MiniM - Keep Growing

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“Growth is the only evidence of life." John Henry Newman, Leader of the Oxford Movement, Catholic Cardinal

MiniM Chordiels Magazine Vol. 7, Issue 1, Jan - Mar 2018 Editors Dr. S. JUSTUS Dr. V. IMMANUEL


Associate Editor Dr. V. HEPSIBA JUSTUS Head Publishing Shri. L. CHARLES SELVARAJ

Dear all, It is 10 years since the inception of Chordiels Music. 2018 is a celebration for Chordiels - full of music, recordings, videos, concerts, and meeting new friends.

CHORDIELS MAGAZINE Published as e-Magazine in and Published by: Chordiels Music | Handel Music Series Santhosapuram, Chennai 600073, TN, India

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © March 2018

As we are busy with all the above works, we took time to have a family meet in March, having fun with families and friends. I was pondering over the theme for this issue of MiniM, this theme of ‘Keep Growing’ came in. It was apt for this year, as we Chordiels keep growing Spiritually, in ministry, in family, in our jobs etc. We thank the Lord for using us all these years to be a blessing to many as we make music for Him. Friends across the country and beyond call or text us to say that they are blessed through our songs. Feedback from social media keeps us encouraging. Above all, we always have our focus on Him who always leads us. Lot more to come this year. Two audio CDs planned, one video DVD, two main concerts in celebration of our anniversary, and many more. But, as a first feast, read this Magazine and be blessed. Looking forward to meet you in one of our concert venues. God Bless you all.

Chordielly in Him,

Growing with Him

by Dr. S. Justus

Do you remember the song ehNd nka;ahd jpuhl;irr; nrb (I am the real vine-plant), sung by Mr. Jolly Abraham for Madras Pentecostal Assembly in the early 1990s. Such a wonderful song, as a teenager I would love to sing it. Then it was early for me to comprehend the lyrics. Later when inlife’s rough journey I learnt to love the Savior, and then clearly understood what it means to be growing with Him, and in Him. The grapevine is always referred to as vine plant or simply vine. It is a kind of plant that needs support throughout its life time. It doesn't spend in developing tissues for support, rather it will always rely on a support. So the vineyard owners or vine growers provide this support facility for each vine plant so that the plant grows in all its fullness. Let us look into the growth patterns of the vine.

Needs Support Yes, as said above, vine belongs to the climbers family and hence needs support for growth. So this support is provided by the owners. The supporting pillar rock or a wooden trunk or log is installed next to the vine. This support material is already done with, dried, broken, and worth for nothing, except helpful for this vine. Jesus was done with on the cross, he was broken for our sins, and died for our curses. He is the only one needed for us to help us grow. When we lean on Him and learn to grow in His support, we will be successful. Also know one more thing, a vine cannot be a support to another vine. It is because of its weaknesses it cannot support each other to grow. We cannot rely on another human to help us grow. We are mud vessels full of week inner-selves. Hence we cannot support nor can get support from another human, rather we can only rely on Christ who is there for us to help us grow at our best.

Grows Upwards These climbers kind of plants always tend to grow upwards, vertically up. If you try to bend it or turn its path by keeping a inclined supporting trunk, still it will find its way upwards. What an amazing creation by the Almighty Creator. We are also designed in such a way, to Spiritually grow upwards and not to fall down. Though we are rooted in this world, our focus, our eyes should be upwards. This world provides us physical well being, and it is needed. But the growth for the soul comes from the creator. Growing upwards for what? For the Sun light? Light for what? For metabolism to happen? We need to grow upwards focusing on our Son, Jesus Christ. He is our light, our salvation and our redeemer. Without His divine light on us, we cannot live. We will long be dead. He created us in this design, to look unto Him everyday and night. That is His will, to abide in His presence all the time. If we were designed to grow sidewards, then our focus would be lost. So let’s be focused on Christ.

Bear Fruits The life cycle of a vine says that only when the vine has completely grown in support of that trunk placed nearby, and getting energy from the sunlight, will it start to produce fruits. These grapes are attractively colorful, tastier than anything in this world, gives strength, and good for our health. The vines produce grapes in plenty when it is fully grown. The owner reaps the plenty of the produce with joy. The fruits of the vine is what it is grown for. Otherwise, it would be planted at all. So there is a purpose for our lives in this world. Only one purpose, and that is to bear good fruits. We reply on Christ, we focus on God, yet if don't give good fruits, then we will be cut off by the owner of the vineyard. Our fruits are the most important results of our earthly and Spiritual life. Our fruits are known by our deeds. Good fruits give good deeds, and bad ones bad deeds. Let us examine ourselves ‘Are we completely relying on our Lord for growth? Is our focus on the Lord? Are we bearing good fruits to others? Are we a blessing in some kind to some one? One day we will be gone, but our deeds will remain. So let us grow in Him and bear good fruits.

10 Points to Personal Growth 1. Read about what you want to improve. Newspaper. Magazine, Book. Novel. The BIBLE.

2. Find a mentor. Dad. Mom. Teacher. Uncle. Leader. JESUS.

3. Reflect at the end of each day. Good. Bad. Nice. Worse. Its Ok. Lukewarm. SPIRITUAL

4. Create a strong practice regimen. Practice to raise early. Help others. Be punctual. Be PRAYERFUL.

5. Find others to push you and train with. Friends. A motivational Speaker. Your Pastor. HOLY SPIRIT.

6. Create a reward/punishment system. Blessing. Curse. Promises. Broken heart. Tears. Joy. FORGIVEN.

7. Stay honest with yourself. When you commit a sin. Not so looking so fair. Say SORRY.

8. Find role models you can look up to. An actor. Actress. Leader. Boss. Kings. The Triune GOD.

9. Measure your progress. Targets. Numbers. Grades. Scorecards. GOOD FRUITS.

10. Consistency is the key. Be consistent in Prayer. Reading Bible. In Faith. In Love.

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Why Spiritual Growth Matters By Steve Gallagher If every believer in my church will one day enjoy the same blanket pardon of sin, trod the same streets of gold and worship before the same Throne, why should I be concerned about spiritual growth? If all the benefits of heaven await every believer, why does my congregation need to fight for a holier life, pursue a deeper life in God, or desire to be conformed into His image? Why shouldn’t they just live for themselves and enjoy the pleasures and amusements of this world while they have them? And why should I address their struggles, failures, and shortcomings? Are they really that big of a deal? Do they make a difference? Consider the following benefits to pushing for growth among the people of your flock.

1. Maturing Believers Are Much Easier to Lead When people allow the Holy Spirit to have His way in their lives, strife, gossip, criticism and sexual sin all begin to diminish. A stagnant congregation is a breeding ground for problems. On the other hand, healthy, growing Christians are motivated to serve, pray and love. 2. Thriving Spiritual Life is Contagious In a church of vibrant believers, people want to participate in church activities. Family members sense the excitement and want to be a part of it. People start getting truly converted. There is a law of increase that comes into play once the Holy Spirit begins to move among a body of believers.

Those who attempt to attract people to their churches by dumbing-down holiness and using worldly techniques are cutting themselves off from the greatest source of multiplication available to the pastor. “Set yourself on fire,” quipped John Wesley, “and the world will come watch you burn.” 3. Eternal Consequences Are Real An even more compelling reason to stress the need for your people to truly become doers of the Word, is the eternal consequence that comes as a result of the way a person has lived his life. One day, each of us will give an accounting for our lives. All the things that seemed so important on earth will vanish and the only thing that will remain will be the virtues of grace that have been worked into a person’s life. Who can comprehend the eternal loss or gain that will be realized on that terrible Day? 4. Spiritual Growth Is the Way God Is Glorified It is through what He is able to accomplish in us and through us that His holy nature is revealed to the world and (as Ephesians 3:10 reveals) to the “rulers and the authorities in the heavenly places.” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones wrote: “God is going to open His last great exhibition and all these heavenly powers and principalities will be invited to attend. The curtain will be drawn back and God will say, ‘Look at them!’” Yes, it is true, that all believers will share some of the benefits of heaven equally. But there is so much more at stake than implied by this superficial and shortsighted perspective. Believers will carry on into eternity the level of love and commitment that was theirs on earth. As a pastor, resist complacency in your church, equip and empower your congregation to fight sin, and watch as the Lord does more than you can ask or imagine.

Source: Purelife Ministries y-spiritual-growth-matters

Lessons Learnt My Parents like to grow plants and trees around our house. While we were living a rental house in the early 1980s, they used to have a bunch of plants grown in clay pots. Some plants were placed in the soil near the house’s wall. Some were placed under the trees, and some in the watery areas. I would wonder why on these earth people love to grow plants, and not pet animals. These plants and trees don't talk with us, do they? But these pet dogs and cats were so loving and worth spending time with them. Later when we moved to our own cottage in the early 1990s, both Mom and Dad were so particular to move those plants to the new place. They planted those plants in our new house campus in the same way as they used to do. This time with some more trees added, like neem tree, coconut tree, mango tree and some more. Within a year our house backyard became a beautiful garden. I used to ask my Mom why do you want to have all these plants and trees around us. She would like this: ‘see your Dad and me used to plant the seeds carefully, add good soil and fertilizers, add some worms to the soil, and water them regularly, look for weeds or insects that would affect the growth of the plant and trees. And son, listen closely, these plants are living beings and you could hear them whisper to you and sometimes laugh and dance with you. If you can watch it carefully every morning, you can see the roots beneath the soil rooted firmly, and the shoots come out. Speak, sing to it, and they enjoy to listen to you and they do respond. Watch carefully.

I would then accompany Mom and Dad to water the plants every morning, clean the soil, remove weeds, and seek for new leaves and sprouts, flowers that would bloom. Then came the surprise, after five years. During the summer of 1996, the mango tree was full of sweet green mangoes, and more flowers. Dad would leave the mangoes to ripe in the tree itself. You should taste those ripened mangoes, matchless. The mango tree in our house produced sweet mangoes now for more than 20 years, and still with the same sweetness. After eight years, we could see coconuts coming out. In the meantime, the neem tree that was planted at the front was in full green pouring shades on the portico. We also had the banana tree give us sweet fruits. Watching these trees and plants grow is not without great learnings. The soil has to be fertile with worms and natural manure. Weeds need to be removed. Water them daily. Keep them in good sunlight. Guard them from rain and strong winds. And after years, we reaped fruits, shades, and that was beneficial even to our neighbors. To grow, I need to have Jesus as my good soil where I can be planted, his Spirit has to be watered everyday, I need to constantly seek the face of God through prayer, and these things will help me grow Spiritually. If I do all these consistently, I will bear good fruits and be a blessing to others.

Tall or Short Once there lived a man who was short. He was mocked by that entire Village for being so short. He was insulted everyday and by everybody. He became very sad on the mockery done by the villagers on his shortness. He was hurt in his heart. One day as he was walking by the riverside outside the Village, an Angel appeared to him after all his prayers. The Angel asked him what he wished for. The man replied that wanted to become tall. He showed a tall tree standing nearby, and said “I want to become like this tree�. The Angel granted him his wish. Now he is tall, tall enough to see everyone down. When he came back to the Village, the people got scared of him and started throwing stones on him, and he was injured very bad. He ran out of the Village and sat under the same tree crying. The Angel came again, and asked him what for his is crying. He pleaded with the Angel to make him as he was. He learnt a lesson. Be what you are. Don't be jealous of others or don't be sad for other's comments on us. Don't ask for what others have, inorder to grow like others. Let your growing process be steady and in its own time. Growth should not be too much in our physical body, it will lead to gigantism. If your inner-self is longing for a fast growing process, then that leads to pride. Bible says, 'but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ'. By Handel Jonathan

Music Book A collection of 100 Christian Gospel songs - 60 Tamil and 40 English songs in four-part music notations arranged in SATB and TTBB. Tamil and English Convention songs, Hymns, Keerthanais, and some time-tested songs from Dr. Emil Jebasingh, Mr. Samuel Abishekara, Mr. Judson, Mr. Jacob, Mr. Stephen Dharmaraj, and from great song writers and composers of our time. All songs from Chordiels Music’s albums sung in Chordiels Style, and some contemporary arrangements of hymns and keethanais. Contemporary harmony scores from Mr. Victor Thangadurai, Mr. Augustine Paul, Dr. Prabhu Devaraj, Mr. Danie Prakash, and Dr. Justus.

The Music Book is available

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Great unseen God, I turn to You A thought, a praise long overdue. I hope that what I hear is true: You listen, and You care. This faith of mine is just a seed, A childish cry from desperate need, But as it grows, my heart is freed To know and trust You more. You show Yourself in simple ways, Through growing light, through darker days. You teach my tiny heart to praise And find its joy in You. Now God, I see You all around! What beauty shines! What songs abound! I hear a music more profound And dance Your life and love!

LEAD-IN: “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and perch in its branches.� (Matthew 13:31-32, NIV) If I could snap my fingers and make it so, I'd always be centered on Christ, conscious of Him, breathing prayer to Him, resting in Him completely. I'd make it so in a minute if I could. But I can't. It doesn't work that way. And as it is, my focus gravitates from Him to myself. My will is so weak and inconsistent, and I'm left feeling foolish and distant and dirty. But to my joy and amazement, I'm finding that I can have a living relationship with Him, one that changes from day to day, yet is stable. It is stable not because I can make it stable- I can't but because His love never changes and because His Spirit in me is faithful. I can love Him and trust Him and grow in Him. I can experience pain and frustration and disappointment, yet still be in Him. And through it all, my relationship with Him grows closer and richer and more personal and wonderful. Do you need proof for yourself? Look back on your own life. No matter where you are in your walk with Him, you'll see that your spiritual life has been more stable than you could ever have made it. Look around at the Christian people you know. What an infinite variety of personalities,backgrounds, and levels of maturity! Yet God is able to keep them stable, no matter how flawed and weak they are. I still wish my heart and mind were immovable in Him, and someday they will be. But in the meantime, I like the living, growing feeling about our relationship. It's so real and warm and human. There's so much room for hope and comfort, pleasure and surprise in Him. Thank You, my Lord, for staying with me. Hymn Words by Ken Bible Music: Traditional Irish Folk Tune and Ken Bible

When the Tank becomes too small to move around, it’s time to move to a bigger one. You are growing!

In my mind i would offer they are both equal. Often when we succeed we attribute it all to ourselves, and when we fail we may tend to blame others. So success can lead to lack of humility, and failure can lead to blaming others or circumstances. Each of them can provide a valuable perspective on our path at different times, but if we use the experiences wisely, they will teach us the greatest gift of all. To just do our best, and then forget - We don't have to be attached to the fruits of our actions, we can just show up as people who do the very best with what each moment provided for us.

Handel Music Series “Chordiels Musicâ€?, Santhoshapuram, Chennai 600073 Š All rights reserved. Chordiels Music. 2015 Unauthorized copying and reproducing of the contents of this magazine in any form is prohibited

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