Capital Key Volume 60 Issue II

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Capi t al Key V o l u me6 0I s s u eI I

Wa s hi ngt onD. C. -Ma r y l a ndVi r gi ni a-Del a wa r e




Asyoucans eeont hef r ontcover , Cr abbyl ovest ohi de!T r yt os eehow manyt i mesyoucanf i ndcr abbyi nt hi s i s s ueoft heCapi t al Keyandemai l Edi t orBi ancaat bi ancx x @gmai l . com #F i ndCr abby


T abl eofCont ent s 20152016Boar d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg23 Ex ecut i veMes s ages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg67 I CONRecap. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg89 I nt er nat i onal Updat es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg1011 Pr ef er edChar i t i es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg1213 T r i ckorT r eatf orUNI CEF . . . . . . . . . . . . pg1415 KeyL eader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg1617 DCONandF al l yRal l y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg1819 Recr ui t mentandS er vi ce. . . . . . . . . . pg2021 YOFF undandI CON2016. . . . . . . . . pg2223 Ki wani sUpdat es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg2425 CKIUpdat es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg2627 Akt i onCl ubUpdat es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg2829 Cl ubandDi vi s i onHi ghl i ght . . . . . . . pg3031 Vi s i onPar t ner s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg3233 Edi t or ’ sNot eandDat es . . . . . . . . . . . . pg3435


AMes s ag eF r om YourEx ecut i veBo

Gover norAr s had

hew t at M r e t as Webm


Hel l oCr abt as t i cCapi t alDi s t r i ct ! Ihopeeachandever yoneofyouhashadar el axi ngs ummerf ul lof f unands er vi ce.I t ’ st hatt i meoft heyearagai n,s ummerends ,s chool opens ,andKeyCl ubr et ur ns .Ast henew s choolyearbegi ns ,i ti s YOURt i met obui l dyourhomes ,s chool s ,&communi t i es .T hes enext f ew mont hsar egoi ngast heCapi t alDi s t r i cthasal otofevent st o s har ewi t hyous uchast heupcomi ngHal l oweenKeyL eaderi nWes t Ri ver ,Mar yl andandF al lRal l yi nKi ngsDomi ni on,Vi r gi ni a.Bes ur et hat yout akeever yoppor t uni t yt hatcomesyourwayandexpandt heKey Cl ubmember s hi pt onew i ncomi ngf r es hmanaswel lasr et ur ni ng s t udent s .Remembert hatyouhavet hepowert ot r ul ymaket hi swor l d abet t erpl ace.L as t l y,Iadvi s eyout obui l dt heKi wani sF ami l yRel at i ons .Ki wani si s100year sol dandKeyCl ubr ecent l yt ur ned90;now i s t het i met or eal l yes t abl i s hs t r ongr el at i ons hi psasaKi wani sF ami l y. I nvi t eKi wani anst oKeyCl ubmeet i ngsandpar t i ci pat ei nt heGover nor ’ sPr oj ectt oboos tal lr el at i ons .Iwi s hyoual lt hebes tt hi syearand cannotwai tt os eeal loft hef eat syouwi l lhavebyDi s t r i ctConvent i on!

Heyever yone!I ' m Mat t hew Gendr eau,t heCapi t alDi s t r i ctWebmas t er .As webmas t er ,par tofmyj obcover smai nt ai ni ngt hedi s t r i ctwebs i t eand s oci almedi aaccount s .I naddi t i on,r ecent l yI ' vebeenwor ki ng behi ndt hes cenesonaf ew r es our cest ohel pyourL i eut enantGover nor s bet t ers er veyou,whi l eal s ocoor di nat i ngwi t ht heCommuni cat i ons commi t t eeons et t i ngourgoal sf ort hecomi ngyear .Ast heyearcont i nues ,I ' ml ooki ngf or war dt oat t endi ngmanyupcomi ngevent s ,andIhope youal ls t ar tof ft henew s choolyearonapos i t i venot e!I fyouhaveany ques t i onsors ugges t i ons ,I ' dl ovet ohearf r om you!Emai lmeatmr gendr eau@gmai l . com.

Ques t i ons , Comment s ,Conc er ns ?Feel f r eet or eac husat : Gover norAr s hadFahkar-a r s ha d. f a k ha r . 14@gma i l . c om Sec r et ar yTr eas ur erJohns onSong-j ons on526@gma i l . c om Edi t orBi anc aFr anc o-bi a nc x x @gma i l . c om Webmas t erMa he wGendr eau-mr gendr ea u@gma i l . c om

Boar d

Hiever yone!Ihopeyouhadani ces ummer f i l l edwi t hf unands er vi ce,butal as ,i thas comet i met ogobackt os chool .Wi t habus y yearahead,Ir emai ns t eadf as ti nmygoal s .I pl ant odevel ophel pf ulcor r es pondencef or cl ubs ecr et ar i esandt r eas ur er sandcr ankout aDi s t r i ctdi r ect or yt of aci l i t at eCapi t alDi s t r i ct KeyCl ubber satt hecl ubl evel ! Seeyous oon, J ohns on

S ecT r esJ ohns on

HiCapi t alDi s t r i ct !Al t houghs ummeri scomi ngt oacl os e,I al waysgets uperexci t edwhenanew s choolyears t ar t s ! T hi si st het i meoft heyeart or ecr ui tnew member s ,come upwi t hnew s er vi cespr oj ect s ,andr eal l ygeti nvol vedi n yourhomes ,s chool s ,andcommuni t i es .T hr oughoutt hi s yearIwantt ogetYOUenvol ved.Pl eas ef eelf r eet os end mear t i cl est hatcoul dappearr i ghther ei nt heCapi t alKey oranyques t i ons ,comment s ,orconcer nst o bi ancxx@gmai l . com.I ’ m al s oal waysher ei fyouhave ques t i onsonmaki ngnews l et t er s ,gr aphi cs t andar ds ,orany ot herques t i onsyoumi ghthave!Ihopeyouenj oyt hi s edi t i onoft heCapi t alKey! Your si nSer vi ce, Bi anca

anca i B r o t i d E


KeyCl ubber sf r om al l overt hewor l dj oi nedt oget hert o cel ebr at eKi wani s ’10t hAnni ver s ar ydur i ngI nt er nat i onal Convent i ont hi syeari nI di anapol i s ,I di ana.T hi sj oi nt convent i onwasf i l l edwi t hwor ks hops ,pr i vat econcer t s , andabas ebal l gamewi t ht heent i r eKi wani sf ami l y!I t wasdef i ni t el yat i mef i l l edwi t hcel ebr at i on,r ef l ect i on, andeducat i on.I twass ur el yaneventofal i f et i me! T her ewasal s oal ott ocel ebr at ef orCapi t al Di s t r i ct !Our ver yownDi s t r i ctAdmi ni s t r at or ,Mr .J oeS t ankus ,was awar dedt heKeyofHonor( t hehi ghes thonort obe awar dedt oanonKeyCl ubmember )andAnas t as i a S l epukhovaandHoj i nYoonr ecei vedDi s t i ngui s hedOf f i cerAwar dsandgotel ect edasKeyCl ubI nt er nat i onal T r us t ees !Weal s ohas2Di s t i ngui s hedDi amondCl ubs ( MeadeandS out hHampt on) ,8I mmedi at ePas tRober t F .L ucasOut s t andi ngL i eut enantGover nor s ,hadJ ames WoodHi ghS chool r ecei ve1s tpl acei nt heT r adi t i onal S cr apbookCont es t ,andhadL i am Kel l yandEmma S t onepar t i ci pat ei nt het al ents how.Wear es opr oudof t hes eCapi t al Cr abs !


RECAP Hel l o!Mynamei sS ydneyHamr i ck;I ’ mt hePr es i dentofCent r evi l l e Hi ghS chool ’ sKeyCl ub,Di vi s i on2B.T hi syearf ort heI nt er nat i onal Convent i on,Iwentwi t hCapi t al t oI ndi anapol i s ,I ndi anat ocel ebr at e90year sofs er vi ceal ongs i deKi wani sandt her es toft he Kf ami l y.T hi swasmyf i r s tt i megoi ngt oI CONandIhads omuch f un!Wemetupi nCol l egePar k,i nMar yl and,anddr ove10hour st o ourhot el i nI ndi ana.Wes pentt henex tf ourdaysel ect i ngt henew I nt er nat i onal boar d,goi ngt owor ks hops ,at t endi ngKi wani ss es s i ons wher ewes aw andhear df r om avar i et yofper f or mer sandKf ami l y I nt er nat i onal Boar dmember s ,andmeet i ngl oadsofpeopl ef r om ourdi s t r i ctandot herpl acesar oundt hewor l d.Weal s owentt oa bas ebal l gamef ort heI ndi anaI ndi ans .T hewhol es t adi um was peopl ef r om Kf ami l yandt heys etof ff i r ewor ksatt heendaf t erwe won.Il ear neds omuchaboutKeyCl ubandhow we’ r ehel pi ng t hewor l dt hr oughT heEl i mi nat ePr oj ectandot herpr ogr amsl i ket he T hi r s tPr oj ectandNoKi dHungr y.F r om t al ki ngwi t hpeopl eand at t endi ngt hewor ks hops ,Igots omer eal l ygoodi deast hatI br oughtbackt omycl ubt hi ss ummer .Af t ert heconvent i onpar tof t het r i p,wedr ovet oCl evel and,Ohi ot ovi s i tt heRockandRol l Hal l ofF ame.T henex tday,wewentt oCedarPoi nti nS andus ky,Ohi o. Myconf i dences t ayedhi ghonal l t her i des ,andt hevi ew ofL ake Eer i ewasbeaut i f ul .Wes t ayedawakeal l ni ghtt al ki ngont hebus r i dehome.Wel l ,mos tofus .S avannah,t hegi r l s i t t i ngnex tt ome, wokeupever yf ew hour st ot el l ust ogot os l eep.Ihadt hebes t t i meatI CONands t i l l keepi nt ouchwi t ht hepeopl eImetf r om Capi t al .Idef i ni t el yencour ageever ybodyt ogonex tyear !

S ydneyHamr i ck Cent r evi l l ePr es i dent Di vi s i on2B




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E T A D P U L Gr eet i ngsCr abt as t i cCapi t al Di s t r i c t , Mynamei sCl i ffor dYoungandIwi l l bes er vi ngasyour201 5201 6I nt er nat i onal Tr us t ee. Ial s o ha vet hehonorofs er vi ngt heJ amai c aandMont anaDi s t r i c t s , andt og et herwemakeuponeof t hemos tdi ver s egr oupsofs i s t erdi s t r i c t s . I ’ dl i ket obegi nbyi nt r oduc i ngmys el f . Iam ar i s i ngj uni oratMi dwoodHi ghSc hool i nBr ookl yn, NY, andIha vebeenaKe yCl ub memberf oral l ofmyhi ghs c hool c ar eer . Ij oi nedKe yCl ubasanal t er nat i vet oa endi ng9t h per i odg eomet r y , butg oi ngt ot hes er vi c epr oj ec t sande vent swi t hmyf el l owmember smade mes t a yi nKe yCl ub. I twast hi sf ami l yt hatIhadne vers eenbef or et hatmademewantt oc ont i nuei nt hemi s s i onofs er vi c e. Out s i deofKe yCl ub, Ienj oypl a yi ngt hepi anoande xpl or i ng Ne wYor kCi t y . Manyofyoumi ghtnotbef ami l i arwi t ht her es pons i bi l i t i esofanI nt er nat i onal Tr us t ee. Pr i mar i l y , myj obi st oc ommuni c at ene wsf r om t heI nt er nat i onal Boar dt hr ought heus eof bi weekl y( e ver y2weeks )updat est omys i s t erdi s t r i c t s , andasyourt r us t ee, t akeanyf eedbac k, c omment s , ors ugg es t i onst ot heI nt er nat i onal Boar d. Myemai l i sc l i ffor dyoung@nydkc . or g. I fyoue verneedanyt hi ngt hi syearors i mpl ywantt oc ommuni c at e, pl eas edonothes i t at et oc ont ac tme! Las tmont h, t heKi wani sFami l ymeti nI ndi anapol i s , I ndi anaf ort hec el ebr at i onoft he1 00t h anni ver s ar yofKi wani s . TheKFami l ybonded, a endedwor ks hops , andel ec t edeac hr es pec t i veI nt er nat i onal Boar d. I nt er nat i onal Convent i on( I CON)201 5wasanamazi nge xper i enc e andI CON201 6wi l l beher ebef or eyouknowi t . Ic an’ twai tt os eeyoual l i nAt l ant af oranot her i nc r edi bl eKe yCl ube vent . Your sI nSer vi c e, Cl i ffor dYoung I nt er nat i onal Tr us t ee( 201 5201 6) Ke yCl ubI nt er nat i onal

1 1 1

Pr ef er edChar i t i es Chi l dr en-T hei rf ut ur e,ourf ocus

Youmayhavehear daboutt heEl i mi nat ePr oj ectt hat KeyCl ubwor kswi t h,butweal s ohaveourpr ef er ed char i t i es ,Mar chofDi mes ,Chi l dr en’ sMi r acl eNet wor k, andUNI CEFt hatyoucangeti nvol vedwi t h!Whet heri t beget t i ngi nvol vedt houghf undr ai s er s ,wal ki ngf or Mar chofDi mes ,ors i mpl yeducat i ngot her soft hes e char i t i es ,anyt hi ngandever yt hi nghel ps !F eel f r eet o cont actCapi t al Di s t r i ctS er vi cePar t nerL i as onEmi l y Gr eenf ormor ei nf or mat i onorhow t ogeti nvol vedat emi l ygr een@comcas t . net

Mar chofDi mes Mar chofDi mesi sanor gani z at i onwi t hami s s i ont oi mpr ovet heheal t h ofbabi esbypr event i ngbi r t hdef ect s ,pr emat ur ebi r t handi nf antmor t al i t y.AsKeyCl ubber s ,wecanpar t nerwi t hMar chofDi mesbecaus e weal l know ofbabi esandf ami l i esaf f ect edbypr emat ur ebi r t h,bi r t h def ect sandi nf antdeat h.Wi t ht hehel poft heent i r eKF ami l y,wecan hel pmor ebabi esbegi nheal t hyl i ves .Doyouwantt ogeti nvol vedwi t h Mar chofDi mes ?Oneoft heeas i es twaysi st opar t i ci pat ei nt hei rl ar ges tf undr ai s er -Mar chf orBabi es .T hr oughoutt hemont hofNovember andonWor l dPr emat ur i t yDay,November17,t heKF ami l ywhol ehear t edl ys uppor t sMar chofDi mesbyr ai s i ngpubl i cawar enes soft hemi s s i onMar chofDi mesembodi es .T heycanaccompl i s ht hi sbydoi ng anyt hi ngf r om wear i ngpur pl et oyourNovembermeet i ng,j oi ni ngi n l ocal Mar chofDi mesawar enes sevent s ,hos t i ngagues ts peakerat yourcl ubt os har et hei rpr emat ur i t ys t or y;anyt hi ngt hatwi l l gett he wor doutt ot hei rmember sandcommuni t y.I fyouwoul dl i kemor e i nf or mat i on,youcanl ogont owww. mar chof di mes . or g.

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Chi l dr en’ sMi r acl eNet wor k Manypeopl ehavehear dt hename“Chi l dr en’ sMi r acl eNet wor k” ,but how muchi nf or mat i ondoyouknow abouti t ?Chi l dr en’ sMi r acl eNet wor ki sanor gani z at i ont hatcont i nuous l ywor kst owar dr ai s i ngf unds andawar enes sf orl ocal chi l dr en’ shos pi t al s .T hef undst hatar er ai s ed f ort hes ehos pi t al shavegonet os uppor tr es ear chandt r ai ni ng,pur chas eequi pment ,andpayf oruncompens at edcar e,al l ai mi ngt o s aveandi mpr ovet hel i vesofasmanychi l dr enaspos s i bl e.Wantt o know how t ogeti nvol ved?Goonht t p: / / chi l dr ens mi r acl enet wor khos pi t al s . or gands eei ft her ei sapar t i ci pat i nghos pi t al i nyourar ea.T her e ar eapl et hor aofwaysyoucanr ai s ef undst odonat et oyourpar t i ci pat i ngl ocal chi l dr en’ shos pi t al ;f r om carwas hesandbakes al est o pl anni nga5Kr un,t heywi l l gl adl yacceptanyf undsyourcl ubsr ai s e.

UNI CEF S i nce1994,KeyCl ubI nt er nat i onal hasbeenpar t i ci pat i ngi nT r i ckor T r eatf orUNI CEF .Whatex act l yi sUNI CEF ?UNI CEFi st heonl yor gani z at i onoft heUni t edNat i onsdedi cat edex cl us i vel yt oas s i s ti nchi l dr en’ sneedst hr oughcommuni t ybas eds er vi cesi npr i mar yheal t h car e,bas i ceducat i on,ands af ewat erands ani t at i oni nmor et han 150devel opi ngcount r i es .Recent l yt heKF ami l yhasbeenpar t ner ed wi t hUNI CEFt oel i mi nat emat er nal andneonat al t et anust hr ought he El i mi nat ePr oj ect .Ourgoal wast or ai s e$110mi l l i onby2015,andas ofr ecent l y,wehaveachi evedr ai s i ng$100mi l l i on!Wear es ocl os e KeyCl ubber s ?Wantt ohel pusr eachourgoal ?Wonder i nghow you canhel p?Cont i nuer ai s i ngf undst hr oughT r i ckorT r eatf orUNI CEF , f undr ai s er syourcl ubscr eat e,andmuchmor e!T hepos s i bi l i t i esar e endl es sKeyCl ubber s !Remember ,$1. 80s avesamot herandal l of herf ut ur ebabi es .F ormor ei nf or mat i on,l ogont oht t p: / / s i t es . ki wani s . or g/ Ki wani s / en/ t heEL I MI NAT Epr oj ect / home. as px

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Sc ar eups omef undsandf unt hi sHal l oweenbypar t i c i pat i ngi n Tr i c kor Tr eatf orUNI CEF . I t ’ sagr eatoppor t uni t yt oc ol l ec t donat i onsi ns t eadofc andyort obr i ngc l ubmember st og et her f oraf abul ouse ventorpar t y . Al l mone yc ol l ec t edbyKi wani s f ami l ymember st hr oughTr i c kor Tr eatf orUNI CEFwi l l onc e ag ai ns uppor tTheEl i mi nat ePr oj ec tandhel ps a vemomsand babi esf r om mat er nal andneonat al t et anus . How t oT akePar t : 1)Pr eor deryourcol l ect i onbox es 2)S pr eadt hewor dt oyourcl ubands chool 3)Comeupwi t hf undr ai s i ngi deas 4)Col l ectdonat i ons 5)T ur ni nyourdonat i onsandhel pCapi t al r ai s e$100, 000f or t heEl i mi nat ePr oj ect 6)Cel ebr at es avi ngmot her sandt hei rf ut ur ebabi es !

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e k e e W g n i g n a h C e f i AAL

KeyCl ubi snotj us tcommi t t edt opr ovi di ngs er vi cebutal s ot ocul t i vat i ngl eader s hi pi ns t uden i ti sanamaz i ngoppor t uni t yt ol ear naboutl eader s hi pandmakegr eatf r i ends .WhenIwentt o ar s hi pt oas t udentwhowasi nt er es t edi nat t endi ngandwhenIhear dabouti tf r om myKi wani f r i ends ,hadas t r es s f r eeweekend,l ear nedhow t obeal eaderandt hepr ogr am gavemet h s t oppedl ear ni ngaboutl eader s hi pbecaus eIappl ywhatIl ear nedt her eever yday.KeyL ead Ki wani scl ubaboutas chol ar s hi p.T heywi l lbegl adt ohel pyouout !Youcanr

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5 1 0 2 r e d a e L y e K . . . . . d en

ent sandKeyL eaderi soneoft hewayswedot hi s .KeyL eaderi sanamaz i ngweekendj us tas t omyf i r s tKeyL eaderIwas n’ ts ur ewhatt oexpect .Myl ocalKi wani scl ubwasgi vi ngas chol ni sAdvi s orIj umpedatt heoppor t uni t y.I twasdef i ni t el ywor t hgoi ngbecaus eImadel i f el ong t hecour aget owi nal eader s hi ppos i t i onbackatmyhomeKeyCl ub.Si ncet henIhavenever adert hi syeari sOct ober30t oNovember1andi fyou’ r ei nt er es t edi ngoi ng,t al kt oyourl ocal r egi s t eratt heKeyL eaderwebs i t e:ht t p: / / www. keyl eader . or g/ F i ndKeyL eader Event s . as px EvanAvi l a L t .Gover norofDi vi s i on7A KeyL eaderAmbas s ador

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! 6 1 0 2 N O C D or GetReadyf IS AYCAPI T AL ,YOUS AYCRABS !Who’ sr eadyf oranot her cr abt as t i cCapi t al Di s t r i ctconvent i onf i l l edwi t hs pi r i t ,s er vi ce,andF UN?Her e’ sas ummar yofwhatt oex pectatt hi s year ’ sconvent i on! T hr oughmemberandof f i cer l edWORKS HOPS ,yourcl ubwi l l l ear nal l t hes ki l l sneces s ar yt omakeahugei mpacti nyour communi t y.Pl us ,byat t endi ngDCONyouens ur et hatyour cl ubi sr epr es ent edi nEL ECT I ONSf ornex tyear ’ sex ecut i ve of f i ce.Wi t hDCONal s ocomest heoppor t uni t yt omeet pl ent yofamaz i ngKeyCl ubber sf r om ar oundt hedi s t r i ctat ourMEET ANDGREETevent .Af t er war ds ,youcanenj oyconvent i on’ sDANCESwi t hhundr edsofyournew f r i ends .S t i l l not convi nced?DCONal s of eat ur est al ent ed,ex ci t i ng,andi nf or mat i vegues ts peaker s !F r om hi l ar i ousanecdot est owi s e KeyCl ubadvi ce,you’ l l l ear nl ot sf r om ourKEYNOT ES PEAKER andot hergues t s .Don’ tmi s sout !S eeyoui nBal t i mor e! Chr i s t i neCondonandS ophi aVer meul en DCONChai r s

Vot eonne xtyear ’ sDCONt heme! L etyourL i eut enantGover norknow whatyouwantnextyear ’ st hemet obe!

Gr eek

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Tr a vel

Dr . Seus s

F al lRal l y2015

Heyy' al l !Mynamei sSar aMor i nandIam yourF al lRal l yChai r per s onandIam s oexci t edt obeannounci ngt hi sevent !F al lRal l yi s anevent ,s pons or edbyKi wani s ,wher et heent i r eCapi t alDi s t r i ct cangett oget herf oradayoff unatKi ngsDomi ni on!I nt hemor ni ng t her ewi l lbeas hor tpr ogr am wher eyouwi l lbemat chedupona t eam andcompet ei nas er i esof" Mi nut et oWi nI t "t ypegames ! Al s o,youwi l lgetupdat esf r om t heDi s t r i ctandl ear nt heDi s t r i ct Convent i ont heme!I t ' sdef i ni t el yaneventyouwon' twantt omi s s ; youcanmakes omeKeyCl ubf r i endsf r om al lovert heDi s t r i ctand r euni t eatDi s t r i ctConvent i on!Hopet os eeyout her e! F al lRal l y Sat ur dayOct ober17,2015 10AM-Cl os e Ki ngsDomi ni on 16000T hemePar kWay Dos wel l ,VA23047 $36w/ oas eas onpas s$5w/as eas onpas s REGI ST ERHEREorcont actyourCl ubOf f i cer sorL i eut enantGover nor f ormor ei nf or mat i on!

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T I PS f or


S i nces ummeri sal mos toverandanew s chool yeari soni t sway,i t ’ st i met os t ar tr ecr ui t i ngnew KeyCl ubmember st oj oi nyours chool ’ scl ub. Her ear eaf ew t i pst obr i ngcl ubmember s hi pt o new hei ght sandbef or eyouknow i t ,yours chool wi l l ber ecogni z edatdi s t r i ctconvent i onf oryour s oar i ngmember s hi p. BaohanDo L i eut enantGover nor ,DI vi s i on2B

Got oyours chool ’ ss chedul epi ckupdayorf r es hmanor i ent at i on( i . e.Wes t f i el d Hi ghS chool ’ sBul l DogBar becueorChant i l l yHi ghS chool ’ sChar gi n’I n) T hi si sagr eatwayt ogett hewor doutaboutKeyCl ubandwhati ti s .I t ’ si mpor t antt odi r ectyourat t ent i ont ounder cl as s mens i ncet heywi l l bet heonesl eadi ng t hecl ubi naf ew year s !Handoutf l yer st hatwi l l mot i vat es t udent st oj oi nKey Cl ub! Havear af f l ef oral l new member s F oral l new member st hatj oi n,al l ow t hem t opar t i ci pat ei nar af f l ef orapai rof movi et i cket s ,agi f tcar d,oranyot hergi f t .I ncent i vesar ekeyt oi ncr eas i ng member s hi p. Gi vemember sar ewar df ormaki ngt hei rf r i endamemberofKeyCl ub Ol dmember ss houl dber ewar dedt oo!T el l t hem t obr i ngaf r i endt oameet i ng andi ft heybecomeamember ,gi vet hem af r ees er vi cehourorpi nasa r ewar d! Got oyourl ocal mi ddl es chool andt el l t hem whatKeyCl ubi sal l about . Makes ur et obr i ngcandyandyourent hus i as mf orKeyCl ub.Ment i onf unevent s s uchasKeyL eaderandF al l Ral l y.You’ l l wantt hes eei ght hgr ader st obecomea memberofKeyCl ubbyt het i met hey’ r ei nhi ghs chool . Handoutex t r at s hi r t sorKeyCl ubr el at edmer chandi s e Notonl ywi l l handi ngoutKeyCl ubt s hi r t shel pr ai s eawar enes saboutt hecl ub buti twi l l al s oempt youtyours t or age.Al l t hos eex t r at s hi r t scanr ai s emember s hi pi nyours chool ’ scl ub. Us es oci al medi aandhangupf l yer s T hemos tef f ect i vewayt opr omot eKeyCl ubi st ohangupf l i er sar oundyour s chool .Makes ur et heyar eeyecat chi ngandvi s i bl ef r om f araway.Haver et ur ni ngmember sandof f i cer sr et weetors har epos t sabouti nt er es tmeet i ngsf orKey Cl ubaswel l . Pr ovi def oodwhat everyouchoos et odo F oodi st hewayt oaKeyCl ubber ’ shear t .Youar eboundt ocapt ur et heat t ent i onofmanymor es t udent si ft her ei sf ood.




I t ’ st hatt i meagai nf orust oent ert heAx es cent edhal l waysandj oi nour bel ovedKeyCl ubber sf oranot heryearofs er vi ce.Backt os chool s eas oni sa s t r es s f ul t i mef ormanypeopl e,i ncl udi ngt eacher sandi ncomi ngf r es hmen. T hati swher et heNor t hCount yHi ghS chool ofDi vi s i on4AKeyCl ubber scomet o hel p.T het eacher ' sf i r s tdayofs chool i sear l i ert hant hatoft hes t udentbody’ ss o t heycanat t endmeet i ngsands etupt hei rr ooms .Pr epar i ngt hei rr oomsf ort he new yearcanbeadi f f i cul tt as k,s omember shel pdecor at ebul l et i nboar ds , r ear r angedes ks ,andhol epunchs yl l abi . T heyal s oas s i s tt hei ncomi ngf r es hmenwhoar epr obabl yt er r i f i edofhi gh s chool duet oT Vs howsandmovi ess hapi ngt hei rmi nds( no,Regi naGeor gewi l l notvi ct i mi z eyou) .T omaket hei rl i vess l i ght l yeas i er ,member sal s oas s i s tatal l of t hef r es hmanevent s .T heys peakatOr i ent at i onNi ghtaboutt hei rper s onal hi gh s chool ex per i enceswhi l epr omot i ngKeyCl ub.S omemember sal s ocomei non t he“F r es hman' sF i r s tDay”t oactast ourgui des ,wal kt hem t ot hei rcl as s es ,and s how t hem whi chs t ai r wel l sar eal wayscr owded.Byt heendoft hef i r s tweek, t heyknow ex act l ywher et ogoandar er eadyt oat t endt hecl ub’ sf i r s tmeet i ng. Vol unt eer i ngdur i ngt hebegi nni ngoft heyearnotonl ypr omot esKey Cl ub,butal s oal l owss chool admi ni s t r at i ont ocont actyourcl ubt hr oughoutt he yeart ohel poutwi t hot herevent s .

Kai l aBl evi ns L i eut enantGover norDi vi s i on4A


Yout hOppor t uni t i esFund Haveyoueverwant edt ohos tas er vi cepr oj ectorf undr ai s erbutf i nanceshave hel dyouback?T hewai ti sover !KeyCl ubI nt er nat i onal i ss pons or i ngourannual Yout hOppor t uni t i esF und.T hi sf undi sanendowedf undf orKeyCl ubswi t hi nt he Ki wani sI nt er nat i onal F oundat i on.Anover vi ew oft heYOFpr oces si ncl udesf i l l i ng outt heappl i cat i onbyOct ober15t h,2015ands endi ngt heappl i cat i oni nonl i ne t okeycl ub. or g/ yoformai l i ngt heappl i cat i oni nt ot heKeyCl ubI nt er nat i onal Headquar t er si nI ndi anapol i s ,I N.Cl ubsmayr eques tf undi ngas s i s t ancer angi ng anywher ef r om US $100t oUS $2, 000.T hecommi t t eet ypi cal l yf undst hos ecl ubs whoar eas ki ngf orapor t i onoft het ot al cos toft hepr oj ect ,andcl ubswhoar e wor ki ngwi t hot heror gani z at i onst of undandcompl et et hepr oj ect .T hi syear ,you don’ tneedt opayf ormat er i al sbef or eyour eques tt hegr ant .Now youcan r eques tt hegr antpr i ort ot heeventf ol l owedbys endi ngi nr ecei pt spr ovi ngt he eventwashel daswel l aspur chas eswer emadeappr opr i at el y.Ihopeyoual l appl yt hi syear !I fyouneedanyhel porhaveanyques t i ons ,pl eas eemai l meat cl i f f or dyoung@nydkc. or g! Cl i f f or dYoung I nt er nat i onal T r us t ee



Whygot oconvent i on?

Becaus ei t ’ st hebi gges teventoft heKey Cl ubyear !I magi necel ebr at i ngt he amaz i ngt hi ngsKeyCl ubdoeswi t hmor e t han1, 600KeyCl ubber sf r om al lacr os s t heUni t edSt at es ,Canadaandt heCar i bbean. I ft hati s n’ tenough,you’ l lal s ohavet heoppor t uni t yt o: Bondwi t hyourpeopl e.T r avelt oandf r om I nt er nat i onalConvent i onwi t hyourdi s t r i ct . Shar ei nnovat i ves er vi cepr oj ectandf undr ai s i ngi deas . L i s t ent oamaz i ngs peaker s . L ear nabouts er vantl eader s hi p. T r ai nf oryour201617l eader s hi ppos i t i on. El ectnextyear ’ sKeyCl ubI nt er nat i onalBoar d. Hearaboutours ucces ss of arwi t hT heEl i mi nat ePr oj ect —andhow youcanhel p el i mi nat emat er nalandneonat alt et anus . Di s covernew char i t i esandor gani z at i onsyouandyourcl ubcant eam upwi t h.


DearCapi t al Di s t r i ctKeyCl ubL eader sandMember s hi p, Mybes twi s hest oyour201516l eader s hi pt eam.YourCapi t al Di s t r i ctKeyCl ub Gover norAr s hadF akhari sof ft oagr eats t ar t ,andhehast hes uppor tofKi wani s Gover nor Des i gnat eDavi dHeppnerandmys el fgoi ngf or war d.Iknow t hat Ar s hadl eadsas t r ongt eam ofDi s t r i ctOf f i cer s ,Di vi s i onL tGover nor sandCl ub Pr es i dent s .Anequal l ys t r ongt eam ofadul tl eader ss uppor t syou,i ncl udi ng Di s t r i ctKeyCl ubAdmi ni s t r at orJ oeS t ankus ,yourZ oneAdmi ni s t r at or s ,andyour Ki wani sandF acul t yAdvi s or s .Yourcol l ect i vecommi t mentandent hus i as m wi l l ens ur eanot heryearofgr owt handaccompl i s hmentf orCapi t al Di s t r i ctKey Cl ub. Iam i mmens el ypr oudofyouraccompl i s hment sovert hepas tyear ,l eadi ngt o manyf or msofr ecogni t i oni ncl udi ng:T heKeyofHonorAwar dt oDi s t r i ctAdmi ni s t r at orJ oeS t ankus ,Di s t i ngui s hedKeyCl ubDi s t r i ctf or201415,Di s t i ngui s hed Di s t r i ctKeyCl ubGover norAnas t as i aS l epukhovaandDi s t i ngui s hedDi s t r i ct S ecr et ar yHoj i nYoon,El ect i onofAnas t as i aandHoj i nasKeyCl ubI nt er nat i onal T r us t eesf or201516,F i r s tPl acei nt heI CONS cr apbookCont es tt oJ amesWood Hi ghS chool KeyCl ubandmuchmor e. Wehavemucht ocel ebr at ei nt hi sCent enni al YearofKi wani s .I thasbeena yeart or ef l ectonal l t hatKi wani sands peci f i cal l yl ocal cl ubshaveaccompl i s hedi nt hef i r s t100year sofcommuni t ys er vi ce;ayeart or ef r es hour appr oacht os t r engt heni ngex i s t i ngcl ubsandopeni ngnew onest hatmeett he needsofouryoungermember s ;andayeart or enew ourcommi t mentt oour S er vi ceL eader s hi pPr ogr ams ,ourcommuni t i esandourmember s . Wehaveengagedandembr acedT heF or mul a,amember l ed,mul t i year i ni t i at i vet hatf ocus esonKi wani smember s ,i nves t i ngi nt heKi wani sex per i ence andul t i mat el ys t r engt heni ngmember s hi p.S uchas i mpl e,yetpower f ul mes s age:“L ovei t !S har ei t !L i vei t ! ” Wewi l l bui l dont hi smoment um i nt hecomi ng year s . F ol l owi ngt hel eadofCapi t al Di s t r i ctKeyCl ub,wehavepl edgedourf ai rs har e t oT heEl i mi nat ePr oj ect :Ki wani sI nt er nat i onal ’ sbi r t hdaygi f tt ot hewor l d–t o el i mi nat emat er nal andneonat al t et anusf r om t hef aceoft heEar t h.

e h t f o n e r d l i h c he ngt vi er “S d” l wor


Wet ookabol ds t epf or war dt owar di ncl us i onandequal i t yi npr opos i ngaKI Byl awsamendmentt oenabl eonl i nevot i ngf orf ut ur eKIel ect i onsandamendment st obyl awsandr es ol ut i ons .Onceagai n,Capi t al Di s t r i cti sl eadi ngT he WayAhead! Wear ej us t i f i abl ypr oudofourS er vi ceL eader s hi pPr ogr ams .Weembr aceyour mot t o:Car i ng–OurWayofL i f e,whi chi sex empl i f i edbyyourGover nor ’ sPr oj ectT heCapi t al Cons er vat i onChal l enge.Wepl edgeourcont i nui ngs uppor tas yous t ar tt henew s chool yearandr enew yours er vi ceact i vi t i esi nyours chool s andcommuni t i es .Haveagr eatyear ! Your si nKi wani sGr owt hf orS er vi ce, R.Br i anBel l Gover nor ,Capi t al Di s t r i ctKi wani s



os vet i “L e os ovet l

ve, er s ve” er s

T OT ALK DAY Doyoul oves er vi ceandmeet i ngnew peopl e?T henmar kyourcal endar sf ort hi syear ’ sDi s t r i ctL ar geScal eSer vi cePr oj ect( DL SSP)andT ot al KDay!T hi syear ’ seventwi l lbehel dr eals oonwi t hdet ai l st ocome.You wi l lhavet hechancet omeetmember sf r om acr os st heCapi t alDi s t r i ct notonl yi nCKIbuti nKeyCl ubandKi wani st oo.T hedaywi l ls t ar twi t h vol unt eer i ngatt heBoysandGi r l sCl uboft heGr eat erWas hi ngt onAr ea i nWoodbr i dge,VA.Pr oj ect scoul di ncl udegener alcl eani ngandl ands capi ng,i nt er act i ngwi t hmember soft heBoysandGi r l sCl uborf i xi ng upt hei nt er i oras pect soft hebui l di ng.Af t ert hes er vi cepr oj ectwewi l l br eakf orl unchatGeor geMas onandpar t akei nT ot alKDay:Ki wani s F ami l yOl ympi cs !F orKF ami l yOl ympi cs ,member swi l lbepl acedona t eam wi t ht heot herbr anchest ocompet ei nbot hphys i calandKi wani s t r i vi ar el at edact i vi t i es .Getr eadyt ol etyourf r i endl ycompet i t i venes s outf ort heOl ympi cs !I ti sboundt obeabl as t !


ub onCl i Akt Akt i onCl ubi st heonl ys er vi cecl ubf oradul t swi t hdi s abi l i t i esandhasmor e t han12, 000member swor l dwi de.T hi si st hef as t es tgr owi ngbr anchoft he Ki wani sf ami l yi nt hel as t4year s !Akt i onCl ubi sf oundedont hef ourcor e val uesofchar act erbui l di ng,l eader s hi p,i ncl us i venes s ,andcar i ng,whi ch hel pst oaccompl i s ht hemi s s i onof“ pr ovi di ngadul t sl i vi ngwi t hdi s abi l i t i esan oppor t uni t yt odevel opi ni t i at i ve,l eader s hi ps ki l l sandt os er vet hei rcommuni t i es . ” Geor geD.“ J ake”Swar t out ,19881989Gover norofKi wani sI nt er nat i onal ' s F l or i daDi s t r i ct ,or gani z edt hef i r s tAkt i onCl ubf oradul t swhol i vewi t hadi s abi l i t yi nPut nam Count y,F l or i da,i n1987.Akt i onCl ubbecameanof f i ci alSer vi ce L eader s hi pPr ogr am ofKi wani sI nt er nat i onalonOct ober1,2000.T oday,t her e ar ecl ubsi nCanada,Bar bados ,Mal ays i a,J amai ca,Bahamas ,Phi l i ppi nes , Aus t r al i a,andt heUni t edSt at es . AKi wani scl ubcanf or m anAkt i onCl ubbyenl i s t i ngi nt er es tf r om as uppor t i ngor gani z at i on.Exampl esofor gani z at i onsi nyourcommuni t ycoul d i ncl udet hel ocalARC,Eas t erSeal s ,Speci alOl ympi cs ,orCent er sf orI ndependentL i vi ng.Onceanagr eementi si npl ace,t heKi wani sCl ubi sencour aged t ounder wr i t echar t er i ngcos t sandpr ovi deaKi wani sadvi s ort ot hecl ub,j us t asyouwoul dwi t hanySL P.KeyCl ubsandCKIcl ubsof t engeti nvol vedwi t h Akt i onCl ub,pr ovi di ngexcel l entr ol emodel s .J oi nts pons or s hi p,wher emul t i pl ebr anchesoft heKi wani sF ami l ycomet oget hert ochar t eranAkt i onCl ub, i sawi nni ngcombi nat i on. Akt i onCl ubwi t hi nt heCapi t alDi s t r i cti squi ckl ygr owi ng,asmember s hi pi nt he Di s t r i cthasi ncr eas ed10% f r om l as tyear !T her ear ecur r ent l y314member si n 16cl ubs ,al lofwhi char es pr eadt hr oughoutt heDi s t r i ct . Wi t hi nt heCapi t alDi s t r i ct ,Akt i onCl ubmember ss t aybus ywi t hs er vi cepr oj ect ss uchasmaki ngar t sandcr af t swi t has s i s t edl i vi ngmember s ,col l ect i ng cannedgoodsf orl ocalf oodbanks ,as s embl i ngwel comebagsf ornewbor ns att hei rl ocalhos pi t al ,r i ngi ngt hebel lf ort heSal vat i onAr mydur i ngt hehol i days ,andmaki nghol i daycar dsf orl ocals eni orcent er s . Di dyouknow t hatKeyCl ubsar eabl et oas s i s ti nchar t er i nganAkt i onCl ub?I t i sat r emendousoppor t uni t yf oryourmember st owor kwi t hot her si nt hei rl ocal communi t y!I fyouar er eadyt omakeameani ngf ul ,l i f echangi ngi mpact , cos pons oranew Akt i onCl ubatal ocalagencyt hats uppor t sadul t swi t h


o n s a h t n e m p o l e v e D “ y” t i l abi s di di s abi l i t i es .AKeyCl uborCKIcl ubcanr egi s t erwi t hKi wani sI nt er nat i onal asacos pons oral ongwi t ht hes pons or i ngKi wani scl ub.Bybei nga cos pons or ,t heKeyCl uborCKIcl ubes t abl i s hest her i ghtandr es pons i bl y t of ul f i l lt heobl i gat i onsofs pons or s hi p,al ongwi t ht heKi wani scl ub.T he j oi ntef f or tcanbeonei nwhi chever yonel ear nsf r om eachot heranda meani ngf ulr el at i ons hi pevol ves ,aswel lasi ti sawonder f ulwayt obr i ng t oget hert hevar i ousbr anchesofourKf ami l y. I fyouar ei nt er es t edi nl ear ni ngmor eabouts pons or i nganAkt i onCl ub, becomi ngi nvol vedasamemberoft heCapi t alDi s t r i ctAkt i onCl ubcommi t t ee,orhaveani deaofhow t of ur t hereducat eKi wani sandSL Pmember saboutt heval ueofhavi nganAkt i onCl ubi nyourcommuni t y,pl eas e f eelf r eet ocont actJ enni f erHi s cock( Capi t alDi s t r i ctAkt i onCl ubCommi t t eeChai r )athi s cockj enn@gmai l . com.


Cl ubandDi vi s T r ai ni ngNi ght I n Di vi s i ons2Eand2Fconduct edt hei rof f i cert r ai ni ngovert he s ummerandaddedaf unt wi s tt oi tbymaki ngi tanover ni ght l ocki n.T heover ni ghts t aywasf i l l edwi t hi cebr eaker sf i l l edwi t h meani ngf ul l es s ons ,wor ks hops es s i onsonal l t hi ngsKeyCl ub, of f i cerpos i t i onst r ai ni ng,avi deochatwi t ht heEx ecut i ve Boar d,andevenr ai s edmoneyf ort heEl i mi nat ePr oj ect !I twas agr eatwayf ornei ghbor i ngdi vi s i onst obondandl ear nabout new s er vi cepr oj ecti deasandmor ewayst ogeti nvol ved! Wayt ogoDi vi s i ons2Eand2F !


vi s i onHi ghl i ght s Cr eat i ngNever l and Member sofJ EBS t uar tKeyCl ubofDi vi s i on2Dwer en’ tabl et o t aket heki dsatt hePat r i ckHenr yF ami l yS hel t erHomet oNever l and,butt heywer eabl et omaket heCommuni t yRoom l ook abs ol ut el ymagi cal . J os huaOkada,I mmedi at ePas tPr es i dentofJ EBS t uar tKeyCl ub, or gani z edas er vi cepr oj ectt or edecor at eachi l dr en’ scommuni t yr oom att hei rl ocal s hel t erhome.Hehadaf ami l yf r i end,a mur al ar t i s t ,cr eat eapl anands het henout l i nedt hedes i gnson t hewal l s .T hei rcl ubr eachedoutt oaHomeDepotandgot t hem t odonat epai nt i ngs uppl i esf ort hei rpr oj ect .T hevol unt eer s wer en’ tonl ymember sf r om t hei rcl ub,butt heyex t endedt he i nvi t at i ont ot hei rcommuni t y,anei ghbor i ngcl ubf r om Di vi s i on 2D,andevenadul t sandki dsatt hehome!T oget hert heypai nt edt her oom i nt wodayst ol ooki ncr edi bl e. “T hes t af fandf ami l i esher ewer eabs ol ut el yas t oni s hedatt he wor k…t heCommuni t yRoom l ooksmagi cal .I ti shar dt ocompl et el ydes cr i bet heamaz ementonpeopl es ' f aceswhent hey s eet heamaz i ngr es ul t s . ”– Ames s agef r om t hes hel t erhous e T hes er vi cet hi scl ubpr ovi dedt ot hei rcommuni t ywasr emar kabl e.I tj us tgoest os how t hatal l i tt akesi sonet hought f ul i dea, peopl ewi l l i ngt oor gani z ei t ,andaf ew hel pi nghands .I fyour cl ubi spl anni ngapr oj ect ,us et her es our cesavai l abl eanddon’ t everbeaf r ai dt oas kf ors omehel par oundyou! Vi ckyNguyen L i eut enantGover nor ,Di vi s i on2D


KeyCl ubCoS pons orRus t i cPat hwayshas30year sof ex per i encel eadi ngex cept i onal i nt er nat i onal educat i onands er vi cepr ogr amsf ors t udent s .Wi t hover130 pr ogr amsi n20count r i es ,Rus t i cPat hwaysi st hegl obal l eaderi ni t sf i el d.Recogni z i ngours har edval ues , Rus t i cPat hwayshaspar t ner edwi t hKeyCl ubt opr ovi dei t smember swi t ht heoppor t uni t yt obr oadent hei r gl obal per s pect i vewhi l eper f or mi ngmeani ngf ul s er vi cepr oj ect si ncommuni t i esar oundt hewor l d.T hey haveal s opr ovi dedKeyCl ubI nt er nat i onal anabundantamountofr es our ces .


Vi s i onPar t nerNi ckel odeoni ns pi r eski dst ot ake act i onandmakeadi f f er encei nt hewor l d. T hr ought heBi gHel pandWor l dwi deDayofPl ay i ni t i at i ves ,ki dsandadul t swor kt oget hert opl an event sandact i vi t i esi nt hef ol l owi ngar eas : heal t h& wel l nes s ,educat i on,s er vi ceandt he envi r onment .T hes eef f or t shaver ai s edawar enes sr egar di ngs ever al i s s uess uchasant i bul l yi ng &r es t or i ngt heenvi r onment .T heHAL O Awar dsi s al s oanoppor t uni t yt or ecogni z ei ndi vi dual swho havemadeadi f f er encei nt hei rr es pect i vecommuni t i es .


Edi t or ’ sNot e Hel l oCapi t al Di s t r i ct ! Mynamei sBi ancaF r ancoandIs er veast heEdi t orf or t heCapi t al Di s t r i ctofKeyCl ub.Mygoal i st okeepyou updat edonal l t hi ngsKeyCl ubr el at edandpr oduce f ouredi t i onsoft heCapi t al KeybutI ’ m goi ngt oneed YOURhel p.Iwantt ohi ghl i ghtyourpr oj ect sandi deas r i ghther ei nt heCapi t al Key!Anyt opi cs ,i deas ,ques t i onsandcomment sar eal wayswel come!F eel f r eet o cont actmeaboutanyt hi ng,whet heri tbeques t i ons aboutKeyCl ubori fyouhaveanyques t i onsorcoment s atbi ancx x @gmai l . com L as tJ une,Ihadabl as tat t endi ngI nt er nat i onal Convent i oni nI ndi anapol i sand evenmanagedt of i nd Paco,KeyCl ub I nt er nat i onal ’ smas cot ! Bi ancaF r anco,Di s t r i ctEdi t or

Di s t r i c tCont ac t s Di s t r i c tAdmi ni s t r at or , JoeSt ankus-ke yc l ub@ver i zon. net Gover nor , Ar s hadFahkar-ar s had. f ahkar . 1 4@gmai l . c om Sec r et ar y Tr eas ur er , Johns onSong-j ons on526@gmai l . c om Edi t or, Bi anc aFr anc o-bi anc xx@gmai l . c om Webmas t er , Ma he wGendr eau-mr g endr eau@gmai l . c om



Makes ur et os a vet hes e ver yi mpor t antdat esf or t heCapi t al Di s t r i c t !


Fal l Ral l y-Oc t ober1 7 , 201 5 Ke yCl ubWeek-November26, 201 5 Di s t r i c tConvent i on-Mar c h1 1 1 3, 201 6 Ki wani sOneDa y-Apr i l 2, 201 6 El i mi nat eWeek-Ma y26, 201 6 Seeyout her e!


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