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artist statement r e c e nt /m a y 2 0 09

art as participation. art is act. my aim is to examine condition of human structures; but referring to critical theories, i would like to make a step forward, by applying political criticism into real life and art process. the only moral and truly critical, human way of doing that is not to replicate the power abuse acts, not to use people as a subjects, not to oppress as systems do. therefor i choose to examine myself as a human, as a participant of structures like society, family, culture or market. let's use example: there are art activities or art pieces, that in order to acheive its own critical aims, they victimize groups or individuals which are already oppressed; (obviously it may still be an interesting discourse of power, power distribution, it may be art as a functional tool in social science, or it may question who the artist is, and what's his duty - it brings reminiscence of marxism theories of labor, and historically based question: why there was an affair of art and power in the historical background and why art should rather affirm the good, and why all those relations seem be suspected), i would like to avoid this shadow, that's why my aim is to find a new way of criticism, and so one of my strategies is to test critical theories on myself, because that way it devoids them of aforementioned ethical relativism or ambiguity, there is no question of harm, victimizing, further more, and maybe it's even more important; trough those processes i find myself as a participant, a member of greater wholeness, human entirety; that's my goal; and in a way it brings into the surface fact that, not observation is important, rather participation - art as active attempt to shape reality. with no special tools, with no abusive strategies, just by simple acts. in my approach i'm far from total-art concept, but i strongly believe in those bottom-up and horizontal movements. what's is also crucial for me, is not to be tied to form, and its fineness. not to loose the possibility of creation because of lack of 'materials', not to be addicted to objects, material objects. regardless all art's transformation processes after modernism, it makes me doubt, when i see those 'fragile' things. maybe it's naively utopic, but i rather would like to pursuit fragile ideas. where it takes me? i don't know, but i hope to experience, more as a human, less as a producer of cultural, or virtual goods.

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