Del Mar College 2013-2014 Catalog

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Academic Policies

Administrative Withdrawal

The Administration may drop you for administrative reasons for reasonable cause. You may also be withdrawn for those incidents that may be related to violating the student code of conduct and in particular, disrupting the classroom and the educational process. Should you be subject to administrative withdrawal, the College will provide proper notification. You may seek the advice of the Provost and Vice President of Instruction and Student Services about this procedure and any due process procedures that will be afforded. You may be withdrawn for issues related to academic integrity. Instructors with evidence of your plagiarism or other forms of cheating will follow the procedures outlined in A7.13.6.4 of the Board of Regents “Policies and Procedures Manual, Penalties for Dishonest Behavior.” A recommendation by the faculty member to suspend and/or dismiss you from the College for academic dishonesty must be submitted through the department chair to the academic dean. The appropriate academic dean will convene an Academic Ethics Committee prior to suspending/dismissing you to afford you due process. Instructors may withdraw you from class for lack of attendance or other academic reason.

Appeal of Administrative Withdrawal

If you are withdrawn from a class, you may • Appeal to the instructor by first obtaining a Reinstatement Form from the Registrar’s Office and presenting it to the instructor. • If satisfactory arrangements can be made between you and the instructor, readmissions to the class will be permitted upon the instructor’s completion of the Reinstatement Form. • The completed form must be returned by you to the Registrar’s Office within 10 working days from the date of the drop by the instructor.

Scholastic Standing

Scholastic standing will be established once you have completed 12 college credit hours. Scholastic standing is determined at the end of each semester when an evaluation is made of your cumulative grade point average, which determines your academic standing. To be in good scholastic standing, you must maintain a 2.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA). It is important that you remain in good standing with the College. The grades posted on your transcript are a permanent record and will always be a part of your academic history. Grades can affect your eligibility for admissions to a specialized program, transferability to another university, or qualifications as an applicant for employment. If your cumulative grade point average falls below a 2.0, then the following applies


The first semester you have more than 12 college credit hours, but less than 30 semester credit hours and do not meet the minimum 2.0 GPA, you will be placed on probation. Probation means you can still enroll at the College but are not in good standing and should seek advising to determine a plan for successfully completing your coursework.


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