Connect, the Carers' Champions Newsletter

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The Carers’ Champions Newsletter -issue 4 In this issue: • Carers Receive the Pamper Treatment • The Revamped Website • Carers Rights Day • Are You Following Us? • The Added Value of a Carers’ Champion • Fly the Flag for Carers.

Carer’s receive the pamper treatment A fun and relaxing treat was on offer as carers gathered at Bolsover Methodist Church for a well earned free pamper day organised by the Derbyshire Carers Association (DCA) and funded by the Bolsover Local Strategic Partnership. Holistic and aromatherapy experts were on hand offering free sessions and carers were able to take time out and spoil themselves with a number of treatments including massage, nail treatments, facials and pedicures. With gentle background music playing, lots of chat and tea and buffet for all, plus the aroma of nail polish and aromatherapy lotions, the day was a great success. Many people attended the event and gave generous and positive feedback afterwards. One carer stated that, ‘…the therapies were excellent and everyone was kind and friendly. It was a much appreciated break and some space for me. Thankyou Derbyshire Carers!’ Overall, the day appears to have been a great success.

Revamped website The new look DCA website now includes a transition section where information about the project, downloads, contact details and news can be found. Log on to

The day, organised by the Transition Team, was part of the DCA’s line up of annual events that support carers new and old in the County. There are a host of events planned for 2013 so give the DCA a call on 01246 222373 or email Web:

Carer’s Rights Day

The added value of a Carers’ Champion Since our 2012 launch, The Teaming Up for Transition Team has worked with many surgeries who have in place or have developed a dedicated Carers’ Champion usually from their front-desk staff. A Carers’ Champion takes on the role in addition to their usual daily tasks and is a vital link in the referral process. The main tasks are usually: • • • •

Follow the Transition Team’s progress: @CarerTransition

To be a contact point for carers in the surgery; To maintain a Carers’ notice board in the surgery; To champion carers’ issues in the practice; and To encourage carers to register on their practice’s Carers’ Register.

Continued development, training and support for Carers’ Champions will ensure that carers’ register numbers continue to increase in Derbyshire. This will enable carers’ provision to be better improved and more intelligently targeted - for example, ensuring that carers have access to information and advice, ensuring that carers’ receive healthchecks and ‘flu vaccinations and increasing awareness of carers’ needs among GPs and within surgeries Carers in Derbyshire need a pivotal person within a familiar setting to offer them advice and guidance. That’s where Carers’ Champions come in. If you would like to become a Champion please let your Practice Manager know and get in touch with the Derbyshire Carers Association so we can update our records and support you– 01246 222 373.

If you want to get involved and fly the flag for the Transition project as a volunteer please get in touch. We want to work with you, the Carers’ Champions, to get our message out there and support carers in all areas of the county. The Transition Team are following a planned route throughout Derbyshire offering advice regarding carers’ breaks and respite care, the Emergency Card Scheme and support of interest to carers, including useful local key contacts. Please get in touch by calling 01246 222373 ext 3. Connect, issued quarterly, is the project’s Carers’ Champions newsletter. If you would like to submit an article for Connect, then please get in touch. The next deadline is 3rd June 2013. email: or call 01246 222373 ext 3 Please forward this newsletter to your colleagues. ---------------------------------------------------------------The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the host organisation.

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