Martial arts information for phoenix residents

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Martial Arts Information for Phoenix Residents: About Aikido This article talks about the various philosophies and combat techniques employed by the Japanese martial art form known as Aikido. Aikido is a popular form of Japanese martial arts taught at many of Phoenix’s finest martial arts schools. Roughly translated as “the way of unifying with life energy,” Aikido is an interesting blend of spirituality, philosophy and martial arts that was designed by Morihei Ueshiba. It is the goal of Aikido schools in Phoenix to teach students how to defend themselves against an attacker while at the same time protecting their accoster from harm. In other words, Aikido is about maintaining harmony and peace.

How Does Aikido Work? The martial art of Aikido essentially involves the neutralization of an attack by rerouting its speed and force. The opponent will therefore make use of the attacker’s impetus and momentum and use it against them. So, instead of meeting an attack in a head-on “collision”, it is peacefully deflected and redirected using simple turning movements. Many martial arts schools in Phoenix also teach students how to neutralize an attacker using certain joint locks and throws. The result is a set of defensive skills that requires little physical strength and yet, can prove highly effective against even large, strong opponents. The core philosophy of Aikido is to preserve the well being of the attacker and for this reason, is often performed as a beautiful and elegant dance between two competitive opponents, rather than as a defensive skill to be used in situations of real attack. Although, having said this, many martial arts schools in Phoenix also teach students how to perform a

suite of throws, joint locks and other defensive techniques that can prove essential in a real life situation involving an attack.

A Brief History of Aikido As with many of the martial arts, Aikido has developed and evolved since its founding by Ueshiba in the early 20th Century. It has, to a degree, been evolved by many of the students – themselves masters in their own rights now – who were taught by Ueshiba himself. The direction that Aikido was taken by these students depends on when they studied with him and this explains why Aikido exists in a range of styles and techniques. The rise in popularity of Aikido in the West likely occurred with the general spread of the martial arts as a consequence of their portrayal in popular movies and the media. Aikido has become especially popular amongst Phoenix residents who are more interested in the meditative aspect of this martial art, rather than using it as a form of combat, although learning these skills is a crucial part of Aikido training too.

Aikido Schools and Academies in Phoenix There are a number of Aikido schools, academies and classes hosted by gyms around Phoenix and they offer residents a fantastic opportunity to master some very useful real-life skills, as well as to improve upon whole body fitness and mental clarity. Meditation is a big part of mastering any form of martial art and students will find themselves improving on all fronts - not just the physical – and even developing an appreciation for and interest in Japanese culture and language.

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