att.JAPAN Issue 60

Page 8

Yayoi Kusama ”Tsumari in Bloom” Photo by Osamu Nakamura Provided by Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale Executive Committee

One of the world's largest international triennial art festivals is held every three years in the Echigo-Tsumari region, encompassing Tokamachi City and Tsunan Town in Niigata Prefecture. The vast satoyama area (managed woodlands or grasslands near human settlements) is an outdoor stage for a variety of art works. Enjoy strolling through nature while taking in the art.

July 29-September 17, 2012

Echigo-Tsumari region (Tokamachi City and Tsunan Town, Niigata Prefecture)

Access from Tokyo

JR Tokyo Sta. → 1.5 h by JR Joetsu Shinkansen bullet train → Echigo-Yuzawa Sta. → 20 min by Hokuhoku Line “Hakutaka” → Tokamachi Sta.

Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale 2012 越後妻有大地藝術三年展2012 (English) (繁体中文)

! e s l e a r v F i t e s B oor Fe 動 d t 活 u 外 O 開放感! 野

In the sunshine or under the starlit sky! Outdoor festivals have an “open”- free feeling. There are several big open-air festivals held in summer and autumn.

不管是在太陽底下,或是在星空之下,在戶外舉行的活動充滿著開放感! 就讓我們為大家介紹從夏季到秋季期間在野外舉行的各種內容精彩的大型活動。


©Masanori Naruse

©Yasuyuki Kasagi

Fuji Rock Festival ’12 富士搖滾音樂祭

This is one of the oldest and the largest outdoor rock music festivals in Japan. About 200 artists from a wide range of music including pop, Japanese drums, jazz, and folk music as well as rock, perform during the three-day event. The natural setting surrounded by forested mountains is awesome and many fans enjoy camping in addition to listening to great music.

為日本的搖滾音樂祭的先驅,也是日本規 模最大的野外音樂活動。不只是搖滾樂, 熱門音樂、和太鼓、爵士樂、民族音樂等, 涵蓋音樂種類廣泛,為期3日的活動期間 中將近有200組藝術團體參與演出。也有 許多樂迷們來到山林環繞的大自然中享受 森林浴及露營的樂趣。

July 27-29, 2012


Naeba Ski Resort, Yuzawa-machi, Niigata Prefecture

Access from Tokyo ©Yasuyuki Kasagi


att. JAPAN Summer/2012

JR Tokyo Sta. → 1h 15 min by JR Joetsu Shinkansen bullet train → EchigoYuzawa Sta. → 40 min by shuttle bus (free of charge but the schedule depends on congestion.)

新潟縣湯澤町苗場滑雪場 從東京的交通 JR東京站→越後湯澤站:搭乘JR上越新幹線約1 小時15分→會場:搭免費接駁巴士約需40分(大 概預估的時間。會因道路壅塞情況而異)

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