Felsted Prep Learning Pathways - Spring 2024

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Learning pathways Reception - Year 8 Spring Term 2024

Introduction We welcome you back to the Spring Term full of optimism and excitement about the weeks ahead. The Learning Pathways have been collated across the school to give you a brief overview of the topic areas your child will be studying this Spring Term. We hope you find this a useful guide but as always, please do contact your Head of Phase if you require further information. Parents of pupils in Stewart House, Year 5 and Year 8 will have the opportunity to meet with teaching staff through our Parent Meetings this term. Communications will be sent to you in advance of these meetings to allow you to make appointments with the teachers through our School Cloud system. Year 5 - Parents Meeting Week 3 Monday 22nd January 16.00 - 18.00 online Tuesday 23rd January 18.15 - 20.30 in person Year 8 - Parents Meeting Week 8 Monday 4th March 16.00 - 18.15 online Tuesday 5th March 16.15 - 20.45 in person Wednesday 6th March 13.30 - 15.00 (online - selected subjects only) R,1&2 - Parents Meeting Week 9 Monday 11th March 16.00 - 18.00 in person Wednesday 13th March 16.00 - 18.00 in person Reports Years 3,4, 6 and 7 will be receiving a written report at the end of term to update you on your child's progress. Please find the overview here which outlines all reporting and parents meetings for the academic year Copy of parents meetings and report schedule 2023 We hope you find this a useful guide but as always, please do contact your Head of Phase if you require further information. We look forward to seeing you all soon and wish your child a happy and successful term at Felsted. Christina Bury Assistant Head Academic

Stewart House _________________________________________________________________________________

Focus for the Spring and Summer Terms The teachers will plan lessons which will consolidate the children’s knowledge and understanding whilst focusing on creative and/or collaborative tasks. In-class assessments will continue and reading comprehensions, spellings and number work will be an ongoing part of the pupils measure of attainment. Literacy and numeracy will continue to be a priority. Additional support/ catch up will be provided through: ● Phonics ● Daily reading ● Handwriting/Spelling groups Assessment and reporting The children will be assessed in class to indicate whether the children are working towards, are at or above the expected attainment level for their year group. This information will also enable teachers to plan effectively to support progress for each child. A meeting will be offered to all families to talk to the teachers at the end of the Spring term. A written report will be completed at the end of the Summer term.


Curriculum content Spring term:


Comprehension Children at the expected level of development will: - Demonstrate understanding of what has been read to them by retelling stories and narratives using their own words and recently introduced vocabulary; - Anticipate – where appropriate – key events in stories; - Use and understand recently introduced vocabulary during discussions about stories, non-fiction, rhymes and poems and during role-play. Word Reading Children at the expected level of development will: - Say a sound for each letter in the alphabet and at least 10 digraphs/trigraphs; - Read words consistent with their phonic knowledge by sound-blending; - Read aloud simple sentences and books that are consistent with their phonic knowledge, including some common exception words. Writing Children at the expected level of development will: - Write recognisable letters, most of which are correctly formed; - Spell words by identifying sounds in them and representing the sounds with a letter or letters;


Children at the expected level of development will: Have a deep understanding of number to 10, including the composition of each number; - Subitise (recognise quantities without counting) up to 5; - Automatically recall (without reference to rhymes, counting or other aids) number bonds up to 5 and some number bonds to 10. Children at the expected level of development will: - Verbally count beyond 20, recognising the pattern of the counting system; - Compare quantities up to 10 in different contexts, recognising when one quantity is greater than, less than or the same as the other quantity; - Explore and represent patterns within numbers up to 10, including evens and odds, double facts and how quantities can be distributed equally.

Understanding the World

Past and Present Children at the expected level of development will: - Talk about the lives of the people around them and their roles in society; - Know some similarities and differences between things in the past and now, drawing on their experiences and what has been read in class; - Understand the past through settings, characters and events encountered in books read in class and storytelling. People, Culture and Communities Children at the expected level of development will: - Describe their immediate environment using knowledge from observation, discussion, stories, non-fiction texts and maps; - Know some similarities and differences between different religious and cultural communities in this country, drawing on their experiences and what has been read in class; - Explain some similarities and differences between life in this country and life in other countries, drawing on knowledge from stories, non-fiction texts and – when appropriate – maps. The Natural World Children at the expected level of development will: - Explore the natural world around them, making observations and drawing pictures of animals and plants; Know some similarities and differences between the natural world around them and contrasting environments, drawing on their experiences and what has been

read in class; - Understand some important processes and changes in the natural world around them, including the seasons and changing states of matter. Expressive Arts

Children sing songs,make music and dance and experiment ways of changing them . They safely use a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design form and function. Children use what they have learnt about media and materials in original ways, thinking about uses and purposes. They represent their own ideas, thoughts and feelings through design and technology, art, music, dance, role play and stories.


The children will continue to develop their confidence in performing - whether it be through singing (including Stewart House League Music) or playing musical instruments. Children will work on the processes involved in singing - hearing pitches, responding to musical cues and posture. Music and movement will encourage a physical response to the musical elements.

MFL: Spanish

The focus will be on Farm Animals, Colours, Numbers, Food and Drink, taught through songs and role-plays. Pupils will also learn about Spanish Easter traditions.


Children recognise that a range of technology is used in places such as homes and schools. They select and use technology for particular purposes. Programmes include- Literacy Planet/Oxford Reading Buddy, Purple Mash


Master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing balance, agility and coordination, and begin to apply these in a range of activities.


Curriculum content Spring term:


This term our topic is 'Dinosaur Planet'. We will be using Pie Corbett’s strategy of Talk for Writing. The children will be learning ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ by heart, then innovating and adapting it to write their own dinosaur versions. The children will be writing a recount on our special visit from Teach Rex. We will be completing research on dinosaurs and writing reports and riddles on this. The main focus of the English lessons this term will continue to be on sentence structure and joining clauses using 'and' and other connectives. The children will be developing their writing by sequencing sentences to form short narratives. Reading Children will have opportunities for reading throughout the school day. This may be reading to an adult on a 1:1 basis; reading in a group; reading comprehensions; reading from the interactive whiteboard; independent reading and library sessions. Phonics: We will begin learning the Phase Five digraphs, trigraphs and split digraphs along with Phase Five high frequency words. SPaG: Once a week, the children's English lesson will focus on grammar and punctuation. Aspects covered include using simple adjectives to describe nouns, use connectives to join words and clauses, use more readily past and present tense correctly in speech, question marks and other punctuation


This term, we will be focussing on place value: numbers within 50; addition and subtraction within 20; measurement: length, height, mass and volume. Number Time Every day we will spend 10 minutes with the children practising key instant recall facts (maths facts that children are expected to recall instantly). Such as: adding/subtracting 10 to a 2 digit number, doubling and halving numbers to 20, counting in 2s, 5s and 10s, ordering the days of the week and months of the year, time - looking at o’clock and half past.


We are exploring the topic Animals Including Humans. We will identify whether an animal is a carnivore, herbivore or omnivore and how we might know this from their physical appearance. We will identify and name a range of common animals from the local and wider environment.


We will be learning about the dinosaur timeline and history of dinosaurs. This will include learning about the historical figure Mary Anning.


We are focussing on different types of rock formation through our study of fossils. We will also be learning about volcanoes and how they are formed.


We are focussing our art work around dinosaurs. The children will be making dinosaur silhouette salted paintings, clay fossil imprints and many more dinosaur related art projects.


The children will continue on their musical journey, singing and playing musical instruments. They will enjoy the topic of ‘dinosaurs’ and will learn the musical elements of pitch, dynamics, timbre and tempo through games and topic related songs and activities. All children will take part in the Stewart House League Music.

MFL: Spanish

This term pupils revise prior topics as well as learn how to say where they live and describe places in a town. These topics are taught through Spanish storybooks, songs and role-play. Pupils will also learn about Easter in Spain.


To use technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content - activities via Google Classroom and Purple Mash. To use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private; identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies.


The three Core PSHE Themes (Health & Wellbeing, Relationships & Living in the Wider World) will continue to be interwoven into the topic-based curriculum in Year 1 along with the ‘Think Equal’ resources and scheme of work.


Special symbols and objects Personal experience What ‘special’ things do I have in my home? Why are they special to me? How do I treat them? What animals do we resemble? Is this the ‘outer me’ or the ‘inner me’? What is a symbol? Learning about the different symbols of Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism and their meaning within the religion. A focus on the exciting festivals that our school community celebrate in this term such as Maha Shivaratri, Holi, Purim, Ramadan, Vaisakhi, Eid-Al-Fitr, Passover and Easter.


Master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing balance, agility and co-ordination, and begin to apply these in a range of activities. Participate in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending.


Curriculum content Spring term:


Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar: - Introduction of new spelling rules and patterns weekly - Revision of Phase 5 phonics - The use of the possessive apostrophe - Inverted commas - Expanded noun phrases English (Linked to our topic of ‘The Great Fire of London’) - Reading comprehensions (retrieval, inference, prediction, sequencing and creation of own comprehension questions). - Creative writing based upon an image or short film (target writes) - Speaking and listening - Performance Poetry (A Tiny, Burning Flame) - Drama (‘History off the Page’) - Diary writing (linked to Samuel Pepys) - Non-chronological reports


Money - counting money in pounds (notes and coins) and pence. Making the same amount, comparing amounts of money, calculating with money, making a pound, finding change, two-step problems. Multiplication and Division - Revising the 2, 5 and 10 times tables and their inverse division facts. Division using grouping and sharing. Doubling and halving, odd and even numbers. Measure - measuring length in centimetres and metres. Comparing lengths and heights, ordering lengths and heights, using the four operations with length and height.


Materials and their properties: To investigate the waterproofing properties of a variety of materials (linked to The Great Fire of London). To find out about different building materials and how they are fit for purpose. To find out about people who have developed new materials.


People of historical importance: Learning about the life of Samuel Pepys and King Charles II.


Geographical similarities and differences (comparing rural and urban areas focusing on Felsted and London). The human geography of Felsted.


To develop a wide range of art and design techniques in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space. Our artwork will be linked to the topic The Great Fire of London.


The children in Y2 will continue to learn the descant recorder. A recorder lesson will be given each week, a simple warm up and demonstration of creating the correct note and tone given. The children’s music making will follow the topic of

‘The Great Fire of London’.They will use instruments and their voices to compose their own music.The children will have a wealth of opportunities to sing and enjoy music making. All children will take part in the Stewart House League Music and will perform in the Infant Music Festival in Chelmsford. MFL: Spanish

Pupils will be learning about parts of the body, food and drink this term as well as practising their prior learning. The new language is taught through songs, Spanish story books as well as role-play. Easter traditions in Spain are also taught.


Understand what algorithms are, how they are implemented as programs on digital devices and that programs execute by following precise and ambiguous instructions using Bee-Bots. E safety. Using Google Classroom to insert images and text boxes into google docs and google slides to present our work, e.g. newspaper articles. Using a Google Jamboard to share knowledge of a particular topic, for example: facts about The Great Fire of London.


The three Core PSHE Themes (Health & Wellbeing, Relationships & Living in the Wider World) will continue to be interwoven into the topic-based curriculum in Year 2 along with the ‘Think Equal’ Scheme of Work.


Special words and stories Personal experience What are our special books and stories? Why are these special? What are our favourite nursery rhymes, poems and songs? Why are these our favourites? What were our first words? What are our favourite words? Why are these words our favourites? Christianity What is the Bible and why is it so special to Christians? What do some Bible stories tell us about Jesus What is the Lord’s Prayer and why is it special for Christians? What is the Bible story of the death and resurrection of Jesus? What are Easter Gardens? Key questions (either Judaism or Sikhism or both): Judaism What is the Megillat Esther and why is it so special for Jews? How do Jews remember the story of Esther during the festival of Purim? Sikhism What extraordinary experience led Guru Nanak to write songs in praise of God? What is the Guru Granth Sahib? How do Sikhs show that this is a very special book? How does the Sikh holy book help parents choose their baby’s name?


Maintaining a Healthy and Active lifestyle: To have a continued involvement in physical activity. Master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing balance, agility and coordination, and begin to apply these in a range of activities.

Ffrome Court _________________________________________________________________________________

Focus for the Spring Term As we return to the classroom after our Christmas break, the focus will be to build on the skills taught in the Autumn Term. Lessons will be taught in the same vein as the previous term - the emphasis on providing a happy, fun and safe and secure classroom where the pupils are able to feel confident to contribute and extend their thinking. We also have a strong focus this term on British Values (Democracy, Rule of Law, Respect and Tolerance, Individual Liberty) in our after school activity program. The children will continue to be supported by all their teachers and particularly by their tutors. We will offer Learning Support and extra support to those children who require it. This may be in the classroom or in timetabled slots. Our phonic booster sessions for pupils will continue. This term, all the classes present an assembly to the Phase and to parents. We look forward to welcoming you into school to watch these. There will also be opportunities to browse your child’s work this term by means of a book look in week 4. This term we will celebrate our Year 4 musicians in a concert. Assessment and Reporting In-class assessments will continue this term and reading comprehensions, spellings and times tables will be an ongoing part of the pupils measure of attainment. There will be summary reports written for all subjects at the end of the Spring Term. Year 3

Curriculum content Spring term:


Personal Writing Following the journey of Lila in The Firework Maker's Daughter students will have the opportunity to write a diary entry from the character’s point of view. Writing in the first person and including emotive language to convey thoughts and feelings. Story Writing & Recounts Using Dolphin Boy as a stimulus, students will have an opportunity to write a similarly-themed adventure story. They will also use the story to plan and write a recount of events from an extract of their choice. Information Texts & Persuasive Writing Students will continue to use Dolphin Boy as a stimulus to create a non-fiction information text about Dolphins. Weekly Comprehension, Grammar Development, Spellings & Guided Reading.


Ongoing consolidation of the Autumn’s Term Number work. Number work: Multiplication and Division and Fractions Measurement - Length & Perimeter, Mass and Capacity Place Value and Addition & Subtraction consolidation Multiplication & Division - Weekly times and division facts recall tests.


Rocks Discover the different types of rocks and how they are formed. Compare and group rocks based on appearance and simple properties. They will learn how fossils are formed and about the contribution of Mary Anning to the field of palaeontology. They will understand how soil is formed and then investigate the permeability of different types of soil. Scientists & Inventors Pupils will investigate how Jane Goodall had a huge impact on the knowledge and conservation of chimpanzees and how this has changed through time.


Character Description Pupils will consolidate their prior learning of colours, numbers, connectives and articles. They will be introduced to the new topics of Family and Pets as well as character description, developing their oral and aural skills. Spanish culture will also be covered, including Semana Santa (Easter week).


Ancient Egyptians Year 3 will learn about the achievements of this ancient civilization, how they lived, what was important to the daily lives of ancient Egyptians, who Tutankhamun was and how mummies were made. Year 3 will also learn about how Egyptian people used hieroglyphics to communicate and compare the powers of different gods.


Each child will build upon their knowledge of the instruments of the orchestra, started in the Autumn term. They will continue to play the violin, viola or cello in class. The children will learn how to hold the instruments, how to make a sound by plucking and using a bow. They will learn to follow simple notation and to play along with a piano accompaniment in an ensemble. The children will listen to the ‘Carnival of the Animals’ and will continue to read simple musical notation. There will be a chance to visit the children’s class music lessons later in the term.


Touch Typing Students will continue to improve their touch typing skills. Coding/Programming - Purple Mash Students will understand what algorithms are, how they are implemented as programs on digital devices and that programs execute by following precise and ambiguous instructions. Create and debug simple programs. Use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programs using Coding in Purple Mash.


Swimming - To confidently perform with accuracy safe entry into water, use of step,side,jumps and eventually dives. - safe exits from water, use of steps and side as well as buoyancy exercises and the development of strokes.


Tropical Rainforest/Water patterns


Fish Mosaic


Religion: Christianity - Jesus’ Miracles & Easter Key Question: Could Jesus heal people? Were these miracles or is there some other explanation? Miracles that Jesus performed.

Key Question: What is ‘Good’ about Good Friday? Recall key events in the Easter story and understand why Jesus’ crucifixion symbolises hope for Christians. PSHE

Relationships & Living in the Wider World (Online Safety) Pupils will be learning about keeping safe in the digital world (E-Safety). Themes such as self-image, identity and trust will be explored. . Healthy Living Year 3 will learn to use strategies to help them with their emotional wellbeing and also practise Mindfulness techniques.

Year 4

Curriculum content Spring term:


Story Writing Creating settings, plots, story mapping and telling. Character descriptions based on ‘Beowulf’ - personality and appearance Setting descriptions also based on Beowulf Traditional Tales Retelling traditional stories Story telling/writing (Beginnings & Endings) Newspaper reports Weekly comprehension, Grammar workbooks, spellings & guided reading


Multiplication and Division Recall multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12 × 12. -Multiply two-digit and three-digit numbers by a one-digit number using a formal written layout. -Recognise and use factor pairs and commutativity in mental calculations. -Divide 2 and 3 digits by 1 digit. -Solve problems involving multiplying and adding, including using the distributive law to multiply two-digit numbers by one digit and integer scaling problems. Fractions -Recognise and show, using diagrams, families of common equivalent fractions. -Count up and down in hundredths; recognise that hundredths arise when dividing an object or number by one hundred and dividing tenths by ten. -Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator. -Solve problems involving increasingly harder fractions to calculate quantities, and fractions to divide quantities, including non-unit fractions where the answer is a whole number. Decimals -Recognise and write decimal equivalents of any number of tenths or hundredths. -Recognise and write decimal equivalents to 1⁄4, 1⁄2, 3⁄4.

-Compare numbers with the same number of decimal places up to two decimal places. -Round decimals with one decimal place to the nearest whole number. -Solve simple measures and money problems involving fractions and decimals to two decimal places. -Find the effect of dividing a one or two-digit number by 10 and 100, identifying the value of the digits in the answer as ones, tenths and hundredths. Weekly Preps, Mental maths and times and division facts recall tests Science

Animals Including Humans This topic provides pupils with the opportunity to learn about the parts and functions of the Human Digestive system. Focus is also on the types and functions of human teeth and how these compare and contrast to other animals. Scientists & Inventors An opportunity for pupils to explore the work and successes of inspirational Scientists & Inventors and the impact(s) that they have had on society.


Family and Parts of the Body Pupils will consolidate their prior learning of colours, higher numbers, verbs, connectives and articles. They will be covering the topic of Family (physical descriptions),irregular verbs ‘tener’ and ‘ser’. Parts of the body and dialogues in the hospital will be covered in the latter stages of the term. Spanish culture will also be covered, including Semana Santa (Easter week).


The World Around Us. This unit primarily introduces pupils to the Human and Physical Geography of our World. We begin by exploring how our Planet is divided by continents and oceans before giving the pupils the chance to explore the weather and climate of our changing world. Finally, having looked at the Wider World, pupils will be able to identify the countries, cities and other important geographical features of The United Kingdom.


‘Programme Music’ Discovering how music can paint a picture of something in the mind of the listener. Learning how composers use the musical elements of tempo, dynamics, pitch, texture, timbre and duration to create musical illustrations. Learning about the Carnival of the Animals. Composing own programme Music. Continuing to read simple rhythmic notation and build upon performance confidence on instruments and using their voice in choir.


“The Internet” Students will apply their knowledge and understanding of networks, to appreciate the Internet as a network of networks which need to be kept secure. They will learn that the World Wide Web is part of the Internet, and will be given opportunities to explore the World Wide Web for themselves in order to learn about who owns content and what they can access, add, and create. Finally, they will evaluate online content to decide how honest, accurate, or reliable it is, and understand the consequences of false information.


Swimming - To confidently perform with accuracy safe entry into water, use of step,side,jumps and eventually dives. - safe exits from water, use of steps and side as well as buoyancy exercises and the development of strokes.

Basketball: An introduction to the game which will focus on the core skills

required including dribbling, marking, passing, finding space and shooting. This will include small sided games. Art

Grayson Perry inspired ‘Journey of my Life’ map


Castles and Sea Creatures


Religion: Judaism Key Question: How important is it for Jewish people to do what God asks them to do? Passover Foods - Kosher & Trefah Seder meal & the Seder Plate Religion: Christianity Key Question: Is forgiveness always possible for Christians? What is forgiveness? Parables showing forgiveness The Easter Story


Relationships & Living in the Wider World (Online Safety) Pupils will learn about maintaining privacy and safety when being online. They will also learn how to look after other people’s feelings online. Living in the Wider World Pupils will also explore what it means to be ‘part of a community.’

Cloisters _________________________________________________________________________________

Focus for the Spring Term As we return from the Christmas break, the priority is to embed the children's knowledge and understanding from the Autumn term and tackle new and exciting challenges through the Spring term curriculum. The children’s well being is of utmost importance and in Cloisters we will again have a real focus on kindness and empathy and what it means to be an upstander. Additional support and extension opportunities for English and Maths will occur during the children’s academic study sessions on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. SPM sessions for reading and spelling will resume, as well as Learning Support lessons where needed. Reporting There will be a Parents’ Meeting held this term for Year 5 parents and teachers to discuss their child’s progress, and Year 6 parents will receive a written progress report at the end of the term.

Year 5

Curriculum content Spring term:


Children will study a collection of ‘sparkling galaxy of new poems’ Cosmic Galaxy by Grace Nichols, Reading: (Word reading / Comprehension) Read and discuss an increasingly wide range of fiction, poetry, plays, nonfiction and reference books or textbooks. Identify and discuss themes and conventions in and across a wide range of writing. Learn a wider range of poetry by heart. Prepare poems and plays to read aloud and to perform, showing understanding through intonation, tone and volume so that the meaning is clear to an audience. In addition children will learn, develop and apply oracy skills that will allow themselves to express and communicate with others effectively through spoken language. Writing: (Transcription / Composition) Identify the audience for and purpose of the writing, selecting the appropriate form and using other similar writing as models for their own. Select appropriate grammar and vocabulary, understanding how such choices can change and enhance meaning. Evaluate and edit by assessing the effectiveness of their own and others’ writing. SPAG - embedding from KS2 Century Tech and Spelling Shed Accelerated Reader reading range assessments


Children will continue to consolidate known facts and further develop mathematical fluency. New learning and revision will cover, but not be limited to: calculations and problem involving multiplication and division; calculations and problems involving fractions, decimals and percentages; exploring the formulae

for the area and perimeter of polygons; exploring the language of data and statistics and solving problems involving straight line graphs. Science

Gases around us Revision of liquids and solids and intro to games, including particle diagrams. Measurement of volume of air in given spaces. Exp skills- repeating measurements, accuracy and reproducibility of results, analysis with basic numeracy. Uses of gases - in the home, pressurised gases (CO2 flammable gases) Movement of gases- diffusion, brownian motion, evaporation. Topic Assessment Changing Sound Generalise that sounds are produced when objects vibrate Suggest how to change the pitch and loudness of the sounds produced by a range of musical instruments Recognize that sounds travel through solids, water and air Suggest how to investigate how well sound travels through different materials and say how good their evidence is. Topic Assessment

Modern Foreign Languages: Spanish

El Instituto Pupils will consolidate their prior learning of adjectives, higher numbers, jugar and hacer as well as connectives and articles. They will begin to understand the irregular verb tener as well as an array of regular -ar verbs within the School topic. They will give opinions, describe their timetables, teachers and say what they do and do not do during break-times. Spanish culture will also be covered, including Semana Santa (Easter week).


Medicine and disease through the ages. Pupils will explore the evolution of medicine this spring, tracing its origins from early civilizations to modern practices. The module will cover the foundational medical techniques of ancient cultures, the impact of diseases such as the Black Death, and the milestones that have shaped contemporary healthcare. Students will also examine the role of medical professionals and the fight against pandemics, gaining insight into the historical challenges and advancements that have defined medicine. This overview will provide a broad understanding of how past societies have influenced current medical knowledge and practices.


Ecosystems & Rainforests A study of the Rainforest ecosystem and the people that live there UK Climate What affects our climate and why we have the weather that we have.


Did God intend for Jesus to die? Pupils will explore the events that lead up to Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. They will consider the importance that these events hold to Christians. They will also be invited to question and discuss whether Jesus’ execution was part of God’s plan or a series of uncontrolled events.


Picture Book Pupils will learn about the history of illustration and create their own picture book based on insects.


Geometric Design

Pupils will recognise and apply geometry when designing products. They will be set the following design brief - “Design and make a desk tidy organiser to be sold on the Tate Modern online gift shop. The design of the organiser should be based on abstract geometric design.” Computing

“Non-Chronological Presentations” & “Selection in Quizzes” “Non-Chronological Presentations” examines what is involved in creating effective, professional, consistent presentations, as well as developing research skill, reporting and referencing factual information, and hyperlinks. All of this is enclosed in the theme of “Endangered Animal and Plant Species”. “Selection in Quizzes” allows pupils to develop their knowledge of selection by revisiting how conditions can be used in programs and then learning how the “If… Then… Else” structure can be used to select different outcomes depending on whether a condition is true or false. They represent this understanding in algorithms and then by constructing programs using the Scratch programming environment. They use their knowledge of writing programs and using selection to control outcomes to design a quiz in response to a given task and implement it as a program.


Shakespeare The pupils will look at the world of Shakespeare. This will include a basic look at his life and the world he inhabited. The Drama will consist of approaching basic text work and looking at how the stories have continued to excite. We will look at Insults, Romeo & Juliet, MacBeth and other texts that offer a way to demonstrate how relevant Shakespeare still is. A look at the nature of Soap Opera, the formulas and the history of the genre.


Musical elements through a focus of the ‘BBC ten pieces’ To develop and demonstrate musical skills, knowledge and understanding of musical elements including pitch, tempo, dynamics, duration, timbre, texture and structure. This is achieved through an in depth study of 10 recommended pieces of music, from a broad range of genres. Listening, appraising, composing and performing activities based around each piece.


Swimming - To develop confidence in each stroke in the water and a feeling of being at ease with the water around the face, learning how to breathe correctly and developing into becoming a 'safe' swimmer. Handball -An introduction to a new sport with many cross-curricular skills. Pupils will develop their understanding, tactics and the rules involved. The module will also explore passing, decision making, shooting, moving with the ball and elimination skills.


Relationships & Living in the Wider World (Online Safety) Pupils will learn about ‘healthy online behaviour’ habits. This will involve also talking about sharing information online responsibly. Breck Online Safety Talk for all Year 5 and 6 during Wellbeing Week. Health & Wellbeing Pupils will also learn about the safe, responsible use of medicines and will identify some of the influences, risks, laws and effects of legal/illegal drug use. Relationships & Sex Education sessions are offered (Learning Outcomes will be shared to parents during the term).

Year 6

Curriculum content Spring term


Children will explore the themes and complex relationships with a historical novel; War Horse by Michael Morpurgo. To write stories, scripts, poetry and other imaginative writing.Write notes and polished scripts for talks and presentations. To write a range of other narrative and non-narrative texts, including arguments, and personal and formal letters. To summarise and organise material, and support ideas and arguments with any necessary factual detail. Draw on knowledge of literary and rhetorical devices from their reading, To use organisational features, presents meaning.Study setting, plot and characterization and the effects of these listening to enhance the impact of their writing. In addition children will learn, develop and apply oracy skills that will allow themselves to express and communicate with others effectively through spoken language. This will be facilitated through speech writing and delivery.

SPAG - embedding from KS2 Century Tech and Spelling Shed Accelerated Reader reading range assessments Maths

Children will continue to consolidate known facts and further develop mathematical fluency. New learning and revision will cover, but not be limited to: exploring ratio and proportion; understanding function machines and how these form equations and expressions; calculations involving fractions, decimals and percentages; exploring the formulae for the area and perimeter of polygons; exploring relevant formulae for the volume of polyhedra; exploring the language of data and statistics and solving problems involving straight line graphs and pie charts.


Reversible and Irreversible Changes Heating and cooling materials. Recognising physical changes; melting, freezing condensing and chemical irreversible changes. Experimental skills - experimental design (data patterns, identification and changing of variables)

Changing Circuits Drawing and designing circuits ( use of symbols), conductors and insulators, practical uses of electricity, How components affect a circuit, series and parallel circuits, resistance. Experimental skills - resistance of a wire, experimental design, (data patterns, identification and changing of variables)

Young Engineers project work - to be completed as appropriate with visiting engineers

Modern Foreign Languages: Spanish

La Salud y La Moda Pupils will consolidate their prior learning. Then they will work through two topics, health (body and saying something hurts) and clothes and school uniform. Spanish culture will also be covered, including Semana Santa (Easter week)


Rebuilding Britain after WW2 Pupils will explore and learn how Britain was rebuilt and shaped into the country it is today following the events of World War 2. They will gain an understanding of the emergence of the NHS and the way in which former British colonies gained their independence. Pupils will also look into case studies which highlight the changing landscape of Britain, with the advent of new towns and infrastructure.


Development We will discover development in relation to LIC and HIC’s. Pupils will learn how we measure development, and what different countries are like; with reference to people, culture and environment. Japan Discovering all about Japanese cultures. Pupils will learn about the key human and physical Geographical characteristics of Japan. This will be a case study which links to levels of development.


Is anything eternal? We will be exploring the above question and looking at various areas of spiritual beliefs surrounding ‘eternity’. We pay particular attention to the religious ideas and teachings of everlasting life, love and forgiveness.


Pupils will recognise and apply design movements of the past in present day product design. They will be working on the following design brief - “Design and make a contemporary softwood storage box to be sold in the New York Museum of Modern Art gift shop. The design of the box should be based on the De Stijl design movement.”


Surrealism : Investigate and explore Surrealism with a focus on Magritte. Art work will be created using painting and drawing.


“Sensing Movement” & “Internet Communication” “Sensing Movement” offers pupils the opportunity to use all of these constructs in a different, but still familiar environment, while also utilising a physical device the micro:bit. The unit begins with a simple program for pupils to build in and test within the new programming environment, before transferring it to their micro:bit. Pupils then take on three new projects, with each one adding more depth.

“Internet Communication” will allow the students to learn about the World Wide Web as a communication tool. First, they will learn how information can be found safely on the World Wide Web, through learning how search engines work (including how they select and rank results) and what influences searching, and through comparing different search engines. They will then investigate different methods of communication, before focusing on internet-based communication. Finally, they will evaluate which methods of internet communication to use for particular purposes. Drama

Highlight elements of Victorians Connecting history through drama to show an understanding of Victorian behaviours and use of language in Drama.


Rap Music Pupils learn how to program their own beats using iPad technology. Pupils compose their own raps using the topic of the ‘Climate EMERGENCY’. Pupils plan and perform as a group using microphones. Music theory To develop and demonstrate their musical skills, knowledge and understanding of musical elements including pitch, tempo, dynamics, duration, timbre, texture and structure. To develop their understanding of music theory and notation


Swimming - To develop confidence in each stroke in the water and a feeling of being at ease with the water around the face, learning how to breathe correctly and developing into becoming a 'safe' swimmer. Handball -An introduction to a new sport with many cross-curricular skills. Pupils will develop their understanding, tactics and the rules involved. The module will also explore passing, decision making, shooting, moving with the ball and elimination skills.


Relationships & Living in the Wider World (Online Safety) Pupils will learn more about online safety, exploring how to recognise online cyber bullying and how to support others and report concerns. Pupils will look at the influences of online gaming and how this can link to spending money and ‘chasing rewards’. Breck Online Safety Talk for all Year 5 and 6 during Wellbeing Week. Pupils will explore the theme of ‘consent’ as permission-seeking and how this links into personal space and boundaries. Relationships & Sex Education sessions are offered (Learning Outcomes will be shared to parents during the term).

Courtauld _________________________________________________________________________________

The Spring Term is an opportunity to build upon the skills developed in the Autumn Term. Our priority will be to maintain good learning behaviours and reinforce positive in-class habits. Focus will also be on supporting pupils’ well being and building confidence. Additional support and catch up opportunities will be available through the normal support channels, where we consider it necessary. Assessment and reporting In class assessments will continue to take place in academic subject areas throughout the Spring and Summer Terms to measure progress. These assessments will focus on recent work completed rather than assessing the topics covered throughout the whole year. There will be summary reports written for Year 7 in all subjects. There will be parents evenings held in Week 8 for Year 8 parents. Transition meetings will also be taking place with the Senior School for Year 8 pupils and Heads of Departments.

Year 7

Curriculum content Spring term


Children will explore the themes and explore relationships within a historical novel: Private Peaceful by Michael Morpurgo.

Reading: (Word reading / Comprehension) To read increasingly challenging material from different historical periods. To make inferences and refer to evidence in the text. To know the context of the writing and draw on this knowledge to support comprehension .To know how language, including figurative language, vocabulary choice, grammar, text structure and organisational features, presents meaning. To study setting, plot and characterization and the effects of these. In addition children will learn, develop and apply oracy skills that will allow themselves to express and communicate with others effectively through spoken language. This will be facilitated through speech writing and delivery. SPAG - embedding from KS2 Century Tech and Spelling Shed Accelerated Reader reading range assessments Maths

Children will continue to consolidate known facts and further develop mathematical fluency. New learning and revision will cover, but not be limited to: calculations involving negative and positive number; problems involving directed number; calculations and problems involving addition and subtraction within a variety of contexts; deepening understanding of fractions, decimals and percentages; deepening understanding of calculations involving common fractions, improper fractions and mixed numbers.


Electromagnets 1 and 2 Conduction and resistance, potential difference and current, series and parallel circuits and static electrical charge. Electromagnets and fixed magnets, magnetic fields and uses.

Topic Assessment Genes 1 Human reproduction Adolescence Reproductive systems Fertilisation and implantation Development of Foetus The menstrual cycle

MFL: French

Consolidation of prior learning taught from the previous term. Topic - School This includes: School subjects, opinions, learning about a typical French school, clothes, forming and answering questions, higher numbers.

MFL: Spanish

Spring Term first half: Viva 1 Module 3 Mi Insti: School Spring Term second half: Viva 1 Module 4 Mi Familia y Mis Amigos Pupils will also be learning about Semana Santa - Spanish Easter

MFL: German

Consolidation of prior learning taught from the previous term. Topics-My family and freetime Talking about family, sport and leisure activities. Using verbs, adjectives and connectives. Giving opinions.


Consolidation of verb tenses (present, imperfect and perfect) and introduction of genitive, dative and ablative noun cases. Life after death, gladiators, bath houses and Roman schools.

History Pupils will develop their knowledge of English medieval monarchs, looking at the following case studies: ● ●

King John and Magna Carta English conquests in Wales and Scotland

This will give the pupils the opportunity to reflect on the extent to which the monarch’s power declined relative to what is often seen as the Parliament in its embryonic form. During the second half of the Spring Term, pupils will explore the Reformation, and the consequences this had for England and subsequently Britain. Geography

Map Skills & Knowledge of Place Embedding of knowledge and development of skills learned in Yr5&6, building upon key map skills. This will include learning about contour lines and cross-sections; latitude & longitude. Progression to more advanced OS map skills, through use of digimaps. Learning about other types of map such as, Physical, Political, and reading the tube map. Weather and Climate Understanding the difference between weather and climate; Studying extreme weather around the world, with reference to specific case studies displaying extreme weathers; WildFire, Hurricanes, Heat Wave and Flooding.


The relationship between faith and reason We will be exploring various things that people believe in and identifying whether the belief is driven from a faith or proof based approach. This topic will also involve an extensive study and assessment on the relationship between evolution and the ideas of creation. Philosophy Curriculum Using the P4C format pupils will engage in lessons that allow them to develop listening, thinking and debating skills surrounding contemporary issues in society.


Pupils have been set the following design challenge: Situation - The Meadow Property Group have been successful in the purchasing of a plot of land south of Felsted, Essex (17,000m2) . They have been given planning permission for the construction of 8 residential properties. All Meadows developments have a clear focus on a sustainable approach with their designs, material usage construction methods and energy efficiency of their housing. Task - You have been asked to lead on the management of this project. You will need to create the design(s), select building materials and choose appropriate construction methods for the new properties. Production of a 1:50 architectural model will also support the development of this project. You have also been tasked with planning the infrastructure of the new

development. All pupils will enter their work into the National Engineering Leaders Award competition in March. Art

Mask Making: Pupils will investigate a chosen culture and design and make a 3D mask.


“Inside a Computer” & “Micro:bit Programing” “Inside a Computer” Students investigate the component parts that are contained inside the computer itself, culminating in a small group research project. “Micro:bit Programing” Students will learn how to program using a block programming environment and transfer their programs to the small handheld device called the micro:bit. They will apply sequence and selection in their programs and complete the unit by designing and creating their own step counter.


Murder Mystery Build on the work done in earlier years and construct a more sophisticated murder mystery. This will include suggestions for films/television as well as looking at the way these are constructed. This will all be before the pupils make and present their own.


Programme Music (including graphic notation) Studying a range of orchestral programme music. Focus on ‘The Water Goblin’. Use own graphic notation to create a piece entitled ‘Haunted House’. Keyboard skills A differentiated programme of practical challenges to develop skills on the piano and electric keyboard. Including chord sequences and melodies.


Swimming - To develop confidence in each stroke in the water and a feeling of being at ease with the water around the face, learning how to breathe correctly and developing into becoming a 'safe' swimmer.

Basketball: An introduction to the game which will focus on the core skills required including dribbling, marking, passing, finding space and shooting. This will include small sided games and tournament play. PSHE

Relationships & Living in the Wider World (Online Safety) A set of sessions which gives pupils the opportunity to explore how online trends/influences and communication can affect our interaction with others online and in-person. Pupils will also identify and explore the impact of fake news and misinformation. Relationships Pupils will explore what ‘equality,’ ‘diversity’ and ‘identity’ in modern day Britain looks like.

Year 8

Curriculum content Spring term


Children will study A Midsummer’s Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare.They will analyse the portrayal of gender roles in the play, including the characters of Hermia, Helena and Titania. Explore and understand the differences in relationships between the characters of different social classes and species e.g, Oberon and Titania. Develop an appreciation of how plays can explore ideas, as well as characters and actions. Pupils will be able to identify and explore, through a wide range of techniques and key themes within a playscript. In addition children will learn, develop and apply oracy skills that will allow themselves to express and communicate with others effectively through spoken language. This will be facilitated through speech writing and delivery. SPAG - embedding punctuation and grammar Accelerated Reader reading range assessments


Children will continue to consolidate known facts and further develop mathematical fluency. Revision will cover, but not be limited to: revision of algebraic techniques; forming and solving equations and expressions; expansion and factorisation of brackets; expansion of binomials; solving inequalities; revision of sequences and the nth term; calculations and problems involving indices; solve problems involving percentages of amounts and percentage change; exploring and solving problems involving standard index form.

Science: Biology

Genes 1 Variation and Classification - continuous and discontinuous variation Genetics and Animal Adaptation. Organisms 2 (Organ systems and the effects of substances on the body) Breathing and gas exchange Drugs Alcohol Smoking Nutrients Food Tests Unhealthy Diet Digestive system Bacteria and enzymes in digestion

Chemistry: Physics

Chemistry Reactions 2 Atoms in reactions, thermal decomposition, combustion, exothermic and endothermic reactions, conservation of mass and bond energies.

Physics Energy 1 Food and Fuel - linked to Biology Energy Resources Energy and power Energy adds up Energy changes and dissipation

MFL: French

Spring Term first half: Dynamo 2 Module 3 A Loisir (TV Programmes / Digital Technology / Arranging to go out / Leisure activities) Spring Term second half: Dynamo 2 Module 4 Le Monde est petit (Where you live / weather / jobs around the home)

MFL: Spanish

Spring Term first half: Viva 2 Module 3 A Comer - Food and drink / restaurants / mealtimes Spring Term second half: Viva 2 Module 4 ¿Qué hacemos? - Meeting Up / Places in the Town All pupils will have the International Breakfast - a cultural food experience

MFL: German

Consolidation of prior learning taught from the previous term. Topics: Healthy lifestyle/ travelling Discussing breakfast, food, cooking and keeping healthy. Talking about visiting youth hostels, German festivals and directions.


Consolidation of all grammar covered so far - verb tenses, noun cases and adjectives. Infinitives and imperatives, and the future tense. Gods and Mortals, Women in the Ancient World.


Conflict in the 20th century This is an opportunity to set the scene for the work students will be doing in the Summer Term. Pupils will be introduced to Communism and Fascism, and begin to think about how new ideas cause conflict. There will therefore be an opportunity to develop an understanding of both the Russian Revolution (and the West's reaction), and Nazi ideas, and how these contributed to the outbreak of the Second World War.


Settlement in LICs & Development of Countries Pupils will revisit Development and build upon their knowledge gained in Year 6. Pupils will learn about quality of life and indicators of development, linking this to the economy of a Country. Our Case Study example is the Dharavi slums in Mumbai. UK Economy Pupils will study how the UK economy has changed and developed over the years. This will cover periods such as the Industrial Revolution and the Covid-19 Pandemic. Pupils will complete project work where they ‘build companies’ and design products, with the aim to increase the UK economy.


Inspirational People Pupils will explore the meaning of inspiration and consider the importance of those that have inspired and influenced humanity. They will choose a person of faith that has been hugely inspirational to others and create a detailed presentation with the opportunity to present to the class. In the latter half of this topic they will look at the life of Nelson Mandela and consider whether the methods implemented to create social change were right or wrong. Philosophy Curriculum Using the P4C format pupils will engage in lessons that allow them to develop listening, thinking and debating skills surrounding contemporary issues in society.


Designing for a client

Pupils will continue with the design brief set at the start of the year - “You have been asked by Kartell, the Italian design company, to design and manufacture a contemporary style bird box. This will be part of a new range they wish to sell in their flagship store in Kensington and via their online store.” They have now completed all the research tasks and created their design solutions, both hand drawn designs and Computer Aided Design (CAD) versions. They have also created a half scale cardboard prototype model which will in turn lead into the full manufacturing of the full size working outcome. Pupils will also produce the brand identity for their new company that will market and sell their new product. Art

Perspective: Investigate 1 and 2 Point Perspective using drawing techniques. Pupils will create an imaginary landscape.


“Mobile App Development” & “Representations: From Clay to Silicon” “Mobile App Development” Today, there’s an app for every possible need. With this unit students are guided through the entire process of creating their own mobile app, using App Lab from code.org. Building on the programming concepts learners used in previous units, they will work in pairs to perform user research, design their app, write the code for it, before finally evaluating and then reviewing how to publish it for the world to use. “Representations: From Clay to Silicon” Humans use symbols to record, process and transmit information. Introduce binary digits to your learners as the symbols computers use to perform these tasks and focus on the representation of text and numbers.


History of Drama & a Final Assessment A look at how the nature of performance has changed and evolved since the early Greeks. Pupils will also prepare (in groups) a final piece of work that utilises a lot of the skills they have learned over the course.


Rock and Roll (integrating Keyboard Skills) A study of US culture in the 1950s focusing on teenagers and Rock and Roll. Pupils develop their keyboard skills and learn Rock and Roll chord sequences and bass lines. Minimalist Music Study and composition based on 20th Century Minimalist movement, with a focus on tuned percussion.


Swimming Water Safety - An introduction to essential life saving skills. These skills will educate children to give immediate assistance and potentially save lives in emergencies within a fun, educational and supportive environment. Volleyball - An introduction to a new sport with many cross-curricular skills. Pupils will develop their understanding of the game including the rules and tactics involved within a team environment. Skills covered will include the serve, dig, spike and set.


Relationships & Living in the Wider World (Online Safety) A set of sessions which gives pupils the opportunity to identify the difference between ‘bullying’ and ‘banter’ as well as how to report unkind behaviour. Focus will; also be given into looking after our digital reputations.

Living in the Wider World Pupils will also continue to grow their skills of financial awareness, looking at what is meant by consumer rights and insurance.

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