City, Surf & Sand Family News - March 2016

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city surf & sand team

Volume 2, Issue 7 | March 2016


HOW LARRY PAGE, ELON MUSK AND JACK DORSEY FELT WHEN STARTING THEIR COMPANIES Adam Grant, Wharton Professor and NYT Writer If you do the math, becoming an entrepreneur is insane. The odds of success are tiny; failure is almost guaranteed. To make the leap, you have to be fearless. Or so I thought. I spent the past three years working on a book, Originals, about the people who champion new ideas to drive creativity and change in the world. Along the way, I hunted down some of the most original entrepreneurs of our time, sitting down with tech icons ranging from Larry Page and Elon Musk to Jack Dorsey and Mark Cuban. When I asked them to take me back to the early days, they caught me off guard. They all felt the same fear of failure that the rest of us do. They just responded to it differently. When most of us fear failure, we walk away from our boldest ideas. Instead of being original, we play it safe, selling conventional products and familiar services. But great entrepreneurs have a different response to the fear of failure. Yes, they’re afraid of failing, but they’re even more afraid of failing to try. In work and in life, there are two kinds of failure: actions and inactions. You can fail by starting a company that goes out of business or by not starting a company at all. By getting left at the altar or by never proposing marriage. Most people predict that it’s the actions they’ll regret more. We cringe at the anguish of declaring bankruptcy or getting rejected by the love of our lives. But we are dead wrong. When people reflect on their biggest regrets, they wish they could redo the inactions, not the actions. “In the long run, people of every age and in every walk of life seem to regret not having done things much more than they regret things they did,” psychologists Tom Gilovich and Vicky Medvec summarize, “which is why the most popular regrets include not going to college, not grasping profitable business opportunities, and not spending enough time with family and friends.” Ultimately, what we regret is not failure, but the failure to act. Knowing that is what propels people to become original. Leonardo Da Vinci wrote repeatedly in his notebook, “Tell me if anything was ever done.” He might have been afraid to fail, but he was more afraid

A Brief History of St. Patrick’s Day St. Patrick’s Day, or the Feast of Saint Patrick (Irish: Lá Fhéile Pádraig, “the Day of the Festival of Patrick”), is a cultural and religious celebration held on 17 March, the traditional death date of Saint Patrick (c. AD 385–461), the foremost patron saint of Ireland. St. Patrick’s Day was made an official Christian feast day in the early 17th century. It commemorates Saint Patrick and the arrival of Christianity in Ireland, and celebrates the heritage and culture of the Irish. Festivities often involve parades and festivals, céilithe, and the wearing of green attire or shamrocks. (Saint Patrick is said to have used the shamrock, a three-leaved plant, to explain the Holy Trinity to the pagan Irish. The color green has been associated with Ireland since at least the 1640s, when the green harp flag was used by the Irish Catholic Confederation.) Leprechauns are also associated with St. Patrick’s Day, although the reason is simply because they’re Irish. Each leprechaun is said to have his own pot of gold coins, which can be found at the end of a rainbow. Christians also attend church services and the Lenten restrictions on eating and drinking alcohol are lifted for the day, which has encouraged and propagated the holiday’s tradition of alcohol consumption.

city surf & sand team





Cameron Owens

Joan Llanes

Lora Calvert

Cameron Owens

Jon-Eric Lehman

Cheryl Kuck

NMLS ID 390270

NMLS ID 633016

NMLS ID 291550

NMLS ID 390270

NMLS ID 255616

NMLS ID 247809

UTC $2,174,406

Carlsbad $1,485,689

Eastlake $1,257,897

UTC $2,309,362

Palm Desert $2,112,900

UTC $2,040,729



Cameron Owens

Joan Llanes

Cheryl Kuck / Lora Calvert

Jon-Eric Lehman

Cameron Owens / Cheryl Kuck / Joan Llanes

NMLS ID 390270

NMLS ID 633016

NMLS ID 247809 / 291550

NMLS ID 255616

NMLS ID 390270 / 247809 / 633016

UTC 6 loans

Carlsbad 4 loans

UTC/Eastlake 3 loans

Palm Desert 9 loans

UTC / UTC / Carlsbad 5 loans

that he would fail to accomplish anything of significance. That propelled him to keep painting, inventing, and designing to become the ultimate Renaissance Man. Da Vinci didn’t answer my request for an interview. But the entrepreneurs I met consistently told me they weren’t afraid of failing, but of failing to matter. And that meant they had to make an effort, to take a shot at bringing their new ideas into the world. Originals learn to see failure not as a sign that their ideas are doomed, but as a necessary step toward success. We learn more from failure than success: for example, evidence shows that space shuttles are more likely to make it to orbit after botched launches. A failure signals a gap in knowledge or a poor strategy, and motivates us to go back to the drawing board and get it right. Without failure, complacency can creep in. At NASA, the Challenger disaster happened after 24

AT WORK ... HONORABLE MENTIONS PERSONAL BESTS FOR FEBRUARY* Jon-Eric Lehman - 9 Units Cheryl Kuck - 6 Units, $2,206,722

Cameron Owens was the top funding builder loan consultant for January in our Region with $1,679,535. Congrats! The City, Surf & Sand Team averaged 2.3 loans each for February.

* since joining the imortgage team

New UTC Office Dusty Boot Event successful space flights, which led to overconfidence. “In their own minds,” physicist Richard Feynman reflected, “They could do no wrong.” With original ideas, failure is inevitable, because it’s impossible to predict how technologies will evolve and tastes will change. Mark Cuban passed on Uber. In the early days of Google, Larry Page and Sergey Brin tried to sell their search engine for less then $2 million, but their potential buyer turned them down. Publishers rejected Harry Potter because it was too long for a children’s book. Executives passed on Seinfeld for having incomplete plot lines and unlikeable characters. Pay a visit to Jerry Seinfeld’s bathroom, and you might find a memo hanging on the wall that calls the pilot episode of Seinfeld “weak” and says ““No segment of the audience was eager to watch the show again.” Throughout history, the great originals have been the ones

who failed the most, because they were the ones who tried the most. Most of Thomas Edison’s 1,093 patents went nowhere; Picasso had to produce over 20,000 pieces of art to make a few masterpieces. We see the same trend with entrepreneurs. Before Uber, Travis Kalanick’s first startup declared bankruptcy. Oprah Winfrey was fired from her job as a reporter. Steve Jobs flopped with the Apple Lisa and got forced out of his own company before making his triumphant return—and even after the iPod succeeded, he made a bad bet on the Segway personal transporter. And with all of Richard Branson’s success in airlines, trains, music, and mobile, he has also presided over the failure of Virgin cola, cars, and wedding dresses. So take it from this group of elite failures. If at first you don’t succeed, you’ll know you’re aiming high enough., @adammgrant

city surf & sand team

HOW TO AVOID THE TROUBLING HABITS By Dr. Travis Bradberry, Coauthor Emotional Intelligence 2.0 & President at TalentSmart Happiness comes in so many different forms that it can be hard to define. Unhappiness, on the other hand, is easy to identify; you know it when you see it, and you definitely know when it’s taken ahold of you. Unhappiness is lethal to everyone around you, just like second-hand smoke. The famous Terman Study from Stanford followed subjects for eight decades and found that being around unhappy people is linked to poorer health and a shorter life span. Happiness has much less to do with life circumstances than you might think. A University of Illinois study found that people who earn the most (more than $10 million annually) are only a smidge happier than the average Joes and Janes who work for them. Life circumstances have little to do with happiness because much happiness is under your control—the product of your habits and your outlook on life. Psychologists from the University of California who study happiness found that genetics and life circumstances only account for about 50% of a person’s happiness. The rest is up to you. Unhappy Habits When people are unhappy, it’s much more difficult to be around them, let alone work with them. Unhappiness drives people away, creating a vicious cycle that holds you back from achieving everything that you’re capable of. Unhappiness can catch you by surprise. So much of your happiness is determined by your habits (in thought and deed) that you have to monitor them closely to make certain that they don’t drag you down into the abyss. Some habits lead to unhappiness more than others do. You should be especially wary of the ten habits that follow as they are the worst offenders. Watch yourself carefully to make certain that these habits are not your own. Waiting for the future. Telling yourself, “I’ll be happy when …” is one of the easiest unhappy habits to fall into. How you end the statement doesn’t really matter (it might be a promotion, more pay, or a new relationship) because it puts too much emphasis on circumstances, and improved circumstances don’t lead to happiness. Don’t spend your time waiting for something that’s proven to have no effect on your mood. Instead focus

on being happy right now, in the present moment, because there’s no guarantee of the future. Spending too much time and effort acquiring “things.” People living in extreme poverty experience a significant increase in happiness when their financial circumstances improve, but it drops off quickly above $20,000 in annual income. There’s an ocean of research that shows that material things don’t make you happy. When you make a habit of chasing things, you are likely to become unhappy because, beyond the disappointment you experience once you get them, you discover that you’ve gained them at the expense of the real things that can make you happy, such as friends, family, and hobbies. Staying home. When you feel unhappy, it’s tempting to avoid other people. This is a huge mistake as socializing, even when you don’t enjoy it, is great for your mood. We all have those days when we just want to pull the covers over our heads and refuse to talk to anybody, but understand that the moment this becomes a tendency, it destroys your mood. Recognize when unhappiness is making you antisocial, force yourself to get out there and mingle, and you’ll notice the difference right away. Seeing yourself as a victim. Unhappy people tend to operate from the default position that


S OF CHRONICALLY UNHAPPY PEOPLE life is both hard and out of their control. In other words, “Life is out to get me, and there’s nothing I can do about it.” The problem with that philosophy is that it fosters a feeling of helplessness, and people who feel helpless aren’t likely to take action to make things better. While everyone is certainly entitled to feel down every once in a while, it’s important to recognize when you’re letting this affect your outlook on life. You’re not the only person that bad things happen to, and you do have control over your future long as you’re willing to take action. Pessimism. Nothing fuels unhappiness quite like pessimism. The problem with a pessimistic attitude, beyond it being hard on your mood, is that it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy: if you expect bad things, you’re more likely to get bad things. Pessimistic thoughts are hard to shake off until you recognize how illogical they are. Force yourself to look at the facts, and you’ll see that things are not nearly as bad as they seem. Complaining. Complaining itself is troubling as well as the attitude that precedes it. Complaining is a self-reinforcing behavior. By constantly talking — and therefore thinking — about how bad things are, you reaffirm your negative beliefs. While talking about what bothers you can help you feel better,

there’s a fine line between complaining being therapeutic and it fueling unhappiness. Beyond making you unhappy, complaining drives other people away. Blowing things out of proportion. Bad things happen to everybody. The difference is that happy people see them for what they are—a temporary bummer—whereas unhappy people see anything negative as further evidence that life is out to get them. A happy person is upset if they have a fender bender on the way to work, but they keep things in perspective: “What a hassle, but at least it wasn’t more serious.” An unhappy person, on the other hand, uses it as proof that the day, the week, the month, maybe even their whole life, is doomed. Sweeping problems under the rug. Happy people are accountable for their actions. When they make a mistake, they own it. Unhappy people, on the other hand, find problems and mistakes to be threatening, so they try to hide them. Problems tend to get bigger when they’re ignored. The more you don’t do anything about a problem, the more it starts to feel as though you can’t do anything about it, and then you’re right back to feeling like a victim again. Not improving. Because unhappy people are pessimists and feel a lack of control over their lives, they tend to sit back and wait for life to happen to them. Instead of setting goals, learning, and improving themselves, they just keep plodding along, and then they wonder why things never change. Trying to keep up with the Joneses. Jealousy and envy are incompatible with happiness, so if you’re constantly comparing yourself with others, it’s time to stop. In one study, most subjects said that they’d be okay with making less money, but only if everybody else did too. Be wary of this kind of thinking as it won’t make you happy and, more often than not, has the opposite effect. Bringing It All Together Changing your habits in the name of greater happiness is one of the best things that you can do for yourself. But it’s also important for another reason—taking control of your happiness makes everyone around you happier too., @travisbradberry


city surf & sand team

Renovation Seminar for Realtors Hosted by imortgage with Tom Fiddler, Milton Manolis and John Meadows

Tracey at a YPN Event | Tracey & Phana at PSAR |

Palm Desert Affiliate Expo


6 Degrees Cigar Society Event

Terri Sjodin Sales Training

| Ultimate Agent Training with Roxy Kelemen

MMUNITY & CULTURE CORNER Neighborhood / Zip Code



Meeting Location

TUESDAY #G10 – Scripps Ranch

Pitch: 9:00am – 9:45am Tour: 1:00pm – 4:00pm

La Bastide Bistro 10006 Scripps Ranch Blvd. #104, San Diego, CA

#G12 - Mission Bay, Pacific Beach, Mission Beach (92109)

Pitch: 8:30 am - 9:30 am Tour: 9:30 am - 12:00 pm


Mission Bay Yacht Club 1215 El Carmel Place, San Diego, CA

#G27 – Rancho Bernardo, West of 1-15 (92127)

Pitch: 9:00am. – 10:00am Tour: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm


4S Boys and Girls Club 16118 4 S Ranch Pkwy, San Diego, CA

#702 Del Mar, Carmel Valley, Solana Beach, Rancho Santa Fe (92014, 92067, 92075, 92091, 92127, 92130)

Pitch: 11:00am – 12:00pm Tour: 1:00pm – 4:00pm

Searsucker (Del Mar Highlands Plaza) 12995 El Camino Real, Del Mar, CA

#607 – Escondido (92025, 92026, 92027, 92029)

Pitch: 8:30am – 10:00pm Tour: 10:30pm – 1:30pm

The Masonic Center 1331 S. Escondido Blvd., Escondido, CA

#G18 – 92111, 92119, 92120, 91941, 91942 (1st & 3rdOf the Month)

Pitch: 9:00am – 10:00am Tour: 10:00am to 12:00pm

Marie Calender’s 6950 Alvarado Rd., San Diego, CA

#G118 – Coronado (92118)

Pitch: 9:30 am last Wed. of each month only Tour: Weekly at 11:00am – 1:00pm

#G129 - Rancho Penasquitos 92129

Pitch: 10:30am Tour: Immediately after Pitch

Cafe 56 - patio area 13211 Black Mountain Road, Von’s center in PQ

Rally & Ride

Pitch & Tour: 9:30 am

PSAR South County Service Center 880 Canarios Ct., Ste. 100, Chula Vista

#702 – Carlsbad, Encinitas, Cardiff (92007, 92009, 92011, 92024)

Pitch: 8:00am – 9:40am Tour: 10:30pm – 1:00pm

C3 Church 2716 Gateway Rd., Carlsbad, CA 92009

#801N & 802S – Fallbrook/Bonsall (92003, 92028,)

Pitch: 8:30am – 9:30am Tour: 9:30pm – 1:30pm

Fallbrook Country Escrow Office 1676 S. Mission Rd # E, Fallbrook, CA



Coronado Yacht Club 1631 Strand Way, Coronado, CA

THURSDAY #G8 - Downtown San Diego (92101, 92103) Parking: Metered street parking or nearby parking garages

Pitch: 8:30 a.m. - 9:30a.m. Tour: 10:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.


Meze Greek Fusion 345 6th Street, San Diego, CA

#G16 - Point Loma & Ocean Beach

Pitch: 8:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Tour : 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.


Portuguese Hall 2818 Avenida De Portugal, San Diego, CA

#G6 – Clairemont, Linda Vista, Bay Park, Bay Ho, University City and Sera Mesa (92110, 92111, 92117, 92122, 92123)

Pitch: 11:30am - 12:30pm Tour : 12:45am - 2:30pm


Hometown Buffet 3007 Clairemont Dr., San Diego, CA

#G26 - Rancho Bernardo and Carmel Mountain Ranch in zip 92128 and all of zip 92127

Pitch: 9:00am – 9:30am Tour: 9:45am – 12:00 pm


St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church 16275 Pomerado Road, Poway, CA

#G111 - Golden Triangle (92122, 92037)

Pitch: 11:30am - 12:30pm Tour : 12:45am - 2:30pm


Cozymel’s Coastal Mex 4303 La Jolla Villa Dr., San Diego, CA

#G126 - Mira Mesa, Sorrento Valley (92126, 92121)

Pitch: 11:30am - 12:30pm Tour : 12:45am - 2:30pm


Cozymel’s Coastal Mex 4303 La Jolla Villa Dr., San Diego, CA 92122

#G704 – Oceanside 92054, 92056, 92057, 92058

Pitch: 8:00am - 9:30am Tour: 9:30am - 11:30am.

Woman’s Club 3220 Monroe St., Carlsbad, CA

#602 – San Marcos (92069,92078) #601 – Vista (92081, 92083, 92084)

Pitch: 8:30am – 9:00pm Tour: 10:000pm – 1:00pm

Nucci’s Italian Restaurant 1580 South Melrose Dr., Vista, CA

#G64 – Poway (92128) & Sabre Springs South of Ted Williams Pkwy

Pitch: 8:30 a.m. - 9:45a.m. Tour: 9:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.


St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church 16275 Pomerado Road, Poway, CA

#G14 East & West - Metro Area West of Park Blvd (92101, 92103, 92108, 92110, 92116)

Pitch: 8:30am – 9:30am Tour: 10:00am – 1:00pm


Kato Sushi 1045 University Avenue, San Diego, CA


city surf & sand team

THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO CAFFEINE: BLA By Carlyn Shear, Multimedia Jounalist in Health, Wellness and Lifestyle The coffee versus tea debate usually boils down to personal preference (though studies have shown that this preference might actually be a genetic predisposition). Coffee is great when you need a quick jolt of energy, but the caffeine crash is less than desirable. Black tea has less caffeine, but will energize you in a long-lasting, less abrupt way. So which should we choose? We decided to investigate the health properties of both coffee and black tea to see how they compare in aspects beyond simply caffeine count and taste. Oral Health While black tea has been known to stain your pearly whites, it’s actually very beneficial for teeth and gum health. According to a study by the Academy of General Dentistry, black tea does not have an erosive effect on the teeth, resulting in far less enamel loss than other beverages. Other studies funded by the Tea Trade Health Research Association found that black tea can reduce cavities and tooth decay by lowering bacteria growth and plaque formation. Containing between .2 and .5 milligrams of fluoride per cup (even more than green tea!), black tea stops the development of cavityproducing bacteria in the mouth and prevents the formation of bacteria that produce acid. The antioxidants in black tea work to prevent plaque buildup on your teeth, keeping your teeth healthier and your breath fresher! Pigments from coffee can get embedded in the pits and ridges of tooth enamel because of tannins, color compounds that cause a yellowish stain. Coffee is also high in polyphenol, which can help prevent against plaque. However, teeth stains are still possible, despite the plaque-fighting properties of coffee. To ward off coffee stains use a straw, brush your teeth after drinking, or eat high fiber fruits, which are effective in keeping teeth clean. Antioxidants Many of tea’s health benefits are a result of the phytochemicals and polyphenols (types of antioxidants) that it contains. Black tea has an abundance of antioxidants, which aid the immune system and fight against inflammation and chronic disease. With its high oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC), teas are proven to decrease the risk of cancers, heart disease, and neurological disorders. Black tea also contains catechins

and TF-2, a theaflavin antioxidant that kills cancer-causing cells. Coffee is also rich in disease-fighting antioxidants, such as hydrocinnamic acids and polyphenols. These antioxidants neutralize free radicals (by donating electrons to free radicals and thus “disarming” them) and prevent oxidative stress. Studies have shown that coffee’s antioxidant properties may also protect against eye problems, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and chronic diseases like cancer and stroke. Caffeine While black tea does in fact contain caffeine, it has about half as much as coffee (one cup of coffee has about 95 mg, whereas one cup of black tea has about 47 mg). With tea you will still get the benefits of caffeine—like an increase in energy and alertness—without the crash. The amino acid, l-theanine, found in tea reduces stress and promotes relaxation. L-theanine calms the body without reducing the overall affects of the caffeine intake. For some people (especially those with desk jobs), the consensus is clear: the more coffee, the better! (Bring on the caffeine, as we sometimes say!) However, too much of this aromatic drink has been shown to cause anxiety, heart palpitations, insomnia, and restlessness. So moderation is key.


ACK TEA VS. COFFEE Weight Loss Black tea does not contain calories, sugar, or cholesterol, and as a result, it can aid in maintaining a healthy weight. Drinking large amounts of black tea can lower obesity levels by regulating blood sugar—causing your cravings to diminish. The antioxidants in black tea also contribute to weight management as they boost the body’s metabolism.

SDAR Installation | Carlsbad Caravan Hosted by imortgage

Coffee is an appetite suppressant and can reduce hunger for a short time, however not long enough to effectively cause weight loss. Studies have found that coffee also may contribute to weight loss through calorie burning by thermogenesis— generating body heat to burn calories. Diabetes Prevention Both coffee and tea have been proven to reduce the risk of developing diabetes. Black tea contains polysaccharides, carbohydrates that slow blood sugar absorption and may lower diabetes risk. Studies show that people who drank one to two cups of black tea a day over a long period of time had a 70 percent lower chance of developing type-2 diabetes. It has also been found that drinking three or more cups of tea a day lowers the risk of developing type-2 diabetes.

NAHREP Installation with 2015 Board Member Joan

A Harvard School of Public Health study found that those who increased their coffee intake by one or more cups a day for four years had an 11 percent lower risk of type 2 diabetes than those who did not. The study also found that people who decreased their coffee intake by more than a cup a day actually increased their risk of diabetes by 17 percent. Cardiovascular Benefits The flavonoids in black tea can reduce blood clots, improve blood vessel function, and thus strengthen cardiovascular activity. People who consume three or more cups of black tea a day have a 21 percent lower risk of having a stroke. High levels of caffeine (too much coffee) can be bad for your heart, but up to two or three cups of coffee a day should have no impact on cardiovascular health. Coffee can act as a diuretic and flush the body of vital nutrients, so it is important to stay hydrated and get all of the essential nutrients. Whether you’re a coffee or tea person, consider some of these health benefits before you reach for your next cup., @cshear3

YPN Sponsorship with Tracey

“Regardless of your past, tomorrow is a clean slate.”

city surf & sand team

Babies of Many Varieties: Jennifer and Her Pups; Christine 8 Months Pregnant; Mikey on V-Day; Franc with Vinnie

Rons Birthday at Pebble Beach


| Christine’s Baby Shower | Franc and Family in Cuba | Casey Snowboarding

5 yrs Franc Marquez 03.07 2 yrs 3 yrs Justin Goodman 03.04 1 yr 3 yrs Monica Castrellon 03.20 1 yr 3 yrs Jinny Johnston 03.25 1 yr 3 yrs Joan Llanes 04.01 1 yr 3 yrs Mike Surges 04.17 1 yr


Lisa Coleman 03.03 Laura Alatorre 03.09 Peter Par 03.16 Anastasia Lee 03.19 Amber Norris 03.26

Terri Valdez


Casey Sawyer Brenda Sanchez Tracie Pedroza Holly Johnson Jennifer Entner

03.09 03.16 03.24 03.31 04.20

Melissa Sandoval 04.05 Jacky Padin 04.09 Steve Goward 04.12 Robert Castellanos 04.21 Debbie Werth 04.29


Clockwise from upper left: Sheldon Hecht, Blanca Fonseca, Todd Eldridge, Vicki Sweeten, Holly Johnson, Franc Marquez, Laura Alatorre, Jasmine Young

Answers below!

City, Surf & Sand Team: (Not SO Long) Before imortgage

Guess Who??



city surf & sand team




Ultimate Agent Training Carlsbad Branch



YPN Thirsty Thursday Societe Brewing Company



LO Renovation Seminar Mission Valley Hilton 9am - 3pm





1st Friday Breakfast Carlsbad Chamber

9 Realtor Reno Seminar 10AREAA Bowling 10am - 12pm

Tournament East Village Tavern

6 Degrees Mixer 4pm - 7pm

AREAA Monthly Mixer


Coffee Connection Carlsbad Chamber

16BIA Meet the Builder 17


12 St. Patrick’s Day Half Marathon sponsored by imortgage

8am - 9am

6pm - 9pm

4:30pm - 7pm


7am - 9am

4pm - 7pm

9:30am - 12:30pm







Hilton Mission Bay 4pm - 7 pm

Carlsbad Sundowner 5pm - 7pm




Holly Nanula Harcourts



6 Degrees Breakfast NTC McMillin Center

4:30pm - 6:30pm

6:30am - 9:30am

New Hire Orientation













1st Friday Breakfast Carlsbad Chamber 7am - 9am







Coffee Connection Carlsbad Chamber

Joint Sales Meeting 10am - 12pm




Business Breakfast Palm Desert Chamber Desert Willow Golf



8am - 9am




20 Eastlake Sales Mtg 21



7:30am - 8:45am




10am - 12pm


Carlsbad Sundowner 5pm - 7pm

New Hire Orientation


NAHREP Leveraging Resources 12pm - 3pm

25 Desert Cancer

Foundation Round for Life Avondale Golf Course 7:30am - 12pm


Holly Nanula Harcourts

Real Estate Networking 4:30pm - 6:30pm


28 Networking Lunch Palm Desert Chamber 11:30am - 1:00pm

Presidents Club



Presidents Club Cabo San Lucas

Presidents Club Cabo San Lucas

Cabo San Lucas

Please share pictures of all your industry events, conventions, awards, sales meetings. Send to Holly Johnson ( with a small explanation. Imortgage is licensed by the Department of Business Oversight under the California Residential Mortgage Lending Act CRMLA 4131040. NMLS ID 174457. All rights reserved. Equal Housing Opportunity.

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