Karate in San Francisco: Your FAQs Answered, PART 1

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Karate in San Francisco: Your FAQs Answered, PART 1 This three-part article series provides the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about the Japanese martial art form of karate, meaning, “Open hand”. Are you interested in taking some martial arts classes to get fit and master the physical techniques and skills necessary to defend yourself? If so and if you’ve been thinking about taking up karate classes in San Francisco, this article (Part 1) and the next two (Part 2 and 3) may provide you with some of the answers you’ve been searching for! Check out our three-part FAQ guide to the Japanese martial art form of karate: FAQ: What is karate? San Francisco martial arts experts answer: “Karate is a Japanese martial art that is literally translated as meaning “open hand”. As such, a significant portion of the combat techniques taught by karate experts in San Francisco involves using an open hand to deliver blows and strikes. These include knife-hands and spear-hands, as well as a variety of kicks, knee and elbow strikes. Karate is an intense, full contact combat art that is commonly and popularly portrayed in many martial art films, including the more recent Karate Kid.” FAQ: What are the benefits of learning karate? San Francisco martial arts experts answer: “There are so many benefits to learning karate, the most obvious of which is the fact that you will be learning an incredibly effective system of self-defense and getting a whole body workout at the same time. Martial arts develop your entire body’s strength, dexterity, speed, flexibility, balance and co-ordination, which is why it’s so popular for kids,” explain karate experts in San Francisco.

“In addition to the health benefits of regular exercise, karate also provides students with new and different mental horizons. It teaches us about harmony and the connection between the mind and the body; it nurtures respect for your master and your peers, as well as patience, self-control and non-aggression. You will be hard pressed to find a student of karate who has not experienced definite improvements in all areas of their life, in addition to greater physical prowess.” FAQ: Doesn’t learning karate encourage children to become aggressive and to seek fights? San Francisco martial arts experts answer: “The first lesson of every karate class is the need for peace and harmony, not only externally, but internally as well; or perhaps especially so. Karate emphasizes the importance of non-aggression and of not using your anger or emotion to control you when you face combat, so it is not within the teachings of this martial art to encourage kids to fight.” “Having said this, it is not unheard of for young children to want to try out the new techniques they have been learning in their karate classes and unfortunately, they may end up hurting each other if they are not careful. If this does occur, the karate instructor must step in and discipline the children. It would have been an important component of their teaching to know that they are not allowed to practice their techniques outside of the dojo (training room) unless they are absolutely forced to, for example, if they are being attacked. So, if they do, it is in direct violation of the code of conduct and they may be expelled from the dojo,” warn San Francisco martial arts instructors. Stay Tuned for Part 2 To read the answers to more of your frequently asked questions about karate classes in San Francisco, stay tuned for the second installment of this three-part article series.

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