Martial Arts Advice For San Diego - How to Choose YOUR Combat Style, PART 1

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Martial Arts Advice for San Diego How to Choose YOUR Combat Style, PART 1

his six-part article series provides a brief look at the various forms of popular martial arts, where we would have recognized them from and what we can expect from their training. Martial arts have become extremely popular in San Diego and across the United States, not only because they offer a far more rigorous workout than any session in the gym can, but also because they leave the student equipped with some really useful self-defense skills. This is not even to mention the mental discipline, spiritual exploration and cultural diversification offered by many forms of martial arts. There is a vast number and diversity of martial arts, each one with a different history, cultural background and combat techniques, from Wing Chun, judo and taekwondo to kickboxing, Muay Thai and Mixed Martial Arts (MMA). Where do you start? Which one is best for you? The answers to these questions are crucial because finding the martial art system and style that meets your needs and interests can mean the difference between success and failure. Too many people give up after a few months because they don’t find themselves challenged in the particular way they were hoping for. And so, in this six-part article series, we shall take a journey through the most popular forms of martial arts in San Diego, where you are likely to have seen them before, what you can expect from training and whether or not they are right for you. Armed with this information, you can make a more educated selection and go on to enjoy all the wonderful benefits offered by martial arts! Choose the Right Martial Arts for You # 1: Muay Thai or Kickboxing What’s it About? Kickboxing and Muay Thai are similar in that they are two martial art forms that involve knee and foot kicking, and elbow and hand punching. However, the latter is many centuries old, is heavily rooted in Thai culture and has it’s own unique features. Kickboxing, on the other hand, is a more recent hybrid martial art that draws inspiration from several different cultures and combat styles. Similar to western boxing, both martial art forms involve the mastering of stand-up wrestling or grappling moves known as “clinches.”

Where Have I Seen Kickboxing/Muay Thai Before? If you’re a fan of martial arts movies, you will likely have seen kickboxing and Muay Thai in their full glory in Kickboxer, which features martial arts movie star Jean Claude Van Damme. More recently – and perhaps a little more convincingly – you can see Muay Thai performed flawlessly in the Thai movie Ong Bak with Tony Jaa. If the real thing is more in line with your interests, you’ve probably seen many kickboxing and Muay Thai techniques employed by MMA fighters in the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC). What Can I Expect from Kickboxing/Muay Thai Training? Muay Thai and kickboxing schools in San Diego typically teach students a series of punching and kicking combinations, which you will practice against punching bags and Thai pads. Once you’ve mastered the correct combat techniques and you have increased your strength and fitness through exercise, your instructor will pit you against an evenly matched peer for some sparring. You’re not allowed to use full force when punching and kicking during a sparring match, but you can still expect to put your physical endurance and strength to the test! Is Kickboxing/Muay Thai for me? If you wish to take your proficiency in a martial art to professional heights, kickboxing and Muay Thai are certainly the way to go. Many of the MMA champions you see competing in the UFC have a background in Muay Thai, in addition to other forms of martial arts. Kickboxing and Muay Thai are rigorous combat systems that require great flexibility, fitness and good, strong legs. From a practical perspective, they’re good for self-defense, but not the best. Stay Tuned for Part 2 Stay tuned for the second installment of this six-part article series to find out more about the different forms of martial arts available to San Diego residents and which ones might be more suitable to you!

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