att.JAPAN Issue 60

Page 11

Iya has been a hidden mysterious place for a long time. Surrounded by the steep Iya Valley, the only way to enter the region in the past was a mountain route of connecting passes at more than 1,000 meters above sea level. Secluded from the outside, unique customs and literary traditions developed and still remain. Even though this was a remote mountainous area, people have inhabited it. There is a legend that warriors of the Heike (Taira) clan defeated by the Genji (Minamoto) clan in the Battle of Yashima off Shikoku in 1185 fled there and settled in this region. An old house high up in the Ochiai village was renovated and opened in April 2012, as the Fusho (Floating Life) House with comfortable, modern accommodations. It was designed by Alex Kerr, an American writer with expertise in East Asian Art and Literature who has restored traditional town houses in Kyoto. The scenery is wonderful year-round with fresh green foliage in the spring, mountains in the haze of rainy season, the dark green leaves of summer, autumn leaves, and snow-covered mountains in winter.

祖谷又被稱之為秘境。因為被 叫做祖谷溪的深峻溪谷所掩蔽, 要通過標高1000公尺以上的山 巔才能跟外部往來,交通困難不 便之故,而成為了保存著獨自的 生活習慣、口承文藝等的地域。 不過,像這樣與世隔絕的山地也 是有人居住於此的。傳說中這裡 的居民是當初因屋島合戰(1185 年)時,戰敗的平家一族逃難至 此而定居下來的後裔。 修復了位於落合部落的最上端 的稻草屋頂古民宅。將室內裝潢 成摩登雅緻,搖身一變成為舒適 的住宿設施「浮生」於2012年4 月開幕,由擁有重整京都的町家 建築的實績的東洋文化研究家 Alex Kerr先生所監製。春 天的新綠、梅雨季 節水煙瀰漫的 景色、夏天的 深 綠、秋 天 的 紅 葉、冬 季的雪景。

Iya 祖谷 Dizzyingly sheer cliffs line the steep gorge. A statue of a boy urinating stands at the edge of 200-meter precipice, noted as the most dangerous spot in the Iya Valley. Hotel Iya Onsen, famous for water that is good for skin, is nearby. A cable car runs to the bottom of the 170-meter gorge, where you can soak in an open-air bath jutting over the Iya River. Kazura Bridge is a suspension bridge made of arguta (perennial kiwi) vines and could be cut down easily when villagers had to flee from pursuers. It is 45 meters long, 1.5 meters wide and 14 meters above the river. It swings from the steps of pedestrians who can see the rapids below between floor boards. Enjoy the thrilling crossing.

在德島縣的西部,位於四國第一大 河-吉野川中流域的商業城市。在江 戶時代曾以阿波藍的集散地而繁榮 一時,因此有許多藍染起家的富商 們所擁有的大規模商家及倉庫等櫛 比鱗次。 UDATSU(漢字寫成「卯建」,是江 戶時代的「防火牆」)是從2樓的牆 壁突出的隔牆,上面還有瓦片屋頂。 當初的功用是為了萬一失火時可遏 止由隔壁房屋所延燒的火勢而蓋的 防火牆,不過之後演變成為富裕的 象徵,商人們為了一別苗頭而把它蓋 的很氣派華麗來炫耀自己的財富。

祖谷桂藤(KAZURA)橋是 主要以藤蔓所編製而成的吊 橋,據說為了是逃避追殺時可 斬斷追兵去路而用的。全長 45公尺、寬1.5公尺、離水面高 度14公尺。每走一步就會搖 晃,從腳下木板間可見底下水 面,走起來十分驚險刺激。

This commercial town in western Tokushima Prefecture faces midstream of the Yoshino River, the longest river in Shikoku. It once prospered as one of the biggest trading centers of Awa-ai (indigo dye), a specialty of this area, and many of the large houses and storehouses of the wealthy merchants lined the streets. Many houses in the town have udatsu, wing walls from the second floor, and tiled roofs. Udatsu were originally built to prevent fire from spreading between neighboring houses but became a symbol of wealth and merchants competed in building splendid udatsu.

兩岸深邃溪谷延綿的祖谷溪。到 谷底高度有200公尺之高,也是 溪谷中最為險峻的絕崖峭壁之 處站立著一尊尿尿小童的銅像。 附近有以美肌溫泉聞名的祖谷 溫泉飯店。搭登山纜車下到170 公尺之下的谷底的話,還有座延 展出祖谷川的露天溫泉。

Some photos by Chiiori Trust

Wakimachi 脇町

Nishi Awa Tourism Zone: att. JAPAN 11

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