Digital Buzz

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Buzzworthy news and clips from and about Digital and social Media

digital buzz digital bu

by Jennifer R. Lea

Copyright Š September 2010 by Jennifer R. Lea All rights reserved. This book or any portion there of may not be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations which are cited. Disclaimer: The images used here are for educational and informational purposes only. Effort was made to cite as many sources and images as possible, if there are any questions or issues please contact me at Printed in the United States of America Chicago, IL

For more information go to


introduction buzzwords the players recent buzz resources


“Those who will succeed need to act more like publishers, entertainment companies,or even party planners, than advertisers.“ -Garrick Schmitt, Group V.P. of Experience Planning, Razorfish

this edition When I wrote a paper for a research methods class in the Fall of 2009 about social media, I began to realize that I was on to something that could have a big impact in the world of interior design. Now, looking back, some of what I wrote is practically obsolete as the digital media revolution continues. Even though that impact to the world of design is still yet to be fully seen, it is undeniable that social media and digital technology is changing how we live and work and will continue to do so on in to the future. Understanding this, I began to catalog a lot of resources I have found to be helpful during my endless hours surfing through information on the internet. I hope to show that indeed knowledge can be powerful and becoming educated and informed on the latest digital and social trends will become ever more important in order to position yourself in the best way possible depending on your personal goals and objectives. The focus of this edition is on the major players in Social Media. Within this framework we will look at keywords to know (“buzzwords”), current trends (“the buzz”), what some of the resources are to explore, and answer some questions regarding why these media types are becoming increasingly more important. In the next edition, we will look at more tools to use with social media, mobile technology and applications and some other social media related resources.

Learning to Speak on the Social Web For brands, it’s not just what you say but where and how to say it ADWEEK | July 21, 2010 | Neal Rodriguez If we are to make use of social platforms for engagement, then we must know not just what to say but where and how to say it. Many experts have great advice on what content to deliver via digital networks. But the operational advice on what tools to use and how to wield them to deliver your message is just as crucial. Those who also stress the latter are the true pioneers of our exploration of the Web.

Designing a Digital Portfolio, 2nd ed. by Cynthia L. Baron “Utilize professional social networks appropriately to connect with industry and showcase your work. Create an online presence by connecting with professionals in virtual settings that are most familiar to them, such as LinkedIn or professional blogs. “

Why is social media important for interior designers?

1) Exponential Exposure

2) Information/Research/Education 3) Collaboration/Sharing/Conversation 4) Building Credibility and Value 5) Establishing a brand and identity “The media plays an immensely important part in the interior design industry, both in terms of helping to create a market for interior design and providing a valuable resource for the designer….The media, in all its forms, provides a diverse resource for the interior designer who needs to be completely up to date not only with current trends but also with the cultural, social, economic, and political changes which may also influence the marketplace.” (Interior Design, Jenny Gibbs ©2010)

The future of the industry will rely immensely on technology trends including those of the use of digital and social media.




shareworthy content is king leverage multiple platforms diversify your efforts cross-promote your presence use multimedia

buzz buzz buzz buzz

buzz buzz buzz

location based services crowdsourcing transmedia tag cloud widget infographic cloud computing creative commons RSS feeds hashtag


Location Based Services Also referred to as “LBS.” Geo-trend or location based social networking sites work by requiring you to announce or post your current location with the help of a matched GPS or cell tower “check-in” from your mobile device. These sites can also share your location with other social sites like Twitter and Facebook. The objective is very similar to other social media except that these sites share your location while you are out and about. This notifies others where you are, allowing you to potentially meet up or make connections. Popular location based service social media applications include Foursquare, Loopt, Gowalla and Brightkite. Expect the market of location-based social media to continue to grow in the near future as many other sites begin to offer these types of services. Recently Facebook Places was announced, which adds another provider to this mix. We talk more about LBS in the Social Media “players” section.

“the era of location as platform has arrived�

What it means: Content created by outsourcing tasks to the community through an open call (also known as community based design). “Crowdsourcing taps into the global world of ideas, helping companies work through a rapid design process. You outsource to large crowds (hence the word: crowdsourcing) in an effort to make sure your products or services are right,” Matt H. Evans of "The Power of Crowdsourcing." “This is really the biggest paradigm shift in innovation since the Industrial Revolution,” MIT professor Eric von Hippel says. “For a couple hundred years or so, manufacturers have been really imperfect at understanding people’s needs. Now people get to decide what they want for themselves.” “Crowdsourcing is the only curatorial/editorial mechanism that can scale to match the increased ability to produce that the Internet has given us,” P2P Foundation Blog, August 10, 2010. Who is doing it: more people and companies than you realize


The term transmedia refers to utilizing a combination of media including video, still images, audio, and text. Transmedia storytelling may expand possibilities by creating different entrance points for different types of audiences.

“Transmedia (storytelling) represents a process where integral elements of a fiction get dispersed systematically across multiple delivery channels for the purpose of creating a unified and coordinated entertainment experience. Ideally, each medium makes its own unique contribution to the unfolding of the story... Transmedia storytelling is the ideal aesthetic form for an era of collective intelligence.” (from

In transmedia storytelling, content becomes invasive and permeates the audience’s lifestyle. A transmedia project develops storytelling across multiple forms of media in order to have different “entry points” in the story; entry-points with a unique and independent lifespan but with a definite role in the big narrative scheme.


m e s d n ia a r

Right: Wordle created using tags from my account user name jenrlea


a keyword, term, or label associated with or assigned to a piece of information to assist in describing, explaining, locating, using and sharing


a visual depiction or illustration of user-generated tags where more frequently used tags are emphasized either by increased size or color “Word” Cloud is often used interchangeably with “Tag” Cloud

tag cloud



* for web - also known as a gadget or badge

A widget is an application that can be embedded on a website, blog or social media site that adds some type of dynamic content. Widgets are great because you can create customized content with little to no coding knowledge and they can greatly enhance the user experience on a site. Widgets can be created for anything from displaying photos from your Flickr account, bookmarks from a username, Tweets, or RSS feeds from your favorite blogs. Popular widget making sites include Yahoo Widgets, Widgetbox, and many social media sites provide their own code for using widgets on your website or blog.

This page: Some widgets I have used. Left page: Like button example from Facebook page.


Infographics, or information graphics, are visual devices that communicate information or data in an easily digestible manner. These visual representations of information, data or knowledge are important in capturing a user’s immediate attention and directing their eyes through a visual flow of information. Some are quite dramatic and artistic.

cloud computing Cloud computing refers to using remote servers for your software or files. A good example of this is Google Docs where you can create, modify, and edit documents on the web. If you access your email through Yahoo or Gmail without downloading it to a program like Microsoft Outlook, again you are utilizing “the cloud� to store your email data. Cloud computing allows you to access information wherever you have an internet connection (i.e. mobile phone, client site, laptop computer, etc). This is important because it gives you freedom to work wherever you want: decentralization = more mobility Cloud computing changes how we do business and makes it much easier for teams to collaborate. (yes Thomas Freidman, the world is getting more flat)

Firefox Search Box Drop-Down Menu

Useful Site Links:

Creative Commons Center for Study of Public Domain

creative commons Creative Commons offers creators six different license types so that you can share your work exactly how you want to. In addition, you can search for Creative Common licensed works to share, remix, or reuse. You should always verify that the work is actually under a Creative Commons license by following the link (if provided). If you are in doubt you should contact the copyright holder directly, or try to contact the site where you found the content.

Sample CC buttons

•CC provides free, easy-to-use legal tools •CC Licenses work alongside copyright

RSS Feeds RSS Feeds (RSS – “really simple syndication”) allow you to “subscribe to” information and/or sites and then “aggregate” it. Aggregation software and services allow you to view the information in one location. RSS newsfeed aggregator services notify you when new content is available for viewing and show “headlines” or summaries of the subscribed to newsfeeds. RSS feeds are helpful to know when your favorite blogs or websites have new content so that you can stay up to date. Feedburner is also a popular service that can be used to “burn” a feed from a blog (or other site with active content) which can then be incorporated and read via a feed reader. Some popular RSS feed readers include Google Reader, My Yahoo, and Livebookmarks.

Above: A typical screen that pops up when you elect to subscribe to an RSS feed on a site. This allows you to choose your news reader service.

#NEOCON10 A great example of hashtag use appeared in conjunction with the NeoCon Conference held in Chicago at the Merchandise Mart June 14-16, 2010. The hashtag #NEOCON10 was used prior to and throughout the conference so attendees and exhibitors could communicate about what was going on at the show. People tweeted about new products, what to check out, where they were, and there was a live feed being shown at a few locations onsite.

#NEOCON10 sample twitter feed

@NoirBlancDesign: At #NeoCon10 the entire show was done via social media. Manufacturers were sending out twitpics, Vlogs + interview #IntDesignerChat - Tue Jul 06 22:18:17 +0000 2010 - tweet id 17900220321 @ArchNUPE: Do you kno the power of social media networking? #neocon10 - Wed, 16 Jun 2010 15:37:10 +0000 - tweet id 16315208500 @hern_jenn RT @jacobslevin: And before I forget, be sure to check out for all the latest and greatest from the #NeoCon10 showfloors. Wed, 16 Jun 2010 21:26:45 +0000 - tweet id 16336325808 - #585 @MetropolisMag Nearly 200 photos of the best in workplace design from this year's #NeoCon10, in Chicago. Check it: Mon Jun 21 13:53:47 +0000 2010 - tweet id 16695459009 - #250


Hashtags- the symbol # followed by a key word(s)- are a way to add additional meaning and metadata to your tweets - similar to using a “tag” for a photo on a site like Flickr. If you use Twitter, you may know that using hashtags can help organize your tweets and facilitate subsequent searches. It is also a great way to get the word out on a topic that others might be interested in so that others can contribute and share in the data. They also can serve as a way to create groups of tweets for further reference. Sites like provides real-time tracking of Twitter hashtags and provides some analytics.

•Rules of thumb:

1) Focus on content of tweet first

2) Check to see if the hashtag is already being used

3) When you decide to use a hashtag, make sure it provides some type of value 4) Use sparingly especially if out of context of the tweet and don’t overuse


"Social Media is like teen sex. Everyone wants to do it. Nobody knows how. When it's finally done there is surprise it's not better.“ ~ Avinash Kaushik - Analytics Evangelist, Google

“the big players�

social media

social media is measurable but some of what it does is immeasurable

social media categories Communication blogging platforms microblogging = Twitter

Networking Facebook Linked In LBS

Information RSS feeds

Collaboration social bookmarking


Flickr YouTube Vimeo

Blogging blogs can help build brand identity,


Free. Google based. Easy to set up. Many templates, features, addins. Accepts HTML. Supports multiple editors.


Free. Email to blog. All you have to do is email your first post with attachments and they reply back with your blog address. Designed to be very simple to use- motto is “dead simple.�


Free and hosting options available. Many themes, gadgets, plug-ins. Social Media integration. Very popular and often also used to build full websites.

Other blog platforms worth checking out include

Platforms promote an idea, build a business Free. A fusion between a full blog and a miicroblog- can be used for either. Easy to use interface, good for multimedia. Twitter/Facebook integration. Can queue to post at timed intervals.


Free and paid options. Widgets, templates, plug-ins available. Built-in stats and SEO. Can schedule postings. More design control.


Web-based, cost varies. More of a commercial platform. Easier for newcomers to design and coding. Blog import capable. Social media integration. Form building and more design control.


Squidoo, Weebly, Hubpages and Movable Type.

Microblogging “Twitter is like a text msg with a “Twitter is condensed information for the time-starved,

‘Twitterquitte’ 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Follow back (when appropriate) Thank people if they retweet or mention you Use DM (direct message) for private conversations “Plug” moderately Don’t Spam!

(as suggested by Kama Weinberger IIDA at a Neocon 2010 seminar on Social Media - follow her @furnituregodess!) An example of a “smart” tweet used by an interior designer:

Did you know that you can mark tweets as “favorites” for reference later?

= Twitter bcc to the world” internet savvy professional”

In 140 characters or less you have the potential to promote your knowledge, drive traffic to your website or blog, as well as gain some insights about what others in your field are doing. Every time you post a Status Update, it is indexed by Google just like your blog posts. This helps people find you.

>Twitter is all about interaction and if you aren’t following, you aren’t interacting. >Promote it everywhere – you would be surprised, sometimes this may give you something extra over your competition >Remember to humanize your tweets occasionally by letting people in on some more personal info >Keep it simple - remember its 140 characters or less - add links when appropriate for more info


Sample button you can add to a website or blog to link to your profile.

“Facebook is the leading social community site” Reasons to use it: • It is a very popular platform especially for social networking so it provides a place to connect your personal profile with your professional page (remember Pages are for business and Profiles are for personal use) • Great place to share: events, projects, products, press • You can elect to sign up for weekly updates about activity and utilize “Facebook Insights” for analytics about your Page. • Many of social sites allow you to link content to Facebook fairly easily so it is a good way to integrate your content among different channels. Tip 1: Ask people to “Like” you. Utilize a Facebook “Like” button widget (like that shown on the “Widgets” page) to promote your content on your blog or website. Tip 2: Update your content regularly and encourage comments. Tip 3: Facebook now has a new feature called “Facebook Questions” where questions can be posed to elicit responses from other members. Another way to connect with new people can be to answer questions related to your business or expertise.


Sample button you can add to a website or blog to link to your profile.

“LinkedIn is the resume of the 21st century” Reasons to use it: • Professional network with many opportunities to connect with people in the industry. • High page ranking if someone is looking for you online. • Think of it as your always available online resume. Make sure to fully fill out your profile including providing lnks to other sites you may have, such as a portfolio, blog or website. • LinkedIn now has features which also allow integration of content from RSS feeds, Twitter and the Behnace Network that you should take advantage of. Tip 1: Ask for recommendations which can add additional credibility to your profile. Tip 2: Sign up for Groups which can add another layer of networking and potential conversation. These groups tend to provide more specific content as well as provide “open forums” for members to submit questions and answers relevant to the group purpose or topic.


location based services Location, Location, Location....


Why (most) people use location based services: • serendipity and connection • the “game” • travel history • to “brag” How can LBS be used professionally:



Connection and Networking - let others know where you are to meet up or to share interesting industry locations Demonstration of Knowledge - where to go for products or services Brand Identity - as a way to show others you go to worthwhile places related to your profession or to increase your credibility


Promotion - of a place or business location (including your own!)

“Geolocation goes Mainstream” -referring to the launch of Facebook Places on 8/18/10

Your information: how you want it, where you want it, whenever you want it Reasons to use RSS Feeds: • Control over Content - you choose what news, information, and updates you want to view as well as how often you want to receive it. • Control over Method - via web, email, or mobile device (this also includes the level of detail you desire - for example HTML or Text versions). • Control over Location - feed output can be viewed on a personalized home page (i.e. My Yahoo!, Google, AOL) or via an aggregator service (like Feedly, Instapaper, Google Reader) which typically can show many feeds together in a newspaper or magazine like fashion.

Your customized newsfeed




“The best news, pictures and videos on the web as voted on by the Digg community.”

“Reddit is a source to see what is new and popular on the web.”

Based on many internet sources, Digg consistently is rated as the highest among these four social bookmarking sites and tends to drive more traffic to sites. This site is really more of a social “news” site as people submit stories and then others can vote them up or down, called digging and burying. The most “dugg” stories appear on the front page. Stay tuned - the “New Digg” is about to be launched which may shake things up.

Reddit is based on user generated news links and users voting on links. In addition to submitting links from the intenet users can submit self-generated content. The main page is always changing based on what is being submitted. Users can comment and reply on the posted links. The more you submit items the better your chances are to develop following and increase your presence on the site.

Social Bookmarking


“StumbleUpon helps you discover and share great websites.”


StumbleUpon uses ratings to form collaborative opinions and makes suggestions based on the topics you select When you hit the “Stumble!” button Web pages are presented based on past ratings and preferred topics. An easy to use tool bar lets you give a thumbs up or thumbs down to sites you visit. Just click on your “favorites” (i.e. items you have posted) and you get an up to date “count” of how many other users have read your stumbled link.

“Keep, share, and discover the best of the Web using Delicious, the world’s leading social bookmarking service.” uses a non-hierarchical classification system in which users can tag each of their bookmarks with freely chosen index terms. Bookmarks can be private or public. They have “hotlist”, “fresh bookmarks”, and “explore tags” on the front page. Rarely is this bookmarking service compared to the StumbleUpon, Reddit, and Digg based on my research.

Digg Labs also allows you to see visualizations of what is going on live in several different diagram formats

multimedia Multimedia/Entertainment Video Sharing

Photo Sharing

Webcasts/ Livecasting


You Tube













Just remember

“What happens in Vegas, stays on YouTube.” ~Socialnomics

Quick Info


free: photos up to 10MB, 2 videos up to 150mb paid: photos to 20mb, videos to 500mb supported file types: JPEGs, non-animated GIFs, PNGs, TIFFs converted to JPEGs

up to 2gb size free up to 15 min length widgets available high def up to 500mb free widgets available desktop uploader privacy controls any movie file

Key Social Media Types This diagram represents the key social media types and purposes to remember. Since social media are always changing, it is a good idea to continue to monitor offerings in these categories to find the tools that work best for you.

Social Media User Types Creators




“Social Technographics Profile� from the book Groundswell


what is “buzz”? • publicity, or interest generated by publicity • a short-lived interest or enthusiasm • the latest gossip or information within an industry or a locale • a feeling of excitement or satisfaction often linked with a sense of achievement • a low murmur of conversation made by a group of people, especially when they are excited or interested in something

recent buzz

Five Best Blogging Platforms June 2010

Crowdsourced Pizza Papa John’s Pizza Contest Pairs Social Media and R&D Joan Voight | August 9, 2010 Lots of companies are using social media to pick customers’ brains for product improvements. But pizza chain Papa John’s is going way beyond that, welcoming customers into its R&D and marketing departments via a promotion on Facebook and Twitter. But is the contest just a gimmick to boost brand awareness, or will the company now look to customers as product designers and marketers? It’s no gimmick, insists Ensign. “Rather, it’s a way to leverage what we already do, talking to our customers about quality and getting ideas for new pizzas from inside and outside the company. Now, we are making it more public.” The social media elements are a “natural evolution of our use of word-of-mouth. The technology gives us more tools,” he says.

Tools Used: Twitter, Facebook, you Tube and Crowdsourcing

Facebook launched its “Places” application on 8/18/10 in partnership with Foursquare and Gowalla. If your business is not yet on Places, you can set it up using the Facebook app on your iPhone, Android or Blackberry.

Using LBS Check-ins for Charitable Campaigns Gowalla Check-Ins help drive Shoe Donations | Clickz Marketers have recently afforded location-based service users numerous self-serving incentives to check in, such as free food or drinks. A new campaign on Gowalla combines such consumer opportunism while also taking aim at the goodwill-minded. The geo-social brand has partnered with AT&T and the “One for One” initiative by Toms Shoes to help put shoes on the feet of needy Argentinian children. Media Companies Try Getting Social With Tumblr | August 1, 2010 | Jenna Wortham

”... the site was designed with creative expression in mind. People are creating identities and personalities that Facebook and Twitter are not designed to allow you to do...”

With Fast Follow You Can Get Tweets Via SMS Even If You Don’t Use Twitter | @TechCrunch: 8/10/10 By way of SMS on any phone in the United States, you can get alerts from anyone on Twitter. This is true even if you don’t have a Twitter account. All you have to do is text “follow TWITTERNAME” to Twitter’s shortcode, 40404, and you will start getting realtime updates.

Social Marketing Doesn’t Have to Suck Wired | By Eliot Van Buskirk| August 12, 2010 “Picture this: You’re sitting next to the pool at a Vegas resort, when you decide to tweet a picture of where you are to your friends at their fluorescent-lit day jobs, just to, you know, assault their sanity. A few minutes later, a waiter shows up with an ice-cold beverage on the house, explaining, “thanks for the tweet.” Guess what your next tweet will be about? Staying at the BEST HOTEL EVER!!

There’s More to Social Media than Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn Forbes | Jun. 14 2010 - 10:29 am | Posted by Adrienne Graham “To be successful at establishing your brand, you need a comprehensive social media plan in place before diving in. Without a strategy, you will wander aimlessly around on the Internet.”

The Future of Public Relations and Social Media Mashable | August 16, 2010 The social media platforms with the most value must be used by a client’s target audience and be a meaningful place for brands to connect with consumers and journalists. Our PR experts said that mass social platforms, like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, will continue to be important on some level, but niche, industryspecific networks will be of greater value in the future

How Starbucks is using social media to get fans to take action | By Andy Sernovitz on August 10, 2010 Whether it’s for a new-product launch like VIA or a cause it believes in, Starbucks is constantly leveraging its fantastic communities to get their fans to take action. In her recent BlogWell presentation, Starbucks’ Alexandra Wheeler shared a bunch of ideas behind how they’re making this happen. A few big takeaways from her discussion: Social media drives purchase decisions. Wheeler highlighted a study showing that 97% of people say that digital media has influenced whether they purchase a product. Social media can change behavior. Starbucks created buzz almost exclusively on Facebook for a promotion where customers received free coffee if they brought in a reusable mug. This promotion grew their online fan base by 21% outside of the U.S. and by 6% on the whole. It not only drove sales, it changed how people purchased and consumed their coffee. Social media allows you to go where your fans are. Wheeler says that Starbucks is working to take traditional features — such as managing a Starbucks account — to social networks such as Facebook. Instead of requiring fans and followers to go to Starbucks, Starbucks is going to them.

Twitter power: how social networking is revolutionising the music business The Guardian | September 5, 2010 | Alexandra Topping Social networks are putting the power of discovery into the hands of fans. More artists are using social networking sites to bypass the traditional media...

Tweet #38 in the history of Twitter:

“oh this is going to be addictive� @dom Dom Sagolla, Twitter co-creator

“Twitter is a platform dominated by the voice of the consumer and consists primarily of two-way conversations – the real value for marketers who participate on Twitter is in creating an ongoing dialogue with consumers that enables brands to become a more meaningful part of people’s everyday lives.”

Marketers could benefit from looking for ways to engage consumers more fully on Twitter through a more conversational tone (e.g. asking questions and inviting response rather than simply passing along information). Encouraging and participating in a dialogue with consumers will encourage more re-tweets, as well as help promote deeper brand relationships. Stats and Quotes above are from a 360i study published July 2010

Recent Headlines Behance Helps Creatives Showcase Portfolios on LinkedIn

Twitter releases official button Gap Offers 25% Discount for Foursquare Checkins

8/22/10 Posterous Redesign Highlights Ways to Share Beyond E-mail Live Video, Live Feed, Live Q&A announced 8/13/2010 Evernote Surpasses 4 Million Users

Foursquare had 1.8 million users at the end of June 2010

Facebook’s Lauches Location Based “Facebook Places” on 8/18/10

brings live chat to any website running the social toolbar

Social Networks, The Newest Recruiting Tool

Forbes | Jul. 15 2010 - 12:03 pm | Posted by Susan Gunelius

A June 2010 study by Jobvite revealed that 73.3% of surveyed companies turn to social networking sites to recruit and hire new employees. Nearly 60% of companies surveyed for the study also reported having successfully hired a new employee found through social networking websites like LinkedIn and Facebook.

HP’s Influence Project August 5, 2010 After analyzing some 22 million tweets and retweets, the report concludes that “influence” is indeed separate from “popularity.” “While a user on Twitter may have a large number of followers, his or her influence is more strongly associated with their engagement with the network, rather than the raw number of followers or retweets,” the study finds.

5 Trends Shaping the Future of Social Good | Sept 15, 2010 | Sarah Kessler

“Social media has had a profound effect on the way social good organizations approach global problems. From the Red Cross, which used text messages to raise $5 million in relief funds for Haiti, to organizations like micro-lender Kiva, which wouldn’t even exist without the concept of social networking, altruistic organizations and individuals are finding new ways to embrace social media.”

64% of Twitter’s users are aged 35 or older. 61% of Facebooks’s users are aged 35 or older The average social network user is 37 years old. LinkedIn, with its business focus, has a predictably high average user age; 44. The average Twitter user is 39 years old. The average Facebook user is 38 years old.

DIGG v. REDDIT - the infograph

“Measuring the Popularity of Social Media Platforms Across the Web” Monday, August 16, 2010

“The Social Network” A movie about the founders of the social networking website, Facebook, is set to be released

in October 2010.

knowledge is power


Special Purpose Social Networking Event Based

Social Fundraising









Enterprise Resources BackPack

share docs, schedules, discussions with group




project collaboration


Enterprise Contact Mgmt


web-based group chat tool

Collaboration Content Sharing

Documents/Diagram/ Presentation



Google Docs














drop i.o.








The Archivist - Twitter analysis -web and desktop versions available. Example chart shown above.

Flock is a browser alternative (like Firefox or Internet Explorer) that has social media integration built in. You can surf the web while seeing what is going on in your social networks at the same time. It uses the same API as Google Chrome and has many add-ons.

Information/Resource/Reviews RSS/Feed

Forums, Polls Message Boards





Google Reader





My Yahoo!







“Put your thoughts, ideas, inspiration, and things to remember all in one place. Use Evernote for work, for play, and for everything that’s noteworthy.” Evernote allows you to archive tweets, web links, images, files, notes, and more that you can access via your desktop, web, and mobile device.

“Check-in to entertainment�

Visualize your checkins

This site went live in June 2010 and is a great way to accumulate a group of links and then share with others. You can log on with a Twitter or Google account. Quora is a continually improving collection of questions and answers created, edited, and organized by everyone who uses it.

Backup/Archive The Archivist (archive and analyze tweets) Backupify (multiple networks) SocialSafe (Facebook) Socialware Sync - backup/archive/ analytics (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter) BlogBackupr (Wordpress/Blogger) Downloadr (Flickr for Windows)

Add-ons, Extensions, and Tools Feedburner (web feed mgmt) Disqus (comment system) (updates multiple networks) (shorten/track links) Shareaholic (browser add-on) AddThis (browser add-on) Meeboo (IM chat platform) Wibiya (interactive toolbar for SM) Widgetbox (create widgets)

Twitter Dashboards TweetDeck HootSuite Seesmic Brizzly

How far has your Tweet traveled? find out on allows you to visualize the words in your “flock’s” (aka followers) profiles in this fun word cloud. Left: Word cloud generated from @jenrl’s flock

You can analyze how often words appear in tweets on Right: Analysis of twitter clients Seesmic, Hootsuite, and Tweetdeck.

Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.