24| hans overvliet work & exhibitions 2024

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work | exhibitions hansovervliet.com 2024
hans overvliet studio-address | Dreesstraat 2 Vlissingen home-address
Lange Noordstraat 67, NL-4331
curiositas@zeelandnet.nl team member of
www.ikbeneengod.one click here for my condensed portfolio click here for my extended portfolio click here for my C.V. © 2023 W.F.T. van Houtu m work | exhibitions 2024
CC Middelburg

Es gibt kein richtiges Leben im falschen.

Wir haben die Kunst, damit wir nicht an der Wahrheit zu Grunde gehen.

Friedrich Nietzsche

art works | exhibitions

In 2023, all my paper collages 1999 - 2012 became part of the renowned collage & assemblage collection of Verbeke Foundation | KemzekeBELGIUM

A selection is on display at its Collage museum curated by Marie Verboven November 19, 2023 - until April 28, 2024

Click here for an overview of this oeuvre

Photos next pages: ©2023Giel Louws

International Mail Art Project | Luiz Sacilotto's 100th birthday

In honor of the centenary of the birth of the artist Luiz Sacilotto (1924-2003), born in Santo André. Sacilotto became one of the pioneers of concretism in the country and is considered one of the precursors of international Op Art. organizer | Marcia Rosenberger show | April 2024

Casa Âmbar de Cultura - Santo André-SP

Coletivo 308 - Guarulhos-SP


le sang des hommes et femmes de Metz paper collage

| 2010

the map Is not the territory the word is not the thing the picture is not the suffering

“The map is not the territory” is a phrase coined by the Polish-American philosopher and engineer Alfred Korzybski. He used it to convey the fact that people often confuse models of reality with reality itself. The map-territory mental model tries to understand the difference between perceptions (the ‘map’) and the actual reality (the ‘territory’).

It is like having a map of a city: the map can help you navigate the city, but it’s not the same as experiencing it yourself.

Roads might be closes, intersections congested with traffic; the abstraction is not abstracted . . .

the map is not the territory | 1a&1b


Used images: drone idf 01/03/’24 food stampede | 2/02/’24 maps Bellingcat 15/11/’23 cuts from ‘deadly pattern’ by me

Bergamo - Lombardi Italy

Mailart Project Alien Stuff Artestudio Morandi

Looking back at Paul Cézanne (2010)

Ø 24 cm, 34 cm high stones of the Mont Sainte-VictoireFR , plaster, sand, miniature bench, cake stand sold in ruimtecAESUUR SALE2 January 28 – March 16, 2024

24 February 2024 - 24 February 2022

2 years annihilation war against UKRAINE Alphabet Art Centre is presenting

103 international participants

105 Peace Letters from 36 countries amongst them 25 Ukrainian artists commemorating this crime by sending their works to Peace Letters to Ukraine

Click here for the video

Click here for the catalogue

Carla Bertola

Visual poet - performer (Turin 1935 - Turin 2023)

Artestudio Morandi | 8 maart – 31 maart 2024


i.d. of remembering carla bertola

Betola's oeuvre shows enormous courage through her constant high quality confrontation with what is in a creating movement toward what can be. Her oeuvre to be seen and heard, requires a public sphere that can only thrive through a multiplicity and variety of diverse stories and perspectives. Against this background, I created a "memorial" connecting Bertola with three other women: the American-Palestinian Shireen Abu Akleh, the Gazan Shaima El-Gazzar and the Lebanese Farah Omar. Female journalists who gave their lives while record knowledge about a multiplicity and variety of stories and perspectives of others.

Emilio Morandi reacted: ”Thank you for your very important and beautiful work.”

idiosyncratic literary magazine since 1986

A selection of my paper collages 1999 – 2012, curated by Ko de Jonge, will be published in Ballustrada, volume 38 no.1/2, spring 2024.

Ko de Jonge: Ballustrada has enjoyed a growing number of contributors and subscribers in Flanders in recent years. I consider the extra attention to your work in Flanders very appropriate. In particular, the collages included in the archives of the Collage Museum of Geert Verbeke.

My entire body of collages is since May 2023 included in the collection of the Verbeke Foundation in KemzekeBE .

The core of the private collection of Geert and Carla Verbeke-Lens consists of an exceptional collection of about 6000 collages and assemblages from the twentieth century.

A separate room has been set up to permanently exhibit part of this collection. Not all works are visible at all times. The Verbeke Foundation produces a summer and a winter exhibition each year with a changing selection of their colllection.

Almost Genuine | Group J.K. | 2005 | A5

DISTANT SUFFERING | i.d. or inequality

Since 2022 I am working on DISTANT SUFFERING | i.d. or inequality. It tries to generate attention for the steering of the mobility of a certain, but very large group of people. Showing the paraphernalia of "travel", wants to indicate that mobility has become the leading indicator of power inequality in the neoliberal ideology of globalization.

The work has two parts: the presence of a poster in various public spaces all over the world and a publication with photos of all those events. Until now I received a lot of reactions: please click here for the condensed publication.

Also in 2024, the poster finds its way to art lovers, albeit at a slower pace than before. In Feruary, the poster appeared in Italy, Brazil and Argentina thanks to Emilio, Ruggero, Marcia and Silvio. They all responded to work I submitted for various open calls . . .

contribution to “Black and White Stories”

exhibition dates: May 15 – 21, 2024

Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi / Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi İzmir / Turkey

DISTANT SUFFERING XXXV | i.d. of a repetitive anatomy of a cloud tryptich A4-photocollage Gaza / Zealand | 2023 - 2024

La Cuna Festivals 2024 | Lanzarote, Canary IslandsSpain

Our Bodies / Our Homes

International Contemporary Art Festival organized by the Lacuna Studios ( La Cuna will post all submitted artworks via Instagram & Facebook ) June 1st – 30, 2024

My proposal:

The bodies of my wife Willy and myself are slowly falling apart. Given our age, not really spectacular. The speed at which it happens, on the other hand . . .

But in a society where Foucautian biopolitics of the (healthy) body reigns supreme, deterioration is kept out of the picture as much as possible.

I have been recording our regular visits to hospitals in recent years by capturing the deserted corridors and halls of the various hospitals we visited.

My proposal is to present three such images from that series.


i.d. of a deadly pattern

i.d. of a deadly pattern attempts to keep alive the memory of the more than 50 journalists who were brutally killed while trying to cover the massacres in the Gaza Strip and in Israel in October – November 2023. With their very lamented deaths, the voices of the victims are also silenced and, at the same time, most of the crimes - in particular those which the Palestinians enduredare relegated to obscurity. Click here for the full catalogue . . . Click here for a brief television report . . .

From August 24 – September 22, 2024 I am participating in the program Nomadic life, wandering in times of overpopulation in Bewaerschole, curated by Geeske Pluijmers

Bewaerschole, a special presentation space for experimental and contemporary art in Burgh-Haamstede, is located in a characteristic historical building from 1874, which was built as a nursery and which later served many other functions, as a post office and gymnasium and even mortuary.

Since 1975, the Bewaerschole has been an exhibition space with exhibitions on an (inter)national level. Here attention is paid to reflection and imagination.

Stichting Bewaerschole

Weststraat 18

4328 AB Burgh-Haamstede



MIJN RAAM / I GIVE YOU MY WINDOW | Flushing exhibition project by Sylvia Hubrouck September 09 - October 21, 2024 in conjuction with the 26th international filmfestival Film by the Sea a selection of poetic videos - LOOKING THROUGH THE EYE OF

W. #1

Traumland / Dreamland | BerlinGermany

exhibition project by Lutz Anders | October 2024

Geträumtes Licht # 1

22 September 2023, 16.30 Uhr GMT, Kleve, Deutschland, museum Kurhaus

Geträumtes Licht #2

12 Dezember 2023, 16.30 Uhr GMT, Flushing, die Niederlande, Boulevard

Mail art poetry – poetry is resistance curated by Ruggero

POSVERSO - International Biennal of Experimental poetry of Argentia

Buenos Aires | October 18 – December 20, 2024

I work and live in the south-western rural part of the Netherlands: Zeeland. For centuries, people here had their own language to name the quality, location, properties, etc. of their lands. With the advent of chemical analysis, this language - passed down through the generations as a kind of 'rite de passage' - became obsolete and disappeared from the landscape of the regional language.With my contribution I try to give this language, which has also become unintelligible here in Zeeland, a stage to underline the necessity of linguistic diversity. A necessity, as Deleuze taught me: for rhizomatic resistance you need the diversity of language.

Zeeuws getij

lichte zavel zware zavel zeer lichte zavel kalkrijk kalkarm kalkloos vlagvaaggronden leemarm leemrijk met zaveldek & met kleidek kalkrijk kalkarm kalkloos [ dito voor ] poldervaaggronden, slikvaaggronden gors- nes- drecht- duin- vorstooivaag- liedeerd- en tochteergronden, leek- woud- beek- goor- kamakkereerd- eerdveen- & rauwveengronden wel knippg niet knippig poldergronden als padzol-B dan humuspodzolgrond geduid als Hn210III dan veldpodzol [ want leemarm met zwak lemig fijn zand ]

moerige gronden: dikke- dunneeerdgronden, lutumarme gronden gerijpte niet gerijpte minerale gronden kortom zeeklei [ getekend door ] grondwatertrappen met op- of aanwassen hoge & lage opslibbingen met in- en uitbrekingen

gestoeld op afzettingen van Calais Duinkerke Hollandsveen Kootwijk soms van lokale oorsprong vaak komen aanwaaien als fluvioperiglaciaal zand netjes bedekt met de leemlaag van Wouw

Navalny | Absence/Presence

International Mail Art exhibition curated by Ruggero Maggi organization Matera International Photography

The exhibition will take place in November 2024 at the Palazzo Ducale Malvinni-Mavezzi as part of the project Matera, the art that unites

My contribution is inspired by a sentence in Ruggero's invitation: Sometimes Absence screams more than presence . . .

After all, DISTANT SUFFERING XXXI | other than joyful peace, no news from the Western Front is exactly that: the realization that from "my" Dutch skies only falls sunshine, rain and occasional some hail. While the skies of my Ukranian friend and collegue Oleg Karch produce very different things coming from the Kremlin. The very Kremlin that Navalny fought with fire and sword.

At the same time, I find it exciting to point out something else "absent": there is ambiguity in Ukraine about Navalny. His status as perceived in the West is there quite absent . . .

Supported by

Marie Verboven, curator - exhibitions & collection at the Verbeke Foundation in Kemzeke in Belgium is putting together an oeuvre exhibition of my work for the winter exhibition 2024-2025 . . .

art works in progress 2

0 2 4

Middelburg anno 2024, seen from portals and some corridors of its homes & and (semi-)government buildings . . . Publishing date: November 2024.

Project proposal within the so-called arrangement Corona fund for creatives, made available by the Municipality of Middelburg granted in 2023; implementation 2024.

past perfect tense


DISTANT SUFFERING #XIX | dissection of a disappearing cloud differenceandrepetition| work in progress | 2018 - 20 . .


Martha Jager, curator Vleeshal in MiddelburgNL about the oeuvre (2023) after a studio visit: The dedication to art as a relational verb is central to Overvliet's work. On the one hand, the balance between poetry and criticism is special, in that the work never becomes bitter or pedantic, while at the same time the dialogue with the viewer is actively maintained. It is a tender form of activism that moves and urges action and also continuously questions the role of art.

Since 2013, by means of the ongoing art-series distant suffering, the Dutch artist Hans Overvliet (Leiden, 1952) investigates the role of the media in their representation of (military) violence. This, in the context of themes as perception, memory and identity formation. Overvliet uses a various range of media, symbols and codes, bringing together dichotomies like beauty and violence, refinement and brutality, the sublime and the vulgar.

Aspects of power, politics, exclusion, censorship and the connection between artist, artwork and viewer infiltrate his multifaceted conceptual oeuvre. As a reporter, Overvliet was an eyewitness to the events in the Middle East during the 1980s. Of course these experiences resonate in distant suffering.

Elements of distant suffering were exhibited in the Netherlands, Belgium, Paki-stan, England, France, Italy, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Lebanon, the U.S.A. and Sweden.

In 2023, his whole body of paper collages ( 1999 – 2012 ) joined Geert Verbeke’s renowned collection of collages and assemblages.

Next to his art-work he is, together with his wife Willy van Houtum, the founder and every day guardian of ruimteCAESUUR, the 28-year old space for contemporary art in Middelburg in the province of Zeeland.


Thanks - people

Willy, Giel, Geert, leon, Jorieke,

Ko, Johan, Tineke, Jürgen, Dani, Geeske, Bo, Sylvia, Erjee, Emilio, Lutz, Sait, Ilja, Marie, Hans, Ruggero, Marcia, Sarah-Jane, Simon, Silvio,

Thanks - instututes

Verbeke FoundationBelgium , ruimteCAESUUr,

uitgeverij De Bovenkamer, PosversoArgentina , no-intituteGermany , Ballustrada, Smithart,

Artestudio MoraniItaly , Omroep Zeeland, Gemeente Middelburg, Bewaerschole, ik geef je mijn raam - Flushing, UtsangaItaly

Dokuz Eylül ÜniversitesiTurkey , Casa Âmbar de Cultura | Santo AndréBrasil , Lacuna Studios | Lanzarote/Canary IslandsSpain , Hotel DaDa | JunínArgentina , Matera International PhotographyItaly ,

An object that tells of loss, destruction, disappearance of objects. Does not speak of itself. Tells of others. Will it include them?

Photos front and back:

Geträumtes Licht # 1

22 September 2023, 16.30 Uhr GMT, Kleve, Deutschland, museum Kurhaus

Geträumtes Licht #2

12 Dezember 2023, 16.30 Uhr GMT, Flushing, die Niederlande, Boulevard

work | exhibitions 2024
www.hansovervliet.com curiositas@zeelandnet.nl
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