MMA News for Las Vegas - Everything Beginners Need to Know about Mixed Martial Arts, PART 2

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This four-part article series provides beginners with all the essential need-to-know information about Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), which has become one of today’s most popular full-contact combat sports.

Welcome to the second installment of this four-part article series on the popularity of mixed martial arts or MMA in Las Vegas and everything beginners need to and should know about this thrilling full-contact combat sport. In our previous article, Part 1, we laid out the following: # 1: The Ultimate Fighting Championships (UFC) is where it’s at if you’re interested in MMA. Your education begins here by watching it on TV and ends in the ring when you take your training to professional heights. Well, hopefully it doesn’t end. # 2: Brazilian-born Anderson “The Spider” Silva is considered the best fighter in MMA, with many of his fights being considered the stuff of legend. We’ve still got many facts to cover, so let’s continue . . . .

# 3: Georges St-Pierre Is Considered the Second Best Fighter in MMA Second to Anderson Silva, George St-Pierre is considered one of the most formidable opponents to go up against in MMA. He’s a UFC Welterweight Champion and an incredibly well rounded fighter; one who relies on his exceptional athletic prowess to grind out a victory time-after-time. The key difference between St-Pierre and Silva is that Silva secures more spectacular victories with his killer instinct and violent knockouts, while St-Pierre tends to operate more in line with the philosophy that “slow and steady wins the race.” And because he is such an incredible athlete, he is almost always the last one standing.

# 4: You’ve got to attend a Live MMA Match in Las Vegas Consider it an essential part of your MMA education to see the action with

your own two eyes at a live event in Las Vegas. Tickets aren’t cheap, but to join the thronging crowds and swim in the electric pulse of energy and anticipation is an exceptional experience. You can see the fighters for yourself, feel the adrenalin pumping as they enter the ring and see an MMA fight in its full gory and glory! There simply is no comparison between watching a fight on your television in your living room and watching one Live. There are shows to be found in most major cities, but without a doubt the best MMA events to attend are hosted by the UFC in the sport’s place of origin: Las Vegas. Most events begin around 4pm and end around 9pm, which gives you the lion’s share of the evening to dine and dance in one of America’s most spectacular party capitals!

# 5: Tune in to Jordan Breen Jordan Breen is a radio show host for a popular mixed martial arts website. He’s also one of the most educated and knowledgeable people on MMA and has all the latest news, stories and information on this combat sport. Tune in to Breen’s podcasts a couple of times per week to become familiar with the goings-on, news and names and you’ll soon be speaking fluent MMA!

Stay Tuned for Part 3 Stay tuned for the third installment of this four-part article series to learn more must-know information and facts about Martial Arts in Las Vegas.

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