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NEWS page 4


Courtesy, Susan G. Komen Foundation

Photo by Keith Chamlee



Bullying Pushing More Gay Teens to Suicide

n Fort Lauderdale n Miami n Bay Area n Central Florida n Bears


Tyler Clement

Courtesy, Facebook


Fort Lauderdale hosts two major bear and leather events this week once again claiming the name, Fort LEATHERdale. It’s time to eat, drink and be hairy! Courtesy, Google images

n Jump!


Three of the hottest promoters on South Beach combine their talents and come up with a new Sunday night party at Lux. Don’t miss it.

Several young men across the United States killed themselves due to anti-gay bullying.

Courtesy, iStock Photos

n Pride

“Come Out with Pride” in Orlando is Central Florida’s largest LGBT event. Watch the lighting ceremony, catch the parade and enjoy the festival. Courtesy, iStock Photos

n Theater

Courtesy, iStock Photos

Gypsy Productions and the L Train Theater will open the world premiere of “An Evening with Mr. Johnson: It’s Even Harder Being a Gay Dick!”

Raymond Chase

Courtesy, Facebook

For years, Nadine Smith and Equality Florida fought bigoted legislators to prove that laws needed to be passed to curb schoolyard bullying based on sexual orientation and gender identity/expression. The recent high-profile stories of gay teen suicides across the country proved that Smith’s efforts were important in securing the passage of Florida’s Jeffrey Johnston Stand Up for All Students Act in 2008. More teenagers may be afraid to reveal themselves for fear of harassment from their peers. The incidents of gay teenagers taking their own lives that grabbed national headlines in September were: • On September 29, 19-year-old Raymond Chase, a sophomore at Johnson & Wales University in Rhode Island committed suicide by hanging himself in his dorm room. Friends and family said that Raymond seemed happy and they did not know he was suicidal. • On September 23, 13-year-old Asher Brown of Houston shot himself in the head in his step-father’s closet. The middle-schooler was constantly picked on by four students at his school and endured being called gay and had mock gay acts performed on him during physical education class. • On September 22, 18-year-old Tyler Clementi, a freshman at Rutgers

University in New Jersey, jumped off the George Washington Bridge into the Hudson River after his roommate secretly videotaped Clementi engaging in sexual activity with another man. Clementi was not out to his family and officials believe he was so distraught over the video’s release online that that is what caused him to take his own life. Clementi’s former roommate, 18-year-old Dharun Ravi, is being charged with invasion of privacy. • On September 19, 13-year-old Seth Walsh of Fresno, California hung himself on a tree in his family’s backyard after getting bullied by a group of local teenagers in a park. Seth had been openly gay but not sexually active according to his family. No criminal charges will be filed in the case. • On September 9, 15-year-old Billy Lucas of Greensburg, Indiana saw no end to the constant stream of teasing and harassment for his openly bisexual orientation and hanged himself from the rafters of his family’s barn. A day before the suicide Billy had a chair pulled out from underneath him in the school cafeteria and his classmates had taunted him by saying he should just go hang himself. “The recent pattern of LGBT youth suicides is cause for grave concern,” said Shane Windmeyer, founder of Campus

See BULLYING on Page 4

National Breast Cancer Awareness Month By BOB KECSKEMETY October is considered National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (NBCAM) which is an annual campaign organized by major breast cancer charities every October to increase awareness of the disease and to raise funds for research into its cause, prevention and cure. Through the last three decades, organizations have made millions of women aware of breast cancer, its early detection and

available treatments and, as a result, has saved millions of lives. Though there are local organizations dedicated to breast cancer awareness, we are going to take a close look at the larger national and international organizations as they are the most well-known. The most well known international organization dedicated to breast cancer awareness is the Susan G. Komen for the Cure. Komen was 33 when she was diagnosed with breast cancer and died three

years later. In 1980, her younger sister, Nancy Brinker, who felt that Komen’s outcome might have been better if patients knew more about breast cancer and its treatment, decided to act upon a promise she made to her sister that Brinker would find a way to speed up breast cancer research. In 1982, Brinker founded the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation in her sister’s memo-



OCTOBER 7, 2010

news Teen Fights to Be Homecoming King MONA SHORES, MI: A Mona Shores, Michigan transgender teenager is crying foul after administrators in the West Michigan school invalidated the vote of his peers in a race for Homecoming King. Oakleigh Reed said he wanted to run for the position because he was as qualified as any other person running. School officials defend their decision saying that the ballots gave two choices: vote for a boy for king and a girl for queen. A school official claimed the district did not violate any nondiscrimination rules by refusing to crown Reed as King. But Reed says the school has acknowledged his transition to male by addressing him with male pronouns, allowing him to wear the male uniform for band and the male graduation gown.H

Will Kurt Get a Love Interest? HOLLYWOOD, CA: It looks like Darren Criss will be playing Chris Colfer’s boyfriend on “Glee.” Show creator, Ryan Murphy told E! Online that Kurt will have a love interest this year and that the new Daren Criss character, played by Criss, is certainly an option. Criss is the cast’s latest member and he’ll be playing Blaine, a charismatic gay student from a rival glee club, the Dalton Academy Warblers. “He sort of becomes Kurt’s mentor and then maybe love interest,” hints Ryan. “He had to leave his own school because of bullying so Kurt really admires and respects him.” Criss was born and raised in San Francisco, California and attended the University of Michigan. It was in Ann Arbor, Michigan where Darren began wowing audience with his versions of Disney covers, oldies, pop hits and generally cool songs. He plays Harry Potter in the parody play "A Very Potter Musical".H

Massachusetts Could Get Gay Lieutenant Governor BOSTON, M A: Massachusetts State Senator Richard Tisei, the running mate for that state's Republican gubernatorial candidate Charlie Baker, could become the first openly gay lieutenant governor. Richard Tisei


Charlie Baker is a fiscal conservative who supports marriage equality, and State Senate Minority Leader Richard Tisei, an openly gay candidate for lieutenant governor make the GOP ticket in Massachusetts the most LGBT-friendly the Republican Party has ever fielded.H

Neil Patrick Harris’ Message for Bullied Gay Youths H O L LY WO O D, CA: Neil Patrick Harris sent MTV a homemade video with an important message he hoped would reach all of those gay teens tormented by bullies in high school, college or where ever. Neal Patrick Harris "Let me assure you, if you're getting bullied and feeling like you're on the outskirts, that it gets better. Because, when you get older, you’ll find that people are actually drawn towards individuals with different points of view who are proud of who they are and who make interesting and different and unique choices for them — at least I am ... but, for Pete's sake, don't cut yourself or jump off a bridge. Please."H

Since Arnold Wouldn’t Do It … SACRAMENTO, CA: … ten states filed a brief with the federal court in California opposing gay marriage equality. The states of Florida, Alabama, Idaho, Indiana, Louisiana, Michigan, South Carolina, Utah, Virginia and Wyoming sent a brief to the 9th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals saying that the Constitution does not require marriage to include same-sex couples and that states, not federal courts, have the final say in whether to allow same-sex marriages. The court had previously ruled that only California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and California Attorney General could appeal a lower court’s ruling and that California’s anti-same-sex marriage, Proposition 8, was in opposition to the U.S. Constitution. Both Schwarzenegger and Brown refused to appeal the lower court ruling.H

Prop 8 Judge Set to Retire SAN FRANCISCO, CA: Judge Vaughn Walker, the U.S. District Judge who ruled in August that Prop 8, California’s voterapproved ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional, has announced he will retire from his post on the San Francisco federal court in February of 2011. Rich Wieking, clerk of the court, stated in an e-mail that Walker will step down from the bench on December 31st and retire in February.H


OCTOBER 7, 2010




OCTOBER 7, 2010

apartment rental




Secretary Duncan: “This Must Stop” BULLYING, continued from Page 1





Raising Awareness is the First Step to a Cure BREAST CANCER continued from Page 1 ry. In 2007, the organization changed its name to Susan G. Komen for the Cure. The first Susan G. Komen “National Race for the Cure” was held in Dallas, Texas in October 1983 with 800 participating. In 1991, the participants in the New York City race were handed a pink ribbon to wear. This was the first use of the pink ribbon which has since become the international symbol for breast cancer awareness. Today, the “Race” is held in over 100 U.S. cities, attracting over 1.3 million participants. Races are also held in ten other countries: Australia, New

Courtesy, Susan G. Komen Foundation

In honor of her sister, Nancy Brinker (pictured) founded Susan G. Komen for the Cure to fund research and awareness campaigns.

Zealand, Germany, The Netherlands, Italy, United Kingdom, Canada, Hungary, Puerto Rico and Bulgaria. Lesser known are the Susan G. Komen 3-Day Walks for the Cure which are held in several U.S. cities and consist of a 60-mile trek which spans over three days. Other smaller Komen fundraisers are held throughout Europe. Funds raised by the Races and Walks help support community outreach programs. The money also supports local community breast health education and breast cancer screening and treatment projects through the Komen Award and Research Grant Program. In 1993, Evelyn Lauder, Senior Corporate Vice President of the Estée Lauder Cosmetics founded The Breast Cancer Research Foundation and used the pink ribbon as its official symbol. Estée Lauder has arranged to have 17 world-famous landmarks illuminated at night in pink light to draw attention to the importance of mammography screening for early diagnosis of breast cancer as well as the research for finding ways to cure and prevent breast cancer. Avon Cosmetics has formed the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer, the company’s largest annual fundraising event. There is a series of nine Avon 2-Day Walks for Breast Cancer held each year from April to October. From 2003 through 2008, the

Avon Walks raised more than $265 million. The Avon Walk for Breast Cancer also raises awareness as participants spend an entire weekend walking 39 miles through cities and towns around the country. Drug manufacturer, AstraZeneca, which manufactures several breast cancer drugs, founded National Breast Cancer Awareness Month in 1995 with the aim to promote mammography as the most effective weapon in the fight against breast cancer. National Breast Cancer Awareness month has come under fire over last few years. The Cancer Prevention Coalition has criticized the basic message of NBCAM as a form of victim blaming because it focuses on "early detection and treatment" while ignoring environmental factors. Their researchers contend that hormone use is one of the major factors raising the cancer risk and that drug and chemical companies have a vested interest in treating the disease rather than finding ways to minimize its rate of incidence. Recent studies show that breast cancer is linked to several environmental and genetic factors which can be controlled or mitigated. In October 2008, First Lady Laura Bush had the White House decorated in pink in honor of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Next week, early detection of breast cancer and its treatments.. H

Pride, a national resource group founded in 2001. “Campus Pride demands national action be taken to address youth bullying, harassment and the need for safety and inclusion for LGBT youth at colleges and universities. We must not let these tragic deaths go unnoticed. Together we must act decisively to curb antiLGBT bias incidents, harassment and acts of violence.” According to a 2009 survey of 7,261 middle and high school students by the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), nearly 9 out of 10 LGBT students experienced harassment at school and nearly two-thirds felt unsafe because of their sexual orientation. Nearly a third of LGBT students skipped at least one day of school in the past month because of safety concerns. The Safe Schools Improvement Act and the Student NonDiscrimination Act were introduced in Congress in 2009, but lawmakers have not been in a rush to tackle the issue. United States Secretary of Education Arne Duncan urged Congress to devote the time to this important piece of legislation after the recent tragedies. “This is a moment where every one of us — parents, teachers, students, elected officials, and all people of conscience — needs to stand up and speak out against intolerance in all its forms,” Duncan said. “Whether it’s students harassing other students because of ethnicity, disability or religion; or an adult, public official harassing the President of the University of Michigan student body because he is gay, it is time we as a country said enough. No more. This must stop.” National Coming Out Day, an internationally observed civil awareness day is October 11 and could be a good day for many students to take an anti-GLBT bullying stand and support their peers if they choose to express their orientation. “The end to bullying and creating a culture of respect for all isn't a onestep or one-sided effort,” said a joint statement by GLSEN, The Trevor Project and PFLAG. “It is critical that concerned friends, family and community members know they have the power to take action to help at-risk youth right now.” If you or someone you know is in crisis and has mentioned or is considering suicide take it seriously and get help. Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273TALK (8255) or the Trevor Lifeline at 1-866-488-7386. H



OCTOBER 7, 2010






hair services

interior design

licensed massage

licensed massage

licensed massage

personal concierge

pet services

printing services

restoration services



brand managers

Brad Casey / Real Estate bradc@jumponmarkslist.com 954-554-4912

Ken Fritz / Bars & Nightlife kenf@jumponmarkslist.com 954-599-0124

Jim Verrichia / Classifieds jimv@jumponmarkslist.com 954-303-5355

Keith Chamlee / Central Florida keithc@jumponmarkslist.com 954-465-1563



OCTOBER 7, 2010


south florida


MAN DIES OF APPARENT SUICIDE AT EAGLE Fort Lauderdale Police were called to the Fort Lauderdale Eagle at 4:59 a.m. on Sunday, September 19, 2010 to investigate the death of Levi DeBow, 32 of Bloomfield, New Jersey. According to Eagle owner, Todd Rocko, DeBow, who was a personal friend of his, would occasionally help out in the club, usually on Saturday night as parking security and to clean the club. According to Rocko, after the club had closed, DeBow went into the back of the club to clean while Rocko and his assistant remained up front finishing up the day’s work. Approximately 45 minutes later, Rocko went in back to say good night to his friend when he found DeBow had hung himself on one of the hooks used for the wall restraints. Rocko said that DeBow had been going through tough times and mood swings recently since breaking up with his girlfriend. He also said that something had happened, perhaps a phone call, that caused DeBow to tell him that his own life was “pathetic” and that he “wished it was over.” Rocko says that it didn’t register what his comment meant. “It’s just so sad,” said Rocko, “that he didn’t know that whatever his problem was, it’s not that bad. It’s worse when you end it and you really don’t know how you affect people’s lives and you hurt the people that love you.” – BK


an excellent job. They will keep on the same track that I have as far as reputation. The reputation we’ve had is a big plus and we’ve worked very hard to keep the reputation going.” The office will remain at it’s current location at 2031 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. – BK


Photo by Bob Kecskemety

The M-Project held a ribbon cutting for its new M-Lounge at 1224 N.E. 4 Avenue in Fort Lauderdale on Friday, October 1. You can view a video of the Lounge’s grand opening at www.FloridaAgenda.com.

PRIDE UNIVERSITY Pride University at the Pride Center at Equality Park (formerly the Gay and Lesbian Community Center of South Florida) is getting ready to start its new quarter. Classes will run from October 11 to December 18 at the Center located at 2040 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. Class offerings include Beginning Ballroom and Latin Dance, Beginning Salsa, Beginner through Intermediate Conversational Spanish, Creative Watercolor, GetFirm Boot Camp, Foundations of Investing, The Practice of Yoga, Live Your Strengths, Money Fitness and Pet Health. For information and application forms, visit www.PrideCenterFlorida.org. – BK


Joe Ryan

A memorial service will be held for Wilton Manors realtor, Joe Ryan, 58, on Sunday, October 17 from 3 to 5 p.m. at 1317 Middle River Drive in Fort Lauderdale. Ryan has been a realtor in the Wilton Manors/Fort Lauderdale area for over 20 years after having been a realtor in Michigan for 10 years. Ryan was first diagnosed with colon cancer seven years ago. The cancer had spread throughout his body and affected his kidneys and he died on September 24, 2010. “The community has been amazing and I thank them for the support they gave me,” said Ryan in an interview a few days prior to his passing. Ryan left his real estate office to Michael Davino and Greg Piper and the business will be renamed Davino and Associates at the recommendation of their attorney. “They are both extremely qualified,” said Ryan. “They will take over and they will do

Photo by Bob Kecskemety

The Pride Center at Equality Park and the Sunshine Cathedral are joining together to participate in a nationwide call for vigils and marches for LGBT suicide victims and anti-bullying initiatives. The two are collaborating to present a communitywide event scheduled for October 11, 2010 at 7:30 p.m. to be held at the Sunshine Cathedral, 1480 SW 9th Avenue in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Your presence and prayers can make a powerful statement. 9 out of 10 LGBT youth report being verbally harassed at school; 44% say they have been physically harassed; 22% report having been assaulted; and 60% say it is useless to report abuse because they don't trust that anyone will actually help to protect them. – BK H

OCTOBER 7, 2010




OCTOBER 7, 2010


Letter From CEO of Multimedia Platforms, LLC


It brings me great pleasure to have the opportunity to bring to you, on a weekly basis, Florida's only statewide LGBT newspaper which covers international, national and Florida news along with our now-number-one ranked in the United States, LGBT entertainment and news web site, “Mark’s List”. According to Alexa.com, www.jumponmarkslist.com now receives 5,000-7,000 visitors per day from people all over the world. We are also very proud to bring to you Florida's fastest growing magazine that we renamed earlier this year, “Mark”. My vision over the years has always been to create a media company that could offer our readers and advertisers every component available in the marketplace from newspapers, magazines, websites, social media outlets, etc. I am proud to say we are reaching our goals. We are now excited to announce that we are growing again and can now provide our readers and advertisers any printing needs they may have — from post cards, business cards, flyers to posters and banners — you name, it we can do it. This is made possible through our new relationship and infrastructure merger with "Planet Press/Copy This," South Florida's premier print shop located on Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. This infrastructure merger allows us to offer

a one-stop shop environment for every marketing need an advertising client could ever have.


We also welcome our loyal readers and online viewers to benefit from any of our printing services as you may need them from time-to-time. Our entire team is so happy to call Wilton Drive our home and to have our entire infrastructure and staff "ON THE DRIVE." This something I wanted years ago when I entered the multimedia marketing business. On behalf of Mark Haines, Kevin Hopper, Dennis Dean, Brad Casey and our entire staff, we say a big thank you for all your amazing support and continued encouragement as we strive to bring to you, on a weekly basis, the very best media outlets in the world that service our LGBT communities. Wishing all our local residents, visitors and all business owners a wonderful season, all the best,

Bobby Blair CEO Multimedia Platforms, LLC


PRODUCTION Creative Director DENNIS DEAN Production Manager JONATHAN BUGG


SALES & MARKETING Brand Managers: BRAD CASEY - REAL ESTATE bradc@jumponmarkslist.com - 954-554-4912 KEITH CHAMLEE - CENTRAL/BAY AREA keithc@jumponmarkslist.com - 954-465-1563 KEN FRITZ - BARS & NIGHTLIFE kenf@jumponmarkslist.com - 954-599-0124 JIM VERRICHIA - CLASSIFIEDS jimv@jumponmarkslist.com - 954-303-5355 National Ad Representative RIVENDELL MEDIA: 212-242-6863


DISPLAY AD DEADLINES: Placement by Fridays, 5 p.m. Camera Ready Artwork by Mondays, Noon CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINES: Placement by Mondays, 5 p.m. Artwork by Mondays, Noon ALL MATERIAL in the Florida Agenda is protected by federal copyright law and may not be reproduced without the written consent of the Florida Agenda. The sexual orientation of advertisers, photographers, writers and cartoonists published herein is neither inferred or implied. The appearance of names or pictorial representation does not necessarily indicate the sexual orientation of that person or persons. Although this paper is supported by many fine advertisers, the Agenda cannot accept responsibility for claims made by advertisers.


EDITORIAL POSITIONS of the Florida Agenda are expressed in editorials and in editors’ notes as determined by the paper’s editors. Other opinions are those of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Florida Agenda or its staff.

Do you think LGBT History Month is important?

TO SUBMIT A LETTER OR COMMENTARY: Letters should be fewer than 400 words; commentaries should be fewer than 750 words. Submissions may be edited for content and length, and must include a name, address and phone number for verification. Send submissions by e-mail to TroyM@jumponmarkslist.com by fax to 954-566-7900 or by regular mail to the Agenda office, attn: Letters/Commentary.

Of course! There’s Black History Month, why can’t we?

LOGAN GIVELLO, Repair Technician, Boca Raton

The month is very important since it can bring some light on what the LGBT has fought for and end of discrimination, adoption, marriage rights and full equal rights for all citizens.

Yes, in order to make others aware of LGBT issues and recognize our place in society.

DANIEL GOLDBERG, Computer Tech, Dania Beach

DAN MANABAT, Restaurant Manager, Oakland Park

I think it’s a good idea.

JOE DOVIAK, Real Estate Manager, Fort Lauderdale

I believe it is very important because it gives knowledge and probably makes people feel important and more comfortable in society.

NICHOLAS REGISTER, Unemployed, Fort Lauderdale

The Q - interviews and photos by Bob Kecskemety

MAIN OFFICE: 2881 E. Oakland Park Blvd. Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306 PHONE: 954-903-4781 FAX: 954-903-4771 E-MAIL: TroyM@jumponmarkslist.com CLASSIFIED SATELLITE OFFICE: Dennis Dean Galleries 2440-B Wilton Drive, 2nd floor, rear entrance upstairs Wilton Manors, Fl 33305 Phone 954-707-5046

Printed by Southeast Offset (305) 623-7788 © 2010, Mutimedia Platforms LLC. All rights reserved.



Letters to the Editor “FOR EVIL TO TRIUMPH, LET GOOD MEN DO NOTHING.” I read the editorial "Confessions of an Ex-..." in the 9/30/2010 edition of Florida Agenda. During the Regan administration I was living in San Francisco. As AIDS appeared, and reached epidemic proportions, the reports in the daily press and conversations with friends became more and more personal as friends, colleagues and other people I knew kept getting sick and dying. Medical researchers in San Francisco and doctors did what they could but there was no help from Washington and no extra funding for the CDC or NIH. Kindly ask Mr. Kecskemety if he was straight, uninfor med, naive or just uninterested in what was going on at the time. During the entire Reagan administration, as friends were dying, his beloved President did absolutely nothing. Private research both here and in France were desperately looking for a cause and cure, but our President and his wealthy "kitchen cabinet" were not interested. The only gay people we saw in the White House were Nancy's decorators and hairdressers. As a lifelong republican, maybe he can be excused for voting for Reagan the first time, but the 2nd time?

"French Revolution" in America and preached the socialist gospel of European superiority to anybody who would listen. But I have changed! What brought about this change? In I realize that the gist of the editorial was the fact that his political direction one word: Obama! His taxpayer bailouts of the incompehas changed, but someone said "For evil to triumph, let good men do noth- tent rich contradicted his beautiful rheting." He admits that he did more than oric of condemning the rich when he do nothing. He actually voted for these campaigned for President. His healthanti-gay homophobic leaders. care reform is a farce and does not conEveryone is entitled to their political trol costs for any age-group. His star has beliefs, and supposedly his beliefs have faded, his luster is diminished, just as changed. Personally, millions of people have I'll find other things lost their homes and to read besides the their employment. He editorials in your blames Bush, but publication. unemployment used to – JOEL COLBY be almost half of what it is in today's ObamaA "FORMER GAY world. DEMOCRAT" He has left us so I am Gay and I have deeply in debt that spent nearly half a China, our primary century as a thoughtcreditor, is almost cerless "liberal" gaytain to become the clone, believing everyworld's most powerful thing the gay ghetto economy. Even Europe is and my labor union telling Obama he is has told me. I have going in the wrong direcblamed the decimation tion. of gay men dying of He implores us to vote AIDS on Reagan, for Democrats; and if we Courtesy, istockphoto.com Bush, Cheney, Rove don't, there will be no and Gingrich. I have dutifully voted funding for AIDS. Yet Bush spent hundreds Democratic in almost every election of millions on AIDS, as did Reagan and since John F. Kennedy. I have called for a Gingrich. I no longer believe Gay propa-

OCTOBER 7, 2010


ganda and Gay editorial writers. I am tired of being expected to blindly follow a Democratic Party that usurps my Gayness to raise millions, only to raise my taxes and to promote bogus fear of Republicans to extort even more money from my friends and me. During this campaign season, I have attended numerous GOP and "Gay" GOP events. None of the Republican candidates or GOP activists treated me like an alien. All of them welcomed my patriotism and my gayness. Now I realize how much "so-called progressive gay activists" lie and exaggerate about rightwing homophobia. I am irate at how a once vibrant Florida economy has a higher unemployment rate than traditionally poor, under-developed Southern states like Louisiana, West Virginia, Alabama and Mississippi. Over one million Floridians are out of work, and that includes tens of thousand of Gay people. I am fed-up with being told that because I am Gay, I must vote Democratic! Otherwise, I will hate myself. I am tired of Gay left-wing demagoguery in South Florida. In 2008, over one out of three Gay voters voted for John McCain in an otherwise dismal year for the GOP. They must have been on to something. I can only hope, for my country and for my unemployed friends and family that even more Gays will vote Republican in November.



OCTOBER 7, 2010




modernization, economic growth as well as social progression seemed all encompassing and radio became prolific and with that the sweet jazz music and the Charleston. Part of that transformation happens as you walk into the Fort Lauderdale Antique Car Museum where 35 beautifully restored Packards, which were considered the Rolls Royce automobiles from America in their day, along with literally a plethora of early automotive memorabilia will be on display to further your “Roaring 20’s” experience. Not only that, our very own jazz songtress, Kimona with be performing jazz standards from Cole Porter, Fred Astaire, Ella Fitzgerald and Shirley Bassey for your dancing and listening pleasure. But it doesn’t stop there. The Great Gatsby Gala is pulling out all the stops with an open bar (no Prohibition here) and delicious cuisine provided by Fort Lauderdale’s own Chef Ron Kerr. The menu consists of such items as Miso Glazed Scallops, Stuffed Risotto Croquettes, Braised Short Ribs and ending with such things as Double-Dipped Chocolate Truffle Lollipops. Finally, Poverello presents a live, as well as a silent auction with items as varied as a sightseeing helicopter ride to Miami and back, lunch with the Wilton Manors Mayor Gary Resnick, and an authentic guitar signed by the famed rock band, Styxx. There is much, much more offered and for a complete listing please go to www.poverello.org.H


The Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High School Lightning Singers will combine efforts with the South Florida Lambda Chorale to present “Sing for the Cure: A Proclamation of Hope,” in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. A portion of the proceeds will benefit Susan B. Komen for the Cure South Florida. The concert will take place on Thursday, October 28, 2010 at 7:30 p.m. in the Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High School Auditorium, 1410 County Line Road, Miami. Tickets for this one-night concert are $15 and available from the Lambda Chorale members and the students beginning Monday, October 11 or at the door. For more information contact Gary Keating Lambdagary@aol.com or (954) 650-0143.H


Courtesy, istockphoto.com

Slick back your hair or put on an amazing flapper dress because the Poverello Center is transporting you back to the ‘20s — a time before the Great Depression when

Courtesy, istockphoto.com

A few weeks ago I announced that Florida Agenda would be sponsoring a Holiday Toy Drive kicking off on November 1st. I am very happy to announce our first drop off site: Island City Health and Fitness in the Shoppes of Wilton Manors! In addition to toys, we are also expanding the toy drive to include items for the Broward County Humane Society. Items can be droppedoff during regular business hours. We will also have brightly decorated drop boxes available and any business who would like to help with the collection, we’ll be happy to bring a box to their location. We will periodically pick up the deposited items and bring them to our central collection area. Please contact me at dalemadison1@aol.com or call my cell at (954) 478-2415. Have an event you’d like to see in this column? Please email me at dalemadison1@aol.com.H


OCTOBER 7, 2010



OCTOBER 7, 2010

out in florida


Fort Lauderdale




That ‘70’s Party, a SMART Ride fundraiser for Team #995 will be held on October 7th from 9:00 p.m. to closing at The Manor Entertainment Complex, 2345 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. Remember the magic of the ‘70s? Well, it’s all coming back, at least for one night so come out and dance your ass off. ‘70’s attire is recommended. Walk the red carpet with Joan Rivers (a.k.a. Joe Posa) into the ‘70s with legendary Studio 54, Palladium and The Saint deejay, Robbie Leslie. Live performances by the rock band, Styxx with Chuck Panozzo, Jennifer Cand and Tony Cruz. 100% of all money raised ends up going to six different HIV/AIDS charities in the state. Come out to help the The Manor/Geovax SMART Ride team and their 165 mile bicycle trek from Miami to Key West. Suggested $20 donation at the door.H

Starting Sunday, October 17, three of South Beach’s hottest promoters, Edison Farrow, Omar Gonzalez and Tony Ferro, have come together to create the highly-anticipated Sunday night party of the year at one of South Beach’s sultriest venues, Lux (formerly known as Liquid) from 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. Deejays Jarell and Bryan Zero will be keeping the dance floor alive. There will be no cover charge for the grand opening night and the doors will open at 10:00 a.m. with free Svedka vodka drinks from 10:00 to 11:00 p.m. The evening will be hosted by: Gerry Kelly, David Bromstad, Craig Stevens, Chyna, Chris Aguilar, Aaron Gillego, Michael M, Larry Candelario and Maiko Xavier. Lux is located at 1439 Washington Avenue on Miami Beach.H

BEAR NATION: DRINK + DANCE + BE HAIRY Join the hottest bears, cubs, otters and, of course, their admirers at “Bear Nation: Drink + Dance + Be Hairy”, South Florida's only all-bear high-energy dance party. Friday, October 8 from 10:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. No cover and $3 domestic beer from 10:00 to 11:00 p.m. and “Bear Specials” all night: $4 domestic beer, $5 imported beer and $7 well drinks plus a 2-for-1 happy hour from 1:00 to 3:00 a.m. Features sounds by D.J. Pabel Lima and hosted by Tony Lima.H

BOYS OF LEATHER POOL PARTY Come join the South Florida Boys of Leather as they host an all-male pool party at the Inn Leather, 610 S.E. 19th Street in Fort Lauderdale. Come out and celebrate Leather Pride in Fort Lauderdale as the boys will have light food and drinks. Demos throughout the party include an underwater bondage and many other fun boyinspired things. Sunday, October 10 from 12 noon to 5:00 p.m. Door proceeds go to support Poverello.H

ROCKTOBERFEST Friday, October 15 from 5:30 to 10:30 p.m. at Esplanade Park, 400 SW 2nd Street in downtown Fort Lauderdale. The event will include six live bands, free beer and food samplings from area restaurants. Admission is $20 prepay and $25 at the door. Prepay at www.GoRiverwalk.com. All proceeds go to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and Riverwalk Trust charities.H

EXPLORE/EXPO & TASTE OF MIAMI FUNDRAISER The Third Annual Expo and Second Annual Scholarship Fundraiser (Taste of Miami) will be held on October 23rd at the Miami Beach Convention Center - Hall C. There will be many special surprises in store this year ranging from entertainment and special guests so mark your calendars to attend this free community event. Visit our Expo Website at www.gogaymiamiexplore.com for all the latest information or to register.H

HELLROTIKA SAVE Dade presents: Hellrotika: Circus of Lost Souls, the annual Halloween Extravaganza, will be held on Saturday, October 30 starting at 8 p.m. at The Awarehouse, 550 NW 29th Street in Miami. This year’s event is envisioned as a perfect combination of dance party, mingling forum and themed spectacle, with an aim to attract a diverse group of individuals from within the community. Event guests will be treated to an immersive, multi-media experience with macabre interactive “circus” performances, a costume contest, food vendors and the latest dance music played by world class deejays. Tickets are now on sale for “Hellrotika” — general admission tickets are $25, VIP tickets are $45. VIP tickets give you access to unlimited cocktails at the Grey Goose-sponsored bars. There is a discount for tickets purchased prior to October 1st. You can get tickets at Hellrotika.com.H

“THE SIMPLE LIFE” THURSDAY Edison Farrow has hosted this weekly party for five years with D.J. Daisy D spinning a mix of hip-hop, ‘80s, rock and dance. $5 well drinks 10:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. At Buck15 Lounge, 707 Lincoln Lane on Miami Beach.H


Bay Area TAMPA BAY BUSINESS GUILD EXPO AND ART FAIR Tampa Bay’s LGBT Chamber of Commerce, the Tampa Bay Business Guild will be holding their Expo and Art Fair this Sunday, October 10 from noon to 5:30 p.m. at the TECO Plaza, 702 N. Franklin Street in Tampa directly across the street from the Tampa Theatre. Over 2,000 people attended last year so don’t miss out on this year’s Expo.H

“AN EVENING WITH MR. JOHNSON” Gypsy Productions Inc. at the L Train Theater will open the world premiere of “An Evening with Mr. Johnson: It’s Even Harder Being a Gay Dick!” a new, edgy, heartfelt comedy by Tampa Bay playwright Michael A. Matteo. The play will run through October 17 with performances Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings at 8:00 p.m. and a Sunday matinee at 2:00 p.m. “An Evening with Mr. Johnson: It’s Even Harder Being a Gay Dick!” is an offshoot of a play about a man and the heterosexual relationship with his penis that causes him to lose his fiancée. Matteo realized after writing, producing and directing the play that it could also work very well as an alternative lifestyle play about a gay man and the relationship he has with his penis and how its influence can, and does, sabotage his relationships. Infidelity is a universal theme whether a person is gay or straight and by writing the play for gay and straight people, the playwright is “Hoping to help people realize that no matter what your orientation, people are really not that different when it comes to the ‘voices’ our genitalia have, in terms of how we act in relationships.” The L Train Theater, Beer & Wine Lounge is located at, 900 Central Avenue Suite 25B, in St. Petersburg and reservations may be made by calling (727) 374-9440 or by sending an e-mail to tickets@gypsyproductions.org. In celebration of Gypsy Productions, Inc.’s 7th year anniversary, they are rolling back ticket prices to $15. Reservations are strongly suggested as seating is limited. For more info, visit www.gypsyproductions.org or www.TheLTrain.com. H

TAMPA BAY INTERNATIONAL GAY AND LESBIAN FILM FESTIVAL Running through October 17. It took a year of work and planning which culminated into an amazing selection of film, stars and parties. For more information and tickets, visit www. TIGLFF.com.H

out in florida

OCTOBER 7, 2010


Central Florida GAY FILMS OF THE ‘80S In celebration of Gay History Month, Gallery Q at The Center presents “Gay Films of the ‘80s”, a cross-generational retrospective. Through Oct. 29, five gay films of the 1980s will be showcased with an amazing collection of movie memorabilia including original posters, press kits, photos, scripts and more. The Center is located at 946 N. Mills Avenue in Orlando. For more information, call (407) 228-8272.H

COME OUT WITH PRIDE ORLANDO This year, celebrate “Heroes in Sports & Athletics” through the “10-10-10: A Pride of Olympian Proportion” theme. Four big events are planned this year. Opening Ceremonies, Thursday, October 7, 7-10 p.m. at Plaza Cinema Cafe Courtyard, 155 South Orange Avenue in Orlando. A night of comedy and celebration. Come watch the lighting of the flame and the grand parade of local LGBT organizations, sporting groups and civic non-profits at the Plaza Cinema Cafe Courtyard. Free, but $20 for the VIP section which includes 2 drink coupons and light appetizers. Brunch in the Park, Sunday, October 10, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Lake Eola (at Robinson Street) in Orlando. Sit by the pond, enjoy mimosas and watch the parade participants getting ready for their big show and watch the floats come by from the comfort of your chair. Virgin Brunch (includes coffee, soft drinks and Fuze) $20, all-you-can-drink mimosas $30. Reservations only -- space is limited and you must buy tickets in advance at www.comeoutwithpride.com/tickets. Parade and Festival, Sunday, October 10, 12 noon - 6 p.m. at Lake Eola, 195 N Rosalind Avenue in Orlando. Free event. Entertainment starts at noon, parade starts at 2 p.m. 100+ vendors, food court and 8 bars. VIP Experience includes tent with food and a Meet and Greet with Grand Marshall, Greg Louganis. Buy tickets now at www.comeoutwithpride.com/tickets.H

FROM BROADWAY! Catch the Central Florida premiere of “[title of show]” (yes, that’s the name), an original Broadway musical that has become a nationwide cult phenomenon at the Parliament House, Saturdays through the 23rd at 7:30 p.m. and Monday, October 25, 2010 at 8:00 p.m. (Industry Night). Presented in the Parliament House’s Footlight Theater. Reserved tickets are $14.H


OCTOBER 7, 2010

central florida


Residents and Members Make Offer to Purchase Sawmill By JAMES MICHAELS Residents and members of Sawmill Resort have made an offer to purchase Sawmill from the current owner. A contract was extended from the members and accepted by the owner. The historic announcement will make Sawmill Resort the largest gay resident and member-owned community in America. The Sawmill Resort is located between Orlando and Tampa, Florida. Sawmill is a private membership club that has more than 45,000 members. The resident and member ownership will turn Sawmill into a not-for-profit corporation that will benefit the facilities and activities of the community. Sawmill is a 120-acre community that features day, weekly and monthly hoteltype cabin rentals, RV sites and tent camping areas along with 120 permanent home sites. The Sawmill property also features a nightclub, courtyard and stage complex, general store, pool bar, lake and extensive grounds all behind guarded gates. Sawmill has hosted many major events including shows with nationally-known as well as local entertainers and offers the perfect getaway from the day-to-day hectic life of today’s world. According to George Cressman,

Benevolent Birthday Bash a Big Bang By KEITH CHAMLEE The Hope and Help Center of Central Florida held their twenty-first annual Headdress Ball on Saturday, October 2, 2010 at the Hilton International Drive Hotel in Orlando. The theme of the evening was “Happy Birthday! Let Them Eat Cake!” With over 1,050 formally-attired attendees and volunteers, 164 packaged donations for the silent auction, and spectacular entertainment provided by Best Productions and Hardrive Productions, the gala defi-

Event Co-Founder, Sam Ewing with Donna Snow

Photos by Keith Chamlee

nitely lived up to it's grand reputation. Event co-founder, Sam Ewing of Ewing, Noble and Winn Interiors in Winter Park and Don Altshuler of Action Printers were recognized for their outstanding service with the Chuck Hummer Visionary Awards. Darcell Stevens of the Parliament House captivated the audience once again as hostess for the star-studded evening. Kudos to Event Chair man Scott Bowman and his dedicated staff of volunteers for their efforts in helping raise an incredible $232,000. H

President of the Sawmill Resort Homeowners Association, Inc, “The resident and member purchase of Sawmill will forever make the community a gay anchor in America. This will be the largest gay resident and member-owned community and business in this country.” The Association represents all the resident’s and member’s interests and is the organization behind the banking, legal and administration of the purchase of Sawmill. The purchase of Sawmill is unique not only in its size and scope but as a revitalization plan for the community into the next decade. Upon purchase, all income at the resort will be reinvested into the facilities to make Sawmill a world-class gay residential and entertainment complex. Despite the economic downturn in the county, Sawmill has remained a profitable business. H

Courtesy, Sawmill Camping Resort

Come’on Out with Pride! By JOHN BRISENDINE With the more moderate weather that October brings to Central Florida, it's the best time of year to hold a parade. And what a parade Orlando holds each year! This year's “Come Out with Pride” parade and festival at Lake Eola promises to be the best yet. COWP started as a small rally 18 years ago when members of the LGBT community marched in front of Orlando's City Hall to promote equality for the community. That was the seed that has grown into the vibrant day we know and enjoy today. This year, all of the main festivities take place at historic Lake Eola Park in downtown Orlando. There is a vendor fair and constant entertainment at The Walt Disney Amphitheater including singers, dancers and local and national performers. This year's parade Grand Marshal is Olympian heartthrob, Greg Louganis. On stage, the main headliner will be the delicious Brian Kent and there will be a performance by the ultimate diva, Martha Wash! It will rain men — hallelujah! The parade starts at 2 p.m. but try to get there early. Sometimes parking can

be a hassle in downtown but you’ll find a place to park. This year The Parliament House Resort invites everyone to join them starting at 12 noon on Sunday to park in their ample parking lot and take the free shuttle to the parade and festivities. That takes a lot of the headache out of trying to navigate downtown. Just park at “The P,” have a cocktail with Miss Vicki at the pool bar then take the shuttle to the parade. After the parade, join everyone at P-House for the Pride Weekend edition of their famous Sunday T-Dance. Saturday night, October 9th, the night before the parade, join your favorites from “RuPaul's Drag Race” on Logo as they perform with Darcel Stevens and The Footlight Players at Parliament House. The line up includes: Tyra Sanchez, JuJuBee, Nina Flowers and Ongina. Please join me and all of Central Florida as we celebrate the diversity of our community and have a damn great time doing it. I'm off to secure my seat for the parade before Lake Eola Park fills up. I'll be in the 2nd stall of the men's room near Robinson Street. Just tap your foot if you need me. Until then, I'll see you on October 21st. Bye for now. H


OCTOBER 7, 2010



OCTOBER 7, 2010

!!!!AD OF THE WEEK!!!! FORT LAUDERDALE/MIDDLE RIVER TERRACE-CONDO-QUALITY. Unfurnished, gigantic 1BR: $900/mo, 2BR/1BA: 1,125/mo. C/Air, Open Granite Kitchen w/bar, D/W, Ice-maker, Designer Bath, Must see! 1 yr lease, F/S. Call (954) 448-9811


classifieds FT LAUDERDALE 1129 NE 5th Terrace. (Off 13th Street) 1BR/BA, in gated complex. 700 sq. ft. Beautiful yard. Laundry on premises. Parking in front. $700/mo. (954) 551-3621 IN THE HEART OF WILTON MANORS Walk to Everything!

2BR/1.5Ba. Pool, CAC, Stainless Kitchen, Granite Counters, DW, Disposal, Elec. Stove, New Microwave, New Frig., W&D, New Window Treatments, Lots of Closets incl. 2 Walk-ins, Spacious L/D, Patio, Waterfront, small pets OK. $1175 mo. (305) 586-8678 MIDDLE RIVER TERRACE - MINUTES TO WILTON MANORS. Immaculate, spacious 1BR/1BAs with your own private patio. Lg. closets, tile floors, newer kitchen & bath, W/D available. Cable-ready. Quiet, all gay complex. No pets. $700-725. Water/garbage/pest control included. Will work with you on move-in costs. (954) 592-3772 OAKLAND PARK - Professional GM seeks same for roommate. Share 2BR/1 BA apartment $360/Mo.+ 1/2 Utilities and $200 deposit (negotiable for right person). Central air, Satellite TV, High Speed Internet, W/D. Very close to Wilton Manors. Please, NO drugs, NO pets. Terry (954) 465-8667. ROYAL PARK. Near Wilton Manors 1BR/1.5BA, $825 $900/mo. 2BR/2BA, $950 - $1100,/mo. Gated security, Clubhouse, Pools, Gym, Sauna and Steam room. Pets OK. Cable / Water / Trash included. Call Naim Naqi, Broker / SFG Realtors (954) 574-6047

ROOMMATE CORAL RIDGE Retired gentleman looking to share large beautifully furnished home. 2BR/2BA, living/dining, kitchen & utility room. Rent includes phone, TV, CAC, W/D, & parking. Smoking outside. Must like my cat. Coral Ridge Area. 1 mile from beach. $650/mo. Call (954) 630-3316 OAKLAND PARK Share 2BR/2BA condo with gay male & 2 cats in private community. Unit has canal view, cable, and internet. Community has laundry, 3 pools & clubhouse. Prefer NON smoker. NO drugs & NO pets. F/L, and $100 screening fee. Available 10/1* (Screening required before move-in) $550 (954) 907-8226 FT. LAUDERDALE Room for rent in pool home on water. Share house & pool. NO security deposit. Utilities, cable, internet, W/D included. NO drugs. Smoking outside. Steady income required. $600/mo. NO pets. Call Rob or Mark. (954) 792-1761

REAL ESTATE SERVICES FREE FORECLOSURE DEFENSE ADVICE! We offer a free consultation to discuss your particular situation. Do not wait; you can do something about the pressure. We have answers. Call for no obligation meeting. Financial Rescue, Inc 954-566-1228 info@financialrescueinfo.com


Beautiful 2BR/1BA with carport. Remodeled kitchen and bath, updated windows, large tile throughout, Bahama awnings, recently painted, mature landscaping in front and back, hot tub/spa on back screened patio, large backyard has Southern exposure. Secured and friendly North Andrews area. Close to I95 for commuters, also close to great schools, shopping, and gym. Call today for appointment to see. NOT A SHORT SALE OR FORECLOSURE Offered at 124K. (954) 261-9956

RENTAL - FT. LAUDERDALE ALIBI AREA (on bus route) Deluxe furnished efficiency, includes electric and cable, AC, fan, Laundry on site, parking, private entrance, walk-in closet $625.00 / mo. or $175.00 week, NO PETS (954) 682-9428 FORT LAUDERDALE/MIDDLE RIVER TERRACE- CONDOQUALITY. Unfurnished, gigantic 1BR: $925/mo, 2BR/1BA: 1,175/mo. C/Air, Open Granite Kitchen w/bar, D/W, Ice-maker, Designer Bath, Must see! 1 yr lease, F/S. Call (954) 448-9811 FT LAUDERDALE Recently remodeled 1BR/1BA. 1142 NE 4th Avenue. $700/mo. Security nego. (954) 764-0212 LAS OLAS AREA/VICTORIA PARK/ FT. LAUDERDALE BEACH RENTALS - Renovated 1BR/1BA and efficiency units available. $900 - $1200 per month, some w/ designer touches, hot eastside locations, some w/ pool and steps to the beach/intercoastal. Contact Chris Stotz at RWE Real Estate (954) 257-5152.

TIRED OF LOOKING? WE’LL DO IT FOR YOU! No cost, No hassle. Hundreds of Fort Lauderdale / Wilton Manors rental properties to choose from and we do the work finding the right one for you. Call Randy at Eastside Realty Group (954) 599-9437 VICTORIA PARK 2 STUDIO APARTMENTS AVAILABLE Great studios, each has full kitchen, walk-in closet. Off-street parking and laundry facility. One studio includes electric. $590/mo. Other studio is $550/mo. Sorry no pets or smoking. Year lease, F/L/S, (954) 288-6749 WILTON MANORS JUST BLOCKS FROM WILTON DRIVE Beautiful 2BR/1BA apartment on the Middle River across from nature preserve. Eat in kitchen, large living room, central A/C, $975/mo F/L/S. Yearly lease (954) 288-6749 WILTON MANORS 1 BR Apt Huge fenced back yard, tile, central A/C, laundry, updated and very clean and private, 825 NE 16th Place. $775 Avail Now. Call Nick (954) 805-1195 WILTON MANORS EFFICIENCY $600. One Bedroom, $700. Both located near 7th Avenue & Wilton Drive. (By the Shoppes of Wilton Manors) A/C, ceiling fans, terrazzo & tile floors, laundry room with washer & dryer. Screened in patio & pool. Off street parking. Utilities, electric, & water included. (954) 563-4442 WILTON MANORS AREA Spacious 1BR/1BA, Walk from Wilton Drive & new GLCC. Tile, walk-in closet. Laundry on premises. Tropical yard. Quiet, safe area. 1 ca space. $750/mo. (954) 934-8360 WILTON MANORS-125 NW 25TH STREET. 1BR/1BA cottage, 9 unit gay complex Pool, tropical, tile floors. Owner pays water. $690/Mo. (954) 326-9096 WILTON MANORS 2BR/1BA garden apartment with private backyard & patio. CAC, W/D, all updated. Pets ok. $950/mo. (954) 610-3310 WILTON MANORS STUDIO HOUSE. Cheapest single family house! Unique, Rare Oversize Studio! HUGE gated private yard. Pets OK. Parking. $699. Call: (954) 465-0499 WILTON MANORS AREA – FURNISHED EFFICENCY. Private entrance, Private bath, Microwave, Frig, W/D on premises. Non smoker. NO Pets. $650/mo. First/Sec. Cable & internet included. $600 Call (954) 649-6368 WILTON MANORS Spacious, private 2BR/2BA. Key West style setting. Tropical, fenced backyard. New appliances, polished terrazzo floors, W/D, walk to Wilton Drive. MUST SEE! $995/mo. (561) 306-6725 WILTON MANORS Spacious, private 2BR/2BA. Key West style setting. Tropical, fenced backyard. New appliances, polished terrazzo floors, W/D, walk to Wilton Drive. MUST SEE! $995/mo. (561) 306-6725

RENTAL/FURNISHED HOUSING PERFECT RELOCATION RENTALS-FROM $295/WEEK. For 4 Week + Stays through December. Beautiful Studio, 1 & 2 BR Apts. Turn key, fully furnished & equipped, clothing optional pool, laundry, parking. Close to Gay & Nude Beaches. Pets Welcome. Incl. utilities, cable, tel., Wi-Fi Internet. (954) 927-0090 or visit www.LibertySuites.com




FHA, FANNIE Mae, VA & Jumbo Mortgages - DIRECT LENDERExperts in Purchase and REFI. of ALL Types of Properties, Including Condos. Un-Matched LOWEST Fixed Rates & Closing Costs; Direct from Daily Gov. Rate Sheets. Immediate Pre-Qualification. CALL: Burti, CELL: (954) 294-2540 OFFICE: (866) 4FHA Mortgage (866) 434-2667

ANNOUNCEMENTS ALL GLBT Veterans – AVER meets at 7pm on the second Tuesday of each month at the GLCC/Pride Center. We assist Veterans with benefits, advocacy and outreach. Join the Color/Honor Guard or Sports teams. Call (954) 903-8310 or www.AVER-FGC.us

CO-INFECTION FORUM, FOR PEOPLE AFFECTED AND INFECTED WITH HIV AND HEP C Meets weekly on Tuesdays @ The Wellness Center of SF @ 2921 NE 6th Ave. Wilton Manors, FL 33334. Phone # (954) 568-0152. Facilitated by 'pup' and Phil. Conversation and and information updates. Free and confidential. POSITIVE ISSUES GROUP MEETS THURSDAYS FROM 7-8:30 FOR "HIV+GAY MEN & THE MEN THAT LOVE THEM" Support group. Facilitated by Jerry Hornacki. RSVP: wcsfjerry@cs.com Phone: 954-568-0152

AIR CONDITIONING REPAIR/SERVICE EXPERT AIR ADVICE Air conditioning repairs. Cooling is what we do best. FPL Rebates, Insured, CACO 36862. Free Estimates on Replacements. $75 – Tune Up. Call (954) 764-1990

ALTERATIONS / SEWING SERVICES SEW WHAT'S NEW? I'VE MOVED! The sewing and design studio is now located at 3455 N.E. 12th Avenue, Suite #2, Oakland Park, FL 33334, around the corner from the Oakland Park Post Office. Available Tuesday - Saturday until 7 P.M. Walk-ins welcome, Appointments appreciated. Call Paul Michael (954) 260-3558


CLEANING CLEAN SWEEP – Professional Cleaning Service, Homes, Apartments and Offices. Move in & Move out cleaning. Serving the community for 15 years. Call Todd (954) 383-1127 CLEAN IT RITE Best cleaning for your buck. Reliable & affordable. 10 years in business. 1 BR, $$45.00, 2BR, $55.00, & 3BR, $65.00. Fort Lauderdale, Broward & Palm Beach. Call Manny (954) 560-4443 SUNSHINE CLEANING. Professional cleaning service for your home or office. We are reliable and offer competitive rates. Specializing in deep cleaning & organization. We work within your schedule. Serving Broward County for over 10 years. References available. Call Nicholas (954) 773-5372 ROYAL CLEANING SERVICE. Strong attention to detail. 14 years for hotel & home cleaning experience. I DO: Weekly, Biweekly, $65 - $75. Wilton Manors, Victoria Park & Lake Ridge area. Call Corey (954) 616-8162


One of the Mark’s List Photographers. Events, Parties, Promotional Photos, Headshots, Special occasion photography, or Photos just for fun, Family and Facebook. Please visit my website; www.TobysPhotos.com For more information call Toby (954) 401-7774

COMPUTER SERVICES GEEK PATROL COMPUTER SERVICES - Florida Tech Support. On-Site & Remote Support Located in Wilton Manors - Windows & Mac (OS X) Security, virus, & spyware removal, repairs & upgrades, wired & wireless networking. Gay owned. www.FLTechSupport.com Call (954) 453-9574 COMPUTER REPAIR -COMPLETE IN HOME SERVICE *Get the best performance, protection & value from your computer investment. *A+ Hardware & OS CERTIFIED. *Friendly, professional, RELIABLE service. Reasonable rates. Call: Mike (954) 817-38835 AFFORDABLE IN-HOME COMPUTER SERVICES Installation, Tutoring, Virus Disinfection & Troubleshooting. Knowledgeable, Personable Service. Contact Eric: (954) 9034383 or eric@startcomputing.info

COUNSELING A MIND AT PEACE/ THERAPEUTIC SERVICES/ RON "DOC” CHAMBERS, MSW 954-627-0103/ 1975 East Sunrise Blvd Suite 629 Fort Lauderdale HIV RelatedIssues/ Anxiety/Depression/ Schizophrenia/ Relationship Problems/Anger Management Problems/Same-Sex Battering/ Domestic Violence Most Insurance Accepted/Credit Cards Accepted LONELY? Not leaving the house much? And you just can't get motivated? Depressed, at the end of your rope? Can't find anyone to talk about what's going on in your head? Be a good friend; know when depression crosses the line. Call the GLBTQ Helpline & Suicide Awareness Program. Simply to talk, learn, and become aware. GLBTQ HELPLINE & Suicide Awareness (305) 646-3600. Free & Confidential. Tri-lingual counselors available 24/7 For you or a friend.

HOME IMPROVEMENT REMODELING/HANDYMAN. Over 35 years experience. I do it all. Call Mark at (954) 592-5898. HANDYMAN SPECIALIZING IN FENCING, WINDOWS & DOORS Over 20 yrs experience in custom-built fencing, impact windows and doors, light electrical, and plumbing. No job too small. References & photos available upon request. Great rates! Call Gregg at Platinum Eagle Properties (954) 439-1494 Derek’s 24 HR HANDYMAN SERVICE. Introducing our new cabinet shop! For all your custom made cabinetry countertops laminates. YOU MUST SEE OUR WORK, just ask our clients. All electrical to code; ANY & ALL plumbing work, Drywall finish work / repair. Crown / baseboard pro-install, interior / exterior painting, demo work, Pressure washing, Decor tile install, Complete home up-dates. For large jobs, 4-man crew available. WE CAN HANDLE IT ALL! Instant call back, direct service response. No job is ever too small. Excellent references. Derek (954) 8255598 or E-mail: DerekGallaway@att.net RESIDENTIAL REPAIR AND RENOVATION If you need a very experienced handyman that is detail and service oriented, conscientious, with fair labor costs: call Steve at (954) 632-8773 TOTAL HOME IMPROVEMENT Home improvement and handyman services. Best rates, and smart solutions. Drywall, Painting, Tile, Doors, Wood decks, Masonry, Fences, and Ceiling fans. Turn windows into doors. Truck available for yard clean-up or apartment maintenance and moves. All jobs. FREE estimates. Insured. Call Ben (954) 565-9674




LICENSED MASSAGE PROFESSIONAL THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE Deep Tissue, Swedish, Reflexology, Stretching. Mon-Sun, 10am-8pm. In/Out Calls. NON-SEXUAL. Ft. Lauderdale. Call Robert (954) 494-2372 Lic: MA 19604 massagerelax4u@aol.com


contact: JIM VERRICHIA. Jimv@jumponmarkslist.com

or call 954-903-4781

OCTOBER 7, 2010



OCTOBER 7, 2010




OCTOBER 7, 2010




LATE NIGHT PARTY BAR looking for bartenders, door staff, security. Must be reliable honest and have transportation. Apply in person any day between midnight and 2am. Or send resume with picture to torpedobarmgr@cs.com COZMOS LOUNGE IS SEEKING MALE DANCERS. Great opportunity to make some serious $$$. Cozmos Lounge is seeking all types ( Jocks, Twinks, Muscle, etc) for immediate employment. $100 Sign-Up bonus, plus first pair of Ginch Gonch underwear provided. Must be well groomed! Email dancers@cozmosbar.com or call (954) 235-0000 www.cozmosbar.com RETAIL SALES. Men’s Clothing store is seeking professional sales people, Full-time and Part-Time positions available. Please call (954) 873-3889 THE ROYAL PALMS on Fort Lauderdale beach is seeking an ambitious and goal oriented Spa Manager as well as other health and beauty professionals for excellent career opportunities. Please drop off resume at 2901 Terramar Street, Fort Lauderdale Beach. HAIRSTYLIST or BARBER. A new exciting style shop opening. Now hiring experienced Hair Stylist or Barber. Minimum of 5 years experience. Please email resume to: Touch1213@gmail.com or for more information please call (404) 519-1846 TWIST- The popular gay bar in South Beach seeks responsible applicants with experience for the following positions; bartender, door host and security. Candidates should be friendly, hardworking and a team player. Email cover letter and resume to valentino@twistsobe.com or send via post to TWIST, 1057 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach, FL. 33139 Check us out at www.twistsobe.com - click on employment and apply online. ATTRACTIVE SERVERS NEEDED for upscale dining in Wilton Manors. Fine dining experience needed. Knowledge of wine is necessary. Photo must be submitted along with resume to: DonReg616@gmail.com Are you a gay or bisexual man over 18? Do you ever take Xanax, Percocet, or any other RX pills with or without a prescription? Confidential research study. Cash compensation. Call for more information. (305) 529-1489 SALES POSITION AVAILABLE LeatherWerks is looking for a sales person for our Ramrod store Competitive wages and benefits Apply at the Main store. 1226 NE 4th Ave.

GENERAL MANAGER/FINE DINING --5+ years experience in a fine dining restaurant --Proven leader and the ability to handle general complaints and problems with FOH/BOH staff and guests --Able to stay focused and organized during busy times and delegate tasks --Knowledge of ALOHA POS system a plus --Experience with in-house parties and catering events --PR/Sales ability --Good knowledge of wines --Experience with Asian/Fusion Sushi a plus. PLEASE SUBMIT PHOTO WITH RESUME AND SALARY REQUIREMENTS donreg616@gmail.com PAID RESEARCH STUDY Participate in a confidential research study regarding HIV medications and drug use. Earn Cash!!! Call us to see if you qualify at (305)6726623. University of Delaware Research Center (Hablamos Español) SALES POSITION AVAILABLE LeatherWerks is looking for a sales person for our Ramrod store Competitive wages and benefits Apply at the Main store. 1226 NE 4th Ave. WE ARE SEEKING AN ADMINISTRATOR AND PRACTICE MANAGER for a new medical start-up company utilizing a new FDA approved medical laser for weight loss and fat removal. This LipoLaser is designed to remove fat and contour the body without invasive surgery. Position consists of scheduling appointments, motivating potential patients to come in for a consult and to get a commitment for treatment. Responsible for marketing to patients, financial arrangements, prepare correspondence, give nutritional advice, and mange the office. Requirements: Excellent written, verbal, selling and computer skills. Excellent communication skills, and a very outgoing and caring personality is a must. Compensation is based on experience. More information about the laser is available at www.myzerona.com Please e-mail resume.

SPIRITUALITY CHURCH OF THE HOLY SPIRITSONG Welcomes you to come and worship with us every Sunday at 10 am and every Wednesday night at 8 pm. We meet at the SpiritSong Worship Center at 2040B North Dixie Highway Suite 3 in Wilton Manors (Building B on Equality Park Campus, behind the Pride Center). God loves you just the way He made you. Come discover His purpose for you. For more info: (954) 418-8372, info@cohss.com, www.cohss.org

jean’s kitchen Boeuf Bourguignon Made Easy By JEAN DOHERTY/LE PATIO I have been browsing the different recipes proposed to us by various well-known cooks or chefs and I’m amazed at the amount of bla-di-bla goin’ on. I mean, Boeuf Bourguignon in 45 steps? Would you please gimme a break! So you have to be on vacation or knock the whole day off your weekend to make this dish? Moi je dis non non non. I am giving you my recipe and a lot of you love it and come in for it again and again. My point: being easy is not bad. You all tell me it’s delicious, so: For 6 servings you’ll need: 3 lbs lean stewing beef 2 big onions 1-lb bag of baby carrots 2 cloves garlic smashed 4 slices of smoky bacon 3 tablespoons of flour 1 bouquet garni 1 bottle of red wine 1 beef stock cube Directions: Choose a thick-assed, large saucepan or a “Le Creuset” dish. Cover the bottom of the pan with olive oil and throw in the 2 big onions you have chopped coarsely. Place it on the stove and brown the lot. Scoop out all the browned onions with a slotted spoon and set aside. Throw in the bacon and brown. Again using the slotted spoon, scoop ‘em out and set aside with the onions. Brown the

meat on all sides and sprinkle with the flour. Pour in the wine. The wine should cover all the meat, open another bottle and add more if necessary. Add the carrots, the crushed garlic cloves and the bouquet garni. Add the beef stock cube and plenty of black pepper. Throw in the browned onions and the bacon. Stir it all up with a wooden spoon rubbing the bottom to get up all the good stuff — yum. Leave to cook on high heat until it boils. Give it a stir every now and then. You can add a tin of button mushrooms at this stage if you like — as I always say, you are the chef. Lower the heat and leave it simmer for 2 to 3 hours or until the meat is tender. Serve with egg noodles, mashed potatoes or, even better, fresh pasta. Bon appétit!H

Boeuf Bourguignon

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