[amazon forums]fans of k dramas please help (2016 17)

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Posted on Jan 1, 2016 6:58:43 AM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 1, 2016 11:06:41 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: I watched the final episode of Kiss Me unsubbed with recaps (such was my addiction - I watched a scene, read the recap, then rewatched the scene). Looks like Viki will probably have episode 20 subbed this week, so I'll probably rewatch that episode again once it's subbed. ETA: I wasn't as upset by the H in this version as compared to the other versions because here the H seems truly stressed out - I think he ends up crying about as much as the h. Looks like there will be a season 2 of this drama - since this drama ends with an engagement and not a marriage, I'm not sure at what point the H/h will actually marry. Recaps (this site was great on getting the recaps done the same day that the show air so I usually watched an episode the day it aired then rewatched it once it was subbed): https://popv.wordpress.com/2015/12/08/kiss-me-episode-20-final/ Imaginary Cat is a really cute show. I had actually started watching just expecting it to be about the H and his cat but it does also have a cute romance. I really enjoy getting the cat's POV on her "human". Happy New Year! ETA: Read Dramabeans recaps on the end of year awards shows - Park Seo Joon/Ji Sung won the best couple award for KMHM (Yo-Na and her crush) and Ji Sung won the Daesang. Best Couple video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZL1wsB87XU Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 1, 2016 11:06:04 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: Wow, you were really dedicated to finishing "Kiss Me". I am at ep 15 right now, and I feel for the h. I hope that H's actions will have a good explanation in the coming eps. Lastly, I read about the awards, and it made me laugh about the best couple. Ji Sung deserved the best acting award for KMHM. Thanks for the info. about "Imaginary Cat", now I will add it to my "want to watch" list. Reply to this post

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Posted on Jan 1, 2016 11:32:42 AM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 1, 2016 11:35:23 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: While I watched a lot of dramas in 2015, sadly only 3 became crack dramas (Healer, Kiss Me and Roy Leh Senae Rai) causing me to watch unsubbed versions while waiting for subs. I guess Empress Ki would probably have been another such drama if I had watched it while it was airing. Kinda sad that I Remember You cast was mostly overlooked at awards time. Not sure I agree with either Go Du Shim or Kim Soo Hyun winning the Daesang at KBS. Go Du Shim is the typical unpleasant K-drama mother in All About My Mom (screechy, petty, generally unlikable, always unlovable, exhibits favoritism, and is never supportive of her children or their relationships). I would hate for writers to take this as a sign that they should continue creating this type of "mother" figure. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 4, 2016 4:27:17 PM PST Rashell Anderson says: Ep 15 of Oh My Venus is just complete coupley fluff. So dang cute. It looks like we'll have to deal with the rich, disapproving grandma, next episode. But I'm pretty sure since it's the last one, that it's not going to be too hard to get her on board. This drama has not had a ton of crazy, dramatic moments. It's not going to win any awards for blazing a new trail, but it's sold exactly what it has going for it very well. And that is the chemistry between the two leads. They have made these two the most adorable couple through out the whole drama. There has been no OM or OW drama trying to come between them. And they've both been completely all about the other. It's actually been kind of refreshing. So cute. I'm excited to see one last episode of them just being completely happy together. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 4, 2016 9:33:59 PM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 4, 2016 9:38:54 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Rashell it seems that you're enjoying "Oh My Venus". I don't know, I tried to watch it when it started, but I just couldn't get into it. But Happy watching to you :) I finally finished "Kiss Me", and I agree this drama is definitely one of those addictive ones. I laughed and got teary, and this has become my favorite Thai drama, and the best version of this story (so far). Both the hero and the heroine, were a lot more likable in this version, and they had the best chemistry hands down. Also all the characters here were well presented, and likable as well. I watched ep 1 of "Cheese in the Trap", and I can say that finally there is a k-drama that has the potential to have me hooked, after most of 2015 (that was disappointing for me on the kdrama front). This had the best first episode of a k-drama, that I have seen in a while.This too has all the characters well presented and all the actors are doing a fine job. I love how they are balancing the mystery (that feeling of unease), with the romance/slice-of-life aspect. Last but not least, episode 10 of "Marry Me or Not" was good, but I was annoyed that they introduced a love interest for the H, when I thought this show would not use that trope, because there is already enough story and conflict with the H/h, without having OW. However hopefully by next episode she will be out of the picture. It did make me wonder if they have perhaps extended this drama, and that's why they need a bit of filler? Anyways this show continues to be enjoyable, and I just hope there won't be a lot more of OW. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 5, 2016 12:49:49 PM PST Jennifer L. Rinehart says: I just watched episode 1 of Cheese in the Trap and it was electrifying, so so good, I might even read the manga. I can't wait for the second episode. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Jan 5, 2016 1:39:30 PM PST Rashell Anderson says: Jennifer, I was just coming to post about this. That episode was fabulous. I love how ambiguous the H is. You totally wonder if he's a total jerk tormenting the h, like she thinks. Or is he just a guy that really likes her and he's being misunderstood. And Park Hae Jin is perfect for the role. He can make you feel like he's the perfect, good guy one minute, and with a simple smirk and shift in his eyes, make you think he's an evil mastermind the next. He's fabulous. And I love the h. She's so dang cute. She's plucky and a go getter, but it's not obnoxious. And it's so clear that she just wants to avoid this guy, and he just keeps turning up everywhere she goes. Plus the best friend, and her cute "lackey" are adorable. Loving this. I'm going to try not to spoil myself by reading the manga because I want to be surprised. Let's hope it stays as strong as episode 1. I'm waiting for subs for Oh My Venus' final episode. But watching the raw, it looks to be complete sappy fan service. Tons of sexy times and coupley moments for the leads. And everything seems to wrap up with a nice big bow. This was not the most dramatic drama, and the story wasn't the kind that is super addicting, but I really liked the romance in it. I loved just watching two people fall for each other, and then be nothing but awesome. No big misunderstandings. Everything that came up was dealt with maturely and with open communication. These were two adults who acted like adults through out. I appreciated that. And their romance was both loving and sexy. And I LOVED that the h was allowed to be openly sexually attracted to the H. And she was allowed to be the aggressor in sexy times. It was clear that these two people were madly in love and in lust with each other. And that's something that I miss in K dramas sometimes. This one delivered while still not being overly crude or overt. It was lovely. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 5, 2016 3:33:20 PM PST 1ladydevil says: So I watched Cheese in a Trap bc it was mentioned here and the reviews seem to be positive. I just saw the first episode and I'm confused. Is this a romance? Seems like the H is a bad guy who mistreats the h. Reply to this post

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Posted on Jan 5, 2016 4:28:29 PM PST Romance Lover says: Falling in love with cheese in the trap! hopefully it's a lasting love and the atmosphere of the drama continues Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Jan 5, 2016 4:29:39 PM PST Rashell Anderson says: 1ladydevil, I don't see how you got that from watching the first episode. The h definitely "feels" like he's tormenting her, but nothing we have actually seen him do proves that. He's actually done really nice things for her. It's just some of the things he's done seem to have put the h in bad situations. She just doesn't trust him or his motives. But the question of how much of what she thinks about him is real, and how much is just in her mind, is the main question of the drama at this point. When you look at his behavior, he's doing what a ton of drama heroes do when they like a girl. He's going everywhere she goes. He helps her get a scholarship to stay in school. He buys her tasty drinks. He asks her to each with him constantly. What's different is that here the h is questioning WHY he's doing that. She doesn't think it's because he likes her. That doesn't even occur to her. But why is he really doing those things? That's the question. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Jan 5, 2016 4:41:26 PM PST 1ladydevil says: Rachel Anderson-What about that scene when he steps on the papers she is picking up? I didn't get a good vibe from him. There is something sinister about the way he behaves, even when he is being nice. Plus, he doesn't stop the OW from tormenting the h. But if he really

does like her then thats great and I will definitely continue to watch. Just don't like dramas where the h is always mistreated. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 5, 2016 4:43:28 PM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 5, 2016 4:46:21 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Rashell, you are spot on. I have read some of the manga/webtoon, and I will tell you what I got from it. I didn't want to say much because I didn't want to spoil it for those of you who have no idea about the story, but since we're discussing this, I will say that the H is ice cold, but he genuinely cares for the h. However the h can sense that something is off about him, and it's definitely not just in her head. You are right, in that the story does make us wonder about how much of her suspicions are real. It is that ambiguity about his character that is part of what makes this story addictive, because the reader/viewer wants to find out what exactly is Yoo Jung up to, is the h imagining things or is YJ really a master puppeteer? However the fact that he likes and protects the h is clear, and that's what makes him sexy. ETA: and may I say that PHJ is playing the H so well! That subtle shift in his demeanor, or facial expressions, that only the h picks up on... Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 5, 2016 8:10:41 PM PST Rashell Anderson says: D.M.: Without spoiling too much can you just kind of confirm my sense of the H. My feeling is that he really is a very cold unfeeling person. He doesn't really have empathy or care much about other people. But he can fake that feeling really well. Except with the h. She knows he's faking. But when it comes to her, he really does feel. She's like the one person, besides himself, he actually does care about. That was my sense. I don't think he's the "good guy" he pretends to be. But I also don't think he's out to hurt the h. In fact, I think he genuinely likes her, and is doing all of these things to show it. But she sees how fake he is with everyone else and just assumes that he's being fake with her too. Reply to this post

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Posted on Jan 5, 2016 8:28:27 PM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 5, 2016 9:03:06 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Exactly Rashell! You are spot on again. Did you really not read anything about this manga before? You really are perceptive! ETA: just to clarify, I didn't finish this manga/webtoon, because when I was reading it, not all of it was English translated. So I too don't know the whole story. However up to where I got in the story, that was what seemed obvious to me. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 5, 2016 9:06:32 PM PST Rashell Anderson says: I really haven't even heard of it until now. I didn't know this drama was based on a manga until I read the recap at dramabeans. But I can tell that there is more to the H than the surface. And he seems like he can pretty much manipulate anyone. He's great at getting people to do what he wants, and yet they think it's their idea. And he can be harsh if you cross him. But I think he likes that his act doesn't seem to work on the h. She's on to him, but isn't quite sure. And it amuses him. And he thinks she's pretty adorable. Having watched ep 2, I'm very curious about his past with the new guy. And I think he actually got his feelings hurt by the h, and really just didn't know how to react. He would usually just cut that person off at the knees, but he can't seem to act that way with her. I'm liking this one a lot so far. I like the mystery. And I always have a soft spot for H's that only care about the h. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 5, 2016 10:07:35 PM PST Lovely D.M. says:

You are right again Rashell :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 5, 2016 10:26:02 PM PST Jennifer L. Rinehart says: When he tells the guy in the office that he isn't going to apply for early graduation because he is having too much fun, I get the feeling that school and life in general is pretty dull for him. Setting up Jae Woo with the receipt, messing around with Seol, these are all just little diversions to make life interesting for him. After seeing the interactions between him and Baeck In, it seems like most people never realize what a sly, schemer he is and Seol figured it out so fast that he must find her absolutely fascinating. It looks like the next episode will have a lot more interactions, the wrist grabby type as he tries to control Seol and the people around her. I think Seol's awkward lunch date set up was just so surprising to him and he doesn't like surprises at all. Especially since he's been using all of his good guy charms to be around her and to find out that not only is she not bowled over by him, she is actually trying to toss him at some other girl must have been an appalling shock. Does anyone know what days this show is on? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 5, 2016 10:57:10 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Jennifer this is a Monday/Tuesday drama, as far as I know. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 6, 2016 12:51:46 AM PST Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Darn, then we have to wait an entire week for more!!!!! Serious withdrawals here. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Jan 6, 2016 7:34:24 AM PST May says: As i read all your comments, "cheese in the trap" sounds a little like "kiss me". I don't like kiss me korean version, I like thai version a bit more, but i feel upset at both b/c the h is so into the H, and the H barely shows any emotion/caring towards the h. I haven't started "cheese in the trap" b/c of this fear. Can anyone who seen the manga tells me if the H is better at caring/showing emotion or partiality for the h? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 6, 2016 8:12:03 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: I think he's definitely better at showing partiality to the h, but not better at showing emotion. And in this one, even though his motivations are not clear, he is the one who is pursuing the h. She is not pursuing him. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 6, 2016 10:23:28 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says:

So far, I'm really liking Cheese in the Trap and am finding both the H/h well cast (so glad that Suzy wasn't cast in the lead role). Hopefully this drama will keep its unusual vibe and remain good until the end. I also liked/enjoyed Oh My Venus. Overall a cute, light, low-angst rom/com that managed to avoid (or minimized) a lot of the tropes I hate about kdrama rom/coms. I liked that for the most part the H/h didn't suffer from any major misunderstandings or lack of communication and while I thought the one year separation/time jump was unnecessary at least it wasn't played for high angst. I also appreciated that not a lot of time was spent on the H's family and the company takeover attempt (not that I really understood the whole step-mother/stepuncle/half-brother angst/anger in not inheriting a portion of the H's maternal grandmother's business - and what was with the H's father continuing to live with his former MIL?). Also, while I wasn't a big fan of the secondary romance it was certainly better than having to suffer through a love triangle. On the Thai drama front, Push's new drama Puer Tur/For You (which based on the trailer appears to be a melodrama) starts airing next week and will be subbed by JL Subbing. I also read that the Thai version of Goong/Princess Hours will commence airing next month. Guess I need to catch up on Marry Me or Not (think I'm about 5 weeks behind) and Love Me if You Dare (about 3 weeks behind). I'm also loosely following a couple of other dramas but they are mostly just OK. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 6, 2016 2:27:44 PM PST Romance Lover says: So I was looking for similar dramas to cheese in the trap...and ended up getting into I Order You (Short drama series) and i'm loving it so far!! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 6, 2016 7:03:04 PM PST Usagi7777777 says:

I am a HUGE cheese in the trap fan and the drama has a lot of potential. My one GRIPE is the stereotypical tendency to dumb down girls in order for the guy to look good. Within a single episode, Sul is constantly late for class, couldn't finish her report on time (stop with the crap about her laptop; as if universities don't have available monitors), forgets things left and right and the list goes on. I mean, isn't she supposed to be a model student (#1 or 2 in her department)? I fail to see how she can maintain her grades with that level of procrastination. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but did she not even know how to print out her report? Is she that mentally incapacitated? I know the show is trying to create situations for Jung to impress Sul but come on now, be a bit more creative than that. These scenarios do not make Jung look good; they just make me embarrassed for Sul. How about asking Jung the genius show her how to tie her shoes next time. Double knotting requires a lot of brain cells these days. I apologize for ranting and I AM enjoying the drama. I just hope that the producers will stray from the usual trope of dopey girl and perfect guy. Cheese in the trap is not a typical webtoon and I pray that the show will be atypical as well. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 6, 2016 7:35:35 PM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 6, 2016 7:38:44 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: I thought Hong Seol was constantly late for class because she works, and also looked like her shift ends almost by the time her class starts. She has to run to try and make it on time. Second when she couldn't print, I thought it was because the computer was malfunctioning/freezing, not because she doesn't know how to print . She was frustrated, and saying that nothing was going right for her that day. I also thought when she was late the first time, it was because that other girl had told Seol that the class was at 1:00 when the class was in fact at 10:00, and if it wasn't for Bora (Seol's good friend) calling her to see what was wrong, then Seol would've missed that class completely, because of the lie of that other girl. I personally, really like Seol's character so far. She is observant/perceptive but also sometimes naive, down to earth, sweet but also spunky, plucky, fairly smart but also has her silly moments (like all of us do sometimes), and clumsy. I think her computer going out of battery in class, was to show that she can't afford to buy a good computer, and her old computer is on its last lifeline. So for me, so far, I have no problems with her character. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 7, 2016 7:50:15 AM PST 1ladydevil says: I have a huge issue with Soel's hair. It makes her look ugly and is very distracting. Is that the actress' real hair? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 7, 2016 10:00:38 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: That is the hairstyle she has in the manga/webtoon. You can go to youtube and just search for "cheese in the trap mv", and you will see a few made with pictures from the webtoon/manga. You will see that Seol has that same hairstyle and color, so that's why the actress has this hairstyle. I personally would've preferred it a lot more, if they had given the H a different hairstyle, like brushing his bangs to the side, instead of giving him this hairstyle that is similar to a bowl cut. However I can't complain, because in the webtoon/manga, Yoo Jung had a similar hairstyle to the one he is sporting in the drama. Still I hope that they will change his hairstyle along the way, because I think he would look even better with his bangs brushed to the side, or to the back. But, in short, the hairstyles are consistent with the source material. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 8, 2016 10:09:09 AM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 8, 2016 10:31:07 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: I'm always amazed how a H can either be hot or dorky just by how his hair is styled. However, instead of the character's hair I find myself completely distracted by the H's lipstick (or what ever they call the lip gloss that the male actors use). Just finished watching

Bubblegum and I swear that the H was sporting very bright lipstick throughout much of the show - it was so noticeable that it took me completely out of the story more than a couple of time. I've also had this problem in a couple of other dramas. Also finished watching Love Me If You Dare. Spoilers on LMIYD I thought that the last episode of LMIYD was a little confusing when it showed a critical scene and then reshowed the exact same scene but with a completely different ending. Were we to suppose the first scene/conclusion was the H enacting in his mind what the villain was planning? I didn't think that the show was clear on this point. I also thought that the show's ending was weird when it suddenly started matching up the various characters so that almost everyone was given a potential happy ending (not that I'm opposed to happy endings for everyone would have liked a better setup for a couple of the matchups). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 8, 2016 3:45:33 PM PST 1ladydevil says: Wait a minute!! Men wear lip gloss/lipstick? Is this in asian dramas? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 8, 2016 7:24:43 PM PST Rashell Anderson says: 1ladydevil: I'm hoping that's sarcasm. Because the men in asian dramas often wear lipstick, eyeliner, foundation, etc. The men in western shows wear makeup too, but I feel like it's definitely more pronounced in asian dramas especially Korean dramas. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 8, 2016 7:43:15 PM PST 1ladydevil says: That was not sarcasm. I honestly did not know that asian dramas had men wearing makeup such as lipstick. I feel really stupid now. Was this always common knowledge? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Jan 8, 2016 8:49:15 PM PST jak says: Don't feel stupid, 1ladydevil, in general, Korean men seem to wear makeup more often then Western men for example, even non actors. Probably because in Korea, a lot of jobs require people to send in resumes with pictures, so people need to look their best. But don't all actors wear makeup anyway, at least stage makeup as it's called or some sort of foundation, etc. to take shine off at the very least. I have seen some really bad and obvious makeup jobs, but in general, I don't tend to notice it really lol, unless its obvious. JGS comes to mind, from You're Beautiful, but I liked his makeup in that. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 9, 2016 9:14:45 AM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 9, 2016 9:28:37 AM PST Usagi7777777 says: It's been a long time since I really got into a drama as I'm too picky these days, but this recent Thai lakorn called "Two Spirits' Love" or "Song Huajai Nee Puea Tur" really got me addicted! Heard amazing things about it before going in, but the first episode made me fall in love and I just wanted to share with you guys since it's always hard to find a crack drama. It has the perfect balance of drama mixed with comedy and from what I heard, none of the episodes are wasted. This feels more like a Kdrama as it lacks the usual ridiculous evil people scheming/acting unreasonable 24/7. The leads have loads of chemistry and the H not only can act, but is extremely handsome (he's Mario Mauer after all).

The storyline's very romantic as it's about a cold business owner who has to deal with another spirit inside his body and winds up meeting a girl he's being having dreams about in a past life and decides to keep her close to him in order to investigate this whole phenomenon. It's sort of a love triangle as both he and the spirit inside him (his polar opposite in terms of personality) loves the h. Also, apparently, the H loved the h for two lifetimes before the present one, but was never able to end up with her until now, so that sounds incredibly romantic! Here are two great mvs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxeN7BMp-oQ (mv with drama soundtrack -deep...) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHXgIGmST4M (super cute fan-made mv -love how he looks at her) I also love the opening song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmNaYXH4apk You can find all 12 episodes subbed at dramanice. Happy watching! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 9, 2016 10:43:10 AM PST 1ladydevil says: Usagi7777777-That sounds great. Thank you so much for sharing it. Will try to watch it today. I love this thread!! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 9, 2016 11:39:42 AM PST [Deleted by the author on Jan 9, 2016 11:39:58 AM PST]

In reply to an earlier post on Jan 9, 2016 11:40:07 AM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 9, 2016 3:24:41 PM PST Usagi7777777 says: You're welcome. I know, it's great to share what we love! BTW, for the first 10 eps, I found a place with better quality vids you can download here (english soft subs): http://fajarnoahnew.blogspot.com/2015/12/thai-drama-two-spirits-love-2015.html It's the best quality that I can find with English subs. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 9, 2016 9:52:49 PM PST Jennifer L. Rinehart says: I love this thread too. I check it everyday to find out what everyone is watching. Mario is super cute and this show sounds great. I'm going to watch it while I wait for more Cheese in the Trap. Thanks for the rec Usagi. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Jan 9, 2016 10:52:43 PM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 9, 2016 10:53:39 PM PST Usagi7777777 says: No problem, the H in here is really swoonworthy...can't stay away from the h and needs her close to him. Love how he falls hard for her...their bickering is so cute. It's like he only comes alive in front of the h and is pretty much emotionless towards everyone else. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 10, 2016 7:46:35 AM PST Rashell Anderson says: I'm excited to check out this new drama! This thread is the best! I love coming here to chat with people about dramas! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 10, 2016 8:43:31 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: I like this thread too, because it provides a place where I can discuss my favorite dramas, or the dramas that I liked, it also provides a place where I can discover new romance/drama shows to checkout. Moving on, I want to say that Park Hae Jin is quickly climbing the list, to become one of my favorite actors, with his role in "Cheese in the Trap". He and Ji Chang Wook, are probably my top two k-actors, plus they are handsome and have manly builds. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 11, 2016 8:45:52 AM PST bluey09h says: I'm enjoying "Cheese in the trap" thanks! Any more reccs with OTT crazy in love possessive heroes in Kdrama that have come out recently? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Jan 11, 2016 8:51:13 AM PST May says: ohhh i second lbuey09h's request....i need some "crazy in love possessive heroes". I just finished watching "oh my venus" and fell in love with that guy who play the UFC fighter. He was the H in "noble, my love" so i went and re-watch it again, for the fourth time. I need new recs bad. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 11, 2016 9:06:51 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Splash Splash Love / Splish Splash Love is a super cute 2 episode drama starring Kim Seul Gi as a high school senior transported back in time to the Joseon era where she falls in love with the king played by Yoon Doo Joon. Kim Seul Gi really needs to be given a starring role in a full length drama. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 11, 2016 10:44:14 AM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 11, 2016 10:47:31 AM PST Usagi7777777 says: Just finished "Two Spirits' Love" and I'm now addicted to Mario Maurer. Loved his role in here as he steadfastly loved the h no matter what and would never give up on her once he's clear about his feelings. He even told the h that he'll never stop loving her and will do anything to prevent harm from coming to her, even resort to murder. Love the jealous scenes in here and he's even jealous of himself when the other spirit takes over his body and interacts with the h (he has no recollection of those events). I also really like how he tends to be forceful and aggressive when it comes to "getting what he wants" from our h (she hates it, lol). So cute! Love dominant H's... Reply to this post

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Posted on Jan 11, 2016 1:17:42 PM PST Rashell Anderson says: I feel like this hasn't really been a good year for dominant possessive H's especially in kdramas. Maybe we'll get some of that in 2016. I have enjoyed the sweet loving H's in 2015, but I wouldn't mind seeing a few more super crazy obsessed H's again. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 11, 2016 1:41:09 PM PST 1ladydevil says: Rashell Anderson-I second that!!! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 11, 2016 2:12:07 PM PST Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Has anyone been able to watch epi 3 of Cheese in the Trap. I thought this was a Monday show, but I can't find it anywhere. Yes, yes, yes to more super crazy obessed H's they are pretty fun and we definitely need more. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 11, 2016 4:24:33 PM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 11, 2016 4:25:10 PM PST

Lovely D.M. says: Jennifer, it doesn't look like viki got this drama, so it will be harder finding raws of it. When viki gets a drama, we get the episodes in the morning, because they post them raw first. However it seems like dramafever got this show (unfortunately for us), and they don't post raw episodes, so we have to wait till the evening to watch the new episode English subbed. I just checked, and episode 3 is up! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 11, 2016 10:03:33 PM PST Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Yay!!!!! Finally. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 11, 2016 10:45:56 PM PST Romance says: DramaYou has cheese in a trap. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 11, 2016 10:51:19 PM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 11, 2016 10:53:03 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: I watched it, and this episode didn't have as many H/h scenes, but the last 15 minutes did, and Yoo Jung *mild spoilers* asked Seol to go out with him. I can't wait to see tomorrow's episode, because we should be getting more scenes of them together, even though Seol tends to be a bit uncomfortable/nervous (though she's ignoring her senses) around him.

I watched the new episode of "Marry Me or Not", and I love this show. I thought the OW would be a love interest for the H, but there was a purpose for her character's appearance, and she's not a love interest. The story continues to move at a good pace. I'm so looking forward to next week's episode. I wish this was two eps a week, instead of one. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 12, 2016 12:23:54 AM PST Jennifer L. Rinehart says: True, there weren't as many H/H scenes this time and I'm a bit annoyed with all the time that was spent on In Ho and his sister. But I'm sure the payout, when we finally find out what happened in the past and why Baek In Ho hates Yoo Jung so much, will be worth the wait. I love love loved how scarily serious he was to that creeper who was trying to get Seol drunk and take advantage of her. That and the way he thinks Seol's neighborhood isn't safe for her to walk home alone, it gave me goosebumps of excitement! So adorable! It's hilarious that In Ho warned her about Yoo Jung and Yoo Jung warned her about In Ho. I've been watching Roy Lae Sanae Rai, I'm on episode 7, the wedding scene. It's a bit strange, first there was a big pile of money on a plate, then some jewelry, then the ring exchange and then the bride bowed super low to her husband, but he didn't bow back! Is that the norm for Thai weddings? Seemed a bit like he bought her and then she bowed to her new owner. I'm speculating here and this is all from a German American viewpoint, so there is that. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 12, 2016 6:46:07 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: Yes, I found it funny as well that Yoo Jung warned her against In Ho, and In Ho warned her against Yoo Jung. As for RLSR, I found that weird too, and also how all the family members would come up

and pour water on their hands. The other thing that I found weird was how the servants would sit on the floor. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 12, 2016 8:52:23 AM PST Jennifer L. Rinehart says: I'm sure there is some explanation for the hand watering and all the money and jewelry. Thailand is a buddhist country so maybe its a religious thing. I have to admit I am skipping past all the sexy dance girl bits. I don't know why these ladies are being invited to family events, all they do is insult each other and start hair pulling and slapping, it's weird. There's a lot of woman on woman violence in Thai dramas. I hope thats a made up drama thing. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 12, 2016 9:08:23 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: You should expect a lot of over-the-top plot points and characters, when the genre of the Thai drama is slap/kiss (at least that's what I've noticed). This drama happens to have a lot of crazy OW. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 12, 2016 11:19:30 AM PST Jennifer L. Rinehart says:

Sometimes the lady fighting is funny, like the angry pillow fight between the dance girls. It reminded me of the pillow fight in the movie Sorority Boys. But the scheming OW gets to be a bit much. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 12, 2016 12:44:08 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: I agree that Roy Leh Sanae Rai is best enjoyed by skipping the crazy dancers and OW scenes. As it relates to the water pouring ceremony, from what I've read, it's the most important part of the Thai wedding since it's during the water pouring ceremony that the couple officially become husband and wife. I was surprised that in Jasmin Lakorn's 2015 year end poll that Leh Ratree (2015) beat out Roy Leh Sanae Rai (2015) as the "Best Over the Top, But Addictive Lakorn" and "Best Lakorn Remake". So of course I immediately had to watch Leh Ratree to see what kind of train wreck could beat out RLSR. In Leh Ratree, to avoid jail, the h's gambling addicted thief of a father sells the h as a baby carrier (via GIFT) to the married H whose wife has been unable to have children. Unfortunately, I didn't find Leh Ratree as addictive (or for that matter, as crazy) as RLSR primarily because I didn't like the lead couple in LR near as much as I liked the H/h of RLSR. However, on a very positive note, while billed as a slap/kiss, the H never forces the h in LR. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 12, 2016 1:02:03 PM PST Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Leh Ratree was pretty good and it was nice that there was no rape in it. But the interactions between the H/h weren't that great and there was a lotta time taken up with the sister and the OM, kinda irritating. I'm liking RLSR a bit more, especially when she decided to go on a crazy spending spree and bought everyone a car.

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Posted on Jan 12, 2016 10:26:36 PM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 12, 2016 10:27:03 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Cheese in the Trap continues to be a great drama. I didn't expect Yoo Jung and Hong Seol to start dating so quickly, but I'm glad it happened, and it fit smoothly with the story and the characters, so far. I want to talk more about the episode, but I won't for now, because I don't want to spoil it for those who haven't watched ep 4 yet :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 13, 2016 1:48:13 AM PST Jennifer L. Rinehart says: I liked the episode too, I just wish that Seol could be a little easier with him since he takes such pains to be around her. Also I loved that she and Yoo Jung said practically the same thing to that awful girl who sent the homeless guy at her. In Ho's sister is such a mess. Her fake little girl voice and the way she lives off of men is pretty depressing, I hope that gets fixed somehow. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Jan 13, 2016 7:24:25 AM PST May says: I need a little help in understanding "cheese in the trap". I like the actors here, but the story line is confusing. At first the h is scared of the H b/c he's manipulative and cold. She spotted it and the H went after the h for a whole year. But there's only a couple of scenes where the H was being horrible to h. After that, there was alot of scenes of H being real sweet to the h. So

i didn't get that sense of "bad guy" from him. But then, the h was very adamant about the H is a bad guy but then she changes her mind and start liking in 2nd/3rd episode. Along with her interaction with her classmates, i feel the h is a doormat with Stockholm syndrome. I mean, she's not angry about the things the H did to her last year? Her life was total hell b/c of him. Maybe even a bit indignant? How about making him suffer a little for that? I lost a bit of respect for the h b/c of that, and how she keeps taking crap from her classmates without saying much. After the "let's date" convo, the H started acting all dark and mysterious with "nothing is going right so far", so then I keep thinking he's playing her, he's not genuinely liking her but manipulating her, sort of, "oh you really think I like you, you poor doormat". My biggest question if you can help me understand is, does the H genuinely like the h? I know he did alot of sweet things prior, but if he's a manipulator, couldn't he just be toying with the h? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 13, 2016 8:41:01 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: I agree about the lead romance in Leh Ratree, overall it was very underwhelming (I'd probably rate this drama a 6 out of 10) and didn't really care for the lead actor (also underwhelmed by his acting). I have started watching another Thai drama, Dok Ruk Rim Tang/Love Flowers by the Edge of the Road, which I'm liking so far. It has the usual cheesy, over the top secondary characters but, so far, I like both the lead and secondary romances. The show is a rom/com and the tone strongly reminds me of Leh Nangfah (complete with a taking dog, instead of talking cat). The h (the same lead actress from Leh Nangfah) is currently cross-dressing to hide from her murderous step-mother and has convinced the H (who has purchased the h's fathers house from the murderous step-mother, the OW's sister) to hire her as an helper/assistant so that she can covertly hunt for her father's missing will. This is the first drama I've seen with the lead H but he looks remarkably like a young Peter Ho. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 13, 2016 9:23:20 AM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 13, 2016 9:56:33 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: May, to up to where I read in the manga/webtoon, it was obvious that he genuinely likes her. He is not toying with her, but he toys with everyone else. As for her, he protects her, even if his methods are a little on the dark side. Also remember, everything the heroine was suspicious of him about, she found out later on that someone else did it. So from her point of view, she was just suspicious of him when he's innocent. I really liked the "will you date me?" line, because he was simply direct with her, not playing games - as he does with everything else. What I found a little funny, but also endearing, is how nervous the heroine is. At first she tries to let him down easy, but then it looks like she's scared that he might get mad (and she doesn't want to get on his bad side), so she tells him that she does like him (this line is not a lie - he has what a woman looks for in a partner, and he was sweet to the heroine, so she is automatically attracted to him, despite the fact that she senses that something is off about him). In this scene, the way PHJ acts it, you can just see that he thinks that she's so cute trying to wiggle her way out of it. But he won't let her, he tells her that if she likes him, than it is simple - they should just date. Then she agrees. Also her little freak out in her room was too funny, where she keeps saying it makes no sense, because why would someone like him want to date someone like her. Then throughout the episode, we can see how she genuinely wants to make the relationship work, even though she's so nervous around him. He too is trying, even though he is not the type to make romantic gestures. I agree though, that his actions towards her remain a bit ambiguous (that's what keeps the mystery going). I thought the fact that he was cold right after he asked her to date him, was because he knew that she was nervous, and he was trying to make her miss him. This part did look like he was manipulating her a bit, to get her exactly where he wants her. But still I think he is trying with her, to genuinely date someone, because he cares about her - when he's never cared about anyone else in his life. I am also liking all the supporting characters, especially In Ho, Bora, and Eun Tak. I even find In Ha interesting though irritating (because of the exaggerated acting). She just has to tone down her facial expressions, because those exaggerated expressions might work in a manga/webtoon drawing, but not in a drama medium. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 13, 2016 11:28:07 AM PST

Jennifer L. Rinehart says: I think he genuinely likes her. That his manipulations are for other people and meant to lay bare all of their failings. But each time he manipulated Seol, she surprised him with her response. She is a caring, genuine person, her only fault is that she doesn't try to stand up for herself and that she lets people get away with bad behavior. I think his ignoring her for awhile might have been to let himself adjust to the thought of caring about someone, plus it looks like he is setting things up for her; the englishtutoring, the job at the school, he is busy making it easy for her to stay close to him. It is probably an unfamiliar sensation for him to think about someone else and care for them. I hope I don't spoil this, so don't read on if you haven't watched episode 4 yet. The shooting game. Did anyone else notice how shaken he seemed by how well he did? He set a new shooting record and then was quick to give Seol a turn. I guess that's a big hint about his dark side. I can't wait for episode 5. Taz - That guy does look like Peter Ho, it's uncanny. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 13, 2016 11:50:33 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: Jennifer that too is most probably part of the reason as well, as to why he ignored her at the beginning, while setting things up for her (because he was definitely doing that), to make her life easier - and in that way he can keep her close to him as well. I did notice the shooting scene, but I thought he was awkward reacting to the h's upbeat reactions, and not shaken up per say. Yes, I too can't wait for episode 5 :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 13, 2016 12:26:51 PM PST Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Lovely - That could be true too, he does seem taken aback by her happiness, so you might be right. I might be getting paranoid, like Seol! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 13, 2016 12:47:34 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: If it's any consolation, I don't think you're paranoid :D I also think that that scene could be a hint at his darker side. I guess that's the fun of this story, we start to wonder about the hero (like Seol, sometimes alongside Seol, and sometimes on our own while watching). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Jan 13, 2016 12:57:51 PM PST jak says: I've watched DRRT partially, but I always think of it as Taddao Bussaya's wannabe, capitalizing on TD's success. The story premise is soo similar.^-^ A lot of people really love the Leh Ratree couple Sean and Esther. I don't know, haven't watched it, but they're also in Ugly Duckling series too. And have another lakorn together coming up in remake of Ngao Asoke. I've watched the 1999 version of it, it was fun, lol, so I'm looking forward to it. And Push's new lakorn is out Puer Tur. Also Padiwarada is out, I'm looking forward to it as well as soon as it gets subbed. It's a period lakorn about a girl who takes her sister's place in arranged marriage to the hero. The couple look cute together. It's on viki as Beloved Loyal Wife, but Thippy will sub it as well.

I'm finishing up Kiss Me and enjoying it, really like the kisses, not caring about the OW's story they're focusing on in ep 12 and 13. Want to start Cheese in Trap afterwards, so avoiding all talk about it. Other than that, and Heaven's Promise (might be my first daily drama, attracted to premise of girl marrying for revenge, what can I say), not many kdramas I'm interested in tuning into. Might be another slow kdrama year for me. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to your post on Jan 13, 2016 12:59:32 PM PST D. Snow says: smoke it Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 0 of 2 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on Jan 14, 2016 8:09:06 PM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 15, 2016 6:25:16 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Kinda disappointed that JL Subbing has dropped its plans to sub Puer Tur since another site has decide to sub. From it's trailer Puer Tur looks like it will be a real tearjerker - I haven't yet decided if I'll watch it as it's airing as nothing makes me madder than to devote hours to a drama to just have them kill the H in the last 5 minutes of the show. I didn't come away from Leh Ratree being a fan of either Sean or Esther. Hopefully I'll like Esther better when she's teamed with Push in Puer Tur. I finished Dok Ruk Rim Tang. Overall, the drama would have been better with fewer episodes as the second half was kinda draggy (lost count of the number of murder attempts/kidnappings/dognappings, etc. from our incompetent villains). But I did like the lead H/h and the H/h of the secondary romance. Since I been watching more Thai dramas I started wondering if they just hire incredibly bad actors to play the supporting characters or if it takes a real talent to act so over the top.

ETA: I guess Darkness Lakorn has decided to not sub Puer Tur but to just do screen caps. Hopefully, SJ and JL Subbing will pick it back up for subbing. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 18, 2016 6:57:18 PM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 18, 2016 7:07:57 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: I just watched episode 5 of "Cheese in the Trap", and not to give any spoilers, this show just keeps getting better, if that's even possible, because it already started out strong and different. I just hope the writer doesn't chicken out as the story goes on, and that the H/h will get a happy ending in the end. I also watched episode 12 of "Marry Me or Not" 91% subbed, but will watch it again when it gets 100% subbed. Again to keep this short, this show is also great, and this episode got me right in the heart. I am in love with these two awesome shows. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 18, 2016 8:07:26 PM PST cbela says: Thanks for the recommendation! I am loving "Cheese in the Trap"! â?¤ Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 18, 2016 9:05:05 PM PST Jennifer L. Rinehart says:

I have been counting down the days to watch new episodes of Cheese, it really does get better and better. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 19, 2016 12:44:35 PM PST Rashell Anderson says: Yes, Cheese is a definite winner so far. I love the ambiguity of the H so very very much. It's such a great contrast to the h, who's like an open book. This drama is building it's secrets in the best way, and I can't wait to keep watching as everything begins to get revealed. So good!! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Jan 19, 2016 1:02:01 PM PST May says: I second Cheese in the Trap. It's way better than i expected. The H is so mysterious, the last few seconds of ep 5 makes me sad for him. But then alot of ppl are scare of him, look at the TA and his partner. Their reaction to his anger baffles me. What did the H do the them in the past to have that kind of reaction? That scene also makes me think, what if the H no longer likes the h, will he then treat her coldly? What if the h did something the H thinks is unforgivable, would he then go after the h the same way he did others? The hand holding scene is pretty sweet too. Makes me think maybe he lacks social grace versus being cold? Ahhhhh so many mysteries. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on Jan 19, 2016 2:22:56 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I'm also enjoying Cheese in the Trap. Wonder if this year will end up being similar to the last 2 years where my favorite drama of the year (2015 - Healer & 2014 - You Who Came From the Stars) aired at the beginning of the year. On a sad note, I just read that the lead actor (Por Thrisadee) from the Thai drama Taddao Bussaya (and many other Thai dramas) passed away from dengue fever. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 19, 2016 2:36:00 PM PST Jennifer L. Rinehart says: His coolness and stoic expression are so arresting especially when something cracks his facade, like the TA and neighbor did by speaking to Seol about what he'd done. He looked angry, desperate and devastated all at once. I can't wait to see what he'll do next, what will he do to win Seol back to him. I want to know what he's done in the past to make people back away in fear. He has a fearsome reputation, that's for sure. I don't think he would treat her cooly because she's his view of perfection, so when something goes wrong it has been all him and he knows it. It must be so hard for someone like him who is used to being in control of everything and everyone around him. I'm so proud of Seol for not putting up with his lies and manipulations. Now he knows what her limit is and that he crossed it. I didn't know that dengue fever was happening in Southeast Asia. Por wasn't very old, that is pretty tragic. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 19, 2016 10:33:51 PM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 19, 2016 10:41:32 PM PST Lovely D.M. says:

Yes Jennifer and Rashell, and I think PHJ is playing Yoo Jung really well. It's so fascinating how Yoo Jung can shift from being so stoic, calculating and cold; to being cute and affectionate with Seol; to being sometimes scary when someone crosses him. I watched episode 6, and it was another great episode. However the tone of this episode was cute and light, lighter than previous CITT episodes and it had several comedic moments. I like how this show is taking us on a roller coaster ride, episode 5 was more intense, while this episode was cute and romantic. Next week's eps should be really intense. I like how this show keeps balancing the romance/slice-of-life, with the psychological thriller elements. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Jan 20, 2016 7:40:46 AM PST May says: Someone mentioned in another post that ep 6 of "cheese" is at season 3 of the webtoon. I've never read the webtoon, so is this statement accurate? If so, isn't this drama moving too fast? Does anyone know how many episodes is plan for this drama? I hate to see it end at 15 eps or less. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 20, 2016 9:16:36 AM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 20, 2016 9:21:44 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: I haven't read up to season 3 of the webtoon, so I don't know how accurate that claim is. This drama is planned to be 16 eps, I wish they had made it 20 eps (because it is really good, so far). However, I agree that the drama is moving at a fast pace, especially when compared to the webtoon. There is also something else, the timeline of the drama is sort of different than the timeline of the webtoon. The webtoon shows the events of the first year between the H/h, that led to her wanting to take a break from the university for a while, then we go to the second year and the hero pursuing the heroine. Whereas the drama started at the second year point, and skimmed over the events of the previous year, not that I'm complaining, because in this way we get the H/h romantically together faster. However the atmosphere of the first year and Seol's suspicion of Jung,

seemed to be skimmed over a bit. But with the appearance of the pervert character in ep 6, and the flashback, means that we are going to get more of the events of the previous year that I thought they might have skipped. I'm sure that the flashback in the next episode will be more detailed, and fill in the blanks for the the present day events (I hope that Yoo Jung will get rid of him). So the drama's timeline is the second year, while it fills in the blanks of the first year (in a complementary fashion), as the story progresses. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 21, 2016 5:22:30 AM PST Purse Monkey says: Hi guys, I'm halfway done with a webseries called High End Crush/Romance. It's really adorable. It has the elements we here at the forum love. Obsessive, possessive, jealous hero. The series is about a spoiled, rich CEO of an entertainment company. He's a typical kdrama hero. Arrogant and immature and cocky. That is until he meets our unassuming heroine, who's the complete opposite of him. Sweet, innocent, unpretentious but also feisty. It was love at first sight for him. But of course being the man-child that he is, he didn't know it was love. He couldn't leave her alone. He constantly wanted to be near her and feel uneasy when she's not there. He's jealous of any man in her life. He kinda went crazy OTT in his obsession with "making her into a star" when everybody in his company know that he just love her. They all said his behavior was unusual since he ever acted this way towards anybody. He's usually calmer and smarter, more collect when dealing with other people but when it comes to the h, it seems as though all his logic went out of the window. It's so cute. Whenever her name is mentioned, he springs up to life and becomes this crazy person. Since I'm only halfway through, I don't know if it'll continue to be as good as the first half but I doubt it can turn dramatically since it's meant to be a fun webseries. Also, has anybody finish Reply 1988? I want to talk about the ending. I must say the husband is completely different from who I expected it to be. Going in, I thought I knew for sure the husband was one person. All the signs pointed to him. However, I started falling for the other guy to the point where I was reluctant to continue the series bc I knew that he would be in a world of pain later. But to my surprise, the husband turned out to be him! Some people are going berserk over that fact but I'm a happy camper, but I wish the attribute more time into the main couple rather than the secondary couple towards the end. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Jan 21, 2016 7:18:42 AM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 21, 2016 7:19:13 AM PST May says: ohhh i wanted to watch "high end crush" for a while b/c it has my favorite actor in there and it's my favorite romance theme. But i can't find it anywhere where it's sub. Purse Monkey: where do you watch it? Also, did you continue to translate "Blazing sunlight"? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 21, 2016 8:45:53 AM PST Purse Monkey says: I watched it on drama fever. As for the translating, I've been slacking. Work got busy for a period of time so I stopped totally but now that it's not as busy, I'll find the time to do it again. Problem is, once you stop, you kind get out of the writing mode. I've been catching up on my dramas recently so hopefully it'll bring me back to translating. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 21, 2016 9:58:26 AM PST Rashell Anderson says: I did watch Reply 1988. And same as you I was sure about who the husband was right up until the reveal proved me wrong. I wasn't too bothered by it either. I liked both guys, as always with this series, and I felt like this time really showed how important timing is. And how if you don't act on your feelings, you can miss your chance. I do wish they'd shown something to indicate that the other guy also had a happy future. But I still enjoyed the drama a lot. I loved all the characters and their families. I'll probably always watch the any of the dramas from the Reply people. I love their way of showing a slice of regular life with so much heart and feeling. I'll check out the web drama. Sounds right up my other alley. Thanks for a good rec!

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Posted on Jan 21, 2016 10:14:17 AM PST Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Purse Monkey _ I'm so glad you are talking about High End Crush, I've been watching out for it on Dramafever for a while and it suddenly showed up yesterday but I only had the energy for Cheese in the Trap. I'm going to start it today, I love love love the H, he was phenomenal in Flower Boy Ramyun Shop, not the least because he's very easy on the eyes. I'm so excited about this show and I hope you are right that it stays the same, romance-y and fun till the end. I'd love to talk about episode 6 of Cheese in the Trap, there was so much going on that I'm not sure where to start. But here goes, Seol's stalker. I was already pretty worried about the Panty Thief, I got the feeling that hitting the TA with a brick was an escalation for him, that he won't be content to just steal panties, that he has something bigger and infinitely more dear in mind and it makes me afraid for Seol. But now we have this new stalker and the stuff he was talking about, how Yoo Jung told him Seol liked him. Then In ho talking about all the women Yoo Jung used to have, that was surprising, he seems so solitary. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Jan 21, 2016 11:08:43 AM PST May says: Yes, can we please discuss "cheese" ep 6? Why did Yoo Jung send that stalker guy to Seoul? Did he hate her that much before? Could the stalker being lying, but then what motive does he have to lie? That stalker guy is dangerous, and I don't know if I can love the H again if he did indeed send stalker to Seol. Also, with just one small gesture from the h (while she's still sleeping) turn his whole reaction from hate to love? It rings a little shallow for me. For a complex character, it seems too farfetched. I mean, if he has as many girls in his past like In Ho said, surely he held hands with them before. I'm still confused as to why the H thinks the h is so special. I'm really hoping the

drama will show us more scenes to explain his love for the h because I'm still not convinced of his sincerity yet. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 21, 2016 11:34:28 AM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 22, 2016 11:47:13 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: "High End Crush" sounds good, even though unlike you guys I'm not a big fan of the actor who plays the hero (as a matter of fact I am indifferent to him), but if the story is good I will check it out when I have more time. I am planning on checking out "One More Happy Ending" as well, it has a hero and heroine that I like, and I hope that the show will be good (endearing, moving, and funny) and not boring. I will watch the first two eps, once episode 2 gets subbed. Jennifer and May, you ask some very good questions. First of all, that stalker guy (creepy and bad as he is) he didn't lie about Yoo Jung telling him the Seol liked him. This happened during the first year of university, when Seol and Yoo Jung weren't close. I don't remember the details, but this creepy guy did something (and I think he got into a fight with Yoo Jung). Yoo Jung could see that he is a bad guy. However when Seol saw him sitting on a bench being dejected, she went and tried to comfort him (in her mind she was being friendly, she didn't mean anything by it). Yoo Jung saw this from afar, and I always thought that he told this guy that Seol likes him, to show her what kind of person Young Gon is. I also wondered if he subconsciously was getting jealous, because he had started to like Seol. This part was when I really started to wonder if YJ was a good guy or a bad guy (that part was kind of chilling), or maybe just a grey character. He tends to be severe in his actions, if someone annoys him or crosses him. This part, I will say it did look like he toyed with Seol, to show her what kind of man that other guy was. As for the flashback about why he started liking her, I think it is because she was the first person to show him some kindness even though he was in that period toying with her a bit, and she felt it too. Yet she still showed him kindness. In addition, he constantly saw her hard work, and how much sincerity and effort she put in, and I guess that moved him. Then on top of that, he found her sleeping on the other couch (so she didn't leave him because he was sick), and then she grabbed his finger in her sleep (I am guessing that might have melted him a little), and that's when he decided to start pursuing her. Of course nothing is clear, but these were the impressions I was left with. I guess, and I hope, they will show more about why he started getting interested in her.

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Posted on Jan 21, 2016 1:50:07 PM PST Purse Monkey says: @Rashell- regarding Reply 1988, I became such a big fan of the husband. He's so cute! I was surprised that the husband ended up being him but I absolutely agree that it was more about timing. I think the point the writer was trying to make is that you have to make your own fate. The OM failed to make it happen with the h. It could've been totally different if he went for it instead of waiting for whatever reason. He said it best when he said that timing is one thing but you can't blame timing when you failed to take action. The husband took action in his fate, timing his own fate rather than be passive. And the husband is so cute! Some people are saying the writer switched husband the last minute because this show wasn't pre-production. They said that the future husband didn't act at all like the past husband but more like the OM. Although it may seem that way, there were many clues... SPOILERS ...that Taek was the husband. Future husband was shown early on that he was left handed and he smoked. Only Taek was shown to be both of those things. And he's so cute! Regarding future husband's behavior being like OM, I think we have to remember that a long time has past--over 20 years--since we they got together. People change, especially when they're married to each other. They're more comfortable with each other. He won't be the same innocent Taek from 1988. I just finished High End Crush and it's really cute. H continues to be OTT obsessive/possessive of the h. I have to say the weakest part of the series is probably the h. Well, it's more the actress protraying the h that was weak. She's not very good but never the less, the series itself is super cute with the kind of H we all love-though his fashion sense is kinda out there. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 21, 2016 9:18:33 PM PST Rashell Anderson says:

I agree that I felt like the moral to the story in 1988 is that you have to MAKE your own fate and create your own timing instead of waiting for what feels like the perfect or right moment. I do think that they made the H in the future more like the OM in the beginning and then in the last gave him more of Teak's mannerisms and ways. But I'm not sure they changed their mind, but just didn't want to make it too obvious. But it is the one thing that did kind of bother me a bit, because I couldn't really see Teak doing some of the things the H did in the future no matter how much time had passed, and they clearly toned it down once the husband was revealed. I really, really don't like the actress playing the h in High End Crush, so it doesn't surprise me that she's the weak link. But I love Jung Il Woo enough that I'll try to overlook her. She is what kept Gaksital from being basically perfect for me. She's just blah. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Jan 22, 2016 8:08:40 AM PST May says: Agreed about the h in "high end crush". She feels wooden to me, no chemistry at all with the H. Love the H though, he's so cute in wrestling with his feelings. This reminds me of Noble, My Love, but with more comedic feel and not as intense. I wish they make this into full length drama instead of 15 min per ep. Also, looking forward to watching "Madame Antoinette". Love the H when he was in "i love romance". He's the best kisser in Kdrama. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 22, 2016 9:20:58 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: May isn't it called "Madame Antoine"? :D Anyways for me, the actor who will be playing the lead in "Madame Antoine", is handsome (he is one of the better looking k-actors), and I agree that he kisses really well. However, I find him just okay acting-wise, but I think in this role he will do well because it looks like a

character that will suit him. This show looks a little strange (premise-wise), but also cute and promising, it is also on my list of shows to check out. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 22, 2016 10:46:45 AM PST Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Iwish they'd recast the h in High End Crush, she isn't up to the H's level in timing or acting. But overall, it is a fun series. I'm really looking forward to Madame too. The premise sounds interesting. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 23, 2016 9:04:00 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Okay so I watched the first two episodes of "One More Happy Ending", and "Madame Antoine". I will say that both are off to a good start :) "One More Happy Ending" is very funny at some parts, and has an overall light and comedic tone, but it still has some moments that hint at more drama/depth that will probably be explored later on. I would put this in the comedy/romance category with a streak of drama. Both Jang Nara, and JKH are doing a really good job playing their roles as the h and H. This show also has Yoo In Na, and she tends to pick good shows to be in, so this makes me hopeful for this show as well. Favorite funny line, in episode 1: "because of you, I can't live without a belt!". I also liked the unexpected small parody of "Breakfast at Tiffany's". "Madame Antoine" is more of a light romance/drama with a comedic streak. The heroine is basically a scam artist (she pretends to be a fortune teller called Madame Antoine, but basically she is just good at reading people), but she's sweet with a feisty streak. The hero is a cold and calculating psychologist or psychiatrist, he is a bit of a jerk so far. This reminds me just a little of "You're Beautiful", I think it's because of the 3 suitors plot point, but it has more of a grownup feel and different setting/setup. I'm looking forward to see how "operation Madame Antoine" (as dubbed by the hero) will unfold.

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In reply to an earlier post on Jan 25, 2016 11:21:48 AM PST May says: Lovely D.M: yes you're right. I saw "antoine" and just automatically thought "antoinette" :). Anyway, I like the first 2 eps too. But that H is a total jerk. I'm going to wait until more eps come out to watch. I feel like if I watch one ep each week, I may dislike the H too much to continue. And what's with the H's professor (grandma) crushing on the H's younger brother. I have no problem with older women/younger men before, but this one just totally creeps me out for some reason. Maybe too much of an age difference? Anyway, looking forward to "cheese" ep 7 & 8. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 25, 2016 12:22:52 PM PST Jennifer L. Rinehart says: I will give Antoine a try when it has more epis. I've given up on High End Crush, it had such a strange h, I just never felt like she deserved the H. So stony faced. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 25, 2016 12:38:31 PM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 25, 2016 12:48:28 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: I guess that's why the hero's downfall (metaphorically speaking) when he falls for the heroine, will be all the more sweeter, because he started out as an unfeeling jerk. As for the H's

professor (grandma), yes I felt a bit uncomfortable as well. Even though I usually don't mind romances where there is an age difference, but here the age difference is too big. However when I saw the part when they panned on the "cancer" advertisement, and the hero mentioning her throat, this made me think that perhaps she has throat cancer and maybe is dying, and she basically just wants to live a little fantasy. I don't think the relationship will be anything more than friendship. She encourages the hero's younger brother to go back to playing baseball, and he encourages her to face her situation. I really don't think they will go the romantic root with these two. Now moving on, I watched episode 1 of a new J-drama, that is based on a manga, called "Please Love the Useless Me". It had a cute and kind of fast paced first episode. However I will put it on hold, until all the episodes are posted English subbed (if it gets subbed fully), and then I will watch it. "Marry Me or Not" continues to be one of my favorite airing shows right now, even though ep 13 had some noble idiocy on the heroine's part, after those sweet romantic scenes. I continue to really enjoy this show. The secondary couple Sheng Nan and her senior (who's not a good person, but his love for Sheng Nan is true) also moved me this episode, but that doesn't mean that I excuse what that senior did to the heroine (because it was awful), and as a result I won't mind if they don't end up together. Two more episodes to go, if I'm not mistaken, I'm really looking forward to see how this will wrap up. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 25, 2016 12:47:09 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Well that seals the deal for me Jennifer, I will pass on "High End Crush", from the beginning I wasn't really interested in this show or the cast... but happy watching to those who liked this show :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 25, 2016 7:26:45 PM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 25, 2016 7:27:08 PM PST Lovely D.M. says:

I watched episode 7 of "Cheese in the Trap", and this show continues to be awesome. However the part with the underwear thief was toned down a bit. Moving on, with this episode, I got convinced that Seol is officially the cutest heroine ever! Lastly, that attempted kiss was one of the funniest things I have seen in a drama, YJ really needs to teach her how to kiss :D I also really like how every episode has so much going on, but I won't spoil it for those who haven't watched it yet. I can't wait to see what will happen next! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Jan 26, 2016 8:02:20 AM PST May says: Holy crappy vanila, that car scene was hilarious in ep 7 in "cheese'. I also thought this ep has too much of the siblings. I want more scenes with Seol and YJ. Also, how many ep does this drama has per week? I thought there's 2, monday and tuesday, but i don't see ep 8 yet? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 26, 2016 9:13:01 AM PST Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Lovely D.M. it really is a disappointment. I really wanted to like it but just couldn't. Wowee, episode 7 of Cheese was so so exciting. I loved every minute. The car kiss was adorable, I can't wait to see more kisses between the leads, they are the cutest couple ever. The part with the stalker from school was a lot scarier than I thought it would be and it hurt to see Seol blaming herself for being nice to him the one time. Why do we women blame ourselves for the actions of men? Anyways, I can't wait for today's episode. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 26, 2016 9:57:06 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: May, episode 8 will most probably be posted sometime in the afternoon or evening English subbed. May and Jennifer, yes that car kiss was adorable and awkward, and just endearing and funny. As for the stalker part, yes Young Gon is very creepy (he comes off as mentally unstable). I'm looking forward to see what Yoo Jung will do about it. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 26, 2016 12:20:43 PM PST Jennifer L. Rinehart says: That's too long to wait! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 26, 2016 8:54:32 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: I know Jennifer :( but if you google it, you can find the episodes raw. Anyways now the episode has been posted English subbed, and I watched it, and I continue to love this show. However the preview broke my heart a little, I know that what Yoo Jung did in the past was bad, but I still want him and Seol together! I hope the separation doesn't last too long. Anyways moving on to this episode, this was another fantastic episode. *some spoilers* because I can't wait to say it :D, Yoo Jung and Seol kissed in this episode and it was a proper kiss. I loved that scene. I can't wait for next week's episodes! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Jan 27, 2016 7:08:18 AM PST May says: Lovely: agreed with the preview. But I'm also disappointed that YJ did really sic that stalker on Seol. I was hoping the stalker just misunderstood YJ's word or something in that vein. I mean, YJ didn't explicitly say "go after Seol", but he did let that basket head case (the sister, forgot name) pushed the stalker on Seol. During the preview, what really jumped out at me is when he said "i thought we're alike, but we're very different". Does that mean, in his head, if they're different then he won't like her anymore? How can they reconcile if this is the case? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 27, 2016 7:36:38 AM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 27, 2016 7:53:28 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: While I am sad that there will be a separation, I am glad that they didn't just make it a misunderstanding (i.e take the usual and easy way out), Yoo Jung is a genuinely complex and grey character. I hope he will have some character growth as the show continues, and that he will make it up to Seol. At least when she asked him, he was honest and didn't deny it (that means he wants his relationship with Seol to work), when he's so good at playing games. In the previews Seol looks shattered being apart from him, despite everything. I think that when he said that "I though we're alike, but we're very different", I get the feeling that Yoo Jung is going to keep Seol away from him for a while, because he's got something up his sleeve. I think he will use that time to get back at "Young Gon", "Min Soo" (so they won't bother Seol) and I hope he will make "Sang Chul" pay for being such an annoying deadbeat - who caused Seol to get a D in her last class, due to the group project. ETA: Also just wanted to add, that beside the lovely kiss this episode, I also thought the neck nuzzling scene was very sexy. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 27, 2016, 11:18:07 AM PST

Romance Lover says:

OMG love this thread! Thank you so much for High End Crush Rec!! absolutely loved it..and that kiss in the end *squealing* Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 27, 2016, 11:52:51 AM PST

Rashell Anderson says:

I think that Yoo Jung honestly has a personality disorder. I think he's kind of got narcissistic tendencies. I don't think that he's able to empathize with other people and their feelings in a normal way. So I think he is only able to relate to what he feels about something. So when he was mad at Seol, it was easy to do things that made him feel better and not be concerned about what happened to her because of them. But now that he genuinely likes her, he will do anything to protect her. But he still has a very hard time understanding her feelings or taking them into consideration. He still very much acts based on his own feelings and what makes him feel better. It makes him happy to be with Seol and for her to be safe, so he protects her at all costs. It satisfies his needs and that's why he does it. Similarly he doesn't like her friendship with Inho, so he wants her not to be friends with him because of how that makes him feel. And I think he knows this about himself to a certain extent, and now he's realized that Seol is very opposite of that. She feels a lot for other people. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 27, 2016, 4:18:49 PM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

Interesting analysis Rashell, however I think that Yoo Jung is thoughtful of Seol's feelings as well, because when it comes to intimacy for example, he never pushes her or pressures her into it - he just patiently waits for her. An example of that was in that scene when she tripped and fell into his arms two eps back, and then nervously started to wonder if she should invite into her apartment or not, she looked so awkward and nervous. But before she could even say anything, he just gently told her "maybe next time". Then in this episode when they kissed, and Seol was wondering the next evening if YJ remembers their kiss or not (because he was drunk when they kissed), and once again Yoo Jung answers her question, before she even asks, and tells her that he remembers. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 27, 2016, 4:31:32 PM PST

Rashell Anderson says:

I think he legitimately likes Seol. I think he cares for her very much now, and I do think that he tries very hard to be understanding of her. But I do think that he has to try. I don't think it's something that is natural for him. I don't think he's bad or evil. I don't think he would ever just hurt someone to hurt them. But I also don't think that he can truly understand the feelings that other people have. It's kind of like the time when Seol was attacked at school by the crazy guy, and Jung knew about it. He didn't rush over to save her or have any kind of freak out. He called the police and told the other girl that it was a rotten thing to do. But again, I feel like he was only able to understand how HE felt about the situation at the time. He

couldn't put himself in Seol's position and react according to that. If the same thing happened now, he would absolutely RUN to save Seol. Because the thought of her getting hurt is painful for HIM. He doesn't push himself on her because HE thinks that's not right. He wants her to accept him first. But I still really feel like it's a lot about what he feels. He is really only able to be in touch with his own feelings at this point. Maybe that is part of what he's going to learn from Seol. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 27, 2016, 5:16:21 PM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 27, 2016, 5:24:24 PM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

Rashell, you do make a good point, and I agree that Yoo Jung lacks empathy and can't really understand other people's feelings. With Seol though, because he truly likes her, he becomes more attuned to her, not emotionally, but mentally (for lack of a better description), because he's good at reading people and has a high intellect. He also is trying his best with Seol, like you said, because he cares about her. I also guess that those same skills that allow him to sometimes respond to Seol before she even voices out her thoughts, are the same skills that probably give him the ability to manipulate other people. I also agree that YJ wants Seol to accept him first. This show is so good, and different from other k-dramas I've watched up to now. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 27, 2016, 6:39:30 PM PST

1ladydevil says:

Oh my god!! I just watched the second episode of "Cheese in a Trap" and I have to say this drama is fantastic. I had some reservations after the first episode but they are all gone. Damn, this a good show. I have class tomorrow but I just want to keep on watching. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 27, 2016, 7:34:19 PM PST

Rashell Anderson says:

I actually really like that Yoo Jung isn't the classic drama hero. He's actually kind of got the capacity to be more of a drama villain. But he's so smart that he can mimic normal behavior so well that he blends right in. And I do really feel that his affection for the h is 100% sincere. And the h is fabulous. She's so loveable that you can totally understand how this man that is so cold inside melts for her. This drama is definitely something different and I'm enjoying every second of it. I love both the extremely flawed H and the quirky but sweet h. I want them both to get their happy ending. But that does mean being real about who they are and accepting each other. I love this drama though. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 27, 2016, 7:58:04 PM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

Rashell I feel the same way about Yoo Jung and Hong Seol and this drama, and I really hope that they will get a happy ending!

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Posted on Jan 28, 2016, 7:05:32 AM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 28, 2016, 7:18:14 AM PST

Romance Lover says:

So i decided to marathon the chinese drama "Love me if you dare" because it is just soooo good. The romance is a slow build and while some won't agree with me...i thought it was a perfect romance...the H is drawn to h immediately and just falls hard and is so adorable omg...ugh i can't even tell he's acting in some scenes cuz he does the cutest things like actually push her hair back cuz its in her face...none of the pushes h's hair behind ear but not really because its back in front of her face *face palm*...Also i love true crime shows and the mysterious brooding hero with the opposite cute innocent but smart h makes this drama for me...love love love 9/10 stars Also...just...wallace huo is so gorgeous!! and I absolutely loved Sandra Ma (such a beautiful couple) I'm trying to find his other works but nothing really stands out...(not even Battle of Changsha) I think I'm just loving this split personality/ somewhat anti hero dramas since hyde jekyll me is another of my faves this year Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 28, 2016, 8:54:16 AM PST

1ladydevil says:

I tried watching "Love Me If You Dare" but was just turned off by the characters. I think I watched 4 episodes and gave up. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Jan 28, 2016, 10:15:07 AM PST

May says:

I was the same with "love me if you dare". I also gave up on "marry me or not". After 4 eps, I couldn't handle the h anymore. If her character was OW, I would actively wish for her downfall. I'm not having any luck with CDrama lately. My next hope is "Go Princess Go" about a playboy who got travel back in time and end up in a body of a crown princess. I'm also impatiently waiting for "braveness of the ming" and "only one smile is very alluring". Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 28, 2016, 11:10:00 AM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

May, concerning "Marry Me or Not", start with episode 6 if you want to skip all the slapstick comedic shenanigans of the first 5 episodes, and get to the meat of the story. Starting with episode 6, the show becomes more serious, and we start to see more of the heroine's real self. Starting with episode 6 is when I started to really like this show, and then it continued to get better with every episode after that IMO. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 28, 2016, 11:42:56 AM PST

jak says:

Hmm, I wanted to start Marry Me or Not. Now... I did watch first episode of Cheese in Trap, wasn't that impressed with acting or story, but I'll watch another episode or two. Finished Kiss Me, Thai's version of It Started With a Kiss, enjoyed it more then tw version, but they really changed the story a lot. It wasn't bad changes, more kisses, skinship, (how could that be bad?), but I did miss a few story moments like when she got sick and he missed his exam? or he protected her from pervert on bus. Not really sure either why the last few episodes happened either plotwise. I've also started a new lakorn, Padivarada or Beloved Loyal Wife. It's a period lakorn, set in the 1950s, early '60s, and reminds me of Wanida. It's sorta like comfort food. Heartwarming, brings a smile to your face, but no real surprises in plot, you know where it's going. And like Wanida, Padivarada's about H marrying h in arranged marriage, but H had exgirlfriend who was his lover for years and he's still not quite over her (it's only been a month or two since his ex got married). H married h at end of ep 2 and already shows interest in h, teasing her and telling her how pretty she is, and has managed to find his way into her bedroom several times despite h's attempts to keep him out (he comes up with excuses on why he's there). I thought h might be a doormat with everyone praising her, but she's actually been fighting him. The lakorn really has a number of things to say about what makes a good marriage, a good wife, and is it better to have happiness in love marriage or fulfill your duty without love in arranged marriage. I like that to, that it gives the audience something to think about. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Jan 28, 2016, 12:13:00 PM PST

May says:

Jak: where do you watch thai drama with eng sub? I watch dramas on Viki, but for some reason, all thai drama video are truncated to half an hour per episode. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Jan 29, 2016, 11:11:11 AM PST

jak says:

Some lakorns are only available at viki, but most of them you can find at other places. I usually look at http://lakornsworld2.blogspot.com/p/in-progress-active-subbing-subbinghas.html to find lakorns being english subbed now and here for lakorns that are completely subbed. http://lakornsworld2.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_15.html Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 1, 2016, 5:19:26 PM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 1, 2016, 5:35:47 PM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

Okay, so I have a bad cold, and I've been in bed all weekend with my tissues and soup, and feeling miserable :( Anyways I am feeling a little better now (finally!), but I wanted to say that because of that I had time to watch dramas. I looked for shows that have PHJ (apparently Cheese is KGE's first drama, and she's doing so well). So I ended up checking out "Bad Guys", this is a pure crime thriller so there is no romance subplot (well there is a minor one with another interesting character called Tae Su, that could've been very compelling, but it doesn't look like it will get explored). Even PHJ's character has a minor dark romance shown in the first/second ep, but that too is just a minor part of the characters background (so it doesn't really get explored, though it has potential to be very compelling). I also watched the first two eps of a J-drama called "Never Let Me Go" (it has Muira Haruma in it), this is based on the book and movie by the same name, except this is the J-version of the story. This has a horrifying and tragic premise. I don't know if I will watch more, unless I know that the main characters will escape and survive. Lastly, but definitely not least, I watched episode 9 of "Cheese in the Trap" raw, and I can't wait to watch it subbed...also the preview looks so good (but I hope that H/h kissing scene is in tomorrow's episode and not a later episode!). Also I really hope that Yoo Jung will take Young Gon down, very soon. ETA: I also watched the two new eps of "Madame Antoine" and "One More Happy Ending", and while both shows are light and entertaining, they both lack that "hooking" factor. I'm still enjoying them though, they're fluff. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 1, 2016, 5:33:32 PM PST

1ladydevil says:

What is "Never Let Me Go" about? The synopsis I found doesn't say much. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 1, 2016, 5:40:35 PM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

"Never Let Me Go" is basically a secret dorm/school (I guess you could call it that), and the students there are test tube babies (that's the impression I got). So basically they are engineered randomly at a lab. These humans are made in order to be donors when they grow up. Note they don't choose to be donors, they get told that they will be donors so that the humans can live. They are secluded from the world, and they are raised because the people who run the organization will then harvest their organs, while these poor creatures are treated as dispensable because they are not considered human. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 1, 2016, 8:16:58 PM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

I watched episode 9 of "Cheese in the Trap" subbed, and it was another outstanding episode. I just can't with this show...I hope it will end well (I keep being afraid that the ending will have some disappointing factors, because that's what happens in a great majority of k-dramas, but I keep hoping that this show will remain amazing till the end).

My favorite scenes this episode, were: when Seol met Jung (before they argued, his gentleness with Seol always touches me), the flashback of Inho/Inha/Yoo Jung ("what do you think we will be doing in ten years?" line made my heart hurt a little. How far the reality of the present is... and how sad that in some ways they messed up each other's lives), Seol confronting Yoo Jung and him keeping a stoic face throughout, while Seol is teary (another heartbreaking scene). Lastly, the back-hug scene between Jung and Seol (aw no words needed, it's as if Jung is silently asking Seol to come back to him - but I don't like that they cut the episode at this scene. I can't wait for tomorrow's ep). I also wonder what Inha is up to, is she a part of Yoo Jung's plan to bring Young Gon down? Or she doing that to annoy/hurt Seol, and get back at Jung for what he has done to her? She seemed happy though, so I'm thinking she probably made a deal with Yoo Jung to get her privileges back, but I guess we will see in the coming eps. Anyways, I really like all the nuances in this show, it is so well executed (so far). If this show continues to be this good until the end, this will probably become my number 1 favorite kdrama. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 2, 2016, 8:39:14 AM PST

Jennifer L. Rinehart says:

I think In Ha has teamed up with Young Gon, she's already pointed him like a loaded gun at Seol, it makes sense that she'd use him again. I loved the back hug there at the end, too. Jung is such a stoic man, but the way he broke when he was speaking to In Ha, warning her not to appear in from of him again lets us know how devastated he is that Seol has broken up with him. I definitely think In Ha is up to something and it will probably be something to hurt Seol, Jung and her brother. Her telling In Ho to know his place after she deliberately dumped ramen on his music books was a big clue that she wants him to fail. She has some deep seated disgust of him and Yoo Jung, maybe it's because she secretly hates herself. Or maybe its a cry for help. She has a lot of destructive behaviors that make sense for someone who was abused as a child and maybe still wonders if they might have deserved the abuse. It's pretty sad, but I still wish there was a way to steer her towards a more positive path. Her brother, when he says she has no future, already knew there was something wrong with her, even when they were teens. Young Gon and Min Soo are just awful to watch, so so crazy, I can't wait for the next episode. I read that epis 11 and 12 will be postponed because of Lunar New Year, oh noes! Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 2, 2016, 9:36:44 AM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 2, 2016, 9:41:43 AM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

Jennifer, I agree Inha is a very annoying character, however I see the potential for depth in her. I think that what Inho did in the past (always putting her down and calling her useless) made her brattier, and made her give up on even trying to get a job or live a productive life. I agree that I find some of her over-the-top actions a possible cry for help. Inho also does feel guilty about his past behavior, before because he was considered a genius at piano, he didn't think about the impact of his words especially on someone like Inha who has no natural talent. I think he feels guilty now, and is trying to make it right with Inha, but Inha is so annoying, bratty, and thoughtless now, that I don't know if she can ever get her life together. However concerning "the plan" she was implementing by the end of this episode, I feel that she made a deal with Yoo Jung, because she woke up happy and hopeful (and she is only that way when she knows that she is getting money). So her doing this to get revenge on Jung for cutting her off wouldn't have made her look happy, but rather she would've looked angry (even Inho wonders, during breakfast, if she has found some money source). Also when Inho entered the room, and she was sleeping (when she's staying at his place because Yoo Jung kicked her out), she had a cellphone in her hand. So where did she get her cellphone from? We know that Yoo Jung took it away. It is these small details that make me think that there will be a flashback in the coming eps, to fill in the blanks, and we will see if she cut a deal with Yoo Jung in order to get some of her privileges back, or if I'm reading too much into this (like Seol tends to do sometimes). Anyways since we still don't know what this "plan" is, I guess it could go either way. We'll have to wait and see. I just want YJ to take Young Gon down quickly, and the other annoying ones too (too many crazies, or dysfunctional humans, in this university). I know I am so sad too, that there will be no new eps aired next week. We have to wait two weeks for the new eps :( Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 2, 2016, 10:59:22 AM PST

Jennifer L. Rinehart says:

I didn't even notice the phone, hmmm, that is a major clue! You are right, there are way too many crazies at this school. Young Gon's girlfriend is a super weirdo, I don't get why she is dating him when he keeps running after Seol. Also the group member that Seol left off of the group project, I have a bad feeling about him. He had numerous warnings and still he didn't get his part done and then he blamed Seol. He seems a bit desperate and he's definitely a bully, the way he was trying to get that other guy to do his work for him. Now Min Soo has a pretend boyfriend, this girl is such a mess. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 2, 2016, 8:43:01 PM PST

Rashell Anderson says:

A really good drama with PHJ is My Daughter Seo Young. He plays a secondary character, the brother to the h, Seo Young. But he has a pretty decent love line in that one, and his character is a good guy. I really liked both of the siblings romances in this one. And the drama itself was over all really good. Lee Bo Young is the h and Lee Sang Yoon is the hero.

PHJ's love interest is played by Choi Yoon Young. I haven't really seen her in much else, but she was a good character in this one. It's worth checking out if you're a PHJ fan. Cheese continues to be excellent. Love, love, love it!! Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 2, 2016, 10:52:10 PM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 2, 2016, 10:52:38 PM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

I will put that show on my "want to watch" list, just to check it out, but I wish the hero was someone else. LSY does nothing for me, even though I like LBY (the heroine). I hope that PHJ's character and story has a major part of the show as well. I watched ep 10 of "Cheese", and I was right about Inha, she is indeed a part of Yoo Jung's plan to get rid of that demented Young Gon. So she and Yoo Jung did make a deal. Yoo Jung is such an interesting character. I'm glad that Seol is standing up for herself more, especially this episode with Min Soo. This episode had plenty of Inho, but I wish they get him a love interest because I do not want to see him be heartbroken in the end, since Seol/YJ belong together. I also want Bora and Eun Taek to get together, they are so cute together, even if Bora complains - it feels like they are boyfriend/girlfriend but not officially. Previews, I guess the kissing scene and YJ/Seol reunion will happen in the next episodes, I can't wait! Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Feb 3, 2016, 7:09:11 AM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 3, 2016, 7:10:21 AM PST

May says:

this week's ep 9 & 10 is so angsty and depressing for me. Now we have to wait 2 weeks to get some resolution. This time, it feels like YJ didn't really do all the things Seol accused him of per the stalker. It's definitely Inha that casued all the trouble. Maybe it's the first time YJ didn't have full control of the situation and it's costing him big time. I wonder if he'll learn to stop manipulating ppl now or be even more controlling so that he gets the outcome he wants going forward. Also, I agree, InHo needs someone to love him. I feel so sad for him. And Bora/Eun Taek needs to get together already. I'm starting to think Bora is a user b/c she's just stringing ET along.

Posted on Feb 3, 2016, 10:22:54 AM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 3, 2016, 10:39:24 AM PST

Jennifer L. Rinehart says:

I think Bora is so used to Eun Taek, that she hasn't stopped to notice him as a man. I felt the fight between Min Soo and Seol was pretty cringeworthy, I was hoping that with Seol's help, Min Soo would be redeemed. Min Soo just really needs a friend, someone who isn't using her to get results with Seol. No wonder she ended up in so much trouble, she had Jung on one side acting like a friendly sunbae and Young Gon whispering craziness on the other. She's too gullible to withstand them. I worry about In Ho, too, he just needs someone to love and love him back.

Also, what about the crazy tantrum Young Gon threw in the library? What a loony. I don't know why Seol didn't show the library the video of Young Gon throwing things around, it seems like just showing the videos she has would not only allow her to keep her job at the library but also get Young Gon kicked out of school. I can't believe we have to wait so long for new episodes, it will be a long two weeks. I might have to use the time to get caught up on Jane the Virgin. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 3, 2016, 11:03:24 AM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 3, 2016, 11:06:23 AM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

Jennifer, it is interesting, Seol felt bad for her after the fight and as well. However Jung took care of the issue cleanly, and gave Seol the opportunity to confront Minsoo, whether she was ready or not. Minsoo was going too far in her delusions and copying Seol, so I think the confrontation was for the better, and that Minsoo is gone from the university now. But the way Seol looked at him, when she realized he had set the stage... I continue to love this show, it has dimension for lack of a better description. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 3, 2016, 5:20:39 PM PST

Jennifer L. Rinehart says:

It's true, Seol probably wouldn't have done anything about Minsoo without Jung setting it up. I love this show so much that I even started to read the comic. It is pretty good. I don't know what to watch while I wait, I am totally stuck on this show. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 3, 2016, 7:47:57 PM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 3, 2016, 7:49:29 PM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

I feel you Jennifer, even though I am checking out other shows, but none of them stick to me like "Cheese in the Trap". I find myself re-watching episodes - speaking of the demented Young Gon (since you mentioned him), I feel that his days are numbered at the university, Jung is slowly but surely closing in on him. I also agree, Seol should've showed that video to her supervisor, that way maybe she wouldn't have lost her job in the library. I am going to check out "My Daughter Seoyoung", and see if I'll like it or not, since we have a two week break without "Cheese" :( You might also check out "Bad Guys" (though no romance unfortunately). Oh, yes the webtoon is good, and it made me sad that not all of it was English translated. Speaking of which, I remember reading a scene when Yoo Jung was a child (flashback), that part hasn't been mentioned in the drama yet, and now I'm wondering if they will show it or leave it out. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 4, 2016, 12:41:25 AM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 4, 2016, 12:57:12 AM PST

Jennifer L. Rinehart says:

His interaction with his father was pretty sad. He's right that his dad only finds fault with him. Young Gon has stayed just barely this side of not being a violent stalker, that it makes me worried that he is working himself up to it. I've only gotten to chapter 14 in the webcomic, so maybe he does later on? The preview at the end of the episode was so frustrating, not enough info to figure out what will happen next! Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 4, 2016, 7:13:09 AM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

For the preview, I read some comments that said Seol will fight with her father, because he wants her to take a semester off (so they can pay for Jun's studies). Seol gets angry, because her parents always favor her younger brother, no matter how hard she works she never gets acknowledged, and basically storms off (basically run away from home). Then Jun, Inho and Jung will look for her. I think Inho will call Jung or Jun will call Jung. Basically what we see in the previews is their reunion in these circumstances, when Seol runs to Jung and he meets her halfway, and they hug telling each other how much they missed the other. Jung will take Seol to his apartment. I think because Seol is exhausted, she won't be able to stay away from Jung any longer. Then I'm guessing we will get the kiss scene we saw in the previews as well. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 4, 2016, 2:36:22 PM PST

Jennifer L. Rinehart says:

Oh no, poor Seol. Her brother doesn't seem very serious about his studies, he really should take some time off, get a job and have fun. I would say that seems very Korean, to throw everything into the boy and nothing for the girl. But I've seen it here in America too and it is so frustrating. I didn't like how keen Seol's mom was about Jung once she found he came from a rich family, you could see the wheels turning as she mentally planned a wedding for them. I love how Jung takes care of things for Seol, it is the ultimate in loveyness, way better than romantic jewelry or flowers. Also, is anyone else hoping that Inha will have a romance with Peanut? He seems alarmed by her behavior, but it would be great if he stepped up and she found someone she wanted to impress for real. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 4, 2016, 3:44:35 PM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 4, 2016, 3:50:06 PM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

I did feel that her mother overdid it, but I understand Seol's mom a little, because I think all mothers want their daughters to have good lives, so therefore they want good husbands for their daughters. Jung fills all these criteria, in her sight. In addition, remember that Seol's mother has suffered a lot because she married a man who keeps losing money on failed business ventures, and doesn't seem to be able to hold a job. So I think this makes Seol's mother even more keen on this issue, because she doesn't want the same fate for her daughter.

I too love how Jung takes care of things for Seol, I too think that that is the ultimate expression of love. He basically makes her life easier, and gives that feeling of security despite his mysteriousness, and that's a lot more precious than jewelry or flowers. As for Inha and Peanut, as a comedic pair I see a bit of that happening, but as something serious, I don't know - they seem out of sync (and it would be out of character for Inha), but who knows? I don't really mind, but I don't really care either. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 4, 2016, 7:48:37 PM PST

Romance Lover says:

Anybody watching Neighbourhood Hero? It has a Healer vibe...though i have second lead syndrome and really hope yuri and hyuk get paired! I REALLY REALLY hope yuri doesn't get paired with the main H since in real life their age gap is 11 years while hyuk is 1 year older...also omg his voice is so perfect lmao! love his acting and hope he gets a main lead role soon Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 4, 2016, 9:42:06 PM PST

Rashell Anderson says:

I want to watch Neighborhood Hero, but I'm not sure I'm ready for PSH in a drama. Which pains me so much, because he was the H in a few dramas that I loved especially Princess' Man which was in my top 5. I hate when real life drama ruins drama drama. I'm just not sure I can separate my feelings about the actor from my feelings about the character. :( Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Feb 5, 2016, 7:49:09 AM PST

May says:

I"m watching Cdrama "go princesss go" while I wait for "cheese'. It's pretty good so far. It's quirky and pretty funny. It's tough for me to hit a good cdrama because I found their acting somewhat subpar to Kdrama. Only a few are really good, and "go princess go" is one of them. Check it out if you have time. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Feb 5, 2016, 5:05:25 PM PST

Usagi7777777 says:

Go Princess sounds great. But, doesn't the main guy like someone else? Not a fan of fickle men in dramas (especially dumb ones who blindly listen to evil bitches). Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 5, 2016, 7:02:09 PM PST

WallxFlower says:

No he doesn't. He felt protective of the other woman but only during the first few episodes but that's it. He knows the ow is not what she seems. It's a great drama. One of a kind. Never laugh so much. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Feb 5, 2016, 8:32:25 PM PST

Usagi7777777 says:

How's the relationship between the guy and girl? Is there chemistry? Or is the drama just slapstick. Also, does the heroine annoy you or is she a delight to watch? Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 5, 2016, 10:37:11 PM PST

jak says:

I watched ep 2 of Cheese in the Trap and enjoyed it much more than ep 1, especially the relationship between the leads. I'm still underwhelmed by the acting of all (though I think the lead girl is good), and care naught for the supporting cast. Planning to continue for now. Hoping for some nice angst when h realizes H is really like she thought he was, and hoping to see H change for the better too. Also continuing with Padiwaradda. Enjoying it as well. H and h are married by ep 3, and so it's all about how they will fall in love. Of course, the OW continues to be an obstacle, and the h and H have agreed to be just friend in ep 4. The h also warns the H not to touch her repeatedly, she feels the H bonded with OW because they had, er, touched, so of course I'm waiting to see how the story puts them in skinship situations. I'm really liking the fact that h isn't happy with H, but she's open about it, they're communicating well. H is attracted to h, but it's not love yet, or is it? No instant love here. Also loving the continuing discussion about marriage. Pen/paper, fork/spoon, what would you pick? And can the spoon be with pen? Or fork with paper? It's very fascinating to me since its different from what I'm familiar with. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 6, 2016, 11:17:16 AM PST

WallxFlower says:

Usagi, I don't see that much chemistry between the two. The H got that cold emotionless face down pack. But u know that he likes the h. The h always push him toward the other woman and the H get mad at her for that. He is very possessive. The H is hot and the h is delightful to watch. And the costumes are so progressive. I never seem that much skin in an ancient drama. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 6, 2016, 11:52:18 AM PST

Rashell Anderson says:

Okay, so I tried with Go Princess Go. But no one has mentioned that the h is actually a man trapped in a woman's body. So "she" is way more about all the beautiful women in the palace than she is about any of the guys. The H is stone cold. So there is pretty much no real chemistry there because the h isn't even attracted to men. And the H is still in love with the OW, and the h is actively pushing him in that direction. I like the h's personality because, as a guy from the future, "she" has no real sense of propriety for the time or even for a woman. But the romance is really not working for me, and I don't see how they're going to fix that. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 7, 2016, 8:33:09 AM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

So I have watched up to episode 11 of "My Daughter Seoyoung", the show is engaging and it does have heart, however I think it is sorely lacking on the skinship front. I mean the H/h got married in episode 10, and we didn't even see them kiss, or see him carry her up to the bedroom. They just skipped all the skinship parts. The hero truly loves the heroine, and I like his patience and determination to be with her. The heroine makes me pity her and sympathize with her at times, and at times I feel frustrated with her. I also don't understand why they didn't buy an apartment or house to live in when they got married, it just feels weird to keep on living with his parents (though I know this is a family drama, but still). Though his parents are not bad, I can't imagine the heroine being really comfortable. As for the heroine's brother (PHJ), and the reason I am watching this show, he has a cute romance story unfolding as well. I think he is going to end up with that silly girl, who's very cute and sweet, but is not the sharpest knife in the drawer - while he's calm and smart. I have found their interactions so far, very embarrassing for the girl. I hope he will start falling for her, seeing as she's a goner for him. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Feb 7, 2016, 12:58:16 PM PST

May says:

So I'm up to ep 26 of "go princess go" (that's as far as Viki has it sub anyway), and the h is starting to have feelings for the H but just not realizing it. The chemistry btw the H and h heats up as the ep go on. The H is very possessive of the h and he's trying hard to get her. But he's also clueless in how to do so since he never had to go after any woman before. I feel at this point, the h is having a bit of identify crisis, as well as stuck in her distrust of the H. It's still pretty funny up to this point. But I'm confused about the court politics. I don't think the h is trying to deposed of the H but what's with all her politic maneuverings? There's rumor of season 2 since this web drama is very popular in china and is making loads of money. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 7, 2016, 9:24:53 PM PST

Rashell Anderson says:

I have noticed that in many kdramas the couple lives with the man's family for at least a year after marriage. I think it's kind of a traditional thing. It seems like Korean Daughters-in-law are kind of expected to learn all the ways of their husband's family before being able to live alone with their husband. I loved the husband in Seo Young, and definitely felt sympathy for the h. I could understand why she wanted to just cut ties with her past, and I understood why she was so closed off and scared to really believe in her husband. The h's brother is also a very stoic kind of character. Maybe it was a reaction to their upbringing. So it kind of makes sense that they both end up with people who are much more open and giving than they are. I agree that the girl is silly, but she's very very sweet. And her love for PHJ's character is very real. And as with the h, I feel like he comes to appreciate her more as he allows himself to have more faith in love and relationships. Keep watching. It really does have a very feel good type ending.

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Posted on Feb 8, 2016, 9:55:26 AM PST

Jennifer L. Rinehart says:

I've noticed that too, about the couple living with the husband's family. This tradition would totally bomb here, I just can't imagine living a year with my husband's family! I was all excited this morning thinking that I'd have a new episode of Cheese in the Trap to watch, before I remembered that there won't be a new episode this week!!! Arrghhhh, so disappointed. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Feb 8, 2016, 10:37:13 AM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 8, 2016, 10:40:01 AM PST

May says:

Daughter-in-law living with her husband's family is an Asian thing. It's an old tradition, and it's especially expected that the oldest male and his wife will take care of the parents. Daughter in law is treated mostly like a sub-level family member by her husband's family. I've seen it in the older generation in my family, and my mother went through hell with my dad's family. They never gave her a moment's peace, even though she ran half a world away from them. It's very sad, but thank goodness it's changing little by little. I myself is expected to take care of my MIL since I married the only son, but fortunately, my MIL is a wonderful woman and my husband is always on my side :). So what you see on Kdrama is sometimes reflective of the true thing in the more conservative asian culture. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 8, 2016, 11:17:59 AM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

Oh May, that is sad, it sounds horrible for the wife. Jennifer and Rashell, that is why I avoid k-family dramas. However I am making an exception for "My Daughter SY", because so far it has kept me engaged, despite some things bugging me as already mentioned. I am at ep 19, and I continue to enjoy this show. The most moving scenes in these episodes were between the heroine and her brother. Every time they meet, and he is harsh to her, my heart breaks a little. At first I thought her brother was being needlessly mean, then I understood that he is probably doing this to help her forget her past completely, as she wishes. Rashell I am glad to hear that the silly girl Hojung will end up with the brother. I have to say, I think that PHJ picks good dramas to be a part of, so far I have enjoyed all 4 dramas I have watched with him in it. Bad Guys is probably one of the best shows of its genre, a genre I don't like much, but this show kept me engaged. My Daughter SY, genre I don't usually watch, but I am liking it so far. As for Cheese in the Trap, this show has been outstanding so far. Then My Love from the Stars, one of my favorite romance comedy drama shows. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 8, 2016, 8:13:10 PM PST

Rashell Anderson says:

May, thanks for the real life info about Asian families. I'm pretty sure I would never have made it in a traditional Asian household. My mother-in-law is awesome and so is my fatherin-law, but I could not imagine living with them.

D.M., I'm wondering if you've seen this drama with PHJ. It's a Chinese drama instead of Korean. I know he's got a pretty big following in China. If you check it out, let me know what you think. I'm not sure I'm ready to invest 33 hours in it just for PHJ. https://www.viki.com/tv/20182c-loves-relativity Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 8, 2016, 9:20:27 PM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

Rashell I think I will pass on this, because his voice is dubbed in this drama, and I find that too weird. In addition, my time is limited and my drama plate is more than full at the moment :)

In reply to an earlier post on Feb 9, 2016, 7:16:23 AM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 9, 2016, 7:17:08 AM PST

May says:

I tried PHJ chinese drama, and like Lovely said, it's weird because his voice is dubbed. It's not the same, like something is missing. Maybe b/c he can't speak chinese, the delivery is missing some impact. Also, he's not "natural" in the role. Not sure how to explain it, but it didn't do it for me. I stopped at the third ep. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Feb 9, 2016, 3:21:24 PM PST

K. Sara Ro says:

When Seol want to print her report, the computer ask for money to use printer. She didn't have enough on her account at the time. Jung help her to print by let her use his account. I hope it help. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 9, 2016, 4:57:32 PM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

Oh, thanks for clarifying that! I had thought that the printer simply froze or malfunctioned, because the subbers didn't sub what it said on that computer popup. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 9, 2016, 7:31:32 PM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 10, 2016, 6:36:46 AM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I've always wanted to watch Park Hae Jin's noona romance in the k-drama Famous Princesses/The Infamous Chil Sisters. Unfortunately, I've never been able to find a subbed version. MV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jDD8LIanq4&index=8&list=PLfSN0NtCkVZZ1r2VN1 LeVdvkjjXMIUq18 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjgQv9KoSO4 Also, in response to viewers unhappy reaction to the two endings of Go Princess Go, the producers plan to release a third ending to the c-drama on Valentine's Day.

Spoiler For those who don't like any of the endings provided in the c-drama, one website has translated the final chapter of the novel which had a decidedly happy ending for the H/h. http://www.ninjareflection.com/2016/01/go-princess-go-novels-ending.html ETA: The article also provides an explanation for the h's gender switch: "In the novel, Peng Peng's soul was actually supposed to be a girl anyway but due to a mistake by a minor god, Peng Peng's soul was sent to a man's body. So to correct the mistake the god had put Peng Peng's soul back to her rightful body." Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 10, 2016, 10:22:45 PM PST

Rashell Anderson says:

Yeah, I tried with Go Princess Go. I've watched all the subbed episodes. It's just not my thing, I guess. I don't think I need to finish. I'm not really buying into the female soul thing. He was a guy who was a total player and completely into girls. No interest in men shown. I don't see how that is the soul of a girl. And I don't see how putting it in a female body suddenly makes it attracted to men. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 11, 2016, 10:22:54 AM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

I am still watching "my daughter SY", I didn't think I would end up marathoning through it, but that is what I am doing. I am fast forwarding through some of the filler side character subplots, and focusing on the main characters. I will say that so far my favorite couple is HJ/SW (the heroine's brother and that sweet girl). Sometimes I think HJ is stupid to be so blindly and innocently devoted to SW, but then I find her so endearing and bravely true to her heart. I am glad that SW is doing his best for her, because he didn't marry her out of love, and yet he is trying his best, and I can see him slowly but surely falling for her. I think their story would've been one of the best, if it wasn't in a family drama setting. As for the heroine, I am enjoying her story as well. But for her, I am more interested in her character development (as she gets over the past), than the romantic aspect. I will say that the hero loves her, despite the mistakes on both their parts. The deepest relationship so far, I find to be between the heroine and her twin brother, although they don't have as many scenes together in the second half of the show. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 11, 2016, 2:17:38 PM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I've finished marathoning Go Princess Go - at times absurd and ridiculous but overall, pure campy fun. I wasn't sure if the show could get there but by the end I was convinced that the H/h truly loved each other (you know, after they both quit trying to assassinate each other). Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Feb 12, 2016, 6:58:55 AM PST

May says:

I'm waiting for the 3rd "alternative ending" for "go princess go" releasing on Valentine's day. I heard both endings currently are not "happy ever after". Taz- are they still doing the 3rd ending? I can't find info on the web. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 12, 2016, 7:48:03 AM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 12, 2016, 8:28:17 AM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

May - Here is the article I read about the 3rd ending to Go Princess Go http://www.ninjareflection.com/2016/01/go-princess-go-third-ending-on.html Spoilers I was able to be satisfied with the H/h HEA by reading a translated copy of the novel's last chapter (H/h are given a HEA) and ignoring the first two endings of the drama (recommend you stop watching the drama when the h goes out to the garden and sees the heart with flowers and read the novel's conclusion instead). Novel's ending: http://www.ninjareflection.com/2016/01/go-princess-go-novels-ending.html Major Spoilers on Go Princess Go endings -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The first ending was definitely not "happy ever after" (both H and h die, with h transported back to future and returned to her male form - with the possible implication that everything was just the h's dream), while the second ending leaves open the possibility of a happy ending (both H/h die but both are then transported to future and meet again, h is again returned to the male form). For the third ending it appears that both H/h are transported to the future, with the h remaining in female form (possible photos from 3rd ending show h kissing H). None of these endings are consistent with the novel. In the novel, H/h go on to have 5 children together and after 20 years H fakes his death so that H/h eldest son can become emperor. After 2 months, the H/h reunite for HEA - h had always told H she could never give him her more than half of her heart as long has he was emperor since their relationship was unequal (not husband/wife but emperor/empress) as he had power over her life (as emperor he could have her killed at any time). Once H's son is old enough to rule H gives up his throne in order to be just husband/wife with h. ETA: I did like that once the H fell in love with the h (which happens fairly early in the drama/novel) he remained completely faithful to her. Also, in seems that in the novel the H becomes suspicious fairly early regarding the h's gender and was always extremely jealous of the h's maid. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Feb 12, 2016, 10:54:27 AM PST

May says:

Thanks Taz. It looks like all 3 endings in the drama, the director wants it open-ended for a second season. The novel's ending is pretty conclusive, so no room for season 2. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 13, 2016, 5:29:00 PM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 13, 2016, 6:35:04 PM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

So I've finished "My Daughter SY", and this is definitely one of the better k-family dramas, just by the fact that I watched it till the end. This show made me cry several times, but also had things that annoyed me as well, still overall it kept me engaged. Sangu/Hojung remain my favorite couple in the drama, and their ending was so cute. On a side note, I can't wait for the new eps of "Cheese"! ETA: did you guys read about the "hugging" event that PHJ (Yoo Jung) and the actor who plays Eun Taek, did for the fans? There were some gifs posted, and it looked super cute. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 15, 2016, 8:16:47 PM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

"Cheese in the Trap" episode 11 if finally here! I have just watched it, and I like how this show has a lot going for it, that would allow for a good discussion. "Some spoilers" because I can't wait :D I will say that I really liked the H/h reunion scene, aw that hug (but how did he know that she needed him at that time? Anyways I'm glad that he was there). However I really wanted to see Seol's reaction to going to Jung's apartment for the first time - the awkwardness and sexual tension, all that was skipped, and we got the morning after directly. Sure it was cute, and the kisses were sweet, but I still hoped for more. I really hope they will show some flashback later on, with this scene in more detail, unless Jung literally carried her sleeping form out of his car (and she didn't wake up), and put her in his bed. As for Young Gon, I felt really happy that he got some comeuppance this episode. I loved all those slaps he got... Inha was crazy (as usual) but hilarious in her own hysterical way, and she was awesome when facing Young Gon. Oh and those cat eye glasses...lol Lastly, Inho this was the first episode where he annoyed me a little. I like him, but I felt like he was deliberately trying to sabotage Yoo Jung and Seol's reunion in that last scene. Jung actually looked lonely in that scene, and it was kind of sad. It also looks like in tomorrow's episode Yoo Jung and Inho will have a face-off. I think that Inho has really done it now, and gotten on YJ's bad side. I don't think that YJ will let it go that easily, he's not the type. I also find Seol a bit indecisive, in that she really likes Jung but as Inha (in a moment of unexpected insight) told her that she (Seol) is just hanging in the middle, but I also understand why. Basically Seol can't bring herself to runaway, but isn't brave? (I'm trying to find a better word to describe the situation) enough to get closer. Last but not least, Eun Taek and Bora should just start dating already, they need to start kissing and being lovey/dovey :)

I'm looking forward to tomorrow's episode. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 15, 2016, 11:28:16 PM PST

jak says:

Finished Cheese in Trap ep 11 as well. I've caught up. Spoilers: Lovely D.M., I assumed Seol was asleep mostly, so there was nothing much to miss. Loved the hugs, snuggling in bed, a more relaxed Jung. Don't like the Who's Hating on Seol Next aspect of the show. One after another, it gets to be too much, too repetitive. I haven't read the webtoon, but here's where I think they should have changed it, made it a one or two at best people, combined it somehow. In a webtoon format, it probably works better. Mmm, I find it hard to believe things can wrap up successfully in 5 more episodes, with a hea for main couple since there are still so many issues between them. Yet I'm rooting for them anyway, and while the 2nd lead is growing on me, I think Jung just needs Seol more. At least the other guy has his music, but Jung needs someone to be himself with. He's not at the level with Seol yet, nor she him, but maybe... Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Feb 16, 2016, 7:54:16 AM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 16, 2016, 7:54:39 AM PST

May says:

Lovely and Jak, I agree with your takes. I feel so bad for the H and I'm annoyed with Seol. She needs to decide, jump straight in and trust the H, or back away quickly so he can move on. I feel like the H puts so much effort in winning the Seol, and she's just going with the flow and hurting him with her mistrusts. If she has questions, then start asking them to the H. He has always been straightforward with her, so just fraking ask the questions and stop listening to others. So yeah, i'm totally annoyed with her. Also, I haven't changed my mind about Bora, she's totally leading Eun Tak on. You can't hide behind the logic that "I didn't know he has feelings for me". Come on, it's so obvious he has feelings for her. Someone needs to slap her over the head and tell her she's hurting him everytime she rejects him so offhandedly. It's also Eun Tak's fault too, he needs to declare his feelings and get it over with. Can you tell ep 11 annoys me? H/h just reconciled and they run into problems 2 minutes later...ahhhh. Only 5 more eps left to resolve everything. They're not gonna make it. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 16, 2016, 8:09:06 AM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 16, 2016, 8:13:05 AM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Contains Spoilers -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The family drama All About My Mom with Lee Sang Woo and Eugene wrapped up it's 54 episode run this past Sunday. Overall, a fairly decent family drama but like so many of the family dramas I've watch recently none of the romances were addictive (and while I did like the younger son's romance, unfortunately, for me at least, I can't recall any scene from any of the romances that was interesting enough for a second rewatch). I also didn't like that in the later portion of the series they introduced a fatal illness for mom so that mom could be "forgiven" via illness (not that she did any truly despicable acts needing forgiveness, this wasn't that type of drama, but I just never found her to be role model for motherhood). Marry Me or Not? also wrapped up it's 15 episode run. While it was probably one of the better TW-dramas (as evidenced by my ability to watch it from beginning to end) unfortunately, I never liked the h. She starts out the series as a conniving, manipulative backstabber who only entered into a relationship with the H in order to steal him from her frienemy and during the last few episodes of the drama her treatment of the H was so bad (and her reasoning for her behavior so lame) I actually don't think she deserved a HEA. Also, I would have much preferred that the H's sister be given a HEA instead of the drama reuniting the H's parents as I thought their despicable, childish behavior towards each other for the last 30 years was resolved too easily for it to not arise again and really given what the H and his sister had to endure with their parents I was astounded that they didn't want them to divorce (really some marriages shouldn't be saved, and I thought that this was one of them). The third alternative ending to Go Princess Go has been posted (still unsubbed) to Viki (and SPOILERS from what I can tell in this version the events of the drama are not a dream but instead are a movie in which the H/h star). It's my understanding that the web site that aired the drama was recently forced by the Chinese government to remove the drama until certain offending scenes (I guess the racy ones) were removed. A "revised" version of the drama was now been reuploaded to the website (Viki still has the original version). I also read that the Chinese government doesn't approve of time-travel dramas and that to some extent the unsatisfactory endings to this drama are due to meeting government regulations. Also, it sounds like both a Season 2 and a movie are planned (but I'm not real sure that there is any story left to tell, but since the drama was a major hit and very profitable I guess they just want to continue cashing in on the success). I've starting watching an older Thai rom/com "365 Day of Love" with Ken and Anne. So far it's been fairly good with a very hot tempered h trying to save her marriage to a very reserved but nice H (h was told by a fortuneteller that she and the H will divorce in a year). In this one the h has to battle not one but two obsessed OW who tag-team driving the h to acts of craziness (usually in front of the somewhat clueless H). The drama does have a trace of fantasy where the h can visit the future via her dreams but this element isn't really used that often as it's mostly just a plot device used to help make the h believe that her marriage is in grave danger. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 16, 2016, 8:49:33 AM PST

Jennifer L. Rinehart says:

I was so excited to see episode 11 of Cheese in the Trap but it annoyed me to no end that Seol and Jung got back together, she even stayed the night at his place, and yet it was all sorta

after the fact. I get that she was tired and fell asleep in his car and that drama heroines get unusually tuckered out and/or sick, but did she totally sleep through arriving at Jung's? Did he carry her up to his apartment and then put her to bed! How!? Do corner grocery snacks come laced with ambien and rohypnol? Also, In ho's mooning over her is kinda sad. Seol may not realize he has feelings for her, but Jung has made it abundantly clear that he doesn't want her to spend so much time with him and then her lying about it just makes it super awkward. I can't blame Jung for wondering if there is something going on, since she has such an easy rapport with In Ho, she even responds to his nickname! Bora and Taek's interference of Young Gon was hysterical. I can't believe that even after getting beat up by In Ha and his girlfriend he was still trying to get to Seol to talk. I don't think this recent smackdown will stop him in the least because he never seems embarassed, just shocked and angry at being thwarted from getting to Seol. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 16, 2016, 10:22:34 AM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

Jak, well for me I'm on the Jung/Seol ship because I think that Seol loves Jung, but is too scared to fully go through with it, and for good reason too (even though I want her to be more decisive). May I agree that Bora is sort of leading Eun Taek on, however she seems to be very immature and ignorant of her own feelings, and I guess he finds her very cute. I think Eun Taek knows this, and that's why he continues to willingly be her lackey. As for Seol, I understand why she is scared to get closer to Jung, even though she really likes him. YJ is very ambiguous, even us the viewers sometimes have a hard time understanding him. He is trying his best with her, and we know that he genuinely loves her, however remember she is still suffering from Young Gon. After this episode Seol needs to keep her distance with Inho (even though it's obvious she doesn't see him that way, she treats him like a brother). I mean she gets jealous and insecure from just one picture of YJ and Inha, and yet doesn't see that her constant interaction with Inho would make Jung angry and jealous. I like that she is not perfect, but reacts like a human, although sometimes she can be slow when it comes to relationships. However her hesitation with Jung is understandable. Jennifer your "corner grocery snacks..." line had me laughing out loud, I guess it would make it seem as if he drugged her, but we know he didn't. I guess she really was exhausted and out of it. I hope that Yoo Jung will interfere directly to stop Young Gon now (I wonder what he did the first time, after he had unleashed YG on Seol, and then when Seol went to him - YG disappeared). Since he and Seol are tentatively back together (I'm hoping that they'll resolve the Inho issue in this episode), he needs to once again directly take care of YG, and make him disappear from the campus. I agree that otherwise YG won't stop, he's too demented at this point for anything else to work on him. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 16, 2016, 11:53:31 AM PST

jak says:

Taz, I really loved 365 Days of Love with Ken and Ann. They're both such great actors with awesome chemistry they really make it work. The ending is lovely, and while some people didn't like the heroine, who can be very insecure, very needy in her relationship (there are good reasons why she's like that from her past AND the present), she won me over in ep 5 with her vulnerability and strength when she's crying. And Ann's character is strong, she fights fiercely with the OW, it's just that she's not quite sure what's she doing and if she's really loved. And it's one of the few shows where you see a character really grow and mature. Oh, and there are a number of very smexy scenes coming up (lots of kisses and skinship). And angst. The only really over the top aspects of the show was the OW and time travel aspect (although if I had a chance at a hottie like Ken, I might very well go overboard too like the OW, lol). With Cheese in the Trap, I think I still root for Jung with Seol /Seol's indecision/lack of closeness because it is such a new relationship. They've only been together a couple of months or so. That's still very much honeymoon stage. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 16, 2016, 10:56:02 PM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 16, 2016, 10:58:09 PM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

I just watched episode 12 of "Cheese in the Trap", and this episode was just amazing. The preview also looks very interesting. Ah, so much to discuss, but I will leave it unsaid for now. ETA: Reader123 I haven't watched the last two eps of "Marry Me or Not" yet, but up to episode 13 - I like this show. I will watch the last two eps sometime soon. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 17, 2016, 1:00:43 AM PST

Jennifer L. Rinehart says:

Woweee, episode 12 was jam packed with back story, Seol and Jung, Jung and In Ho and it looks like something might actually happen with Bora and Taek. Young Gon really went crazy, talking to himself, ranting and raving about Jung when he got outed at the restaurant. It was a bit chilling and I hope he isn't able to find time alone with Seol. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Feb 17, 2016, 6:42:55 AM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 17, 2016, 6:44:26 AM PST

May says:

Poor Jung, no wonder he's little off. If i have a father who thinks I'm strange all the time and treat me like i'm going to explode at any moment, I would develop a complex too. And I thought In Ho was mean in the flashbacks. Whenever he opens his mouth, it's to put someone down. He acted like a second generation chaebol when the opposite is true. Life has humbled him a bit or he would've been unlikable.

Finally, ep12 showed us a little of Jung. Hopefully, he'll trust Seol enough now to let her see his darker side as well as his lighter one. Time for this couple to learn to lean on each other. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 17, 2016, 10:09:23 AM PST

Jennifer L. Rinehart says:

I agree, In Ho was mean and he was an arrogant jerkface, so dismissive to that other pianist! It was a bit chilling how Jung's dad basically hired spies to keep an eye on Jung. I wonder what his father thinks is wrong with him. High functioning autism, sociopathy? He does seem to lack empathy and compassion, well, to everyone but Seol. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 17, 2016, 11:44:50 AM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 17, 2016, 5:56:35 PM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

Jennifer and May, I agree that Inho was very mean and rash in the past, and he was also very dismissive of his sister (no wonder it looks like she has abandonment issues to add to her list of crazy). However time and pain have really humbled him and made him more mature and caring, even though he remains rough around the edges, hot headed, and rash. Jennifer, I do think that Jung on the other hand, is a very high functioning sociopath, or if not an outright sociopath then at the very least he has those tendencies. I rule out autism, because I don't think autistic people know how to manipulate at his level? (Also there's a flashback to his early childhood, which the drama hasn't touched upon yet). However he is genuinely lonely, and genuinely tries to make relationships with people, only to get disillusioned. In this episode I felt bad for Jung, because everyone in his life was not sincere (Inho his only friend growing up, and to a lesser extent Inha) and/or treated him with caution and nervousness (his father). I thought it was moving how vulnerable he looked (although it was very subtle), when he finally confided in Seol a bit. Seeing someone like him calmly telling her how afraid he is that she will leave him, and you can just see his heart in his lonely eyes, is deeply moving. Also isn't it interesting that we learn in this episode that his name "Yoo Jung" means "affections"? It's also interesting that Inha seems to be the one who understands Jung the most, despite her hysterical antics. This episode also showed more depth to her, when Inho was leaving after his fallout with Yoo Jung in that flashback, Inha looked like a sad and lost little girl watching as her brother just walked away. Also even if Yoo Jung has those tendencies, I think if Inho had been sincere with him, Yoo Jung would have had a genuine friendship with him. In the flashback we can tell that YJ had started to care for Inho sincerely, as a friend, but then that happened. How sad is it that both Inho and Yoo Jung back stabbed each other, though it was Inho who started it, Jung's response was a bit cruel. Seol on the other hand, was awesome in this episode, she was beautiful in her sincerity towards Jung (something that he never got from anyone). She finally managed to crack a bit of Jung's walls. I think she will be the light in his life. This episode made it seem as if Jung/Seol needed each other to breathe. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 17, 2016, 3:14:38 PM PST

jak says:

Cheese in the Trap ep 12 spoilers... Spoilers... Hmm, well, that was kinda of a letdown. The circumstances behind In-ho's beating. I mean, if we're supposed to believe that Jung really did set it all up, then Jung left a lot to chance, like that In ho would come by at that time, the guy would talk about it then, etc. etc. The only thing it really showed was that Jung knew In ho was being beaten and did nothing. I guess he got better over time. I do like that he opened up to her, and that she finally sees his real self, I'm just not sure why she would want to continue the relationship outside of it being fiction, he's hot, etc. And I don't really see In ho in as negative a light as everyone else. Yeah he made some comments, not just to Jung, but to that other guy practicing piano too that were at best arrogant and rude, not too mention rude, and at worse mean, self centered. But Jung's reaction is the same extreme overreaction that's made Seol afraid of telling him about her problems. Jung often makes the problem worse then better. His answers create other problems. In fact its mentioned several times how one thing can set Jung off, and he tells Seol himself she was always watching him and was careful not to set him off. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 18, 2016, 7:07:44 AM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 18, 2016, 8:12:02 AM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I've started to watched the Thai drama Padiwarada/Beloved Loyal Wife (currently at episode 6) that jak previously mentioned and so far am really liking the tone/vibe of the show perhaps due to the OST (which has a very nostalgic/sentimental feel) and the 1950s setting. I do like that the h is not a push-over and stands up for herself especially with the H and the OW. I'm not too sure that the OW's storyline makes a whole lot of sense as she dumped her husband for being poor but is relentlessly pursuing an equally poor H (but then drama OW rarely make much sense). I actually like the h in 365 Days of Love, but agree that she very insecure and needy when it comes to the H. All she really needs is a H that tells her he loves her and repeats it daily (or perhaps hourly?). Too bad the H is able to tell others that he loves the h but for some reason can't tell her (it's sad that he never answers when she asks and the h is reduced to asking her bff if she thinks the H loves her). I like that the H repeatedly tries to shut down the 2 OW by making clear that he only views them as a client or co-worker. Also, the H's father is great and I love his marriage advice to the H. Spoilers "Bromance", the other TW-drama that I've been following, wraps up this Sunday. While the show started off very cheesy it has improved. Due to a fortuneteller's prediction of death the h's parents have raised the h as a boy requiring her to remain in this disguise until she turns 26. The h rescues the H, becomes his sworn brother, they fall in love and have been a happy couple for a substantial portion of the drama (while the H/h have exchanged heated kisses,

the h has told the H she's not ready for anything more). Entering into the final episode, the H still believes the h to be a man (at this point I'm not 100% sure that the H continues to believe the h is a man because he'd have to have been pretty clueless to not have figured it out - but perhaps he's really that obtuse) and plans to ask the h to marry him. On a positive note, if the H's really that clueless about the h there's not a lot of time available for angst.

In reply to an earlier post on Feb 18, 2016, 9:33:30 AM PST

May says:

I watched a couple of ep of "bromance" and quit b/c it got to cheesy and ridiculous for me. But i'm glad i didn't watch it then b/c if the H still doesn't know the h is a girl but wants to marry her anyway, wouldn't that make the H gay? If the h turns into a girl, wouldn't that turn the H off? Even for a tdrama, you still need to make some sense. Thanks Taz, you save me alot of aggravation. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Feb 18, 2016, 5:51:12 PM PST

jak says:

I'm on ep 9 of Padiwarada/Beloved Loyal Wife and continuing to enjoy it, I like for the same reasons you do, taz, the setting, the music, more so then for the romance, which is slow burning at best. It has a very mellow feel to it and the whole story is very moralistic. It's very interesting to me, like all the relationships showcase examples of marriage, good and bad and these morals. And this is one of the few dramas I want to watch in spite of not really liking the main female lead. I actually think the main girl in it is rather miscast in a period drama. She doesn't seem to be that good an actress either. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 21, 2016, 6:46:53 PM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 21, 2016, 8:14:44 PM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I finally finished the Thai drama 365 Days of Love. Overall, a good drama with a satisfying ending that had both the H and h realizing that they needed to change (and it didn't hurt that the h started getting a daily dose of "I Love You" from the previously reticent H). Spoilers Bromance wrapped up today with happy sendoffs for all of the romances. And as a final episode twist it turns out that the H had actually been aware that the h was female for about half of the drama and just pretended that he wasn't aware. While cheesy at times, I did like that this drama lacked an OW and had a couple that remained completely devoted to each other for most of the drama (no breakups, no misunderstandings and no noble idiocy). This drama also had a ton of skinship and kisses between our main couple. ETA: I tried to watch the Thai drama Wimarn Mekkala (Mekkala's Paradise) but couldn't make it past the ridiculous opening scene. Might try it again later when a few more episodes are subbed. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Feb 21, 2016, 7:06:47 PM PST

darkice7_12 says:

Would you tell me where you watched Bromance? I'd like to check it out. Thanks! Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Feb 21, 2016, 8:13:34 PM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

darkice7_12 - Dramacool Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Feb 21, 2016, 9:00:19 PM PST

darkice7_12 says:

@taz-mania (Reader123) - Thank you! :) Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 21, 2016, 10:03:30 PM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 21, 2016, 10:04:17 PM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

Speaking of TW-dramas, I have watched the last two eps of Marry Me or Not, and overall this is a drama that I solidly like. I know that the heroine was acting stupid and silly in the last two eps, but I think that was because she was afraid. I think it is interesting to see a character like hers suddenly become so insecure and unsure, but I am glad that the awesome hero didn't give up on her. This show does have flaws, and it tends to be slow at some parts, but overall I really liked it and it is one of the better TW-dramas around. I have also started watching a TW-drama called "Back to 1989", and this drama has a really unique but also really weird premise. The hero, a very successful business man (knows a lot about stocks and such) basically wants to know who his father is, but every-time he asks his mother she just shuts down and becomes angry, and tells him that his father is dead (I have to wonder here if she got raped). After such a confrontation with his mother, the hero gets transported to 1989 (a year before he was born, so basically a few months before he was conceived), after riding through a tunnel (time travel tunnel?). Anyways there he meets who seems to be the heroine, and she turns out to be his mother's best friend. The heroine tends to be a bit too childish, but even though she has her annoying moments I find her endearing. He also meets his mother, as a young innocent woman (which is kind of weird). So anyways I have watched the first 3 eps, and am interested to watch more, but am also cautious because the premise of this drama has the potential to go crazy. I also have to wonder how a happy ending is possible here. I'm so looking forward to the news eps of "Cheese in the Trap" :D Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Feb 22, 2016, 7:06:16 AM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 22, 2016, 7:06:53 AM PST

May says:

I have been resisting "back to 1989" b/c it reminds me of "back to the future'" movie, when Marty went back to the past and his mother fell in love with him. It was suppose to be funny but it left me feeling a bit dirty. Lovely, please keep us update and let me know if I should dive in on this tdrama.

Cheese new eps today...whoop whoop. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 22, 2016, 9:00:21 AM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 22, 2016, 9:00:48 AM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

I will keep you updated :) I really hope that the show won't get too weird, because then I might not continue watching. Anyways it is obvious so far, that the H will fall for his mother's best friend and the best friend will fall for him. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 22, 2016, 11:36:59 AM PST

Jennifer L. Rinehart says:

I started to wonder in Bromance if he didn't already know that she was a girl, os it's good to know that I was right. I might go back and watch the rest of the show. I am so excited for a new episode of Cheese in the Trap. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 23, 2016, 8:33:23 PM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 23, 2016, 8:37:43 PM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

So I watched episode 13 of "Cheese in the Trap", and I will say that this was the first episode that had me a little disappointed (k-dramas...lol, I keep hoping that they will remain good till the end, but they rarely ever do). Anyways I still enjoyed this episode, but it was jarring to me how much Inho was in it, it was like he was the male lead in this, and that annoyed me. Then I read the comments, and it seems that almost everyone is up in arms over the fact that Yoo Jung (our male lead) is getting less screen time as the episodes go. I agree he should be getting more focus. I am feeling anxious now about watching episode 14. I liked this show up to episode 12, but this is the first episode were I felt that Yoo Jung was being side-lined. He is the main reason I was interested in this drama, aside from the fact that Seol is a very likable and endearing heroine. When I read the webtoon (unfinished as it was), his character was so different than the usual male lead characters in dramas. He was so fascinating (one moment he could be sort of cute and lovable, and the next chilling, and the next mysterious and hot). I really hope that at least episodes 15 and 16 redeem that aspect, and we get a lot of Jung and Seol/Jung, because they are the main draw for me. Anyways my favorite scenes in episode 13 were the Jung/Seol scenes (the cuddling on the hospital bed scene was adorable). Jung/Seol chemistry feels so natural, it is the type that is subtle but at the same time is very impactful, like still waters that run deep. My heart also broke a little for Inho this episode, but I also felt a bit annoyed, because I felt like too much time and repetitiveness was spent on him. If there was a balance, I wouldn't complain. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Feb 24, 2016, 6:58:01 AM PST

May says:

I agree Lovely. I thought the series is about Seol/Jung, not about InHo/InHa. I really really don't care about InHo. I think he's the second least sympathetic and most boring character (his sister takes first place). If I'm taken in by a rich family from a poor and abusive home, I would do my best to rise up and make something of my life, not run off and ruin my life on some misguided hurt pride. Not to burst your bubble Lovely, but there's more of Inho in ep 14 too. Alot of viewers are saying the show will pair Inho and Seol at the end. Maybe b/c the writer are giving him too much screen time with Seol, but I hope that's not the case. I won't spoil it, but the preview for ep 15 gives Inho fan some plausible hope it will happen. I would bring my pitch fork and chase the writers if that's the case. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 24, 2016, 9:58:34 AM PST

Jennifer L. Rinehart says:

I am so annoyed by all the Inho screen hogging too. I want more Seol/Jung. I think all of the care that Seol shows InHo is the care a sister would show a brother going through a difficult time. I loved the part with him visiting her in the hospital and the part where they were arguing, so adorable and loving. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 24, 2016, 10:24:37 AM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 24, 2016, 10:35:27 AM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

May you weren't kidding, I watched episode 14, and I think in this episode Yoo Jung appeared the least, out of all the previous eps. This is so disappointing. However that hug in the end, between Jung/Seol, was worth the wait, it feels precious whenever they are together. Jung took down Sang Chul this ep, so he had more of a presence in the second half of the ep. I will admit that even though SC annoys me a lot, and he has been an annoying character from the beginning, I couldn't help but feel a bit bad for him. But I am glad that Jung finally let him taste his own medicine, even if it was a bit cruel. I liked that Eun Taek and Bora finally got together! They are such a cute couple. Now back to the hug (when Seol hugged Jung and told him not to feel anxious, because she won't run away), that scene had really great acting on both Jung's and Seol's parts. Seol is amazing in how bravely she follows her heart, even when she's nervous (I guess her nose bleed and fainting in the previous episode, are a testament to how much pressure she probably feels under, from most of the characters surrounding her). PHJ delivered another great acting piece in that hug scene, it made me feel that if Jung was able to cry, he would've cried in that scene. The viewer can see his face crumbling subtly, as his eyes get teary. We can tell he feels deeply moved by Seol's hug. Unlike you May, I do feel sad for Inho. However I also definitely feel annoyed at the imbalance of having him present more than the male lead in these last few eps, and his story is not really moving the rest of the show forward (so it feels like filler). However I'll get a pitch fork too, if the writers do what you're saying (so I hope those predictions are wrong)! The preview of episode 15 looks makjang... but I'm going to continue to hope that this show ends well, because it started

out so so good, and it had so much potential, and PHJ and KGE (the H/h are some of the best k-actors around). Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 24, 2016, 10:33:44 AM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

Yes Jennifer, I thought their playful arguing scene in ep 13 was so adorable, and yes the cuddling on the hospital bed scene... makes me want to squee. The hug scene (last scene in ep 14) was deeply moving. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 24, 2016, 8:22:00 PM PST

jak says:

Hmm, I just watched latest episodes 13, 14 of Cheese in the Trap. Spoilers I agree with In Ho and In Ha not showing gratitude. Does it really matter that much if they were there just as watchers over Jung? It's rather petty of In ho. But I don't really see In ho as bad as some of you do, he cares deeply for others, is nice to his sis despite all the stuff she does. And I really don't like Jung's actions, even towards unlikable Sang Chul. The problem is the imbalance of power. Jung is rich, SC is poor, and will always be poor probably. He doesn't and never had the education opportunities that Jung probably had. And the job he might have gotten could have been his best chance he'd have, as he won't get any younger or more educated. As usual with Jung, the punishment is over excessive and doesn't fit the crime really. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Feb 25, 2016, 7:19:24 AM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 25, 2016, 7:24:34 AM PST

May says:

Jak, I agree that Jung went overboard with SC and he's ruined for life. The punishment is way overboard. But at the same time, it makes Jung a mysterious and complex character. He has his own justice scale, but has no one to balance that scale with compassion growing up. He has no close friends he can trust, to talk to, to sort his emotions out growing up. So he ends up judging ppl based on his own scale and mete out what he thought is fair punishment. An eye for an eye, tooth for tooth. I once thought he might turn his dark side on Seol if he thought she crossed some lines. But now i think he won't b/c she understand him more than most, and likes him for who he is. And he trusts her to be his compassion compass, an essential part of him. The only people he ever went full force against were those that physically harm Seol. SC was going to hit Seol in his drunken state, that psycho stalker had escalated to physically threats at the end, that girl (forgot her name) that sic the drunken homeless man on Seol. Otherwise, all

he did was give warnings. By the preview for ep15, he may go full force on Inha if she really pushed Seol on to the street. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 25, 2016, 8:53:03 AM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 25, 2016, 9:14:37 AM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

May I agree with you, I also think that the only one who got a punishment that I thought did not fit their crime (so to speak) was Sang Chul, and maybe Joo Yon (the heroine's neighbor) who was like collateral damage for YJ getting even with TA Hoe (but here I think it is better for JY to go back to his family). Oh and maybe Inho too, about what happened between him and YJ in high school. I thought that Young Gon's punishment (that demented stalker) was very fitting. As for the underwear thief, I thought that they shouldn't have toned down his beating from the webtoon/manga. As for that girl in the beginning (who was like Yoo Jung's semi girlfriend), Yoo Jung simply told her to get out of his sight (granted he did it in an unnerving way, that hair caressing...), and she took time off school. I think she might have transferred to another university. Min Soo also, Yoo Jung simply set up the stage - toyed a little with her with those presentation slides - and then let Seol face her, because Seol too needs to learn to stand up for herself a little. So MS was simply embarrassed out of the school, and maybe transferred to another school. I also agree that from the preview it looks like it will be Inha's turn to go down, because of what she will do to Seol. I actually shudder a little bit at what he might do to Inha and Inho in the process (he's been very patient with them), because I guess she is the first to inflict serious harm on Seol (if that car accident scene preview is real). I think ep 15 will be the one where Inho and Inha will leave. I really hope that they don't go the cliche k-drama route of having YJ and HS separated for like a few months or years, and then reunited. I hope that they will not separate at all, as a matter of fact I hope to see them get married by episode 16 (now that would be an unexpected ending). ETA: in the webtoon/manga Yoo Jung's father was happy that his son had a girlfriend, so I really hope that they won't change that in the drama. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Feb 25, 2016, 11:34:49 AM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 25, 2016, 11:39:24 AM PST

May says:

16 eps in for cheese seems so short to resolve everything. Do you think there's a seson 2? I mean, the manga went on for over 3 years. Also, VIKI started translating "descendants of the Sun"with Son Jonng Ki and "Please come back, Mister" with Rain as main H. Looking forward to both. Anyone watching? Anything else new worth watching? Starting to look for new things to obsess over after cheese is done. I've been following "one more happy ending and "madame antoine", both are cute but not obsess worthy. They're both also draggy right now. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 25, 2016, 12:16:49 PM PST

jak says:

Yeah, I don't have a problem with some of what Jung did, like with stalker guy and thief, but Min Soo was someone who probably suffered from low self esteem among other issues and what happened to her probably would have a negative impact on her for the rest of her life. Plus, unlike others, her intentions at beginning at least were benign, she wanted to get closer to Seol and be friends. She just had no clue how to do it. In other news --Seems like a lot of people are upset over In Ho's vast amount of scenes. To me, the actor playing In Ho is okay, but he's not good enough to carry a drama, or even these scenes. I felt kinda bored by his scenes. If it's true they cut Jung scenes, I really wished I knew why for I would have much preferred to see him then more In-ho. http://netizenbuzz.blogspot.com/2016/02/cheese-in-trap-conflicts-between.html Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 25, 2016, 12:50:44 PM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 25, 2016, 1:03:07 PM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

Yes Jak, I saw this article, it really seems like something weird is going on (and so unprofessional from the producers), and it seems that the drama behind the drama is getting bigger. I just don't understand, they had a good source material, with good and unique characters (especially Yoo Jung and Hong Seol), and they got a very good main cast (PHJ and KGE), and they were doing really well with the ratings, and all they had to do was keep the story focused and balanced. Yet they still managed to potentially ruin this good and different k-drama (I won't say ruin until I see the last two eps, because I am still holding out hope that the last two eps will be good). I know May, I would've preferred this drama to be 20 eps, but then again seeing the mess they are making right now because of said Inho filler, I think it is better that it ends in 16 eps. Unless in season 2, we actually get Yoo Jung and Seol as the main leads, with no messed up results like what has been happening in the last few eps of "Cheese". As for upcoming dramas to recommend, May I am also going to check out "Goodbye Mr. Black", as a matter of fact this drama has me more interested than than the two you mentioned, but it will start in the middle of March if I am not mistaken. I guess I will see which of these 3 dramas, will actually be the better one. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 25, 2016, 2:45:21 PM PST

jak says:

I wonder if the changes are due to the demands the author requested about the ending. Did the producers try to set up a Inho-Seol ending? Because honestly, I can't see how different the ending can be from the author if she's going for a typical Seol-Jung end pairing. Unless she's already wrote the ending, that seems like an unreasonable demand on her part. But then again, Goong went through the same thing about the ending, the author wanted to make sure it was different from hers. And hers was different alright, so different a lot of people hated it.

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In reply to an earlier post on Feb 25, 2016, 3:15:43 PM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 25, 2016, 3:16:08 PM PST

May says:

Oh geezzee...per the discussion, the PD for cheese did put the second lead and the h together in another series, is this why she's putting so much Inho scenes in the last few eps. Someone please stop her. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 26, 2016, 6:31:22 AM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 26, 2016, 6:32:39 AM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

Well it looks like the drama behind the drama is getting bigger, with new articles released about this. I guess now I am losing hope of even getting a decent last two episodes. What disappoints me the most is that this drama was on its way to becoming my number 1 favorite drama, and now it is all ruined. I hope that PHJ and KGE will work together again as leads in another drama, I am just so sad at all the potential wasted for this drama. I also learned a lesson, I won't be watching any other drama with "Tvn" (unless the drama is finished airing, and you guys give it good reviews, and I am assured that no stupid shenanigans went on with the main characters). I will also not watch anything with SKJ in it or this production company. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 26, 2016, 8:17:26 AM PST

jak says:

Now I'm just hoping for a halfway decent ending. Reading all the articles make me realize I really don't know much about Jung and I wished they hadn't cut Jung's scenes. I really would have liked to have more insight on his character. Honestly, to me he is a more interesting character then In-ho, he's also the main lead, so this is really an idiotic choice by the PD, and the folks at TVN. They've managed to disappoint not only the fans, but also the lead actor and writer as well. Great job, CiTT director!

Posted on Feb 26, 2016, 8:33:25 AM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Just finished watching the 2015 Thai remake of the period drama (1950s) Neung Nai Suang/One In My Heart. Overall, I liked/enjoyed the drama and thought that the H/h had a fun Beatrice/Benedick vibe, so if you don't like bickering couples this probably isn't drama for you. The H starts out as the h's childhood nemesis, while the adult H lives to stalk, tease and torment the h. Since it's a channel 3 drama it was interesting to see how they maneuvered the camera in order to have a kiss scene without actually showing the kiss (but I guess we should just be happy that they even tried to provide a kiss scene). Also, I thought that the lead actor (who was also the lead actor in Padiwarada/Beloved Loyal Wife) had a strong resemblance to a younger Lee Dong Gun (although at times I thought he looked like a chubbier faced Song Joong Ki). Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 26, 2016, 9:10:56 AM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 26, 2016, 9:11:37 AM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I haven't yet watched this week's episodes of Cheese in the Trap, but eeek, sounds like things have taken a massive turn for the worse. I'm now only following two currently airing dramas, CitT and One More Happy Ending, and may not start any new ones for awhile but instead just focus on watching completed dramas (looks like I have a huge backlist of Thai dramas to watch). Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 26, 2016, 10:47:45 AM PST

Jennifer L. Rinehart says:

Cheese has been so frustrating and has wasted so much time! Now there are just two episodes left, eek! That hug at the end was great, but I really wanted a lot more time with Jung and Seol, they are what got me hooked in the beginning. It alsmost seems like two different dramas are playing out now; the first drama is about a girl who starts a relationship with a man who may or may not be a sociopath. The second drama is about a poor guy who likes a girl who has a rich, possibly evil boyfriend. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 28, 2016, 8:33:55 AM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 28, 2016, 8:35:41 AM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

@Jennifer, and you know what is more mind boggling, is that they shot a lot more scenes with Yoo Jung and Jung/Seol, but none of those scenes were aired in the actual episodes. Some of Jung's scenes were even re-shot with Inho in them instead, can you believe it? Instead we had to see Inho playing the piano for the millionth time, and pinning over Seol, and taking out the trash, etc (all filler scenes). We got no fleshing out of Yoo Jung's complex and fascinating character, when they could've so easily done it. Even Seol's character takes a back seat to Inho's in the last few eps. They really went out of their way to ruin a good thing. @jak, the feeling I get after reading the few translated articles, is that what happened with this drama is that the people behind the scenes i.e the producers (including the webtoon writer, who sold her work when it was not finished...) got greedy, and thought that they could use the drama as nothing more than a promotional vehicle, at the expense of the story and the main characters (Jung and Seol) - the reasons the drama became so successful. So basically they thought they could mess with what made this drama/story successful and no one would notice, but it looks like it blew up in their faces. This drama should be the poster for "how to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory". I'm just sad that such a good casting of Jung and Seol has gone to waste. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 28, 2016, 9:21:24 AM PST

bluey09h says:

Is it for sure that Seol won't end up with Jung? It that's what's going to happen I can't watch it :(

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Posted on Feb 28, 2016, 10:07:46 AM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

I don't know... but at this point I'm just disappointed, and I highly doubt that the last two eps will be satisfying. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 28, 2016, 11:38:43 AM PST

Jennifer L. Rinehart says:

I heard there is going to be a Cheese in the Trap special after the series ends. But I am so mad to hear that there were more scenes of Jung and Seol that we didn't get that I don't know if I can watch anymore, it's a boring slow motion train wereck now. What a waste. This show was fabulous and they blew it. I heard an icky rumor that Inho (can't remember the actor's real name) has a sponsor who influenced the script. Crazy thought, right? Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 28, 2016, 12:47:13 PM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 28, 2016, 12:55:47 PM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

I know Jennifer, what is the purpose of a "special" if those scenes are not integrated back into the drama and the story? They should edit those scenes back into the drama and re-air it, while trimming Inho's meandering scenes. I also guess that rumor would explain why they suddenly started pushing Inho, so much and without regard for the story or the main leads (especially Yoo Jung). Now my only hope is for this story to get turned into another drama in the future, with professional people overlooking it, but at the same time I really don't think that there will ever be a better casting of Yoo Jung (PHJ), and it will be hard to top the casting of Seol... what a mess. Moving on to something more hopeful lol, I continue to enjoy "Back to 1989", now there are 3 candidates to be the hero's father (one will appear in next week's eps, from the previews). I also wonder how a happy ending between him and his mother's best friend will be possible, but then again if "time travel" is possible, then anything is possible. I also watched the first two episodes of "Come Back Mister/Come Back Ajusshi", and I thought the first episode was okay, but it was episode 2 that really got me interested in the show. Also Rain is unexpectedly playing a light character pretty well, and when he's checking out his own body... I'm also rooting for his story angle to end in a happy ending. As for the other Ajusshi, I think his story angle will end sadly - as in he won't end up with his first love. I think I'm liking this show, because I need something light to uplift a bit of my disappointment with all the potential wasted in "Cheese". I think one of my favorite characters so far, is heaven's (I am guessing chief) train attendant, she is so funny. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Feb 29, 2016, 3:50:59 AM PST

Mina says:

KSJ (Inho) is starring in the upcoming drama Entourage, based on the HBO hit (I assume as it has the same premise) that's probably what everything was about. Watched Roommates with my girls and he wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. But it sometimes seems like the pretty ones go all the way and the best actors walk steady on the road...in Korea and all over the entertainment world. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Mar 1, 2016, 12:26:29 PM PST

May says:

So I watched the last ep of cheese unsub bc I just couldn't wait to know what the ending is like. SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER I'm disappointed at how open ended it is. There are resolutions to everything except for Seol/Jung relationship. So Jung left for Europe I guess and a few years pass. He sends her emails that she doesn't read for those years. There's a scene that shows Jung may or may not be back in Korea. If i'm really optimistic, i'll say Jung will seek Seol out since he continue to send her emails and bc he's waiting for her just as she's waiting for him (i'm a romantic sap). But he never made any contact with her through those missing years except through emails, so their relationship really is doomed. I was really hoping for a happy endings, and I don't care what the webtoon ending will be. I don't read the webtoons, so i want my happy endings here. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 1, 2016, 2:21:42 PM PST Last edited by the author on Mar 1, 2016, 2:34:34 PM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

From the comments I read, it seems that it is Seol who is sending Jung the emails, and the last scene shows that Jung finally read one and I think replied. Anyways why does it look like almost all the characters (despite all their wrong doings in the past) got happy endings, but not Jung/Seol (their happy ending maybe is implied but left ambiguous)? Should I also partly blame the webtoon writer for this, because she didn't want her ending to be spoiled, regardless of how the quality of the drama would turn out? This drama could've easily had a much better ending, and a much better execution throughout. Anyways I will still watch the last episode subbed. I'm done saying how disappointed I am in this drama, and its wasted potential. Even though the second half of this drama was all over the place, I will say that Jung and Seol's chemistry was just great - and what little scenes of them together we got, were like gems. Overall while this drama lost its chance at being a favorite of mine, it will still be a drama that has that feeling that I like (it's good first half), despite the second half falling apart. After this I hope to see Park Hae Jin in a good k-drama as the lead (hope it will be a fascinating and complex lead like Yoo Jung). It's a little surprising to me how well he still stood out acting-wise, given the fact that it seemed like the people behind the scenes were going out of their way to minimize his screen-time and sabotage Jung's character, in order to build Inho. I would also like to see KGE (the heroine) in other dramas that turn out good till

the end. Lastly, it would be a treat if they were ever paired together again in a drama, with a fascinating premise that doesn't get wasted like "Cheese in the Trap". Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 1, 2016, 11:28:11 PM PST

bluey09h says:

Spoiler Are you serious? That's the ending? I'm scrapping watching the last two episodes. I'll pretend they had a happy ending. So disappointed. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 2, 2016, 7:39:52 AM PST Last edited by the author on Mar 2, 2016, 7:42:05 AM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

Well, the ending is disappointing because Seol/Jung happy ending is implied but not shown. However there are several cute Seol/Jung scenes in episode 15, so I say watch that at least so you'll get the few precious Seol/Jung scenes. There's also more Jung in ep 15, despite the makjang (in the last third of episode 15). Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 2, 2016, 9:44:04 AM PST

Jennifer L. Rinehart says:

Ragequit! I am pretty disgusted with that ending. On the good side, I've been slowly making my way through Answer Me 1988. It is such a fantastic show, so far it is my favorite of the series. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 2, 2016, 3:53:05 PM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

Jennifer, let me just warn you, because I read some of the reviews for Reply 1988, and it seems that this show too had a bad ending. Do you remember Chilbong from Reply 1994 (the last 'Reply' series I watched, after that I decided not to watch anymore)? It seems that the upset is even bigger in Reply 1988. However I can't say for sure, because I didn't watch it. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 2, 2016, 5:24:22 PM PST Last edited by the author on Mar 2, 2016, 5:25:48 PM PST

Purse Monkey says:

I actually loved Reply 1988 and loved the ending. Going in, I thought for sure that the husband would be one person. I was ready to like that person and I did like him. But slowly, H2 crept in my heart and I fell in love with him. That's never happened before because I've never shipped a sunken ship and refuse to go down with one so I always pick a sure, solid

ship to sail on. But H2...I fell in love with him so much that it got to the point where I dreaded continuing the series because I didn't want to see him get hurt. And I thought it was inevitable that he would be hurt because H1 was for sure the husband. Lo and behold, H2 turned out to be the husband and I was so, so happy. I think a lot of people had a problem with the ending not because H2 was the husband but because H1 didn't get a proper send off. While I wished he did, I was too happy for H2 and h. Also, to me, H2 being the husband was like Chilbong finally getting the girl. I won't say much more or else you'd know who the husband is. :) Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 2, 2016, 5:44:49 PM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I've started watching the Thai drama Tarm Ruk Keun Jai/Pursue Love Back to the Heart and so far it's been pretty good. When the h finds out that the father she was told had died 15 years before is actually alive, she tries to find out what happened by obtaining a job at the H's tree farm where the father works. Don't know if this will change but at least through episode 3 the plot lacks both an OW and OM (which in my book is always a good thing). The character that I thought would be the OW is actually interested in the h's father and not the H. I for one would love to know the real story behind the Cheese in the Trap controversy. It must have been something big in order for the PD to take a show that was a massive hit and intentionally turn it into a mediocre rom/com. And then to add further insult by totally failing on the "rom" portion of the rom/com (the minimum expectation of any rom/com is that the OTP gets a HEA). What's even worst is that the ratings remained high so the PD can tout what a great job she did with the show. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 2, 2016, 6:12:19 PM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

Purse Monkey if that is the case, then I have to check it out, I will add it to my "want to watch" list Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Mar 2, 2016, 9:22:33 PM PST

Purse Monkey says:

Lovely D.M.- yeah, definitely give it a try. I love all the characters in the series. More than a husband hunting drama, Reply 1988 is heartwarming and wonderfully acted and written. While Reply 1997 will always be my fav, objectively speaking, Reply 1988 is a better written series. It's hard to make the audience care for each one of the characters. Some people think that the writers did a switch-a-roo the last minute to make H2 the husband instead of the planned H1. After rewatching the series the second time, it was clear the writers planned the husband to be H2 the entire time. Lots of clues pointed to it but of course being a Reply series, we tend to miss the obvious. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Mar 2, 2016, 9:42:54 PM PST

jak says:

@taz-mania I finished CitT as well. I'm thinking they must have been trying to promote 2nd lead because of his upcoming drama. I would give the drama a solid B overall. Unlike many, I wasn't that big a fan, so I didn't really expect much romance, thought it would be more of psychological mystery (wonder why? Hmm.) Lame ending though, and I really wanted to see Jung change and grow. At least CitT gave me 3 new people to fangirl over. Definitely want to see more of the leads and I thought the girl playing In ha did a good job in last scenes. I'm finishing up Padiwarada/Beloved Loyal Wife, still enjoying it mildly. Looking ahead to Goodbye Mr. Black, and maybe diving into my backlog of dramas as no other kdramas interest me. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 3, 2016, 9:52:41 AM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

Jak, if I were to put CITT in a genre it would be romance/slice-of-life mixed in with psychological thriller. However they managed to turn this drama into "Inho's life story - the melodrama of piano, pining, and pain" lol. Yes the ending was lame, it even makes me wonder if they perhaps had a different ending in mind (maybe Seol ending with Inho), after they separated Jung/Seol for stupid and forced reasons, but had to scrap it last minute because of the strong backlash. Therefore instead of showing a reunion between Seol/Jung, it showed a flashback of Seol running happily towards Jung. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 3, 2016, 10:13:01 AM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

CITT - Well if the wanted to tar the 2nd lead as someone with a sponsor (perhaps rightly so) they appear to have been successful. I continue to really enjoy Tarm Ruk Keun Jai/Pursue Love Back to the Heart. Other than the h's mother storyline (which I'm now fast forwarding through) the show has been fairly easy to watch (not a whole lot of craziness). As of episode 6, still no other OW/OM in the storyline but the H is now showing lots of jealousy over the h following her father around (h continues to hide her identity so no one, including the father, is aware that he is her father). Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 5, 2016, 7:40:56 PM PST

Jennifer L. Rinehart says:

So I read everyone's comments on Answer me 1988, but decided to watch the rest of the show anyways. I'm about to watch the last episode and I'm so excited. I was a little sad that we didn't get to see a wedding for Sung Woo's mom and Taek's dad, they are my favorite couple, so adorable. I love how she took over taking care of him and

how he told her not to be upset about getting help. That he wasn't embarassed to get help from her or any of his friends. Such a great speech. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 5, 2016, 8:08:00 PM PST

Rashell Anderson says:

I watched 1998 back when it aired, and really enjoyed it. I didn't even mind the husband stuff in this one. By the end I felt that, even though both were good guys, the guy that got the girl should have. He was the one to man up and confess. It was a good lesson in why you don't wait for what you think is the perfect timing, you make your own timing, or you miss out. I loved the families so much. It was just a really feel good drama for me. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Mar 7, 2016, 7:19:30 AM PST Last edited by the author on Mar 7, 2016, 7:21:37 AM PST

May says:

Anyone watching "descendant of the sun"? Only four eps so far, and it is so so good. It's my next obsession. The H is well cast, the h is a little on the uptight side. Even the secondary couple is awesome, and the bromance is so funny. Also, seems to be alot of scenes (for Kdrama) of ripped soldiers running around shirtless, which doesn't hurt either :).

Posted on Mar 7, 2016, 11:00:11 AM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Finished the Thai drama Tarm Ruk Keun Jai/Pursue Love Back to the Heart. Overall, an enjoyable drama with a great H (who decided fairly early in the drama that the h was the one for him). The romances were all on the sweet side (it's a channel 3 drama so no kissing by any of the couples). I did like that the drama lacked any OM/OW gumming up the works (especially since Thai drama OW are usually OTT) while the "mean" girls were mostly for comedy relief (ah the fun moment when one of the mean girls realizes that the person she has been constantly bullying is in fact her crushes daughter). The drama did feature a 2 year separation of the H/h near the end but did show that during this period they remained in constant contact via face-chats. In the end, happy send-offs for everyone (but the villains). Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 9, 2016, 9:53:55 AM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Since I've been watching a lot of Thai dramas lately which unfortunately are sadly lacking in kisses, I revisited some of the kiss scenes in Bromance (which had a lot of skinship/kisses). Enjoy. Final kiss scene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=geAFAoPI4Ww Other kiss scenes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJR3ygbj4CQ I've finally caught up on all of the aired episode of One More Happy Ending (through episode

14). Overall am finding this drama to be just OK as I'm finding that I don't really care that much for the h or most of her friends. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 10, 2016, 7:52:20 PM PST

Rashell Anderson says:

I'm watching Descend from the Sun, and while I like it ok and think that Song Joon Ki is somehow sexy and adorable at the same time. I'm really not feeling the h. I understand why she's conflicted about getting involved with the H. But I don't feel like the actress is properly conveying the conflict. She says the words, but I don't feel the emotion. She's cold to me. And I'm annoyed by how she says one thing, and yet gets ticked when the H takes her at her words. She pushes him away, and yet somehow it's his fault that she gets upset when he goes. Song Hye Ko is beautiful, but she's just not very engaging for me. And the fact that she still just stands there like a dead fish when she's supposed to be getting passionately kissed drives me batty. I wish they'd picked a less beautiful actress that could actually emote for the role. :( Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Mar 10, 2016, 8:21:25 PM PST

Mina says:

I don't think she's all that beautiful and she always seems to play the same role no matter the character. She was the same to me in That Winter the Wind Blows. I'm really rooting for the second lead couple, they are more interesting to me. I agree SJK manages to look adorable and sexy and innocent at the same time. I usually don't like war stories and while it's not actually "war" they definitely are warriors. Does anyone know a legal site to watch Happy Home? I like all things Lee Sang Woo! Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 10, 2016, 9:38:31 PM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

I tried watching "Descendant of the Sun", but found it too cheesy (and I like cheesy when it is cute not cringe-y, but the 'cheesy' in this drama is on the cringe-y side). Basically the show looks beautiful, but feels flat (style over substance). I'm not a big fan of SHK or SJK, but I admit that he's the better actor. However I simply can't get into this drama, so I'm passing on it. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 16, 2016, 12:12:31 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Mar 17, 2016, 8:29:11 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I've finished watching a couple of Thai dramas: Ugly Ducking series: Don't and Devil Lover. I thought that both of these dramas were primarily targeted towards a younger audience and with a few caveats both were for the most part enjoyable, as the tone of each was somewhat similar to Kiss Me rather than the usual Thai drama. However, my biggest complaint, especially given the target audience, was that the crimes committed by the OW and others (attacking/beating h, setting h up for rape, attempted rape) had no real negative consequences. It seems that if a show is going to target a younger audience they should either tone down the nature of the crimes or have the criminals suffer real consequences for their behaviors.

In Devil Lover, the H, who possesses strong telekinesis abilities, is befriended by the h after he escapes from a Japanese test facility where he had been held captive for the past 12 years. The facility sends the OW and others to recapture or convince the H to return. Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3ugdwvPTqk Ugly Ducking series: Don't is the 3rd installment in the four drama Ugly Duckling series. In this drama, the H and OM befriend the h who has withdrawn from society after suffering a rejection/humiliation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObSsTZsE06k ETA: If you liked Ugly Duckling: Perfect Match (which was my favorite out of the series) episode 9 of Ugly Duckling: Boy's Paradise has the conclusion for all of the dramas in the series, including the H of Perfect Match proposing to his h. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 17, 2016, 10:15:45 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Hey Reader123, since you're following Thai dramas these days, do you know when they will air the remakes of "Hana Yori Dango", "A Love to Kill", and "Goong"? Also do you know if there will be a "Kiss Me" season 2? Moving on, I continue to enjoy "Come Back Ajusshi/Come Back Mister", although I'm finding Rain's story-line angle a bit draggy now. The other Ajusshi's story-line angle is more interesting, and I hope that Song Yi Yeon will end up with that hot bodyguard of hers (she needs someone like that to protect her and balance out her mood swings). Also through this show I discovered a very good actress "Oh Yeon Soo". So despite its crazy premise and antics, surprisingly enough this show continues to be engaging and it has heart. I also watched the first two eps of "Goodbye Mr Black". I thought that ep 1 was just okay, but ep 2 was definitely better and got me fully interested to watch more. I'm looking forward to seeing how far the hero will go, and if they will turn him dark, or if they will simply toy with the idea and then not have the hero go through with it - which then would make this a typical drama. The heroine is also not the usual heroine, she is sweet and a bit naive in certain ways, however she is also spunky and she has street smarts (given how she's lived). So I'm looking forward to see how the dynamic will be between the three main characters (the H, h, and the second male lead who betrayed the hero). I hope that this drama will not disappoint, because it has potential. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 17, 2016, 10:58:42 PM PDT

Jennifer L. Rinehart says:

I didn't know there was going to be a Hana Yori Dango!? That is awesome. I am really looking forward to a Thai Goong, I'd love to know when it will be on. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 18, 2016, 9:33:49 AM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Yes Jennifer, it was mentioned several pages back on this thread, and I was excited about that. I hope that if they really do have a Thai remake of "Hana Yori Dango", that they will follow the story-line of the J-drama, but of course add their own flavor to it as well. I have watched a cute J-movie called "Heroine Disqualified", I liked the movie as it is one of the better movies based on a manga. It does have that slap/stick humor, but overall I found it an entertaining movie. The only flaw I thought was the hero's character, which remained confusing till the end (so I thought this movie needs a sequel to better explain the hero, since I haven't read the manga). I really couldn't understand why he did what he did to the heroine, because he knew that she likes him (second male lead - who I sometimes liked more than the male lead - even told him that). The heroine reminded me a bit of Nika from SG in her temperament and facial expressions, and the fact that she's constantly pining over the hero. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 18, 2016, 3:24:25 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

D.M. Of the Thai remakes of K-dramas, only Sorry, I Love You has begun airing (commenced airing on March 2). YT has unsubbed episodes. I don't know if it will be subbed or not. I thought Goong/Princess Hours was to commence airing in February but doesn't look like this happened. Hopefully it will get an air date soon and someone will sub. A Love to Kill is still listed as an upcoming drama on network ONE HD. Nothing new on Kiss Me season 2 or Hana Yori Dango. Also, there was a Thai remake of Coffee Prince which aired in 2012 but I'm not sure if it was ever subbed. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 19, 2016, 2:09:12 PM PDT

jak says:

I've watched the 1st 2 episodes of Goodbye Mr. Black because I liked the cast. But ep 1 was all over the place to me, I didn't get the character's motivations, ep 2 had some good action scenes, but a long way to go to overtake both Golden Cross and Resurrection as great revenge dramas. I may watch a little more, but Lovely D.M., if you want to watch a revenge drama that has the hero turning dark, I think both of the ones I mentioned do that more then this one. I don't mind that, but I do want a bit more then the overly simplistic story that already seems to be playing out in Goodbye Mr. Black. Everyone is perfectly happy, until they're not. In Golden Cross, the main lead had dubious morals even when everything was going perfect. In Resurrection, H was a poor, but pretty happy go lucky cop, but that changed quickly. Here in Goodbye Mr. Black, our hero is an outstanding, morally upright solider who is also rich, handsome, educated, with good background. (He is rather astonishingly naive for a solider, buying everything his friend tells him). More complexity please. I've also watched Marriage Contract, all four episodes. Like others said, shades of Nagareboshi. Not my favorite actors, and nothing new here, but this is one of my most beloved tropes, marriage for reasons other then love, so even mediocre dramas like this I'll watch to the end probably.

I've also watched/seen episodes of Heaven's Promise and Five Enough (cute kids). Nothing much to say. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 19, 2016, 6:57:02 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

I will add Resurrection and Golden Cross to my "want to watch" list, but I hope that they have some romance in them as well. I've also started watching "Reply 1988/ Answer Me 1988", and I am enjoying it so far, granted I'm still at episode 4. I know who the heroine will end up with, and I'm already liking him as he reminds me a little of Chilbong - so this makes watching this show better. I can now focus more on the story instead of trying to guess who the husband is, and enjoy the comedic and romantic moments without getting on the wrong ship! I also watched a few clips on youtube of "She Was Pretty", and it looks like this show had a very sweet ending, so I'm going to pick it up again. I had started watching it, and then put it on hold at ep 6 or 7, and then I forgot about it. I guess I will catch up on it soon. Reader123, I was looking forward to the remake of "Hana Yori Dango" the most, since they did so well with the remake "Kiss Me" and even "Full House" (though I didn't enjoy it as much as Kiss Me). I wanted to see what they would do with a story (HYD) that I already like. If you read anything about it, please keep this thread updated. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 23, 2016, 10:26:07 PM PDT

Jennifer L. Rinehart says:

Ladies, I've been without a drama for a really long time! What is everyone watching? I need something fun and exciting with lots of romantic tension. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 24, 2016, 5:40:33 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Mar 24, 2016, 5:41:29 AM PDT

Purse Monkey says:

I just finished Love Me If You Dare and the first half was pretty good but it kinda bombed the last half. However, I loved the interaction between the H and h. It's refreshing to see a H say exactly how he feels. H is socially inept but I love how honest and frank he is with the h. When he discovered that he loved her, he told her right away and he never wavered. Also, he's pretty affectionate with the h without meaning to be. It's cute. It got me thinking, are their dramas that have the H affectionate with the h? Ones where he may not realized he likes her but he's affection with her (touching, holding hands, etc.). Shan Shan Comes to Eat and Down With Love come to mind. In the former the H is always touching her and since the majority of the series they were together, that's a lot of skinship. Down With Love the H thinks h is the most adorable thing so he couldn't help but constantly touch her even though they didn't get together until the end. The H in this one is so cute. To a lesser extend, Master's Sun was like that. Though it was reluctant skinship on H's part, nevertheless, they get a lot of it. So anymore dramas like that is much appreciated.

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Posted on Mar 24, 2016, 7:15:31 AM PDT

Purse Monkey says:

Oh, as for really good drama, I recently finished Signal. I have to say it's the best drama I've seen. Period. There's really no love story and the actors aren't beautiful eye candy. But the intricacy of the story and the top notched acting by the actors as well as the artful cinematography and music all combined to make this series unforgettable. I usually hate when Americans do remakes of beloved series but in this case, Signal screams for an American remake. Hopefully done by HBO. I highly recommend it. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 24, 2016, 10:25:42 AM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Jennifer, did you finish Reply 1988? I thought you were watching that? Anyways Jennifer and Jak (you mentioned "Down With Love" which is one of my favorite TW-dramas!). If I think of any shows, I will mention them. Purse Monkey, I think if any k-dramas or TWdramas get remade into American shows, then I want the romantic ones to be remade not the crime thriller ones. American shows are already filled with crime dramas, they're a dime a dozen. I would love to see remakes of the good romance/thriller/dramas, or romance/comedy/dramas, and see how they pull them off - now that would be interesting to me. I am still watching Reply 1988, I'm at ep 14 now. I like Doek Sun/Taek couple (although they haven't gotten together yet, but the viewer can tell that he adores her, but not enough scenes of them together), and I like Bora/Sun Woo couple (they're so cute), and I'm liking the developing relationship between the older couple (Sun Woo's mother and Taek's father). However I agree with those who said that this is first and foremost a slice-oflife/neighborhood drama, the romantic plots feel like a major complementary part of the story, but still a complementary part (especially during the first half of this series). But since this is 20 eps and each ep almost equals 2 eps in running time, so I'm hoping that the main characters will be given their due (since you guys gave this good reviews), so I'm okay with all the filler (I fast-forward through some of it, when it gets too slow). However this is the first in the "Reply" series that I would call a solidly good show, it is the best of the "Reply" series. I'm also catching up on "She Was Pretty", I put this on hold after episode 4 not 6 or 7 as I mentioned before. Anyways, in this show I am liking the second male lead a lot, but I also like the first male lead, so I'm not suffering second male lead syndrome (although I got close in a few parts). I'm at ep 9 now. Overall this is turning out to be a cute show, with some moving parts. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 24, 2016, 11:01:42 AM PDT

Jennifer L. Rinehart says:

I did finish Reply 1988, I loved everything but the Bora/Sun Woo couple. I just don't think she deserves Sun Woo.Strangely, my favorite couple from that series was Sun Woo's mother and Taek's father, they were so adorable. I got a little weepy when he tells her to accept help from people, that it is just what people do when they are part of a community.

Down with Love is wonderful. I love the heroine, she is so adorable. I have wanted to try Love Me if you Dare, it sounds new and different. Is anyone watching Descendents of the Sun? There is so much hype about it. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 24, 2016, 12:26:07 PM PDT

Purse Monkey says:

I watched the first four episodes of DOTS and I liked it but I'm waiting for it to be done before I dive into it again. Lovely DM: the reason why I would never want for Americans to remake romance/comedy is that eastern romances don't translate well into western culture. Western culture is about sex. Overt sex. Sex sells. Can you imagine taking the innocence of a Korean romance (hand holding/hugging/kissing) and selling as an overt act of sex for the American audience? There's no way they would buy it and there's no way I would want them to cheapen a series like Reply 1997 (which I heard they may redo) by turning it into Pretty Little Liars or whatever teen show is popular now. Therefore, only a crime drama would translate well because death is universally capitivating and stopping a crime from happening is universally compelling in any culture. I guess I've been burned by romance remakes so many times that I wouldn't want a repeat. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 24, 2016, 1:16:49 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Aw Jennifer, I wonder if I will feel the same about Sun Woo and Bora, once I've finished the show. I guess I will have to wait and see, until I get there. Yes, I found that part between Sun Woo's mother and Taek's father moving. Speaking of which, I also want to say that Deok Sun is the sweetest among the "Reply" heroines, and Taek is a sweetheart (it's my first time coming across a male lead that has this gentleness and sweetness about him). This actor played a really different character in "I Remember You". Purse Monkey, I didn't think of that, I guess you have a point. I was thinking the remakes would still be heart filled and just a little bit steamier then the k-versions (with a woman writing and maybe a woman directing), but I guess that would be far fetched. On a side note, I had no idea that they were remaking Reply 1997, I guess it will either be tasteful or a disaster. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 27, 2016, 8:03:16 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Happy Easter! I just read on db something so unexpected and out of the blue, but it seems that PHJ might be in a movie version of "Cheese in the Trap", it seems like they are turning the story into a movie this time, and they offered PHJ the role of Yoo Jung once again. I wonder if he will

accept... I feel like I'm in the twilight zone reading this, on the one hand I really want to see this story told right, and no one will be a better Yoo Jung than PHJ. On the other hand, I am afraid that this will be another mess in the making. I just hope that if this is true, that they get a new cast with PHJ being the only one from the original cast (if he accepts). I also hope that the script writer will be good and the webtoon writer will not limit the ending, and that we can finally get a story where Jung/Seol are given justice and get a good ending (and gets posted English subbed!). I don't know, I think I'm being overly hopeful, this all just sounds strange right now. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 27, 2016, 8:42:31 PM PDT

Jennifer L. Rinehart says:

Wow, what a nice easter announcement. I would love to see this as a movie with PHJ. It was such a mess I'm willing to believe that all they can do is improve. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 27, 2016, 8:55:45 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Jennifer I like your positive outlook on things, in that they have nowhere to go but up after the drama mess. Also as I understand it, this is a different production company this time. I don't know, this could either be good and finally give us the story as it should be, or this will be bad. I guess we will just have to wait and see what comes out of it. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 29, 2016, 9:33:00 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Mar 29, 2016, 9:33:39 AM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Okay some more news: LJS (H from I Hear Your Voice) and HHJ (h from Postman to Heaven) will be together in an upcoming Summer drama which will air at the beginning of July! The drama will be a romance/suspense drama, and it will be written by the writer of "Queen Inhyun's Man" (one of my fave dramas) and "Nine". So this upcoming drama has a lot of potential. The drama's title is "W", and while there isn't an official synopsis released yet, some comments posted an initial synopsis (but I don't know how correct it is). Basically HHJ father is writing a horror/suspense comic, and LJS is a character in that world, probably a dark and complex character. I'm guessing the virtual world is going to take a life of its own? Anyways then the father will try to kill LJS character, and then LJS character will kidnap the heroine, and then they will travel among worlds (I'm guessing the real one and the virtual one that is becoming real), and will fall in love in the process. In another version of the synopsis, it says that she will try to save him. So I don't know how all this fits together, but this has the potential to be very interesting. Also PHJ will also be in a drama called "Man to Man" where he will play a bodyguard. I don't know when this will air. No synopsis yet for this one, but I hope that it will have a good suspenseful and romantic plot. I am also looking forward to check "Lucky Romance" this drama is based off of a romantic comic book, and it looks like a promising

lighthearted/quirky romantic drama. The late Spring and Summer drama season is shaping up to have some promising dramas. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 29, 2016, 10:15:56 AM PDT

Jennifer L. Rinehart says:

This is good news DM. The W show sounds especially interesting. I could really use a sweet romance or a romantic sunspense drama. I like that PHJ is keeping busy, he is really turning out to be an actor to watch, in spite of Cheese's horrid ending. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 29, 2016, 10:42:54 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Mar 29, 2016, 10:43:52 AM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Yes Jennifer, I'm also looking forward to W the most. Speaking of PHJ, when I read this initial synopsis for W, I thought that PHJ would fit the role better than LJS (even though I like LJS and IHYV is one of my favorite dramas). After "Cheese" and also "Bad Guys", I think PHJ would've been perfect for a story such as W (if that synopsis is correct). Anyways I'm sure LJS will do well in the role. I hope that PHJ's new drama will be good and interesting too, because I'm sure he'll nail the role of a mysterious bodyguard, we just need to hope for the writing to be solid.

Posted on Mar 29, 2016, 10:47:46 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Mar 29, 2016, 11:10:39 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

These dramas do sound promising. I also just read the Joo Won is going to be the lead in the drama remake of the classic movie My Sassy Girl. Think this will be Joo Won last drama before military service. I recently started watching a drama from my backlist: Ugly Alert. I'm on episode 48 of 133 and it does live up to it's recommendation as it's stacking up to be one of the best, if not the best, "daily" drama. The lead h is great, while the H is a little unusual for k-drama - a selfsacrificing beta. I'm also really liking the secondary romance - sweet stalker h/cold H (it kinda reminds of the secondary romance in My Daughter, Seo Young). ETA: Spoiler Recently watched the ending of Push's latest drama (a remake of the Thai drama Puer Tur/For You) to see how it ends. Surprisingly it had a HEA for the H/h (totally unexpected as it was my understanding that the original drama didn't end with a HEA). JL Subbing is supposed to be subbing this drama, but so far looks like only one episode has been released with subs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHlFnEyRpNw Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 29, 2016, 10:06:49 PM PDT

jak says:

@taz I think Kuromiberry is subbing Puer Tur now. Sherri dropped it cuz she didn't like some scenes it had.

I wasn't interested in watching more Goodbye Mr. Black, so I'm really just watching Marriage Contract, I'm liking Uee's acting more, and the cute scenes, but really the relationship seems to develop out of the blue. Baffling. Starting to go through my backlist as well. Into 6 episodes of Boss and me. It's ok, though I don't find male lead handsome or charming or a great actor (and I like my leads to be at least one of the 3), it's easy to watch, but dull. Does anything really happen, any angst? I looked ahead and there's some in ep 22ish or so. Eh... Instead, I decided to rewatch a favorite of mine, Wish Upon a Star/Stars Falling From the Sky. I really like how the heroine is unlikable for like one episode, and the story of concealing the kids don't drag on too long. Makes me wish other dramas would do the same. If they want to make the female lead unlikable, do so for only one episode. And the male lead remains cold and heartless for five or so episodes, but I found his slow thawing believable and the kids cute. Which makes me wonder, when was the last time i liked a Korean romantic comedy? Cheese in the Trap? Except its not really that. Maybe Cunning Single Lady or Marriage, Not Dating from 2014. I think I've been prefering more Chinese/Taiwanese or Thailand romances lately. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 29, 2016, 11:15:31 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Mar 29, 2016, 11:18:21 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Jak I have dropped "Goodbye Mr Black" also, after watching 4 episodes. I wanted to try and watch 6, but I simply can't bring myself to do so. The directing/editing in this drama is so goofy and the story is just not flowing well at all. So the only airing k-drama I am watching right now is "Come Back Mister", even though it is not perfect but it's keeping me entertained so far. I'm also watching the TW-drama "Back to 1989", and 8 eps in, I am enjoying it more than I thought I would despite the weird premise. I just hope that it will stay good in its second half. I am catching up on two completed dramas "She Was Pretty" and "Reply 1988", because of the good reviews on this thread. Jennifer, I came across an English translated article posted on the soompi thread about "Man to Man", and it said that preproduction will start in April, and the drama will start shooting in September and will air in the first half of 2017. So I'm guessing this will be a pre-produced drama, which means we might get some solidly good results, as it seems like they are planning everything carefully for this drama. I'm also thinking that maybe the "Cheese" movie might actually happen, because there's time. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 30, 2016, 9:13:39 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Mar 30, 2016, 3:50:54 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Stars Falling From the Sky is from the same writer (Jung Ji Woo) as Ugly Alert and Family's Honor. I think she's a really good writer and wish she'd have a new drama soon. I found Stars Falling From the Sky to be somewhat similar to her drama How to Meet a Perfect Neighbor

as both had a rom/com storyline mixed with a melodrama storyline. ETA: I continue to really enjoy Ugly Alert. Love that so far the H/h are absolutely refusing to break up (that is once the H got over his NI, which thankful happened fairly early in the drama and didn't last for long). Just hope he doesn't suffer a relapse. I can see some common tropes from this writer's other dramas: bad mothers, good step-mothers, loyal servant in love with the boss. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 31, 2016, 11:03:35 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

The teaser for Ji Sung's new drama Entertainer looks fun but I'm not quite sold on the H/h pairing. Show is scheduled to begin airing April 20. Ji Sung's last two dramas have been a hit for me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yURpXuoq6M0 Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 31, 2016, 11:45:51 AM PDT

Jennifer L. Rinehart says:

Pre produced dramas are pretty rare aren't they? Well, even if I have to wait until 2017 I think it will be worth it to see a well acted and written out story. Well, I'm back to reading Cheese in the Trap. The ending of the show was so terrible that I'm trying to drown it with the web comic. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 31, 2016, 10:44:21 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

I agree, the ending of the "Cheese" drama was terrible and didn't make any sense, that's why the drama ends at ep 12 for me. I still feel bitter thinking about what could have been. Anyways I think this is why I hope that a movie will be made or another drama, sooner or later, and finally tell the story right and give Jung and Seol justice. And yes fully preproduced k-dramas are rare, as far as I know, so I too hope that it will be worth the wait (if that article is correct), now we just need a promising synopsis and a solid writer. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 3, 2016, 11:20:16 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Apr 6, 2016, 8:45:03 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

I just finished watching Pinocchio. I had put it on hold after episode 12, but when I came across the news of the "W" drama and LJS, I remembered that I hadn't finished Pinocchio (LJS being the lead). So I ended up finishing it, and overall I stand by what I said in the beginning that when they wrapped up the brother's story-line in episode 12, they took a big part of the suspense out. However, after finishing it, I felt that this drama revolved around human relations, and emotions boiling beneath the surface. This writer tends to be idealistic. IHYV also had a bit of an idealistic streak as well, but much better suspense. I guess I also

understood why this writer chose to make the shady "chairman" a "chairwoman" in this drama (it felt contrived), and that's because that solution (using Beom Jo) would've been harder to pull off, if it had been a "chairman". The romance between Inha/Dalpo (Ha Myeong) was lovely, but I felt that the workplace drama took a big part of the show and sometimes dragged. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 6, 2016, 6:55:34 PM PDT

1ladydevil says:

I was busy with school so I had to stop watching Cheese in a Trap. You guys did not like the ending so I am wondering if I should continue watching it. I stopped at Ep6. Does the show not have a happy ending? Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 6, 2016, 8:02:01 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

1ladydevil - Cheese in the Trap went downhill around episode 7 at which time the Director seemed to fall in love with the second male lead and decided to make the show all about him and his piano (as DM said, it was all about his Piano, Pining and Pain). To a large extent, the H's story was dropped and his screen time was significantly reduced (I think he wrapped filming about 5 days before the rest of the crew). Director even reshot scenes removing the H and inserting the second male lead. Drama had an open ending as it related to the H/h (after a few years time jump drama ends with the possibility that the H/h might reconnect in the future). Watch at your own frustration. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 6, 2016, 8:39:16 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

I agree with everything Reader123 said. I also second her sentiment which explains this drama perfectly "watch at your own frustration". Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 6, 2016, 8:50:26 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I watched the first 5 episodes of Aaron Yan's new workplace rom/com Refresh Man. While it certainly isn't groundbreaking, I have enjoyed it enough to at least continue watching. But I'm dropping it in a heartbeat if it even appears that it's going to turn into a train wreck like his last drama. Drama starts out with the h expecting to be promoted to executive secretary working for the CEO. Unfortunately, the H, the childhood frenemy of the h, is hired as the new CEO and instead of a promotion, the h is demoted to the "where people go to die" sales department. In flashbacks of the H/h in high school, it appears that the H had a crush on the h and it seems that he still does. So far, nothing to indicate that the h has ever had a crush on the H. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 6, 2016, 9:08:59 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Reader123 I watched up to ep 3 of that show, but I just find it average, not the type of show that makes me want to watch. I guess it is because I feel that the hero is being really petty. I mean high-school antics in high-school are understandable in that age, but as adults and in a company...he just doesn't come off as CEO material, with all the unreasonable hard time he is giving the heroine. But at the same time it is also obvious that he likes her, while she doesn't give any indication that she likes him, but they have good chemistry and there is some sensuality. Still, I am enjoying the TW-drama "Back to 1989" a lot more, but I just hope it doesn't fall apart later on, because it is very good (sweet with an air of mystery) so far. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 7, 2016, 12:20:07 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Apr 7, 2016, 12:48:20 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I finally wrapped up watching Ugly Alert. Overall, was the best "daily" drama I've watched and was probably better than a lot of the "family" dramas that I've seen. It's one of the few dramas that actually lived up to it's "heartwarming" label. While it did include some storylines that I didn't find overly interesting, I did enjoy both the lead and secondary romances. The lead romance featured one of my favorite plots: a H/h who are for the most part unwavering in their commitment to each other and who refuse to breakup over family disapproval. They also never seemed to suffer from lack of communication or misunderstandings. Drama did include lots of cute H/h scenes as the couple secretly dated for a large portion of the drama and even continued dating after h's family became aware of their romance. Really only one early bout of noble idiocy by the H and only one instance where the h for a short period of time gave up on the relationship (solely because a decision made by the H). I would like to see more dramas with this storyline. Also, wish that this writer would have another drama soon. Other than Refresh Man, I don't plan to check out any of the other new dramas as none of them sound that interesting. (ETA: Other than Page Turner, which I plan to watch as soon as the third and final episode airs this week.) Guess it's back to Thai dramas. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 9, 2016, 7:35:23 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Reader123 I plan to checkout "Entertainer" and "Lucky Romance", even though both shows look very average and run of the mill, but I hope to at least be entertained - if not I will drop them. I am looking forward to "W", this show has potential and creativity in the premise, strong cast, and writer. I am also interested in checking out "Uncontrollably Fond", because I want to see how KWB does in his first leading role and because this writer is one of the better writers. I'm hoping that the actress/heroine has improved her acting to at least decent. However for now, I am focusing on TW-dramas, and on k-movies. I have watched a very good k-movie called "Mood of the Day", it is sensual with heart. This movie felt like a mix of "Before Sunrise/Before Sunset" but a lot less boring, and a "Doris Day/ Rock Hudson movie" but steamier. I also like YYS/MCW, and they had lovely chemistry in this movie. I enjoyed this movie a lot, it is one of my favorite k-movies now, alongside "Postman to Heaven".

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Posted on Apr 10, 2016, 8:24:38 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Apr 10, 2016, 8:27:00 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I agree that some of the future shows sound interesting enough to check out. Unfortunately, none of the new shows (Jackpot, Memory, Monster, Ms. Temper, My Lawyer Mr Jo, Pied Piper) even sounded interesting. I've started watching Push's rom/com I Wanna Be A Sup'tar/Wan Nueng Jaa Pben Superstar. So far it's just okay, with the emphasis being on the comedy rather than the romance. Unfortunately, the h is flaky and immature. Does have a little Full House vibe with the H buying the h's parents house and the h refusing to move out. After attempting to chase her out of the house for several episodes the H is now allowing h to stay to act as a cover so that reporters don't suspect that he's living there. H is a former superstar who has just returned to Thai after fleeing the country 5 years before due to a gay scandal orchestrated by his former manager (appears H was drugged) while h is trying to become a superstar but seems to lack any talent. While the OM and OW are currently chasing after the h/H the show does seem to be setting them up for their own romance. Biggest downside to this drama is the OTT treatment of gays (which seems to be a trend in Thai dramas). D.M. - did Postman to Heaven have a HEA? I've always avoided watching as the storyline seemed like one that wouldn't end in a HEA. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 10, 2016, 9:47:48 AM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Yes "Postman to Heaven" has a happy ending :) Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 12, 2016, 7:06:26 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Apr 12, 2016, 7:07:46 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Watched the 3 episode drama Page Turner. Overall, a good coming of age drama. Not a romance but still worth watching. On a different note, it sounds like ABS-CBN's copyright infringement lawsuit against Dramacool (and all of it's other various forms, dramanice, dramatv, drama4you, etc.) may be coming to an end soon as ABS-CBN has now filed for default judgment (including asking for control over all of the domain names and $1.4 million). Don't expect these streaming sites to be around much longer. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Apr 13, 2016, 7:03:33 AM PDT

May says:

awwwww....I love Dramacool But i wonder how they can control the sites unless the site is maintained in Korea? I don't know these things work really. The thing is, if there's a demand, then there will be other sites that will pop up to replace dramacool if it is taken down. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 13, 2016, 8:47:57 PM PDT

MichiNova says:

Evening *waves* wondering if anyone might be able to point me in the direction of how to find an Asian drama. I got my sister addicted to watching them so now she always asks me questions. I'm stumped on this one though as I've been busy w/ work the last few months. She recalls the basic plot but not the title. She said that the H rides a motorcycle who is the son of a Police Chief. He is doing poorly in school which is where the h comes into play. She tutors him. My sister believes the girl's family owned a restaurant. Also mentioned that the H was in love w/ another girl at the beginning. Any ideas of what the title is or any ideas on where I can go to try & find it? I've been scanning baka manga updates for her as she thought it was based on a manga but no luck yet. Any help would be appreciated! Thank you! Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 13, 2016, 10:15:49 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Hey there, I don't know the drama but I hope that someone on this thread can help you :) I watched a k-movie that was really funny and romantic, it is called "Catch Me/ Steal My Heart", the plot was wacky but the characters had great chemistry (especially the H/h), and somehow made it feel believable. I never really liked Joo Won before, but after this movie, he is on the list of k-actors I like. Why can't he be styled like this in a drama? Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Apr 13, 2016, 10:16:59 PM PDT

jak says:

Sounds like Delightful Girl Chun Hyung, except I don't remember the girl's family (really only her mother) owning a restaurant. You could always ask dramabeans, they have a section for that. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 14, 2016, 12:19:34 AM PDT

Jennifer L. Rinehart says:

I'm back! I had pneumonia and have been too sick to do anything, even watching dramas! I second jak, it sounds like Delightful Girl Chun Hyung. Steal Me sounds fun. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 14, 2016, 8:08:16 AM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

I'm glad you're feeling better Jennifer, welcome back :) Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 14, 2016, 4:41:20 PM PDT

Jennifer L. Rinehart says:

Thanks, D.M. I'm glad to be well enough to catch up on all the discussion.

Posted on Apr 14, 2016, 9:24:28 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Spoilers Finished watching I Wanna Be Sup'Tar/Wan Nueng Jaa Pben Superstar. While I liked the H, the h took some getting use to. The best you could say about her was that she was flakey and oblivious. For most of the drama she thought the H was gay. But on the positive side, this did lead to cute H/h scenes as the h lived with the H for most of the drama (and their vacation together seemed to be pure fan service). The H was even able to convince the h a couple of times to sleep in the same bed as him. Unfortunately, in her desire to become a superstar the h naively trusted anyone who promised to make her famous. This included the villain who was able to use the h to help wreck the H's career. And the h never seemed to catch on to all of the things that the H did behind the scenes to help her become famous. Totally clueless. Also, for a Thai drama, the OW wasn't too bad (only spiteful towards the h a couple of times). As expected the OW ended up with the OM. H/h: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jmUEAaWhCA Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 15, 2016, 12:05:23 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Spoilers I also finished watching Come Back Mister which aired its final 2 episodes yesterday. Overall, I enjoyed the drama despite it not ending the way I hoped (but I guess it ended as expected). I thought that the last episode was super sad/poignant but at least the last few minutes were upbeat. Also, I hated that Gi Tak was erased from everyone's memories. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 19, 2016, 2:18:50 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Looks like Gong Yoo might be coming back to dramaland this fall in a currently unnamed drama from the writer of Descendants of the Sun. Spoilers Speaking of Descendants of the Sun, I recently marathoned the completed drama (since I didn't watch it while it was airing). Overall, I enjoyed the drama. While the secondary romance was more interesting than the lead romance, I did appreciate that none of the romances included a love triangle (I'm not actually a huge fan of the love triangle trope, so

I'm always pleased to find that rare k-drama that doesn't include one). I was also surprised by how much I ended up liking the second male lead (H2). He seemed perfectly cast as the strong, silent type. Guess episode 15 was the writer/director bowing to the opinion that in order to have a memorable drama one or more of the main cast must die. Was happy the writer came up with a way to "kill" the H and still give us a HEA in the end. Not currently following any live k-dramas, but might watch Ji Sung' new drama once it starts airing. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 19, 2016, 3:12:10 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Apr 19, 2016, 3:25:42 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Reader123, yes I read that too, and I am looking forward to seeing Gong Yoo back in dramaland. I really want to see him in a good drama, and I hope that if he signs up for this, that it will be the one. I also hope that the writer will deliver (though I'm not into DOTS, but her older dramas are ones I liked SG and CH). I also read that Jun Ji Hyun (heroine from My Love from the Stars) is considering starring in a new drama by the same writer. So this drama too could be promising. Also GHJ is going to be the female lead in an upcoming drama titled "Jealousy Incarnate", this too is a show I am looking forward to checking out. I just hope that the dramas will finally start to deliver, after a bad start for 2016. ETA: It looks like Gong Yoo confirmed for SES's new drama, the drama will apparently be titled "Mr. Sunshine", which seems like a comedic title, but I hope that the drama will have an interesting synopsis. I also hope for a good leading lady as well, and that there will be no love triangle. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 20, 2016, 5:11:15 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

D.M. Since you're currently watching a lot of movies, have you watched the Japanese movie Ao Haru Ride. I think it was based off a manga and there is also an anime. I ended up watching it after seeing this mv: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjXNGbL76u8 Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 20, 2016, 7:34:55 AM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Yes I watched it a few weeks ago actually, and I liked it :) Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 21, 2016, 7:35:04 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I wasn't wowed by the first episode of Entertainer. So far, the drama is very predictable. Unfortunately, I'm also preferring the OW over the h. But I'll keep following this drama as I am a fan of Ji Sung. I do agree that there seems to be a dearth of good dramas so far this year. Really disappointing since the year started out so promising with Cheese in the Trap, at least before the director decided to ruin it. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 21, 2016, 10:19:10 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Apr 21, 2016, 10:19:56 AM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

I barely made it through the first episode of "Entertainer". It just feels so contrived and overdramatic, it doesn't have an organic feel at all. Ji Sung is a good actor, but it looks like he picked a dud of a drama. I also think that Hyeri (the heroine) is not bad acting-wise, it's just that the story is not interesting at all. I am at a point where I do not want to waste my time of a drama that doesn't capture me. Yes, "Cheese in the Trap" was the only k-drama in the first half of 2016 with great potential and a kind of unique story-line, but it was ultimately ruined. However, I'm hoping that the second half of 2016 will be good. The only airing drama I am following is "Back to 1989", as it continues to be good, and I am enjoying it and hoping that it will stay good in its second half :) I also read an update about Gong Yoo's new upcoming drama, that will air in November, it will be titled "Goblin" not "Mister Sunshine", and it will be about a Goblin in need of a human bride, and a grim reaper (according to the initial synopsis). However I guess a lot more could change in the synopsis from now to then, but I hope that the fantasy elements will not be over-the-top, but rather interesting and contained within the balance of drama and romance. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 22, 2016, 10:51:37 AM PDT

1ladydevil says:

Guys, I am in the mood for a drama with a possessive jealous H who is crazy about the h. Has there been any recent dramas that fit this criteria? I haven't watched a good asian drama in months. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 22, 2016, 8:52:19 PM PDT

Rashell Anderson says:

@1ladydevil: Sadly, I don't know of any recent dramas that fit that criteria. I don't think I've even heard of an upcoming drama that would fit. I definitely feel like we're in a drama slump. I'm hoping there will be some decent dramas this summer and fall. 2016 has not been drama good so far. :( Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Apr 23, 2016, 6:37:28 AM PDT

Ashi says:

Give Love Me If You Dare a chance. H is veryyy possessive. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 23, 2016, 7:25:34 AM PDT

Purse Monkey says:

I agree with Love Me If You Dare but the book version. The book version the H was 10x more possessive and it's an overall better story in the relationship department. I was actually very disappointed that the series didn't translate well how much they love each other and how much the H loves her. Here's the link if anyone's interested: http://lmfyd.blogspot.co.nz/?m=1 Surprisingly, there were several sex scenes in the book. Again, didn't show in the series. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 23, 2016, 10:49:30 AM PDT

1ladydevil says:

I really tried to give Love Me If You Dare a chance but it was just not good. I stopped at episode 4. The h was weak and boring while the H was way too into his own self-importance. Does anyone have some other suggestions? Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 23, 2016, 7:36:48 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Rashell I agree, K-dramas have been in a slump for a while now for me. But the way I see it, of the upcoming dramas that I think have potential - "W", "Lucky Romance", "Goblin", "Uncontrollably Fond", "Jealousy Incarnate", the new drama from the writer of "My love from the Stars" with JJH being the possible heroine, "Cinderella and Four Knights" - if only half of these dramas turn out good, then that will still leave us with 3 or 4 good dramas in the second half of 2016. So I hope that at least half of these shows turn out good :) As for TW-dramas, "Back to 1989" continues to be so good so far, and I still don't know who the hero's father is. The mystery is very well woven into the drama, but there's a melancholic feel behind the lightness and sweetness. This is a show where I truly can't predict the ending, and that's why I'm hoping it doesn't disappoint me, because it could go in many different ways. There's also "Love at Seventeen", and I'm interested in checking it out. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 25, 2016, 11:32:56 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Anybody watch Marriage Contract? Is it worth investing 16 hours? Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post: Apr 25, 2016, 1:17:11 PM PDT Last edited by you on May 16, 2016, 2:44:54 AM PDT

Adnana says: (Change)

I've been (skim-)watching older dramas since I haven't found any new ones to get excited about in forever (with the exception of "Descendants of the Sun", which I admit I found super entertaining even if not addictive or, God forbid, intellectually stimulating). Unfortunately, I struck out in my search for new favorites. An overview of these dramas, with a "beware" sign attached, since I can't personally recommend them to others: Birth of a Beauty. OTT plot & characters; H is a complete dork (so not sexy!). I didn't dig the overly cartoon-y vibe throughout parts of the show. Eps. 16-19: h is a noble idiot & H is just a plain idiot--which killed off most of the goodwill these characters might have accumulated in my eyes up until that point. Weirdly enough, I really kinda enjoyed OM2's courtship of the h in the beginning (before she rejected him and he went even crazier than before). *OM2=H's cousin Cain and Abel. Underwhelming revenge drama. When the H has amnesia, the h lost much of my respect with her selfishness in not wanting the H to remember his past, in order to keep him by her side. She even actively tried to stop him in his pursuit of the truth. Still, she's not completely un-sympathetic and does the right thing in the end. I liked how the H found it so super hard to forgive his brother in the end (who had tried to kill him); a despicable villain's redemption shouldn't be as easy as most K-dramas try to portray. Biggest offense of this drama: H/h have a passionless relationship, imho. Felt zero chemistry from them. Zilch. Lovers in Prague. This drama got on my nerves big time. Doormat h who's ALWAYS the one chasing after the H in spite of repeated rejections (grow some self-respect, girl!), and a H who spends forever still hung up on his ex and who often pushes the h away because of his own inferiority complex (he's a regular guy, a tough policeman; she's a diplomat and the President's daughter. soo out of his league, for real. I can't fathom why she kept begging for the scraps of his affection). One Fine Day. "What the heck was wrong with these people?" is the million dollar question. Answer: so, so much. Complicated family relationships to the extreme. Most importantly, h believes H to be her brother and only finds out the truth in e8. Then the h is in a relationship with OM (kissing included)--who really didn't deserve the pain she eventually dished out when she brought him to the point of wanting to propose only to break up with him. h says "I Love you" to H in e15(out of 16). Only then she gives him up to save the OW's life (because the OW is a clingy nutcase who'll only have life-preserving surgery if the H is by her side). Which leads to a time jump! in the last freaking episode while the H is with the OW, and the h is waiting for him to come back once the OW releases him from his "duties". Such a stupid drama. Discussion locked | Permalink

Your post: Apr 25, 2016, 1:29:16 PM PDT

Adnana says: (Change)

Flower Boy Next Door. Cute, inoffensive drama, but not memorable in the least for me. Kimchi/Fermentation Family. Nicely developed romance, but without any real sizzle imho.

Pick the Stars / Wish Upon a Star. The h started out awful (selfish airhead, whose one goal and recipe for success in life was to land the H as a husband), but I liked her growth throughout the series. Wasn't really sold on her romance with the H, though, especially since the H obviously valued her very little--the drama was nearing its end, and the H was still planning to marry the OW for a frankly idiotic reason. Robber. The H is a conscienceless con man and master manipulator. He plans to scam the h (a widow with a little girl) of her life savings. He has a change of heart in e7, and gives the h her (swindled) money back (the h still trusts him and doesn't believe he was in on the scam). Only then the h learns the truth (great stuff). The H works really hard for the h's forgiveness, but when he finally gains it, of course the dreaded fatal injury rears its ugly head, and the H goes all noble idiot and crushes the h with an ugly break-up so as not to make her a widow twice. ...Basically, not a keeper because I didn't connect emotionally with the characters/story. And I think I dislike the actor Jang Hyuk (haven't loved him in any project, and I've watched lots of his dramas). The HE is ambiguous (the H has a ticking time bomb in his head, though he and the h hope to live for a long time happy together). Star's Lover. The biggest problem was that I didn't connect emotionally with this drama, so I couldn't forgive faults that I might have maybe viewed with kinder eyes in another drama. Though I doubt it, since it was stuff like the H starting to date his ex again AFTER already meeting (and falling at least a little bit in love with) the h. Or the h allowing the OM (her ex) to live in her house when she was in a relationship with the H, which lead to a break-up of the main couple. Anyway, I dropped this. Wonderful Life. 90% of the time I couldn't stand the so-called hero: he was immature, selfish, hypocritical. He liked the OW for way too long, and even later stayed blind to her real character and defended her in detriment of his wife (the h). The OM was so, so much better. Also, this drama has the fatal illness trope, and unfortunately it's foisted on the H & h's little daughter, who goes through so much undeserved suffering. Heartbreaking. (There's a HEA.) Discussion locked | Permalink

Posted on Apr 25, 2016, 4:00:43 PM PDT

jak says:

@taz I watched entire Marriage Contract. It was... okay. I wasn't really convinced by the H's sudden conversion into a strong, capable man to lean on when previously he'd only cared about himself and was immature, living off his parents. Honestly, before h came along, H wasn't responsible at his job, or anything, yet he takes on the responsibility of a sick woman, her kid and 3 kittens all for love? You do have to suspend your belief, and their relationship was kind unbelievable too, but cute scenes between them (them kisses!) and a decent ending. @Adnana I rewatched Pick the Stars / Wish Upon a Star recently and found it cute with the kids, but they did stretch it out towards the end really. Still really loved the h's serious character growth and transformation. Wonderful Life, exact same reaction as yours. Loved the premise, but the H was sooooooooo lame. I'm planning to watch/try some backlist kdramas as well: Pied Piper, longer dramas like Ugly

Alert, A Daughter Just Like You, Flames of Ambition . I've heard good things about The Chaser (the drama) and Bad Family as well. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 27, 2016, 6:13:20 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I liked Bad Family (fun premise, more of a comedy but it does have a romance complete with OM/OW) and Ugly Alert (the best of the daily dramas that I've watched). Bad Family had a very likable OW and I wouldn't have minded if she had ended up with the H (she just adored him). I wasn't a big fan of A Daughter Just Like You but did watch the entire drama. Unfortunately, I didn't find any of the romances very interesting as all lacked sizzle and hated the whole forgiveness via sickness trope at the end. I've switched to watching some older Chinese dramas. Just finished My Sunshine, which I enjoyed. I didn't even mind that towards the end it seemed to run out of plot and just showed cute H/h scenes (I'm all for cuteness without angst). I did think that some expected storylines never materialized and I didn't understood the h's personality change (from bubbly/outgoing to timid/morose) when she first came back to China. Guess I'll check out some of Wallace Chung's other dramas. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Apr 27, 2016, 7:52:01 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Apr 27, 2016, 7:52:51 AM PDT

May says:

I'm also looking into older dramas and I'm going to try out some rec here. Speaking of Wallance Chung, I liked him in my sunshine, and I really want to watch "Best Time". But he's not the lead H and I read the h is moronic and trample on Wallace's character alot in this drama. Did anyone watch this? Can you spoil it a little for me? Should i invest my time in this drama? Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post: Apr 27, 2016, 12:10:34 PM PDT Last edited by you on Jul 21, 2016, 1:25:58 PM PDT

Adnana says: (Change)

An interesting drama as a case study of a supremely intriguing anti-hero: Smile Again (2006). Kim Hee Sun plays the tomboyish h, and Lee Dong Gun, as the bad boy H, has never looked hotter. *fawns self* I'll quote the blogger who convinced me to watch this drama in the first place. Dangermousie: "In some ways, [Smile Again] is a somewhat lighter spiritual precursor to Que Sera Sera: a really messed up hero who marks everything by success by any means, his one weakness the pure and even naive heroine (**Adnana: I don't see the h as naive; just that she tends to have a bright outlook and think the best of people first until proven otherwise**). The reserved, good secondary guy with a messed-up past. The manipulative other girl who is in some ways very similar with games-playing hero. The reason it does not come across as so dysfunctional is twofold: (1) The heroine, who is adorable, is not really a pushover but very strong, and tomboyish, and full of common sense. When the hero tells her he could change for her, she

points out he should change for himself first. Loving a guy who is a total mess by any definition is in some ways a weakness for her, and she realizes how it could all blow up. She is remarkably unscrewed up. (2) The hero has very good reasons for being what he is (childhood from hell, generally awful life and other plot-related reasons)." Anyways, I found the H very interesting in all his complexity and shades of grey. The only reason why I can't rate this drama higher overall is because the romance development wasn't as satisfactory as it could have been. There is a HEA, though, in case you were wondering. Discussion locked | Permalink

Posted on Apr 27, 2016, 3:21:42 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Apr 27, 2016, 8:30:36 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

May - I haven't watched Best Time, but like you have read very negative comments regarding both the h and Jia Nai Liang's character of Song Yi (h is obsessed with Song Yi for most of the drama). The comments also indicate that Wallace Chung's character is wonderful/perfect. I've also read that the drama has an open ending. And as a further cop-out the drama was followed by 2 specials each providing an alternative ending to the drama (so you can take your pick as to who the h ends up with). Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 27, 2016, 8:44:42 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Apr 27, 2016, 9:24:37 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Ah, it now becomes clear why Best Time had 2 alternative endings. Per the novel Secrets Hidden in Time by Tong Hua (upon which the drama Best Time was based) the h ends up with Song Yi. Koalasplayground reviewed this novel and if the drama is in anyway similar to the novel, the only character worth rooting for is Lu Li Cheng (Wallace Chung's character). I guess the alternative ending in the drama where the h ends up with Lu Li Cheng was to keep the viewers happy. Koalasplayground's review of the novel was extremely negative. She also hated all the main characters except for Lu Li Cheng. I did think it was interesting that in the comments section, it is indicated that Tong Hua has confirmed that Lu Li Cheng is the male lead in the novel (so is it considered to be a happy ending if the male lead doesn't get a HEA?). koalasplayground review of Tong Hua's novel : http://koalasplayground.com/2012/04/16/secrets-hidden-in-time-by-tong-hua-a-soddenmakjang-mess-of-a-modern-novel/ On a different note, it looks like another remake of Itazura na Kiss is in the works, this one being another TW-version. So far, of all the versions of this drama, I prefer last year's Thai remake, Kiss Me. http://koalasplayground.com/2016/04/24/tw-dramas-adapts-it-started-with-a-kiss-again-withnewbies-dino-lee-and-esther-wu/ Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Apr 28, 2016, 12:13:10 AM PDT

jak says:

I like Itazura na Kiss, and have watched numerous versions but I have to admit I'm getting tired of this being remade time and time again. Especially when there are so many other manga and/or manhwa they could be filming. And its already been done well, so there's not much room for improvement. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Apr 28, 2016, 8:18:05 AM PDT

May says:

Yes, let's move on to making other manga/manhwa. So many out there ready to make into good dramas. I agree, the thai version of "it started with a kiss" is the best. I don't understand though why viewers like this manga so much. To me, it's just so sad how desperate the h is to get the H's attention. She got kicked so often by the emotionless H, and yet, just so happy when he throws emotional crumbs her way. Maybe this is too close to emotional abuse to me.

Posted on Apr 28, 2016, 9:07:12 AM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

May, I agree "Itazura Na Kiss" has emotional abuse by the hero on the heroine, and that is why it was never a favorite story of mine. However the Thai version is amongst my favorite dramas, because they made the hero less cold and mean, and they made the heroine less desperate and dumb, while still staying true to their original characters. The only benefit I see of this TW-remake, is that we will most probably get passion. The old TW-version of this story, is the most passionate out of all the versions. But I agree that there are other mangas that need to be remade, and I would love to see a TW-remake of Mars for example. Also the actor they cast as the hero, doesn't look handsome enough, but I don't know it could just be the picture. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post: Apr 28, 2016, 2:25:03 PM PDT Last edited by you on Jun 2, 2016, 9:00:54 AM PDT

Adnana says: (Change)

So, "Divorce Lawyer in Love" didn't have many fans, did it? The h as an ambitious lawyer and the boss from hell is awful in the beginning, and the H as her downtrodden office manager is... well, a wimp (at least in his interactions with the h). Still, even in those first couple of exasperating episodes, when neither the hero nor the heroine were particularly... hero-like, the two of them shone with potential--for growth. And really, who wants their heroes to start their drama-journey as perfectly flawless people? The h's prickliness is OTT, true (in the form of a seeming total disregard for the people working under her, for example), but she's a successful career woman, a super talented lawyer, and completely dedicated to helping her clients. Yay for a h outside the overdone Candy mold! And of course, she's not the emotionally impervious, unfeeling "Chucky" she appears to the world--as shown beautifully in her interactions with her family. The H, in the beginning, though not the most assertive guy around (to say the least), is smart, loyal, and has iron-clad moral principles. Also, as much as he's allowed himself to be pushed around by his boss, the h--because of how much he looks up to her as a lawyer--when he's finally pushed too far, he pushes back and leaves her in the dust without looking back (except

as a source of motivation in striving for personal improvement/advancement). And that's what this drama does so beautifully, imo: it shows the journey of both the H and the h, their gradual, believable change into better (should we go for broke and say: the best?) versions of themselves. When the h and H meet again after 3 years, now he's the lawyer and she's his office manager. She still tries to bully him, but this time... well, he's got the upper hand and he won't let her forget it. Where are we at with the character development after that 3-year time jump? Well, the h still needs to atone for a grave mistake she made on her last case as a lawyer (which got her license suspended)--but she's not irredeemable. She needs to rediscover empathy, for certain, but I loved that, despite her admittedly nasty temper, she was never without a conscience: she truly believed her client, and when she discovered the truth (that the client had manipulated her), she immediately sought to reveal it. And when she was too late, and a life was lost, the h assumed moral culpability--maybe to an even greater degree than she should have. And the H, well, he needs to grow in his new role as a lawyer, and it is the heroine who becomes his unlikely (and very helpful) assistant/teacher. He becomes more confident and his inner steel gets a real chance to shine. No, I would never call him an alpha personality, but he's quietly strong, unyielding when it matters, a bit idealistic, and oh yes, a lot sexy. A lot. The H & h are essential in helping each other grow: at one point (after they've fallen in love), she says that she wants to become a better person for him, and he says that he wants to become someone cooler for her. Oh, but he does. *melts into a puddle* He is such a perfect boyfriend: adoring, tender, supportive, 100% secure and steadfast in his feelings. I loved that as much as his mother (and his "friend" who aspires to become his girlfriend) pressures him, he never even considers giving up his love. And when the h tries to go all noble idiot (thankfully, that phase is brief, and also with an acceptable justification rooted in the h's psychology), he still pursues her (without being an intrusive a-hole about it), then finally tries to accept the h's decision, but in the end just can't let her go. The romance is lovely, the OM and OW never devolve into caricature-like villainy in their pursuit of the H/h. The OM, in particular, is a hoot; and the OW is a really classy lady who falters a bit but in the end does the right thing. I liked this drama a lot. This review convinced me to watch it: https://kjtamusings.wordpress.com/2015/06/23/divorce-lawyer-in-love-review/ Discussion locked | Permalink

Posted on Apr 29, 2016, 7:48:16 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

A Chinese remake of My Love From Another Star called My Amazing Boyfriend is currently airing. Just glancing through the first episode, I doubt it will even come close to equaling the k-drama version. Given Wallace Chung's huge backlist of dramas, I was very surprised by how few of his dramas are actually subbed in English. I may even end up watching Best Time. It won't be the first time I've watched a drama where I only liked one character and hated the rest (Substitute Princess, Passionate Love, A Little Love Never Hurts to name a few) Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on May 1, 2016, 6:00:54 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Gu Man author of 2 of my favorite Chinese dramas (My Sunshine and Boss & Me/Shan Shan Comes to Eat) will have a new drama (Just One Smile is Very Alluring/Wei Wei Yi Xiao Hen Qing Cheng) airing later this year. Her internet novel has been translated into English (see translation link): http://www.books.shushengbar.com/?p=354 Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post: May 2, 2016, 12:36:40 PM PDT

Adnana says: (Change)

I have to mention "Immortal Classic". Its focus on traditional Korean cuisine (Kimchi saves lives!) doesn't exactly make for the most exciting watching experience, and I also thought some plot twists and character changes odd (like the h's decision to suddenly give up her career in oriental medicine to become a culinary expert). So I found this drama no better than average overall--yet it was particularly memorable due to the sheer, overwhelming number of obstacles that was thrown at the H & h in attempting to separate them. Really guys, everything but the kitchen sink in terms of K-drama break-up motivating tropes was tried here, one by one: -a clingy OW; the H loved her but she broke his heart and left him for another man a year before. Now she's returned (things didn't work out with the other man) and wants the H back. She tries everything, nothing is too low, even a (purposefully planned) attempted suicide to guilt the H into coming back to her. But all her tactics are useless, yay! -a missed-his-chance OM, who's crushed on the h for 10 years but was too much of a coward to risk her friendship by confessing his true feelings during all that time. He's also a very close friend of the H's (they practically grew up together). When the OM sees the H & h developing feelings for each other, he begs the H on his knees, crying, to give up the h: but the H says no! -the OW instigates financial pressure & legal threats to blackmail the H's family. The H's father wants the H to get together with the OW to save the family's hospital, but the H refuses! And when the H's father goes to the h to ask her to break up with his son, she refuses! -the h's (adopted) mother also disapproves of the relationship, but the H & h don't give in! The h says she really likes the H, that she won't find anyone else like him (so true!). -there are also birth secrets that could conceivably come between the H & h. Yes, so all of this happened--and any one of the obstacles above could have easily been (and was), in any other drama, sufficient reason for the H & h to go all noble idiot and break up. Yet despite these concerted pressures from all sides--ex-es, family etc.--to tear them apart, the H & h keep faith with each other. The H is a real man, determined and steadfast in his feelings; once he's chosen the h, nothing can shake him. Loved him! And the h, despite being more of a Candy, self-sacrificing Goody-two-Shoes type, is a fair match for the H, in that she doesn't let go of his hand either. (until the very end, when things are truly so difficult that the h tries to break up with the H. Yet even then, she's mostly honest with him about her reasons,

and he won't let her go, so all is well). Anyway, in this generally lackluster drama, the romantic relationship between the H & h was a real highlight. Too bad that the romance was relatively passionless; but then again, a drama with "Healer"-levels of sizzling chemistry and skinship comes along once in a blue moon. Discussion locked | Permalink

In reply to your post on May 3, 2016, 7:57:43 AM PDT

May says:

I watched the following drama over the weekend. Nothing out of the ordinary, but they're entertaining for lazy afternoons: 1) Majurat See Nam Pueng {Sweet Death} (on Viki) - typical thai drama, rich H, poor h, crazy OW (plurals). The H hates the h in the beginning, but makes up for it starting at ep 11 (out of 15 ep). The h is an goody two shoes idiot, but that's nothing new. However, H is eye candy, h is a good actress, and the scenery is pretty. 2) the Sun Beside the Moon (same actress as above - thai drama) - rich H/poor h, meddlesome/harsh H's mom. But the h is spunky/tomboy, mistake the H as gay in the beginning (ensue some really funny scenes). The H is really handsome/borderline pretty. This drama is a little different since the H recognized the h as an equal, so seeks her out alot to help him solve business and personal problems. I recommend this one. 3) Please love the useless me (japan drama) - pretty good story, a bumbling innocent h, a cynical H who's in love with someone else. The h somehow ends up boarding with the H, so he fell for her over time. Good acting overall, it's adapted from a manga i think. 4) blind millionaire (thai drama) - untrusting H, innocent goody two shoe h, the H was blind in an accident, met the h and fell in love with her voice and her goodness. Trick her into marrying him since he's half in love with her, got an operation and can see again, but became an idiot and started listening to the OW. Ofcourse the h endured it all and forgave him at the end. This one is ok only if you have a thai drama addiction. I stumbled into a teaser chinese movie called "a rise of the tomboy" with Zhang Han. It looks pretty funny and endearing but can't find it anywhere. Anyone ever seen it with eng sub? Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on May 3, 2016, 2:51:00 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

May - Looks like A Rise of the Tomboy was just released in theaters in March 2016 so may be 6 months or so until a subbed version is available. Movie also stars Jung Il Woo. http://mydramalist.com/14540-the-rise-of-a-tomboy Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on May 4, 2016, 2:16:42 PM PDT Last edited by the author on May 6, 2016, 12:15:33 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I liked the first episode of the romance Another Miss Oh/Oh Hae Young Again with Eric and Seo Hyun Jin. The H has second sight/precognition and keeps "seeing" visions the h, while the h has the same name and attended the same school as the H's ex-girlfriend. Due to mistaken identify, the H and his best friend cause the h's fiancĂŠ to dump the h the day before her wedding thinking they were getting revenge on the H's ex-girlfriend. So far I'm enjoying the set-up and the characters. ETA: I thought that episode 2 of Another Miss Oh/Oh Hae Young Again was also good. Continue to really like the characters in this one, especially the h. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on May 7, 2016, 6:29:52 PM PDT Last edited by the author on May 7, 2016, 10:13:43 PM PDT

jak says:

I checked out Another Miss Oh/Oh Hae Young, but I would have to watch more to decide if I want to continue or not. Instead, I've been watching and enjoying Good Morning Call, it reminds me of It Started With a Kiss, but with a less stupid heroine and less distant hero, although he is rude at times. I love the fast pace of the drama, on episode 1 they move in together (due to being scammed, they both thought apartment was theirs and they can't afford it by themselves), in ep 3 heroine decides she likes him, hero learns that next episode (but thinks she doesn't mean it) and in episode 6 he returns her feelings (well, he says he doesn't mind her and wants to stay there) and they start dating (or at least having lunch together). It should be 17 episodes and its on netflix (but not in usa). I like it so far. Eta: I was a bit misled by previews. But I do prefer it so far over ISWAK (and by the way, ep 1 ends with their first kiss (accidental).) Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on May 8, 2016, 9:47:26 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Good Morning Call sounds good. Too bad it's not carried on Netflix in the US. I watched some cute rom/com movies over the weekend. SPOILERS Our Times (a TW-movie) featured a h with a crush on the high school's most popular male student, but the H in this movie is actually the school's bad boy. The h and the bad boy H team up to help each other win their respective crushes (and as you learn in the end the h was actually the H's crush all along). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ER61b0ejzlg The Teacher's Diary (a Thai movie) was similar to The Lake House. The H/h both teach at a boathouse school but at different time periods and communicate via a diary. The h/H never physically meet until the last 30 seconds of the movie. It was selected as the Thai entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 2014 Academy Awards but was not nominated. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZC4aq1Jht3Q

Crazy Little Thing Called Love/First Love (an older Thai movie) was another high school romance where the h has a crush on the most popular male student. I actually liked Our Times better than this movie as I thought the H in this movie was way too passive in never once trying to win the h, especially given that he knew all along that she had a crush on him. At least in Our Times the H always thought that the h had a crush on the OM. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLaLWehxJFc Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post: May 11, 2016, 3:36:43 AM PDT

Adnana says: (Change)

I finally got to watch TW-drama "Just You". I saw it recommended many times in the past, even on this thread, so my expectations were pretty high--and they ended up completely quashed by reality. The h was dumber than a bag of bricks--just one example (hard to choose since there's so very many): even when the h's longtime super awesome best friend warned her against the backstabbing, manipulative OW (whom the h had just met, I might add), the h preferred to believe the OW over her best friend; and the H was an indecisive waste of space. He wouldn't decisively choose the h over the OW up until ep20 (out of 21)--and even then, he only rejected the OW at last because he found out about her lies; otherwise, he was seen to still be hesitating over cutting ties with her. Maybe it's because I've watched so many dramas lately, so I was bound to stumble across some stinkers too. And really, there've been so, so many stinkers in dramaland for me lately, that I shouldn't even be disappointed anymore. Yet I really was this time--and "Just You" deserves a special prize for how much it managed to p*ss me off. Discussion locked | Permalink

Your post: May 11, 2016, 4:14:25 AM PDT Last edited by you on Jul 21, 2016, 1:15:18 PM PDT

Adnana says: (Change)

In better news, I finally found "You Are My Sunshine", the movie version of Gu Man's novel "Silent Separation", subtitled. I was pleasantly surprised at how much story they managed to cram into a 100-minute movie. They showed all the important plot movements from the Internet novel--luckily, now that I think about it, the novel itself is pretty short, and the movie was thus able to condense it well. There was still a feeling of hecticness throughout--of events flowing too fast (especially for viewers who aren't familiar with the novel, I'd imagine) and an insufficiently shown foundation for the incredibly strong romantic feelings between the H and h--but overall, I thought the movie was a good, faithful adaptation of the novel. As for the story/romance of He Yi Chen and Zhao Mo Sheng itself--well, I feel that the drama ("My Sunshine") is the best version of it, superior to both the movie and the original novel itself. Why? Because under Gu Man's (the original writer's) direction, the drama fleshed out the characters and their inner (emotional) and outer worlds so much better. Details were added--events, emotional beats, character development--and as a result, the

drama, imho, tells the story in its most complete and thus emotionally moving form. One last thing: imo, Huang Xiao Ming (in the movie) wasn't as good a He Yi Chen as Wallace Chung (in the drama); especially in the first part of the drama, Wallace was really pitch-perfect as the solemn, repressed hero (in the latter part of the drama, I thought that Wallace let loose a bit too much and possibly allowed glimpses of his real personality and lightheartedness, rather than staying completely faithful to Yi Chen's personality). At any rate, I liked Huang Xiao Ming's interpretation but loved Wallace Chung's almost without qualification (and Wallace is my favorite He Yi Chen). As for Zhao Mo Sheng, I thought that Yang Mi (in the movie) was a bit better than Tiffany Tang (in the drama), because (1) she had an awesome wardrobe (Tiffany Tang's wasn't even fit for burning, if you ask me); (2) she didn't have to wear b*tt-ugly wigs (like Tiffany Tang); and (3) the Zhao Mo Sheng in the movie wasn't as excessively mopey as the Zhao Mo Sheng from the first part of the drama. Then again, in fairness, considering all that the h had gone through during her years in the States, and considering that both the H and the h were only half a person without each other, maybe the initially beaten-down, sunshine-less adult Zhao Mo Sheng in the drama was more realistic, psychologically speaking. After she reconciled with Yi Chen and really started to live again, she gradually regained her sunshine and lightness of being, which was a joy to watch. And speaking of which, the movie actually inspired me to a (selective) re-watch of "My Sunshine". I heart that drama so much, and it seems even better the 2nd and 3rd time around. eta: I wish they'd make a movie version of "Shan Shan, Come Eat". I know that I'm in the minority, but I'm overall unsatisfied with the drama version of that story. Discussion locked | Permalink

Posted on May 12, 2016, 8:47:24 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Adnana - was the movie version of You Are My Sunshine translated into English or another language? I read Gu Man's translated novel Just One Smile is Very Alluring/Wei Wei Yi Xiao Hen Qing Cheng and am really curious on how well it will translate into a live action drama. The H/h are gamers and for the first 20 chapters of the novel (out of 48) their only contact with each other is via their Player Characters in the game that they both play (in the game their Player Characters are married) and a substantial portion of the action takes place in the game (which I'm not sure will make for very interesting watching). I continue to enjoy Another Miss Oh/Another Oh Hae Young. Unfortunately, the OW has been reintroduced into the story. I'm just hoping that the drama doesn't go the usual route and make her the classic nasty OW. I already dislike her and the drama so far really hasn't shown her doing anything unkind. Will be interesting to see if they give her a valid reason to not showing up for her wedding to the H - please don't be deadly illness (like My Name is Kim Sam Soon) or amnesia (like Witch's Romance). I continue to really like the h in this one and the H (despite the massive wrong he did to the h and her fiancĂŠ) is also pretty likable. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on May 12, 2016, 9:26:33 AM PDT

1ladydevil says:

I've looked on several websites for the eng sub for the You Are My Sunshine movie and can't find it. Does anyone know where it is? Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post: May 12, 2016, 10:35:44 AM PDT Last edited by you on May 12, 2016, 11:29:41 AM PDT

Adnana says: (Change)

taz-mania, 1ladydevil--who asked about "You Are My Sunshine" movie The movie was translated into English; it became available last month (I only found out this week). The translator is an independent fan-subber (i.e. not connected to either Viki or DramaFever or the like), which is why I think the translation hasn't spread to other dramawatching sites. There's no soft subtitle available (yet), just the hard-subbed video, which has been uploaded on Youtube. Weirdly enough, it seems that the movie can't be found easily with the Youtube search engine (maybe it's not indexed?). At least, I couldn't when I tried just now. Anyways, I had the direct Youtube link from MyDramaList (which is, basically, my favorite drama-related site on the whole wide web). I don't know if it's okay to post the Youtube link here; I propose that you just look up the page for this movie on MyDramaList.com, and search for the link in the comments section. Happy watching. Discussion locked | Permalink

Posted on May 12, 2016, 11:02:11 AM PDT Last edited by the author on May 12, 2016, 11:20:48 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Thanks, Adnana! I found it on youtube. (ETA: and I agree about My Drama List, it is a great site. Also, you made it much further with Just You than I did - I don't think I made it past the first couple of episodes.) Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post: May 13, 2016, 7:45:14 AM PDT Last edited by you on May 16, 2016, 2:32:50 AM PDT

Adnana says: (Change)

Not too long ago, I finished old-school drama "Lovers", which is often praised for its supposedly intense chemistry between the H & h (the actors went on to date in real life). I actually didn't find their chemistry that sizzling in the drama, though I will admit there were some very realistic and hot kisses in the last quarter of the series (including a surprisingly protracted bed scene). It's just that I had many problems with the story, and in particular with the romance development itself, so by the time the actors got to the more touchy-feely part of their relationship, my interest was almost gone. First of all, I found it problematic that the H (a gangster) & the h (a doctor) would fall for each other in the first place, considering that the H was involved in a longtime relationship (8 years!) with the OW, and moreover, she was pregnant with his child. Then there's the questionable logic:

(1) if it's already gotten to the point where the H & h have fallen in love and are absolutely miserable without each other, then when the H finally has the chance to break up with the OW (because, as callous as it sounds--and it is--she's miscarried and thus the last real tie binding them together is gone)--why does he go instead and freaking proposes to her? He didn't even propose to her before, when he first found out about her pregnancy, but he does now? Basically only offering the OW a shell of himself (without his heart) on the one hand, and on the other hand crushing the h whom he does love deeply. (2) if the H is supposedly a bad boy gangster--one who was callous enough to keep the OW by his side for 8 years without offering love or real commitment for the future; one who is selfish enough to fall for another girl while his longtime lover is carrying his child--then why isn't he bad to the end? This supposedly tough gangster falls on his knees to beg his girlfriend for a breakup (after she's miscarried and he's proposed)--and I'm supposed to, what, feel moved by his emotional manpain? That's not what I signed up for! That's emotional manipulation, from the pen of a wishy-washy writer who can't commit to writing a consistent hero. 'Cause either he's a gangster whose only softness is the heroine, which I admit I'll dig, or he's an emotional marshmallow who should never have been advertised as a cold anti-hero in the first place. With such contradictory personality traits, he ends up both and neither--i.e. just a caricature. Then there was the heroine. She was such a materialistic brat, at least in her outwardlyexpressed convictions (in her actions, she doesn't really follow through, but still!). She planned to sell her father's land--on which an orphanage was built--without letting her father know, just so she would have money to open a hospital (she's a doctor--who, btw, specialized in plastic surgery because she doesn't want to be responsible for matters of actual life and death) and land a rich husband. Then, she saves the H's life but later when she finds out that he's the creditor for that land (because her father made a bad business decision), suddenly she turns around and says she wishes she had never saved him. What's the matter with you, woman? Your father was dumb enough to guarantee a loan and got swindled by someone else, but that's not the fault of the guy who admittedly took advantage of the situation and now owns the mortgage on the land. The H didn't do anything illegal, and morally--well, he's no worse than any bank, if you consider. Even if he were a bad guy--which he isn't since he saved your ungrateful butt many times already--how can you, as a doctor, regret saving a life for just as shabby a reason as she has? Also, there are all those "shining" moments when the heroine decides to date the OM to get over the H. And that's okay, because she was honest with the OM about her reasons. But it was not okay that, after getting together with the OM, she kept harping on and on about how much she loves the H. Why would you keep telling your boyfriend how much your yearn for some other man and rub salt into his wounds? And last but not least, on a superficial note: I found the actress who plays the heroine so distracting, both in her acting style (too ditzy and jarringly aegyo-filled) and her appearance (so much plastic surgery. so much!). I don't usually care whether an actress has had plastic surgery, but with this actress in "Lovers" (Kim Jung Eun), it got to the point where I'd sometimes get the heebie jeebies looking at her face; it just seemed so unnatural. And lucky me, now I'm also seeing her in "Lovers in Paris", which I've been watching on and off and plan to finish up soon. In conclusion: "Lovers" was more of a miss than a hit for me. The romantic connection

between the H & h was somewhat moving, but it was too much of a slow burn imo, and the context around it was wrong for me in many ways. Discussion locked | Permalink

Your post: May 15, 2016, 6:06:08 AM PDT

Adnana says: (Change)

I only recently got to watch "My Princess", despite this being an older drama, and I liked it so, so much. From beginning to end it was fluff, the entire story setup and development just an excuse and opportunity for the H & h's romance to develop, but it was such easy-to-watch, harmless, and feel-good fluff that I couldn't help but indulge in it. That's what a romantic comedy should have: gorgeous eye candy, 2 quirky people who are seeming opposites of each other meeting with sparks flying and bickering their way into love, and then proceeding to be cute as bunnies together. No gross stupidity on the part of either the H or the h (in behavior and decision-making), no endless angst (just the right amount), crackling chemistry, and a guaranteed happy ending. Go watch it if you haven't already! (just park the rational part of your brain at the door) Discussion locked | Permalink

Posted on May 15, 2016, 11:02:53 AM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Speaking of plastic surgery, I think the worst case of plastic surgery I have seen was in the heroine in the movie "Catch Me/ Steal My Heart", not only did her face look weird and unnatural, her voice was also unnatural. However I overlooked these irritations, and gave the movie a good review on this thread, because the story was very funny and Joo Won did a good job. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on May 15, 2016, 1:44:13 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

One of the drama streaming sites has added Good Morning Call to its playlist. Episodes 1 -13 are available with English subs. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on May 15, 2016, 4:03:35 PM PDT

Lauren says:

@taz-mania..Could you please share the name of the site that has the eng. subs for Good Morning Call? Thanks! Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on May 15, 2016, 6:17:30 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Lauren - kissasian dot com

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Posted on May 15, 2016, 6:32:05 PM PDT Last edited by the author on May 15, 2016, 10:45:52 PM PDT

jak says:

@Adnana I enjoyed My Princess too, a cute fluffy romance with likable leads. And I heard about Just You's problems, so I'm not surprised. I've also watched ep 1 of Five Kids, or Five Children, solid first episode, but it's a weekend drama, and although the kids are cute, and it has a sort of Brady Bunch plot of two families joining together, I don't know if I can watch 50 or more episodes. I'm on ep 11 of Good Morning Call and still enjoying it. Spoiler for it -It should be 17 episodes and at end of ep 8, H confesses to h he likes her and they arrange to go on a date. There's actually a sequel to the manga, so this could definitely have a sequel as well. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on May 15, 2016, 7:00:30 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Adnana says "And lucky me, now I'm also seeing her in "Lovers in Paris", which I've been watching on and off and plan to finish up soon." Not to spoil the drama for you, but I've always avoided watching Lovers in Paris as it's always mentioned in any discussion of dramas with the "worst endings". Let us know what you think when you finish this one. You replied with a later post Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post, in reply to an earlier post on May 15, 2016, 10:05:27 PM PDT Last edited by you on Jun 2, 2016, 9:11:31 AM PDT

Adnana says: (Change)

taz-mania, No worries; having been burned in the past, I've become pretty ocd about researching the dramas I'm planning to watch before I actually commit and dive in, so I know about "Lovers in Paris"s controversial ending. But that's all it is--an unnecessarily convoluted ending that can be interpreted in negative ways. But the correct interpretation is that the main romance actually ends very happily with a reunion of the lovers in Paris, and an engagement. (Umm, spoiler alert.) Anyways, if you want the complete ending explained (and why the H & h's romance is not a screenplay, not a fictional story within the story, but actual reality--hint: there's a newspaper article about the H & h's engagement), go here: http://www.pinoyexchange.com/forums/showthread.php?t=200843

Posted on May 16, 2016, 7:29:04 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Adnana - glad the show's ending isn't horrible, just poorly executed. I recently rewatched substantial portions of Ojakgyo Brothers, primarily the Hwang Tae Hui/Baek Ja Eun (Joo Won/Uee) and Hwang Tae Bum/Cha Soo Yeong romances. Ojakgyo Brothers was one of the first family dramas that I watched and at the time naively believed that all family dramas would be this good. However, after years of watching one family drama dud after another I've concluded that there are very few family dramas as good as Ojakgyo Brothers (Family's Honor, Unexpected You and the lead romance in Smile You are also favorites). I do wish that other writers/directors would copy the magic formula that these dramas have. Interestingly enough this time around I actually ended up really liking the H's mother in Ojakgyo Brothers. I do recall that the first time I watched this drama I didn't like her but compared to the typical k-drama mother she's actually golden and the grandma wasn't too bad either. But perhaps the reason that I liked the mother better this time around was because I skipped all of the early episodes of the dramas where the mother was pretty cruel to the h. On a different note, I wasn't wowed by the first episode of Beautiful Gong Shim as I found the h to be immature. Also, not too sure why they decided to have her wear what has to be the ugliest wig ever made, as I don't believe anybody in their right mind would buy something that unflattering. If the show was trying to make me feel sorry for the h they failed miserably. I thought she came across as childish when she expected her sister (the family's main support, who was also paying off the father's debt) to loan her money to take Italian lessons. I also thought she was backstabbing the sister by refusing to give up the lawsuit knowing that she was jeopardizing her sister's job (and the family's primary means of support). Her "woe is me" is a little hard to take. As it relates to the H, it appears that he is going to be the "missing" grandson. I hope he and his cousin remain friends. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post: May 17, 2016, 12:37:45 AM PDT

Adnana says: (Change)

taz-mania, You wrote a bit about "All About My Mom" last year. Did you continue watching, and was the central romance worth it? I'm tempted to try it, because, well, Eugene and Lee Sang-woo. And speaking of long dramas. Have you guys watched any of the following and loved or hated it--or something in between? (this is my tentative watch list of long dramas that I couldn't find sufficient information about) All that Glitters aka Twinkle Twinkle (2011) Childless Comfort aka Childless Good Fortune (2012) Flower of the Queen aka Queen's Flower (2015) I Have a Lover (2015) If Tomorrow Comes (2011) Make a Woman Cry (2015) My Daughter, Geum Sa Wol (2015)

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Posted on May 17, 2016, 8:00:35 AM PDT Last edited by the author on May 17, 2016, 6:07:50 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Adnana - I did finish All About My Mom. Overall, it was a solid family drama but one that I probably could have dropped at any time and never missed. Unfortunately, I didn't find the lead romance to be that interesting or addictive (the chemistry just seemed lacking). The younger brother's romance had a cute premise and at times was certainly more interesting than the lead romance. Also, I didn't care for the older brother or his romance (although his romance seemed to be the one that generated the most following on Soompi). While the drama isn't as bad as Your the Best Lee Soon Shin, it certainly isn't in the same league as Ojakgyo Brothers or Family's Honor. I haven't watched any of the other dramas on your list. I've heard good things about Childless Comfort but put off watching it because for the longest time only the first 25 episodes were subbed (but I think Viki now has all episodes available). Also, I Have a Lover had several devoted followers who discussed it weekly on Dramabeans Open Thread, but I'm not that interested in the cheating husband trope (especially if the cheater is the H and the person he cheated on is the h). I continue to really enjoy Oh Hae Young Again. Since it's from the same director as Marriage Not Dating it has a similar vibe. I thought episode 5 was going to be the first one where the H didn't have a vision of the h but they threw one in at the last second. You replied with a later post Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on May 17, 2016, 4:01:17 PM PDT

May says:

Speaking of family drama, I'm currently watching "five children" and it's surprisingly good. I don't usually do family drama, i can't handle meddlesome moms or dads, but this one is pretty funny. The main couple is very mature in their interactions and the secondary couple, the main H's youngest sister and the pro gofer is truly funny and sweet. My only objection is the MIL, she's so attached to her son in law (the H who is widowed) is bordering on obsessive. Is anyone watching anything interesting lately? I tried "my amazing boyfriend" but dropped it at eps 10. I can't handle the h, and the H lip syncing just puts me off. I want to watch "far away love" a chinese drama with PHJ (I'm a fan after cheese in the trap). Some reviewers (mydramalist) said it's one of those H that is jealously obsessive with the h, so I'm now really intrigue. Viki is ever sooooooo slowly subbing it (6% on ep 1). If anyone seen it sub somewhere, appreciate the heads up. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on May 17, 2016, 9:07:55 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Spoilers: Another Miss Oh/Oh Hae Young Again continues to be very good and in Episode 6 we finally get the back story as to why the OW dumped the H on their wedding day (and yay it wasn't the expected dreaded illness but instead the nasty MIL trope). The h continues to be awesome (and so are her parents). The romance is moving forward at a good pace with the h now admitting that she likes the H. Given the wrong that the H committed against the h's exfiancée, I think he's going to struggle with his feelings for the h (kinda bad to not only destroy a man's life but to then add extra damage by dating the man's former fiancée). I'm also expecting lots of angst once the ex-fiancée gets out of jail and the h realizes what the H has done. (Hmmm despite the makjang sounding storylines this drama actually has a lot of heart and humor). Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post, in reply to an earlier post on May 18, 2016, 6:11:39 AM PDT

Adnana says: (Change)

taz-mania, Thank you for the info re: "All About My Mom". May I also ask the people who watched "Maids" last year for a final review and grade? Was it a good drama and was there romance? Discussion locked | Permalink

In reply to your post on May 18, 2016, 8:42:16 AM PDT

May says:

Adnana: I didn't watch "Maids" b/c of similar reservations as you. Has anyone seen this one? Is it a romance? Since it's a historical, does it have a happy ending? Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to your post on May 19, 2016, 8:12:20 AM PDT Last edited by the author on May 20, 2016, 7:19:32 AM PDT

May says:

I think someone mentioned "Good Morning Call" in previous posts but it was on Netflix outside of USA. I saw this series with eng sub on dramacool.to yesterday. The series is sub there already to eps 13. I caught eps 1-7 and I feel it's very very similar to "It Started with a Kiss". Cold/smart/good looking/insulting H in love with OW, clumsy/dumb/clingy/desperately in love h. They go to the same school, live in the same house, and a love triangle/square ensues. Just like ISWK, I want to slap some pride into the h. The OM is just as smart/good looking but is kind and warm to her. Why does she fall for the cold corpse H. Does it get better or should I drop it? Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post: May 19, 2016, 11:59:27 PM PDT

Adnana says: (Change)

luvnlife, You seemed very excited when you were watching "Maids" last year. Did that drama stay good until the end? In an outside review, I was reading just now that the intensity let up in the 2nd half, and I was wondering whether you agreed. Discussion locked | Permalink

Posted on May 25, 2016, 4:53:31 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I was surprised to read that Park Hae Jin has agreed to star in the movie version of Cheese in the Trap. Unfortunately, Kim Go Eun will not be back as the h, so I won't be able to pretend it's just the wrap up of the TV series. Let's just hope they manage to avoid ruining the movie. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on May 25, 2016, 8:59:36 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Interesting, I just hope that the movie turns out well, and gets posted for us English subbed Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on May 26, 2016, 5:45:30 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Dramacool now has an English subbed version of the movie The Rise of the Tomboy. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on May 26, 2016, 7:10:00 AM PDT

May says:

Taz---thanks for the heads up on both "cheese" movie and "tomboy'. Both are good news!!! I really hope the cheese movie will have a definite ending. I don't like the ambiguity ending of the drama. I was rooting so strongly for them to be together. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on May 26, 2016, 10:28:16 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Another Miss Oh/Oh Hae Young Again remains my crack drama as both episodes this week were really good. Hopefully the 2 episode extension will not throw off the pacing. The h's parents remain golden - probably best set of parents I've seen so far in a k-drama. I do worry that the H seems to be cracking up, I think the guilt and visions are getting to him. I was expecting a kiss this week, just wasn't expecting it to be via one of the H's visions. Guess we'll see the real thing next week. Wonder if the h finds out what the H did to her ex-fiancĂŠe next week because she seemed extremely mad at the H. Lucky Romance is also off to a decent start. Hwang Jung Eum doesn't seem as screechy as in some of her dramas.

I'll probably give episode 2 of Beautiful Gong Shim a try. I wasn't wowed by the first episode but read that the second episode was better. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post: May 27, 2016, 2:03:58 AM PDT Last edited by you on May 27, 2016, 2:11:23 AM PDT

Adnana says: (Change)

So, "Lovers in Paris". It is the quintessential romantic K-drama, with all the classic tropes--involving a chaebol H; Candy h; lovelorn OM; won't-take-no-for-an answer, hateful OW. Only of course, this is a 2004 drama, so what we regard as "classic" K-drama tropes & archetypes *now* was still being established and perfected *then*--and "Lovers in Paris" certainly seems to have played a major role in that genre-defining process. The effectiveness and crack-factor of the characters and situations it was "selling" to the public can hardly be doubted, after all, considering that this drama's peak viewership ratings surpassed 55% nationwide. The premise, in a nutshell: the H and the h meet in Paris. He's a cold, rich businessman who's never loved before (which is why his first wife--a family-arranged match--divorced him 2 years previously), and the h is a poor, plucky film student. It all sounds very familiar, but luckily the H at least isn't the typical arrogant prick one would expect (see heroes in Secret Garden, Master's Sun, Spy Myung Wol etc.). Sure, there are a few initial misunderstandings with the h, and he misjudges her (and reacts badly), but luckily everything gets resolved quickly enough, and the H is properly remorseful. He's not the type to apologize, we are told, but the h insists on a proper apology--and gets it, yay! Thereafter, and even before they become an actual couple, the H always treats the h very well. The h, too, as can already be inferred from the above, at least isn't a downtrodden Candy. She's optimistic and full of joie-de-vivre, and though she has a very good heart that the antagonists tend to use against her, at least she seems to have everyone's number. The H is very devoted to the h once he falls in love. He never even considers the OW that his father is pushing on him in yet another arranged match, and the way he treats her is perfect: he doesn't like her and doesn't put up with her cr*p but is still a gentleman. Also, as much as he cares for his nephew--who's the OM loving the h--he isn't willing to step aside for him. Another bonus: the H & h are in a relationship for a good-sized portion of the drama and have lots of cute moments. Don't be worried about the ending--it is a HEA. Convoluted and thus a bit confusing at first glance, yes, but a HEA nevertheless. (For spoilery details about the ending, read here: http://www.pinoyexchange.com/forums/showthread.php?t=200843) Still, I won't count this drama among my favorites. The H looks like real-life chaebols probably look--i.e. not actor- or model-handsome--which is great if they were going for realism but not so great for those of us watching K-dramas for the eye candy. I didn't find him attractive and also felt that his chemistry with the h was lacking, so it was a bit hard connecting with the love story. On a more positive note, from the three dramas in writer Kim Eun Sook's "Lovers" trilogy, I

did like "Lovers in Paris" the best (even if that's not saying very much considering that "Lovers in Prague" and "Lovers" made me ragey). Discussion locked | Permalink

Your post: May 29, 2016, 2:45:33 AM PDT Last edited by you on Jul 21, 2016, 12:58:51 PM PDT

Adnana says: (Change)

Now for a couple of dramas that I found suitable only for skip-watching: 1) High Society. I couldn't understand the heroine. She was a mass of contradictions, aimless and inconsistent--changing her beliefs/decisions on a dime (for example, re: her "allimportant" part-time job, involvement in her family's business etc.). Her romance with the H was without depth and sizzle. This drama is only worth watching for the much better realized 2nd OTP, but even that romance lost much of its cuteness in the end stretch. 2) Mask. Another h that was truly exasperating for much too long. Up until e10 (i.e. basically, for the entire 1st half of the drama), the h was almost catatonic (symptoms: constantly lowered head, speaking in mumbles only or not at all, passive behavior). Then h did get better, and her relationship with the H was cute (because the H was cute), but it left me wanting. Were there any memorable romantic moments? Was there even time for that? The h finally reciprocated the H's feelings (openly) in e14, but then he found out the truth (about the h having assumed a false identity) and it derailed the romance. H & h only got together in e17 (so late!), but even then they had to deal with lots of crap and continued separations before the last-minute HE. Overall, I thought that this drama wasted its great sets and cast with a subpar story. 3) Creating Destiny. This one's a (longer) family drama. The H & h are forced into an engagement neither of them wants by their families, start to fake-date because of it, and eventually fall in love. During that portion of the drama, I was extremely frustrated by how the H would constantly misunderstand the H--which was bad enough--and the h just wouldn't explain--which was even worse. I did like how, after the H & h finally acknowledged their mutual feelings and *then* their families changed their minds and wanted to separate them, the H wouldn't have it. He stood firm in front of his family's--and in particular, his mother's aggressive--pressure, and wouldn't even consider breaking up with the h. He would only marry her, he insisted, or not at all. He was pretty great in that latter part of the drama. The romance itself, though, wasn't particularly memorable overall and considering that the H & h went on to date and marry in real life, I would have expected a more intense kind of chemistry between them in the drama--which sadly wasn't the case imo. Discussion locked | Permalink

Your post: May 29, 2016, 2:57:20 AM PDT Last edited by you on May 31, 2016, 10:32:49 PM PDT

Adnana says: (Change)

But speaking of family dramas... I ended up watching "Childless Comfort" aka "Childless Good Fortune" and well... knock me over with a feather, why don't you. I got to see my very first K-drama OTP that started out and developed as primarily a sexual relationship--with the actual hugs and kisses and *gasp* the prelude and aftermath of bed scenes shown on screen! There were frank, surprisingly detailed discussions about the H and h's past sex lives (he's an unrepentant player, she's *gasp again* not a virgin!), there was sex (and various affectionate gestures) initiated by the h (with the H), and the H got to flaunt his yummy naked upper body quite a bit. Really, knock me over with a feather, you naughty cable family drama, you! I liked this drama's frank portrayal of the personal (sexual) lives of modern young professionals, and also of various societal issues. There's a big family at the center of the drama, and of course the grandfather (the stern patriarch) and the grandmother are very traditional-minded. They have three sons: the eldest son has one daughter and two boys, the 2nd son has one boy, the 3rd son and his wife are childless--for which state of 'childless comfort' they come to congratulate themselves often over the course of the drama as they see the various scrapes that their nephews/niece get into and how much their parents are affected by that. For example, there's the 1st son's eldest daughter, who is a judge and the pride and joy of the family--and who's been hiding a pregnancy with no husband. When the parents find out, oh the devastation, oh the scandal! And how to even imagine telling the grandparents? Another case: the 2nd son's only son is recently married, and the mother-in-law and new daughter-in-law can't stand each other yet come to live under the same roof. Yikes! The MIL is difficult, the DIL does NOT take anything on the chin (incredible, right?), and the son/husband is caught in the middle. Talk about fireworks! But then comes the gradual mutual acceptance and growth of affection between the 2 women. And so it goes... The H & h I was talking about earlier (the ones who get to have lots of sex, lol) are the 1st son's 1st son (eldest grandson in the 3rd generation) and his girl. Oh, and she's a bit older than him (and his sunbae). The H's younger brother is also given a romance of his own--with a runaway high school senior no less (she's 18, he's 25 but a very innocent, kind soul). Oh, the horror--when the mother is told her youngest son wants to marry a minor! There's actually more focus, however, on the shenanigans of the 1st and especially 2nd generation than on the relationships of the 3rd generation. (And it's funny, but also frustrating, how these middle-aged couples too often act no better than immature children.) Overall, a well-realized, interesting family drama; well-written and completely free of histrionics/makjang. On the negative side, I didn't find any of the romances memorable. Discussion locked | Permalink

Posted on May 30, 2016, 10:25:58 AM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Okay, so even though I am out of the drama loop for a while now (I've only been following "Back to 1989" TW-drama, and it has been so good but I feel that a story like this requires stronger acting, but I overlook the sometimes awkward or cheesy, because the meat of this story is interesting and strong), but I just read that JJH (h from MLFTS) and Lee Min Ho will star in the new drama from the writer of "My Love from the Stars", but this time the story will be based on the "Little Mermaid". So I don't really know what to make of that, I just hope it turns out good, and has a happy/satisfying ending.

I don't see my k-drama drought ending anytime soon, because I tried watching "Lucky Romance", and it has the ingredients to be a good show, but I find the male lead to be lacking - he is not charismatic (I wish they had picked another actor to play the male lead). So I can't get into it, because I know I will suffer second male lead syndrome. I guess I will continue to watch movies (in English, not Asian movies), since I've been catching up on some of the movies that I hadn't watched yet, that have a premise I find interesting (mostly dramas and romances). I am waiting until July, because then "W" and "Ardently Fond" will air, and I'm hoping that those will be the shows I can get into, especially "W" if they actually allow the story to be intense/suspenseful alongside the romance, and don't ruin it by making it "run of the mill" k-drama. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on May 30, 2016, 12:25:47 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Interesting news about the Little Mermaid drama - lets all hope they base it on the Walt Disney version and not on the actual Little Mermaid story (cause that one didn't have a happy ending for the h). Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on May 30, 2016, 2:47:33 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Adnana - Seems like you're watching a lot of the older family/sitcom dramas. I've read a lot of raves for "I Live in Cheongdamdong" (eeek 170 half hour episodes). Have you watched this one? If so, was it worth investing the 85 hours it would take to watch? Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post: May 30, 2016, 10:18:00 PM PDT

Adnana says: (Change)

taz-mania, Re: "I Live in Cheongdamdong" I don't have any notes on this drama because when I made my list, it wasn't available. Even now, it'd be a great win if one could find even the raw videos, but there are no subtitles available. Or do you have a source? (viki only has 19 eps) The thing is, this is a JTBC daily, and in general, SBS and cable dailies are only very rarely subtitled--because what subbing group picks up 100+ episode dramas? (For KBS and MBC, on the other hand, it is the broadcasters themselves that make the dramas available, through KBS World and MBC America respectively--with EN subs included.) At any rate, even "Childless Comfort"--though arguably a far superior weekend-er than 90% of what SBS/KBS/MBC churn out--because it is a JBTC drama, wasn't subtitled for the longest time. I was surprised when Viki decided to pick it up eventually. Discussion locked | Permalink

In reply to your post on May 31, 2016, 1:42:22 PM PDT Last edited by the author on May 31, 2016, 4:31:32 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I had thought that VIKI had completed subbing I Live in Cheongdamdong. Too bad that only the first 19 episodes are completed, with 170 episodes it might be years before it's finished. I'm still trying to find a subbed version of the Infamous Chill Sisters/Famous Princesses. Even though this drama is 10 years old, I keeping hoping that with the popularity of Park Hae Jin and Lee Seung Ki that at least one person would have an interest in subbing it. Spoilers ETA: I continue to really like Another Miss Oh. H finally admits his feeling for h (just took him getting jealous that the h might start dating her ex-fiancĂŠe). I also liked that the H told the OW that he has no intention or need to see her in the future. And we got not one but 2 hot kisses between the H/h. Unfortunately, this was also the first time that they didn't quickly show the real life event associated with one of the H's premonitions (looks like he suffers a severe head injury perhaps related to a car accident). Please no amnesia. But then so far this drama has managed to avoid the normal k-drama tropes and I have hope that they will continue to do so. You replied with a later post Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post, in reply to an earlier post on May 31, 2016, 11:14:23 PM PDT Last edited by you on Jun 2, 2016, 8:40:38 AM PDT

Adnana says: (Change)

"Another Miss Oh" is the one drama from the current crop that I'm most interested in watching. I'll wait for more episodes in the can, though, to make sure it doesn't go off the rails in the 2nd half. And surely, it won't have a bad ending (as in: the H loses his mind or memories or life), right? Surely. Speaking of dramas that take an 180-turn/give their main characters personality transplants in the 2nd half... Why, hello there, "Lie to Me", you of the vaunted sexy chemistry between the leads. Ironically enough, I didn't completely buy into the romance. Sure, there were a couple of very hot kisses, and the actors had nice rapport, but still I felt like something was missing in their interactions. That extra spark that takes "good"(I like it) to "great"(I freaking love it). I blame it on the inconsistent writing. So this drama changed writers midway, right? Then suddenly the H & h's romance started moving forward again, which should have been a plus (after being derailed spectacularly by the reappearance of the H's ex--btw, I did not like at all how the H handled that situation at first). Only the H's personality also got such an extreme makeover that it gave me whiplash. This serious, collected businessman who was only the slightest (perfect) bit quirky before, suddenly started acting like a complete dork and closet funnyman. And the h, who had been the endearingly oddball one--and the one most often pursuing the H--was suddenly nononsense and reluctant to even give the H the time of day. Sure, there's that thing called character growth in dramas--but this was not it, it was too extreme, and it jarred.

I also wasn't very happy with the buildup to the ending... ***SPOILERS*** when the h realized, at the 12th hour, that she didn't actually want to get married to the H for a frankly idiotic reason--because, get this, she had the feeling that she'd lost "something". Surely not her supposedly deep love for this great guy who absolutely adored her and wanted to spend the rest of their lives making her happy? Surely not her wish to stay by his side while she confirmed her feelings, if indeed they suddenly and inexplicably needed confirming? Surely not her ever-loving mind? Sigh. I can accept many a scenario as long as it's been cohesively and believably built into a drama's narrative, but when a plot development just seems... Idk, a twist for twist's sake, to elicit an "aha, gotcha!"-effect from viewers, to emotionally manipulate them... it cheapens the entire drama watching experience. At least, that's how I felt. Thus overall, "Lie to Me" was just an okay drama for me. Discussion locked | Permalink

Your post: Jun 11, 2016, 8:46:23 AM PDT Last edited by you on Jun 11, 2016, 8:47:45 AM PDT

Adnana says: (Change)

In trying to reduce my huge TBW-list to more manageable proportions, I've also gone back to watching long dramas. Worthy pickings were scarce there. "All About My Mom" I found just average, with 2 OTPs (the h's and the younger brother's) beset by noble idiocy at crucial moments (which translated to break-ups)--which severely tested my patience--and one OTP (the older brother's) that I didn't even care about because I couldn't stand either of the two characters involved. "What Happens to this Family" had no memorable OTP. The main H (the youngest brother) I thought was a coward who messed with the h's head way too much (with his push/pull attitude) because of his own failings--i.e. because of his lack of professional success and mostly, lack of confidence. I hated that aspect, and seriously wondered why the h didn't just go with the other contender for her heart (handsome, smart, successful, HONEST about his feelings!). For me, it would have been a no-brainer choice. "A Good Day for the Wind to Blow". I dropped this 1/3 through, because it was never gonna be a keeper and so I didn't want to waste any more time. Up until that point, ironically enough, I found the OW more sympathetic than the H (he was such a liar! both towards the OW and the h. he really had no right to be hiding from them the things he did). Last, but definitely not least, the only recent drama that really took my emotions on a scaryintense roller-coaster: "I Have a Lover". (to be continued) Discussion locked | Permalink

In reply to your post on Jun 11, 2016, 8:30:05 PM PDT

Spectator51 says:

I have been enjoying I Have A Lover, but now I'm stalled on episode 38. I'm not sure whether I don't want it to end or if I'm afraid of how it might end. Sigh! Very unique and well done drama. The leads are both favorites of mine, so I love seeing them together. You replied with a later post

Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Jun 12, 2016, 12:06:12 AM PDT

Adnana says: (Change)

There's just something about "I Have a Lover", isn't there? An intangible kind of... call it actor chemistry, or story crack factor... or just call it sheer magic that really elevates the material to a whole other level. I've seen technically almost-perfect dramas that failed to draw me in because they didn't engage my emotions--and then there are the rare dramas like "I Have a Lover" which, despite their flaws, are just impossible to look away from. Basically, "I have a Lover", for me, was a very different breed from anything I've so far encountered in the K-dramaworld. While the plot is technically makjang (fake death, longlost twins, amnesia are just a few of the tropes used here), to me it had less of the feel of a typical weekend K-drama and more of that of a soap opera, or even of the telenovelas of yore (that I used to find addictive). Despite its OTT elements, "I Have a Lover" is anchored in such strong, emotional acting--especially from the two leads--that you cannot but be completely immersed into that world. After the complete and utter devastation in the first part of the drama (which portrays the final breakdown of the H and h's marriage), the stage is set for the story proper (when the H and h meet again on a whole other playing field, with the balance of power shifted), where you wait with bated breath as, one by one, the shattered and scattered puzzle pieces get rediscovered (or in some cases, discovered for the first time) and are added to a breathtaking picture. It's by no means a technically flawless process (like I said, this is not a technically perfect drama!), but what ultimately makes "I Have a Lover" so much better than its parts is the emotional thorough-line (beyond and above the actual plot events) that runs throughout the drama and flawlessly binds all those disparate pieces together. It's quite an epic emotional thorough-line, actualized in an epic relationship. Because of course, at the core of this drama is a relationship: the shifting, immensely romantic yet tragic relationship between two people (the H and h) who love each other deeply and are bound together by years and years of intimate togetherness and yet who lose sight of their love and finally lose each other. It seems permanent, that loss--only then they get a second chance. Do they deserve that second chance, though? You see, the H cheated on his wife. Before that, the h was responsible for the death of their daughter through her ruthless business practices, and she was cold and emotionally withdrawn with her husband. But still, how could he want to end the marriage--and choose to do so by cheating? Thus, "I Have a Lover" offered this, for me at least, fascinating conundrum: a cheating hero, but also very likely the most crazyin-love and obsessed hero that I have ever watched on-screen. If your decision is hanging in the balance, whether you'll be able to stomach the H in this drama, three points that might tip the scale towards giving him a chance (because imo this drama is worth it): 1) Skip the first 9 episodes. Seriously, just read a summary (link below) and skip the whole painful, messy affair bit. You won't get to see the H fight quite desperately to get out of his marriage (and his infidelity!), and you won't get to see the h fall apart because of it.

http://www.ninjareflection.com/2015/10/i-have-lover-episode-1-10-catch-up.html 2) This quote from the page linked above: "Not excusing the whole icky affair thing, but there are plenty of hints that Jin Eon(H) still loves Hae Gang(h) deeply. Case in point. Hae Gang tries to commit suicide when she realizes she has truly lost Jin Eon by jumping into a lake. Jin Eon successfully saves Hae Gang and holds her like he almost lost his whole world. At this point I am kinda torn about our hero since on one hand I really don't think Hae Gang should give a cheating husband a second chance but then on the other hand I can't help but be moved whenever I see little clues of how much Jin Eon loves her. Plus, let's just be honest. While it didn't justify the cheating, the cold and unemotional Hae Gang really was someone that was very hard to love. I think Jin Eon gave up on Hae Gang when she told him that she didn't grieve or miss their daughter anymore." 3) Whatever pain the H causes the h with his infidelity and abandonment--he pays for it more than three-, not tenfold. He really loves her like crazy, has loved her all his life and will forever love only her, only he thought he couldn't live with her anymore (ergo the affair and divorce). When he discovered how wrong he was, he really went through the pains of hell getting punished and trying to make up for his mistake. So yeah, this was a really messy emotional watch, but I was so deeply engaged with these characters, so caught up in the spell of their story, that I just couldn't stop watching, couldn't look away from the trainwreck of their lives. So like I said, totally a soap-y drama, but so much fun! Also, Spectator51, in case you're worried about the ending... **spoiler** don't be. Ultimately (after a slew of other obstacles), it's a HEA for the H and h. Discussion locked | Permalink

In reply to your post on Jun 12, 2016, 4:05:19 AM PDT

Spectator51 says:

Wow! What a great analysis! Thank you for your spoiler. I actually breathed a sigh of relief. Ok, I'm back in. First though, I have two more episodes of Marriage Contract. It's pretty good. Not the level of Lover, but I like Lee Seo Jin who plays the hero. He was the king in Yi San. Uee as the h is always problematic for me. She can be so bland. However, she's decent here despite moving into Deer In Headlights mode a little too often. Of course, we can blame that on the brain tumor. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jun 13, 2016, 7:44:23 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Jun 13, 2016, 7:44:40 AM PDT

hanna says:

Great idea for a thread. I don't follow K-dramas too much but I've been fortunate enough to come across a few really good ones. I don't think most of the modern-era themed dramas make much sense. They are certainly full of comedy and entertainment (I watch them for that)...but then all of a sudden they lose that glory somewhere through the episodes. So here I am listing 2 of my all time favorites - WARNING...there are 210 pages in this thread and didn't go through all of them, only the first one, so I don't know whether these have been suggested before or whether these do not fall into a certain genre you may prefer. I'm just referring these coz, IMO they are awesome and has a lovely HEA. And they are both historical BTW.

1) Jewel in the Palace / Dae Jung Geum 2) The Kings Doctor / Horse Doctor You replied with a later post Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Jun 13, 2016, 8:29:26 AM PDT

Spectator51 says:

Jewel in the Palace is one of my favorites too. My all time favorite historical though is Dong Yi. Mainly I just have a mad crush on Ji Jin Hee. I think it never hurts to mention an old favourite, even if it was mentioned in the past. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Jun 14, 2016, 2:58:28 AM PDT Last edited by you on Jun 14, 2016, 3:00:43 AM PDT

Adnana says: (Change)

hanna, Welcome to the thread. As Spectator51 said, it's always great to hear about everyone else's favorite dramas, regardless of whether they've been mentioned before or not. (If they have been, I appreciate a refresher, or a new perspective, anytime.) I actually have "Jewel in the Palace" on my to-watch list, but not "Horse Doctor" because according to some reviews I'd read, this drama didn't sound very interesting, nor the romance addictive. What did you like about "Horse Doctor"? Discussion locked | Permalink

Posted on Jun 23, 2016, 2:12:33 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Jun 23, 2016, 4:51:05 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I continue to enjoy Another Miss Oh and Lucky Romance. Another Miss Oh continues to tease us about the possible death of the H at the hands of the murderous OM (but since the tone of this show is similar to a Rom/Com and not a melodrama I'm actually expecting a HEA for our OTP when this drama wraps up next Tuesday). I also really like the H in Lucky Romance. I'm refusing to get excited about Song Jae Rim's lead role in an upcoming family drama as I've been burned by some of his previous dramas. The ending of Surplus Princess was a big FU to the audience (and given the story arc the h ended up with the wrong guy) and his screen time in Unkind Women averaged about 3 minutes per episode combined with a writer who lost complete interest in his storyline and decided to leave it unfinished. Not too sure that any of the projects he picks are winners. ETA: Recently read that the Thai version of Princess Hours/Goong might air in August. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jun 24, 2016, 5:03:09 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I guess the clamp down on Thai dramas at VIKI continues, as VIKI at the providers request has now removed both Kiss Me and Full House Thai. Based upon this news, I wouldn't be surprised if VIKI refuses to sub any future dramas from this provider, like Princess Hours Thai or season 2 of Kiss Me (if it pans out). But on a somewhat positive note, some of the VIKI subbers are now working on completing subs on some of older Thai dramas. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jun 24, 2016, 11:21:00 AM PDT

Jennifer L. Rinehart says:

Taz - I have been so excited about the Thai Princess Hours, the news about Viki is super upsetting. I just watched the trailer for W and it looks amazing. Can't wait to watch it and that is really saying something, kdramas have been really flat of late. You replied with a later post Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Jun 24, 2016, 11:45:08 AM PDT Last edited by you on Jul 21, 2016, 12:50:13 PM PDT

Adnana says: (Change)

"kdramas have been really flat of late" I was surprised (but not really, considering the glowing reviews) at how much I love "Oh Hae Young Again". I don't usually go for realistic romance in K-dramas (I prefer larger-than-life), but this drama is really something else; (if you ignore the supernatural aspect and the overwhelming number of coincidences/chance meetings; honestly, Seoul is not a small village that people should keep stumbling across each other every day!) the romance feels mundane and real-to-life (the attraction, the conversations, the desire for intimacy) yet at the same time fairytale-like because it really makes you believe that these 2 people are each other's half in a true-soulmates kind of way. The h is all-across-the-board awesome, the H is flawed and such a... a man (closed-off, evasive, uncommunicative) and he drove me bonkers more than a few times, but I still love him (because in spite of everything, in spite of himself, he really does love the h like crazy) and I'm rooting desperately for his HEA. Please, drama gods, let there be a happy ending! ETA after watching the last episode: it's a HEA Discussion locked | Permalink

Posted on Jun 25, 2016, 6:54:43 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I've also started watching the currently airing Thai drama U Prince Series: The Handsome Cowboy with Push and Esther. A fun, light, fluffy rom/com whose style and tone is somewhat similar to The Ugly Duckling Series: Perfect Match. I do like that the h just rolls her eyes at the H's pick-up lines. The drama is being subbed by it's broadcaster G-MM. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jun 25, 2016, 7:47:06 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Jun 25, 2016, 7:48:31 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Okay so I just finished watching "Back to 1989", and I feel that even if there is one more episode, I can safely write a review for this drama. First off, this will contain spoilers, so don't say I didn't warn you! I hope that the last episode (22) will show the H/h's happy ending in detail, and also answer some questions about the heroine's disappearance and reappearance. Anyways, while this drama has a unique premise and some weird moments, the story was handled with a lot of sensitivity and heart. The story was overall interesting, unpredictable, and unexpectedly cohesive. While the drama had a languid pace, it didn't feel slow, it always kept me interested and fully engaged/intrigued. If I were to use one word to describe the relationship between Chen Che and his mother, it would be "sacrifice". Traveling back in time allowed CC to see what his mother went through. One of the most moving scenes happened in episode 16 or 17 (I think), when he took his mother to the hospital to get an abortion, and they had a conversation in the waiting room. She of course had no idea that she was talking to her future son, and it was so moving I was teary. Chen Che was not successful in changing his mother's life story in any major way. However the little changes he was able to do for his mother, helped in the resulting of a better future for his mother. The other relationship, and I think the most important in Chen Che's life, was his relationship with Zhen Zhen. If I were to use one word to describe this relationship it would be "devotion". They had cute, sweet, cheesy, loving, moving and sorrowful scenes. Despite being sweet, simple minded and clumsy, Zhen Zhen showed a lot of strength after finding out the truth - even though it broke her heart. She wanted to travel back to 2016 with CC, but that was not possible. He promised her that he would find her in 2016, and she promised that she would wait for him. However Chen Che, smart as he is, didn't notice an important detail, why was Zhen Zhen never present in his childhood memories since she is his mother's best friend? Why was the first time he met her, when he time- traveled back to 1989?...I also like how small details tie in with answering questions later on in the story. The H/h have great chemistry. Then there was the friendship among his mother's circle of friends - his mother, Zhen Zhen, his mother's first love, the friend who had a one sided crush on Zhen Zhen, and the friend who had a one sided crush on H's mother. Their friendships got harshly tested, and some of the friendships broke, while others lost touch as the years passed... his mother's relationship with her first love was also a big part of the story, and if I were to describe their relationship with one phrase it would be bitter/sweet. The drawbacks of this drama: The inevitable weirdness that comes with such a premise, the

directing was weak at some parts (but I overlook that), and the acting was sometimes awkward (but since the story was good and moving I overlook that too). In short this drama exceeded my expectations despite the flaws. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jun 25, 2016, 7:54:49 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Also I am watching a J-drama called "It's not that I Can't Marry, But I Don't Want to", this drama is reminding me a bit of "Last Cinderella". I am enjoying this drama so far, however it is unpredictable when it comes to who the heroine will end up with (and I usually prefer a clear OTP I can root for) - I watched the first 6 eps and I still don't know. I usually wait for Jdramas to finish, before checking them out, since sometimes it might take long for the subbed episodes to be posted. But I started this drama anyways, and now I just hope I don't have to wait too long for the new eps. Jennifer I watched the teaser for "W", and it reminded me of the teaser for "Queen Inhyun's Man", with the H and h standing on either side of an invisible/mirror-like barrier that stands between their two worlds. I guess it shows that this show is from the same writer. Now I wonder if it is from the same director as well? Anyways I am looking forward to this show, and I hope that it will be good. I agree that k-dramas have been really flat this year, so far. I watched the first two episodes of "A Beautiful Mind", and it has potential, so far it is looking like a romance/medical/suspense/crime drama, but I wish it didn't have closeups of surgeries (I'm squeamish), still I realize it is the genre. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post: Jun 26, 2016, 10:01:25 PM PDT

[Deleted by Amazon on Jun 27, 2016, 1:49:44 AM PDT] Discussion locked

Posted on Jun 27, 2016, 6:58:49 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Jun 30, 2016, 7:55:38 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I watched the first 3 episodes of the Japanese remake of MARS. While it's not bad, I don't think it's as good of the TW-version. I've also been very loosely following the TW-drama Refresh Man (waiting for subs for the final episode). ETA: I ended up liking this drama. While the romance wasn't addictive the H/h had good chemistry and for the most part the drama was fairly angst free. Also unlike most TW-drama, this show does have a nice second female lead. After confessing to the H, she graciously accepted the fact that the H didn't love her and then went on to coach him on how to get together with the h. The OW is currently working with the OM/villain but I will be shocked if it doesn't turn out to just be a scheme that she and the H cooked up. Like I said, she's very unusual for a TW-drama. ETA: D.M. - W does not have the same director as Queen In-Hyun's Man. But W's director (Jung Dae Yoon) also directed King 2 Hearts, Arang and the Magistrate, Cunning Single Lady, Queen of Reversals and She Was Pretty. All shows that I liked.

Also, I wasn't a fan of Last Cinderella. I didn't buy the HEA between the H/h. I gave them a couple of years at best. She would have been better off with the OM as they had much more in common. Finally, MDL indicates that the drama based on Gu Man's latest novel "Just One Smile is Very Alluring" may commence airing July 21. Other titles for this drama are "A Smile is Beautiful" and "Weiwei's Beautiful Smile." I enjoyed the other drama's based on Gu Man's novels - My Sunshine and Boss and Me so am looking forward to this drama. You replied with a later post Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jun 27, 2016, 8:21:48 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Reader123 I agree with you about "Last Cinderella" in that the heroine would've been better off with the other guy, rather than Muira Haruma's character. But I like MH, and because this is a drama I will believe in their happy ending, even though in real life it probably wouldn't last. So "Last Cinderella" remains one of the J-dramas I like. I want to give some details about "It's not that I can't marry" but I will wait until I've watched the drama to the end, and then give a review. On another note, I was surprised to learn that "Mars" is originally a Jmanga that the TW-drama is based on. Despite being old, the TW-drama remains one of the better dramas around. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jun 28, 2016, 8:51:26 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Impatiently waiting for subs for the final episode of Another Miss Oh/Oh Hae Young Again (but I did follow the live recaps at Soompi as the final episode was airing about an hour ago to be sure that the drama ended the way I expected). So far, probably the best drama I've watched in 2016 (but hopefully W and Just One Smile is Very Alluring will also be good). I continue to also really like Lucky Romance primarily for it's great H. Am also watching Song Jae Rim's web drama Thumping Spike (20 episodes at 15 minutes each). So far, a cute, light sports romance. The h, a volleyball superstar, is forced to temporarily coach the H's HS volleyball team. Drama doesn't seemed to be playing this up as a noona romance but the h is 24, while the H is 20 (he dropped out of school for a year so is older than a normal high schooler). Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post: Jun 28, 2016, 3:48:26 PM PDT Last edited by you on Jun 28, 2016, 3:49:38 PM PDT

Adnana says: (Change)

Apparently, amazon deleted my "She Was Pretty" review (see above). Here goes a second try:

I was casually watching "She Was Pretty" back when it was airing, but I put it on hold about midway through. I finally went back and finished it, and I'm glad I did. This drama might not have been earth-shatteringly great, but neither did it deserve a place in the ignored-orforgotten bin. Not when there are so many actual bad dramas out there. (And I've been seeing too many of them.) Anyway, "She Was Pretty" and I actually started off on the wrong foot, because the first part of the drama didn't really work for me. The H was very mean to the h, and I considered it a missed opportunity that the h never made him pay for it later on (what, turnabout's fair play!), or even made him grovel a bit for forgiveness. But then again, as hurtful as the H was towards the h in the beginning, she kinda bought it all--because she hid her true identity from him (as his childhood best friend), and was a complete and utter disaster at work (where the H was her boss): accident-prone, ditzy, and way (way!) too loud. She was so over-the-top in her gestures and reactions that she was almost cartoon-ish, and I never dig that in dramas. But! The story moved forward, and it was catchy even with all its flaws, and the characters were intriguingly layered. Thankfully, the heroine calmed down her histrionics, and the H revealed his inner dork--which balanced the harsher side of his personality just right. I started liking the drama more and more. The h's noble idiocy (rejecting the man she loved because her best friend stole her identity and fell for him too) would likely have been a deal-breaker for me--there's only so much stupidity I can tolerate, and hurting the love of your life as well as yourself for a friend who'd betrayed you is really a zenith in stupidity--but then the H swooped in and saved the day with HIS reaction. He refused to buy the h's excuses for wanting to break up; he was calm, and rational, and utterly relentless until he got the h to be honest with him. Then he patiently waited until she was ready to be by his side. It was perfect. Because of the h's noble idiocy, the H & h only became a proper couple at the end of episode 12, which was later than I usually prefer in a romantic comedy. But! Afterward, they were so, so cute together, and they were given so many awesome couple scenes, without any other OTT conflict to overshadow all the romantic sugary sweetness, that I was on cloud nine. We even got some after-the-wedding, day-to-day life glimpses! All of which made me a very happy camper (what, there's people who'd consider an entire episode worth of happy epilogue useless filler? Not me! Who needs conflict, heck who needs story development, when you can see a H & h that you root for kissing instead? Lol) So, despite several near-misses and only 4 episodes of fulfilled romance, that romance was so cute in its best moments that it earned "She Was Pretty" a thumbs-up from me. Discussion locked | Permalink

Posted on Jun 30, 2016, 7:33:17 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Overall, I was very satisfied with the conclusion of Refresh Man. I did think that this was one drama that was much better in it's second half, especially after the H/h became a couple in episode 11. As expected the OW remained golden. She gets my vote as the best OW in a TWdrama. And despite some fake-outs by the writer, I also liked that the H/h remained a devoted couple until the end (I'm all for the lack of noble idiocy). For the most part I'm not a huge fan of a drama showing the same flashbacks repeatedly, but I do think that the flashbacks were effectively used in the final episode as we finally got to see them in consecutive order and

were shown that some of the events were actually orchestrated by the H in order to get close to the h. And while it was always clear that the H was in love with the h (and had been since high school) I liked that once the H/h became a couple the flashbacks showed that the H's crush was never one-sided. My only criticism of the final episode is the H offering the Sales Team 1 traitor his job back. I can understand that for business reasons the H needs to have a good relationship with the OM but I can't see hiring back a person completely lacking in loyalty who caused financial harm to your business. Too much "happy note" for me. All the kiss scenes from the drama - the merry-go-round kiss was probably the most creative (and probably one of the hardest of all kiss scenes to film) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ck1AOar07nM Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jun 30, 2016, 8:54:33 AM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

There was a merry-go-round kiss in "Marry Me or Not" as well, and for me it was more beautiful than the merry-go-round kiss in "Refresh Man", but it was most probably easier to film because it was filmed with both of them standing. On the TW-drama note, I am also going to check out "Swimming Battle" and "Prince of Wolf" (which should be "Prince of Wolves" for a better title), both seem like they're going to be super cute dramas for the Summer, and both start next week. TW-dramas seem to be getting better, and I feel the same way about J-dramas. I'm also watching a J-drama called "Happy Marriage", and 2 episodes in and I'm in. I hope it stays good till the end, and doesn't start dragging because it has a fast beginning. Also if all the "squeeing" and "screaming" going on in the comments section are any indication, this should be a good addictive drama, since apparently the manga this is based on was very good. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Jun 30, 2016, 2:45:41 PM PDT Last edited by you on Jul 1, 2016, 12:12:41 AM PDT

Adnana says: (Change)

Actually, the on-air date for "Just One Smile is Very Alluring" (drama version, with Yang Yang and Zheng Shuang) is August 22nd according to the latest info. Though of course, it'd be great if the July date held true. On the other hand, the movie version, now titled Love O2O (with Jing Boran and Angelababy), will definitely arrive in theaters (in China) on August 12th. Also, finally(!!) there's a firm on-air date for the (by me) long-awaited drama adaptation "Remembering Li Chuan": 7/31/2016. And "When a Snail Falls in Love" (sister novel/drama to "When He Comes, Close Your Eyes" aka "Love Me If You Dare") will likely air this autumn. I guess that's it for C-dramas in the immediate future. As for K-dramas, I'm very much looking forward to "W - Two Worlds" (July 20th) and "Scarlet Heart: Ryeo" (August 29th). The former because I have the feeling (hope?) the

romance will be as epic and heart-tugging as in "Queen In-hyun's Man"; the latter because, if "Scholar Who Walks the Night" has taught me anything, it's that there can never be a surfeit of Lee Joon-ki in sageuk garb and black eyeliner *sizzle*. I honestly didn't know he could be so manly and hot, lol. My new motto: *gimme more*. Oh, I'm also curious how "Moonlight Drawn by Clouds" (August 15th) turns out. I need new sageuk favorites now that some of my old ones have been tainted ("The Princess' Man", "Sungkyunkwan Scandal"). Discussion locked | Permalink

Posted on Jun 30, 2016, 3:07:52 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Jun 30, 2016, 3:09:51 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I agree that the TW-dramas seem to have gotten better (or maybe they are just not so focused on the crazy, manipulative OW trope that I hate), as I've been able to complete all of the TWdramas that I've started this year. I also think that the Thai-drama have also gotten better and not as OTT crazy. The July 21 air date for Just One Smile is Very Alluring is from MDL so I'm not horribly shocked if it's not correct. Remembering Li Chuan's Past sounds interesting. I'll give it a try. I also hope the Ji Chang Wook's Chinese Rom/Com "Mr Right" airs sometime in 2016. Not too sure if his other Chinese drama, The Whirlwind Girl 2, will be a romance/action or just an action drama. Unfortunately, too true about The Princess Man and Sungkyunkwan Scandal. Haven't rewatched a Park Shi Hoo drama since his scandal and now Yoochun is added to the forever avoid list. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jun 30, 2016, 3:38:07 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Speaking of scandals, I'm just glad that I never liked PSH or Yoochun. You replied with a later post Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jun 30, 2016, 5:19:12 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I think Joo Won's next drama, a remake of the movie My Sassy Girl, is going to be a sageuk. Not holding my breath on this one as his last movie to drama remake (7th Grade Civil Servant) ranks up there as one of the worst k-dramas ever. But all was not lost as we did at least get some great Dramabeans recaps from it. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Jul 1, 2016, 12:34:35 AM PDT

Adnana says:


But didn't/don't you like Jaejoong? With Yoochun's scandal there have now surfaced quite a few things about his JYJ bandmates as well, which doesn't exactly paint them in a... favorable light. Jaejoong, in particular, used to be acknowledged as Yoochun's "soulmate" because of how close/similar they were/are. Discussion locked | Permalink

Posted on Jul 1, 2016, 6:33:27 AM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

I like Jaejoong, he is my favorite k-singer (in his solo works). However "soulmate" or whatnot, to my knowledge those things tend to be marketing ploys, because for some reason k-fans like this silly/stupid idea that group mates or band mates are "soulmates" instead of business partners. To my knowledge JYJ members had more solo activities than group activities in the last few years. Also so far, I haven't read anything about Jaejoong being with Yoochun in those places were the sexual assaults took place? Did anything surface about Jaejoong that I don't know about? You replied with a later post

Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Jul 1, 2016, 7:24:07 AM PDT Last edited by you on Jul 26, 2016, 11:32:43 PM PDT

Adnana says: (Change)

I didn't really want to get into this, curse my gossipy tongue. Oh well. First of all, I wasn't referring to the "us bandmates are all perfect besties 4eva" fairytale that K-groups like to sell to their fans even if really the bond between the members amounts to nothing more than a business relationship. But longtime fans of a group always know the truth (and given the repulsive, invasive saesang culture in S.Korea they also usually have a lot of dirt on the members that they stalk). They just don't actually *tell* the truth, and when rumors or unsightly truths surface, they ignore it, shield it, bury it (the DBSK fandom had a reputation for being particularly, um... dedicated, apparently, and later the JYJ fandom). The casual fans and general populace don't find out until a big scandal blows up, that can't be shielded (though the most hardcore fans may still try), like it happened now with YC. Anyways... I don't know very many particulars about JYJ, because I plain don't care (wasn't even a casual fan). What I did happen to stumble upon in the comments section as I was reading about YC's scandal is this: (1) YC and JJ are apparently good friends, very close/similar supposedly. Hence the "soulmate pairing" label given by fans (notice that Junsu isn't included here; he isn't known to hang out as much with the other two, because he doesn't drink, apparently). If JJ and YC have known each other for 10+ years and often (or even just sometimes) went drinking together, at the very least I consider it unlikely that JJ had no clue about YC's bathroom activities (according to victim testimonies, YC likes to brag, right?). But of course, JJ has been in the army for a while now, and the charges against YC at least so far refer to a fairly recent timeframe--so JJ might have dodged a bullet with his confinement to army barracks (the friends accompanying YC on the occasions being investigated have been called for questioning). (2) JJ likes women a lot, if you get my meaning (nothing wrong with that, if he isn't hurting anyone) (3) JJ and YC got into an altercation with insistent fans a while back (where they became physically violent) that got buried by fans (caveat: saesangs are truly awful and invasive)

eta: http://seoulbeats.com/2012/03/jyj-and-sasaeng-fans-an-ugly-controversy (4) JJ had, at one time, some awful things to say about handicapped people/homeless people/beggars. Direct quote from some post(?) of his (translated from Korean): "You funny and shameless man.. Ever since I was born not even once did I think about you with pity.. You who has no strength, no courage, shamelessly begging.. Jerks without legs too, jerks missing half of their bodies too.." There might be other rumors, but less substantiated. Discussion locked | Permalink

Posted on Jul 1, 2016, 9:06:20 AM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Wow, I never knew that crazy stalker fans know things about their idols/singers that they bury. Now to your points, the first point might be possible but so far it is nothing more than speculation and rumor. Now if something solid comes out, then that's another story. The second point is fine by me, as long as no one gets hurt. The third point gives me a bit of a pause, but I read that the stalker fan admitted that the incident was fake, but this is in the grey area. The fourth point though, wow if Jaejoong really said that then it shows a complete lack of empathy :( Anyways what this shows me is that Jaejoong can be a big jerk sometimes; but sexual assault which the other two are accused of, is on a different level. I continue to like his solo music (voice/talent), but if something major breaks out about him (which unfortunately seems more likely to me now), then I will have to give up listening to his solo music - and be in the same boat as you guys who had to give up some dramas that you really like. You replied with a later post Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Jul 1, 2016, 11:52:28 AM PDT Last edited by you on Jul 1, 2016, 11:54:06 AM PDT

Adnana says: (Change)

D.M.: "...if something major breaks out about him ... then I will have to give up listening to his solo music..." In all fairness, I doubt that any celebrity stays 100% clean throughout her/his entire life (even current big-name K-artists were likely supported by sponsors when they first debuted; talent and looks alone aren't enough to become an A-lister)--it's just a few "unlucky" ones (and who have the weakest "backing") that ever get outed. Are the known sinners more deserving of condemnation--just because they're known--than rumored sinners who may be even dirtier but are better protected and thus haven't been comprehensively exposed (yet)? I don't think there's an easy answer, so I'd rather not answer at all. Still, it's not like I'll stop watching all movies and dramas, and stop listening to all music (because for any movie/drama/song, at least one of the creators/artists involved, it may be safely assumed, is tainted one way or another; we just don't know in what way), and I'd rather not be a hypocrite. I'd rather not know or care about the private lives of celebrities at all. I do hope that if they are found to be guilty of criminal acts, they get punished by law same as any other criminal, and I'll certainly think that they are despicable human beings--but I've decided, maybe, I should try to compartmentalize? Separate the (tainted) artist from the (untainted) art they created in the past, if that art brought me joy? I'll never fangirl an artist for who they are

as a person (because I can never truly know who they are as a person, from afar), only on a strictly egocentric and superficial level, as eyecandy or for their ability/talent to inhabit a role, to perfectly become a movie/drama character, to sing a perfect song. In particular, drama characters are, thank goodness, nothing like the actors playing them (drama heroes and heroines are always people that we can root for, right?). Like, I don't want to see PSH or YC on a variety program or meet them in real life, but I loved the H in "Princess' Man" and I loved the H in "Family's Honor". I can't deny that those dramas are now a bit tainted in my eyes (I'm human, after all), but I'm actually working to surpass that. I haven't deleted them, at any rate, and because I still remember them as favorites, I'll watch them again one day. Sorry for the long, off-topic post. Discussion locked | Permalink

Posted on Jul 1, 2016, 12:35:01 PM PDT

Jennifer L. Rinehart says:

I would hazard a guess, that at best the members of JYJ are amiable business partners. I doubt they spend their free time with each other any more than I did with my coworkers. But prostitution in Korea is widespread and rape is widely underreported, so I doubt many kpop idols are innocent like their label's suggest. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jul 1, 2016, 1:55:29 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Jul 1, 2016, 1:56:52 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Quote: "I'll never fangirl an artist for who they are as a person (because I can never truly know who they are as a person, from afar), only on a strictly egocentric and superficial level, as eyecandy or for their ability/talent to inhabit a role, to perfectly become a movie/drama character, to sing a perfect song." I agree with this, and that is why I am not interested in the artists' personal lives as long as they commit no crimes and/or do something repulsive, because then it kind of taints whatever artistic work they have done previously, and then it gets messy trying to separate the previous good art from the artist. Jennifer I hope you're right about them just being business partners because that's my feeling too, but then again one never really knows... Anyways back to dramas, I've started reading "Happy Marriage" the manga (so I can then compare it to the drama), and so far I am enjoying it - it is a mixture of romance/comedy/drama, the romance in this one is on the steamier side (similar to romance books), but so far is tastefully done. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jul 4, 2016, 3:12:16 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

So I watched the first episode of "Prince of Wolf", and well it is going to be the first and last episode I watch of this. The level of cringe worthy cheesiness, and nonsensical plot is just too much for me to take. I guess there is one silver lining to this, and that it is good to know right away if a drama is worth it or not, as opposed to those dramas that start out good (and lead me to waste time on them) and then fall apart. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jul 7, 2016, 10:09:27 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Jul 7, 2016, 7:50:03 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

After reading rave reviews and comments about it being the best drama of 2016, including being the top ranked of all dramas on MDL (Healer, which is my favorite, is ranked as number 7), I decided to give the drama Signal a try. While it was a nice solid crime drama (well-acted and well-written), unfortunately it was sadly lacking in the romance department. The drama did include a supernatural element where the H (a criminal profiler working with the police "cold cases" unit) could communicate via a "magical" walkie-talkie with the police detective working on cases in the past. Instead of a "case of the week" format, the drama focused on 4 unsolved cases, each having a 3 to 4 episode arc. There was a little of the "Nine" vibe where changes made in the past due to the communications between the profiler and the detective resulted in unforeseen current day changes/consequences (which only the H is aware of). Overall, my only complaint about this drama (well besides it not having a romance) is that similar to the other crime dramas that I've watched, the main villains are the corrupt higher ups and co-workers in the police department who actively assist the criminals. I continue to enjoy Lucky Romance - really love the H in this one (such a sweet geeky nerd). Unfortunately, I was spoiled by the atypically decent OW in Refresh Man and Another Miss Oh, so the one in LR is harder than normal to tolerate (although to be honest, by k-drama OW standards she actually isn't even that bad). And I think most of the H's troubles with the h and his mother would disappear if he would just buy off the shaman. I watched the first episode of Uncontrollably Fond. Since the H has been diagnosed with a terminal illness with only one year to live (and given the writer's propensity to have drama's with unhappy endings) not sure if I will continue live watching. May wait to see how this one ends before I invest anymore time. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post: Jul 9, 2016, 6:34:14 AM PDT Last edited by you on Jul 21, 2016, 12:44:12 PM PDT

Adnana says: (Change)

Hooray for Love, family drama, 57ep. H is rich, starts out as a playboy; h is a divorcee who, after being betrayed by her husband, gets her groove back. I liked that she wasn't a longsuffering, saintly martyr. She's understandably bitter at her ex's underhandedness (even after the divorce, he keeps sabotaging her business by stealing her ideas) and feels vindicated when the tables turn and the ex gets brought down (personally and professionally). The H and h were in a relationship most of the time--which I liked; even so, the h somehow managed, over the course of the drama, to initiate 3 freaking breakups--which I decidedly did not like. (The 2nd time, the H rightfully accuses her that she gives up on them too easily.) Nevertheless, a better than average weekend drama.

Chuno, fusion sageuk, 24ep. Visually and action-wise outstanding, plot-wise...maybe not so much. Still a better than average historical drama. Fast-moving. Great mancandy (neverending feast of choco abs!). Breathtaking fights. Careful who you ship the h with! (she ends up with the OM, not the H. It was heartbreaking for the H, who really really loved her with endless, undying devotion all his adult life, but the OM was pretty freaking awesome in his own right, so I couldn't fault the h's choice either way.) Ending is bittersweet. Discussion locked | Permalink

Posted on Jul 10, 2016, 12:58:15 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Jul 10, 2016, 12:59:11 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

I watched the first episode of "Swimming Battle", and this show is off to a very cute start. This also has a few sweet references to the little mermaid, but this time it is the prince who is trying to make his mermaid remember him. So I will be watching more of this fluffy show, and hopefully it won't disappoint. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jul 18, 2016, 5:04:44 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Jul 18, 2016, 6:57:11 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Well it looks like this summer is going to unexpectedly be the summer of J-dramas. I am right now following 5 J-dramas, and this is the first time that this has happened. Two of the dramas I already mentioned "It's Not that I Can't Marry" which is almost done, and "Happy Marriage" which I continue to really enjoy! The other three are "Sukina Hito ga Iru Koto/A Girl and Three Sweethearts" and the pilot episode already has me semi-hooked, "Toki Wo Kakeru Shoujo/The Girl Who Leapt Through Time" very intriguing first episode with addictive potential, and lastly "Koe Koi" this had a weird but potentially promising first episode. My favorites so far are "Happy Marriage", "The Girl Who Leapt Through Time", and "A Girl and Three Sweethearts". Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Jul 18, 2016, 5:51:30 PM PDT

darkice7_12 says:

@Lovely D.M. May I ask where you are watching the Japanese dramas? Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jul 18, 2016, 6:55:50 PM PDT

[Deleted by the author on Sep 23, 2016, 9:39:18 PM PDT] Discussion locked

Posted on Jul 18, 2016, 7:03:38 PM PDT

darkice7_12 says:

@Lovely DM Thanks for the info. :) Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jul 18, 2016, 7:09:57 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

:) Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jul 19, 2016, 6:58:26 AM PDT

bluey09h says:

Lovely D.C. Any of the dramas have jealous/poss heroes? Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jul 19, 2016, 3:18:36 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Jul 19, 2016, 7:44:10 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

lol it's D.M. not D.C., and I was going to leave details about the dramas for when I write reviews for them, which is after I've finished watching them, but since you asked I will write my first impressions (because the dramas are still at their beginning). Happy Marriage, the hero is jealous and possessive. The drama is 5 eps in, I've watched 4 eps, I don't know if they will show more of that in the drama. At the end of ep 4, he tells her that now that they are married she is his and he is hers, and he won't let any other man touch her (that line is straight from the manga). The drama also has some differences with the manga, and I really am liking it so far, since the eps keep getting better. A Girl and Three Sweethearts, has a sweet and spunky heroine who is looking for a job and she's good at making cakes. I think she will end up with the middle brother who's a big jerk (as he is the main hero, I think). I also like her with the older brother, who at this point in the story has treated her a lot better than his brother. So I think that the "big jerk" hero could become jealous/possessive later on, but we shall see. On a side note, this actress really needs to gain some weight that is the only thing distracting me a little. The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, in this one it is a little weird because the male lead is from the future (like a 100+ years into the future) and there is still very little known about him. However he has the power of mind control. So he basically controls her mind and her best friend's mind, and inserts himself with them as their friend. The best friend is the second male lead, who I like so far as well. In ep 1, the mysterious hero towards the end of the episode, erases the heroine's memory of SML saving her when she was a child, and instead makes her think that he is the one who saved her as a child. So I don't know how this show will go, but I think that the hero is starting to fall in love with the heroine and it's baffling him. Koe Koi, the heroine who's a high school student is sick with the cold when a class rep. calls her. She kind of starts crushing on his gentle voice. The next day she drags herself to school, even though she is still not healed, just to meet him. Then she is shocked to find him wearing

a paper bag over his head. With this one I don't know how it will turn out, as I don't know what the hero will be like in the end, or why he is wearing that really weird paper bag. So far, his actions towards the heroine have been gentle and caring. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Jul 20, 2016, 8:06:02 AM PDT

bluey09h says:

Thank you so much! I'm going to give happy marriage and a girl and three sweethearts a try I think. :-) So sorry about the name mistake. :-) Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jul 20, 2016, 8:32:04 AM PDT

Jennifer L. Rinehart says:

I just watched the first episode of Happy Marriage, it is adorable!!!!! The leads are so cute. Thanks for the rec. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jul 20, 2016, 2:59:21 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Happy watching :) Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post: Jul 21, 2016, 12:25:07 PM PDT Last edited by you on Jul 21, 2016, 12:38:57 PM PDT

Adnana says: (Change)

taz-mania, Have you finished watching "Lucky Romance"? What was your overall impression? I'm really thankful when people post their end-reviews after the dramas they watched have finished airing. On that note... "Beautiful Gong Shim", which I watched casually, ended its run last weekend. I was supremely annoyed by the ending (H goes abroad and cuts off all contact with the h for an entire freaking YEAR! for no reason. that'd be the death knell for any romance, if you ask me. oh well, K-dramaland sure loves its time jumps, no matter how ill-thought and badly executed) and was distinctly underwhelmed by the drama overall. Romance and story were both mediocre, so I can't rec this; use that time to watch a better drama instead. Discussion locked | Permalink

Your post: Jul 21, 2016, 12:36:59 PM PDT Last edited by you on Jul 21, 2016, 12:38:02 PM PDT

Adnana says: (Change)

Oh, and for the first time since "Healer"... I seemed to have found a drama of similar addictive potential. W - Two Worlds. I was filled with anticipation before it even aired, was caught hook, line, and sinker after the 1st episode, and now after the 2nd episode I don't know how I'll survive the weekly wait for new episodes. I'm so sorry that I already started watching this (I need all the episodes NOW! all of them!), but I regret nothing. Lol. Don't want to jinx this... but I do trust the writer (also wrote "Queen In-hyun's man")... and I think this drama has the potential to go all the way in all the best ways. Can't wait! Discussion locked | Permalink

Posted on Jul 21, 2016, 12:43:00 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Jul 21, 2016, 1:48:23 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Review of "It's Not that I Can't Marry, but I Don't Want To", now that is is finished. This drama had potential in the beginning, but then it started dragging. Also so much time was wasted with the heroine trying to get a proposal out of her high school sweetheart, who has got to be one of the blandest and most boring characters I have come across. At least she didn't end up with him. The chef was a much more interesting character, who was her age, and they should've ended up together instead of the open ending we got. If only the story didn't waste so much time on love advice, and spent more time building the relationship between her and the chef, then it would've been a lot better. If not the chef, then I wouldn't have minded if she ended up with the younger guy, because at least he was interesting and she had chemistry with him. Also for someone who says she doesn't want to marry, she spends 90% of the drama desperately trying to get a proposal, until the last 15 minutes of the last episode. So overall this drama was very average for me and the ending was disappointing. So I give it 2.5 out of 5 stars. On another note, "W-Two Worlds" had an awesome first episode, so now I have one Kdrama to follow. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jul 21, 2016, 3:45:57 PM PDT

Jennifer L. Rinehart says:

I'll jump on the W appreciation train, it is wonderful. I love the side characters too, the way her supervising doctor was so angry about her being in the comic, 'you asked your dad to put you in it! Priceless. I still have episode two to watch and I made myself hold off while I got stuff done here at home. I'm all caught up on Happy Marriage episodes, I hope the next episode is soon. This show is super cute. It's too bad that Gong Shim has such a lackluster ending. It makes me glad I didn't watch any of it. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jul 28, 2016, 2:03:44 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Adnana - I finally finished watching Lucky Romance. Overall, it was a light, cute rom/com (that does suffer from several bouts of noble idiocy by the h). Truly, the best thing about this drama was the H (forget those cold chaebols, this one's a really sweet, dorky guy). Unfortunately, I'm not too sure that the h deserved him (she does something pretty disgusting at the beginning of episode 15 - not too sure why the writer had the scene play out the way it did, as it made it somewhat harder to root for the h). I did think the second leads were both totally wasted in this drama. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jul 28, 2016, 9:23:13 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

"W-Two Worlds" oh how I love thee! This drama continues to be breathtaking! I can't wait for next week! This drama is on its way to becoming my number one favorite k-drama, that is if it stays good till the end. You replied with a later post

Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Jul 29, 2016, 2:25:46 AM PDT Last edited by you on Jul 29, 2016, 2:31:50 AM PDT

Adnana says: (Change)

Really, everyone should be watching "W - Two Worlds"--because I hate suffering alone as I wait for new episodes. Lol. I'm so caught up in this drama! "W", along with "You From Another Star", is the most visually stunning and well-directed Kdrama I have ever seen. On top of that, it has great acting and (as yet) flawless, intricate writing. I so love the meta--like when our whip-smart manga hero calls out the happenings and actions of people around him as without reason or context (I've felt that so many times, with [bad] dramas/movies/books!)--and it turns out that the senseless behavior/events are actually due to bad writing (in this case: because the manga creator was in such a rush to kill off Kang Chul, the hero, he didn't take the time to establish a proper, logical sequence of events--and the hero has noticed those gaps!). As we all notice and are disgusted when characters act stupidly and out-of-character just because the writer arbitrarily said so. Like, say, going abroad and not talking to your girlfriend for an entire freaking year, because... why? (in Abandoned Gong-shim) taz-mania, thanks for the final update about "Lucky Romance". With this confirmation of how utterly stupid the heroine acts, I know that watching the drama would only make me angry. Discussion locked | Permalink

Posted on Jul 29, 2016, 2:33:27 AM PDT

Jennifer L. Rinehart says:

W is super addictive. I. Love how firm he was with his assisstant. No wishy washyness for him and the love rival. But ive been pleasantly surprised at how naturalal all the side characters act. This is my fave show. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jul 29, 2016, 7:00:17 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Jul 29, 2016, 7:08:47 AM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

I wanted to write in more detail about it, and there's so much context to write about, but anyways... Yes, I think that this drama could turn out better than "MLFTS", I mean so far it is better. They just need to continue to be consistent in the portrayal of Chul's character, and keep the heroine awesome, and the story-line strong. Watching episode 3, I was like "She did not just flash him with that see-through underwear, just to try and get that cliffhanger!" lol the comedic relief and her embarrassment, and then later on I was like "He did not just shoot her because he wants an answer!" Then in episode 4, I was like "She just told him the truth!" I like that this show doesn't waste time, and he crossed into the real world/her world sooner than I was expecting! The hero is unpredictable and wow, and the heroine is super cute (this writer always writes adorable heroines, but this is her best heroine yet). I'm just really hoping that this drama won't fall apart later on, and will remain good and strong till the end. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jul 29, 2016, 9:42:15 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I do agree that so far W has been pitch perfect. And on a positive note, other dramas by this writer (The Three Musketeers, Nine, and Queen In Hyun's Man) remained great till the end, so much so that I would rate each of those 3 dramas a 9 out of 10. I continue to loosely follow several other dramas. Unfortunately, I've been very disappointed in how the storyline in U-Prince: The Handsome Cowboy is playing out. The H is turning out to be a total player who has now cheated on the h twice. h forgave the H the first time after he begged for forgiveness and vowed to never cheat again. He rewarded her forgiveness by almost immediately cheating/spending the night with the OW. Not sure even Push can salvage this loser. Surprisingly, I am enjoying Bring It On, Ghost. Show has an odd premise (h is a ghost, H is a ghost fighter) and the storyline can sometimes be scary, but the H/h have a cute bickering relationship. Taecyeon doesn't seem as horribly miscast in this show as he was in some of his previous endeavors like Wonderful Days and Who Are You. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jul 29, 2016, 7:50:02 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Jul 29, 2016, 7:55:50 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

So I watched a few movies that I thought I would review here. Girl in the Sunny Place (J-movie): This was a surprisingly cute and moving movie, with a creative and weird idea. This is a quiet movie that has heart, and even though it is slow it is not boring, it kept me engaged. Overall this is a good movie. Clover (J-movie): This is not a bad movie, but it could've been so much better. I just felt that after the H/h got together, the conflict that separated them didn't ring true, and then the characters didn't feel organic. Still this had its nice moments. Overall I found it to be a very average movie.

A Man and A Woman (k-movie): I checked this out because it had Gong Yoo in it, but this movie has cheating as both the hero and the heroine are married, and both have children with special needs. The story is slow/contemplative, and it drags and of course they don't end up together. Some of the cinematography was beautiful though. Also this is an R-rated movie. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jul 30, 2016, 3:54:34 AM PDT

bluey09h says:

I just started watching W - Two worlds - I love it!! Thank you for recommending. Sometimes in K dramas I get bored with the plot and just skip to the interaction of the H and h but I'm loving this drama. It's fast paced and the storyline is unique, not to mention the H and h interaction. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post: Jul 30, 2016, 6:54:03 AM PDT Last edited by you on Jul 31, 2016, 1:39:13 AM PDT

Adnana says: (Change)

Almost a year to the day after I first posted about Gu Man's "Blazing Sunlight 1" on this thread, that book is now finally translated in full on the hui3r wordpress blog. It was hard waiting for the individual chapters to be translated and released at a frequency of just one or two per month (even with crack dramas, we at least get 2 episodes each week)--and the final chapter took forever to be posted. Nevertheless I am very thankful to the translator peanuts who at least kept her word and completed the project even if it took a long time. That's sadly rare nowadays. Blazing Sunlight is the first book in a planned 2-book-series but it can be read as a standalone and has a very satisfactory happy-for-now ending. Also, looking at the writer Gu Man's history, I'm pretty hopeful that after she finishes the 2nd book, there's also gonna be a Cdrama adaptation of the book series to look forward to. In other news, another Chinese writer that I like quite a bit--Ding Mo--seems to be selling a lot of her books for drama adaptation these days. In the next year or so, there will be "When a Snail Loves" and "Memory Lost" brought to screen, and then 2 other novels that I know of (so far). Can't wait. And hopefully they'll do the romance storylines better justice than "Love Me If You Dare" (When He Comes, Close Your Eyes) managed to. Discussion locked | Permalink

Posted on Jul 30, 2016, 7:06:27 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I really like Gu Man - off to read Blazing Sunlight. Looking forward to the drama version of Just One Smile is Very Alluring which I hope airs starting in August. Read the translated version of the novel a few months ago and enjoyed it. Given that the H/h interaction for the first half of the novel is only via a game, will be interesting to see how this is handled in the drama. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Aug 2, 2016, 7:17:39 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Aug 2, 2016, 7:20:47 AM PDT

May says:

I finally watched "Game Rai Game Ruk" and absolutely love it. I love both the H (so hot) and h (so pretty). I put it off for a long while since i thought the first part was cheesy. But I love a jealous/possessive/powerful H. I'm a fan of Nadech now and pretty much watched all his dramas. The one i want to watch now is "Lom Sorn Rak" but no english sub yet. I'm back on Lakorn obsession train. I see alot of Japan and Korean drama discussion lately, but not Thai. Did you watch any good lakorn lately and have any recs? Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Aug 2, 2016, 10:45:58 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Jasmin's Lakorn has English softsubs of Lom Sorn Rak. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Aug 2, 2016, 12:35:32 PM PDT

May says:

Thanks Taz. I' heard of "Jasmin's Lakorn" site and went there a couple of times, but I'm wary of downloading anything from that site. I tried streaming from that site, and so many weird site poped up that it scared me off. Did you have problems downloading from that site? Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Aug 2, 2016, 12:50:30 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I've never had any problems with Jasmin Lakorns. I use Norton and an adblocker. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Aug 4, 2016, 9:07:26 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

"W" had two new episodes, and the twists this drama keeps throwing at us the viewers... and the preview for episode 7 (I can't wait!). I felt that while these two episodes didn't have a lot of H/h interactions, they set the stage for the next phase of the drama. I won't say more, as I don't want to spoil it for those who might not have watched the new eps yet. I continue to enjoy Sukina Hito Ga Iru Koto/ Girl and Three Sweethearts, and I am grateful that this drama updates weekly. I feel sad that "Happy Marriage" hasn't been updating for a while now :( You replied with a later post Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Aug 4, 2016, 10:32:59 PM PDT

Jennifer L. Rinehart says:

The lack of new episodes for Happy Marriage has been super duper disappointing, I just adore that show. The main character's dad is hysterical. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Aug 5, 2016, 8:50:12 AM PDT Last edited by you on Aug 6, 2016, 4:56:02 AM PDT

Adnana says: (Change)

I love how super smart and analytical the H in "W" is. He's really showing us over and over (as opposed to the narration merely telling us) that he has a first-class brain (and a steel will). Ha. Kang Chul = tempered steel. So fitting. Anyways... KC was already in possession of more facts and clues than even the viewers knew (which we are only gradually discovering as the plot advances), but he kept everything close to the vest. He kept quiet, and analyzed the clues and drew his (correct) conclusions. Like his belief that the h was invulnerable in W-world. Like his knowledge, from the start, that the h was in fact from another dimension (though he didn't know the exact nature of that other dimension/world) and that it was he himself who had pulled the h into his world. That's why he was so sure, from the beginning, that the h had the answers he was looking for and went around calling her "the key to his life" (which might otherwise have seemed over-the-top on the strength of an only meeting, moreover a "meeting" that happened while KC was in the process of bleeding half to death). Anyways, I love him, and while I don't condone his act at the end of episode 5, I do understand that it was the only thing he could do to assert his identity as a free-thinking, independent being and not just a soulless paper creation like his creator claimed. And wow, the preview for episode 7 is really something. Can't wait for next W-day. Discussion locked | Permalink

Posted on Aug 5, 2016, 10:51:55 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Aug 5, 2016, 11:25:16 AM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Jennifer, I know that show alongside "Girl and Three Sweethearts" was on its way to becoming one of my favorite J-dramas, but now I don't even know if "Happy Marriage" will get posted complete and subbed. About "W", yes KC is very smart, and I like that he is strong and unpredictable. In addition YJ's father is a bad writer, and he lost control of the story a long time ago. Basically KC has his own freewill/agency, he is no different from a real human - though him shooting YJ's father left me with my jaw hanging open. I felt sad when KC decided to end his story, but I understood the devastation he must have been feeling finding out the truth, although he maintains his calm - but even then I would've wanted him to push on. Now as to the revelations: 1. Where-ever KC goes the story follows him, even when he was in the real world, there was a new chapter. This gave me goosebumps. I also feel that the story itself is alive now, and is starting to leak into the real world (which could mean that both KC and YJ's worlds might start to merge soon), and this would explain why YJ was dragged into the water to save KC, and why the words "The End" were suddenly changed to "To Be Continued". 2. The villain/murderer is alive as well, even though he is faceless. I personally think that he might be the alter-ego of KC (maybe that was the father's initial idea, before he decided to abandon that plot-line). Even though the father might not have finished his character, this incomplete character's ability to travel between worlds like KC, means that he too has the awareness and the will-power that KC has. Anyways whatever this faceless villain turns out to be, all I know is that he is creepy.

3. YJ was the first one to draw KC, but of course her's was the simple drawing of a child, but her father took her drawing as an outline for his KC character. I can't wait for episode 7, since the previews were exciting, and it looks like *spoilers* the H/h will get married, after these two depressing episodes. I just want it to be real in the real world as well. This drama is crazy, but in a good way. I don't think I've ever watched such an unpredictable drama, and I just hope it can hold up until the end, and that our H/h will have their real happy ending. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Aug 10, 2016, 8:19:01 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Aug 10, 2016, 11:02:17 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Spoilers In between bouts of Olympics watching I did find time to read Gu Man's translated novel Blazing Sunlight, Book 1. Overall, I thought that this novel was a cross between Silent Separation/My Sunshine and Shan Shan Comes to Eat/Boss & Me, with H1 (Zhuang Xu) and storyline resembling He Yichen and Silent Separation, while H2 (Len Yu Sen) and storyline were more like Feng Teng and Shan Shan Comes to Eat. So far, I'm firmly on the Len Yu Sen ship and unless he is somehow turned into a total loser/scum in Book 2 I'm probably going down with this ship. Especially since I suspect that the h will ultimately end up with H1. While I understand that since the novel is written in first person the narration of events may be misleading or incorrect, I have a hard time supporting H1 who after almost 2 years doesn't appear to have done much to build any type of relationship with the h. At best he has left the h with the impression that not only does he not respect her, he actually dislikes her and is in a relationship with the OW (who he always seems to support over the h). As a comparison, H2 after a mere 3 months has made it clear to the h that it was love at first sight for him (and despite what he thought the h did to him continued to love her). I was actually cheering when the h gave H1 a smack down towards the end of Book 1 since he never once made her feel that he valued or even wanted her "promise." Am looking forward to Book 2 whenever it gets released. I do think that it's possible that I might be on a different ship in a drama version of this novel especially if H1 does a better job of conveying his emotions to the audience than he does to the h and on a shallow note depending on who they cast as H1 and H2. ETA: the first installment of the 12 part U-Prince series wrapped up this weekend with the conclusion of the 8 episode drama The Handsome Cowboy. Overall, the drama did try it's hardest to redeem the really flawed H. I guess nothing says "I love you" more than taking a bullet for your love. Of course, it did help that Push, who always seems so charming, was playing the bad boy H (and that the h makes him really work for his HEA and that you're left feeling one wrong move in the future on his part and he's toast). The next installment of this series is The Foxy Pilot. Hopefully the plotline will be better than The Handsome Cowboy. Due to the Olympics, looks like there is some uncertainty if W will air tomorrow's episode. You replied with a later post

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Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Aug 10, 2016, 2:48:59 PM PDT Last edited by you on Aug 11, 2016, 10:32:46 AM PDT

Adnana says: (Change)

taz-mania, I agree with everything you've said about "Blazing Sunlight". :) This novel does seem like a cross between "Silent Separation" (the H1+h storyline) and "Shan Shan, Come Eat" (the H2+h storyline), and I too am Team H2 all the way. I just feel that LYS (H2) loves XG (h) more than ZX (H1). She's the only girl he's ever liked, he only saw her once yet hasn't stopped thinking about her in 2 years, he was able to forgive her and love her in spite of his misunderstanding (regarding the accident that ended his career as a surgeon). He went to Suzhou, to a lower position in the company, for the sole purpose of hunting the h down, and he did lots of swoon-worthy things for her. Whereas H1 never actively pursued the h--worse, like you said, he actually let her believe that he disliked her & that he was in a relationship with another girl. He never admitted that he wanted a relationship with her and made assumptions about her "running back" to him when the poor girl was clueless. He doesn't deserve the h, but most importantly, he seems like such an unhealthy choice for her--at least as things stand now (which may change in Book 2). H1 just doesn't seem to like the heroine very much (because, God forbid, she wants a simple life and doesn't have any great ambitions), and he certainly doesn't seem to respect her. He also seems to have an inferiority complex (because the heroine is rich and he comes from a poor family) and he's a coward for always expecting the heroine to pursue him and wait for him without him having ever encouraged her. I do admit, despite my preference for H2, I think both male leads are great characters and for the heroine's sake (because I love her unreservedly), I want BOTH heroes to have one real, honest-to-goodness chance with her before she makes her choice. Which means, I'm really rooting for all misunderstandings with H1 to be resolved, and for Rong Rong to get her comeuppance for all her machinations and lies. I really want H1 to understand how much the h liked him, that she wasn't fickle in her feelings (remember, he believed that they had a promise, while the h firmly believed that he was with Rong Rong) and that it was H1 himself who was 100% at fault for messing up his (non-)relationship with the h. Now, I know that Gu Man has had all her heroines up till now stay with the first love, which seems to indicate that XG might end up with H1. But "Blazing Sunlight", apparently, was supposed to be about growing up and letting first love go, so H2 might have a chance after all. The only things known so far, is that Book 2 will have a lot more of H1, and that h might break up with H2 at some point *sadface*. I'm still rooting for H2 to win his HEA with the h, though. And if he doesn't end up with the h, I really really hope that it won't be because the writer has destroyed his character. He's such a great guy, and if the h doesn't end up choosing him, then fine, it just means she loves H1 more, but I don't want her to choose H1 because H2 suddenly became a jerk (it just wouldn't fit with how his character has been established so far; he's so loving and protective towards the h and she trusts him so much). Discussion locked | Permalink

Posted on Aug 11, 2016, 10:31:46 AM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

"W" episode 7 was lovely! I really enjoyed all the swoony romantic moments, because it seems that the suspense (unpredictable, and sometimes goose bump inducing) will be picking up soon, so this episode was a needed breather. On this note, this OTP is seriously on their way to becoming my number 1 favorite couple! I'm sad that they didn't air episode 8 today because of the Olympics, but at least they aired episode 7 this week. I hope that the H/h don't separate next episode! You replied with a later post Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Aug 11, 2016, 10:45:53 AM PDT Last edited by you on Aug 11, 2016, 12:58:01 PM PDT

Adnana says: (Change)

Lovely D.M. said: "this OTP is seriously on their way to becoming my number 1 favorite couple!" Right? I luff them so much, together and apart. :D The h is cute as a button--I totally get why KC can't stop smiling whenever he sees her and why he loves to tease her--and she's a fangirl through and through (which makes her so easy to identify with), and she's such an innocent and bubbly soul, wearing her heart on her sleeve and swooning before, during, and after each interaction with KC. Lol. I'm so glad she's there for KC; she's his ray of sunshine and has literally become his reason for slowly rediscovering his desire to live despite his tragic circumstances. And KC... I love how good he is to her, once he's decided to give in, once he's decided to let himself love her even if he knows he can only have her for a short time. It'll devastate him to see her life threatened and not be able to protect her (because No-face can chase her through both worlds and he'll be relentless and tireless until he kills her). I just hope that the solution that KC finds to this danger (erasing YJ from his life, so that she'll also be erased from Noface's awareness) won't last long. This couple needs to be together!!! ETA: Also, how about them kisses? I love the writer (4 kisses in just 7 episodes! sure, the first 2 were mere pecks, but still! and the last 2 were perfect. and we're only on episode 7! just think of the possibilities...), and the PD (for not insisting on the standard K-drama dead fish kiss), and the actors (for kissing like real adults). YJ may have chosen #3 from the romance options, but this OTP seems well on its way to enacting option #4. And thank goodness for that, lol. Discussion locked | Permalink

Posted on Aug 11, 2016, 12:09:20 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

I couldn't stop grinning during the light and romantic scenes, especially when she was given the 4 options to choose from. KC is so logical about his approach while YJ is such a fangirl lol. The kiss in this ep was the best kiss between them so far, and I hope that all the kisses after this will be just as good. Also the cuddling scene was so precious! I really hope that KC will find another solution to protect YJ. Also I don't see how he can erase her from his life, or how she can do that. So far in this drama time froze or moved

forward (because of the time difference between the two worlds, or because KC wasn't in the W world), but it has never moved backwards. So I hope that that won't happen. In the end, all I know is that I don't want KC/YJ to separate. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Aug 12, 2016, 4:12:50 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Jennifer I just checked, and "Happy Marriage" episode 6 has been posted Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Aug 12, 2016, 7:11:02 PM PDT

Jennifer L. Rinehart says:

Yay!!!! Finally! thanx, for the update. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Aug 16, 2016, 1:21:36 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

So, while I wait for the new episodes of "W" I ended up checking out a slice of life drama called "Age of Youth". This drama is 8 eps in, and I ended up sort of marathoning through them. I really didn't expect that it would be this engaging, but by ep 2 I was in. The drama is a "slice of life" drama about 5 girls who are university students, who live together in a house. Each girl has her own quirks and set of problems, however the show still manages to make the viewer care for the characters even when they are making bad decisions or mistakes. The only character of the 5 girls I don't like is the one with the douche boyfriend, she is just so annoying - even though I feel bad for her. The viewer can see the characters growth as the show goes on, and the OST (especially the instrumental part) is beautiful. There is also romance in this, and a subtle feeling of mystery/melancholy/hope, but it is "slice of life" mainly/first. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on Aug 16, 2016, 5:00:36 PM PDT

cbela says:

I am liking "Cinderella and the Four Knights".:)

Posted on Aug 16, 2016, 9:04:07 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says: Found an English subbed YT video of the movie version of Gu Man's novel A Smile is Very Alluring. Was kinda surprised to find it available since the movie was only released on the 12th. While the video quality wasn't the best and the subs were at times hard to read both were at least decent enough to be able to follow the story. I was surprised by how much of the storyline they were able to condense into the 1 1/2 hour movie. The drama version, which should begin airing on the 22nd, will certainly flesh out the story a lot more and hopefully will include the side stories covering the H/h's 2 children. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Aug 18, 2016, 11:31:11 AM PDT

Lovely D.M. says: "W" is mind-blowing, I will write a longer comment once I have watched ep 9 subbed, but for now this is all I can say... I just hope it doesn't go too much into the suspense/horror route, because I need my romance/drama :( Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Aug 18, 2016, 4:53:13 PM PDT

Jennifer L. Rinehart says: I am holding off on watching more, because I want to marathon it from episode 8 on. But it is so hard to resist. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on Aug 18, 2016, 5:31:50 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says: Oh then I shouldn't give spoilers on this thread I guess, since I just finished watching ep 9... Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Aug 22, 2016, 11:15:36 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Aug 22, 2016, 11:24:26 AM PDT

Lovely D.M. says: I finished watching "Toki Wo Kakeru Shoujo/The Girl Who Leapt Through Time", and overall I liked it, but I thought it could've been better. This drama is actually a mini-drama, as it is only 5 eps long. I liked the three main characters, especially Mihane (the heroine), and thought that they were well-developed. However the story feels like it was written for young teens/pre-teens (I guess that's why no real kisses) or maybe that is just the way it was executed, even though the idea is very interesting. Overall this show was cute, intriguing, and moving. I think the idea of this story could easily be made into a longer and more grownup drama, with a suspense or mystery subplot. Also if it were set in University instead of highschool it would fit better, since Shohei needs the lab to do his experiment, and a university lab would have a lot more tools and materials. Anyways this drama reminds me of the innocence of childhood for some reason. Oh and this drama doesn't have a happy ending. However the ending is not tragic, but rather bitter/sweet. I wished the English subs were better, but overall it was easy to follow. Now back to "W", I will just say that YJ broke my heart in ep 9 (I really felt for her), and KC's subconscious is still pulling her into the W world. The villain and SM... a living nightmare; and it seems that the story is repeating itself but in a more horrifying way, it is almost like the story is playing the role of fate as it leaks into the real world. The only happy person this episode was YJ's clueless supervisor who's a "W" fanboy lol. I have to say that ep 9 left me feeling drained and the ending was scary. This drama is indeed mind-blowing, so far. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Aug 23, 2016, 9:44:41 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says: Kinda disappointed that so far no one is subbing Remembering Li Chuan (which has now finished airing in China). Read the translated novel so am looking forward to watching this drama once it's subbed. I did find the h to be somewhat frustrating and way too obsessed with the H and at times, like the H, I just wanted her to "move on". Will be interesting to see if I find the drama version of the h as frustrating. And yay, Gu Man's Just One Smile is Very Alluring has started airing and VIKI has subbed the first episode. While I don't think I'll like this drama as well as Gu Man's My Sunshine (my all-time favorite Chinese drama) I did enjoy the novel and really liked both the H and h. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Aug 26, 2016, 4:34:50 PM PDT

Monteen P Winfree says: I'm glad I read your post on "Age of Youth". Thanks. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Aug 27, 2016, 10:51:46 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Aug 27, 2016, 11:06:34 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says: You're welcome! I just finished watching the last ep of this drama, and overall this was a little gem slice-of-life/friendship drama. I enjoyed the friendships between the girls, and their growth as characters on their own life journeys. I wished that the romance subplots were a bit more prominent. I wished that the ending was more conclusive as well, but I guess now it leaves it open for a second season? I also watched the first two eps of "Moonlight Drawn by Clouds/Love in the Moonlight". I was initially going to pass on this drama, but I'm glad I checked it out, because it is off to a better than expected start. I hope that the romance won't be too limited, and I hope that the story will be good. The drama is humorous, but it also has dark undertones, even some of the humor is morbid. I am interested to see where this goes, as I feel that it has an air of unpredictability, but we shall see if this turns out cliche or not. As for "W", since I don't want to spoil it for anyone here, I'll just say that I've been writing mini-essays on dramabeans lol. This is the first show that has made me do that. I just hope I don't get disappointed in the end, but as Reader123 said this writer has a good track record of being solid till the end, so I'm hopeful that this drama will really end up being my number 1 favorite k-drama, but we shall see... ETA: Oh and I checked out the first two eps of "Jealousy Incarnate", and I will say that this show is off to a really weird, confusing, and quirky start. However since the cast is good and I at least fairly liked ep 2 (ep 1 was all over the place, and also the directing is erratic sometimes which I don't like), I will watch a bit more (I'm thinking at least till ep 4). If it doesn't get better/clearer by ep 4, then I will put it on hold. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Aug 29, 2016, 1:08:56 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Aug 29, 2016, 1:10:14 PM PDT

Usagi7777777 says: Read the "One Smile is very alluring/Love 020" novel a long time ago in Chinese and it stands as my favorite one by the author. The drama itself is mindblowing!!!! Never in my life have I seen such a good book to TV hero portrayal -it's like the book hero role is made for the leading male actor (Yang Yang). Previously, I couldn't picture any actor who could pull off the role of Xiao Nai, the inimitable hero (esp since he's too hot/perfect and so beloved in the Chinese romance novel world -impossible standards for any actor to meet), but Yang Yang absolutely nails it!! Besides being extremely handsome, there's just this aura that the book Xiao Nai possesses that I thought could never be replicated by any mortal actor, but I was proven wrong. Yang Yang basically has me believing that he walked straight out of the story book -he IS Xiao Nai. The leads' every interaction has my heart beating very fast -as a drama veteran (started out with Autumn in my Heart, All about Eve, Meteor Garden..etc.), it's been a long time since I've been so addicted to one. This drama is a MUST MUST watch!!! Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Aug 29, 2016, 10:43:46 PM PDT

Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Usagi - where are you watching this show, it sounds pretty great. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Aug 30, 2016, 7:12:22 AM PDT

May says: Jennifer, you can watch "one smile is very alluring" on dramacool.io english sub. I liked the novel more than the drama, although the drama is sticking very close to the novel. I thought the H is a little too girly looking, he's coming off a little wooden instead of intense. I'll continue to follow the drama since it's getting to the real life part and out of the gaming part. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Aug 30, 2016, 8:42:44 AM PDT

[Deleted by the author on Aug 30, 2016, 8:44:03 AM PDT] Discussion locked

In reply to an earlier post on Aug 30, 2016, 8:47:04 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Aug 30, 2016, 11:17:26 AM PDT

Usagi7777777 says: You can also watch it on hdfree.se with English subs. To each their own I guess...I find Yang Yang's portrayal of Xiao Nai (the book hero) to be

spot on! Basically he's exactly what i pictured Xiao Nai to be: Princely genius guy with a mysterious aura who's cold/distant to everyone except the main girl, but at the same time very loyal to his family/friends. As it's always difficult to play aloof characters without seeming wooden, I really admire Yang Yang's take on this role. His eyes are very expressive, esp. when it comes to Wei Wei, the heroine: Whenever he looks at her, they shoot intensity and warmth. His every movement reminds me of a leopard going hunting, biding his time before going for the kill. He also has a venomous tongue and sinister dark side, which he often uses to annihilate everyone -Yang Yang's delivery of those lines are epic! For example: Wei Wei, upon meeting him for the first time after getting to know him through their online personas, was shocked that he was the heartthrob of the school. Being nervous, she mentioned that riding on his bike on school grounds would make everyone misunderstand that they were in "this kind of relationship..." In a brilliant move to solidify their real life relationship, Xiao Nai trapped her with "When were we ever not in that kind of relationship?" Sign...Xiao Nai is just an expert at delivering lethally accurate remarks that just renders his recipients speechless and Yang Yang captures that aspect brilliantly!! I still can't get that line/scene out of my head. Anyways, you can tell I love this series and highly highly recommend it to anyone in the mood for a feel-good series with plenty of love/affection btw the OTP. This drama just makes me giddy with happiness! Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Aug 30, 2016, 8:51:25 AM PDT

Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Thanks guys, I'll give it a go. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Aug 31, 2016, 9:24:35 PM PDT

Rashell Anderson says: Just checking back in to the K-drama thread. I have been following, but haven't really felt inspired to comment. I am watching a few currently airing dramas. W is just ok for me. I'm not as in love with it as most are. Cinderella and the 4 Knights is cute, but not blazing any trails. I'm liking Moonlight Drawn by Clouds, but it's pretty early in it's run. I'm not sure about Goryeo yet. I like the main 3 characters but feel like the H is mostly being saved by Lee Jun Ki being a very good actor because the writing for him could easily make him be too harsh and violent. Kang Hanuel's Wook is also very interesting. He seems very nice and mild, but I feel like he's kind of the silently deadly type. Just biding his time. I do think his affection for the h is real. She's probably the weakest of the three character wise and acting wise. But her character is supposed to be kind of fish out of water with not a ton of depth needed and IU can pull that off. But still, so far all of these are just ok for me. I really need a crack drama soon. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Sep 1, 2016, 7:27:07 AM PDT

Usagi7777777 says: Give "One smile is very alluring" a try...it sure made me all giddy -haven't felt that way in a long time. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Sep 1, 2016, 12:03:35 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says: Welcome back Rashell! Glad to see your posts again :) For me "W" is definitely addictive, so far. I am enjoying "Moonlight Drawn by Clouds", it is light and fresh, and is hitting the right emotional notes, but I hope it doesn't become cliche. I am also enjoying "Scarlet Heart" (I don't call it Moon Lovers, because then the title becomes too similar to "Moonlight"), I thought that the first episode wasn't very good but eps 2 and 3 were good (but I wish the director would ease off on the excessive close-ups). I also can overlook the bad acting of the minor princes, as long as the story stays focused on the main leads. This also is the first drama where the male lead skirts really close to being an anti-hero (but we shall see). I'm finding "Jealousy Incarnate" to be just an okay quirky/weird show so far, but I like that they are shedding light on breast cancer. This show I can put on hold until I have more time and then catch up, so it doesn't make me feel like I have to watch it week by week. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Sep 2, 2016, 7:38:46 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 2, 2016, 7:43:34 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says: Rashell - welcome back! I've watched the first 13 episodes of Just One Smile is Very Alluring/Love 020 and agree that they have done an excellent job in bringing the novel to life. So far, I'm liking the drama adaption better than the novel, especially since the drama shows the H pursuing the h from the very beginning. I was worried that the first half of the drama might be draggy since in the novel the H/h contact was limited to the gaming characters but this was handled really well in the drama (the h is so oblivious that all of the "coincidental" meetings are staged by the H). I'm hoping that the drama continues to follow the novel which really had no breakups, no misunderstandings, no noble idiocy, and no meaningful OW/OM (H/h were either oblivious or ignored these characters) just a sweet romance between the H/h. I'm a couple of weeks behind in the all the other dramas I'm following and haven't checked out any of the new ones. Still disappointed that no one is translating Remembering Li Chuan. I liked the novel despite the frustrating h and the noble idiocy of the H. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Sep 2, 2016, 11:00:57 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 2, 2016, 11:05:30 AM PDT

Usagi7777777 says: Since the drama's screenplay is written by the author herself, I'm not surprised it's surpassing the novel (only fitting that the creator can improve upon her own creation). The relative short length of the novel grants a better opportunity for the drama to expand on certain details like the male leads perspective. Through this drama, I can see the author taking full advantage of this avenue: We get to see the beginning of the romance through Xiao Nai's eyes as well as Wei Wei's, whereas in the original book, we only really get Wei Wei's perspective. Hopefully the momentum will continue and make this series one of my all-time favorites!!! Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post: Sep 4, 2016, 12:56:02 PM PDT Last edited by you on Sep 4, 2016, 12:57:39 PM PDT

Adnana says: (Change)

I watched all available (subbed) episodes of "Love O2O" (i.e. episodes 1-22) over the last week. The drama is a faithful--and expanded--adaptation of the original novel, and I couldn't be happier about it. So great to see all my favorite dialogues & scenes from the novel reenacted in a 3d-setting. The main actors are doing a v.good job bringing their characters to life (Wei Wei's inner monologues and expressions are so cute! and Yang Yang really nails Xiao Nai's cool yet irresistible aura), and the romance is super sweet and conflict-free (which I really appreciate, for a change). I love that the drama truly manages to convey how well the h and H fit together (and complete each other): they start out with mutual interest and chemistry, but there's also respect (Wei Wei practically idolizes her "Great Master"--understandably so, lol, since he's a genius at everything he does; and for Xiao Nai, Wei Wei's great beauty might actually be the least important reason why he falls for her), then deepening trust, intimacy. The gradual changes and growth in their relationship are depicted with careful detail. I love Gu Man's writing, and I really wish she'd get on and finish writing "Blazing Sunlight" (Book 2, and then also the scripts for the sure-to-follow drama). Apparently, when Gu Man (a notoriously slow writer, nicknamed "turtle") was supposed to write the scripts for "Love O2O", her agent (or drama producer?) shut her off in her hotel room, and thus isolated Gu Man was able to write quite fast. Maybe her editor for "Blazing Sunlight" should take a hint? But then again, after the last spoilers I heard about Book 2, maybe my heart would be safer it that book never saw the light of day. Discussion locked | Permalink

Posted on Sep 4, 2016, 5:21:16 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says: Adnana - are you hearing that H1 ends up with h in Blazing Sunlight? Given his actions (and inaction) in Book 1, he in no way deserves her. Unfortunately, I won't be surprised (but will be extremely disappointed) if H1 ends up being the end game. I've now watched through episode 21 of Just One Smile is Very Alluring/Love 020, and continue to really enjoy it. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Sep 4, 2016, 5:52:32 PM PDT

darkice7_12 says: Love O2O/Just One Smile . . . I didn't think I would like it so much. The novel was good, but sometimes things fall flat in the adaptation. (I wasn't too impressed by the movie). I even had some issues with Shan Shan Comes to Eat and the side characters in My Sunshine made it a bit draggy. I'm stopping myself from watching the drama until it's done (I'm one of those) so that I can marathon it, but have watched enough to know that they were really true to the story. I literally sit here with a smile on my face when I'm watching the OTP's scenes. It really does help that Gu Man wrote the script, but there is her tendency again to stretch out the scenes of some of the side characters (in this case CG/EX) that I'm not enjoying as much. I am really connecting to KO/Hao Mei's story, and can't believe that they even have the beginnings of that relationship. The outtakes had just the bare outline of their love story, and these additional scenes are building on that and are a treat to watch. I really like the actors they have picked for those two characters. In fact, I think they did a really good job with the casting for everyone. As to Blazing Sunlight, I would feel so horribly for H2 if that happened. This guy just really got my heart in the first novel. :( Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Sep 4, 2016, 6:20:43 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says: Unfortunately, I've almost caught up with all of the subbed episodes of Love 020/Just One Smile Is Very Alluring. But on a bright note, looks like MVs of the drama are now being posted to YT. Guess I can watch these while I'm waiting for new episodes to be subbed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clcvOa3E7uA Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Sep 4, 2016, 7:58:08 PM PDT

Usagi7777777 says: "Just One Smile..." was my most anticipated Gu Man drama adaptation as I loved both the H and h (esp Xiao Nai Da Shen), but even I was surprised at the end product and how wellrounded the drama turned out to be...still can't get over Yang Yang's brilliant portrayal of my Xiao Nai. Besides the OTP, I also love most of the supporting cast with the exception of Cao Guang/Er Xi, but they didn't take up that much screen time. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post: Sep 5, 2016, 1:52:05 AM PDT Last edited by you on Sep 5, 2016, 1:54:51 AM PDT

Adnana says:


"It really does help that Gu Man wrote the script, but there is her tendency again to stretch out the scenes of some of the side characters (in this case CG/EX) that I'm not enjoying as much." "...the side characters in My Sunshine made it a bit draggy" Gu Man wrote the scripts for both "My Sunshine" and "Love O2O", and the reason why she expanded the side characters' storylines was... well, she needed enough content for a 30episode drama, didn't she? Personally, I don't care about the side characters enough to be annoyed by them--I mostly skip over their scenes (both in "My Sunshine" and now with the Cao Guang/Er Xi relationship) and devote all my attention to the main OTP. That's what I'm here for, and as regards the main romance, neither drama has disappointed me in the least. I'm actually upset that Gu Man didn't pen the scripts for the Shan Shan drama adaptation as well--that's the one Gu Man novel adaptation that, unlike with the other two (My Sunshine, Love O2O), I have some real complaints about. As for "Blazing Sunlight 2", we don't know who the h ends up with--only that (1) H1 will have a strong presence once more in the h's life; and (2) there's a break up with H2 (Lin Yu Sen) and lots of angst in store for the h. Points (1) and (2) might or might not be connected. What I was referring to as the latest spoilers (for me), and which created this really nasty feeling in the pit of my stomach: apparently, Gu Man hinted that neither H1 nor H2 are what they appear in Book 1. Which I was expecting in the case of H1 (i.e. the h perceived him as uninterested and maybe even despising towards her, as well as entangled with that Rong Rong girl--which perceptions will then likely get turned on their head in Book 2)--but what about H2, then? WHAT ABOUT MY LIN YU SEN? How exactly is he different than he appears? Since he appears the 100% perfect loving husband material for the h, this can't end well. Anyway, it's still a work in progress and until the actual finished book comes out, we won't know. Still, now I have my suspicions of how H2 might be hiding something (maybe regarding his pursuit of the h? a nasty deal with his rich chairman grandfather over rights of inheritance?), which will ultimately lead to the break up with the h. She trusts him too completely now for it to not backfire on her, if enough conflict is necessary to fill a second book.

Posted on Sep 5, 2016, 12:41:33 PM PDT

darkice7_12 says:

@Usagi7777777 - Good to know about CG/EX not taking up much screen space. I plan on beginning this tonight. Can't wait to immerse myself into the OTP's story, along with enjoying KO/HM's bits. XD @Adnana, I agree. Although the dramas were draggy because of the side characters, I still really, really liked My Sunshine for its superb hero. XD I also plan on really liking Love O2O. ;P I didn't know that Gu Man hadn't written Shan Shan's script. I loved the first 1/2, but the second 1/2 kind of just fell apart. It wasn't a keeper for me. As for Blazing Sunlight 2. With H1, I think I saw enough to hint that he did like her, but was just really bad at saying it. As for H2 . . . I don't know what to think. Thank you for sharing the news about this. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Sep 5, 2016, 1:04:51 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 5, 2016, 1:10:47 PM PDT

Usagi7777777 says:

So jealous you get to watch this when most of the episodes are out...waiting in btw episodes was pure torture! It's true that CG/EX don't take up that much screen time, but back when the show was airing, everyone only wanted to watch our OTP, so any screen time taken by this secondary couple annoyed folks, esp. when nobody liked their relationship. Now if they chucked the CG/EX story and replaced it with KO/HM's side story (hilarious duo), then people wouldn't have minded as much. Finally, episodes were limited to two per week minus Sunday, so there weren't enough to watch. Again, the show ends tomorrow, so you're jumping on the bandwagon at the opportune moment -too lucky!! Happy watching...hope you love it as much as I do!!! Once again, Xiao Nai Da Shen and Wei Wei rules!!! Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Sep 7, 2016, 12:21:03 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 7, 2016, 12:38:46 PM PDT

Usagi7777777 says:

I've also been watching this C-drama called "Nirvana in Fire" on dramafever. It's a fictional historical based on a novel and is absolutely incredible! It's one of those "must see" series with a stellar cast, script, and production. There were many lovable characters and a brilliant main character. This reviewer on imdb called zhuzhube says it best: "This is definitely one of the best shows I've seen in my life! Speaking from someone who has watched countless US and Asian shows over the past 15 years. It is definitely a plus if you are fluent in Chinese because part of the beauty of this show lies within the writing and I especially enjoyed the concise and poetic style that the characters spoke with, but aside from that, the acting, music, costumes, story, and character development are all extremely well done, worthy of your time every second. I am currently watching it a second time, and it is even better this time around because I am able to better connect the dots from the very beginning and I must applaud the writers and directors for their incredible achievement of presenting such a complicated and emotional story in such a breathtakingly beautiful way. The story really reminds me of the Count of Monte Cristo, but it is much more grand in scale and more noble in motivation. The suspense and logic within the story is on par with shows like Sherlock and GoT. The music is beyond perfection, every piece fits the atmosphere perfectly, similar to the level of precision found in True Detective and Hannibal. The casting is also spot on, every protagonist and every villain is portrayed with such accuracy and care, you can't help but feel that the actors are all extremely emotionally and mentally invested in their characters, which makes a fictional story that takes place 1600 years ago seem so real and intimate. Overall, Nirvana in Fire has captured my heart in more than one way upon second viewing. It's been a really long time since a show has made me feel such a complete spectrum of emotions. I would recommend this show to anyone who likes complex, beautiful, and thought- provoking stories." Just thought I'd share this with you guys in case anyone's in the mood for an incredible drama full of political intrigue, fascinating characters, and non-stop suspense. Also, the first episode

was really boring and confusing; took me until the 4th episode to become addicted (kind of skipped right to the 4th episode to catch up with my sister) , so please don't be put off. Once the plot takes off, it becomes a non-stop roller coaster ride that can give you multiple heart attacks. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Sep 9, 2016, 8:44:31 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

The H/h (Xiao Nai/Wei Wei) of Just One Smile is Very Alluring/Love O2O remained adorable until the end. It was refreshing to watch a drama where the lead couple lacked any angst. No noble idiocy, no misunderstandings, no fights or disagreements, no breakups, and no listening to or believing the lies or misinformation being spread by the wanna be OW and OM. While I wasn't a fan of either the h's best friend Er Xi (who really for the most part didn't deserve the h's friendship), the wanna be OM Cau Guang (who proved time after time to be a hypocrite), or the wanna be OW Yi Ran, I guess I preferred that the conflicts of the show be between them and the h/H, rather than having the conflict be between the H/h. Overall, an excellent adaption of Gu Man's novel and one where I liked the drama better than the novel. I liked all of the H's best friends/roommates and enjoyed the KO/Beauty romance. I found that I enjoyed these characters a lot more in the drama than in the novel, perhaps due to how well they were brought to life my the actors portraying them. I also finished watching the fantasy rom/com Bring It On, Ghost. While this drama included most of the normal drama tropes (amnesia, noble idiocy, etc.) for the most part they were given a fresh twist and the plot moved along at a fast enough pace so that the drama never felt overly draggy. And on a positive note, the H/h really were cute together. While I don't believe Taecyeon will ever win an award for acting ability, this was probably his best performance. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Sep 9, 2016, 12:32:41 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 9, 2016, 12:33:37 PM PDT

May says:

For Love 020, I wasn't sure if there was a romance between KO (the hacker guy) and Beauty or not. That romance was entirely too subtle and I completely missed it. I thought the hacker guy was way too interested in Beauty, but I didn't think Beauty was gay. So there was romance between them? So far, I'm really enjoying "moonlight drawn by clouds", "Scarlet Heart: Goryeo", and "Cinderella and four knights". Overall light romcom and I like all the H/h in them. I am still searching drama to fill my wed/thurs, but so far I can't seem to get into "w-two worlds" (the plot was too confusing/the h a little too airhead for me), or "uncontrollably fond" (i like happy endings and this one looks like a sad ending). Anyone watching anything interesting and could recommend? I like "jealous incarnate" and i'm starting to have second lead syndrome (the CEO). Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Sep 9, 2016, 3:11:54 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 9, 2016, 3:18:09 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

I am watching "Jealousy Incarnate" on and off, because it is not the type of show that makes me want to be glued to my screen, it is an average quirky romantic drama that I'm finding entertaining. However I agree, the second male lead outshines the first male lead in this one, which annoys me because we know he won't end up with the heroine (why can't the writer at least write both leads to be on equal footing when it comes to appeal? Or change it so that the heroine ends with the second male lead. Is that too much to ask?). As for "W" I continue to really enjoy it, for me both the hero and the heroine in this show have been awesome, and the drama has engaged my full attention so far (even if I feel that the last few eps have gotten a bit convoluted). The heroine is not an airhead, even though in the beginning she acts all fangirly, but later on she will realize that the romance sequel she had hoped for while ignoring the real dangers of the W world (a world that is alive), has a grave price to pay. There is a lot to say about KC (the hero) as well, and the focus on freewill and will-power in this drama, but I will leave the long review till next week, after the last episode airs :) I am really hoping that KC/YJ will get their happy life together, after all the suffering. Frankly the second half of this drama has been depressing, and so the ending had better be satisfying. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Sep 9, 2016, 7:39:53 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 9, 2016, 11:01:50 PM PDT

darkice7_12 says:

Hi May, While there was no romance between them in the main novel, Gu Man did side stories/out takes based on the two where they did end up together. The side stories were titled Beauty's Smile is also Alluring and have been translated by at least a couple of good translators that I know of. One of them is Li'l Bliss, who did the complete translations of all the side stories. If you google it, you can find them online. It is BL, with the tropes that come with that. For the drama, Gu Man changed the story a bit (they meet while KO is still a cook vs just working together at Xiao Nai's company), and we got to see more of the pursuit. I don't think they could go any further with it without it being censored. But I think we're supposed to take it as Hao Mei being bi rather than gay. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on Sep 10, 2016, 7:49:20 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I do agree that the KO/Beauty romance in the drama version of Love O2O was more subtle than the novel (where they clearly ended up together) due to censorship. I also would have liked if the drama had included the H/h post marriage side stories, especially those relating to their children and their friendship with Shan Shan and Feng Teng of Boss & Me/Shan Shan Comes to Eat fame (a cameo appearance by these actors would have been fun). Gu Man

dramas have become my favorites. Too bad she doesn't write faster. Spoilers I dropped Uncontrollable Fond after the first episode where the H was only given a very short time to live. Given how the drama ended I'm very happy for my decision. Also, given the ending to the drama Remembering Li Chuan I no longer care if this drama gets subbed or not. While the novel ended on a happy note, it's my understanding that the drama doesn't. I don't agree with the directors/writers who seem to mistakenly believe that giving a drama an unhappy ending somehow makes it a better product. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on Sep 14, 2016, 2:18:57 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 14, 2016, 7:56:22 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Spoliers Keeping on with my Chinese drama kick, I finally watched Sound of the Desert. Overall, I found it to be very enjoyable drama with a great H, h and OM. It also probably had one of the better "h in love with OM" storylines. Unlike a lot of dramas with this trope, the love triangle wasn't dragged out until the bitter end but instead the h gave up on the OM about half way through the drama (and while there was some angst later on as the OM tried to win the h back, for the most part, I don't believe the h ever considered leaving the H for the OM). The H was probably everything you would want in a H - smart, strong, possessive, jealous and absolutely refused to believe that he wouldn't win the h in the end. He also refused all attempts by the Emperor and others to force him to marry a higher ranking person. For him it was always the h and no one else. While the OM story was bittersweet, I was actually happy that his noble idiocy cost him the h. I get so sick of the noble idiocy trope that I actually liked that the OM had to live his life regretting his treatment/multiple rejections of the h. The drama did include the usually palace politics and backstabbing. Fortunately, these scenes can easily be fast forwarded through. My only complaint about this drama (and really for all Chinese dramas) is the dubbing. It really takes some getting use to. A Koala's Playground has translated the novel "Do Mo Yao" upon which this drama was based. I was surprised by how closely the drama and its dialog followed the novel. ETA: On a side note, certain of the characters and events in the novel are based on real individuals and events. The H was based on the famous Han Dynasty general Huo Qubing who lived from 140 BC to 117 BC, dying at age 23 (if you've seen the drama, this explains the deus ex machina that occurs in the final episode). In the drama the H's name is changed to Wei Wu Ji, I expect that this change was to satisfy the Chinese censors given how his character was fictionalized in the drama. MV of H/h https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZnPj8e-15U Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Sep 14, 2016, 7:32:55 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 14, 2016, 7:35:32 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

I just finished watching "W" and I wanted to write a long review, but now that it is over I just don't know what to say. "W" was crazy (with the two worlds story-line, this needed to be explored more), stressful (with the thriller/suspense elements), meta (clever and with a warning to bad writers out there), scifi (the possibility that the W world is an independent world, because it continues even if the story is not uploaded any longer), beautiful (the romance of YJ/KC - I need more of this!), and poignant (the sacrifices that all 3 characters YJ, KC, and finally YJ's father were willing to make), and had some depth (the importance of free will and will-power). Also how despite all his flaws and faults, YJ's father truly loved her, and by the end I really pitied him and hoped he would be saved but alas. I wished that the pacing of this drama had been a bit more relaxed (specifically in its second half), because with the fast pacing and intensity, it became somewhat draining to watch the episodes in the second half of this drama. This is one drama were I actually wished there were more filler scenes with the H/h and with the supporting characters, and a longer episode count because it certainly had enough material to fill up to 20 episodes. LJS and HHJ had the best chemistry, LJS is one actor who always has a lot of chemistry with his leading ladies. I wished that the ending was more happy and less bitter/sweet, but it is a happy ending/life for YJ/KC despite the bitter/sweet circumstances. I love KC's gentleness with YJ, it makes my heart flutter, and hopefully they will live their 50 and more years together happily. YJ was a sweet and awesome/resourceful heroine. KC was an awesome and kick ass hero. Sure this drama is not perfect, but just the fact that it had me hooked from beginning to end gives it the spot of my number 1 favorite k-drama (so far). Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Sep 15, 2016, 8:25:26 AM PDT

May says:

taz: i'm gonna check out sound of the desert since your comment convinced me. I'm not into chinese historical drama, but a jealous/possessive/strong/protective H deserve a chance. In turns out, it has Vietnamese dubbing, so i don't have to read the english sub. Thanks for the rec. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post: Sep 15, 2016, 12:06:57 PM PDT Last edited by you on Sep 22, 2016, 3:46:17 AM PDT

Adnana says: (Change)

Anyone else still watching "Scarlet Heart: Ryeo"? I am completely obsessed with Lee Jun-ki's 4th prince (and hero of the story). He's the perfect blend of savage fierceness and heartbreaking vulnerability, and touches every one of my heart chords. I don't care if he has to cut a bloody swath through some of his family members to get to the throne (they more than deserve it), and I don't care if he has to resort to underhanded means to break up the heroine and the OM (who are currently in a pretty cute relationship)--if she's the girl he loves, then I want him to have her, and I want her to love him back. God knows, nobody has ever shown him a scrap of love and care before (starting with his awful mother), and the heroine--with her sunniness and unconditional acceptance of him, scar and all--is exactly what he needs to reassemble some of his shattered soul. (I'm forever a sucker of this trope in fiction, even if not in real life.)

Anyway, this drama has me so entranced that I willingly and willfully ignore all its flaws. Like "Faith" a couple of years ago (because of its great love story), "Scarlet Heart: Ryeo" (because of its hero) can do almost no wrong in my eyes at this point. I just hope that the main romance will be epic, once it finally gets started. Though I'm pretty reassured on that point, since I've read spoilers that the hero will be super obsessed with the h (which totally doesn't surprise me, considering what I already saw of the hero's personality, and his tendency to go all-in when he cares about something), and jealous of the OM--all of which, I'm not ashamed to say, is totally up my drama alley. So, bring it on! Discussion locked | Permalink

In reply to your post on Sep 16, 2016, 7:09:07 AM PDT

May says:

Oh oh oh me me me...I"m totally into Scarlet Heart: Ryeo, and the fourth prince is so yummy. I'm with you, a tortured but strong H is always a favorite of mine too (with one condition that he's only into the h and no one else). I didn't like the chinese version b/c the H there didn't do anything for me. My only complaint in the Korean version is the romance btw the H/h hasn't start yet. I mean, the H is still in the "realizing his feelings" stage and hasn't truly start his chase yet. I hope it starts on the next episode this monday. Also, I read this drama is not doing too well in Korea, which is sad. It's pretty good so far in my opinion. You replied with a later post Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Sep 16, 2016, 11:33:30 AM PDT

Rashell Anderson says:

@Adnana: I'm the same about Scarlet Heart. Lee Jun-ki is just so dang good that I'm completely in his corner and just want him to be happy no matter what. For all it's flaws, and there are some no doubt, Jun-ki is so good that I can't help but root for him and invest in his character. I'm still really liking this one and Moonlight. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Sep 18, 2016, 3:14:26 AM PDT Last edited by you on Sep 20, 2016, 7:36:03 AM PDT

Adnana says: (Change)

May said: "Oh oh oh me me me...I"m totally into Scarlet Heart: Ryeo, and the fourth prince is so yummy." A girl after my own heart. :) I especially loved the string of interjections with which you started your post and can completely sympathize. More and more, when 4th Prince shows up on my screen these days (and I must be one of the few people who don't hate the director's propensity for extreme close-ups of actors' faces in Scarlet Heart), words fail me and I'm reduced to interjections. ;)

And like in your case, the H (and the OM) in the C-version didn't do anything for me (hate that half-bald hairstyle for the men so much!). Regarding what you said, about the main romance not having started yet in the K-version, well consider this: Chinese Scarlet Heart (C-SH) was 26h (35 episodes of 45 minutes each), and in that version not only did the romance between the H/h not start until the 2nd half(!!), but the H had very little screentime in the 1st half. Whereas Korean Scarlet Heart (K-SH) has 20h (20 episodes of 60 minutes each), and according to spoilers the romance between h/OM may be ending next week in episodes 8/9 (and 4th Prince will hug the h at least twice!). Also thankfully, the romance between h/OM in K-SH never got to be as intense as in C-SH. 8th Prince hugs and kisses Hae Soo's forehead, but he won't have a real kiss with her, whereas the h/OM in C-SH had kisses and rolling in the grass. Not to mention, unlike in C-SH, 4th Prince in K-SH has already had quite a lot of screentime even in the first half (though not enough. never enough). When the H in C-SH first became interested in the h, she actually avoided him as much as she could at first because she knew he would be the Emperor and didn't want to have anything to do with him. Whereas in K-SH, 4th Prince and Hae Soo are already in a very close relationship (I'd say, even closer than what the h has with 8th Prince, because with 8th the h acts shy and demure and doesn't want to burden him with her problems, whereas with 4th the h is always herself: honest, oftentimes argumentative, sometimes bratty etc. To 4th, Hae Soo has shown all the sides of herself, good and bad, and they've had lots of frank, revealing discussions). At any rate, the progress for K-SH now at episode 7 is quite good. No, the main romance hasn't technically, officially started yet, but the H has realized his feelings for the h and while the h doesn't reciprocate romantically yet (or isn't aware of her own feelings, being still caught up in her infatuation with 8th), there's a really solid basis for when the turning point does happen, and the H/h find themselves mutually and deeply in love. Can't wait! Discussion locked | Permalink

In reply to your post on Sep 19, 2016, 8:04:04 AM PDT

May says:

Adnana, you're right, that's a pretty solid foundation for a romance btw 4th prince/h. And yes, the half bald hairstyle and the pony tail, whoever started that style should get a stern lecture about fashion. In the C-drama version, the 4th prince ended up thinking she betrayed him and tossed her out. The h died thinking the 4th prince no longer loved her. The Korean version is following events pretty closely to the C-version so far. I really really really hope this is not the same ending the k-version is going for. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to your post on Sep 19, 2016, 11:20:56 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 19, 2016, 11:22:00 AM PDT

May says:

Soo I was browsing and ran into this: Crazy Queen (2016) Our female lead time-travels to the past and into the body of a female monarch of a kingdom

with a male harem of about 30 men. A place where she can get them pregnant. Related Content Go Princess Go (Chinese Drama) Native title: 疯狂天后 First reaction: WTF, second reaction:where can i see this!!!! Anyone know anything about this new c-drama? Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Sep 19, 2016, 1:20:50 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 19, 2016, 4:36:53 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Guess Crazy Queen is a web drama like Go Princess Go. http://www.avirtualvoyage.net/2016/09/webdrama-crazy-queen-features-pregnant-men-anda-lot-more.html ETA: I actually enjoyed all the craziness of Go Princess Go, so hopefully this one will be as fun. If I remember correctly, seems like after Go Princess Go's original release, the Chinese censors stepped in and required modification/edits. Not sure if VIKI still has Go Princess Go or if it's the original or revised version. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post: Sep 20, 2016, 11:51:37 AM PDT Last edited by you on Sep 26, 2016, 7:46:02 AM PDT

Adnana says: (Change)

May, We were talking about how much longer the romance between h/OM in "Scarlet Heart: Ryeo" will drag on... Unfortunately, it looks like my guess that the h/OM will break up this week was overly optimistic, and the relationship breakdown won't happen until next week's E10-11. (Fingers crossed the prediction holds true this time!) **SPOILERS** follow On the bright side, I'm not *completely* dissatisfied with E8-9 because: (1) the h/H had some really GREAT moments together in E8; and (2) the h's premonitions of a deadly future (annoying plot device alert!) in E9 didn't *completely* ruin her relationship with 4th Prince, as I feared at this stage of the plot progression. Or didn't ruin it beyond repair, rather. (Because 4th Prince has already decided to let down his walls with the h, and not surprisingly, once he's let himself care for someone, he's all in come hell of high water. I mean, seriously--this guy kept trying to win over his Mom from Hell even after being broken down by her for 15 freaking years! One--or two or ten... you get the idea--sudden unexplained rejections from Hae Soo will hardly put this guy off now.) Thus, the h being frightened out of her mind will actually make the H all panicky at losing her (and LJK does sexy angst so well) and will give him the excuse to go all take-charge alpha lover on her and finally secure her allegiance (and heart?) with some bold moves (how about that kiss, hmm? it looks like maybe HS won't *completely* reject it, in the end? and

seaside kidnapping, anyone?). I'm so ready for that ship to sail. That said, the last scene in E9... I was heartbroken when WS, after being once again emotionally crucified by Hell Queen, went to HS looking for comfort--only to be blindsided by her (to him, inexplicable) rejection. I honestly had to look away for a moment when I couldn't stand the pain in his eyes; and his desperate refusal of being sent away by HS, too, his insistent claim of HS as "his person" just about slayed me. I continue to love the H to pieces, and while I hate the h for rejecting him, at his most vulnerable, and in such an ugly way, I do get where she's coming from. Sigh. Her attitude towards 4th (i.e. still not in love with him) is even in line with the novel and the C-drama at this point in the story progression. And I do anticipate completely loving 4th Prince's reaction, who by no means will meekly accept HS's sudden change in attitude. Nevertheless, I've become iffy about the writing (surely HS's reaction could have been less hateful? will she at least redeem herself?) and doubtful about the story overall (I know the drama, like the original novel, will just pile on the mountains of pain--but is there to also be no emotional payoff in-between the blows?). I remembered that I didn't like C-SH, that I skim-watched it without being emotionally invested, and I wish that 4th Prince in K-SH hadn't made such a big dent in my heart, then I wouldn't get so upset about all the pain he has to suffer through, and the heroine still not loving him back. Discussion locked | Permalink 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion.

In reply to your post on Sep 20, 2016, 12:45:33 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 20, 2016, 12:48:14 PM PDT

May says:

Adnana: you've seen ep 9 sub already? where where where? I saw the preview and I saw the H make some bold moves in claiming the h, i was so hopeful..awww man. Can't this guy get a break. Also, I don't remember an astronomer in the C-drama. In K-drama, it looks like he's a key player, moving pieces to make the 4th prince into future king. His character is super mysterious. Maybe the writer will use him to change the tragic ending of the H/h? You replied with a later post Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Sep 20, 2016, 9:59:55 PM PDT Last edited by you on Sep 22, 2016, 3:38:38 AM PDT

Adnana says: (Change)

May, Sorry for the late reply, but yesterday I went to sleep after writing that post. I hadn't already seen E9 with sub, but I watched it raw and: (1) the good people of soompi had translated some dialogues; (2) very soon after E9 aired in Korea, there was a video of the last scene floating around, the Asia One (international) version, and it was completely subbed as it had aired on TV. That's why I know what HS said to WS, and how he reacted. I don't remember any astronomer in the C-drama; there might have been one but I only skimwatched so I can't say for sure. He wouldn't have been necessary, though, as the h in C-SH knew all of the history of the period, whereas Hae Soo's knowledge of Goryeo was hazy

before and is only now being augmented by those visions because of her death experience or something. So the astronomer in the K-version has a rather more important role under the circumstances, kinda like a conductor of the orchestra (i.e. historical events)? Like you said, a very mysterious figure. As for the ending, in no way or form am I holding my breath for a HEA. Not in the Goryeo timeline, at any rate (and there can be no true HEA in any other timeline, for these two people Wang So and Hae Soo). Hoping otherwise would be, I'm sure, a very thorny path to step on. It's the first time I've watched a K-drama knowing that it'll end tragically, and I hope it'll be the last. After my rookie K-drama days, I became someone who 95% of the time has to know the drama's ending in advance and won't watch if it's not a HEA. The remaining 5% is when I live-watch a drama, but it has to be a RomCom where, too, the HEA is guaranteed. I can't explain why I'm making an exception for K-Scarlet Heart since I'm not a huge fan of any of the actors. There just was something about the previews, and about the H, that I couldn't resist. So now I'm gritting my teeth and telling myself I'm thankful for the foreknowledge of tragedy, since at least this way I won't be blindsided, like people here on this forum were by the ending of, say, "Gaksital". Discussion locked | Permalink

Posted on Sep 21, 2016, 10:07:56 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 21, 2016, 10:23:25 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Unfortunately, as proven by "Marry Him If You Dare" you can't even trust rom/coms to provide a HEA. I just finished watching what has to be my oldest drama, the 1996 J-drama Long Vacation. I had seen it recommended numerous times on Dramabeans (Open Thread discussions) and given it's short length (11 45-minute episodes) thought it was worth checking out. Surprising, I thought the drama itself has held up remarkably well. While I didn't find the clothes or hairstyling distracting, the heavy cigarette smoking and even a Marlboro product placement sign were the only things that I thought made the drama feel a little dated (well also the lacked of any cell phones or PCs/internet). The drama itself was a friends to lovers noona romance (H is 24, while h is 30). H/h meet after she is stood up by her fiancee on her wedding day. The h goes to the fiancee's apartment to confront him but instead meets the H. Since the fiancee has absconded with all of the h's money, she ends up moving in with the H. During the course of the drama both the H and h have other relationships but slowly end up falling for each other. Like most j-dramas, the tone feels slice-of-life, no villains or OTT behavior. I also recently watched Lau Hawick's drama Thinking of You, Lu Xiang Bei/Road to North. While the premise sounded promising, H is out for revenge against the h's father, unfortuately the drama is best described a extremely boring with poor acting and zero chemistry between the H/h. I can't believe I kept watching this drama but it didn't have any triggers that made me mad enough to quit. The only romance that was even remotely interesting was between the h's best friend and the h's "fiancee" (h didn't even know she had a fiancee). The OW's character was very poorly written and could best described as "inconsistent", one minute trying to win the H and the next minute plotting revenge against him. Overall, this was one drama not worth watching. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Sep 21, 2016, 2:30:57 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 21, 2016, 2:49:48 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Spoilers The ending to Harimari - Happy Marriage! left me completely dumbfounded. The murderous aunt continues to get away with her crimes and is rewarded by having her devil's spawn of a son returned to the main office. All I could think about as the credits rolled were the headlines that will occur in a few year's when the H, h and their child are all found murdered. Hard to buy the HEA when you don't expect the H/h to live much longer. Odd, odd conclusion to whole killer storyline. And don't get me started on where they went in the OW storyline - become my love slave or the wife buys the farm. Totally ridiculous. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Sep 21, 2016, 5:40:40 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

I am glad I stopped watching "Happy Marriage" half way through, when I noticed the OW story-line becoming too prominent and too crazy. Why can't dramas just have normal characters who feel well drawn out, even if they're supporting characters or antagonists? Seeing as the ending didn't make sense, makes me not want to pick it up again. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Sep 22, 2016, 6:55:49 PM PDT

Cynthia Howell says:

I looked at this thread out of curiosity several days ago. I didn't know what a k-drama was. So of course I had to watch one. Now I am addicted. It is even cutting into my reading and sleeping time. LOL

In reply to an earlier post on Sep 22, 2016, 7:02:29 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 22, 2016, 7:08:01 PM PDT

Cynthia Howell says:

Usagi I just watched the episode where Xiao Nai pulls her into his office and kisses her. **fanning myself** So hot. I don't know how she didn't throw her arms around him and melt. sigh ETA: Can you recommend any others romantic like this? You replied with a later post Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on Sep 22, 2016, 8:03:22 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Hey Cynthia, welcome! I'm guessing most if not all of us on this thread have felt what you're feeling now, when we first started watching k-dramas. I mean for me, k-dramas remain my

main source of entertainment (despite their flaws), with some TW-dramas thrown in every once in a while, and a few J-dramas (because those tend to have less romance, so I check them out less). So all I can say now is happy watching! Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Sep 22, 2016, 8:09:57 PM PDT

cbela says:

I am watching "Scarlet Heart", too. I find myself skimming the Hae Soo (heroine) and Wang Wook (second lead hero) scenes because I still don't like that he and her had feelings while his wife/her cousin was ill and she was a caring and sweet person. I am very happy and love Lee Jun Ki as Wang So (hero). I really liked the ending of episode 9. I love how he didn't shut down and walk away. He was possessive and adamantly confessed how he felt and what was at the moment true that the heroine was his person. You replied with a later post Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Sep 22, 2016, 11:47:26 PM PDT Last edited by you on Sep 23, 2016, 12:19:47 AM PDT

Adnana says: (Change)

Cynthia, Welcome to the thread, and a warm-hug, sympathetic welcome to the K-drama addicts club. Know that you're not alone there. :) If you liked "Love O2O"/"Just One Smile is Very Alluring", you might also like the 2 other C-dramas adapted from novels by the same author who wrote Weiwei and Xiao Nai's story. Those dramas are "Boss & Me", which has a youthful, comedic vibe similar to "Love O2O"; and "My Sunshine", which I actually preferred but is more mature and somber in tone. As for romantic K-dramas... well, the world's your oyster; if you've just started watching, there's so much great content that you have yet to discover. I almost envy you (except I relish sleeping at night more, lol). Here are some K-drama recommendations, if alongside the romance you also want: action: City Hunter, Healer, The King 2Hearts a little bit of fantasy: Queen Inhyun's Man, W-Two Worlds, I Hear Your Voice pure comedic gold: You Who Came from the Stars, My Girlfriend is a Gumiho even more romance: Descendants of the Sun, Oh Hae Young Again a crazy in love, obsessed hero: Secret Garden. And this is just to get you started. :) Discussion locked | Permalink

Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Sep 23, 2016, 12:18:19 AM PDT Last edited by you on Sep 26, 2016, 9:03:45 AM PDT

Adnana says: (Change)

cbela said (about "Scarlet Heart"): "I really liked the ending of episode 9. I love how [Wang So] didn't shut down and walk away." Yes, his reaction struck me as well. I mean, in that situation (blindsided by an inexplicable about-face from his closest friend and potential lover), and considering Wang So's fiery personality, I expected him to respond with anger--not panic and despair. Another expected, natural response would have been for him to shut down and walk away, like you said. Only Wang So is done walking away from Hae Soo--their confrontation in the very first scene of E08 was her last warning. The moment he let her touch his face, the moment he said "I'm yours" and "I will make you mine" (later in E08), he was hers forever and he really meant it about never letting her go. That'd be so messed up in real life, but as a fictional trope--I couldn't possibly love it more. Like Court Lady Oh warned, now that Wang So has learned about care and affection through Hae Soo--the first person to ever get close to him, without any ulterior motive, in his entire adult life--he's not about to just... give it all up again. Not without a bloody fight. Not under any circumstances. Letting his walls down with Hae Soo, letting her in, was the point of no return for Wang So. When it comes to caring about someone, this guy has no off-switch. Also, he's had so little in his life, that what he does consider "his", he will fight to the death to keep. Discussion locked | Permalink

In reply to your post on Sep 23, 2016, 7:27:07 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 23, 2016, 7:38:37 AM PDT

May says:

Right on cbela and Adnana: may I add my voice to ep 9's H's awesome response to the h's rejection....i read some audience were upset with the "forced kiss" (and i certainly would too if it's real life), but it's a fictional drama and the romantic in me just melt. I so dislike the h in ep 9, i mean she was all gun-ho about getting the H to open up, and once he did, she rejects him. Yes, she's scared of the unknown but she reacts like he already killed all these ppl instead of just possible future outcomes (if he did, i would completely rooting for her to run and hide. The future can be changed). And seriously, all she cares is that the 2nd lead doesn't get hurt (i totally don't care if the 2nd lead gets trampled in the H's wake to get the h). I hope ep 10 and 11 will give us the h from previous episodes. At least she's trying to get to know each prince and trying hard to adapt to this life versus this frightened unreliable one. On the other hand (Jealousy Incarnate), I am having the worse SLS ever!!! I don't want to watch further b/c i know the 2nd lead will loose the girl, but the H is the worse a**hole this whole time. The only reason the H even pay any attn to the h is b/c the 2nd lead showed interest. Even when the H started noticing, he's still an a**hole to the h. Why, oh why drama god do you always do this. Let the 2nd lead get the girl. Nice guys do not have to always finish last. Kdrama is giving me a psychotic breakdown. I'm so confused, rooting for the H in one, and the 2nd lead in the another. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to your post on Sep 23, 2016, 7:44:01 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 23, 2016, 7:45:34 AM PDT

May says:

Cynthia, I seconded "boss and me" and "my sunshine". Also, "Noble, my love" and "the witch's romance" are similar in tone (the H quietly peruses the h), , and if you like historical "moonlight drawn by clouds" have a sweet romance. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Sep 23, 2016, 8:15:57 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 23, 2016, 8:21:58 AM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

About "Oh Hae Young Again", I know you guys gave it good reviews but I still haven't watched it beyond the first two eps and my reason (a bit shallow) is that the actor who plays the male lead (his name is Eric - I forget the last name) is a good looking man when his hair is up. So it annoys me that in this drama they went and gave him the worst hairstyle I have seen on him (that bowl hairstyle which doesn't suit him). So can you tell me, if his hairstyle gets brushed back soon after the first few eps? Also I would like to add to the recommendations: Pinocchio (that makes 3 Lee Jong Suk dramas that have been recommended to you). ETA: May I know what you are feeling, I have Second Lead Syndrome so bad with "Jealousy Incarnate" that I am hoping against hope, that the heroine Nari will end up with Jung Won (SML). Any woman in her right mind would go for Jung Won who is mature/sexy/capable, and treats Nari well. I don't dislike the first male lead, I actually felt a bit bad for him when he saw Nari kissing Jung Won in ep 9, but I still don't ship him with Nari. I mean he can feel jealous for a while, given what he did to Nari before, and then find someone else. I really want Nari/Jung Won to end up together! Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Sep 23, 2016, 1:08:43 PM PDT

Cynthia Howell says:

Wow! Thank you so much for the welcome and recs. Adana, Lovely D. and May. I am having so much fun. I never watch television, and can't believe I have found this gold mine all because of this thread. So thank you everyone. Now on top of being a k-drama addict I am craving oriental food from watching them eat it all the time. I am so easily led. What is SLS? I am off to finish the rest of the episodes of Love 020, but one question first. His kisses are HOT! Why does she just stand there or lay there? You replied with a later post Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Sep 23, 2016, 2:04:02 PM PDT Last edited by you on Sep 23, 2016, 10:04:03 PM PDT

Adnana says:


Cynthia, SLS stands for "Second Lead Syndrome" and occurs when you're shipping the h (heroine) with the OM (other man or second lead) instead of the H (hero). Giving in to SLS is an exercise in futility, since by the rules of the K-drama universe, the h always ends up with the H while the OM, no matter how awesome, supportive or cool, is left in the dust. Ergo, second lead shipping can be hazardous to the K-drama addict's heart. ;) (there is a very very small number of exceptions--dramas where against all odds and expectations the h ends up with the OM and not the H. but those are too few to count) As for the kisses in Love O2O... Yeah, he's hot and she's not reciprocating as passionately as she should. Why? There are 2 possible explanations. 1) It may be a directing thing. Dramas shown on public broadcast in China and South Korea have to subscribe to lots of morality & censorship rules. As pertains to intimate acts between h/H, that means they won't show anything racy--i.e. nothing close to nudity or explicit bed scenes. Unfortunately, sometimes the director takes things too far and instead of allowing the H/h to at least kiss properly when the script calls for it, he has the H & h (or just the h) do the "dead fish" kiss--i.e. just press their lips together, without any lip movement at all. Because showing too much passion in a drama meant for public broadcast would be unseemly or something. But that doesn't happen as often anymore, and the kisses in Chinese and Korean dramas have gotten better. 2) It's an actress thing. (I think this applies to our particular case, in Love O2O, where the H goes for real kisses but the h is very restrained in her response.) Basically, the actress wants to preserve a very pure/untouched image so she will insist on doing the dead fish kiss all by her lonesome even if her male partner tries to go for a more realistic kiss. Lovely D.M., Unfortunately, throughout "Oh Hae Young again" (except for maybe a couple of special occasions that called for the H to be especially niftily dressed... spoiler alert... like at his wedding...) Eric keeps the hairstyle with the bangs down. It's not his most attractive look, true, but it's not really a bowl haircut either (what I consider a bowl haircut is that ugly round/mushroom haircut, more than just letting the bangs down). Imo Eric's hair looks okay even like that, and you get used to it, and anyway, it can't really detract from the hotness that is Eric. Lol. I loved the drama to pieces (my favorite this year, along with W, though in a different way), and though you may end up not liking the story, don't reject it out of hand just because of Eric's hairstyle. ETA: I think the hottest that Eric has ever looked is in his drama "Spy Myung Wol". Could that have contributed to the high grade (and keeper status) I accorded "Spy Myung Wol"-despite it being a pretty flawed drama overall? Yep! And not ashamed to admit it... ;) Discussion locked | Permalink

Posted on Sep 23, 2016, 2:18:08 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 23, 2016, 2:18:49 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

SLS is second male lead syndrome. As for the kisses, yes the good news is that it seems that k-dramas are moving away from those annoying deadfish/eyes-wide open kisses, and it is becoming rarer to see them. Speaking of this, TW-dramas tend to have good kisses but not the emotional intensity. I don't recall ever seeing a girl freezing while being kissed in a TW-

drama, or not kissing back. I would suggest checking out: My Queen, Autumn's Concerto, and maybe Love Now (if you don't mind a 72 ep drama). As for k-dramas, here are a few of my favorite kisses (wish all the kisses in k-dramas were like these, LJS is such a good kisser): W: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZUB_DHl3sw Pinocchio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNRZ4DvTYzY Adnana thanks for the headsup about "Oh Hae Young Again", I will pick it up again then since it apparently turned out really good, and I will make myself get over his hairstyle. WTwo Worlds is also my favorite romance/fantasy/thriller drama of 2016, but when I think of how much better this drama could've been if they had extended it a bit, and if the story-line logic hadn't been dropped in the last 3 eps. However I have decided that KC was having a nightmare (being sucked again into the W world, by a story that had gone haywire) for the last 3 eps, and then he woke up from the nightmare as YJ came out of her coma (after being shot in episode 13) as well. So for me, I feel it makes more story-line sense if I see the story as ending with episode 13, and then the last scene of episode 16. I hope they make a season 2 of this, or a movie to wrap up the story better, and give us more lovely scenes between KC/YJ. LJS had the best chemistry with HHJ. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Sep 23, 2016, 5:56:08 PM PDT

Cynthia Howell says:

Thank you Adana and Lovely D. M. for the explanation. I suspected that was the reason. Lovely, thanks for the clips - much better. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post: Sep 23, 2016, 10:21:43 PM PDT Last edited by you on Sep 23, 2016, 10:21:59 PM PDT

Adnana says: (Change)

Lovely D.M., you wrote that W-Two Worlds attained "favorite drama ever" status for you? I loved W too, but less by the end than in the beginning. During its 1st half, I was practically obsessed; whereas in the 2nd half, I grew disappointed with the reduction of the loveline in favor of an increasingly hectic pace and too many twists that seemed to just be wanting to mess with the viewers' mind. Like you pointed out as well in your review. Basically, the drama lost some of my heart during its run, so though it's still one of my favorites of 2016, my final grade was just 9. My grade-10 dramas are (alphabetically): City Hunter, Faith, Healer, Queen In Hyun's Man, Secret Garden, The Moon Embracing the Sun, The Princess' Man, You Who Came From the Stars grade 9.5: I Hear Your Voice, My GF is a Gumiho, The King 2Hearts grade 9: Coffee Prince (might go lower if I re-watched now), Descendants of the Sun, Family's Honor, Love O2O, Master's Sun, My Sunshine, Oh Hae Young Again, Personal Taste, Save the Last Dance, Scent of a Woman, W-Two Worlds

Everyone else want to share the favorite dramas in their top-3 grade categories? Or whatever system of classification you use. ;) Discussion locked | Permalink

Posted on Sep 24, 2016, 9:57:29 AM PDT

cbela says:

I listed KDramas and TWdramas that I will rewatch again and included my love for memorable moments and scenes between the Hero and heroine. These dramas are listed in random order. ^_^ KDrama: Healer Scholar Who Walks the Night Gu Family Book City Hunter My Secret Hotel That Winter The Wind Blows Fated To Love You My name is Kim Sam Soon Boys Over Flowers Dream High The Heirs You're Beautiful TWdrama: My Queen Devil Besides You Meteor Garden Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Sep 24, 2016, 3:11:37 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 24, 2016, 3:12:03 PM PDT

Usagi7777777 says:

Here's a list of my all-time favorite dramas separated by region: Korean dramas: All about Eve Autumn in my Heart What Happened in Bali Shining Inheritance Dae Jang-geum Taiwanese dramas: Prince Turned to Frog Meteor Garden The Outsiders

Japanese dramas: Hana Yori Dango Chinese dramas: Love O2O Boss and Me Nirvana in Fire Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Sep 24, 2016, 6:02:40 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 24, 2016, 6:20:28 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Unfortunately I can't say that "W" is my most favorite drama ever, because of its flaws (in the second half), but despite that it is still one of my top favorite dramas (and my favorite drama of 2016) so far. Here is an interview from the writer of "W", I thought it was interesting and insightful. There also were scenes in the original script between KC/YJ and others that were changed in the drama. This is the link: http://www.dramabeans.com/2016/09/looking-for-answers-from-w-writer-song-jae-jung/ Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Sep 24, 2016, 10:08:53 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 24, 2016, 10:11:02 PM PDT

jak says:

So I started watching The K2 and was pleasantly surprised by the first 2 episodes. Small doses of Yoona and lots of action well filmed for the most part. I don't know if Yoona can pull off what might be her most challenging role yet as a traumatised girl with a social phobia, but Ji Chang-wook is definitely compelling as the lead. And I like that the main villain role seems to belong to a smart and refined lady instead of the usual cliches. I'm also watching Cinderella and the Four Knights, it does put me to sleep and is good for background noise, as its very predictable, but there is a fair amount of pretty. Eta: I also watched W and enjoyed it, though I couldn't really get all the overblown praise. Some of the plot twists were intriguing, yet couldn't make up for the lead actress' failings or the weirdness of the 2nd half with the hero. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Sep 25, 2016, 9:00:50 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 25, 2016, 9:26:42 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Boy, I sure miss the search function that the discussion forum use to have. Dramas Rated as 10: Healer (remains my all-time favorite drama)

City Hunter The Princess' Man Dramas Rated as 9: Queen In-Hyun's Man You're Beautiful My Girlfriend is a Gumiho Nine: Nine Time Travels Oh Hae-young Again Marriage Not Dating My Sunshine (Chinese Drama) Shut-up Flower Boy Band I Hear Your Voice Answer Me 1997 Family's Honor (was sad to see that Kim Sung Min who played the younger twin recently passed away) Autumn's Concerto (Taiwan Drama) You From Another Star Empress Ki Best Love My favorite OST from Healer (H/h also remain my fav k-drama couple) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UViEx3GBCKU Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Sep 26, 2016, 6:36:46 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 26, 2016, 6:48:15 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Watched "Wolf Girl and Black Prince". Overall, a cute teen movie. MV of H/h https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZJ095Cu46U Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Sep 26, 2016, 2:47:44 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Cynthia Howell - Welcome! I think that you will enjoy all of the dramas recommended above, including all of those listed as top favorites. However, as it relates to Love O2O, it was somewhat different than a lot of dramas in that it didn't include some the "normal" drama tropes, such as: * No noble idiocy/no senseless breakups - this is a very common trope that appears in way too often and can sometimes drag on for episodes on end. * No misunderstandings - a lot of dramas include some absurd misunderstanding that could be resolved with one 5 minute conversation between the H/h but instead drags on forever. Communication between H/h is sometimes really lacking.

* No evil OW - It's a rare drama that includes even a halfway likable OW. * No SLS - Not unusual to have OM that are so perfect you are left wondering how the h can pick the H over him or if he isn't Mr. Perfect he ends up being the villain of the drama * No horrible parents - decent parent can be extremely hard to find in dramas. Lots of inept fathers causing h to work multiple jobs to pay off his debts and mother that you are convinced truly hate their children. On a bright note, a lot of the dramas rated either 9 or 10 have either avoided some of the more annoying tropes or don't drag them out for episodes on end. One other note of caution, not all dramas end in a HEA. This is especially true for the nonrom/com genres. If you only want to watch dramas with HEA, feel free to ask as I'm sure at least one person on this forum has watched the drama in question and can let you know if it has the ending you desire. Happy drama watching and I hope you find dramas to be as enjoyable as I do. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Sep 27, 2016, 11:20:34 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 27, 2016, 11:22:23 PM PDT

Cynthia Howell says:

Thank you so much, tax-mania, for the welcome and information. I am currently LOVING Scarlet Heart. Just finished crying my eyes out watching episode 12. Prince Wook is such a jerk. ETA: Does Nirvana in Fire end with a HEA? Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post: Sep 28, 2016, 6:31:55 AM PDT Last edited by you on Sep 29, 2016, 7:35:28 AM PDT

Adnana says: (Change)

E11 of "Scarlet Heart: Ryeo" was the single best drama episode I've seen all year. Wouldn't have guessed this production team could do it (just because I love the drama, doesn't mean I'm... unaware), but wow, the narrative threads & character motivations really came together in a spectacular cocktail of conflict, emotion, and turning points (for the plot, and for several characters & relationships). **SPOILERS** follow Also, the rain scene at the end of E11--with the OM turning away, the h sort of crumbling at the rejection, then suddenly being enfolded in the mantle of the H's protection (both figuratively and literally) and aided by HIS silent strength finding the strength in HERSELF to stand straight again--it was, no joke, the single most moving scene I can remember in all my years of drama watching. Again, I didn't know the director had it in him (he finally managed to p*** even me off with all his needless individual close-ups in the beginning of E10 when I just freaking wanted both the H & h in the same frame)... but omg, that rain scene in E11 was sheer perfection. Setup, execution, actors' body language, music... I can watch it again and again and still have my breath taken away in sheer wonder (and heartbreak).

And hallelujah for the OM finally (finally!!) showing his true colors to the h. I was worried because, with the way their relationship was set up, it really was necessary for him to deal her a major betrayal, otherwise she would never have left him first, very likely. Despite being increasingly shaken by the H, the h was too deep in denial... I mean, really, I don't even think that what she felt for 8th was *true* love because they were missing a genuine soul connection (like the h has with 4th, as seen in the prison scene in E11). But she had this obsession with not being the one to change first; she would have seen it as an unacceptable betrayal and would have, maybe rightfully?, even appeared fickle if she simply... abandoned her seemingly-perfect boyfriend just because another, more magnetic, man started to court her. Though how any red-blooded woman can be courted by 4th Prince and not give in, I can't imagine. The guy is the embodiment of edgy passion and irresistible attraction, and don't even get me started on his rare capacity for unwavering love and devotion. (Also his being just the kind of flawless killing machine you'd want as your protector if you were a helpless woman suddenly transported back to the bloody 10th century.) I would've dumped 8th in a second and jumped 4th... Oh wait, that sounds bad, doesn't it? When the h even almost, sort-of had a promise of marriage with 8th before 4th started to really pursue her... Okay, yeah, I acknowledge the dilemma. You don't want your heroine to be a fickle heartbreaker and cheater, but you want her with the H. So I'm impressed with the solution that the writer chose for the conundrum. I just hope that, now that her eyes have been opened, the h won't have any lingering attachment for 8th. He's honestly not worth it, and there's very little time (i.e. episodes) left for the h to give the H all the love he deserves. Discussion locked | Permalink

In reply to your post on Sep 28, 2016, 7:33:46 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 28, 2016, 7:35:57 AM PDT

May says:

Adnana: you hit all the points. Ep10 and Ep11 of "Scarlet Heart: Ryeo" were really good. The scene where the H took the poison to save the h and he followed her, in pain and spewing blood, so he can touch her one last time was epic. She was so oblivious to his sacrifice and his yearning, I didn't think she was going to turn around, i want to reach into the screen and shake her. The prison scene in ep 11 was good too. You can see on H's face how he wanted to burn the whole palace down to rescue her *swoon*. Seeing how he feels for the h now eventhough he knows she has feelings for another man, i can't imagine what epic situations that would make him forsake her at the end. The actor does restrained passion yet rough around the edges so well. I was indifferent to him in other dramas, but this role was made for him. Anyway, glad the OM and h's relationship is over, good riddance. Now let's get this ship sailing, we only have 10 more eps for the romance btw H/h, and i really want a few solid eps so the H can feel the warmth of love and acceptance before politics drama kicks in. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Sep 28, 2016, 9:59:55 AM PDT

cbela says:

"Secret Heart" I had to comment again on Wang So. He sure continues to be great in protecting and

professing his love for Hae Soo. When she says something along the line of "what he does for her makes it harder to turn him away" well don't! Geesh... she NEEDS to start showing her love for him. And I'm hoping that is very soon since the other prince is out of the picture. I agree I already have several memorable and rewatch scenes. :) Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Sep 29, 2016, 11:26:13 PM PDT

WonderStar says:

Hey all! Have been stalking this page for a while now and I loved the chinese romantic drama recommendations on this page. Can folks here recommend me some more awesome chinese dramas like love o2o,boss & me,silent love etc,I totally loved this dramas. Thanks in advance :D

Posted on Oct 1, 2016, 8:19:08 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Oct 5, 2016, 7:35:21 AM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Okay so I have finished "Oh Hae Young Again/Another Miss Oh" and this show was surprisingly good. This is the type of show that slowly grew on me, and it actually got better in its second half. The H/h unexpectedly had a lot of cute scenes in the second half of the drama. I thought that the approach to this drama could've easily been angst-y and intense, but instead the drama had the approach of a romantic-comedy/slice-of-life with some angsty/sad moments. I mean the story-line of this drama was ripe for an intense approach, but instead this drama managed to keep its lightheartedness throughout. I also liked the couple of Jin Sung and Isadora, and I need to mention Hae Young's long suffering parents as well. All the characters had a crazy streak (in different ways), but I didn't dislike any of them except for the younger brother who annoyed me. There was another thing I didn't expect, and it is the level of emotional dependency portrayed in this drama. At some points I really thought the heroine would die without the hero. Even after she found out that he was the one who ruined her wedding she couldn't get over him, and she got so sick with the fever that she had to be taken to the hospital. However her offbeat and spunky nature kind of soften this aspect. Also the hero is kind of connected to her on a spiritual level (the visions), or something like that. I just wish he had treated her better in the first half of the drama instead of wallowing in guilt, and trying to avoid her. Anyways this was a "quirky slice-of-life with a side of angst and a dash of fantasy" romantic comedy, that had a satisfying ending. If I were to rate it among the 2016 dramas that I like most (so far), it would be like this: 1. W Two Worlds 2. Another Oh Hae Young 3. Age of Youth Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 5, 2016, 5:24:08 PM PDT

Cynthia Howell says:

Has anyone watched Ice Fantasy? If so, how did you like it? I just finished Cinderella and the Four Knights and loved the OST. So far it is the first sound track I have liked. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Oct 5, 2016, 6:02:10 PM PDT

Irene says:

Hi Cynthia, like you I'm new to the whole drama phenomenon-for the last 3 months , I have not watched an English speaking show. I loved, loved, loved- Love O2O. I've watched a little of Ice Fantasy but didn't get hooked-yet. I think it was because I discovered Love o2o and I was distracted :0) From the little that I saw Ice Fantasy is a high Fantasy and takes a little getting used to because it's visuals are very CG. I plan on going back and try and watch it again. I would like to make a recommendation on another rom com from Japan- it's called Mischievous Kiss and there are (2) 16 Episode Seasons. There are 2 or 3 other versions out there 1 from Korea and 1 from Vietnam, & an older one from Japan. Mischievous Kiss is by far my favorite. I live the lead actress and feel like she hits her lines perfectly. I believe you can find it on DramaFever.com BUT I prefer the translation from Crunchyroll.com because I feel they got a better handle on the English language nuance. Crunchyroll is a site that also offers streaming videos for free- you just have to watch the commercials. It's focus is on anime but they do have a selection of Dramas. Enjoy Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 5, 2016, 6:49:57 PM PDT

Cynthia Howell says:

Thank you so much for all the information. I also LOVED Love 020. The problem is that it andScarlet Heart, Ryeo have set a really high bar. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 5, 2016, 7:40:58 PM PDT

cbela says:

"Scarlet Heart" just keeps getting better. It was sad... Wang So loses his dad the King. Then he battles and stabs his traitor 3rd prince brother who "dies". I absolutely loved that Hae Soo was comforting him with her hand then ended up embracing him. I just rewatched the EP 14 preview and I am so excited to see that Hae Soo kisses Wang So. She is hopefully and finally firm and showing her love for him to him. He also says "I Love You". But like what the heck... the 3rd prince returns from the "dead" and starts another rebellion! I knew that 8th Prince Wook was an annoying jerk. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 5, 2016, 7:55:39 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Oct 5, 2016, 7:55:59 PM PDT

Irene says:

That was an awesome episode and made even better with the preview of 14. So so so happy when she kissed So! This was the episode that I think put the nail on the coffin for 8th Prince with Soo. She has finally turned away from him. He's known for a while that Soo was falling for So - she's was just to caught up with her visions and her romanticism of 8th Prince to realize it. Can't believe that there are only 7 episodes left and the last one airs on 10/31 by my calculations. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Oct 7, 2016, 2:21:45 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Oct 7, 2016, 2:58:33 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Irene - if you liked Mischievous Kiss, you might try "Kiss Me" which is the Thai version of this drama. Of all the various versions of this drama Kiss Me was IMO the best, as the h isn't a stalker, was of normal intelligence, and actually stands up for herself/isn't a doormat. One of my favorite scenes from Kiss Me was the twist on the classic 3rd kiss/kiss in the rain scene where h rejects H and leaves him crying in the rain. This H had to actually work to get his HEA and unlike the H in all of the other versions this drama, this H has to tell the h "I Love You" before she accepts him. These dramas are based on the manga Itazura Na Kiss and in addition to the Japanese, Thai and Korean versions, there is also an older Taiwanese version. Season 2 of the Taiwanese version (It Started With a Kiss/They Kiss Again) is also pretty good and has the most kiss scenes of any drama. Kiss Me kiss Scenes (Looks like also a couple of kiss scenes from the actors other drama Full House) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAgLc-s5A88 Kiss Me OST https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cq_1IqeF1_4 It Started With a Kiss/They Kiss Again kiss scenes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6KSkvM4aeng I'm currently following "Drinking Solo", which since it's from the same team as "Let's Eat" includes lots of food p0rn and fun characters. So far, H is a pompous jerk but I'm hoping h will make him really work for his HEA. I also just finished marathoning Cinderella and the 4 Knights. Overall, a nice fluffy drama. Do think that some of the characters could have been better written. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Oct 7, 2016, 2:34:20 PM PDT

Irene says:

You have caught my attention :) I will definitely be looking for the Thai and Taiwanese versions. I love Mischievous Kiss but it is very PG :) which is totally fine but sometimes you just want to see a little more romance/passion. I caught a trailer of Jealousy Incarnet and am now intrigued by the Second Lead and heroine but have to hold off on starting that one since I'm hooked on Scarlet Heart and have already started K2:) If I start anymore, i won't be able to function regular life. Finished Cinderall and 4 Knights and it is totally Fluffy and agree with what you said on better character building - I was too angry with what they did with the Hyu Ming character and the girl who was always crying or in the bring of crying :) Finished watching Boss and Me (Chinese) which was written by the lady who wrote Love O2O and thought it was really cute. Happy K-Drama Watching! Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 7, 2016, 3:47:55 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Oct 7, 2016, 4:51:25 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Irene I wouldn't recommend Jealousy Incarnate, because the heroine and the second male lead won't end up together, so it would just be an exercise in frustration to watch this drama. I

find the heroine's crush on the hero completely nonsensical, and at this point annoying (with them kissing while she is still dating the second male lead). Too bad, because this show had good acting, and male leads with good hairstyles, but unfortunately the story-line is too annoying for me to watch anymore. So I have dropped this. But I guess you can check it out just to see the second male lead. ETA: Here are three super sweet scenes of Jung Won/Nari: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veYAtcs2j88 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9X9oRPM6ug https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GFyS6BwnIY Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Oct 7, 2016, 11:56:59 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Oct 7, 2016, 11:59:09 PM PDT

Irene says:

*Sigh* Thanks for the heads up. Those are things that I find annoying as well. I will instead watch your YouTube links I guess u will focus on Scarlet Heart and K2 for now. Have you heard anything in a new one coming to DramaFever called Goblin? It looks like it has the lead fromC Cofee Prince and seems interesting. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 8, 2016, 8:07:27 AM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

For me, right now I am not following any airing k-dramas. However I am looking forward to checkout a couple of the upcoming ones. You asked about "Goblin", I haven't heard anything new, but yes it does have the hero from Coffee Prince (and that is the main reason I am checking it out, as the synopsis seems too out there). The show is supposed to start December 2, 2106. Another drama I am looking forward to checking out is "Legend of the Blue Sea", and this one is supposed to start November 16,2016. The other upcoming drama that looks weird but interesting, that I will checkout, is "The Man Living In My House" and this is supposed to start October 24, 2016. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Oct 8, 2016, 12:42:05 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Oct 8, 2016, 12:42:56 PM PDT

Irene says:

Wow! I didn't realize Legend of The Blue Sea would air so soon after filming. That's awesome since I like Lee Min Ho. I will have to look up the Man Luvkng in My House. Goblin definitely looks out there but I've always been one to love stories about goblins and faeries and such - hopefully it won't be one of those where he falls in love but still ends sadly with him getting his wish which is to die (I think that's his wish) I watched the 3 scenes with the second lead in Jealousy Incarnate and I think they made a mistake in casting that beautiful man. He is too good, too charismatic/charming and sexy. I can see him totally stealing the audiences hearts instead of the male lead. My goodness the second link with that kiss was great! Thanks for that. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 8, 2016, 5:51:54 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Oct 8, 2016, 5:52:21 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

I know right? I can only hope that the second male lead GKP/JW, will be the main lead in his next drama, and play a great/appealing character. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 8, 2016, 8:49:29 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Oct 9, 2016, 9:03:40 PM PDT

Cynthia Howell says:

I would like your opinions on which version of Fated To Love is better. Taiwanese? or Korean? Thanks everyone. ETA: I'm watching the Korean version, and I just love Jang Hyuk. He is so funny. I keep watching parts over and over and laughing until my stomach hurts. Does anyone know how his other dramas are - Tree With Deep Roots, Chuno, Tazza, Thank You, Shine Or Go Crazy, Please Teach Me English, Midas, or Irish II. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 8, 2016, 9:23:14 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Oct 8, 2016, 11:53:42 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

For me the Taiwanese version of "Fated to Love You" is better though older (so it is not polished as the k-drama visually). Also you have to prepare yourself for the slap/stick comedy, which serves as the comedic relief for this story that otherwise would be sad/angsty. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 9, 2016, 12:22:11 AM PDT

jak says:

Taiwanese version of "Fated to Love You" was definitely better in my book. I thought it had more depth to characters and lots more skinship. Of course, it was extended so it faltered somewhat in second half with nonsensical plots, but overall I still rank it better. kdrama version added this stupid illness to main character that I didn't really see any point to. I'm looking forward to Thai remake which is filming now of "Fated to Love You." It stars Esther and Bie and it's now called "You're My Destiny." There is also going to be a Thai remake of kdrama My Girl. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 9, 2016, 9:06:20 PM PDT

Cynthia Howell says:

Thanks. I will watch the Taiwanese version next. Can you rec. any other of Jank Hyuk's dramas? He is hysterical. You replied with a later post

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Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Oct 10, 2016, 12:53:53 AM PDT Last edited by you on Oct 10, 2016, 12:56:22 AM PDT

Adnana says: (Change)

Personally, I don't like Jang Hyuk, but I do admire him for his incredible acting prowess. And oh yes, he makes these incredible expressions... I doubt there's any drama he isn't good in, but you might start with: 1) Robber(s): JH is so so good, in the role of a bad bad conman. Of course, the love of a good woman is all he needs to change him. Frustration alert (skip if you won't want to read SPOILER): just when you think the H/h will become a proper couple, noble idiocy rears up its ugly head since the H discovers he basically has a ticking timebomb in his head (inoperable aneurysm) and pushes the h away. There's a HE, but bittersweet since the H might die any time. Similar to "Scent of a Woman" in that respect, I guess. 2) Beautiful Mind: again, sublime performance by JH, though his role here calls for restraint and gravitas, so you won't get the funny expressions as in FTLY. The romance is pretty cute, once the h gets over herself after cca. episode 4. Sageuk wise: 3) Shine or Go Crazy: haven't watched this and can't really speak as to the quality of the drama. I do know it doesn't have a HEA (which is why I didn't waste my time with it in the first place). Fun fact: the H here (and JH's character) is Wang So, the same historical personage who is played masterfully right now by LJK in "Moon Lovers". 4) Tree With Deep Roots: very good drama. Very good JH performance. Underwhelming romance, and no HEA. 5) Chuno: this is the only JH drama I really liked & kept for re-watching. It should come as no surprise by now that JH, yet again, plays a tragic character. He loses his OTP, in the end he even loses his life. All while looking flawlessly gorgeous, though. (The other H gets the OTP & the HEA. Presumably. Hopefully.) Really, leaving the story aside (lol), the cinematography in "Chuno" is outstanding, as is the prevalence of sculpted bare-chested mancandy sporting fabulous manes of glory. There's lots of action, lots of well-choreographed (and exquisitely scored) fighting scenes; one might even say it becomes a bit too much... But no. The abs and manes of glory redeem it. Lol again. P.S.: I vaguely remember skim-watching "Thank You", but it didn't grab me. Subject matter too depressing, h too doormatty etc. etc. Hope this helped. Discussion locked | Permalink

In reply to an earlier post on Oct 10, 2016, 6:38:32 AM PDT

cbela says:

I LOVE Jang Hyuk, too. I can rewatch all 3 of his kdramas. I also think the OST theme song in each kdrama is good. I loved "Fated To Love You". I think the short illness added onto â?¤ for him. (I really liked Ethan Ruan in "My Queen/Queen of No Marriage". But I haven't yet watched him in "You're My Destiny".) JH did a great job as Wang So in "Shine or Go Crazy". I really liked it!:) He also did a great job in "Beautiful Mind". Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 10, 2016, 7:10:21 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Oct 10, 2016, 7:15:18 AM PDT

Cynthia Howell says:

Thank you so much Adana and cbela. I really appreciate the info about HEAs because I cry enough already when things are sad. With a sad ending I would probably cry for days. My kids stare at me and say, "Mom, it's not real."; but it is to me. lol " sculpted bare-chested man candy sporting fabulous manes of glory". I know, right. And their lips. Oh my goodness. Their lips are made for kissing. Sometimes I am so busy staring at their lips I forget to read the captions. What is really weird is I never watch TV. Until this thread introduced me to these dramas, all I did was read. Now I'm an addict. ETC Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Oct 10, 2016, 7:10:31 AM PDT

May says:

I agree with Lovely concerning "jealousy incarnate". I wish I didn't start this, I love the 2nd lead and did not like the H at all. Although I grew to sympathize with him, I still don't like him. I was ok with the h until she start falling for the H (and kissed him) while dating the 2nd lead. She can't seem to let go of H and i don't understand why. First, she was stalker-ish of the H and so I can see why the H wants to get rid of her. But then, she realized what a jackass he is, she still have the hots for him. Where is her self respect and dignity..ughhh. The writers made the perfect hero in the 2nd lead (warm/dignified/protective/completely devoted to the h/rich/handsome/a dark warm voice that can melt chocolate). I surely hope the 2nd lead will get his own drama and the staring role next. Also, I tried to googled "you're my destiny" the thai drama and found nothing. Anyone got any info on it (when it starts, etc)? Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 11, 2016, 1:42:53 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Oct 12, 2016, 9:52:32 AM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Cynthia, I have watched "Thank You", it is more of a human drama with romance, but it has a lot of heart. The drama is slow, but kept me fairly engaged throughout. I agree that the heroine was a doormat (and I really wished that she would grow a backbone), but she didn't annoy me. Even though I am not a fan of JH, I thought this was JH's best role. He took care of the heroine and her daughter. The ending is a happy ending as much as the situation allows, there is a bitter/sweetness that remains (because the heroine's daughter is sick). So I

say checkout the drama and see if you like it or not. Also I decided to post a list of the dramas, so you can see if there's anything in there that you haven't watched yet, and try it. This list will include my favorites, the dramas that I liked, and even the dramas that I thought were just okay (because we have different tastes, so you might like what I found to be just okay, or vise versa). K-dramas: My Love from the Stars (favorite) Queen In Hyun's Man (favorite) W Two Worlds (favorite) Oh Hae Young Again/ Another Miss Oh (favorite) Secret Garden (favorite) That Winter the Wind Blows City Hall Personal Taste Faith/Great Doctor Pinocchio I Hear Your Voice Coffee Prince Kill Me Heal Me (premise is very wacky, but I don't know you might like it) Thank You My Princess You're Beautiful (youth romance/drama, so don't expect any good kisses, but the drama is entertaining) She Was Pretty The Greatest Love (if you liked Fated to Love You k-version, you might like this as well because the hero is similar) A Witch's Romance (which is the remake of the TW-drama My Queen, I liked this drama, but My Queen is a lot better in my opinion) Scent of a Woman (thought ending is bitter/sweet, still happy within the circumstances) K-dramas that still had me engaged, even though the romance was a subplot: Nine (The romance here is 30/40%- good kisses - to the 60/70% time travel) I Remember You/ Hello Monster (this is a romantic crime/thriller, so the crime/thriller aspect takes prominence) Age of Youth (my favorite slice-of-life/friendship drama, between 5 girls) TW-dramas: My Queen Love Now Autumn's Concerto Mars (older drama, so picture quality is not very good) Down With Love Office Girls Marry Me or Not Fated to Love You Someone Like You "It Started With a Kiss" and "They Kiss Again" (older drama, not a favorite, but lots of good kisses in the second part)

You can also lookup many more dramas by looking at drama lists online, but I guess you already know that. Happy watching :) Edited Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Oct 11, 2016, 8:42:53 PM PDT

Cynthia Howell says:

Lovely D. M., Thank you for the list. I am watching My Love From Another Star, and the h is so funny. At first I found her annoying, but now I enjoy her crazy. I'm also watching You're Beautiful. It's cute. I enjoyed Secret Garden, too. My favorite so far is Scarlet Heart, Ryeo. It's so intense, and I cry so much that I need to watch a lighter drama afterwards. I really appreciate everyone's input. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 13, 2016, 7:25:27 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I continue to enjoy Drinking Solo. It's always good to watch a nice heartfelt drama where all of the characters are likable. Yep, even the pompous H has taken a real turn for the better as the h's rejection of him has made him evaluate his actions and change how he treats others. Weirdly enough the actor playing the H in Drinking Solo, is also the actor playing the H in the remake of One Percent of Anything (which so far, I'm liking the actress playing the h much better than in the original - lets hope she does a better job in convincing us that she loves the H). This may be the first time I've watched 2 currently airing dramas with the same leading actor. While I've watched tons of dramas where some of the character actors appeared in more than one currently airing drama, this is the first time as it relates to one of the leads. Recently watched the Chinese drama Moon River which is a remake of Boys Over Flowers/Hana Yori Dango. Overall, not as good as any of the other versions. On the positive side, at least the H wasn't a bully towards the h (like in the other versions) and the h was always strong (but unfortunately rather naĂŻve). Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 13, 2016, 8:11:28 AM PDT

Irene says:

taz-mania - thanks for the recs. I'm actually creating a list of what to watch as i am getting kind of burned out from the anxiety of waiting for Moon Lovers/ Scarlet Heart - depending on how this drama ends, i may have to go back to watching dramas that have completely finished airing. From what's been going on, Moon Lovers/Scarlet Heart is looking like it's going to have a not happy ending - which is fine but I feel they missed the boat in giving us time with our H/h as a true committed-to-each-other couple and romantic moments with them as such.

Posted on Oct 13, 2016, 9:54:17 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Irene - Have you watched Healer? It's my favorite drama, my favorite couple and my favorite love triangle (you have to love a triangle that only includes 2 players). Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Oct 13, 2016, 9:58:41 AM PDT

Irene says:

Not yet. Is it an action/thriller? Just looked it up on dramafever and I am intrigued. Thanks for the recommendation! Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 13, 2016, 10:59:16 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Yes, Healer does have an action/thriller component but the romance is what I loved about the drama. Once the drama really started going, each episode had H/h interactions that were pure gold. Around episode 5 was where I went from liking the drama to absolutely loving it and the H's various identities. OST sung by Ji Chang Wook (the H in the drama) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHuPe87C174 Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 13, 2016, 11:03:28 AM PDT

Irene says:

Great! I just started it to get a feel and i think I'm going to like it :0) now I have something to look forward to. <o>! Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 13, 2016, 1:13:07 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Reader123 I know you're a JCW fan, so I was wondering if you have seen this scene from his new drama (I'm not watching the drama, but that clip was just... talk about fan-service), you can find it on youtube under the title "The K2 Told You It Was Slippery" Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 13, 2016, 1:54:55 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

D.M. I am following The K2 - lots of action. I'll check out the MV. Thanks! Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 14, 2016, 1:10:18 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Oct 14, 2016, 2:06:02 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

D.M. The MV kinda makes you want to sing "It's Raining Men, Hallelujah." It also reminded me of the locker room scene from You're Beautiful (but without the violence). So far, I'm really liking The K2. Lots and lots of action/suspense but as of episode 5 there has been very limited face to face contact between the H/h (at least I'm assuming Yoona is the h

but based on her screen time she seems more like the second lead). The female lead of the drama seems to be the h's stepmother, who is also the villain of the drama (but a really well written villain). I do see some similarities between this drama and Yong Pal (the writer's previous drama) where the h is kept lock away (or in the case of Yong Pal in a medically induced coma) by the villains. If I remember correctly Yong Pal also started out extremely strong but fell apart in the second half. Hopefully this won't happen with The K2. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 14, 2016, 3:42:00 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Reader123 this is why I hesitate to watch this drama, because Yong Pal started out interesting (with a unique idea) but quickly devolved into a mess. So I guess I will simply wait for your final reviews about this show, before I decide to watch it or not. I tried watching the first two eps, but I couldn't get into it. At least with Yong Pal the first two eps were interesting, before it fell apart. So yes, like I said I will wait for the reviews first. Hahaha "It's raining men" that's what I thought when I first watched that clip on youtube. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 18, 2016, 12:33:54 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Oct 18, 2016, 12:36:12 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Given my recent run of bad luck with 50 episode family dramas, I'd avoided watching any this year. But The Gentlemen of Wolgyesu Tailor Shop/Laurel Tree Tailors sounded interesting so I thought I'd give it a try. The first episode was good enough that I decided to continue watching. Unfortunately, I just discovered that the writer is the one that also brought us the much hated "Hundred Year Inheritance" and "The Legend of the Witch." Given that both of those dramas featured spineless, doormatty h, I guess this h will probably turn out to be the same. I did think it was unusual that both the H and h in Tailor Shop were already married to someone else but this is also a common trope from this writer as both heroines in HYI and TLotW started off married to the OM. Rats! I've also watched and enjoyed the first 6 episodes of Shopping King Louie. So far, both the H and h are too naĂŻve and innocent to be left alone without adult supervision (they seem to go from one mess to the next). I find I always enjoy Seo In Guk dramas and this drama has been good for some laughs. D.M. - You're probably wise to avoid The K2 as I doubt that the romance in this drama will be worth watching. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Oct 19, 2016, 7:36:46 AM PDT

Irene says:

Taz-mania - thank you so much for turning me onto Healer. It is awesome!!!! The romance is just what i needed :) It's kind of like Superman (without the being alien part) meets Cold Case with romance :) I'm on episode 17 and just absolutely love it. Both leads are absolutely adorable together. The actor reminds me of a cross between Kim Woo Bin and Lee Min Ho which is an amazing combination. Thank you! Thank you ! Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 19, 2016, 10:53:11 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Oct 19, 2016, 10:57:03 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Irene - so glad you're loving Healer as much as I do. Unfortunately, there aren't many dramas out there as good as this one. I continue to find Drinking Solo very enjoyable. This week's episodes were really good as I continue to like every single character in the show (can't think of many dramas where this is the case). The H/h were completely adorable with their secret dating while unfortunately everyone else seemed to be suffering from either a broken romance or the realization that their one-sided love will not work out (but instead of being an angst fest, it's heartwarming how they are supporting each other). Since the final episodes are next week I'm hoping that not only the H/h end up together but also Jin Yi/Jin Woong, Gong Myung/Chae Yun (sorry, not rooting for Ki Bum with Chae Yun but this may be the more likely pairing) and Dong Young/Ju Yeon. This is stacking up to be one of the better dramas that I've watched this year. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 19, 2016, 11:07:34 AM PDT

Irene says:

Well, that one is going on my list to watch . Thank you for the recommendation! Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 19, 2016, 12:42:34 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Yes Healer's strong point is the romance. Reader123 thanks for the heads up, it doesn't look like I am missing anything by passing on the K2. I have went back and caught up on "Scarlet Heart", I am at episode 15. This show is intense and depressing, because there is a lot of unfairness. I also hope they don't stick to history too much, because from the comments I read it would be impossible for a happy ending between our H/h. Since this is labeled "fusion" I hope they can change a bit of the events to give a happy ending. However I am also preparing myself for a sad or bitter/sweet ending. I keep watching because I like the H/h romance, that is blooming against all odds. Speaking of which, now that "Moonlight Drawn by Clouds" is finished, and it has a happy ending, I will probably go back and catch up on it. Last but not least, I ended up watching a Thai drama (I rarely watch those), and I was surprised at the improvement I saw. This drama is called "Once Upon a Time in my Heart". Also this drama has both the hero and the second male lead start out as anti-heroes, but then they start to reform. The heroine and her two female friends are so likable, silly, and funny (and get themselves into big trouble, but because this is fiction fantasy they survive). The chemistry between the H/h is beautiful. I am at episode 9 now, and so far this drama is on its way to being one of my favorite dramas. However I won't recommend it yet until I have finished it. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 19, 2016, 12:51:11 PM PDT

Irene says:

I'm in the same boat with Scarlet Heart. Episode 16 is both heartbreaking and hopeful but you still don't have a sense of where it's headed with regards to a happy ending or not. I will keep an eye out for the Thai drama. Crossing my fingers that the next 4 episodes lead to a happily ever after for So and Soo on Scarlet Heart. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 21, 2016, 8:27:32 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Now that it's finished airing I've started watching the sageuk Love in the Moonlight/Moonlight Drawn by Clouds. So far, it's been really good with a lighter tone that's reminiscent of Sungkyunkwan Scandal. Also similar to Sungkyunkwan Scandal the h is a cross-dresser. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 21, 2016, 10:55:29 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Oct 21, 2016, 11:00:41 AM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Happy watching Reader123, I will be catching up on this drama soon as well (after I read that it had a happy ending), since I had put it on hold at around episode 6 or 7. I hope that it will be a good one. As for "Once Upon A Time In My Heart", I recommend this drama even though I felt that the last 2 to 3 episodes were weaker than the previous episodes. This drama is 12 episodes in all (but each episode is the length of almost 2 episodes). I didn't like how they made the hero push the heroine to the second male lead. I understand that he feels very guilty over what happened to Botan, and his feelings were probably very messed up, but why would he push the heroine to the second male lead? It felt out of character for him, and out of story logic because the second male lead can't guarantee her safety anywhere near as much as the hero can. Also by that time the second male lead had started to annoy me. However overall this is a good, intense and entertaining drama despite the flaws. The chemistry between the two leads H/h is definitely worth watching (it is a swoon-y type of chemistry, for lack of a better description). However I warn that this has more violence than your average drama (I wish it didn't), but you can always fast-forward those parts. I watched this good quality and English subbed on dailymotion. The other two Thai dramas I recommend, are Full House (remake of k-drama) and "Lom Sorn Ruk" (which I enjoyed, even though I thought that the hero was a big jerk because of his deception. You can just google and find it English subbed like I did). Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 26, 2016, 12:13:18 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Oct 26, 2016, 1:48:21 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Includes Spoilers Drinking Solo wrapped up it's 16 episode run yesterday. A sweet heartwarming drama of completely loveable characters (well sometimes the H did fall short in the loveable category). The final two episodes did include angst for our lead couple when the H (who is known for his complete selfishness) suddenly (out of character) comes down with a sever case of noble

idiocy (why drama, why??). But as expected, by the end, all of the couples sorted themselves out and it was happy times for everybody. Given Gong Myung's story arc, it was unrealistic of me to hope that he would be given a happy ending with Chae Yun. As expected, she ended up with Ki Bum. But the drama did come through for me with the Jin Yi/Jin Woong and Ju Yeon/Dong Young couples. Overall, the drama is a light, easy watch. I also watched the J-drama remake of the Taiwanese drama Mars. Unfortunately, the drama was way too short (10 twenty minute episodes) to do justice to the story. The drama itself was left open ended, with the conclusion of the storylines to be provided in a movie. While the movie was released on June 18, it has not yet been subbed. Overall, a weird, unsatisfactory remake that doesn't live up to the original Taiwanese version. So if you haven't seen the Taiwanese version, I recommend that you watch it and skip this lousy remake. As it relates to Thai dramas, I also recommend Kiss Me and Leh Nangfah/Angel Magic. Among some of the other Thai dramas that I liked were Pursue Love Back to the Heart/Tarm Ruk Keun Jai and 365 Days of Love. I also watched Once Upon A Time In My Heart. My favorite romance from this drama ended up being the secondary couple (H's right hand man/h's best friend). By the end, I just wanted the h to kick both the H and the OM to the curb. After the H spent so much time pushing the h away (even going so far as to tell her that his happiness was the h/OM being together), he should have been made to work for his HEA or at least put forth even minimal effort to win her back. ETA: And the H/h of Shopping King Louie remain adorable. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 27, 2016, 12:15:48 PM PDT

bluey09h says:

is anyone watching descendants of the sun? is it a good romance and are the leads jealous / possessive? Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Oct 27, 2016, 2:14:34 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Oct 27, 2016, 2:17:20 PM PDT

May says:

bluey: descendants of the sun doesn't have OM or OW and both leads are very straight forward with their feelings. The wrench in their relationship is the h's struggle on dating a special force soldier in constant danger. Both leads are mature adults so no jealous/possessive episodes (although there were a couple of funny scenes concerning past lovers). It's a pretty entertaining drama though, lots eye candy and witty dialog, and the bromance is one of the best I've watched so far. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Oct 27, 2016, 3:19:23 PM PDT

1ladydevil says:

taz-mania(Reader123) - anyone of the dramas you watched recently have jealous and/or possessive H?

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In reply to an earlier post on Oct 27, 2016, 3:45:50 PM PDT

May says:

1lady: I don't know if you like historical, but "moonlight drawn by clouds" the H is pretty possessive of h. "Jealousy Incarnate" both the H and OM are jealous/possessive as they fight for her. I just watched "Go Ho's Starry Night", it's a short one but the H is pretty jealous and possessive. Anyone watch any good thai drama lately? I'm going down the list at Jasmin's lakorn blog but most of the list is older lakorns. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 30, 2016, 8:04:10 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

1ladydevil - don't think any of the dramas I've watched recently have featured an unusually jealous/possessive H (or at least none stand out as being more jealous/possessive than normal). Probably last drama that I watched that had an epically jealous/possessive H may have been the Emperor in Empress Ki. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 31, 2016, 6:36:53 PM PDT

Romance Lover says:

Gogh the starry night has a good amount of possessiveness. I'm also starting a new thai horror drama that sounds good called I See You. Reminds me of Masters Sun but I'll keep you updated. Lots of people complaining about K2 but it remains to be my cup of tea...scarlet ryeo on the other hand I have officially dropped last week since I'm not feeling it anymore but I might pick up when it's done. Also, on a side not GO BTS haha sorry I can't stop fangirling about them Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 2, 2016, 11:05:19 AM PDT

Cynthia Howell says:

I have watched the six available episodes of When A Snail falls In Love and have enjoyed them. While I am waiting on more episodes I think I will watch another C-drama - Love Me If You Dare. It is also about a criminal investigation, and the investigating team are a man and a woman. The difference is the H is the profiler and all the episodes are out. I stopped watching Scarlet Heart, Ryeo because of the sad ending. Why couldn't they just let Wang So and Hae Soo live HEA? My heart couldn't take it anymore. lol Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 2, 2016, 12:40:45 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Nov 2, 2016, 12:41:20 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Yes I read that "Scarlet Heart" had a sad ending, so now I don't think I will finish the last 3 eps, since I'm at ep 17. However with this drama, I anticipated that it wouldn't have a happy ending despite its label as a "fusion saguek". I think I might just watch the last episode to see how it wrapped.

May I too am interested in any good, new, available English subbed Thai dramas - especially after I watched and enjoyed "Once Upon a Time..." I am watching "The Man Living In My House", and so far it is off to a good start (even though the step-father angle makes me a bit uncomfortable, but it is being handled well). I feel that the hero is a lot more shrewd that he lets on in front of Nari, especially after watching episode 4, and I am interested in his mystery. It also seems like he and Nari have met before and she doesn't remember at all, but he knows. I hope that this drama will continue to be intriguing mixed with lightheartedness, and won't fizzle out. Reader123 I tried watching "Shopping King Louie" but I couldn't get into it, because the hero was too childish (he acts like a 5 year old), so I couldn't get into it at all and ended up dropping it by episode 4.

Posted on Nov 2, 2016, 7:12:50 PM PDT

Cynthia Howell says:

The first episode of Love Me If You Dare was kay, but the second is great. The friend of the H got him this really cool car that has a computer control called Andy. The friend programmed it with his own personality, and it is SO funny. Can't wait to see if it stays this good. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 3, 2016, 8:38:33 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I finally finished watching Love in the Moonlight/Moonlight Drawn By Clouds. While it was an entertaining sageuk, I did find the second half to be a little draggy and not quite as enjoyable/lighthearted as the first half. Similar to Sungkyunkwan Scandal, the drama featured a cross-dressing h and a H who falls in love despite believing that the h is a guy. However, unlike Sungkyunkwan Scandal this H didn't seem as tormented/conflicted by what at the time would have been a crime punishable by death (but at least it makes for a lot less angst). Drama also featured a very likable OM (kinda upset that the drama decided to take a melodrama turn as it related to him) and a very sweet/likable OW. Overall, an enjoyable, easy to watch drama. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 4, 2016, 7:18:05 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Nov 4, 2016, 5:58:12 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I do continue to loosely follow several currently airing dramas but for the most part, unlike previous years, I'm primarily watching already completed dramas. One of the dramas I'm currently following is the remake of One Percent of Something. Similar to the original, the H does show flashes of jealousy (for those wanting a jealous/possessive H). While the remake's side stories do deviate somewhat from the original (for example, in this version the h doesn't have an adopted sister that's being mistakenly pursued by the OM) the overall storyline remains fairly consistent. The drama is proving to be a fast watch as each episode is only about 40 minutes long. Also, I do like the actress better in this version as she is not a robotic as the actress in the original version. ETA: I recently rewatched all three dramas based on Gu Man's novels. I think I liked Just One Smile is Very Alluring/Love O2O (Love Online to Offline) even better the second time

around. Silent Separation/My Sunshine remained awesome but the second half of Boss and Me/Shan Shan Comes to Eat seemed a little draggy. Overall, for me at least, all three continue to be great dramas. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 11, 2016, 11:36:57 AM PST Last edited by the author on Nov 11, 2016, 12:40:32 PM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I've watched the first 12 episodes of When A Snail Falls In Love. So far, I'm not a huge fan of the changes that they've made from the novel, especially the elimination in the drama of all the hints that were in the novel regarding the H's pursuit of the h. Almost none of the romance seems to have made it to the drama. I don't have a major issue with the changes made to the investigations and the H/h relationships to the suspects/victim (but I'm really not sure why these changes were even deemed necessary as the investigation storylines in the novel seemed fine to me) but am disappointed with them minimalizing an already subtle romance (of course the novel did give you the H thoughts so that you did know that he was very interested in the h and actively pursued her). Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Nov 11, 2016, 2:18:40 PM PST

Irene says:

Interesting. I was hoping that they were going to be expanding the romance real soon - I"ve only watched up until episode 9. I'm sad that you're saying that even by 12, it's still so little. I'm seeing some very, very subtle hints of his interest by the way he looks at her occasionally and I believe they were trying to allude to something when they had him, unknowingly, drink out of her water bottle-she saw him and was confused. Did he do this on purpose or are they saying his unconscious interest in her was manifesting itself through this? I think this was episode 8 but can't be sure. Did you read the novel in Chinese or did you find a translation somewhere? Also, can i ask where you found the other episodes? Thanks! Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 12, 2016, 10:55:04 AM PST

cbela says:

What chinese dramas and thai lakorns can you recommend to watch? Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 12, 2016, 11:10:52 AM PST

Irene says:

I'm new to the dramas but I agree with Taz-Mania's recommendations. Love O2O is my favorite, followed by Boss and Me. They are both on the romantic/comedic side. I haven't seen Silent Separation/My Sunshine but it's by the same novelist and I'll probably enjoy bc it may have the same style but not sure. I have just finished watching thru episode 12 of the Snail Falls in Love and I'm enjoying it but as Taz-Mania mentions the romance is too subtle and almost not there but I'm still enjoying their dynamic. The other things is that this show only runs between 30-35 min long an episode. Those are the only ines I've watched so far. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post: Nov 12, 2016, 2:38:43 PM PST Last edited by you on Nov 12, 2016, 2:41:31 PM PST

Adnana says: (Change)

"When A Snail Falls in Love" will have 21 episodes, I think, so if by episode 12 the romance hasn't even properly started, then the drama will likely be very romance-lite overall. That's too bad, really, and doesn't do justice to Ding Mo's original novel--which by all accounts strikes a very nice balance between the love story and the investigative aspect. But then, I also felt that the drama "Love Me If You Dare" (a previous Ding Mo novel-to-drama adaptation, by the same production company as "When A Snail...") was very very skimpy with translating lovey-dovey moments from book to TV screen. I mean, considered independently, the romance in LMIYD might have seemed okay-ish to some, but compared to the wonderful developments and intimacies the h/H shared in the novel, their drama loveline was completely lacking and lackluster. At least, that's how I felt. And I'm disappointed to hear that "When A Snail..." is shaping up as a repeated case of the drama adaptation not doing justice to the romance from the book. Interestingly enough, the other currently airing Ding Mo novel-to-drama adaptation, "Memory Lost", is enjoying very favorable reviews so far, and much praise for the romantic chemistry of the main couple. (This drama hasn't been picked up for subbing yet--so unfair, considering "When A Snail..." is being subbed both by DramaFever and Viki, which is such a waste of resources under the circumstances--so I'm just going by the reviews of people who understand Chinese. FYI, "Memory Lost" will have 36 episodes, released in 3 batches; the 1st batch of 12 episodes was released a while ago, with the 2nd batch to follow next week.) But I was saying, I find it interesting that "Memory Lost" should be so well-received (so far), considering it is being produced by Yumama, who's widely considered a conscienceless hack in the Chinese ent industry--and unfairly successful with it. (Whereas LMIYD and WASFIL's production company is very reputable.) Like, one example of the kinds of underhanded tactics Yumama habitually employs: when author Tong Hua sold the adaptation rights for Bu Bu Jing Xin to reputable production company Tangren and they filmed the beautiful drama adaption with Liu Shi Shi in the main role, Yumama quickly filmed a plagiarized adaption of his own (Palace: The Lock Heart Jade with Yang Mi in the main role) and somehow even managed to get his version on air before the official BBJX aired--and to add insult to injury, it was wildly successful of course, and made him lots of money. Discussion locked | Permalink 0 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion.

In reply to your post on Nov 12, 2016, 3:56:07 PM PST

Irene says:

Wow! It makes a person not want to support Yumamait but at the same also see it because we're curious to see how well done it is - argh. Adnana, do you know if the books are available in print to purchase on Amazon in English? Or are they something I have to hunt down on a website for a web translation? You replied with a later post Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Nov 13, 2016, 2:24:21 AM PST Last edited by you on Nov 13, 2016, 8:01:17 AM PST

Adnana says: (Change)

Irene said: "It makes a person not want to support Yumamait but at the same also see it because we're curious to see how well done it is - argh." That's EXACTLY it! From what I heard, Chinese netizens have a really interesting love/hate relationship with Yumama's dramas. As in, they might despise him personally for his business ethics (or rather, lack of it), and the scripts he produces (and by extension, the stories in his dramas) are convoluted and lacking in intelligence, apparently, but at the same time they're very addicting, and he also has a real gift for casting young, up-and-coming, and really pretty actors, securing a nearly irresistible eyecandy-factor for his dramas. That is, except for the times when he decides to explode the collective Chinese Internet's mind by trolling everybody with casting someone like Michelle Chen (who's pretty in an unassuming, girl-next-door kind of way) as the heroine in the adaptation of Chinese classic "Romance of the Condor Heroes"--when said heroine is one of the most iconically drop-dead-gorgeous characters in Chinese literature and should rightfully be played by someone like Crystal Liu (as in a previous adaptation). Poor Michelle Chen didn't fit that character's description in any shape or form, and she got so much hate from netizens from the moment her casting was announced, through promoting the drama, up until it finished airing--and Yumama must have laughed himself sick at all the great advertising he got from the unending controversy. But enough about him. You won't find official English translations, much less in print form, of Chinese romance novels. Translation and printing rights for Chinese romances might get sold to other EastAsian countries (especially Vietnam, from what I've seen), but that's about it. English speakers like us have to rely on Internet fan translations, which are often notoriously unreliable--not regarding translation accuracy (which is fine), but regarding translation schedule. In other words, the fan translator might start out with the best of intentions aiming to complete the entire book but will quit after a few chapters. And you or I, the reader, will be left with an incomplete story of which we'll never get to read the ending. Here's where you can find a compilation of all available English fan translations of Chinese romance novels--both completed and in-progress. http://www.books.shushengbar.com/?page_id=27 Regarding Ding Mo's novels. Most of her best ones have been picked up for fan translation. They're actually the perfect example of the unfortunate pitfalls of starting to read an inprogress translation (because you were curious, and then you got completely pulled in by the story, since Ding Mo is such an awesome writer)--only to see the translator posting fewer and fewer updates and then stopping altogether. I've experienced this personally with "Our Glamorous Time", and "When A Snail Falls In Love". Luckily, "When He Comes, Close Your Eyes" (the drama version was retitled "Love Me If You Dare") has been translated in full http://lmfyd.blogspot.ro/ and "Memory Lost", while not complete yet, has been picked up by a translator who has a great track record with finishing projects. Though the updates might not be as frequent as you'd like. http://bookbychapters.com/translations/ I also really recommend Gu Man's novels (all translations are complete), and Mo Bao Fei

Bao's. Another personal favorite is ancient Chinese novel "To Be A Virtuous Wife". The heroine there (a modern, time-travelling gal) really threw me for a spin, since she was so cynical and untrusting of the hero's promises (to love only her, and be faithful etc.) practically up until the very end. She treats him well and even acts jealous sometimes (which he greatly enjoys), but she always puts herself first and has the mindset that if his heart ever changes towards her, whatever. She will go on living just fine without him. She knows exactly how to strike the perfect balance between keeping her man happy and yet keeping him on his toes, so that he won't take her for granted. I was honestly in awe, having never before encountered that kind of attitude from the heroine in a romance before. Discussion locked | Permalink

Posted on Nov 14, 2016, 8:50:52 AM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

So I have some exciting (but also a bit deflating) k-drama news that I read on db! The exciting part, I just read that LJS has signed up for a new drama titled "While You Were Asleep", and this drama is from the same writer of "IHYV" and "Pinocchio", so hopefully this will be a good and suspenseful drama (I'm hoping that the writer will make this drama edgier/grittier and less idealistic on the issues), and I hope that the romance aspect will be lovely as usual. I would like this drama to be as intense as "W", but with a more satisfying last few eps/ending. Regardless this drama has potential, and reading this part of the article had me really excited. Then I read who would potentially be the female lead, and was deflated to read that Suzy might be the female lead. I really, really hope that they will cast a much better actress in the female lead role. The drama's early/initial synopsis states that LJS will play a prosecutor (made me wish he was a police officer or agent, because then it would sound less similar to IHYV). The heroine is a woman who can see the future in her dreams. LJS's character will then stop (or try to stop) these bad/tragic things from happening before they happen. This drama is set to be aired sometime in the Spring of 2017, and hopefully the female lead will be well-cast (let's all hope and wish and pray that Suzy will not be cast in this). Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 14, 2016, 1:20:27 PM PST Last edited by the author on Nov 16, 2016, 7:27:40 AM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Irene - re: When A Snail Falls In Love/When a Snail Loves - I read an English translated version of the novel (from the website indicated above by Adnana). Unfortunately, like Adnana says only 54 out of the 80 chapters have been translated with the last translation occurring in February 2016. However, I was satisfied with where the translated chapters ended as the H/h had confessed to each other and were in an "official" relationship. Also, the novel is listed as having a HE (happy ending) so I did feel reasonably safe with watching the drama. But, it should be noted that it's not always a sure bet that a drama will have a happy ending just because it's based on a novel that ends happily. Go Princess Go, Sealed With a Kiss and Remembering Lu Chuan are all cases where the novels ended happily but the dramas didn't. When a Snail Loves https://tiffybook.com/2014/04/10/whenasnailloveschapter1/

D.M. - I'm with you in hoping a different actress is cast as the h in While You Were Asleep. cbela - My favorite Chinese dramas are the 3 based on Gu Man novels (Just One Smile is Very Alluring/Love O2O/Love Online to Offline, Silent Separation/My Sunshine and Boss and Me/Shan Shan Comes to Eat). I also liked Sound of the Desert/Ballad of the Desert. As it relates to Thai dramas I liked Kiss Me, Full House (Thai), Leh Nang Fah, 365 Days of Love, and Tarm Ruk Keun Jai / Pursue Love Back to the Heart, I also liked Roy Leh Sanae Rai (2015) / 100 Trickery's Dangerous Passion but beware because this one is a slap/kiss and is frequently OTT. Shopping King Louie wrapped up it's 16 episode run. I ended up liking/enjoying this drama with it's adorable H/h (who were at times rather naĂŻve and innocent). Similar to Drinking Solo/Let's Drink this drama had very fun/likable characters, including a great OM and a OW who was a little ditzy but was for the most part rather sweet. Even the villain turned out to not be too villainous. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 16, 2016, 6:54:27 AM PST

Irene says:

Thanks Adnana for providing the links and the background on the stories. I am currently watching Love Me if You Dare. I like it but like you said, it's light on the romantic part :( I will definitely be giving Ding Mo's novels a read-I like my mysteries with some romance:) . I will also be reading the ones on Gu Man because I really like the dramas I've seen so far and I'm very intrigued The Virtuous Wife - it's rare to see that balance struck between being a confident independent woman who can live without her love interest without the writers going overboard and making it hard to watch because they've made her too hard and maybe preachy. As much as I may hate myself, I am very intrigued by the Memory Lost dramatization. It's possible the Asian sites like Viki and Dramafever may not be subbing it for the same reason you listed above but Dramafever has a request a show section and I will try and request it - maybe if others do the same - hint- hint:) maybe they will do it. I know that it also depends on rights and such. Also, isn't Viki more of a fan based subbing site? Maybe they also take requests. Taz-Mania, thank you for giving me the heads up on those dramatized novels that changed to unhappy endings - will avoid them :) Unless I'm prepared for something like an unhappy ending through a synopsis or maybe the tone of the story, I don't like to be surprised. irene Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 16, 2016, 7:15:56 AM PST Last edited by the author on Nov 16, 2016, 9:21:51 AM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I recently read and really enjoyed Celine Gu Xi Jue novel "Best To Have Met You", which from a storyline perspective reminded me quite a bit of the novel Just A Smile Is Very Alluring/Love O2O (but without any of the gaming aspects). In Best To Have Met You the H/h are in college where upon meeting the h the H immediately pursues her such that the H/h are in a relationship for almost all of the novel. In the backstory you find out that the H had actually fallen in love and confessed to the h when both were in high school together, but the

h doesn't recognize or remember the H or his confession. The present day story begins upon the H's return to China after being in the US for years. Similar to Love O2O the H is cold, brilliant and plays basketball (lol). The novel also includes fun roommates and indifference by the H/h to all of the wannabe OM/OW. Overall, a cute, sweet story without much angst. On a side note, I read that Huang Xiao Ming has purchased the rights to the novel, with the speculation being that he and his wife Angelababy will star in the adaption. At 39, I think Huang Xiao Ming is way to old to be playing a college student so I'm actually hoping that Yang Yang is cast in any adaption as he was so perfect in Love O2O. Link to Novel https://hui3r.wordpress.com/2014/10/09/the-most-beautiful-thing-is-to-have-met-youchapter-1/ Also, in looking for translated Chinese novels to read, I've been using the below listing of the 75 most popular internet novels. It shouldn't be a surprise that Gu Man's novel Silent Separation/My Sunshine was ranked as number 1. https://hui3r.wordpress.com/2014/02/17/75-most-popular-chinese-romance-internet-novels/ (Note, the list indicates that Sound of the Desert/Ballad of the Desert has on open ending (OE). IMO both the novel and the drama had a very clear HEA between the H/h - I considered Wei Wu Ji the H and thought the OM got what he deserved - hehehe.) Also, the listing of the 50 most influential internet novels (again, no surprise that Silent Separation/My Sunshine is number 1) https://hui3r.wordpress.com/2014/03/06/50-most-influential-chinese-romance-internetnovels/ Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 16, 2016, 7:29:57 AM PST

Irene says:

Wow. Best to have Met You sounds pretty awesome. Loved Love O2O. I will also be adding Silen Separation/My Sunshine to my to be watched and read pile :0) I'm assuming that if Angelbaby is involved with the adaptation of Best To Have Met You, it will be a movie instead of a 20-30 episode drama. Not sure if that's a good idea since most Novel to movie translations are too cut up to enjoy- but I could be wrong- hope they do film it. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 16, 2016, 8:27:33 AM PST Last edited by the author on Nov 16, 2016, 10:02:35 AM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Irene - One of the upsides of a dramatized novel is that if you don't like the drama's ending you can mentally substitute the novel's ending, which is what I do. For example, the drama Go Princess Go, which was a complete and utter hoot with an absolutely absurd storyline produced on an extremely tiny budget, had a very unhappy ending (well, at least the first ending was really bad, while the second revised ending was a little more open ended). However, when I think about the drama, I don't remember the sad ending at all as in my (revised) memory it ends like the novel with the H/h living happily together for years and the

H once their oldest child becomes old enough abdicates his throne to become only a "husband" to the h (verses her "ruler"). Also, on the flip side there are a few rare dramas like Too Late to Say I Love You where you get a happy ending despite being based on a novel with a sad ending. There are also the even rarer instances where a drama like Best Time (based on the novel Secrets Hidden in Time) gives you 2 endings so that you can pick who the h ends up with (between the lousy, slimy H or the absolutely wonderful OM) to compensate for the general dislike of the novel's ending. Eta: Silent Separation/My Sunshine is my favorite Chinese drama. It's a lot more angsty than either Love O2O or Boss or Me but the H is marvelous (typical cold H but he waits years for the h to return refusing to even consider anyone else but her). MV of My Sunshine (OST sung by lead actor Wallace Chung - and no, the H really isn't abusive to the h) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-6QlCcYYOI Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 17, 2016, 1:15:23 PM PST Last edited by the author on Nov 18, 2016, 9:13:03 AM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Watched the first 4 episodes of Romantic Doctor, Teacher Kim. Not a huge fan of medical dramas, but do like the cast of this drama. So far it hasn't gone off the rails like Doctor Stranger so that's a plus. I continue to enjoy One 1% of Something. Only 3 episodes to go and so far nobody has come down with noble idiocy. I haven't checked out Lee Min Ho's new drama Legend of the Blue Sea. May wait until 7 or 8 episodes have aired. A couple more Lists: 50 most loving couples in Chinese novels (some have even made it into a drama or movie adaption) https://hui3r.wordpress.com/2013/08/30/top-50-most-loving-couples-in-chinese-novelspictorials/ Xiao Nai/Wei Wie (Just One Smile is Very Alluring/Love O2O) beat out He Yi Chen/Zhao Mo Shen (Silent Separation/My Sunshine) for first place. Xu Mo Ting/Li An Ning (Best to Have Met You) came in at number 10. But He Yi Chen (Silent Separation/My Sunshine) continues to win as the Favorite Male Character in Chinese Novels https://hui3r.wordpress.com/2013/05/31/35-favourite-male-characters-in-chinese-romancenovels/ & https://hui3r.wordpress.com/2013/08/04/100-most-attractive-male-characters-in-chineseinternet-novels-part-2/

ETA: Weightlifting Fairy is off to a really good start. It took me a while to realized the actress playing the h is the psycho sister from Cheese in the Trap. So far she been a great h in Weightlifting Fairy. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 2 of 2 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Nov 20, 2016, 11:00:13 AM PST

cbela says:

taz-mania (Reader123) Thanks for your Chinese and Thai dramas recommendations. I was looking forward to watching "Weightliftimg Fairy". The heroine was also in "Beautiful Mind" and the Hero was also in "Cheese in the Trap" and in "Scarlet Heart". Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 23, 2016, 7:44:27 AM PST

Irene says:

Taz-Mania, thanks again for a great recommendation. Started watching Drinking Solo and am really enjoying it. IT's really funny :) My only gripe is that she takes the brunt of everyone's anger too much - I can see why she does it but it seems a little extreme - or maybe their reactions are extreme. Kim Bum (who reminds me of Spock :) ) has now got me singing ti-rori when I have an idea. I like the brother even though he can't seem to get it together - I like how he plays the knight to the teacher's damsel in distress - it's cute. Like you said - it's a great cast of characters and a lot of fun. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 23, 2016, 10:16:33 AM PST Last edited by the author on Nov 23, 2016, 10:18:00 AM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Irene - Glad you're enjoying it. If you like the actor playing the H, he has another drama (One Percent of Something) that I'm currently enjoying. The final 2 episodes air this week. It's a remake of a 2003 Kang Dong Won drama (one of his very few dramas as he is now primarily a movie actor). I like the actress a lot more in this version as she's not as robotic as the actress in the original. Also, in this version you can tell she really loves the H which wasn't the case in the original. On a different note, I just read that Viki is trying to get a license to translate the drama Memory Lost (which is based on the Ding Mo novel). I've started reading a translated version of the novel and so far am really liking it. Unfortunately only about 30 of the almost 70 chapters are translated. Hopefully Viki will start subbing the drama soon so I won't be tempted to watch it unsubbed. I also hope that the drama does a better job with the romance than what was done with When A Snail Falls in Love or Love Me If You Dare. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 23, 2016, 12:17:50 PM PST

Cynthia Howell says:

Since it's Thanksgiving (and even if it wasn't), I would like to thank everyone here for taking the time to post your opinions. ^_^ I haven't read them, but I agree that both When A Snail Falls In Love and Love Me If You Dare could have been much better. I even stopped

watching Love Me If You Dare because it was getting to gory. Too bad, because the hero was really nice looking. I'm currently watching Kill me Heal Me and really enjoying it. Some parts are so funny. I have just started Faith (A Good Doctor), and hope it is good. I watched Slush Splash one evening since it is short, and it was really cute. I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 23, 2016, 12:49:40 PM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

Happy Thanksgiving! Cynthia, "Faith: Good Doctor" is good but lacks the kisses that should've been there. However the relationship and chemistry between the H/h is worth watching since their relationship was the saving grace of this drama IMO; the story surrounding the H/h doesn't make a lot of sense, and drags in the second half of the drama. As for "Kill Me Heal Me" this is a very wacky drama, but it is entertaining till the end. This drama toyed with some dark subject matter (or implied it?) beneath all the crazy/funny, but it didn't really go there and kept its light-heartedness despite all the angst. This also has one twist I didn't see coming. Anyways happy watching! Reader123 I am watching "Legend of the Blue Sea", but won't say my impressions about it here until I've watched eps 3 and 4 (this week's eps), instead of judging it only based on the first two eps. However I will say that just from the first 2 eps, this drama isn't as good as "My Love from the Stars" (that captured me from the beginning), but it is visually beautiful (lots of natural scenery, and underwater shots). I will write more details later. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 23, 2016, 2:10:53 PM PST Last edited by the author on Nov 23, 2016, 2:16:06 PM PST

AnitaLotti says:

Hello, Stumbled on this thread by accident as well and really enjoyed the input as dramas from all countries get discussed at the same time (including spoilers) which is somewhat rare. As someone watching tons and tons k-dramas, tw-dramas, j-dramas plus in the recent years cdramas and lakorns as well as reading some c-novel translations the discussions mirrored nearly all my viewing experiences. I got some ideas what to watch on the family drama front as I usually don't watch every weekend drama due to their length but wait for them to end and choose one on the general response by ratings or otherwise. I agree to all recommendations for the newbies but would like to stress that the older twdrama Mars is not to be missed, as well as The Rose (ugly duckling theme plus sibling love but not in too strange a way). One of my first tw-dramas was Devil beside You which still has a place in my heart. Of the newer ones I liked Marry Me or Not which was funny and enjoyable, maybe 8/10. As to the new generation c-dramas beside Just One Smile is Very Alluring (rewatched about 10 times in the last months), My Sunshine and Shan Shan there is lamentably not so much I would recommend without hesitation, maybe Les Interpretes and - if you can stomach war Battle of Changsha. Weaker but still enjoyable was Singles Villa.

Nirvana in Fire: I loved you but I blame you for the heightened tissue use while watching you - the ending made me look like I had a severe cold. I agree to the general views on Love me if you dare and When Snail Falls in Love: Please more emphasis on the love lines. Tried to read the book translation for Memory Lost and watch the drama simultaneously due to the lack of subtitles but without getting much satisfactory results. Hallelujah for Viki should they get the licence. Though it is a pity that Viki's policy has been so harsh on lakorns and FanChannels in general in the last year or so. But well, every crackdown opens new avenues, as the caravan moves on. As to k-drama: Of course, W, Moonlight drawn by Clouds (though the HEA could have been a bit more satisfactory) and Oh Hae Young are some favourites this year. Contrary to your opinions I quite liked the H in Jealousy Incarnate as I thought the SL was just like a Disney Prince: Rich, good-looking, nice, good to his mother and his friends, a bit two-dimensional. Just by being the typical SL - he made the difference to a real life person with character and flaws as the H was portraied glaringly obvious. Well, it didn't hurt that I adore Cho Jung Seok. As to the future - Legend of the Blue Sea and Weightlifting Fairy are offering a good start so hopefully the time until year-end is covered. Once again, I really enjoyed your insights and have started to read "To Be A Virteous Wife" due to your influence. Will definitely drop by again. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on Nov 24, 2016, 7:46:01 PM PST

Romance Lover says:

omg guys watch Behind Your Smile...only 2 eps out but it soo good Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 24, 2016, 8:16:13 PM PST

Irene says:

As the day winds down, I wanted to send out a quick Happy Thanksgiving to you and to say Thank you! My thirst for Asian drama seems never ending with all the great recommendations. Taz-Mania, I started watching One % of Something and am loving it :) I am currently on Episode 9. I'm also secretly happy that Memory Lost is being translated. Hope they get it done and on Viki soon. Romance Lover - thanks for the recommendation. I have only been able to find this on Viki but they require a membership. Since I already purchased the pass to Dramafever, I think I'm going to have to wait until they open it up to non - member viewers. I will be off for 2 weeks this holiday season and-thanks to all these awesome recommendations - there will be a major Asian Drama Binge fest going on in my apartment yay!

Posted on Nov 25, 2016, 10:05:39 AM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

Romance Lover I am watching "Behind Your Smile", and this had the most intense TWdrama beginning I've seen in a long while (since TW-dramas tend to be on the light rom-com side most of the time). This is also the first TW-drama I see that deals with a cold/cruel hero (anti-hero?) wanting revenge from the beginning, though we still don't know the reasons or

what the heroine's mother or parents did. He doesn't mind using the heroine (or so it seems). The way he's been toying with her feels more acute, because she is so sweet and comes from such a sheltered background. However the chemistry between them (H/h) is palpable, even though his intentions are not good for now. He is also using the "annoying OW" too, and I wished the story had done without her cliche character. Hopefully the hero will start to soften before too much damage is done to the heroine, and hopefully the plot will be good (since it is not clear so far). So far, I am in! As for "Legend of the Blue Sea", after 4 episodes I have come to the conclusion that this drama is a weak imitation of "My Love from the Stars", however it is not a bad drama and I am enjoying it. The problem is that I was expecting a lot more out of this. The characters so far feel 2D instead of being fleshed out, and the conflict is silly/cartoonish (evil stepmother) when the conflict could've been easily a lot more creative and compelling. However I am enjoying JJH and her fish-out-of-water antics, she is the main attraction of this show. LMH is okay as well, but there seems to be nothing (so far) that makes his character stand out. At this point, I find this drama to be an average easy/breezy drama that is visually beautiful, despite the paper-thin plot. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 27, 2016, 2:36:19 PM PST

Romance Lover says:

Lovely D.M. My exact thoughts! Though the evil OW hates the h because she thinks she's faking her cute innocent act which is also similar to the H but we can see his defenses are slowly falling because he's realizing she's like the old him and he's getting protective but I just hope we see him fall more and it gets a little less drama. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 28, 2016, 7:36:45 PM PST Last edited by the author on Nov 28, 2016, 7:47:36 PM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I finished watching the final episodes of the One Percent of Something remake. Overall, a really enjoyable drama that was much better than the original. Given its fewer and shorter episodes (each was only about 40 minutes long) most of the filler/boring family scenes were eliminated. Even the secondary romance was only given about 5 minutes of total time. Also, since the drama was on cable, it featured tons of H/h kiss scenes. I actually hadn't realized how many kiss scenes were included in this drama until the recap in the final episode. The H/h had such great chemistry I won't be surprised if it turns out that the lead actors are in a RL relationship. Couldn't find a compilation of all the kiss scenes, but here's one from ep 13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a77Nr1IJG-o Also, on a different note, I've been following a Mo Bao Fei Bao novel, Stewed Squid with Honey as it's been translated. It's a really cute story about the misadventures of the h after she falls in love with the H at first sight and kinda stalks him (I think it would make a fun drama). The final chapter and epilogue are scheduled to be translated by this Wednesday. D.M. - Unfortunately, looks like Suzy accepted the lead role in While You Were Asleep. Too bad. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on Nov 28, 2016, 8:33:47 PM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

Yes Reader123, I read about her casting earlier today and was so disappointed; "While You Were Asleep" was a drama that had a lot of potential, but now my expectations are really low (despite LJS as the male lead, and this writer who's one of the better ones in k-dramaland). Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 30, 2016, 9:34:35 PM PST Last edited by the author on Nov 30, 2016, 9:41:16 PM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

On the potential good news front author/screenwriter Mo Bao Fei Bao has sold the rights to adapt three of her novels into dramas. The 3 novels are all part of a trilogy which includes Stewed Squid with Honey. The other 2 novels are God's Left Hand and Playing Fish Trapped in the Sealed Chamber. The production company is the same one that produced Boss and Me, My Sunshine and Love O2O (my three favorite Chinese dramas). Mo Bao Fei Bao will be the sole screenwriter (she and Gu Man were co-screenwriters for My Sunshine). While it may be some time before any of these dramas are produced, it's at least something to look forward too as I really enjoyed reading Stewed Squid with Honey and thought that it would make a fun drama. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Dec 1, 2016, 9:07:55 AM PST Last edited by the author on Dec 1, 2016, 9:13:33 AM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Based on the above recommendation, I checked out the first 2 episodes of Behind Your Smile. It really has a crack factor very similar to the K-drama Secret. I agree that you don't see many TW-dramas with this type of intensity. So, thanks for the recommendation. And here's hoping it stays good until the end! D.M. - Too bad that Legend of the Blue Sea is turning out to be more style than substance. I guess I'll put off watching it until you give your final evaluation at the end. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Dec 1, 2016, 1:42:15 PM PST

cbela says:

What website do you watch "Behind Your Smile"? I am watching and liking "Weightlifting Fairy". The story is funny and cute. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Dec 1, 2016, 9:46:47 PM PST

Rashell Anderson says:

I actually really like Legend of the Blue Sea. It may not be as amazing as You From Another Star, but it's still very good, IMO. I love how innocent and clueless the h is. And I love that the H just can't really let her go. He is so cute protecting her but trying to keep her in the dark about it. At this point his feelings actually have more depth to me. She loves him, but that was just a given for her. He is the one with the walls and the fear. But she just keeps sneaking

in around all those blocks he tries to put up. And I really like the past story and how they're connecting it to the present. And it's laugh out loud funny for me sometimes. Anyway, I think it's cute. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Dec 2, 2016, 6:57:02 AM PST

Irene says:

Quick question. I feel like this has been addressed but don't know how far back. Why are there 2 versions of My Sunshine? Is there a reason for the condensed version? which one is better? Thanks Irene Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Dec 2, 2016, 7:47:51 AM PST Last edited by the author on Dec 2, 2016, 7:57:30 AM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Irene - watch the full 32 hour version. The production company was required to fill 36 hours of air time but only had 32 hours of drama so filled the remaining 4 hours with a condensed version of scenes from the 32 hour drama. The only real change in the 4 hour version was that the "adult" H/h were used in the college flashback scenes versus the "younger" version of the H/h. The original 32 episode drama actually filmed the college scenes using both the "adult" and "younger" actors but opted to use the "younger" actor version so had the unused scenes with the "adult" actors readily available. So the 4 hour version doesn't really have any scenes that weren't filmed for the 32 episode version. cbela - try drama cool dot to - no spaces and convert the dot ETA: And speaking of drama cool, they have been adding a ton of the older Thai dramas to their site. Looks like most are dramas from Jasmin. Rewatched portions of Sawan Biang. I still marvel on how that show was able to rehabilitate the psychopath of a H such that you did believe in the HEA. In RL, such a guy would be spending life in prison. Guess the show really owes it's success to the great acting of Ken and Anne. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on Dec 4, 2016, 12:14:52 AM PST

Cynthia Howell says:

I just want to warn everyone about Drama Beans website. I logged on today and was immediately notified by Avast that they blocked a virus from this website. I tried later and the same thing happened. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Dec 4, 2016, 9:24:10 AM PST

Irene says:

Thanks Taz-mania. I have watched 16 episodes of My Sunshine andi love it except for the h long dragged out pauses where she won't get the right words out. It's such a change from her younger self. I guess it's to illustrate that her life after the breakup beat her down but it's one of those directed/ written things that I'm not a fan out bc I just want to yell "use your words!"

:0) I do love the flashbacks and how they were used. You get a real sense of how their love grew and how she wormed her way into his heart. I think this was essential in order to kind of get understand their 7 years if pining-why they didn't/wouldn't let it go. I also saw that they used some actors from Boss and Me (Shan Shan's dad) and Love O2O (xiao nai's dad). And there's is a movie called My Sunshine with Angelababy- not sure who she plays but I will watch after drama. Cynthia- have you tried kiss Asian-all one word? There's a lot of adds and some that will sometimes pop up but they have a decent selection of titles and you can expand the movie/show on screen so that you don't have to see the site adds as your are watching. If I can't find on Viki or dramafever, that's the next one I go to. Thanks! Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Dec 4, 2016, 9:26:22 AM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

Thanks for the headsup Cynthia, now I am afraid to go check db as it seems they might have been hit by a virus. Hopefully they get it fixed soon. Hey Rashell, long time no see! Reader123 I'll keep you updated about LOTBS. On another note, I agree with you about SB, I always thought that the strong point of that show was that the writer could convincingly (within the world of fiction that is) redeem the male lead, and also the acting of both the male and female lead was strong. I always thought that an accurate title for this drama would be "A Psychopath's Love or A Psychopath's Romance" lol. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Dec 4, 2016, 1:09:31 PM PST

cbela says:

Taz-Mania :) Thank you for the link. I have yet to watch "Behind Smile". However, I am watching "Goblin" and am loving it. Cynthia :) Thanks for the update. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Dec 4, 2016, 8:20:56 PM PST

Rashell Anderson says:

Thanks D.M. I lurk a lot, but just haven't had any great dramas to post about in a while. I did watch the first two episodes and Goblin, and really liked them. I like they mythical aspect and the origin story of the Goblin. I love how the Reaper fits in, and how the Goblin's bride was made. It all ties together in an engaging way. The world feels fleshed out, and there are clearly magic rules that make sense. Anyway, so far, I'm a fan. I just hope its keeps up this level of interest all the way through. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on Dec 5, 2016, 10:58:07 AM PST

Sen Larocca says:

Goblin is fantastic so far! Gong Yoo is pretty much great in all of his works, and this show is no different. The paranormal aspect alone would keep me captivated; it helps that they paired up my two favorite kdrama actors: him and Lee Dong Wook. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Dec 5, 2016, 11:49:11 AM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Irene - glad you're enjoying My Sunshine. The h's personality did change a lot more in the drama than what was portrayed in the novel. Angelababy and her RL husband Huang Xiao Ming are both in the movie adaption of Silent Separation/My Sunshine. He plays the H, while she is the OW (the one who the h thought was his sister). As is generally the case, the drama is a lot better than the movie (but then I also like Wallace Chung a lot more than Huang Xiao Ming). D.M. Like your title for Sawan Biang - it certainly fits. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post: Dec 5, 2016, 12:33:06 PM PST Last edited by you on Dec 5, 2016, 12:35:30 PM PST

Adnana says: (Change)

Irene and taz-mania, I've said this before, but I Love (with a capital "L"!) the two Gu Man-scripted dramas (My Sunshine and Love O2O), and I'm very bummed that "Boss & Me" was ruined by the scriptwriter (who was NOT Gu Man, unfortunately) when they had such a wonderful cast (Zhao Li Ying was perfect as Shan Shan) to work with. Maybe Gu Man thought so too, and that's why starting with her 2nd novel adaptation (My Sunshine), she took on the scriptwriting duties herself, to make sure that her novels would be adapted properly? I have high hopes that she'll keep doing this in the future--and I'm VERY much looking forward to seeing a drama adaptation of "Blazing Sunlight." With 2 fabulous male leads (and contenders for the heroine's heart), that novel is like a combination of all the best parts from all her previous novels (especially "Silent Separation" and "Shan Shan..."), and it might well become my favorite. If Gu Man would just finish that darn 2nd volume and release it, the production company who bought all her other novels would with 100% certainty churn out a drama adaptation within the year. So maybe we'll get to see that before 2020? Lol, I'm not hoping for much, right? Anyway, RE: My Sunshine. I didn't love how the adult Mo Sheng (the heroine) was so listless and withdrawn when she first reunited with the hero after 7 years apart, but from a narrative standpoint, her change was believable; it was consistent with how much she had been hurt and beaten down by life during her time abroad. And she does regain much of her sunniness and zest for life once she recovers the huge missing piece that was her soulmate, Yi Chen (the hero). Which brings me to the No. 1 reason why I love this drama so much and am willfully blind to any and all of its flaws: Yi Chen, as portrayed by Wallace Chung. I love the character (his excellent mind, his stubborn steadfastness, his unwavering love), but he is a flawed man in many ways (that pride! that emotional elusiveness!), and it is to

Wallace Chung's great credit that he manages to make this character so dynamically, irresistibly magnetic. There's so much that Yi Chen never states outright (in particular, before and immediately after he reconciles with the heroine), but is revealed in subtle ways, through his body language, and fleeting expressions, and seemingly innocuous words that actually hide a wealth of feeling. Really, a wonderful character portrayal all-around, and (in great part) because of it a wonderful drama. Discussion locked | Permalink

Posted on Dec 5, 2016, 2:31:23 PM PST

Btwncovers says:

Hi! Does anyone have a good streaming site to suggest with good subs? I haven't watched Asian dramas in a while and prefer to stream for free than to download (as I used to). I'm wanting to watch Goblin, K-drama but the site I found the subs are a little off. Thank you. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Dec 5, 2016, 9:16:39 PM PST Last edited by the author on Dec 5, 2016, 9:54:45 PM PST

Irene says:

btwncover - I don't know too many but someone posted one a couple of days ago drama cool dot to I also use Dramafever and Viki and kiss Asian taz and adnana - I love the drama versIon! Those 2 characters really felt like they were going through the motions without the other and it wasn't until they finally got back together that you feel that Yi Chen allows himself to feel again. It really felt like when she left, she took his heart with her. The movie - version not so great although Huang Xiao Ming is really pretty :) Definite eye candy. Also, Adnana, I hope we don't have to wait until 2020 - not getting any younger ;) but at this rate, I feel you might be right :( I feel like the writers haven't figured out the key to condensing a drama version into a movie version-stripping it down and taking the essential elements to make the story. I feel they put too much in and then don't have enough time and then a lot of things left unexplained. I felt the same way as I watched the movie version of Love O2O - Very Alluring Smile. Finished watching When a Snail Falls in Love and as expected - there was no real romance until the very end (ep 19or 20) when she declares herself to him and then (ep21) at the wedding when he proposes, she excepts and then they kiss for the FIRST TIME! I liked the mystery but if you are looking for romance, you will not find it here. I heard that some sites said it was 24 episodes but I can't quite confirm if this is correct or not. I tried looking online at the Chinese TV schedule but couldn't figure it out- whether it was When a Snail or if there was a new drama in it's place. speaking of Ding Mo - I think there are a couple of episodes of Memory Lost subbed out there but I can't find them. I clicked on a link to youtube and of course there was a notice saying it was taken down :(

Also not sure who might be intersested but they posted the 1st 10 min webisode of 7 First Kisses on YouTube with English subtitles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_FKLmbz3Rk Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on Dec 5, 2016, 9:34:18 PM PST

cbela says:

btwncover... I used the web link Taz-Mania and Irene suggested and that's where I watched "Goblin". I also really like the "Stay With Me" OST. ^_^ Irene... Do those 10 mins have Lee Jun K? I still am unsure what's it about anyways. Does the fans decide who her first kiss is? Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Dec 5, 2016, 9:39:27 PM PST

Irene says:

cbela - they're only 10 minutes - first one released yesterday. I think it might be every sunday or so. The first episode plays out like a cinderalla story with a fairy godmother (mom from The Healer I think). Lee Jung Ki shows up at the very end as her first suitor. I believe the 2nd episode will have more of him. It's really very light - if that makes sense. Give it a try. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Dec 5, 2016, 10:58:27 PM PST

Cynthia Howell says:

Irene, Thanks. I do watch Viki and Drama Fever, and I will look into kiss Asia. I just go to Drama Beans for the reviews, but I won't go there now. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Dec 5, 2016, 11:07:27 PM PST

Irene says:

Yeah, kissasian is good but they have ads framing the picture. Sometimes when you go to search, it will trigger a pop ad - just close the ad and click on the search box again. it should be fine. Also, as you watch, you can make the tv drama full screen which then allows you to focus without all the ads. hope you like - they have dramas that you cant find on either dramafever or viki - so that's a plus :) Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Dec 6, 2016, 7:10:10 AM PST

Btwncovers says:

Thanks Irene and cbela! Will try that.

Posted on Dec 7, 2016, 10:20:18 AM PST Last edited by the author on Dec 7, 2016, 4:33:38 PM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Adnana - Like you, I really, really wish that Gu Man would finish the second volume of Blazing Sunlight (and hope it doesn't take years to get it translated into English). While I agree that of the 3 Gu Man dramas, Shan Shan was the weakest adaption I still think that it was better than almost all of the other Chinese dramas that I've watched (or tried to watch). I've started watching the Chinese drama The Princess Wei Young as I've heard that it has a strong, revengeful h. So far, it's taken a completely different direction from the portion of the partially translated novel that I've read. Rashell - Yay, after 4 years a new Gong Yoo drama! I finished watching both When a Snail Falls In Love and The K2. As Irene indicates When a Snail Loves went the way of Love Me If You Dare and decided to give everyone an HEA in the final episodes without providing much in the way of an actual romance. Which is really too bad. Not sure why the director decided to ignore the romances that were included in the novels as the dramas would have been so much better if they had included even halfway decent romances. As it related to The K2, despite it's name (K2 was the code name for Ji Chang Wook's character), the real star of this drama was Song Yoon Ah (she made for a very compelling character and acted rings around all of the other actors in the drama). I think the drama might have been a lot more interesting if they had made the romance between her and Ji Chang Wook instead of between Ji Chang Wook and Im Yoon Ah. SPOILERS **************************** Major Spoilers for The K2 We do get a HEA for the Ji Chang Wook/Im Yoon Ah characters, but not so much for anyone else (lots of deaths at the end but since they were all somewhat villainous characters you didn't really feel too bad for most of the people that died). Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Dec 12, 2016, 9:01:30 AM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Spoilers Unfortunately, you can add The Princess Wei Young to the list of Chinese adaptions where the novel has a happy ending but the drama instead ends unhappily for the OTP. Looks like they tried to go Empress Ki with this one (but The Princess Wei Young lacked the great romance that made Empress Ki so worth watching despite it's ending). Not sure why they feel the need to ruin the adaption by giving it an ending inconsistent with the novel - it certainly doesn't make it a better or more memorable drama. I continue to enjoy Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo and Behind Your Smile. I'm also following a couple of other dramas but they're just ok. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Dec 12, 2016, 10:25:04 AM PST

Irene says:

Someone mentioned a reincarnation aspect to this story - is that correct? Would you be able to post some spoilers as to the ending? i wasn't sure what had happened but am intrigued. If it ended in death, could it be that they(producers/writers) will try to come back with the reincarnation piece? You watched through episode 54? Started to watch Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo and am liking it. Only on episode 3 because i have to find another place that airs it other than Viki - don't have their pass. Watched 1st episode of the Goblin - liking it but i get the feeling it will not end well. it seems pretty difinitive that should he get his bride, he will finally die and rest in piece. Not sure if they are going to try and change this or not. Thanks Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Dec 12, 2016, 11:41:21 AM PST Last edited by the author on Dec 12, 2016, 11:50:53 AM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Includes Spoilers Irene - Unlike the novel, there was no reincarnation (or travel back in time) aspect in the drama. I didn't watch all of the drama - I quit when I found out that the H dies in the final episode (I did watch portions of the final episode unsubbed). So far, only 40 of the 54 episodes have been subbed. Given how the story ends, no second season is necessary (evil half-sister also dies, forced to drink poison by H). The novel starts out with the H/h married (the h is Li Wei Young and the couple are Emperor/Empress) but the h has been locked up in the Cold Palace and mistreated for 12 years. Prior to being locked up in the Cold Palace, the H/h had been married for 8 years and the h had rescued/saved the H repeatedly. The H had ordered the h locked up and her legs amputated because the h had the doctors treat their ill son rather than the H's pregnant mistress (the h's half-sister, who the H is apparently completely in love with). The H eventually orders the h to drink poison and she then "travels" back 23 years to when she is 13 (she had married the H in place of her half-sister when she was 16). The h then plans revenge against everyone. In the drama, the h is Princess Feng Xin Er whose family has been murdered by Wei Young's half-brother and others (the H's grandfather is the Emperor). Princess Xin Er is rescued by Wei Young and when Wei Young is murdered by her step-mother, Xin Er assumes Wei Young's identity for revenge. Up to the point of the drama I watched, H was very interested in h and was always rescuing her. He was certainly nothing like the H in the novel as he shows zero interest in the half-sister and in the last episode the H/h were very happy together until his death. Weightlifting Fairy is also being carried on several streaming sites (like drama cool). Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Dec 12, 2016, 12:38:43 PM PST

Irene says:

Wow! The book sounds intense. She went through a lot. So, no reincarnation but there is a tune travel aspect. So Wei Young married the H instead of the half sister but the H and half sister were having an affair - that seems counterintuitive. I thought the drama had the h watch the H marry her half sister. So, the book ends with Wei Young having her revenge or plotting her revenge? There seems to be no point to the drama if at then end she is killed and that's it. I guess I am going to pass in this one :0( will look for Weightlifting in drama cool then Thanks Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Dec 12, 2016, 2:29:16 PM PST Last edited by the author on Dec 12, 2016, 2:57:53 PM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

My summary of the novel The Princess Wei Young/The Concubine's Daughter is Poisonous is just what occurred in the first few chapters. Most of the novel focuses upon once the h travels back in time. Only a portion of the novel is translated - about half of the first volume in a three volume novel. The novel description indicates that it has a happy ending (but I'm not sure if this means the h ends up with the husband or with someone else). In the drama, the H dies but the h and her son live on, with the son becoming Emperor. If you want to watch a Chinese historical drama with a HEA, I liked Ballad of the Desert/Sound of the Desert (Da Mo Yao). Certain of the characters and events in the novel are based on real individuals and events. The H was based on the famous Han Dynasty general Huo Qubing who was born around 140 BC. Drama featured a great love triangle (but I thought the OM got what he deserved - hehe). My overall favorite historical is the Korean sageuk, The Princess' Man (a smash up of Romeo & Juliet, The Count of Monte Cristo and King Richard III) which is based on King Sejo's bloody rise to power in the 1450s and included a fictional romance involving his daughter and the son of a man he killed as part of his coup. ETA: I also really enjoyed the romance between the Emperor and Ki in Empress Ki. Unlike the other 2 dramas mentioned above, it doesn't end on a happy note but I wasn't completely unhappy with the drama's ending since it left room to envision that the Emperor/Empress had years of happiness together before he died. The drama was loosely (and I do mean loosely) based upon Empress Ki who was the third empress of Emperor Toghon Temur/Huizong. Ki, who was born in Korea, was first the Emperor's concubine (they had a son together when the Emperor was about 20), with him eventually making her his Empress. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Dec 12, 2016, 2:43:20 PM PST

Irene says:

Perfect. I feel like I'm craving a good historical. Now I can look for these. Thanks for giving more deatils on Pricess Wei Young - despite knowing it's disappointing, I needed to know what happened :0) it's a compulsion of mine. & Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Dec 15, 2016, 8:08:34 PM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Wow, where did 2016 go? Hard to believe that 2017 is only a few weeks away. Overall, I did think that 2016 was a fairly decent drama year that offered at least a few enjoyable dramas. My "top 5" favorite dramas of 2016 were: * Another Miss Oh/Oh Hae Young Again * Just One Smile is Very Alluring / Love O2O (Chinese drama) * One Percent of Something (2016)/1% of Anything * Drinking Solo * Weightlifting Fairy Kim Buk Joo Since none of the 2016 dramas made it to my all-time "top 5" favorites list, my five favorite dramas remain: * Healer * City Hunter * The Princess' Man * Queen In-Hyun's Man * You From Another Star Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on Dec 16, 2016, 9:48:58 PM PST

Cynthia Howell says:

Has anyone watched any of Stay With Me yet? I would like to know if it is good like Love 020 or more like When A Snail Falls In Love. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Dec 20, 2016, 9:21:18 AM PST Last edited by the author on Dec 20, 2016, 9:27:44 AM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

Well since 2016 is coming to close, here are my thoughts about the dramas I've watched or checked-out this year (or am watching): k-dramas, the ones I watched till the end and liked, are: "W Two Worlds" (also one of my favorites, despite its flaws): When it was good it was mindblowing, and when it faltered it was still addictive. Despite the things that bugged me, because they so easily could've been better, this drama still had me hooked from beginning to end. "Another Miss Oh/Another Oh Hae Young" (a favorite of mine too despite my dislike of the hero's hairstyle): This drama had a solid storyline from beginning to end, but I wished it had better directing (shaky camera is just no). However thankfully shaky camera only happened in a few scenes (90% of the drama was not shaky camera). This drama also had a lot of skinship and good kisses. "Age of Youth": This was a great friendship and growth drama, that had this subtle moody yet heartfelt atmosphere that captures the viewer.

The k-dramas I didn't finish (either because I wasn't in the mood anymore, or because I dropped them): The ones I watched past the first 4 eps: "Moonlight Drawn by Clouds": I might pick this up again when I'm in the mood, despite my dislike for the styles. The cast is good. "Scarlet Heart": I stopped watching it at 3 or 4 eps short of the end, because I read that it had a sad ending. I might watch the last few eps when I have nothing else to watch. I liked the styles in this one. "Jealousy Incarnate": This was a weird drama, at least the eps I watched, but the three leads had chemistry. However the way the writer handled the love triangle was off-putting, which led me to drop this. The k-dramas I didn't watch past the first 4 eps: "Shopping King Louie": I couldn't get past the first 4 eps, because I found it too juvenile/childish, and the hero was not to my taste. However I think that if I was 12 I would've liked this. I will give the drama points though, for having a beautiful instrumental OST. "Romantic doctor teacher Kim": I tried to like this because I like the H/h cast, but I couldn't get past ep 3 - this show is just not for me. There is a palpable unevenness to it, and I'm not a fan of medical dramas. Dramas I like to pretend didn't happen: "Cheese in the Trap" (what a huge waste of potential) K-dramas that are still airing, that I am overall enjoying so far, are: "Legend of the Blue Sea": I'm not captured by this drama, but I find it entertaining, and it is getting more interesting. "Hwarang": I was going to pass on this because the posters and teasers looked bad. However I'm glad I decided to checkout the first ep, because this is off to a solidly good start and I hope it won't disappoint. The heroine already has chemistry with both male leads. TW-dramas, I watched and liked: "Marry Me or Not" (became one of my favorites, just kept getting better with every episode, excluding the last two eps which were weaker but still enjoyable), "Back to 1989", and now I'm watching "Behind Your Smile" (which is on its way to becoming one of my favorites, but it's still early to tell. I am enjoying the twists in this story so far). TW-dramas I put on hold after the first few eps, but might pick up again later: "Swimming Battle" At the end, I would like to say: Merry Christmas and a happy new year! Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on Dec 20, 2016, 4:00:14 PM PST

Jennifer L. Rinehart says:

Happy Holidays to everyone! Now that the election is over I desperately need some kdrama distraction! The only thing I watched these last few months was election coverage and so I am super behind on all the new shows. I just watched episode one of Goblin, so far it is amazing. Anyone else watching this one? I love Lee Min Ho, but his new drama isn't as fun as I'd hoped it would be, maybe if I get bored enough I'll head back to it. Behind Your Smile is pretty great too. I wish I wasn't out of episodes, because this show was made to marathon. Some shows I'm really looking forward to; Missing 9 - It could totally crash and burn (pun intended) or be fun and unique. Kdrama Wallflower Boss- Great story for a role switch. Kdrama Father is Weird- I'm in the mood for a family comedy and I like dramas with sisters. Kdrama Miss in Kiss - Remake of Itazura na Kiss and whole load of other remakes of this story and I have watched them all! Tdrama Karn La Krang Neung - This lakorn sounds a lot like the plot of Haou Airen, a manga with a rather romantic yet chilling and rapey ending. I'm hoping this one has a happier ending. Thai drama Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Dec 20, 2016, 4:39:03 PM PST Last edited by the author on Dec 20, 2016, 4:44:55 PM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

Oh you just reminded me of "Karn La Krang.../Once Upon a Time in my Heart", I watched this drama and liked it, but forgot to mention it in my post above. I don't know about the manga you mentioned, but this drama has a happy ending. ETA: Why do they keep remaking "It Started With A Kiss"? I wish they would remake "Hana Yori Dango", and a TW-version of HYD would be steamier, and I would like to see a visually updated version of this story instead of the done-to-death ISWAK. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Dec 20, 2016, 7:58:28 PM PST

Jennifer L. Rinehart says:

That's great that it has a happy ending, I will definitely watch it then. I just can't deal with a Scarlet Heart ending right now! Plus, the main guy is definitely worth a second look.

Hana Yori Dango would be great as a TW drama, especially if they can keep it under sixteen episodes. I'd love to see a remake of Devil Beside You or Down With Love too. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Dec 20, 2016, 8:50:16 PM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

Yes, I also wish they would remake Mars too! Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Dec 21, 2016, 12:34:54 AM PST

Jennifer L. Rinehart says:

It would be hard to top the Taiwan version already out. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Dec 21, 2016, 8:35:17 AM PST

1ladydevil says:

Hi All, since finals are over I have time to watch the dramas on my list. I started with the most possessive ones but am having trouble finding eng subs for them. For The Illicit Wife ~ Mia Tuean, I can't find ep 1. For You're Mine, Only Mine which is a Filipina drama, I can't find eng subs anywhere. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Dec 21, 2016, 9:12:57 AM PST

May says:

1ladydevil: I watched Mia Tuean on dailymotion with eng sub I think. It's been awhile so maybe youtube will have it in eng sub? But I remember not liking the H too much in this one (although I like this actor in other drama). He's physically abusive to the a very doormat h, he would dragged her into the bathroom and sprayed cold water on her in his many many jealous rages (and ofcourse some forced seduction scences), etc. Being that it's a thai drama, I have come to expect this, but the audience isn't shown his loving side to balance the abuses, so by the end I just want her to run away from him and stay far far away. Just be aware when you watch this drama. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Dec 21, 2016, 9:55:25 AM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

Jennifer, I don't expect a TW remake of "Mars" to top the old version, but I would just like to see it updated visually and hopefully be as good as the old version - is enough for me. :) Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Dec 21, 2016, 11:16:19 AM PST

Jennifer L. Rinehart says:

D.M., True, they might be able to update it enough for new audiences and I do love remakes. I am still going to watch the ISWAK remake, if only to see if they can make the H more worthy of the h's undying love. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Dec 21, 2016, 6:20:16 PM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

The Japanese did a remake of Mars this year. Overall, the remake wasn't very good so I don't recommend you waste your time watching. Also the drama was left open ended as they plan to complete the storyline via a movie. As it relates to the new remake of ISWAK ("Miss in Kiss") Netflix has the first 6 (out of 20) episodes subbed. Each episode is only about 27 minutes long. I haven't watched it yet and probably won't until all episode are available which Netflix indicates will occur on January 20. My Drama List has a lot of criticism of this version, indicating that the H isn't as good looking as the SML and that he acts bored. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone! Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Dec 21, 2016, 9:53:30 PM PST

Irene says:

Happy Holidays, my fellow Asian drama lovers ;0) Based on recommendations, I have just binged on Goblin - loving it. it's still ongoing but love the bromance and I find the grim reaper utterly adorable. Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo - love, love, love it :) Found episode 11 just now and it had me in stitches-it made me happy and giggly There is a funny bit between Nam Joo Hyuk and Kim Ji Soo (a fellow prince from Scarlet Heart). It's also adorable how NJH is now feeling all sorts of jealous emotions. Also binged on Karn La Krang - really good. Have to say that I really enjoyed the secondary romance a little more than the main romance. going to start on Legend of Blue Sea and see how that goes. Enjoy your holidays and stay safe everyone! Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Dec 22, 2016, 7:34:17 AM PST

Rhinda says:

Can someone tell me the last episode of Behind Your Smile that is out in eng sub, and how many episodes there are? Thank you! Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Dec 22, 2016, 7:40:59 AM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Behind Your Smile is scheduled to be 16 episodes long (last episode to be aired on 2/26/2017). So far, 6 episodes (all subbed) have aired. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Dec 22, 2016, 8:40:02 AM PST

1ladydevil says:

Does anyone know where I can watch the Filipino drama You're Mine, Only Mine with eng sub? Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Dec 22, 2016, 9:50:06 AM PST

Rhinda says:

Thank you so much for the reply! Another Question: in Kdrams (or any Asian), when the man says "I like you" to a woman, sometimes it's translated as "I love you". Does "I like you" in Korean or Chinese mean, 'I'm attracted to you, let's date" or does it mean "I love you and lets have a relationship". This has bugged me for a while. THANKS!

Posted on Dec 22, 2016, 2:15:19 PM PST

Rashell Anderson says:

"Joah" is the Korean word for like. So when that is used, it's usually at the start of the relationship and I feel like means more of I'm attracted or interested. "Sarang is the Korean word for love. I feel like that one is used to express a deeper emotional connection. I hope that helps. I'm still watching Legend of the Sea and Goblin. Really enjoying them both. I want to start Weightlifting Fairy, but may wait until it's finished. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!! Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Dec 22, 2016, 6:47:26 PM PST

Rhinda says:

Rashell, Thank you so much for answering my post!!! I am relatively new (but in love with) kdrama, and had/have so many questions! I really appreciate your reply! Do you know anything a bout "Behind Your Smile?" I'm trying to figure out the last eng subbed episode, and another 'Stay with Me', the same....? LOVING Goblin and can't wait for the Ep 7 eng sub! Thanks again,Rhinda. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Dec 23, 2016, 7:46:26 AM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

The last English subbed episode of Behind Your Smile was episode 6 (this is also the last episode that has aired as only one episode airs per week). The last English subbed episode of Stay With Me is episode 18. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Dec 23, 2016, 11:33:18 AM PST

Rhinda says:

Thank you so much for clearing that up for me, Taz! Very much appreciated! Sincerely, Rhinda Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 1, 2017, 12:26:08 PM PST

Jennifer L. Rinehart says:

Happy New Year everyone! I sincerely hope 2017 is better than 2016. Or, at least, that there are more great shows this year. I'm making my way through Karn la kreung neung, so far, I have to say the best part is the secondary couple's romance. They are both so deserving of each other, it made me weepy! I still really like Goblin, though I've only watched two episodes. What is everyone else watching now? Did you watch anything new? Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on Jan 1, 2017, 6:57:38 PM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

Happy New Year! I hope that 2017 will be a good year, and I hope that we will get some good dramas as well! The dramas I am watching are: "Legend of the Blue Sea", honestly I'm still watching this because of the mermaid theme, but I'm finding it very average with an inept villain and a story that's filled with fluff and moves at a snail's pace. However I am entertained by the fluff, but that's it. JJH remains one of the actresses I really like though. "Hwarang The Beginning" this drama has a lot of potential, and so far I am really enjoying it. I can only hope that this drama will live up to its potential and not disappoint. Also this drama has the feel of "A Knight's Tale" mixed in with a Disney touch! "Behind Your Smile" this TW-drama started out intriguing and different, but now it seems like it's falling into cliche territory. However I still find this drama entertaining. Happy watching! Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on Jan 1, 2017, 7:14:56 PM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 1, 2017, 7:26:01 PM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

As for 2017, so far these are the dramas that I am interested in checking out in 2017: "My Secret Romance", "Siamdang Light's Diary", "Missing 9", "Defendant", "Ruler: Master of the Mask", and my most anticipated one "While You Were Asleep"(because I really like LJS and the writer is good and the premise is intriguing. I just hope that the heroine/actress will be decent and not annoying, that is all I ask). ETA: Also maybe I will checkout "Introverted Boss" Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on Jan 1, 2017, 8:06:55 PM PST

cbela says:

Happy New Year!:) I am loving "Goblin",too. I really like the main and supporting characters. The OSTs, fantasical, and historical aspects has me hooked.:) Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Jan 3, 2017, 6:28:53 AM PST

Rhinda says:

Happy 2017! I am watching Goblin, which I am enjoying, sort of -the age difference really bothers me, and I find the lead actress more obnoxious than endearing. How could a 30 year old man, much less 900 years fall in love with an average, immature high school girl? I don't get it. The best part is the 'bromance' - the relationship between the Grim Reaper and Goblin is great- their lines, their deadpan delivery. Hilarious! Trying to get through Stay with Me, but soooo slow. I like the lead guy, so I started A Snail in Love. Also, verrrry slow. I did enjoy 'Fall in Love With Me' from Taiwan with Aaron Wan, and "Refresh Man' wasn't bad. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on Jan 3, 2017, 9:13:00 AM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 3, 2017, 9:19:38 AM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I continue to really enjoy Weightlifting Fairy - it's hitting all the right notes for me. I especially like that they have largely avoided the "them/bad versus us/good" plot that is so common in school dramas (even the nasty girls get very, very little screen time). Lots of fun characters and in the last few episodes several cute jealousy scenes. Glad they decided to not make the second female lead the typical OTT OW. Unfortunately, I don't care for her and am not that interested in her storyline. Since the H/h are now together as a couple, I'm hoping that they don't ruin the show by introducing noble idiocy or any other reason for this super cute couple to breakup. I agree that Behind Your Smile has lost it's crack factor but I'm also still enjoying. I'm also following the family drama Father, I'll Take Care of You but only for the secondary romance. Unfortunately, I don't like the lead h (I guess she's suppose to come across as a lively free-spirit, but instead just seems annoyingly childish and unintelligent - perhaps a different actress would have been better for this role) and the lead H appears to be the villain of the drama (for the sake of revenge, he keeps doing nasty things but unfortunately he just

crossed a line with me when he set the h's cousin up for what easily could have been a fatal accident - no "oops sorry, my bad" can redeem this guy - he needs at least a few years in prison). The writer is the same one who penned My Heart Twinkle, Twinkle which I guess explains everything about the lead H. I'm also following Romantic Doctor, Teacher Kim which has the typical hospital backstabbing politics but I do like both the H and the h. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on Jan 4, 2017, 6:47:22 AM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 4, 2017, 7:18:47 AM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

The first 2 episodes of the drama based off of Ding Mo's novel Memory Lost have now been subbed. I think the entire drama has now aired so I'm hoping that subbing of the series is fast. There are also a few Chinese remakes of Korean drama's I plan to check out once subbing is complete or time permits. Subbing on Shuttle Love Millennium is almost complete. This appears to be from the same team as Love Through the Millennium which is a remake of Queen In-Hyun's Man (which is one of my all-time favorite dramas). Instead of a time travel like Love Through the Millennium, Shuttle Love is a body swap drama, where a party boy from 2016 switches body with a chef from 1936. Also, first 2 episodes of Pretty Li Hui Zhen have been subbed. This is a remake of the Korean drama She Was Pretty. I'm hoping that I like the H a lot more in the Chinese version because I never understood why the h ended up with him in the Korean version. eta: But then I don't think a lot of dramas get the whole first love trope correct. Sometimes it's really hard to believe in a HEA where the H (or h) has disliked or mistreated the h (or H) for episodes on end but once they realize it's their childhood first love (that prior to the start of the drama, they haven't seen in 20 or so years) it's instant love. Always makes me wonder if they are really in love with the actual person or just their memory or concept of the person. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 4, 2017, 8:18:14 AM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 4, 2017, 8:18:36 AM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

Good morning! I picked up "I Need Romance 3" again, after putting it on hold when it was airing since Sae Ryung annoyed me too much, but now that I watch it I realize that she has depth. Also the heroine is annoying sometimes, because she is such a mess, however overall I like her and am rooting for her. I had stopped watching this show at around ep 4, and now I am at ep 12 and I can't believe it took me some 2 years to pick it up again. This is actually a good show, and I really like its atmosphere. This is the type of show that is perfect to watch this time of year. I will write more details about it when I've finished it, but so far I can say that this is one of the better workplace/slice-of-life/romance dramas, and I find that I'm liking this show's second half more than its first half. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 4, 2017, 10:36:21 AM PST

Irene says:

Good Morning Everyone! Happy 2017! I am currently watching Goblin - still enjoying this very much. I agree that the age disparity is a little jarring but I'm rolling with it because from what I've seen in real world a 10 year-12 year age difference is not that uncommon. I guess her fresh and optimistic attitude is something he likes. I am also wondering if they are going to age her up because of the scene where she is supposedly 28 yrs old. NOt sure if it has anything to do with him but I am keeping my finger crossed. I also am enjoying the Grim Reaper with Sunny and their romance and the not so surprising link between them all. Legend of the Blue Sea - have started and caught up with all episodes and am still enjoying it - it's not groundbreaking or anything but cute and light fun. The first half kind of reminded me of an old style light caper type story. The lead actress is totally awesome in the role and she totally makes this show a lot of fun to watch. LMH is cute and adorable but predictable. Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo - still loving this story. Like Taz says, it totally hits the right notes. The lead couple are just plain adorable and I liked how it was a slow process - in that he starts off just teasing her but the more time he spends with her the more he likes her and how she totally had him in the friend zone and wasn't pining for him. I'm so excited that they have started dubbing Lost Memory, now i can start that! I'm also looking forward to the new General and I story which I think comes later this month - not sure though. There is also another Yang Yang movie/drama with Crystal Liu which is due out this year, right? Thinking of starting Hwarang and Doctor Romantic. I was also thinking about watching Father, I will take care of you but I'm now rethinking it based off of what Taz-mania said. Taz, thank you for the recommendation of the story How to be A Virtuous Wife - I really enjoyed it. I even went back after completing it to reread some sections :) It reads like a romance but not because the heroine was not the typical submissive or spunky good intentioned heroine. She was very practical and could be mean when needed. She was so pragmatic about her role in her husband's life and that was so interesting because she would not let herself fall no matter how he wooed her or didn't let him know that he had the upper hand once she was in love. Loved it. I am also currently reading Love O2O aka Just One Smile is Very Alluring. I'm liking it but because the drama shows Xiao Nai's point of view from early on, I feel like the novel is missing sections :) because everything is shown from Wei Wei's point of view and what she's noticed. In the show, the audience gets to see Xiao Nai orchestrate things. In the novel, you don't know this until later and even then, you just know and are not shown. I have only read up through Chapter 26 so far. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 4, 2017, 10:48:39 AM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 4, 2017, 11:10:56 AM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

D.M. I agree that I Need Romance 3 was the best of the I Need Romance series. This one did feature an almost too perfect H - certainly way, way better than the loser that was the H in I Need Romance 1. This might be the last drama where I didn't hate Sung Joon. He seems to be getting worse as an actor and at picking dramas as I have hated him and every drama he's been in since this one (well, I did like the secondary romance in High Society but not Sung Joon's romance with UEE). On a side note, just read where Back to 1989 might be is getting a sequel "My Future

Boyfriend" (sequel hasn't been officially confirmed). Same H (Chang Marcus). Story follows the characters through 2016-2017, then to 2026. Guess we'll have to see if it pans out. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 4, 2017, 12:23:50 PM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

Irene, I have "Father I will Take Care of You" on my "want to watch" list only because I want to checkout the young couple, because they are the bodyguard from "W" and the ghoststory-girl from "Age of Youth". I plan to fast-forward through the rest (if/when I check this out), because 50 ep weekend/family dramas are not for me. Reader123 I agree with you about Sung Joo, I dropped "Madame Antoine", and I didn't even follow High Society (only watched bits and pieces for PHS character, but I agree that again Sung Joon's character there was not good). However I read that he is going to be in another drama in 2017, but I'm not sure if its confirmed yet. I can only hope that this new role will be as good as his role in "I Need Romance 3". I agree his character here is a bit too good to be true, but I am enjoying the heck out of INR3. However I feel like INR3 is more of an ensemble drama, with a male/female lead. About "Back to 1989" that is interesting, but how are they going to pull it off? Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 4, 2017, 1:20:02 PM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 4, 2017, 1:36:42 PM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Given it's a family drama, I'm kinda surprised by how fast the secondary/young romance (the Lee Tae Hwan (Hyeon Woo)/Park Eun Bin (Dong Hee) couple) in Father, I'll Take Care of You is moving. They've already had their first kiss and both have somewhat confessed. Unfortunately, the h has indicated that due to her situation her career comes before any relationship. Just hope the relationship doesn't hit a real draggy phase that lasts until the end of the drama. While rest of the drama isn't very interesting (and as I've said, I don't like the lead h) I am watching all of the storylines. Seems like it's been awhile since we've had a truly good family drama. The best ones I've watched were Ojakgyo Brothers, Family's Honor and You Who Rolled in Unexpectedly. The lead romance and couple in Smile, You is one of my favorites (but rest of the storylines can be skipped). Also, while the h/OM romance in King of Baking, Kim Tak Goo was completely dysfunctional, I really enjoyed it (and it's one of those rare dramas where the h ends up with the OM). ETA: The Min-Woo and Mi-Joo romance in Giant was also very addictive. And both of the twins romances in My Daughter, Seo Young were good. Irene, I think Adnana might have been the one who recommended How to be A Virtuous Wife, as she is our resident C-novel expert. I've started watching Memory Lost. I was worried that I wouldn't like the H as I didn't find him even remotely attractive in Love O2O (where he was the wannabe OM), but he seems fine in this drama. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 4, 2017, 4:04:53 PM PST

Irene says:

Adnana - Thank you for the recommendation of How to Be a Virtuous Wife! I really, really liked it! Thanks Taz! You've given so many great recs that I now just automatically give you credit :) Regarding Memory Lost - I did not know that was him! I checked again and i think i recognize his cheekbones :) They stood out in Love O2O. Gonna be looking into the Drama Recommendations you've recently listed- thanks! After 6 months of nonstop drama watching, there is still so much out there that I haven't seen. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post: Jan 4, 2017, 4:42:20 PM PST Last edited by you on Jan 5, 2017, 12:20:19 PM PST

Adnana says: (Change)

taz-mania, Thank you for flattering me, lol, but I'm far from an expert in C-novels... though I'll admit to being just a tiny bit obsessed (notice the oxymoron ;P ) with them, lately more than ever. Yep, I was the one who raved about "To Be A Virtuous Wife" but really, who recommended the novel is much less important than the fact that someone else has read it and loved it. Yay, Irene! I so love to spread my addictions around, lol. Over the holiday season, I got into a(n ongoing) Chinese web novel (translated) that was frankly an odd choice for me, a romanticist (this web novel has barely any romance) and someone biased in favor of female-centric novels (this web novel has a male protagonist). Ah, but it hit precisely on an old, almost-forgotten kink of mine: empire-building makebelieve. I used to play the likes of "Settlers," "Caesar" and other such strategy games, my bread and butter being the consolidation (and then expansion) of territory, creating an industry, building up the economy, managing the populace etc. I didn't love the inevitable warfare aspect, but I did love the planning and growing of the entire infrastructure of a new country. Well, this web novel I recently stumbled across has exactly that. The hero, a modern-day engineer, dies from overwork and transmigrates to an alternate, medieval-type world, where his consciousness/soul inhabits the body of a prince, who himself died after being poisoned (similar setup as with the heroine in "To Be A Virtuous Wife"). The original prince was the black sheep of the royal family, a wastrel and complete failure, and he's recently been entrusted by the king with the most desolate border town in the kingdom. He's supposed to rule over that territory, as a test of competence in the contest for the throne (his infinitely more competent royal siblings have been entrusted with managing territories of their own, though much more prosperous ones. From the start, the deck was stacked against this prince--now our hero.) So this is basically the story of how the hero takes over a wretched, backward border town and transforms it into the most prosperous, progressive city in the country. Then he takes over the entire surrounding territory, then the entire country, lol. All of this, he does by using his smarts, his knowledge (among many other things, he "invents" gunpowder, and longrange fire weapons--which he sorely needs to defeat the many enemies he accumulates in his quest for expansion and modernization)... and with the help of witches. You see, this is a world where magic exists, and witches have been hunted and persecuted for hundreds of years, inquisition-style. Yet our hero chooses to befriend and protect them--and reaps a

multitude of benefits from their powers. Anyway, you gotta enjoy when a self-satisfied, corrupt duke leads a troop of sword-wielding knights on horseback to kill our "wastrel" hero, and that troop is welcomed with cannons and guns--weapons that nobody in that world had even dreamed of before the arrival of our modern-day engineer. So yeah, this was quite the interesting read. The challenges the hero faces become greater as his power and resources become greater, and the writer seems to have the plot arcs quite well planned in advance (the book is still incomplete in its country of origin, not to mention the translation in English). Anyway... it's called "Release the Witch." (don't be turned off by the tacky cover if you decide to read) Discussion locked | Permalink

Your post: Jan 4, 2017, 4:50:53 PM PST Last edited by you on Jan 6, 2017, 10:05:49 AM PST

Adnana says: (Change)

Another C-novel, this one in a comedic vein, I've enjoyed greatly is "My Disciple died yet again." The heroine was such a hoot, her master (the hero) a total sweetheart (though lacking in common sense), and I just loved it. The translation is still incomplete, but this is a LONG novel, and I was quite satisfied with reading 5 arcs (the equivalent of maybe 2 US romance novels) and stopping for now, until the translator gets more chapters in the can and I can binge-read again in a half year or so. Check out the novel description: The Revered Master, Yu Yan, known as the number one in the cultivation world*, waited for sixteen thousand years, and finally took in a disciple. He taught her carefully, and took care of her diligently. He watched her as she slowly grew stronger as she comprehended the laws, and just as she was about to soar into prominence... she died! Hence, he once again took in another disciple, carefully taught her, diligently took care of her, and then... she died again! Thus, he took in another disciple, and not long after... she still died! Yu Yan: ... Disciple: ... (Why do I always get picked up by the same person every time I reincarnate? Haaaa...) *Cultivation world, you might know from wuxia movies, is composed of sects with lots of members (oftentimes in pairs of master/teacher-disciple) who *cultivate* (basically study and train, growing their spiritual powers and martial abilities), and being imbued with power are able to keep their youthful appearance despite the passage of time. If their cultivation level rises enough over thousands of years, they might eventually be able to ascend to heaven--that would be the ultimate goal--as immortals with demigod powers. "My Disciple Died Again" is actually structured as a parody of typical, cheaply-plotted wuxia novels (which are prevalent in Chinese fiction). In such a novel, a hero from humble beginnings faces many challenges and opponents, defeats them using some sort of "plot armor" (a cheat, i.e. the hero possesses some mystical object or deus ex machina whatever which makes him basically invincible, though he hasn't earned it). Also, along his travels the hero collects beautiful lovestruck maidens, building a harem, pretty much. So yeah, these books are fantasy wish fulfillment for male authors, but they're extremely popular in China (with male readers, of course), and I love that "My Disciple Died Again" takes stabs at the

ridiculousness of this type of wuxia novels. (The antagonist in the first arcs of the novel is such a typical wuxia hero.) I don't read wuxia, so lots of jokes in "My Disciple" probably went over my head, but even with the references I was able to understand, I was still rofl-ing way too often. Discussion locked | Permalink

Posted on Jan 6, 2017, 8:35:31 AM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 6, 2017, 8:36:58 AM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I'm also interested in watching General and I (from the novel A Lonesome Fragrance Waiting to be Appreciated) as I'm a fan of Wallace Chung. However, I'm afraid they will do the same thing to this adaption as they did to The Princess Wei Young so I may wait until I know the ending before deciding to watch. Hopefully they won't ruin the ending just to make a drama seem more adult. Link to translated novel http://www.books.shushengbar.com/?p=145 I've also started watching Park Hae Jin's Chinese drama Far Away Love. While it may not be to everyone's taste, I'm enjoying it and actually like both the h and the H. While I wouldn't call the h a doormat, she does on occasion let co-workers and bosses take advantage of her but she is a very loyal friend who has surrounded herself with equally loyal friends (and she does stand up for herself to the H and his horrible mother). I'm up to episode 14 (out of 36) and the H is now openly pursuing the h (and has already asked her to marry him) especially after he discovered that it was her and not his former fiancee (the h's BFF) that he had been texting and was so comfortable with. So far, the h doesn't seem to have any romantic interest in the H. If a drama is going to feature an initial one-side love (like where this one seems to be heading), I do prefer it to be the H and not the h who falls in love first. Unfortunately, I've seen way too many dramas where the h falls first and becomes a pitiful, embarrassing stalker. So I am also liking this aspect of the show. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 6, 2017, 8:53:34 AM PST

Irene says:

I was thinking of General and I and was thinking that i may hold off a little bit because it was going to be at least 50+ episodes and i sometimes find it torturous to have to wait that long to get to the ending. I didn't realize that the ending for Princess Wei Young was changed for the drama. I had no connection to the novel and was ok with the ending although I did think that it was a little too pat - like it was to satisfy the audiences (which I am one of so I was ok) more than anything else. I just started watching Far Away Love yesterday - just the 1st episode because on of the Music Videos made it onto my youtube feed and I was intrigued. I was going to ask here if anyone had heard of it and if it was a remake of anything else out there. The one thing i did notice was that it was title Playful Kiss which I thought was odd because I know that one and it wasn't it at all. Is this a remake of Mischievous Kiss/Playful Kiss where they age up the main characters because they are definitely are not high school kids :) Also, have to say that i was a little disappointed by the Legend of the Blue Sea this week. I know that they've hinted at the story with LMH's parents but it really seems like the

backstory seems a little too convoluted and I can't believe that the mother was that naive to have been that manipulated by a lie otherwise why would have the father seemed to have resented the mother for leaving them (this is shown some episodes back). Otherwise, i did enjoy the dance off between the ladies and thought that was really funny :) I still absolutely love Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo - the H is just so cute and adorable and I really felt for him. I really feel a little role reversal here with him playing the girly type and pouting to get his way with Kim Bok Joo - just cute :) Adnana - thanks for the recommendations. I'm a book junkie but more along the lines of romance/YA/mysteries/scifi fantasy (all popcorn reading) that I feel like a new fun genre has opened up for me - YAY! Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 6, 2017, 9:08:16 AM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 6, 2017, 9:52:00 AM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Irene - Far Away Love is definitely not a remake of Playful Kiss/Itazura na Kiss. There is a new TW remake of Itazura na Kiss that's currently airing called Miss in Kiss but don't think anyone is subbing (and from what I've read it doesn't appear to be that good of a remake). My favorite of the Itazura na Kiss versions remains the Thai version "Kiss Me". ETA: From what I can tell the drama version of The Princess Wei Young bears very little resemblance to the novel. They may have used the same character names but altered the storylines. In the novel, I don't think the "time jump" version of the h had any romance with Tuo Ba Zhen/Jun. One of the commenters on the novel (since only a small portion of the novel is translated) indicates that Wei Young ends up with Li Ming De (novel is listed as having a happy ending). As for Tuo Ba Jun, Wei Young gives him the same treatment that he had previously given her - legs are cut off, tongue is cut out and forced to live in a mansion with a view to the palace (she'll keep him alive as long as living is more painful than death). Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post: Jan 6, 2017, 10:26:58 AM PST Last edited by you on Jan 6, 2017, 8:50:54 PM PST

Adnana says: (Change)

Irene, If you wish to continues exploring the world of C-novels, I recommend that you try the completed translations first. From my 2 recs above (both on-going translations), "My Disciple" is probably fine to read because it contains semi-independent arcs, so you can stop at the end of the last complete arc without being left in awful suspense. But stay away from "Release the Witch," because if you end up liking it, the wait for new chapters is tortuous. From the complete translations available, I'll recommend again Gu Man, Mo Bao Fei Bao and Ding Mo's novels (in the modern genre). I also quite enjoyed "I Don't Like The World, I Only Like You" and "Rice Pot Next Door." For ancient novels, I liked Gentleman Free-Flowing Cloud Your Humble Servant Is Guilty and loved

Sansheng, Death Exists Not at the River of Oblivion (made me cry, but has HE) Mulberry Song (made me cry, and has BE: bad ending). This is an afterlife sort of short story--only 4 chapters long--where the heroine has sacrificed her life to fulfill the ambitions of her husband (he became the Emperor) but is unable to move on because of lingering attachments. Her soul/ghostly spirit accompanies her husband, unseen and unheard, as he lives out his life in regret at having lost his wife who never even knew that he truly loved her while she was alive. It was really really sad, but it is a beautifully written (and luckily, very short) story that I heartily recommend. Our Second Master (also a short story, HE) ETA: Keep an eye out for "Chu Wang Fei." It is kind of slow (a lot of inner courtyard intrigue--i.e. among the household women), where intelligence comes though in the way that the heroine acts, speaks, and manages to avoid the (many) traps of others--verbal and factual. I really liked it. The translation is on-going--only 90 chapters are done, though equal in length to 3 standard American romance novels--but luckily the end of the first major (and some say, best) arc is nearing, and then I can stop reading (and suffering the chapter cliffhangers). That end of an arc that I'm talking about would be a HE in an usual romance novel, in that the heroine will marry the wonderful hero, who as much as the heroine is awesome, he is more than her match. Second best thing: the heroine is now being assiduously pursued by the OM who threw her away in the beginning and came to bitterly regret it. *evil grin* Too late, since the heroine immediately met the hero, who soon started to "court" her-and is pretty much the perfect package, and not surprisingly, irresistible. Btw, Irene, the heroine in Chu Wang Fei (the titular heroine, and btw, the title tells you who she marries, lol) is on par with Qu Qing Ju from "To Be A Virtous Wife." https://willfulcasual.wordpress.com/chu-wang-fei-by-ning-er/index/ Discussion locked | Permalink

Posted on Jan 6, 2017, 11:02:29 AM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 6, 2017, 11:32:13 AM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

I just finished INR3, and overall I enjoyed this show, but I didn't like the last ep as much. The two main relationships wrapped satisfactorily, the H/h story and Sae Ryung and her love (even though I wanted to see the H/h engaged by the end). However the two supporting relationships ended on a ridiculous note (because the pregnant one should've been married already to her boyfriend, even though it seems that eventually that is what is going to happen), and the younger couple (with Hee Jae wanting to go abroad for a year when she's found a really good boyfriend). Anyways since I am satisfied with the main relationship, this show stays as one of the better workplace/romance dramas. ETA: I loved the OST song "Love Story", it is so peaceful "Hwarang The Beginning" continues to be really good and I am fully captured by it so far. I really like the 3 main leads, and this is the first time drama where I like the first and second male leads equally because they are so cool, kickass, and sexy each in his own right (sometimes I like the first male lead more, and sometimes I like the second male lead more). I like the humor and the intensity, and also the complementary action sequences, that are well executed so far. I also like that the heroine is a commoner (an actual commoner), because that is rare to find in these sorts of settings (and I hope it doesn't change). I also like that while the heroine is courageous (always tries her best) and funny (she is a live audio of 'mills and boon' type stories, lol) she is also a crybaby (she is so cute). I also like that there are several

brewing mysteries in the drama that I hope get explored, like the hero's parentage/background among others (it makes me think that him ending up wearing the king's bracelet could be foreshadowing of some sort). Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Jan 6, 2017, 2:01:20 PM PST

May says:

Adnana: thanks for your recommendation of "release the witch". Like you, I love the modern H/h somehow go back in time to cause havoc and modernize the past. Although I prefer a woman going back and knocks the sock off all the men, release the witch was fun. I finished all 190 something chapter in 2 days. But I think I'm satisfied and would not continue. Although I like the world building and the H, none of the characters hold my interest. Do you have any more of similar stories? I'm moving on to your next rec "Chu Wang Fei". Although i didn't like "virtuous wife", i'll give this a try.

Your post: Jan 6, 2017, 8:49:12 PM PST Last edited by you on Jan 6, 2017, 8:53:06 PM PST

Adnana says: (Change)

May, You're a girl after my own heart. :) I've long enjoyed the time travel and transmigration/reincarnation genres, wherein a modern-day h--I prefer female-centric novels, like I mentioned before--travels to the past in body or spirit and gets to be awesome by using her 20th century knowledge and sensibilities. I became more attracted to C-novels for this precise reason--they have SO MANY such stories, and I have a big reading list centered around this trope. Unfortunately, most of the stories I can't recommend (yet) because the English translations are in incipient stages, and it's just frustrating to start and potentially get addicted to an incomplete story. That said, I can maybe think of a couple of recs for you to try. First, a note about "Chu Wang Fei." The heroine is a modern-day police officer (leader of the narcotics division, I think) who transmigrates to ancient times (i.e. her soul takes over a body of that era after the original died--in this case, by committing suicide). The way she's able to act in the ancient era (smart, incisive, brave) and her knowledge of martial arts (which she doesn't flaunt) are due to her being a modern gal, but unlike in "Release the Witch," she's not out to revolutionize the past by inventing things or drawing attention to herself. She just wants to live a quiet life, though she *is* driven to avenge the grievances of the original body owner (who died). She's not interested in romance, and in the first novel arc she's 100% focused on cutting off the power of her father's favorite concubine (who killed her mother). The hero appears relatively late, and he's the one pursuing her. The heroine would rather not get married at all in this ancient era, because she doesn't want to have to share her husband (men are allowed harems). Luckily for us readers (and for her), the hero is a very determined fella, and since he had no interest in women prior to meeting the heroine anyway (this can be safely assumed, considering that he didn't take/keep any women/concubines in his household), he will be faithful to only her. Modern sensibilities thus appeased. :) Anyway... If you're looking for heroines who assiduously apply and to a certain degree even flaunt their modern-day knowledge (and awe the men), then Books 1 and 2 in the "Mistaken

Marriage Match" series may be what you want. The heroines are a forensic expert (with medical knowledge) and a top-notch police investigator (with lots of military knowledge) respectively, who transmigrate to an ancient era and are paired with the country's prime minister (exceptionally intelligent) and the foremost general of the land respectively. Book 1 is almost completely translated, and while Book 2 is only about half-way done, you can start reading to see the teeny-tiny heroine gaining the trust and bossing around an entire army of big, ancient soldiers. These books are very very long, so even a halfway-done translation covers a lot of ground. Use these links: Record of Washed Grievances (Book 1) (the index pages may not be up-to-date, but even if they don't appear in the index, the chapters indicated below do exist on the websites I'm listing) Chapters 01-15: https://ruibelle.wordpress.com/ongoing/a-perfect-mistaken-marriage-matchrecord-of-washed-away-injustices/ Chapters 16-29: https://rottentranslations.wordpress.com/record-of-washed-grievances/ Rest: https://nuttyisprocrasinating.wordpress.com/a-record-washed-grievances-index/ (this last link actually has the chapters starting with no 9, but the translation is rough at first and gets progressively better, which is why I recommend to read the first chapters from the other sources available) Generation of Military Counselor (Book 2) Chapters 1-9: https://clover7snook.wordpress.com/index/ Rest: https://nuttyisprocrasinating.wordpress.com/2015/11/20/a-mistaken-marriage-match-ageneration-of-military-counselor-index/ You could also try "Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss." http://mistycloudtranslations.com/genius-doctor-black-belly-miss/ There are more, but with too few (translated) chapters available, so not worth mentioning yet. Discussion locked | Permalink 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion.

In reply to an earlier post on Jan 8, 2017, 1:20:53 AM PST

jak says:

Actually, Miss in Kiss is at netflix. I watched part of 1 ep but started to feel like I'd rewatch Kiss Me then the mediocre show Miss in Kiss looked like it would be. It seems to follow the other dramas closely, nothing that new which is one of the reasons why I liked Kiss Me (Thai) so much. Speaking of Netflix, they seem to be going full throttle into Asian dramas. They even added Pakistani dramas Humasfar, and Zindagi Gulzar Hai. I did a rewatch of my favorite parts of Humsafar. And netflix is continuing to make more new kdramas as well. I also just finished Love 020. I liked it, but it lacked depth to me, and when I watched the movie, I totally wished Angelbaby and Boran had been the leads in the drama, they brought so much more to the roles. The movie itself seemed hurried, romance unconvincing, but the acetors were good. In Love 020 the drama, I thought the H was too perfect, I wanted him to fail. It was also weird how the drama lacked angst, even shied away from it, like when h apparently faints (but we don't see this part?!), and we just hear them talk about it. Come on, show, don't tell. And of course, the kisses by h were sooo lackluster. No great chemistry

there. I liked the gaming elements of it, but most characters were caricatures, though at least they didn't go that far. Evil wannabe other woman wasn't really evil, just like wannabe other man. Etc. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on Jan 11, 2017, 7:22:30 AM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 12, 2017, 2:41:01 PM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Finished watching Far Away Love. It would have been better with fewer episodes as I started to lose interest towards the end. Also, I found the h to be way too passive. It's never a good sign when you start thinking that the h doesn't deserve a happy ending and that the H is far too good for her. It did have a happy ending but by then I'm not sure I cared. Last episode of Weightlifting Fairy airs today. It's turned out to be a wonderful coming of age/school drama with a completely adorable H/h. If the final episode is as good as all of the other episodes have been, it will rank up there with Shut Up: Flower Boy Band as a favorite coming of age drama. Unlike most coming of age/school dramas, it was able to tell it's story without resorting to the us/good versus them/bad trope. ETA: Great final episode for Weightlifting Fairy, capping off an overall great drama featuring an adorable lead couple with wonderful friends and family. This drama also lacked any bad or draggy episodes and always seemed to hit just the right note making it one of my favorite coming of age dramas (it's also did a wonderful - and believable - job with the the "friends to lovers" trope). While I had expected the drama to end with the h winning a gold medal at the Olympics (since the show was initially touted as being inspired by Korea's Olympic weightlifting gold medalist), I was happy that the Olympics was left as something that both the H and h were still striving to achieve. Finally, I appreciated that the drama avoided some of my most hated coming of age drama tropes. In several instances it introduced some of these tropes (like a rivalry between the weightlifters and the gymnasts, three nasty gymnasts and an OTT OW) but didn't develop the tropes and they just disappeared. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 13, 2017, 6:53:30 AM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

As part of it's 10 year celebration, Dramabeans has been posting various Top 10 lists, the latest being the "Top 10 favorite drama OTPs (One True Parings)". I wasn't surprised that the couples from 4 of my 5 all-time favorite dramas made the list (Healer, Queen In-hyun's Man, The Princess' Man, and You From Another Star). I knew there was a reason that I loved these dramas. Overall, I do agree that all of the dramas on their list had outstanding romances. However, a couple of additional couples that would had been on my list of OTP favorites are the OTP from Smile, You and Family's Honor. Also, I recently watched the drama Go Ho's Starry Night. Overall, a very enjoyable drama that I recommend to anybody looking to watch a quick (only about 5 hours long), cute drama. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 13, 2017, 8:50:20 AM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

I just looked at the list, and I disagree with the couple from "Goong" vehemently, I don't see how they made it to the top 10 on that site. As for the couple from "Master's Sun" they were okay, but they wouldn't be in my top 10. I agree with the couples from "Healer", "My Love from the Stars" one of my top 5 dramas, "Princess Man", "Queen In Hyun's Man" one of my top 5 dramas, and "Coffee Prince" (before the heroine became annoying in the last 2 eps). However I think it is interesting this top 10 listing. So how about we list our top 10 dramas (so far), and our top 10 (OTPs), and then maybe we can add more top 10 lists if someone has any suggestions? You replied with a later post Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 13, 2017, 9:05:25 AM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 13, 2017, 9:10:24 AM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

My top 10 OTPS so far, regardless of my liking for the overall drama, in no particular order: OTP from My Love from the Stars OTP from Queen In Hyun's Man OTP from W Two Worlds OTP from Healer OTP from Princess Man OTP from I Hear Your Voice OTP from Coffee Prince OTP from Secret Garden OTP from Pinocchio OTP from I Need Romance 3 (even though the heroine was messed up) ETA: The OTP and SML/heroine from Hwarang are very good so far, but I can't put the OTP in the list yet because it is still too early. Once Hwarang finishes I will know if the OTP are in my top 10 or not. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 13, 2017, 9:26:23 AM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 13, 2017, 10:02:04 AM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

My Top 10 OTPs are the couples from: Healer The Princess' Man Queen In-hyun's Man I Hear Your Voice You From Another Star Smile, You Family's Honor Ojakgyo Brothers Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo Sungkyunkwan Scandal And a few OTP Honorable Mentions: King 2 Hearts Secret Garden (the k-drama that launched this discussion)

I can do a top 5 favorite dramas easily, a top 10 is going to take some thought (after the top 5 I always feel a need to instead break list into by type of drama). Top 5 favorite dramas are: Healer City Hunter The Princess' Man Queen In-hyun's Man You From Another Star Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 13, 2017, 9:32:20 AM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Ran across this teaser from an upcoming C-drama Color of Night / Siege in Fog that looks like it could be intense. No air date showing on MDL. I've been mislead about dramas from video excepts before but I'm hoping it's as intense as it looks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYv-Zu3hslg Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Jan 13, 2017, 11:00:00 AM PST Last edited by you on Jan 14, 2017, 3:26:09 AM PST

Adnana says: (Change)

I have to agree with D.M. regarding Dramabeans' "Top 10 OTPs" list. In "Goong," the H's attitude towards the h (and his lingering attachment to the OW) was so unbearable for me that I couldn't even finish the drama. The h in "Coffee Prince" did annoy me a bit towards the end, but she more-than-annoyed me in the middle, when the H was self-flagellating and having a major inner battle because he had fallen in love with a man (which he thought the h to be), and even when he told the h that he loved her and wanted to be with her even if she is a man, and the h knew how tormented he had been before coming to that decision, she still didn't have the decency to reveal herself as a woman. She was selfish until the end, putting her self-interest first, above sparing the H major emotional pain. If the H hadn't been as awesome as he was, the h's behavior in "Coffee Prince" would have rendered that drama almost unwatchable for me. As for "Master's Sun," that's actually my 2nd favorite Hong Sisters drama, after "My Girlfriend is a Gumiho." I quite liked the romantic pairing there, so I have no issues with it making Dramabeans' Top 10. All the other remaining OTPs on that list, I heartily endorse as well. As for what would be my personal additions, if I was to consider my favorite drama OPTs (not limiting the number to just 10)... Definitely "Family's Honor" (seconding taz-mania), more so than "Smile, You" though I quite enjoyed that one as well--the romantic development was very satisfying, especially with the H who had nursed a long-time crush on the h's sister but then moved on and, once he fell in love with the h, never even considered looking back even when the h's sister tried to tempt him. Actually, the 3rd drama in my top 3 for family dramas (alongside "Family's Honor" and "Ojakgyo Brothers") is "Gloria"--which has 2 OTPs for the price of one, to boot. Though I

did feel that, in the main pairing, the H loved the h more than she did him (for her, her family was the first priority). "I Hear Your Voice" and "Secret Garden" are top picks (seconding Lovely D.M.). I'm still immensely fond of the OTP in "Faith"--in fact, the romance is the one thing that always worked for me in that drama, redeeming and elevating everything else with it. Also loved the mature, mutually devoted OTP in "Scent of a Woman," and (this might seem like a weird choice) I was very invested in the romance of the OTP in "Personal Taste." But what I wrote above is quite an extended list. My top 5 picks for favorite OTP would be these: Healer, Faith, Queen In-hyun's Man, Secret Garden, YWCFTS. Discussion locked | Permalink

In reply to an earlier post on Jan 13, 2017, 12:01:08 PM PST

1ladydevil says:

Wow, Color of Night/Siege of Fog looks right up my alley. Please let us know when it has been eng sub. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 13, 2017, 12:14:50 PM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 13, 2017, 12:17:08 PM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

Yes I forgot about "Faith: Great Doctor", that is the only drama of LMH where I felt that he had good chemistry with his leading lady, despite the overall lack of kisses in the drama. So I also agree with the OTP from "Faith: Great Doctor". My top 5 k-dramas are, in no particular order: My Love from the Stars Queen In Hyun's Man I Hear Your Voice W Two Worlds Secret Garden Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Jan 13, 2017, 1:19:27 PM PST

Rhinda says:

YES! Lovely, thank you! Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Jan 13, 2017, 1:20:12 PM PST

Rhinda says:

p/s I thought LMH had good chemistry with the lead in Personal Taste. Anybody? You replied with a later post Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 13, 2017, 1:49:38 PM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

IMO "Personal Taste" had good kisses, and the H/h were good together, but I didn't feel any sizzle between them. LMH's chemistry with the lead in "Personal Taste" was okay. However yes, that also is one show where he had chemistry with his leading lady, but not as good as "Faith". Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Jan 14, 2017, 3:31:00 AM PST

Adnana says: (Change)

Rhinda, I loved the OTP in "Personal Taste," and also found that LMH had as good a chemistry with his lead here as he did with his lead in "Faith." Unlike in "Boys Over Flowers" and "Heirs." Just goes to show how subjective the perception of chemistry can be... Discussion locked | Permalink

Posted on Jan 17, 2017, 5:05:36 PM PST

Jennifer L. Rinehart says:

I'm not going to watch the inauguration. I banked some fun shows to watch instead; Introverted Boss, the latest epis of Goblin, Weightlifting Fairy. Any pure joy dramas to get my mind off the next four years? Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Jan 18, 2017, 1:47:35 PM PST

Rhinda says:

Jen- Secret Garden, Personal Taste, You're Beautiful are my favorite feel good romantic dramas! Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 19, 2017, 11:26:07 AM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Jennifer - Weightlifting Fairy is a good choice to brighten your spirits! It's a really good coming of age and friends to lovers drama. Also, Love O2O was a sweet drama that was low on angst. Not only did this couple avoid noble idiocy, they never even argued or disagreed. As it relates to older romances, you might try Queen In-hyun's Man. It's just a pure romance. And if all else fails, there is always Healer to rewatch! Romantic Doctor, Teacher Kim finished airing this week. Overall, this drama was a solid medical drama (lots of surgeries and backstabbing hospital politics). Unfortunately, the romance was never the primary focus (but the H/h did have a lot of chemistry). So if you're looking for a drama with a strong romance, this is not the drama for you. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 20, 2017, 2:25:03 PM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Unfortunately, I wasn't wowed by the first episode of Introverted Boss. I had high hopes for this drama since it's from the same director/writer as Marriage Not Dating. The H suffers

from something way beyond being introverted/shy and, so far, I don't care for the h at all. Hopefully, future episodes will be better. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 20, 2017, 4:46:28 PM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 20, 2017, 5:00:11 PM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

I watched the first two eps of "Introverted Boss", and I am enjoying it more than I expected to. However I agree with you that the hero is more than just introverted, he suffers from severe social phobia/anxiety. The actor is doing a great job. As for the heroine, I liked this actress in "age of youth" but here she feels a bit miscast because she looks so young (like 15). However I don't find her annoying just a little crazy, she reminds me a bit of Carlotta from phantom (but I believe we saw a glimpse of her real self in that bathroom stall scene in ep 2). Anyways I am looking forward to see where this show goes, and I liked that it seemed that they took inspiration from the "phantom of the opera", but took a comedic approach while still inserting a mystery in there with dark undertones. I just hope that it won't disappoint, and that the heroine's personality will become grounded soon, and the hero will come out of his shell. I also watched the first two eps of "Missing Nine", and this show is off to a very suspenseful start. The heroine here is great, and BJH is proving to be a great actress playing her. The male lead on the other hand is a complete idiot, and I really hope he wakes up soon and realizes that it is not a game that they are on a deserted island. I think the end of ep 2 might serve as his wake up call. I also like that this drama has tones of "and then there was one". The heroine is the only survivor so far and the witness too. However since she suffers from PTSD and temporary memory loss, it makes her an unreliable narrator which just adds to the layers of suspense. This show can easily fall apart and become nonsensical, but it also has the potential to be great, so hopefully it will be the latter. I also continue to really enjoy Hwarang, even though it slowed down this week. I really hope that it will pick up on the romance front and action front, soon. So far, it looks like 2017 might be a strong year for k-dramas. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 22, 2017, 9:42:33 AM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 22, 2017, 10:25:10 AM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

I started "Something about 1%", and during the first two eps I kept wondering why many commenters gave this good reviews (here and on db), because I found the first two eps to be dated in concept and I couldn't get into the drama. However by episode 3 I started to really get into the drama, and I ended up marathoning up to ep 7. I am really enjoying this drama, and I like how the H/h are put in more grownup situations as they date, and there is sexual tension galore here. The only flaw is the hairstyle of the H, I mean he's a CEO why would they give him that hairstyle instead of brushing his hair back (which would be a lot more suitable)? Anyways I've come resign myself that k-dramas will feature this sort of silly hairstyle on the male lead the majority of the time (unfortunately). Anyways I look forward to finishing the rest of this drama, since I am enjoying it very much, it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside :D Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 24, 2017, 2:32:55 PM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 26, 2017, 9:46:48 PM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I've been watching Pretty Li Hui Zhen, the C-drama remake of the K-drama She Was Pretty. Surprisingly, I'm enjoying this version a lot (more than I remembered enjoying the original kversion). I'm also liking the h a lot more in this version as she's more quirky and a lot less screechy. The second male lead (the actor who played KO in Love O2O) is doing a great job as his character remains as much fun as Siwon was in the k-version. This version is longer than the k-drama (36 45-minute episodes versus 16 one hour episodes) but for the most part is following the same storylines which are a little more fleshed out, as are the characters. The drama finishes airing on February 1. ETA: After watching all of the available episodes of Pretty Li Hui Zhen, I rewatched portions of the k-drama She Was Pretty. Overall, I ended up liking the H in the K-version better than in the C-version primarily because the Korean actor was just a better actor. The actor in the C-drama was just too expressionless/frozen. However, I liked the h and OM in the C-drama better than in the k-drama. The h in the k-drama was way too OTT/screechy, while the OM in the C-drama was probably the best character in either of the dramas. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 24, 2017, 9:09:49 PM PST

cbela says:

I also loved watching "Weight lifting Fairy" and "Goblin". Now, I am currently watching "Introverted Boss". I really like the hero. He is an interesting character and handsome!:) Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on Jan 26, 2017, 8:44:44 PM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 26, 2017, 9:13:04 PM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Sometimes the YouTube videos are better than the dramas. Love & Life & Lie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIasgXvjKYk Love O2O (and sometimes the dramas are better than the YT videos!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_-9sz69JsE Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on Jan 27, 2017, 12:17:29 PM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Despite planning to wait until it's fully aired, I've started watching the C-drama General and I which is based on the C-novel A Lonesome Fragrance Waiting to be Appreciated. I liked the novel with it's strategy battling H and h and I'm just hoping that the drama concludes with the same happy ending for this couple as the novel. So far, I've found the fight scenes to be super cheesy and the dubbing to be a little distracting but I do like the H/h interactions. I continue to follow Behind Your Smile, Father I'll Take Care of You and Introverted Boss. I enjoyed the forward movement in the H/h relationship in Episode 11 of Behind Your Smile.

Guess they're setting us up for angst once the h finds out about the H's revenge motive. Was happy that the last few episodes didn't include much screen time for the OW. Still wondering if the OW's father will turn out to be the villain of the show. Unfortunately, the secondary romance of Father I'll Take Care of You seems to have hit a slow point. Just hope the H of this pair doesn't get guilted into an engagement with the OW. Still not liking the main H/h. He's past the point of no return in his revenge plot and she just comes across as immature and not very intelligent.

Posted on Jan 30, 2017, 8:31:38 AM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 30, 2017, 8:47:23 AM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

So I caught up on "Behind Your Smile", since I hadn't watched eps 8-11, and this drama is solidly good! I am looking forward to see what happens next, and now it gets more complicated with the H/h falling in love while the hero is still carrying out his plan, but because he likes the heroine he tries to shield her from sadness as much as possible while he takes over her parents' company (without her knowing). I'm starting to think that the heroine's mother is innocent, and was setup. Reader123 about "Introverted Boss", I just read on db that they will not air the two episodes this week and instead they are having major rewrites to the script because apparently many viewers were complaining about the story and the heroine's character. Now I agree that the story is out there and reminded me of those weird J-dramas with the whole PR team setup and events, but with a phantom inspiration. However by ep 4 the story was starting to come together nicely, and the heroine's character was starting to get grounded and become softer. Anyways I hope that whatever changes they make will be for the better. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 31, 2017, 9:42:00 AM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

D.M. I am glad to hear that Introverted Boss storylines are getting a rewrite. I guess the ratings had started to decline significantly - first week was around 3%, while second week was below 2%. Like you, I'm also hoping that the changes will be for the better. In addition to not liking the h, I was also disliking everything to do with the second male lead (but then I've disliked this actor in every drama that I've watched that included him). But I do like the H so hopefully not a lot for changes for him. On Behind Your Smile, I'm just hoping that the OW continues to get minimal screen time and that the H/h break up (that you just know is coming) will be short. I probably haven't enjoyed a TW-drama this much since Back to 1989 which also starred Marcus Chang. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 31, 2017, 11:05:37 AM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 31, 2017, 11:08:20 AM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

I didn't know that you watched "Back To 1989"! I thought I was the only one on this thread who watched it. That said, I like "Behind Your Smile" more, since the drama has better acting and a compelling but not weird storyline. However I agree that it seems that this actor Marcus Cheng is on a roll in picking dramas. I too hope that the separation will be very short. I am

actually just hoping that he won't let her go (even though it is wrong, I just do not want them to separate at all). Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 31, 2017, 2:32:20 PM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 1, 2017, 5:26:50 AM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

For those looking for a possessive H, so far the H in "General and I" has been extremely possessive. I did think the first few episodes were a little cheesy (especially the battle scenes) but after that I've been so engaged in the H/h storyline that I haven't been as distracted by the dubbing or anything else. Since I haven't yet caught up with all of the subbed episodes I'm hoping the H maintains his possessiveness and also keeps it for the over 20 episodes that are still to air. As I've mentioned before, the c-novel had a very happy ending for the H/h but not sure how the drama will end (unfortunately, c-dramas love unhappy endings). May need to press the cc button to get the English subs for this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rvq-D5VWHv0 ETA: The portion of the drama that I've watched so far does generally follow the novel, not completely but enough that some of the storylines are recognizable as being from the novel. So I do hold out hope that the ending will be consistent with the novel. Guess, we'll know for sure when the drama ends on February 10th. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on Feb 2, 2017, 8:23:58 PM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 2, 2017, 8:53:46 PM PST

cbela says:

I was wondering why there were no new episodes of "Introverted Boss" this week!:( If they are rewriting the story, then I hope it does get better, too! The ending of episode 4 looked promising. The second lead male is annoying. The other previous episodes had good moments. I am currently really into "The Universe's Star" after watching "Goblin" with a grim reaper. I loved "Splash Splash Love". So I'm excited for the third story in regards to "Queen of the Ring". I am also looking forward to "Strong Woman Do Bong Soon". It seems like a strong and funny kdrama like "Weightlifting Fairy". Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 3, 2017, 8:28:41 AM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 3, 2017, 10:25:44 AM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I'm also looking forward to Strong Woman Do Bong Soon. It's another totally pre-produced drama, which have been kinda hit or miss (but I guess you can say this about all dramas in general). Haven't watched any other dramas by this writer so not too sure what to expect. Whereas, I really liked several of the other dramas from the Weightlifting Fairy writer. I continue to really enjoy General and I. Wonderful H who is completely possessive, devoted to the h. The h isn't too bad either. I've watched through episode 26 (of the 62 episodes) and am just hoping that the H/h separation that I know is coming doesn't drag on for episodes on end (the separation in the novel spanned years and lasted for a quite a few chapters). While I

don't like a lot of the changes that the c-drama has made from the novel, especially the Noble Consort/Chancellor Zhang/poisoning the king/fake pregnancy, etc. subplots these changes aren't enough to mar my overall enjoyment of the show. ETA: And on a side note, I'm only on episode 26 and the h has already "died" three different times. Wonder how many more times she'll die over the next 36 episodes. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 4, 2017, 4:11:32 PM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 4, 2017, 4:18:07 PM PST

1ladydevil says:

Ok Ladies, I need an OTT jealous possessive obsessive H. I've been looking around on other sites and came across 3 that I am thinking of trying: That Winter the Wind Blows, Missing You, and Thinking of You Lu Xiang Bei. Let me know if they are what I am looking for. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 4, 2017, 8:21:40 PM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

It's still airing (last episode to air on 2/10) but the H in General and I is the most possessive/obsessive H that I've run across in awhile. I thought Thinking of You Lu Xiang Bei was boring and don't actually recall much in the way of jealous/possessive/obsessive behavior. My summary of Thinking of You Lu Xiang Bei that I posted to this discussion thread back on 9/21/2016: "I also recently watched Lau Hawick's drama Thinking of You, Lu Xiang Bei/Road to North. While the premise sounded promising, H is out for revenge against the h's father, unfortunately the drama is best described a extremely boring with poor acting and zero chemistry between the H/h. I can't believe I kept watching this drama but it didn't have any triggers that made me mad enough to quit. The only romance that was even remotely interesting was between the h's best friend and the h's "fiancee" (h didn't even know she had a fiancee). The OW's character was very poorly written and could best described as "inconsistent", one minute trying to win the H and the next minute plotting revenge against him. Overall, this was one drama not worth watching." Most of the others commenters on this thread loved "That Winter the Wind Blows" but I actually disliked all of the characters in that drama. Conman H fools the h into believing he's her brother for most of the drama. Don't really remember much in the way of jealousy/possessiveness but it's been awhile since I watched it. I didn't watch Missing You so can't comment on this one. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Feb 7, 2017, 9:09:13 AM PST

Rhinda says:

Lady D: I LOVED Winter..Wind Blows...I can't exactly tell you why, but I keep coming back to it- it is intense, and, at times, heavy, but I love the leads and how their relationship develops~ it's

not your usual Kdrama fluff....test it out , you might like it....! Rhinda Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Feb 7, 2017, 9:30:23 AM PST

cbela says:

1ladydevil In TWTWB kdrama, the hero Oh Tree Soo is obssessive, protective, and sweet!:) It also has great scenery about the winter season. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Feb 7, 2017, 11:19:57 AM PST

Rhinda says:

Taz, What is the "General and I"? I can't find a synopis. What is it about? Is it Chinese or Korean? What year and how many episodes? Thank you!!! Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 7, 2017, 12:34:05 PM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 7, 2017, 2:07:02 PM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

I too like "That Winter...", it just has that feel to it, and the H/h chemistry felt ethereal. I started a TW-drama called "King of Romance", and I am at ep 6, and so far I am enjoying it, it makes me smile! This show is silly, but it is so cute like unicorns and sunshine and puppies :D The H/h also have the sweetest chemistry. This is also the type of show that gets better with every ep. I continue to really like "Behind Your Smile", and ep 12 was the best ep of the show yet, and the kiss was beautiful! I just don't want them to separate... I continue to really enjoy Hwarang despite the youth tag that limits it a bit. I think that ep 15 was one of the best epis yet in this drama, and PSJ has never looked better than he does here. This drama also doesn't have any one dimensional characters which is a plus. I am cautiously following "Siamdang Light's Diary", I can't really say anything about the show yet, since I haven't watched epis 3 and 4 yet. I have dropped "Missing Nine" and "Introverted Boss", since both shows are ridiculous. ETA: I am also tentatively following "Tommorrow With You". This drama is off to an intriguing start. The only flaw so far is the casting of the male lead, who just doesn't really fit with SMA. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 7, 2017, 3:15:11 PM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 7, 2017, 5:46:43 PM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

General and I is a 62 episode (each about 45 minutes) Chinese historical drama that is currently airing (was filmed in 2016 - so made it through the Chinese censors relatively fast). This drama is my current crack addiction. I've watched all 48 of the subbed episodes and all 7 of the unsubbed episodes (through episode 55). Final episode airs this Friday. The h is a brilliant military strategist, while the H is a general from an opposing country (drama includes 4 different warring countries). The H/h are continually battling wits, and it isn't always the H who wins (got to like a show where the H/h are of equal intelligence). I'm watching this drama primarily for the romance which I'm completely enjoying. The H is wonderful (and very possessive) and does everything he can to win and then keep the h. At first, the H has to battle the h who is intent on returning to her own people including the OM/chief villain in the drama (she was raised as a maid in the OM household and was promised to him as a concubine - but she views him as a brother). Later, the H is again betrayed by his brother the king - but the H does his upmost to reclaim the h. I actually don't mind the H in Tomorrow With You. So far, I'm liking the premise of this drama - time travel shows are always a favorite. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on Feb 7, 2017, 5:33:28 PM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I was surprised to see that Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms/Eternal Love is being made into a drama especially in light of the plagiarism accusation against the author. So can we assume that the production company has determined the accusations to be false? As it relates to General and I, this drama is based on the novel A Lonesome Fragrance Waiting To Be Appreciated. A translated version of the novel can be found here: http://www.books.shushengbar.com/?p=145 The drama does vary somewhat from the novel, including several characters and storylines not found in the novel. On a side note, I did prefer the dramas version of why the h did not return to the H after she escaped from the OM causing a 2 year (in novel) or 3 year (in drama) separation between the H/h (I speculate that the drama had a longer separation period in order to make their son older). In the novel, her reasons always seemed petty/vindictive towards the H. Also, I did enjoy the secondary romance between the female doctor and the assassin/spy and was somewhat disappointed that most of this romance did not make it into the drama. While I didn't particularly care for the drama's introduction of a wannabe OW during the H/h's 3 year separation, I did like that the drama had the H moving to where the h had wanted them to live and spending his time planning counter measures against the OM verses the H just disappearing and becomes a hermit like he did in the novel. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post: Feb 7, 2017, 11:01:40 PM PST Last edited by you on Feb 9, 2017, 2:12:07 PM PST

Adnana says: (Change)

Re: Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms I really don't think Chinese production companies (generally) care about a story being plagiarized or not as long as it brings on the gravy train. Sad, but true (and this applies to many things in general, where morals and profit come in conflict--and the pursuit of profit wins out. Let's not kid ourselves). I think 3L3W is a super popular property in China still (I mean, it's not just getting a drama adaptation, but a movie as well--with A-list actress Crystal Liu in the main role). I don't know how aware the general public is about the plagiarism accusations against the author. Might be they don't know, might be they don't care. As for the drama--I know for a fact that even people who were super outraged by the plagiarism are very much enjoying it up until now. Apparently the drama is a very faithful adaptation (more so than the likes of "General and I," for example--at least so far) and the main couple are cute together. Speaking of the novel 3L3W--I just found out recently that this book actually got a freaking official English translation by an Amazon publishing imprint. I don't like that they had to go and pick precisely this book (which is both plagiarized AND not even that good, just to add insult to injury), but I love what this hopefully means: namely, that light C-novels are really popular with international readers, that there's a big (and growing) demand for English translations, and publishers are beginning to take notice. I really really hope publishers will continue buying the EN translation rights for the most popular (romance) C-novels. I would be willing to pay an obscene amount for an English book version of "Concubine's Daughter Minglan," for example. Discussion locked | Permalink

Posted on Feb 8, 2017, 9:28:07 AM PST

Irene says:

Just started "Queen In-hyun's Man" today and will start "General and I" after Friday's last episode. Have heard a lot of great things on Queen In-hyun's Man and with Taz's recommendation of General and I, I'm pretty excited. Gotta love that Wallace Chung and his ability to balance the jealous/possessive boyfriend but not go overboard :) It's a fine line. Also want to watch Tomorrow with You and 3L3W but I may wait a little longer to see how it goes and bank some episodes for a binge watch. Did not know about the Plagiarizing. Will look to see if there was a resolution to the case Not sure if anyone has mentioned it but I have to say that I felt satisfied with the ending of Goblin-wrapped up pretty nicely :) Loved, loved Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo. If you are ever in need of a light fun romantic drama, then WFKBJ is for you :) Finished reading Love O2O and it was fun but I prefer the Drama way more. The drama gives you the insight to both Wei Wei and Xiao Nai throughout the whole story line and doesn't feel one sided like i felt in the book at least until the end. Tried to watch/get into the Introverted Boss but after the first 2 episodes, I just gave up. It seems like the writers just didnâ t have a focused direction for the story and were taking

short cuts/cheating the story of a natural progression in the story. The whole thing with h quoting the girl and publicizing it without the other oneâ s permission and then to get angry at the girl because she publicly took back her statement-annoyed the heck out of me. It all seemed weak. The H definitely was not just introverted/shy, he was an extreme pretty much clinical. Also, tried watching Bounty Hunters(movie) but just seemed like I couldnâ t get into it. Not sure if I was just not in the mood to watch this very light action comedy but it just couldnâ t hold my interest. Did anyone else watch this? Did you enjoy it? Adnana, what imprint is publishing the book? It would just be interesting to see if there was a way to contact the company or the editor who makes the decisions to see if recommendations and arguments for said recommendations can be made. If nothing else, I would also llike to track what future books they decide to publish Question Has anyone been able to find the English translation to Memory Lost after episode 2? Have they halted their translation of this drama? I have gone to countless sites and have only found a translation for episode 1 and 2 and the remaining episodes are all raw (without translation). thanks You replied with a later post Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 8, 2017, 12:54:22 PM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 8, 2017, 1:10:12 PM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Adnana - I agree with you completely. Perhaps the author whose work was plagiarized can sue for all the profits being made off of her work. Irene - Yay, for Queen In-hyun's Man. One of my all time favorite dramas. Once you finish the drama you might want to watch the Director's Cut extended ending - its only about a minute long but is pure icing on the cake. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dp6JEbTAVko I will admit that General and I gets extra brownie points from me solely due to Wallace Chung. I do think it's amusing that the H at the beginning and for a substantial portion of the novel is only about 20 years old and in the final chapter of the novel (which has a time jump of 6 years) he's at the ripe old age of about 30. Ballad of the Desert also had a similar situation where in the novel the H and OM were only about 20 years old. But Wallace is looking good for a 42 year old and I'm definitely not complaining about him being cast as the H in General and I. I've also been unable to find that any additional subbed episodes of Memory Lost. Too bad as I was looking forward to watching it. ETA: My biggest complaint about Introverted Boss is that I started off not liking the h. And after her actions in Episode 4 my dislike turned to hatred. Never a good situation when you hate the h of a drama. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 8, 2017, 5:38:23 PM PST

cbela says:

I still am watching "Introverted Boss". In episode 5, we find out what mostly happens 3 years ago. And in episode 6, there were funny and sentimental scenes. I look forward to the upcoming episodes. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Feb 9, 2017, 2:40:15 PM PST Last edited by you on Feb 10, 2017, 11:30:58 PM PST

Adnana says: (Change)

Irene, The English version of the 3L3W novel is called "To The Sky Kingdom"; listed as publisher is AmazonCrossing. To the Sky Kingdom I also wish I could somehow monitor whether this publisher, or others, have any further light C-novel translations in the pipeline, and how could I contribute to making them aware that there *is* interest for this type of novels amid the English-speaking market, and also to contribute in guiding them towards more worthwhile novels. That is, worthwhile by my standards, lol (smart hero and heroine, and epic romance wanted!!!) An interesting fact: in the last couple of years, there have cropped up a lot of dedicated noveltranslation sites. Trouble is, they mostly pick up low-quality web novels, with thousands(!!) of very short chapters. I think they are easier to translate (in terms of language & complexity), and also, translators prefer these stories with short chapters, so that they can post 4-6 chapters each week? (Readers with a short attention span might prefer this kind of stories as well?) Idk. Personally, I don't like these novels. They're too superficial, and because they're thousands of chapters long, I can't trust that (a) they'll be translated until the bitter end; and (b) that the author won't resort to (even more) TSTL character decisions and ridiculous plot developments, just to drag the conflict out. But it's like 90% of the time, the site managers don't even consider the well-written femalecentric novels out there, that actually have layered characters and a complex plot, and only 100-200 long chapters. If they're that scared to translate long chapters, then just split them in parts, for goodness' sake. But not the point I wanted to make. The point I did want to make: the regular release schedule for such a novel might entail, let's say, 4-6 free chapters per week. And then there are the sponsored chapters, at around $40-$50 each. Which is a lot, I think, for a short chapter; but people donate only if they want, and they donate however much they are able/willing. When the sufficient amount is gathered--voila, an extra, sponsored chapter is posted on the site. So that's the thing--if readers are willing to give/gather $50 for one measly chapter, then $15 or less for an entire novel (or volume) should be a quite attractive proposition for both readers and publishers. If properly marketed, the publisher would surely sell enough such items to recoup production costs. And turn a profit? Discussion locked | Permalink

Posted on Feb 10, 2017, 8:01:13 AM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 11, 2017, 7:14:25 AM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Includes Spoilers

I am impatiently waiting for the final 2 episodes of General and I to be uploaded. Unfortunately, it will probably be days before they are subbed but like the other episodes I will watch unsubbed and then rewatch once subbed. I loved the H/h reunion scenes in Episodes 53/54 (well worth waiting for). I actually did not mind the long H/h separation since I knew based upon the novel that it was coming (and the long separation makes the reunion scenes seem so much better). I even enjoyed the H/h near miss teasers (the blindfolded chess game with live chess pieces was fun). While I was not overly fond of the Consort Zhang storyline, I did not mind the introduction of a second OW towards the end of the drama (better H/OW scenes than having no scenes at all involving the H. The H disappeared for a lot of chapters in the novel). Also, any h that leaves her H grief stricken (and denied knowledge of his son) for years deserves to be falsely told by the OW that her H has moved on and married another. I liked the OST from General and I. Unfortunately, the subbing never seemed to include the lyrics to the songs (so here are some MVs with subs). Deja Vu by William Wei and Claire Kuo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWOWU5-LFoY A Lonely Fragrance Waiting to be Appreciated by Huo Zun: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEhUijEt8Bo While looking for OST MVs from General and I, I stumbled across the Chinese movie based on the K-drama Secret Garden. Unfortunately, it has never been subbed but since Wallace Chung was the H I watched it anyway. Actually, the storyline followed the K-drama (at a very high level) so the movie was fairly easy to follow even without subs. The H in the Chinese version did not seem as obsessed with the h as in the k-drama but with only an hour and a half run time the movie really did not have a lot of time for this development. A large portion of the movie focused on the body-swap and I thought Wallace did a better job than Hyun Bin portraying a woman trapped in a mans body. As always, a drama with its opportunity for better character and storyline developments tops a movie version. Now that General and I is coming to an end, I have been looking for a similar replacement drama. I checked out the first episode of Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms/Eternal Love. Unfortunately, the drama is way too fantasy/mythical for me. However, the first episode of Female Prime Minister/Legend of Lu Zhen did not seem too bad and will hopefully be in a style similar to General and I. Also, I recently watched a few episodes of the C-drama Love & Live & Lies. While the H/h were cute, rest of drama was like a bad OTT Thai drama (and I don't mean this in a good way). Wonder if it is a Chinese remake of one? Finally, MDL now indicates that Siege in Fog/Color of Night begins airing on March 17. The teasers for this drama looked somewhat promising. ETA: weird things happened to the punctuation when I post. Perhaps Amazon did a software update? ETA: Guess I wasn't the only one who liked the OST from General and I. I just ran across

this article on Dramafever: https://www.dramafever.com/news/4-beautiful-osts-from-general-and-i-that-would-makeyou-break-in-tears/ Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 11, 2017, 6:35:52 AM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 11, 2017, 7:01:38 AM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

General and I wrapped up yesterday. Overall, a drama that I really enjoyed and for the most part (with a few glaring exceptions) I liked the drama a lot better than the novel. However, I did think that the novel had a much better ending than the drama and would have preferred if the drama had provided a brief epilogue showing the various couples versus the 5 minutes of flash backs that we ended up getting. Oh well, you can't have everything but at least for me this drama did deliver in the romance department for the OTP. ETA: OST by Wallace Chung https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tRYzGyQ1vE Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on Feb 13, 2017, 9:07:48 AM PST

Irene says:

Finished Queen In-hyun's Man and loved it - so great! The first 2 episodes were a little slow for me but I think it was just setting up the story and continued and was hooked. I had a problem with the excessive use of the split screen because they used it so much but soon got over that too :) They were both so cute :) Got a little choked up during the last episode but it was all resolved perfectly! Last night was doing a search on Jing Boran and came across the fact that he did a Chinese remake of the QIHM called Love Through a Millennium with Zheng Shuang, the actress who play Wei Wei in Love O2O. It seemed too coincidental that Jing Boran was in the movie version of Love O2O and she was in the drama version of Love O2O(my favorite) and i just finished watching QIHM that morning. I started watching LTAM last night :) It also has the guy who played Feng Teng from Love O2O(drama) playing the h ex-boyfriend. It seems a little weak in comparison to QIHM and it seems like they are trying too hard to make it funny and made the h a little more rough/street (not sure what to call it). She drinks a lot and is on the loud over the top dramatic side and is extremely bitter with the ex but I'm still enjoying it. We'll see. Adnana, i googled amazon crossings and came across their page on amazon. Here's the link to the page https://www.amazon.com/b?node=11585009011 When you go there, there is a place to click to make "propose a book for translation" BUT it looks like it's intended for people who are - author, agent, publisher, and/or translator :( You can still click on the link and as long as you are logged in, you can actually fill out the form and/or look at the questions they have to propose a book for translation. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 14, 2017, 4:53:09 AM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 14, 2017, 7:30:25 AM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Episode 3 of Memory Lost has now been subbed. I hope this means that the subbing project has actively recommenced. Not sure I can remember the plot if they only release a subbed episode once every month. I would had said that I had watched every version of Itazura na Kiss that existed, but I recently ran across a 2012 Chinese version named "Say That You Love Me" (which was also the name of the opening theme song from the Taiwanese version It Started With a Kiss). I would rate the drama as just OK but it did vary the most from the Itazura na Kiss storyline than any of the other versions. In this version, the drama opens with H/h starting college where the h declares (in a publicly humiliating fashion) her 1,000 day love for the H. This h, based on her own efforts, was able to get into the same college as the H and for the most part was the smartest of all the various Itazura na Kiss heroines - a good cook, a competent worker and a brilliant designer whose designs help save the H's company. While the OW in all of the other versions was for the most part merely snarky towards the h, this OW was borderline evil. In her efforts to win the H the OW framed the h for several of her misdeeds. As it relates to the H/h relationship itself, after this h declares that she will no longer like the H she then actually works to make it true. So much so that when the H realized that he likes the h and not the OW (after dating the OW for a year), the h tells him that she no longer cares for him and he has to spend the last 10 episodes or so of the drama actively pursuing the h. So you would think given how much the storyline has changed for the better that I would really like this version but unfortunately, the H/h lacked any chemistry such that the drama itself just felt completely flat and not overly interesting. I do wonder if the Thai version (Kiss Me) got some of it's ideas from this version. With better production values and a H/h with strong chemistry (or any chemistry at all for that matter) this drama might have been a winner. ETA: Despite it's many flaws, this drama still isn't the worst version of Itazura na Kiss. That honor still belongs to the 1996 Japanese version named Itazura na Kiss (the h was so ridiculous in this version that I thought the H should have ended up with the OW (and I didn't even like the OW) as no one should be stuck with a h this pathetic). The Thai version "Kiss Me" still remains the best of all the versions. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 14, 2017, 10:04:32 AM PST

cbela says:

I finished watching my first Jdrama "One Inch Princess". It was so sweet and sentimental. I also finished watching "The Universe's Star" kdrama. It was funny, sweet, and sentimental. I am currently watching "Introverted Boss", and this episode was super sweet of the hero. It was funny and sweet about the stuff panda bear. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 23, 2017, 9:32:20 AM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 23, 2017, 9:41:43 AM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

Hwarang is finished, and overall I will say that this drama doesn't break any new ground but that it was entertaining and it kept me watching despite my frustrations with certain things. I would say that this drama is one of the better k-historical set dramas, but its main flaw is that it tried to be too many things at the same time, so the end result was an under-developed story and characters, with several threads left open with no explanation. The romance was sweet,

but a bit lackluster because the actress who plays the heroine is not very good. In addition the romance plot becomes a subplot in the last 6 episodes of this drama. I give this drama props though because it made me really see PSJ (despite his ever changing hair length here), and he is on the list of actors I really like. I also found PHS, and I think he has potential. This drama made me realize that Go Ara is a weak actress, her facial expressions and her voice when she yells is just bad, and she struggles with emoting when she's supposed to be sad or cry. Anyways, overall I would say just the fact that this drama made me watch from beginning to end (very few historical set dramas make me watch till the end) is a plus, despite all its flaws. Also the styles in this drama were the best, I wish all k-historical dramas had styles like this. So for me this drama joins "Faith Great Doctor", and "Princess Man" as a historical drama I watched till the end, even though it had problems with storytelling and too many characters. Behind Your Smile is almost over, since it is my understanding that it is 16 episodes long, and I've watched up to episode 15. I don't know how the drama will wrap everything in the last episode. This drama is on its way to being one of my favorites, unless it goes crazy in its last episode. ETA: I just wanted to mention "Tomorrow With You", I think this drama is very intriguing and the premise is mysterious and romantic. If I were to describe this drama with one phrase it would be "still waters run deep". Even though I thought the male lead was a bit miscast in the beginning he grew on me (but I wish they had given him a better hairstyle), and I think the H/h have good chemistry. Now I am looking forward to see what will happen next, and I want and hope for a happy ending!

In reply to an earlier post on Feb 23, 2017, 3:58:15 PM PST

AnitaLotti says:

I read that Behind Your Smile will have 18 episodes... Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 23, 2017, 4:36:04 PM PST

Rhinda says:

Really? Where did you read that? What Eng sub are you/they up to? I thought it was 16 episodes. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 23, 2017, 8:34:35 PM PST

Usagi7777777 says:

I am currently on the 45th episode of Ten Miles Peach Blossom. Guys...if crazy in love guy is what you're looking for, this drama is IT!!!!!!! Sooooooo Gooooooood!!!!! The male lead knocked it out of the park with his acting. His yearning, expressions, and desire all culminate in expressing his intense if obsessive love for the heroine. For me, everything about this drama is amazing (sets, score, characterization, story). There are two crazy bitches but neither can fool the main leads for the most part. I loved the drama from the beginning but others have pointed out that the first 10 episodes can be slow. The meaty story and main romance doesn't officially start until around ep 11. The male lead is to DIE FOR (I never knew a book character can be brought to life in that way). I HIGHLY recommend checking out this drama. You'll be doing yourself a disservice if you pass it up (subbed until ep 28 on dramafever).

Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 2 of 2 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on Feb 23, 2017, 9:22:32 PM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 23, 2017, 9:25:25 PM PST

Usagi7777777 says:

The H can give up anything/sacrifice anything for the h and chases after her like a bloodhound -he basically deceived her into marrying him by not disclosing anything about himself (his biggest fault is his tendency to keep everything to himself and shoulder all burdens). He tries to shield her from everything, but when all hell broke lose, he tries to protect her using the wrong method and it cost him. What's even more attractive is how arrogant and cold he was before he met the h -nothing and nobody can affect him. He's never loved anyone (there's a lady who stayed by his side since they were little and is obsessively in love with him, but he's extremely cold to her) and finds that emotion to be a nuisance. His 3rd uncle even said that though he's seen as "perfect" (crown prince status, extremely powerful and handsome) in everyone else's eyes, he's incomplete in his eyes because he lacks emotion/affection. Well, that all changes when he meets our h: She's the only one who can melt him and make him go crazy. Seriously, this H won't be able to live without his beloved h. When he thought he lost her, he gave up on life and almost died. He also cries a lot because of her -I just want to hug him (love his manly tears). He also sees through all female machinations and is never fooled by "other women" tactics. The drama's so good at making us see everything from the perspective of both leads, unlike the book which just focuses on her side. I totally feel the H's desperate love and pain...swoon!!! Here's the Ost for the opening theme (love H, Ye Hua and h, Bai Qian): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BdFqakPJR4 But wait until all the subs come out (only 28 subbed out of 58 episodes -not long enough, believe me...I never want it to end; that's how good this is) or you'll be in eternal torment. After everything's subbed, I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend it!!!! Unless the last 13 episodes are complete duds, this series will go down as the best fantasy romance I've ever seen. The main lead's romance is out of this world -so epic!!! Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 3 of 3 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on Feb 23, 2017, 9:30:13 PM PST

Usagi7777777 says:

Here's another adorable mv based on a sweet song in the drama: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMv7tWEpjMA Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Feb 24, 2017, 3:35:03 AM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 25, 2017, 1:48:58 AM PST

AnitaLotti says:

Behind your Smile: It's on Wikipedia, they have the Episode Chart up to ep 18 on 12th March. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Feb 24, 2017, 7:16:32 AM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 24, 2017, 7:18:17 AM PST

May says:

I'm not into chinese historical. I've watched some in the past, and I really dislike the magical cultivation themes and immature h who for some unknown reason got the H. But another user recommended "the general and I", and I love that couple, thank you for the recs. Thanks for recommending "Ten Miles Peach Blossom", I will binge watch when it's completed. Are there similar chinese historical drama, strong jealous H/smart h/court intrigues? Since I haven't watch them for years, I may have missed a few gems. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Feb 24, 2017, 7:55:36 AM PST

cbela says:

Thanks for the recommendation on Ten Miles Peach Blossom. I rarely watch Chinese historicals and dramas that are more than 30episodes. I will definitely look into this cdrama when fully subbed. ... I am looking forward to watching "Romance Full of Life" and "Strong Woman". I also am really liking "Introverted Boss". The hero and heroine kissed in ep 10. :) Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 24, 2017, 10:08:09 AM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 24, 2017, 10:09:05 AM PST

Usagi7777777 says:

I generally dislike Chinese historical/fantasy dramas because often times, they feature cheesy acting, terrible dubbing, and too much filler. Plus, they overuse bad cgi that makes the dramas seem fake. But recently, practically every famous Chinese Internet novel is getting a tv adaptation and some were very made with care/consideration like "You are my Sunshine," "Boss and Me," "Love O2O," and "Nirvana in Fire" (this one not a romance). The director of "Ten Miles Peach Blossoms" also directed "Love O2O" and she really got the art down on how to draw the best parts from a novel in order to make the tv adaptation even better. Seriously, just like "Love O2O," many people are enjoying the drama adaptation of "Peach Blossoms" more than its novel counterpart. Also helps that the novel is rather short. But that still isn't an easy feat, considering just how popular the novel was. All I can say is, this series is a must-see, esp. for romance and one of the best OTPs!!! I'll also be watching any future series that's under this director. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Feb 24, 2017, 3:12:34 PM PST

Rhinda says:

Can you tell me what episode they finally meet each other, and what happens when he recognizes her as Su Su? I'm dying to know, and its so SLOW-I'm tied to the eng subs! SURLY by ep 45 LeHua and she have met again! TIt must be awful, though, that she can't recognize her son! Thanks!! Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 24, 2017, 3:18:25 PM PST

1ladydevil says:

I am not a fan of historical/fantasy dramas however I love a jealous, possessive, and obsessive H. I may try "Ten Miles Peach Blossoms" but the H has such long hair like a woman. It's turning me off. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Feb 24, 2017, 3:18:58 PM PST

[Deleted by Amazon on Feb 25, 2017, 12:39:27 AM PST] Discussion locked

In reply to an earlier post on Feb 24, 2017, 4:20:41 PM PST

[Deleted by Amazon on Feb 25, 2017, 12:49:33 AM PST] Discussion locked

In reply to an earlier post on Feb 24, 2017, 7:21:20 PM PST

Rhinda says:

Usagi, Yes, when you put it that way, I have to agree! Great insight! Thanks-and THANK YOU-ep 30!!! Yeah. Please continue posting your insights. Love 'em! Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 25, 2017, 6:45:18 AM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 25, 2017, 7:19:58 AM PST

AnitaLotti says:

So I just finished reading the e-book To the Sky Kingdom because I really couldn't wait for the rest of the eps - I just had to know what happens to the H/h. Downside: Now I still cannot wait for the rest of the episodes because the want to desperately see how it plays out in the drama. What's a girl to do?!? Sniff, sniff... Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms turning me into an addict. Though I have to admit I was the same with General and I: Watching, reading the book translation, and desperately watching again - currently still rewatching... Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Feb 25, 2017, 7:25:07 AM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 25, 2017, 8:52:44 AM PST

Usagi7777777 says:

1ladydevil, Lol, I normally get turned off by long haired men (esp western men with long hair -eww), but

the ancient eastern Asian heroes are an exception. I really like their man-bun long hair (when it's all neat) and traditional robes. The style in this drama reminds me of the gods and goddesses from manga works. I think you need to get used to the style. But the drama's really worth watching, as it's all about the love story with a H who's all about the h -you'll probably fall in love and the H is too hot (completely fits the novel H)!!! Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Feb 25, 2017, 8:50:50 AM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 25, 2017, 8:51:36 AM PST

Usagi7777777 says:

May, Like you, I generally avoid Chinese fantasy/historical dramas, so I wouldn't know of any with the qualities you desire. The reason I watched "Ten Miles Peach Blossoms' was because it was based on a very famous internet novel (the H was also well known as being crazily-inlove with the h -a must for me in a romance, lol) and the director, Lin Yufen, also directed "One Smile is Alluring" (Love O2O). So I was more convinced of her ability to pay respect to the novel when turning it into a TV series. Sure enough, she hit it out of the ballpark with this adaptation -it's better than the novel. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 26, 2017, 2:59:42 PM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 27, 2017, 4:02:15 PM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Isn't it wonderful to find a crack drama. The only downside is that once the crack drama is over it leaves behind a drama slump resulting in a frantic search for another addictive drama. Unfortunately, such dramas are hard to come by and even in a good year you're lucky you can find more than one such drama. I did check out several Chinese historical/fantasy dramas after "General and I" ended but none of them held my attention or I ended up not liking where the storyline was going. However, I did stumble across the 2016 Korean family drama "Five Children" which I am finding to be fairly enjoyable. The show features 5 romances/relationships with a lead romance between a divorced mother of 3 and a widowed father of 2. However, the best romance by far of the drama is between a prima donna golfer and a reserved school teacher (Kim Sang Min/ Lee Yun Tae). Unfortunately, in the early episodes this couple doesn't get a lot of screen time but their romance is pure gold. Too bad they aren't the lead couple. For those not wanting to invest 50 hours in a drama, you might consider fast forwarding through the drama just to watch the "golfer" couple scenes. However, I am watching the entire drama as, so far, I'm finding this to be one of the better family dramas that I've watched in a while. And while I really like the "golfer" couple romance, the lead romance is also pretty good. "Golfer" couple MV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FROFQ5XX-K0 On a positive note, Wallace Chung has another promising looking drama (Flowers Shall Send

Us on Our Way/The Road to Bid Farewell is Filled With Flowers) that commences airing on March 17. I'm hoping that it gets picked up for subbing and has a happy ending. MV of new Wallace Chung drama https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgCmsOXIpog Also, on the potential good news front, Let's Drink/Drinking Solo has been picked up for a second season. No word yet on whether the previous cast will return or not. I just hope it doesn't end up like season 2 of Let's Eat where the H returned but was given a new h. Talk about feeling totally betrayed by a drama. I also recently read two cute short c-novels both of which featured Heroes who fall in love with their heroines as children and spend most of their lives plotting to win them. I thought that both of these novels would make fun dramas. In "Husband is Great Black Belly", the 6-year old H vows "revenge" against the h. The nature of the revenge is that he will marry her and enslave her for all of her life. Fast forward 10 years or so and the H puts his plan into action. ETA: If you read the novel, make sure that you also read both parts of the first short story which features the 6 year old H formulating his "revenge." Translated version of novel: https://azurro4cielo.wordpress.com/index/ In "Your Humble Servant is Guilty", the h is an incompetent Imperial Physician while the H is her former playmate and now the Emperor. This novel is extremely short and can be read in about a half hour. Translated version of novel: https://hui3r.wordpress.com/category/books/your-humble-servant-is-guilty/ Finally, on the Thai Lakorn front, we might see Thai remakes of both Fated to Love You and Secret Garden. I'm also hoping that the Thai remake of Princess Hours which has completed production will air sometime soon. Unfortunately, it seems that our biggest problem may be finding subs for these dramas. It seems like Viki has quit subbing Thai dramas and has deleted a lot of the older Thai dramas that it did have. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 2, 2017, 4:32:29 PM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I finished watching the 2016 Korean family drama Five Children. Overall, it was one of the best family dramas that I've watched in a while, filled with lots of warmth/humor/love with its sometimes flawed but very likable people. The plot moved along at a good pace and wasn't bogged down by frustrating love triangles (actually none of the romances in this drama had a love triangle), nasty OW/OM (again, no such characters in this drama), overly long breakups (in fact the lead couple never had a breakup as the lead H refused to allow this to happen and the golfer couple's (SangMin/YunTae) breakup only lasted a few episodes), angst for the sake of angst (this drama featured a lot of humor to undercut the angst) makjang elements (no birth secrets, fatal illnesses or other makjang plots) or OTT mothers (yes, it did

have some typical Korean crazy mother plot points but at least they didn'tt drag out forever and in a lot of instances were done with humor). I don't think I was frustrated at any time by this drama or with any of its characters. A few characters that I didn't initially like (such as spoiled princess Jin Joo or the ex-husband's new mother-in-law Jum Sook) had such great story arcs/character development that I ended up liking them. And I absolutely loved the golfer couple (SangMin/YunTae) and thought that the H of that couple with his antics was the highlight of the drama. I also really liked the relationship between SangMin and his brother TaeMin. SangMin/YunTae (Golfer Couple) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5d_2m1qLtv4&list=RDFROFQ5XX-K0 Episode 4 of Memory Lost has been subbed. Looks like it is taking about 2 weeks to sub an episode. On a final note, looks like a new translator is in process of completing the translation of When a Snail Falls In Love. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 3, 2017, 11:08:43 AM PST

Cynthia Howell says:

Thank you so much everyone for all your recommendations here. I am watching Ten Miles Peach Blossoms, and I love it. When I am finished I plan to watch The General and I. My husband has been watching his classic DVDs of old Godzilla movies. I showed him the battle in episode 7 (I think) and told him my monster was bigger and stronger than his. lol Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Mar 3, 2017, 11:14:05 AM PST

Rhinda says:

OK, 10 miles peach blossom watchers- don't look at this! Those of you who can speak Chinese, and have finished the series, please, please tell me, I'm dying to know, and can only go as far as the Eng subs allow, does Quin ever finally fall for the Crown Prince or does she keep him at bay for all 58 episodes. Thank you for taking pity on me! Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Mar 3, 2017, 7:33:26 PM PST

Usagi7777777 says:

SPOILERS: She realizes her feelings in episode 44 -get ready for some sexy times, lol!!! He is sooo hot!!! Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Mar 3, 2017, 7:58:08 PM PST

Rhinda says:

bless you blessyou bless you!!! 44! That's almost forever!!!! but at least I know it's comingshe couldn't be that cold and distant forever! and yes, despite the hair and the long skirts, he is hot! lol, thanks again! Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 4, 2017, 7:12:05 AM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

First 2 episodes of Strong Woman Do Bong Soon were really good - looks to be a fun drama. I also continue to enjoy Behind Your Smile but have fallen a few weeks behind on the other dramas that I'm following. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 4, 2017, 8:46:31 AM PST Last edited by the author on Mar 4, 2017, 8:48:34 AM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

I have watched the first eps of "Strong Woman Do Bong Soon" as well, and it is a fun romantic wacky comedy drama mixed in with dark crime thriller (which is something I didn't expect). So far I find BS's supernatural strength played as a farce for the humor, which makes me wish that she had been given a bit of a toned down power (like being able to see the future for example, but that would've made it too similar to "Tomorrow with You" and the upcoming "While You Were Asleep"). So far I am enjoying this odd drama, and the OTP are cute, I just hope that the story will hold up till the end. PHS is charismatic, but I feel that the drama wants us to doubt almost every man around the heroine... I am also following "Tomorrow with You", and I love our "cheesy couple" (that's what I've decided to call them). Yes I usually like cheese but not this much, however this drama is making me like even the cringey cheesiness that the heroine likes, this is how well I feel it is executed! I don't like the constant feeling of dread lurking in every episode, as I wait for them to break up or for something bad to happen, given what SJ (the hero) saw in the future. Anyways I hope that he won't separate from her no matter what happens, and that he can change the future fate that he saw. There is something special about this drama, in that even though it is slower and quieter (like a movie) drama, it keeps me fully engaged. I also really like that it is generous with the skinship and kisses. The only flaw in this drama so far IMO, is the hero's hairstyle, how I wish they had brushed his hair back or to the side (then he would've looked better). Speaking of hairstyles, Usagi I think that any man can look good with long hair, if it suits his face and he takes care of his hair. For example I thought Brad Pitt looked beautiful in "Legends of the Fall" with his long blond hair. Now back to dramas, AnitaLottie thanks for the update that "Behind Your Smile" will be 18 eps and not 16, now I wonder if they mixed up the number of the eps on dramawiki or if the drama got extended (which wouldn't surprise me, because it is good). Anyways this drama is on its way to being one of my favorites.

I am behind on "King of Romance" (my silly/cute and feel good drama), but I'm waiting for more eps to be posted Eng subbed before I pick it up again.

Posted on Mar 5, 2017, 9:04:44 AM PST Last edited by the author on Mar 5, 2017, 9:05:46 AM PST

Lovely D.M. says:

I also want to add that I just watched ep 16 of "Behind Your Smile", and in his way YT the hero is not letting XY (heroine) go, but I really didn't expect him to go about it the way he did. I also think this is the first time I hear the main male lead say: "I won't let anyone hurt you, because only I can hurt you" OMG! The male lead is possessive in his own way. The male lead here also did carry out his plan, yes he was shaken and even though he does care for the heroine, he still took over and is still doing what he wants. However he continues to try to shield the heroine as much as he can from hurt. The heroine broke my heart, especially when she told him that he had destroyed her faith in family, love and friendship. But wow... I want a happy ending for them despite everything, because that is how good their chemistry is! I just don't know how... Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Mar 14, 2017, 8:30:09 AM PDT

May says:

I binged watch "10 miles of peach blossoms", loved it. I really liked the actor who portrays the H, very well done. I thought the h is a little weak. Anyway, thanks for the recs. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 14, 2017, 8:40:12 AM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

So it appears that "Behind Your Smile" has been extended to 19 episodes! Haha, I wonder if soon we will find out that there are 20 episodes, since it started with 16 episodes, then it became 18, and now the latest is that it is going to be 19 episodes, not that I am complaining :D I also started a new TW-drama called "The Perfect Match", it is a cooking/food romance/drama type show, and it is off to a better than expected start in its first two eps. So far this drama mixes a light/silly tone with a more serious/emotional tone. The hero is a jerk, but I know he will come around soon. The heroine is feisty but sweet at the same time, she also seems to suffer from some sort of trauma because she gets too scared in the dark. The cooking aspect is dramatic, but I accept that because it comes with the genre. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 2 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Mar 14, 2017, 12:58:52 PM PDT

May says:

I need another strong/obsessive H with a historical back drop to replace "10 miles of beach blossoms" and stumble on "Ban Shu Legend (2015)". Has anyone seen this? is it worth the time? Happy ending? Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 14, 2017, 7:41:18 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

D.M. Given how episode 18 of "Behind Your Smile" played out, I would be completely shocked if the show didn't end in a HEA for the H/h. I do agree that this has been one of the better TW-dramas (and actually wouldn't be upset if it ended up being longer than 19 episodes). I also continue to really enjoy "Strong Woman Do Bong Soon". Unfortunately, due to marathoning both "General and I" and "Five Children", I'm about 4 weeks behind on "Tomorrow With You" and "Father, I'll Take Care of You". I was happy to see that Chris Wu's new drama "The Perfect Match" is being subbed. Unfortunately, it's been years since one of his dramas has been picked up for subbing. Also, "My Future Boyfriend" the potential drama sequel to "Back to 1989" is no longer showing Marcus Chang or Ivy Shao (the h in "The Perfect Match") as it's leads. It's looking highly doubtful that this sequel will ever materialize and given the ending to "Back to 1989" I'm not too sure why a sequel was even considered. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 14, 2017, 11:00:33 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Mar 14, 2017, 11:01:12 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Yes I too think that "Behind Your Smile" will have a happy ending! Even though I didn't expect it before. Also agreed that this is definitely one of the better TW-dramas, and dramas in general. As for "Tomorrow with You" I continue to enjoy this show, despite some of my frustrations with the story. However this is the first k-drama I have come across where I feel that the characterization of the female lead is more consistent than that of the male lead (who goes from being sweet/cheesy in the romantic scenes, to being serious and mature in the suspense scenes), it really makes the male lead's characterization feel bipolar. However I still get sucked in every-time I watch a new episode. I just hope that this will not disappoint in its last 4 eps. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 16, 2017, 7:54:57 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I liked the first episode of the workplace drama "Radiant Office". I really liked Ha Suk Jin's 2016 dramas ("Drinking Solo" & "One Percent of Something") so hopefully this will also be a winner. For those who liked "Love O2O" and want to see more of Yang Yang & Zheng Shuang they made an eleven minute "tea commercial" short film which was pretty cute: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E03uzzNLews Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 21, 2017, 1:04:36 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Mar 21, 2017, 7:47:03 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

So I just watched the last episode of "Behind Your Smile", and it made me wish that there would be an episode 20 focused solely on the H/h. I was disappointed with the last episode because it was focused on the supporting plots and YT's characterization changed in the last

two eps and felt inconsistent, and not enough time was given for the romantic plot. Also TWdramas in general are not stingy with the kisses, and always have several good kisses in them, and yet the last episode had no kisses between the H/h! This disappointed me. Anyways overall this drama remains a drama I like, because of all the previous good eps. I am glad that it is a happy ending, but the last two eps (especially the last ep) could've been a lot better. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 22, 2017, 7:31:24 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Mar 22, 2017, 7:33:03 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I also watched the final episode of Behind Your Smile and agree with D.M. For the most part I enjoyed this drama but thought the last episode was not only lacking but included some ridiculous elements. I'm looking at you truck and car of doom and kidnapping plot. Also, instead of wasting time with the h's roommate suddenly having a crush on the H, I would have preferred them wrapping up in a happier fashion her relationship with the h's friend from America, same with the H's brother and his relationship with the farm's vet. Not sure why they bothered to introduce the two secondary romances just to leave both of them open ended. And the lack of a final H/h kiss, especially after the H's proposal did make the ending seem lackluster. I have finally caught up on all episodes of Tomorrow With You (the drama is OK but I'm just not hooked on the H/h's romance) but decided to drop Father, I'll Take Care of You (no interest in picking it back up, especially after watching the great secondary romance in Five Children. Unfortunately, Father, I'll Take Care of You lacks a decent lead romance and the secondary romance didn't seem to be going anyplace). Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 22, 2017, 8:00:52 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

I agree with you about that stupid kidnapping scene, and the whole sequence after that made no sense whatsoever! It felt like a different writer was writing the last episode...completely out of sync. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 24, 2017, 5:47:32 PM PDT

M says:

Has anybody recommended Cheese in the Trap yet? This doesn't exactly tick all the boxes of the original request, but if anybody is interested in a hero that is obsessed with the heroine it's a good one to watch. Spoilers ahead: To start with this drama has an open ending(broke my heart, but I don't regret watching) plus heroine was on and off about her relationships with the hero throughout the drama. However H himself is very obsessed and possessive of her, but goes about it in quite a different way than normally. He has a dark psycho, more cunning than explosive side to him, especially if God forbid anybody tries to harm the h or come between him and her. There are talks that they are going to do a full length movie sequel(the movie is definitely being made, but whether it's a remake or a sequel isn't clear yet) but most of the actors, apart from the lead guy will change. A small taster: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8XGvHdANNc

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Posted on Mar 26, 2017, 1:37:34 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

LOL the less said about "Cheese..." the better, most posters on this thread like to pretend that this drama never happened (myself included), but thanks for the recommendation :P Now moving on, I have watched the last two eps of "Tomorrow with You" and overall this is a beautiful drama that I really liked. The H/h were such a painfully sweet couple and despite my frustrations with some weak plot points, overall I really enjoyed this show, and I'm happy that SJ/MR's love stood the test of time. Although the last episode was anti-climatic on DS's ending, overall it was a good episode. I recommend this drama for anyone in the mood for a romantic/cheesy/sweet romance mixed in with a suspense/mystery/time-travel aspect that ebbs and flows like a subtle current of waves. I also liked the directing in this drama, it looked like a movie. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Mar 29, 2017, 3:12:42 AM PDT

M says:

"LOL the less said about "Cheese..." the better, most posters on this thread like to pretend that this drama never happened (myself included), but thanks for the recommendation :P" Hehe sort of Off Topic, but I have to ask, why? I've never read webtoon, is it that different? Or maybe I'm just a weirdo who doesn't mind an open/ bad ending depending on what it's like, plus I'm obsessed with my yandere/borderline yandere guys, there are so few of them in dramas I'd watch anything that has them lol Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 29, 2017, 7:32:33 AM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Okay I'll tell, I too liked the male lead because he was different, but they ruined the story by making the male lead a supporting character in the second half of this drama, and giving most scenes to the annoying second male lead (who is a typical male character) and his silly piano drama. This drama left such a bad taste in my mouth, because it could've been something different and special, and they completely ruined that. Also the ending was so lame. Almost everyone on this thread lamented all the potential lost for this drama. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Mar 29, 2017, 7:43:54 AM PDT

Rhinda says:

What drama are you talking about? Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 29, 2017, 8:58:47 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Mar 29, 2017, 9:24:37 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I agree with D.M. 100% regarding Cheese In The Trap. The drama went completely off it's tracks in the second half. I'm convinced that the director fell in love with Seo Kang Joon and suddenly decided to make him the star of the drama. Park Hae Jin even stated that scenes he was suppose to be in were instead reshot with Seo Kang Joon. There was a lot of controversy over this drama, including the author of the manhwa stating that the screenwriter stopped working with her during the second half. ETA: If I had to watch one more scene of Baek In Ho and his piano I would have screamed (and not in a good way) hehehe. I also liked Tomorrow With You as I thought it didn't follow the usual k-drama tropes. Of the currently airing dramas, Strong Woman Do Bong Soon remains my favorite. The only negative I have with this drama is the whole bride kidnapping sub-plot, which puts a real damper on the overall fun of the drama. Drama has lots of fun characters and the H/h have great chemistry. Park Hyun Shik is definitely the star of this drama. However, much to my surprise the best dramas so far this year have been the Chinese dramas. Both General and I and Eternal Love/Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms were outstanding (the heroes in both of these dramas were to die for). And I even enjoyed Pretty Li Hui Zhen. Given the huge popularity of both General and I and Eternal Love, hopefully we will see a lot more similar dramas in the future. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Mar 29, 2017, 9:07:27 AM PDT

May says:

Totally agree with your thoughts on General and I and Eternal Love/Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms. I truly hope they will continue this trend versus the depressing trope of the past. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Mar 29, 2017, 11:09:01 AM PDT

M says:

Ok I guess I really need to look at the webtoon then. I'm ok with Baek In Ho, but yeah nothing special about him. I wished there was more Yoo Jung, but managed to enjoy it anyway, it's interesting for me to know that they've switched their scenes around, now I'm wishing to see the drama properly done. I hope they remedy it in the upcoming movie. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 30, 2017, 11:59:18 AM PDT

Asphalt Jungle Guide says:

I'm just getting into k-dramas so, I'm really appreciating the recommendations here. I have a question for the good people here. I've (been trying) to watch Absolute Boyfriend on Drama Fever. I liked the first couple of manga, I *love* the theme song. It's popcorn and I know it-but the lead actress is driving me absolutely insane with her ditziness and her pouting, and her drama llama OTT teenager rubbish. I don't remember the manga heroine being this much of a mush-brain. I can't even get through the first episode because that petulant pout is sending up *my* blood pressure.

Does this get any better? Should I just skip the first episode? Or is it a case of the actress's role being so...*bleh* I should cut my losses? Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 30, 2017, 4:41:44 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

If you are talking about the TW-version of "Absolute Boyfriend", then I would say don't waste your time because she will be like that for the rest of the drama. I didn't watch this drama till the end, but I did watch several episodes of it. I also couldn't stand this actress in "Boys Over Flowers" (that drama was a mess too), but anyways she is irritating. So I would suggest watching another better drama :) Reader123 I continue to enjoy the odd/wacky "Strong Woman Do Bong Soon", I like the wacky humor, I like the romantic moments and the banter between the H/h (I agree PHS is doing a great job, and he is very charismatic. PBY is just a cutie patootie - as MH likes to describe BS). The aspect I don't like about this drama is the gross-out humor with the inept gangsters (bodily fluids, etc). However I do agree that the crime/thriller aspect (with the creepy bride collector) does feel a bit out-of-place with this otherwise cute and light drama, but I don't find it too heavy because the drama gives plenty of time for the viewer to breathe with the romantic and comedic aspect. It will be interesting to see how this drama will unfold in its last 6 eps, and hopefully it won't disappoint. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 30, 2017, 5:08:24 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Mar 30, 2017, 5:09:39 PM PDT

Irene says:

Have been watching General and I and love it- currently half way through. Wallace Chung is brilliant and his and Angelababy's chemistry is great. After this I will be going to the Ten Miles Peach Blossom. I'm also watching Memory Lost- because they took so long in subbing and I had watched 1-2 a long time ago, I was not hooked until episode 5 when they started dropping hints on their forgotten romance and where I could start seeing them crushing on each another a little - it's cute. They are now up to episode 8 but it will take a while before all 30+ episodes are subbed :0( I have their end credits song on a repeat loop on you tube cause it shows some more of their romance and I really like the song Here's the linkhttps://m.youtube.com/watch?v=s0AdH2Cw5OI Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 31, 2017, 6:58:26 PM PDT

Irene says:

After all this talk about Cheese in the Trap, I got a notice on Facebook from Dramafever about a Cheese in The Trap movie https://www.dramafever.com/news/dara-and-kim-hyunjin-added-to-cast-for-remake-of-cheese-in-thetrap/?utm_campaign=coschedule&utm_source=facebook_page&utm_medium=DramaFever Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 1, 2017, 2:52:29 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Apr 1, 2017, 3:21:03 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

As I previously mentioned, I thought that both General and I and Eternal Love/Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms were outstanding. However, since the H (Ye Hua) and the H/h romance weren’t immediately introduced in Eternal Love (H isn’t even born until around episode 7 and the h doesn’t meet the H in his human form until around episode 13), I wasn’t as initially engaged with Eternal Love as I was with General and I. However, once the H and h finally meet I did become fully hooked on this drama. In addition, for those who were unhappy with the ending provided for the secondary romance (Feng Jiu/Dong Hua Dijun), there is a translated Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms Pillow Book that picks up where the main novel ends. This book starts with the wedding of Bai Qian/Ye Hua but focuses on Feng Jiu/Dong Hua's romance. Given how wildly successful this drama was (with over 35 billion, yes billion, online views), perhaps screen rights to The Pillow Book will be purchased for a sequel. Finally, the movie version of Eternal Love/Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms, called Once Upon A Time and starring Yang Yang as Ye Hua is scheduled for release on July 21. Link to the translated pillow book http://www.books.shushengbar.com/?p=101 ETA: Let's all hope they do a better job with the movie Cheese In The Trap than they did with the drama. Asphalt Jungle Guide - In addition to the Taiwanese version of Absolute Boyfriend, there is also a Japanese version called Zettai Kareshi that you might want to check out to see if you like the h better. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Apr 3, 2017, 3:44:54 PM PDT

M says:

I'm really looking forward to it. They are about to start shooting, I wonder how long it'd take before it's released and then translated... Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 4, 2017, 2:25:19 AM PDT

Asphalt Jungle Guide says:

Taz-Mania and Lovely DM--thanks for the info! It was indeed the TW drama--shame, I really liked the opening. But I'll look into the other title. (Now, a live action Akashi no Ceres...that'd be creepy-beautiful.) I keep trying to watch Soul. I keep falling asleep. I suspect this is not a common side-effect for somewhat gory suspense dramas.

Posted on Apr 5, 2017, 8:55:17 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

So what type of drama are you looking for? Because it looks like you are watching a nonromance-centric drama. If you are looking for dramas that are mainly suspense/thriller with a bit of romance or with no romance, then I recommend: "Two Weeks" (has some romantic elements), "I Remember You/ Hello Monster" (has romance but its a subplot), Nine Times Time Travel (romantic time travel thriller), "Bad Guys" (has a smidgen of romance, but it is 90% thriller), "Age of Youth" (really good slice of life drama with some romantic elements). Both "Age of Youth" and "Bad Guys" are getting a second season, so I hope the stories will have proper closure. If you are looking for romance dramas (my favorite types of dramas), then this thread is filled with them! Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 5, 2017, 9:09:43 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Apr 5, 2017, 9:12:33 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

On this note, I continue to enjoy "Strong Woman Do Bong Soon", Park Hyung Sik is now number 2 on my list of most charismatic k-actors topped only by Lee Jong Suk. As for Park Bo Young she toppled Yoo Inna (Queen In Hyun's Man) from the number 1 spot to the number 2 spot in the cuteness/adorableness department. Even though this drama is hyper and odd, and feels over-the-top in all its elements, I continue to love the budding romance (it makes me feel like a silly teenager with hearts in her eyes!). I dropped "The Perfect Match", ep 5 was just too goofy for me. I will finish "King of Romance" since there is only one episode left, but I am very disappointed with the direction this super cute show took, and it ruined all my goodwill towards it. The heroine made me want to slap her in the last few eps. I don't know how a character who started cute and likable, became so annoying. I will checkout "The Masked Lover", and hope that it will be better than these two shows. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 6, 2017, 8:57:37 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

So speaking of "Queen In Hyun's Man", I've been watching the Chinese version of this drama called "Love Through a Millennium". I'm about halfway though the drama and so far it's been a pretty good remake. I don't think it's as good as the original but it's still fairly decent. The H in the c-version time travels over 2,000 years (from 16 B.C.) to current day. Perhaps they had to go that far back to find a similar historical situation. In this version the H is trying to save deposed Empress Xu from the schemes of royal concubine Zhao Fei Yan and her supporters. In addition to the dramas mentioned by D.M., another good suspense drama with supernatural elements but no romance is "Signal". Police detective assigned to the cold case unit solves old crimes by communicating via walkie-talkie with a detective in the past. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 6, 2017, 9:18:20 PM PDT

Irene says:

So glad someone else is watching Love Through a Millenium:) I started watching it as soon as I was done with Queen In Hyun's Man because it was a remake and because of the Love O2O connection - actress from show and actor from movie. I agree it's very cute. Been also storming through Memory Lost despite the fact that I don't understand Chinese - I just want to see what happens with their romance and have just been watching the story unfold without understanding 98% of what they are saying ;) Some SPOILERISH info here but the Memory Lost show/story revolves heavily on female victims being raped - I mention this because I don't want people to get sucked in only to have this turn them off. This has been has happened with 3-4 different victims and they were not part of the same plot line. I'm up to episode 24. I'm not sure if anyone has posted the video but there is a trailer for the Once Upon a Time trailer and it is gorgeous to look at. I'm wondering if they are going to release the film in the states - I have a theatre in LA that shows short run Asian films all the time but don't know if it would be one of them. It just looks like something that might be fun to watch on the big screen. Here's the link to the trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ue6mhOfWoLg I have also started watching Strong Woman and am totally loving it. That female and male lead are just plain adorable. She's just great with comedic timing and saying her lines and it's so cute to see him fall for her first :) Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 7, 2017, 6:40:29 AM PDT

cbela says:

Has anyone watched or know more about "Summer's Desire" Thai movie? I just saw the trailer on YT. I also saw this Chinese movie trailer called "The Love/Love Hunting". Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 7, 2017, 6:54:24 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Apr 7, 2017, 7:17:33 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Wow, Once Upon a Time does look beautiful. I hardly recognized Yang Yang in his costume. Unfortunately, will probably be late in the year before it's picked up by the streaming sites. Something to look forward to I guess. I do think Chinese dramas have improved considerably, especially over the last few years. I also continue to watch Memory Lost. I do think the subbing has picked up such that it now seems we get one new subbed episode a week. Finally, MDL is indicating that the Thai-version of Goong/Princess Hours will commence airing on April 25. Hopefully, this drama will be picked up for subbing and like the Thai versions of Full House and Itzaura na Kiss/Kiss Me it's ends up being better than the original versions. Also, MDL is now showing that Wallace Chung's drama Flowers Shall Send Us On Our Way won't air until June 20 and Siege in Fog won't air until June 25. ETA: I also really liked Park Bo Young in Oh My Ghostess. Unfortunately, in the drama I

was never completely convinced that it was the h that the H loved as I thought that the one he actually fell in love with was the ghost girl. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 7, 2017, 9:32:15 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Apr 7, 2017, 9:47:02 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

cbela - the trailer for Summer's Desire did look good (if we are talking about the same trailer). Unfortunately, Ou Chen doesn't look very attractive in this version. Summer's Desire (2016) trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOgOEHg0m-M MDL writeup on the movie: http://mydramalist.com/19568-summers-desire Also, I think I've watched Love Hunting and if I'm remembering correctly it was horrible/really bad. Another case where the YT MV/teaser is much, much better than the actual movie. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 8, 2017, 7:41:20 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Yes Reader123, I didn’t like “Oh My Ghostess” either and didn't finish it, but I could see that PBY was a very good actress. Like you I couldn’t be convinced that the hero loved the heroine and not the ghostess. Also I didn’t like the hero, the character annoyed me and also the actor is not one I’m a fan of. Right now I am watching: “Strong Woman Do Bong Soon” (but this one will finish soon, I will miss it), “Mystery Queen” this just started so I’m still holding off any judgement until I’ve watched at least 4 eps of this, and then I’ll decide whether to stick to it or not. “Chicago Typewriter” this is off to a weird but solid start, but like "Mystery Queen" the jury is still out on this show. I’m also looking forward to checking out “My Secret Romance” which starts in 10 days if I’m not mistaken. Then there are the May shows "Ruler Master of the Mask", "Suspicious Partner", and "Third Rate My Way", I will check all 3 and hopefully they will turn out good (I like the male actors in all 3 dramas, but the key will be a good writer). Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Apr 8, 2017, 8:03:26 PM PDT

cbela says:

taz-mania (Reader123) Yes that is the mv trailer. I am hoping Ou Chen's acting will grow for him to be more handsome. The hero in "Love Hunting" just remind me of Peter Ho in "Le Jun Kai". Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Apr 8, 2017, 8:23:22 PM PDT

Asphalt Jungle Guide says:

Hi, Lovely DM! I like a mix of supernatural and romance in my dramas for the most part (Goblin is my alltime favorite to date), unless they're mysteries or thrillers, purely contemporary stories don't really interest me, be they print or visual media. I make exceptions for stories like "Tenchu" because I have a horrible weakness for ninjas and having a retirement-age heroine who is written so well is such a refreshing change. I've started "Ice Fantasy" which looks intriguing--and brought me a few moments of inadvertent laughter because I'm also a gamer and some of the scenes reminded me of games I've played. I watch k-dramas through Drama Fever--is there another source I should be aware of? Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 8, 2017, 9:24:58 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

There is also viki (which is a good site as well to watch dramas), and you can also google and find other sites. So since you like a mix of fantasy and romance, then I recommend these dramas that have romance and some fantasy elements: "Queen In Hyun's Man" (time-travel romance) My Love from the Stars "alien hero and human heroine) W Two Worlds (hero is a character in a comic book who comes to life) Pinocchio (heroine can't lie, she hiccups every-time she lies) I Hear Your Voice (hero can read minds) Strong Woman Do Bong Soon (heroine has supernatural physical strength, but she is so cute and emotional, and the hero is very protective of her) Secret Garden (older kdrama so it has a very annoying mother character, but H/h's story is worth it, there is body swapping in this one) Tomorrow with You (time travel romance as well, but in this one the time travel is to the future) Also if you don't mind historicals, there is "Faith Great Doctor" (modern heroine gets taken back in time, by the hero who is from the past) Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 8, 2017, 9:31:57 PM PDT

Irene says:

I would also recommend Legend of the Blue Sea which has a mermaid and past lives story line. The lead actress was just perfect in it - so hilarious. This one I think is still only on Biki and some other sites. Not sure if it has made it to Dramafever yet. Since you are a gamer have you seen Love O2O? It's a contemporary romance set in a university with the romance starting off via an online game. You can find this one in Dramafever

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In reply to an earlier post on Apr 9, 2017, 8:29:20 AM PDT

AnitaLotti says:

Yes Love O2O is a sure bet, if you like gaming and even if you don't like it as the game's functioning as a backdrop to the development of the romance. I have seen it at least a dozen times now and never tire of it... Such a nice (and healthy) relationship apart from a bit of stalking in the beginning. On the other end of the scale: Took a look at Love Hunting, The Love and the other 5 or 6 Dramas of the same vein at Youtube. They remind me of 80ies Harlequin Romances with an overall chinese revenge theme. But if you are into domineering males - which seems to be kind of a thing in China at the moment - knock yourself out and add "I love my Boss though he is a Psycho" as a cherry on top. Though the message is dubious at best they make for nice escapism. In comparison I doubt that many men would like to be married to a Playboy model in real life and I sincerely hope nobody considers marrying borderline abusive men after watching all of these. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on Apr 9, 2017, 8:45:58 AM PDT

1ladydevil says:

("I love my Boss though he is a Psycho") Is that a real title? I love it! Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Apr 9, 2017, 9:45:46 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Apr 9, 2017, 12:36:02 PM PDT

AnitaLotti says:

Yeah it is the real title and the storyline contains the rape of the male hero, a hidden child, abduction, torture, amnesia, paranoia, more than once slipping of an aprodisiac, etc. just in the first ep. This sounds darker than it is - it is above all romance where the ultra-rich hero saves the Heroine multiple times and is totally into her. Apparently the book - as all chinese dramas are of course made from a literary source - contains even more outrageous plotlines. The drama has Subs up to ep 3 but the storyline is easy to follow and there are recaps at the Website "A virtual voyage" for the other eps. I even found the book as a photostory version (sadly without subs as well) which is quite racy. The hero decides that even if the Heroine didn't get pregnant with his hidden child at the aforementioned rape of his divine self, there is of course ample time to rectify this matter and tries to get her pregnant now - LOL. Just search the chinese title Translation at Youtube if you want to watch it. Edit: Sorry, the Title is "I love my President though he is a Psycho" and there are Subs up to ep 5 now. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on Apr 9, 2017, 12:28:35 PM PDT

Irene says:

This is off topic but if anyone is interested amazon is selling some of the Rosetta 1-5 packages for $139 as part of today's 04/09 sale. It looks like it does have Chinese as part of

the sale - for those interested in self teaching. I've never tried them so I don't know if they are good or not but maybe someone is interested. unfortunately, Korean is not part of the sale. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Apr 10, 2017, 10:34:21 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Apr 10, 2017, 10:55:01 AM PDT

Usagi7777777 says:

As a word of warning, the H in "I love my President though he is a Psycho" commits "noble idiocy" and pushes the h away quite a few times. I wasted my time reading the Chinese novel because I was lead to believe that the H is the type I love the most: Obsessive/possessive and can't live without the h. Although he is insanely in love with the h, he also is very selfdestructive and an idiot to boot when it comes to the OW. Because of his mental illness (I think the English diagnosis is monomania), he's prone to extreme temper tantrums and it gets in the way of his relationship with the h. Much later in the book, he becomes fearful that his condition would hurt her so he actively tries to cure his ailment by consulting with the OW (she's a doctor and supposedly an expert in his illness) and for some reason, believes everything she says even though she used to be his fiance and clearly covets him. So, for pretty much the rest of the long novel, the H believes that his illness can only be cured if he listens to the OW's advice and was successfully manipulated into believing that he should leave the h for "her own good" until he's better. He later teams up with her and makes a play in front of the h, pretending that he no longer loves her. He sets it up so that the h sees them in a compromising position in a hot tub and also kisses the OW right in front of the h. I abandoned the book after reading this part...I absolutely HATE heroes who push the h away for any reason and esp. hate ones who foolishly allow the OW to dictate their love life/important decisions regardless of the reason. This happens much later in the novel, but is a major plot point because it's connected with the H's illness, which was one of the main factors in the novel. To me, it absolutely ruins the novel and nullifies everything I loved previously about the H. After the OW becomes a major character in the novel, she does serious damage and successfully toys with the H for years. He later even abandons the h in order to be admitted into the OW's "intensive care" and receive "treatment" from her. But in reality, the OW was only a vengeful b*tch who wants revenge on the H for treating her shabbily. After years of treatment, she convinces the H that he's cured even though there's been no improvements. It's ridiculous that the "genius" H would place this much trust in this ex-fiancee whom he treated badly. But hey, I have to admire the OW for being all-powerful and managing to successfully make the leads' lives a living hell. Because of her, the H abandons the h several times: Pushes her away by play-acting with the OW, abandons her before their wedding day, disappears from her life without a word, and towards the end (I skipped ahead to see if he redeems himself, lol) almost abandons her again after learning the truth because he doesn't "deserve" the h at that point and would rather die (so cowardly and needed severe begging/crying from the h in order to come to his senses -couldn't come around on his own). All in all, this novel ended up having my most hated tropes in spades (noble idiocy H, the most spineless/pathetic h who can't function without a powerful man, and an OW who ended up all-powerful) and I regret reading it. If you hate noble idiocy of any kind, stay far away -I

don't think anyone in this thread has patience for this trope. I can't see how the drama can avoid this storyline since it becomes the main plot point later in the novel and doesn't resolve itself until almost the end. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 10, 2017, 10:50:31 AM PDT

Irene says:

Thank you Usagi!! Wow. I was going to look this one up to see if it's something I might watch but this would have seriously angered me for having wasted my time. Going back To a happy place. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Apr 10, 2017, 11:02:10 AM PDT

Usagi7777777 says:

Some people don't mind noble idiocy as long as it's done out of "love" and are touched by the H's suffering and "sacrifices" since his intentions were pure. But, "noble idiocy" type of loving is a deal-breaker for me and I have no tolerance whatsoever. I think it just makes the H look weak and renders his possessive/obsessive nature pointless since he can easily push and leave the h. I only love heroes whom, upon falling for the heroine, will go after them no matter what and can never bear to part with them regardless of the reason. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 10, 2017, 11:09:52 AM PDT

Irene says:

I can tolerate some noble idiocy but I have problems when it's the OW and it keeps happening over and over just to stretch the drama. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 10, 2017, 11:37:06 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Apr 10, 2017, 11:38:36 AM PDT

Usagi7777777 says:

I also have no tolerance for supposedly "powerful/brilliant" heroes who trusts that the OW, a woman under 30 yrs. old, is the top-tier expert in his illness and is his only hope for recovery. Seriously, he treats the OW, his past fiancee, pretty badly and yet expects her to sincerely cure his illness just so he can then have a successful relationship with the h. How does he expect the OW to administer objective treatment with a history like that between them? Lol, he hates the OW, but listens to all her dubious "medical advice," even if it involves him breaking it off with the h. The H pretty much places all matters concerning his illness into the OW's hands, giving her unprecedented power. This ruined his character in my eyes. But keep in mind that this is the book, so maybe the drama will change this. I heard that the h already has more backbone than her novel counterpart. Still, noble idiocy from the H is such a major factor in the novel that I doubt the drama will be completely void of it. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Apr 11, 2017, 11:51:38 AM PDT

May says:

Thanks Usagi, I'm with you all the way. We have similar tastes. I also hate a weak h who still sticks around when the H intentionally put her through that much emotional torture. If love cause you that much pain, then put on your high heels and sashay right out the door. What's so hard about that!!! I'll stay away from this drama unless someone says it's not the same as the novel. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 11, 2017, 12:45:12 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I thought that the interactions between the H/h in episodes 13 & 14 of Strong Woman Do Bong Soon were really very good. I was also happy that they didn't leave the ending of episode 14 as a cliffhanger as a lot of dramas might have done. Great H/h in this drama. I'm also loosely following "Radiant Office". Unfortunately, I'm not finding this drama to be all that great. Certainly not as good as Ha Suk Jin's two 2016 dramas. I also started watching the Chinese drama Across The Ocean to See You. So far, it's been okay - has a strong/competent h (and I think the H will end up being the real father of her child). The Liar and His Lover also sounds interesting so I might check it out when I get time. I don't like Choi Kang Hee so Queen of Mystery didn't sound very appealing but let us know if it turns out to be worth watching. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 12, 2017, 6:45:23 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I recently watched the latest version of "Itazura na Kiss" called "Miss in Kiss". Unfortunately, this new TW-version didn't try for an updated or fresh approach and pretty much just followed the manga. I did think the h was somewhat similar to the J-version "Love in Tokyo" but without the strange facial contortions and I didn't find myself as embarrassed for her as I have with some of the other versions. Also, the H in this version wasn't nearly as attractive as the OM so you were always left wondering what the h saw in him. All the actors seemed pretty green such that the emotional scenes lacked the expected punch (and could also be why I didn't find the h as embarrassing). In the end, the Thai-version "Kiss Me" remains the best of the drama adaptions (although I also liked season 2 of the original TWversion "They Kiss Again/It Started With a Kiss 2". Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 2 of 2 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on Apr 15, 2017, 6:50:47 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Apr 15, 2017, 7:26:59 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Strong Woman Do Bong Soon is done, and this drama will go down as one drama that was carried by the strength of the H/h interactions/chemistry/relationship. This is one wacky/funny but also super cute drama that has heart. Sure it is not perfect, but overall I really liked it. The last episode was mostly super cute, and the happy ending was satisfying. Also I loved “piano kiss” in ep 15. I will always remember Min Hyuk’s nicknames for Bong

Soon, “peanut sized King Kong”, “cutie patootie”, and “cute weirdo”. I also love when she calls him Min Min and then turns on the cute whenever he is angry at her (and he can’t help but melt). Also poor Min Hyuk after marrying Bong Soon… *spoiler* they had twins! Only Bong Soon would be strong enough (literally lol) to take care of the babies. Overall I really enjoyed this drama, it is a mixture of wacky comedy/drama, some crime thriller, and heartfelt romance. Even though it does have flaws, this drama is one of the better dramas/shows around, and it kept me entertained from beginning to end. ETA: I watched the first 4 eps of Mystery Queen, and even though it is too early to judge, but so far this show is turning out better than expected (my expectations were low, but I still gave it a try). I wasn't very impressed with eps 1 and 2, but I liked ep 3. So it looks like this is the type of show that gets better with every episode (at least I hope so). I hope the main characters will be fleshed out. So far it is mainly a light mystery/drama, I'm not even sure if there will be some romance thrown in (but I hope there will be). So far I don't like the mother-in-law angle of the story, because it makes the drama feel dated. However I guess it is there to make the heroine (who is a meek housewife) seem like an even more unlikely person to have an interest in investigations and be good at solving them. The hero's personality irks me at some parts, but I'm hoping his character will develop better soon. Also Happy Easter!

Posted on Apr 16, 2017, 12:44:03 AM PDT

Lin Violet says:

Hello everyone, hope you are enjoying the Easter Break! I usually lurk but everyone once in a blue moon I add my 5 cents to a topic, lol! So I recently finished a lakorn/Thai drama that I thought I was not going to enjoy at all due to the plot and summary I read online but I liked the actress from another lakorn so I gave it a shot anyways. I was hooked from episode 1 till episode 15(final epi). * But I will warn you there are some moments of idiocy on a few characters, main and side that make you want to slap them, as well as some scenes that aren't up for everyone* This was a revenge/slapkiss/romance (I was iffy about it too when I saw slap-kiss, those types of lakorn are usually not my cuppa.) Fair warning there are MILD SPOILERS ahead, very MILD. The title of the lakorn is Kleun Cheewit, and the plot is a bit darker than normal lakorns. In this lakorn the H is engaged to a wonderful woman he loves and the h is a supermodel and actress. One night the h gets into an accident due to her running away from her abusive step father and kills the fiancee of the H. The H who had been on the phone with his fiancee hears the accident and knows that the h was the one who hit his fiancee, who later dies in the hospital. After the death of the fiancee the H does everything in his power to prove h was the killer but her chauffeur confesses to the accident and is given a sentence since her step father who is in a position of power prevents the H from doing anything more than that. h's mom is pretty much a woman who sides with her husband and doesn't really believe her daughter when she tells her that the step father is a piece of nasty,stinky brown of dog excrement. *Though in the end mom is the real MVP* H and h from then on because fate is cruel to both of them brings the two of them together

through many incidents and circumstances. He believes the worse in her and she tries to make penance for what she did by trying to help the dead fiancee's causes and family. Still they have very ugly moments together, which are emotionally heavy for both of the leads. Slowly they do begin to fall in love, again due to fate and circumstances they are thrown together by the step father once more and they begin to see the good in each other until H is given the evidence (by the step father) of the h being there when the fiancee was hit. What happens after that is heartbreaking for everyone involved (except the nasty step father who is enjoying his moment). The h has so many haters (which she handles rather nicely) in the lakorn that you just want to get rid of some of them just to focus on the two leads but in the end it all works out. Some of those people are an actress and her lackey who is jealous of the h, a producers wife who thinks h is having an affair with her husband because of gossip rags as well as workers for the company, (this is ongoing and the most annoying part of the lakorn. The character never grew in any way and she gets away with every nasty thing she ever did, but the actress did a great job in acting crazy.) This said wife of producer is also a cousin to the H. In my opinion the leads had amazing chemistry, the story is a bit far fetched but so are those of the billionaire pretty playboys,lol! The h cries in all episodes but it works since the emotions playing out need the tears. She has an amazing best friend (who has a moment of noble idiocy, and whose love line isn't the best but still works out in the end) a great manager (he's gay but not over the top nor is he just silly comedic relief.) If anyone wants to give it a shot, the drama is subbed, and lastly I am sorry if my summary isn't good I suck at these kinds of things. Hopefully you will give it a shot. It really was a different kind of lakorn. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on Apr 17, 2017, 8:42:39 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Thanks for the rec Lin Violet, I'll check it out. I also really liked "Strong Woman Do Bong Soon". Whatever flaws this drama had were totally overridden by the super cute H/h and their adorable romance. While the kidnapping brides storyline wasn't a favorite, I do think it's mystery element provided the tension/angst such that the H/h's romance itself could be mostly angst-free. Let's hope we will see more dramas like this in the future, especially since this show ended up being JTBC's all time highest rated original drama. I'm also looking forward to "My Secret Romance" which starts airing today. I was a little hesitant when I first saw that it's on OCN which is known more for it's crime dramas but I guess they are now branching out into rom/coms (which is always a good thing as you can't have too many rom/coms). Just hope Sung Hoon's romance is as good in this drama as it was in his last drama "Five Children". Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 17, 2017, 10:08:18 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Apr 17, 2017, 10:08:59 AM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Yes I am really looking forward to "My Secret Romance", I have seen some gifs/etc posted, and this drama looks like it will be hot/sensual and sweet/cute. I am not familiar with this actor, besides the fact that he was the goodlooking white haired deadly flute guy in "Faith", but I hope that MSR will be good. As for the channel not doing romance before this, I am glad they are branching out! The more romance drama options to checkout, the better. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Apr 17, 2017, 10:30:05 AM PDT

May says:

Lovely, the H in "my secret romance" was also the H in "noble, my love". It's a short rom com, sweet romance. He caught my eyes in "faith", but fell in love with him "noble, my love". You should check it out if you haven't already. Also, I noticed a lack of Thai drama recs lately. Is it a bad year for Thai drama? Thai drama still has the best strong/possessive H. I hope that didn't change. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 17, 2017, 6:36:02 PM PDT

[Deleted by the author on Apr 19, 2017, 6:31:46 AM PDT] Discussion locked

Posted on Apr 19, 2017, 11:28:40 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Apr 20, 2017, 6:58:20 AM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

I deleted my previous response, because I wanted to update it. I did checkout "Noble My Love" sometime in the past, as it was previously mentioned by someone on this thread (don't remember who, because it was a while back). Anyways I ended up dropping it, because I couldn't take the acting of both the H/h. However now that I've watched the first two eps of "My Secret Romance", I will say that the H's acting has improved and this heroine is not bad. I hope that the story-line will hold up till the end, it is off to a steamier start that most other kdramas. ETA: Reader123 SWDBS really put PHS on the map for me, before he had caught my attention briefly (he was the second male lead in that mediocre drama High Society, and I remember skimming through it just for his and the second female lead's parts). However in SWDBS he really stood out to me. He is the type who can comfortably be silly at the comedic parts without losing his manly/cool air. I guess this is why I compared him to LJS my favorite k-actor, because he has strong charisma, and he has that cool air no matter what he's doing. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 19, 2017, 1:08:15 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

D.M. I do agree that SWDBS has been PHS's best role so far. I also agree that his romance in "High Society" was the only thing watchable in that stinker of a drama (his romance in that drama is actually one of my favorite secondary romances). I actually don't really remember

much about his characters in either "Heirs" or "Nine" but I enjoyed his romance in "What Happens to This Family?" (but will admit that his romance in this drama lacked any intensity/addictiveness). I've started watching the 50 episode family drama "Father is Strange" from the writer of "Ojakgyo Brothers". So far, it's been a nice pleasant drama. Unfortunately, I don't think any of the romances will have that addictive/crack factor but I do like a couple of the actors in this drama and unless it goes crazy later on it's a low angst, easy drama to watch. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 21, 2017, 2:36:18 AM PDT

M says:

I have a question is there any Thai drama with OTT possessive hero that doesn't have an annoying OW? Or at least one where H pays 0 attention to her? I was trying to watch a few, but gave up on every single lakorn, because all of them included a prominent OW and hero given in to her whims, I cannot stomach this. Funnily enough I don't mind when OM is causing trouble, in fact if he causes more possessiveness in hero I probably would even enjoy it. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Apr 21, 2017, 7:32:54 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Apr 21, 2017, 7:45:30 AM PDT

May says:

M: I don't know of any recent ones, so I'm going to throw out some of my favorites that fits your taste: -"Roy Fun Tawan Duerd (2014)"- The OW caused some emotional upheaval for the h, but the H mainly ignored her. -The same actors were also in "Game Rai Game Rak (2011)". The OW is prominent here, but the ONLY reason the H gave in to the OW's whims was to get closer to the h or make her jealous. I'm a fan of the actor (Nadech) and actress (Yaya), their chemistry is explosive on screen, probably because they're dating (married?) in real life. -I know lots of users here recommended "Leh Nangfah (2014)" before, it's personally one of my favorite. The H was dating someone while he's falling (unintentionally) for the h. The OW here was pretty sweet actually, and the H tried his best not to hurt her. However, their interaction is pretty limited on screen, it's mostly about the h's growth and the H's growing feelings for the h. -"Leh Ratree (2015)" - the OM drove the H crazy, the OW plays a prominent role here, but the H hates her for hurting/lying to him in the beginning of the series. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on Apr 21, 2017, 10:10:47 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Apr 21, 2017, 11:31:03 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Hmmm - hard to think of a Thai drama with a OTT possessive H that doesn't feature a nasty OW.

A few more to add to May's list: Tarm Ruk Keun Jai didn't have a nasty OW, as the OW in this drama was interested in the h's father (and the H was jealous of the h's father, not realizing his relationship to the h). The drama does have some nasty side characters used mostly for comedy and I thought the H is a very nice guy, but not OTT possessive. Also the OW in Kiss Me wasn't too bad. Actually, when the OW showed up, I ended up being more annoyed with the H than with her (but the h did grow a back bone and made the H put forth some effort in order to get his HEA so that's a plus). It was the same in Full House - Thai - more annoyed with H than OW. The OW in I Wanna Be Sup'Tar/Wan Nueng Jaa Pben Superstar also wasn't too bad but again the H wasn't OTT. There are also some non-Thai dramas without annoying OW - a few off the top of my head: Healer lacked a OW and the H was also the OM or at least his alter ego was (I think a few times he was even jealous of himself). The OW in Save the Boss wanted to be nasty but just couldn't do it (she ended up with getting her own happy ending with the OM. And the OW in Queen In-Hyun's Man and Sungkyunkwan Scandal were both fairly nice. ETA: The Princess' Man also didn't have a OW - a very intense drama - smash up of Romeo and Juliet/Count of Monte Criso/King Richard III. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on Apr 21, 2017, 11:27:58 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Apr 21, 2017, 11:41:57 AM PDT

M says:

Thank you Taz-mania and May. I will definitely give them a try. I've started Game Rai Game Rak (2011) a while back, but even though I know it's the revenge H wanted I couldn't take him with OW, LOVED his obsession with h though! For whatever reason in many Kdramas and Jdramas when there are OW it often doesn't bother me as much, like Empress Ki for example, I wanted to rip Empress to shreds, but because Emperor didn't pay her any attention, she was just an annoyance to him, I could bear it. I have heard though of how crazily possessive Thai heroes are, so really want to watch something, but was afraid to invest time and then give up, so thank you guys :-) Roy Fun Tawan Duerd (2014) sounds very interesting, I think I'll start with it. Sorry taz-mania when you said Healer drama is it the one with Ji Chang-wook or Kill Me Heal Me with Ji Sung? I've heard of both, but haven't seen them yet. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 21, 2017, 7:51:45 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

M - Yes, Healer stars Ji Chang Wook. It's one of my all-time favorite romances and my favorite love triangle with Chae Young Shin (h)/Seo Jung Hoo (H)/Bong Soo (H's alter identity). And it's completely free of any OW. Kill Me, Heal Me stars Ji Sung. It does have an OW but at times it seemed like she and the H's cousin were in a different drama. They thought they were in a classic melodrama, while the H, h and OM were in a comedy/mystery/romance. Ji Sung and his 7 personalities was awesome. Looks like the Chinese are planning a remake of this drama called Seven of Me. Without Ji Sung not sure how good any remake can ever be. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on Apr 22, 2017, 12:41:07 AM PDT

Lin Violet says:

Hello again, I have one more lakorn I can suggest. This one stars James Ji and Kimmy Voltemas. It is entitled Buang Hong it is currently still airing, but will end on Monday with 12 episodes and yes it is also subbed up to all episodes aired. The male lead is possessive in a way that shows he cares and not over the top and annoying. Technically there is no OW in this drama the main villain is the female leads very young stepmother who makes the h's life miserable. The stepmother wants the H but from the moment he sees h he is totally lost to her, and he does not notice any other woman, even when stepmother tries to seduce him he denies her completely. I loved from the start that H finds his h so beautiful, and is completely loyal to his feelings. The main leads share these intense looks, the producer and director barely shows any skin ship between the leads, but he made it work. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 2 of 2 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on Apr 22, 2017, 3:29:18 PM PDT

M says:

Taz-mania: Oooh JCW is adorable! I was eyeing Healer because of him, but wasn't sure because the description seemed too generic, but will definitely watch it now! Thank you for clarifying :-) Lin Violet: The story sounds like Cinderella meets Marnie and the OW plot seems like the type that I wouldn't mind. Thank you. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on May 3, 2017, 10:37:24 AM PDT Last edited by the author on May 3, 2017, 11:57:40 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Includes Spoilers: I continue to enjoy the family drama "Father is Strange" which is odd as none of the 4 romances have that "crack" factor. However, I really like Lee Joon's character (Jung Hee) - so self-absorbed yet naĂŻve/innocent, just a poor sweet puppy. Really the best character in the drama. And for once a drama that features a wonderful mother and father team. I did appreciate that the mother was aware of the father's secret such that when his "other son" Jung Hee came to live with them she already knew that he was not really her husband's son with another woman. Just wish his new (not so real) siblings would quit being so mean to him. Same goes for grandma too.

I finished watching "Across the Ocean to See You". Overall, it was very much a characterdriven drama and while the lead H/h romance didn't have that crack factor, I did like both of these characters. The h was very strong-willed/competent while the H's ultimate goal in life was just to live a simple life with her (don't think anything she did ever caused him to change from this goal). The last 10 or so episodes did become a little makjang with the h developing a bad case of noble idiocy and the OW in a secondary romance doing everything in her power to separate the H/h in that pairing and force that H to marry her. I was very disappointed in the ending given to this secondary couple and the apparent brain/personality replacement given to the OW. ETA: But at least the lead couple was given a good sendoff to their HEA (but did think it very odd that the supposedly nine-month pregnant h was able to wear a formfitting wedding dress with no baby bump in sight). MV of the lead H/h https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7o2GfwgBBc I was happy to see that Princess Hours/Goong Thai has been picked up for subbing. I probably won't start watching until I'm sure that the remaining episodes will be subbed in a timely manner (unlike Memory Lost which seems stuck at episode 10). I'm several weeks behind on all of the other dramas that I'm very loosely following. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on May 10, 2017, 8:27:18 AM PDT Last edited by the author on May 10, 2017, 8:34:54 AM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Hey Reader123 you know JCW is in a new drama that starts today “Suspicious Partner”, I am looking forward to checking it out when the first ep gets posted subbed. I guess I will post again once I’ve watched the first two eps to state my first impressions. However I really like his styling in this drama (from the teasers I’ve seen), and I hope that it will be a good show. I will also checkout “Ruler Master of the Mask” which also starts today, but I don’t know I don’t feel in the mood for a historical, so I might put off watching it, but I feel that I should at least checkout the first two eps first – before deciding anything. I am also looking forward to checking out “Fight My Way/ Third Rate My Way” with PSJ, which starts in two weeks. I hope that this show will be good, especially because this one seems to be more slice-of-life/romance/friendship, so it will be tricky to keep it interesting for its run. I hope that the execution will be good, and that it will be an entertaining drama from beginning to end. I continue to enjoy “My Secret Romance”, and even though it’s just 7 eps in, I recommend it to those interested in pure romance dramas with some humor, and in a jealous/possessive hero. I thought ep 1 was a bit awkward (with the exception of the hot kissing scene), and eps 2 and 3 were just okay. However I began to really like this show starting with ep 4, eps 4 to 7 have been very good and sensual. This is a great “popcorn drama” for romance lovers. I am also following “Queen of Mystery” and I continue to enjoy this drama, the premise is unique but I feel like the execution and pacing is a bit off, but I continue to like this show (but so far there is no romance, just some romantic vibes). Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on May 10, 2017, 1:56:05 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

D.M. - Let's hope JCW's new drama is better than his last one, The K2. Besides Suspicious Partner, I'm not too sure which, if any, of the new dramas I'll actually watch while they're airing. I recently finished watching "Radiant Office". Overall, it was just an OK drama. For some reason I didn't connect with the H/h or any of the other characters in this drama. Also, the romance between the H/h really wasn't that strong or interesting. If the drama was trying to be another "Misaeng" (as it related to the 3 newbies in the workplace) I don't think it succeeded. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on May 10, 2017, 7:01:29 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Yes "The K2" wasn't a good drama, I couldn't even get past the first two eps of that drama. However I just watched the first ep of "Suspicious Partner", and this drama is off to a better than expected start. The episode was funny (sometimes morbidly so), and JCW looks dashing here (I think this is his best look in a drama so far). I am also getting familiar with this actress, she is good (I think she was the heroine in SKL which didn't interest me either). However I am interested in this drama so far! But I didn't expect it to take that dark turn it took in the end. I look forward to see how the H/h's characters will develop, and what direction the story will take. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on May 11, 2017, 8:56:02 AM PDT Last edited by the author on May 11, 2017, 9:01:09 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I agree that the first hour (episodes 1 & 2) of Suspicious Partner was good - great chemistry between the leads. I also liked the actress in What Happens to My Family where she was in a love triangle with Park Hyung Sik and Seo Kang Joon. I knew that "thriller" was included in Suspicious Partner's description but I didn't expect the ending that we got for episode 2 (I was expecting it to be tied in with the train pervert). I wonder why they decided to make each episode only 30 minutes long but then show 2 episodes back to back. I haven't seen this since Soulmate but in that drama it was because each episode switched from "her viewpoint" to "his viewpoint" but not sure why they are doing it for Suspicious Partner. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on May 11, 2017, 11:35:38 AM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Yes I mean I knew that thriller would be one of this drama's genres, I just didn't expect it to kick in so quickly and morbidly. As for the episode cuts, I read on DB that this is the new trend now with dramas, where channels are cutting each 1hour episode into 2 consecutive 1/2 hour epis, in order to show more advertisements in between. So now the count is 4 epis a week instead of 2, but it is actually still 2epis a week. I know it makes the flow of the epis feel a bit odd. Now I wonder if I should say I watched epis 1 and 2 for ep 1? Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on May 12, 2017, 8:52:07 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I've now watched the first 7 episodes of "My Secret Romance" and agree with D.M. that it's a great rom/com. Too bad that it's only 12 episodes long (or is that good news? Less time for the drama to get draggy, less time for noble idiocy, less time for nasty second leads!). Perhaps the reduced number of episodes is also why not a lot of time is devoted to the secondary storylines - which is a real plus. I am expecting there to be a misunderstanding regarding the h's 3-year old brother. When he first appeared I wondered if he might end up being the h's son from her ONS with the H, but given her almost complete indifference to the child I do believe he is truly her little brother (or given her attitude towards him, I hope so). I think Sung Hoon should stick to rom/com type roles, as I really like him in MSR and also really liked his romances in both "Five Children" and "Noble, My Love". Unfortunately, I didn't like his drama "Passionate Love" as it was an extremely bad drama and despite Sung Hoon being the lead H, I was rooting for the OM the whole way - and lucky for me this did end up being one of those rare dramas were the lead h does end up with the OM. I watched the final few episodes of "Father, I'll Take Care of You" just to see how it wrapped up. I had dropped this drama at around episode 20 or so when it became completely clear that this drama wasn't going anywhere even remotely interesting and that none of the romances were worth watching. As expected the drama ended on the typical kumbaya moments where every evil is forgiven and everyone is just one big happy family. Overall, this is not a drama that I would recommend to anyone as the lead romance is just plain bad and even the secondary romance between Sung Joon/Dong Hee isn't worth fast-forwarding through. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on May 12, 2017, 12:07:50 PM PDT Last edited by the author on May 12, 2017, 12:10:06 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

I thought that MSR would be 13 eps long not 12? Anyways I like the tight pacing, because it is so cute so far. Also I think that the kid will be used to created a funny misunderstanding on the H's part, in keeping with this drama's theme of the sweet/innocent/cute heroine driving the hero crazy without even realizing it. ETA: I watched ep 2 (or should I say eps 3 and 4?) of "Suspicious Partner", and I liked this ep more than ep 1. I hope that this show will continue to get better with every episode, with its offbeat romance/thriller theme and sometimes-light-humor/sometimes-morbid-humor. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on May 12, 2017, 2:27:16 PM PDT Last edited by the author on May 12, 2017, 9:23:41 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

MDL shows My Secret Romance as 12 episodes, with the last episode airing on May 29. But I'm all for 13 episodes! I've started watching another Chinese drama, a rom/com called "Fox Fall in Love"/"The Fox's Summer". So far, only 9 of it's 44 episodes have been subbed. The H (despite this being a Cdrama) is the classic K-drama type H - cold, prickly, OCD "chaebol". I even like the h, although some may dislike her "fake" bubbly personality. While this drama will never be a favorite, so far, it's been a easy non-angsty drama to watch.

MV of Fox Fall in Love https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDOsWXd-waI ETA: Still need to watch the latest episode of Suspicious Partner - glad to heard it's even better than the first hour. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on May 12, 2017, 6:50:50 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Well whatever the actual episode count, let's just hope that it will be good till the end! I checked out the first two eps (or should I say 4 in keeping with the new count?) of "Ruler Master of the Mask", and I still can't finish ep 2. I like YSH, I think he has a beautiful gaze and I want to see him in a good drama, however I don't think this will be it. I find this drama too makjang in premise, and the execution feels sort of juvenile. I guess I have to wait for YSH's next drama, and hopefully it will be a modern one with romance and suspense, or romance and comedy (whichever, as long as it is a good drama). So for now, the kdramas I'm following are: "Suspicious Partner", "My Secret Romance", and "Queen of Mystery" (though I'm behind on this, but I plan to catch up) Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on May 23, 2017, 9:48:48 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I continue to really enjoy both "Suspicious Partner" and "My Secret Romance". I also recently caught up on the 10 episodes that have aired of "Man To Man" with Park Hae Jin as a top secret NIS agent. The humor is very droll and Park Hae Jin character is extremely deadpan. Unfortunately, the plot isn't overly complex and the romance lacks that crack factor. I also continue to follow "Father is Strange" (while I'm not hooked on any of the romances in this drama, it's a low-angst family drama with generally likable characters) and "Fox Fall in Love". I'm disappointed that no new episodes of Memory Lost have been subbed in well over a month. Makes you wonder if the subber has dropped subbing this drama. I also recently rewatched portions of Another Miss Oh/Oh Hae Young Again (primarily the H/h scenes) and found it as good the second time as I did the first. Overall, I would continue to rate this drama a 9 out of 10. Also, for those looking for a drama without a nasty OW/second female lead, you might check out this drama as the OW was never overtly unkind or nasty to the h (she just never stopped others from being unkind to the h). For the most part I found the OW to be somewhat of a sad figure that I felt sorry for. And it helped that the H never really gave her the time of day once she came back. The drama did feature great scenes where both the H and h told off their exs (OW and OM) as to why they would never be taken back.

Posted on May 23, 2017, 10:06:06 AM PDT Last edited by the author on May 23, 2017, 10:40:19 AM PDT

Irene says:

I'm glad you posted. I want to say that I'm also really having fun with My Secret Romance and just loving Suspicious Partner- he is just so darn adorable especially in glasses. I stopped watching Memory Lost cause I got caught up in other things but plan on continuing watching it without the subs. I think they need help in the subbing dept and while I can help in English - I can provide no help on Chinese :0) Or maybe the person subbing didn't like the direction of he story and stopped watching. Saw a really cute clip of Oh My Venus online recently and became intrigued - is this good? Also, has anyone been watching Ode to Joy 2? I'm intrigued because of I would like to watch the romance between the main leads of When a Snail Falls in Love but I'm not sure if its good or not :) Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on May 23, 2017, 11:42:26 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I liked Oh My Venus. Shin Min Ah & So Ji Sub were a cute couple with great chemistry and if I remember correctly they dealt with her weight issues somewhat realistically without a lot of fat shaming (which is a plus). Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on May 24, 2017, 9:49:22 PM PDT

cbela says:

Hi all!:) I'm watching "Third-Rate My Way". I am really liking the storyline and the cast. They are all funny, sentimentally, and crazy. I'm liking Park Seo Joon and Kim Ji Won together. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on May 31, 2017, 8:55:02 PM PDT

Irene says:

Hello Everyone! Finished Queen of Mystery - really enjoyed it. It kind of reminded of the Monk show - in tone and was just light fun. Feels like they left some things open ended for a 2nd season. Still watching Suspicious Partner and totally crushing on Ji Chang Wook-again. I'm really enjoying the mystery and the new twist that was just revealed in episode 13-14. The two leads have great chemistry (imo) and I'm pins and needles as they get closer and then not :) I'm also enjoying the humor with the other lawyers on his team - it's quite the balance from murder mystery to comedy to romance. Also jumped in and started watching Ode to Joy 2 - had not watched the 1st season but I was just so curious to see the 2 leads from When A Snail FAlls in Love that I just jumped into episode 9 Season 2 and was so hooked went back to episode 1 Season 2 and watched until I was caught up with the on air schedule. This show is definitely about the romance that the girls have but also their relationship to each other and how they rely on each other - yes, it's pretty much like Sex In The City but

without any sex (that we can see:). Its 3 girls in their early twenties and 2 girls in their 30s and how they are navigating life and love. Yes, it sounds clichĂŠ but I'm really enjoying these female characters and the pacing is slow but you really get a feel for how real life gradually evolves. There was a point where I did want to shake a character out of her obsessive heart break because it seemed like it was dragging too long but it's finally turned around and I guess there is a life lesson to be learned from her heartbreak. Happy Drama Watching Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jun 6, 2017, 9:52:22 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Jun 6, 2017, 2:13:55 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I'm also really enjoying Suspicious Partner and agree that the H/h have great chemistry. I also continue to enjoy Father is Strange where all of the various romances have now kicked in. Poor puppy Ahn Jung Hee has just realized that he's in love with his "sister". So far the drama hasn't dragged out any of it's storylines so I'm hoping that the father confesses fairly soon that Jung Hee isn't really his son. I also finished watching My Secret Romance. Overall, a fluffy drama that didn't have much in the way of in depth storyline. Unfortunately, the last several episodes just seemed to repeated the same plot points with lots of flashbacks. Which is kinda surprising as the drama was already at a shortened length. Perhaps only 10 episodes would have made for a better drama. On the plus side there were lots of kiss scenes in this drama. I've also started watching the drama remake of My Sassy Girl (which unlike the movie is a sageuk). So far, H/h interactions seem a little on the slap-stick side. Will be interesting to see how much of the movie storyline is incorporated into the drama as it doesn't appear that the h's drunken antics are due to the death of her boyfriend like in the movie but instead due to the dethronement/murder of her mother. ETA: After watching rest of the episodes that have aired, I now think that the drama may end up being like the movie where the h's drunken antics are due to the loss of a boyfriend (or whoever gave the h the ring that she lost). Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jun 14, 2017, 1:12:33 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Jun 16, 2017, 9:45:52 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Is it just me or did Amazon make some additional user "unfriendly" changes to Customer Discussions? Seems like they really want us to quit using these forums or at least make them as difficult as possible to use. I've started watching the C-drama Princess Agents (based on the novel 11 Chu Te Gong Huang Fei By Xiao Xiang Dong Er) which so far I'm really liking. Similar to Eternal Love and General and I, this drama features a very strong smart h, now I'm just hoping that the romance is as good as in those dramas. A portion of the novel is translated on wattpad. I guess to pass the Chinese censorship they have eliminated the time-travel elements that were in the novel. Surprisingly, my first guess regarding the ring in My Sassy Girl ended up being the correct one, it was her mother's ring. It appears they are going to deviate for the movie and the h

drunken antics are due to losing her mother and not a boyfriend. This drama seems more like a rom/com in costume instead of a sageuk. I also have started watching the Thai remake of Princess Hours. Unfortunately, this remake doesn't reflect the magic that they were able to perform on the Thai Full House and Kiss Me/Itazura na Kiss remakes. I dislike the H and am not overly fond of the h or the OM. I am continuing to enjoy Father Is Strange and am looking forward to this week's episodes of Suspicious Partner. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jun 16, 2017, 9:44:00 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Jun 16, 2017, 11:02:13 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

While checking for new subbed episodes of "Princess Agents", I saw that the final episode of "I Love My President Though He Is A Psycho" has been subbed. With such a crazy title and storyline, I thought this drama deserved to be checked out. So far I'm at episode 5 of the 10 episode drama and the H is as OTT possessive/jealous/crazy as expected. While the production values, acting and plotlines are not the best (and that is truly an understatement) the H/h crazy storyline is at least holding my interest. I'm hoping that since this drama is only 10 episodes long the OW storyline that another commenter indicated had ruined the novel will not be a significant storyline in this drama. On a positive note, as of episode 5, the OW from the novel hasn't even made an appearance into the drama (ETA: she shows up at very end of episode 5). MV of H/h https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rji8LfGBneQ Kinda disappointed with the h's treatment of the H at the end of Wednesday's episode of Suspicious Partner (guess the h is toying with noble idiocy). Haven't watched yesterday's episode to see if it continues to drag out. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jun 16, 2017, 11:34:41 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Jun 16, 2017, 11:37:08 AM PDT

jak says:

Princess Hours Thai, have to agree with you Taz. Not comparable to the original. I like both actors, could see them in another drama, but I just think the directing isn't very good, the editing is choppy and the kisses (which mostly seem fake) aren't enough to counteract these negatives by far. I'll watch to the end though, but really think they needed to spend more time developing story and shooting it. Overall, this version sticks very close to the original, just reorganizing events, and I think that's not a good thing. They could have really put in rich details from Thailand's own royalty. Overall, it'll be the worst kdrama remake from Ananda's team by far. It seems done on the cheap and shallow and with a total lack of attention to the details, the teddy bears for example, that kdrama had. Let's hope his Secret Garden remake will reverse things. I watched I Love My President Though He Is A Psycho - ep 1 of it. Again, agree with you Taz, but I might watch it anyway since it's 10 episodes.

I've been binging on Kluen Cleevit and enjoying it. It's by the same director who did a number of other lakorns like GRGR, he's a very solid director and I'm enjoying it on a number of different points, the acting by Yaya and Mark, the entertaining plot, the mad chemistry between the pair. On ep 10 and so far it's definitely a winning remake. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jun 16, 2017, 8:03:54 PM PDT

Lin Violet says:

KC was amazing, I loved it from start to finish (with some few infuriating moments in the later episodes, but they still had me stuck to my phone and tablet). Mark and Yaya were so good in the lakorn and I hope that they get another lakorn together! Their onscreen chemistry was crazy good. Nearly all play a crucial part in G's life and episode 12 was just the best in terms of emotions, everyone and everything in that episode made me cheer. The only character who I still didn't like in the end was Piak. I haven't really seen Princess Hours, but my niece is watching it with her mom and both saw the original during spring break. They are disappointed with leads, the villains who according to my niece take too much precious time planning nothing, and then the second lead who comes off as constipated (my sister in law said this) and the ex who instead of fighting for her love instead manipulates him into feeling pity for her. , because she wants her second dream and nothing can stop her. I did see a snipet of the scene after reporters caught them kissing, and it made no sense for her to think it would have no repercussion what she and the prince did. Her crying scene just didn't seem real. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jun 17, 2017, 7:49:04 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Jun 17, 2017, 7:50:22 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Just read that two of Mo Bao Fei Bao novels ("Stewed Squid with Honey" and "One Life, One Incarnation: Beautiful Bones") will be made into c-dramas. I've read translated copies and really liked both of these novels. Mo Bao Fei Bao will be the screenwriter for Stewed Squid with Honey and the production company for One Life, One Incarnation is the same one that produced the adaptations of My Sunshine, Love O2O, Eternal Love aka Three Lives, Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms. While it might be years before either of these novels actual make it to the television screen, this is still good news. Now if Gu Man would just finish writing Book 2 of Blazing Sunshine so that we can see an adaption of that novel. https://hui3r.wordpress.com/2017/06/15/update-drama-adaptations-of-mo-bao-fei-baonovels/ Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on Jun 17, 2017, 10:24:26 PM PDT

cbela says:

I am watching "Seven Days Queen" and am loving it and all 3 main characters. The OST is awesome, too. :) Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Jun 18, 2017, 1:01:42 PM PDT

AnitaLotti says:

Wow - I am looking forward to that as I have read both translations too. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on Jul 2, 2017, 1:04:12 AM PDT

jak says:

I finished I Love My President Though He's A Psycho (2017) and Kluen Cleevit (2017), which was a blast from beg to end. KC had massive amounts of chemistry between leads, and well directed, though it could have been shorter as some plots just looped around instead of moving forward. As for ILMTHAP, it was pretty mediocre, acting and storywise, and even though I just watched it, I have to drag details from my mind. The editing was wonky as well. Actually, the same problem plagued Princess Hours Thai, bad editing. That and bad fake kisses really was a letdown. They could have done so much more with Princess Hours Thai, maybe give us a glimpse of the modern day royalty in Thailand, but maybe they were constrained by budget, time etc. Too bad. I'm looking forward to Thai's version of Fated to Love You coming in August? I think. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jul 2, 2017, 3:01:07 PM PDT

Jennifer L. Rinehart says:

Where did you watch princess hours thai? I cant find a subbef version. I wonder who they will cast for Fated. I didn't care for the K version. I cannot wait to watch the The bride of hobak. I just hope this manhwa adaptation is better than Cheese in the Trap Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jul 2, 2017, 8:23:34 PM PDT

Irene says:

Been watching Suspicious Partner but had to put it on hold for the last 2 weeks as the drama seemed like it was going to separate the lovers again when they just got together. I am really enjoying it but am having problems with the stops and starts. I will pick up again. Because of my pause with Suspicious Partner I finally jumped on the Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms and have fallen in love with it. For me it has that crack factor that Taz has mentioned before and I've been binging on it for the last week. I'm on episode 36 and am afraid of it ending :( The story is just so well done - the only warning is that the computer graphics look cartoonish but its something I think we can deal with given the amazing story. I also started reading the translated version of the novel which was told in flashing back and forward - the drama actually does an excellent job of piecing it together and telling the story in a straight moving line. I actually found it on Amazon Kindle version - To The Sky Kingdom. I'm very afraid that now that I've watched it I might spend a lot of time watching the Movie version comparing the two like I did with Love O2O. I finally reconciled myself to loving the

Love O2O drama and liking the movie. With regards to TMPB I've just read that the story has trimmed some of the plot from the novel so i'm hopeful it was in consideration of the limited time and story. We'll see. They released a new trailer for the TMPB movie - Once Upon a Time. Here's link for the site I saw it in - it's unfortunately not translated but if you watched the drama you probably know what's going on in the scene. https://www.avirtualvoyage.net/2017/07/angsty-screams-and-some-lip-action-for-once-upona-time-second-trailer.html Really excited about the new drama starting on Monday! The Bride of Hobak mentioned above - hoping its going be as great as the other modern/otherworld dramas that have recently come out like Goblin and Legend of the Blue Sea Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jul 6, 2017, 8:44:39 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Jul 6, 2017, 9:43:06 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Jennifer - for a subbed version of Princess Hours Thai try fast drama dot co. Kiss asian dot com and on drama cool dot com also have subs through episode 18. I thought that the Bride of the Water God/Bride of Habaek was off to a promising start. I haven't read the manhwa so I don't know how close the storylines of the drama follows the manhwa but I did enjoy the H's fish out of water antics in the drama. Unfortunately, I'm weeks behind in watching any of the other dramas that I'm loosely following but I did start reading a good Mo Bao Fei Bao novel (My Darling) that's in process of being translated (it's a short novel with only one chapter still to be translated). Overall, I think the novel would make a good drama as it features one of my favorite tropes of "H falls in love first". This has also been a good year for this trope in dramas as it's been featured in several, including General and I, Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms/Eternal Love, Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-ju, Strong Woman Do Bong-soon and Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim. On the gossip front, I just read that Song Joong Ki and Song Hye Kyo (Descendants of the Sun co-stars) are getting married at the end of October. Also, Lee Sang Woo recently married his Happy Home co-star Kim So Yeon while Joo Sang Wook married his Glamorous Temptation co-star Cha Ye Ryun. Guess it's been a good year for RL drama romance. ETA: I had forgotten about the movie version of TMPB, am looking forward to it's release. I do agree that the TMPB drama did an excellent job in telling the story in a linear fashion. My only complaint is that for a period of time I thought that the H was Mo Yuan and was even initially confused in thinking that perhaps Mo Yuan's spirit resided in Ye Hua (given the timing of his birth) and that after some deus ex machina the h would end up with Mo Yuan. After watching the drama, I also read the kindle version of the translated novel. While I liked the drama much better than the novel, I did think that it was always very clear in the novel that the H was Ye Hua. I'm also looking forward to the Thai remake of Fated to Love You (You're My Destiny). Looks like it's stars are Esther and Bie. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jul 7, 2017, 10:39:57 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

The final 2 episodes (episodes 11 and 12) of Memory Lost Season 1 have been subbed. I hope the subber still plans on subbing Seasons 2 and 3 of the drama. On a positive note, a substantial portion of the novel on which the drama is based has been translated into English (through Chapter 57) with new translations added weekly. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jul 7, 2017, 11:26:44 AM PDT

Irene says:

I was in the same boat about thinking Mo Yua mad Ye Hua were the same person and then I kept thinking - what are they going to do about the body? I eventually reconciled that they were 2 different people once other people started saying they believed he was coming back. I looked at some behind the scenes of the show and was pleasantly surprised to discover that it was directed by a female director and wondered if that may have been a reason why my heartstrings were pulled so strongly for some of those key moments and Ye Hua's desperation with trying to get to Bai Qian emotionally after the Su Su incident. I haven't finished the novel yet but it's close. Do you know if the novel includes more of the niece and Dong Hua? I'm asking because I know that there is a follow up novel(Pillow Book) those 2 as te lead and wondered if the director expanded their story in the drama to encompass that piece because it doesn't seem like the current novel has some of the detail that shows up in the drama. Never had a chance to finish Memory Lost but now that I know the novel translation is almost done, I can pick that up and go back to the drama after. Thank you for the update on that. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jul 7, 2017, 12:35:09 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I think that the novel actually includes a lot less of the niece and Dong Hua than the drama (especially since the novel is written in first person, so you only get the h's view point). Given the extraordinary success of TMPB, I'm hoping that they buy the rights and turn the Pillow Book into a drama (and the author is also suppose to be writing Mo Yuan's story which hopefully at some point also gets made into a drama). I did start reading the Pillow Book a few months back but never finished it. The Pillow Book picks up where TMPB ends. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jul 9, 2017, 4:03:42 PM PDT

shabby says:

Hi, I'm relatively new to the Kdrama party and loving every minute of it. I'm looking for Kdrama recommendations where the H is in love with/falls in love with another woman, while the h is in love with the H all along. No cheating, more like unrequited love on the part of the h. Happy endings are a must, when all comes right and the Male lead falls for the female lead by the end. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jul 9, 2017, 5:25:11 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

I suggest "Goong" and "Full House", though I don't like either drama but they would be right up your alley! Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Jul 10, 2017, 7:40:55 AM PDT

Rhinda says:

Shabby- HEALER is the absolute Best, Secret Garden, A Gentleman's Dignity (this last onemany people hated, but I loved it's tongue-in-cheek-ness. It is truly a male version of Sex in the City, down to the sax music at the start of the episodes. I thought it was great fun). I also loved Personal Taste (or Personal Preference). There is also the ever-popular Boys Over Flowers, which is really terrible, but addicting! Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jul 10, 2017, 9:31:21 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Jul 10, 2017, 4:19:52 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Shabby - as it relates to the trope "h falls in love first" (which I will admit is one of my least favorite drama tropes) a few additional dramas that feature some but not all of the elements that you are looking for: - Itazura na Kiss - this drama has a slew of remakes under various titles. My favorite version of this drama is the Thai version "Kiss Me" as the h isn't as much of a door-mat as in the other versions and actually makes the H work for his HEA. The classic version is the Taiwanese version (It Started With a Kiss) which is closer to what you are looking for. While I don't think that the H ever really loved anyone but the h, in most versions of this drama he does date/get engaged to the OW creating a lot of angst for the h. - Lovers in Prague - while I wasn't a fan of this drama it does have a the trope you are looking for - H loves OW, while h loves H. - Nodame Cantabile - the Japanese version is the classic. h falls in love with H at first sight but you have to watch the movies/specials to get their HEA. I personally preferred the Korean version (Cantabile Tomorrow). Similar to some of the others on this list, this drama doesn't really have a H that's in love with an OW. - My Girlfriend is a Gumiho - This is a very good drama that does have some of the elements of what you're looking for. H does start out in love with OW. - Fated to Love You - there is both a Taiwanese version and a Korean version of this drama. I think the Taiwanese version may be closer to what you may be looking for as the H in this version puts the OW first over the h for the longest time. - Stars Falling From the Sky - this has the trope of h falling immediately in love with H and it takes him awhile before he falls for her. - Hana Kimi - again various versions of this drama. The Japanese is the classic version, but I preferred the Korean version (To The Beautiful You). It has the trope of h falling for H first

but really doesn't have an OW. (ETA: this is also a cross-dresser drama where the h pretends to be male in order to attend same school as H.) Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jul 10, 2017, 7:33:36 PM PDT

Romance Lover says:

omg is no one watch The Best Hit???? That drama is all kinds of amazing Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jul 11, 2017, 6:49:28 AM PDT

shabby says:

Thanks for the suggestions, I haven't watched any of them so this list will keep me going for a bit. :)

Posted on Jul 14, 2017, 9:31:33 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Jul 14, 2017, 10:14:05 AM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

I'm watching: "Bride of Habaek" and enjoying it so far. The fantasy element is like Greek mythology, mixed in with romance and a streak of suspense. This drama has a lot of potential, and it is getting better with every episode. So I hope it keeps it up! I am catching up on "Suspicious Partner" and liking it so far. I like most of the characters, and I like the suspense, the romance, and the noble idiocy is not really bothering me. I'm at ep 30 now. As for "Fight My Way" I decided to catch up on this as well, however I got stuck on ep 10 and I can't seem to get myself interested to watch more. I will keep this on hold, until I am in the mood to finish it. This drama could've been a lot better because it has some really sweet H/h scenes, but aside from the H/h scenes I like, the story feels disjointed and not really interesting. I am looking forward to "While You Were Sleeping", "Will You Have Dinner With Me" (hopefully the casting will be good for this), and "20th Century Boy and Girl". ETA: also "Temperature of Love" (hopefully the casting for this will be good as well) Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jul 18, 2017, 9:41:19 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I'm also enjoying the Bride of Habaek/Water God but my current favorite drama is Father is Strange. While I'm not finding any of the romances in this drama at the crack level, there is just something about the drama that makes it so enjoyable to watch. I especially enjoy Actor Joong Hee and his journey. I finished watching Suspicious Partner. Unfortunately, it never turned into a crack drama for me. Even the fan service that was the final episode didn't make up for the draggy second half.

I'm still several weeks behind on the other currently airing dramas that I'm following and will try to catch up on them before starting any other new dramas. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jul 18, 2017, 1:08:52 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Yes "Suspicious Partner" is not the type of show that is addicting, it's just an average/nice romantic drama/comedy/suspense. It is one of the better dramas around, but nothing outstanding. For me there are 1st tier dramas and 2nd tier dramas, both of which are dramas I like. This one would be in the 2nd tier drama level IMO, it is good but it lacks that addictive quality. As for "FMY", I dropped it. I simply can't finish it, it is too boring for me. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jul 19, 2017, 12:57:08 AM PDT

jak says:

I'm watching The Bride of Habaek/Water God as well and enjoy it too. I've started several kdramas this year, like Man to Man, but haven't found any I wanted to finish. Any suggestions? I have finished a jdorama, Nigeru wa Haji da ga Yaku ni Tatsu, in which a girl gets married as a job. I liked it, but the main couple was cute, but it didn't really leave any lasting impact. I'm also watching Eternal Love/Ten Miles of Peach Blossom and finding it has the same problem as BBJX had for me. The hero. It's beautiful and I like the h, although I wished the story focused more Shadow Princess, who's the only other interesting female in drama to me. The others, beside heroine, are just pining for love or villains who would do anything for love. Not interesting. Anyway. Back to BBJX and the hero. Spoiler ahead. Spoiler: I hated how the H did that to her, like he's powerless to stop it. Really?! I don't really buy that and I thought he took what he did to her very lightly. Maybe because to him, it wasn't a big deal, since he's immortal, but it was a big deal to her. And H like H in BBJX both make it up to h later, but to me it feels as if they sacrificed the h just to keep the status quo or even to increase their power. They weren't willing to stand up when it counted, so it's doubtful he'll redeem himself in my eyes. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jul 19, 2017, 12:58:22 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

For me, the kdramas I have liked for the year 2017, so far, are: Strong Woman Do Bong Soon Tomorrow With You Suspicious Partner Bride of Habaek (so far)

So if you haven't watched any of these (I know you're watching BOH), I say give the rest a try and who knows you might like them :) Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jul 20, 2017, 2:47:49 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Jul 20, 2017, 2:48:35 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I just finished watching the drama My Sassy Girl, which was touted as being based on the classic movie of the same name. Unfortunately, given the changes that they made to the storyline (and the time period as the drama is a sageuk) the drama bore little resemblance to the movie and the h's antics were never as crazy (the movie is about a grief stricken h and a H who gets caught up in her craziness). Other than trying to get a built in audience of the movie's fans, given the changes I'm not sure why they even bothered to use the same title. Overall, I thought the drama was just ok. Not one I will probably ever be interested in rewatching. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Jul 20, 2017, 5:57:27 PM PDT

jak says:

Thank you for the recs Lovely D.M. I'm going to try some of them. I've just started watching when a snail falls in love and enjoying it so far. It's supposed to be a lowkey romance, barely there, I don't mind that because I like the main couple and surrounding cast is growing on me as well. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jul 21, 2017, 2:26:16 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

The entire second season (episodes 13 - 24) of Memory Lost has now been subbed. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Jul 21, 2017, 2:30:44 PM PDT

Lauren says:

Taz Where are you watching the subbed episodes for Memory Lost? Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jul 21, 2017, 7:36:07 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Lauren - 4 U drama dot com Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jul 22, 2017, 11:54:03 AM PDT

Irene says:

Finished watching Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms and still loved it. Could not get back into the middle section of Suspicious Partner - just jumped back in at episode 38-40. I stopped somewhere after episode mid 20s because I knew that once he saw the picture frame the on again off again relationship would start. Binged on Oh My Venus and really liked it. Currently watching Moonlight Drawn by Clouds and am really enjoying it - it's a light drama so far. Not sure if I mentioned that I finished Ode to Joy 2 and loved it - while some of the females got on my nerves for their decisions, I was able to reason it out because of their age and lack of emotional maturity or in one case because of her age and her history with men and money. Happy to see that Dramafever added Ode To Joy season 1 to their roster AND Love Me if You Dare. Very happy to hear about Memory Lost and Season 2 - now something else to watch. Watching Bride of Habeak and I'm kind of enjoying it but have to say that I'm not a fan of the heroine - maybe its the situations the writers keep putting her in but i'm having a hard time with her acting. Still watching to see where it leads me though. Which drama is BBJX? Are there any upcoming summer dramas that you are looking forward to? Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jul 22, 2017, 8:48:27 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Jul 22, 2017, 9:10:23 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

BBJX is the Chinese drama Bu Bu Jing Xin / Scarlet Heart. The Korean version of this drama was Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo. ETA: I had been looking forward to Wallace Chung's drama Memories of Love (AKA Flowers Shall Send Us On Our Way) which at one time had an expected airing date of June 25. Unfortunately, that didn't happen and the drama is no longer even showing a 2017 airing date. I'll probably check out "While You Were Sleeping" but will admit that I was disappointed that Suzy was given the lead role as she just isn't that good of an actress. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jul 24, 2017, 6:50:41 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Jul 24, 2017, 6:52:16 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I continue to really enjoy "Father Is Strange" and thought that this week's episodes were very good. While my favorite character has always been "Actor Ahn," this week was the first time I became fully invested in his romance with "Mi Young". Overall, their romance has been very slow simmering but has finally fully kicked (Mi Young's various confessions this week were great). I'm also happy that for them at least the whole sibling issue has been for the most part resolved. Given how much I have liked this drama, I did look up the writer to see if she had other dramas. It turns out that this writer is the one who also wrote Ojakgyo Brothers, one of my all-time favorite family dramas. While Father is Strange probably won't surpass Ojakgyo Brothers as my favorite drama from this writer (the Joo Won/Uee romance in Ojakgyo Bros was just so good), this may end up being one of the better family dramas that I've watched in several years.

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Posted on Jul 31, 2017, 6:24:15 PM PDT

Rashell Anderson says:

I'm watching a couple of new dramas. First is the latest School drama School 2017. Really liking it so far. It does have the usual depiction of Korean school as the worst place ever, but the h is the plucky, not going to get beaten down, type. The H is the typical kdrama bad boy with the hard outside and the soft mushy heart inside. The OM is actual the one character that may deviate from the formula a bit. He seems like a perfect guy on the outside, but he seems to have some hidden bad boy depths. And the reveal of the backstory that links the three is quite good. I don't think we're breaking any new ground with this one, but it's hitting those drama notes that work for me. And I'm crushing on the actor playing the H. I haven't seen him before, but he's really nailing this character so far. I also started a Chinese historical drama called Eternal Love. It's kind of a time travel drama with a twist. The h is in love with one prince, but engaged to another prince. She tries to kill herself when she realizes that she won't be able to be with her love, and somehow a girl from the future gets trapped in her body. They actually share the body, swapping back and forth between the very demure h and the very outspoken h from the future. h #2 falls for prince #2, and he for her. But there are still times when h #1 is in control and she still loves prince #1. Anyway, it's a good drama so far, and the actress playing the h is great. It's amazing how you can tell immediately who is in the body. It's only 12 eps in, so it has plenty of time to go bad, but so far I really like it. I'm all about h#2 and prince #2. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on Jul 31, 2017, 8:30:44 PM PDT

Romance Lover says:

@ Rashell Really loving School 2017 too! and the H omg i've fallen in love with this actor as well...the h and H fit so perfectly, my fave drama right now Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Aug 6, 2017, 2:50:24 PM PDT

Irene says:

Still watching Bride of the Water God and still only liking it but not loving it. Has anyone started watching Lost Love in Times? It's only 8 episodes in but is it any good so far? I'm super excited that next week 8/11/17 is the opening for Once Upon a Time, movie remake of the drama- Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms / adaptation of the novel To the Sky Kingdom. A site I often go to for C-Drama news posted a video of Yang Yang and Liu Yi Fei dancing to a rap song as they promote the movie and they were awesome! The site also had a link at the bottom that shows you what cities and what theatres will have the movie. You should check it out if you are interested in seeing the movie in 3D. Also, it also might not be in theatres for a long time. Many of you already know of the site but for those who don't, here's a link. https://www.avirtualvoyage.net/2017/08/yang-yang-and-liu-yi-fei-promote-once-upon-atime-with-hip-hop-dance-routine.html

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Posted on Aug 7, 2017, 3:02:52 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Aug 7, 2017, 5:46:38 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

I'm enjoying "Bride of Habaek", and this caused me to checkout "Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo". I had avoided the show because the weightlifting theme looked ridiculous, however I am so glad that I checked out this show and stuck with it. The weightlifting stuff is just a backdrop (thankfully), so it doesn't matter if it is believable or not, and can be easily overlooked. What this drama is, is a lovely coming-of-age/slice-of-life drama done well, with a romantic plot that made me feel all giddy inside, and cute friendships displayed, and a beautifully emotional OST that made me feel nostalgic. So I recommend this drama, it is now my favorite slice-of-life drama with Age of Youth coming in second. This drama excels in humor, romance, friendship, character moments, and moving moments - so the weightlifting aspect being contrived becomes moot. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Aug 8, 2017, 12:40:59 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-I3Kq3qoO14 Eng subbed version of Once Upon A Time (movie version of Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms). Not sure how long it will remain on YT. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Aug 8, 2017, 12:51:36 PM PDT

Irene says:

Taz - Thank you! I'm still planning on going to see it but i've been chomping at the bit to see it. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Aug 8, 2017, 1:22:01 PM PDT

1ladydevil says:

I'm having the worst luck with dramas. Watched 10 episodes of Snail Falls in Love, dropped it from frustration over lack of romance, watched 3 episodes of Behind Your Smile, dropped it over boredom, and watched 1 episode of Ten Miles of Peach Blossom, dropped it bc it was so silly and OTT. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Aug 8, 2017, 1:24:13 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Aug 8, 2017, 1:34:03 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Irene - Unfortunately, the subs are of very poor quality and at times are impossible to read (they should have picked a different color) but overall, no problems following the story (but then I did watch the drama and read the translated novel).

1ladydevil - I also originally dropped Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms after the first episode but thankfully I gave it a second chance as it does become very good, especially after the H/h finally meet (around episode 10 or so). You might consider skipping the earlier episodes and give it another try. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Aug 8, 2017, 2:14:27 PM PDT

Irene says:

Taz - thanks. I' knew going into watching it that it would probably be a bad recording but i can't help it. having watched the drama, i can also follow along. 1ldadydevil - i will second that recommendation of Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms - it so good. A couple of other romance dramas that have been recommended that I've liked - My Sunshine and Boss & Me and Love O2O. They are all based on books by the same author and cute. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Aug 8, 2017, 4:24:42 PM PDT

1ladydevil says:

I tried to watch Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms but was really turned off by the magic, flying, all the posturing by the characters. I don't think this kind of genre is for me. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Aug 8, 2017, 5:40:07 PM PDT

Romance Lover says:

guys omggg school 2017's H is turning out to be protective, possessive and sweet but a tough bad boy at same timee omggg this drama is the best Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Aug 8, 2017, 5:48:17 PM PDT

1ladydevil says:

Romance Lover-Really?! I love that kind of H!!!!

Posted on Aug 8, 2017, 6:38:01 PM PDT

Rashell Anderson says:

I adore the H in School 2017. He's somehow extremely possessive and protective, and yet still very unsure of himself when it comes to his feelings. He's totally that guy that pulls your pigtails on the playground because he likes you and doesn't know how to actually show it, but just wants your attention all on him. And I also really love the h in this one. She's so clueless about pretty much everything. But she's extremely loyal and tries to do the right thing. She's a character that will moan about her plight for a minute, but then decide to suck it up. She's completely clueless that the H likes her, but it doesn't stop her from pushing back at him when he's "teasing" her for attention. She's tough, but not overly so. She's sweet, but not too sweet. It's a good balance especially for a kdrama h. This is a fun drama to watch for the

romance, plus it has a really sweet teacher, and some good high school angst. It's my favorite right now. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 3 of 3 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on Aug 9, 2017, 2:52:42 PM PDT

1ladydevil says:

What is the deal with so many of these dramas where the H is good in academics and sports? Plus, everyone makes a big deal out of it also. It is definitely not something that you see in the U.S. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Aug 9, 2017, 3:00:09 PM PDT

Irene says:

i know! i find it hilarious. One of my favorite dramas - Love O2O - has this (?) would it be called a trope? There's this one scene that i can't help always laughing at. The H -who happens to be the top student and gorgeous- is going to play basketball for his dept and he goes out to look at his girl and suddenly he's surrounded by a bunch of fangirls and they have posters of him that they they hold at chest level and wave around. It's just one of those things that tickles my funny bone :) Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on Aug 9, 2017, 6:22:53 PM PDT

1ladydevil says:

Did anyone watch You Are My Sunshine movie? I'm watching it now and MAN there is an unforgettable scene 20 minutes in that is making me blush. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on Aug 9, 2017, 7:42:35 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Aug 9, 2017, 7:43:35 PM PDT

Irene says:

Yeah - smoldering! you might want to give the drama a try as well. It's better because they're able to really take their time developing the drama. i believe that the first 4 episodes do flashback and show you how their relationship came to be when they were college students. I'm sure you've noticed that the lead female in this movie is the same actress on Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms :) Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 2 of 2 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on Aug 10, 2017, 6:51:54 AM PDT

1ladydevil says:

Irene-I already watched the drama for My Sunshine. I enjoyed that as well. I wish there were more dramas with a H like this. He was so obsessed with the h. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Aug 10, 2017, 3:36:48 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Aug 10, 2017, 3:37:16 PM PDT

Btwncovers says:

Hi Irene and 1ladydevil, where can I stream/dl the drama and movie of You are My Sunshine? Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Aug 10, 2017, 3:43:07 PM PDT

Irene says:

I just reached it in YouTube. Searched for You Are My Sunshine Eng Subs. The 30 episode drama I think can also be found but that one is called just - My Sunshine Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Aug 10, 2017, 3:43:47 PM PDT

Irene says:

I just seached it in YouTube. Searched for You Are My Sunshine Eng Subs. The 30 episode drama I think can also be found but that one is called just - My Sunshine Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Aug 10, 2017, 3:47:29 PM PDT

1ladydevil says:

Youtube Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on Aug 10, 2017, 5:16:36 PM PDT

Romance Lover says:

Agreed Rashell!! Loving this h and H so much right now...how cute are they ugh Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Aug 10, 2017, 7:29:37 PM PDT

Btwncovers says:

Thank you Irene and 1ladydevil! Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Aug 12, 2017, 3:44:13 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Aug 12, 2017, 3:46:11 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I agree that so far School 2017 is one of the better coming of age/HS dramas. While it has some of the standard HS k-drama tropes that I hate (such as incompetent & corrupt administrators, vicious helicopter parents, etc.), the great H/h storyline more than makes up for these negatives. I'm also finding the H/h of The Eternal Love to be a cute couple and the drama to be a fast watch (only 24 thirty minute episodes of which 20 episodes have been subbed). So thanks for the recs. Also, if anyone is interested 4 U Drama dot com has a better quality version of Once Upon A

Time (movie version of Eternal Love/Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms) but even the quality of this version is poor. Spoilers----Spoilers-----Spoilers Unfortunately, this is another case of an outstanding drama being followed by a mediocre movie adaption. Which was really disappointing especially since the trailer gave false hope that the movie might be really good. Overall, the editing for the movie was extremely poor and the movie's ending was truly WTF (really confusing with the h apparently ending up with the wrong guy - but given how confusing the ending was, who knows??). Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Aug 12, 2017, 8:27:45 PM PDT

Irene says:

Will now look for Eternal Love and School 2017. Was going to try Viki but they have School 2017 locked from non-members because it's new. I generally prefer Viki and Dramafever because they have apps that work on my Roku. Oh Well, I guess i will go elsewhere on my laptop. Went to see the movie Once Upon a Time this afternoon and enjoyed it but was also really disappointed. I liked actually seeing it on the big screen- the colors and settings were just so gorgeous and vibrant. Unfortunately it felt like the story was not their number 1 priority - it felt like they cherry pick the scenes they want to recreate in the film version and try and cram in everything they need to get the story there instead of choosing which aspect of the story can best serve the greater story arc. Also, some of the villains and some hero's seemed really, really over the top because of their costume choices. Also in terms of looks, Liu Yi Fei from movie is absolutely gorgeous and did fine in the role but I felt that Yang Mi from drama really, really delivered the goods in terms of playing the sweet Su Su , the young slightly spoiled Si Yin AND the Goddess Bai Qian. Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers I've been thinking and thinking on the ending because it really bothered me that i didn't feel this emotional impact like i would have in the drama- it felt very much like Twilight 4 part 1 ending where the Bella character wakes up and it ends. Ye Hua is floating away in the water under ice and she says she's going to drink the Forget memory drink and he says good and that's it for the 2 of them?! It seemed really cold and not because they were surrounded by ice:). I'm not sure what was going on with Mo Yan at this point because i thought they left the Lamp aspect open. She releases her memories and then doesn't use it on Mo Yan? What happened to it? WAs it only good for 1 try and that's it? And because they didn't use it on Mo Yan, does it mean his soul is still scattered out in the universe? I'm not quite clear on this and so my theory may not be a good one but where they thinking that when Ye Hua died, his soul went into Mo Yan's body? They show Mo Yan break out of his coffin and then show someone(could be Mo Yan, could be Ye Hua, could be Ye Hua in Mo Yan's body) go to the Peach Grove and call her Qian Qian. Since Mo Yan knew her as disciple Si Yin(even though he knew she was a girl, he didn't call her by her real name), does this lead us to believe that it's Ye Hua speaking? *sigh* I do want to watch it again but I was definitely let down. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Aug 13, 2017, 3:46:51 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Irene - I'm glad I wasn't the only one completely confused by the ending of Once Upon a Time. You have to wonder why anyone in their right mind would film such a head scratcher of an ending. Really, I mean how hard can it be to come up with a decent coherent ending (if they needed ideas, they coulda just read the novel as it had a great ending - hehehe). Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Aug 13, 2017, 5:49:51 PM PDT

Irene says:

Yep, it felt like they cut out a scene with Mo Yan to purposely mess with the audience's mind. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Aug 14, 2017, 11:13:51 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

As it enters the final 2 weeks of its 52 episode run, Father is Strange has started wrapping up all of it's loose ends/storylines. While none of the romances had that addictive/crack factor, there was just something about this drama and its characters that kept me watching each week. However, over the past few weeks I will admit that I did become invested in Joong Hee/Mi Young storyline/romance and enjoyed their confessions. Ahn Joong Hee's confession: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drLaXw3AkCQ Mi Young confession: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bugf6VIRb_I Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Aug 14, 2017, 6:54:40 PM PDT

Rashell Anderson says:

The School 2017 H is just every single thing that I love in a H. Today's episode may have been a perfect episode of a drama for me. He was honest, bold, awkward, and finally confident in his feelings for the h. And he was also able to be extremely protective of her, while still respecting her right to fight her battles herself too. And who doesn't love a H that takes care of his girl first above venting his anger on the bully. He is so tender with her, but you can see how angry he is on her behalf. Her influence on him is that her sense of right and justice is bringing out those hidden qualities in himself. She makes him want to be better. And he makes her follow her dreams, and know that while she's fighting, she's got someone in her corner. They're just absolutely adorable. And I love them the mostest right now. They are more than enough to make me not care about all the horrible school admin and evil controlling mothers. They're my happy. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Aug 16, 2017, 12:19:40 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I thought that the ending to The Eternal Love was setting the drama up for a season 2 in modern times. I guess the novel (Hilariously Pampered Consort: Lord I Will Wait For Your

Divorce) that the drama was based on is still ongoing with over 4,800 chapters. I guess if they plan a season 2 they will have tons of material to draw from. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Aug 29, 2017, 9:51:52 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

"Father is Strange" ended on a great note with a sweet final episode that did an excellent job in wrapping up all of the drama's loose ends. Overall, despite not having a crack romance, the characters of this drama made it one of the better family dramas that I've watched in awhile (I also really enjoyed last year's family drama "Five Children" which did have a crack romance in secondary "golfer" couple). For me, the stars of Father is Strange were "Actor Ahn" (his romance with "Mi Young", the second Byun daughter, was very slow to start but did become more interesting during the later portion of the drama) and the older Byun daughter "Hye Young" who was one of the better k-drama h's that I have run across (she was strong, competent, smart and tough so it was too bad that I was never able to become invested in her romance as I thought her H at 39 years old lived way too much under his mother's thumb). I gave up watching The Bride of the Water God at episode 8. If I can find the interest, I might watch the final minutes of the last episode just to see how they wrapped it up. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Aug 29, 2017, 1:33:29 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Aug 29, 2017, 1:35:15 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says:

Reader123, about BOTWG you didn't miss much of anything (except the good kissing scenes, I never thought that NJH would be the lead in passionate and intense kissing scenes). Basically the story just meanders and makes no sense, and Habaek doesn't get his powers back. The ending for Habaek/Soah is bitter/sweet, and is not a "happily ever after". Only Moora and Biryum get the happily ever after (and I thought they were the two most annoying and undeserving characters). In conclusion, the only thing I liked in this mess of a drama is Habaek's style (NJH's best styling so far in a drama), and the kisses between Habaek and Soah (especially in ep 14), and you can watch those clips on youtube (so you don't need to watch the rest of the drama). I hope this helps, so you don't waste your time like I did :) Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Aug 29, 2017, 8:04:22 PM PDT

Rashell Anderson says:

Well, School 2017 is basically perfect so far for me. The H is probably the best drama H ever. Seriously. He's just the most adorable, protective, loving, loyal guy ever. And the h may actually deserve him. They just make me smile in every single scene they have. And the rest of the kids are all great side characters as well. You can't help but love them and root for them to succeed and find themselves. Even most of the teachers are good people trying to help the kids in life. As with every school drama they're are the villains in the school. But I almost feel like this drama is using them for comic relief and honestly, so far, the kids keep winning. I am worried about the direction this last episode took in the end. But considering how quickly this drama resolves issues, and that there are only 2 episodes left, I'm hopeful

that whatever havoc comes that it won't last long. If you aren't watching this one, I can't recommend strongly enough that you do. It's fabulous. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Aug 29, 2017, 8:22:48 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Aug 29, 2017, 8:23:54 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

D.M. - thanks for the heads up on BOTWG - I won't waste my time on watching the ending. Rashell - I haven't yet watched this week's episodes of School 2017, but happy to hear that this show remains good. Perhaps this will be one of those rare dramas that manages to avoid a slump or bad episodes. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Sep 4, 2017, 8:16:08 PM PDT

Irene says:

Started watching Ode to Joy Season 1 - really enjoyed the series. I had watched Season 2 first but started season 1 once I saw Dramafever had it. School 2017 - have binged on the first 10 episodes and am loving it! The H is so adorable with his little jealousies. I especially liked it when he saw someone posted a note to the h and he took it down and was searching by handwriting comparisons with all the other boys in class. I am also fascinated by the school system/structure in this show. I know it isn't a representation of all schools in Korea but I'm wondering if its depiction is common occurrence. I also gave up on Bride of the Water God - it was just really weak for me. The writing wasn't there and I wasn't a fan of the actress. The kisses were good though :) On a different note, have you seen they've taken Kissasian down by ABC? They left a notice saying that if you want ABC content to please subscribe - please, ABC is the last thing I want to see :( I'm saddened because it was pretty reliable source with it's Asian drama content and was the only place I could find the Movie Version of Love O2O - not that it was great but it was fun. The one thing I did have a problem with was that the pop ads sometimes kept stalling the show I was watching or messing with my computer (especially the one with a fake warning that my computer has detected a virus). One time, an 1hr episode of School 2017 took 1.5 to 2 hrs. After that I went on to a nicer available site. Now I only have youtube and 2 other sites for my dramas in addition to Dramafever and Viki although I'm not too happy with Viki since they've locked up School 2017 every episode starting from 1 to only paying members and you can't even watch with commercials. I pay for Dramafever so can someone tell me if Dramafever does the same thing -where they lock all episodes starting from 1 - or if they lock just the most recent ones and have a delay of about a week or 2 before releasing with commercials for non-paying customers. Other than School 2017, I'm not watching much else. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Sep 5, 2017, 9:38:14 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Irene - Kiss Asian is still out there, they have just changed domain names. Try with dot ch instead of dot com. Drama Cool / Nice has also been doing this for years. Once ABS (a Philippine company) obtains rights to their domain name they just change to a new name. I've been watching the 2015 melodrama "I Have A Lover" (currently on Episode 30 out of 50). I avoided watching this drama at the time it originally aired because of it's cheating H premise (drama starts off with H/h marriage disintegrating after losing their daughter and H cheating on h with younger woman). So far, the drama and the H/h relationship has been riveting. It's makjang done correctly, with murder, secret twins, switched identities, amnesia, etc. It's actually one of the few times where I've liked an amnesia storyline. H really seems obsessed with h and given his cheating, I'm happy that the h is making him really suffer.

Posted on Sep 5, 2017, 10:45:14 AM PDT

Irene says:

I may have to give " I have a Lover " a try. Cheating is one of those storylines that I almost cant get passed because I hate that betrayal but there has been instances where I can overcome it. There was a romance novel by Sherry Thomas where the hero betrayed the h before they married and there was a point where I felt bad for both of them. I will look for the alternate site thanks for letting me know. There's some that I keep going back to and they keep switching names by adding a letter to the ending or they switch domains. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Sep 5, 2017, 1:09:16 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Irene - Another coming of age/high school drama that I really liked was "Shut Up Flower Boy Band." While the romance wasn't the main focus of the drama, it was really sweet and it did end happily for the H/h. Flower Boy Band was also my favorite of the "Flower Boy" series. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Sep 5, 2017, 6:36:56 PM PDT

Cynthia Howell says:

Has anyone seen Pretty Li Hui Zhen or The King's Woman? If so, what did you think. TIA Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Sep 5, 2017, 6:49:12 PM PDT

Irene says:

I haven't watched it but from what I've read, it sounds like it's a prequel to another story and that it's not a happily ever after type ending. Not sure if that is what you were looking for. I am intrigued by it for 2 of the main actors. The lead actress I believe was the woman who played the niece in 10 Miles of Peach Blossoms and the King is the man who played the demon playboy in 10 miles of Peach Blossoms and was also in Love O2O as KO. I like both of the but I'm not sure its a story I want to follow. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Sep 5, 2017, 7:08:59 PM PDT

Cynthia Howell says:

Irene. Thanks. Yes, that's why I am intrigued, but I definitely want a HEA. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Sep 5, 2017, 9:02:03 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 7, 2017, 9:01:25 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I've watched "Pretty Li Hui Zhen" which is a Chinese remake of the K-drama workplace rom/com "She Was Pretty." I enjoyed it and actually liked it better than the K-version. This drama does have a HEA for the H/h but similar to "She Was Pretty", it's really hard not to root for the second male lead. It also doesn't help that the lead actor is fairly new/green and comes across as pretty stiff/wooden. The Ghost King/demon playboy from Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms is the second male lead, while the h was the niece from that drama. I haven't been watching the currently airing C-drama "The King's Woman" as similar to Irene I do not expect this drama to have a happy ending. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Sep 5, 2017, 9:05:44 PM PDT

Rashell Anderson says:

I've watched "I Have a Lover". I'm a big Ji Jin Hee Fan. I could only get passed the cheating aspect because I felt like the traumatic event that happened to the married couple was devastating enough that it really could tear your marriage to pieces like that. And I also appreciated that the drama really became about how much the H really, truly loved his wife. It's not a favorite, but I enjoyed it. School 2017 stayed lovely through the end. Best hero ever. My only complaint is that I wish this hadn't been a high school drama because it really limited the skinship. Still these two kids managed to be pretty much perfect relationship goals. So dang cute. And everyone got what they deserved in this drama. It's not ground breaking, but it had that sweetness that sometimes just hits the right spot. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Sep 7, 2017, 12:40:16 AM PDT

Cynthia Howell says:

Thank you so much tax-mania. I really like Zhang Bin Bin. He was so cute in Love 020. I wish he could get a male lead role with a HEA. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Sep 7, 2017, 10:06:56 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 7, 2017, 10:57:19 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Looks like there is going to be a new Hong Sisters drama. I can remember a time when this was exciting news but given their last effort and how truly, boringly horrible it was it's kinda hard to work up any excitement. But I do hope that both Oh Yeon Seo and Lee Seung Gi accept the lead roles in this drama. Cynthia Howell - You might give "Pretty Li Hui Zhen" a try. While Zhang Vin/Bin Bin doesn't get a HEA, you will really love his character in this drama. I also loved him in Love

O2O and did consider him to have had a HEA in that drama (but I guess I just read between the lines and give him the ending that was given to him by Gu Man in her story about him and Hao Mei). ETA: Does look like Zhang Vin is the lead in an upcoming drama ("That I Love You is the Best Arrangement") that might end in a HEA. He's also teaming up again with Dilmurat Dilraba in another drama (Liehuo Ruge) but I think he's the second male lead in this one. He and Delraba belong to the same company so will probably appear together in a lot of dramas. ETA: I'm also finding that "I Have A Lover" isn't as interesting once the h regains her memories. The primary drama focus seems to shift to office and courtroom backstabbing antics and H/h relationship just seems to circle around needlessly. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Sep 7, 2017, 10:51:27 AM PDT

Rhonda F. says:

Taz- WHAT new sisters Hong drama? Don't forget they did "You;re/He's Beautiful" one of my all time faves. Which drama did you think was horrible? What,please,is an 'HEA', and is the drama you mentionsed actually titled "That I Love You is the Best Arrangement"?? Thank you for all your posts- I can rarely get on, because my computer usually says 'page not available..' much less actually apply- hope this goes through! Rhyn Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Sep 7, 2017, 11:12:34 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 7, 2017, 11:33:07 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Rhonda HEA - means the hero (H) and heroine (h) get a Happily Ever After ending (from all of those fairy tales that ended with the phrase "and they lived happily ever after") I agree that the Hong Sisters have had several truly great dramas ("You're Beautiful", "My Girlfriend is a Gumiho", "Greatest Love" to name just a few). However, their last drama "Warm & Cozy" was a real dud (the actors had great chemistry but the Hong Sisters forgot to write a plot - a complete waste of the actors talents) as was their drama "Big" (this one aptly described by Dramabeans as "getting to the bottom of a tasty meal and finding a half-eaten worm"). The current plans are that the Hong Sisters new drama "Hwayugi" (a horror/fantasy/romance) will begin airing in December on TvN. It's listed as being a contemporary reworking of the Chinese novel "Journey to the West" with a fanciful romance twist. The drama "That I Love You Is the Best Arrangement" is a future Chinese drama with Zhang Vin as the lead. This drama is not written by the Hong Sisters. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Sep 7, 2017, 11:35:45 AM PDT

Irene says:

Rhonda, I just want to address the "page not available". Do you get the email updates when someone posts? When you get the email update, don't click on "see this post". Underneath "see this post" you should see "Tracked Discussion" and then "Fans of K drama... please help" - click on this link. Not sure what happened but i think Amazon did something to the discussion location and so the old link doesn't work. Hope this helps Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Sep 8, 2017, 7:55:15 AM PDT

Rhonda F. says:

Irene, You are my HERO(ine)-Thank you, t hank you! I can now read you all! Best to you, Rhonda Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Sep 8, 2017, 7:59:56 AM PDT

Rhonda F. says:

Taz- I SO agree with you on the Hong Sisters duds! I was so dissappointed in Warm& Cozy, I never finished it-BIG is not even worth mentioning. But, thanks for the heads up on the new Hwayugi- I will check it out, because they must be better with time, though I have my doubts about this one. Horror is not my thing. My all time faves are still You're Beautiful and Healer. I LOVE that scene early on, in Healer, where he goes to her cafe in disguise and she and her dad dance around to this awful and loud rock music- and how horrified and amazed he is, and the cafe assistant puts teacups over his ears! Makes me laugh every time! I do love the Chinese Adam Yan, though, and I enjoyed the actor in the Taiwanese 'Womanizer', though the H was kind of flat..... Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Sep 17, 2017, 3:38:03 PM PDT

Rhonda F. says:

Does anybody know what this means when i try access Uncontrollably Fond on Drama3s or Newasian: "Unable to play this video at this time. The number of allowed playbacks has been exceeded. Please try again later." Any help would be appreciated! Rhonda Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Sep 18, 2017, 4:43:11 PM PDT

Lin Violet says:

When the Hong sisters create a Dud drama they do it big. The same goes when their drama is good, they go big. I love Master's Sun which is a horror, comedy and romance. My Girlfriend

is a Gumiho is up there on my top best Hong sister's drama. My Girl, Greatest Love, Delightful Girl Choon Hyang ( I liked the chemistry between the leads),You're Beautiful were good and funny. Big and Jeju Island Gatsby just didn't cut it for me. Talented actors but the stories were no good hot messes in my opinion. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Sep 18, 2017, 5:47:12 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

All episodes of Memory Lost have now been subbed. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Sep 21, 2017, 6:15:25 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Just wondered if anybody watched the recently completed K-drama The King in Love/The King Loves. Just noticed that it's from the same writer as Healer, which is one of my all-time favorite dramas. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Sep 21, 2017, 6:43:29 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 21, 2017, 6:44:52 AM PDT

Rhonda F. says:

TAZHealer is my all time favorite, as well-! I haven't watched the King yet, but thanks for sharing- I will chime in when I watch! Hope it's as good as Healer. I so miss a good one!!! p/s Does anybody know what this means when i try access Uncontrollably Fond on Drama3s or Newasian: "Unable to play this video at this time. The number of allowed playbacks has been exceeded. Please try again later." Any help would be appreciated! Rhond Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Sep 26, 2017, 3:39:56 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 26, 2017, 3:54:37 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Based on recommendations from this site, I watched the Thai drama Kleun Cheewit/Life's Waves. Overall, I enjoyed the drama and liked both the lead H (Sathit) and h (Jee) and thought that they had a ton of chemistry. However, consistent with a lot of Thai dramas some of the secondary characters were completely and criminally over the top and their storylines were almost unwatchable. Also, given how crazy/jealous/psycho Piak (h of the secondary romance) was I didn't buy her happy ending with Chaiyan. If history is any indication of how Piak will act in the future, I give her relationship with Chaiyan a week tops before she reverts to her crazy, jealous ways. But at least the lead romance was good and the third romance between Dao & Jett was cute which more than made up for the dysfunctional secondary romance or the other crazies in the drama.

ETA: SPOILERS - SPOILERS - SPOILERS Given how they ended the love triangle in The King Loves, I plan to start watching this drama now that I've finished Kleun Cheewit. It's rare to find a drama where the h ends up with the second male lead so I'm kinda looking forward to watching this one. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Sep 26, 2017, 7:33:25 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 26, 2017, 8:44:27 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I'm also loosely following a couple of currently airing dramas - Hospital Ship and Temperature of Love. Of the two I'm finding Temperature of Love to be more interesting with its lead Seo Hyun Jin who has become one of my favorite k-drama actresses. I'm waiting to see how the romance on Hospital Ship plays out as Ha Ji Won at 39 is 13 years older than the male lead Min Hyuk Kang. So far they don't seem to be focusing on the age differences so its not feeling like a noona romance. ETA: Temperature of Love is also a noona romance (with the h being 6 years older than the H). Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Sep 26, 2017, 8:05:39 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 26, 2017, 8:07:06 AM PDT

Lin Violet says:

This lakorn made me want to see lakorns again. A used concept, brought to life by the actors and director. I love Miss G and Thit's chemistry, they worked that all the way through, being antagonistic towards one another, one because he knows the truth and the other because of her guilt. They had amazing moments together, and I can believe that they will live together and happy until old age. Piak I and Chaiyan I give until the baby of theirs is about six months old, when she feels she hasn't lost the baby weight, and that her husband starts to work with a younger, thinner more beautiful actress and her crazy will pop right back out. Piak did not deserve a happy ending, she made a lot of people's lives miserable. Thit for always telling him whatever popped into her head about what she believed was going on with Miss G and Chaiyan. Her husband for always attacking him, verbally, physically and pretty much threatening his work because she's the boss's daughter. Her own father for always going to the work space and causing trouble for those who worked under him and no one being able to do anything about it. I HATED how Thit and Piak's father enabled her, always gave in to whatever she wanted, said or did. They tried to put a stop to it way too late. As for the villains, the actress and her manager, the step-father they were over the top but I kinda see where the step father's over the top ways come from. He's a lord, he has a lot of money, and he believed he would always get away with his illegal going ons. He had G's mom to always cover for him since she was money hungry, and trying to keep a roof over her head, he didn't really think she would turn on him the way she did in the end. The actress was the typical jealous one dimensional villain who hates to be second to anyone, I could have done without her. But it seems you're not a legitimate lakorn actress in a lakorn if you don't have a nemesis in the industry. G's best friend was sweet and I wanted her to have a better scene when she finally gets the

guy. Meun Kon La Faak Fah, is a lakorn I would recommend, the lead actor is this stoic serious man who has had a troubled life with his grandma and aunt trying to control him, he hates his father (he actually seeks his love) and then meets the h who is totally the opposite of him, but also had a tough life. The h turns out to be his new step sister, and he tries to disprove of her but he actually finds it hard to do. She begins to work for him and they begin having lunch together (she makes this happen) and slowly they fall for each other. I loved the leads, I loved how he wanted to be with her even if no one approved of their love. H was willing to take down anyone who got in their way. It was a slow burn romance that worked amazingly in my opinion. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Sep 27, 2017, 1:38:05 AM PDT

May says:

I just finished "Kleun Cheewit/Life's Waves" and also loved it. Like Taz said, this lakorn made me want to dive into lakorn again. Loved the H/h, the chemistry was amazing. This is the first lakorn I've watched for the lead actor, I went looking for his prior work and none of it appeal to me. There hasn't been any great lakorn this year as far as i can tell, I would love some recommendations if you find something interesting. I will check out Muean Khon La Fark Fah. I started watching "the king's woman" and dropped it at ep 10. Although I love the actor that plays the King, there is no chemistry at all btw H/h. The story is so boring and i seriously don't care for the OM at all. Another disappointment. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Sep 27, 2017, 1:50:43 AM PDT

Irene says:

Just started watching "It's not Easy Being King" and am enjoying it for what it is - light fluffy fun - kind of like a cheese puff. It's a period setting but is a total comedy so far - I've only watched the first 3 episodes. It's a switched body scenario that happens by an eclipse when they bump into each other. I really like the male lead as he ogles the other handsome males - i think he does a great job :) The episodes are only about 27 min long and have a 2 minute skit following with the leads in modern day setting-cutesy. Just about finished with School 2017 and have 2 episodes left - have really enjoyed this one. The male lead is totally adorable and love it when he realizes his love for the h and just throws himself all in. He wants a relationship with her but she holds back because of her issues but she cares. His little jealousies are really cute too :) Going to try and watch While You were Sleeping when it starts but I'm afraid because I'm not confident in the lead actress but will give it a chance. Have finally just found a decent site to finally catch up on all the Memory Lost episodes - had to switch browsers but am watching it comfortably now without all the interruptions from pop ads, etc. Any new shows in the horizon?

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In reply to an earlier post on Sep 27, 2017, 2:38:49 AM PDT

Rhonda F. says:

What, please, is a lakorn?? Also, does anyone get an error message " too many downloads, try again later" in Drama3s, or even, sometimes Dramacool? Very frustrating! Please help!!! Thank you!!! Finishing Jealousy INcarnate, though I don't know why. Lead H is SUCH a jerk, and main H is ditzy, and actually does his bidding, when he demands her to do stuff 'so he can feel loved; she finally gives in and he is cold and awful to her! Awwk! Love the second lead though-he's a good guy, and too bad bound by dramaland rules syndrome!

Posted on Sep 27, 2017, 3:01:27 AM PDT

Irene says:

Rhonda, I had the same problem with the 2 sites and more and then I switched to different browser and was able to start watching again without problem. I think my problem is with Internet Explorer - I may have to reinstall to get it to work again. In the meantime I went to watch everything on the internet browser called Mozzilla and didnt have any problem with video or sound. You may want to try a different browser and see if that works. Hope this helps. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Sep 27, 2017, 5:23:33 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Rhonda - a lakorn is a Thai television drama, the same as a Japanese television drama is called a dorama. -----------------------------------------------------------------------SPOLIERS on dramas where the h ends up with the second male lead I do agree that dramas where the second male lead ends up with the h are rare but they do exist. Ones that I have watched or am aware that have this ending include: - Queen of Reversals - the script was rewritten and the drama extended in order for the second male lead to win the h - How to Meet a Perfect Neighbor - another drama where the script was rewritten in order for the second male lead to end up with the h - Empress Ki – Really enjoyed this drama. While it didn't end on a happy note, the romance between the Empress and the second male lead Emperor was completely addictive. - King of Baking, Kim Tak Gu - The h/second male lead's relationship was totally dysfunctional but I really enjoyed it. Makjang done correctly. - King Flower/Substitute Princess (Taiwanese) - second male lead does end up with the h but the ending isn't very satisfactory - actually hated both the H & h in this drama and only watched it for Chris Wu who was the second male lead

- Nail Shop Paris - an all around horribly bad drama - I only watched this drama for Song Jae Rim who does end up with the h - The Fierce Wife (Taiwanese) – The drama itself is open ended but a follow up movie provides the conclusion where the h ends up with the second male lead - Peach Girl (Taiwanese) - Actually wouldn't recommend this drama to anyone as it's really bad but the second male lead does end up with the h - Dr. Champ - The h/second male lead had a really sweet romance (pretty much love at first sight for the second male lead), no romance at all between the h and the lead actor - Top Medical Team - Similar to Dr. Champ romance was always between h/second male lead - A Little Love Never Hurts - I watched this drama for the second female lead who was in love with the gutless/spineless H (I'm still extremely bitter about the ending given to their romance), h and second male lead had a very boring, passionless relationship but did end up together - Passionate Love/Madly in Love - This drama was a very poorly done ripoff of King of Baking. I watched it for the second male lead and was actually cheering when he told the h to take a hike. Unfortunately, he almost immediately changed his mind and took her back. Despite the title, no passionate love in this drama. Others (I haven’t watched): - Feast of the Gods - Firstborn - Fashion King - I Love You So Much - Diamond Lover - The King in Love/The King Loves Anyone know of any more that I've missed? Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Sep 28, 2017, 1:33:18 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Spoilers - Spoilers I've started watching The King in Love/The King Loves and so far I'm enjoying it. Both the H (the crown prince) and second male lead (the crown prince's bff and bodyguard) are likable characters and both seemed to immediately fall for the h. Unfortunately, I'm not a fan of Yoon Ah as she not that good of an actress so I'm hoping that she won't be too big of a drag on the drama. I read that the drama was based upon a popular novel and that the ending of the drama was consistent with the novel (so no one should have been surprised regarding who the h ends up with). However, while the novel made clear that the one who the h always liked was the second male lead, the drama kept you guessing in order to play up the love triangle

aspect (it's a k-drama so of course they would play up the love triangle). Oh well, I am a sucker for dramas where the second male lead wins the h so I'm just hoping this drama doesn't turn into a dud. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Sep 28, 2017, 1:52:54 AM PDT

Rhonda F. says:

Irene, thank you SO much! It's been so frustrating!! I use Google, but I'll try something else. Happy watching! Rhonda Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 0 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on Oct 2, 2017, 7:07:12 AM PDT

Irene says:

Has anyone heard about Amazon closing it's forums on 10/06? I saw this on another discussion board. I'm not sure if this is true but if it is, I'd like to be prepared - Does anyone have an alternative where we can share/discuss our Drama - K, C, J and Thai, etc? Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 2, 2017, 5:45:42 PM PDT

Jennifer L. Rinehart says:

I read about that too. Maybe we could start a discussion on goodreads? I hate to lose all of this. I use the older discussions for show reccs. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 3, 2017, 1:36:35 AM PDT

shabby says:

Same here. I really find this discussion thread useful and would certainly join another group. Discussion locked | Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 3, 2017, 2:10:44 AM PDT

Irene says:

I searched K-dramas under the group section of goodreads and came up with one that sounds like this group but there has been no activity since 2015 And it's a closed group so you have to request to join. https://www.goodreads.com/group/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=kdrama&commit=Search Does anyone know if a group needs to be created in order to set up a discussion and to subscribe to the discussion? It may not be needed but in the event that one day we can't login into the Amazon discussion, i would like to know where to go to keep up our conversations on dramas.

https://www.amazon.com/forum/romance/ref=cm_cd_pg_next?_encoding=UTF8&cdForum= FxM42D5QN2YZ1D&cdPage=233&cdThread=Tx1PHCL78HPLNWV

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