att.KANSAI 2022-23

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Nara 奈良 Wakayama Kyoto 京都 Osaka 大阪 Shiga 滋賀 Hyogo 兵庫 West Japan Kansai 關西 京都 Kyoto 奈良 Nara Visit West Japan! Enjoy Fine Scenery and Experiences! 暢遊西日本!絕美景點與體驗 大阪 Osaka 兵庫 Hyogo MAP & AREA GUIDE ISSUE 14 2022–23

Located along the coast of the Sea of Japan, this northern area of Kyoto Prefecture is commonly called “Kyoto by the Sea.” The area, about a 90-minute drive away from down town Kyoto, has unique attractions that you won’t find in the urban areas of Kyoto. Get away from the bustle of everyday life and visit Kyoto by the Sea, a place that boosts your energy with its natural and historical riches.

Amanohashidate has captivated people since an cient times as one of the “Three Scenic Views of Japan.” It is a geographical wonder and is consid ered a good-fortune spot. With a 3.6-km-long sandbar covered with 6,700 luxuriantly-grow ing pine trees, the entire scenery looks like an as cending dragon, a symbol of good luck in Japan.

Amanohashidate View Land

Monju, Miyazu City, Kyoto The hours will vary throughout the year. Please refer to the official website. Open 365 days



At Amanohashidate View Land and Amanohashidate Kasamatsu Park, you can try Kawarake-nage, throwing kawarake (a ceramic disk) into a ring placed five to six meters away from you. It is said that if your kawarake goes through the ring, your wish will come true. It is quite difficult to hit the mark, but make a wish and try your luck.

About 230 boat houses lining the shore of Ine Bay offer amazing scenery that cannot be found anywhere else. Funaya is a unique construction with the first floor on the wa ter serving as a fishing boat garage and the second floor a residence area. The village is also called “Venice of Japan.”

Boat houses are private properties of residents. You cannot tres pass on them without permission. Visitors could enjoy viewing the village with a guided tour or from a cruising boat.

Ine no Funaya (Boat houses) 伊根的舟屋 Amanohashidate 天橋立 投瓦片試手氣! 天橋立傘松公園 京都府宮津市大垣 因時期而異,請參照官網 無休
京都府宮津市字文珠 因時期而異,請參照官網 無休
The Kyoto by the Sea area has several beautiful view spots that make you feel bright.
海之京都擁有許多賞心悅目的優美景觀。 在伊根灣林立著約230間的舟 屋,交織成此地絕無僅有的風 光。舟屋指的是1樓部分為大 海(停船處),2樓部分則是居 住空間,造型相當獨特的建築。 此處又被稱為「日本的威尼斯」。 伊根的舟屋是當地居民營生的私人所有地,未經許可禁止進入,建議選擇附導 遊的旅遊行程或從觀光船參觀。 「天橋立」是自古以來深受 喜愛的日本三景之一,在 全長約3.6公里的砂洲上, 生長著約6,700棵的松樹, 地形奇特。據說姿態宛如 升天飛龍,是一處開運的
「海之京都」是面向日本海的京都北部區域,從京都市內駕車約90分鐘可抵,此地洋溢著有別於京都市區的魅力風 情。歡迎造訪擁有大自然和歷史的海之京都,遠離日常的塵囂,為自己好好充電吧! 天橋立View Land和天橋立傘松公園內,可體驗「投 瓦片」,也就是將圓盤狀的素燒土器,拋擲入設於 5~6公尺左右距離的圓環 中。如果擲出的瓦片可以通 過圓環,據說就能實現心願。 雖然難度頗高,但不妨許個 願望後挑戰一下! Amanohashidate Kasamatsu Park Ogaki, Miyazu City, Kyoto The hours will vary throughout the year. Please refer to the official website. Open 365 days 前往「海之京都」,來趟開運旅行吧! att. KANSAI 2022–23 2 EXPLORE “KYOTO BY THE SEA” AND HAVE GOOD LUCK

The Kyoto by the Sea area is known for its natural bounty, and you should not miss out on fresh seafood such as crab and yellowtails.

Crab, in particular, can be enjoyed from the opening day of the fishing season on November 6 until late March every year. During the season, the area gets busy, hosting numerous visitors seeking Kyotango’s Taiza crab or Maizuru’s Maizuru crab.

It is also highly recommended to try Japanese sake here. Kyotango City is said to be the birthplace of rice cultivation in Japan. Legend has it that sake brewing started here to make offerings to Ise Jingu Shrine. Today, there are 12 sake breweries and each one makes distinctive sake in their way. It will be fun to check some out and find your favorite one.

“Ine Mankai,” a sake created by Mukai Sake Brewery estab lished in 1754. This red-hued sake is produced using an an cient strain of red rice and has well-balanced levels of acid ity and sweetness and which is reminiscent of fruit wine. *Please note that “Ine Mankai” may be out of stock de pending on the time of year.

This area is also known as an onsen (hot springs) resort with a long history. Kyotango City, in particular, is home to around 40 hot spring sources, which is the greatest number in Kyoto Prefecture. These thermal springs offer you a variety of mineral properties of water. Several facilities accept not only staying guests but also day-time visitors for bathing. Soaking in a bath while gazing out at fine views of the sea and mountains is sure to refresh you and bring a turn of good luck to you, too!

Kumihama Onsen Yumotokan, one of the largest on sen facilities in the North Kansai area. Its bath has 100% free-flowing water from the source and can accommodate about 100 people at the same time.

好滋味帶來好心情!絕品美食 泡溫泉淨化身心 Our recommendation Our recommendation 京都府京丹後市久美濱町平田1106-4 9:00~22:00 無休 1106-4 Hirata, Kumihama-cho, Kyotango City, Kyoto 9:00–22:00 Open 365 days Kumihama Onsen Yumotokan 久美濱溫泉湯元館
週四、年底年初 向井酒造 推薦溫泉 推薦酒款
67 Hirata, Ine Town, Yosa County, Kyoto 9:00–12:00, 13:00–17:00 Thursdays, New year holidays Mukai Sake Brewery
海之京都地區擁有豐富的大自然資源,包括螃蟹、鰤魚等在內的新鮮海產不容錯過。其中, 螃蟹在每年11月6日開放撈捕,可享用到3月下旬左右。在這段期間,絡繹不絕的遊客造訪 此地,只為品嘗京丹後市的「間人蟹」和舞鶴市的「舞鶴蟹」等高級名牌蟹的美味。 此外,本地的美酒也不容錯過。京丹後市據說是稻作發源地,以該種稻米製作的酒,相傳正 是傳入伊勢神宮之酒的起源。現在本區共有12座釀酒廠,製作各種特色獨具的日本酒,歡迎 來此尋找喜愛的酒款。 海之京都地區也是歷史悠久的溫泉地。尤其是京丹後市, 此地擁有約40處湧泉,數量為京都府內之冠,可體驗各 式各樣泉質的溫泉。除了可供住宿房客使用之外,也有許 多溫泉開放遊客入浴。一邊欣賞日本海與山岳交織的絕 佳景色,一邊洗滌身心,保證可以帶來源源不絕的好運! 久美濱溫泉湯元館,規模勇 冠北近畿地區,可供約100 人同時入浴,遼闊寬廣的天 然湧泉溫泉。 1754年創業的向井酒造所 釀造的「伊根滿開」。使用 古代米赤米釀造的紅色 日本酒,酸酸甜甜,滋味 宛如水果酒。 ※請注意,可能因時期不 同而缺貨。 Please see here for more information! 網站有更多資訊喔! 자세한 정보는 웹사이트로! English 中文繁體 中文简体 한국어 日本語 3

Have you ever heard of the Yoshino district? I hadn’t, either... At least until last July when I got the chance to visit there. Yoshino is located in the Southern part of Nara Prefecture, and it takes about 1.5 hours by Kintetsu train from Nara City or Osaka to reach this rural area nestled between steep mountains covered with cedar trees. It features rich nature, hot springs, and magnificent landscapes. Let me tell you more about the things that moved me deeply there! If you are looking for something authentic during your trip to Japan, why don’t you spend a couple of days there?

Guest house Apricot is one of the three guest houses in Shimoichi Town. Upon your arrival, you will be wel comed by Nami-san, the owner. She speaks English and will be happy to share with you her love for Yoshino. On the weekend she organizes agriculture and forestry classes, so it is also possible to do some activities related to farm ing. From the house, you can enjoy a magnificent view of the mountains and the plum trees around. Recharge your self by enjoying a quiet night in the countryside!

深入 奈良 風光明媚的深山地帶 Sunset from guest house Apricot 從背包客棧Apricot所見的夕陽
背包客棧 Apricot是下市町三間民 宿之一。抵達之後,屋主Nami會 出來迎接。她的英語流利,而且樂 於分享對吉野的愛。這裡週末也會 舉辦農林業的體驗教室,可參與農 業相關的戶外活動,從家裡就能欣 賞到山巒連綿與梅林宏偉的景色。 在這裡感受靜謐的田家之夜,好好 地沉澱身心! 背包客棧 Apricot Delving Deeper into Nara’s Picturesque Countryside Guest house Apricot 25 min by bus from Shimoichiguchi Sta. (Kintetsu Railway) → 5 min walk from Hirohashitoge bus stop 下市口站(近鐵)搭乘巴士約25分鐘,「廣橋峠」下車步行5分鐘 I am originally from Belgium and have been living in Japan since 2006. As a tour guide, I have had the chance to visit many places around the country. My interests include temples and shrines, Japanese history, and ghost stories! 大家有聽過「吉野」這個地區嗎?其實我也沒有。去年7月,我才終於有機會拜訪這裡。吉野地區位於 奈良縣的南部,從奈良市內或大阪出發前往吉野,搭乘近鐵電車約需一個半小時。這裡擁有豐富的自然環 境與溫泉,壯闊的景色十分有魅力。在這裡向大家詳細地介紹吉野打動我的事物。如果想在造訪日本的旅 途中體驗正統的文化,不妨來這裡住上幾天吧! Tennoji Namba JR Sakurai Line JR Kansai Line Kintetsu Ikoma Line Kintetsu Yoshino Line 近鐵吉野線 JR Wakayama Line JR和歌山線 Oji 王子 Shimoichiguchi Sta. 下市口站 Guest house Apricot 背包客棧 Apricot Kimpusenji Temple 吉野山金峯山寺 Tenkawa 天川 Osaka 大阪 → → Nara 奈良
我來自比利時,從2006年起定 居日本,以導遊的身分走訪了日 本全國各地,最喜歡寺廟、神社、 日本的歷史,以及怪談等等! Writer: Julien Legrand att. KANSAI 2022–23 4 YOSHINO, NARA

Surrounded by mountains, Tenkawa has been considered a sacred place since ancient times. This village is also famous for its hot springs and the main street is lined with ryo kan, traditional Japanese inns. At night, the lanterns along the street light up and trans port you to a gorgeous setting similar to Hayao Miyazaki’s anime movie “Spirited Away.” You can also soak in one of the public onsen, which are open to visitors.

Mt. Yoshino is home to Kimpusenji, the head temple of the Shugendo, the religion of Japanese mountain ascetic hermits. The main building “Zaodo” is one of the largest wooden structures in Japan. It houses three huge statues of Zao Gongen, the protec tive deity of Shugendo and principal object of worship, which are only occasionally exhibited to the public. It is also registered as a UNESCO World Heritage site as a component of the “Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes in the Kii Mountain Range.”

After satisfying your spiritual needs, time to satisfy your stomach! Kudzu confectioneries made from arrowroot starch are a must-try. At Nakai Shunpudo in front of the Zaodo, you can try kuzukiri, sweet noodles with a best-by date of just 10 minutes! Truly something unique you can only taste if you go to Mt. Yoshino.

Mt. Yoshino is also known as one of the most beautiful places in Japan during cherry blossom season. The mountain is covered by no less than 30,000 cherry trees! Mt. Yoshino’s cherry blossoms typically start opening in late March or early April and reach full bloom around early to mid-April.

The retro main street of Tenkawa
天川復古的主道路 一邊欣賞吉野山的風景一邊品嘗葛切的好滋味
Tasting kuzukiri while enjoying the view from Mt. Yoshino
天川村為群山環繞,自古以來就被視為聖 地。天川也以溫泉聞名,主道路上旅館林立。 入夜後,路旁燈籠點亮,散發出華美的氣氛, 讓人想起宮崎駿導演的動畫電影《神隱少 女》。觀光客也能輕鬆地體驗公共溫泉。 心靈獲得滿足之後,也到了該填飽肚子的時間囉!使用葛粉製作的葛菓 子是必吃美食。請務必在金峯山寺藏王堂前的中井春風堂,嘗一嘗食用 效期只有10分鐘的「葛切」。這是只有在吉野山才能嘗到的獨特風味! 吉野山是日本櫻花季時最美的景點之一,並因此廣為人知。山頭開滿多達3萬棵櫻花!吉野山 的櫻花每年從3月下旬~4月上旬開花,並於4月上旬~中旬左右迎來盛開期。 天川 吉野山金峯山寺 日本最美的櫻花 The most beautiful cherry blossoms in Japan Tenkawa Kimpusenji Temple 50 min by bus from Shimoichiguchi Sta. (Kintetsu Railway) → get off at Tenkawa Kawai bus stop 下市口站(近鐵)搭乘巴士約50分鐘,「天川川合」下車 建議在參拜金峯山寺前, 於店面直接預約 Tip It is recommended to make a reservation directly at the store before visiting Kinpusenji Temple. 中井春風堂 Nakai Shunpudo The main building of Kimpusenji Temple 吉野山金峯山寺 本堂 日本修驗道的總本山──金峯山寺就座落於吉野山。本堂「藏 王堂」是日本最大級別的木造建築,安放著3座本尊「藏王權現」 的巨像,不定期公開展出。屬於「紀伊山地的聖地及朝聖路」的 一部份,也被列為 聯合國教科文組織 的世界文化遺產。 Take the Yoshino Ropeway from Yoshino Sta. (Kintetsu Railway) 從吉野站(近鐵)搭乘吉野空中纜車 Please see here for more information! 網站有更多資訊喔! 자세한 정보는 웹사이트로! English 中文繁體 中文简体 한국어 日本語 5

3 min walk

Nakazakicho, a quick 15-minute walk from the bustling streets of Umeda, Osaka, is an area brimming with nostalgia. Unique cafes and variety stores dot the narrow, winding alleyways of this retro neighborhood, making it the perfect place to explore. 洋溢著懷舊氣氛的中崎町,距離大阪梅田鬧區約步行15分 鐘左右。在狹窄巷弄交錯的復古城鎮內,分布著特色獨具的 咖啡館和雜貨店等,最適合來此感受漫步的樂趣。

在 café太陽之塔 總店悠閒享用早餐♪

4 min walk

As one of Nakazakicho’s most fa mous cafes, Cafe Taiyo no Tou offers a warm and retro atmosphere where you can truly relax. Their breakfast menu is available until 11:00 AM, so it wouldn’t be a bad idea to spend a quiet morning here while watching the city wake up. There are also sis ter stores throughout Nakazakicho, including two more cafes and a western-style sweets shop.

9:00~22:00 年底年初

邊逛邊吃 Picco Latte 的起司蛋糕♪

This cafe offers an interior em bellished with dried flowers, as well as trendy, utterly Instagramworthy desserts and drinks. Their cute homemade cheese cake looks just like an ice cream bar. It can also be ordered to go!

11:30–19:00 Mondays 11:30~19:00 週一

e museum has a permanent exhibition of original ukiyo-e woodblock prints, including masterpieces by Katsushika Hokusai and Utagawa Hiroshige.


Fujiya Shinsaibashi Bldg., 3F, 2-2-23 Shinsaibashi-suji, Chuo-ku, Osaka City TEL: 06-4256-1311

Fee: Adult 1,000 yen / 成人1,000日圓

Please confirm open hours and days on our website prior to your visit. 請務必至本館官方網 站確認營業時間、休館日等資訊後再蒞臨本館。

5-min walk from Shinsaibashi Sta. on Osaka Metro 從大阪地下鐵「心齋橋」步行5分鐘
中崎町的街景是由當 地居民的民宅與商店 融為一體打造而成, 來此散步時敬請保持 禮儀喔。
料可拍出搶眼美照。手工起 司蛋糕的外型宛如冰棒一
The townscape of Nakazakicho is built on the harmony of the residents’ houses and shops. Remember to respect local man ners while you’re out exploring.
咖啡館內環繞著乾燥花的 裝潢,還有時尚的甜點和飲
網羅了各種動物造型配件的雜 貨店。傢飾、首飾、廚房用品等, 進口雜貨與手工雜貨擺滿了店 內,舉目所及處處都「可愛」! This variety store offers only animal-themed items. Imported and handmade items line the shelves, from interior goods to accessories and kitchen ware. You’ll find “kawaii”
動物雜貨ONLY PLANET 的俏皮配件讓人會心一笑♡ 11:00–18:00
Enjoyfreerefillsof yourmorningcoffee♪ 這裡是代表中崎町的咖啡館之一, 散發著復古又溫馨的沉穩氣氛。上 午11點前有供應早餐,趁著街道 還空蕩蕩的早晨出門,來此享受悠 閒的氣氛也不錯!中崎町內還有2 間姊妹店咖啡館與西點店。 9:00–22:00
holidays 早餐的咖啡 可免費續杯♪ Please see here for more information! 網站有更多資訊喔! 자세한 정보는 웹사이트로! English 中文繁體 中文简体 한국어 日本語 att. KANSAI 2022–23 6 OSAKA
everywhere you look!
Open most of the year 11:00~18:00 幾乎全年無休
New Year

The West Japan region is known to have many unique and attractive spots everywhere. It is an additional appeal to visitors that they can access various places within the area by rail and/or ferry. Here are recommended spots as well as activities in West Japan, which can be accessed more conveniently and economically with a JR-WEST RAIL PASS! 西日本擁有許多特色獨具且魅力萬千的景點,而可利用鐵路或渡輪輕鬆前往各個城市,也是此地的優勢。

With a height of 173 meters above ground, “Umeda Sky Building” is a landmark of Umeda. From Kuchu Teien Observatory on the top floor, you can have a panoramic view of the city of Osaka. Walk in the air while feeling a pleasant breeze that gives you a sense of complete open ness! The building is lit up at night, creating a fantastical atmosphere.

Being the tallest building in Japan, “ABENO HARUKAS” has an ob servatory on the top floor, from which you can enjoy the dynamic out look at 300 meters above ground. This place offers opportunities to enjoy differently from other observatories, such as a heliport tour and seasonal events to enjoy a meal with a great view.

Kansai International Airport 關西國際機場 Greater Kansai 關西廣域 Kansai 關西 石川、福井 [ Ishikawa, Fukui ] Hokuriku 北陸 島根、鳥取 [ Shimane, Tottori ] San’in 山陰 岡山、廣島 [ Shimane, Tottori ] Sanyo 山陽 [ Okayama, Hiroshima ] ShinOsaka ShinKobe Kyoto Osaka Yonago Nara Okayama Hiroshima Kanazawa Fukui Tottori Matsue 奈良 大阪 京都 新大阪 新神戸 岡山 鳥取 松江 米子 廣島 福井 金澤 「梅田藍天大廈」距離地面高達173公尺, 是梅田引以為傲的地標。位於頂樓的空中 庭園展望台,可以眺望360°全方位的大阪 街景。一邊感受涼風,一邊體驗空中漫步, 天高地闊的感覺無與倫比!夜晚點燈後, 轉而散發出如夢似幻的氣氛。 「阿倍野HARUKAS」是高度冠居日本的摩 天大樓,最頂樓的「海闊天空展望台」可欣 賞距離地面高度300公尺,動感十足的眺 景。另會舉辦直升機停機坪之旅,以及可 一邊欣賞美景一邊用餐的各種季節活動 等,可體驗有別於其他展望台的樂趣。
向大家介紹使用JR西日本鐵路周遊券,將可更優惠且便於前往的西日本推薦景點和體驗! by Using JR-WEST RAIL PASS
Enjoy Fine Scenery
Experiences! Visit West
7-min walk from Osaka Sta. (JR), or 9-min walk from Umeda Sta. (Subway, Hankyu) 9:30–22:30 (admission until 22:00) Open 365 days (with some business days with a special schedule) Adult 1,500 yen A few-minute walk from Tennoji Sta. (JR, Subway) or Osaka-Abenobashi Sta. (Kintetsu) 9:00–22:00 (admission until 21:30) Open 365 days Adult 1,500 yen, 1-day ticket: 1,950 yen (re-entry allowed) www.abenoharukas-300. jp/en/observatory/ *Entrance may be limited due to various reasons, such as special business days. 大阪站(JR)步行7分鐘,或梅田站(地 鐵、阪急)步行9分鐘  9:30〜22:30 (最後入場時間22:00)  全年無休(有 特別營業日)  成人1,500日圓 天王寺站(JR、地鐵)或大阪阿部野橋(近 鐵)步行即抵  9:00 22:00(最後入場 時間21:30)  全年無休  成人1,500日圓、1日券(可再入場)1,950 日圓 observatory/ ※可能因特別營業等情形而無法入場。 Kuchu Teien Observatory, Umeda Sky Building 梅田藍天大廈 空中庭園展望台 ABENO HARUKAS OBSERVATORY “HARUKAS 300” 阿倍野HARUKAS的展望台「HARUKAS 300」 嵯峨嵐山 稻荷 園部 大阪城公園 JR難波 天王寺 和歌山 臨空城 新今宮 西九條 寶塚 篠山口 Kyoto Kansai-airport Kobe J R-Namba Nara Tennoji Rinku-town Universal-city Sasayamaguchi Sonobe SagaArashiyama Shin-Osaka Takarazuka Himeji Nishi kujo Wakayama Shin-Imamiya Osakajo koen Osaka Inari Kansai Area Railway Map 關西路線圖 大阪 神戸 姫路 新大阪 京都 奈良 關西機場 環球城 Kansai Area 關西都會圈地區 Kansai is a central area of West Japan, where you can enjoy history and traditional culture along with cutting-edge fashion and entertainment. 西日本的中心地區,可接觸悠久的歷史與傳統文化,以及最先進的時尚和娛樂活動。 Latest edition for 2022-2023 2022-23最新版本 暢遊西日本!使用JR西日本鐵路周遊券(JR-WEST RAIL PASS)玩遍絕美景點與體驗 8 att. KANSAI 2022–23 VISIT WEST JAPAN BY USING JR-WEST RAIL PASS TO ENJOY FINE SCENERY AND EXPERIENCES!

As one of the biggest railway museums in Japan, this museum has a collection of 54 pre cious train cars that led the modernization of Japan, from real steam locomotives to shinkan sen trains. It offers a place where you can en joy learning about the world of railways under the theme of “discover, touch and experience,” with various experiences such as riding on the SL steam train and operating the train driving simulator (tickets for experience should be pur chased in advance).

Kyoto Aquarium 京都水族館

Kyoto Aquarium is a large-scale inland aquarium using only artificial sea water. People of all generations from adults to children can enjoy learning about undersea life, including rare creatures, such as Japanese giant sala manders, a special national treasure, that live in the rivers in Kyoto. Opened in 2020, the biggest jellyfish exhibition area in West Japan has become hugely popular. As it is located next to Kyoto Railway Museum, visiting both together is recommended.

Said to be built in 607, Horyuji Temple has the world’s old est existing wooden buildings, including the main hall, fivestory pagoda, and cloister. It was the first site to be registered on the list of UNESCO World Heritage sites in Japan. In the precincts, there are many existing buildings of Buddhist archi tecture representing each era of history. With 39 national trea sures, it is a temple that has the largest number of national trea sures as a single temple in Japan.

Nara Prefecture is home to historic temples. If you are planning a tour to visit temples around Horyuji Temple, you should get a Four-Temple Tour Ticket. This ticket is valid for admissions at Horyuji Temple, Chuguji Temple, Horinji Temple, and Hokkiji Temple, which are all related to Shotoku Taishi (Prince Shotoku, an eminent figure in Japan from the late 6th century to the early 7th century). Furthermore, you can get some discounts for renting a bicycle as well as at restaurants and shops with this ticket!

One of the largest herb gardens in Japan is located on the high ground of the mountain and can be accessed from the main area of Kobe City by ropeway. Across 12 garden areas with different themes, about 75,000 flowers and herbs of about 200 kinds are blooming throughout the year. The facility offers various hands-on programs using herbs. Have a relaxing time in an elegant atmosphere while enjoying pleasant aro mas and a great view.

The “CITY LOOP” bus routes stop at all the major sightseeing spots in Kobe, including Shin-Kobe Sta., Sannomiya Sta., Meriken Park, Nankinmachi (Chinatown), Kitano, etc. “Port Loop” is an articulated bus going around the Kobe Waterfront Area. Using the 1-day ticket (700 yen for adults) or 2-day ticket (1,000 yen for adults), you can get some discounts for traveling by bus and admissions to various facilities.

1,200 JPY 1,800 JPY ~ recommend! HARUKA One-way Discount Ticket HARUKA 特價單程車票 For more details P.18-19 詳細資訊 相傳創建於607年,擁有金堂、五重塔、迴廊等世界現存 最古老的木造建築,是日本首座列入世界文化遺產的古 蹟。用地內還林立著包括現代在內等各個時代具有代表 性的佛教建築物,並收藏了39件國寶,是寺廟中之冠。 日本最大級別的香草園,位於山上的高 台,從神戶市區搭乘纜車可抵。在主題 各異的12座花園內,種植了約200種 75,000株花卉與香草,並有各種使用香 草的體驗方案。可在馨香環繞下欣賞 秀麗的風景,悠閒地度過優雅時光。 巡迴新神戶/三宮與美利堅公園/南京町/北野等市內觀光 景點的巴士,另有雙節公車「Port Loop」。1日券(成人700日 圓)或2日券(成人1,000日圓)非常超值。 奈良是古老寺廟的寶庫。如果想走訪法隆寺周圍的寺廟,使用 4寺周遊拜觀券非常方便。除了法隆寺之外,還可使用於同樣 與聖德太子(6世紀晚期〜 7世紀早期的日本偉人)淵源匪淺的 中宮寺、法輪寺,以及法起寺。此外,在租借自行車、餐廳、商 店等處還能享受超值優惠!
8:00–16:30 (Nov. 4–Feb. 21) Open 365 days Adult 1,500 yen 法隆寺站(JR)步行約20分鐘,或搭乘奈良 交通巴士往「法隆寺參道」,於「法隆寺參道」 下車  8:00 〜 17:00(2/22 〜 11/3)、8:00 〜 16:30(11/4 〜 2/21)  全年無休  成人1,500日圓
京都鐵道博物館 Horyuji
20-min walk from Horyuji Sta. (JR), or take a Nara Kotsu Bus bound for “Horyuji Sando” “Horyuji Sando” stop 8:00–17:00 (Feb. 22–Nov. 3), Kyoto Railway Museum
Four-Temple Tour Ticket 4寺周遊拜觀券 CITY LOOP and Port Loop in Kobe 搭乘「CITY LOOP」、 「Port Loop」觀光神戶
因日期而異  全年無休
梅小路京都西站(JR)步行約2分鐘  10:00 〜 17:00 (最後入館時間16:30)  週三(國定假日開館)、年底年初 (12/30 〜 1/1),另有臨時休館日  全票1,200日圓
日本國內最大級別的 鐵道博物館,收藏涵蓋 了蒸汽火車實品到新 幹線電車等,共54輛 牽引日本現代化的寶 貴列車。這是以「觀賞、 接觸、體驗」為主題, 備有蒸汽火車Steam 號的搭乘體驗、行駛模 擬裝置(體驗票採預售 制),可寓教於樂學習 鐵路知識的博物館。 日本首座使用100%人工海水的內陸型大型水族館。可近距離觀察 珍奇生物,如棲息於京都河川的特別天然紀念物日本大鯢等,寓教 於樂,老少咸宜。2020年開幕的西日本最大級別的水母展示區也 很受歡迎。因鄰接京都鐵道博物館,推薦可一併造訪。 2,400 yen 2,400日圓 For more information, access 詳情見此 詳情見此 For more information, access 5-min walk from Shin-Kobe Sta. (JR) 10 min by ropeway Varies depending on the season (*refer to the official website for details) Ropeway maintenance in winter (1 month) Adult (ropeway fare + admission to the herb gardens): 1,800 yen for a round trip; 1,130 yen for a one-way trip. 新神戶站(JR)步行約5分鐘,搭乘纜車約10分鐘 因季節而異(※詳 見官網) 冬季時的纜車安檢(1個月) 成人(纜車乘車費+香草園入 園費):來回 1,800日圓、單程 1,130日圓 Kobe Nunobiki Herb Gardens & Ropeway 神戶布引香草園/纜車 att. JAPAN 9
7-min walk from Umekoji-Kyotonishi Sta. (JR) Varies according to the day Open 365 days Adult 2,200 yen 梅小路京都西站(JR)步行約7分鐘
成人2,200日圓 2-min walk from Umekoji-Kyotonishi Sta. (JR) 10:00–17:00 (admission until 16:30) Wednesdays (open on holiday Wednesdays), Dec. 30–Jan. 1, other temporary closing Adult 1,200 yen

Cruise in Lake Biwa

The Michigan is a cruise boat that starts from Otsu Port and travels in the southern part of Lake Biwa, the biggest lake in Japan. The Skydeck of the boat offers a panoramic view, allowing you to fully enjoy the great view of nature. As crew members also entertain passen gers with sightseeing guidance and live music, boosting the mood for the cruise, it is recommended for your first tour of Lake Biwa. Night tours are available for a limited period of time. It is a gorgeous experience to see a night view of lakeside towns from the quiet lake.

Access to Otsu Port: 5 min by bus from Otsu Sta. (JR) 60-min course: Adult 2,400 yen, 90-min course: Adult 3,000 yen, 90-min night course: Adult 3,200 yen en/michigan_en_1.html

Lunch buffet at “Lake View Dining Biona” in Lake Biwa Otsu Prince Hotel 在琵琶湖大津王子大飯店「湖景餐廳 Biona」享用自助午餐

Located on the 37th floor of the 38-story hotel by Lake Biwa, this buf fet dining restaurant offers a fine panoramic view. It serves various types of dishes, including Japanese, Western and Chinese, made with local ingredients, in a buffet style. When you eat while enjoying the view of Lake Biwa, everything should be tastier!

Nagahama once prospered as a post station in the Edo period (1603-1868). Featuring tradi tional black stucco walls of well-preserved tradi tional buildings, “Kurokabe Square” is a popu lar tourist spot with a mixture of nostalgic and modern atmosphere, where many glass-art shops and restaurants serving local dishes are located. You can join one of the hands-on glass-art classes. There are many places to see in the city, including Japan’s oldest existing train station building and Nagahama Castle, which has a panoramic view of Lake Biwa and the city of Nagahama!

位於佇立在琵琶湖畔38層樓飯店的37樓,擁有全景視野的自助餐廳。可以自助餐的形式,享 用以當地食材製作的日、西、中式餐點。有琵琶湖的明媚風光相伴,餐點也更顯可口美味! 長濱是江戶時代(西元1603-1868)盛極一時的 驛站街,活用當時街景打造的「黑壁廣場」,則是 在兼具懷舊風情與現代時尚的街景中,匯聚了以 玻璃工藝為主的商店、鄉土料理餐廳等人氣景 點,也歡迎來此挑戰玻璃工藝的體驗!市內還有 日本現存最古老的車站建築、可眺望琵琶湖大全 景和長濱市區的長濱城等,精彩景點多不勝數!
Nagahama 長濱 有效期間2天,可進入長 濱市內14座主要觀光設施 的周遊券。並可在市內43 處商店、設施享受折扣、 贈禮等令人欣喜的優惠。 從大津港出發,周遊日本最大的湖泊「琵琶湖」南部的遊覽船。在擁有全景視角的空中甲板,可盡情欣賞大自然景觀。 船務員們將提供觀光導覽、音樂表演等服務,炒熱船遊之旅的氣氛,因此也很推薦給首次來訪琵琶湖觀光的旅客。 另有期間限定的夜間遊覽行程,在靜謐的湖面上遠眺湖畔諸城的夜景,別有一番情韻。 Shiga 滋賀 Shiga 滋賀
關西近郊地區 If you want to experience Kansai more deeply, it is recommended to go out to the suburban areas from Osaka, Kyoto and Kobe. You can enjoy various aspects which are not available in urban areas, such as rich nature and relaxing onsen. 推薦給想以大阪、京都、神戶為據點向遠處延伸,更進一步深入關西地區的旅客! 來體驗豐富的大自然景觀、療癒效果滿點的溫泉等都會區無法感受的魅力吧!
Greater Kansai Area
前往大津港的交通方式:大津站(JR) 搭乘巴士約5分鐘  60分鐘路線:成 人2,400日圓;90分鐘路線:成人3,000 日圓;夜間90分鐘路線:成人3,200日 圓
長濱站(JR) 10 min by car from Otsu Sta. (JR) (courtesy shuttle bus service is available) Lunch time Part 1: 11:30–13:00, Part 2: 13:30–15:00 Open 365 days 3,500 yen and up for lunch Nagahama Sta. (JR) 大津站(JR)駕車10分鐘(有免費接駁巴士)  午餐第1 階段11:30 〜 13:00/第2階段13:30 〜 15:00  全年無休  午餐3,500日圓〜
長濱外出周遊券 This passport allows you to enter 14 major tourist facilities in Nagahama City for two days. It also offers various benefits, including discounts on admission and free gifts, at 43 shops and facilities in the city. Nagahama Odekake Passport For more information, access 1,500 yen (Only one-time entrance is allowed per facility) 1,500日圓(每設施限入場1次) Shiga 滋賀 詳情見此 10 att. KANSAI 2022–23 VISIT WEST JAPAN BY USING JR-WEST RAIL PASS TO ENJOY FINE SCENERY AND EXPERIENCES! michigan_tw_1.html

With the Japan Standard Time Meridian of 135 degrees east longitude passing through, Akashi City of Hyogo Prefecture is known as a “Town of Time.” Located right on the meridian, Akashi Municipal Planetarium serves as a “Museum of Time and the Universe,” which attracts many people with the oldest working planetari um with live commentary.

year-end holidays Adult: 700 yen, High school students and younger: free

Serving as an epicurean center of Akashi, Uonotana Shotengai offers various kinds of food, including fresh seafood products from the ocean right there, processed products and sweets and snacks perfect for sou venirs, and also offers a chance to enjoy eating while walking. At the end of each year, tairyo-bata fisherman’s flags, which are usually used on fishing boats, are raised to fill the arcade, creating a seasonal tradi tion for the end-of-year holiday in Akashi.

Awaji Jenova Line is a high-speed boat that connects Akashi Port and Iwaya Port in Awaji Island in about 13 minutes. On the boat, you can enjoy a dynamic experience of going right under the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge.

As the biggest island in the Seto Inland Sea, Awaji Island is rich in natural beauty, with seasonal flowers blossoming through out the year. The island is also known for delicious local food ingredients and prod ucts, such as onions and Awaji Beef.

“Nijigen no Mori” is a large-scale theme park, aiming to recre ate the worldviews of Japanese anime, special effects films, and games. Located in Hyogo Prefectural Awaji Island Park, this facility offers fun attractions under the themes of various an ime series, films, manga, etc., such as “Naruto,” “Crayon Shinchan,” “Dragon Quest,” and “Godzilla.”

1 4-day Unlimited rides 6,800 JPY 2,400 JPY ~ Kansai Area Pass 關西地區鐵路周遊券 recommend! For more details P.18-19 詳細資訊 1~4天內無限次數搭乘 兵庫縣明石市有東經 135度日本標準時間子 午線通過,因此是知名 的「時間之城」。明石市 立天文科學館就是蓋在 子午線上的「時間與宇 宙的博物館」,而提供現 場解說,現存最悠久的 星象儀風靡了眾多遊客。 魚之棚商店街匯聚了明石美食,可購買眼前現撈的新鮮海產、加工 品、最適合作為伴手禮的點心等,也是可邊吃邊逛的商店街。到了 年底,商店街的拱廊會高高掛起許多漁船使用的大漁旗,是明石年 關時節的風情畫。
明石站(JR)步行約15分鐘 9:30 〜 17:00(最後入館時間16:30)  週一、第二個週二(逢國定假日則為 下一個平日)、年底 成人700日圓,高中生以下免費 Uonotana Shotengai Street 魚之棚商店街 Nijigen no Mori 二次元之森 Awaji Island 淡路島 Akashi Municipal Planetarium 明石市立天文科學館
TM & © TOHO CO., LTD. © 2002 MASASHI KISHIMOTO / 2017 BORUTO All Rights Reserved. © 2002 MASASHI KISHIMOTO / 2007 SHIPPUDEN All Rights Reserved. 「二次元之森」是重現日本的 動畫、特攝電影、遊戲等世界 觀的大型主題樂園,位於兵庫 縣立淡路島公園內,可體驗以 《火影忍者》、《蠟筆小新》、《勇 者鬥惡龍》、《哥吉拉》等作品 為主題的遊樂設施。 淡路島是瀨戶內海最大的島嶼,擁有多 元的自然景觀,四季繁花盛開。洋蔥、 淡路牛等豐富的食材也是一大魅力。 Hyogo 兵庫 Hyogo 兵庫 Access to Akashi Port: 10-min walk from Akashi Sta. (JR) Adult 550 yen 15-min walk from Akashi Sta. (JR) 9:30–17:00 (admission until 16:30) Mondays, the second Tuesdays (or the following weekday if it falls on a national holiday),
明石站(JR)步行至明石港約10分鐘  成人550日圓
從明石搭乘淡路Jenova Line前往淡路島 連結明石港與淡路島 的岩屋港,航程約13 分鐘的高速船,可感 受穿越明石海峽大橋 正下方的動感體驗。 10-min walk from Akashi Sta. (JR) Akashi Port 13 min by high-speed boat Iwaya Port 10 min by courtesy shuttle bus 10:00–22:00 (varies depending on attractions) Open 365 days free (each attraction requires a specific ticket) 明石站(JR)步行至明石港約10分鐘,從 明石港搭乘高速船至岩屋港約13分鐘,從岩 屋港搭乘免費接駁巴士約10分鐘 10:00 〜 22:00(因遊樂設施而異) 全年無休 免費(各遊樂設施分別購票) Hyogo 兵庫 att. JAPAN 11
Go to Awaji Island from Akashi by Awaji Jenova Line 5-min walk from Akashi Sta. (JR) 明石站(JR)步行約5分鐘

With a history of 1,300 years, this onsen town has long attracted many literary figures. Kinosaki Onsen has a unique concept that the whole town serves as one accommodation; therefore, bathrooms in hotels are called uchi-yu (inside bath) and public bathhouses in the town are called soto-yu (outside bath). Within walking distance of about 20 minutes, there are seven soto-yu bathhouses with unique features. Put on a yukata cotton kimo no, stroll along the river, and enjoy a relaxing tour of soto-yu. Kinosaki Onsen also has a unique temple, Onsenji Temple, which is a sort of guardian temple of the town. From the ropeway to the temple, you can look down at the town.

Kinosaki Onsen is also blessed with a variety of fresh seafood and delicacies of the mountains. Among others, Matsuba crabs and Tajima beef, the origin of the premium wagyu brands including Kobe beef, Matsusaka beef, and Omi beef, are especially famous and have a lot of fans. After relaxing in a bath, it is time to fully enjoy the local cuisine!

Amanohashidate in the northern part of Kyoto Prefecture is a sandbar with an overall length of about 3.6 km covered with about 6,700 pine trees, creating a unique landscape. As one of the “three major scenic spots of Japan,” it has been famous since ancient times. Enjoy the magnificent view from the observatory!

For more information, go to the feature article, “Kyoto by the Sea,” on pp. 2-3.

“Funaya” is a boathouse with a unique architec ture with a garage for a boat on the bottom story and a living space on the second story. There are about 230 of them in Ine Bay facing the Sea of Japan Sea. From the ocean, it looks like as if they are floating on the ocean, creating a unique view.

For more information, go to the feature arti cle, “Kyoto by the Sea,” on pp. 2-3.

這裡是擁有1,300年歷史,廣受眾多文人喜愛的溫泉街。 整座城崎溫泉街就像是一座大旅館,各個旅館內的浴池 是「內湯」,公共浴場則被稱為「外湯」。在步行約20分鐘 可以往返的距離內,共有7座外湯,各具不同特色。不妨 穿上浴衣沿河川漫步,來趟悠閒的外湯周遊之旅!此外, 城崎溫泉還有保佑溫泉的獨特寺廟「溫泉寺」,搭乘可俯 瞰街景的空中纜車即可前往。 城崎溫泉也擁有豐富新鮮的山珍海味,是一座美食的寶 庫。特別是松葉蟹,以及與神戶牛、松阪牛、近江牛等高 級品牌和牛系出同源的但馬牛聞名遐邇,吸引了眾多饕 客。先泡溫泉放鬆身心,再隨心所欲地大啖當地美食吧!
Amanohashidate 天橋立 Ine no Funaya (Boat houses) 伊根的舟屋 可於城崎溫泉空中纜車、 溫泉寺、美術館、民藝店 體驗等使用的周遊券,暢 快享受城崎溫泉觀光! With this pass, riding Kinosaki Onsen Ropeway, admission of Onsenji Temple and a museum, and a workshop at a craft shop are available. Enjoy sightseeing around Kinosaki Onsen smoothly and comfortably! 1券在手,即可無限搭乘路 線巴士(部分路線除外)、天 橋立觀光船、天橋立單軌電 車/纜車、伊根灣遊覽船等 的超值周遊券。盡情享受海 之京都的觀光樂趣吧! This pass allows unlimited rides on various vehicles, including fixed route buses (with an exception of some routes), Amanohashidate sightseeing boat, Amanohashidate cable car and lift, and Ine Bay tour boat. Get this pass and enjoy a tour of Kyoto by the Sea! 在面向日本海的伊根灣,林立著約230間造 型獨特的建築物「舟屋」;舟屋的1樓是船舶停 靠處,2樓則是居住空間。從海面上遠眺,舟 屋彷彿漂浮於海上,呈現出獨樹一幟的景觀。 →詳見P.2-3「海之京都」特輯 Hyogo 兵庫 Kyoto 京都 Kyoto 京都 ©MasakoNakagawa Kinosakionsen Sta. (JR) 2,500 yen (valid for 3 days) Adult 2,600 yen (valid for 2 days) 成人2,600日圓(有效期間:2天) 2,500日圓(有效期間:3天) 城崎溫泉站(JR) For more information, access 丹後天橋立伊根周遊券 Tango Amanohashidate Ine Free Pass 位於京都府北部的天橋立,是在全 長約3.6公里的沙洲上,生長著約 6,700棵松樹的奇景地。自古以來就 是遠近馳名的風景勝地,也是「日本 三景」之一。從展望台欣賞雄偉壯闊 的景色吧! →詳見P.2-3「海之京都」特輯 1 hour by bus from Amanohashidate Sta. (Kyoto Tango Railway) Amanohashidate Sta. (Kyoto Tango Railway) 天橋立站(京都丹後鐵道) 天橋立站(京都丹後鐵道)搭乘巴士約1小時 For more information, access KINOSAKI MUST-VISITS PASS 詳情見此 詳情見此 12 att. KANSAI 2022–23 VISIT WEST JAPAN BY USING JR-WEST RAIL PASS TO ENJOY FINE SCENERY AND EXPERIENCES!


Kurashiki is located in the middle between Osaka and Hiroshima. In Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter, white-walled traditional buildings and modern Western-style build ings stand along the willow-lined river, creating a beautiful townscape with combination of Japanese and Western atmosphere. Old buildings have been renovated with their shapes preserved and turned into unique shops, cafés, and museums. Rent a kimono, ride a rick shaw, and feel a good-old-days Japanese atmosphere! In addition, Kojima, an area which is known as the birthplace of Japanese jeans and has retail shops of local jeans makers, and Mt. Washuzan offering a grand view of the Seto Inland Sea, are also must visits.



Built in 1597, Okayama Castle is characterized by its black walls. Due to its black exterior that evokes the image of a crow, it is also called “U-jo,” which literally means “crow castle.” At the end of the 17th century, the huge Okayama Korakuen Garden was completed near the castle. The castle underwent a major repair from June 2021 to November 2022. The majestic ap pearance of the castle will dazzle visitors.

Okayama 詳情見此 詳情見此 5-day Unlimited rides 5天內無限次數搭乘 ~ Kansai WIDE Area Pass 關西廣域鐵路周遊券 10,000 JPY recommend! For more details P.18-19 詳細資訊 att. JAPAN 13

從岡山站前往小豆島時,可利用巴士與渡輪的超值套票。 This is a bargain ticket of bus and ferry from Okayama Station to Shodoshima. (One-way) Adult 1,500 yen, Child 750 yen 成人1,500日圓、兒童750日圓(單程) For more information, access 海鷗巴士券 Kamome Bus Ticket 倉敷坐落於大阪和廣島中間。在倉敷美觀地區,河川兩旁林立著傳統的白牆建築、現 代的西洋建築,以及柳樹,交織出日西合璧的秀麗景色。古老的建築利用其形加以改建, 搖身一變成為特色獨具的雜貨店、咖啡館、博物館等。可在此租借和服、乘坐人力車, 盡情品味日本風情。兒島地區則是知名的日本產牛仔褲發源地,當地牛仔褲業者的商 店鱗次櫛比,另如可欣賞壯闊的瀨戶內海景觀的鷲羽山等,也是精彩萬分的景點。 此城建於1597年,塗黑的板牆特色獨具,並因 其外觀而有「烏城」之稱。17世紀末,擁有遼闊庭 園的岡山後樂園在此城附近落成。2021年6月 開始進行翻新工程,並於2022年11月重新開放。 宏偉的城郭,總讓來訪的遊客讚嘆連連。 瀨戶內海上的小豆島,是遠近馳名的日本產橄欖發源地。「道之驛 小豆島橄欖公園」 中,種植著超過2千棵橄欖樹的農田一望無際,希臘風車則是公園的象徵之一。而在 橄欖紀念館中,可免費出借魔法掃帚,不妨以天高地闊的浪漫島嶼風光為背景,拍張 騎上掃帚翱翔的美照吧!
岡山城 可使用於美觀地區邊吃邊逛的當地甜點、美 術館與博物館入館等的優惠券。請務必購買 作為旅遊的良伴! Use this coupon book, and enjoy eating local desserts, museum visits, and others in Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter!
Bikan Historical Quarter Rambler Coupons 倉敷美觀地區漫遊優惠券 Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter 倉敷美觀地區 Okayama 岡山 Okayama 岡山 Kagawa 香川 ©岡山県観光連盟 In about one to two hours by train from Osaka, you will be in a place with a warm climate, facing the Seto Inland Sea. This region is full of various attractive spots and aspects, such as scenic islands of the Seto Inland Sea and historic townscapes. 從大阪搭乘列車約1 〜 2小時左右可抵,南部鄰接瀨戶內海,氣候溫暖。 這裡擁有風光明媚的瀨戶內海群島,以及歷史悠久的街景等,洋溢著繽紛多元的魅力。 Okayama, Hiroshima 岡山、廣島 Kurashiki Sta. (JR) 1,000 yen (a set of ten coupons) 倉敷站(JR) 1,000日圓(10張) 40 min by bus from Okayama Sta. (JR) Shin-Okayama Port 1 hr 10 min by ferry Tonosho Port 8:30–17:00 Open 365 days Free admission 5 min by streetcar from Okayama Sta. (JR) Shiroshita stop 10-min walk 9:00–17:30 (admission until 17:00) Dec. 29–31 Adult 400 yen 岡山站(JR)搭乘巴士至新岡山港約40分鐘,下車後 搭乘渡輪至土庄港約1小時10分鐘  8:30 〜 17:00  全年無休  入場免費 岡山站(JR)搭乘路面電車約5分鐘,「城下」下車後步行約10分鐘  9:00 〜 17:30(最終入場時間17:00)  12月29日〜 31日 成人400日圓
more information, access
Shodoshima Island on the Seto Inland Sea is widely known as the birthplace of olives in Japan. Michi no Eki (Roadside station) Shodoshima Olive Park has orchards planted with more than 2,000 olive trees. One of the symbols of the park is the Greek Windmill. The Olive Memorial Hall offers a free renting of magical brooms. You can take great photos of yourself as if flying on the broom against the backdrop of an open and romantic view of the island. 道之驛 小豆島橄欖公園 Michi no Eki (Roadside station) Shodoshima Olive Park

The representative winter delicacy of Hiroshima Prefecture is oys ters. You can take a tour to go to an oyster farm with fishermen early morning by boat and watch how they catch oysters from up close. Then, you will pass close by Itsukushima Shrine by boat and can offer prayers from the sea.

On the Saijo Sakagura-dori Street, where the Kamotsuru Sake Brewing Co., Ltd. is located, there are seven sake brewers within a 1-km range, making it a perfect place for a sake brewery tour. Furansuya restaurant at Kamotsuru serves the original Bishu-nabe (hot pot dish with sake), which used to be a staff meal for sake brewers. At the shop, you can sample several kinds of high-grade sake. Feel the passion of sake making. The special sake only available here will be a perfect souvenir.

說起廣島縣的冬季佳餚,首推牡蠣莫屬。清晨和漁夫們一起搭 船前往牡蠣的養殖場,可近距離參觀震撼力十足的牡蠣撈捕 過程。此外,還可搭船前往嚴島神社附近,從海上參拜。 賀茂鶴所在的西條酒藏通,在1公里範圍內就林立著7間釀酒廠,可 在此來趟周遊酒廠之旅。日本酒餐館佛蘭西屋供應釀酒師的自用餐 點元祖美酒鍋。請在參觀室直銷處品鑑高級酒,感受釀酒人的心意。 備有酒窖限定酒作為伴手禮。 Original Bishu-nabe and a sampling set of quality sake at Kamotsuru Sake Brewing 賀茂鶴酒造 元祖美酒鍋與高級酒品鑑套餐 Hiroshima 廣島 瀨戶內海汽船便於觀光廣 島灣,如果使用1日周遊券 ,一天將可無限搭乘廣島港 〜宮島、廣島港〜江田島等 3條航線的高速船或渡輪! Setouchi Sea Line makes your sightseeing trip around Hiroshima Bay more convenient. Its 1-Day Free Pass offers unlimited rides on highspeed boats and ferries on all three routes, including from Hiroshima Port to Miyajima and Hiroshima Port to Etajima, for one day! For more information, access Adult 3,400 yen 成人3,400日圓 Setouchi Sea Line “1-Day Free Pass” 瀨戶內海汽船「1日周遊券」 10-min walk from Miyajimaguchi Sta. (JR, Hiroden) 7:00– (It will take about 1 hour) Sundays, New Year holidays *The tour will be available until around early May. Adult 3,300 yen (with a meal), 2,200 yen (without meal) 宮島口站(JR、廣電)步行10分鐘  7:00 〜(所需時間約1小時)  週日、年底年初 ※營業期間至5月上旬左右  成人1人附餐3,300日圓、不附餐2,200日圓 3-min walk from Saijo Sta. (JR) Weekdays: 9:00–18:00, Sat., Sun., holidays: 10:00–18:00 (admission until 17:45) Summer holidays, New Year holidays, and other period of time before Sake Festival Free admission 西條站(JR)步行3分鐘  平日9:00 18:00、週六/週日/國定假日10:00 18:00(最後入場 時間17:45)  盂蘭盆節、年底年初、其他 酒祭前的期間  入館免費 Oyster catching experience and Itsukushima Shrine offshore sightseeing 參觀撈捕牡蠣與遊覽嚴島神社海面 詳情見此 5-day Unlimited rides 5天內無限次數搭乘 15,000 JPY ~ For more details P.18-19 recommend! Kansai-Hiroshima Area Pass 詳細資訊 關西&廣島地區鐵路周遊券 Hiroshima 廣島 14 att. KANSAI 2022–23 VISIT WEST JAPAN BY USING JR-WEST RAIL PASS TO ENJOY FINE SCENERY AND EXPERIENCES!

This is a residence of the Ishitani Family, a merchant family which has been prosperous for more than 300 years since the late 17th century. The buildings have been designated Important Cultural Properties. Since the Ishitani Family made a fortune in the timber indus try, the residence consists of about 20 buildings built with precious wood collected from all over Japan and the best architectural techniques, as well a Japanese gar den (The “Ishitani Garden”), which is a must see.

This is one of the biggest flower parks in Japan, where various kinds of beautiful flowers can be seen throughout the year, includ ing lilies, tulips, roses and cosmos. From late November to ear ly January, an illumination event is held, featuring a spectacular combination of one million light bulbs and blossoms. During this period, fireworks are set off on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.

Open 365 days (Closed on Tuesdays in July and August) *Subject to change depending on the season and event. Adult 500-1,000 yen

*Subject to change depending on the season and event.

Matsue Castle retains its original shape of about 400 years ago. As a precious historic site with the original castle tower still in existence, it has been designated a National Treasure. You can see how excellent it was for defense. This area is also known as a famous cherry blos som spot in spring. In April, Matsue Musha Gyoretsu is held, which is an event reproduc ing the Edo period gorgeous daimyo gyoretsu (feudal lord’s procession).

10 min by Lakeline bus from Matsue Sta. (JR) Kokuho Matsue-jo/Kencho-mae stop Apr.–Sept. 8:30–18:30, Oct.–Mar. 8:30–17:00 (admission until 30 min before closing time) Open 365 days Adult 680 yen

(1603-1868). In winter, a special Kotatsu Boat is available, where you can enjoy a warm kotatsu, a low heated table covered with a special futon, on the boat.

這是江戶時代從17世紀後半起持續超過300年的商家「石谷家」的宅 邸,已被列入國家重要文化資產。石谷家以林業發跡,宅邸由約20棟 使用日本各地知名木材與最頂尖建築技術的建築群和日本庭園組成, 精彩壯觀,展現其家業風範。 可使用於山陰山陽、關西地區等超人氣觀光 景點的電子周遊券。只要下載免費APP,就 能憑智慧型手機購買並使用觀光周遊券與超 值優惠券。 A digital tourist pass called “Discover Another Japan” can be used at various places including popular tourist spots in the San’in/Sanyo areas and the Kansai area. Once you download a free app to your smartphone, you can purchase and use attractions passes and discount coupons.
日本最大級別的花卉公園,全年可欣賞百合、 鬱金香、玫瑰、大波斯菊等各種花卉爭奇鬥艷。 11月下旬~1月上旬還有舉辦燈飾秀活動,可 觀賞百萬顆燈飾與花卉、光線同台演出。此外, 此期間內的週五、週六、週日,還可以欣賞煙火。 至今仍保留約400年前形姿的古城,當時的 天守依然健在,是被列為國寶的珍貴史蹟, 可了解當時防衛功能極佳的城郭樣貌。春季 除了是賞櫻名勝,4月還會舉辦模擬往昔豪 華大名遊行的「松江武者行列」活動。 「堀川遊覽船」是搭乘船家划動的小船,周遊環繞松江城護城河的遊覽 船。從水邊悠緩地欣賞松江的城下町,一定能感受到江戶時代的氣氛。 冬季還有特別的「暖爐桌船」行駛,在船內設置了溫暖的暖爐桌。 Shimane, Tottori 島根、鳥取 Tottori Hanakairo (Tottori Prefectural Flower Park) 鳥取花迴廊 Matsue Castle 松江城 Convenient “Discover Another Japan Pass” for traveling in San’ in and Sanyo areas! 想周遊山陰山陽地區的話,用 「Discover Another Japan Pass」最便利! Ishitani Residence 石谷家住宅 Tottori 鳥取 Tottori 鳥取 Shimane 島根 Within the Chugoku region, the San’in area faces the Sea of Japan and is rich in nature with the mountains and lake. There are many lesser-known attractive aspects, including scenic spots, interesting history and delicious food! 位於中國地方、面向日本海的地區,擁有連綿的山巒和湖泊等豐富的大自然景觀。 美景、歷史、美食等,正是山陰地區深藏的魅力!
搭乘遊覽船,進一步遊訪松江城! If you want to enjoy Matsue Castle more, take a sightseeing boat!
Horikawa Yuransen is a small boat steered by a boatman on the moats surrounding Matsue Castle. By looking at the castle town of Matsue from the slow boat on the water, you will feel the atmosphere of the Edo period For more
25 min by courtesy
*Subject to change
and For more
access 10-min walk from Chizu Sta. (JR) 10:00–17:00 (admission until 16:30) Wednesdays (or the following day if it falls on a national holiday), New Year holidays Adult 600 yen www.
shuttle bus from Yonago Sta. (JR) 9:00–17:00 (admission until 16:30)
智頭站(JR)步行10分鐘  10:00 〜 17:00(最後入館時間16:30)  週三(國定假日則隔日休)、年底年初  成人600日圓  www.
米子站(JR)搭乘免費接駁巴士25分鐘  9:00 〜 17:00(最 後入園時間16:30)※因季節、活動而異  全年無休(7、8月 週二公休)※因季節、活動而異  成人500 〜 1,000日圓 ※ 因季節、活動而異 松江站(JR)搭乘lake line公車10分鐘,於「國寶 松江城縣廳前」下車  4月 〜 9月 8:30 〜 18:30、 10月〜 3月 8:30 〜 17:00(最後入館時間為閉館前30 分鐘)  全年無休  成人680日圓 詳情見此 詳情見此 7-day Unlimited rides 7天內無限次數搭乘 20,000 JPY ~ Sanyo-San’in Area Pass 山陽&山陰地區鐵路周遊券 recommend! For more details P.18-19 詳細資訊 att. JAPAN 15

Daihonzan Eiheiji Temple 大本山永平寺

30 min by Keifuku Bus “Eiheiji Liner Bus” from Fukui Sta. (JR) 8:30–16:30 (admission until 16:00) Open 365 days

Adult 500 yen (extra 500 yen per person for Zazen workshop)

This is a zen monastery established by Zen priest Dogen in 1244, and still today there are many monks engaged in rigorous training. Nestled in the deep mountains, more than 70 buildings stand in the temple grounds. Sanshokaku Hall has 230 ceiling paintings, which presents an overwhelming spectacle. Zazen (meditation) workshops are available three times a day (reservation not required). Mikata Five Lakes Rainbow Line

If you take a chair lift from the parking lot, you will soon be in the Mountain Peak Park, which offers a 360-degree view of Mikata Five Lakes, which was registered in the list of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands. Five terraces with a footbath and sofas command a breathtaking view. Enjoy a delicious meal using local ingredients at the terraces while enjoying the great view.

40 min by car from Tsuruga IC Mountain Peak Park: summer: 9:00–17:00, winter: 9:00–16:30 (last boarding a chair lift/cable car is 30 min before the closing time) Some days in February Adult 1,000 yen (including the fare for chair lift/cable car)

in 1576, Maruoka Castle is one of the rare castle buildings with an existing castle tower from the Edo period. About 400 someiyoshino cherry trees surround the tower, cre ating a great place to enjoy cherry blossoms in spring. The combination of the castle and the cherry blossoms creates a fantastical view that makes it look like that the castle is float ing over the cherry blossoms. The illumination at night is also popular.

50 min by bus from Fukui Sta. (JR) Maruokajo stop 8:30–17:00 (admission until 16:30) Open 365 days

Adult 450 yen

三方五湖彩虹之路 Fukui 福井 Fukui
福井站(JR)搭乘巴士50分鐘,「丸岡城」下車即抵 8:30 〜 17:00(最後入場時間16:30)  全年無休 成人450日圓 福井站(JR)搭乘京福巴士「特急永平寺Liner」30分鐘 8:30 〜 16:30(最後入場時間16:00)  全年無休 成人500日圓(坐禪體驗另收每人500日圓) 租車自駕從敦賀IC出發約40分鐘  山頂公園 夏季9:00 〜 17:00、冬季9:00 〜 16:30(纜車、單軌電車 最後乘車時間為閉園前30分鐘)  2月有公休日  成人1,000日圓(含纜車、單軌電車乘車費) Fukui 福井 從停車場搭乘纜車抵達的山頂公園擁有360度全景,可將拉姆薩濕地公約 認定的三方五湖盡收眼底!涵蓋足湯、沙發露臺等5座露臺的眺景絕佳, 還可在時尚的露臺一邊欣賞美景,一邊享用以當地食材製作的餐點。 建於1576年,是至今仍保留江戶時代的天守的珍貴城郭之一。園內有約400棵染井吉 野櫻包圍天守,春季是熱鬧非凡的賞櫻名勝。可欣賞古城浮現於櫻花海中的夢幻景色, 夜間的點燈也很受歡迎。
Maruoka Castle 丸岡城 此地為道元禪師在1244年開闢的禪學修行道場,如今仍有眾多僧侶在此進行嚴格的修行。深 山環繞的用地內林立著超過70座建築,「傘松閣」內則擁有230幅天花板畫,精彩壯觀。每天還 有舉辦3次不需預約的坐禪體驗。 写真提供:大本山永平寺 By using a rental car, you can access Eiheiji Temple and Mikata Five Lakes Rainbow Line more easily! There is a plan combining a rental car, the admission for Eiheiji Temple or Rainbow Line Mountain Peak Park, and Fukui’s local specialties. With more spare time, visit more spots! A rental car makes your travel in Fukui more convenient! 租車自駕,遊福井更便利! 利用租車自駕前往永平寺和三方五湖 彩虹之路,旅程將更為自由愜意!推薦 選擇包含永平寺拜觀券或彩虹之路山 頂公園入園費,以及福井美食的租車方 案。剩餘的時間還可造訪其他景點喔! Hokuriku Area 北陸地區 Facing the Sea of Japan, this area in the Chubu region can be accessed by limited express from Osaka. The area has both magnificent nature and sophisticated traditional culture, containing many more little-known attractive places and aspects! 位於中部地方,面向日本海,可從大阪搭乘特急列車前往。 此地兼具雄偉的自然景觀與精緻的傳統文化,有許多尚待發掘的魅力! 福井出發租車方案 A plan for traveling by renting a car, starting in Fukui: 敦賀出發租車方案 A plan for traveling by renting a car, starting in Tsuruga: For more information, access: 詳情請見: 16 att. KANSAI 2022–23 VISIT WEST JAPAN BY USING JR-WEST RAIL PASS TO ENJOY FINE SCENERY AND EXPERIENCES!

As one of the “Three Great Gardens of Japan,” Kenrokuen is designated a Special Place of Scenic Beauty in Japan. With the ponds and struc tures scattered across the expan sive grounds, you can enjoy var ious landscapes while strolling. Yukitsuri , a technique for preserv ing trees from heavy snow, is a sig nature winter sight of Kanazawa. Must-see illumination events are regularly held.

Castle town Kanazawa is home to many things to see. Use this pass that gives free admission for 12 cultural facilities, and enjoy sightseeing conveniently with a better price.

This large castle complex is in Kanazawa Castle Park next to Kenrokuen, with the principal features being Hishi Yagura (watchtower), Gojukken Nagaya (store house), Hashizume-mon Tsuzuki Yagura (watchtower), and Hashizume-mon (gate). Since these structures were built in 1632, they have caught fire several times, and finally fully restored in 2001. The long wooden structure with a total length of almost 100 meters was constructed without using any nails nor bolts by a traditional construction technique, which should amaze everyone who sees it.

In Kanazawa, during the Edo period, the then ruling Maeda Clan lords fostered and encouraged local people to learn and practice utai (the singing part of Noh), leading to the popularity of Noh there, which you can still see today. At the place where the former Kanazawa Noh Theater was located, this museum displays a collection of precious Noh masks and costumes, which have been handed down in “Kaga Hosho,” the Noh in Kanazawa, and introduces as well Noh-related items from all over Japan. You can wear a Noh mask and costume in a popular corner of the facility (currently unavailable).

城下町金澤有許多精彩的景點。活用可入 場12座對象文化設施的周遊券,方便又超 值地玩遍此地吧。
持SAMURAI PASSPORT玩遍金澤! 日本三大名園之一,已獲列為日本國家特別名勝。在遼闊的園內分布著池塘、御亭等,可一邊漫步其間 一邊欣賞各式各樣的景觀。保護樹枝免受沉雪壓垮的「雪吊」,則是金澤冬季具有代表性的風情畫,定 期舉辦的點燈活動也不容錯過。 與兼六園相鄰、位於金澤城公園內的城郭建築。1632年時遭逢建成以來數次 的火災,並於2001年修復。全長近100公尺的巨長木造建築,完全未使用釘 子或螺栓修建而成,傳統的建築技法令人驚豔。 金澤盛行能樂,甚至有「歌謠從天而降」的說法。在過去曾為金澤能樂堂的舊 址,收藏展示著金澤的能樂「加賀寶生」所流傳的珍貴能面具和能裝束,並介 紹傳至全國的能樂名品。能面具/能裝束的體驗專區很受歡迎(目前暫停中)。 15 min by bus from Kanazawa Sta. (JR) Mar.1–Oct.15: 7:00–18:00, Oct.16–end of Feb.: 8:00–17:00 Open 365 days Adult 320 yen 金澤站(JR)搭乘巴士約15分鐘  3月1日 〜 10月15日 7:00 〜 18:00、10月16日〜 2月底 8:00 〜 17:00  全年無休 成人320日圓
金澤站(JR)搭乘巴士至「香林坊」下車步行5 分鐘  10:00 〜 18:00(最後入館時間17:30)  週一、年底年初  成人310日圓
金澤站(JR)搭乘巴士約15分鐘  9:00 〜 16:30(最後入館時間16:00) 全年無休  成人320日圓 兼六園 Kenrokuen Ishikawa 石川 Ishikawa 石川 Ishikawa 石川 Kanazawa Noh Museum 金澤能樂美術館 For more information, access Enjoy Kanazawa with SAMURAI PASSPORT! 1,000 yen (valid for 2 days) 1,000日圓(有效期間:2天) Kanazawa Castle Park Hishi Yagura, Gojukken Nagaya, Hashizume-mon Tsuzuki Yagura, Hashizume-mon 金澤城公園 菱櫓、五十間長屋、橋爪門續櫓、橋爪門 7-day Unlimited rides 7天內無限次數搭乘 17,000 JPY ~ Kansai-Hokuriku Area Pass 關西&北陸地區鐵路周遊券 recommend! For more details P.18-19 詳細資訊 詳情見此 att. JAPAN 17
Take a bus from Kanazawa Sta. (JR) Korimbo stop 5-min walk 10:00–18:00 (admission until 17:30) Mondays and New Year holidays Adult 310 yen
min by bus from Kanazawa Sta. (JR) 9:00–16:30 (admission until 16:00) Open 365 days
福山 Fukuyama 宮島口 Miyajimaguchi 三原 Mihara 岩國 Iwakuni Miyajima 厚狹 Asa 湯田溫泉 Yudaonsen 下關 Shimonoseki 新下關 Shin-Shimonoseki 德山 Tokuyama 柳井 Yanai 吳 Kure 山口 Yamaguchi 津和野 Tsuwano 小倉 Kokura 博多 Hakata 倉敷 Kurashiki 新尾道 Shin-Onomichi 宇野 Uno 倉吉 Kurayoshi 米子 Yonago 松江 Matsue 境港 Sakaiminato 米子機場 Yonago-airport 出雲市 Izumoshi 玉造溫泉 Tamatsukurionsen 備中高梁 BitchuTakahashi 新見 Niimi 新倉敷 ShinKurashiki 岡山 Okayama 萩 新岩國 新山口 Shin-Yamaguchi Shin-Iwakuni Hagi Nagatoshi 長門市 智頭急行 宮島 Shodoshima 小豆島 尾道 Onomichi 高松 兒島 Takamatsu Kojima 廣島 Hiroshima 津山 Tsuyama 西條 Saijo 福岡機場 廣島機場 Hiroshima Airport 岡山機場 Fukuoka Airport 北九州機場 Kitakyushu Airport Okayama Airport ● ❾ ● West Japan Railway Map YAKUMO 岡山 ⇔出雲市 SUPER HAKUTO 京都 ⇔ 鳥取・倉吉 Area covered by the Kansai Area Pass 關西地區鐵路周遊券適用地區 Area covered by the Kansai WIDE Area Pass 關西廣域鐵路周遊券適用地區 ● ● ❼ ● ❶ Horyuji Temple (→ P.9) 法隆寺 ❷ Nagahama (→ P.10) 長濱 ❸ Uonotana Shotengai Street (→ P.11) 魚之棚商店街 ❻ Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter (→ P.13) 倉敷美觀地區 ❹ Nijigen no Mori (→ P.11) 二次元之森 ❺ Kinosaki Onsen (→ P.12) 城崎溫泉 ● The spots featured in this issue 本雜誌中介紹的景點 ❼ Shodoshima Olive Park (→ P.13) 小豆島橄欖公園 ❽ Kamotsuru Sake Brewing (→ P.14) 賀茂鶴酒造 ❾ Tottori Hanakairo (→ P.15) 鳥取花迴廊 ❿ Matsue Castle (→ P.15) 松江城 ⓫ Eiheiji Temple (→ P.16) 永平寺 ⓬ Kenrokuen (→ P.17) 兼六園 於日本國外購買時 無限次數搭乘 5天內 關西廣域鐵路周遊券 10,000 JPY 11,000 JPY Purchasing abroad 於日本國內購買時 Purchasing in Japan Unlimited rides during 5 days Kansai WIDE Area Pass (大人1人價格) JR-WEST RAIL PASS (for one adult) JR西日本鐵路周遊券 無限次數搭乘 7天內 關西&北陸地區鐵路周遊券 17,000 JPY 19,000 JPY Unlimited rides during 7 days Kansai-Hokuriku Area Pass 於日本國外購買時 Purchasing abroad 於日本國內購買時 Purchasing in Japan 無限次數搭乘 1天內 無限次數搭乘 3天內 關西地區鐵路周遊券 2,400 JPY 5,600 JPY 4,600 JPY 6,800 JPY Unlimited rides during 1 day 3 days Unlimited rides during 無限次數搭乘 2天內 Unlimited rides during 2 days 無限次數搭乘 4天內 Unlimited rides during 4 days Kansai Area Pass 關西機場 ⇔ 大阪,京都,神戶,奈良 HARUKA 特價單程車票 1,200 ~ 1,800 JPY Kansai-airport ⇔ Osaka, Kyoto, Kobe, Nara *Available from select overseas travel agencies. ※可從指定的海外旅行社購買。 HARUKA One-way Discount Ticket 無限次數搭乘 5天內 關西&廣島地區鐵路周遊券 15,000 JPY 16,000 JPY Unlimited rides during 5 days Kansai-Hiroshima Area Pass 於日本國外購買時 Purchasing abroad 於日本國內購買時 Purchasing in Japan 可依據您想去的地方和停留日數,選擇超划算的鐵路周遊券 Choose the good-value rail pass suitable for the length of your stay and places you would like to visit. 無限次數搭乘 7天內 Unlimited rides during 7 days 山陽&山陰地區鐵路周遊券 20,000 JPY 22,000 JPY Sanyo-San’in Area Pass 於日本國外購買時 Purchasing abroad 於日本國內購買時 Purchasing in Japan © MasakoNakagawa © 2002 MASASHI KISHIMOTO / 2007 SHIPPUDEN All Rights Reserved. © 2002 MASASHI KISHIMOTO / 2017 BORUTO All Rights Reserved. att. KANSAI Winter 2022-23 18 VISIT WEST JAPAN BY USING JR-WEST RAIL PASS TO ENJOY FINE SCENERY AND EXPERIENCES!
敦賀 Tsuruga 長濱 Nagahama 西舞鶴 NishiMaizuru 天橋立 Amanohashidate Higashi豐岡 Toyooka 和田山 Wadayama 城崎溫泉 Kinosakionsen 福井 Fukui 蘆原溫泉 Awaraonsen 小松 Komatsu 加賀溫泉 Kagaonsen 富山 Toyama 糸魚川 Itoigawa 新高岡 上越妙高 Joetsu-Myoko 黑部宇奈月溫泉 Kurobe-Unazukionsen Shin-Takaoka 金澤 Kanazawa 姬路 Himeji Akashi 相生 Aioi 智頭 Chizu 鳥取 Tottori 至東京→ Kansai-airport 和倉溫泉 Wakuraonsen 穴水 Anamizu 七尾 Nanao Osakajokoen Nara Horyuji Kyoto Uji Inari 嵯峨嵐山 Saga-Arashiyama 二條 Nijo 馬堀 Umahori 太秦 Uzumasa 大阪 Osaka 新大阪 Shin-Osaka 三之宮 Sannomiya 元町 Motomachi 尼崎 Amagasaki 神戶 Kobe ShinImamiya Universal-city JR-Namba Tennoji 天王寺 大阪城公園 京都 Hineno 日根野 環球城 Sakurajima 櫻島 Tsuruhashi 鶴橋 新今宮 Nishikujo 西九條 稻荷 宇治 奈良 法隆寺 關西機場 Kansaiairport JR難波 Kyobashi 京橋 HARUKA 關空快速 臨空城 Rinku-town 三田 Sanda 能登鐵道 竹田 Takeda 那智 Nachi Otsukyo 大津京 山科 Yamashina 至和歌山 京都丹後鐵道 和歌山電鐵 Awajishima 淡路島 琵琶湖 梅小路京都西 UmekojiKyotonishi 新神戶 Shin-Kobe Otsu 大津 上郡 Kamigori 西明石 NishiAkashi 京都 Kyoto 山科 Yamashina 至名古屋、 東京 小松機場 Komatsu Airport 富山機場 Toyama Airport 西日本鐵路地圖 ● 山陽新幹線 ● 特急THUNDERBIRD 新大阪⇔ 岡山 新大阪⇔ 姬路 新大阪⇔ 廣島 新大阪⇔ 新山口 新大阪⇔ 博多 約45分鐘 約30分鐘 約1小時20分鐘 約1小時55分鐘 約2小時25分鐘 ● 關空特急「HARUKA」 ● 關空快速 關西機場⇔ 大阪 關西機場⇔ 天王寺 約1小時5分鐘 約45分鐘 約35分鐘 約50分鐘 約1小時15分鐘 關西機場⇔天王寺 關西機場⇔ 新大阪 關西機場⇔ 京都 ● ● ❷ ● ● ❺ ● ❾ ● 大阪⇔ 福井 大阪⇔ 金澤 約1小時50分鐘 約2小時35分鐘 HANAYOME NOREN 金澤 ⇔ 和倉溫泉 ● ❸ N700系列 MIZUHO/SAKURA ● Kansai-Airport Express "HARUKA" ● Kansai-Airport Rapid Service Kansai-airport ⇔ Osaka Kansai-airport ⇔ Tennoji Approx. 1 hr. & 5 min. Approx. 45 min. Approx. 35 min. Approx. 50 min. Approx. 1 hr. & 15 min. Kansai-airport ⇔ Tennoji Kansai-airport ⇔ Shin-Osaka Kansai-airport ⇔ Kyoto 山陽新幹線 北陸新幹線 東海道新幹線 (JR東海) 北陸新幹線 (JR東日本) Sanyo Shinkansen Hokuriku Shinkansen Tokaido Shinkansen (JR-Central) Hokuriku Shinkansen (JR-EAST) N700系列 NOZOMI ● San-yo Shinkansen ● Limited Express Thunderbird Shin-Osaka ⇔ Okayama Shin-Osaka ⇔ Himeji Shin-Osaka ⇔ Hiroshima Shin-Osaka ⇔ Shin-Yamaguchi Shin-Osaka ⇔ Hakata Approx. 45 min. Approx. 30 min. Approx. 1 hr. & 20 min. Approx. 1 hr. & 55 min. Approx. 2 hr. & 25 min. Osaka ⇔ Fukui Osaka ⇔ Kanazawa Approx. 1 hr. & 50 min. Approx. 2 hr. & 35 min. ※有一部分行駛範圍不同的列車。 ※使用JR西日本鐵路周遊券,無法乘坐東海道新幹線。 ※以上資訊(含價格)為截至2022年11月的資訊,可能會根據情況發生變更。 KOUNOTORI 大阪・新大阪 ⇔ 城崎溫泉 THUNDERBIRD 大阪 ⇔ 金澤・和倉溫泉 前往關西機場的 交通指南 HARUKA 京都 ⇔ 關西機場 *Some trains cover a different area of operation. *JR-WEST RAIL PASS cannot be used for the Tokaido Shinkansen. *The information displayed (including prices), which is current as of November, 2022, is subject to change. ● ● ❶ att. JAPAN 19
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