Trade Secrets March 2015

Page 31

Then, understand that different body parts age in different ways. The brain gets smaller and less active as we get older. Heart disease attacks more victims as they get older and is the #1 killer of men and women, estimated at 800,000+ deaths each year - most ARE preventable. Lung capacity diminishes between 3 – 6% each decade, so by 70, we have lost 15 – 30% of our oxygen usage. Muscle mass is reduced by ½ lb. per year beginning in our 20’s which means our joints start working overtime, enhancing arthritis because our joints pick up the slack that the muscles can’t handle. And, our metabolism is naturally reduced because our musculature is reduced. A slower metabolism allows weight gain to happen more easily, equated to about 2 – 3 lbs. each year.

It is ALL UP TO YOU and YOU CAN control and take charge of your weight! There are a few basic things that you can do on a daily basis to offset any weight gain. If you have already gained some weight, you need to be stricter with these guidelines. Over time, the weight will come off. Patience and diligence are key characteristics that will get you where you want to be. Keep in mind how long it took you to get to where you are right now and respect that time frame. The fast solutions are always temporary – If you are going to be your best, you have to do it right! Here are four simple tips to get you on the RIGHT track!

NOW, for the GOOD news!! Gaining weight as we get older is a choice, not a mandate.

| 401.353.4940 | | Trade Secrets | Volume 2, Issue 11 | 31

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