Welcome to Ffrome Court

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Welcome to Ffrome Court Years 3 & 4


As the youngest pupils in the Prep School, our aim is to provide a nurturing and caring environment to enable your child to grow in confidence, explore and discover and grow as an individual whilst being part of the wider school community.


Assistant Head of Ffrome Court. Head of PSHE

MrAlex Manley Miss Emily Carman Mrs Sally Emblin Mrs VictoriaThomas Mrs Jo Manson Miss Georgia Duncan


Mrs Norris is our Prep School Head.

Mr Fincher is Deputy Head of the Prep School.

Mrs O’Brien is Director of Safeguarding and DSL.


As the children move through the school, the arrangements for lessons change and the children begin to be in different classes for different subjects. If the children are familiar and comfortable with a range of other children across the year group, this helps them to feel more confident when they are in classes that may be different from their friends.There are many opportunities for the pupils to mix with children from the other classes such as playtimes, games lessons and after school activities.

Pupils will be mixed fromYear 2 intoYear 3 and fromYear 3 intoYear 4. We understand that this can feel quite an anxious time for parents, but please be assured that the teachers know the children very well and the transition process is carefully planned.TheYear 2 and 3 staff will liaise closely to ensure that the children are being placed in the best class for them.

Our aim is to create supportive and effective working relationships between the children. We also understand that some children find change challenging and we will also factor this into the transition process.


• The school day starts at 8.20am

• Children can arrive at school from 8am where they can play supervised in the playground.

• When the bell goes at 8:20, the pupils will have registration in their classroom with their teacher - known as tutor time. Sometimes pupils will read during tutor time, talk about the day ahead or complete their spellings and handwriting.

Lessons then begin.


• The school day ends at 3.40pm forYear 3 pupils except forTuesdays when the day ends at 5.20pm.

• Year 4 - the compulsory late stays areTuesday andThursday.

• TheAfter SchoolActivity program begins at 3.40 and runs until 5.20pm on Monday, Wednesday,Thursdays and Fridays.

• At the end of the day, the year 3 pupils will sign out at the Stewart House gate or be taken to Ffrome Court for the after school activity program.

• Amember of staff will sign pupils out when they can see the adult allowed to collect your child .

• At 5.20pm sign out will be at the red doors.


The children will be fitted for their school uniform at our schoolTailor’s shop.

The children should wear their ‘day’uniform to school, apart from the days when they have games or Forest School (on a 3 or 4 week rota per term). On those days they should come into school in their games kit.This reduces the need to carry heavy bags to school and also lessens the amount of sports kit going astray!

We have waterproof coats and trousers that the children can use for Forest School but you are welcome to bring in their own waterproofs if you wish.

They will need wellington boots in school for Forest School (these can be kept at school)

The school coat should be worn everyday - we never know when it may rain! Blazers can be left on their pegs at school overnight if they wish.

Afull list of uniform and sports kit can be found on the website.



Each term you will be sent the Learning Pathways document which details the curriculum overview for thatTerm in all subject areas.

Maths -This is taught in tutor groups initially, then the children are placed in sets.Teachers will spend time teaching the children and place them in a teaching group that is appropriate for them.This will happen after half term in theAutumnTerm.

English, Humanities, Science and PSHE - these subjects are taught in tutor groups inYear 3 andYear 4.

Music,Art, DT, Spanish, PE & Games - these subjects are taught by specialist teachers.


Maths is planned using the National Curriculum and the White Rose Maths scheme.

The White Rose Maths Scheme adopts the maths mastery approach to learning.

Children will continue to learn times tables every week as well as practising mental mathematical strategies regularly.

The children will have a login forTimeTables Rockstars which can be accessed at home as well as school to increase fluency in times tables.

English is taught in tutor groups and covers reading, comprehension, spelling, grammar, punctuation and writing skills.

Children will be set spellings to learn every week with a weekly test and lesson dedicated to phonics, spelling and grammar. Children will have a login for Spelling Shed which can also be accessed at home and school and is a fun and engaging way for children to practise their spellings.

Reading comprehensions will be completed in a variety of ways; written, oral and computer based.

Children will become more independent readers inYears 3 & 4 and the teacher will not listen to your child read aloud as often as you may have experienced before.Teachers will be carefully monitoring reading in different ways and one of the methods we use is theAccelerated Reader Scheme.



This is the system used for reading inYear 3 and beyond:

Pupils choose a book from the library which is suitable for their reading level.

Once they have read the book, they log into theAR system and take a quiz on the book contents.This might be 5 or 10 questions.

They receive a score and this is all recorded on their profile.

Parents can receive emails every time their child takes a quiz.

At regular intervals throughout the year, pupils sit a STAR reading test which determines their ZPD which is Zone of Proximal Development.

Further details and information on this system will be explained at the settling in mornings in September or you can contact our librarian Mr Dell ald@felsted.org



& Wellbeing

Healthy lifestyles, keeping safe, growing & changing, personal identity.


A subject firmly placed within our School values of ‘Developing Character, and Making a Difference.’

Relationships Living in the Wider World

Healthy relationships on/off-line, feelings and emotions, valuing difference,

Relationships & Health Education (Primary)

Rights & Responsibilities, Environmental Care, Economic wellbeing, employability, careers

Sessions that help pupils to manage their daily-lives in/outside school, but also to help prepare for life after school.

RelationshipsandHealth Education

- Aspiral programme, part of PSHE, which we offer to ourYear 3 and 4 pupils.

- An age-appropriate, progressive Growing-up curriculum which the pupils have already begun inYear 2.This continues to follow through with them intoYear 3 and 4.

- Further information about this will always be communicated in advance to you by the Head of PSHE.

- Please feel free to attend one of our popular PSHE Parent Drop-ins to learn more, or contact Mr Manley (ajlm@felsted.org).


We realise that some children have a long day in school and may be very tired. Our home learning is therefore kept to a minimum but we do ask that you help your child with the following:

➔ Reading each night - this will be the reading book sent home to practise reading aloud or to themselves. We also encourage your children to listen to audiobooks.

➔ Spellings will be given to learn each week which can be practised on the Spelling Shed program as well as a piece of English which could be spelling, comprehension or grammar related.

➔ Maths - Consolidation of a topic taught that week.


InYear 3 & 4 there are lots of opportunities to be involved with music.

Each week the children have a Music lesson led by Mrs Clarke.

All pupils learn a stringed instrument in their music lesson with Mrs Clarke.

There are many opportunities for your child to be involved in choirs, ukulele groups, recorder groups and orchestras.

Each year there will be a concert when you are invited to watch your child perform.

If you wish your child to learn an instrument contact musdept@felsted.org

Any queries please email Mrs Clarke rlc@felsted.org

Mrs Clarke


Year 3 children will have a swimming session every week forYear 3 pupils.Year 4 will swim on a rotation with gymnastics and athletics.

Our swimming teachers are Mrs LGreen and Mrs Lighten. We will inform you of your child’s swimming days each term.

Mrs Green

Mrs Lighten


The children have regular opportunities to attend our own Forest School site adjacent to the Senior School. This is usually 3 or 4 weeks per term. When it is your child’s turn to go to the forest, they should come to school wearing their Games kit and bring in wellies as the children can get muddy and wet!

Our qualified Forest School leaders are Mrs Manson and Mrs Green who plan a range of activities for the children. Children are given the chance to build fires, whittle wood, create shelters, climb, have fun and be adventurous!

Activities are child-led, but closely supervised - the children are encouraged to risk-take in a controlled environment.

Mrs Green Mrs Manson


On days when the pupils have Games or P.E. the children will arrive at school in their games kit.This allows best use of the allocated lesson time and less items for the pupils to carry into school.

Pupils will have two games lessons and one PE lesson a week.

PE lessons will include swimming, health related exercise, gymnastics and team sports.

Games lessons byTerm:

AutumnTerm: Boys - Rugby Girls - Hockey & Netball

SpringTerm: Boys - Hockey Girls - Hockey & Netball

SummerTerm: Boys and Girls - Cricket andAthletics

The following Sports Kit is required for PE and Games lessons


LAMDA& music lessons.

Learning support 1-1 lessons if needed.

Trips and/or Experience days .

Year 3 & 4 production at Christmas - all pupils have a role in this.

Opportunities to be leaders - jobs around Ffrome Court as well as roles in the wider school community such as Planet Protectors.

Music concerts to perform to parents and an audience.

Aproject week every year.

Wide choice of after school activities for the pupils to try different things.

Pupils inYear 4 take an English Speaking Exam.

Sports matches against other schools.


At break-time, it is a chance to play with friends and have a snack and drink. Pupils play in the Stewart House playground, the Ffrome Court playground and also if it is a dry day, they can use the field too. Playtimes are supervised by at least 2 members of staff and first aid is administered by our wellbeing assistants.

Pupils are provided with snacks each morning and in the afternoon if they stay for an extended day.


In Year 3 and 4 pupils take a tray and help themselves to lunch. There is a choice of a hot meal or jacket potato or a salad. There is a pudding and choice of fruit for dessert.

Staff sit amongst the pupils. Pupils are encouraged to drink water and demonstrate good manners and eating habits.

Any dietary requirements are catered for by our catering team. Amenu for the term is available on our school website: www.felsted.org/parents/menus


If you require your child to stay for a longer day or if they would like to experience one of our after school activities, we run an extensive program of different opportunities for the children to try.

Your child will need to sign up to clubs on a termly basis and there is an extra cost involved if it is on a day thatYear 3 or 4 are not required to stay later.

Details of activities and signing up for clubs will all be sent to you via an emailed letter in the second half of each term. Clubs are seasonal and subject to change each term.

Some of the activities we currently offer:

Horse riding Football Tennis Squash
Lego Sewing Yoga
Quiz club
Art clubs Home Learning


In Year 3 and 4 all the children will belong to a league. Every 2 weeks there is a league meeting and there are lots of competitions during the year when the leagues compete against each other. Events include league music competition, league cross country, league reading race, hockey/netball/rugby matches At the end of the year, the league with the most points wins a trophy!

The Leagues are:


What system do we use?

How do we communicate that with you?

We are a relational school which has positive noticing and strong relationships between all members of its community at its heart.

Operating under this pedagogy creates a culture in which:

Pupils feel safe and listened to

Forms mutually respectful relationships

Has clear expectations leading to long-term changes in behaviours

Reinforces effective teaching and learning

Pupils develop emotional literacy and empathy

Opens pathways for powerful dialogues about wider issues


Teachers will award Form Group, Maths and English star of the week.

We also award:

Plus points positive learning behaviours, resilience, growth mindset engagement and kindness

Values certificates: Pupils are noticed and celebrated for showing our values of: Welcoming, Fun,Adventurous, Inspirational and Respectful through our values certificates and awards which are celebrated in assembly and shared in the newsletter.


Head’s Commendation

Children can also receive Head’s Commendations for actions and attitudes which go above and beyond expectations in school.

This could be for taking part in charity events, assisting in school events outside of the school day, being external ambassadors for the school.

These are awarded by the Head in the whole school assemblies and children then attend a hot chocolate morning with Mrs Norris.


As a school we have consistent, high expectations of behaviour and conduct

As a relational school, expectations are consistently modelled by all and pupils are given support, scaffold and guidance as to how to meet them.

When issues arise or situations occur which are not aligned with these, pupils are given specific opportunities to reflect and discuss their behaviours and their impact on others.

The iSAMs system logs any incidents with conduct and behaviour and this is communicated with parents and carers.

The escalation of this process can be found in our behaviour policy:

Behaviour Policy

At each stage of the escalation process, pupils are given time to reflect on their actions and the impact that they have had on others


If there is anything you need to let us know, then please either write a note in your child’s reading diary or ring MsTaunton in the school office: 01371 822613

You may also wish to email the teachers but please be aware that a response will be made within 24 hours, as the teachers are in class during the school day and often attend meetings after school and run the activities.

You can also find out what is going on in school by:

• Pupil Planners - we often add stickers into this with information of events

• The weekly newsletter

• The online school calendar

• Our class reps

Howdowekeepintouch duringtheYear?

Each term, there is an opportunity for families to come into school as follows:

Autumn Term

Settling in meetings

Tutor emails

Invitation to look at books

Parents evening Spring term

Reports at end of the SpringTerm

Book looks and class assemblies

Summer Term

Reports at the end of the SummerTerm

We also have a number of other events throughout the year such as Sports Day and Concerts.


Ongoing assessment points will happen in all subject areas throughout the Year.

GLAssessment is a national external assessment programme for English, Maths and Science that enables us to measure pupil progress between the Autumn and Summer term.


We will hold meetings with you as parents and you will also receive reports about how your child is progressing.

On the reports there will be ‘Approach to learning’and ‘Attainment grades’. Approach to Learning will be reported for subjects as: Exceptional Above Expectations Meeting Expectations Needs Improvement


Attainment grades in English Maths and Science are linked to external assessments and relate to National Expected Standards.

Levels (2023 - 24)


Above Expected

Explanation level

Working well above the expected level for the Year Group

Expected Secure

Working above the expected level for the Year group

Within Expected

Working at the expected level for the Year Group

Working just within the expected level for the Year Group

Working towards the expected level for the Year Group

Working Towards


Reflect on Attainment Grades and Approaches To Learning for each subject


Talk with tutors and subject teachers

Regular checks on progress


Talk with tutors and subject teachers

Reports /Assessments set the agenda for dialogue / communication with teachers, tutors and other stakeholders.

PrinciplesofData& Reporting

Aptitude Approach

Positive Pupil Progress


+ External Benchmarking


Located at the Senior school is our Wellbeing Centre, a calming hub where all members of the Felsted community can access resources to support their mental health.The decor is natural, the furniture comfortable and the atmosphere calming, with a focus on a sensory experience.

Sometimes pupils have times when they would benefit from play therapy. If this is something you would like to discuss further, our Head of Wellbeing, Mrs Jane Miller, can be contacted to discuss your child’s needs wellbeing@felsted.org


All children have the right to feel safe and secure and our safeguarding team is on hand to support all of our pupils and their families.

The Director of Safeguarding is Nicola O’Brien and she can be contacted at nfsob@felsted.org or on the number 01371 822507.


Our School nurse is Mrs Machell. She leads a team of wellbeing assistants.

Please contact fpsnurse@felsted.org should you wish to discuss your child’s health.

We call Mrs Machell ‘Nurse Vikki’


HeadofSupportfor LearningandSENCO

Mrs Rasmussen Ms Murphy Mrs Barker-Smith


InYears 3 & 4 we have a school bank of chromebooks to use in lessons and outside of the classroom. When it is time for your child to move toYear 5, they will be required to purchase their own chromebook. School offer a Chromebook Package as follows (prices as at May 2024):

1) Full bundle - £596.84 includes:

Lenovo 500eYoga Gen4 Chromebook device (Auto Update Expiry 2033)

Google Chrome Licence

Spare Lenovo Charger

Configuration by school

1 set of iClever HS19 Kids Headphones

Neoprene Sleeve

Lenovo 3 year accidental damage Protection Insurance (This means that the device will be fixed or replaced)

2) Chromebook + licence only - £415

Howdowekeepyourchild safeonline?

Keeping your child safe whilst they are in school:

If they are logged in with their @felsted.org - school email address we can provide:

❖ Afiltering system called ‘Smoothwall’which filters for inappropriate context

❖ Stops the pupils accessing Social media andYoutube

❖ Keystroke monitoring which alerts staff is the pupil is trying to access inappropriate content (eg typing in an inappropriate word in a search engine)

If they are logged in on a personal account whilst in school we can provide:

❖ Smoothwall for inappropriate context

❖ No access toYoutube

❖ Keystroke monitoring


If your child is using a school managed chromebook at home and are logging in with their school @felsted.org login, we can offer:

❖ Smoothwall for inappropriate context

❖ Keystroke monitoring

If they are logged in on a personal account whilst at home we can provide:

❖ Keystroke monitoring

To protect them from social media or other websites, it is your responsibility to add your safe controls.

If you would like further advice on this please contact Martin White mwh@felsted.org


➢ Prep School office (01371 822610) MsTaunton ( Main office contact) prepadmin@felsted.org

➢ Medical centre (01371 822791) fpsmedical@felsted.org

➢ Wellbeing Centre (01371 822673) Jane Miller (Head of Wellbeing) wellbeing@felsted.org

➢ Safeguarding (01371 822507) Nicola O’Brien (Director of Safeguarding and DSL) nfsob@felsted.org

➢ Tailors Shop tailors@felsted.org (01371 822636)

➢ Transport department 01371 822639 / 07764 332919 transport@felsted.org

➢ Boarding Mr D Paine boarding@felsted.org

➢ Music Department for music or LAMDAlessons musdept@felsted.org

Below is a list of the Ffrome Court staff and please do contact your child’s class teacher or the Head ofYears 3 & 4 as below:

★ Mrs Green jeg@felsted.org (Head ofYears 3 & 4)

★ Mr Manley ajlm@felsted.org

★ Mrs Thomas vjet@felsted.org

★ Mrs Manson jsm@felsted.org

★ Mrs Emblin sje@felsted.org

★ Miss Duncan gmd@felsted.org

★ Miss Carman eabc@felsted.org

We look forward to you and your children becoming part of Ffrome Court.

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