DistrictMail 10-11-2011

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Thursday, 10 November 2011


N2-ongeluk nadraai

Grade 2 pupil hit by motorbike A GRADE 2 pupil from Loreto Primary in Strand was admitted to Tygerberg Hospital after being run over by a motorbike last Thursday. Aiden Cyster (8) was on his way to school at 08:00 when he was struck while crossing Gordon’s Bay Road. Principal Vanessa Oertle says most pu-


pils are dropped off at school by car, and that those who walk should be accompanied by an adult. A meeting between the school and Traffic Services to address safety of pupils was set for 9 November. Laticia Pienaar of Tygeberg Hospital says Aiden has broken his right leg, but is recuperating well.


Suspect nabbed Tammy’s death

Courtney Moore (18) van Strand het op Jeugdag in ’n ongeluk op die N2 gesterf.

A STRAND man has been arrested in connection with the injury of a pensioner in a hitand-run accident last week Wednesday. The woman (72) was hit in Main Road, Strand, and sustained head injuries. Officers viewed CCTV footage of the accident and found a mirror on the accident scene. The mirror was identified as one from an Opel Corsa bakkie, and CCTV footage showed a vehicle matching its description had been at the intersection shortly before the accident. The registration number was traced using the E-Natis system and led officers to an address in Strand. A case of reckless and negligent driving and leaving the scene of an accident is being investigated.

Stolen Bikes

4611 LD 1B4QJNK9A

ROSS Sergeant (33), die bestuurder van die Mercedes Benz wat betrokke was in die ongeluk wat die lewe van die jong Strand-danser Courtney Moore (18) en Somerset-Wes-inwoner Estelle Brigando (50), geëis het, het op Vrydag 28 Oktober in die Phillipi-landdroshof verskyn. Die saak is tot 16 Januarie uitgestel vir verdere ondersoek. Ross staan tereg op aanklagte van onder meer strafbare manslag, roekelose en nalatige bestuur, die versuim om op ’n ongelukstoneel te stop en die skade en aard van beserings vas te stel; asook die versuim om ’n ongeluk aan te meld, nadat hy in die vroeë oggendure van Jeugdag agter in Brigando se Toyota Yaris op die N2 vasgery het. Die geweldige slag het die motor laat rol en Brigando en Moore is albei noodlottig beseer. Brigando se twee dogters, Gabriela (21) en Carla (18), wat ook in die motor was, is in die Vergelegen Mediclinic vir geringe beserings behandel. Sergeant het na bewering van die ongelukstoneel gevlug. Daar is kritiek in die media uitgespreek omdat sy motor, wat as ’n bewysstuk in die ondersoek moes dien, aan sy pa, ook ’n Somerset-Wes-inwoner, oorhandig is. Sy prokureur, William Booth, het die dag ná die ongeluk die Nyanga-polisie wat die saak ondersoek het, gebel. Geen bloedalkoholtoetse kon gedoen word nie, omdat die wetlike twee-uur periode waarin dit gedoen moes word, toe reeds verstryk het.


Suzuki K6 1000 Kawasaki 650 KLR Two bikes were stolen on 4 November between 22h00 and 07h00 in the Strand. A reward of R2 000 will be given for information that could lead to the recovery of the bikes. Please contact Nakkie on 083 272 3429.

still unanswered THE death of Tammy, the Jack Russell, is still under investigation. The dog was found decapitated at her owners’ residence in Somerset West on Sunday 27 August. The cause of death remains unanswered, despite new evidence which was revealed when the dog’s head was discovered on Thursday 29 September. The initial autopsy report stated that Tammy’s head was severed with a sharp object. Police are currently awaiting the new autopsy report as well as feedback from the state prosecutor who is currently working through the case docket.


Macassar-ma weer in hof PETRONELLA Mostert (36) wat daarvan verdink word dat sy haar pasgebore baba in ’n drein gelos het, het Dinsdag 8 November haar tweede hofverskyning gemaak. Inwoners van Basil Februarystraat in Macassar Village, het op Sondag 2 Oktober omstreeks 07:00 die baba se gehuil uit die drein gehoor. Die dogtertjie is kort daarna gered en na die Helderberg-hospitaal geneem. Sy word tans in ’n plek van veiligheid versorg. Mostert, wat nog twee dogters het waarvan die oudste 21-jaar is, het op 5 Oktober in die Somerset-Wes landdroshof op ’n aanklag van poging tot moord verskyn. Sy is op borgtog vrygelaat. Die saak word weer op 7 Desember aangehoor.


Recognise them? THE two people seen here, captured by a security camera, are sought on housebreaking charges. According to police, they have been breaking into apartments at the Welgelegen Flats almost every day, stealing anything they can lay their hands on. Police believe the two have keys to the premises. If you recognise either of them, please phone Detective Constable Xolilie Ngqambuza on 021 854 9129.

Police are looking for these two who are wanted for alleged housebreaking.

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