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"oikoumene is a permanently inhabited land, with conditions for permanent existence. oikoumene is a video constellation representing different appearances of genocide, attempts to homogenize environment and extermination. it consists of two documentary films, searching for evidence of interventions in natural environment and operations on population. the science doesn't consider terms like ethics. to the contrary, we do. what does it mean natural environment? who defines what is the primal shape of the living space? what is our responsibility to the living space? I cannot feel responsible. i cannot get involved in issues outside my environment; country or context of native nationality, therefore, i am keeping distance - in a manner of a scientist with a cool eye, just watching population's moves. bull-frogs : story of an invasive species by gabriel martin, hervé carriou; le haillan (bordeaux), france, 2004 in the 70's, crazy adventurer brought the bull-frogs from america and put them in his pond in france as pets. he didn't know they are cannibal super-predators who will adapt very well to their new environment and reproduce very quickly. he didn't know they will destroy other species and change the local biodiversity. association « cistude nature » is studying them and trying to find the ultimate plan for extermination of this invasive species. we and they - the voice of land by pawel dziemian, julij borštnik; slovenia - ljubljanska kotlina and dolenjska, 2006 this documentary film is a record of a trip at the end of november 2006 trough the places where the name strojan was an explosive material. the aim of this trip was to catch and detect the fears and phobias and the responses to them, that temporarily came to the surface through the scandal around roma familly of strojan's. the fears and phobias are allways present, but otherwise lattent and hidden.

work as constellation consists of two perpendicular screens with two projections, in loop, with interviews and its documentary record. it was effect of collaboration with two artists: julij borštnik ang gabriel martin during my residency at the art center, artist in context programme. two channel projection, dv, 12 min 2007.

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