UCUMC News letter May and June 2012

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MAY AND JUNE 2012 NEWSLETTER Please visit the church web page at www.unioncenterumc.com Also, please visit Pastor Brown's home page at www.brownnaik.blogspot.com Union Center United Methodist Church is a ministry that is part of the Upper New York Conference of the United Methodist Church.

In Mathew 22, Jesus described the kingdom of heaven as being like a king who prepared a wedding feast for his son. The story is more than a story; it is a parable. The characters of the story represent real people. In this case, the king represents God the Father, and the son represents Jesus. The servants represent the prophets who called the people to God throughout history. The banquet represents the marriage feast of the Lamb at the end of the age, which was spoken of in the book of Revelation: “Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder, shouting: ‘Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready. Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear....’ Then the angel said to me, ‘Write: “Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!”’” (Revelation 19:6-9). The truth that the parable is relating to us is that God is going to throw a huge party at the end of the age. In fact, the preparations have already begun and drinks and hors d’oeuvres are being served. It is going to be a party in honor of his Son and all those who love and belong to him. So, the first thing we notice about this parable is that God’s invitation is a summons to joy. God’s call is an invitation to a party! There will be feasting, dancing and great joy. There will be nothing lacking at this party. The food and drink will never run out. There will be friends and loved ones there, and best of all the King and his Son will be present. Jesus’ hearers were probably shocked at this story, because those who were invited did not want to come. In the parable, people found excuses. They had other things to do. More than that, they did not want to be invited to the king’s party and became angry at those who were inviting them. Jesus’ audience could not imagine people failing to accept the invitation to a king’s banquet. The story bordered on the absurd, because no one would turn down such an invitation. The parable points to the staggering sin of indifference. Some of the people ignored the invitation. They had other things on their minds. They wanted to get caught up on their work or some trivia pursuit, and the invitation was interfering with their plans. What Jesus was doing in this parable was attacking the appalling apathy that looks at God’s gracious invitation to life and joy, and merely sighs with indifference. The call of God, in contrast to people's misconceptions, is always an invitation to ecstasy and life. Jesus said, “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete” (John 15:11). He also said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10). How is it then that the world looks at God’s invitation to a party like it is an invitation to a funeral? This is a King’s feast, a once-in-a-lifetime experience! How can God’s good news be thought of as bad news? Worse yet, how is it that it is treated as no news at all. The response of indifference is sickening. C.S. Lewis wrote the provocative Screwtape Letters, a satire in which the devil briefs his nephew, Wormwood, on the subtleties and techniques of temptation. The goal, he counsels Wormwood, is not wickedness, but indifference. Satan cautions his nephew to keep his client comfortable at all costs. If he should become concerned about anything of importance, he is to encourage him to think about his dinner plans instead. Then the devil gives him this chilling piece of information: “I, the devil, will always see to it that there are bad people. Your job, my dear Wormwood, is to provide me with the people who do not care.” The feast is prepared. The invitation is extended, the banquet table is set, and God’s arms are open wide. The only question that remains is whether or not we will accept the invitation. More than that, the question is whether we will remain dressed in the filthy rags of our own "righteousness" or accept the King’s garment of salvation, the robe of his righteousness. In Christ, Brown GENERAL CONFERENCE Our United Methodist Church's General Conference has met in Tampa Florida from April 24, 2012. through May 4.2012 . 1000 delegates from around the world meet once every four years to set the agenda for the church. The General Conference meets in the same year that our Nation holds the Presidential election. The General conference voted to uphold our Church's position on "Human Sexuality". The official position of the Church follows in accordance with the Bible, the Word of God." 161 F) Human Sexuality—We affirm that sexuality is God’s good gift to all persons. We call everyone to responsible stewardship of this sacred gift. Although all persons are sexual beings whether or not they are married, sexual relations are affirmed only with the covenant of monogamous, heterosexual marriage. We deplore all forms of the commercialization, abuse, and exploitation of sex. We call for strict global enforcement of laws prohibiting the sexual exploitation of children and for adequate protection, guidance, and counseling for abused children. All persons, regardless of age, gender, marital status, or sexual orientation, are entitled to have their human and civil rights ensured and to be protected against violence. The Church should support the family in providing age-appropriate education regarding sexuality to children, youth, and adults. We affirm that all persons are individuals of sacred worth, created in the image of God. All persons need the ministry of the Church in their struggles for human fulfillment, as well as the spiritual and emotional care of a fellowship that enables reconciling relationships with God, with others, and with self. The United Methodist Church does not condone the practice of homosexuality and consider this practice incompatible with Christian teaching. We affirm that God’s grace is available to all. We will seek to live together in Christian community, welcoming, forgiving, and loving one another, as Christ has loved and accepted us. We implore families and churches not to reject or condemn lesbian and gay members and friends. We commit ourselves to be in ministry for and with all persons. I have been looking at one of the powerful verses in the Bible: 2 Chronicles 16:9: “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him...” Every day, our loving Father watches out for an opportunity to do a great thing for us when our heart is loyal towards him. We are all in need of miracles and, thank God, we have the God of miracles. Sometimes the Bible refers to His miracles as mighty works or marvelous things. Whatever our Lord God does, He does it to His own glory. Wherever there are human beings, miracles are needed. Paul the apostle had been inside a ship for a long time and the people with him in the ship refused to listen to the voice of God. Rather, they listened to the devil and started to reap the result. Sailing became dangerous and they spent a long time on the sea in anguish. Most of them stopped eating. They threw their luggage into the sea and it was dark for many days. They had given up hope of living. To worsen the situation, the ship in which they were traveling hit a rock and was shattered. But one way or the other, they all got to the shore on splinters of wood. When they got to the shore, the Apostle Paul, the man of God sat down to warm himself by the fire. As he did so a viper came out of the woods and fastened to his hand, wanting to disgrace him. All other prisoners and the sailors were there. It did not go for them. As the people there were waiting for him to fall down and die, thinking he was evil, he shook the snake into the fire and did not fall down, neither did he die. When they found that he did not die, they changed their mind and gathered around him as he continued to demonstrate the power of God in their midst. So it was that the disgrace that the enemy planned for him was

converted into a revival. God is still in that business of having His children throw serpents into the fire. Paul threw the snake away and its poison had no effect on him. That was a miracle. In Christ, Brown

FROM THE PARSONAGE: Praise the Lord for this wonderful spring. Here, in Union Center, we had some very warm weather in March, some cool weeks in April, and now some damp weather in May. God certainly has a sense of humor in how He has orchestrated the months of spring so far. One of the oddest of happenings has been that while some of the spring blossoms were very early to bloom, others, like the neighbor's phlox, have kept their gorgeous purple blooms for 3 weeks. Yet, as far as we can tell, the lilacs are about on a normal track. Many of our daffodils and tulips missed the season altogether. Easter was altogether lovely this year, with a rousing and invigorating sunrise service held under the pavilion up the hill. It was incredible to have Sunita and Andy, Laureen, and Jess and Tom here to share Resurrection weekend. After all went home I had the privilege of driving to Boston to spend my week off with 3 very grand children. We had a wonderful week, exploring the local parks, digging in the garden, reading, playing, and enjoying time together. Ada almost instantly recognized me as the "soft touch" who would pick her up, let her help with light switches, or allow her to hold my shiny blue cell phone. I was a little sad to leave but, joyfully, was able to bring Micah and Simeon to spend 8 days at Grandmom Camp. Seriously, much of the time it was Grandpa Camp, as I had to go back to school for the next week. One of the highlights was taking them to "the farm" in Smyrna, where they were treated to a world class tour of the barn, haymow, and milk house, and a ride on the gator to a hill overlooking the farm and then to Roses' pond, a site of many favorite childhood memories. Things just keep rolling along and moving ahead, and now only a few weeks remain in the current school year. The dry gray tangle of growth outside has been replaced by lush lawns and fuzzy dandelions. Mothers' Day approaches, though the progression of days is like a whirlwind. God is so good to all of us, and we rejoice in His favor and grace. May He bless each of us to serve Him well over the coming weeks and the onset of summer. Alice

HOW CAN WE HELP OUR CHURCH? 1. Extend a warm welcome to all who come. We can give our church a reputation for friendliness and genuine concern by letting all worshipers know that we are glad to see them and that we sincerely care. 2. Be aware of all new families within the perimeter of the church’s ministry. Be among the first to welcome them to the neighborhood and invite them to the worship services, Sunday school and other activities. 3. Witness to the meaning of your faith in Christ and to your commitment to the ministry of the church every day by the quality and character of the work you do, by your relationships with the people you meet and by what you say. Be light and salt in the world. 4. Pray daily for your church. Remember the ministerial staff, your fellow Christians, and especially those whose need is greatest for intercessory prayer. 5. Demonstrate an enthusiasm for your church and its program. Avoid faultfinding and unproductive criticism. Your commendations and praise create a contagious goodwill. 6. Remember that your Christian life includes family associations and your use of leisure time. Show that a Christian can enjoy all facets of his life. 7. Set a worthy example by regularly attending services and by participating in the various church activities. Your example is more persuasive than your words. 8. Use your telephone to invite friends to church and to let those who were absent know that they were missed. 9. Be positive, optimistic, and thankful. Expect great things from God. Praise him daily for what he has done through you and your church. 10. Show your concern for a Christian world by supporting the local church and national and foreign missions with your tithes and offerings and by investing your time, talent, and contribution in worthy community projects.

NIGERIAN TRADGEDY The 2012 United Methodist General Conference paused on the afternoon of May 1 to remember those killed in a wave of late April violence in Nigeria and to pray for peace in that country. The uncle of a Nigerian seminary student present in Tampa was killed in a bomb blast in the city of Jalingo on April 30. The student is enrolled in a seminary on the U.S. East Coast. Delegates to the conference from The United Methodist Church in Nigeria were deeply concerned about family and friends in both Jalingo and Kano. The church is headquartered in Jalingo, in the northeastern part of the country. A suicide bomber attacked a police convoy there on April 30, killing at least 20 and wounding others. The day before, a gunman invaded a church service on the campus of Bayero University in Kano. At least 20 persons were killed there as well. “This is a very serious situation,” said Bishop Arthur Kulah, the current episcopal leader in Nigeria. He said information he received indicated that twice as many people were killed in Jalingo than the 10 originally estimated by news media. He also said that some of the other victims are United Methodist. The seminarian whose uncle was killed was in Tampa with a student contingent observing the General Conference, meeting in Tampa from April 24 to May 4. Bishop Charlene Kammerer of Virginia was in the chair when a delegate announced the death of the student’s relative. She asked the nearly 1,000 delegates to pray for peace in Nigeria and to ask God to comfort the families of those killed: “Hold them in your hands in this time of impenetrable horror.” Bishop Kulah said in a telephone interview that the outbreaks of violence in Nigeria has a strongly negative influence on The United Methodist Church, which in recent years has sought to model reconciliation among ethnic and political groups. “We hope that the General Conference and United Methodists everywhere will pray for us. We look forward to a conference to elect a new bishop in October of this year, the culmination of a process of peace-building in the church. If the violence around us continues, we may have to move the conference to another country.” Those responsible for the April attacks in Jalingo and Kano were unclear; no group claimed responsibility. However, news reports on May 1 said that in response to the Kano shootings, Nigerian troops had raided the headquarters of an unnamed militant group. The Voice of America also said that the attack resembled those of Boko Haram, a militant Muslim group that opposes Western-style education. The Kano massacre was in a university lecture hall used on Sunday by the Church of Christ. The BBC reported an attack “on another church in the northeastern city of Maiduguri, where Boko Haram is based.” Nigeria has for years suffered from interethnic and religious conflicts. Muslim groups such as Boko Haram are held responsible for numerous attacks on Christians. There are also political factions that resort to violence. THE FIRST QUARTER OF 2012 IN REVIEW We started out 2012 with faith that God will provide for our church. We struggled all through 2011 just to keep our head above water. But the first quarter of 2012 is finding us strong and proving we serve an AWESOME GOD!! At the end of March we have accumulated a PLUS in our checking account of more than $3000.00 after all our obligations/bills have been taken care of. The donations for families in

need continue to come in faithfully and even after using over $1300.00 we still have a surplus of almost $400 (plus the $7,800.00 from the past 2 years). The families in need fund has helped feed families each month; helped with car repair costs; fuel costs; expenses to get families to and from hospitals to visit loved ones; covered lodging for those needing to be out of town to support sick family members; helped pay rent for a family in risk of being evicted from their home and helped rebuild after the flood. There is so much need in our area, if you know of a family or individual that would benefit from our help please contact Hannah for a request form. Thank you to all who selflessly give to this cause. The church received an insurance settlement for over $33,000.00 to cover damages to the church, parsonage and office building due to the September flood. Renovation to the parsonage to eliminate mold, replace insulation, walls, flooring, furniture, water heater and softener has been completed. In the church the mold has been taken care of, carpets and floor cleaned, partial walls replaced/repaired. The office building has been switched over to electric heat, replacing the gas furnace. The new water heater and water pump have been installed and raised off the floor to eliminate future damage due to water infiltration. The attic has been insulated to help with heating costs. There is still more work to be done, but the danger from mold is past. A special thanks to all those who have used their God given gifts to help restore our buildings. The building project has started, funds have gone out to pay our architect and the first installment to the contractor. Stone has been delivered in anticipation of the digging and building of the foundation. God provided a wonderful Christian contractor who has been part of other very large church building projects in the past. Look forward to dirt flying and walls raising as the nice weather comes and our dreams and God’s will happens!!!! Again, thank you to all our faithful givers. We cannot function without the love and support from each and every one of you. Please remember our committee meetings are open to all so please feel free to attend. Look in the bulletin for scheduled meetings in the coming weeks. Keep praying for our church and its missions and as always have faith that HE WILL PROVIDE! Prepared by Lynn Rosenbarker, Treasurer

BUILDING UPDATE : Jim Holmes March 11, 2012 A church meeting at 12:30, lunch was served and fellowship was started. Lots of people noticed the celebration atmosphere of the 45 + in attendance. The food was great and the desert was delicious and it was very hard not to over indulge. The meeting stated at 1 with prayer. Jim Holmes introduced the members and their specialties. Remember scripture of the body of the church is: many members with different gifts, like the body has eyes, ears, heart etc. none is more important than the other. We as a church must stay together, work together and support others. Shawn Rosenbarker is our contract and clerk of the works (overseer of all work, control of the timing, and check all work). Shawn has shared how God has cleared our church from the sprinkler system of $200,000. New York state fire board agreed that the cost and the advantage were not worth it. Praise the Lord!! Our contractor is also a Christian, and works with churches and is excited to start in the middle of April to May. Bill Woodward works for architect Steve McElwain. Bill has made a large number of drawings and he has started how God was in the final drawing. By combining all the good parts and placing the addition at the location that would keep the price in our best interest. Questions from the floor: 1. What will be the disruptions of church operations during the construction. Shawn and Bill were glad that was asked because, they have devoted much time to not having much interference. A temporary wall will keep people out and safe and reduce the dust and construction material. 2. The rooms and what use, when can the bathrooms be used? We will be placing a high priority on some rooms, this will be set at a later time in the project. 3. The kitchen will also have renovations. But not with Building fund money cause it is renovations not building $. The stage will be changed to a serving and storage area. Two doors will be filled in for safety. 4. The well and septic for the church will be upgraded. 5. The Building committee has been told not to put the church into debt, so we will TOTALLY depend upon the donations that the LORD tells people to give. 6. The construction is only for the shell (foundation, floors, walls, roof, shingles, windows, plum for bathrooms, insulation, ceilings, sheet rocked, and exterior double half window, doors with crash bars). 7. We the church will finish the most important needs until the money is gone. We will not place the church into debt. Looking to see how God will direct his people. March 17, Saturday morning at 9 am we met with Colwell Brothers our contractor and Bill, Shawn and Jim went over the drawings IN DETAIL with LeWayne Colwell. The purpose was to make sure there are no misunderstandings of the important details. WOW what a great meeting. Yes some surprises but much give and take. The project is what both parties wanted. Jim signed the lawyer approved contract and authorized to send our first payment. Revised start estimate is early June, 2012 BUILDING PROJECT UPDATE: The excitement is soon to begin! We have many loads of stone piled for the foundation and drainage of our new addition, the trees have been cut in preparation for the excavated soil, and the new well is ready to be drilled. Hopefully we have kept all in the loop enough to know we have contracted with Colwell Brothers for this stage of the project. Please pray for Roger Colwell as he has had to have a knee replacement. This has moved our projected start date back to early June. Thank you all for the continued prayers and other support with the knowledge that "Unless the Lord builds the house, They labor in vain that build it." We at Union Center UMC are filled with joy to be servants for our Lord as He leads us to participate in many ways in His projects. Shawn Rosenbarker A BUILDING FUND NOTE FROM THE TREASURER: To date we have $196,159.04 in our building fund. That does not include the shares of IBM stock that have been donated to this cause. We have paid out the first installment of $5000.00 to the contractor and paid over $3000 to McElwain Engineering for the many hours put in to get the plans drawn and approved. We have had many faithful givers to our building fund, in April we had a blessing of a $20,000 check from a donor who is obviously committed to helping see God's will happen. The fund has also earned over $500 in dividends from the CU in 2012 alone. MANY THANKS TO ALL OUR FAITHFUL GIVERS, please continue to pray for all those that will

be involved with building this wonderful addition and pray for blessings to all those who have, and continue to, give. Lynn Rethink Church

- A man without a vision is dead

In the March/April "Interpreter" is a small insert called "WHY RETHINK CHURCH ?" and many other features relating to the direction the church should and could be placing their effort to reach the community, church family, young adults, youth. "The purpose of the church is to 'make Disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.' The 'Rethink Church' phrase is an invitation to all churches, pastors and laity to think deeply about why THEIR church exists. Does the church exist to satisfy the needs of those of us already in it? Or, are we here for the sake of those outside the church who do not know Christ? Do we measure success by the numbers of people in the pews, and the money we take in each week? Or, do we measure success by the lives God changes through our ministry? Our church is about to embark on a building project. It will be important for us to remember that this new building will only be helpful if we use it as a tool to transform the lives of the people in our community with the good news of Jesus Christ!" We at Union Center are building a new facility and it is a great time to also build the Kingdom of God. If any one would like a copy of this magazine, Jim Holmes has 10 copies to share. Rev. David Masland (our district superintendent) has offered to come to our church to lead us in a one-day process of discerning a God-sized vision for our church to transform the lives of the people of our area through new mission and ministry. Would you be willing to participate in such a visioning meeting? Contact me, Jim Holmes, if you'd like to be part of building a new vision right alongside our new building! Looking for Spirit filled, God directed, church loving people to further God's kingdom. Jim Holmes SOUTHERN TIER HOLINESS ASSOCIATION – ANNUAL CRUSADE MAY 20 – 23, 2012 Binghamton First Church of the Nazarene, 1282 Chenango Street, Binghamton. Sunday 6:00 PM, Monday – Wednesday 7:00 PM Speaker is Rev. Susie Shellenberger, an ordained minister, commissioned Evangelist, former Youth pastor, author ofo 51 books, founding ditor of Focus on the Family’s Brio Magazine. Children’s Good News Club for k-5th grade is available as well as Nursery. A special Youth event, “Meet and Greet” with Susie Shellenberger will be held after the Sunday evening service. Pizza and wings provided. Mothers' Day Women's Luncheon Praise the Lord for the way He provides for our needs with so much generosity and grace. The women's gathering on Saturday May 5, 2012 was a great thrill and a blessing. The food was delicious and abundant. The Lord used Julia Kellaway of the Family Life Network to bring blessings and encouragement to the women. The fellowship was sweet. Praise the Lord for Joe and Mandy Walker, who prepared the meal with so much love and served with so much joy. Praise the Lord for Linda O'Connor who made all the homemade desserts. The Lord multiplied the blessings and there were few baskets of left over which served after the second service the day after. Thank you Jesus.

Saturday Evening Worship. We meet every Saturday evening at 6 PM for coffee and fellowship and at 6:30 PM for worship at the First United Methodist Church, 53 McKinley Avenue. It is always a blessing as we gather for worship and service. One of the highlights of worship in April was the evening of special musical presentations on April 7, 2012. Aric Phinney and Yancey Moore presented an evening of hymns and songs centered on the Passion and the Resurrection of our Lord, with Dave Berry leading the singing. The presentations by pianist Winnie Allen and soloist Emma Brunson were anointed. We were blessed to have another evening of special worship with two teams of musicians on April 28, 2012. It was powerful. The testimony by Jason Garren was anointed and challenging. Praise the Lord the way He meets us to bless and to propel us to serve Him and follow Him. We are planning for an evening of musical worship with Jared Campbell in June. The date is not yet confirmed. CHOIR APPRECIATION RECEPTION: A celebration of our choir, Aric and Betty will be held June 10th after the second service. Come an express your appreciation to this dedicated group of servants. Men's Breakfast: The next men's breakfast will be on Sunday June 17, 2012 at 7 AM Location : Union Center United Methodist Church Speaker: Dr. Rodger Summers, Former Vice President of Binghamton University. Men of all ages are invited to come and be blessed. GRADUATES RECEPTION: will be held June 24th after the 10:00 worship service. Be sure the office has the name and school of all graduates. Special service of worship and celebration: Sunday June 24,2012 Worship time 10 AM Sunday School 9 AM We will have special music for this worship. Following the worship service there will be a special dinner reception at noon. We will honor the graduates, as well as the choir members and the musicians. It will be great day of thanksgiving and praise. Plan to be in worship that day. Let us invite our friends and neighbors to come and be blessed.

May 2012 Sunday


Tuesday 1

Wednesday 2

Thursday 3

6:00 Trustees

6 8:30/11:00 Worship 9:50 Sunday School 2:30 Ignite 4:45 Prayer meeting 9:30 Wesley worship 13



8:30/11:00 Worship 9:50 Sunday School 12:30 Luncheon for Camp funds 2:30 Ignite 4:45 Prayer meeting

Friday 4

7:00 PM TV ministry Ch 4



6:00 Cell Groups

6:00 Soup & Bible study


Saturday 5 noon Women’s Banquet

First Church 6:00 Fellowship 6:30 worship



7:00 PM TV ministry Ch 4

First Church 6:00 Fellowship 6:30 worship

7:00 Boy Scouts

7:30 Choir Rehearsal






7:00 Boy Scouts

6:00 Soup & Bible study

6:00 Admin. Council

7:00 PM TV ministry Ch 4

First Church 12 Luncheon 6:00 Fellowship 6:30 worship

7:30 Choir Rehearsal

9:30 Wesley worship 20 8:30/11:00 Worship 9:50 Sunday School 2:30 Ignite 4:45 Prayer meeting 9:30 Wesley worship


27 8:30/11:00 Worship 9:50 Sunday School 2:30 Ignite 4:45 Prayer meeting




6:00 Cell Groups

6:00 Soup & Bible study

7:00 Boy Scouts 7:30 Choir Rehearsal



7:00 Boy Scouts

6:00 Soup & Bible study 7:30 Choir Rehearsal

9:30 Wesley worship





7:00 PM TV ministry Ch 4

First Church 6:00 Fellowship 6:30 worship

June 2012 Sunday





Friday 1

Saturday 2 Friendship class fellowship

7:00 PM TV ministry Ch 4 First Church 6:00 Fellowship 6:30 worship 3 8:30/11:00 Worship 9:50 Sunday School 2:30 Ignite 4:45 Prayer meeting 9:30 Wesley worship





6:00 Cell Groups 6:00 Soup & Bible study 7:00 Boy Scouts 7:30 Choir Rehearsal

10 11 8:30/11:00 Worship 9:50 Sunday School 12:30 Choir appreciation reception 4:45 Prayer meeting





First Church 7:00 PM TV 6:00 Fellowship ministry Ch 4 6:30 worship 14



6:00 Soup & Bible 6:00 Admin. 7:00 PM TV First Church 7:00 Boy Scouts study Council ministry Ch 4 12:00 Luncheon 6:00 Fellowship 7:30 Choir Rehearsal 6:30 worship

9:30 Wesley worship 17 7:30 Men’s Breakfast 8:30/11:00 Worship 9:50 Sunday School 2:30 Ignite 4:45 Prayer meeting





6:00 Cell Groups 6:00 Soup & Bible study 7:00 Boy Scouts 7:30 Choir Rehearsal



7:00 PM TV First Church ministry Ch 4 6:00 Fellowship 6:30 worship

9:30 Wesley worship 24 9:00 Sunday School 10:00 Worship 11:30 Graduates reception 2:30 Ignite 4:45 Prayer meeting 9:30 Wesley worship




6:00 Soup & Bible 7:00 Boy Scouts study 7:30 Choir Rehearsal




7:00 PM TV First Church ministry Ch 4 6:00 Fellowship 6:30 worship

VBS JULY 23-27, 2012; One of the big events in the life of the church is our annual VBS ministry, held for a week every summer. Because we will be breaking ground during the first week of June, we are exploring the possibility of conducting the VBS at the First United Methodist Church in Endicott. This will be a great mission opportunity to reach the boys and girls In Endicott. The dates are set for our VBS to be held the fourth week of July. Wednesday Evening Bible study and fellowship. We meet for our midweek gathering every Wednesday at 6 PM for food and fellowship and at 6:30 PM for Bible Study. The Lord blesses us each time we meet with His presence and grace. Please plan to join us. It is exciting and a great blessing. We have been studying the Gospel According to St John. Feeding Ministry at the First United Methodist Church, Endicott: We engage in this ministry opportunity on the third Saturday of every month. We gather tp prepare meal, beginning at 9:30 AM, and we serve the meal at noon. Come and be part of this ministry of caring and serving. Lynn Rosenbarker is the coordinator of this ministry. COMMUNICATIONS We would like to use email to more effectively communicate with everyone. Please send an email to the church office with your email so it can be added to our contact list. umcgospel@aol.com. Thanks. PRAYER CHAIN – EMAIL If you would like to be included in prayer and praise notices by email, please email the office to let us know your address. umcgospel@aol.com Ministry, Events, and Dates for May and June MAY 5 noon women’s banquet at Union Center UMC, speaker is Julia Kellaway. MAY 20 12:30 Luncheon to benefit a fund to help our young people go to summer camps. JUNE 10 12:30 Choir appreciation reception JUNE 17 7:00 AM Men’s Breakfast, tentative speaker is Dr. Rodger Summers JUNE 24 11:30 AM Graduates reception ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES The Friendship Class, led by Linda Geer, is studying Angels and the Open Door Class, led by Al Smith, is studying the Holy Spirit. Both classes have room for more to join and would welcome new attendees.


The current Children’s Sunday School teachers would like to take the summer off. Shannan Meilunas is looking for people who would be willing to fill in for the summer months. Please contact her if you are interested.

SUMMER CHRISTIAN CAMPS We have a few children who would enjoy going to a summer camp but their families don’t have the funds to afford it. This can be a life changing week for a child. Costs range from $275 to $398 to go to either El Rancho de Paz or Sky Lake, or Davis College leadership Camp (July 9-12). If you would like to help one of children attend, checks can be made out to the church with “Summer Camp” in the memo. A Lasagna Luncheon will be held on May 20, Sunday, at 12:30 PM. . We will receive a sacrificial love offering to support kids to go to camp. Those who are led to invest in the lives of these children can give to this ministry. Please designate our gifts for summer camps. A sign up will be in the Narthex.

Summer Worship Service JUNE 24 and all of July and August: Union Center UMC 9 AM Sunday School 10 AM Worship Wesley UMC Worship at 9:00 AM Friday Evening Television Outreach Friday at 7:00 PM On Time Warner cable channel 4 Please send your e-mail to the Church office: umcgospel @aol.com You can read Pastor Brown's morning devotions on: brownnaik.blogspot. com.

Are you single and looking for other singles to hang out or “fellowship” with? Check out SingleFriendsinChrist.com and sign up for their monthly newsletter of regularly scheduled activities in the Triple Cities area. No email access? No problem. Contact the church to be placed on the mailing list. Singles of all ages are welcome.”


Wednesdays: Fridays: Saturdays:

WORSHIP SERVICES: 8:30/11:00 a.m. Worship Service 9:50 a.m. Sunday School for all ages 9:30 a.m. Worship at Wesley Church 6:00/6:30 p.m. Soup Supper/Bible Study 7:00 p.m. TV Ministry Cable Channel 4 6:30 p.m. Worship at First Methodist You are a stranger here but once


Union Center United Methodist Church 128 Maple Drive Endicott, NY 13760 Return Services Requested


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