Editions 2014

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EDITIONS 2014 • Over 2000 works of contemporary music in all styles and groups. • Symphonic Music in rent, Chamber Music, Lied, Choir. • Browse our catalogues at www.clivis-music.com • Distribution of contemporary music in digital format: www.clivis.cat • 2014: Lluís Benejam Centennial Birth (centenaribenejam.blogspot.com)

Veni, Creator Spiritus – Raimon Romaní Choir SSATB & orchestra (Latin text) S/ 48 pg. E738 – parts in rent 12’ Like the nuances in the text, certain musical passages stand out, such as the long and melodic theme Accende lumen sensibus. The high point of the piece is the Deo Patri couplet.

Vacuum Monumentum – Raimon Romaní Choir SSATB & orchestra (Latin text) S/ 48 pg. E737 – parts in rent 12’ A work of great tension and expressiveness, constructed in five sections which describe the five scenes in the Bible text (Luke 24, 1-12) that relate the moment of the Resurrection of Christ

Suite Renard – Pere J. Puértolas String orchestra S/ 32 pg. E381 – parts in rent 16’ (2nd ed.) A piece in five tempos with a refreshingly direct style intended to provide an enjoyable listening experience.

Elegía por Julia Ponce, de Lavapiés Alejandro Civilotti Simphonic orchestra S/ 44 pg. E739 - parts in rent 15’ Written as a homage to the composer’s grandmother who emigrated from this Madrid neighbourhood to Argentina. Based on the theme “Lavapiés” from the Iberia Suite by Isaac Albéniz.

La maledicció del comte Arnau – Eduard Toldrà Simphonic orchestra S/ 40 pg. E268 (2nd ed.) - parts in rent 9’ A work of great intensity, strength and symphonic breadth which describes the medieval legend of Count Arnau.

Fantasia on the First Beatitude – Lluís Benejam Simphonic orchestra S/ 104 pg. E313 - parts in rent 21’ One of the last compositions by Lluís Benejam in which he reflects on human behaviour, which will be premiered to mark the centenary of his birth.

Cinc Cançons Tradicionals - Manuel Oltra La Pastora; El mestre; El rossinyol; El bon caçador; El mariner Low voice & orchestra (catalan text) S/ 60 pg. E722 – parts in rent Traditional Catalan songs with a clever accompaniment rich in nuances and colours with a specific treatment for each couplet. Oltra is one of the finest harmonizers of traditional Catalan songs.

Suite per a Instruments de Corda, de Vent i Piano Robert Gerhard El Conde Sol; Sevillana Tumpet, Horn, Bassoon, Violin, Viola, Violoncelllo & Piano Study & Introduction by Leticia Sánchez de Andrés S/ 72 pg. E705 - parts in rent A suite dating from 1927, written during Gerhard’s Berlin period under Schömberg’s tutorship.

Quartet de Corda núm. 1 – Agustí Borgunyó 2 Violins, Viola, Violoncello S+p 48 pg. E675 (2nd ed.) 22’ Work written in America in 1955, contains four movements: Adagio, Allegro scherzando, Andante, Allegro non troppo.

Diàlegs Subtils - Salvador Brotons Bassoon & percussion S+p 16+4 pg. E378a BassClarinet & percussion S+p 16+4 pg. E378b This piece was commissioned by the University of Arizona (USA) in 1990 and was dedicated to Will Dietz, the university’s bassoon teacher.

Introduction & Two Dances – Lluís Benejam Trumpet & piano S+p 28+8 pg. E304 Written in the composer’s own personal language, we present this unique teaching piece in his catalogue that features reminiscences of Andalusian music.

Ver Sacrum – Josep Soler Violoncello & piano S+p 16+4 pg. AC051 Written in 1983, this concise work in which nothing is superfluous articulates beautifully, whether played by the cello or the piano.

Sonata en La Major – Lluís Benejam Violoncello & piano S+p 48+16 pg. E279 A piece of great linguistic maturity which denotes excellent knowledge of the soloist’s instrument and also features great modulatory freedom and a balanced flow of rhythmic variation.

Voz silenciosa de las fuentes ocultas – Josep Soler Doublebass & piano S+p 28+8 pg. E741 Variations on a theme by Diego Civilotti. A meditation on the ideas of Martin Heidegger, whose beautiful poetic intuition brings us closer to the mysteries of the act of creation...

Tres miniatures per a Piano a 4 mans – Òscar Larios Piano for 4 hands (elementary level) S/ 20 pg. S076 This work consists of three short pieces: Marxa, Romança and Proverbi Xinès, written specifically for practising chamber music in elementary piano courses.

Itineraris I – Anna Bofill Onades i roques; Tres terres; La nit; Dansa oblíqua Piano - S/ 28 pg. E375 The music in these two workbooks was created to illustrate the dramatized conferences on Fifteen Writers and their Worlds in 1977. Each piece describes the most important traits of every writer, who include Virginia Wolf, Calamity Jane, Simone de Beauvoir and M. Aurèlia Capmany.

Itineraris II – Anna Bofill El blanc del blau; Tocs de fum; En un Chassaigne Frères negre de mitja cua Piano - S/ 24 pg. E376 The music in these two workbooks was created to illustrate the dramatized conferences on Fifteen Writers and their Worlds in 1977. Each piece describes the most important traits of every writer, who include Virginia Wolf, Calamity Jane, Simone de Beauvoir and M. Aurèlia Capmany.

Intantànies – Miquel Pardo 12 little pieces and an Intemezzo Piano S/ 24 pg. E291 A collection of short heterogeneous pieces conceived spontaneously at different moments in the composer’s life.

Eva-lution / Adam-lution – Pere Soto Doublebass S/ 20 pg. E708 The first piece was written for the smooth-sounding jazz double bass and the second for the classic double bass, rougher and more challenging, to represent femininity and masculinity.

Dues Peces a l’Estil Barroc – Albert Gumí Suite; Variacions sobre La Follia Doublebass (elementary level) S/ 12 pg. S078 Two easy pieces for elementary double bass lessons with a definite Baroque style.

Solstici d’Estiu – Carlota Baldrís Guitar – revision by Juan Becerra S/ 12 pg. E740 Inspired by the magical Mediterranean night of St. John, taking a journey around the world of the emotions to celebrate the summer solstice.

Plouifasol – Òscar Larios Guitar (elementary level) S/ 20 pg. S077 A series of popular Catalan songs arranged and harmonized for the guitar as working material for elementary students of this instrument.

The Lake: To – Benet Casablancas Low voice & piano S/ 20 pg. AC101 (2nd ed.) Written in 1982, this piece won the Spanish Youth Music prize and uses serial techniques for a profound and mysterious poem. There is also a version for low voice and orchestra.

Poemes de Josep Carner Mercè Torrents – Josep Carner Calor; Expectació; Cançó de la mica mica; La flor sagrada Veu i piano (catalan text) P/ 20 pg. E284 (2a.ed.) Mercè Torrents is a composer who enjoys great regard from singers and is one of the most prolific scorers of the great Catalan poets.

Canciones y Poemas para niños Miquel Pardo / F. García Lorca El lagarto está llorando; Dos lunas de tarde 1 y 2; La Lola; Cancioncilla sevillana Voice & piano S/ 24 pg. E294 (2nd ed.) García Lorca, San Juan de la Creu and J. V. Foix are musical poets who speak to the sensibilities of poetic musician Miquel Pardo. This is just one example of this

Temps de paraules – Anna Bofill / diverses Enigma; Lamento; Desig, Mosaic en dansa Voice & piano S/ 20 pg. E374 (2nd ed) This series of poems chosen from some of the greatest Catalan female poets, M. Antonia Salvà and M. Mercè Marçal (translated from the poem by Renée Vivien), and by Víctor Català, make up a musical piece of exceptional delicacy.

Bestiari – Manuel Oltra / Pere Quart Mosques i mosquits; Pregadéu; Coccinel•la; Xanguet; Pingüí; Gripau; Musclo; Bacil; Colomí; Rata-pinyada; Rossinyol caduc; Elefant Cor SATB a cappella (catalan text) First complete edition S/ 52 pg. E730 These twelve poems, put to music by Manual Oltra in a resolute language which matches the boldness of the poet’s descriptions, enjoy great popularity with choirs in Catalonia.

Magníficat Op.11– Raimon Romaní / Luke 1,46-55 Choir SATB & piano (latin text) S/ 40 pg. E746 25’ A fairly easy work aimed at youth choirs without any extreme tessituras yet containing moments of brilliant timbre.

Psalmus 126 Op.17 – Raimon Romaní Choir SSATB a cappella (latin text) S/ 36 pg. C0534 15’ This is a new choral piece aimed at youth choirs which features different voices in the mid-range register.

Magníficat Op.11– Raimon Romaní / Luke 1,46-55 Choir SATB & piano (latin text) choir part 24 pg. C0533 A fairly easy work aimed at youth choirs without any extreme tessituras yet containing moments of brilliant timbre.

Nuvolada (Storm clouds) – Adrià Sardó Choir TTB a cappella (catalan text) S/ 12 pg. C0531 Based on notes by the composer’s grandfather (18431893) describing a storm he experienced out in the country.


Sis Trios per a tres Clarinets Jesús Rodríguez Picó 3 Clarinets P+p. 44 pg. S075 Each trio of this work is defined by a distinctive rhythm, making a path from the march to the boogie, so the student becomes more familiar with shapes and styles that will emerge in their studies.

Microscòpic • Carles M. Eroles 2 Guitars (easy level) P/ 16 pg. S037 Imagination and teaching experience are the essential ingredients that make Microscòpic such a well-rounded, consistent and musically attractive work, it is essential in the training of the future musician.

MicroDuets • Pere Soto Flute & violoncello P/ 12 pg. E706 Three short compositions created at two different times yet with an evident desire for unity. These are open structures in the style of a fantasy, with a fluid line from start to finish.

17 Cançons populars catalanes • David Padrós Piano solo P/ 24 pg. E320 Melodies which he was complementing with a good amount of counterpoint and modal harmonies, and are an unusual accompaniment for piano.

Homenatge a Francesc Alió J. Lluís Guzmán Antich Piano solo P/ 12 pg. E733 With this piece the author pays homage to two of the original sources of Catalan music: popular song and the Red Book of Montserrat.

Estudis progressius amb swing • Oscar Larios Piano easy P/ 28 pg. S074 This first collection of studies with swing is designed for practising the musical language of jazz.

Set Miniatures • Pere Soto Classical guitar P/ 20 pg. E707 The Seven Miniatures feature baroque airs, classical citations and touches of contemporary jazz.

Pinewood Waltz • Pere Puértolas Batteria P/ 24 pg. E340 This work is a waltz from the first bar to the last, which requires virtuosic technique and deep musical knowledge of the player. Drums is treated as a classical percussion section.

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