Daily Dispatch: Special Section: MPMC: Healthbeat: Wednesday, July 18, 2012

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The Daily Dispatch

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


There are a number of exercises and habits -- such as performing specific exercises or sleeping on a firm mattress -you can use to help back pain go away and keep your back healthy.

7) Sit in firm straight-backed chairs floor for 3-5 seconds. a n d k e e p t h e k n e e s This strengthens the level with the hips or posterior slightly highs p i n e m u s - Sleep on a firm er than the cles. mattress and put hips. 5) Sleep 8) When o n a f i r m a pillow under lifting, bend m a t t r e s s your knees if you at the knees and put a pil- lie on your back, k e e p i n g l o w u n d e r or between your the back you r k n e e s knees if you lie on s t r a i g h t . Yo u s h o u l d if you lie on your side. be careful your back, not to twist or between your knees if you lie on while lifting which is often what brings on an your side. 6) If you are stand- acute back strain. Ta l k t o y o u r d o c ing for long periods, you should put one foot tor before star ting any on a stool or ledge, or exercise plan, especialbend both knees inter- ly if you have a histor y of back problems. mittently.

Hypertension, the silent killer Causing few or no symptoms, hyper tension has become known as the “silent killer.� You must have your blood pressure taken to diagnose it. A normal reading is below 140/90. When it goes above this reading it should be foll o w e d c l o s e l y. T h e diagnosis should not be made from just one or two readings. The blood pressure will vary depending on hear t rate, excitement, and just being in your doctor’s office. When the readings are consistently high, your doctor will consid-

er several factors which may be af fecting your blood pressure. Use of tobacco, alcohol, coffee and salt may contribute to the elevated readings. These are all life-style factors which can be changed. Losing weight and increasing your physical activity may be all that is needed to control mild hypertension. When dietar y and life-style changes do not control the blood pressure, medicines are usually started. A wide variety of medicines are available and the best choice often depends SEE KILLER/PAGE 7

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