Learn about judo martial arts information for new york residents

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Learn About Judo : Martial Arts Information for New York Residents Judo is a highly competitive form of Japanese martial arts that has been a part of the Olympic Games since the 1960’s, although it took 30 years before women would be allow to participate too. In the Japanese language, Judo means “the gentle way”, which illustrates the core philosophies and physical fighting techniques taught to students by the various martial arts schools, academies and classes in New York. So, what is Judo about and what can students expect to learn? Judo Techniques: How Does It Work? Students of Judo classes in New York will learn a number of combat techniques geared at immobilizing one’s opponent or rendering them powerless to fight back. The goal is not to strike and injure your opponent, since Judo is a far gentler approach to combat and competition than, for example, the martial art forms of Karate, MMA and Krav Maga. And since it focuses on self-defense, rather than aggressive combat, it is one of the most popular forms of martial arts for children to learn. Some of the physical techniques practiced by NYC martial arts classes include:     

Takedown techniques Throwing techniques Pinning techniques Joint locks (arm, leg and headlocks) Choke holds

Certain forms of Judo, such as “Kata” can incorporate thrusts and strikes by the feet and hands, or even weaponry, but this is almost never allowed in free practice or in formal competition. The Worldwide Popularity of Judo The immense popularity of Judo has led to the establishment of a great number of Judo martial arts schools in and across North America and especially in New York. Many public and private schools also hire Judo teachers to come and train willing girls and boys who want to have fun while also learning how to defend themselves. The benefits of learning this martial art form are not only concerned with developing strength, co-ordination, dexterity and flexibility, but also with teaching students more about respect: respect for oneself, for one’s master and for one’s opponent. Judo For Children and Young Adults: Dealing with Hostility Bullying and violence are considerable problems in New York’s schools and while many parents are worried that learning a martial art will only teach their kids how to inflict more damage when fighting, this really isn’t the case. NYC martial arts schools teach students to live in greater harmony and to separate themselves from stress and negative emotion, especially when fighting. This often eliminates the driving force behind fighting, which is anger and frustration. Those who are the victim of bullying will have the self-defense skills necessary to tackle an opponent and neutralize an attack, thereby giving them time to escape and/or to earn the respect of their aggressor who will certainly think twice before trying to harass them in the future! Judo Fun Facts Judo is one of only two forms of martial arts that are included in the Olympic Games, the other being Taekwondo. Judo’s immense worldwide success has lead to the

development of a host of other forms of martial arts, such as Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and Sambo. Find Trust worthy NYC Judo Classes

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