Learn about kung fu martial arts information for houston residents

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Learn About Kung Fu - Martial Arts Information for Houston Residents Kung Fu, also known as “Chinese Martial Arts” or “Gung Fu”, is a tradition of fighting styles taught by martial arts schools in Houston that have, unlike many of the martial arts modes that are Japanese in origin, have been developed in China over the course of many centuries. The term “Kung Fu” itself encompasses a plethora of techniques and styles that are sub-categorized into families, schools or sects according to a common trait. This common trait can be:    

Animal mimicry, Methods inspired by Chinese spiritual philosophy or legend, Internal: Manipulation of one’s Qi (spirit), External: Focus on cardiovascular fitness and muscle tone and strength

Other forms of Kung Fu are determined by their geographical origin or association, such as whether they were developed in southern or northern China. The result of all this is that there are many different forms of Kung Fu taught at the various Houston academies, schools and gyms, but undoubtedly the tradition that is most commonly here in Houston will focus on the competitive nature of this combat sport and as a way to build physical prowess. The ultimate goal? To bring your opponent to his knees! Modes of Training in the Chinese Martial Arts Kung Fu martial arts academies in Houston provide students with training in the following core modules:    

The basics of Kung Fu, Forms of Kung Fu, Applications of Kung Fu, Weaponry.

These core teachings may be complemented with a look into the ethics and philosophy of Kung Fu as a more spiritual mode of martial arts. Training in this combat sport should also provide Houston students with an understanding of Chinese culture, as well as greatly improved whole body strength, control, dexterity and flexibility. The Benefits of Training in Kung Fu Becoming skilled in any form of martial art affords Houston residents a wide variety of benefits. Not only are you training your body to become a combat and self-defense machine, but you are also learning to

align your body and mind in a way that allows for faster, better and more decisive action. This can mean the difference between life and death in certain dangerous situations involving attack. Additionally, learning Kung Fu teaches the student how to meditate, to understand oneself better and to cope more effectively with stress. This is why more and more Houston residents are signing up for martial arts classes rather than working out at the gym after a long, hard day. Another benefit is that you’re guaranteed to never get bored during a martial arts class! Kung Fu Classes for Houston’s Kids Kung Fu classes for Houston kids have become immensely popular because they learn the selfdefense techniques necessary to deal with common school problems, such as bullying, while also cultivating a more respectful attitude that begins in the dojo (training gym), but extends into the home and school environment. In any form of martial art, not just Kung Fu, there is a heavy emphasis upon combat free from passion, emotion and anger and there is also an equal emphasis on respect for your opponent. It’s for this reason that martial arts classes can really help Houston kids grow up with the right moral code and ethics; especially children who have been bullied or who are aggressive.

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