District mail 26 03 2015

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see pg 2 X1PTVF69-DP260315

Jeug­sewes hierdie naweek Die eerste DistriksPos Macassar Jeug­rugby­ klub Sewestoernooi word hierdie Saterdag by die Macassar­sportgronde aangebied. Twaalf skole, waarvan agt plaaslike skole is, en spanne sal mekaar die stryd aansê in die o. 11­ en o. 13­wedstryde. Hier van links is die komiteelede Abé de Lange (voorsitter), Joseph Noble, Japie Konstabel, Johnnie Hosban en Dawie Williams, wat die reëlings vir die toernooi getref het. WP Rugby­amptenare en spelers gaan ook die toernooi bywoon, wat ook sal dien as proewe vir die komende WP jeug­proewe. Spelers wat tydens die toernooi uitblink staan dus ’n kans om die proewe by te woon. Kaartjies vir die toernooi sal by die hek te koop wees teen R10 vir volwassenes en R5 vir kinders. Wedstryde skop om 08:30 af en die toernooi behoort om 14:00 klaar te wees. FOTO: DELIAH BRINKHUIS

Inside this week: Fab, your monthly lifestyle supplement The annual Helderberg Business Directory Beaumont’s 40th birthday commemorative supplement


Uiteindelik ’n nuwe baadjie vir Strand DALEEN FOUCHÉ Die uitgebreide opgraderingsprojek vir Strand se paviljoengebied en seemuur is die eerste stap om dié kusdorp se vorige roem as top-toeristebestemming te herstel. Dit is volgens Daantjie Malan, voorsitter van die Strand se belastingbetalersvereniging. Die Stad Kaapstad het Vrydag aangekondig die projek behels onder meer die oorbou van die seemuur vir R178 miljoen en die opgradering van die paviljoen-parkeerarea vir R13 miljoen, die oorbou van die vervalle pier en die afbreek van Deep Blue. Die nuwe seemuur sal gebou word presies waar die huidige muur staan, maar sal die vorm van ’n promenade soortgelyk aan dié by See-

punt, aanneem. Die projek sal ook ’n deel van die paviljoen-parkeerarea omskep in ’n openbare ruimte met ’n aparte gebied vir die informele handelaars. Malan meen alhoewel dié projekte ’n hele aantal van die Strand se oudste probleme aanspreek,salditnievoldoendewees om dieStrand weer die toeristemekka van Suid-Afrika te maak nie. Tog meen hy dié projek is die eerste stap om die droom te realiseer. Malan, wat ook die voorsitter van die Jetty Trust is, sê hy is bly om te verneem die pier is nou deel van die beplande projek. Die Jetty Trust sou voorheen die voortou neem met die herbou van die pier, maar daar is nooit genoeg geld ingesamel nie. Hy sê hy gee nie om wie die pier opgradeer nie, solank dit net gebeur. Brett Bailey, bestuurder van die Strand Pavi-

lion Resort, sê as die projek “uiteindelik” realiseer, sal dit ’n groot aanwins vir die Strand wees. Bailey is nog skepties oor die projek omdat dit reeds verlede jaar moes begin het, maar verwelkom die Stad Kaapstad se aankondiging dat die werk aan die seemuur in Junie begin. “Enige verbetering aan die Strand sal verwelkom word.” Bailey meen alhoewel konstruksiewerk ’n moontlike negatiewe impak op besighede, veral restaurante, kan hê, sal dit help as die Stad behoorlik met die publiek kommunikeer oor die konstruksie gedurende die tydperk wat die bouwerk plaasvind. Die oorbou van die seemuur, wat oor die 100 jaar oud is, en opgradering van die paviljoengebied word al sedert 2008 bespreek en die burgemeesterskomiteelid vir energie, omgewing en ruimtelike beplanning, raadslid Johan van der

Merwe, sê daar is nou groot afwagting dat die projek ’n realiteit word. Hy sê die Stad beoog om die paviljoengebied ’n mooi en inklusiewe openbare ruimte te maak wat beleggers na dié “geliefde en historiese” deel van Kaapstad sal lok. Raadslid vir die Strandgebied, Dave Venter, sê die informele handelaars sal reeds oor die komende Paasnaweek na hulle nuwe tydelike handelsgebied geskuif word op die hoek van Fagan- en Hoofstraat. Venter sê dit word gedoen sodat die handelaars hulself kan vestig by die nuwe staanplek. Hoewel van die handelaars bekommerd is dat hulle ’n verlies aan inkomste gaan beleef, meen Venter die tydelike staanplek is ideaal omdat dit baie voete van die treinstasie en taxistaanplek lok. LEES MEER OP BLADSY 2.

2 DistrictMail Vinnige feite oor opgradering van Strand-paviljoen

Nuus News

26 Maart, 2015

Die langverwagte oorbou van die Strand se seemuur en opgradering van die paviljoen begin nou nader kom en hoewel die opgraderings verwelkom word, sal die uitgebreide projek baie inwoners en vakansiegangers gedurende die konstruksiefase raak. Die Stad Kaapstad beoog om ’n webtuiste te skep om die uitwerking daarvan op verkeer en besighede betyds aan die publiek te kommunikeer om sodoende minimale ontwrigting te veroorsaak.

Die volgende word beplan vir die uitgebreide Strand-seefrontprojek: ) Die herbou van die huidige verbrokkelende seemuur begin in Junie vanjaar en swaar masjinerie, insluitend hyskrane, sal van die Strand se paviljoen-parkeerarea af werk. ) Die hoofdoel vir die oorbou van die seemuur is om te voorkom dat die see oor die muur spoel, veral met springgety, en ook om die verplasing van sand tot op Kusweg te voorkom. ) Die oorbou van die seemuur begin in Junie vanjaar en sal einde 2019

voltooi wees. Sowat R178 miljoen is oor ’n tydperk van drie jaar vir die projek begroot. ) Die seemuur sal herbou word op die voetspoor van die huidige seemuur. ) Die kontrakteurs wat verantwoordelik is vir die opgradering van die paviljoen-gebied sal in Augustus vanjaar aangestel word en die werk aan dié gebied sal in April 2016 begin. ) Die paviljoen se parkeerarea sal in twee dele opgedeel word, met ’n sentrale gebied vir publieke ge-

bruik met sitplekke en plante. ) Die Stad het R13 miljoen vir die paviljoenprojek, wat ongeveer 18 maande sal duur, begroot. ) Die Stad Kaapstad beoog om die Strand-pier te herbou op sy huidige voetspoor. ) Deep Blue, die blou gebou op die strand wat in ’n vervalle toestand is, sal gedurende die projek afgebreek word. ) ’n Deel van die opgegradeerde paviljoen-parkeerarea sal vir informele handel gebruik word. ) Ringe vir die opslaan van stalle-

tjies sal in die plaveisel ingebou word om te voorkom dat ander strukture beskadig word deur die informele stalletjies. ) Oor die lang termyn word beoog om die opslaanstalletjies te vervang met eenvormige waentjies wat weer aan die einde van die dag deur die handelaar verwyder kan word. ) ’n Opedag om die ontwerp van die opgradering van die paviljoengebied en oorbou van die seemuur ten toon te stel, vind vandag (Donderdag) plaas van 16:00 tot 19:00 by die Strand se munisipale gebou.

Sand problems continue at harbour DALEEN FOUCHÉ Thesandbank at theentrance to the Gordon’s Bay Harbour is getting worse and has already left a fishing boat and several yachts stranded for a few hours. The DistrictMail reported last week that a massive sandbank at the entrance of the harbour is preventing vessels from entering or leaving the harbour during low tide (“Dire straits for harbour,” DistrictMail, 19 March). On Friday 20 March, a fishing trawler got stuck on the sandbank whiletryingtogetintotheharbour. The boat was stuck for almost two hours while waiting for high tide, before it could enter the harbour. On Saturday, about nine yachts had to wait several hours before they could return to the harbour

after finishing a club race from Gordon’s Bay to Simon’s Town and back. The race started at 05:00 and the yachts were back at 10:00, but had to wait until 14:00 for high tide to carry them over the sandbank. Paul Tanner, chairperson of the Gordon’s Bay Harbour Users Committee, says the sandbank is growing bigger and predicted that the harbour will be completely blocked within a few weeks if the sand is not removed. He says the Gordon’s Bay Harbour Users Committee has not had any feedback from the authorities on this growing problem. Alven Driver, one of six commercial fishermen operating from the Gordon’s Bay Harbour, says their worst nightmare has now come true X that the harbour has become

dangerous and at times impossible to use. Driver says crew members of the commercial fishing boats working from Gordon’s Bay Harbour were briefed on safety procedures on Tuesday. The NSRI confirmed to the DistrictMail last week that it is able to perform rescue duties with its two rapid response crafts and would not comment on the matter further. However, DistrictMail reported last week that the 13 metre Jack Riley rescue vessel is unable to leave the harbour during the low tide after the spring tide. DistrictMail once again contacted both the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and the Department of Public Works, who have joint responsibility over the harbour, but received no feedback at the time of going to print.

TAKING SHELTER: A National Geographic Exploration Ship, The Orion, was in False Bay on Monday, close to the Strand and Gor­ don’s Bay coastline. According to Noeleen Jackson, manager of Manor on the Bay, The Orion arrived in False Bay at 10:00 to take shelter from adverse weather conditions while travelling from Cape Town to Mossel Bay. The coach drivers and guides appointed to meet the ship’s occupants in Mossel Bay backtracked to Gordon’s Bay and spent the night at the Manor on the Bay. The Orion even­ tually continued its journey at 18:00 on Monday evening.


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ATTENTION! Mr.Mark Decklin Sebastian Phillips For more information on stolen and recovered vehicle. We are urgently looking for this gentleman to shed light on this matter. Last known address 23 Wentworth walk Strand. Please contact us if you have information about his whereabouts.


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26 March, 2015

DRIVER ARRESTED: A 36­year­old man was arrested for drunk driving after an acci­ dent in Sir Lowry’s Pass on Saturday in which an elderly woman was injured. The accident happened at 14:00 on the Old Sir Lowry’s Pass Road, just in front of the entrance to the village, when a Mercedes­Benz and Toyota Rav collided. According to Sergeant Suzan Jantjies, the Toyota Rav – which the arrested driver had been driving – left the road and went onto the gravel next to the road. The driver then swerved back onto the road across lanes into oncoming traffic and hit the Mercedes­Benz. The man was granted R1 000 bail in the Somerset West Magistrate’s Court on Monday and his case will be heard on 23 June. PHOTO: DELIAH BRINKHUIS

Gordon-onderwyser met skêr gesteek DELIAH BRINKHUIS ’n Onderwyser aan die Hoërskool Gordon wat drie weke gelede deur ’n leerder met ’n skêr in die kop gesteek is, het vandeesweek weer begin klas gee. Die voorval het Donderdag 5 Maart net ná 13:00 gebeur gedurende ’n ekonomiese en bestuurswetenskappe-les vir ’n gr. 8-klas. ’n Woordewisseling het na bewering tussen die onderwyser en leerder (14) ontstaan, waarna die leerder die skêr uit sy sak gehaal en herhaaldelik na die onderwyser gesteek het. Die onderwyser, wat reeds sowat 28 jaar aan die skool verbonde is, moes steke aan sy kop kry en sy arms en hande het ook snywonde gehad. Volgens skoolhoof Bernard Simons is die leerder tydelik geskors. Jessica Shelver, woordvoerder vir die WesKaapse departement van onderwys (WKOD), sê dieleerderheterkendathydieonderwyserdrie keer gesteek het. Volgens Shelver het die skool se dissiplinêre komitee en die beheerliggaam versoek dat die WKOD permanente skorsing

van die leerder oorweeg omdat hy na bewering geen berou getoon of erken het dat sy optrede verkeerd was nie. Simons sê die leerder is toegelaat om die kwartaallikse kontroletoetse af te lê. Volgens Shelver was daar gister (Woensdag) terugvoering van die ondersoek. Die uitslag van die ondersoek was egter onbekend teen druktyd van die koerant. Simons sê dat dit die tweede steekvoorval by die skool in die bestek van drie weke was. In’nvorigevoorvalop20Februarie,waarnog ’n gr. 8-leerder betrokke was, is ’n matriekleerder met ’n mes in die skouer gesteek. Die mes is kort ná die voorval deur medeleerders weggesteek, maar later in die seunstoilet-afdeling gekry. ’n Seun (14) is intussen geskors. Volgens Simons word leerders soms met ’n draagbare metaalverklikker deursoek vir gevaarlike wapens. Simons sê dié steekvoorvalle is geïsoleerde gevalle. Daar word meestal sigarette of sigaretaanstekers aan leerders gevind. Hy is egter bekommerd nadat hy onlangs ’n mes van sowat 30 cm lank by ’n leerder in die


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toilet-afdeling gekry het, waar dit in die lyfband agter in sy broek versteek was. Die leerder het na bewering aangevoer dat hy die mes as beskerming dra nadat hy die vorige week ná skooldetensie naby die skool van sy selfoon beroof is. Volgens Randall Thomas, voorsitter van die beheerliggaam, word hierdie probleme grotendeels onder die gr. 8’s opgemerk. “Dieleerderstoonreedsoplaerskoolgedragsprobleme en ons erf dit.” Thomas voeg by dat dit oorweeg word om dissiplinêre verslae van laerskole aan te vra met aansoeke van leerders. Volgens Shelver sal die WKOD en die Safe Schools-projek die skool ondersteun om leerderveiligheid te verseker. Sy sê verskeie WKOD-programme word aangebied om leerders te weerhou om by bendeverwante of antisosiale aktiwiteite betrokke te raak. Die programme wat in samewerking met die departement van maatskaplike ontwikkeling en gemeenskapsveiligheid aangebied word, sluit ook konflikbestuur en gedragsaanpassing van leerders in. Die Safe Schools-program se tolvrye nommer is 0800 454 647.

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Nuus News

26 Maart, 2015

Stabbing suspects in court

MACASSAR-BUURTWAG ONTVANG RADIO’S: Die departement van gemeenskapsveilig­ heid het vroeër die maand radio’s aan die Macassar­buurtwagvereniging oorhandig wat aan die gebied se 13 buurtwagte uitgedeel sal word. Hier (van links) is Moulana Moegamad Pe­ ters, Isaac Alexander, George Liddle, Gemeenskapspolisiëringsforum­voorsitter Kassiem Ant­ hony, subraad 22­voorsitter, raadslid John Heuvel en burgermeerstersbestuurslid JP Smith.

WANTED: The Strand police need the assistance of the public in identifying the man in the picture above. He ap­ proached a woman sitting in her car on Sunday 28 February at 05:40 in Gordon’s Bay Road, Strand. He asked the woman for money and when she replied that she did not have any, he grabbed her chain and ran away. Anyone with information on the whereabouts of this man or who is able to identify him can contact De­ tective Sergeant Zola Gatyana of the Strand police on 021 854 9100.

. Two suspects aged 17 and 20 appeared in the Somerset West Magistrate’s Court on 24 March for stabbing a man in the chest. The incident happened early on Sunday morning at 01:30 when two men were driving in Soekmekaar Street, Macassar. They were stopped by two unknown men and without any reason one of the suspects took out a knife and stabbed the driver with a knife. He died on the scene. The suspects appeared in court again yesterday (25 March) and the result of the court case was still unknown at the time of going to print. . The teenage girl who stabbed and killed a 16 year old boy in Chris Hani Park, Macassar on 18 March appeared in court on Tuesday 24 March. It is believed that the two had an argument, and the girl then left. She allegedly returned with a knife in her hand and stabbed the boy twice in his heart. He later died. She gave herself over to the police shortly after the incident. She is in a place of safety until her next court date appearance on 21 April.



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Nuus News

26 March, 2015


Stil oor bylmoorde

The new executive committee for the Somerset West CPF is, at the back from left, Leon Dea­ con (PRO), Stemray Lesch (additional member), Greg Pek (treasurer), Billy Smith (chairperson), Bongi Jokwe (additional member), Somerset West Police Station Commander, Colonel Mary Ann Williams, Tony van Minnen (additional member) and Major Mgxaji (cluster CPF Chairper­ son). In the front are Doreen Venter (additional member), Ellen Esau (project coordinator), Dorcas Shopane (assistant secretary), Fikiswa Xotongo (additional member) and Sue Buckland (additional member). Joe Swart (deputy chairperson) was absent at the time of the photo.


New CPF to move forward DALEEN FOUCHÉ Stability has settled over the Somerset West Community Policing Forum (CPF) after the successful election of a new executive committee on Tuesday evening. This is in light of the many troubles that have plagued this community-based structure in recent years. The previous executive committee was restricted in its duties after a complaint was lodged against the Exco with the Department of Community Safety in December 2013. An investigation was launched and the exco was barred from holding public meetings and prevented from filling vacant positions within its executive committee, but could continue with its internal meetings and community operations. Hugh Roe, former chairperson of the Somerset West CPF, previously told the DistrictMail that the furore was over his having been appointed as opposed to being elected. He explains that he was appointed to the position of chairperson in 2012 after the passing of Johnny Brown, who was elected as chairperson in 2010 for a five-year period. The restrictions on the previous exco were lifted in October 2014, followed by the CPF’s first public meeting in over a year. National elections for all CPF bodies were planned for December 2014 but the Somerset West CPF election was postponed after the

representatives from the Department of Community Safety (DOCS) did not arrive at the elections. Another attempt at electing the new exco in January this year failed due to an investigation into the Somerset West Neighbourhood Watch by the Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority (PSIRA). The police’s Cluster Commander, Major General Johan Brand, said at the time that the CPF elections could only continue once the investigation was finalised. Louis le Riche, chairperson of the Somerset West Neighbourhood Watch, says they are still awaiting PSIRA’s official feedback, but have been notified that no criminal misconduct was found. The representive from DOCS, who facilitated the election, told the meeting on Tuesday that Somerset West is not unique in facing many problems within its CPF structure. She says the majority of affluent areas in the Western Cape faces similar problems. Only registered NPOs and formal community structures like schools, churches and neighbourhood watches are allowed to participate in electing a new exco. Billy Smith, who represents the Radloff Park Field of Management Committee, was elected as chairperson and Joe Swart, representing the Night Shelter, was elected deputy chairperson. The secretary position will be filled by a member of the Somerset West police, to be appointed by Police Station Commander, Colonel Mary Ann Williams.

Die polisie swyg steeds om enige nuwe inligting oor die Van Breda-moorde bekend te maak. Ná byna drie maande van die grudaad is niemand nog in hegtenis geneem vir die moord van Martin van Breda, sy vrou, Teresa, en hul oudste seun, Rudi (22), wat in die oggendure van 27 Januarie in hul huis op die De Zalze-landgoed aangetref is nie. Hul dogter, Marli (16), is ook in die voorval aangeval en het ernstige kopbeserings opgedoen. Sy word tans in ’n private rehabilitasiesentrum versorg. Die egpaar se jonger seun, Henri (20), is lig beseer. Hy woon tans by familie in die noordelike voorstede. Die Burger het die afgelope naweek berig ’n selfoon wat die polisie met die moordtoneel van die Van Breda-gesin kan verbind, is glo voor die gesinsmoord gebruik om inligting oor ’n bylmoord in Amerika op te soek. Lt.kol. Andrè Traut, ’n provinsiale polisiewoordvoerder, het gesê hulle gaan nie oor die bewerings kommentaar lewer nie. Die nasionale vervolgingsgesag (NVG) besin ook steeds of iemand vir die Van Breda-moorde in hegtenis geneem gaan word.

THEY DID IT! Helderberg’s famous adventure couple, Vasti Geldenhuys and Riaan Manser, show their delight in completing the gruelling Absa Cape Epic, which finished at Meerendal Wine Estate in Durbanville on Sunday. They agreed that the seven­stage race over 739 km – which included 16 000 me­ tres of climbing – was incredibly tough and much, much harder than they had anticipated. Vasti, who together with Riaan rowed from Morocco in Africa to New York in the USA last year, said it was the toughest and most rewarding thing she had ever done. Riaan added that it was a lot tougher than he had ever imagined but was pleased that they had both finished and got their medals. “I’m so proud of Vasti. She hung in there and just kept going de­ spite some heavy falls and a lot of pain.” PHOTO: BELLE HEYNEMAN

Correction In the previous edition of the DistrictMail it was incorrectly stated in the article, “Dire straits for harbour”,that Paul Tanner is the Chairperson of the Gordon’s Bay Yacht Club. He is the Chairperson of the Gordon’s Bay Users Committee.





Nuus News

26 Maart, 2015

Gewilde rugby-ondersteuner sterf Marlene Wells (65), lojale Macassar rugbyondersteuner en netbalspeler van die destydse Protea-netbalklub, is Saterdag 21 Maart na ’n kort siekbed in Tygerberg-hospitaal oorlede. Sy was ’n uiters lojale ondersteuner van Macassar-rugbyklub en het elke wedstryd bygewoon – tuis of weg, reën of sonskyn. Sy was ’n fanatiese ondersteuner wat gedurende wedstryde op en af langs die veld saam met die spelers beweeg het. “Mense van reg oor die Helderberg het haar geken vir haar deelname en ondersteuning op die sportveld,” sê haar skoonseun, Victor Isaacs.

Haar bekende gesegdes op die rugbyveld soos “Not to worry, worry” en vele ander sal beslis gemis word. Marlene se netbal was van so ’n gehalte dat sy die nasionale span kon haal. “Sy het vir jare by Genop Optical in die Kaap gewerk en het nog tot op die ouderdom van 50 netbal gespeel,” vertel Isaacs. Sy laat haar eggenoot, Charles, vyf kinders, skoonseun, nege kleinkinders en twee agterkleinkinders na. Stuward Afrika, ondervoorsitter van die Macassar-rugbyklub, het gesê Marlene was ongetwyfeld hul beste ondersteuner en toeskouer.

“Ons gaan haar gesegdes en ondersteuning verskriklik mis, maar ons gaan dit juis as ons versterking gebruik,” vertel Afrika. Isaacs voeg by dat sy ook vir haar “kleurvolheid en vriendelike karakter onthou sal word”. Die teraardebestelling vind Saterdag 28 Maart om 08:00 vanuit die Anglikaanse kerk, St. Joseph in Macassar plaas.

Marlene en haar man, Charles, het Macas­ sar­rugbyklub se wedstryde altyd saam by­ gewoon. Sy was ’n gewilde ondersteuner onder die spelers en toeskouers.


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Whatsapp or e-mail a video clip of no longer that 3 minutes, as well as the following: • Name and surname • Own cell number • Name of farm/cellar • Name of nearest town. WHATSAPP: 082 372 1557 E-MAIL: info@hortgro.co.za ENQUIRIES: 021 870 2900

THE CRITERIA: A talent is defined as a special/natural ability or aptitude and the capacity to achieve or reach success with your talent. ENTRANTS: • Should be an agricultural worker in the fruit or wine industry working on a farm, pack house or cellar • Must be 18 years or older • May enter in any South African indigenous language • May only enter as an individual singer – no groups.

Finalists must be able to attend a one week skills development workshop from 26 – 31 July 2015 and perform on stage at a Gala Evening on 31 July 2015. The winner will be chosen by a panel of judges and announced on this evening.

RULES OF THE COMPETITION: The entrants will be judged by a panel of judges selected by HORTGRO and VinPro. The decision of judges is final and no correspondence will be entered into. The judges reserve the right to withhold the award depending on the merit of the entries. Only entries related to agricultural workers in the fruit and wine agricultural sectors (farms, pack-houses or cellars) will be accepted. Please make sure that you submit all the detail requested with your entry. By entering this competition entrants accept the rules and thereby indemnify HORTGRO and the VinPro Foundation against any liability in the case of injury or death, or any other cause whatsoever arising from the competition. This competition is for amateur musicians only.

Wayne Hindley (43), ’n bekende inwoner van die Strand, het Woensdag 18 Maart tragies gesterf ná ’n fratsongeluk. Hindley was besig met ’n ondersoek op ’n dak toe hy deur die dak geval het. Hy is die bekende bouer, James (Boetie) Hindley, se seun. Hy was ook mede-eienaar van Central Taxis. Almal onthou hom as ’n vriendelike mens wat altyd ander mense goed laat voel het. Sy sterfte laat ’n groot leemte in die gemeenskap. “Wayne was iemand wat ge-

Wayne Hindley was teruggetrokke, maar het baie vriende ge­ had. Hy het vir sy fa­ milie geleef.

hou het van gee. Vir hom het die lewe nie gegaan oor geld nie maar oor hoe hy mense kon help,” vertel sy suster, Melanie Hindley. “Hy het ook maklik in ander mense se hart gekruip. Hy het goed na sy familie gekyk en ’n passie vir die vervoerbedryf gehad.” Hy word oorleef deur sy pa, broer, twee susters, lewensmaat, Shanaaz, en hul drie kinders. Sy begrafnis is Saterdag 28 Maart by Helderberg Fellowship-gemeente op die hoek van Ou Sir Lowryspas- en Schapenbergweg, Somerset-Wes.


Nuus News

26 Maart, 2015

N2-slagoffer vier 28ste verjaarsdag tuis DELIAH BRINKHUIS Julius Jantjies, die jong slagoffer van ’n N2-aanval op 7 Januarie vanjaar, koester geen wrok teen sy aanvaller nie. Volgens sy ma, Rochelle Jantjies, het hy die man wat hom dié dag met ’n sementblok teen sy kop gegooi het, vergewe.

Julius Jantjies, ’n groot Chelsea­ sokkeraanhanger, met die verjaar­ dagkoek wat ’n vriend gebak het.

Groot blydskap het in Jantjies se ouerhuis in Cliftonstraat, Macassar, geheers toe hy die afgelope naweek ná drie maande van hospitalisasie vir die eerste keer tuis was om sy 28ste verjaarsdag Vrydag (20 Maart) saam met sy gesin en vriende te vier. Jantjies was ’n week lank in ’n koma in die Vincent Pallotti-hospitaal ná sy aanval in Januarie. ’n Man wat langs die N2 net voor die R300-afrit gestaan het, het ’n sementblok deur die voorruit van die werksmotor wat hy bestuur het, gegooi en hom in die gesig getref. Die aanval het omstreeks 13:00 gebeur.

Jantjies het sy regteroog se sig verloor en sal in Oktober ’n tweede rekonstruksie-operasie aan sy gesig ondergaan. Volgens Rochelle is sy dankbaar dat haar oudste seun die aanval oorleef het en sy 28ste verjaarsdag met hulle kon vier. Sy suster Virginie en haar man Imraan Ebrahim, wat op die MSC Opera-boot werk en binnekort na Europa sou seil, het hul kontrak van vyf maande verbreek om Julius se verjaarsdag te vier en hul ouers en vir hom te ondersteun. “Julius se aanval was ’n groot skok, en ek wou dadelik huis toe kom,” vertel Virginie, wat ten tyde van die aanval in Durban was. Sy en Imraan was gelukkig die volgende week in Kaapstad en kon haar broer in die hospitaal besoek, waar hul ouers en sy vriendin Nazeerah Ebrahim, daagliks langs sy bed gewaak het. Virginie het in dié tyd ’n gedig aan haar broer opgedra waarin sy haar hoop op sy herstel verwoord. “Julius se aanval was vir ons gesin ’n traumatieseervaringwatdiehegtebandtussen ons net versterk het. Ons is dankbaar vir die Here en trots op Julius dat hy deurentyd positief gebly het en so merkwaardig herstel het,” voeg sy by. Volgens Julius is hy bly om tuis te wees en al sy vriende en mense wat hom in die tydperk ondersteun het weer te sien. Hy was ook opgewonde oor die verjaarsdagpartytjie wat sy vriende Saterdag vir hom gereël het. “Dis lekker om by die huis te wees, veral om

Julius (vierde van links) met (van links) sy swaer Imraan Ebrahim, sy vriendin Nazeerah Ebrahim, sy ma Rochelle, sy suster Virginie en sy pa Julius Jantjies sr. Voor is sy jonger broer Fransisco. FOTO’S: DELIAH BRINKHUIS X1PWUTEW-DP260315


by my ma te wees, in my eie bed te kon slaap en op ons rusbank voor die TV te sit. Ek voel soos my ou self,” sê hy. Julius word môre (Vrydag) uit die hospitaal ontslaan.

8 DistrictMail Geen inhegtenisname na noodlottige skietvoorvalle

Nuus News

26 Maart, 2015

Geen inhegtenisname het nog plaasgevind na die twee skietvoorvalle in Sir Lowry’s Pass waarin Ricardo Pietersen (24) en Jason Wessels (17) vroeër die maand gesterf het nie. Die skietvoorvalle het gevolg op drie ander skietvoorvalle tussen bendes die vorige week. Pietersen het op Maandag 9 Maart om 19:30 in Mandela-rylaan in ’n koeëlreën gesterf. Sy dood was na bewering ’n sluipmoord en

Wessels was die teiken. Nog drie persone, insluitend ’n swanger meisie (16), ’n negejarige meisie en ’n seun (17), is beseer toe twee mans met vuurwapens op ’n groep mense wat in die straat gesit het, losgebrand het. Die beseerdes is in die Helderberg- en Tygerberg-hospitale opgeneem. Die negejarige dogter en 17-jarige seun is reeds ontslaan. Wyle Pietersen se swanger vriendin is egter steeds in die hospitaal. Haar toestand en dié van die negejarige is onbekend. Die 17-jarige seun wat ten tye van die

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Kruger Rand & Gold Coins: South Africa Republic Gold Burgers Pond 1874 Coarse Beard Variety, 1980 South African Kruger Rand 1-oz Gold Coin, 1970 South African Kruger Rand 1-oz Gold Coin, South African Republic Gold Pond 1898 Ss62 NGC, 1894 ZAR Gold Half Pond - NGC XF 40 Coins, 1898 PCGS Gold Pond AU 53 Coin, 1892 NGC Half Pond XF 45 Coin, 1896 HPND Half Pond XF 40 Coin. Yellowwood & Blackwood Cocktail Cabinet, Yellowwood What-Not, Solid Brass Pedestal Oil Lamp, Victorian Mahogany Loo Table, Pair Victorian Armchairs, Victorian Sofa Table, Victorian Bustle Back Dining Chairs, Edwardian Ladies Dresser/Desk, Mahogany Side & Wall Cabinets, Victorian Mahogany Corner Display Cabinet, Victorian Chiffonier, Victorian Mahogany 3- Tier Dumb Waiter with Turned Support, Woollen, Persian Style & Mohair Rugs, Lamps with Shades, Solid Mahogany Dining Table, 8 x Solid Mahogany Bustle Back Style Dining Chairs, French Style Furniture, Mahogany Slay Bed, Various Lounge Suites, Imbuia Ball & Claw Furniture, Oak Bookshelf, Large Display & Television Units, Copper “Russian Samovar”, Coffee Tables, Art, Crystal Ware, Kitchenware, Defy, LG & Toshiba Combination Fridge Freezers, Singer Mini Bar Fridge, Oil Heater, Craft Equipment, Cast Aluminium, Cane & Other Patios Suites, Audio Visual Equipment, Bar Stools, Restaurant Tables, Camping Fridge, 4-Plate Gas Stove, AEG 2-Plate Stove, Electrolux F l o o r P o l i s h e r, K i r b y Va c u u m C l e a n e r a n d L o a d s M o r e ! ! ! ! Visit our website on www.michaeljames.co.za Ref: 1353

Terms: Contact:

R5,000.00 refundable deposit upon registration, the balance payable after the auction EFT or bank heques only. FICA Documentation will be required for Auction Registration. MJO Offices 021- 851 7007 / info@michaeljames.co.za Auctioneers: Andrew & Michael R James

skietery raakrugby saam met vriende in die straat gespeel het, het verskeie skietwonde opgedoen – in sy bors, regterarm, been en voet. Die gr.11-leerder sal vir ses weke nie skool kan bywoon nie en ontvang tans fisioterapie vir sy regterarm. Die seun het tot op hede geen traumaberading ontvang nie. Wessels, wat na bewering ’n bendelid was, se lyk is op Saterdag 14 Maart om 07:00 in ’n agterplaas op die Sendinggronde gevind. Volgens sers. Suzan Jantjies, woordvoerder vir

die Somerset-Wes-polisie, het hy een skietwond in die bolyf gehad. Jantjies sê daar was geen ernstige voorvalle van geweldsmisdade op die dorp sedert ’n grootskaalse polisie-operasie vanaf 04:00 tot 08:00 op Maandag 16 Maart nie. Die operasie het grondpatrollies en ’n polisiehelikopter ingesluit en 15 inhegtenisnames het gevolg. Jantjies sê daar sal hierdie Saterdag, by Wessels se begrafnis hoë polisiesigbaarheid op die dorp wees.


Nuus News

26 March, 2015

Motorbike accident leaves one critical TAMSYN JANTJIES Alocalmanisinacriticalcondition after he and his son were involved in a motorcycle accident on the R44 near Kogel Bay on Saturday 21 March. According to the Gordon’s Bay Police, the accident happened at 15:50 when a car travelling from Johan van Gordon’s Bay indicated to turn right as the motorbike tried to overtake it. The motorbike crashed into the right hand side of it. The driver of the motorbike, Johan van Niekerk, is in a critical but stable condition in the Mediclinic Milnerton. Surgery was scheduled for his right arm and left shoulder yesterday (25 March). His 14-year-old son is in a stable condition at the Mediclinic Vergelegen in Somerset


West, after undergoing two operations on his left leg to fix an open femur fracture. “He stood on Tuesday for the first time after the accident,” says Jenny van Niekerk, his mother. “I don’t know factually how the accident happened, but my heart goes out to the other family as I’m sure they are just as traumatised as our family is.” Niekerk. “I am so grateful for all the calls and messages and especially the biker community in the Helderberg that has rallied together to lend us support, and so thankful for the support my son has been receiving from his school friends and the staff at Somerstrand College, where he is a student.” DistrictMail tried to gain information on the other family involved in the accident, but was unable to gain any details.

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Hoofartikelblad Leader Page

26 Maart, 2015


Mail Sport uplifts and unites the Helderberg The promotion to the Western Province Cricket Association’s 1 C league for both the Hottentots Holland (HHCC) and Somerset West (SWCC) cricket clubs is not only great news for cricket in the Helderberg, but for sport in general. Both clubs experienced a slump a few years ago, but renewed energy and changes within club structures saw both clubs revitalised and perform well this season. HHCC and SWCC finished in first and second places in the WPCA 1 D league respectively, which automatically qualified them for a spot in the WPCA 1 C league for the 2015/2016 season. This promotion will ensure growth at both clubs, with new players wanting to join the clubs and existing players wanting to stay on, instead of looking for greener pastures. The launch of the inaugural DistrictMail/Macassar Youth Rugby Club’s Sevens Tournament this weekend is another cause for celebration. This will be the very first time ever that an u. 11 and u. 13 youth rugby tournament will be held at the Macassar sports grounds. Hats off to the energetic executive committee of the Macassar Youth Rugby Club for their tireless work in putting this historic tournament together. Without their exuberance and enthusiasm, this tournament would never have got off the ground.

Dankie vir ons wonderwerk Ons as ouers en familie van Julius Jantjies jr., ook bekend as “Jules” en “Joeppies”, bring hulde en dank eerstens aan ons Hemelse vader, en aan Garth Vermeulen vir die erge traumatiese ervaring wat hy vir bykans ’n uur moes deurmaak, terwyl hy aan ons seun lewensondersteuning gebied het. Ons dank ook die persone wat by die toneel gestop het en die nodige hulp ontbied het. Dankie aan die ER noodhulpdienste, die medici van die Vincent Pallotti-hospitaal en ook die rehabilitasiesentrum vir die wonderbaarlike herstel van ons seun. Ons dank die beamptes en gemeentes van die Ou Apostoliese kerk van Afrika, alle kerke, moskees, gebedsgroepe, christelike instellings, sy ongelooflike groot vriendekring en hul families, ons bure en kennisse, sy werkgewer, DTM Nissan en al sy kollegas, selfs

vreemdelinge by die hospitaal vir alle gebede, bemoedigende woorde, ’n handdruk, ’n drukkie, telefoonoproepe, SMSe, Facebook boodskappe, kaartjies en blomme. Dankie vir die DistriksPos vir hul juiste en positiewe beriggewing en selfs die DA se minister van vervoer, Donald Grant, wat ook persoonlik geskakel het vir bemoediging. Uitsonderlike ondersteuning was aan ons gelewer deur verskeie van ons seun se spesiale vriende waarvoor ons ewig dankbaar sal wees. Julius se pad na herstel is en was ongelooflik merkwaardig en hy het selfs die dokters verstom. Hy is ongelooflik positief en ’n ware vegter. Hy het selfs die persoon wat verantwoordelik is vir die insident onvoorwaardelik vergewe en bid vir hom. Ons is so trots op hom. Julius het deur God se gena-

de geen breinskade opgedoen nie en het byna geen tekortkominge nie. Sy sig in sy beseerde regteroog is verswak maar ons bid, glo en vertrou dat dit sal herstel wanneer die rekonstruksie van sy skedel in Oktober sal plaasvind. Ek wil net die waarskuwing aan motoriste oordra (veral aan die eienaars van ouer model voertuie) wat die N2 gebruik, om asseblief hul ruite te vervang met die shatterproof-ruite wat volgens sommige medici in ons seun se geval, ’n beduidende impak op die noodlottigheid van ons seun se beserings gehad het. As daar enige een is wat advies kan bied oor hoe om die blykbaar ongeërgde eienaars van die N2 tot verantwoording te roep, vra ek dat julle asseblief help.


Querying traffic fine is an uphill battle

Thank you, Linmar Pools I would like to take this opportunity to thank the two fine gents at Linmar Pools for their endless patience, excellent advice and caring attitude. We visited them eight times during the past week or so to try get our green pool sparkling and blue. Although we had to do this by trial and error and elimination, we are nearing the end of the battle and hope to obtain excellent results. Thanks, guys.


On Thursday 26 February, I received a fine for allegedly not displaying a license disc. I have had to waste my time and petrol finding out how to resolve this matter. I went to the public prosecutor in Somerset West and he advised me to wait for the summons before proceeding further. Furthermore, I was informed that there is no email address to use to contact the relative department, which in this day and age is unacceptable. Snail mail went out in Jan van Riebeeck’s days, not to mention the ongoing strike actions, which preclude the use of this method of communication. The required license disc was displayed in the recommended position – on the lower left side of the windscreen.

Perhaps the issuing officer is in need of an eye-test, but is still driving around in a motor vehicle. I also assume that, being able to write, that the officer is able to read. I take great exception to this treatment, which I regard as being opportunistic issuing of traffic fines in the hope that the recipient will pay a spot fine without carefully examining the reason for the fine – thus generating income. I am a pensioner and, in light of the new budget, cannot afford extra expenses. I trust the City of Cape Town’s Traffic Services will find this in order, cancel the ticket with immediate effect, reprimand the issuing officer and supply me with a written apology.


Richard Bosman, the City’s director for Safety and Security, responds: “At about 09:50 on Thursday 26 February, an officer from the City’s Law Enforcement Department was on duty with her partner, doing foot patrols at the Caledon Square parking area in Somerset West. The officer observed a white Mercedes Benz with registration number CFM 18*** with a single license disc displayed – the expiry date on the disc was 31 January 2015, with register number KFJ****. The officer then issued a Section 341 notice in the presence of her partner for the offence. The complainant is welcome to dispute the fine by going to the local municipal court and following the correct channels to have the fine reduced or cleared.

Sê jou sê ) No more taxis, buses and trucks should be allowed in the main road or one block thereof. Please enforce this urgently for everyone’s safety. ) Wens mense wil ophou geld gee vir bedelaars by verkeerslig­ te, veral die twee clowns. Hulle kom van die Kaap om te bedel. ) With the upgrade of the Strand Pavilion, the plans to sort out traffic, the leash­free areas for dogs and replacement of old pipes, it seems the councillors convinced the City of Cape Town to take Helderberg seriously. ) To the owner of Pick n Pay in Gordon’s Bay. I salute you. I phoned in a complaint and even though you and I go back a long way, I was impressed when two of your heavies knocked on my door 20 minutes later and sorted out the problem. Trevor Hawley, Gordon’s Bay. ) Ek wil graag vir almal wat by Doggy Doo werk baie dankie sê vir die uitstekende diens wat ek die afgelope paar jaar by hulle kry. Hulle is altyd vriendelik en behulpsaam en my honde­kin­ ders lyk altyd pragtig ná ’n be­ soek. Ek sal hulle met ’n geruste hart aanbeveel. Elicia Rabie, Strand. ) A big thank you to Bennie De Swardt and Niekie Geldenhuys from BMW Helderview! Thank you for the amazing assistance in rescuing a baby from an acci­ dentally locked car! Your advice and swift assistance are rare! Blessings to the both of you.

Stuur jou sms na 32465

Begin die sms met die woord MENSE en tik dan jou boodskap. Sê dankie, geluk, jammer, lief jou....


Algemeen General

26 Maart, 2015

Vlammetjies van hoop in ’n donker land Ek is seker dit gebeur soms met die meeste van ons, ongeag ons politiek, geloof of stand in die samelewing – hierdie beklemmende gevoel dat ons land op die afdraande pad is. Ek weet dinge gaan nog voor die wind, veral hier in die Kaap, maar telkens wanneer ek die noordelike provinsies of die platteland besoek, sien ek oral die eerste tekens van verval en verwaarlosing, soos die een mu-

Letter of thanks to Dr Hill This is a letter of gratitude to Dr Hill of the Outpatients section at Helderberg Hospital, who takes time and is dedicated towards her patients on a personal level. She should be recommended to all patients who want results for their illness. Thank you again Dr Hill for your kindness and dedication towards your patients. I went to see her about a problem I have been having. No other doctor was able to find out what the problem was.She took the time to investigate my problem and sort it out.


nisipaliteit ná die ander swig voor hul eie onbeholpenheid. En hoe moeg KAN ’n mens raak van al die slegte nuus in die koerante? As ek nog een keer te veel moet lees van stakings, oproer, rassisme of sinlose geweld, kan my kop dalk net uithaak! Daarom was dit vir my so lekker om onlangs ’n paar liedjies te gaan sing by die jaarlikse Solms Delta Oesfees, net om die draai van ons af in die Franschhoek-distrik. Vir die uur of twee wat ek daar deur-

gebring het, het ek gevoel ek is waarlik deel van die Nuwe SuidAfrika. Op Solms Delta is die werkers almal vennote en mede-eienaars van die landgoed. En almal kuier saam en maak saam musiek! Dit was nou regtig terapie vir my gees om ’n middag daar deur te bring. Ek hoop dat meer boere in die Boland dié wonderlike voorbeeld sal volg wat gestel word deur gemeenskappe soos Solms Delta, Beyerskloof en ander plase waar die waardes van ’n demokratiese Suid-Afrika waarlik uitgeleef word. Sulke plekke is soos klein vlammetjies van optimisme en hoop in ’n donker, moedelose land.

Esme Pywell en Anita Louw (regs) van Choices Crisis Pregnancy Centre het op Woensdag 4 Maart ’n praatjie by die ACVV Strand­tak se algemene ver­ gadering te Huis Jan Swart gelewer. Die vergadering is deur ACVV Strand­lede, personeel, inwoners van Huis Jan Swart en lede van die publiek bygewoon. Na afloop van die verrigtinge het Willem van Schaik (links), voorsitter van die In­ wonerskomitee, ‘n tjek aan Choices Pregnancy Centre oorhandig, as ‘n blyk van waardering vir die broodno­ dige vrywillige werk wat deur die organisasie verrig word.



DistrictMail 26 Maart, 2015


Diary Send diary entries to:


Weekly deadline: Monday, 12:00 We would like to invite our regular diary advertisers to send us pictures of their events for inclusion in our Social or Diary section.

THURSDAY 26 MARCH SOMERSET WEST )Motivational speaker Byard Parks from the USA will be continuing his seminar series entitled “Life at its Best ­ Experiencing a better way to live” this coming Thursday 26 March and Friday 27 March, ending on Saturday 28 March. Pre­ sentations are held at Helderberg College, Som­ erset West at 19:00. Enquiries: 083 368 3309 or 021 855 1940 or bestchoicesev­ er@gmail.com ) Learn the elegant Viennese Waltz in a group class at the John Murray Dance Studio (Somerset Mall – Melcksloot Village) Thursday, 26 March from 19:00 – 20:00. Take your own drinks along and stay for the social thereafter. R50 per person. Tel: 084 434 5490 info@johnmurraydance. co.za VRYDAG 27 MAART STRAND )Strand­biblioteekvriende se boekverkoping vind plaas op Vrydag 27 Maart van 10:00 tot 17:00 en Saterdag 28 Maart van 9:00 tot 13:00 in die biblioteek se voorportaal. Bel Anna­Marie vir skenkings of navrae by 021 852 3277 SATURDAY 28 MARCH SOMERSET WEST )The Country Craft Market will be held this Satur­ day, 28 March, at Southey’s Vines, 186 Main Road, Somerset West, from 09:00 ­ 14:00. )The Nameless Pub, long standing friend to the Helderberg Animal Welfare, is hosting a car wash and fun event day to be held in aid of the organisation on Saturday 28 March from 13:00 till 18:00. Bring your cars and bikes along, get them cleaned for a minimal fee and join us in the pub for further activities. MONDAY 30 MARCH SOMERSET WEST )The Arthritis Foundation talk will be held at Mediclinic Vergelegen. The speaker is rheumatol­ ogist Dr Clive Pettifer and he will be discussing all matters arthritic. All welcome from 18:30. Talk starts at 19:00. Tel. Aletta for any further informa­ tion. WEDNESDAY 1 APRIL STRAND )Well­known celebrity chef, David Grier, will be the guest speaker at the U3A’s monthly meeting on 1 April in the Strand Town hall at 10:00.

Wat is ‘n goeie bonsai? Elke klein boompie is nie ’n bonsai nie. Om meer uit te vind oor hoe om te onderskei tussen wat ’n bonsai en bloot ’n verdwergde boom is, kan mense Saterdag 28 Maart die vergadering van Boland Bonsai bywoon. Dit vind in die Stellenbosch botaniese tuin plaas van 09:00 die oggend. Die spreker is Willem Pretorius en die onderwerp is “So beoordeel jy bonsai”. Daar sal ook ’n praktiese boombespreking wees. Besoekers is welkom. Vir navrae, bel vir Marie-Louise du Plessis by 082 715 0856.

Algemeen General

Advertensie Advertisement

DistrictMail 26 March, 2015



DistrictMail 26 March, 2015

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Algemeen General

26 March, 2015

Local lights the way on better relationships MARK STUART

how people see you). Jerome wrote the basis for this book while he was “The book you are holding a training manager for Pepin your hands may contain kor and presented a course the answers you have been for managers at Houw Hoek looking for to enhance Inn in 1983. your interpersonal relaHe said Christo Wiese tionships,” writes Dr himself attended the course Christo Wiese, chairperand shortly after the course, son of the Pepkor Group, these policies were implein his foreword to Jerome mented within the Pepkor Gardner’s book You can’t Group and became the change the pip in the peach, group’s People Policy, but you can change your bewhich is still followed tohaviour. day. After completing primary Gardner (61) was born and school at Somerset West Pribred in Somerset West and Somerset West author Jerome mary and high school at Helis an organisational psy- Gardner with his new book derberg College, Jerome chologist, management and You can’t change the pip in the studied a B.Com at Stellenleadership consultant and peach, but you can change bosch University. He reexecutive coach. your behaviour. ceived a bursary from the He worked as HR director PHOTO: MARK STUART South African Railways and in Pep Stores and went on to become CEO of the Zimbabwe retail chain worked there in the Human Resources (HR) Power Sales, part of the Pepkor group, from department for eight years, during which time he obtained his honours and masters de1997 to 2012. While in Zimbabwe he wrote his first book, grees and registered with the Industrial Council as a psychologist. Warm Heart – Ugly Face. He joined the Pepkor Group in 1983, then This book documents the story of a traumatic decade of hyperinflation and the debilitat- moved to Parow, where he was the HR directing consequences for the people of Zimbabwe. or of the company for three years before movThe book describes lengthy electricity and ing to Zimbabwe as CEO of Power Sales. Whether you’re in the service industry, a water cuts, empty supermarkets and dangerous black market trading by law-abiding and mother, father, corporate executive or just someone who wants to better yourself, then resilient citizens. He has sold over 1 500 copies of this book this book is an invaluable read. The book is available at Wordsworth Book all over the world. His new book, You can’t change the pip in Shop at Somerset Mall. Jerome has since retired from corporate life the peach, but you can change your behaviour is an easy-to-read guide on how to enhance and now consults and coaches in manageyour interpersonal skills and interpersonal ment, leadership and development and runs two-day workshops for companies and the leadership. The title means that you can’t change the public. For more information contact him at gardgenes you were born with (i.e. personality, nature), but you can change your behaviour (i.e. nerj148@gmail.com

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Fokus Feature

26 Maart, 2015

Practices join forces to help patients Dr Colleen Hiscock, who bought Somerset West Family Practice at 15 St James Street, Somerset West from Dr Ben de Wet in March last year, recently joined forces with Caroline Lindes of DermaPulse skin laser clinic.

Among the guests who attended a presentation by Dr Colleen Hiscock of the Somerset West Family Practice at 15 St James Street on how DermaPulse and Dr Hiscock’s practice could benefit patients were (from left) Ceorlea Dahl (medical rep), Caroline Lindes (DermaPulse skin laser clinic), Dr Colleen Hiscock and Rene Campbell (medical rep).

Lindes explained that the two practices often worked hand in hand, which is why they decided to join forces. A number of Dr Hiscock’s patients, together with medical reps, were invited to a presentation at Dr Hiscock’s rooms on 11 March where it was explained how the two practices would work together. Lindes said that very often a patient would see the doctor about a serious skin condition such as acne or skin pigmentation and the doctor would prescribe medication to be taken internally. She added that to complement the medication, her practice would then administer aesthetic treatments such as chemical peels to help the patient look better as well. Lindes added that because she was


Dr Colleen Hiscock (left) and Caroline Lindes.

HOSPICE DONATION: When the Hertex show room in Somerset West was approached by interior designer Nessa Temlett to supply curtain fabric for the wards at Hospice House, the staff decided to do something special. Dawn Eras­ mus called the company sales director, who immediately agreed to donate all the fabric required. As several employees of the group have either undergone cancer treatment or received Hospice care, this was a way to not only say thank you but to also provide directly for the patients currently at Hospice House. Temlett is herself a cancer survivor and has given her design services free of charge as a way of celebrating her health. At the presentation were Hertex staff Delmarie Windvogel, Leandra Kriel and Dawn Erasmus.



working together with the doctor, they were able to use medical grade equipment for a deep penetrating treatment. At the presentation, it was explained how patients could benefit from Dr Hiscock and Lindes working together, while the medical reps explained how some of the products worked. Dr Hiscock trained in family medicine at UCT for four years. She has a diploma in child health and is currently doing research for her masters degree in family medicine. She has also received training in Botox and fillers and has an interest in aesthetic medicine She added that DermaPulse skin laser clinic joined her practice in November 2014. Owner Caroline Lindes completed three years at Isa Carstens and has more than 10 years’ experience in the aesthetic industry. Darren and Ingrid Dukes of Duke’s Physiotherapy joined Somerset West Family Practice in September 2014. Darren and Ingrid have a special interest in sports injuries and back and neck conditions.


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Tel: 021 852 1742 / 021 852 1788 / Fax: 021 852 1742 dr@somersetfamilydoctor.co.za www.somersetfamilydoctor.co.za PRACTICE HOURS MONDAY - FRIDAY 9:00 - 12:00 and 14:00 - 17:00 SATURDAYS 9:00 - 12:00 WE ARE CLOSED ON SUNDAYS AND PUBLIC HOLIDAYS

Specialists in: • IPL Laser • Chemical peels • Microneedling

Dukes Physio 021 852 1116 dashdukes@hotmail.com

Dr Colleen Hiscock from the Somerset family practice and Caroline Lindes from Dermapulse

• Mesotherapy • Botox and Fillers (and more)


Oggendtee vir vroue by NG gemeente Lourensrivier vol verrassings Die N.G. Lourensrivier-gemeente hou op 28 Maart ’n vroue-oggendtee. Die tema is, “Ek is vrou”. Die funksie sal van 10:00-12:00 in die kerksaal op die hoek van Broadwaylaan en Da Gamastraat gehou word. Die Coral Cords Strykkwartet sal gaste met hul betowerende klanke meesleur. Go Girl Studios sal sorg dat die vroue ’n gratis pamperlang-sessie ontvang en ook Hannon-produkte te koop aanbied. Van die nuutste modes sal ook tydens die geselligheid vertoon word. Kaartjies is R100 per persoon en sluit versnaperings in. Gaste kan ook opwindende pryse deur die loop van die oggend wen. Vir besprekings en nadere besonderhede bel 021 853 5991.



Fokus Feature

26 March, 2015

Use the technology used by Hussain Bolt Electro Muscle Stimulation (EMS) has been around since the 1950s, but has recently become the fastest growing wellness and fitness trend globally. This has been led by miha-bodytec, the award winning German company that is leading the research, development, and design of EMS technology. Body20 Studio is powered by miha-bodytec and offers the ultimate in muscle strengthening, body shaping, cellulite reduction and weight loss programmes. Studies have shown that a 20 minute session is the equivalent of between four and six hours worth of gym exercise. The world’s fastest man, Hussain Bolt, uses miha bodytec technology, as does the Alpine skiing world champion Jean-Baptiste Grange. Miss Universe and one of the princesses also use EMS to keep toned and in shape. The technology works by sending electrical stimulation directly to the deep stabilising muscles that are difficult to reach with conventional methods. This makes it possible to train and stimulate the entire musculature whilst avoiding stress on joints from weights or high impact exercise. Body20 Studio offers a “Power20”programme designed for strength and fitness training, and a “Cellulite20” programme to aggressively target cellulite and fat loss. “Power20” EMS allows more intense and stronger muscular contractions than could be achieved by voluntary exertion, and enable you tobuildstrongermuscleandachievebetterdefinition.

Basically, your muscles become more efficient. Electrical impulses control the fasttwitch muscle fibres directly, so not only do you gain maximum performance by boosting strength, but also an increase in speed of movement. Many people eat healthy food to lose weight and centimetres, but this alone will not achieve best results – you need regular exercise and training to reduce fat and cellulite. “Cellulite20” activates the muscular and connective tissue in problem areas, leading to the reduction of fat cells by increasing circulation. You will perceive a difference with a firmer tighter body in a short period of time. Twenty minutes a week will change your life. “Body20 Studio” is an innovative approach to physical fitness and overall well-being. The studio has a varied cross-section of customers, from a 70-year-old lady with arthritis to a 19-year-old top ranked biathlete and provincial swimmer. They have many cyclists who are gaining immense benefit, and provincial ball room dancers who compete successfully at national level. On the other side of the spectrum they have professional business owners and mothers in post natal recovery. They design specific training routines for eachindividualguaranteeingresultsinthefastest and most efficient way possible. Your journey to a stronger, fitter, healthier and slimmer you begins at Body20 Studio at Shop 10, Fountain Square. Please contact Hans (082 579 1746) or Michelle (083 293 5480), or visit their Studio at Shop 10, Caledon Street, Somerset West.

Tranquillity Centre SOMERSET WEST

We welcome LlESL WICKENS at Tranquillity Centre, who joined us from the 1st of February 2015. (Counseling Psychologist - General Individual Psychotherapy (both adolescents and adults); Parental guidance and family psychotherapy, Mood and Anxiety Disorders and Assessments, Career and Gr 11 & 12 guidance, Subject choice assessments for Gr 9 and other educational related matters) The other practitioners at the centre are: Lynda Bothma (Clinical Psychologist - General Individual Psychotherapy (adolescents and adults), Couple/Family therapy, Mood disorders, Anxiety Disorders, Trauma, Bereavement and Assessments), Dr Simon Rubidge (Psychiatrist - Mood Disorders, Anxiety Disorders, Geriatric Psychiatry, General Adult Psychiatry), Cornell Pretorius (Counseling Psychologist - Forensic Assessments (Family Advocate Related), Custody Assessments, Family Relationships, Discord, Bereavement, Marital Counselling & Scholastic Assessment) and Dr Sharon Truter (Counseling Psychologist Neuropsychology / Medico-legal).

You can contact Tranquillity Centre on 021 851 6288 or fax on 021 851 6295 or email on reception@tranquilcentre.co.za 000000-DP260315

On Thursday 19 March, Western Cape medical specialists and staff at the Cure Day Clinic Somerset West day hospital gave back to the community. Specialist ophthalmologists of the Som­ erset Eye Centre gave their first free eye procedure. Aubrey Hendricks from Grabouw re­ ceived a free cataract operation to re­ store his eyesight. More procedures are planned from April to restore more patients’ eye­ sight and to assist those who cannot afford medical intervention like this. From the left are Nicky Cockburn (ophthalmologist), Aubrey Hendricks (patient from Grabouw), Cobie Stander (Cure Day Clinic manager) and Mar­ lene Oosthuizen (marketing and PR manager).

Shop 10

Fountain Square

Caledon Street, Somerset West • Increased power, endurance, dynamic and explosive strength, • Speed, agility, and increased performance due to direct stimulation of “fast-twitch” muscle fibers, • Strengthening core and abdominal muscles • Improvement in posture and muscular imbalances • Developing a tighter and toned body • Significantly reducing body fat and Cellulite, • a 20 minute session is the equivalent of 4 to 6 hours conventional training,







ELECTRO MUSCLE STIMULATION (EMS) Powered by miha-bodytec

Your journey to a stronger, fitter, healthier & slimmer you begins with US. Are you at the top of your game?? Body20 Fountain Square specializes in Sports Fitness. We use the SAME TECHNOLOGY and EQUIPMENT as Hussain Bolt, and other World Class athletes. Biathletes and Triathletes, Golfers, Cyclists, Dancers, Swimmers, Rugby Players, Runners,and ALL Sports Athletes!! Why spend time in the gym when you could be honing your skills??

• Each session with a Personal Trainer

Full details on

Body 20 Studio Somerset West

Contact: Michelle 083 293 5480 or Hans 082 579 1746 Shop 10 Fountain Square Caledon Street, Somerset West




Skole Schools

26 Maart, 2015

CHRISTMAS IN MARCH: Every year the Grade 5s of Helderberg Primary are taught about Helderberg Hospice and the special service that they provide. The learners re­ cently visited Hospice House and donated six boxes of tinned food for the patients’ pantry, as well as gifts for the patients and letters of encouragement written by each child in the class to brighten the hearts of the patients and the staff. Here are Jarid Bender, Abigail Soar and Henrique Geldenhuys, who deliv­ ered the collected items.

ATHLETICS: Somerstrand College recently took part in the WPCSSA provincial championships, held in Worcester. With only 27 athletes they managed to win 18 gold, 14 silver and 14 bronze medals for an overall tally of 46 medals. Furthermore, 15 of their athletes qualified for the National Championships, which will be held in Durban on 25 and 26 September. Here from left are Kian Clark, Chilufya Kolala, Odette Theron, Damon Wagenaar and Brandon Venter; middle: Jacques Theron, Eowyn Spingies, Jeandre du Toit, Lona Jam­Jam and Angus Dalgarno; in front: Mecayla Theron, Lionel Hearne, Jared Seddon, Inam Ntabeni and Rory Dal­ garno.

Loreto’s drama teacher, Stacey Galloway, with the drama class of 2015 after performing a celebratory piece.

The regional team with their coach are, at the back from left, Kian Clark, Chilufya Kolala, Odette Theron, Damon Wagenaar and Brandon Venter; third row: Eowyn Spingies, Jacques Ther­ on, Lona Jam­Jam, Jeandre du Toit, Alicia Ntabeni and Starlight Kvalsavig; second row: Mecayla Theron, Lionel Hearne, Angus Dalgarno, Jared Seddon, Inam Ntabeni and Starlight Kvalsavig; front: Rory Dalgarno, Neil Theron and Linamandla Mpiti­Mpiti.

DECADES OF DEDICATION: Loreto Primary in Strand celebrated its 90th birthday this year with a special Founders Day Mass by Father Martin Pender, held on Fri­ day 27 February at the Saint Peter’s Church. This was fol­ lowed by a special blessing of the new school wing, the Rorisang Martin Mathopeng Wing and the Mary Ward Ac­ tivity Centre. Among the guests were the Loreto sisters – Sr Rosaleen and Sr Monica, Director of Catholic Schools, Dr Evona Rebello and family members of Rorisang Motho­ peng, a learner of the school who died on 30 December 2013. Loreto Convent opened on 1 February 1925 with only three pupils. In 1989 the Catholic Church entrusted the continuation of the primary school to a board of gov­ ernors.Currently 315 learners are enrolled from Grade R to Grade 7 and there are 25 staff members. Here from left are Dr Evona Rebello, Sr Rosaleen, school principal Vanes­ sa Oertle, Father Martin Pender, Patricia Mothopeng and Leanne Tester at the Founder’s Day celebratory tea.

LEKKER BY DIE SEE: Dié leerders van die Gloria Botha Skool in Somerset­Wes het hul on­ langse uitstappie na die strand geniet. Hier (van links) is Marco Johnson, Jean Gillespie, Quintin du Toit, Uane Kruger, Dominique Maree, Jeandre van Deventer, Ethan Snyman, Mat­ thew Vorster, Rubin Solomons, Tyren du Plessis en Brandon Rossouw.

Join HHH’s swimming pool meeting Hottentots- Holland High School is working towards enclosing their swimming pool for it to be used throughout the year. A meeting will be held next Monday (30 March) at 18:00 at the school. All swimming clubs, diving clubs, water polo, underwater hockey and neighbouring

schools that would like to use the pool or get involved in the project are invited to attend the meeting. For more information contact Bertus Verster on 082 675 4722 or email: bverster@hhhschool.co.za or phone the school at 021 852 1405.


SLEGS GRAAD RR – AFRIKAANS: 2016 Aansoeke vir Afrikaanse Graad RR-leerders (gebore in 2011) kan ingelewer word by Laerskool Hendrik Louw. Beperkte aantal leerders kan nog toegelaat word. Kontak die skool (021 853 1045) vir meer besonderhede en/of besoek ons webtuiste: www.hendriklouw.com Aansoekvorms moet asb. teen einde April 2015 ingehandig word by Ontvangs van Laerskool Hendrik Louw of per e-pos gestuur word na: hendrikl@mweb.co.za X1PWPJ4D-DP260315


Skole Schools

26 March, 2015

BLITSIG: Chadé Le­ vendal, ’n atleet van die Hoërskool Hot­ tentots­Holland, het tydens die onlangse interskole­kompetisie tussen HHH, Strand en Parel Vallei die 110 m­hekkies vir seuns o. 19 in ’n re­ kordtyd van 15.7 sekondes afgelê.

Have fun and enjoy foods of the world Gordon’s Bay Primary School will host a Food and Fun Fair at the school on Friday 27 March from 17:0021:00. An array of food stalls will represent seven countries around the globe, namely South Africa, England, Italy, Mexico, India, Japan and the USA.

There will also be a fun fair on the rugby field. Entry is free and tickets for the fair and food stalls are R10 each. Gates will open at 17:00 so bring the family along and come and enjoy an evening of fun and good food. Phone Clare Bezuidenhout on 083 697 4759 or email clarebez@gmail.com.




Promosie Promotion

26 Maart, 2015

Stay warm with a stylish German fireplace Stay warm with a stylish German fireplace. Faitsch Products are becoming market leaders in the importing and distribution of German wood-burning fireplaces. Faitsch Products also offer a wide range of seamless welded chimney systems, insulation boards and mail-boxes. Faitsch Products are importers and distributers of leading German brand names such as Spartherm, Wamsler, Jeremias, Silca and Renz. Their showroom floor has over 50 different fireplaces on display for your viewing pleasure. Faitsch Products offer environmentally friendly fireplacesthatofferaheatefficiencyof80%,com-

bined with low wood consumption. All products and fireplaces have been tested and received approval and certification from all European countries, including Switzerland, Austria and Germany. Faitsch Products are committed to being a role model for the South African fireplace industry, ensuring customer satisfaction, by delivering products that have met strict compliance specifications. Put your fireplace needs in the hands of Faitsch Products and soon you will be enjoying a life full of quality, warm atmosphere and magic moments.


6 Koorzen Street, Gants Industrial Tel: 021 8544731 Fax: 021 8544721 email: info@lumbercitystrand.com

There’s more to your bathroom than meets the eye Whether building or renovating a bathroom, you are sure to encounter a few unknowns along the way. Being excited about the beautiful finishes in your bathroom is natural, but what about those unseen components that make it all work together? Incredible technology ensures your bathroom operates seamlessly. One such unit is the Universal iBox technology from Hansgrohe. This compact unit helps ensure that your shower or bath can operate and integrate a wide range of bathroom technologies, all while hidden out of sight. The genius behind this unit is the simplicity and symmetry of the design, making it easy for your plumber to complete the connection of hot and cold-water sources, ensuring that your water goes exactly where you want it. Additional features include the compatibility with thermostatic mixers (these allow you to set temperatures to save power

and ensure safe water temperature for the little ones), integration with select technology (push button control which allows variable flow rates and shower spray patterns), along with a host of incredible features to ensure you have an awesome bathroom experience. Another great piece of concealed bathroom equipment is the Geberit Duofix concealed cistern unit. Not only does this unit help you save water while flushing the toilet, it also comes equipped with odour extraction. Couple this with a rimless wall hung toilet pan, and you have the ultimate bathroom tech and the convenience of a generally more hygienic bathroom experience. Your local CP&B store is ready and waiting to help you create the bathroom of your dreams. Their friendly and knowledgeable staff will advise you on product selection, as well as the technicalities surrounding those products to ensure that you get exactly what you need.

Lumber City are experts in boards

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Lumber City is the biggest group of independent board merchants in Southern Africa and has stores throughout all the provinces of South Africa as well as in Swaziland, Namibia and Botswana. The first Lumber City opened its doors in Cape Town in 1979. However, by 1996, most of the Lumber City branches decided to specialise in board products and hardware related to the kitchen and cupboard industry. The services that you can expect from our store is Cutting of boards to size, edging of boards in PVC and or high impact edging. Lumber City can also do your potholing for hinges supplied. Lumber City is a specialist in this field and with the aim to satisfy customers.

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Xolani Mbodla, Jeremy Fortuin and An­ wer Hendricks at the Lumber City in the Gants, Strand.

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We will attend to all your Industrial & Domestic Door and gate problems. No job to big or small Manufacturing, Maintenance & Repairs on all types Industrial Doors, Garage Doors & Gates Tel: 021 853 8076 • Fax: 086 661 7389 • Cell: 083 264 7220 E-mail: helderbergrs@telkomsa.net X1PWMW9R-DP260315


Sosiaal Social

26 March, 2015

District Socials


Stuur alle sosiale foto’s na / Send all social photos to: jamey.gordon@media24.com

Echo hou eerste pretdraf Ten spyte van ’n ligte reënbui en donker wolke Saterdagoggend het almal die 5 en 10 km lange Echo-pretdraf en -geldinsameling geniet. Die Erinvale Care and Help Organisation (Echo) se pretdraf het by die Raithbysportterrein plaasgevind, in samewerking met die Raithby-belastingbetalersvereniging.

Claire Grindrod en Robyn Rouren­ bach het ’n verfrissende glas water ná die pretdraf geniet. Catherine Louw en Jodie Bruwer van Curves in Somerset­Wes het die geborgde watertafel beman.

Neasa May, Robin Julies en Lezahn Steenkamp het gehelp om die pretdraf te reël.

Amanda Visser en Nicola de Jager was van die deelnemers wat eerste klaar gemaak het.


Jodi Hartley en Maryka Philander het die vars oggenddraffie geniet.

BEAUTIFUL CELEBRATION: Helderzicht residents celebrated their birthdays recently and were spoiled when the Somerset West Police presented them with a birthday cake. At the back from left are Doreen Fingers, Sergeant Suzan Jantjies and Maggie van Wyk; in front: Anta Julies, who turned 80 on 13 March, her husband Wal­ lace Julies (81) and Beatrice Sitzer (82).

De Walt van der Mer­ we net ná die pretdraf.


District Churches ALL SAINTS CHURCH Anglican, 16 Oak Street SOMERSET WEST

Sunday 29 March Palm Sunday 07h00 Holy Eucharist 08h30 Holy Eucharist with Blessing and distribution of palms

Monday 30 March Holy Monday 10h00 Stations of the Cross

Tuesday 31 March Holy Tuesday 19h00 Stations of the Cross

Wednesday 1 April Holy Wednesday 19h00 Stations of the Cross

After Hours Revd. Jacques Jefferies 021 851 8473 Enquiries: Office (Morn. only) 021 851 7043/4 X1PTQW49-DP260315


Strand Baptist Church

123 Church Street, Strand Tel: 021 854 6869 Pastor Pieter Pienaar

09:30 Morning Service & Sunday School 09:30 Wed Bible Study





Vermaak Entertainment

26 March, 2015

Weekend Gig Guide Friday: DJ Kaalvoet will be entertaining the dance crowd at Melt’s Tavern from 21:00 till late. The cover charge is R10 per person. The Gian Groen Band will be performing at Bertie’s from 21:00, entrance is free. Saturday: The talented band Mississippi Disco will be performing at Melt’s Tavern

from 21:00 till late. No entrance fee. Acoustica will be at Dock in the Bay, Gordon’s Bay from 14:00. Sunday: Live acoustic music at Melt’s Tavern by Justin from 15:00-18:00. The Aidan Martin Duo will be performing at Bertie’s from 18:00, entrance is free.

T i m e t o B U Y: GETWINE will have it's Stellenbosch wine sale this weekend at Somerbosch Wine Farm on the R44 between Somerset West & Stellenbosch. This event is always very popular and the specials of the day represent outstanding value.

Step up to the open microphone There will be an open mic/ closed mic musical evening at Triggerfish Brewery on Wednesday 1 April from 18:45 until about 21:00. These open mic/closed mic sessions are held at Triggerfish on the first Wednesday of every month at the same times. There are usually between two to three sets of musicians/ groups which play – and the organisers need two acts for Wednesday 1 April. Musicians keen on sharing their musical talents in a relaxed setting can contact Judy Brower or Paul Fletcher (thefletchers@cch.co.za). Musicians need to have about 20 to 30 minutes of play

at the ready – and this can be blues, jazz, rock, classical or whatever really. The idea is to promote local talent and give the bands or musicians a platform to play in public. There is no payment for playing but the pub at Triggerfish will sponsor a beer or two. If this feels a little too public, musicians can also attend an open mic evening at the Fletcher’s house in Somerset West, which is held quarterly. Contact them on thefletchers@cch.co.za. Musicians can then play one or three numbers. Bring a picnic and relax. For more information contact Judy on 076 011 0753 or on 021 851 2737.

Emo Adams tree op Vrydag 27 Maart om 19:00 by die Primêre Skool Somerset­ Wes op. Kaartjies is beskikbaar by die skool teen R120 per persoon. Vir verdere inligting skakel gerus die skool by 021 851 2040/1.

Sam and Calla’s gigs

Restaurant & Biergarten

Sunday 29th March live music Andre G SRINGERS Enjoy the Biggest Eisbein in town with mash and Sauerkraut R89.00 Plus the best and biggest variety of Schnitzels

See Getwine-advertisement on this page for more details or visit GETWINE's Facebook and Twitter pages.

34 Sir Lowry’s Pass, Main Road (M9) Tel: 021 858 1488

www.imeimer.co.za | email: meet@imeimer.co.za X1PWQV45-DP260315


The popular musical duo of Sam and Calla have a busy schedule ahead of them with performances all around the Boland lined up from Thursday through to Sunday. Their gigs are as follows: Thursday, March 26 - Casa Valdez in Somerset West from 20:00 - 00:00, Friday 27 March - Amigo’s in Gordons Bay from 20:00 - 00:00, Saturday 28 March - EJ’s in Paarl from 16:00 till late and Sunday 29 March - Chello’s Gordon’s Bay from 19:00 22:00.

JOHN MURRAY DANCE STUDIO Cha Cha 4 Week Course Starting 7 April 19h00 – 20h00


Matric Dance Workshop 25 April 10h00 – 14h00


CHICKEN GRILL 187 Main Road, Strand 021 854 7774


021 851 4444

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Sake Business

26 March, 2015






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Tax­free savings account launched “South Africa’s low savings rate is a policy concern, both in terms of individual household savings and the overall national savings rate. An increase in the level of saving is an important part of the economic policy agenda of government.” - 2012 Incentivising non-retirement savings, National Treasury.

the maximum annual contribution to TFSA is R30 000, with a lifetime contribution limit of R500 000. What benefits do I get? With the tax-free savings account you will not pay any tax on interest received or dividends received. Capital Gains Tax will also not be applicable at the end of the investment when you withdraw your The above provides the coninvestment. I am of the opinion JY EN JOU text for the National Treasury’s that the latter will be the biggest FINANSIES advantage for investors going introduction of tax-free savings accounts. forward. For example, let’s say The South African governyou invest R2 500 per month for ment first introduced this initiyour child’s education. After 15 ative during the 2012 Budget Reyears you will get paid out view in the hope that it would R950 000 at an annual growth encourage consumers to save rate of 9%. R450 000 of that will more, as research show that onbe your own premiums paid inly 20% of South Africans have to the investment and R500 000 any kind of formal savings with will be the growth. By saving ina financial institution. to a non-tax free investment From 1 March 2015, South Af(normal policies and unit trust) ricans can invest up to R30 000 Heinn Havinga and current taxation, you will per year in tax-free savings achave to pay tax on 33% of everycounts (TFSA), limited to thing you earn above the R500 000 over an individual’s lifetime. Most R450 000 (less your R30 000 exemption). This of the insurance and investment companies equates to R175 000 and you will be taxed on like PSG, Sanlam, and Momentum have that at your average tax rate. By investing come on board and put together products into thetax-free savingsaccountyou will not that can help investors to make use of this be liable for any tax. The benefits are self-extax benefit. All these products comply with planatory and I would strongly recommend the regulations as published by National investing in a TFSA. Talk to your financial Treasury. adviser to identify the most applicable proHow do tax-free investment products duct, according to your needs. work? Heinn Havinga There are already a few different products PSG Portefeuljebestuurder to choose from. Investors can start off with 0 021 851 3353 as little as R300 per month, or they can do 2 heinn.havinga@psg.co.za a once-off investment, bearing in mind that

Helderberg word bemark Die Helderberg gaan binnekort nasionale blootstelling kry. ’n Episode van kykNET se Ontbytsake, wat geselekteerde besighede in Helderberg gaan bekendstel en bemark, sal op Saterdagoggend 28 Maart uitgesaai word op die televisie. Die span van Ontbytsake – ’n sakeprogram op kykNET– het gedurende die week van 2 tot 6 Maart die Helderberg besoek vir hul uitsending. Die doel van die uitsending is om sekere besighede in die Helderberg-area te bemark aan kykers regoor Suid-Afrika. Ontbytsake het toonaangewende besighede besoek in Helderberg. Onder andere is De Jongh’s Panelbeaters, Malan Lourens Viljoen Prokureurs, Pajamas & Jam en Peter Venter Eiendomme. Beeldmateriaal, saam met geskiedenis en inligting van die besighede, word uitgesaai.



NEW OWNER: Pierre Fourie (centre) is the new owner of Doempie, a well­ known local building business. Fourie took over the reins in Janu­ ary and has more than 20 years’ experience in the building in­ dustry. On his left is Fanie Samkel and Axolike Yabo is on his right.

NEW OWNERS: Ludwig and Ineke Pretori­ us are the proud new owners of the Wimpy in Gordon’s Bay, situated on Faure Marine Drive next to the Pick n Pay. Ludwig and In­ eke promise a happy experience, excellent service and quality meals. “Keeping you, our customer, happy and content is our focus point and with a winning team under the competent management of Tanya van Heer­ den and assistant manager Delovia Prins, we promise you an unforgettable experience.” The deck area is currently being upgraded. Once completed this area can be used for kiddies parties. It will also create a relaxed and neat smoking area for clients.



Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

26 Maart, 2015

SMALLads DistrictMAIL

0861 76255 237

0861 small ads

johannes. manewil@media24.com







VERTIKALE BLINDINGS (11 intotaal) Het R16000.00 betaal. Soek R1000.00 vir alles. Sal mates verskaf op aanvrae. 021 854 3401 082 841 0182


GORDON GINA 24.05.1937 - 28.03.2001 A dear sister and aunt. Fourteen years have passed, your legacy lives on in each of our families. Sadie, Boetie & Jackie


JUMP 4 HIRE Jumping Castles and slides for hire. We deliver, setup and collect. Ph. Christo 083 566 3061. JUMPING CASTLES & WATERSLIDES We deliver, erect & collect. 072 411 6416




LAMPSHADES Re-cover & new. Also re-wire. The Lampshade Studio, Shop 6, SSW Decor Centre. Tel: 082 768 5100

JUMPING CASTLES en waterglybaan te huur. Tel: Charmaine by 8533999 of 083-513-9493.

JULIANA HOFFMEESTER 21.03.1965 - 02.03.2007 Celebrated your 8th birthday in heaven. Still miss and love you so much. Your mom, kids & family









Fourie: Jan


GARAGE CLEAN-UPS, Refuse Removals, Tree Felling & Furniture/Goods Removals. Personal Supervision. Contact Dave on 082 435 2004.


VALSBAAI FIREWOOD SUPPLIERS Bluegum/Bloekom R 800.00 - 1000 pieces Until the end of April 2015 071 978 7078 072 024 4790

David Leonard Burgess 1 February 1949 – 23 March 2015


MISCELLANEOUS CLIVIAS: SKADUPLANTE, inheems, immergroen, groei onder bome, pragtig oranje of geel blomme. Plante te koop by Lourensfordweg 93, S/Wes. 021-852 3096.


Our precious brother David passed away peacefully after a long illness. He will be missed and lovingly remembered by his sisters, Angela and Lorretta, his brother Cyril and their families. Memorial service on Monday 30 March 2015 at 2.30 pm at Silver Oaks Lodge, Reitz Street, Somerset West, Tel: 021 851-5711


EIENAAR VERLAAT SA Ses sitplek eetkamertafel en stoele. Feitlik nuut. Tuingereedskap en ander kleinighede. 2 Groot matte Skakel Hanneke 021 851 5574

September Family, Zerf & Titus family

Funeral arrangements: Solomon Funerals Tel: 021 8625346 / 0829539919 Member of NFDA



New Apostolic Church, Musica Avenue, Macassar

Funeral: Sat 28-03-2015 Church: 10:00 New Apostolic Gordon’s Bay Temperance Town Private cremation Contact: 0827813556



Memorial Service on Saturday, 28 March 2015 at 09h00

Died: 19-03-2015


ABOUT FURNITURE WANTED: Queen Ann and Victorian lounge suites, Grand Father clocks and Roll Top desks. Call 021 853 1341 or 082-771-3650.


Born: 10-05-1957

ALL STEELWORK: Palisades, Carports, Fencing, Steel construction, Devil's fork. Any other welding and paintwork. Call Gerrit on 073 654 4345

ABANDON your search! CASH for modern clothes, shoes, children's clothing, fancy dress, linen, kitchenware, books. I collect! % Carol 082 890 5749.


20/12/1947 - 20/03/2015

TOWNSHIP ANIMAL RESCUE will be at the Craft Market on Sat 28 March & Lourensford Har- ANTIQUE AND SECOND vest market on Sun 29 HAND gold, silver and March from 11:15 -2pm costume JEWELLERY with beautiful dogs, pupwanted to buy. Contact pies, cats & kittens of all 083 4534 360. shapes, sizes and ages. Foster or permanent homes desperately needed and property to rent on which to house our rescued dogs. Tinned dog and cat food urgently needed. Without this we will have to close down and many dogs and cats will suffer in the townships. Tel. 021 855 1824 or 084 423 5991 for more info. www.townshipanimalrescue.co.za


LIFT URGENTLY NEEDED Strand to Muizenberg. Monday - Friday. From 8am - 6pm. Contact 084 850 6864


ARE YOU MOVING or downscaling? Best prices paid for bed linen, curtains, bric & brac furniture or any household items. Ph Ronel 084 989 6712.



BIG SALE ON TOMBSTONES. We supply, install and repair various types of tombstones. Call 082 435 2004.


EMBUIA, Stinkhout, Geelhout en Swarthout meubels gesoek, asook "Queen Anne" & "Victoriaanse" sitkamer-stelle. Kontak Freddie by 8543998 of 082 9237 283.

ENGLISH CLASSES; TEFL courses; Private lessons. The International English School. Call 021-8528859 or ties@english.za.net


Computer & Accounting Services cc

FURNITURE, FRIDGES, ANTIQUES. Thinking of selling any item? I will be keen to make you a cash offer. Kindly phone Ronnie 082-823-9944

• Responsible website design... • Linux installations... • Windows/Mac desktop software... • Android mobile development... • Embedded electronics design... http://www.mcmcas.co.za info@mcmcas.co.za X1PWMXJD-DP260315


Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

26 Maart, 2015









CARPORTS/AFDAKKE Patios/pergolas. Decks. Treated & SABS timber. Smart finish using 22 years exp. Great product @ great price! Tel: 083414-8103/021-8581873

INGEBOUDE KASTE Slaapkamers, kombuise, muureenhede, hang van deure en skirtings. Gratis kwotasies en beste diens! Kontak 083-704-0115 CLEANING SEVICES

BAKKIE for all small loads, rubble removal and furniture removal. Call Gerrit on 073 654 4345.

CONCRECOR Vibracrete-Oprig nuwe mure asook verhogings+strukture Los materiaal vir D.I.Y. Tel: 021-905 7820.




24/7 TV TECH * DSTV Installations * Home Audio * 24/7 Emergency callouts * For reliable & experienced same day service Call Nico: 061 057 7206


Appliance at all - Herstel by u huis! ysvrieskaste, wasmasjiene, stowe, mikrogolfoonde, tuimeldroërs. Tel. 071 755 3390

IRRIGATION / BESPROEING Installations, repairs, service. Professionals. Best prices, ref. avail. Francois 081 801 9120.

Garage & Gate Automation Household & Car Locksmith Intercom & CCTV Remote Controls Alarms and Beams Electric Fencing Safes Safety Gates & Maintenance Contact Morné 082 528 0137

Your Professional Provider

Contact Riaan 073 045 4199 / 021 851 9376 X1PU5TKH-DP050315



Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

26 Maart, 2015





TYDDEEL HERMANUS BEACH CLUB - Te Koop 3 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, oopplan sit/eet/kombuis, onderdak parkering & braai. Daaglikse diens van oord personeel. Verblyf jaarliks vir een week in Februarie. 021 854 3401 / 082 841 0182 FLATS TO RENT



HARBOUR ILAND sting north facing 3 bed villa on canal with deck. dbl garage. security. R15 00.00 p.m. Cont: Phil 082 650 6267





0 AA : ELITE REMOVALS of furniture, building rubble, garden, household refuse and any small loads and Treefelling. Danie 082 3379532 / 021 852 6122

LA CONCORDE / SPANISH FARM area, S/West – luxury bachelor flat, fully furn, W&L incl, DSTV, aircon, private, elec fence, carport. No smoking, pets, children. R3 800 pm & full dep.Avail 1 April 2015.Contact 082-7791711.

FOXLOAD RUBBLE REMOVAL Plot & garden, building rubble, household refuse. Free quotation. Contact Ryno 076 159 4949 CARS FOR SALE

Garden Refuse Removal and general waste. Large & small loads 1 Ton bakkies & trailers. Tel. 082 7392 895 or 072 770 6873 PLUMBERS 1855


MOTORS EN BAKKIES GESOEK Skakel 079 777 1729

NICKY'S REMOVALS 1.3 Ton Bakkie with driver for hire. Best prices in town. Builders rubble, Garden refuse, Garage junk 082 227 9580


AANBOD AAN BAKKIE EN MOTOR eienaars. Lopend en nie-Lopende voertuie welkom. Kontak/SMS/Pcm/Whatsapp 084 844 0000. PROPERTIES


EEN-MAN gemeubileerde woonstel vir werkende persoon. Geen rokers/drinkers. Water en ligte ingesluit. Huur R2 800 pm + deposito. Skakel na 5nm (021) 854 8816





SHOP TO LET 162m2 next to Somerset Mall opposite PostNet. Suitable for retail offices. R13 000p.m excl Vat. Tel Sasha 082 443 1534

STRAND R 12 000.00 per maand – 3 Slaapkamer woonstel met 2 badkamers in modern blok in Kusweg. Oop-plan kombuis, leefarea en balkon met see-uitsig. 2 Kelder parkerings. Geen diere. Kontak: 021853 6527 of 079 521 6692.


2 SLAAPKAMER WOONSTEL te huur in Somerset Place vanaf 1 April 2015. R5000 per maand. Sekuriteitskompleks met swembad en braaigeriewe. Kontak Ronelle 084 986 9395.

GORDONSBAAI: Te huur. Karavaan op kleinhoewe. W&L ingesluit. Vir 1 per24 Hours security HAIR SALON FOR SALE soon R1400.00 & vir 2 perArmed Response In Somerset West sone R1600.00. (Huur & 34 Secure Units from R300 Salon facing Main road Dep vooruitbetaalbaar) per month plus Vat R60 000 Onmiddelik beskikbaar. 083 286 8663 Skakel Strauss by 082 658 Contact: Gerhard 1703 021 8418556 BUSINESS gnel@rolagrp.co.za PREMISES 3212




GESOEK WOONSTEL OF OUMAWOONSTEL te huur tot R3500, Gordonsbaai, Strand, Somersetwes, Rusthof. Sir Louriespas omgewing. 072 954 8261, 072 558 3341 of 072 632 1739 (Anthea)




STRAND R 7 000.00 per maand –3 Slaapkamer dupleks met 1.5 badkamesr in sekuriteits kompleks. Oop-plan kombuis en leefarea. 1 klein troeteldier welkom. Kontak 021-853 6527 of 079 521 6692. HOLIDAY & TRAVEL




STRAND - Two bedroom flat. Ground floor. Mosterts Park, security complex. Safe & secure. Lovely area. R499 000 021 8552369 / 082 376 1461


HELDERVUE - 4 bedroom, 2.5 bathroom, flat, wine cellar, double garage, braai area, newly painted, private sale. R2.65 million. 082 881 4982 or 021 855 1312

STRAND(SOUTHFORK) AsBijanfanie str. R499 000 cosy 3 Beds, fitted kicthen. L/D garage on 400m2 plot fully enclosed. With secuTE KOOP - KUSWEG 1x3 S/k woonstel 157vk/m rity gates. Phone: Solly Parker 072 743 3506 1,660 mil. 082 923 7609

URGENTLY LOOKING for a furnished garden flat\batchelors flat just off Beach Rd, walking distance from Meent / Square in Strand for independent, working woman of sober habits and + none smoker. Contact no: 081 847 6111 after 18:00 please. RETIRED COUPLE require unfurnished 2/3 bedroom house, lock-up garage and good security from 1 May. S/West, Strand, G/Bay 082 669 7476 / 082 475 0070


Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

26 Maart, 2015

JONG PROFESSIONELE DAME opsoek na 1/2 slaapkamer woonstel / tuinwoonstel vir onder R6 000pm in Somerset Wes. Rook of drink nie. Kontak Esandre 072 590 1625

DINNA a Malawian lady is looking for work as housekeeper/nanny. Ref avail. Call 074 563 8436

SANDY is a SA lady looking for work as a domestic. Tues and thurs. Call 083 670 5732

ELLINA a Zimbabwian lady aged 28 is looking for work as a domestic. Call 084 750 7548.


EMILY a Malawian lady is looking for a job as housekeeper. Call 083 691 0943 or 071 726 3034

SENIOR DOMESTIC worker NOLINDO with cooking exp seeks work for Mon, Wed & Fri. Excellent refs avail. 073 772 5852


OFFICE SPACE GORDONS BAY 65m2 - Office space. with reception area. R3800. Call 083 775 0921 / 021-853 5575.

FAITH is 24yrs old and looking for work as a domestic or nanny. 078 838 3163

STEVEN a Malawian man is looking for garden/domestic work. Call 060 388 2160. Ref 084 902 2510

SUSAN a Malawian lady age 27 is looking for work as a domestic for 3 days. OFFICE FOR RENT +FRANK a Malawian is loo- 074 023 0070 105 square meters. Secure king for work as a gardeparking. Good location(cor- ner/ housekeeper. Call 073 THUMEKA a SA lady is ner of Caledon str). From 981 3417 looking for domestic R6500/month. Pls cont. work.Chars or fulltime.Call Trevor on 083 297 2970 for GLORIA a lady aged 29 is 073 165 3918 further info looking for a job as house cleaner. Call 060 477 7719. GENERAL PLOTS/STANDS INNOCENT a Malawian 3680 man is looking for work as 3295 gardener/housekeeper. Ek het n ERF IN PEARLY Call 078 551 9461 BEACH te koop. Twiststraat. R300 000 Seeuitsig. Kontaknr 082 463 6415 KWANELE is 38yrs old and looking for domestic work. Mon - Fri or stay in. 084 979 4089 ROOMS TO LET 3315

Aanbevole. - Verblyf 3 Ster w.stel & B/B of kamers in STRAND vanaf R250-R300 p/kamer. 0799600359 STRAND: Netjies gemeub. kamers vanaf R200 p.d. SKAKEL 072 745 7421 EMPLOYMENT


LILIAN is looking for domestic work. 3yrs exp. Call 084 370 7666. Ref 072 605 7137

LUCIA a Zim lady age 40yrs is looking for domestic/childminding work. Sleep in. 084 044 5327

AUGUNUS is looking for a welding job. 15yrs exp in dock & borehole drilling. 084 681 0887

MARGARET is looking for domestic/babysitting work. Everyday or chars. Call 083 363 4516

BANETTE a Malawian man is looking for work as a gardener or housekeeper.Call 074 636 2273

MARKO a Malawian is looking for a work as gardener. 4 yrs exp.Call 078 122 0254

BERTHA, my reliable, honest, hardworking char is looking for additional work. For ref ph 083 955 7336 or Bertha 073 972 3603

MAVIS is looking for work as domestic.Everyday or chars. Call 073 205 5062

CATHERIN a Malawian lady is looking for work as a housekeeper/babysitter. Call 073 983 6823 CHARLOTTE a SA lady is looking for domestic/ general work. Fulltime/chars. Call 073 763 8186

HAIRDRESSER & APPRENTICE required. Tel Sasha 082 443 1534 / 021 851 2544.

CHIPO A Zimbabwian lady aged 28 is looking for work NANCY a Zimbabwian as a domestic. Fulltime. lady is looking for work as Call 084 726 3478 a domestic. 3 days only. Call 073 873 3101 DAPI has two years garden ing exp and is looking PETER a Malawian male for work. 078 947 7124. is looking for gardeRef Willie 083 258 0952 ning/general work. Call 078 168 1768 DAWN a Zimbabwian lady aged 33 is looking for PHUMLA is looking for domestic/childminder job. domestic work. Everyday Call 073 009 5423 or chars. Call 083 711 5394

1. GRONDSLAGFASE - Graad 1 2. INTERMEDIëRE FASE - Engels, Natuurwetenskap, Tegnologie & Sosiale Wetenskap

Rig asseblief u aansoekbrief & CV aan: Die Skoolhoof, Macassar Primêre Skool, na faks nr 021 857 0868 SLUITINGSDATUM DONDERDAG 02 APRIL 2015 X1PWN4WH-DP260315

Vets*Mart National retailer requires sales staff for Waterstone Village Mall Growth possibilities Send CV to somstaff01@gmail.com 086 245 6019

Section 34(1) of the Insolvency Act, No 24 of 1936. ROAST AND GRIND CC (Registration number 2001/006765/23) conducting business under the name and style of ROMAN'S PIZZA SOMERSET WEST at Main Road, Somerset West is hereby giving notice of its sale and will transfer on 31 March 2015 to FRANCOR PIZZA (PTY) LTD (Registration number 2015/023599/07). FRANCOR PIZZA (PTY) LTD c/o J P Joubert Attorneys, 1st Floor Office 4, Baker Square, Paardevlei, Somerset West.



In the estate of the late DOROTHEA LlLLAH OLIVIER (Identity Number 1402250031 082), a spinster of 43 STORMHAVEN PARK, BIZWENI AVENUE, SOMERSET WEST, who died on 7 February 2011 at SOMERSET WEST ESTATE NUMBER 3414/2011 The Supplementary First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the abovementioned estate, will lie for inspection for a period of 21 days from FRIDAY, 27 March 2015 at the office of the Master of the High Court, CAPE TOWN and at the office of the Magistrate, SOMERSET WEST.

MEMORY age 37 is looking for domestic work. Everyday/chars. 073 976 9418

MIRIAM a lady is looking for a job as caregiver/ domestic. Three days only. Call 074 922 0310


‘n Hoogs gemotiveerde, positief ingestelde opvoeder met sterk leiereienskappe. Moet beduidende kennis van CAPS & Remediërende onderwys hê. Rekenaargeletterdheid is ‘n aanbeveling. Individu moet aanpasbaar wees by die behoeftes van die skool, insluitend naskool-ure en betrokke wees by buitemuurse aktiwiteite.

Maisera is looking for work as a domestic/childminder. Call 060 392 6386

MEMORY is looking for work as domestic. Three days only. Sleep- in or out. Call 060 447 0314



SALE OF A BUSINESS in terms of

LUCIA is looking for domestic work. Live in or out. 2 yrs exp. Call 074 098 3056 MAGARET is from Bloemfontein and looking for domestic work. Everyday/chars. 084 708 9550. Ref Kleinhans 079 895 9567

STRAND. Mature lady to learn the signage industry and can start immediately. Contact Guy on 082 337 6716. E.Mail brigetstokes@gmail.com

SCOOTERS GORDON'S BAY. Permanent and part time drivers needed to deliver pizzas. Own transport essential. Apply in store only.

LOOKING FOR 2DAY char work. 9yr reference available. Sandy 083 670 5732

67 JARIGE AKTIEWE PENSIOENARIS Beskikbaar om toesighoudende of enige ander vakature te vul, ter aanvulling van pensioen. Ondervinding: Polisie - 30 Jaar. Terreinbestuurder skool 11 Jaar. ECI geldige PDP Wessel 083 268 2666

SHOP ASSISTANT required for gift shop in Somerset West. Please mail CV to 27795239677@ vodamail.co.za


Ref: CWP/ivdm : HEN131/0003 Tel: 021 - 808 5672, Fax: 021 - 886 5420 Meulplein Building, Mill Street STELLENBOSCH

Busy supermarket seeking Instore Security Guards, experienced cashiers and RETAIL STAFF. Please fax CV and ID to 086 564 9167.


BOEDELKENNISGEWING ESTATE NOTICE Liquidation and distribution account in the testate estate of the late MR PHILIP RUDOLPH BOTHA NICHOLSON (IDENTITY NUMBER 240731 5004 080), resident at 208 ALTERNAWE SERENITAS, STRAND, married out of community of property who died at Somerset West on 28 March 2014. Estate Number: 21417/ 2014 Notice is hereby given that the First & Final liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie for inspection at the Office of the Master of the High Court. Cape Town and the Magistrates' Court, Somerset West, for the period of 21 days from 26 March 2015. Kulenkampff & Associates A ttorneys for the Executor PO Box 158 Somerset West 7129 Ref: DRK/N0075/jb X1PWK9GH-DP260315

Case number: 4352/14 Plaintiff : N DREYER Defendant: A HENDRIKS Place where auction going to be: UNIT 2, THOMPSON BUILDING, 36 SERGEANT STREET, SOMERSET WEST. Date: 7 April 2015 Time of auction : 13Hh00 1x Mercedes Benz Sprinter, CFM 44270 1x Right Title and Interest on above vehicle if on credit agreement 1x Plastic Wine Tank 1x Stainless Steel Wine Tank 1x Stock of 5 litre Wine Bottles. X1PWT1L5-DP260315

BOEDELKENNISGEWING ESTATE NOTICE In the Estate of the Late: Surname: Nothnagel First names: Johan Heinrich Estate number: 31294/2014 Identity/passport number: 3707085044086 Date of death: 9/11/2014 Last address: 10 Somerset Park, Somerset West, Western Cape The FIRST AND FINAL Liquidation and Distribution Account in this estate will be open for inspection for a period of 21 days from 20 March 2015 at the office of the Master of the High Court WESTERN CAPE and the Magistrate's Office. Somerset West. Name and address of Executor or Authorised Agent: Barend Johannes Kruger n.o. Rauch Gertenbach Ing., KERKSTRAAT 10 MOSSELBAAI 6500 Billing details: Advertiser Name: Rauch Gertenbach Inc Advertiser Address: P.O. Box 3 Mossel Bay, 6500 Advertiser Email: kelly@rgprok.co.za Advertiser Telephone: 0446912515 Date submitted: 2015/03/12 X1PWKA05-DP260315



Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

26 Maart, 2015

Elgin Free Range Chickens, Grabouw The successful person will be part of the Finance Department and will report to the Financial Manager. The responsibilities will include but not be limited to the following: Duties & Responsibilities: Factory shop cash-up recons per till per shop

Daily reconciliation of safe and till discrepancy control

accounts per till per shop

Process control account journals as required

Factory shop stock daily:

Investigate daily variances Process warehouse journals

Key Customer invoicing daily checks:

Compile full pack of key customer documentation daily

per invoice and delivery

Cross-check all documentation Monitoring of key customer portal for documentation and

approval status

Prepare weekly finalized hard copy invoice batch for


Requirements and experience

Minimum Grade 12. 2-3 years' experience in a similar position. Thorough working knowledge of Microsoft Excel and


Experience in Pastel Evolution. Analytical ability, accuracy and attention to detail. Ability to work under pressure. Well organized and enjoys administration. Team player, self-motivated.

An attractive market related package will be offered. Please forward a detailed CV to the Financial Manager, finance@freerangechickens.co.za This position is available immediately. The closing date for application for this position is 31 March 2015 X1PWPHBD-DP260315


Radio Helderberg, 'n onderneming sonder winsbejag, is 'n gemeenskapsradiostasie, gesetel in die Helderberg en bedien hoofsaaklik die Helderberg en omliggende areas. Pos: Algemene Bestuurder van die Radio Stasie, met oorkoepelende verantwoordelikheid vir die van dag tot dag bedryf van die Stasie en skakeling met die Raad van Direkteure en belanghebbendes. Persoon: Die ideale persoon sal heelwat lewenservaring moet hê, bewys kan lewer van ten minste vyf jaar bestuurservaring, 'n tersaaklike tersiêre kwalifikasie besit en bogemiddeld taalvaardig wees in Afrikaans en Engels. Die persoon moet 'n goeie kommunikeerder wees en aanpasbaar wees by alle vlakke van die samelewing. Kennis van isiXhosa en die radio bedryf, sal 'n aanbeveling wees, maar is nie noodsaaklik. Die ideale kandidaat moet sterk leierseienskappe toon en 'n diverse span kan saamsnoer en motiveer, om die Stasie suksesvol te kan bedryf. Vergoeding: Radio Helderberg is nie 'n kommersiële radio stasie nie. Gevolglik hang die vergoeding saam met die sukses van die Stasie en is nie noodwendig markverwant, in vergelyking met ander ondernemings van hierdie grootte nie. Diensaanvaarding op 1 Mei of so gou moontlik daarna. Rig asseblief u CV, met vermelding van verwagte vergoeding, vóór 03-04-2015 aan jd@bsdrek.co.za of 021 854-4522 (faks). X1PWGE6M-DP260315


Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

26 Maart, 2015


Helderberg Village, located in Somerset West, and recognised as the World's Best Retirement Development, invites applications from suitable and experienced individuals for the position of

ENROLLED NURSE This newly created position will suit a competent and energetic Enrolled Nurse, who is registered with the South African Nursing Council. Key responsibilities include assisting with the planning and managing of the residents in the Healthcare Facility, residents residing in the Village, as well as supervising of the nursing staff. Administrative experience will be an added advantage. Knowledge, skills and experience include a Matric Certificate, flexible work style, the application of the scientific nursing process and leadership ability together with one year's experience in Geriatric nursing. A valid driver's license is a prerequisite. The successful applicants must have a friendly disposition and have good communication skills. To obtain further details please contact: The Manager - Nursing Services, Ms S Schneider on (021) 855 8346 during office hours, Monday to Friday or email applications to jobs@helderbergvillage.org.za

The closing date for applications is 2 April 2015. As a proud South African brand, Helderberg Village is committed to transformation. Meeting our employment equity goals will be taken into account in our recruitment decisions. EXCELLENT SALES OPPORTUNITY

An established company based in Somerset West is looking to build a sales team. The successful candidate will be energetic and enthusiastic with the necessary sales skills. A generous commission structure is on offer. There will be no set working hours but targets will be expected. Please send your CV to salesvacancy2015@gmail.com If you do not receive a follow up, please take your application as unsuccessful.

VAKATURE: JOERNALIS EIKESTAD NUUS Eikestad, trotse bron van nuus en inligting in die Kaapse Wynroete, bied 'n opwindende geleentheid in hul kantoor in Stellenbosch vir 'n geesdriftige joernalis. Die suksesvolle kandidaat moet van uitstekendende skryfvermoë in Afrikaans en Engels beskik en sal verwag word om relevante, gebiedende en feitelik korrekte nuusberigte en artikels te skryf vir die weeklikse publikasie Eikestad Nuus.

Hoof Verantwoordelikhede:

- Ondersoek en navorsing oor inhoud vir nuusberigte en/of artikels - Skryf gehalte nuusberigte en artikels teen streng spertye - Skep van artikels wat gerig is op die teikenmark - Ontwikkel idees vir artikels - By die inhoudstandaarde, gehalte en styl bly soos deur die publikasie uiteengesit - Voldoen aan die voorskrifte van die Suid-Afrikaanse Perskode - Kan gevra word om vryskutpersoneel en junior vastepersoneel by te staan - Proeflees van artikels - Skep van en skakel met 'n netwerk kontakte vir hulp met navorsing vir berigte/artikels - Kan gevra word om bladuitleg en ander produksieverwante take te doen, foto's te neem en inhoud vir aanlyn- en ander media te skep

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- Vlot skryf in die tale benodig deur die publikasie - Kreatiwiteit - Werk onder uiterste druk en by streng spertye bly - Goeie tydsbestuur en die vermoë om aandag aan verskeie gebeure te skenk - Goeie nuussin - Fokus op besonderhede en gehalte - Goeie menseverhoudings - Goeie besluitnemingsvermoëns - Deursettingsvermoëns - Luister- en bevraagtekensvermoëns - Kan onafhanklik werk - Inisiatief


- Diploma of graad in Joernalistiek, Tale of Mediastudies - Ervaring in skryf vir 'n koerant of tydskrif - Goeie algemene kennis en kennis van die publikasie se teikenmark - Plaaslike kennis en kennis oor sake van die dag - Geldige rybewys - Relevante rekenaarvaardighede - ·n Passie vir media, kennis en sake van die dag. Indien jy bogemelde aan vereistes voldoen en graag deel van hierdie span wil wees, doen gerus aansoek by www.media24.com/careers of volg http://goo.gl/tsx9mi.

SLUITINGSDATUM: 10 April 2015 Indien daar geen terugvoering is teen 17th of April 2015, aanvaar asseblief dat jou aansoek nie suksesvol was nie. Die maatskappy behou die reg om nie die vakature te vul nie. Ingevolge die gelyke indiensnemingsbeleid van Media24, sal gepaste candidate van die aangewese groepe voorkeur geniet. X1PWEWQM-EN260315

HBV.04.03.2015 X1PWKCTR-DP260315



Sport Sport

26 Maart, 2015

Macassar end season with an emphatic win Macassar beat Kensington by an innings and 58 runs in their last First Division D two-day match of the 2015 season played at the Kensington fields last weekend.

WINNING BOWLERS: The team from the Strand Bowling Club were the winners of the recently completed Pensioners Tournament, played over six weeks, which ended on Tuesday 10 March. A total of 36 bowls teams from the Helderberg, Edgemead, Dur­ banville, Stellenbosch, Kleinmond and Hermanus competed in this popular competition played on a strength versus strength format and divided into three sections after the halfway stage. The competition has been sponsored for the past 14 years by the Per­ sonal Trust Investment Company, who in partnership with the Helderberg Bowling Club, sponsored a magnificent new trophy. In recognition of his contribution in running this prestigious competition over the past 11 years, the president handed over the trophy inscribed as the John Arguile Pensioners League Trophy to the winning skip. With the trophy are John Arguile (Helderberg Bowling Club), Mark Gibbs (representing the spon­ sors) and Chris Fenton, Hugo Hofmeyer, Johan Heydenrych and Jan Rall (Strand).

Kensington won the toss and elected to bat and the Macassar bowlers toiled hard to the break-through, which came in the 19th over when S Levendal picked his first wicket with the score on 29/1 . Wickets fell regularly after that and Kensington were struggling on 56/6 after 30 overs and went to lunch on 65/7 after 33 overs. After lunch Macassar bowled out Kensington for 106/10 in 52 overs. The best bowler on the day was S Levendal with 13-4-19. He was well supported by J Fortuin 16-2-35, N Swartland 11-2-29 and D Sebastian 11-1-26. Macassar lost a wicket in the second over with the score on 2/1. T Kemp was joined by A Roberts who put together a 38 run partnership for the second wicket before Roberts (8) was caught behind with the score on 40/2 after 16 overs. T Kemp (48*) continued to bat well and with Q Bowman (16*) took the score to 76/2 at tea. Kemp reached his half century after tea and

Bowman (17) was dismissed with the score on 82/3. J Fortuin (38) joined Kemp and took the attack to the bowlers with a 74 run partnership which took the score to 156/4. Macassar lost two more wickets with the score on 176/6, but Kemp continued to bat well and went on to score a brilliant maiden century (111*) to take the score to 217/7 with the support of S Jantjies (21). Skipper N Swartland declared the Macassar innings on 217/7. This left Kensington with still 13 overs to bat in the day and 111 runs in arrears. J Fortuin bowled Kensington’s opener with the first ball of the second innings with the score on 0/1. Macassar got two run-outs in this spell leaving the home team on 5/3 after 4 overs. J Fortuin 3/13 took two more wickets and N Swartland 1/15 to leave Kensington on 28/6 in 13 overs and still 83 runs behind Macassar’s first innings total. Day two was delayed due to rain and when play got under way, J Fortuin, who ended the match with 14-6-15, wrapped up the Kensington innings very quickly with their score on 53/10 after 27 overs. He was assisted by D Sebastian 5-1-7.

Shore anglers bag elf, kob, wildeperd and galjoen One is often asked about the use of poppers to catch leerfish and elf from our reefs and beaches. Lures are sometimes more successful in catching elf and leerfish from ledges or casting them or trolling from boats and kayaks.



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I have sometimes observed anglers casting a plug from our beaches with no success while others spinning with metal spinners have had better results. So far this season more leerfish have been caught on spinners than on other lures. One of our best local spinnermen has resorted to using two small links in tandem by coupling three treble hooks. He has had better results and has lost fewer lures, which flings out the treble hook. Local spinnermen are still having success with Numbers 2, 22, 10 and 7 spinners when using multiplier reels as well as the No 18 and 20 spinners and other small spinners used with light tackle and fixed spool reels (coffee grinder). During the weekend a number of anglers fishing from our reefs caught elf, wildeperd and size galjoen. The Harmony Park fishermen reported fair catches of galjoen, dassie and kob, as well as the odd elf and white stumpnose. Ferdi Joubert who fished in the Pearly Beach competition held on Saturday, said the event was a mixed bag of fortunes. Thirty two fish were weighed in, mostly kob, although a


Art Ridgway

number of anglers had no success at all. Johan de Kock won the competition with five kob with a total weight of 30,45 kg. Second was Hannes Smuts with 4 kob and third was Robert Pace with 5 kob (small). The best kob weighed 10,45 kg and was caught by Hannes Smuts. Most of the fish were taken between Brandfontein and Agulhas. Club anglers fishing in the monthly WP Shore Angling Association’s competition weighed in mostly sharks and rays. The heaviest shark was a 205 kg ragged tooth shark caught by Deon van Zyl of Tygerberg club which earned him first place. Alan du Plessis said there was very little boating angling at Arniston on Sunday, but he tagged and released some nice kob and elf near “Die Mond”. On Saturday and Sunday there were a number of craft fishing for mackerel at Hottentots bank, one mile off the Poort in the Strand. Locals fishing in small boats and kayaks in the Strand poort had a few smaller kob, elf and geelbek (Morocco size). A very recent and encouraging develop-

ment is that the environmental crime committee are investigating the rights of all the trek net fishermen who use this outdated method, which often kills off thousands of undersize and out of season fish. The general public and fishing fraternity have for many years protested against this destruction, which only benefits a few. For all your reel repairs and services and fishing stories contact Art on 021 854 3831 Send your fishing news and photos to bjridgway@telkomsa.net

Shahiem Adams, Thys Kemp and Jerome Trubshaw with some of the kob they caught while fishing at Die Dam area on Saturday 21 March.


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Sport Sport

26 Maart, 2015


Local tennis players shine at Boland Mini tourney Top class tennis by Helderberg’s Lize-Alet Morkel and Jan-Louis Maritz resulted in them winning in their respective age group titles at the recent Sportsmans Warehouse Boland Mini Series 1 tournament played in the Helderberg. Morkel won the girls’ singles in the 16-yearold category and the u.18 doubles titles, while Maritz won the men’s open singles and u.18 doubles titles. Other notable successes by local players were: Daniel de Necker (finalist boys 10), Charles Morkel (winner u.18 doubles), Weyers

Helderberg tennis player Lize­Alet Morkel won the girls singles titles in the 16 year old category and the u.18 doubles titles at the recent Sportsmans Warehouse Boland Mini Series 1 tournament played in the Strand. PHOTO: PIERRE MONTGOMERY

Meintjes (finalist u.18 doubles), Hanmare McAslin (finalist girls 10), Kianne Lubbe (finalist girls 14), Eva du Toit and Megan Lombardi (finalists girls u.18 doubles). This prestigious tournament was well attended by top players from u.10 to Open sections competing in singles and doubles matches. The final rounds were played at Strand Tennis Club and was well supported by tennis enthusiasts. The complete final round results were as follows: Boys 10 singles: Eric Bakker bt Leonardo Sola 6-4; Boys 10 doubles: Eric Bakker/FW van der Merwe bt Jake Downie/Ruben Joubert 6-4. Boys 12 singles: Rohan Loubser bt Daniel de Necker 6-1, 6-0; Boys 12 doubles: Rohan Loubser/Benjamin Davidyan bt Kyler Hugo/Joshua Roberts 6-0, 6-1; Boys 14 singles: Robbie Arends bt JP van den Berg 6-3, 6-1; Boys 14 doubles: Robbie Arends/Franco Smit bt Chia-Wen Liu/Jo-

han-Louis Vos 6-1, 7-5; Boys 16 singles: Aaron Marks bt Hanro-Daniel van der Merwe 16 6-3, 6-0; Boys 18 doubles: Jan-Louis Maritz/Charles Morkel bt Weyers Meintjes/Christiaan van der Wath 5-7, 6-3, 10-6. Mens Open singles: Jan-Louis Maritz bt Rossouw Norval 6-0, 3-6, 6-1. Girls 10 singles: Maya Gomez-Rosenbaum bt Hanmare McAslin 6-4; Girls 12 singles: Chelsea Lennett bt Lize-Mari Beer 6-1, 6-4; Girls 12 doubles: Lize-Mari Beer/Leigh van Zyl bt Anelma Grobler/Coreen Matthee 6-3, 5-7, 10-6; Girls 14 singles: Rochelle Pienaar bt Kianne Lubbe 6-2, 6-1; Girls 14 doubles: Daniela Davidyan/Nicola Streicher bt Maretha Burger/Elmarie Swanepoel 6-4, 6-3. Girls 16 singles: Lize-Alet Morkel bt Jana-Mari Wolfaardt 6-0, 6-1. Girls 18 doubles: Lize-Alet Morkel/Jana-Mari Wolfaardt bt Eva du Toit/Megan Lombardi 2-6, 6-4, 10-1. Ladies Open singles: Corin de Waal bt Ciney Bekker 6-3, 6-0.

Baie beter vertoning deur Helderberg Rugblyklub teen Villager Helderberg het in sy derde en laaste opwarmingswedstryd teen Villager baie beter gevaar as verlede week, maar moes nogtans die knie buig met 45-31. Was dit nie vir hul stadige begin nie, kon die uitslag anders daaruit gesien het. Die besoekers was die eerste helfte beter daaraan toe en het met rustyd 26-7 voorgeloop. Helderberg moes ‘catch-up’ speel in die tweede helfte wat hulle met 24-19 ‘gewen’ het. In die eerste helfte het losskakel Brendan Smith gaan druk en heelagter Gavern Skippers het verdoel. Ná rustyd het Helderberg se lostrio, agtsteman Alvino Ant-

hony en flanke Andri Blom en Adie Abrahams, hul stempel op die wedstryd afgedruk. Die kranige drietal was baas in die losspel en het goed geskakel met hul agterlyn, vir wie hulle talle kanse geskep het. Heelagter Gavern Skippers het gaan druk voordat losskakel Brendan Smith sy tweede drie gedruk het. Plaasvervanger-vleuel Ryan Solomons het deurgesny vir sy drie en laat in die wedstryd het nommer agt, Alvino Anthony, sy span se vyfde drie gedruk. Senter Deon Taljaard, wat die stelskopwerk oorgeneem het, slaag met twee doelskoppe. Die tweede span het ’n 42-10 sege oor hul Villager-eweknie be-

haal met ses verdoelde drieë. Die driedrukkers was Manie Darries (2), Paul Zietsman (2), Robin Kuys en Kurtley Johnson. Manie Darries het vyf doelskoppe bygevoeg vir ’n persoonlike bydrae van 20 punte. Carl Block het die sesde doelskop behaal. Ánder uitslae: Helderberg Crusaders 56 - Villager III 5, Helderberg o. 20A 21 -Villager o. 20A 17. Hierdie Vrydagaand reis die Crusaders na Milnerton om op Theo Marais Park met Unie-Milnerton kragte te meet. Die afskop is 19:30. Die ligaverpligtinge begin op Saterdag 11 April en Helderberg speel dan op Brookside teen Villager.

GOLF DAY: Among the golf­ ers who participated in and enjoyed the recent Philwest Volkswagen Golf Day played at the Somerset West Golf Club were (back from left) Havelin Hindley (Philwest), Brigadier Dirk Mentoor (SAPS), Brigadier Peter Peters­ en (SAPS), Colonel Victor Ma­ thews (SAPS), Jo­Anne Cloete (Philwest) and in front Duane Philander (Philwest).

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Are you the next Miss Raithby Universals? Raithby Universals Rugby Football Club will host a modelling show to crown this year’s Miss Raithby Universals. The show will be held at Zandvliet High School’s hall at 19:30 on Friday 27 March. The event includes a junior (14 to 17 years) category and a senior (18 to 25) category. Admission cost is R20 for adults and R10 for children under 12. To enter the modelling competition, phone Leanda on 074 418 1746 or Karen on 063 070 9274.


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SWCC in AMA 20 final Somerset West Cricket Club’s first team ended their 2014-’15 season on a high this weekend by winning both their two-day and oneday league matches.

Their decisive 10-wicket win in their two-day match over Elsies River/Northlink College on Saturday secured them promotion to the 1C league alongside Hottentots Holland Cricket Club (HHCC) next season. On Sunday they defeated HHCC by one wicket in a nailbiting WPCA 1D final. SWCC continued their twoday match against Elsies River/Northlink College at Radloff Park on Saturday with the visitors trailing by 69 runs with two wickets down. SWCC kept the pressure on the visitors through some disciplined bowling and this, supported by tight fielding, saw Elsies River all out for 122, leaving SWCC a target of 29 runs for victory and promotion. Francois Kilian’s 13-6-27 together with two wickets each by spinners James Wilshere and Steven Southey ended the visitors’ innings. SWCC wrapped the game up within 7 overs. On Sunday SWCC hosted HHCC at Radloff Park. SWCC Skipper, Steven Southey, won the toss and sent HHCC in to bat. The home side’s tight bowling and sharp fielding dried up the runs for the visitors who scored 55/1 after 19 overs. The continued pressure led to two more quick wickets, but HHCC recovered to put on a 40-run 4th wicket partnership. Relentless pressure saw the visitors go from 104/3 to 139 all out in 48 overs.

Van Reenen top scored with 28 and was ably assisted by Ridah Rhoda with 25 runs. Skipper Steven Southey led the SWCC attack with figures of 8.4-4-26. Dean Vincent, James Wilshere and Michael Osborn all chipped in with a few wickets. SWCC were cruising in their run chase with a first-wicket partnership of 57 between Francois Kilian and Peter Baumeister and a second-wicket partnership of 30 between Kilian and Bobby Londt. The HHCC bowlers then took charge in spectacular fashion with seam bowler Ziyaad Salie taking 7 wickets for 38 runs to have SWCC tottering on 125/9. This left Donovan Martin and Dean Vincent to score 15 runs off 7 overs. They kept their nerve to secure a onewicket win and the title. Francois Kilian top scored with 47 runs. The second team beat Avendale by one run in their twoday away match on Saturday. SWCC resumed their innings on 105/4 and were all back in the hut for 185. Avendale required 158 for the win after their first innings lead of 27. Man of the match Arnand Swart opened the bowling and ended his spell with figures of 23-5-48. Daniel Pieterse assisted him with 6-2-13. The third team lost to Cravenby on Saturday by 43 runs. Cravenby batted first and scored 195/5. SWCC were all out for 152. Nick van der Vyfer top scored with (45*). The executive of SWCC invites all Helderberg cricket fans to support the SWCC first team in their WPCA AMA20 final at Newlands on Sunday at 14:00. Entry is free.

The victorious SWCC first team members are (back from left) Donovan Mar­ tin, Abri du Plessis, Ser­ gio Hilario, Dean Vin­ cent, Jacques Fourie, James Wilshere and Bob­ by Londt. In front are Francois Kilian, Steven Southey (captain), Mich­ ael Osborn and Peter Baumeister. PHOTOS: PETER BEE

Somerset West Cricket Club’s bowler Dean Vin­ cent in action during the match against Hottentots Holland Cricket Club.




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