Beautiful Thoughts

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THOUGHTS Fridays 6:30pm - 10pm

7 Free Day Guide To Mindful Thinking


I THINK I AM Thanks Giving Dinner


..... I think I am...I know I am.

Let’s dive into the mind, shall we? Mindfulness is defined as “a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment”. We all know there’s no time like the present, but let’s be real...enjoying that moment is a challenge. Our minds are all over the place: career concerns, relationship issues, personal setbacks and doubts. Focus is hard to maintain when we let our own thoughts run their own course. Mindfulness is a way to control our thoughts, resulting in a sharper concentration and a stronger sense of mental clarity. Mindful thinking leads to beautiful intentions, which in turn leads to divine results that benefit our livelihood. It takes a lot of practice and dedication to successfully adapt and maintain a mindful way of thinking. Don’t even sweat. We’re breaking down the word “MINDFUL” to show you how to start your new, fresh mindset, day-by-day.

M - Mantras

A mantra (which literally translates to “a tool for the mind�), is a word, phrase, or sound used during meditation. Consider mantras to be like your favorite pact of concealer, or your reliable facial toner, or whatever else is included in your morning routine before you leave the comfort of your solitude to take on a world that is not always fair. Mantras dress up your thoughts so that your peace of mind will be protected. Not only do they give you a calm serenity, but they help ensure that any intentions you set will be strong. New to mantras? Brittany Josephina, an empowerment coach, has a set of simple mantras that you can memorize and recite to yourself during your time of meditation or prayer:

“I am lovable.” “I am deserving.” “I am ready.” “I am worthy.”

I - Intentions

As much as we love a sister with some head-strong goals, we especially love soft but study intentions. Intentions are like beautiful spring days. It’s hot enough to enjoy the sun, but you keep a light-weight sweater on just in case. It begins to feel even more lovely, and you beam as you take off your sweater and wrap it around your waist, allowing you to embrace the sun just as it is. You weren’t forced to take off your sweater, or you didn’t calculate on whether or not to bring just intended to enjoy the weather. No matter how it actually turned out. Intentions are pure, and genuine, and easy breezy. Although you may not have a clue how you’ll accomplish that intention, you’re confident that it’ll work out beautifully. Setting an intention is a bit different from setting a goal. Follow these three points when you’re ready to set an intention:

1. Stay optimistic and sweet 2. Allow plenty of room for growth 3. Don’t get ahead of yourself for the future; think short-term

N - Nourishment

What we give our attention to plays a huge role in our mental awareness. Our parents were on to something when they constantly warned us about the “junk” we saw on TV. As easy as it to allow toxicity into our minds, it’s absolutely worth the effort to give that same energy to more worthwhile platforms. Nourishing your mind is a beautiful way to both expand your mental capacity and obtain a healthy stability. We are what we consume, and that includes far more than what’s on our plates. Some platforms that are fun to dive into for mind nourishment include podcasts, books, and inspirational videos, interviews, and/or documentaries. Here are a few good starting places we recommend: Books: “This Will Be My Undoing” by Morgan Jerkins; “Well Read Black Girl: Finding Our Stories, Discovering Ourselves” by Glory Edim; and “Becoming” by Michelle Obama Podcasts: Black Girl In Om; The Friend Zone; Black Girl Therapy Videos: “What Happens in Vegas…” (Beyonce documentary); Red Table Talk

D - Dare to Dream

Do not quit your day dream.



FOR MO 202-55

You have to start from why not an idea? We encourage you to dream big, hard, and frequently. Of all the dangerous things out here in this world, nothing is still as frightening (or thrilling) as a woman determined to bring her wildest dream to life. Go back to your dreaming. List out your dreams, and then scheme up your map on how to get there!

F - Faith

Faith can feel like a power struggle at times. I know, it sounds ridiculous, because when it comes to the Lord, you’d think we’d have no power at all. But...gratefully, and amazingly, He has given us the power of a free mind. To freely think, on our own and make our own decisions. And we have to choose to think faithfully. We have to choose to have faith. It can be tough trying to convince ourselves that everything will work out when everything is not working out. The same faith that we have for the sun to come back after a week of stormy weather and grey the same faith we must keep to save ourselves from our own doubts.

Here are a few scriptures to affirm your faith: Matthew 17:20-21 : He said to them, “Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.” Romans 15:13 : May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope. John 16:33 : I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.

U - Uplift

In case anyone didn’t tell are your biggest fan.



FOR MO 202-555

You are undoubtedly the last person you talk to at night, and the first person you speak to when you wake up. How you start and end your days are solely up to you. Take accountability for how you speak to yourself...and choose to elevate. Empowerment is essential for selfconfidence. These are three C’s to use to constantly uplift yourself:

Compliment: Don’t be too shy to acknowledge everything that is great about you. You deserve to toot your own horn! Celebrate: The same way you allow your compliments, don’t hesitate to celebrate your accomplishments and success. You are your biggest fan after all; your cheer should mean the most. Climb: Elevate. Challenge yourself to continue to climb to higher heights, to everything from careers, relationships, and personal intentions that can only get better.

L - Love

All you need is love, is all you need. This is simple. Be dedicated to loving yourself, and lovely thoughts will form smoothly. We encourage you to make a list of everything that you love about yourself. Now write another list of all the things you love. Go ahead and write another list of things you love to do. Keep these lists close to you. Maybe they’re tucked away in your wallet or burned into your heart. When you feel like you’re losing it, or when you feel like there’s nothing good going for yah, or when you just feel down...turn to these lists. Turn to love. Love goes a long way. Always keep it close, and always keep it in mind.


Congratulations to starting your mindful thinking. We’re rooting for you, honey


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