Martial Arts Advice for Houston: How to Choose YOUR Combat Style, PART 2

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Martial Arts Advice for Houston: How to Choose YOUR Combat Style, PART 2 This six-part article series provides a brief look at the various different forms of popular martial arts, where we would have recognized them from and what we can expect from their training. Welcome to the second installment of this six-part article series on choosing the right martial arts systems to suit your needs, goals and interests. In Part 1, we explained that deciding to learn martial arts is the first step: the next is choosing an art form that appeals to you and that meets your particular interests. This is where many Houston residents often find themselves a little lost and confused, given the sheer number and diversity of martial arts systems and styles! Not to worry, because in this six-part article series we are on a journey through the most popular forms of martial arts in Houston, where you may have seen them before, what training is like and whether or not they are right for you. In Part 1 we looked at Muay Thai and kickboxing. Now let’s take a look at Wing Chun Kung Fu.

What’s it About? Wing Chun Kung Fu is a close-range combat system that originated around the 17th Century from the Shaolin temples in southern China. This martial art system focuses on teaching students to achieve greater physical, spiritual and psychological balance, which means training in both physical and mental exercises. Wing Chun boasts a fascinating and rich history, making it a fulfilling choice for the more intellectually inclined Houston resident.

Owing to it’s rapidity and intense punching combinations, Wing Chun makes for exceptionally entertaining viewing, so you will likely have seen it in action in many martial arts movies before. The classic Ip Man is a must-see if you enjoy a good action film and wish to see what Wing Chun looks like in motion. Also, Bruce Lee was an avid practitioner of this martial art system and there’s scarcely a Houston resident who hasn’t heard of him!

You can expect to work as hard on your interior as your exterior. Mastering Wing Chun requires ultimate control over both body and mind, so you can expect plenty of relaxation, meditation and physical exercise. The core focus is on developing the body’s “center line” from where all actions are launched. Combat techniques revolve around alacrity, speed and dexterity and are predominantly concerned with punching. Kicking isn’t employed very much in Wing Chun.

If you struggle with speed and dexterity, then you might want to consider another martial art system. Wing Chun requires you to be lightning fast and to have good coordination and reflexes – all of which can be improved through practice, but if you’re not really dexterous to begin with, it might not be for you. Additionally, Wing Chun focuses on punching, so if you have powerful legs and want to make use of them, you might want to consider Muay Thai or kickboxing instead. Prepare to work those arms!

Stay tuned for the third installment of this six-part article series to find out more about the different forms of martial arts available to Houston residents and which ones might be more suitable to you!

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