Mirror Reflection Magazine

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The Utah Summer Open 2010 took place last week, on August 28, 2010. Like all the other Utah competitions, it was small, with only 20 competitors. Because of this, it was able to run more events than most other competitions, including some unofficial events like Mirror Blocks and Square-1 Blindfolded. This is the Utah Cubing Club’s fourth competition since its first in 2008, and the development of the Utah cubing community is clear through the competitions. Unfortunately, it is also the last Utah competition that the organizer, Michael Young, will be able to host – he will head to California for college in the fall. However, Edward Liu and Neil Xia will be able to take over – and make the UCC much better than it ever was before. The biggest winner was Edward Liu, who won 3x3, 4x4, and 5x5 – by huge margins. He also made podium in every event he competed in. Other notable competitors were Michael Young, who almost made podium in every event (he didn’t make podium for Magic); Takao Hashimoto, the current Japanese record holder for the Square-1, and the world record holder for solving the same puzzle blindfolded (he beat his former WR at the competition with a 16:05); and Aina Hashimoto, the youngest competitor in the WCA at the age of 4.

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