Just Breathe | HoneyBeNatural Magazine

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define what is ANXIETY?

We talked with Tammie Holt the owner of H.E.R. Counseling. Tammie's practice is about Healing, Empowering and Restoring Resilience in women so they able to act from a place of truth and confidence.

anxiety can be healthy written by Isha Gaines / photography by Isha Gaines

Anxiety is a normal and often healthy emotion.

They may also have physical symptoms such as

However, when a person regularly feels

sweating, trembling, dizziness or a rapid

disproportionate levels of anxiety, it might become

heartbeat. These disorders alter how a person

a medical disorder. People with anxiety disorders

processes emotion and behave. Mild anxiety might

usually have recurring intrusive thoughts or

be vague and unsettling, while severe anxiety may

concerns. They may avoid certain situations out of

seriously affect a person’s normal day to day





Dealing with anxiety is not easy, however it is possible to deal with anxiety on your own. But in order to do so, you have to be able to commit to lifestyle changes, avoid some of the most common anxiety fueling behaviors, and be ready to hold yourself accountable for your changes. Dealing with anxiety can be different for each person depending on the type of anxiety disorder they have and the presence of any underlying conditions. Anxiety disorder can develop at any time. While there’s no way to predict what will cause its development, there are some ways to prevent it, and to reduce its impact. Advice for dealing with mild to moderate symptoms of Anxiety may include deep breathing exercises, having regular good sleep, regular exercise, eating healthy and enjoying your hobbies. Advice for dealing with moderate to severe symptoms of Anxiety, a person should consider seeking a Licensed Mental Health professional, or Medical Physician.

H.E.R Counseling focuses on the whole woman. H.E.R. Mind, Body, and Spirit. HER goal is to help each woman become the best version of themselves. Are there parts of you that you would like to change? Do you struggle with loneliness, depression, anger, parenting, work/life balance, self-esteem, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or any other common issues that many women face today? If so, please know that H.E.R. Counseling is here to help you get through life’s difficult moments. HER Counseling teach woman steps to self-forgiveness and letting go of guilt and shame. HER Counseling also help woman to learn and develop healthy thinking patterns so that each and every woman can learn how to shine first, from within. H.E.R. Counseling is about Healing, Empowering and Restoring Resilience in women so they able to act from a place of truth and confidence.Tammie Holt has a tele-health option if counseling is something you’re considering. Tele-Health involves counseling online.

understand ANXIETY Is a part of life

We talked with Tricia E owner of CRTL ALT DELETE. Ctrl Alt Delete is a fulfillment coaching system created to help you find clarity about what you want to do in life but more importantly coaches you on how to get there.

coaching through anxiety written by Isha Gaines / photography by Isha Gaines

Like many wellness professionals, many people believe that Anxiety is a normal part of life. Well it is, but it can have an unhealthy side too. If you’re on the unhealthier side, there’s no judgment here, there are many things that can help you deal with anxiety like therapy, meditation or getting a life coach. Coaching involves one on one help to help you deal with a specific issue or concern. Coaches help you set goals to ensure you’re making progress. Coaching is an alternative to counseling or can be done in conjunction with counseling. So our real question is, can a coach help you with specific things like anxiety? Yes they can! We took a moment to chat with Tricia S., a fulfillment coach. Her dallas-based coaching system was created to help you find clarity about what you want to do in life, but more importantly coaches you on how to get there.Tricia stands by the notion that nobody is perfect and anxiety is a natural part of life. She said if she’s presented with the opportunity to work with someone struggling with anxiety, her approach would be to figure out why it’s happening and move from there. “You want to be vulnerable enough to say this is what I’m struggling with,” Tricia said. “It’s about rerouting that energy and your focus.” Tricia believes Anxiety is prevalent in our society because we’re always running, our minds are racing and we’re not giving ourselves time to process things. She also believes we need a focus adjustment. She said to not be embarrassed about having anxiety and to share with a person you trust. “Keeping it in your head is, to me, the worst thing you can do,” Tricia said. “Make sure that the things that are driving your life mean something to you and are not based on societal norms or someone else.”

You can connect with Tricia S. on social media at @cadeletereboot and learn about her coaching program at www.cadelete.com

coping the coping strategies you need

We talked with LaKeisha Grant owner of Mindfully Restored Counseling. LaKeisha provides therapy to women, age 17+, to help them overcome these and other issues. By creating and holding space for women during the difficult times of their lives, it is my hope that through facing their vulnerabilities these women will find their strength and voice and their way to living a mindfully restored life.

coaching through anxiety written by Isha Gaines / photography by Isha Gaines

Many of us have had a moment where we just didn’t know what to do with our emotions. The world is spinning and we are clueless about the next move. We try and think our way through it, but it sometimes seems hopeless. Did you know there’s a free alternative that can help you process your emotions? What LaKeshia Grant owner of Mindfully Restored Counseling is teaching us is that we need coping strategies and not just one of them, we need several. LaKeshia defines coping strategies as what you do in the moment to distract you from what’s happening. “I love coping strategies,” LaKeshia said. “They are necessary. Think of a toolbox. Have more than strategy cause you have more than one stressor. Write down the things you deal with that cause you the most anxiety and have a coping strategy for each. You should have your go-to and a back up. Whether it's a support person, code word, or stepping outside. LaKeshia makes note that coping strategies can be negative and positive. She advises that leaning on negative coping will create more problems whereas positive strategies may be more beneficial. “Negative coping doesn’t work because it creates another problem,” LaKeshia said. “It has an effect on your original problem. Instead of making irrational decisions, it’s suggested to process and work through it.”Although it doesn’t feel good. No one wants to have a panic attack or experience anxiety, but it’s imperative that that excessive energy has somewhere to go, LaKeshia said. And here’s some of LaKeshia's favorite coping strategies to help you release and get through it:

practice practice makes easier, not perfect

Hi, I'm Isha, Graduate Student in Counseling and Development. I created this guide to give you strategies from professionals who are also the everyday woman. My goal Is to help you LIVE.LIFE.WELL and to remind you that you are not alone. I being In therapy myself have learned some valuable lessons In coping and understanding my emotions more. I take pride in the healing process and want that for you too. Let me share some things I've learned....

How to Change Your Thoghts and make less Anxiety-Based decisions

Circle of Thought has helped me to make less

The Circle of Thought is a component of Cognitive

anxiety based decisions and for it to work you

Behavioral Therapy that allows you to pin point

have to take a moment to sit with your thoughts to

patterns of behavior. Identifying patterns of

pin point what caused it. It’s digging deep within

behavior, allows you to change behavior. The

yourself or doing the “work” is what some people

Circle of Thought is centered around how we

call it. If you have signs that you may be

process life events. We can process life’s event

experiencing anxiety, making decisions during

through 4 lens (1) Past Experience, (2) Thoughts

those moments may not be wise.

Distortions (which are the ways we create

I know I’m experiencing anxiety because my

thoughts that aren’t true, (3) The Negative and (4)

breathing speeds up to the point to where I have

The Positive.

to do deep breathe from my diagram, I have to

I want to show you how to use the Circle of

stand up, my voice cracks as if I’m gasping for air

Thought to help you change your thoughts and to

and/or I’m sweaty.

help you make anxiety based decisions.

My triggers are people’s tones, disappointing

To view a break down how to use this sheet visit

someone, being talked down to, yelling, not being

the @honeybenaturalmag IGTV channel or

able to get in touch with someone I care about,

HoneyBeNatural on YouTube!

low funds, performances, rushing or being rushed and negative projections of behaviors from others. So for you, you first need to decide how you know when you’re experiencing anxiety and the things that trigger it. Then you need to learn healthy coping strategies. So far mine are: Aerial Arts, Deep Breathing (and sometimes dramatic with sounds) and using the circle of thought to pin point exactly what triggered the anxiety. With this kind of self awareness to you make healthy choices and communicate to others what you need.

Please visit the @HoneyBeNaturalMagI IGTV channel or YouTube channel to learn to use this sheet and for an in-dept video on how to change your thoughts and make less anxiety-based decisions

star breathing

Deep Breathing or breathing from your diaphragm can help calm you down. To calm yourself down have longer exhales.


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notes jot or sketch Important things

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