburg had thirteen kills and five ace blocks. Kirsten Just had fifteen defensive saves and sixteen service points. The Lady Lancers had a 13-0 record going into homecoming weekend. However, they suffered their first loss in a close five game match with WLC. Even though the defeat showed in their record, it didn't show in the spirit of the players. The Lancers are back and ready to attack. In the Gustavus Adolphus tournament October 12, they placed second. The districts will be held on the DMLC campus November 1-2. The fans are very supportive and very much appreciated. The Lancer volleyball team and coach extend a "thank-you" to all their loyal fans. They ask for your continuing support for the remainder of the season. Set yourself up for the next Lancer kill so the Lancers can bump themselves up in their ranking!

Sept.lOct. 1991

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D.M.L.C. Messenger

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Wisconsin Lutheran Sem. Library 11831 N. Sem Dr. 65W Mequon WI 53092

Dr. Martin Luther College STUDENT TEACHING SCHEDULE First Quarter, 1991-92 September 3 - October 25 ST. PAUL'S, NEW ULM Students Rebecca Dengler Steven Birr

MatyNolte Theodore Manthe

Supervisor Prof. Paap Prof. Stoltz


Supervisor Mrs. Schakpekahm Mr. Huebner Miss Barfknecht Mr. Fischer Mrs. Boeck Mr. Kanter Mr. Fuerstenau Mr. Winkel Miss Wilsmann Miss Eichmann Mrs. Sickinger Mr. Schneider Mr, Collyard Miss Huebner Mrs. Gerndt


Supervisor Mr.lnniger Mrs. Inniger

Grade 6·8

Supervisor Mrs. Strackbein Miss Hopmann


1·2 7·8

APPLETON AREA - Prof. Menk, College Supervisor

8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Student Buman. Lynn Diersen. Brooke Gaertner. Jill Gray. Thomas Holmes. Chanyn Jacobs. Tania Koepsen. Tamara Frisque. Paul Marquardl. Susan Nordnass. Dina Owen.Amy Paulsen. Kristin Schaper. Brad Tessmer. Susan Werner. Melanie

16. 17.

Student Knutson. Mark Koepke. Jennifer

Location SI. James SI. James

Student Anderson. Patricia Gurgel. Wendy

Location Gibbon NewUlm

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


Location Appleton Appleton Appleton Appleton New London Appleton New London Appleton Neenah Oshkosh Oshkosh Neenah Menasha Menasha New London

Congregation Immanuel Immanuel Riverview SI. Manhew Emanuel SI. Manhew Emanuel Riverview Trinity Grace Grace Trinity Bethel Bethel Emanuel

Principal R. Huebner R. Huebner J. Winkel R. Fischer E. Krause R. Fischer E. Krause J. Winkel J. Rahn T. Koepsell T. Koepsell J. Rahn L. Collyard L. Collyard E. Krause

3·4 7·8 5·6 7·8 1 5·6 3 7·8 4 1 3 6 7·8 5·6 3

NEW ULM AREA - Prot KJocIaIem, College Supervisor Congregation SI. Paul SI. Paul NEW ULM AREA - Prof. We"',

18. 19.

Congregation Immanuel St. Paul

Principal J. tnniger J.lnniger


College Supervisor Principal D.Ring D. Markgraf

K·2 1

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