Sept. and Oct. 2012 Newsletter

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Please visit the church web page at Also, please visit Pastor Brown's home page at Who We Are: Upper New York Annual Conference With more than 182,000 members, the Upper New York Annual (Regional) Conference of The United Methodist Church comprises 937 churches in 12 districts, covering 48,000 square miles in 49 of the 62 counties in New York state. Our mission is to “live the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to be God’s love with our neighbors in all places." Union Center United Methodist Church is a ministry that is part of the Upper New York Conference of the United Methodist Church.

Dear Friends, Praise the Lord for the new season that is soon upon us. The Lord blessed us with an amazing summer season. The new addition of our church is coming along well. It is exciting to see the Hand of our Lord upon it. This addition is the result of the labor of love and work of faith of so many saints past and present. The first phase of the project will be complete in a few weeks. We will be entering a new phase of the project at that time. We will continue to need the labor of love and the work of faith of many who have the gifts and talents in making a big difference in the project. We will be needing the talents and gifts of many in the area hanging sheetrock, doing the electrical, and painting. Please call Shawn Rosenbarker, the Clerk of works, ( 607-484-9991) for information how each one can be deployed in the new building project. The Lord blessed us with an amazing VBS that was held at the historic First United Methodist Church, Endicott. We had 76 children who attended this ministry. Praise the Lord for Shannan Meilunas and the team that labored with zeal and faithfulness in this ministry. You will read more about this ministry elsewhere in the newsletter. An additional note is that the children brought an offering for the Dave Coles ministry in Indonesia. Over the course of 3 nights they raised over $220. The VBS week culminated with a fantastic carnival that was held at the beautiful site of our Union Center UMC. The Youth organized the event. It was a great blessing. Praise the Lord for Kory Martin and the whole group that worked so well and so hard for this event. Another blessing of the week was our annual Chicken BBQ that was held alongside of the carnival. Praise the Lord for Bill Woodward and his team and for Cathy Dence and her team in the preparation of the food. One of the highlights of September will be Back to Church Sunday, which will be held on Sunday, September 16. We will go back to two worship services that Sunday. Aric Phinney and the choir are planning for a very special music for the Sunday worship services. We will have receptions after each worship service that day. Plan to invite your friends and neighbors to join us for this very special worship event. In Ephesians 5:15-21 it is written, “Be very careful, then, how you live-not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is." The Lord of the Church places an open door before us for ministry and mission. May the Holy Spirit propel us to seize every opportunity, every moment, to glorify His name, and to worship and serve Him. It is interesting that the Bible tells us to seize the moment “…because the days are evil.” There are evil influences at work in the world we live. If we’re not careful we can be turned aside, and derailed from our true purpose. “How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation…”(Heb.2:3 NKJV)? Spiritual apathy is dangerous in the world in which we live. Some people never see opportunities, only calamities and obstacles. For them the days are evil so for them there are no opportunities. In their life circumstances they find excuses not opportunities. They express their dilemma in such statements as, “I can’t serve God where I work. Nobody’s a Christian. It’s a horrible environment. I wish God would let me quit.” An optimistic Christian in the same set of circumstances says, “Wow, what an opportunity. None of them know the Lord. Just think, I might get to lead everyone of them to the Lord.” While one person says, “Isn’t it awful how so many people are calling psychics and studying the occult. . . Nobody wants to hear the truth anymore”, another says, “Yes the days are evil but what an opportunity. Those people just may be very, very hungry for spiritual reality. They 1

may be fed up with the inadequacy of humanism and rationalism. They may be ripe for a real encounter with the risen Christ. Lord, use me; let me have a part in reaching those people.” Every season of life is either an opportunity or an excuse, depending upon what a person is looking for. You will find what you seek. One teen may say, “I’m too young, there’s too much peer pressure. I can’t serve God.” Another teen would see it differently, “All my friends are wondering what life is really about. They want a cause. They want something worth living for. What an opportunity to tell them about God’s plan for their lives.” Such a variation in viewpoint exists across all age groups and life situations. Whether a teen, young adult, middle-aged person, or senior citizen, each one can take either the opportunity to serve and to share or find only obstacles causing withdrawal and disengagement. In the book of Esther, Esther found herself in an evil day. Haman had obtained a decree from the king which authorized genocide of all the Jews, including Esther. It looked like a disaster in the making, but, in reality, it was the opportunity of a lifetime. God had prepared her for such a time as this. God was not merely making a suggestion in Ephesians 5. He was commanding that we be filled with the Holy Spirit. We must have this enablement of the Holy Spirit in order to live in such as way as to be honoring to God. It is the power of the Spirit and the fruit of the Spirit that distinguishes us as God’s people. The command is not to “try harder.” Trying harder is no substitute for being filled with the Spirit. It is His influence working in us and through us that brings victory. Being filled with the Spirit is not just for an elite few. It is for each and every one of us. “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” NIV “Sing and make melody in your hearts to the Lord.” Spirit filled worship comes from the heart. It is not only good singing or pleasing instrumentation. Our worship is not designed to entertain, but it is, rather, designed as an expression of joy, adoration, and love to our Lord. May thanksgiving and gratitude fill our hearts for His goodness and mercy toward us. (Verse 21) “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.” When we are filled with the Spirit there is wholesome community. In a wholesome community submission is not the result of being afraid of people, but it results in honoring the Lord in all our behavior and attitudes. Many things get right when we are full of the Holy Spirit. May this new season be filled with opportunities to seize and enjoy. May we understand the will of the Lord for our lives and live accordingly. May we be filled with His Spirit! See you in church. Brown

A WORD FROM OUR DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT: DAVID MASLAND We in the Binghamton District are... “Living the gospel of Jesus Christ, and being God’s love with our neighbors in all places.” Greetings friends.... When was the last time you allowed God to put you into relationship with someone who was vastly different from you and the people in your church? Please watch this video from United Methodist TV, and consider the unexpected ways God can touch us with grace when we risk building relationships with people who are different from us: Clearly, when this reporter traveled to Liberia, she thought she was there to do something that might help the people of that war-torn nation. The last thing she expected was to be touched by them in return… to be loved by God through them! And yet, that is (in my experience) what happens every time I open myself to relationships with people who have grown up in different cultures, speak different languages, and look at life from a different perspective. In 2004, while I was serving as pastor in Sidney, Leslie and I took a team of 14 teens and adults to the St. Thomas Parish, on the eastern shore of Jamaica. Our stated purpose in going there was to paint the interior of a health clinic, and to deliver 10 large suitcases of health-care supplies (which had been requested by the nurses)… everything from toothbrushes to condoms! We did all those things. But what the trip really came to mean to us was so much more. The relationships we developed with the people there… nurses, van drivers, receptionists, custodians, pastors and lay persons from the local Methodist Church absolutely transformed our lives. We heard their life stories, and we shared our own. We played with their children, and they taught us their songs. We gave them gifts and they cooked for us. We laughed and worshipped and sang with them. And as the week went by, we were sure of one 2

thing: God was doing MUCH more in our hearts and minds and spirits than we ever expected. We would never be the same! Once again I will ask you: When was the last time you (or your church) allowed God to put you into relationship with someone who was vastly different from you? You do not have to travel to Liberia or Jamaica to find people who are different from you! The increasing diversity in our own area makes it easier than ever to build relationships with people whose life experience is different from our own. I encourage all of you to consider dreaming of a new way to get to know new people. Start planning now for a trip next year! I promise you that God has some life-changing surprises for you! Dave Masland BISHOP MATTHEWS’ FAREWELL COMMENTS: (excerpts) Since that morning of June 19, 2012, when I called to order the first-ever session of the Upper New York Annual Conference, we have worked together to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to be God’s love to our neighbors in all places. In these two years, we have: Paid 100% of our apportionments to the World Service Fund; Commissioned, ordained and recognized 77 clergy; Fed nearly 2 million in one year with our HANDS4NY project; Embarked on Africa University Scholarship Endowment Fund; Approved a Safe Sanctuaries Policy; Launched Disaster Recovery Launched Plentiful Harvest You have shared in our spiritual experience and celebrated our faith journey together as we serve our gracious God. Finally, as 2 Corinthians 16:11-13 would remind us, we pray and hope that you will continue to live in harmony with one another, being of one mind, comforting one another and living in peace with one another. Grace and peace, Bishop Marcus Matthews and Barbara Matthews

Bishop Webb's installation set for Sept. 30 The Upper New York Area will officially welcome a new resident Bishop Mark J. Webb, on Sept. 1. The Upper New York Annual Conference will be the first assignment for Bishop Webb, who was elected bishop on July 19 during the 2012 NEJ Conference; he was consecrated in a service on July 20 at Saint Marks United Methodist Church in Charleston, WVa. Bishop Webb’s installation service will take place at 4 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 30, at Hendricks Chapel on the Syracuse University campus. There will be a reception on the quad following the worship service. In introducing then Bishop-elect Webb, NEJ presiding Bishop Jane Allen Middleton said: “You are receiving a gift to the Church. This is a man who loves God deeply and lives that every day of his life. He is a man of marvelous conviction and great gifts; the gift to not only create a vision, but enroll others in that vision.” "Thank you for your grace,” he said. “I appreciate your love, prayerful spirit and desire to do what God wants. We are a great Church, and God isn’t finished with us yet.” CONFERENCE NEWS

Men’s Conference September, 21st – 22nd Sky Lake Conference Center Come join us at Sky Lake as we welcome Michael Thompson from Zoweh Ministries as he presents the message revealed in his book “Search and Rescue.” God didn’t just rescue us so that we could only look forward to heaven or simply struggle through on earth. He gave us life so that we could be present, engage and step up and into each moment we face. Come walk with God, seeing what doors he opens, who he brings along to join you Michael Thompson and finding the alterations and detours, road blocks and safe passages together!

What an Adventure! The total cost for the conference is $95.00 which includes dinner and lodging on Friday night, breakfast, lunch and dinner on Saturday and some great fellowship. The conference is limited to 50 men so please sign up soon. The cut off for registering is September 6th. For more information contact: Jack Snover ( or 655-2433 Bob Chatterton ( or 655-1517 John Donaldson ( or 743-8508 John Bagg ( or 655-2502 or visit Michael Thompson and Zoweh Ministry at

Registration Form Name: ________________________________________________________________________ 3

Address: ______________________________________________________________________ City: ____________________________ State_____________________ Zip__________ Phone: __________________________ E-mail Address: ______________________________________________________ Any special dietary needs? ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Please complete one form for each individual attending along with a non-refundable $50.00 per person deposit. Checks should be made payable to Jack Snover. Total cost of the conference is $95.00 including

COMMITTEE REPORTS TRUSTEES: (Bob Holmes)  Gas stove now has plastic covers to protect it from getting turned on accidently.

The following people: Jim Holmes, Denny Corwin, Lou Pasquale, Shawn Rosenbarker, Rodney Haines are able to light the ‘big” gas stove. When all the pilots are lit, it is like a heating unit, with 11 pilot lights.

Tom Spencer (Evans Plumbing and Heating) installed a new boiler at the parsonage and the chimney IS up to code. (Roughly $3800 should be billed for this)

Fire drill during church…when???? It will be announced in the bulletin, that one is forthcoming. Just prior to the drill, it should be announced from the worship leader where to exit and where to meet, away from the building. Assistance should be given to those with mobility concerns.

Wooden boards are in the office basement to be “dried”. These were cut from our own trees.

BUILDING COMMITTEE: (Shawn Rosenbarker reporting) Shawn mentioned that there are changes happening with the exterior doors. Symmetry is wanted between the existing front doors and the ones that will be installed in the addition, facing the road. Doors with a “center post” seal better when closed, two doors that come together allow for air penetration. There is an option for doors with “center post” that can be removed with a key. Should new doors be installed at the front doors to the Narthex, downstairs, north end and the addition, that way they are all the same. They will ALL have crash bars required for commercial buildings. Williams Doors would be the company supplying the doors. Shawn explained some door options that are available, with window placements and mullions (center reinforcements). There are codes that exist for doors and having them locked. Informal decision (meaning there was no official vote, but by a general consensus) made by the entire committee present: **Front doors of the Narthex: replace with doors WITHOUT center mullion and crash bars **Front doors of the addition: install doors with FIXED center mullion and crash bars **Side doors into existing fellowship hall: replace with doors with REMOVABLE (with a key – provided it is the same key that unlocks the door) center mullion and crash bars **Side doors into the addition: install doors with FIXED center mullion and crash bars 

Doors are ALL to have 2 panels of glass with steel center.

Doors come primed; they will have to be painted at some point within a year to maintain the warranty.

A new door needs to be cut out of the existing wall in the fellowship hall, near the doors to the kitchen, to lead to the outside.

A Walk with God - BUILDING IN FAITH (A not-so-brief timeline from Jim Holmes) In January 1999 UCUMC Administration Counsel asked the Building Committee to start another attempt to plan our addition. At that time the committee wanted to use our own people and keep the price at a Faith level do-able project. About 2004 the parsonage roof needed to be replaced and one member knew of an out of state contractor who needed to have more charitable contributions for his business and the roof was put on at a very low price or free. WOW! The committee then knew we were 4

not in this project by our self. The committee had received some new and younger members who have thoughts of “out of the box” ideas and again we knew we were on a new path. In 2006 the committee had some exciting plans that interested others from our church. So the plan started to grow, thanks to GOD. In 2007 or so Dave Masland, our Conference Superintendent told the building committee that because UCUMC failed to pay our part of the conference shares, that we would not get all the support that other churches have. He did say that the plans look great and to see if we could start to pay our fare share with conference and start with $500 would be a good start. WOW! We did start to pay. In 2008 the committee got 6 drawings together (including past ideas). McElwyn engineering compiled the drawings and we looked very closly to our needs and selected plans to find the good and toss the not so good. At about the same time the Admin. Council asked the building committee to join the Sunday prayer team. It was at this time that we knew that this is GOD’ job to make it work and we only had to be obedient. The Building fund started to grow and AD/Co approved the progress IF we had 1/3 CASH before we got any contractor bids. Times are tight and people were being laid off and the Conference and Building Committee both said no to any debt!!!. WOW what a step of FAITH! The Building fund started to receive money from families that were once strong but now have moved away. One Family gave UCUMC a challenge of $25,000. IF we could raise $25,000, they would match it, and we did it. WOW Another Family has given $5000 for 5 years of Stock; another Family has given $250 per month until it’s done. We want only the giving from the HEART. We or God matched the challenge and GOD’s plan was on a ROLL. WOW! At about the same time in 2008 we got a new treasurer who had banking training and we put our cash money into an interest bearing account for our $180,000 fund. The money grew and more came in. WOW! 2010 the plans went to Town of Maine code and Conference Building for approval. We did have the 1/3 cash to move forward. Conference also agreed that we should not put our church in debt, and they were impressed that we have money available to move forward. At the Church conference a contract was suggested for a lawyer to approve them. When submitted to a firm they only added one change and we added that change with agreement from all parties and the firm did not ask for payment. WOW! Now the State code wanted a sprinkler system to be installed at a price of $230,000. Our plans were estimated to cost about $320,000 to $400,000. Would you believe that McElwyn engineering went to Syracuse to present our case for a variance? With God’s help the variance was granted with a few inexpensive changes. WOW! bids went out and came back with a price of $280,000 and we had $200,000 first time around. The d in 2011 the flood came to UCUMC and we had damages that the insurance company reimbursed us for. Again with God’ people we repaired all damages using less money that insurance allowed that put money into our accounts. WOW! 2012 year the church has sent out another set of bids to the same contractors and others that came to us. Colwell Brothers Construction bid came back to us at $230,000. WOW! Another answer to our prayers was Annual Conference has supported UCUMC and Biblical standards will again be their direction. The political correct not prevail but the Bible will. PTL WOW! God is working on all sides. UCUMC is now paying more toward our Conference shares. In conclusion : “ Faith that God is alive and working” Please give God all the credit for our church and pray that others will be as obedient to HIS will. Now when occupancy is granted we need to move in God’s direction. We are at a time in the building project where manual laborers are needed. As some have said they would like to be a part of the building and now is the time. If you want to volunteer and learn to help please come forward and talk to: Shawn Rosenbarker, Jim Holmes, Bill Woodward. We will assign people by of their abilities. VBS REPORT: This year, we held our VBS at First UMC due to construction at our church site. God worked mightily and many people put out the extra effort needed to make this happen. Shannan Melinus did most of the planning, ordering, and organizing in her usual effective manner. Aric Phinney, Nicole Angelo and Mike Melinus were her fellow workers prior to the actual start. We were blessed by the generous sharing of props by “Abide in the Vine Fellowship” of Owego as they used the same VBS program in July and had wonderful visual props they were willing to share with us. Pastor Brown used his large van to drive around and pick up downtown children. The children were wonderful and the outreach ministry was great. Friday night we had a high of 56 children! A huge thank you to all who worked on VBS to make it a great success. God bless you! CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Children’s Sunday School will be starting Sept. 16, 2012 at 9:50 AM. We are looking forward to a new year with much growth, both spiritually and physically.


Adult classes will also be back to fall schedule Sept. 16th. The Friendship class, taught by Linda Geer will continue their study of Angels. Hear Ye, Hear Ye! Life Changing Announcement!!! The Open Door Adult Sunday School class has had a face lift and name change. I can’t say much for the face lift, but the new name is ….. (Drum roll please)…. ADULT CLASS # 2. It may also have a place change because of current building construction – so stay tuned! Have you ever wondered what this prophesy STUFF IS ALL ABOUT? Well, come and join ADULT CLASS # 2 as they investigate the meaning of prophesy in the Bible. Featured will be the Minor Prophets in the Old Testament and the role of Prophesy in the New Testament. (Professor Al Smith is prophesying that the Red Sox will not reach the play-offs!) True or False – The Minor Prophets are called by that name because they are not as important as the Major Prophets. True or False – The Minor Prophets are called by that name because they were young when they received their message from God. You might have to come to class to find the answers. Bring a friend – if you have one! EVANGELISM / MISSIONS COMMITTEE: Let's get all excited about the Apple Fest on Washington Ave. in Endicott on September 22, 2012!. Our church will have a booth featuring Jesus Christ, an oasis in every storm. This will be an evangelistic outreach to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with others, and to introduce them to our church. Our desire and hope is that this will turn out to be a joyous event, and we need everyone to be involved: in prayer, in planning, and in the event itself -- setting up, participating in, and taking down the displays, etc. More information will be forthcoming. Our first planning meeting will be at UCUMC Thursday evening, September 6 at 4PM. We try to keep our meetings as short as possible. Hope to see many of you there!

Our Extended Ministries We'll continue to be involved in the meals ministry at First UMC in Endicott every third Saturday at noon. Lynn Rosenbarker is the coordinator for this ministry. It's an exciting ministry of sharing the love and grace of our Lord Jesus. Please contact Lynn to get involved: 484-9991. You will be blessed! The Evangelism Committee is planning to have a booth at the Endicott Apple Festival on Saturday, September 22nd. This committee is headed by Linda Geer and will be at the festival to meet with people and extend the grace of Jesus. Please contact Linda for more information: 785-7331 A special banquet followed by a time of praise and worship will be held at First UMC Endicott on Saturday, September 29th, 2012. The banquet will be held at 5:30pm, prepared by Joe Walker and the team. The worship will begin at 6:30 with the worship led by the Davis College band. Pastor Marshall Sorber will bring the message. October 6th is the Fall festival at Wesley UMC. It will be held at the church at 5:30pm. We'll gather for a covered dish meal with various international dishes and will conclude with a hymn-sing and a time of testimony at 6:30pm. Our annual prayer conference will be held the weekend of October 12-14. The events on Friday Saturday morning and Sunday will be held at our own church and Saturday evening will be held at First UMC Endicott. Laureen Naik and a team will lead the worship. Kelly Johnson will be joining us from Memphis as the speaker for the weekend. A team of prayer ministers from Sunita & Andy's church in DC and from the Binghamton House of Prayer will be available to pray with people. November 17th: Our monthly Saturday service will be held at First UMC Endicott. We'll have a meal at 5:30 followed by a service at 6:30 with special music

September 16, 2012

PUT THESE DATES ON YOUR CALENDARS Back to Church Sunday. Invite a friend, neighbor, co-worker.

September 22, 2012, Saturday Apple Festival on Washington Avenue, Endicott,

Evangelism Committee is planning to have a Tent at the Apple Festival. October 12-14.2012 Our Annual Prayer Conference Leaders: Kelly Johnson, Andy and Sunita Groth, Rob and Jenn Krech, Julia Kellaway 6

November 21, 2012: Wednesday Thanksgiving Eve service, December 2, 2012: Saturday at 6:30 PM Russian Men's Ensemble at First United Methodist Church, 53 McKinley Ave., Endicott December 11, 2012 Tuesday Radio City Christmas Extravaganza. Cost : $75.00 Includes Bus and the ticket to the 5 PM presentation at Radio City Music Hall. We will have most of the day for Sight seeing in the city. National Back to Church Sunday – Find Hope Here! - September 16, 2012 “Hey, how would you like to go to church with me this Sunday?” Chances are you’ve never heard this phrase and most likely you have never spoken it… Studies show that 82% of unchurched people would attend if someone invited them! Yet fewer than 2% of Christians ever invite an unchurched person! National Back to Church Sunday was designed to change that. Last year 7600 churches participated from 34 denominations and together gave millions of invitations to church. It’s amazing to hear the testimonies of record attendance and the number of people that came to Christ through this powerful weekend. Churches responding to a post-event survey welcomed an average of 34 new visitors and increase of 25.4 percent in attendance. Survey results also show that 96% of participating churches would take part in Back to Church Sunday again. Most people who drop out of church haven’t lost their faith in God; they simply fell out of the habit of churchgoing. Some moved or had a change in life circumstances, or they had a falling out with their former church and simply drifted away. Most often, life became too busy and this means many of them could be open to returning to church. This year we encourage you to invite everyone to rediscover church. Take the initiative and reach out to someone you know with a simple invite, you may be amazed how easy it is to get a “yes.” With your help, together we can get America back to church!

YOUNG AT HEART The Young at Heart picnic held July 17th at the West Endicott Park was a huge success. The Lord blessed the day with 90 degree weather and a wonderful breeze flowing through the shelter. We were pleased to have several first time visitors: Marge Welch – a friend of Jean Warfield’s, Pat Rightmire, Diane Evanek, Linda and Arrow O’Connor, Gary Purdy and Dennis Corwin. We were happy that June Smith and her daughter, Billi, Patsy and Walt Carmon, and Irene Boyer could join us. The cooks – Bill Perkins and Rodney Haines, did a great job at the grill! What a feast we had with everyone bringing summer salads, fruit and dessert. A BIG thank you to Donna Glover, Nancy French, Vivian Perkins and Emily Seymour who kept our toes tapping to a variety of old tunes and hymns. Other folks at the park stopped to enjoy the music also. We are pleased to welcome Rosa Rucker and Sue Lee to the Young at Heart Committee. Other members are: Vivian Perkins, Donna Glover, Betty Dubois, Betty Fowler and Donna Shultz. This committee is busy planning a fall program and it will be announced soon. Mark you calendars for our annual Christmas Party, December 4th at the Elks Club. THANK YOU: A huge thank you to Tom and Sheila Snyder for their outstanding help with my move after selling my home. I will be forever grateful for their kindness. Thanks to everyone who prayed for me. Thanks also to Jean Warfield and Donna Shultz for their phone calls and to Donna Glover for her offer to help. God bless you all! Mary Lou Horn

From the parsonage "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven. . . A time to plant and a time to take up that which was planted." (Ecclesiastes) Around the parsonage, I am sorry to say, little to no official "planting" took place this summer, but, praise the Lord, there has been a beautiful season of reaping this year. In recent memory I cannot remember a summer so replete with the opportunity to preserve some of the Lord's provisions. Tomatoes have been plentiful and available this year, providing me with the amazing opportunity of "putting up" over 60 quarts of tomatoes in 2 days' time. Blueberries were not only abundantly available, but also very sweet and flavorful. We found a new favorite patch less than 6 miles away, where we quickly picked some 30 quarts of this amazing fruit. We have also been canning Pennsylvania peaches (almost 90 quarts over a few weeks' time). To top it all off, we were blessed to put up over 50 jars of jam - sweet cherry, peach, and blueberry! What a beautiful bounty the Lord provided! The summer has been richly packed (not only with fresh fruit) with time for quiet walks, reflection and refreshment, and some family retreats. Earlier this summer we made a trip to Boston to see Janice, Jeremy, Micah, Simeon, and Ada. Included in our stay was a wonderful swim at a local pool, where we watched bold Simeon swim through the water fearlessly and tirelessly while Micah, less bold, swam alongside me, charmingly chatting away as we swam. Ada, also learning to enjoy the water, had a fine time in the pool with her Daddy. Another day we explored the Egypt exhibit at the Science Center. At the end of our Boston visit we packed up the SUV with 3 extra passengers under the age of 7, and 7

came back home for a couple of days of "Grandmom/Grandpa Camp". It was Ada's first time away from both of her parents at once, and we had a wonderful time. She LOVED going outside as much as possible, and has an endearing way of bringing shoes to the adult that she chooses to go out with her. FUN! At one time or another our entire family (except Andy) made an appearance that weekend, as did dear friends Warren and Linda Ayer. Another "adventure" that we took this summer was our almost annual trip to Washington, DC, taking our nieces and nephews along. Other than a vehicle that needed emergency repair, it was a wonderful 5 day retreat. Special memories were made as we toured the Capitol, attended services at the local Basilica, walked around the monuments at night, discovered the Washington fish market, and had special projection showings of various movies in the living room. Recently my mom came down for a 4-day weekend of relaxing and reminiscing. Mom is somewhat more frail now but we had a wonderful time together. We took her to pick blueberries and on small jaunts to the grocery store, Walmart, and AC Moore. Mom still enjoys artistic and creative outlets, doing pictures on velvet, using markers. We had a great time together. As I write this I hear the steady beat of the workers framing out the addition at the church. It is a blessing to have this experienced crew, who come early in the morning and work until late afternoon to complete the structure of the new classrooms and fellowship hall. The sound of hammering, saws, and various equipment have provided a comforting backdrop to the progression of days. Summer is not quite over, and there is still a little more adventure to be found before the siren call of the school bell draws me back to my other reality. I love summer! Don't you? Alice Sundays:

Wednesdays: Fridays:

WORSHIP SERVICES: 8:30 &11:00 a.m. Worship Service 9:50 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Worship at Wesley Church 6:00/6:30 p.m. Soup Supper/Bible Study 7:00 p.m. TV Ministry Cable Channel 4 You are a stranger here but once




September 2012 Sunday

2 10:00 Worship



9:00 Sunday School 4:45 Prayer meeting


4 6:00 Trustees 7:00 Scouts


Thursday 6


Friday 7

Saturday 1/8

7:00 PM TV 4:30 PM Evangelism/Missions ministry Ch 4 meeting

8:30 Wesley worship 8 10:00 Worship


8:30/11:00 Worship 9:50 Sunday School 2:30 Ignite 4:45 Prayer meeting 9:30 Wesley worship 23 8:30/11:00 Worship 9:50 Sunday School 2:30 Ignite 4:45 Prayer meeting 9:30 Wesley worship



6:00 Soup & Bible 6:00 Cell Groups study

9:00 Sunday School 2:30 Ignite 4:45 Prayer meeting 8:30 Wesley worship 16




7:00 PM TV ministry Ch 4

First Church 12 Luncheon

7:00 Scouts 17







7:00 Scouts

6:00 Soup & Bible study

6:00 Admin. Council

7:00 PM TV ministry Ch 4

Apple Festival






6:00 Cell Groups 6:00 Soup & Bible study 7:00 Scouts

7:00 PM TV ministry Ch 4

First Church: 5:30 dinner, 6:30 worship


8:30/11:00 Worship 9:50 Sunday School 2:30 Ignite 4:45 Prayer meeting 9:30 Wesley worship


October 2012 Sunday




2 7:00 Scouts

6:00 pm Trustees 7 8:30/11:00 Worship


9:50 Sunday School 2:30 Ignite 4:45 Prayer meeting







Saturday 6

7:00 PM TV ministry Ch 4

6:00 Soup & Bible study 10





6:00 Soup & Bible 6:00 Cell Groups study

Prayer Conference Prayer Conference

7:00 Scouts

7:00 PM TV ministry Ch 4

9:30 Wesley worship 14 Prayer Conference


8:30/11:00 Worship 9:50 Sunday School 2:30 Ignite 4:45 Prayer meeting 9:30 Wesley worship 21 8:30/11:00 Worship 9:50 Sunday School 2:30 Ignite 4:45 Prayer meeting


7:00 Scouts





6:00 Soup & Bible study

7:00 Admin. 7:00 PM TV Council ministry Ch 4



6:00 Cell Groups 6:00 Soup & Bible 7:00 Scouts study

8:30/11:00 Worship 9:50 Sunday School 2:30 Ignite 4:45 Prayer meeting




7:00 Scouts

6:00 Soup & Bible study


9:30 Wesley worship



7:00 PM TV ministry Ch 4

9:30 Wesley worship 28



First Church 12:00 Luncheon


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