Ratchet + Worthy Issue

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IS S U E 23


Ratchet + Worthy

7 Day s o f Ne w Love Written by: Urm a R edm on d

Ratchet + Worthy magazine -st yled affirmation workbooks for personal growth and reflec tion. Cover + Foreword: B re S c ullark PHOTOGRAPHER: JACK CANNON PHOTOGAPHY

Inside M odel: S akeia Anderson PHOTOGRAPHER: ISHA GAINES PHOTO

Throne Rental: @Akk a_Nicole_Flowers

ratchet + worthy gifts We're in the last quarter of the year and things are looking up. The Ratchet + Worthy affirmation workbook is one to help you grow in your ratchet areas and accept the not so sweet parts of you. Paralleled with the items on this page we want to homage to the better you even if she's a little rough around the edges.

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Ratchet + Worthy : 7 Days of New Love

“It is our desire that you are guided by growth and not by weeds.”


Why Ratchet? Why Worthy? We all have “work” to do on ourselves and just because we’re working doesn’t mean we can’t live fulfilled lives. The easier thing to do is to just let it be, but as a very defined advocate for therapy, it may be time to do the work. I have been one to rest in my mistakes and cry out as if it’s still happening. Like a movie that replays over and over, with no sound - just drama. It’s definitely not a fun way to live. It’s so easy to get lost in darkness with no visions of the light, but I’m here to affirm that there is light. It gets brighter and brighter if you choose to walk into it and not away from it. It may be hard to place things at the back of your heart that once lead it and it’s hard to simplify things that are overly complicated and difficult to process, but keep your head up and just start. This issue focuses on the 7 Deadly Sins. Even if you aren’t familiar, the 7 deadly sins apply across the board. The 7 deadly sins categorizes some of the most relevant roadblocks of humankind ranging from laziness to pride. The simplest way to create the life you want is to pinpoint what your “sin” may be and really come to terms with how it may control aspects of your life. With your weeds being the ratchet parts of you, but don’t have to be defined by those things. You are worthy anyhow. This guide was 100% written by Urma Redmond. She carefully defines the nature of the sins and asks questions that makes you consider starting your journey yesterday! Although we have jilting and eye-opening revelations, be aware that growth is not an overnight sensation. And the loving undertones that scream SIS WE UNDERSTAND, is something that we appreciate about Urma’s approach. Paired with the foreword by Bre Scullark, this duo makes this workbook one that you absolutely need. It is our desire that you are guided by growth and not by weeds. And in your quest to let the dead things go, we want you to know that you are worthy anyhow.


“I breathe and put one foot in front of the other until more is revealed. “


The essence of becoming is one that takes strength, courage and wisdom. Strength to do the work, courage to accept the journey and wisdom to make the best decision for yourself and those attached to you. Becoming is one of those unexplained things and many times you realize how far you come after you’ve reached your destination. It’s you being a partner to your own destiny and helping to manifest the YOU you see. For Bre Scullark, it’s the ratchet and worthy parts that have blossomed her into a fierce advocate for peace and self-love. She is one to remember. She is a daughter, sister, partner and friend. Not to mention, a certified YOGA instructor for @liberationprisonyoga, trauma specialist and survivor, founder of Urban Peace Squad and Ambassador for Honey Baby Naturals. You can also find Bre, modeling, expressing and just being. She fuses urban, dreamy and art in way that's captivating and self-reflecting. Her spirituality gives her the courage to constantly work at uncovering and discovering parts of herself and she encourages you to do the same! She’s the kind of compilation dreams are made of. And she’s taken ownership of her power by helping to heal others - no matter how painful and personal it may be. It’s our pleasure for Bre to share her thoughts on spirituality, worthiness, self-love and owning your un-doneness. What does being spiritual look for you? Spirituality looks like courage! It is constant work to uncover and discover parts of self. How does one even know that they are spiritual? I don’t think it’s a matter of knowing. For me it’s a practice of being. Being courageous enough to have faith, to dig deeper and to trust that all things will work out the way they are intended to be. Is more spiritual something someone can become? In my opinion, like anything else in life, practice makes progress. To practice operating from your highest self, a shift will happen naturally. How does yoga play a part in that ownership or any of your businesses? Yoga for me, is the practice of being present through all moments, whether pleasant or unpleasant. It’s helps me to move gracefully through both sides of my life as a swinging pendulum. How do you operate when you are transitioning changes and new challenges? I breathe and put one foot in front of the other until more is revealed. What’s the biggest mistake people make when defining “self love”? In my opinion, many people confuse grooming themselves aesthetically as “self love" but from my personal experience, if I’m empty on the inside, what I look like on the outside means absolutely nothing. What does “worthiness” mean to you? I’m still defining it for myself. The meaning grows when I do. For now, I’d say worthiness is to be deserving of. I am deserving of the love I give to others to give to myself unapologetically. And without compromise or limits. What’s something you want women to know about their worthiness? You are worthy. Your worth is waiting for you to see it, to bask in it, and to wear it proudly as if you were coaching others on how to do the same. Anything else you want to include? Love is Love. Long live Urban Peace :)



Ratchet + Worthy : 7 Days of New Love

Bre, what are five things you can share about owning the unfinished sides of you?

humility I will never "arrive" to some spiritual finish line. There will always be more work to do.

gratitude I am grateful that I can choose to look at self and strive to be a better version if I choose to.

acceptance I may not like everything I uncover about myself but I honor where I am and I have a choice to do something different.

service Self Esteem is built through esteemable acts. Being of service to others strengthens character and helps the world motion forward.

belief Believing in something greater than myself will not only motion me forward but it will also help move the world gracefully into a better way of living.


Continue on to the Ratchet + Worthy Affirmation Workbook

Ratchet + Worthy : 7 Days of New Love

Ratchet + Worthy: 7 Days of New Love

"We have all sinned, and we all fall short of the glory of God. If you know Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior, you believe this wholeheartedly. As comforting as it is to know we have been forgiven for our wrong ways, it’s still a challenge to face those consequences and effects of our sins on this Earth. A pro of sinning (Yes, that’s hard to imagine, but there is an advantage!) is that we learn from our mistakes, and we use those lessons as stepping stones to grow into what God wants us to be. Along the way, we end up discovering different parts of our personality and soul that we didn’t think existed. Some of those parts are good. Some of those parts are bad. And some of those parts are hella ugly. Let’s acknowledge that ugly. Learning how to love yourself includes learning how to battle and ultimately defeat the very demons that attack you everyday. Those seven sins come tapping on our shoulders like clockwork: Lust. Envy. Gluttony. Greed. Pride. Sloth. Wrath. In one way or another, we let those sins take over and show a side of us that we’ve tried so desperately to keep hidden. Sometimes we have to fight those ugly parts head on."


Ratchet + Worthy : 7 Days of New Love

DAY 1: LUST * * Lu s t : a n u n co n t ro l l a b l e p a s s i o n o r l o n g i n g, e s p e c i a l l y f o r s e x u a l d e s i re s * * Le t ’s t a l k a b o u t s e x , b a by. D o yo u re m e m b e r t h e l a s t t i m e yo u g o t t h a t u rg e ? We g e t i t : s e x i s g o o d. B u t j u s t a s g e t t i n g yo u r s i s i m p o r t a n t , s o i s s a fe sex. S o i s h e a l t hy s e x u a l hygi e n e. S o i s b e i n g co n s i d e r a te a n d m i n d f u l a n d e x t re m e l y co m m u n i c a t i ve w i t h p a r t n e r s yo u m ay h ave. S o i s p r a c t i c i n g a b s t i n e n ce o r ce l i b a c y. We a l l l i k e h av i n g s e x , b u t a re we a l l b e i n g re s p o n s i b l e ? Th i n k a b o u t t h e l a s t t i m e yo u g o t s o m e. W h a t w a s t h e s e t t i n g l i k e ? Wa s i t h u r r i e d ? D i d yo u r u s h o r p re s s u re yo u r p a r t n e r ? H ave yo u b e e n c h e c k e d s i n ce ? R e co u n t a b o u t t h e l a s t t i m e, a n d w h e n yo u’re fi n i s h e d, m a k e a l i s t o f w ay s a s to h ow n e x t t i m e w i l l b e d o n e i n a m o re c a u t i o u s m a n n e r. O r, i f yo u’re p r a c t i c i n g a b s t i n e n c e o r ce l i b a c y, m a k e a l i s t o f t a c t i c s t o u s e to d e fe n d a g a i n s t yo u r l u s t i n a n o n - s e x u a l s e n s e. * * C h a s t i t y o r s e l f - ca re c u re s l u s t by co n t r o l l i n g p a s s i o n a n d l e ve ra g i n g t h a t e n e rg y f o r t h e g o o d o f o t h e r s. * *

PONDERINGS: 1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.


When I am challenged with overwhelming feelings, I can invest in others and discover where my power truly lies.


Spiritual, yet Ratchet: 7 Days of New Love

DAY 2: ENVY **Envy: the intense desire to have an item or experience that someone else possesses** Green isn’t always such a flattering color. Let’s be real...we all get a lil jealous sometimes. Your coworker got promoted to her dream role while you’re still barely making it in your workplace. Your friend’s skin routine is flawless and her body is snatched while you’re struggling to stop the breakouts and stop the bad diet. Your partner may have gazed at the pretty waitress for too long, and now you’re ready to flip over the table. Envy can place itself in any situation in our lives, causing us to feel threatened or insecure or simply not enough. Envy is an ugly trait, and it is never a good look to bear. Envy stems from looking at what someone else has instead of focusing on what you have. Comparison is a thief of joy, and jealousy results from a lack of appreciation of our own selfvalue. Is there someone - or something - that you’re jealous of? What are some ways you can achieve whatever they have for yourself? Take the green-eyed monster and use it to your best advantage by becoming inspired to work for it yourself. Or, take a better look at your own life and you as a person and pinpoint everything that you’re grateful to have! **Kindness cures envy by placing the desire to help others above the need to supersede them**

PONDERINGS: 1 Corinthians 13:4

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.

AFFIRMATION: I can work to place my desire to help others above my personal desires.


Ratchet + Worthy : 7 Days of New Love

DAY 3 : GLUTTONY **An excessive ongoing consumption ** Word to Aretha: “Just a lil bit! Just a lil bit!” Y’all know when enough is enough. It is possible to have too much of something. Even too much water will drown a flower trying to blossom. It’s hard, of course: when we really like something, we just can’t get enough of it. Whether it’s your favorite TV show, your favorite bottle of wine, or even your favorite person, it’s important to draw a line. Excessiveness can lead to obsession, and forming an addiction to anything is harmful to your mind, body and soul. What’s the one thing that you can’t get enough of? Would you consider it to be an addiction? Be real, is this thing bad for you? Or do you think it’s beneficial? Whatever it may be, what are some ways that you can ease up on it? Can you think of any health alternatives to replace its’ usage? Consider going on a cleanse to give it up, even just a lil bit. **Temperance cures gluttony by implanting the desire to be healthy, therefore making one fit to serve others**

PONDERINGS: 1 Corinthians 6:12 “I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but I will not be mastered by anything.

AFFIRMATION: I donʼt have to always partake. I only want to accept a healthy portion.


Ratchet + Worthy : 7 Days of New Love

DAY 4: GREED **An excessive pursuit of material possessions** Don’t be greedy, baby. We live in a very selfish society. Being selfish isn’t always such a bad thing: there will always be a time when we need to put our own individual beings above everything else. There will always be a time when we rightfully will feel entitled to the possessions that we have earned or owned. But there is a difference between enjoying what you have vs being determined to hunt and gain more to have under your hold. Think of greed as buying the last three water bottles at a concession stand on a hot summer day: all for yourself. Why would you even want to do that? Have you ever been greedy about something, and refused to share or give it up for someone else? What made you so protective of what you had? How has your greed affected others? Think of some ways to help decrease your greed to where you’re comfortably and independently taken care of, but in the position to give generously if needed. **Charity cures greed by putting the desire to help others above by storing up treasures for one self**

PONDERINGS: Hebrews 13:5

Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you."


I am not what I have. Material things do not define me.


Ratchet + Worthy : 7 Days of New Love

DAY 5: PRIDE **An excessive view of one’s self without regard for others** Ready to push that pride aside? There is nothing wrong with being proud of your accomplishments or your wins. You worked hard, and you have the right to pat yourself on the back. But when the humbleness of being proud strips away and seeps into a darker version of pride, that’s when your soul is at risk. Pride is not a goal; it is a roadblock. It’s a tough pill to swallow, even when you know that pill is good for you. Pride stops you from receiving blessings you never knew were meant specifically for you. When was the last time you refused to swallow your pride? Do you know why, or what was stopping you? Is there any hesitation or apprehension whenever you want to ask for help? Next time you’re feeling too prideful, step back and humble yourself by considering the ways you can be positively changed by reaching out, and admitting that you can’t do bad all by yourself. **Humility cures pride by removing one’s ego and boastfulness, therefore allowing the attitude of service**

PONDERINGS: Proverbs 11:2

Too much pride can put you to shame. It's wiser to be humble.


I am human and so are the people around me. I donʼt have to make others feel low so that I can rise. We can rise and grow together.


Ratchet + Worthy : 7 Days of New Love

DAY 6: SLOTH **An excessive laziness or failure to act and utilize one’s talents** Wake up everybody...no more sleeping bed! Ya know, we all have those lazy days. Sometimes we’re just not in the mood to get up and give it our all. Those rest breaks turn into naps which turn into long, unproductive days. Slothfulness is deadly; it’s also very, very wasteful. Think of all the talents and gifts God has blessed you with. For you to not use the time and resources to fully craft and execute those skills due to laziness is like a slap in God’s face. When was the last time you felt like a sloth? Do you remember what the setting was like? Are there any triggers or warnings that set you into a slump? Make a list of tips you can use to shake yourself out of the laziness and get to fulfilling your purpose! **Diligence or zeal cures slothfulness by placing the interest of the others above a life of ease and relaxation**

PONDERINGS: Hebrews 12:11

“For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.”


I need to relax, but I also need to be an active participant in my life, working to make peace with my life and dreams.


Ratchet + Worthy : 7 Days of New Love

DAY 7: WRATH **An uncontrollable anger and hate** Two words: calm down. Bad things happen. This is inevitable, and as unfortunate and frustrating it can be, it’s also pretty upsetting. Going off is probably one of the worse, yet satisfying, feelings you can experience. Even though it may feel good to get it all out, the lasting effect can be damaging. Wrath is like setting a bomb off: destructive. Do you remember the last time you were furious? What made you so angry? How did you react? Is there a possibility that you may have overreacted? Next time you feel your temper rising, learn how to simmer it down before it boils over completely. Think of some ways to better control your anger or to relax your emotions. Your cool is a much better look than your wrath. **Patience cures wrath by one first understanding the needs and desires of others before acting or speaking** Remember, you are far greater than your sin. Whenever you’re looking to fix a sore spot about yourself, be patient and be openminded to making any changes.

PONDERINGS: Proverbs 14:29

A patient person shows great understanding, but a quick-tempered one promotes foolishness.


I am not my situtation or circumstance. Patience is a choice.


Ratchet + Worthy : 7 Days of New Love

Ratchet + Worthy

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