Prep School Learning Pathways

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Learningpathways for

- Year 8 Autumn Term 2023


Dear Parents and Guardians,

Welcome back to Felsted! We hope you had a wonderful and restful summer break with your children. As we embark on this new academic year, we would like to extend our warmest greetings to all of you

At Felsted, we are committed to providing the best possible education for your children, and this year is no exception Our commitment to delivering excellent teaching remains unwavering

In this document you will find an outline of the Autumn 2023 curriculum topic areas for each Phase.

This year, we continue to move away from traditional classroom settings to develop innovative teaching which encourages self-belief and confidence in our students We continue to provide scaffolding learning experiences and adaptive teaching to support all learners in reaching their academic goals. By tailoring our teaching methods to the unique needs of each child, we will ensure that no one is left behind, and every student has the opportunity to excel

We will also be reflecting on the developments brought about by online learning in order to promote excellent pupil progress We are developing the use of ICT throughout the school as well as the use of AI These advances in technology help teachers to gain a deeply analytical picture of pupil understanding which supports effective and targeted interventions. One significant change this year is the introduction of GL assessment from Year 3 onwards This assessment will play a crucial role in helping us identify each student's strengths and areas for improvement By doing so, we can provide targeted support and enriching experiences, ensuring that each child reaches their full potential

Throughout this term there will be ongoing assessment points to ensure we understand exactly how to support your child further Parent meetings and reports will take place in the second half of this term. Further details about these meetings will be sent to you through the Heads of Phase later in the term If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us

While it is important and necessary to check individual progress, our priority is on securing the wellbeing of every child and looking after their personal development We understand that a child's happiness and confidence are fundamental to their ability to learn effectively. Our teachers will continue to focus on creating supportive learning environments where children can thrive Through our ‘Restorative Practice’ training the staff are focusing on recognising and celebrating every pupil's achievements, nurturing their self-belief and confidence We will, of course, be doing everything we can to ensure that the children are happy and confident returning to school and we look forward to seeing all they achieve in the Autumn Term

We firmly believe that by working together – parents, teachers, and students – we can make this academic year a truly enriching and successful one Your involvement and support play a vital role in your child's education, and we are excited to partner with you on this journey.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions, concerns, or ideas to share We look forward to a fantastic year of growth, learning, and achievement at Felsted

Thank you for entrusting us with your child's education

Warm regards,

Stewart House

As we start the Autumn Term, our focus will be to welcome our new Reception pupils to school, and to welcome our Year 1s and Year 2s back to school. Time is taken to help support the children to become familiar with the routines of Stewart House. Pupils will spend time with their class teachers for their core lessons but will be taught by Prep teachers for PE, Music, Spanish and Swimming.

Pupils will be taught Maths, English, Science, Humanities, RS, Spanish, ART, DT, Computing, Music and Games/PE with lessons supported by Learning Assistants every morning. Individual music lessons will be available to Year 1 and 2 pupils who wish to be involved in extra enrichment activities.

The pupils are assessed both formally (through end of term assessments) and informally (in daily lessons) and regular discussions take place to ensure pupils are at the right level and making the expected progress for them Regular Departmental and Phase meetings also ensure individuals' needs are discussed in core subjects of English and Maths

As well as supporting pupils in their academic lessons, the Teachers and Learning support staff will ensure the pupils are cared for pastorally Their wellbeing, both physical and mental, is very important to us There is a close relationship with parents to ensure we are caring for the pupils holistically

This term we will be sending a letter from class teachers in week 3 and hold Parent/Teacher meetings after half term Parents will also be invited to spend time with their children to look through books and celebrate the Autumn term achievements

RECEPTION Curriculum content Autumn term:

Children are confident to try new activities, and say why they like some activities more than others. They are confident to speak in a familiar group, will talk about their ideas, and will choose the resources they need for their chosen activities. They say when they do or don’t need help.

Children talk about how they and others show feelings, talk about their own and others’ behaviour, and its consequences, and know that some behaviour is unacceptable. They work as part of a group or class, and understand and follow the rules. They adjust their behaviour to different situations, and take changes of routine in their stride.

Children play cooperatively, taking turns with others. They take account of one another’s ideas about how to organise their activity They show sensitivity to others' needs and feelings, and form positive relationships with adults and other children

English Children listen attentively in a range of situations They listen to stories, accurately anticipating key events and respond to what they hear with relevant comments, questions or actions They give their attention to what others say and respond appropriately, while engaged in another activity

Children follow instructions involving several ideas or actions They answer ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions about their experiences and in response to stories or events

Children express themselves effectively, showing awareness of listeners’ needs They use past, present and future forms accurately when talking about events that have happened or are to happen in the future They develop their own narratives and explanations by connecting ideas or events

Children read and understand CVC words before moving on to simple sentences. They begin to use phonic knowledge to decode regular words and read them aloud accurately. They also begin to read some common irregular words. They demonstrate understanding when talking with others about what they have read. Children use their phonic knowledge to write words in ways which match their spoken sounds.

Maths Children count reliably with numbers from 1 to 10, place them in order and say which number is one more or one less than a given number They may begin to add small groups of objects together

Children use everyday language to talk about size, weight, capacity, position, distance, time and money to compare quantities and objects and to solve problems They recognise, create and describe patterns They explore characteristics of everyday objects and shapes and use mathematical language to describe them

Understanding the World

Children talk about past and present events in their own lives and in the lives of family members. They know that other children don’t always enjoy the same things, and are sensitive to this. They know about similarities and differences between themselves and others, and among families, communities and traditions. Children know about similarities and differences in relation to places, objects, materials and living things. They talk about the features of their own immediate environment and how environments might vary from one another. They make observations of animals and plants and explain why some things occur, and talk about changes.

Children recognise that a range of technology is used in places such as homes and schools. They select and use technology for particular purposes.

Personal, Social and Emotional Developme nt

Expressive Arts

Children sing songs, make music and dance, and experiment with ways of changing them They safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function

Children sing songs, make music and dance, and experiment with ways of changing them They safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function

Music Music is a fundamental part of the Early Years Curriculum. The children will be encouraged to sing, dance, play percussion instruments and listen to music from different periods in history and different cultures. The focus this term is on Nursery Rhymes, finding our voices and body percussion. The children will take part in a Harvest Festival and Christmas production.

MFL: Spanish

The focus will be on developing basic oral language, asking and answering questions The vocabulary covered will include greetings, saying how you feel, giving your name, colours, lower numbers and classroom instructions, taught through songs and using puppets Children will also learn about Spanish Christmas traditions

Computing Children recognise that a range of technology is used in places such as homes and schools. They select and use technology for particular purposes. By the end of the Autumn term the children will begin to learn how to log into the chrome books.

PE Children will show control and co ordination in large and small movements, moving confidently in a range of ways whilst safely negotiating space Children will handle equipment and tools effectively, including pencils for writing Children will learn the importance of good health, physical exercise, and a healthy diet, and talk about ways to keep healthy and safe Children will manage their own basic hygiene and personal needs successfully, including dressing and going to the toilet independently


Curriculum content Autumn term:

English This term our topic is ‘Superheroes’ The main focus of the English lessons this term will be on sentence structure and joining clauses using ‘and’ and other connectives. The children will be developing their writing by sequencing sentences to form short narratives

Punctuation and Grammar

Once a week, the children's English lesson will focus on grammar and punctuation Aspects covered include: Separation of words in a sentence with spaces; Using capital letters and full stops accurately; introducing question marks and exclamation marks to demarcate sentences.

Phonics and Spelling

This term we will be focussing on words with the 40+ phonemes already taught Continuing with common exception words (tricky words), Days of the week, Months of the year and Numbers We will be concentrating on learning letter names and using these to help distinguish between alternative spellings of the same sound


Children will have opportunities for reading throughout the school day. This may be reading to an adult on a 1:1 basis; reading in a group; reading comprehensions; reading from the interactive whiteboard; independent reading and library sessions.

Handwriting is a crucial element of the work in Year 1 We have daily practice with a focus this term on correct posture, holding a pencil comfortably and correctly Understanding how to form letters in an anticlockwise direction and focus attention on letter size

Maths Every day we will spend 10 minutes with the children practising key instant recall facts (maths facts that children are expected to recall instantly). Such as: number bonds to 10, 1 more and 1 less of a given number to 10, add 2 single digit numbers together, counting in 2s and 10s, ordering the days of the week and months of the year.


This term, we will be focussing on place value for the first part of the term and will be reading, writing, comparing and ordering numbers to 10 The children will be introduced to new mathematical vocabulary such as fewer, more, same, greater than, less than and equal We will also be learning number bonds using part-whole diagrams After this, we will be exploring addition and subtraction in greater depth and the children will discuss and explore different methods to solve problems.

Finally, we will be exploring 2D and 3D shapes The children will be recognising, naming, sorting and looking for patterns with 2D and 3D shapes

Science Our first science topic is Animals including Humans We will be focussing on the parts of our body and senses We will be working scientifically to perform simple tests in the context of investigating each of the five senses, for example investigating how our senses rely upon each other and creating simple tests to investigate who in our class has superhero skills (who is super stretchy? Who has super hearing?).

We will also be investigating Materials. We will be completing simple experiments to test what properties different materials have Forest School provides an excellent opportunity to explore natural materials to help develop the children’s understanding of the difference between man made items and those found in the world around us

History Historical people - Learn about significant people in history and their importance

The children will ‘meet’ Florence Nightingale and learn about her role in the Crimean war We will also learn about the work of Mary Seacole Link her role to the qualities of superheroes today - nurses/doctors

Geography Looking at Maps and local landmarks - follow a map to find Superheroes around the school

Art/DT We are focussing our art work around superheroes The children will be studying Lichtenstein’s Pop art to create onomatopoeia artwork, whilst learning about Primary colours. We will be developing our fine motor skills by painting and cutting We will be encouraging the children's independence, creativity and imaginations

Music Year 1 children will enjoy making music with instruments and their voices, whilst following a 'Superhero' topic They begin to explore the 'musical elements' (dynamics, tempo, pitch, duration, timbre) through singing, movement, playing instruments and listening to music. All children will be involved in the Harvest Festival and Christmas Production All children will learn to play the Ocarina during class lessons

MFL: Spanish The children will continue to develop basic oral language, asking and answering questions The vocabulary covered will include greetings, saying how you feel, giving your name, colours, lower numbers and classroom instructions, taught through songs, games and using puppets. Children will also learn about Spanish Christmas traditions

Computing Logging on and off independently - the children will learn the basic skills of using a Chromebook and develop mouse control

PSHE The children will create Golden Rules for Stewart House, as well as individual class agreements and rules They will also explore feelings and emotions and learn about healthy lifestyles

RE In RE, we will be exploring special festivals and events in different religions The children will be thinking about ‘special’ people and symbols in many religions

PE Master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing balance, agility and coordination, and begin to apply these in a range of activities.

Participate in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending.

YEAR 2 Curriculum content Autumn term:

English We will start this term by focusing on the continent of Africa. We will begin by reading ‘The Ugly Five’ The children will use a range of word classes (nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs) to describe African animals

The children will think about different types of sentences and write questions to ask the zookeepers at Colchester Zoo. Following our trip, the children will write a recount of the day’s events.

The children will focus on the genre of narrative, using ‘The Papaya That Spoke’ as a text for Talk for Writing, innovating the original story to create their own

During the second half of term, we will be sharing the seasonal story of Pumpkin Soup by Helen Cooper. We will be learning about instruction texts, following recipes and then the children will create their own recipe


Children will have opportunities for reading throughout the school day. This may be reading to an adult on a 1:1 basis, reading in a group, reading from the interactive whiteboard, independent reading and library sessions In our reading comprehension sessions, we are focussing on high-quality retrieval skills, applied through a range of question styles and texts related to our topics. Later in the year we will move onto the more challenging elements of comprehensioninference and explanation-type questions

Punctuation and Grammar

Wherever possible, punctuation and grammar lessons will be taught within the context of our topic work For example, the children will learn to identify when to use capital letters for proper nouns and titles (but not for common nouns) throughout our reading comprehension unit called ‘Lions, Lions, Lions’

Phonics and Spelling

The children will be taught phonics daily They will practise blending (for reading) and segmenting (for spelling) Children will complete a range of activities to reinforce the phonic sounds being taught Children will practise writing sentences that have been dictated to them. These will include words containing the specific phoneme taught, along with tricky words from Phases 2 to 5, as applicable

Every week, the children will have a new set of spellings, either based on the phonics we are working on or a new spelling rule that we are focusing on For example, -le as in ‘table’.


Children are given opportunities to practise their handwriting, using that week’s spelling words Throughout the term, we will be ensuring children are forming their letters and numbers correctly We will also teach how to join letters correctly

Maths We will focus on place value for the first part of the term The children will learn to recognise tens and ones, use a place value chart, partition numbers to 100, write numbers to 100 in words and flexibly partition numbers to 100.

The children will also use number lines to 100 (using 10s and 1s) as well as estimating numbers on a blank number line The children will compare and order objects and numbers. They will also count in 2s, 5s, 10s and 3s.

After this we will be focusing on addition and subtraction, where the children will recap their number bonds to 10, 20 and then 100 (in 10s) The children will add to the next 10 and add across a 10, then subtract across 10 and subtract from a 10 The children will practise adding and subtracting 10s, and add two 2-digit numbers (not across a 10, then across a 10) and subtract two 2-digit numbers (not across a 10 and across a 10) The children will compare number sentences and learn how to solve missing number problems

Finally, we will complete a unit on geometry (shape) The children will identify 2-D and 3-D shapes. They will count sides and vertices on 2-D shapes, sort them, draw 2-D shapes and learn about lines of symmetry We will then count faces,

edges and vertices on 3-D shapes, sort them and then make patterns with 2-D and 3-D shapes

Science Our first science topic is ‘Animal Needs for Survival’ The children will focus on different animals and the environments they live in We will visit Colchester Zoo and learn about how animals have adapted to suit their habitats in order to survive Will will learn about mammals and what they need to survive The children will work scientifically and ask simple questions and recognise that these can be answered in different ways The children will learn about birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles and humans and their specific needs for survival Over the course of this topic the children will gather and record data to help them when answering questions The children will work scientifically to identify and classify animals

We will then focus our lessons on ‘Humans’ and how to keep healthy The children will learn about exercise and why it is important for humans The children will make predictions about which types of exercise will raise their heart rate the most and the least, then test out their predictions The children will learn about food and what makes a healthy diet and an unhealthy diet, thinking about foods that can be eaten every day and those which can be eaten sometimes

We will learn about hygiene and germs and discuss the importance of good personal hygiene The children will learn about healthy teeth and gums and how to maintain good oral hygiene Children will undertake a short pattern seeking enquiry to investigate whether the oldest children have the most teeth

Finally, we will learn about ‘Materials’. The children will investigate a range of materials, learning about texture, whether they bend, squash, twist or stretch. The children will look at materials that can change shape and those that stay in a shape or that can change back to their original shape. They will then plan an investigation: Which material would be the best for an umbrella?

Geography We will practise using atlases and globes to find and locate Africa and different continents and oceans around the world

The children will locate the equator and the North and South Poles

The children will learn about the different flags used to represent African countries

We will describe and compare human and physical features seen in our local environment and an African country

Art/DT Art this term will be influenced by our Year 2 topic on Africa.

The children will be learning about the art of Edward Saidi Tingatinga as well as creating their own African masks and pots.

The children will use line and tone to draw pumpkins.

The children will be creating single and multi-coloured prints using block paint and polystyrene tiles.

Music This term, the Year 2 children will all learn to play the recorder in their weekly Music lessons The children will learn to create their own ways of recording Music on paper, creating sounds and reading musical patterns They will begin to read standard musical notation and play percussion instruments All children will be involved in the Harvest Festival and Christmas production

MFL: Spanish

Every Thursday morning the children will be taught Spanish with Miss Cabrera where they will work on basic conversational and vocabulary skills.

Computing The children begin by revisiting how to log on to a Chromebook, access Google Classrooms and Purple Mash We will also be focusing on online safety, then moving on to coding

PSHE The children will begin by creating a Class Charter which includes the rules that they believe are important in making Stewart House a happy and safe learning environment The children will be using the texts ‘The Ugly Five’ and ‘The Lion Inside’ to discuss different feelings

RE Special places - thinking about personal experiences and special places linked to world faiths - Christianity, Judaism and Islam

Cultural celebrations for the Autumn season - Harvest, Diwali, Christmas

PE The children will have swimming every Monday afternoon and PE every Thursday afternoon In PE children will develop their basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing balance, agility and coordination, and begin to apply these in a range of activities and team games whilst developing simple tactics.

Ffrome Court

As we start the new academic year, our focus will be to welcome pupils back to school and help them settle into the routines of Ffrome Court. Pupils will spend the majority of their time with their tutors for their core lessons but will encounter a wider range of teachers for some of their subject teaching.

Pupils will be taught Maths, English, Science, Humanities, RS, Spanish, Art, DT, Computing, Music, PSHE and Games/PE as well as taking part in our wider activity programme after school every afternoon.

Lessons will be supported by Learning Assistants where necessary and children are also able to access 1 to 1 support where we consider it necessary.

Individual music lessons and LAMDA lessons will be available to those pupils who wish to be involved in these extra activities.

The pupils are constantly assessed both formally (through end of term assessments) and informally (in daily lessons) and regular discussions take place to ensure pupils are at the right level and making the expected progress for them Regular Departmental and Phase Meetings also ensure individuals are discussed in each subject

As well as supporting pupils in their academic lessons, the Teachers and Learning support staff will ensure the pupils are cared for pastorally Their wellbeing, both physical and mental, is very important to us We will also ensure a close relationship with parents to ensure we are caring for the pupils holistically

This term your child will receive a progress report at the end of Term and you are invited to look at your child’s books in Week 6 & 7

Please see below for curriculum coverage this term.


English Recount

Writing a Recount of the Summer holiday and learning how to structure this correctly.

Hansel and Gretel

Planning and writing a newspaper report based on the story.

Persuasive Writing

Use persuasive writing to compose an advert about selling a house.

The Firework Maker's Daughter

Follow, order and write instructions, identifying how language, structure and presentation contribute to meaning

Play Scripts (Links to Ffrome Court Xmas Play - Ebenezer)

Compare the differences between written dialogue in a text and in a play. Create a playscript using all key features. Perform a play.

Informal Letter Writing

Writing letters to Father Christmas.

Regular Comprehensions, Spelling Tests & Grammar Development.

Maths This term will see a focus on the consolidation and development of the following Number topics: Place value, addition & subtraction, multiplication and division (formal and mental methods)

Regular times table and division tests

Maths Preps to consolidate learning

Science Animals including Humans

The importance of good nutrition for animals including humans. Understanding the different food groups in our diet. The structure and function of the skeleton and muscle groups.

Spanish All children will learn greetings, how to ask and answer questions about themselves and others They will also learn about meal-times and how to describe their likes and dislikes with food and drink

Topic Riotous Royals: History Focus

A chronological study of the British Monarchy from William the Conqueror’s reign from 1066 onwards, how King John made himself very unpopular as monarch and why King Henry VIII married so many times, who Queen Anne was, what Queen Victoria achieved during her reign and the role of the British monarchy today.

Music Whole Class String Tuition.

All children in Year 3 begin to play a violin, viola or ‘cello this term. They learn the basics of string technique, playing as an ensemble and learning about the String family of instruments. This is also supported by reading rhythmic notation and playing on percussion instruments. All children take part in the Ffrome

Court Choir and sing in every weekly music lesson The children take part in the Autumn Term production

Computing Touch Typing - using

Computer artwork including GoogleSlides and To use purple mash to make posters to reinforce learning from our topic sessions.

PE The children will have a swimming lesson during PE this term, developing various strokes and their water confidence

Art Create a Norman figure inspired by the Bayeux Tapestry Create a crown that is symmetrical in design and decorate it

DT Moving Monsters

Using split pins to create monsters that can move

RS Hindu Beliefs & Diwali

Finding out about Hindu beliefs, places of worship, festivals and their Holy Book. A closer look at the meaning of Diwali and how it is celebrated.

PSHE Health & Wellbeing, Relationships, Living in the Wider World Topics covered will include: Making and maintaining healthy friendships; Economic Wellbeing will explore attitudes and ideas about spending and saving money as well as value for money


English Use the story of Gregory Cool to complete the following writing outcomes:

Writing poetry

Story mapping

Write fact files

Writing instructions

Writing a character description

Writing a diary entry

Write a biography

Use the story of One Plastic Bag to complete the following writing outcomes: Take notes

Write a leaflet, booklet and poster

Write a poem

Create an advertising campaign (tweets, radio jingle, tv script)


Discussing book themes

Making comparisons within and across books.

Read poems, perform and use intonation when reading aloud.

Draw inferences of character feelings, thoughts and motives in fiction.

Asking questions to improve understanding

Summarising the main ideas in a book and predicting what may happen.

Weekly comprehension, Grammar, spellings, guided reading


Negative numbers

Counting on and back Sequencing

Greater than less than Roman Numerals

4 operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division all formal methods incl word problems

Weekly Preps, Mental maths and times and division facts recall tests

Science Living Things & Their Habitats.

Pupils will explore a variety of ways to identify, sort, group and classify living things They learn how animals are split into 'vertebrates' and 'invertebrates' and begin to consider the differences between living things within these classifications They use and create classification keys to group, identify and name living things from the local habitat and beyond This unit also introduces pupils to the idea that environments are subject to human-made and natural changes, and that these changes can have a significant impact on living things Throughout the unit pupils work scientifically by gathering, recording and presenting information in different ways

The Environment around us: Endangered Species and the Environment, Zoo/Wild Animals Understanding Environmental Issues

Spanish This term, the children will be learning how to describe their free-time pursuits using sports and activities. During the second half of the term they will be learning how to extend their sentences using connectives, adding countries and giving opinions, saying what they do in different weather types. Consolidation from Year 3,

Humanities History - The Romans & Vikings

This Romans unit will teach pupils about the impact the Roman empire had on life in Britain. They will learn about the spread of the Roman empire, the invasion of Britain and the eventual conquest. They will look in detail at the Roman Army and how this contributed to the strength of the Roman Empire. The children will also look in detail at some aspects of the Romanisation of Britain, such as the building of Roman roads and bathhouses.

The Vikings Topic will explore the tumultuous relationship that the Vikings had, as invaders, with the Anglo-Saxons. Pupils will learn about the ongoing conflict and resolution attempts between them, whilst exploring different elements of law, justice in the Anglo-Saxon and Viking times.

Music This term, the children will focus on reading, creating and performing rhythmic patterns. They will learn different musical terms, related to the musical elements (eg, Ostinato, Canon, Rondo form, dynamic and tempo terms). The children will be part of the Ffrome Court choir and will work towards the Christmas production.

Maths Place Value including: Rounding

Computing Vector Drawing

In this unit, learners start to create vector drawings They learn how to use different drawing tools to help them create images Learners recognise that images in vector drawings are created using shapes and lines, and each individual element in the drawing is called an object Learners layer their objects and begin grouping and duplicating them to support the creation of more complex pieces of work This unit is planned using the Google Drawings app

PE The children will have a swimming lesson this term on a rotational basis during their Wednesday morning PE lesson

When not swimming children will participate in basketball in the Sports Hall and focus on dribbling and passing techniques, both individually, in pairs and as a team.

Art Pop Art

Poster inspired by Roy Lichtenstein

DT 3D Design Design and make a castle.

RS Judaism: The Special Jewish relationship with God Promises including:

Moses and the 10 commandments; the covenant story of Abraham


The significance of the Nativity story for Christians

Symbols in the Nativity story

Christingles and their meaning

PSHE Health & Wellbeing, Relationships, Living in the Wider World Topics covered will include: Making and maintaining healthy friendships; Economic Wellbeing will explore how money can be managed in different ways as well as exploring how gaming behaviours can link to money that is spent.


As we welcome the children to Cloisters, our focus is on how best to effectively equip them for the next phase of their academic journey. The children study a broad and balanced curriculum which is delivered in individual subjects by specialist teachers, very similar to that studied in the secondary system; this is designed so that lessons can be delivered to the highest possible standard and provide the most effective levels of challenge.This also means that children will move around the school and experience learning in different classrooms and environments. All lessons promote effective learning behaviours and reinforce positive routines and conduct alongside consolidation of their knowledge and understanding. Independent learning is very much promoted with the introduction of Chromebooks in Year 5.

It is our main aim to ensure that all children settle well into their routines and that they thrive in lessons and co-curricular activities The academic subjects of Maths, English and Science continue to form a strong foundation in this phase; the children will receive daily Maths and English lessons and Science lessons twice each week and Prep will be set for all three subjects

Lessons will be supported by Learning Assistants where necessary and children are also able to access SPM groups and 1 to 1 support where we consider it necessary. Academic Studies takes place in the afternoons on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and these will consist of an extra 30 minutes for Maths, English and one Prep session The children will be challenged throughout the curriculum and dedicated lessons in Spanish, Art, D TE , Music, Drama, Computing, R S , Geography, History and P.E ensure a broad coverage.

The pupils are constantly assessed both formally (through end of term assessments) and informally (in daily lessons) and regular discussions take place to ensure pupils’ attainment is at the appropriate level and that they are making good or excellent progress. In Year 6 children will have the opportunity to apply for Academic and Sport Scholarships as well as MSA awards in disciplines including Drama, Music, Art and DTE

As well as supporting pupils in their academic lessons, the Teachers and Learning Support staff will ensure the pupils are cared for pastorally Their wellbeing, both physical and mental, is of the utmost importance to us and we will ensure a close relationship with parents so that we are all working together for the best possible outcomes for your child.

This term we will provide feedback through a Parent/Teacher Meeting if your child is in Year 5 and a written report if they are in Year 6. We are of course available throughout the year to discuss your child’s development or any issues that may arise.



English Treason by Berlie Doherty

Following the CLPE, Power of Reading Approaches, children should enjoy the writing process and engage in challenging texts therefore encouraging a strong desire to learn.

Weekly spellings and grammar using Spelling Shed which will involve interactive learning differentiated accordingly.

Comprehension skills: skimming and scanning, retrieval, prediction, deduction, inference and authorial technique

Accelerated Reader reading range assessment x 2

Maths Children will continue to consolidate known facts and further develop mathematical fluency New learning and revision will cover but not be limited to: decimal notation and calculations involving decimals; recognition of number properties; collection and presentation of a set of data; use of coordinates to identify a position or construct a shape within a single quadrant and calculating the perimeter of regular polygons

Science Keeping Healthy

Diet and nutrition

Exercise and effects on heart rate

Drugs and health

Changing State

Solids, liquids and gases and particle model

Changes in state related to water cycle

Modern Foreign Languages: Spanish

Pupils will consolidate their learning of greetings and answering questions about themselves Then they will study the rooms in the house including adjectives, chores and activities around the home The pupils will also research Christmas traditions and discuss cultural differences, with a focus on Spanish speaking countries

History The Tudors:

This term, Year 5 students will learn about the Tudor period They will study the Battle of Bosworth and how the Tudor dynasty started with Henry VII They will also explore Henry VIII's marriages, religious differences, and the reigns of Edward VI and Bloody Mary

Lastly, they'll find out about the challenges Queen Elizabeth I faced This will help them understand how the Tudors influenced England's history

Geography OS Maps and Skills

Pupils will develop basic map skills of OS maps including: 4 fig. grid references, direction & distance; Relief of the land, including contour lines & recognising the shape of the landscape.


Pupils will study the structure of volcanoes and the location of volcanic activity. They will use a variety of case studies to understand why people might live near volcanoes.

RS How Christians show commitment to God

A study of the different ways Christians choose to show commitment to God. To reflect on the meaning of commitment and the different degrees of which religious believers show this. This will also include looking at the fundamental teachings and events of Christianity and applying them to modern life and the lives of the people in contemporary society

Art Tonal Drawing

From observation, create an animal portrait, using a grid system working in pencil, investigating tone and form

DTE Structural Engineering

Pupils will develop their understanding of different examples of structures. They will have the opportunity to create their own structure in groups whilst they undertake the ‘Felsted Tower Challenge’. Pupils then move into an introduction to the DTE workshop, focusing on health and safety and the tools / equipment / machinery.

Computing Flat-File Databases

This unit looks at how a flat-file database can be used to organise data in records Pupils use tools within a database to order and answer questions about data They create graphs and charts from their data to help solve problems They use a real-life database to answer a question, and present their work to others

UK Bebras Computing Challenge

Pupils will participate in this event after the half-term break

Introduction to Spreadsheets

This unit introduces the learners to spreadsheets They will be supported in organising data into columns and rows to create their own data set Learners will be taught the importance of formatting data to support calculations, while also being introduced to formulas and will begin to understand how they can be used to produce calculated data. Learners will be taught how to apply formulas that include a range of cells, and apply formulas to multiple cells by duplicating them. Learners will use spreadsheets to plan an event and answer questions. Finally, learners will create charts, and evaluate their results in comparison to questions asked.

Drama Shakespeare

The pupils will look at the world of Shakespeare This will include a basic look at his life and the world he inhabited The Drama will consist of approaching basic text work and looking at how the stories have continued to excite We will look at Insults, Romeo & Juliet, MacBeth and other texts that offer a way to demonstrate how relevant Shakespeare still is A look at the nature of Soap Opera, the formulas and the history of the genre

Music Musical elements and musical theory

To develop and demonstrate their musical skills, knowledge and understanding of musical elements including pitch, tempo, dynamics, duration, timbre, texture and structure. To develop their understanding of music theory and notation and be able to use this on a practical level with musical instruments in the classroom.

The Origin of Song

To explore the roots and different forms of song from blues and spirituals through to opera

PE In PE we will be taking part in a team sports module this term. This will begin with Volleyball.

Other PE modules this year will include Swimming, Gymnastics and Health Related Exercise

PSHE Living in the Wider World Topics covered will include: Identities, Diversity & Communities, National Government The Law & Democracy


Pupils will look at respecting differences, negotiation and compromise, trustworthiness, values and traits

Year 5 will also begin studying with the Mental Health Champions programme


English The Nowhere Emporium by Ross Mackenzie War Horse by Michael Morpurgo

Following the CLPE, Power of Reading Approaches, children should enjoy the writing process and engage in challenging texts therefore encouraging a strong desire to learn

Weekly spellings and grammar using Spelling Shed which will involve interactive learning differentiated accordingly

Creative writing: focus on descriptive and sensory writing

Exam techniques and practice

Comprehension skills: skimming and scanning, retrieval, prediction, deduction, inference and authorial technique

Accelerated Reader reading range assessment x 2

Maths Children will continue to consolidate known facts and further develop mathematical fluency. New learning and revision will cover but not be limited to: the further development of decimal notation and place value up to 7 digits; compare, order and sequence number in different contexts; problem solving involving the four operations; multiplication and division involving integers and decimals; the order of operations (BIDMAS); rounding to a given decimal digit; using knowledge of place value to give approximate answers; converting fractions to decimals and vice versa; simplifying a given fraction; calculations involving fractions and the four operations; solving problems involving the properties of number; expressing a quantity as a percentage of another; performing substitutions into simple linear expressions; knowledge and use of the formulae for the area of rectangles and triangles; consolidating knowledge of angle and the properties of shape; performing translations, rotations and transformations; converting one metric measure to another and solving problems through the selection, analysis and presentation of data

Science More About Dissolving

This will include the states of matter and the principles involved in making solutions and the factors that affect solubility


What microbes are, how they are affected by environmental conditions and how this relates to food storage and food wastage

Pupils will gain an understanding of bacteria, viruses and fungi They will also study the history of vaccinations

Modern Foreign Languages: Spanish

Pupils will learn how to talk about their free-time activities, describing others and nationalities. They will also be able to invite friends out using the places in the town, creating authentic conversations.

The children will also research Christmas traditions and discuss cultural differences, with a focus on Spanish speaking countries

History World War I and World War II

Pupils will think about how Hitler was able to become the most powerful person in Germany, and why the population did not necessarily consider him a tyrant. They will look at the Treaty of Versailles and understand what the long term causes of Hiler’s rise to power were and why many people in Britain - particularly in positions of power - were open to the idea of appeasement. They will also decide on what they think was the biggest ‘turning point’ of the war. Students will study Dunkirk, The Battle of Britain, Operation Barbarossa, and D-Day

Geography OS maps and skills

Pupils will develop their skills of OS maps, 4 and 6 fig. grid references, OS map symbols, using scale when measuring distance, follow routes and use compass directions.

Where do we live? Pupils develop their understanding of Felsted and its environment They will show knowledge of location of Essex, UK and Europe

Biomes; hot and cold deserts

Pupils will look at major Biomes around the world, with a particular focus on hot and cold deserts Using Svalbard and Namibia as case studies They will discover the adaptations of Flora and Fauna in the environments

RS How Muslims show commitment to God

A study of the different ways Muslims choose to show commitment to God To reflect on the meaning of commitment and the different degrees of which religious believers show this Pupils will also start to draw comparisons between Christianity and Islam to celebrate differences and most importantly to recognise similarities that reflect the diversity of modern Britain

DTE Communication Skills

Pupils will learn and develop drawing techniques used to support the communicating of their design solutions They will learn how to free hand sketch, draw in isometric and 2 point perspective They will also learn how to add tone through rendering techniques to enhance their work further

Following this, pupils will gain extended experiences of how computers are used within the world of DTE through Computer Aided Design software

Art Investigating Pattern

Using trees as inspiration create your own artwork investigating patterns and using Impressionist and Fauvist colour pallets

Computing Repetition in Shapes

Students will create programs by planning, modifying, and testing commands to create shapes and patterns. They will use Logo, a text-based programming language.

UK Bebras Computing Challenge

Pupils will participate in this event after the half-term break.

Web Page Creation

This unit introduces learners to the creation of websites for a chosen purpose Learners identify what makes a good web page and use this information to design and evaluate their own website using Google Sites Throughout the process learners pay specific attention to copyright and fair use of media, the aesthetics of the site, and navigation paths

Drama Highlight elements of Victorians

Connecting history through drama to show an understanding of Victorian behaviours and use of language in Drama

Music Junior Brass

Year 6 will learn to play brass instruments in our whole class Junior Brass Band. Pupils will learn the basics on either trumpet, trombone or tenor horn This topic will also engage the pupils in the history of brass music from Tudor times, the music of Handel, Copeland’s ‘Fanfare for the Common Man’ and the film music of John Williams

Music theory

To develop and demonstrate their musical skills, knowledge and understanding of musical elements including pitch, tempo, dynamics, duration, timbre, texture and structure To develop their understanding of music theory and notation

PE In PE we will be taking part in a team sports module this term This will begin with Volleyball

Other PE modules this year will include Swimming, Gymnastics and Health Related Exercise

PSHE Relationships

Topics covered will include: Personal safety, confidentiality, secrets, boundaries and trustworthiness Different family set-ups and the value of marriage will be explored

Living in the Wider World

Pupils will explore inclusion and human rights

Healthy Lifestyles

Year 6 will take part in the A-Life Healthy Living Workshop

Courtauld House

As we begin another exciting academic year our first priority is ensuring the pupils settle quickly into their new Year Group. Once they are settled and confident then we can begin to assess how they learn and revise and make good progress. Our broad syllabus will hopefully challenge and inspire them and there are plenty of opportunities for everyone to be excited about what they are studying. All subjects are taught by subject specialist teachers and the pace of the lessons are based on individual needs.

All lessons promote good learning behaviours and reinforce positive in-class habits alongside consolidation of their knowledge and understanding. Independent learning is very much promoted with the continued use of chromebooks in Year 7 for all pupils. All subjects will also focus on the basic reading, writing and numeracy skills that are so vital at this age. Year 7 is the beginning of a 5 year journey towards GCSE and the skills the pupils learn in Courtauld House will lay the foundation for the step up into Year 9

The pupils are constantly assessed both formally (through end of topic assessments) and informally (in daily lessons) and regular discussions take place to ensure pupils are at the right level and making the expected progress for them An online tracking system also allows individual teachers, Heads of Departments, Tutors and the Head of Phase alongside the Assistant Head (Academic) to keep track of each individual's level of attainment and progress Regular Departmental meetings also ensure individuals are discussed in each subject

Alongside the academic progress of each child we also monitor the wellbeing of each individual The pastoral system and regular Phase meetings ensure all the pupils are discussed and any concerns are quickly raised Additional support and catch up opportunities are also available through the normal channels where we consider it necessary There are also plenty of opportunities for academic enrichment and extension


What will they cover next term?

English Wonder by RJ Palacio Macbeth by William

Following the CLPE, Power of Reading Approaches, children should enjoy the writing process and engage in challenging texts therefore encouraging a strong desire to learn.

To write creatively. Write accurately, fluently, effectively and at length for pleasure and information through writing for a wide range of audiences, including well structured formal expository and narrative essays and stories

Weekly spellings and grammar using Tier 3 vocabulary differentiated accordingly

Accelerated Reader reading range assessments x 2

Maths Children will continue to consolidate known facts and further develop mathematical fluency New learning and revision will cover but not be limited to: consolidation of calculations involving the four operations and BIDMAS; multiplying and dividing decimals; perform calculations involving negative number; rounding to a given decimal digit; rounding to a given significant figure; revise equivalency and calculation of fractions, decimal and percentages, compare proportions; find a given percentage increase or decrease; apply the properties of number to solve problems; use letters and symbols to represent unknown variables and further consolidate knowledge of equations and expressions.

Science Year 7 will be following the Kerboodle Scheme of work that links in with the equivalent scheme studied in Year 9 and beyond at the Senior School Within this programme of study, pupils will improve experimental design, data handling and conclusion making In addition, they will be expected to make progress in the understanding and accurate use of scientific vocabulary Your child will have login details given to them at the start of Year 7

Organisms 1

The cellular nature of life, how complex organisms are built up from single cells compared to single celled organisms, the hierarchy of how a multicellular organism is composed (cell, tissue, organ, system, multiple systems), skeletal system in more detail along with muscles Structure of plant and animal cells, movement of substances into / out of cells, microscope skills as well as slide preparation

Matter 1

The particle model, states of matter, changes of state, diffusion, gas pressure and inside particles

They will also learn about pure substances, mixtures and solutions, solubility, filtration, evaporation, distillation and chromatography

MFL: French Pupils will be following the Dynamo 1 online textbook.

Topics include:

Greetings, numbers, age, family, birthdays, pets, sports, weather and free-time activities.

Grammar includes:

Avoir / être verbs, forming questions / role-plays, near future tense.

MFL: Spanish Pupils will be following the Viva 1 online textbook

Grammar includes:

Consolidation of regular and irregular present tense Asking and answering questions

Topics include:

Greetings, age, numbers, character traits, family members, birthdays, pets, sports, weather and free-time activities

MFL: German Pupils will be following the Stimmt 1 online textbook.

Topics include: greetings, numbers, age, birthdays, home location, pets, St Martin's Day, Christmas traditions

Grammar includes: phonetics, pronouns, formula for regular verbs in the present tense, haben/sein, adjectives, connectives, intensifiers

Spelling Bee Stage 1

Latin An introduction to Latin and Life in Pompeii

The nominative and accusative cases; the present, perfect and imperfect tenses; daily life in Pompeii including houses, family, the theatre, slavery

History This term, Year 7 will begin by exploring the struggle for the English throne in 1066 The students will also uncover the reasons behind Harold's defeat at Hastings and the varying interpretations of this event Additionally, they will analyse the necessity of the harrying of the North in maintaining control of England.

Exploring the social and political aspects, they will study the introduction of the feudal system and the valuable insights provided by the Domesday Book about post-Conquest life.

In the realm of religion, they will study the medieval idea of the ‘journey to the afterlife’, the interplay between Church and State. Additionally, students will examine the murder of Thomas Becket, questioning the motivations behind his assassination and the limits of Church power

Geography Geomorphological processes

Looking at the erosional processes responsible for the development of river landforms. Geology and how rock type and weathering assist river formation. Understand why flooding occurs. Case study: The River Severn.

Environmental issues: The Rainforest

Pupils will look at factors affecting the rainforest biome, including sustainability of the rainforest and deforestation Case study: Amazon Rainforest


Who was Jesus Christ and how did his life have such an impact on the world?

Pupils will explore the key events of the life of Jesus Christ. They will be required to reflect and enquire as to why and how the life of one person has had such an enormous effect on not only our society and culture but the world as a whole. In this part of the topic they will consider general facts of Jesus, the chronology of his life with extra focus on events such as ‘The Baptism’ and ‘The Temptations’ and relate these messages and teachings to contemporary life.

Philosophy Curriculum

Using the P4C format pupils will engage in lessons that allow them to develop thinking and debating skills surrounding contemporary issues in society

DTE Focused Practical Task - Modern Mood Lighting

Pupils will develop their understanding of contemporary product design and use this to support them designing and manufacturing their own desktop LED mood light They will acquire a variety of skills to complete this task including - design sketching, Computer Aided Design (CAD), electronics / soldering, intermediate workshop skills, finishing techniques, creating a brand and packaging design

Art Portraiture

Using Renaissance drawing techniques create a portrait investigating chiaroscuro

Computing Networks from Seamphores to the Internet

Imagine a world without computer networks: there would be no more YouTube, Google, instant messaging, online video gaming, Netflix, and iTunes; no online shopping; no file sharing; and no central backups of information This unit begins by defining a network and addressing the benefits of networking, before covering how data is transmitted across networks using protocols

UK Bebras Computing Challenge

Pupils will participate in this event after the half-term break

Clear Messaging in Digital Media

This unit is designed to build upon learners' experience in key stage 2. It requires learners to use a range of different skills across several pieces of software. Learners will work between different applications to create a poster and slides on a given theme. The unit is designed so that learners can concentrate on applying skills that they may have previously learnt as well as those learnt in the unit. Learners are given clear tasks for which they need to first plan and then implement a solution.

Drama Murder Mystery

Build on the work done in earlier years and construct a more sophisticated murder mystery This will include suggestions for films/television as well as looking at the way these are constructed This will all be before the pupils make and present their own

Music Film Music

A study and composition unit exploring the use of Music in feature films Pupils will analyse film music from a range of genres, exploring how the music is used to enhance the viewing experience Pupils will work in groups to compose their own action film soundtrack

Keyboard Skills

Pupils will be setting their own targets to improve their piano and keyboard skills, depending on their own ability As well as melodies and accompaniments pupils will learn riffs and chords used in contemporary music

The Musical elements

Throughout the term knowledge and terminology of the musical elements will be reinforced New elements are introduced including articulation and orchestration and pupils will complete their own online project.

PE In PE we will be taking part in both Swimming and Volleyball this term This will commence with Swimming for girls until half term whilst the boys play Volleyball and then switch following Half Term Please use the school's burgundy school bag for swimming

PSHE Health & Wellbeing, Relationships

Topics covered include: What is Emotional Health? Coping with change; Forming Positive Relationships

Relationships & Sex-Education Sessions are offered (inc Puberty, Consent, Relationship Values, Signposting for further support)

Living in the Wider World

Topics covered include: Your Money personality, next step in your financial journey and dealing with financial dilemmas.


Business, Entreprene urial and Careers



Pupils will have the opportunity to explore a variety of careers through the Careers Library section of the Unifrog Platform They will have the opportunity to explore specific areas of personal interest and developm and understanding of different things to be considered when choosing a career

Entrepreneurial and careers awareness

Pupils will have the opportunity to develop entrepreneurial skills linked to promoting and selling a product

They will specifically focus on careers linked to STEM, Sustainability and Green Awareness and they will have the opportunity to enter the Bright Ideas Challenge run through Shell

Visiting speakers will also talk to the pupils about their experiences in different work settings and careers


What will they cover next term?

English Woman in Black by Susan Hill

Students will study and explore social and historical context; Victorian ideals & beliefs; ideas concerning the supernatural; gothic genre; Victorian attitudes towards pregnancy outside of marriage; patriarchy; class divisions; poor laws; isolation; urbanity Vs rurality; psychological manifestations of fear

To write creatively Write accurately, fluently, effectively and at length for pleasure and information through writing for a wide range of audiences, including well structured formal expository and narrative essays and stories

Maths Children will continue to consolidate known facts and further develop mathematical fluency and skills from Year 7. New learning and revision will cover but not be limited to: revision of ratio and scale; multiplicative change; calculations involving fractions; working within the Cartesian plane; representing and manipulating data and solving problems involving probability.

Science: Biology Year 8 will be following the Kerboodle Scheme of work that links in with the equivalent scheme studied in Year 9 and beyond at the Senior School Within this programme of study, pupils will improve experimental design, data handling and conclusion making In addition, they will be expected to make progress in the understanding and accurate use of scientific vocabulary Your child will have login details given to them at the start of Year 8

Ecosystems 2 ( Photosynthesis)

Structure, function and adaptation of plant for photosynthesis

Water and nutrient uptake

Genes 2 (Evolution, Adaptation and Genetics)



Preserving Biodiversity



Genetics and genetic modification



Matter 2

Elements,Atoms and compounds

Periodic Table

Reaction formulae / equations both word and symbol

Reactions involving Group 1 and 7 of the Periodic Table



Assessment→ There will be a mid topic and end of topic assessment in addition to a Practical Skills assessment, set as prep

Forces 2

Forces 1 (Recap) and 2

A brief recap of the theories encountered towards the end of Year 7 (Forces 1)

Introduction to forces, balanced and unbalanced forces, speed, distance - time graph, forces at distance, the effects of gravity, friction/drag, Forces 2 →squashing and stretching (Hook’s Law), turning forces, (Moments),

pressure in all three states of matter, stress on solids

Assessment→ There will be a mid topic and end of topic assessment in addition to a Practical Skills assessment, set as prep

MFL: French Pupils will be following the Dynamo 2 (tiered green and red) online textbook

Grammar includes: Past tense, irregular verbs, forming the negative Topics include: Holiday activities, transport, time phrases

MFL: Spanish Pupils will be following the Viva 2 online textbook. Grammar includes:

Present and near future tenses as well as the introduction of the preterite. Topics include: Holidays, transport, free-time activities and food.

MFL: German Pupils will be following the Stimmt 2 online textbook

Grammar includes: phonetics, revision of present tense, perfect tense with haben/sein, imperfect tense using war, hatte, es gab Topics include: weather, comparing places ‘then’ and ‘now’, holidays and travelling Translation Bee Stage 1 in present tense

Latin The Trojan War

Revision of noun cases and verb tenses; the verb to be Key events in the Trojan War Comprehensions and translations based on events in the Trojan War

History Agricultural and Industrial Revolution

Students will investigate the reasons behind the significant changes in agriculture, how farming methods evolved, and the role of canals in fostering the growth of towns They will also delve into the mining industry and the introduction of machinery, uncovering the challenges of industrialisation such as the prevalence of disease in crowded urban centres and the emergence of cholera.

Reflecting on the social dynamics, students will explore the factors contributing to high crime rates in the cities and the subsequent emergence of forensic science in crime investigation. Furthermore, they will learn about Britain's pivotal role as the "workshop of the world," reflecting on its economic prowess and global influence during this time

Throughout the term, students will gain valuable insights into the complexities of the Industrial Revolution, fostering critical thinking and historical understanding as they navigate through this dynamic and transformative era in British history

Geography Tectonic Processes

Pupils will discover the structure of the Earth They will explore why earthquakes and tsunami’s occur in particular locations, and how they affect the people who live there Case studies: Haiti and Sumatra

Settlement in HIC’s

Pupils will learn about pattern and function of settlements, and gain an understanding about how settlements have developed, and how this affects the people who live there Pupils will investigate the issues occuring in urban areas, and how these might be solved Case study: Ely

TEP What is the significance of Christmas for Christians?

Pupils will explore the vast tapestry of symbols and traditions that are used and celebrated over Christmas Most significantly we will look at the gospels, paying careful attention to the meanings and beliefs that are derived from these stories/scriptures They will also differentiate between the secular and religious traditions/symbols whilst recognising the value they hold for members of our society regardless of belief

Philosophy Curriculum

Using the P4C format pupils will engage in lessons that allow them to develop thinking and debating skills surrounding contemporary issues in society.

DTE Designing for a client

Pupils will be set the brief to design and manufacture a contemporary bird box for the Italian design company ‘Kartell’ Their product will be sold throughout their shops and online retail platform

Pupils will use the work of ‘Memphis Design Group’ as their design inspiration for their designs and will complete a detailed product analysis on similar existing products From this point, they will create a series of design solutions (sketching & CAD), which will lead into creating a scale card prototype model of their chosen idea This design will then be run through Artificial Intelligence (AI) rendering software Finally they will manufacture a full size working outcome which they will add an appropriate finish to They will also look to create the branding for their new product and generate the launch advertising

Art Michael Craig-Martin

Still Life study inspired by the work of Michael Craig-Martin.

Computing Layers of Computing Systems

This unit takes learners on a tour through the different layers of computing systems: from programs and the operating system, to the physical components that store and execute these programs, to the fundamental binary building blocks that these components consist of The aim is to provide a concise overview of how computing systems operate, conveying the essentials and abstracting away the technical details that might confuse or put off learners The last lessons cover two interesting contemporary topics: artificial intelligence and open source software These are linked back to the content of the unit, helping learners to both broaden their knowledge and focus on the topics addressed in the unit

UK Bebras Computing Challenge

Pupils will participate in this event after the half-term break

Media: Vector Graphics

This unit offers learners the opportunity to design graphics using vector graphic editing software By the end of the unit learners will have produced an illustration, a logo, or some icons using vector graphics The lessons are tailored to Inkscape, but the resources should be readily adaptable to any vector graphics editor Vector graphics can be used to design anything from logos and icons to posters, board games, and complex illustrations Through this unit, learners will be able to better understand the processes involved in creating such graphics and will be provided with the knowledge and tools to create their own

Drama History of Drama & Final Assessment

A look at how the nature of performance has changed and evolved since the early Greeks Pupils will also prepare (in groups) a final piece of work that utilises a lot of the skills they have learned over the course

Music Music for Dance

A study of dance music from prehistory to contemporary dance Focused practical work using West African percussion will allow pupils to compose and perform together, developing basic percussion techniques and improvisational elements

Music Technology

Using iPads develop skills in composing, music theory, teaching their own lessons, researching and listening

Minimalist Music

Pupils will study Minimalist music from the 1960s, relating this to modern art and 20th century culture. Pupils will compose pieces primarily on tuned percussion with direct reference to the music of Steve Reich.

PE In PE we will be taking part in both Swimming and Volleyball this term This will commence with Swimming for girls until half term whilst the boys play Volleyball and then switch following Half Term Please use the school's burgundy school bag for swimming

Leadership and Careers


Pupils will work to develop teamwork and leadership skills with support from their Heads of League and School Leadership Team.

Pupils will have the opportunity to think creatively to plan and take ownership of the Fun for Funds fete


Pupils will have the opportunity to explore the Unifrog careers platform, following the specific programme for Year 8 pupils.

PSHE Health & Wellbeing, Relationships

Topics covered include: Committing to a Healthy Lifestyle; Drug & Alcohol education; Sleep quality; Diet & Exercise

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