Landscape Intelligence

Page 257

'Ecobulevar Azul' Torrevieja The new motorway bypass has solved congestion problems and diverted through traffic of heavy goods vehicles from the roads on the coast.These changes provide a good opportunity to restructure the network of tourist installations on the coast of the Vega Baja area by converting the old national road into the 'blue eco-boulevard', linking these places with an area which has undergone rapid uncoordinated development in the past.The blue eco-boulevard would introduce coherence to these haphazard tourist estates. Introducing lacking s ervices a nd diversifying t he a rea by providing work places would increase the quality of life of this area. Such interventions are expected to transform second homes into permanent residences, d iversify t he l ocal e conomy f rom tourism dominance, offer new opportunities and lead to a more balanced demographic structure.

Inland eco-boulevard linking small towns Alcoy, Cocentaina and Muro

The ‘blue’ eco-boulevard rejuvenating the coast line from Torrevieja


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