City, Surf & Sand - March Newsletter

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city surf & sand FAMILY NEWS Volume 3, Issue 3 | March 2017

ALL PEOPLE WANT TO GO TO HEAVEN, BUT NOBODY WANTS TO DIE Dan Hanson, Chief Retail Production Officer Whenever I meet with new loan officers, I take the opportunity to ask a question specifically designed to help them jump start their resolve and set the stage for a career of success: “Why is the industry average for originators only three funded loans per month? The answer, of course, resides within the originator. If three is a satisfactory number, then perhaps there’s another vocation more suited to their aspirations. At America’s lender, loanDepot, the three loans per month isn’t going to cut it. Then again, if you intend to reach far beyond the mere average, then you need to dispense with your old paradigm of thought. Most paradigms are built upon positive and negative influences from the past that have subconsciously shaped your life. By identifying the negatively influenced artificial ceilings that have been limiting your productivity, you can determine what you’re capable of — and what steps are necessary to expand your capacity to do more. This requires delving into your personal backstory to find the specific reason why those ceilings exist. Maybe it was a teacher, parent, coach, or another mentor who started out with the best of intentions — but ended up discouraging you from reaching your potential. Fact of the matter is, so much of what we learn over the course of our lifetime are lessons in limitation. These are mental shackles — erroneous notions, doubts, negativities, and misgivings that have been stamped into on our psyche over time. Take the four-minute mile, for example. Breaking the record was widely believed to be impossible until Englishman Roger Bannister ran it in 1954. Just two months later, Australia’s John Landy did the same. Once the psychological barrier was lifted, the record was no longer impossible in people’s minds. Let’s face it, striving for average isn’t a bad thing. It is, after all, literally on par with the norm. But being average is like any other barrier; if you want to rise above the mediocrity — “average” needs >>

In this Issue > Dan Hanson | All People Want to Go to Heaven, but Nobody Wants to Die > Winter Top Producers > New Team Members > Ben Judah | 4 Steps to Targeting Millennials > St. Patrick’s Day Half-Marathon > Bryn Huntpalmer | 6 Simple Changes to De-Stress Your Place > Caravan Schedule > Society Page > Spotlight on Jasmine Young > Event Calendar

“Most paradigms are built upon positive and negative influences from the past that have subconsciously shaped your life. By identifying the negatively influenced artificial ceilings that have been limiting your productivity, you can determine what you’re capable of — and what steps are necessary to expand your capacity to do more.”

- Dan Hanson, Chief Retail Production Officer

>> to be surpassed whenever possible. Here’s the great news — you’re not doomed to be average. Having worked with top performers in the mortgage industry for more than 30 years, I’ve watched the most successful of originators break through those barriers. In fact, the most successful companies find ways to empower and support the productivity of their people. Often it is the manager who holds people accountable for activities that generate referrals — or even the credit team that takes time to demonstrate how to structure a loan better. Maybe it’s the manager who’s a real stickler and holds you accountable — continuing to push you until things turn around. Or maybe it’s even the credit part of the organization — if you’re a sales professional — someone who continues to teach you – and help you understand loan underwriting better so you become more competent and a better problem solver for your borrowers. It is the job of your immediate supervisor, manager, or operational manager to try to help their employee. And if they can’t, it’s their responsibility to seek out resources to do the job. Managers don’t exist to observe their employees, but rather, they are there to help them grow as professionals and help them prevail in their given tasks. It’s great leadership that sets the standard.

As Anthony Hsieh, loanDepot chairman and CEO has said, “High expectations are the key to everything. Find your potential and exceed even your own expectations.” Once you understand who you are, and once you get help from your company, it’s up to you. The ultimate challenge is getting the work done. The old phrase, “all people want to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die” still rings true.” We all want to do ten loans a month, but doing what it takes to make that happen is another matter. However, if you want to succeed, the work is imperative. By pursuing every possible angle and mining every resource within your grasp, it’s possible to rewrite your story and find your way to the top of the mortgage profession.






NMLS ID 352862

NMLS ID 392070

NMLS ID 568769

Phana Par

Jon-Eric Lehman

Terri Valdez

Cameron Owens

Eastlake $4,473,595

UTC $1,659,761

UTC $1,371,079

Palm Desert $2,588,575

Eastlake $2,297,145

UTC $1,956,606

Terri Valdez Cameron Owens

NMLS ID 255616

NMLS ID 352862

NMLS ID 392070



Terri Valdez Cameron Owens Jon-Eric Lehman NMLS ID 352862

NMLS ID 392070

NMLS ID 255616

Eastlake 9 units

UTC 6 units

Palm Desert 4 units

Jon-Eric Lehman Terri Valdez Cameron Owens NMLS ID 255616

NMLS ID 352862

NMLS ID 392070

Palm Desert 9 units

Eastlake 6 units

UTC 5 units

WELCOME TO THE TEAM Steve Young | Production Assistant [Palm Springs] Linda Righi | Production Assistant [Palm Springs] Belinda Stowers | Sales Manager [Carlsbad] Sheldon Hecht | Loan Specialist [Palm Springs] Diana McGurk | Sales Manager [Carlsbad] Vicki Lisama | Loan Specialist [UTC] Carla Hines | Closing Manager [ SD Ops Center]

4 STEPS TO TARGETING MILLENNIALS (HINT Ben Judah, Marketing and Communications Consultant at BNJ Marketing It is no secret that the ‘Millennial’ market is one of the most coveted demographics in the market today. They are arguably the largest consumer force, with some of the highest combined spending potential and have the widest span of influence compared to any others. Why then are many companies finding it so difficult to appeal to this critical group? Firstly, if you didn’t cringe throughout that first paragraph, you’ve already started down the wrong path. When targeting any group, the golden rule is to speak in their language. How many people born from the 1980s to the early 2000s (using the widest understanding of the term), describe themselves as a ‘millennial’? I’d be hard pushed to find one. If you are using this terminology anywhere in your organization, stop – immediately. A shift in mindset is critical, the easiest way to build good channels of communication is to start acting and thinking as your target audience does. This diverse group can be split into hundreds of subsets, find the one which best reflects your group and change your terminology accordingly. Converse, Don’t Preach It is important to remember that this diverse group has a few common values; a general resentment of being dictated to, paired with an attraction to mutual conversation is paramount. As such, conversations must be two-way, this generation lives

New Hire Orientation: David Norris and Dan Hanson Present

and breathes social media, and most brands understand the importance of having a presence in the space, but the importance of the conversation is often lost. When you open a channel of conversation (like Twitter), thinking of it as a

method of delivering content is a dangerous pitfall. If you are fortunate enough to have consumers engage by sending messages or commenting, a lack of response equates to ignoring customers when they are talking directly to you. It would be unheard of to do that to a 40-year-old standing in a company’s store or office, even if they are complaining, yet

Alec at Lendit 2017

Nick at Open House


T: YOU’RE ALREADY DOING IT WRONG) so many organizations end up do it to 20-year-old sending a Tweet. It means the same to them and can be the difference between a lifelong customer and one that badmouths a brand at every opportunity. Gary Vaynerchuk puts this balance between conversation and conversion beautifully in his book ‘Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook’, in my mind, one of the best books regarding communications, especially over social media. Be Honest, Always Yes, always. More than functionality, reliability or even price, honesty is prized as the most important factor in brand loyalty. All actions of a company must be honest, genuine and authentic – if a company lies, this tech-savvy group will eviscerate a corporation. They communicate faster than any generation in history and know the ins and outs of social media better than any organization can ever hope to. If there are skeletons in an organization’s closet, they will find and expose them – the best strategy, if a company is found out to have done something wrong, is to apologize quickly, genuinely and move on. Denying things, ignoring allegations and trying to brush anything under the carpet will only end up exacerbating the situation. Add value Many brands try to approach a new market segment as it will open up new streams of revenue for the company, ensure continued profitability and help with the bottom line. These may be good reasons for the company itself but is a lousy reason for the customers they are targeting. To properly approach this market, it is core to understand and explain the value you are adding to your customer’s lives. This extends

beyond the product or service itself, and into every piece of content you distribute through social media or other channels. Consistently adding value requires a huge amount of self-awareness – it is critical to know why you are targeting your audience, and why you do everything you do. ‘Start with Why’ by Simon Sinek should be essential reading for all companies attempting to influence their audience, and is especially relevant to younger audiences. Be Consistent Marketing can no longer be siloed to deliberate outwardfacing content but needs to be ingrained within every iota of company contact. Everything from corporate social responsibility to the interview process will have an effect on the way in which a company is perceived by its audience. This age demographic will apply to more jobs than any generation in history, prioritizing applications to their favorite brands and companies. Their experiences from applications, interview, rejections and working conditions will affect how they perceive the organization. The internet age has guaranteed that nothing remains private for long, from political donations or affiliations to bad management practices or internal scandals. Any inconsistency between how a company acts in private and its public persona will be uncovered, and the fallout can lead to ruin. By conversing with your market, remaining honest, constantly adding value and remaining consistent internally and externally, you will have avoided four fatal yet basic pitfalls in approaching this misunderstood but important, group of people. Oh, and stop calling us millennials, you sound silly.

Belinda at Harcourts North American Conference

COM imortgage 2016 President’s Club Newport Beach, CA Congratulations to Cameron, Jon-Eric, Phana, Terri and Ron!

NAHREP Silver Sponsor | A Breakthro

Lori Vialpando an SDAR Af

Check out our next edition for full coverage of the 2016 Presidents Club!

YPN Thirsty Thursday | AREAA

St. P




ffiliate of the

BIA Breakfast | Senior Moments and Sage Advice

Year Finalist!

AREAA Bowling Night |



Carlsbad Dream Board Event

AREAA Lunar New Year Event

Co-Sponsored Shredding Event

SD Ops

Patrick’s Day Half-Marathon Sponsored by imortgage

Friends of Downtown

AREAA Board Meeting at UTC

COM 6 SIMPLE CHANGES TO DE-STRESS YOUR SPACE Bryn Huntpalmer, Editor and Writer for As we all know, stress takes a major toll on one’s health. Increased risks of heart disease, depression, and obesity are all consequences of an over-stressed lifstyle — not to mention aggravated chronic conditions like diabetes, asthma, and insomnia. There is an overwhelming amount of research proving the negative health-impacts of stress — yet the problem is getting getting worse. Polls show that Americans are more stressed out then ever — and milder symptoms such as heartburn, interrupted sleep, muscle soreness, and clouded thinking are considered an average aspect of everyday life. While you can’t change the world we live in, you can get better at dealing with stress, especially when it comes to those stressors that have their root right in your home. 1. Open the blinds A little sunlight in an otherwise dim apartment or home can significantly boost health and outlook, according to a report by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. They cite a study performed on prison inmates where a control group was allowed access to natural light and a nice view. The result? Dramatically fewer calls to the infirmary. While your home isn’t exactly a prison (at least, one hopes not!), a little sunlight should help quell feelings of frustration that can metastasize in a dark space. 2. Go on a digital diet I’m as guilty of overindulging in social media as anyone—the stack of books on my dresser often sits gathering dust, scrapped in favor of a few latenight gifs or Facebook quizzes. But pre-bedtime web surfing can get you into trouble: screen light prohibits melatonin production, the hormone that makes you feel sleepy. That means that your eight hours a night may be harder to come by, and the less sleep you get, the more susceptible you are to stress and anxiety. To break the habit, stop using digital devices an hour before bed, and place them away from your bedside so that you won’t be tempted to pick up your phone before dozing off. 3. Invest in some comfy bedding Speaking of sleep and how important it is, you’ll get a lot more of it if you like where you’re doing it. Clean, breathable, Egyptian cotton is ideal for bedding, with a soft, comfortable duvet for chillier nights. As

for your mattress, it should be firm enough to hold your weight without being too stiff or resistant. Give yours a test by stripping off the pillows and lying on it in a fetal position on your nondominant side (so if you’re right-handed, you’d lay on your left side). You should feel supported and comfortable, even without pillows—if not, then it may be time to invest in a new mattress. 4. Buy a plant (or two!) Houseplants do more than just look pretty. They demonstrated stress-relieving benefits in one Dutch study of hospital rooms—plus, certain species are natural air purifiers that can reduce the level of harmful toxins throughout the home. For the black thumbs out there, spider plants and peace lilies in particular make a great choice. They both clear the air and are easy, low-maintenance plants that do well in partial sunlight or shade. 5. Take it one step at a time Advice urging a deep clean or decluttering falls deaf on the ears of the overstressed. Another huge project to add to an already massive to-do list? No thank you. But a messy, disorganized space has been shown to have negative benefits on your psyche. Physical clutter competes for your attention, drawing focus off the task at hand—in fact, it may be just as bad for your brain as multitasking. Instead of trying to conquer your home in one day, divide your decluttering into manageable tasks or “zones” that you can tackle over time. If you find the idea of cleaning less than thrilling, you’ll love the app Unfilth Your Habitat. It’s like a motivational coach for house chores, and it includes built-in break time—a must for those of us with too much to do. 6. Practice mindfulness while cleaning Routine tasks like dishes or folding laundry make the perfect opportunity to practice mindfulness, which has been shown to reduce stress and contribute to overall feelings of well-being, as well as help with emotional regulation, so you’ll be able to better deal with stress triggers in the future. In order to deal with problems that cause stress, we tend to ruminate, running the issues over and over in our minds, which tires out our brains. Mindfulness teaches us to focus and direct attention onto the task at hand, leading to clarity and calm. That’s not just a benefit to your space—it’s a life-changer.




Meeting Location

TUESDAY #G10 – Scripps Ranch

Pitch: 9:00am – 9:45am Tour: 1:00pm – 4:00pm

La Bastide Bistro 10006 Scripps Ranch Blvd. #104, San Diego, CA

#G12 - Mission Bay, Pacific Beach, Mission Beach (92109)

Pitch: 8:30 am - 9:30 am Tour: 9:30 am - 12:00 pm


Mission Bay Yacht Club 1215 El Carmel Place, San Diego, CA

#G27 – Rancho Bernardo, West of 1-15 (92127)

Pitch: 9:00am. – 10:00am Tour: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm


4S Boys and Girls Club 16118 4 S Ranch Pkwy, San Diego, CA

#702 Del Mar, Carmel Valley, Solana Beach, Rancho Santa Fe (92014, 92067, 92075, 92091, 92127, 92130)

Pitch: 11:00am – 12:00pm Tour: 1:00pm – 4:00pm

Searsucker (Del Mar Highlands Plaza) 12995 El Camino Real, Del Mar, CA

#607 – Escondido (92025, 92026, 92027, 92029)

Pitch: 8:30am – 10:00pm Tour: 10:30pm – 1:30pm

The Masonic Center 1331 S. Escondido Blvd., Escondido, CA

#G18 – 92111, 92119, 92120, 91941, 91942 (1st & 3rdOf the Month)

Pitch: 9:00am – 10:00am Tour: 10:00am to 12:00pm

Marie Calender’s 6950 Alvarado Rd., San Diego, CA

#G118 – Coronado (92118)

Pitch: 9:30 am last Wed. of each month only Tour: Weekly at 11:00am – 1:00pm

#G129 - Rancho Penasquitos 92129

Pitch: 10:30am Tour: Immediately after Pitch

Cafe 56 - patio area 13211 Black Mountain Road, Von’s center in PQ

Rally & Ride

Pitch & Tour: 9:30 am

PSAR South County Service Center 880 Canarios Ct., Ste. 100, Chula Vista

#702 – Carlsbad, Encinitas, Cardiff (92007, 92009, 92011, 92024)

Pitch: 8:00am – 9:40am Tour: 10:30pm – 1:00pm

C3 Church 2716 Gateway Rd., Carlsbad, CA 92009

#801N & 802S – Fallbrook/Bonsall (92003, 92028,)

Pitch: 8:30am – 9:30am Tour: 9:30pm – 1:30pm

Fallbrook Country Escrow Office 1676 S. Mission Rd # E, Fallbrook, CA



Coronado Yacht Club 1631 Strand Way, Coronado, CA

THURSDAY #G8 - Downtown San Diego (92101, 92103) Parking: Metered street parking or nearby parking garages

Pitch: 8:30 a.m. - 9:30a.m. Tour: 10:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.


Meze Greek Fusion 345 6th Street, San Diego, CA

#G16 - Point Loma & Ocean Beach

Pitch: 8:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Tour : 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.


Portuguese Hall 2818 Avenida De Portugal, San Diego, CA

#G6 – Clairemont, Linda Vista, Bay Park, Bay Ho, University City and Sera Mesa (92110, 92111, 92117, 92122, 92123)

Pitch: 11:30am - 12:30pm Tour : 12:45am - 2:30pm


Hometown Buffet 3007 Clairemont Dr., San Diego, CA

#G26 - Rancho Bernardo and Carmel Mountain Ranch in zip 92128 and all of zip 92127

Pitch: 9:00am – 9:30am Tour: 9:45am – 12:00 pm


St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church 16275 Pomerado Road, Poway, CA

#G111 - Golden Triangle (92122, 92037)

Pitch: 11:30am - 12:30pm Tour : 12:45am - 2:30pm


Cozymel’s Coastal Mex 4303 La Jolla Villa Dr., San Diego, CA

#G126 - Mira Mesa, Sorrento Valley (92126, 92121)

Pitch: 11:30am - 12:30pm Tour : 12:45am - 2:30pm


Cozymel’s Coastal Mex 4303 La Jolla Villa Dr., San Diego, CA 92122

#G704 – Oceanside 92054, 92056, 92057, 92058

Pitch: 8:00am - 9:30am Tour: 9:30am - 11:30am.

Woman’s Club 3220 Monroe St., Carlsbad, CA

#602 – San Marcos (92069,92078) #601 – Vista (92081, 92083, 92084)

Pitch: 8:30am – 9:00pm Tour: 10:000pm – 1:00pm

Nucci’s Italian Restaurant 1580 South Melrose Dr., Vista, CA

#G64 – Poway (92128) & Sabre Springs South of Ted Williams Pkwy

Pitch: 8:30 a.m. - 9:45a.m. Tour: 9:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.


St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church 16275 Pomerado Road, Poway, CA

#G14 East & West - Metro Area West of Park Blvd (92101, 92103, 92108, 92110, 92116)

Pitch: 8:30am – 9:30am Tour: 10:00am – 1:00pm


Kato Sushi 1045 University Avenue, San Diego, CA


Anniversaries 6 yrs 4 yrs 3 yrs 2 yrs 2 yrs 2 yrs 2 yrs

Franc Marquez Mike Surges Terri Valdez Casey Sawyer Brenda Sanchez Tracie Pedroza Holly Johnson

03.07 04.17 03.27 03.09 03.16 03.24 03.31


Birthdays Monica Bland 03.03 LaQuishe Burroughs 03.04 Peter Par 03.16 Anastasia Lee 03.19 Autumn Newhouse 03.28 Jay Garcia 04.03 Jacky Padin 04.09 Ethan Jones 04.24


Jolene, Monica and Jasmine Celebrations

Jolene and the Grandbabies

Christne, Mikey and Mason | Holly’s Sailor


Blanca’s Niece Emma & Nephew Isaac

Belinda, steve and the Gang



A WONDER OF WANDERLUST We sat down with Jasmine Young to learn what keeps this PA always on the edge of something new. When did you discover your love for traveling and experiencing new cultures? JY: When I was younger and moved back from Japan. We would take short vacations or long drives every so often as a family and I fell in love with discovery and learning. Where is your favorite destination? Why? JY: Right now, San Francisco. I love the culture (as it is comprised of numerous cultures) and the ample opportunities to engage in new experiences.

Mary Snowboarding and with Grandpa

You also have a love for cuisine. Do you like to cook? What are some of your favorite restaurants in San Diego? JY: I do like cooking. When I make the time, I find it very relaxing. I like to make healthy dishes, modifying things I enjoyed as a kid to fit the habits I have now. I have a lot of favorite restaurants but to name a few: Cheesecake Factory, Casa de Pico and Underbelly. With your thirst for knowledge, you must try a lot of new things. Food and drink aside, what are some of the most unique? JY: Zipline on the Las Vegas Strip. Submarine trip. Visiting one of the magnificent Buddhist temples in Japan.

Sheldon and Sean | Mary with Family

You’re getting married in October. Can we expect the unexpected at your wedding? JY: I can’t say that there will be anything too shocking happening at our wedding, but I can say it will be a memorable experience.

Casey with Nicolette and Maverick the Lion

Jolene and Daughters in Hawaii








1st Friday Breakfast Carlsbad Chamber


7am - 9am




Leads Lunch Palm Springs Chamber


Leads Lunch 10 9 Palm Desert 12pm -1pm

12pm - 1pm




Leads Lunch Palm Springs Chamber

Coffee Connection Carlsbad Chamber

YPN Thirsty Thursday 4pm - 7pm AREAA Bowling Night 5pm - 9:30pm 6 Degrees Cigar Society 6pm - 8pm


6 Degrees Career Accelerator WeWork San Diego

12pm - 1pm

8am - 9am

16 BIA Meet the Builder 17


& Developer Hilton Mission Bay

11:30am - 1:30pm

1pm - 11pm

New Hire Orientation




Leads Lunch Palm Springs Chamber


12pm - 1pm

Sales Meeting UTC Branch


President’s Club






10am - 12pm

President’s Club




Leads Lunch


12pm - 1pm

First Round Connectors House of Blues 5:30pm - 7pm










4 6 Degrees Breakfast Speaker Series




Sales Meeting UTC Branch

7:30am - 9:30am

Leads Lunch Palm Springs Chamber

1st Friday Breakfast Carlsbad Chamber


7am - 9am

10am - 12pm

12pm - 1pm




Leads Lunch Palm Springs Chamber 12pm - 1pm


6 Degrees Executive Lunch Forum


11:30am - 1pm

SDAR Realtor Connect Avant Bar

12pm -1pm

NAHREP Mix & Mingle Green Dragon Tavern



Leads Lunch

12pm - 1pm BIA SCC After Dark Mixer 4:30pm - 7:30pm


6 Degrees Breakfast Series 7:30am - 10am


Coffee Connection Carlsbad Chamber


8am - 9am

5:30pm - 7:30pm

4pm - 6pm


Palm Desert Leads Lunch

20 BIA Leadership Smt 21 7am - 10am


NAHREP San Diego 5pm - 8pm

New Hire Orientation

23 / 30



Leads Lunch Palm Springs Chamber 12pm - 1pm

First Round Connectors House of Blues 5:30pm - 7pm


27 6 Degrees Mixer Curadero 4pm - 7pm

Palm Desert Leads Lunch



12pm -1pm

SDAR Real Estate Expo Convention Center 8am - 7pm

Please share pictures of all your industry events, conventions, awards, sales meetings. Send to Holly ( with a small explanation., LLC. Licensed by the Department of Business Oversight under the California Residential Mortgage Lending Act CRMLA 4131040. NMLS #174457 ( For more licensing, please visit

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