MMA News for Chicago - Everything Beginners Need to Know about Mixed Martial Arts, PART 1

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MMA News for Chicago:

This four-part article series provides beginners with all the essential need-toknow information about Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), which has become one of today’s most popular full-contact combat sports.

MMA, short for Mixed Martial Arts, has become an exceptionally popular combat sport in Chicago and around the United States. Fighters train for many years and in a variety of martial art forms before they are even considered ready to participate in professional tournaments and even then, they only get to fight a handful of times per year, such are the demands of the regulatory bodies governing MMA. But what there isn’t a shortage of is willing and ambitious fighters, so sporting TV channels and live venues feature solid line-ups and a constant stream of thrilling fights for martial art enthusiasts to watch. For those who want to bridge the gap between their lounges or the spectator stands and the fighting ring, there is an abundance of MMA schools to be found in Chicago. These offer aspiring fighters the chance to become trained in the techniques and skills necessary to defend themselves in the ring (and on the street) and to bring down an opponent using a variety of kicking, punching, grappling and wrestling techniques. If you thought your Ray Ban sunglasses made you look cool, try MMA training. Since MMA has become so popular in Chicago, we thought it would be valuable to put together a list of the most important facts and bits of information that all mixed martial arts beginners should know about their combat sport of choice. And so, in this four-part article series, you will find precisely that! Let’s begin! # 1: The Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) Is The Be-All And End-All Of MMA If you love MMA, whether you are an avid spectator, amateur or professional fighter, your interests and passions culminate in the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC). This organization shakily began in 1993 with the goal of promoting the Gracie family: one of the most important names in modern martial arts. The UFC was to provide a stage upon which fighter could be pitted against fighter to determine who was the best and most skilled. Moreover, it would determine which skill set (as taught by a variety of martial art forms) most frequently emerges victorious. The UFC tournaments involving combat fighters who had been trained in different forms of martial arts, such as jiu-jitsu, boxing, wrestling, taekwondo and

muay thai, simply became known as mixed martial arts (MMA) which is how the very sport as we know it today originated. Over time, more and more rules and regulations were created so as to protect the fighters and ensure that bouts were fairly matched. Today, the UFC is the most successful and popular MMA organization in America and across the world. So, if you are interested in MMA, your education starts with the UFC and ends in the UFC ring. # 2: The Number 1 MMA Fighter Is Anderson Silva The next important thing you’ll learn about MMA is who the best fighters are considered to be. Being an opinion, this naturally varies from person to person to whom you speak, but there is a fair consensus in Mixed Martial Arts in Chicago that Anderson “The Spider” Silva is the very best MMA fighter in the world. Originally from Brazil, Anderson Silva steamrolled his way up from his debut back in 2006 to his current unblemished streak of 14-fight wins. This middleweight UFC champion is unparalleled in his weight class and is considered around the world to be a herculean MMA warrior. Stay Tuned for Part 2 Stay tuned for the second installment of this four-part article series to learn more must-know information and facts about Mixed Martial Arts.

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