Bagdadeko morroia in English

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The Servant of Bagdad

Once upon a time, in the city of Bagdad , there was a rich merchant who had a servant.

One day in the morning, the servant went to the market of Bagdad to do the shopping.

But that day was not like the others. That day he saw to the death.

And the death madea gesture to the servant.

The afraid servant returned to the house of the merchant.

- My master -the servant said to their master- give me your better horse; today at night I must go far far away, to the city of Ispahan.

- But why do you want to flee? – The merchant asked the servant.

- Because I have seen the Death in the market, and she made me a threatening gesture.

The merchant was deeply moved with his words and gave him a horse. So the servant fled trying to get to Ispahan before the nightfall.

That day in the afternoon, the merchant went to the market.

And like in the morning, he met the Death in the market.

- Death- the merchant asked her why have you made a threatening gesture to my servant?

- A threatening gesture? - the death answered.No, it has not been a threatening gesture, but a gesture of surprise. I surprised to see him here, so far away from Ispahan‌

because tonight I am to meet him at Ispahan...

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