The different types of Ear Correction patient stories

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The different types of ear correction patient stories

Reading the real patient stories gives you a lot of confidence if you are looking to go for any kind of surgical treatment. Ear correction patient story can give you the same confidence which you could get otherwise. The following are some useful patient stories:  Rebecca (19 years) – I used to have bat like ears since I entered my teenage. I was getting more and more frustrated just as the years were passing. Finally, my dad took me to Dr.Milan Doshi who is a big cosmetic surgeon in the town. He referred me for otoplasty and I and my father were ready for it in no time. The results were very satisfactory. Actually, they weren’t perfect, but I had considerable improvement. I would definitely recommend this procedure and Dr.Milan Doshi to everybody having similar problems.

 Amy (22 years) - With time, I started noticing my ears were coming out. They were also bigger than they should be. I just finished my education and it was a really tough time due to my ears shape. My confidence was always low as some of my fellow students used to bully me while some just made me feel that I am not normal. I was just going to start my professional career and didn’t want the same thing to happen again. So, I thought to go for the ear correction surgery. It

was a seamless procedure with fantastic results. I really couldn’t have asked for more from the surgery.

 Philips (33 years) – I always use to have very small ears, which I think weren’t in their correct place either. I always used to think that it is because of my black ethnicity as most of my family members almost had the same kind of ears. But, that isn’t an excuse when you have so many options with the surgical treatment. I found Dr.Milan Doshi through the internet and soon booked an appointment. He convinced me within 10 minutes that I should go for the surgical procedure and I guess he was right. My ears are much better and ideally placed now which has completely transformed my looks. Conclusion: Ear correction patient story can be a great help. You will surely find them useful to get a real idea about the procedure. Try to read different stories to see at the procedure from different angle.

Ear Correction / Otoplasty Before After Photos:

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