MMA News for Phoenix - Everything Beginners Need to Know about Mixed Martial Arts, PART 1

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This four-part article series provides beginners with all the essential need-to-know information about Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), which has become one of today’s most popular full-contact combat sports. Welcome to the third installment of this four-part article series on the popularity of mixed martial arts or MMA in Phoenix and everything beginning enthusiasts should know about this thrilling full-contact combat sport. Previously, we took a look at the following must-know facts: # 3: MMA fighter, Georges St-Pierre, is considered by most to be the second best fighter in the sport. Anderson Da Silva is the first. # 4: If you’re a fan of MMA, you’ve got to see a match with your own eyes by attending a live show. The best is, without a doubt, the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) and is held in Las Vegas. # 5: Tune in to radio personality and MMA expert, Jordan Breen, who broadcasts live podcasts. Let’s continue with some more facts for MMA enthusiasts in Phoenix: # 6: Get Familiar with Live Event Etiquette You wouldn’t think that a live combat sporting event would demand its audience to adhere to certain etiquette guidelines, but MMA does. Just because there’s a fight going on center stage, doesn’t mean the wings need to break down into violence and disorder. Here are some rules to obey in order to ensure that you have a fun (and safe) evening at a live MMA event in Phoenix: 1. Don’t drink too much! Almost every time a fight breaks out on the spectator stands or bleachers of a sporting event in Phoenix, one or both of the wannabe

contenders are inebriated. If you want to get shipped out of an event you spent a good $100 to $300 on, this is the way to go. Sip your drink slowly or even abstain altogether: keep your mind and vision clear so that you can really enjoy the event! If you’re itching for a party, wait until after the show when you and your buddies move on to a club or bar. 2. Only get up and move around between fighting rounds. There is nothing more annoying than people who stand up in the middle of a fight and push their way through the crowded aisles between the seating to go to the bathroom or to get food/drinks. You wouldn’t do that in the middle of a show at the theatre because it’s rude and you risk distracting your neighbors from what could turn out to be a crucial moment in the fight. If you’re taking a friend with you to a fight, explain this to them as well. 3. Don’t boo or mock the contestants if the fight seemingly grinds to a halt. Oftentimes in MMA, two fighters will become locked in choke or grapple that would seem, to the uneducated, to bring the fight to a halt. This is not the case and it shows up as a lack of knowledge, respect and appreciation for the efforts of the fighters to start booing or hurling swearwords at the ring. If you’re new to MMA, you might not find it as interesting to watch, but that’s no excuse to behave badly. 4. Remember: an interest in MMA doesn’t make you a fighter. The very nature of MMA is to equip people of all shapes and sizes with the quick, decisive skills to fight and disable an opponent. Just because you may have taken a few kickboxing classes at your local gym in Phoenix doesn’t mean you are an MMA expert now yourself. And even if you resemble Arnold Schwarzenegger in his heydays, you should avoid starting a fight at a live MMA event. There are a lot of trained combat sport fighters in those Phoenix crowds and you might just take on someone who has several years’ worth of experience. The result for you could be a painful souvenir. 5. The fighters are human beings. If you happen to walk past one of the MMA fighters, show respect and don’t overwhelm them with enthusiasm. Don’t follow them and chew their ear off about your budding MMA career. Shake their hand, be kind and calm and if you really want an autograph or photo, they will likely entertain your request. Stay Tuned for Part 4 Stay tuned for the final installment of this four-part article series to learn more mustknow information and facts about Mixed Martial Arts in Phoenix.

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