[amazon forums]fans of k dramas please help (2012)

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Your initial post: Jan 14, 2012 3:27:42 PM PST Last edited by you on Jul 13, 2013 9:57:56 AM PDT Adnana says: So... I finally gave in and watched a Korean drama. It should have actually been only a couple of episodes, for starters, but it ended up being a 2-day marathon. The K-drama was "Secret Garden", and there really are no words for how much I loved it. ********** I'm editing my original post and adding this information (taken from later posts) for clarification purposes: As I see it, Korean dramas (for short: K-dramas) are stories like those found in the romance books I love, only brought to life on screen. Regardless of its genre (action/revenge, romantic comedy, melodrama, fusion sageuk etc.), a Korean drama always portrays a well-developed romantic relationship between the 2 main characters: the Hero and heroine meet, fall in love with each other, and are faced with obstacles keeping them apart (past heartbreak, personality clashes, differing social background, disapproving in-laws, opposing missions etc.). Ideally, the drama ends with a HEA for the H & h, but this is not always guaranteed. By the way, the actors (especially those playing the main characters) are usually very attractive and the dramas, especially the newer ones, have gorgeous visuals. K-dramas have pre-planned, terminating plots, so mostly, a K-drama doesn't stretch beyond 30 episodes. ********** What I liked about the K-drama "Secret Garden", in particular: - the hero was very obsessed and jealous of the heroine; - the love/hate relationship was resolved well before the last episode -- there was a goodsized part of the drama where the H & h were actually together, as a couple (there were still conflicts, but the H & h faced them together); - the heroine wasn't TSTL, and once she accepted the hero, she was really loyal to him; - the HEA. This drama made me cry and it would have left some serious scars if there hadn't been a HEA, lol. (So a HEA is crucial.) Can you please help me find similar dramas/stories? Thank you for your help. Edit this post | Permalink 4 of 5 people think this post adds to the discussion. In reply to your post on Jan 14, 2012 3:31:11 PM PST Anna Karenina, The Russian Turkey Whisperer says: What is a k-drama? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 2 of 4 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Jan 14, 2012 3:40:28 PM PST it's me, booklover! says: From Wiki: (just looked this up, never heard of this before) Korean drama refers to televised dramas, in a miniseries format, produced in the Korean language. Many of these dramas have become popular throughout Asia and have contributed to the general phenomenon of the Korean wave, known as Hallyu, and also "drama fever" in

some countries. Most popular Korean dramas have also become popular in other parts of the world such as Latin America, the Middle East, and elsewhere. Generally speaking, there are two main genres of Korean dramas. The first genre resembles western soap operas with shorter, terminating plots, and without the obvious sexual references often found in Western dramas. These dramas typically involve conflicts associated with relationships, money bargaining, relationships between in-laws (usually between the mother and son/daughter in law). As well, they often include complicated love triangles where the female hero usually falls in love with a "bad boy" main character who mistreats her. These dramas last anywhere from 16 episodes to over 100 (most often not exceeding 200). The other main genre is Korean historical dramas (also known as sa geuk), which are fictionalized dramatizations of Korean history. Korean historical dramas typically involve very complex story lines with elaborate costumes, sets, and special effects. Martial arts, sword fighting, and horsemanship are frequently a big component of Korean historical dramas as well. Typically, Korean dramas, whether the historical dramas or modern dramas, are characterized by excellent production quality, characters with depth, and intelligent scriptwriting but largely relies on the use of archetypal characters. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 5 of 5 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Jan 14, 2012 4:17:24 PM PST Michigangirl says: My favorites are Delightful Girl Choon Hyang. The hero and heroine are both in high school. As I read but didn't actually look up myself, high school goes to age 19 or 20 there? Anyway, they run into a whole bunch of issues so don't like each other at first. He's the son of the chief of police equivalent. She's the top marks student who's mother works at an escort place type of thing. They wind up all staying at her place one night while her mother's gone, the hero wakes up thirsty and accidentally drinks a whole bunch of alcohol. The other friends leave and don't come back and however it happens her mother and his parents walk in on him and her sleeping in the same bedroll. Big scandal and in order for them both to remain in school they get married. They have a love hate relatinonship. the heroine is very money oriented so everything she does is for the most money. She designs jewelry and actually meets a guy who is a genius guy who makes films and he falls for her. He's actually awesomely evil *I loved him* so he does things for her on one hand and then when he thinks that she's not all into him, he takes it away with the other. Of course she's not only not aware that he's doing things for her, she's not aware when he does things against her. So there's a big love triangle and it works really well.

This same couple was also featured in My Girl as themselves. But I've never actually watched My Girl. I also loved Gumiho/Nine-Tailed Fox which featured the same love triangle guy in this one also. This one is about the heroine who is actually a nine-tailed fox living secretly with other ninetailed fox people. The basic idea is she forms a group with other people who have special weapons and she's in love with this human who doesn't know she's a nine-tailed fox but he secretly joins a group that fights against them. This was a really sad one actually. She also has one of the members of her group that has a really quiet love for her. So also a love triangle type. There's also some great tai drama. I love Meteor Garden which is Tai Drama based on a japanese comic book Hana Yori Dango. The heroine is super poor but she goes to a very elite private school for the super rich. Because her family wants her to marry rich so they're all set. She hates the school. The leaders of the school are the F4 who haze people they don't like. The whole school is terrified of them so they all do exactly what they say. Of course the heroine stands up and fights back and that's the start of the love/hate relationship with the leader of the F4. I'm not a fan of the second season though. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 2 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jan 14, 2012 4:23:05 PM PST Anna Karenina, The Russian Turkey Whisperer says: Thanks, booklover. I should have done that myself. I've never heard of this but it's very interesting. I'm glad the OP got a response. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Jan 14, 2012 5:53:16 PM PST Last edited by you on Jul 21, 2012 10:58:14 PM PDT Adnana says: Thank you, booklover, for posting that description. As I see it, Korean dramas are stories like those found in the romance books I love, only brought to life on screen. Regardless of its genre (action/revenge, romantic comedy, melodrama, fusion sageuk etc.), a Korean drama always portrays a well-developed romantic relationship between the 2 main characters: the Hero and heroine meet, fall in love with each

other, are faced with obstacles keeping them apart (jealous ex-fiancees, disapproving in-laws etc.). Ideally, the drama ends with a HEA for the H & h, but this is not always guaranteed. By the way, the actors (especially those playing the main characters) are usually very attractive and the dramas, especially the newer ones, have gorgeous visuals. I'll just add that I'm interested in k-dramas which are no more than of mid-length, so not longer than 30 episodes (for example, "Secret Garden" had 20 episodes). Oh, and one more thing: in my OP I spoke about k-dramas, but k-dramas share traits with other types of asian dramas (ex: thai-dramas), and recommendations for those are also welcome. *post edited on Apr 19 Edit this post | Permalink 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Jan 14, 2012 5:56:04 PM PST Adnana says: Michigangirl, thank you for your recommendations. Do the k-dramas you mentioned have a HEA, though? Edit this post | Permalink 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Posted on Jan 14, 2012 9:14:11 PM PST Michigangirl says: It really depends on who you want to win. I tend to like the evil guys. I think where Choon Hyang and Gumiho even more shine is the fact that you understand both and it's hard to decide because someone will be left behind. Although in Choon Hyang I make it sound like there's only a love triangle, actually, the hero of the story was in love with an older girl and before he married the heroine he confronted her about it. She said she only thought of him as a brother but after she was ditched by the guy she was with, she went to the hero and found him getting married. So it was really more of a triangle because he was in love with her. Meteor Garden does have a happy ending, just don't bother to watch the second season. And if you like some comedy there's the J-drama Gokusen. The heroine is a new high school teacher and she's assigned to the bad class. She's not intimidated by them at all because secretly she's the granddaughter of a Yakuza family and grew up with them. If you haven't yet, check out d-addicts they have a dramawiki that's pretty awesome. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Jan 15, 2012 5:53:41 AM PST Purse Monkey says: I love Asian dramas and I'm glad there's a separate thread for this here so it can be talked about without annoying other people. Ok, here goes Adnana:

Secret Garden is definitely a drama I would rec. I loved this one. The actor that plays the H played him to perfection. He made him such a complex person but at the same time, quite simple in his love, obsession and devotion to the h. He was so obsessed from the first time he saw her and I love how snobby and arrogant he was, only to be shot down by her over and over again. But once he finally made up his mind to be with her (the scene where she came to his party all dressed up and they danced and finally lowered all their barriers) he was so loyal and incredible sweet. I love the fact that we were able to see how they interact with each other after they married at the end. Very sweet and playful. Beautiful Days is another one of my favorites. I love this one. Heroine is a poor orphan (of course) and she was looking for her long lost adopted sister. The search lead her to the city where she met the aloof, enigmatic, taciturn H. Hero and his half brother had a sibling rivalry so of course, the love triangle involved the three of them. Heroine worked for H's company and H hired her to be a governess for his teenage sister, whom he loved very much. I love the sexual chemistry and intensity between the leads. That's right. Sexual chemistry. Usually Asian dramas do not have this but this one does. Warning--the h definitely falls under 'melodramatic' so she's not spunky and gutsy like the h in Secret Garden. She's very sweet, nice and Mary-Annish but that goes for lots of Asian dramas. The actress that plays her is very pretty. There is a happy ending in this one. My Princess is another fun one. A modern fairy tale where a normal girl suddenly found out she was the last in line of a royal family. She became the modern Korean princess. The H plays an ambassador whose job was to train her to be a proper princess. It's a sweet, fun, funny drama. Fairly short as well. I rec you watch this after an emotional read or drama. Princess Hours is also a modern fairy tale similar to My Princess but the leads are still in high school. Imagine a Korea like England where the country's figurehead is still the King. The H is the prince of Korea who found out he was contractually engaged to the h, a clumsy, irrevalent girl at his school. The h found herself being a princess. They both hated each other. He was in love with another girl and resented the h. Eventually they fell in love and yes, there is a love triangle among the H/h/H's cousin. The Frog Prince is a Taiwanese drama that I loved. Hero was an arrogant, cocky, mega rich guy that got into an accident and landed in the countryside where the h lived with her family. Heroine's dream was to marry a rich guy but don't let that ruin her for you. She was also very loyal and hard working. She found H with no memory of who he was and eventually they fell in love. Then he regained his memory and forgot about the h. That was where the real story begin. It's about him falling in love with her again. Another similar story to that is Save the Last Dance For Me, a Korean drama that I also liked. It's more dramatic and angsty than Frog Prince, which is more silly. Down With Love is a Taiwanese drama I think you would love. Hero plays a rich attorney that had to take care of his two niece and nephew. He hired the h, a down on her luck, happy go lucky girl. It took him several episodes to fall for her but once he did, boy did he EVER. Totally sweet, devoted, loyal and incredibly loving. Unfortunately she thought he was still in love with someone else so she turned her attention on another guy. This caused a lot of unnecessary drama but hey, it's all for a good series.

I've watched both Thai and Jdrama but I can't really rec any of it. It's different from Chinese and kdrama. Thai dramas are sooooooooo over the top it's not even funny. Jdrama lacks melodramatic romance. There are lots more that I'll add to whenever I have a chance. Btw, all the ones I recced have a happy ending. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 3 of 3 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No In reply to your post on Jan 15, 2012 7:14:03 AM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 15, 2012 7:21:31 AM PST Rashell Anderson says: I'm in the same boat as you just watched my first K-drama. I watched boys before flowers. I watched it on hulu. It's 25 episodes and overall I loved it. The h is a poor girl who receives a scholarship to a very prestigous school. The H is the leader of a group of 4 boys who come from wealthy families and run the school. They call themselves F4. They basically torture students that they find fault with. The h saves a boy who jumps from the school trying to get away from F4. This brings her to their attention. Of course they start to torment her, but she stands up to them. One of the boys, the sensitive one, helps her from the first. And the H, becomes fascinated with her. There are of course a million things that keep them apart. At first it's the fact that the H is big jerk. Later it's the fact that he comes from a VERY wealthy family, and his mother is EVIL. Anyway it was good. There were some tstl moments from the h. But I loved the boys of F4. The leader is the H who gets the HEA, but they all form a bond of friendship with the h. And of course the sensitive one falls in love with her too. Honestly part of me wanted her the him because he was WONDERFUL. But the H just wouldn't let her go, even to his best friend. There is also a secondary relationship with the "ladies man" of the group and the h best friend that is really sweet. Anyway, I totally reccomend it. It's kind of the Korean version of Pride and Prejudice. ETA: It sounds the same as Metoer Garden rec'd earlier in the thread, but I don't know if they are the same show. Here is the link for the version I watched. http://www.hulu.com/search?query=Boys+Before+Flowers&st=0&fs=null Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 3 of 3 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Jan 15, 2012 1:02:20 PM PST [Deleted by the author on Feb 14, 2012 7:46:17 PM PST] Posted on Jan 15, 2012 5:07:46 PM PST Michigangirl says: Hana yori dango is the original japanese comic book. It was made into an anime by the same name. Later it was made into a tai drama called meteor garden. Much later it was made into a

k drama boys over flowers and also made into a jdrama of the same name. So there are five different versions of it but they all bring their own stuff to the series. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 4 of 4 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No In reply to your post on Jan 15, 2012 5:51:09 PM PST jak says: Adnana, I've watched dramas from many different countries. In my opinion, the dramas that have the most obsessed and jealous heroes would be in thailand lakorns. You might want to check out the lakorn romances thread here. Warning, most of these lakorns are the slap and kiss variety, meaning they often feature rape. These heroes can rarely be outdone by anyone else, in lakorns such as: Roy Leh Sanae Rai - H finds out his father left h with half his inheritance and is incensed. He devises a plan to get her to fall in love with him and marry him, with her giving him power of attorney. The h is a sweetheart, shy, but with a spunky side to her, but can't help falling for the smooth charmer's slick smiles and words. They marry, but then she finds out why he married her and vows revenge. Course he falls madly in love and spends the rest of the lakorn chasing after her. Sawan Bieng - Well acted, but extreme, The H is upset when his father marries h's sister, someone close to H's age, (the h's sister has a crush on H for years) and decides to take his anger out on the h (why who knows?) When h's sister frames H, making it look like he hurt her which causes his father to hurt H, this causes a world of trouble and H kidnaps h and rapes her... repeatedly. This is one that is pretty much resolved in the last episode. Rahut Rissaya - h blackmails H into marrying her to get revenge because she thinks H's father killed her parents, H grows to love her becomes very jealous of her. Here, the h is the cold hearted character, the H is the warm caring one, until he becomes very jealous. They get together before the end. Mia Taeng - guilty pleasure for me, h marries H in marriage arranged by parents, H hates the fact he had to marry her and continues with his girlfriend. H soon grows jealous to watch h's two other handsome suitors buzz around her. Really liked the heroine, although H was hard to take at times, but h keeps it cool and collected. In most kdramas, there is some possessiveness, I would second Purse Monkey's recommendation of Princess Hours or Goong as it's sometimes know. You're Beautiful has a nun-in-training heroine who has 3 guys in love with her, so yes, there's some jealousy there. She disguises herself as a boy to play her twin brother and joins a boy group, and the H is a clean freak, picky lead singer of the group. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 3 of 3 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Jan 15, 2012 6:03:13 PM PST

J. Weaver says: LOL. I am so glad I'm not the only one. I don't know how I started watching, but I found myself several years ago just watching what turned out to be a Korean show. It was rather cheesy and unbelievable, but I LOVED it. I even got my husband hooked. Unfortunately, I had to work on the night the last episode aired (and being that I could read the subtitles but had no idea what the commercials said, I didn't know it was the final episode and this was long before we had a DVR). In any case, I missed the final episode and had to listen to a synopsis from my husband who had gotten just as hooked as I had. Unfortunately, he was never able to describe it well enough to really satisfy, so I feel like I do when I've got an unread book waiting for me, except I'll never be able to finish it because I would have no idea how to find it. Hubby had even tried to find it online to order for me, but never had any success. Now I try to avoid them because I don't want to experience the same thing again (plus my five year old would not understand why I was watching Korean programming)! If perchance I wanted to try to find this show again, does anyone know where I can look for them and how I can determine whether they're subtitled? (There may be an obvious answer, but I don't know it.) Thanks! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 3 of 3 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jan 15, 2012 6:50:30 PM PST jak says: What's it about J. Weaver? Dramafever is a legal streaming site for kdramas, and viki has many different dramas as well, so you should check those sites out. If you want to know what's subbed, withs2 subs the majority of kdramas out there. Just google those names. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 2 of 2 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Jan 15, 2012 7:32:40 PM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 15, 2012 7:34:30 PM PST J. Weaver says: jak, I just asked my husband who, for some reason, remembers the title as "Heaven's Wedding Gown." He's literally laughing at how ridiculous the show was, but I know this would be the BEST Valentine's Day gift ever if I could find it! ETA: And now that he and I are talking about it, I'm wondering if it was Korean (I always refer to it as "that Korean soap opera) or Chinese/Taiwanese (I seem to recall them travelling to Taiwan or Hong Kong) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Jan 15, 2012 7:43:39 PM PST Michigangirl says: wiki. d-addicts .com/ La_robe_de_Mariee_des_cieux Please remove the spaces. Heaven's Wedding Gown. D-addicts pretty much links you to every dorama out there, as well as places to watch and buy. Plus it's got a forum to ask

questions and find answers. It used to have a featured dorama of the month for C/Tai/J dorama that I used to find new shows to watch. I don't know if they still do it. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 2 of 2 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Jan 15, 2012 7:49:24 PM PST jak says: Title: 國 嫁 ( 国的嫁衣) / Tian Guo De Jia Yi Also known as: La Robe De Mariage Des Cieux - taiwanese drama If you have the name right, that would be a taiwanese drama subbed by "DoreMii subs". Just goggle it. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Your post: Jan 16, 2012 2:13:48 AM PST Last edited by you on Jan 28, 2012 10:18:06 AM PST Adnana says: Thank you for all your wonderful recommendations; the plunder brought in by this thread has been much richer than I had hoped for. :))) Edit this post | Permalink 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Posted on Jan 16, 2012 4:12:44 AM PST E. N. Chantress says: I am a big fan of k dramas and was surprised to find your discussion in amazon. Well for starters, here are some amazing ones that I love: You're beautiful- a must watch. Very adorable couple. My girl- hilarious and cute. Boys over flower/ boys before flowers- mentioned above. More recs later. Just watch those first and let me know what you think ;) A site to check out: www.mysoju.com Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 2 of 2 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Jan 16, 2012 8:58:59 AM PST Lily Rose 81 says: The Princess' Man, The Moon that embraces the Sun (on air), Sungkyunkwan Scandal, City Hunter.... And taiwanese dramas too: Autumn's Concerto, Devil Beside you.... Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 2 of 2 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Jan 16, 2012 10:22:19 AM PST J. Weaver says: jak and adnana, Thanks! I've already found the series on YouTube and will have to carve out some time to watch! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Jan 16, 2012 1:29:14 PM PST Last edited by you on Mar 30, 2012 2:31:43 PM PDT Adnana says: Purse Monkey, "Secret Garden" was the show which made me fall in love with k-dramas. I agree with everything you said in your post about this drama. It was so funny how snobbish and arrogant the H was and still, from the very first, he just couldn't stay away from the h. Heavens, even after that first awful fight in the restaurant, when he humiliated her for wearing the torn bag and it seemed he would give her up, he still followed her home. Then, like you said, I loved how once they became a couple the H was so loyal and protective of the h. I absolutely hate a weak hero who lets himself manipulated by interfering relatives/OW and kept apart from the woman he loves. However, the H in "Secret Garden" truly stuck by the heroine, even though his mother kept trying to manipulate him and though he had to give up his inheritance. I thought the ending was very realistic, not everything tied up with a pretty red bow. Speaking of k-dramas. I've now also watched "Spring Waltz" and, though I thought it was ok, it was far below "Secret Garden". It had a favorite theme of mine -- childhood sweethearts torn apart and reunited later in life. Also, the H & h made a very cute couple. BUT the hero was so weak!! He was all over the place, treating the h nice one moment and badly the next, and showing absolutely no spine in his dealings with the OW. In the end *spoilers* he would have even married the OW, who was blackmailing him, if she hadn't changed her mind and set him free. I am now watching "Beautiful Days" and so far, I really like it. ETA: I actually enjoy the softer heroine. At first, I didn't think she was all that pretty, but now I've changed my mind. She's beautiful and looks so innocent! Perfect as the character she portrays. As for the hero... just one word, lol. HOT Edit this post | Permalink 2 of 2 people think this post adds to the discussion. In reply to your post on Jan 16, 2012 6:12:57 PM PST Last edited by the author on Mar 21, 2012 4:20:26 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: All of the below recommendations have a HEA for the H/h. Some also include HEAs for the OW/OM with non-H/h characters. You're Beautiful. I agree that this KDrama is one of the best. It was written by the Hong

sisters (who also wrote My Girl and Delightful Girl Choon Hyang, mentioned above). There is also a JDrama version of this drama called IKEMEN DESU Ne. The JDrama version lacks the charm and humor of You're Beautiful. The OM (second male lead) and the h from You're Beautiful were teamed in a Kdrama called Heartstrings. I also second the recommendations for Sungkyunkwan Scandal, Devil Beside You and Boys Over Flowers. My Girlfriend is a Gumiho (also called MY GIRLFRIEND IS A NINE-TAILED FOX) This Kdrama was also written by the Hong Sisters. The h is a Gumiho (a Korean legendary creature that eats the liver of humans) and the H mistakenly frees her from 500 years of captivity. The h longs to become human and the H agrees to help. As a role reversal, the h is very sweet and the OW is sly. Coffee Prince (also called THE 1ST SHOP OF COFFEE PRINCE) The h is a boyish looking girl and is mistaken by the H to be a guy. The H initially hires her to pretend to be his boyfriend to discourage his family from matchmaking. The h is then hired by the H (still thinking she is a guy) in his male-employee only coffee shop. Angst ensues when the H falls for the h. MARY STAYED OUT ALL NIGHT (also called Marry Me Mary) The father of the h, without her permission, marries her to the son of a friend. The h then convinces the H (same actor as the lead in You're Beautiful) to pretend to also be her husband. The h is then required by her father to spend an equal amount of time between her two husbands. MISCHIEVOUS KISS (also called PLAYFUL KISS) This Kdrama is based on the Manga ITAZURA NA KISS. There is a Taiwan version named IT STARTED WITH A KISS and its sequel THEY KISSED AGAIN and a JDrama version named ITAZURA NA KISS. In Playful Kiss, the h is a warm, bubbly but not too bright girl, who has a crush on H. The H is a genius (IQ of 200) with a cold personality (robot boy). Upon the destruction of the h's house, the h and her father are invited to live with the father's childhood friends, who turn out to be the H's parents. The H's mother is great, and is 100% supportive of the h. The OW is one of the better ones in KDramaland. While snarky to the h, she is never cruel or evil. In addition to the 16 episodes of the drama, 7 special edition 10 minute YT episodes were created showing the H/h post marriage. In addition, a diary (Baek Seung Jo Diary) was created by the production company indicating the H's thoughts during each of the 16 episodes. The Taiwan version of this drama was also good. However, the h is this version was not as sweet as in the Kdrama. As it related to the JDrama, I didn't like the h, her personality was just annoying. This version lacked any romance between the H/h and them getting together at the end didn't seem realistic (was a real head scratcher). Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge (a JDrama) The owner of a boarding house promises her four college age boarders that they can live rent free if they can turn her niece into a lady. This is a very low key, quirky drama (no angst). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 3 of 3 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No In reply to your post on Jan 16, 2012 8:56:49 PM PST Purse Monkey says:

Adnana--I'm glad you're liking Beautiful Days. It's a really good one that I love not only because of the leads but because it has a happy ending! I didn't think it would but SO glad it did. I agree. The actress that plays the h is absolutely beautiful but not in an obvious way. Her features are delicate and subtle. She's so pretty. She has one of those faces that becomes prettier the longer you look at it. The H is pretty hot too. I love their chemistry. What part are you at? I agree completely about Secret Garden. I love that he stuck with her through it all. I also love that although he forgot about her for a short time towards the end, he still loved her and was attracted to her. So cute how he reverted back to his arrogant self and h was all very nonchalant, so sure that he would remember their love. It's very refreshing. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 3 of 3 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Jan 16, 2012 10:19:27 PM PST duhfish says: As an avid romance novel reader I absolutely find watching Thai dramas as the equivalent of watching it played out on television. For those who tend to like more cutesy romance or sad with some jealousy and drama, then in my opinion go for Korean drama. But for those like those bodice ripper type romance books with an alpha male and mad drama that sometimes is way off from being politically correct go for the Thai dramas. It's super satisfying because there's more detail than want a regular movie can provide being that a movie is usually limited to an hour an a half to two hours. But unlike soap operas in the West these dramas have an ending where there usually is HEA. Youtube has so many of these dramas English subbed that access to it is pretty easy, only find the title. My favorites are such as Sawan Biang, a bodice ripper complete with an jealous, spoiled alpha male, and a innocent yet good and spunky heroine. There's slapping and kissing aplenty, with kidnapping and rape, and even a baby. Many can be turned off by this , but this review is for those that happen to like this so no judgements please. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Jan 17, 2012 2:59:16 PM PST Jae says: Adnana I doe love Kdramas too..i feel they are extremely well written although sometimes unrealistic..Secret Garden i think is one of the best kdramas so it is a hard act to follow :-( so i will just recommend my favorite kdramas (they might not be similar to "secret garden" but they are still great dramas :-) "boys over flower" "you are beautiful" "city hall" and "family's honor" I would recommend also recommend "summer's desire" it is taiwanese and more angsty than "secret garden" H is extremely wealthy You replied with a later post Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Jan 17, 2012 10:14:18 PM PST Last edited by you on Mar 30, 2012 2:36:13 PM PDT Adnana says: Re: Secret Garden "So cute how he reverted back to his arrogant self and h was all very nonchalant, so sure that he would remember their love." Yes, it was just soooo funny when, after the H lost his memory, he saw her house again for the first time. And he had this really pained expression and the heroine said that she wasn't sure whether this was a good or a bad thing, but he definitely was a consistent guy. ;) Re: Beautiful Days I've been watching a lot of this drama, so I'm already at the part where the H has just learned his father's secret and had THE DISCUSSION with the h. So awful! Some of my thoughts so far: I'm really happy that there wasn't a full-fledged love triangle with the h, that she only ever loved the hero and was commited to him, in her mind, practically from the first. I want the H to be crazy in love and possessive of the h, but, by that same token, I want the h to be just as devoted to the H. I loved that the h was so honest about her feelings and that even though the H wasn't very expressive towards her, she trusted her instincts about knowing what was in his heart and thus she wouldn't hear anything bad about the H. I hate it when the h is easily swayed in her loyalty to the H! HOWEVER: I kind of did wish that the H had been even the least bit more expressive (though he does ice-cold and unruffled so well!!). He was such a closed book! So ok, there were sufficient instances when he betrayed his feelings -- like, in the beginning, when he kept pointing out to his brother that the h was a year older than Sun-Jae (and thus uneligible as a potential love interest). Or after his brother told him he really liked the h, he violently slammed the lid of his laptop shut. I was very excited when he saw that text message about his brother wanting to meet the h at the bus stop after work, so he kidnapped her instead in his car and took her away. And he said something like: it has to be today, because otherwise it may be too late. But then, when I saw how he treated his brother, and heard his brother's suspicions, I did wonder if there was a little bit of one-upmanship to Min-Chul's actions. I began to dread that Min-Chul really wasn't that emotionally involved with the h after all. Examples: he wouldn't defend her to the store manager, just stood there and watched while she was being mistreated; after she didn't show to their date with his sister and he found her with Sun-Jae, he cut all ties with her so easily! Like the h said, if he had really loved her, he would have WANTED to hear her out and be convinced to forgive her. And, worst: after Sun-Jae hears about the engagement, he asks Min-Chul why he is doing this, if he really loves the h. And Min-Chul replies "Maybe not as much as someone" (meaning his brother) So what did you think of the H's actions? ETA: *spoilers*I'm now at the part where he finally comes looking for her again. WTH? He had to find out she was ill in order to want to be with her again? And I'm supposed to believe that he loves her? I almost feel like he came back to her because Narae told him the h needed him, so he took pity on her. Edit this post | Permalink

In reply to your post on Jan 18, 2012 12:13:15 AM PST Sunshine Frost says: I absolutely love My lovely Sam Soon the hero of Secret Garden comes out in it it's the drama that launched his career I recommend you that one. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Jan 27, 2012 1:01:03 PM PST Last edited by you on Jan 12, 2014 6:34:33 AM PST Adnana says: Michael Mariano, Thank you for recommending "Summer's Desire", it totally blew me away -- and this comes from someone who, usually, absolutely hates love triangles. Though I was still frustrated by the depth of the heroine's relationship with the 2nd male lead, especially since it left so little time where I got to see her together with the true Hero, the two men in this drama were both fabulous. Of course, I prefer Ou Chen; he embodies perfectly my personal ideal of a (fictional) hero. Do any of the other dramas you mentioned have this kind of hero? Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Feb 5, 2012 3:11:14 PM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 5, 2012 3:11:34 PM PST Hui Chi says: Adnana, Not many heroes can compete with Ou Chen when it comes to devotion, obsessiveness, and resolve. He's one of the few heroes who never weakened in his determination to go after the heroine -he knows what he wants and will never do anything to jeopardize it once he has what he wants. He'd never break up with her over petty jealousy/discontentment nor would he demand more than she can give. His love for her is truly unconditional. The tv series is completely based on a famous Chinese book trilogy (has the same name, only it's in Chinese) by author Ming Xiao Xi. Those were the first Chinese books I've read and it totally blew me away. Not only was the writing and story execution amazing, both main leads were exceptional. The main girl, Pao Mo, is one of the most awesome heroines I've ever come across in fiction -she's so calm/levelheaded and loves her brother the most (family's the most important to her). Not to mention she has so much self-respect. I loved her as much as I loved Elizabeth Bennet from P&P and that's saying something. The books get all the credit for introducing such unforgettable characters -I was so obsessed with Ou Chen. Even tho the guy who played him in the tv series totally nailed the part, he technically doesn't look the part since Ou Chen from the books is actually half European and exuded such old-world elegance in his mannerisms. It's very rare in fiction that such a character can be so dependent/fixated on a girl, to the point where she is both his life-line as well as his curse (his butler often calls her that). Even memory loss couldn't prevent him from becoming captivated/obsessed with her all over again when they reunited. This story was also made into a manga series called "Show Princess." I just wanted you to know that both tv series/manga came from the books because they deserve all the recognition. Also, if you want to watch another worthwhile drama with a hero similar in obsessiveness/devotion, watch "Meteor Garden." IMO, tho there's so many versions of this

story taken from the original Japanese comic series, "Meteor Garden" (Taiwanese version) best captures the emotional resonance of the story and is the most faithful. The main guy is so crazy for the girl even tho she didn't like him at all in the beginning and would stop at nothing to be with her. He's says that without her, he doesn't even have the strength to breathe. This entire drama captured my heart even tho its production quality/acting isn't the best compared to the Japanese version. But the incredible chemistry btw leads and other characters, execution/pacing of storyline as well as faithfulness to the original comic books made this one of my favorite dramas of all time -it's simply unforgettable. If you haven't watched any versions yet, I hope you'll start with this one and fall for the characters the way I did. Also, if you watch this, do not ever watch the sequel (Meteor Garden 2) since it was only made to ride on the success of the first and they didn't have enough storyline from the books (the manga had yet to end back then) so they made up their own which totally ruined the first series. The main guy was no longer in character so I didn't even acknowledge the horror of a sequel. So all in all, if you want to see another drama with a hero who can contend with Ou Chen in terms of unconditional love, watch Meteor Garden 1, but ignore Meteor Garden 2, since the story did technically end in the first one anyway. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Feb 5, 2012 3:33:32 PM PST cbela says: hyun bin actor frm sgarden... dramas great! i can rewatch them... "lovely sam soon"...(romance comedy) heroine frm city hall...."snow queen"...(fairytale...hero feels guilty blames for past change name life to boxer). "love story in havard!!! which star are you from" actor kim rae won. "49 days"..."city hunter". romance suspense. devil besides you. why why love. autumn concerto. tw drama Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 5, 2012 5:19:37 PM PST Heather L. Bradley says: My faves: K-dramas--Boys Over Flowers, 49 days (tissue warning), Personal Preference, Shining Inheritance, CIty Hunter. J-dramas--Hana Yori Dango. T-dramas--It Started With a Kiss and sequel, Fated to Love You, My Lucky Star. Right now I'm watching: Padam, Padam and Skip Beat! Both are very good so far. Some facts about HanaYoriDango/Boys Over Flowers: It was originally a magna that was

loosely based on Pride and Prejudice. Hana Yori Dango literally translates to Boys Before/Over Flowers. It is a play on an old Japanese saying "Dumplings over Flowers" which means when it comes to something important (like love) always choose something of substance over something that is pretty but wilts quickly. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 2 of 2 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Feb 5, 2012 5:26:32 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Does 49 Days have a HEA? I have avoided watching because I thought, perhaps incorrectly, that it had a sad ending? Thanks! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Feb 6, 2012 5:11:08 AM PST Last edited by you on Jan 12, 2014 6:36:44 AM PST Adnana says: Hui Chi, I'm very happy to hear from another person who loved "Summer's Desire" and Ou Chen. I became very invested in this story and absolutely fascinated by the hero; I wasn't joking when I said he is the one character (in fiction) who I found closest to my idea of a perfect man/husband. I love how incredibly devoted and obsessed with Xia Mo he was and that, like you said, he would never ever give her up (unless when it seemed that giving her up was the only way to ensure her happiness -- and what a terrible struggle that was!). Of course, it doesn't hurt that he's fabulously wealthy and handsome. BTW, was I the only one who found it sexy to finally see a rich hero who is actually rich in his own right? -- not mama's or papa's little boy, financially dependent upon them and thus completely at the behest of their wims, like it is so often the case in the dramas I've seen. Regarding the books: I had already done some research, so I knew about them; I would happily read the books if they were available in English. I did manage to get my grubby little hands on some fan-made translations of the LETTER, the airport scene and the epilogue which was published later. As you've read the books, would you mind telling me if, in the books, the Xiao Cheng movie was Luo Xi's idea? Because, in the drama, it was Ou Chen's idea, as part of his plan to reawaken Xia Mo to life. Also, did you get the feeling that, in the end, Xia Mo truly loved Ou Chen more than Luo Xi, or did she only stay with him because they were married and because of the baby? Some last thoughts, regarding the cast: I thought that the 3 main actors were extremely convincing as the characters that they portrayed. I was especially impressed by Peter Ho, who I gather has a sunny, laid-back personality in real life, and yet in the drama he was so intense and dark. He played the scarily possessive, driven Ou Chen to perfection. And I thought he was very handsome, I liked him way better than the Luo Xi actor, though intelectually I realize that Huang Xiao Ming is prettier. :) Edit this post | Permalink Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Feb 6, 2012 5:18:21 AM PST Adnana says: Regarding your recommendation for "Meteor Garden": I had actually decided NOT to watch this drama, because I had heard that the heroine was wishy-washy, undecided for way too

long and thus annoying. So I already watched the Japanese "Hana Yori Dango" (thought it was ok, but nothing special) and was also going to watch the Korean "Boys Over Flowers", but I planned on skipping the Taiwanese version. Needless to say, after your recommendation (and the comparison with Ou Chen), the next drama I'll be watching is now going to be "Meteor Garden" (the first season only, lol). I hope I'll love it as much as you did. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Feb 6, 2012 7:30:34 AM PST readtoomuch says: Ok, I am not that big a fan of korean dramas or miniseries because in high school and college, all my Korean friends would force me to watch with them before I could eat any of their mom's delicious foods BUT during my freshman year of college, there was one drama that I really enjoyed and hooked me in so much I was eagerly waiting for more k-dramas to watch. Unfortunately, nothing compared (too much angst and no hea) and so I lost interest. Anyway, the name of the one and only kdrama that I would recommend to anyone and everyone is "Star in My Heart" with Ahn Jae Wook (H) and Choi Jin-sil (h) that came out in 1997. There were no subtitles back then, but it hooked me in so much, that I learned Korean so that when I watched it again I could understand everything and I liked it even more. My friend's mom gave me the VHS tapes she recorded the episodes on and I still have a VCR so that I can watch it. Honestly, I'm sighing as I think about "Star in My Heart" as I type. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 2 of 2 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Feb 6, 2012 1:43:02 PM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 6, 2012 8:47:41 PM PST Hui Chi says: Adnana, I never read the very end of "Summer's Desire," stopping near the end of the last book. They had consummated their marriage and the story was really winding down and started dragging; plus I was already very satisfied by how everything turned out, tho my heart really did ache for Luo Xi despite liking Ou Chen much more -loved how everyone referred to him as "Shao Ye" or "Master," really giving him an air of command. So, I didn't read about Xiao Cheng dying and the movie. But I have heard that it was Luo Xi's idea for the movie and that she won a best actress award. But that movie really reawakened her desire to continue with life and it was like she went through a reincarnation. Before, she had given all her love to Xiao Cheng (both brother and sister loved one another the most), having pretty much been both a sister and a mother to him. His death resulted in her ability to start over and focus all her love onto Ou Chen and their baby -family was always the most important to her, so they're her family now without Xiao Cheng. Although I loved Xiao Cheng, I can't deny that his presence gets in the way of Ou Chen and Xia Mo's relationship since he has pretty much all of Xia Mo's love -she's just incapable of giving her all to Ou Chen as long as Xiao Cheng's alive. It's like no one can get past the barrier that brother/sister created -that's just another quality/flaw I love about Xiao Mo (her brother always had way more value/importance than any man) since it's so refreshing. Even tho Ou Chen can get past that fact (not being her #1), which is another reason why he's so suitable for Xia Mo, I really wanted more for him since he so deserves it after all he's been through and the all-consuming love he feels for her -she's his whole world. Her brother's passing released his hold on her and she was then able to transfer all her

affection to Ou Chen as well as their baby. By then, she loved him way more than she ever loved Luo Xi since she's now able to give the huge chunk previously only reserved for Xiao Cheng to Ou Chen. In the epilogue she even told Ou Chen that he's silly to be wary of Luo Xi since he's her world now. Their baby will grow older and leave them eventually. So really, they're now each other's everything. Of course, Ou Chen being the man he is, actually wanted the baby to love her the most since he understood how much she prized family. But he's her family now too. And yes, I also really loved the fact that Ou Chen was financially independent and was his own master -I love a guy who has all the control; only the main girl can tear him down, grin. Nowadays in a rich guy poor girl scenario, I want the guy to have all the power over his finances so I can avoid parents-opposing drama -soo sick of that plot device. The author of this story didn't need "parents-interfering" drama to create a full fledged passionate love story. IMO, the biggest obstacle to characters getting together should be the involved characters themselves, not parents or outside forces that have nothing to do with the romance plotline. I'm so glad you're going to watch "Meteor Garden," as it's truly one of THE dramas that captured my heart. It didn't start a fever all over Asia for nothing. I was never annoyed with the main girl because she really was initially in love with the second guy, so I understood her confusion over who she really loved. Besides, the main guy practically forces his affections onto her and really gave her no room to think/breathe. He's just that aggressive and direct about his feelings which is another reason he's so well loved as a fictional leading male. I really respected the main girl for initially liking the guy who actually treated her well over the one who tormented and was a total jerk to her -much better than girls who fall for their abusers. So to me, he deserved all the suffering he got after he fell so hard and had to really work for her affections, because he ain't getting it easy, lol. And boy did he work his butt off for pretty much the whole drama in order to get the "I love you" he'd been dying for from her. Love the "arrogant a-hole getting his comeuppance by falling hard for the main girl esp. if he treated her badly" scenario! Also, I loved the friendship btw the F4 (also best version when it came to chemistry btw the guys) as well as the chemistry btw the three main leads. I can only say I was completely enraptured at the time and I hope you'll be able to care/connect with them as much as I did. Just be aware that it's an older drama (came out in 2001) and it doesn't have the best production (esp. compared to the Japanese/Korean versions) quality or acting (besides the girl, all the guys were newbies chosen more for their look/feel to their character counterparts, but it worked so well because of how well they fit their characters and their connection/chemistry with one another). Also, all the guys besides the 2nd male lead looked downright awful at first glance. But the lead male (he's actually really hot) later changes his hair and looks so handsome. So hang in there and watch the whole thing through before passing judgement. Hopefully you'll be able to connect/get into the drama and that will make up for all its faults. Because bottom line is, if a drama's able to hook you/pull you into its world, then you can pretty much forgive it for almost anything. It's only when you're not into a drama where you're able to become distracted by its flaws and nitpick/analyze while watching. So, hopefully you'll get hooked and get as much pleasure/enjoyment as I did. But at least you haven't seen any other versions besides the Japanese one which was too short and skipped many scenes, so you'll really be getting the whole manga story by watching this version. You replied with a later post Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Feb 6, 2012 4:36:56 PM PST Heather L. Bradley says: reader123...no, it doesn't. :( But it was AMAZING! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Feb 6, 2012 11:30:41 PM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 6, 2012 11:36:35 PM PST Jae says: @adana I am so glad you liked it..i would agree that Meteor Garden would be a good watch but I liked the korean version Boys Over Flower better :-) I love obsessive H so I love watching dramas with such characters..I have also been trying to look for one who is as well written and perfectly obsessive as Ou Chen though but here are some recom: Korean What Happened In Bali - one of my favorite dramas of all time super angsty..defintely not HEA but if you decide to watch it pls try not to read the spolilers Loving You- an average drama but i love the fact that the H really was so inlove with h p.s loved BEAUTIFUL DAYS too :-) would try to think of more suggestions..:-) You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Feb 7, 2012 2:04:29 AM PST Adnana says: Sorry, I already read spoilers about "What Happened in Bali" and I now believe I can never watch it. The tragic ending would be bad enough, but the reason it comes about is even worse. After watching "Summer's Desire" and the strong, unwavering Ou Chen, I have very little tolerance for weak heroes who have never earned anything by themselves and depend for everything that they have on their family. And what's the deal with not being able to protect the woman you supposedly love and succumbing to threats to the point of irreversibly giving up that woman? Again, sorry for the rant, but I've already seen such a hero in "Spring Waltz" and was completely disgusted; I really doubt that I can stand another one in the near future. Edit this post | Permalink In reply to your post on Feb 7, 2012 11:20:11 PM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 7, 2012 11:22:27 PM PST Jae says:

i would have to agree with you that thr lead iin WHIB was Ou Chen's exact opposite..very weak and spineless...i think it was how the actor Jo In Sung played Jae min that made the character so endearing..Jae Min was not suppose to be likeable but Jo In Sung played the role so beautifully that i could not help but fall in love and feel sorry for him.. any recommendations for wealthy jealous/obsessed Hero novels... You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 7, 2012 11:31:52 PM PST Jae says: try: Family's Honor-loved park shi hoo's character..he was a bit of a jerk in the beginning but he really showed his love for the h thru out the drama Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Feb 7, 2012 11:57:54 PM PST [Deleted by the author on Feb 7, 2012 11:59:39 PM PST] Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Feb 8, 2012 3:05:11 AM PST Last edited by you on Mar 19, 2012 3:43:07 AM PDT Adnana says: I really want to keep seeing strong heroes, who I can respect for being real men (not just mama's/papa's spoiled little boy), capable to confront life head-on and stand on their own two feet. Obviously, Ou Chen fulfilled this prerequisite to a T. Also: *spoilers* The hero in "Secret Garden", though he was initially quite spoiled and immature, in the end he stood up to his mother and by his decision to live his life with the woman he loved, even if it meant giving up his inheritance. The hero in "Beautiful Days" was also very strong, he walked away from all his father's wealth because of his principles and then he made it on his own. The strongest hero I've seen so far -- even when terribly conflicted and at odds with his 'father' -- was City Hunter. Such a fabulous drama and I couldn't have been more impressed with Lee Min Ho's portrayal of the title character. He's definitely more than just a pretty face (though he definitely has that in spades as well!). :)) Edit this post | Permalink 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. In reply to your post on Feb 8, 2012 3:25:51 AM PST Jae says: oh i think you will like the Hero in Family's Honor :-) the drama is a bit long but the Hero is indeed strong willed :-) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on Feb 8, 2012 11:19:11 AM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 8, 2012 11:20:06 AM PST Hui Chi says: Family Honor's a good one, only the entire drama's a little slow paced probably because it's a family drama with other side plots besides the leads main story. But the lead guy is very swoonsworthy (seriously, the actor played the 2nd male lead in 2 other dramas and ended up snatching the main girl both times, which is pretty much unheard of in kdramas) and totally in love/devoted to the main girl. They also have great chemistry!! Loved the lead girl's ladylike and noble persona. This music video made me watch the whole drama: http://vimeo.com/17078323 Also, for another independent male lead who's crazy for the girl (besides MG I), I highly recommend "Down with love." The lead guy's the same one who's in MG (also plays the lead there) and in this drama, he's a brilliant lawyer (meaning totally independent without any parents to interfere with his decisions) who falls hard for our leading girl, whom he thinks is a lesbian. That certainly made for some hilarious scenes. I loved the drama for their relationship progression (so cute together) and his vulnerability/love for the girl, esp. at the thought that it was one-sided. Here's the ending theme vid (got so addicted to this song): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TnrBL6IlnI There's an older extremely famous drama called "Winter Sonata" which featured the lead girl from "Beautiful Days" and a leading male who's known as one of the kings in kdramas. What made the drama amazing was their chemistry (the sole reason why this drama became so popular, capturing many viewers' hearts) and the leading guy's character/love for main girl. FYI, the guy here is also financially independent and strong in his own right, so no way does he depend on pappa/mamma for pocket money. Since you've watched "Beautiful Days," which was another older drama with Choi Ji Woo and loved it, you may love this as well. Here's an extremely unforgettable/cute scene btw them: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2gtro0qC1E (whenever I hear the song, "Dancing Queen," I think of this scene) In addition, I highly highly second Purse Monkey's recommendation for "Prince turned to Frog." Seriously, in terms of script/acting/chemistry btw leads/storyline/addictiveness, it wins hands down as the best Taiwanese drama of all time! This drama just gets better and better as it goes along. I was hooked right away, but many people had a problem with the first couple of episodes before the lead male loses his memories. But the best best parts are later when he regains his memories, forgets about the main girl, and ended up falling for her all over again I also adored the parts where he lost his memories and was so incredibly sweet to the main girl. The two leads chemistry is one of the best I've ever seen in my history of drama watching, no joke. It was truly truly off the charts! If you ever decide to watch, please don't be put off by the cheesy beginning episodes cause it gets so much better later. This is one of the few Taiwanese dramas (so many feature popular singers/idols who can't act) that feature amazing lead actors -both play off each other so well with his grouchiness and her lively/quirkiness, plus the lead actor's amazing portrayal of two very different personalities. You can watch the drama on youtube by running a search on "prince turned into a frog." Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on Feb 8, 2012 1:47:19 PM PST Jae says: I think we all Fell in love with "summer's desire" i think it is my favorite Taiwanese drama :-) but I would love for it to have a Korean remake.....I think it will be a great remake coz' kdramas are great at angst....it would also be great if they showed more of how young Ou Chen and Shou Mo met and fell in love... Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 8, 2012 2:15:33 PM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 8, 2012 2:16:56 PM PST Hui Chi says: Jae, That would be a dream come true if it's done right! I was disappointed with the Korean version of "Hana Yori Dango" after being so excited upon finding out there's going to be a korean version, since Kdramas have always been my favorite when it came to portraying romance, hands down. But, the only thing I liked about BOF was Lee Min Ho's acting. They made the lead girl into a clown (her monologues were the worst) and just tried too hard to be funny/over the top in order to differentiate itself from the 2 previous versions. Serious scenes were made too comical and it just didn't work for me. But I know that when Koreans make a really good romance, it's the best ever (watched too many amazing Kdramas)! Their attention to detail when it comes to relationship progression and excellent production quality/acting is unmatched in my opinion. Plus, like you said, they're perfectly able to balance out angst with drama atmosphere for the most part -I call it Korean magic, lol. And with such an amazing love story like "Summer's Desire" with its awesome characters, a Kdrama version done right will be too too good to be true. That would be like the most epic on-screen love story ever!!! You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 2 of 2 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Your post: Feb 8, 2012 4:14:55 PM PST Last edited by you on Feb 8, 2012 4:18:28 PM PST Adnana says: Re: a Korean remake of "Summer's Desire" I really don't know, girls. I love the Taiwanese version so much and besides, in my mind, the three main actors have become the characters Xia Mo, Ou Chen and Liu Xi, so I cannot imagine other actors filling those shoes. I really cannot imagine a remake coming close to the almost perfection which was the Taiwanese version, let alone surpassing it. True, I would have loved less of Luo Xi and more of Ou Chen with Xia Mo. But that's the novel's fault, not the drama's. And even with more childhood scenes, I think that, if keeping faith with the novel, it would never do to actually show that Xia Mo loved Ou Chen in the past -- her feelings, both past and current, stay a mystery for most of the drama (which is very frustrating but also, I think, one of the reasons why this story was so engrossing).

Another thing I'd like to point out: from what I've seen, Korean dramas are great at portraying relationship development and love/tenderness, but passion, in its physical manifestation, never actually makes it to the screen. And though I could have done with less passionate Luo Xi kisses, I would never want to give up the passionate scenes with Ou Chen. And I'm pretty sure those would be cut in a Korean interpretation. ETA: About the lack of passion in Korean dramas: in all fairness, there is that exception called "Beautiful Days" (before and when the H & h first become a couple; geez, when the scene in the beach house played on the screen, my laptop nearly went up in flames, lol) Edit this post | Permalink 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Feb 8, 2012 4:25:50 PM PST Last edited by you on Sep 1, 2012 1:29:14 PM PDT Adnana says: Hui Chi said: "But, the only thing I liked about BOF was Lee Min Ho's acting. They made the lead girl into a clown" I totally agree. I watched the first episode of "Boys Over Flowers" (because I also started "Meteor Garden" and wanted to compare) and I hate the heroine. And geez, like another poster said, what's with the mushroom haircut? I looked the actress up on the Internet and couldn't believe how pretty she can look. ETA: After watching more episodes of "Boys Over Flowers" I began liking it a lot more. The heroine gets better, acting-wise, and her character is much more sympathetic and lovable than the heroine's from "Meteor Garden", imho. Edit this post | Permalink 0 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Posted on Feb 8, 2012 6:09:17 PM PST Yahaira says: Roy Leh Sanae Rai was mentioned pretty early on and I really want to watch this drama, but I cannot find it anywhere with eng subs. Does anyone know how I can get a hold of it or where I can watch it. Thanks! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Feb 8, 2012 7:25:20 PM PST cbela says: @ yahaira..did u try viki.com? ....but i love n can rewatchh frm beginning to end... my queen tw drama with cheryl as heroine n ethan (fated to love you). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Feb 8, 2012 7:56:59 PM PST jak says: duhfish, Sawan Biang is a favorite of mine, well acted, even though it has multiple rapes. I still couldn't help feeling for the H, but that might be because I'm a Ken fan.

@ yahaira - a lot of sites have lost links due to megaupload disappearing. You could try bakachan as they have steaming videos of lakorns. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Feb 8, 2012 10:43:04 PM PST Yahaira says: Already tried, Viki only has like the first 2 episodes up and the rest are gone. I found the series on YouTube but the problem is that it doesn't have english subtitles, so I have no idea what the heck they are saying...which is really frustrating because I already like it and it would be so much better if I actually understood it. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Feb 10, 2012 2:14:56 AM PST Hui Chi says: Yahaira, This lakorn's no longer on youtube, but you can download it here: http://zowiempire.wordpress.com/tag/roy-leh-sanae-rai-eng-subs/ Just look for the title and click on the first of the 2 download links. Roy Leh Sanae Rai was the first Thai Lakorn I watched -I wanted so badly to watch it after seeing an MV with Tik and Aom (so much chemistry). I ended up seeing pretty much the whole thing without subs. You're so lucky you get to watch it with great subs! The chemistry and the main guy's persistence was what made this drama for me despite it's ordinary plotline. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Feb 10, 2012 2:22:10 AM PST Hui Chi says: Adnana, The main actress in BOF was in another really long Kdrama called Pure 19 and I liked her in that one -she looked so much prettier too. But her portrayal of the main girl in BOF just didn't cut it for me. I understand they were trying to be unique to the other versions, but that's no excuse to totally change her whole personality. She was like spazzing nonsense and overacting every time she's by herself. I couldn't see any resemblance to the original main girl from the manga. If you want to get a real taste of the original manga, just watch Meteor Garden and ignore this version -unless you want to watch it purely for Lee Min Ho. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Feb 10, 2012 2:06:24 PM PST Last edited by you on Feb 12, 2012 2:22:03 AM PST Adnana says: I used to think Lee Min Ho wasn't all that handsome; I remember watching a little bit of BOF some time ago and not really liking him. Now, after "Secret Garden" got me truly interested in Asian dramas, I watched "City Hunter" and Lee Min Ho was such a revelation to me. Loved the drama (such an exciting plot!) and really loved the characters (the actors all did such a good job playing their roles). But it was Lee Min Ho who absolutely blew me away this time; I thought he was fabulous in the fight scenes, but also when he portrayed emotions (like with his father, or when he just couldn't help falling in love with NaNa). I'm actually reluctant to watch his older stuff for fear of being disappointed. BTW, those of you who also watched "City Hunter": what did you think of the ending? Edit this post | Permalink 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. In reply to your post on Feb 10, 2012 3:15:21 PM PST Amazon Customer says: Adnana~ I like the ending of City Hunter. Now I will say it could have been better and a bit more forthcoming with details as to what happened after all was said and done. But they could have made it a lot worse. ****Spoiler**** I, in my own opinion, like to think he lived at the end. When you see his mother and friend going to America and you see NaNa with a suitcase at the end, that she is going as well. And in my dreamland, he goes right along with her. I don't want a second season. I don't think my heart can make it through 20 more cliffhangers (K-dramas are the best at that :) ) and a possible bad ending. And on a side note, I have followed this thread for a time now and just love it!! I discovered k-drama last year and since then have watched basically no American tv. I have watched many Korean, Japenese, Tawainese dramas and the lakorns. Awesome stuff!! For my own recomendation I'll go with What Planet Are You From. Just finished it and fell in love all over again. A good site I found to wach alot of these is DramaCrazy.net. Lots from Tawain, Japan and Korea. And for Korean only DramaFever.com. Of course Netflix and Hulu have a few and YouTube Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Feb 11, 2012 11:54:28 PM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 12, 2012 12:00:43 AM PST cbela says: i also liked the ending of city hunter , and that he lived... together with her n driving his car.lol yes... which reminds me again i rec "49days" lots of twists.. tearful moments...but a hea ending. also "which star r u frm" is good too the "forbidden love". i very much liked "ur beautiful" brooding likeable hero :) and "dream high"... hero n how he sings "dreaming".

thai lakorn... mark prin "ngao rak luang jai. love in shadows" and wier n pinky " wong wien jai". Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: Feb 12, 2012 12:35:43 AM PST Last edited by you on Feb 12, 2012 2:27:48 AM PST Adnana says: For me, the ending of "City Hunter" took some time to make my peace with. *spoilers* I was basically dissatisfied that there hadn't been a more obvious resolution to the romantic plot, but finally I realized the HEA needn't be that obvious after all -- that it existed was enough. So, I've read an interview with the Director of the movie and he confirmed that 'City Hunter' absolutely did not die after the final showdown. The drama itself does, after all, hint at him going with his entire family -- NaNa included -- to the United States. I'm still a bit disappointed that NaNa's and Yoon Sung's final scene doesn't show a kiss, but the way they meet up at the airport, stand there looking at each other and then smiling at each other with so much love in their eyes is very heart-warming. So, knowing that he lived and that he is together with NaNa is more than enough for me. (plus, I'm sure they'll kiss eventually - a lot) :) Edit this post | Permalink 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Feb 12, 2012 4:32:29 PM PST Last edited by you on Feb 14, 2012 5:42:54 AM PST Adnana says: Hui Chi, I've been watching "Meteor Garden" and am really enjoying it so far. I don't like the heroine as much as in the Japanese "Hana Yori Dango" (I'm talking about the character itself, not the actress), but the hero is awesome, all the way. :) Yes, he does remind me a little of Ou Chen (if Ou Chen were quite violent and aggressive and courted his girl in the manner of a kindergarten bully, lol). I just hope he won't turn into a weakling when his mother starts interfering. Update: Unfortunately, the h ruined this drama for me. I want the H to be completely in love and obsessed with the h, but I also need a little bit of balance in the relationship. There was no balance here - the heroine held all the power and when she kept disregarding the H and he kept chasing after her, it just made him look weak, and it made me resent the h. On the other hand, I've started watching the Korean "Boys Over Flowers" and after getting used to the heroine's exaggerated expressions, I've been enjoying this adaptation A LOT (plus, the h gets better). She's much nicer (less cold) than the h in "Meteor Garden" and, of course, F4 (and especially Lee Min Ho) are to die for. :) Also, Lily Rose 81, Thank you for mentioning "The Princess' Man" -- I've developed a real passion for this drama, especially in its second half. The story is the most interesting and compelling I've encountered in a drama so far (besides "City Hunter") and I LOVE the heroine. After seeing too many heroines (in books and dramas) who I just couldn't like or for whom I gradually lost

my respect & sympathy because of the stupid (imho) decisions they kept making (hello heroine in "Autumn's Concerto"!), heroines like the one in "City Hunter" and now in "The Princess' Man" have restored my faith. I have never cheered so much and so many times as I did for the heroine in "The Princess' Man"; she was so strong and so loyal to the man she loved despite her terrible conflict, being torn between her father and her lover. A superb period drama! Edit this post | Permalink 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Posted on Feb 13, 2012 11:35:32 AM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 13, 2012 11:37:53 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: Well I just recently discovered K-drama, my favorite one is You're Beautiful, it is one of my top 3 favorite series (even though the storyline faltered at some points). I love how good the characters are, even the supporting characters are well drawn out and have their unique traits. It also doesn't hurt that the three band members are really good looking, especially Tae Kyung! Tae Kyung (I learned to spell his name! lol) the hero, is the mean bad boy who always ends up doing the right thing and he's also O.C.D... but if he were a bit nicer I would have liked him even more. Go Mi Nam/Gemma she's the heroine, and she's sweet/lovable, clumsy and admirable in her perseverance. She is a lovable heroine even though I wanted her to fight back verbally at some of the things that Tae Kyung would say. Shin Woo, he's the charming strong/silent type, his mistake is that he waited too long for the right moment, so Gemma had already fallen in love with Tae Kyung by the time Shin Woo expressed his feelings. Jeremy is a real cutie and a piece of sunshine, he's always fun and happy, but he's also slow and clueless when it comes to figuring things out. Manager Ma, idiotic/funny and also goodhearted. Stylist Noona (I forget her name), who is high strung and also has her hilarious moments. Also Go Mi Nam's butt grabbing aunt (poor Tae Kyung lol). Then there's the national fairy actress who pretends to be nice but isn't lol. Basically I really liked how each character had their complete character arc, and had their own unique quirks. Of course the two leads had the most detailed and dimensional character arcs, followed by Shin Woo and then Jeremy. I also loved the metaphor/allegory of "seeing" that was present throughout the series between the H/h, and Tae Kyung being night blind. Okay this post is getting long, basically I have yet to find another drama as entertaining/addicting and as good as You're beautiful. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Feb 14, 2012 7:26:49 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. Have you watched Sungkyunkwan Scandal? Similar to You're Beautiful, it involves the heroine pretending to be a boy. The hero is a very upright guy who is always saving the heroine while thinking she is a guy. Always good to have a hero who is the smartest one in the room! Also good when the heroine is the second smartest. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Feb 14, 2012 1:01:38 PM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 14, 2012 1:27:56 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Thanks for the recommendation Reader, I'll check it out when I have time. But I want him to know that she's a girl from the beginning! In You're Beautiful Shin Woo and Tae Kyung knew that she was a girl from the first and second episodes respectively. Anyways I will definitely check this series out (on a side note, how in the world do you pronounce that word in the title ... scandal?) I really wish they'd make a movie of "You're Beautiful" to show Tae Kyung and Gemma getting married. I would love to see Tae Kyung's reactions to the wedding preparations! At this point Tae Kyung loves Gemma, so he'll put himself through it and give her a beautiful wedding, lol (at least that's how I imagine it). Also they could give Shin Woo a love interest. Something like that would give real closure to the story. Anyways I'm rambling now :) Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Feb 14, 2012 1:50:02 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. In Sungkyunkwan Scandal the hero falls in love with the heroine thinking that she is a guy. Sungkyunkwan is a university in Korea. Also, have you watched Heartstrings? It stars the actors who played Shin Woo and Go Mi Nam. After You're Beautiful, I think people were interested in a drama where these two get together. The hero in this drama turns out to be a great boyfriend. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Feb 14, 2012 7:06:08 PM PST Amazon Customer says: D.M~ In the Japenese version of You're Beautiful ~Ikemen Desu Ne~ it does show her coming back after having gone to ?Africa? and him meeting her at the airport. Just like a 2 minute extra scene. I guess just to show she came back

And funny you mention a wedding with them. While daydreaming about them I could see her wearing the hairclip he got her in her hair as one of her wedding accessories. And instead of a bride and groom on the cake, a cute little pig rabbit :) I daydream waaaayyyyyy too much. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 14, 2012 7:55:45 PM PST [Deleted by the author on Feb 17, 2012 8:32:12 PM PST] In reply to your post on Feb 16, 2012 5:06:08 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: The H (Chi Soo) in Flower Boy Ramyun Shop, similar to Joo Won, becomes obsessed with the h. He begins to imagine her everywhere and ends up working at the Ramyun shop just to be close to her (Chi Soo is extremely rich). There is a fantasy scene showing Chi Soo as Joo Won (Secret Garden) (sparkly blue track suit and all). Chi Soo is clueless as to what is happening to him and even has to look up the meaning of jealousy when a friend tells him this is what he is suffering from. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Feb 16, 2012 8:32:42 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. I think the pronunciation of Sungkyunkwan is sung-gyoon-gwan. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Feb 16, 2012 9:51:03 AM PST Rashell Anderson says: Okay, so I've become obsessed with Asian dramas since watching Boys Over Flowers which I still love the most of the Han Yori Dango adaptions. That's because Lee Min Ho is AWESOME. As mentioned above he's the BEST in City Hunter, just such a great drama. But I also really liked him in Personal Taste. It took me a while to warm up to this one, but the h is just the most sweet and loyal person. And once the H realizes how awesome she is he can't help but fall for her. The problem is there are a BUNCH of lies between them on his part, and he can't figure out how to get out of them without risking losing her. This one is really worth watching. The other that I just loved was The First Shop of the Coffee Prince. I really wasn't sure about this one at all because the H believes the h is a guy for about 80% of the series. But he is just the most wonderful guy. And the h is the sweetest, most innocent and just completely oblivious to how appealing she is. I actually LOVED that he decides to love Oh Chen even when he thinks she's a boy. That's how much he loves her. And he's just adorably possessive and protective of her once they get together. He seriously is a prince. I also watched Playful Kiss that has the 2nd male lead from BOF as the main lead. This one was harder to decide if I liked it as I was watching. The H is a genius and he's a VERY cold,

emotionless kind of guy. The h is NOT a genius to say the least, but she's loved the H, who is in her school, for years. The h is almost too sweet and sometimes crosses the line into doormat territory. And the H is such a jerk sometimes. But everytime I would be ready to quit, he would do something that would make me keep watching. In the end, you could really see that he loved the h in the best way he could. He just would never be a warm person. Anyway, in the end I liked it. I'm going to check out some of the others that have been listed because I seriously can't get enough. So if anyone has more recs, please post them! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Feb 16, 2012 11:09:43 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Rashell Anderson If you haven't watched You're Beautiful, it should be next on your list. Also, if you want to get a greater appreciation of Baek Seung Jo's character, read the Diary of Baek Seung Jo (matched with scenes on YT). The production company created this diary to indicate Seung Jo thoughts during each of the 16 episodes since you could not alway tell what he was thinking based upon his demeanor. Seven 10 minute YT episodes were also created covering the H/h post marriage. Playful Kiss was based upon the same manga as the Taiwanese It Started WIth a Kiss and They Kiss Again. ISWAK is 30 episodes long and covers from the H/h meeting through their wedding. TKA is 20 episodes long and covers from the honeymoon through about 5 years of marriage. The hero finally seems to grow up/become a good husband at about episode 15 of TKA, in episode 20 you see the hero breakdown and cry, probaby for the first time since he was 4 or 5 years old. However, I was not as fond on the heroine in ISWAK/TKA as the heroine in PK. TKA also covers in greater detail the romance between the OM and Christine. You may want to also watch this version (or just pick it up beginning with They Kiss Again.) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Feb 16, 2012 11:25:17 AM PST Rashell Anderson says: Thanks you so much for the info on Playful Kiss. I'm definitely going to watch the the youtube episodes, and look for the diary. I would LOVE to know what Sueng Jo was thinking. I think if I watch the Taiwanese version, I'll have to start with the second one. I don't think I can handle watching the poor h keep getting hurt all the way through again. I'll check out You're Beautiful too. Definitely sounds like my cuppa! Thanks so much! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 16, 2012 11:31:47 AM PST

Dolce Viognier says: Sweet! I'm off to find Secret Garden. I'm obsessed with K culture, period. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Feb 17, 2012 8:08:50 AM PST Last edited by you on Mar 19, 2012 3:32:15 AM PDT Adnana says: Come back and tell us if you enjoyed "Secret Garden" :). I've now watched a bunch of Asian dramas and "Secret Garden" is still one of the 3 I loved the most (besides "City Hunter" and "Summer's Desire"). Speaking of Hyun Bin (the actor who plays the H in "Secret Garden") -- I actually went back and looked for some of his earlier stuff, after someone here recommended "My Lovely Kim Sam-Soon", his breakthrough drama. It was a nice change; the H is, of course, rich, slightly spoiled, extremely attractive and the owner of a restaurant (besides being the heir apparent to his mother's business empire). But the h is different: she is older than the Hero (by 3 years), she's just been dumped by her long-time boyfriend (after she learned he was cheating on her). She's a bit plump, a bit clumsy and a lot funny (though the 'funny' occasionally veers off into cringe-worthy territory, with the scrapes she gets in). My biggest issue is that the H spends a lot of the drama thinking he is still in love with a previous girlfriend who had left him (also, for a change, the OW is a very nice girl and she really loves the H). So he causes the heroine a lot of pain; his saving grace was that, as jealous and possessive as he was of the h (he kept going and ruining her dates when she tried dating again), it was obvious that he had some deep feelings for her, even if he wouldn't admit to them. So, overall, this was a nice drama, even if not one I would necessarily want to re-watch. Another Hyun Bin drama is "The Snow Queen". Here the H is a genius who gave up on school and all opportunities for a better life because of guilt over some past events and he now earns his living as a boxer. He is, in other words, poor and tormented. He's also a very honest, principled guy. The h is a spoiled rich man's daughter, who keeps a world of pain and loneliness bottled up inside her. The way these two so different people come together and fall in love constitutes a beautiful, though difficult, journey. This is a darker drama and it doesn't have a happy ending, unfortunately. But overall, it was a great watching experience and it touched me much deeper than the comedic "My Lovely Kim Sam-Soon". Edit this post | Permalink 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Posted on Feb 17, 2012 10:55:35 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: Aly I can definitely see them having a pig-rabbit on top of the wedding cake! :) Reader thanks for telling me how to pronounce that, when you divide it like that it becomes easier to say.

Sometimes I'm afraid to read this thread because I know I'll end up adding some titles to my "want to watch list" which is growing! lol Anyways the dramas that I've watched online so far are as follows: You're Beautiful of course (my favorite, I own it) Sky Of Love (J-drama, I loved the story but I wished they had a happy ending) Boys Over Flowers (I couldn't finish this because in the second half it became too repetitive, and the heroine started to annoy me with her refusal to accept the hero's help. And she does look funny) Playful Kiss (I watched this to the end, couldn't stop, but I wouldn't watch it again because the heroine suffered too much and the hero was too cold) Personal Taste (Good and entertaining but slow. I really enjoyed the parts where the trusting/naive heroine would ask the hero to rub her feet or her stomach when she has her period, since she thinks he's gay. He on the other hand is torturing himself being that close to her because he's attracted to her) Mars, this one is a Taiwanese drama (This is a good series but too dark for me, therefore I wouldn't watch it again. At first it starts out interesting enough, but then it veers into the territory of deep psychosis and even some horror) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Feb 17, 2012 11:41:48 AM PST yumemiru says: On avg, K-dramas (contemporary) is between 16-24 eps ish, sometimes it run up to more, but very rare. They have pretty casts in most cases and very dramatic acting in most cases. I've listed some of my all time favs. Always lots of tears from the female. You should check out http://wiki.d-addicts.com/Main_Page it has information on lots asian dramas (Korean japanese, chinese, taiwanese, HK and others) Goong (AKA Princess Hour) 2006 original one is one of my all time fav. Dont watch the spin off - Goong S, it's so diff and very bad. last dance with me - very emotional one, but very good Love harvard - another classic one My princess - lots of funny moments IRIS - CIA/Alias type of show, loved it. It's a sad ending, but I'd still watch it again and again, because the ending is so diff, it will stuck in my mind forever; Athena: Goddess of War is the spin-off, it isnt too bad, but IRIS is much better. There is supposed to be a sequel that come out in 2012, but dont have all the original casts as far as I can find info on it.

Lie To Me, a hilarious one, will keep you on your toes till the end Family's Honor / Glory of the Family is another great one that is family drama and a long one, but I loved it very much. It's revolved around a very traditional family, as if they still live in the 1800 ish but in modern time. Many rules about respect and such and you learn the true Korean history/ family style and such. like a long one, 54 eps, but if you can find english version of it, I 'd strongly recommend it. hana yori dango have 3 versions, taiwan, korean and japanese, it's based on the manga/ comic book hana yori dango seires. I've watched all three versions and I love them all, they are all unique in their own ways. Midas - business world, business try to take over each other. Dear Heaven - 85 eps, dramatic, lots of tears ( k-drama classic type) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 2 of 2 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Feb 18, 2012 10:36:02 PM PST cbela says: for several months i havent been avidly watching dramas o lakorns ...ive see and loved dream high ...music. the bf doll. and now.. ive starting watching still airing dream high 2.... im for team yoo jin. he sings so beautifully! has anyone else watch? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Feb 19, 2012 9:42:43 AM PST Jae says: Rashell Anderson there is a older taiwanese version of "playfull kiss" called "it started with a kiss" i kinda liked that version better than the korean version..maybe u would want to check that out :-) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Feb 19, 2012 6:09:18 PM PST Rashell Anderson says: @Jae: Thanks, I definitely will. Although it was kind of hard to watch the poor girl so all about the cold hero, I'm not sure I could stand to see it all over again. But it would be interesting to watch the story with different actors. I've watched You're Beautiful and agree that it is worth watching. The OST especially is great. And when Tae Kyung sings to her at the end, it was just sooo sweet. I know that this had been rec'd before, but if you haven't watched City Hunter, you really should! Not just because Lee Min Ho is the hottest thing ever, but because the story is

fabulous, the baddies are perfectly evil, and the h is actually a strong kickass woman in her own right. Seriously the romance is great and the action is even better. The ending is a bit confusing, but the rest of the story is perfect. LOVE IT! So I guess now I'm looking for more rec's. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Feb 19, 2012 7:25:27 PM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 19, 2012 7:25:49 PM PST jak says: Rashell, you asked for more recommendations, but what exactly are you looking for in terms of plot and characters? And I liked the taiwanese version It Started with a kiss as well, especially the 2nd one, They Kiss Again, because both characters grow up and show their love more (over 30 kisses woohoo!) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Feb 19, 2012 10:23:51 PM PST Rashell Anderson says: @jak, I'm willing to watch just about anything that has a romantic element with a at least a mostly happy ending. I loved Boys Over Flowers, Coffee Prince, Summer's Desire, and City Hunter. I really liked Secret Garden, You're Beautiful, Playful Kiss, Personal Taste, and My Lovely Samsoon. I watched all of Goong or Princess Hours, but by the last episodes I just felt so bad for the princess that I didn't like the prince for letting her suffer so much. He just wouldn't give an inch to her for too long. And when she'd finally just reached the breaking point, it seemed like she took all the blame which wasn't fair. And poor Yul, who loved her so much. It was just a little too depressing. Anyway, I'm open to about anything. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Feb 20, 2012 3:01:47 AM PST Last edited by you on Mar 19, 2012 3:35:23 AM PDT Adnana says: Rashell, If you enjoyed "My Lovely Sam-Soon", then maybe you'll like "Full House". It's a nice romcom and it has a happy ending (plus, it has Rain! as the H); my biggest issue with it was that the H started out deeply in (unrequited) love with another woman (wanting to marry her) and took a while to start loving the h (thus causing her a lot of pain), but if you didn't mind this scenario in "My Lovely Sam-Soon", then it's ok.

Then, as someone else already mentioned, for people who liked "You're Beautiful", give "Heartstrings" (aka "You've Fallen For Me") a try. It has the h and the second male lead from "You're Beautiful" as the main couple and they have a really sweet (even if not particularly dramatic) love story. Finally, given that you seemed to enjoy cross-dressing dramas, if you're willing to try a historical kdrama, "Sungkyunkwan Scandal" is great. It's both intelligent, and funny (imo) and it has a great cast (the h is NaNa from "City Hunter"). It was my first historical drama and thus I was really reluctant to start watching because of the genre, but I finally caved in and boy, I'm glad I did. :) Edit this post | Permalink 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. In reply to your post on Feb 20, 2012 6:16:40 AM PST Rashell Anderson says: @ Adnana: Thank you SO much! I love me some NaNa so "Sungkyunkwan Scandal" is definitely worth checking out. The other two sound really good too, and I'm embarassed to say that I don't know who Rain is but I'm sure he's a hottie. I'm sure my husband will be thrilled that I have more K-dramas to watch. ;) You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Feb 20, 2012 12:54:59 PM PST Last edited by you on Feb 20, 2012 7:19:58 PM PST Adnana says: Rain... is basically the most famous South Korean actor these days -- mostly, I think, because he hasn't only made movies in South Korea, but also in Hollywood. For example, he appeared in "Speed Racer" and he was the hero in "Ninja Assassin". http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1186367/ He's also been very successful as a musician (in Asia). And yes, I suppose I do think he is a hottie ( I wasn't that impressed with him at first, but he really grew on me ;P ). http://blackwomenlovebi.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/rain_bi_eyes1.jpg http://mrckdexter.files.wordpress.com/2008/10/rain_bi1.jpg I saw his movie "Ninja Assassin" in 2009, back when I hadn't even heard about k-dramas, and I liked it a lot. Great action movie! But now, more than 2 years later, I was almost halfway through "Full House" before I realized "geez, I already know this actor from somewhere" and looked him up. :) So I remember I really liked Rain in "Ninja Assassin" (2009). He was ok in "Full House" (kdrama, 2004). He was awesome in "A Love to Kill" (kdrama, 2005). Actually, "A Love to Kill" was an awesome kdrama all-around. But heart-wrenching! From the very start, it had the kind of story setup where you knew a happy ending was impossible, but still you couldn't stop hoping that you were wrong, that things would work out in the end. They didn't, of course. :(

But even though the tragic ending left me with a bitter taste, I understood why things happened the way they did and I don't regret watching this drama. Edit this post | Permalink 2 of 2 people think this post adds to the discussion. In reply to an earlier post on Feb 20, 2012 5:21:19 PM PST jak says: @ Rashell, I'm watching a show that's on right now called Wild Romance, it gets more interesting as it goes on, though the romance isn't the big deal here. It's about a female bodyguard who works for a baseball player she's the antifan of, but it's more about the stalker after him and the people around him. Other kdramas? Wish Upon a Star has a great OTP and bunch of kids, bit too long but still good. If you liked You're Beautiful, try some of the other dramas the Hong sisters also wrote such as Best Love (Egotistical Megastar H falls for down on luck h) or My Girl (h pretends to be H's long lost cousin. She's a mega liar, he's straight and narrow.) For twdramas, I would try Together, about a fallen singer who's lost his popularity, and falls for an introverted girl. There's also Fated to Love You and Down With Love, flawed but enjoyable. FTLY is about an accidental pregnancy that leads to marriage, and in Down to Love, a guy's in love with a girl who he thinks is lesbian. Jerry Yan makes it worthwhile. Are you interested in Japanese or other countries dramas? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Feb 20, 2012 6:52:14 PM PST cbela says: jak... ive been thinking to watch wild romance too. ive only seen the ost mv and that ballad song "painful"... is meaningful and great. do u like that drama as much to my girl? as its the same actor? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Feb 20, 2012 7:31:19 PM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 20, 2012 8:23:01 PM PST jak says: @changb - Wild Romance is a drama that keeps getting better as it goes along, but I'm still never quite sure what to expect next. It's very ably written, but tonally and directionwise, My Girl was more consistent. Wild Romance is rather a wild ride, and I can't tell right now if I'll like it more than My Girl, but I like it about the same right now. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Feb 20, 2012 8:12:53 PM PST Jae says:

i would also recommend "city hall" starring the lead actress of "kim sam soon" it has a lot of "cringe" worthy scene ( iemaking fun of the lead's looks and weight) but over all it is a good rom com.. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 20, 2012 8:21:12 PM PST [Deleted by Amazon on Feb 20, 2012 11:36:23 PM PST] Posted on Feb 20, 2012 9:51:31 PM PST [Deleted by the author on Apr 23, 2012 7:14:28 PM PDT] In reply to an earlier post on Feb 20, 2012 10:33:45 PM PST cbela says: jak n gmb.... thx ill start watching. :) i also have seen n loved soulmates. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 23, 2012 8:55:33 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: I've just finished watching Hana Yori Dango, and it was really good! I enjoyed it a lot more than the Korean version (boys over flowers). I felt that the J-version was more intense/angstier and had a darker atmosphere, alongside the streak of comedy throughout to give the viewer some relief. Whereas the K-version had a lighter more comedic tone which would have been fine if I didn't feel the story started to drag and didn't keep my interest. Also the storyline in the J-version was stronger and intense. I think season 1 was the best, but season 2 of the series was also very good. When I started watching season 2, I thought that they were going back to having the hero Domyougi (sp?) being cold to sweet Makino just to extend the angst, which would have irritated me, but I was wrong. After episode 4 or was it 5 when the reason behind Domyougi's behavior is revealed, the viewer starts to really sympathize with him. However the K-version has a hotter looking hero. Still the hero in the J-version is good looking too (but I wish they had made him less of a jerk at some parts), and the storyline between Domyougi and Makino is definitely better and more intense. I really liked the way Domyougi tried to take care of Makino as best as he could given the circumstances. I also really liked Rui the secondary hero who was always there for Makino. Also the heroine in the J-version is a lot better than the heroine in the K-version, I really liked Makino with her sweetness/vulnerability, strength to survive, and appreciation of food. And the ending of the J-version drama series was just amazing, I loved the way Domyougi proposed to her! You replied with a later post Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Feb 23, 2012 2:18:17 PM PST Last edited by you on Apr 1, 2014 11:08:09 AM PDT Adnana says: D.M., First of all, in case you didn't know: the Japanese "Hana Yori Dango" doesn't conclude with Season 2, but with a movie which happens after Season 2. (*Spoilers*here, you can see the H & h getting married and, at the very end, the h telling the H that they're going to have a baby*endSpoilers*) I have now watched "Meteor Garden", "Boys Over Flowers" and the 1st Season of "Hana Yori Dango". All things considered, it is the Korean version which is, ultimately, my favorite of the 3. *SPOILERS* follow Theoretically, I should have liked the H in "Meteor Garden" the most: he was always the pursuer, completely in love and completely obsessed, he never gave up on the h, he never left her for anything else (like Domyouji and Jun Pyo did). But the h was simply too cold-hearted for me; I felt that she treated the H very badly, she never apologized, she never put him before her pride, she never stood up for him (except for the last episode, which, too me, was already a case of 'too-little-too-late'). I ended up thoroughly disliking the h and then losing respect for the H who was little more than her doormat. Conclusion: "Meteor Garden" was my least favorite version Second favorite version: "Hana Yori Dango" (disclaimer: so far, I've only watched the 1st season) Though I really enjoyed the Japanese version (especially that the h's relationship with the 2nd male lead never went very far, nor did her feelings for him), it was just so short that there wasn't enough emotion packed in, imho. I wanted more close/cute moments with Makino and Domyouji, but I never really got to see them because, again, the drama was so short and there was always something (external) happening. Also, Domyouji lost points with me because he wasn't sufficiently possessive of Makino (he left her!!!) and there were some little things like when he didn't get very angry with the guys who tried to rape Makino (Jun Pyo, however, clearly stated that he never asked them to go that far and was furious), he didn't figure out on his own that Makino was innocent after the debacle with the compromising photos (Jun Pyo, however, decided to trust her and came to her aid even without solid proof of her innocence). And, the clincher: sorry, but Domyouji is a little bit dumb. ;) I know that is most in keeping with the original manga character, but I wish his silliness would have been more toned down, like in the Korean version, where Jun Pyo only ruins expressions, but is otherwise very intelligent. An intelligent hero is a sexy hero, in my book. Therefore, though the Korean version is by no means perfect, I enjoyed it the most out of the three. :) Edit this post | Permalink 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion.

Posted on Feb 24, 2012 3:23:33 PM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 24, 2012 3:28:30 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Yes I just watched the movie, and it was okay but I didn't love it. I thought they had no reason to have Domyoji acting rashly and immaturely for a good portion of the movie, since the second half of season 2 had established a more mature Domyoji. But I did love the ending part when Domyoji and Makino get married. I agree on some of the points you made. Jon Pye's reaction when he found out what those boys had tried to do to JanDi was great, at this part of the story the K-version wins. But the K-version lacked the intensity that was present in the J-version. Also the chemistry between the two leads in the J-version was a lot better. And while Domyoji definitely had his silly and childish moments, I felt that he was more mature in some ways and tougher (he's also a bigger jerk lol, which I wish was toned down). Domyoji spends his spare time putting together complicated puzzles of the stars (attractive), while Jon Pye plays video games which is very silly. I don't remember Jon Pye (sp?) paying for JanDi's parents' debt, whereas Domyoji paid the debt that Makino's parents owed before he left to study abroad (due to a deal he made with his mother). I also don't remember Jon Pye holding JanDi as she cried that she had reached her limit (did he? it's been a while since I've watched the first part of the K-version). It was such a touching moment between Domyoji and Makino. Also in the scene when Domyoji ran to save Makino, he knew he was going to get beaten by those guys who were using Makino to get to him. I was really touched when he told Makino to close her eyes. Jon Pye also got beaten for JanDi as well, but he didn't say that to JanDi. Also I felt that Makino loved Domyoji more than I felt that from JanDi towards Jon Pye. In the second season, Domyoji is back to being cold to Makino and just breaks up with her, but by episode 4 or 5 the viewer knows the reason and it's a very strong reason. However no matter how hard he tried he couldn't keep himself away. When he knew that she had moved to a rundown apartment with her younger brother, he bought the building (I think) and moved in next door to keep an eye on them. Then he had her move into his house in secret at one part. He begged Rui to back off Makino. And by the end he gave up being the heir to the Domyoji Group and chose to be with Makino. Of course then his mother finally reinstated him and accepted Makino. And the ending of the J-version I thought was a lot better than the ending of the K-version where JanDi and Jon Pye get separated for 4 years. Whereas the J-version drama ends with a great proposal scene. But ultimately I can't make a complete comparison, because I stopped watching the Kversion somewhere around episode 12 and then jumped to the last two episodes. So does any of those things happen in the K-version during the episodes that I skipped? In the end, it all comes down to taste :) The J-version is definitely not perfect, but it captured me to the end! So I enjoyed it the most of the two versions. Happy drama watching everyone!

Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Feb 25, 2012 3:38:03 PM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 25, 2012 4:05:45 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Rashell, A couple of additional Kdrama's that I enjoyed which you might like My Girlfriend is a Guhimo - the H starts off very immature and scared of the h but by the end of the series has matured so much that he would willingly die for her. The h is one of the sweetest that I have run across in Kdramaland. The writers of this series (Hong sisters), also wrote You're Beautiful. As a bonus, Jeremy from that show makes a cameo appearance. Flower Boy Ramyun Shop - H becomes obsessed with h. As a twist, the h is older than the H. The H's father is over the top in doting on his son. This father and the H's mother from Playful Kiss should give lessons to some of the other Kdrama parents (here's looking at you Boys Over Flowers and Mary Stayed Out All Night). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Feb 25, 2012 8:55:46 PM PST Rashell Anderson says: @Reader123: Thank you so much! I'm always looking for more dramas to add to my list. And as the mother was one of my favorite parts of Playful Kiss, I'll have to check out Flower Boy Ramyun Shop. Does my Girlfriend is a Guhimo have a HEA? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Feb 26, 2012 6:18:24 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Yes, My Girlfriend Is A Guhimo has a happy ending (but some angst to get there). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No In reply to your post on Mar 1, 2012 7:04:17 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Has anyone watched Meteor Shower? It appears to be a Hunan TV version of Hana Yori Dango. Is it worth watching? I've watched and enjoyed the other three versions - Hana Yori Dango, Meteor Garden and Boys Over Flowers. Thanks! Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to your post on Mar 3, 2012 10:03:09 AM PST Rashell Anderson says: I just wanted to come reccomend the k-drama Moon Embracing the Sun. It isn't completed yet, there are still 2 episodes left to air next week, but up through episode 18 is completely subbed at viki.com. Anyway it is SO good if you're looking for a drama that isn't a rom/com, but is still epically romantic. It is a Seguek (Historical?) so if you don't like drama set in the past this one isn't for you. But it has a beautiful romantic story, a H that is completely devoted, a h that is the same, and an OM that is worthy and sympathetic. There are baddies that you love to hate, and baddies that break your heart. I've cried tears of sorrow and tears of joy. Obviously I don't know that it will have and HEA, but my hopes are high. I don't want to spoil the plot too much, because the twists are some of the best parts. But I really reccomend this to k-drama fans, and if your looking to try a Seguek drama (I was) then I think this is a good one to start with. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Mar 3, 2012 5:02:59 PM PST Last edited by you on Mar 14, 2012 3:07:10 PM PDT Adnana says: Thank you for your post about "Moon Embracing the Sun"; after the awesome "The Princess' Man" I'm very interested in watching another historical drama, if it has a well-constructed plot and an epic romance. "Moon Embracing the Sun" sounds very intriguing and I'll definitely give it a try -- though I'll probably wait until it finishes airing and is completely subbed. Any other sageuk dramas that you would recommend? Edit this post | Permalink Your post: Mar 3, 2012 5:08:53 PM PST Adnana says: Currently, I am watching "Myung Wol the Spy" and really enjoying it. The plot is a bit silly at times, but I get the impression that this is mostly deliberate, as if the writers are purposely making fun of classic kdrama clichees like for example when the heroine's 'parents' try to manipulate the Hero by telling him about how poor the family is, that the father is being chased after by loan sharks and will probably have to sell his organs to settle the debts. (it is all a lie, to rouse the Hero's sympathy so that he will let the heroine live in his house) Anyways, the drama is about a North Korean spy (the heroine) who, by a series of coincidences, becomes entangled with a South Korean Hallyu star (the Hero) and is then ordered by her superiors to seduce the hero, get him to marry her and have him voluntarily cross over to the North, where his talents as an entertainer are sorely needed. As I said, it sounds a bit silly, but how this situation develops is a real blast to watch. The heroine is a well-trained, mission-oriented and emotionless operative and the hero is an arrogant, spoiled actor who is actually quite different from the shallow person he appears to be at first. The hero & heroine have great chemistry and, even though the hero is a real ass towards the heroine in the beginning, after he finally falls in love with her, he is utterly devoted and loyal

to her and would do anything for her. And the heroine, who has only ever strived for a military career and is clueless in matters of the heart, is very funny to watch in her attempts to get the hero to fall in love with her. So far, I like this drama much better than "Full House" (another drama with a famous type hero). Edit this post | Permalink 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Posted on Mar 3, 2012 7:08:31 PM PST cbela says: i agree mws kdrama is good! it's funny.. sweet..action. and heart tugging moments. i have rewatched the entire drama. :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to your post on Mar 3, 2012 7:44:06 PM PST Amazon Customer says: Yes, I loved how my heart tugged at times during Myung Wol the Spy. One of my favorites!! I have watched about 3 eps of Full House. I love the premise of the show but I just can't get into it. I'm sure some point down the road I will watch all of it though. Did you know that in a few months Full House 2 will be airing? The lead is the vet from My Girlfriend is a Gumiho. I'm excited to give that one a try. And Moon Embracing the Sun looks great as well. But I am waiting for the last episode to see how it ends. When I start my dramas I always watch the last one first. I've got to have a happy ending before I watch. With as much time that is invested in them, I like to make sure I have no heartbreak at the end :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Mar 3, 2012 8:29:48 PM PST cbela says: if u liked loved "mws"...the actor eric also stared in an earlier kdrama "que sera sera"... it was funny .sweet. moments of being frustrated annoyed with characters. but .HEA :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Mar 3, 2012 8:39:39 PM PST Rashell Anderson says: I am a little nervous that the end of Moon Embracing the Sun will not be a HEA, but without giving too much away, with all the tragedy in the early episodes I hope that we finally get a happy payoff. This is my first Seguek, but I have heard that The Princess' Man and The Tree With Deep Roots are both excellent. I've also heard that The Return of Iljamae is wonderful, but although it is historical I don't know that it is classified as a Seguek.

I don't know if you all have heard of Dramabeans, but they have recaps of a bunch of dramas as well as ratings for dramas they've watched. A great place to get a feel for a drama before investing a ton of hours watching it only to be disapointed. I don't always agree entirely with their assessment, but for the most part I think they have a pretty good sense of what makes a satisfying drama. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Your post: Mar 4, 2012 4:30:30 AM PST Last edited by you on Mar 14, 2012 3:34:30 PM PDT Adnana says: Thank you for the historical drama titles that have been mentioned; I'll look into them. What about action dramas? I LOVED "City Hunter" and it would be great if I could watch something similar to it. But please, there has to be a happy ending (unless it is a really spectacular drama that is a must-watch regardless of the ending)! For example, I'm reluctant to start IRIS, which is a very well rated action drama. But I heard that it has no HEA? Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Mar 5, 2012 9:19:40 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: I've watched "Flower Boy Ramyun Shop" and it was okay, heavier on the comedy than the romance. But the ending left me confused, I didn't like that. As for the "Moon That Embraces The Sun", I might check it out since it seems to be highly recommended (I'm not sure I'll enjoy a historical, but we'll see). I will wait for your reports concerning the ending first. I too don't want a sad or a disappointing ending. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to your post on Mar 5, 2012 2:00:50 PM PST jak says: Adnana, there aren't many modern action dramas like City Hunter, as most dramas with action are historicals, sagueks, with lots of battles and fighting. If you want modern action dramas, you might want to try Runaway: Plan B with Rain. I heard it's pretty good. There's also A Man Called God, but I thought it was corny. Spy Myung Wol might work, but there's not that much action in it. I can also think of others, but they don't have HEA. You could try Dramafever, which has the dramas listed by genre. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Mar 7, 2012 10:09:52 AM PST [Deleted by the author on May 28, 2012 3:38:46 PM PDT]

In reply to an earlier post on Mar 9, 2012 1:18:19 AM PST Last edited by the author on Mar 9, 2012 1:36:00 AM PST cbela says: hey gmb! i did watch "wild romance"... but at parts the "suspense crazy" parts fast fwd. lol i still need to watch the last two episodes. too. like you said i liked the silliness n seriousness of mv... i just didnt like the "thriller" aspect. lol...i can say ill rather rewatch "my girl"...but i do love the ost song "painful" in WR. In regards to "soulmates"... i loved the music connecting them, as well. right now... im into watching dream high 2. i have yet to watch the latest two episodes... but im rooting for yoo jin n hyesung. what are your fav or rewatched dramas? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Mar 14, 2012 3:30:40 PM PDT Last edited by you on Mar 14, 2012 3:38:59 PM PDT Adnana says: What I said earlier... about really wanting to wait until "The Moon That Embraces The Sun" has finished airing before I try it... Well, I'm eating my words now. My lack of restraint is phenomenal, it seems. ;) Last week I gave in to temptation and started watching TMTETS. By the end of the first episode -- or maybe even, already after the first time that the young H & h met -- I had fallen in love with this drama. *spoilers* follow I really loved the first part, with the young actors, and I thought that the transition to the adult actors was very well done -- nearly seamless, imho (such a beautiful and well chosen cast, both young and adult!). And this motif of a first-and-forever love that you can never stop yearning for really appeals to my romantic side, especially as the H & h are so well-matched and obviously destined for each other. It's really awe-inspiring (as well as heart-breaking) how much the King still loves his true Crown Princess, even 8 years after losing her. I cheered with him so when he finally got her back -- the scene, after he has her escorted to the Palace and then goes to her and he just has to hug her and hold her really tight and he keeps repeating her name as if unable to believe that he finally has the h back in his arms, is incredible. *spoilers* end Trouble is, I've already finished watching all currently available episodes, the story has reached its climax, and with 2 episodes still to go I'm boiling with impatience. It's the first and definitely the last time I start watching an unfinished drama. :) ETA: I'm not worried about the ending at all; the drama is inspired from a book and the book has a happy ending. Edit this post | Permalink 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion.

Posted on Mar 14, 2012 6:17:08 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Mar 14, 2012 6:32:48 PM PDT Hui Chi says: Adnana, never never watch a "good" Kdrama that's unfinished -it'll absolutely kill you since all worthwhile Kdramas pretty much end every episode with cliffhangers, thus torturing viewers. Do the leads in "Moon embraces the sun" have chemistry? Since the essence of Kdramas is always romance (that's what they're best at), I always need the leads to have chemistry and I've heard complaints about the main girl's wooden acting and how the child leads had more chemistry than their adult counterparts, which I hope isn't true. But you seem to love it and the ratings are phenomenal, so maybe I'll watch it if you feel they have chemistry. I've been waiting patiently too, hoping for this to be an "it" drama. By the way, if you want to watch another epic historical drama, check out "Dae Jang Geum" (aka Jewel in the Palace). It's a 54 episode epic historical drama about a girl who starts out as a palace lady cooking for the king and eventually ends up as his personal physician (the first female one in Korean history). There is a romance subplot involving her and a scholar and even tho it's secondary, I loved their sweet relationship! He's so gallant/noble and is totally in love with her. I watched this drama back when it was insanely popular, peaking in ratings, and was absolutely captivated. The main girl's whole journey was extremely intense, not to mention addicting to watch and this was the drama that got me into Kdrama historicals. It stands as my favorite historical of all time. There's so many twists and turns, you won't even feel the length as it's so fast-paced. So, if you ever find the time, watch it! You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Mar 15, 2012 12:52:18 AM PDT Last edited by you on Apr 1, 2014 11:17:28 AM PDT Adnana says: Hui Chi, Remember how you said (in your post about "Meteor Garden") that when we become truly absorbed in a drama, we just enjoy it without judging it for its negative points, whereas when we aren't really captivated by the drama we're watching, we are liable to nitpick at every little issue. I agree with you. ;) And that's the thing with TMTETS: though undeniably good, it's not perfect -- not by far (the ratings it's received are insane and I don't think they can be justified when compared to the much lower ratings some other really good dramas have gotten). But because I like this drama, I chose to ignore its faults, though I am by no means completely blind to them. It's true that the young characters had superb chemistry with each other; that part of the drama (ep. 1-5) is the one I love most (together with the last part, starting with ep. 16). And because that first part got me 'addicted' to the drama, even just because of it I would have continued watching until the end (as long as the drama retained even a fraction of its original charm-which it fortunately did). The adult counterparts, as well, are some of the best chosen I've ever seen; very soon after they appeared on screen, their images superimposed themselves in my head with those of the younger versions, which I considered quite a feat. My only (slight) disappointment was (at the point of the transition) with the heroine. But even though she at first compared unfavorably to the young actress (imo), I eventually came to appreciate her in her own right.

And truly, the King is so great in his role that it also makes the h shine (or as near as) in their scenes together. *spoilers* may follow The main problem with the middle part of the drama is, imo, that the heroine character's itself is written as much less interesting than in the first part. She is now without her memories, without her status--just a lowly shaman (in her own words) who, even worse, is turned into a living talisman (not considered anymore as first and foremost a person) for the protection of the king. So that zing of when the younger heroine was crossing verbal swords with the Crown Prince is missing. It's not that the adult heroine is less brave or less intelligent than when she was young; it's just that, in her new role, socially far below the King, she can't interact with him on the same level as before--which was, as (more or less) his equal. So with her loss of confidence, with her current unassuming and quiet demeanor, the heroine becomes less interesting than before. But again, I don't think it's the actress' fault, necessarily; she just worked with the material she was given. After the heroine recovers her memories and thus regains her true self, the drama definitely picks up again. Yes, it's too bad about all those episodes in the middle, but even they aren't without their redeeming qualities, of course. My real dilemma, regarding this middle portion, is due to the fact that, when the King fell in love with the shaman, it was reluctantly and reservedly; there's always this question of does he love the shaman Wol, or does he love the image of his true Crown Princess reflected in Wol's features? He never forgets his first love-which is beautiful, but also tragic, because it keeps him from seeing that his first love has actually come back to him. And in the end, he's willing to let Wol go, whereas he would have never given Yeon Woo (the Crown Princess) up. So on the one hand I'm happy that the H keeps faith with his first love and doesn't want to renounce it in favor of someone who he thinks is another woman. On the other hand, I (the viewer) know that it is actually the same woman, so it becomes frustrating to watch the heroine, for the better part of the drama, in the guise of someone whom the King can never fully accept. Edit this post | Permalink 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. In reply to your post on Mar 15, 2012 8:33:23 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Adnana - Thanks for the rec for Myung Wol The Spy - I found it very enjoyable, especially the first half. Please let us know if TMTETS ends with a HEA. I also recently watched and enjoyed Soulmate. It was different (in a good way) from any other Kdrama I have watched. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to your post on Mar 15, 2012 1:46:52 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: Adnana: You and I are in the same boat...YAY! Hate to say I told you so...but I did. Moon is just so GOOOD in the first part of the story and the adult actors are also so good that even when the story dragged for a couple of episodes I was so invested that I didn't care. I love the king so much both young and old. I agree that Yean Woo (the h) is harder to judge. I think the little girl was so sweet and just shined with life while the older girl has lived a life filled with hardship and completely no memory of her past. And her treatment upon returning to the

kingdom doesn't make her burdens any less. *Spoilers* You mentioned that the king was willing to give Wol up, but I don't really think that's true. He sends Woon to check on her over and over after she's banished. And when he finds out that Yang Myang is there too, he goes to visit himself and sees them together. I think he's so confused and shaken that he just doesn't know what to do. His head tells him that his love is dead, but his heart recognizes her. And there are two other characters I just love in Yang Myang and Woon. I'm terrified that the prince is turning to the darkside, but I just feel so bad for him in that he's never received anything in his life that hasn't ended up becoming the Kings. And Woon is just the best guard/friend ever, and his road is so hard trying to be loyal to both guys. He understands both of them, and I think he sympathizes with them both. Although his loyalty is first to the King now. Waiting for these last two episodes has been rough. They were supposed to air last week, but due to a labor strike we had to wait until this week. I can't wait to see how it all comes out. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 15, 2012 5:46:55 PM PDT Hui Chi says: Adnana, Thanks so much for your heartfelt response! As long as this is one of the "addicting, crack dramas that you can't help but want to keep watching despite its flaws" with characters you just LOVE, I'll watch it. As long as I'm truly invested (as in enthralled and captivated by their dynamics) in the characters and the drama's well-paced, I can forgive almost anything. As for the girl, as long as she's not wimpy and pathetic (desperate for the guy's love), I'll be fine. I just can't stand begging girls. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Mar 15, 2012 7:58:30 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Mar 16, 2012 12:48:36 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: So for those of you wondering episode 19 of Moon Embracing the Sun is 99% subtitled and 20 is already 70% subtitled at viki.com. Hui Chi, I know you were talking to Adnan, but I just wanted to add that the h is not wimpy and often with the H kind of puts him in his place. But she's VERY proper and reserved. She's not a spunky fiesty h. She's more of a deep thinker and gets her point across with thoughtful words more then actions. She NEVER begs and is definitely strong but there were times when she suffered from being too good. I really hope you watch it. I'd love to know what you think. I'm off to watch the last two episodes, and then I'll report back my impressions. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Mar 15, 2012 10:02:11 PM PDT [Deleted by the author on Jan 3, 2013 3:52:39 PM PST] In reply to an earlier post on Mar 16, 2012 9:52:25 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: So I've watched the last episodes of Moon Embracing the Sun, and it does have a HEA for the H and h. But wow did I shed some tears. Now that it's all over, looking back I definitely see some weakness in the story and things that should have happened differently. But watching each episode in the moment, I was satisfied. The end was heartbreaking and heartmending at the same time. I think the key to watching this and loving it is seeing it as a romance story between H and the h first and foremost. From the moment they meet they are completely devoted to eachother, and everything that happens is what had to happen for them to get their HEA. But wow there is a lot of suffering along the way. I did love this drama even though it isn't technically the BEST drama. I fell in love with the H and h, and just had to see them be happy. @GMB If you liked My Girl, you may want to try some other dramas by the Hong Sisters. I would reccomned You're Beautiful and Best Love/Greatest Love. It's hard to find a drama that compares to My Name is Kim Sam-Soon. That one kind of set the standard for fiesty, strong, independent heroines. You could try Boys Before Flowers, the h there is pretty fiesty and strong. This drama is not without it's faults. The acting from some is either a little over the top, or not enough. But the H carries the story, IMO. But it's a drama with a bit of everything and a HEA. I also really love City Hunter, but this drama is more of an action/revenge drama. But the romance element is strong and the h is wonderful. She actually saves the H a few times. The H is great too, and the revenge plot is wonderful. Really the whole thing just has a lot of heart to it. It's one of my favorites. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Mar 16, 2012 12:04:38 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Okay since the reports are good, I am adding "The Moon That Embraces The Sun" to my "want to watch" list :) Hopefully I'll enjoy it. Right now I am watching "Secret Garden". I had put off watching this drama/romance for a while because of the "body swap" thing. Also because the heroine is a "stunt double", I thought that she would be the annoying/feisty type. But so far I am enjoying this series, and I thought the body swap part was very funny, and it helped them understand each other better. I am also glad that the heroine is not annoying or feisty so far, she's still vulnerable and has a sweetness about her.

I am at episode 14 now, and I really like how in love the hero is with the heroine (and he's got a strong character). On a side note, I love the theme of fairy tales that seems to be going through this drama. I can see that it has the potential to become my second favorite Kdrama/romance so far, behind "You're Beautiful". We'll see once I've watched it to the end though. I'm glad that these shows are available on-line with English subtitles. Quote: when we become truly absorbed in a drama, we just enjoy it without judging it for its negative points... Reply: I agree, since no tv show or movie is perfect. This is why I've been having a hard time trying to decide if I should just "up" my rating to 5 stars for "You're Beautiful" and "Hana Yori Dango", because I really enjoyed them. Anyways... happy drama/romance watching everyone! :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Mar 16, 2012 1:29:59 PM PDT Hui Chi says: Thanks Rashell!! As long as the h stands up to the H and isn't desperate/clingy, I'll be fine. I don't necessarily have to have the "feisty" heroine (sometimes they end up really annoying me); my favorite heroines are ones who have a lot of spirit and a will of steel. But foremost, they all have to have the spine to stand up to the H. "Moon embraces the sun" definitely seems to be THE drama, one that has a lot of heart and I'll watch it when I get the chance. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 16, 2012 3:30:54 PM PDT Melanie says: Question for Netflix members.....Netflix seems to have some k-dramas available for streaming. Any opinions on a few good ones to start with? Thanks!! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Mar 16, 2012 4:46:07 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Apr 4, 2012 5:41:46 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Melaine - try My Lovely Sam-Soon Boys Over Flowers Hana Yori Dango (movie) Playful Kiss My Princess

ETA: City Hunter Secret Garden Protect The Boss Shining Inheritance You Are Beautiful (AKA - You're Beautiful) Scent of a Woman My Girlfriend is a Gumiho Prosecutor Princess Most of these have been discussed on this thread. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Mar 16, 2012 5:41:22 PM PDT Melanie says: Reader123, Thanks so very much....I am off to netflix to explore these! Cheers! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Mar 16, 2012 9:22:28 PM PDT [Deleted by the author on Jun 2, 2012 6:38:02 PM PDT] In reply to an earlier post on Mar 17, 2012 3:20:17 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Mar 17, 2012 3:27:53 AM PDT cbela says: hey gmb! reply back u did..thanks! i have still yet to watch other 2 ep of wild romance maybe i wont finish it.lol thats my thinking now. i love sam soon shes funny n likeable n love him for the mtnn scene. :) thats only drama i own. ive seen several n i just watch them online unless love love them. i was going to suggest u watch greatest love..i havent though. but like frm u n others i will watch that must see drama. kdramas... i watched n enjoyed! "delightful choon hyang" must watch! :) "49 days" twists n turns. heartfelt. soul switching. living again. "heart of 19"..."she is 19". paying it fwd. heartfelt. love triangle heroine n "brothers". "my princess"...funny. heart tugging moments. "love story in havard" or "which star are you from"... same actor. first drama more law n college life like. later drama deal with grief. moving on. forgiving. tw dramas.... rewatched more than twice.. "devil beside you". "why why love" heart tugging "break up" scene. funny. "my queen"... older woman younger hero.... both had past loves. i loved this drama n like both actor n actress. "zhong wu yan" strong heroine. historical mesh mainly modern life. hero star in "fated to love

you". check them out...n enjoy watching. :)) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Mar 17, 2012 5:40:07 AM PDT Last edited by you on Apr 1, 2014 11:20:46 AM PDT Adnana says: Sorry for being MIA the last couple of days; I was waiting for the English subtitles for the last 2 episodes of TMTETS and didn't want to come here and possibly meet people who had already watched the ending (like lucky Rashell) and fall into bitter envy. ;) Rashell said: "You mentioned that the king was willing to give Wol up, but I don't really think that's true." I think maybe the truth lies somewhere in the middle. It's like you said: the King had his head telling him that his love was dead, but his heart recognized her in Wol. So he was very confused about his feelings for her. It is true that he kept sending Woon to find out about her, and going to see her himself. At the same time, I think he knew that for him, as a King, a future with a shaman could never be. And he did tell Wol, the last time they met at the Secret Moon Pavillion (after Wol had already recovered her memories) that he never wanted to see her again. OK, so he probably (almost certainly) didn't mean it. Or if he did, he would have changed his mind. But the fact remains: he was able to tell her such harsh words in the first place. Before that, he had even offered to send her away. Above all else, he was deeply conflicted about Wol. With Yeon Woo however, there would have been no conflict. For a future with Yeon Woo, he would have risked (and indeed risked) everything. Edit this post | Permalink Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Mar 17, 2012 5:42:11 AM PDT Last edited by you on Sep 1, 2012 1:39:39 PM PDT Adnana says: Rashell said: "I think the key to watching this ("The Moon That Embraces The Sun") and loving it is seeing it as a romance story between H and the h first and foremost. From the moment they meet they are completely devoted to eachother, and everything that happens is what had to happen for them to get their HEA." I couldn't have said it better! I completely agree with you. I've now literally just finished watching the last episode and I have to say I am satisfied with the ending. *spoilers follow* For the entirety of the drama, the ultimate payoff I was hoping for was for the hero & heroine to find each other again and have a lifetime of happiness together. The drama gave me what I wanted; the fact that their happiness didn't come easily, or without sacrifice, makes it more solid (and well-deserved) in my eyes. I loved how the King dealt with the traitors; I felt bad about the Prince, but I was glad that his (imo, inevitable) death at least wasn't a stupid accident, but his choice, backed up by valid reasons. I didn't feel sorry about the other Queen at all -- by direct contrast to the Prince, she was selfish even in death, wanting to die as the 'King's woman' instead of sticking around to

get her just desserts. I loved the H & h's wedding night scene (how funny the way the King, who had managed to avoid his first Queen's bed for 8! years couldn't get rid of the court ladies fast enough, to be alone with his new bride). I loved that we got to see them after some years together, still very much in love, still not taking each other for granted (I'm referring to the King's gift for his Queen). Edit this post | Permalink 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Mar 17, 2012 5:45:05 AM PDT Last edited by you on Mar 17, 2012 5:50:57 AM PDT Adnana says: Hui Chi, Rashell said it very well about the heroine not being wimpy, but not being feisty either. She's reserved and has a quiet kind of strength, but strength it is. Edit this post | Permalink Your post: Mar 17, 2012 5:55:09 AM PDT Adnana says: There is a drama which has been recommended here earlier in passing. Because I almost overlooked it myself, but it is now one of my new favorites, I'd like to mention it again. "Save the Last Dance for Me". Besides having a very nice (despite my initial impression), hard-working and completely loyal heroine who actually decides to fight for her man (I despise a `willing-victim' type of heroine who professes to love her man, but can still give him up easily when the first hurdles to the relationship appear), it also has (of course) a strong and completely devoted hero who would never give up the heroine because of external obstacles (disapproving parents, interfering ex-girlfriend etc.). That kind of hero, I've discovered to my great disappointment, is a rare and precious gem in kDrama-land. The drama is actually an older one, so some of you may have already watched it. If you haven't, do give it a try. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Mar 17, 2012 7:03:06 AM PDT Ian Fraser says: The K-Drama I've always enjoyed, mainly because I'm a fan of cooking, is 'Pasta.' Its very simple but quite addictive. Another goodie that I liked was a period piece called 'Painter in the Wind.' I'm sitting with first episodes of 'King of Bakery' and 'Gourmet' (which I haven't tried yet) and, going on the recommendation of K-Drama geeks online, grabbed another one whose name escapes me... 'Coffee Prince'? (Something with the word 'coffee' in the title). Apparently this is considered one of the really good ones by which all others are judged. The K-drama fans should also occasionally dig into K-film. The Koreans are amazingly good with their film making, whether its love stories or other genres. I can recommend '...Ing' as a great little love story. Also 'Dear Diary'. HK-film 'Fly Me To Polaris' is wonderful, so is 'A World Without Thieves,' 'Windstruck' is nice. There's hundreds of good movies from Korea/Japan/HK/China... /film geek mode off :)

You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Mar 17, 2012 7:15:25 AM PDT Last edited by you on Mar 17, 2012 7:16:39 AM PDT Adnana says: I can cautiously recommend "Coffee Prince" (aka "1st Shop of the Coffee Prince") to you. It has a cross-dressing heroine who is actually very convincing in her role as an energetic, feisty and sometimes bad-mouthed boy (also, it helps that she's less pretty than, for example, the actress in "Sungkyunkwan Scandal" who, in real life, could never be mistaken for a boy). Anyways, about "Coffee Prince": it's definitely entertaining, even if nothing really special. The best part about it is the hero who falls in love with the heroine while still believing she's a boy and (after a lot of self-torment) comes to the decision to have a relationship with her regardless of her being (as he thinks) a boy. The heroine didn't really deserve him, imo (she's very selfish, compared to him). Edit this post | Permalink In reply to your post on Mar 17, 2012 7:37:01 AM PDT Ian Fraser says: re 'Coffee Prince' - sounds fun. Good to know, I have the whole series stored - its just about finding the time to start watching it. The K-dramas rapidly take over ones life and spare time :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 17, 2012 7:56:37 AM PDT mean gurl says: I have watched tons of K-dramas, Taiwanese, and J-dramas. Recently I have backed off due to the cultures lack of sensitivity to other cultures, and races. Some of my favorites k-dramas are: Pasta, PrincessHours, My Name is Kim Sam Soon, and City Hall ( you can't go wrong with this actress). Taiwanese. Favorites are: The Fierce Wife, In Time with You (one of the best I've watched period),It started with a kiss and The Kiss Again. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 17, 2012 8:11:33 AM PDT cem73 says: I love asian drama!!! The best for me (with HEA ) : Kdram : Secret Garden ; Love story in harvard ; Lovers ; City Hunter ; 1% of anything Tdrama : Autumn's concerto ; Mars ; Devil beside you ; Blake and white Jdrama : Pride Lakorn (thai drama) : Sawan Biang ; Jam Loey Rak ; Game rai game rak Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on Mar 17, 2012 6:45:05 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Mar 17, 2012 6:51:12 PM PDT C.T. says: Hi everyone, I'm mainly a lurker, but I was so happy to find this as I love K-dramas:) I've watched and enjoyed: *You're Beautiful - fun and loved the songs *Playful Kiss - fun, but wanted to tell the heroine to snap out of it at times for being so lovesick (was marathoning it and had to take a break because of that, otherwise it's a fun drama) *Brilliant Legacy - okay, very fraught with angst/crying *Goong (Princess Hours) - some really lovely scenes (love the one when they're in the car at the beach) and hilarious ones (when he's in the shower and she's hiding in the closet) *Coffee Prince - nice and very good secondary characters *Full House - okay, got kind of tired of the characters always arguing *My Girlfriend is a Gumiho - fun:) *Boys Before Flowers - fun, but did go a bit overboard at times *Mars - (chinese drama) very good adaptation of the manga, loved it I tend to avoid the dramas that are too melodramatic or at least fast forward through those parts...lol. I'm not sure if anyone's mentioned this (might have missed it as I skimmed through the previous posts), but a great place for recaps is www.dramabeans.com . Thanks for all the reccs...I just got Delightful Girl Chun Hyang and can't wait to start watching it. City Hunter is also on my list to watch. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Mar 17, 2012 9:56:25 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @GMB You're Beautiful isn't one of my top dramas either, but I did enjoy it. And Boys Before Flowers has a soft spot for me because it was my first k-drama. I think if I watched for the first time now, I'd probably like it less. But I do admit to loving Lee Min Ho forever and always because of BBF. He's just yum to me. I only watch my dramas online, but there are a couple I am considering buying. Is it nice to own them? Or would you be satisfied watching them on the computer only? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Mar 17, 2012 10:05:33 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @Ian Fraser: I just wanted to confirm the rec for Coffee Prince. I loved that drama mostly due to the H. He is just the ultimate for me. Truly loved the h even if she was a boy. And he was just so adorable in his love for her. The conflict he felt is what makes the drama. I do have to agree that the h was not as devoted IMO, but she did adore him too. @Adnana: I had the same reaction to the end of TMETS. I wanted their HEA, and was satisfied with that. But I'm really going to try not to watch another drama that isn't finished. So hard to wait!! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: Mar 18, 2012 2:28:15 AM PDT Last edited by you on Apr 19, 2012 12:28:50 PM PDT Adnana says: Rashell, Another thing: I had started watching "Personal Taste", but gave it up after one episode because the heroine seemed such a mess and I thought I wouldn't like where the story was going. However, after reading your thoughts about this drama (a few pages back on this thread), I decided to give it a second try. SO glad I did. After getting past the first few episodes, I loved it! Also, this means that ALL 3 dramas in which Lee Min Ho plays the male lead ("Boys Over Flowers", "Personal Taste", "City Hunter") are now among my favorites. A coincidence? I think not, lol. Edit this post | Permalink In reply to your post on Mar 18, 2012 8:38:33 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: Adnana: Lee Min Ho is absolutely my #1 Korean crush. Sure I'm almost a decade older than him, but that's okay. And those three are among my favorites for the same reason. On your rec I'm watching the Princess' Man and it's soo good. But I need to get back to rom/com. After this and Moon, I think I'm all cried out. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Mar 18, 2012 10:48:51 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Since it's been mentioned here, I've tried watching "My Lovely Kim Sam Soon" and after the first two or three episodes I skipped to episode 7 (or was it 8?) just to see if the hero had gotten over his first love. But no, instead they even brought the hero's first love back into his life, so that was it for me, I couldn't watch more. I don't like it when a good portion of a story is dedicated to the hero or heroine being in love with someone else. This drama just didn't capture me, so unfortunately I didn't like it.

As for "My Girl" I watched parts of it and I wasn't drawn into it, because the hero came off as weak. I like the heroes in the dramas/romances I watch to be strong and sexy. So this drama is also one of the ones that I didn't really like. And while the heroine is funny, she lied so much that I didn't care for her as a character. I'm still enjoying Secret Garden, but I still haven't finished it of course (the heroine is crying so much in those later episodes, it's really moving- all the obstacles that the H/h must overcome to be together). And it's great how the hero will simply not give her up. My only gripe is that they talk too fast at some parts, so it makes reading the subtitles harder, when with other dramas I can easily follow what is being said. Aw I loved You're Beautiful, alongside Hana Yori Dango and Sky Of Love (these two are Jdramas), I guess it just goes to show that we all have different tastes :) And yes "Personal Taste" is a good drama, I enjoyed it, but I felt that it was slow. I would put it among the dramas that I liked, but not among my favorite ones. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Mar 18, 2012 11:20:43 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @D.M.: For me what I loved about Kim Sam Soon wasn't the romance or the H. It was the journey of the h. And her ability to realize that she loved herself enough to be happy with just that. The H does realize that he is done with his past love and truly loves Sam Soon, but it's her self discovery that is the real story for me. I had the same reaction to My Girl that you did. It was a nice drama, but I wasn't invested really. And You're Beautiful is a drama that I liked a lot, but didn't love although I thought Tae Kyung was a GREAT flawed H. I agree about Personal Taste, it was enjoyable but not perfect by any means. But if it had Lee Min Ho, I'm sold pretty much no matter what. He's just drama gold for me. If you haven't watched City Hunter with him in it, I really reccomend it. And not just because of him. It's seriously a great story with a great H and h and the "dad" is one of the best characters I've seen as far as being layered and interesting. So good really. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 18, 2012 11:37:30 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Hey Rashell, I'll add City Hunter to my "want to watch" list, and check it out when I have time. Hopefully it will be to my liking, we'll see. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Mar 18, 2012 4:56:12 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: C.T. A lot of the kdrama's on your list were also ones that I found very enjoyable. I'd never heard of the tdrama Mars, so will add it to my TBW list. I will say that every person is different in what they like/dislike in kdrama. Delightful Girl Chung Hyang and Fated to Love You were the only two dramas that I could not finish. I decided that the reason I didn't like these was that I didn't like the interferring/malicious second female leads trope. I enjoy romantic comedies more than melodramas. I'm currently watching and enjoying Protect the Boss. So far it is very much a romantic comedy. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Mar 18, 2012 7:47:29 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Mar 18, 2012 7:52:16 PM PDT C.T. says: @Reader123, I found Mars on viki.com - the main characters are also on Meteor Garden (I think they did that one first). Ummm, if you haven't read the manga...SORT OF SPOILER: the female lead had something bad happen in her past - let me know if you want a more detailed spoiler. Top of my to watch list is Shut Up Flower Boy Band - it's finishing up this week. I've been reading the recaps on dramabeans and am loving the bromance:) What's up is there too...it sounded/looked good based on the recaps. Definitely don't enjoy when the second female (or male) lead is too malicious - end up fast forwarding through their parts. It can just get overdone and put a nice romantic comedy / romance into the melodrama category for me. Cool, I'll add Protect the Boss to my watch list. Have you seen Heartstrings? - it's the female lead and second male lead from You're Beautiful. I kind of skimmed through it and mainly watched the music scenes - I would have enjoyed it more if they had focused on the music, especially combining the traditional instruments with the modern. eta: sort of spoiler for Mars Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Mar 18, 2012 8:09:19 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Mar 19, 2012 6:10:58 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: C.T. Yes, I watched and enjoyed Heartstrings. Another one you might want to watch is Sungkyunkwan Scandal (don't be put off that it's set in 1790s - its a rom/com much more than a historical). Sungkyunkwan Scandal also has a bromance (which even won the two actors a best couple award). The H/h of this drama are my favorite couple. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 19, 2012 12:32:43 AM PDT A.G. says: Try the Japanese drama, "Zettai Kareshi" or "Absolute Boyfriend". It is hands down my favorite japanese or korean drama, and I loved Secret Garden too. The plot focuses on a love triangle between a mid-20's woman, her young hotshot boss, and a robot. The robot is a prototype of a new "ultimate boyfriend" that a high tech company hopes to one day market. Totally unrealistic, odd premise, but it REALLY works on the emotional level. It starts out very humorous, then by the end of the season is sooo heart-wrenching and emotional! It's one of the oldest dramas on DramaCrazy's most popular list, so it definitely has had very lasting popularity. The original Japanese "Hana Yori Dango" and the Korean version, "Boys Before Flowers" are both great, and have a really funny, but very emotional romance-centric storylines. The hero is one of a kind, totally full of himself(incredibly rich, powerful and popular), but so vulnerable when in love! It is kind of just like a romance novel now that I think about it. The heroine is just an ordinary girl, with a lot of spirit, who attracts his ire, then his affection by being the one person to stand up to him! There is also a love-triangle element, with a secondary hero. Set in high school. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Mar 19, 2012 3:10:28 AM PDT Last edited by you on Mar 30, 2012 2:52:21 PM PDT Adnana says: Rashell, I'm really glad that you like "The Princess' Man", though honestly, what's not to like, lol? Well-constructed, keep-you-on-the-edge-of-your-seat storyline, swoon-worthy hero (love him especially in his mane-of-glory part of the drama), a strong, principled heroine that you can really root for and, of course, the love story! Soo beautiful and so tragic. On an emotional level, I was as deeply captivated by TMTETS as by TPM, but on an intellectual level I'd have to pick TPM as the superior drama out of the two. Not to mention that the OST in TPM is out-of-this-world gorgeous. Especially that one piece, consisting of just two lyrics, but even now, whenever I hear it, my heartbeat accelerates:

Sacrificio del destino, Traditore dell'amore. ETA: I borrowed the expression 'mane of glory' from javabeans @ dramabeans.com. Gotta love Park Shi Hoo with that gorgeous black hair left long & loose. http://dangermousie.dreamwidth.org/tag/family+honor Edit this post | Permalink Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Mar 19, 2012 3:17:12 AM PDT Last edited by you on Mar 19, 2012 3:28:20 AM PDT Adnana says: D.M. (Lover of all things Heart), I too, just plain hate it when the H or h is in love with somebody else, not to mention when this feeling persists for too big a portion of the drama. A few dramas with this storyline I rejected out of hand ("Bad Love"), other ones I did manage to watch and semi-enjoy ("Full House", "My Lovely Sam-Soon", "Stairway to Heaven"), but none of them are among my favorites (with the possible exception of "Heartstrings", where the H then became the kind of boyfriend any girl wishes for). "My Lovely Sam-Soon": I don't really understand all the hype around this drama either. I get that it is different, that it may have been even ground-breaking with its unique heroine, but (quite apart from the H loving someone else for very long and it seeming so incredible how fast he then just stopped loving this almost perfect girl whom he had yearned after for years and whom he had finally gotten back) it just didn't appeal to me that much. "My Girl": After one episode, I already disliked the heroine's character too much to keep watching (also, I heard she stays a liar for the entire drama). "You're Beautiful": really liked it as well "Personal Taste": It's hard to explain why this drama is one of my favorites; it just made me feel good, watching it. Plus, it was more serious/adult in content than other dramas I had watched up to that point. Plus, I REALLY liked the heroine. I especially liked how she reacted after she learned of Jin Ho's betrayal. With all evidence stacked against him, she (despite every kdrama clichee) refused to believe anything bad of him or distrust him, before hearing the truth from him personally. Edit this post | Permalink In reply to your post on Mar 19, 2012 6:52:03 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I also second/third the recommendation for the Dramabeans website. I usually watch an episode of a drama and then, if available, read the Dramabeans recap. A lot of times Dramabeans indicates a nuance that I have missed. I also use the Beanie Awards (based on over 20,000 votes) to help select the dramas to watch - 2011 Best Dramas were City Hunter, Flower Boy Ramyun Shop and Protect the Boss, while the 2010 Best Dramas were My Girlfriend is a Gumiho, Secret Garden, Sungkyankwan Scandal and Playful Kiss. So far, I have enjoyed all of these top vote getters.

Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to your post on Mar 19, 2012 7:09:22 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Mar 19, 2012 6:14:27 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @Adnana: Yeah, The Princess' Man is a better all around drama the Moon Embracing the Sun. But I loved them both. But the h in the Princess' man is probably one the best k-drama h I've seen. She has principles that are iron clad and nothing shakes her from what she knows is right. And boy does she suffer for it, but she accepts that willingly. She's truly STRONG, and I loved it! And the H is great too. And yes, the mane of glory was swoon worthy. Everything about it is beautiful, but tragic. At least they do get their HEA. And I totally agree about Personal Taste. The flaws of that drama, and there were more then a few, were made up for by the main couple and how adorable they were. Especially the h just a total sweetheart. @A.G.:I'm going to check into your rec for Absolute Boyfriend. Totally sounds like an original story with some good drama and comedy built in. After my historical sob fest of late, I'm watching a rom/com K-drama called Wish upon a Star/Stars falling from the Sky. It is laugh out loud funny and so far I really like both the h and the cold H who's heart of ice is melting. Good drama for some laughs! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Mar 19, 2012 5:34:32 PM PDT C.T. says: @Reader123, Thanks for the rec:) It's on my to watch list, but there just isn't enough hours in the day for all the k-dramas I want to watch...lol Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Mar 19, 2012 9:17:52 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Mar 19, 2012 9:23:31 PM PDT cbela says: @ct... how did u like delightful choon hyang? i agree everything about sam soon was great except i did have to fast fwd the secondary characters. lol @ mean gurl..... y was "in time with you" the best? thats the one with areil frm "ISWAK"? besides kdrama. tw dramas. n thai lakorn... i rec on youtube..bollywood mv starring s khan "kuch kuch hota hai" my fav!!! rom com n melodramatic. :) it ends happily. Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 20, 2012 10:10:21 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Mar 20, 2012 10:49:43 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I've finished Secret Garden and I liked it, it was good. I loved how the (flashback) last scene tied everything else together, and basically explained why the hero was so drawn to the heroine from the beginning- it was so moving. However I didn't like how- even though they got married- they agreed not to have a celebration of their wedding till his mother would give her blessing. The hero also should have given the heroine a wedding ring, even without a celebration, a wedding ring is a must. But overall, I enjoyed this drama, it had a unique storyline with some very romantic and intense elements. So the K-dramas that I enjoyed, I would rate in order (starting with my favorite): 1. You're Beautiful 2. Secret Garden 3. Personal Taste Oh and Adnana it seems that you and I have similar tastes! I will also checkout Absolute Boyfriend! In the end, I want to thank you guys for introducing me to J-drama, K-drama, and T-drama. Basically Asian drama has really satisfied my cravings for the types of stories I like to see. I love series/movies that have a defined H/h, and we get to follow their journey and all the obstacles they must overcome to be together. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Mar 20, 2012 1:59:21 PM PDT Last edited by you on Mar 20, 2012 11:35:47 PM PDT Adnana says: D.M., I, too, was disappointed that the H & h in "Secret Garden" didn't give each other wedding rings, but at the same time I understood this was all lumped together with them not having had a proper wedding yet (with the blessing of the H's family). And that they still hadn't received his mother's forgiveness & acceptance, even after 5 years, was consistent with the mother's character, I think. I kind of respected the writers for injecting this bitter dose of realism in an otherwise super sweet ending to an all-around fabulous drama. My top 5 favorite kdramas (in no particular order): Secret Garden City Hunter Save the Last Dance for Me The Princess' Man The Moon Embracing The Sun

Others I really liked: Myung Wol The Spy Personal Taste You're Beautiful Boys Over Flowers Sungkyunkwan Scandal And, of course, "Summer's Desire" (Taiwanese drama). P.S.: It seems that "Absolute Boyfriend" is getting a Korean adaptation this year and it may star T.O.P. Edit this post | Permalink In reply to your post on Mar 20, 2012 7:04:27 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @ Adnana: I saw that about the Korean "Absolute Boyfriend" at Viki. I love me some TOP, so that could be fun. My favorite K-dramas (also in no order) City Hunter Coffee Prince The Princess' Man Moon Embracing the Sun Boys Before Flowers Others that I really liked: You're Beautiful Personal Taste Dream High Best Love Flower Boy Ramyun Shop Secret Garden Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Mar 20, 2012 7:10:12 PM PDT C.T. says: @changb I haven't finished watching it yet...got a bit distracted by the japanese version of you're beautiful called Ikemen desu ne. So far, I agree with Reader123 that it doesn't have the charm and humor as the original, but it's still cute. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Mar 20, 2012 9:06:00 PM PDT S. Lilly says:

You may have already received an answer to your question about where to find more subtitled dramas, but I thought I could help you out as I am completely obsessed with dramas.. viki.com is one of the best sites, most are subtitled mysoju.com is another great one These are both free dramafever.com is free or you can pay and avoid commercials. But all of these sites are great! Happy watching! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to your post on Mar 21, 2012 6:18:14 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: The following is a mini rant so feel free to ignore. I love KDrama's but after watching several I have developed a pet peeve regarding characters acting in a malicious manner. I have yet to see these characters show remorse for their actions or suffer any adverse consequences (worst, most end up with a HEA). While I consider certain of these characters actions to be irredeemable, I would still like to see some attempt by the writers to redeem these folks prior to sending them off to happyland. A few examples (I have lots more): The H's mother in Boys over Flowers was evil, but is shown in the end as having a HEA with her husband. No apology made, no remorse shown. In my revised ending she is left standing by the side of the road with a homeless sign. Hee Joo (Heartstrings) reward for conspiring with her mother against Gyu Won - lead in the play and the continued devotion of Joon Hee. Seriously, Joon Hee, Gyu Won has a friend that would be perfect for you, dump the toxic girl. Yoon Seul (Secret Garden) became irredeemable when she had Ah Young fired. No matter what her back story was, there was no coming back from this one with me. Is it too much to ask for just a little remorse?? Sorry, end of rant - resume normal operations! You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Mar 21, 2012 7:36:30 AM PDT Last edited by you on Sep 1, 2012 1:46:24 PM PDT Adnana says: I do agree with you that antagonists in k-dramas don't always get their comeuppance in the deserved manner. Still, I think there's a difference between flawed, but ultimately redeemable characters and truly evil villains. The former are shown to experience growth and learn from their mistakes (for example, Hee Joo in "Heartstrings" ultimately stood up to her mother and at least told the truth about who had really sung during the musical; Yoon Seul in "Secret Garden" was, to me at least, a sympathetic character because of the deep heartbreak she suffered; the H's mother in "Boys

Over Flowers" saw her son almost die because of her intransigence, afterwards she backed off from trying to control him). The latter, who usually commit truly criminal acts like, say, running someone over with a car ("Stairway to Heaven") do tend to be punished appropriately in the end (the 2 villainesses in '"Stairway to Heaven" ended up in prison and the loony bin respectively). But yes, lesser evil-doers do tend to get off scot free more often than not in k-dramas. That's because these shows idealize reality, often have the villains showing remorse at the 12th hour, and, unfortunately, how can you then punish a remorseful sinner? You can't really, because you've got no moral ground left to stand on. Which yes, is very annoying. For a drama where every villain gets exactly what they deserve in the end, watch "The Moon Embracing The Sun". Too bad that some of the good guys also had to be sacrificed in the process. Or watch "City Hunter". Edit this post | Permalink 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. In reply to your post on Mar 21, 2012 8:44:25 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Adnana Based upon your recommedations I do have The Princess' Man and The Moon Embracing the Sun in my TBW pile. I look forward to watching both of them. I do have a different level of expectation for villians in Rom/Com versus Rom/Melodramas. They better get their just desserts in the Rom/Melodrama. While in the Rom/Com I would be happy if there was just some tiny expression of remorse to the actual person wronged (unrealistic/petty of me I know). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 22, 2012 1:09:54 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: So I know that his drama has been mentioned earlier, but since I've finally watched it I just wanted to come reccomend "My Girlfriend is a Gumiho". It's another drama by the Hong Sisters of My Girl and You're Beautiful fame and it is adorable. The lead couple is sooo CUTE and that's how I would describe the drama...really cute. The h is Gumiho a 9 tailed fox that is aparently part of Korean folk lore. She is trapped in a painting until the H accidently frees her. She wants to become human, and due to an injury he suffers she can help heal him. So they agree to help eachother. He's afraid of her, and she's just completely clueless about the world. And did I mention that they are adorable. There's one episode that finally makes me understand the concept of couple rings as they both flash them to signal other poeople to back off. Andyway I really enjoyed this one. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on Mar 23, 2012 9:51:03 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Mar 23, 2012 9:52:16 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Okay I've watched "Absolute Boyfriend" and I liked it, it's got an interesting and original storyline. However I didn't like how the heroine treated Tenjo Night offhandedly for so long in the series. Both male leads in the series, that CEO's son and the robot Night, are very likable. But I wanted the heroine Riko to be more considerate of Night before the last few episodes. She was a sweet heroine, but she always ignored Night, until the last episodes when she found out that Night had developed a will of his own and that he truly loved her, and not just because he was programed to. The ending was sad and very moving. I would rank it second so far, among the J-drama that I've watched and liked, after Hana Yori Dango and Sky of Love (my favorites). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Mar 23, 2012 12:48:29 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: What is Sky of Love? Haven't heard of this one. I'm always looking for a new drama. :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 23, 2012 1:04:10 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Mar 30, 2012 4:40:42 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I finished watching Protect The Boss. Overall it was a good rom/com, with very likable characters. The H and second male lead are first cousins in competition for the future chairmanship of the family conglomerate. The h is the H secretary. The H suffers from a phobia, which renders him panic stricken in crowds and public speaking. The two cousins are always fighting, but in a good natured immature way (bromance). The second female lead and the cousins were best friends growing up and both cousins had been at one time in the past in love with the 2nd female lead. I liked the 2nd female lead, she was immature but unlike most KDramas she was never malicious to the h. The H felt that in the past he had lost the 2nd female lead by not making his love clear so to make sure he never repeated this mistake, he was always telling the h that he loved her. I also like how the 2nd female lead spent a substanital portion of the drama chasing the 2nd male lead. Loved that those who misbehaved were punished with community service. After enjoying Flower Boy Ramyun Shop, I watched Biscuit Teacher and Star Candy (also called Hello, My Teacher), which was mentioned as having a similar setup (19 year old H, 25 year old h) to FBRS. While good, I didn't enjoy it as much as FBRS. I also watched Hana Kimi as it was ranked as the 3rd most popular drama on Dramacrazy. Overall I consider it a young adult school comedy. The h is a cross dresser attending an all male school to be close to the H. Of the three versions of this drama, I preferred the Taiwanese. It had a stronger focus on the relationship between the H/h, but had the weakest ending (perhaps a set-up for season 2 which didn't happen?). However the h in this version does take some getting use to. The original Jdrama version is somewhat over the top and the

H is somewhat cold (in the Taiwan version he does seem more quiet than cold). The jdrama remake is more straightforward than the original and has the best ending of the three. Each of the three versions do bring their own intrepretation of the manga. While good for laughs, not sure why the original jdrama is ranked so high. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Mar 23, 2012 1:10:05 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. Have you watched Koizora the movie. Same storyline as the jdrama. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 23, 2012 1:45:08 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Hey Rashell, Sky Of Love or Koizora as Reader123 said, is a J-drama and it's very good, but you should know that it's a definite tearjerker. I wish that it had a happy ending. You can watch it with english subs on youtube. I definitely recommend it :) Just be sure to type in Koizora drama so that you won't get the movie instead. Reader123 yes I have seen the movie too, and it was okay. I think the hero is better looking in the movie, but the drama wins hands down when it comes to a better storyline and character development. I think the movie was too condensed and rushed, and it also seems exaggerated. Whereas the drama (miniseries) had a better storyline and more relaxed pacing, so it's my favorite. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Mar 23, 2012 3:54:16 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @D.M. - Thanks for the explanation. I'll add it to my list, but after Moon and The Princess' Man, I'm taking a little break from the sad dramas. However sometimes I do get in the mood for a good cry..so I'll stock this suggestion away. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 24, 2012 11:37:13 AM PDT Hui Chi says: Watching "Moon Embraces the Sun" and gotta say, the adult king is HOT!!! Man, it's not just his face, I find his whole presence incredibly charismatic. Loved all the tension filled scenes with him and Wol. I swooned at all the scenes where she acted as his human talisman and the two had their stare fests. Even tho they may not have the best chemistry, I still felt the tension and they have enough connection with one another for me to root for them. Plus I love his alpha-ness contrasting with her calm feminine persona. I'm also a fan of conflicting relationships where there's a class barrier btw H and h -makes everything more interesting.

But I find the political machinations ridiculous and sort of wish they could just focus solely on the romance and forget about the pathetic conspiracies since it's not interesting enough to rivet me. Also, it's funny that I liked the main girl with the 2nd guy when they were younger, but prefer her with the king when they're grown up. I just really like the younger version of the 2nd guy and thought his scenes with the child main girl were really cute. I didn't take to the younger king as much as everyone else did, but was completely won over by the adult king. And can I add that I'm in love with the ost song, "Back in time" -makes me emotional every time it plays. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Mar 24, 2012 7:32:50 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: That song is AWESOME...I actually downloaded it because I loved it so much. Kim Soo Hyun (The older king) is actually in another drama that I enjoyed called Dream High. But his character is completely different. In that one he's kind of a bumbling country boy making his way in the big city. But his heart is just beautiful. Dream High is about a group of kids who go to a special high school for kids who are talented in music and dance. It begins with a photo of the six leads being discussed by a reporter as having huge world star "K" as part of the group. The rest of the series follows the kids different paths through school as we try to discover which is K. The main triangle is great and the side couple are SOOOO adorable. It's a pretty good drama. Make sure you watch the first Dream High. I hear there is a Dream High 2 now as well. Now back to Moon. I actually loved both brothers in their young and old persona. I'm a fan of Jung Il Woo (Old Yang Myung) from other dramas he's been in, so that could bias me toward him a bit. Like you said in your post the politics is hard to follow and sometimes illogical. But I mentioned previously that if you just focus on the drama as primarily a romance between the King and Yeon Woo then it is more enjoyable. Loved this drama as you know even with the convoluted politics. I know this was mentioned earlier but if you want another historical drama with a much tighter political storyline and an epic love that cannot be then try the Princess' Man. It also has some amazing music in it. And the h is one of the strongest of any k-drama I've seen. Especially in a time where women had basically no power. And the H is pretty amazing too. Especially once he gets his "mane of glory" going. And he's got the most adorable crooked smile ever. Loved him, her, and the drama as a whole. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Mar 25, 2012 9:29:15 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Nodame Cantabile - a jdrama classical music comedy

If you love classical music this is definitely the one to watch. A substantial portion of each of the eleven episodes is devoted to either performances, competitions or practices featuring classical music. While they do an excellent job making it seem that the actors are actually playing their instruments, I believe the actual music heard is from a professional symphony. The comedy is frequently over the top/cartoonish and the romance takes a significant back seat to the music. The H/h are typical manga - H is brilliant but cold and the h is stalkerish. H/h help each other overcome childhood trauma to realize their musical dreams. As mentioned by another contributor to this thread, jdrama does lack the drama of kdrama and this drama is no exception, but the music in this drama is truly outstanding. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Mar 25, 2012 10:16:11 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Mar 25, 2012 10:21:05 AM PDT Julia S. says: I'm totally surprised to see this discussion on Amazon for some reason^^ Sort of unexpected. Practically all the dramas I see listed I agree with. I don't know if Full House was mentioned but that's one of my favorite dramas I recommend. It's funny and cute with a interesting plot. The male lead (played by Bi - totally hot KPOP singer in real life) gets really jealous and vice versa. It wasn't as well developed a plot as Secret Gardens, but it was one of the earlier dramas I watched and that made me fall in love with K-drama. In addition to, Full House, I agree with and suggest: Coffee Prince Personal Taste My Girl City Hall (Don't know if this one was mentioned actually. Very good drama) Scent of a Woman (Don't know if this one was mentioned either. Loved it though and watched it with my mother who loved it as well) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 25, 2012 10:36:22 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Rashell, I too feel the need for a respite after I've watched a sad drama/romance, but I love "Sky Of Love" (the miniseries). Absolute Boyfriend also (Spoiler) had a sad/tearful ending for Night and Riko, but she still ends up with the CEO's handsome son, so it's more like a bitter/sweet ending... Also "The Moon That Embraces The Sun" is on my "want to watch" list, and I will check it out sometime soon because you guys always talk about it so well, but right now I'm just not in the mood for a historical. Reader123 I agree with you about Hana Kimi, I don't know why it is rated so highly on dramacrazy. For me it was just a silly comedy that does have some charm, but I don't think that it deserves to be anywhere near the top, IMO. I also have a question, once I click on dramacrazy I can see the top 7 rated dramas/romances

but not the rest. Can you tell me if there is a way to view a full list of their top rated 25 or perhaps 50 dramas? I'm curious about that, because I want to see if I might find some good ones to watch. Oh and I was glad to see You're Beautiful rated as number one! Hana Yori Dango is also very highly rated at number 5, but I think it should have been at least number 2 ! I also took a look at the new titles posted on epdrama, and I'm looking forward to "Love Rain"- hopefully it will be as good as the teasers on youtube make it look. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Mar 25, 2012 10:43:45 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. At Dramacrazy all of the dramas are ranked. To see dramas by ranking, click the Most Popular button at the top left hand corner (to the left of alphabet listing). To scroll to next page see 1-2-3-next button below last drama listed (at bottom of page). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Mar 25, 2012 10:56:00 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. Interestingly enough You're Beautiful is also the Most Liked on Mysoju (if ranking is set to Most Liked versus Most Viewed). Boys Over Flowers is the Most Viewed (its #3 on the Most Liked list behind #2 Mischievious Kiss). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 25, 2012 11:01:09 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Thanks Reader123 for the info! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 25, 2012 12:12:40 PM PDT Hui Chi says: Rashell, thanks so much for your input and rec. I've heard so much about it and when I'm in the mood for an angsty Romeo-Juliet epic, I'll definitely watch it. I'm also a fan of Park Shi Hoo, having fallen for him in "Family Honor" (he had great chemistry with the female lead and I just loved his devoted/slightly villainous character). Tho it was a slower-paced family drama, the main lead really captivated me. Lol, Park Shi Hoo's always known as the guy who can snatch the main girl even if he's in the "tragic" secondary lead role. He's been in that position twice and snatched the girl both times, which is unheard of in Kdramaland. Maybe it has to do with his swoonworthy smile? Although I've heard lots about "Dream High" as well, I generally prefer cold or arrogant male

leads who fall hard for the female, so Kim Soo Hyun's country boy character may not be my cup of tea. But I did really love him in "METS," so I may give it a shot. Thanks again! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Mar 26, 2012 1:45:31 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @Hui Chi: I can completely understand how Park Shi Hoo could keep snatching the girl even as a second lead. There really is just something about his smile that is so sweet and mischevious. And yet he can bring the intensity when needed too. I was so impressed with him. I'm going to have to look into his other roles. Dream High is really fun. And Song Sam Dong (Kim Soo Hyun) is a great character. For almost all of the series, he is definitely NOT a typical cold k-drama H. He does have one arch where he goes to a darker place and you see his ability to be a guy like King Hwon. But still for the most part he's just this adorable adoring boy...but I loved him there too. In Dream High, it's really the h who is the cold unemotional one. If you're looking for a fun drama, with a little bit of angst too then Dream High is good choice. There is some romance, but mostly it's about these kids chasing their dreams. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Mar 27, 2012 7:53:42 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Watched the first two episodes of Rooftop Prince - looks like it may be a fun rom/com. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Mar 27, 2012 7:42:25 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @Reader123: I'm following both Rooftop Prince and King2Hearts at dramabeans. Viki is subbing both. But after watching Moon and having to wait for new episodes, I'm trying to avoid watching a currently airing drama. But I agree that both have the potential to be winners. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: Mar 28, 2012 6:07:07 AM PDT Last edited by you on Mar 28, 2012 11:57:56 PM PDT Adnana says: I watched a drama which, I think, hasn't been mentioned here before and I'm amazed at how much of a surprise it was and how much I ended up loving it. Why am I amazed? Well, because, sight-unseen, just from reading about its plot, I was dead-set against this drama, as its premise is one which I've resented in every other series in which I had encountered it so far. But somehow, this show taught me different. And if I've learned anything, it is to try being less fixed in my expectations, be they positive or negative. Seemingly, I can be

unimpressed with a drama like "Brilliant Legacy", which executes a concept I love (down-onher luck, hard-working heroine paired with spoiled, arrogant chaebol heir). And I can fall in love with a show like "Scent of a Woman", in which the dreaded 'terminal disease' plot device is played out. But hey, at least this drama is honest. In shows like "Autumn Tale" or "Stairway to Heaven", just when things are supposed to start going well, out of the blue you get hit with the heroine learning she is sick and then eventually dying (and at least one of the male leads dies as well). In "Scent of a Woman", however, you learn it from the first episode: the heroine is diagnosed with terminal cancer and given 6 months to live. Interesting thing though: this drama isn't about the heroine dying; it is about her finally starting to live. So, what do I say? I loved the heroine (she's the actress who played Kim Sam-Soon). She has superb chemistry with the Hero (I can only compare it to the chemistry between the leads in "Secret Garden"). They have some scenes where they dance the tango together and gosh... I thought my laptop would go up in flames. And it feels like they have entire conversations with their eyes, that is how much longing and passion and frustration they can convey just by looking at each other. Of course, the hero is really amazing as well. So ok, the actor is grade-A handsome, but, more importantly even ('cause seriously, all kdrama actors are gorgeous), he plays a very deep-layered character beautifully. He starts out as a man who does things only in half measures, because he just can't bring himself to really care about anything -- and that includes living. He's frozen inside, and then he meets the heroine and she is the one person who dares to call him out on his uncaring attitude towards life and teach him to commit fully and to live fully (the way she herself, ironically, only started living after learning that she was going to die). They fall crazily in love with each other and your heart just breaks for them (especially the hero), but at the same time you feel the joy they take in just being together. Also, after the H and h commit to each other, he is absolutelly wonderful in the way he treats her. I know this sounds like a dark drama and yes, there are, in fact, a few tears shed along the way, but the ultimate effect is in fact very uplifting. Really. ;) Compared with what I heard about "49 Days", for example, "Scent of a Woman" actually has a better ending, I think. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Mar 28, 2012 11:05:00 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Mar 28, 2012 11:07:32 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I'm watching Goong (Palace) right now, and it's good! I'm liking it. It has a cute premise but the way the story unfolds really draws the viewer in. The first three episodes were really slow with barely any interactions between the H/h, but starting with episode 4 or 5 that's when the story really gets going. I wish that the hero wouldn't be cold and/or mean to the heroine for much longer, so I'm hoping that that will change soon. You really care about the main characters in this drama, and the H/h have very good chemistry. But I just want the hero to be more open with the heroine and nicer to her. I really feel with her, Shin the hero would make her cry and she'd end up calling him a "bad man" or "a bad jerk", then he'd hold her close and you can just feel the emotion because their chemistry is really good. I'm also liking the secondary hero a lot as well. I think I've watched a few episodes of Scent Of A Woman, and then didn't continue watching because like you I don't like really sad premises, i.e. the heroine is dying. But now after this

good report I will probably go back and watch the rest when I have time. (Oh but it has a sad ending, so I will need to prepare myself if -or when- I decide to continue watching the rest). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Mar 28, 2012 2:01:38 PM PDT [Deleted by the author on May 22, 2012 9:58:33 PM PDT] In reply to an earlier post on Mar 28, 2012 2:23:48 PM PDT [Deleted by the author on May 28, 2012 3:41:55 PM PDT] In reply to an earlier post on Mar 28, 2012 2:29:08 PM PDT [Deleted by the author on Apr 23, 2012 7:17:35 PM PDT] Posted on Mar 28, 2012 2:36:02 PM PDT mommie dearest says: City Hunter is a great drama.Very entertaining.It has a little of everything in it.If you are a fan of the Korean version of Boys Over Flowers then you'll want to see this since it also stars Lee Min Ho with a much better hairstyle.Read the manga Hana Yori Dango(Boys Over Flowers) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Mar 28, 2012 8:04:18 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @GMB: Thanks for your thoughtful response. I'm really thinking about purchasing a couple of the dramas I really love, so I may end up taking you up on that offer of help. Since you mention Sam-Soon and My Girl as favorites, you may want to try Scent of a Woman that Adnana recommended above. The h is Sam-Soon and he H is the lead from My Girl. And even though this drama is about a woman who has terminal illness, it actually has a lot of happy moments. And SPOILER....It doesn't end sad. She's still alive in the end, and continuing to live each day as the gift that it is with her H that loves her more than anything. And the second lead, her Doctor, is a sweet heart too. It's a really sweet drama. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Mar 28, 2012 8:06:32 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @ D.M.: I don't want to ruin Goong for you, but I feel I should warn you that you should prepare for a LOT more coldness from the H. I really had the hardest time with that drama. It's probably the only one where I seriously considered switching from the H to the second lead. I'm interested in you opinion once you finish, so please come back and let us know what you think. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Mar 29, 2012 12:16:14 AM PDT Adnana says: Rashell, Good thing that you mentioned "My Girlfriend is a Gumiho" again -- I had overlooked it the first time I saw it mentioned, mostly, I think, because I wasn't very impressed with the actor who plays the Hero here after I had seen him in "Brilliant Legacy". I mean, he was ok there, but nothing to really write home about (as an aside, I think that "Brilliant Legacy" was a bit too stretched out at 28 episodes and it made the other male lead TOO good, so that it broke my heart that after all he had done for the heroine and how much he loved her, he couldn't get her in the end). Anyways, your rec about "My Girlfriend is a Gumiho" intrigued me and I've been watching it. Have to say: I LOVE it and, also, I finally know why so many people consider the actor Lee Seung Ki (the H) so awesome. He's great in this drama. Also, I really enjoy how much focus is given to the H & h's relationship, that they spend the entire drama together as boyfriend & girlfriend (albeit, at first, not in the true sense of these words). They have a lot of beautiful scenes together. I especially like the cute scenes where the H gets jealous, or when he stands up for the heroine before the girl he used to like. Plus, I always find it a delight to see a previously spoiled and shallow man-child fall crazily in love and grow up to become a strong man who would do anything to protect his love. Would love to see more dramas with this storyline. Edit this post | Permalink 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. In reply to an earlier post on Mar 29, 2012 4:51:49 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Rashell/GMB - Thanks for the heads up on King 2Hearts - I'll definitely watch since the lead actor is the H from My Girlfriend is a Gumiho, which I loved. GMB - what was the final verdict on Wild Romance? Is it worth watching? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to your post on Mar 29, 2012 8:42:16 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @Adnana: I initially didn't watch My Girlfriend is a Gumiho for pretty much the same reason. The H just looked too much like a little kid. But after watching all the other Hong Sisters dramas, I felt I had to complete my Hong Sisters experience. So glad I did. It may actually be my favorite of theirs story wise. I agree that it was so refreshing to have the main couple together for basically the entire drama. And they are so adorable together. @Reader123: Yeah, King2Hearts has actors in both H and h that I've really enjoyed in other dramas. The h is the lead in Secret Garden. I'll keep following and once is 2/3 through I plan to give it a try. And Adnana, it looks like this could be another drama where the couple get together pretty early. We'll have to see how it all plays out. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Mar 29, 2012 9:46:57 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Rashell Did you watch Hong Gil Dong - I've avoided it because of the unhappy ending. Should I watch? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 29, 2012 3:33:10 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Rashell thanks for the heads-up, I will come back with my report concerning Goong! Oh and I watched the first two episodes of Rooftop Prince, I've got to say that from the title I thought that this would be a silly comedy but it's not, it seems like a fast-paced drama/romance. I am surprised by the dark/suspenseful atmosphere the show seems to have in addition to the comedic streak/relief (I loved how the heroine dressed the four guys from the past in different colors). Also that riddle that the hero asked the heroine's look-a-like in the past, they didn't reveal the answer to that riddle, so I'm thinking that the answer is something important to the storyline. Anyways it's still early to really say how this show will turn out, so far I'm liking it. Even though the first episode was very confusing, the second episode was really good (it drew me into the show) and helped explain some things from the first episode. They also have episodes 3 and 4 uploaded but no subs yet, and episode two ended on a cliffhanger! I hope that they will sub the other two episodes very soon. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Mar 29, 2012 5:09:20 PM PDT [Deleted by the author on May 28, 2012 3:42:15 PM PDT] In reply to an earlier post on Mar 29, 2012 6:03:58 PM PDT [Deleted by the author on Jun 2, 2012 6:39:30 PM PDT] In reply to an earlier post on Mar 29, 2012 7:43:35 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @Reader123: I did watch Hong Gil Dong, but it is probably my least favorite Hong Sisters drama. The ending is not a happy one which is not something you expect with the Hong Sisters. But the point of that drama was about something bigger then just a mortal life. That while Gil Dong did not live the spirit of him lives on. I don't know if I would watch it again. That said there were parts that I really liked. And the message of fighting for rights and equal treatment is something that still resonates today. But if you're looking for typical Hong Sisters Rom/Com then this in not it. I have to say that I went in expecting that and they may be why I was more disapointed then someone who knew what to expect. @GMB: Yeah, Scent of a Woman seemed like it was going to follow an obvious path, but I really think that it did part from that. Instead of being a story about a woman dying, it really

was a story about a woman finally living. In fact, for a story that starts with the h learning that she has a terminal illness, she doesn't die in the end. She continues to live and love. I know what you mean though about picking and chosing. It's a lot of time to invest to watch a drama. Maybe someday you'll go back to it. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Mar 30, 2012 4:45:48 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: GMB/Rashell - thanks for the feedback on Wild Romance and Hong Gil Dong, I appreciate it - sounds like there are better dramas to be spending my time on. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 30, 2012 1:21:40 PM PDT [Deleted by the author on May 22, 2012 9:59:14 PM PDT] In reply to an earlier post on Mar 31, 2012 1:44:10 AM PDT cbela says: @GMB... I still haven't finished the last two ep of WR. lol putting off the suspense. I did finish watching DREAM HIGH 2... loved the music and silly but serious moments, too. What is LOVE FORWARD about so far? does it remind you of any other TW dramas? Finally... there are several kdramas I want to watch. I'm excited to watch "LOVE RAIN"... the hero is jang geun suk aka Tae Kyung in YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL. I did not watch his MARY drama. I read the synopsis for KING 2 Hearts... sounds interesting, too. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 31, 2012 2:06:38 PM PDT Jae says: my fave kdramas in no particular order 1.BOYS OVER FLOWER-this got me addicted to kdrama 2.GOONG- cute and light 3.YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL- FUN WATCH 4.BALI STORY-rewatched it several times...you would either love it or hate it...i loved it! fell in love with Jo In Sung :-) 5.STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN- an old classic/angst... 6.WINTER SONATA-started the hallyu wave/angst 7.LOVERS-angst/H is a gang leader 8.PROSECUTOR PRINCESS-suppose to be romcom but i found it a bit angsty

9.SECRET GARDEN - love the chaebol H 10.FAMILY'S HONOR- not too popular but i really enjoed watching it You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Apr 1, 2012 2:27:55 AM PDT Last edited by you on Apr 1, 2012 2:57:10 AM PDT Adnana says: Jae, "Lovers" sounds interesting, but can you please post some spoilers about what happens with the H's girlfriend? Does she have the H's baby? Is there a HEA for the H and h? Edit this post | Permalink In reply to an earlier post on Apr 1, 2012 2:31:40 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: GMB Thanks for the recommendations - I'll check them out! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Apr 1, 2012 3:04:53 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Apr 1, 2012 3:09:22 PM PDT GMB says: Hi Changb, I'm glad to hear from you again! **Love Forward is a 24 episode Taiwanese drama about two girls who meet by accident, while in college. One is literally running away from debt collectors with her family. The other girl is rich and often wears designer clothes, but doesn't experience much (if any) love from her family. The rich girl is quiet and just wants to experience love and learn to live independently. The girl with family debt--will do anything to legally earn money. She isn't snobby, but she would rather earn money than experience love. [She feels it's a waste of time...] This is all I will say about the main characters because I don't want to ruin it [for you or anyone else.] I will say that there are three [of the primary characters] are playing characters in their 20's. When really they are in their 30's. It's not that bad, but I just thought I'd warn you. Also, if you do start this drama [available on dramafever.com] you should stop watching about 5 minutes before the end of each episode, so that the closing scenes don't ruin the next episodes. :)

I've only seen 6 episodes --because 2 episodes are posted per week. Also, I don't have any taiwanese drama comparisons because I've only seen Korean dramas. It's not out of language preference, just that Taiwanese and Japanese dramas seem too corny. However, I think that just happened to be the ones that I started, and ultimately quit. I've enjoyed my experience with Love Forward because it seems more natural (for the most part!) and you can see the chemistry between the female actors and also the male leads. I don't believe it's going to win any Golden Globes, but its a lot of fun. It's also great to hear a new language and see some new (unknown to me) actors. I'd also recommend King 2 Hearts! In my opinion, it's a great drama!!! [And if they don't blow it, I mean the writers as well as the actors] it could be a great 16 episodes. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 1, 2012 3:35:22 PM PDT Jae says: @ADANA LOVER"S - h is a doctor, pretty unusual for a kdrama that h has a career of her own.. she goes through a lot with H. It is a heavy kdrama....SPOILER ALEART!! yes HEA in the end Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 1, 2012 4:36:59 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Apr 25, 2012 5:36:24 PM PDT GMB says: Rashell Anderson and Company, I know you haven't asked yet, but I wanted to let you [and members of this discussion board know] before prices change again. Hopefully, Amazon won't edit my posting on this because I'm going to mention places to buy Korean dramas: 1) If you want to buy here on Amazon: Look for Korean dramas released by YA Entertainment. They are an American company boasting the best English Subtitles on the market. (For Korean dramas.) here is the website. This will show you what they've released over the years: http://www.yaentertainment.com/catalog.asp 2.) YesAsia.com: This is a company that is located in China. However, they are reliable and will send you factory sealed items by YA Entertainment. Here is a link to the website: http://www.yesasia.com/us/ **I've heard that the sales change from month to month. 3.) YFuFu.com: I haven't ordered from this small, United States company directly, but it

boasts similar prices as YesAsia.com, and if I buy another popular drama from YA Entertainment I plan to purchase here:) They are supposed to send factory-sealed dvd sets by priority mail. http://www.yfufu.com/category-s/1513.htm **This website is having a blowout sell for its Korean dramas. For example, "Someday" and "Super Rookie" 4.) Ebay: Depends on the seller and the product itself. ***Fans of Korean Drama-- Snow Queen: I know someone who is trying to sell their copy on Ebay. So, if you missed a chance to own it, and still want to, I can tell you where to buy a used copy. [In excellent condition.]*** 5.) Barnes and Noble: They sell YA Entertainment dramas. I feel that they are a bit too pricey, but I know many people have memberships with Barnes and Noble. 6.) Walmart: Yes, even Walmart has Korean dramas. However, not as many as the previously listed websites. With Regards and Happy Drama Watching... --Updated April 25 Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Apr 1, 2012 9:46:56 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Rashell I've finished watching Goong, and my verdict is that I agree with you. I also started rooting for the secondary hero at several parts. When towards the end, after the hero had stopped the heroine from asking for divorce on television (the way he stopped her was great), but after that- even if he was angry- he shouldn't have left her to fend for herself against the royal family's anger. If he had been there for her at that part I would have liked this series a lot more, but him not being there for her ruined it for me. Also this series is sort of slow, I felt there were too many parts with the elders talking and I just started to skip them. "Lovers" sounds like an interesting and somewhat dark romance type drama, and the good news is that it has an HEA (here's to hoping the hero gets out of that world by the end). So I'm definitely checking it out, I've already found it on the dramacrazy website. I've watched the first episode and I really liked it. I think the H/h meeting scene is one of the funniest and most memorable I have ever seen in any drama! Also I stumbled on a Jdrama called "Honey and Clover" on youtube. It's a cute show so far. I'm still at the beginning, so I don't know how it will turn out in the end. Has anyone here watched it? Is it good? I have yet to find another drama/romance that is as gripping (intense/dark, romantic, complete with a comedic streak/relief) as "Hana Yori Dango", or as moving as "Sky Of Love" (a heart melting tearjerker).

And talking about buying the dvds, do you guys ever hesitate to buy a drama because you just can't make up your mind about whether or not you liked it enough to own it? I'm like this with Secret Garden, I'm really hesitating to buy it lol. While I liked it, it just didn't capture/hook me the way You're Beautiful did. And I second: happy drama/romance watching everyone :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Apr 2, 2012 11:06:37 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @GMB: Thanks so much for those links. Once I get ready (have money) to buy, those will really come in handy. @D.M.:About Goong, yeah, that was the last straw for me too. When she was kneeling in that room for forgiveness and he didn't come to her or defend her it was just too much for me. After all the crap she'd put up with, I just wanted her to ditch the whole lot of them. I'm going to have to check out Lovers. Keep us posted on what you think about that one and "Honey and Clover". Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Apr 3, 2012 7:51:25 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Apr 3, 2012 7:51:57 PM PDT C.T. says: D.M.: "Also I stumbled on a Jdrama called "Honey and Clover" on youtube. It's a cute show so far. I'm still at the beginning, so I don't know how it will turn out in the end. Has anyone here watched it? Is it good?" I watched the movie of this a few years ago (didn't realize there was a drama) - it was ok and seemed to be more from the male point of view (at least as much as I remember). Not sure if this would be considered a spoiler, but the ending is a bit open ended, but considering the age of the characters...it fit. D.M.: "And talking about buying the dvds, do you guys ever hesitate to buy a drama because you just can't make up your mind about whether or not you liked it enough to own it?" Yes, that and price are the main factors when I buy dramas. There are some dramas I just ended up not getting because I couldn't see myself watching it more than once or the price was just too high. Then again, there are some dramas I bought sight unseen because I liked the storyline or actor(s) (this was before I knew about all the online places you could watch the dramas at). I lucked out and the first few dramas I bought have turned out to be some of my favorites to rewatch. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Apr 4, 2012 2:19:10 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Apr 6, 2012 1:25:27 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Jae Thanks for the Prosecutor Princess recommendation. It's a great drama. I agree that it's a lot more serious than its description. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Apr 5, 2012 4:52:31 AM PDT Last edited by you on Mar 18, 2015 8:27:49 AM PDT Adnana says: I've tried watching some lakorn, but so far I've been really disappointed with this genre. I watched "Kaew Tah Pee" (The Apple of My Eye), "Lhong Ngao Jan" (Enchanted Moon) and fast-forwarded a bit through "Mai Taeng" (Wedded Wife) and the problem I have with these shows is that, as interesting as I find their basic plotline, I think that the execution is really flawed. Going in, I'm excited at the basic, classic harlequin-esque scenarios (for example: rich hero becomes blind after an accident, falls in love with the heroine who believes him to be a poor fisherman and tricks her into wedding him; then he takes her with him abroad where he is going to have an operation to recover his eyesight. Problem is, his conniving ex-fiancee wants him back and starts creating trouble between the hero and his wife. Another example: hero thinks the heroine responsible for causing the death of his friend by cruelly dumping him and goes after her for revenge). However, I hate the way the characters are written to behave towards each other. The hero hasn't got the least faith in the heroine having at least some basic decency; he suspects her of all kind of evil deeds and betrayals, he accords the OW more respect than he does the heroine. The heroine is at times a complete shrew who shouts at and hits the hero, at times an icicle of pride who lets the hero misunderstand even when clearing things up would require only a short explanation from her. I find both the H and h TSTL and the fact that they spend the entire drama at odds with each other, only coming together right before the end, definitely doesn't make for a feel-good drama, imo. Plus, seeing how they've behaved and mistrusted each other during the entire drama, I'm hardly likely to believe in their HEA lasting for longer than until the next ex-fiancee or wannabe girlfriend or whatever comes along and decides to interfere. :( Does anyone know of any lakorns in which the H and h actually admit to loving each other and are in a real relationship together BEFORE the last episode? Edit this post | Permalink Your post: Apr 5, 2012 5:17:38 AM PDT Last edited by you on Apr 5, 2012 9:48:30 AM PDT Adnana says: I fast-forwarded through "49 Days" (aided by the recaps over at dramabeans -- btw, I totally agree with this being a great site). I didn't watch this drama in its entirety because, as intriguing as I found the story concept, what I'm most interested in when watching a k-drama, is still the love story -- and I found the romance in "49 Days" unfulfilling (or I could just substitute the word 'unfulfilling' with 'depressing'. that works too).

Yes, it was a well-written and well-acted drama. Yes, the two heroines' journey was very interesting to follow -- though it was kind of self-defeating to know, from the start, that there could ultimately be no happy resolution: either she lived and forgot about her 49 days; or she died. Plus, the way the writers chose to end the show... bizarre. But really... what I'm most disappointed in is the romance thread which was dangled before my eyes for 20 episodes, but never fully materialized... I think I got spoiled by dramas like "My Girlfriend is a Gumiho" and "Scent of a Woman"... but the fact is, I really want those moments with the Hero and Heroine together as a couple, happy and devoted to each other. Are there no other such dramas left to watch? Edit this post | Permalink In reply to an earlier post on Apr 5, 2012 2:47:02 PM PDT [Deleted by the author on Apr 23, 2012 7:20:11 PM PDT] In reply to your post on Apr 5, 2012 5:44:08 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @Adnana: The only Lakorn that I watched and liked was Tomorrow I'll Still Love You. I watched it subbed on You Tube. The H and h had been in love and engaged but the h sister was killed by the H sister after because she thought her husband was having an affair. Anyway this breaks them up (although the H still wants to be together) and years later they reconnect. He's now a rich business man and she's hired as his secretary. He still loves her, but he's so bitter about how things ended that he (of course) treats her like crap. But he's super jealous and possessive. They do have some cute moments and because of their relationship in the first episodes you know how they adored eachother. Anyway it's one Lakorn you could try. As for a k-drama to try, I enjoyed Wish Upon A Star. The parts with the rich family drag and are pretty much skipable. But the parts with the h and H and the siblings are adorable. It's not the best drama in the world. But I did enjoy watching it. And it definitely had more of a feel good vibe, not super angsty like some dramas. I know that dramabeans did recaps if you want to check that out before watching. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 7, 2012 7:27:08 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I second the recommendation for Prosecutor Princess. I had originally placed this drama low in my TBW pile as I thought it was going to be a fluffy comedy, but was instead a drama about growth, justice and forgiveness. What was great was that this drama was able to accomplish this in a very entertaining way without ever having to resort to over the top angst. In the end I came to like all of the characters, as this drama lacked any true villains or malicious/backstabbing secondary characters. It also included a great set of parents that loved and put their child first. Like the h, I even understood and forgave the H for his betrayal. While the h is somewhat frivolous (but always in a bubbly kind-hearted way) and you do become embarrassed for her in the early episodes, you do see her grow and improve throughout the drama (while retaining her bubbly kind-hearted nature). You replied with a later post Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No In reply to your post on Apr 7, 2012 3:29:06 PM PDT jak says: @Adnana I'd have to agree with you on Kaew Tah Pee, Mia Taeng (didn't watch Lhong Ngao Jan). I liked them, but they aren't the best and the execution is flawed (not to mention the acting in some of them). There are lots of lakorns where H and h admit their love before the last episode. Out of the ones I've seen and considered to be well executed (well written, acted, etc.), try (where you can find it): 1.Rahut Rissaya- I think it's one of the best lakorns I've ever watched. H blackmails h into marrying her as she thinks his dad is responsible for her parents' death. She tells him she has info on a website about his father's misdeeds and she'll let the police and media know about it, so H agrees because of his mother's health mostly. There is rape, kidnappings, murders, death galore, but it's also very humorous and heartwarming. Guarantee to bring a few tears to your eyes, not to mention some belly laughs. (at bakachan,viki) 2.365 Days of Love - h marries H in love, but almost destroys their marriage because of her insecurites about OW. She finally realizes that she's the one that is destroying their marriage, not the OW. Some people may not like the h, but I loved her because I loved Ann's acting and could sympathize with her (her dad abandoned the family and her mom has been intent on instilling in her daughters that all men are not to be trusted).(youtube) 3.Roy Marn - Tomboy h must marry H as a substitute for her more polished and ladylike cousin who disappears on wedding day, much to h and H's dismay. More then a light romantic comedy, this lakorn delves into the past histories of the families involved. Somewhat Romeo and Juliet like.(viki) 4.Taddao Bussayo - h pretends to be a guy due to bad guys wanting to kill her, and falls for H. Likewise, he falls for her, confesses his love when he still thinks she's a girl. Pretty cute.(youtube) These are also ones that have what you're looking for, but I haven't watched them. Game Rai Game Ruk, Roy Mai, Piang Jai Thee Pookpan (Bonded Hearts), Love Never Dies (vampire one), among others you can watch at viki. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 7, 2012 4:52:53 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Apr 7, 2012 4:59:26 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I've watched Lovers on dramafever and it's good, slow at some parts, and the ending was somewhat disappointing, I wished that the ending had been better. However the two leads had good chemistry (and I loved the H/h's first meeting scene and their love scene). Overall this drama was okay/good, but I wouldn't put it among my favorites.

As for "Wish upon a star", you guys don't know what happened to me lol *points accusing finger at the posters on this thread lol*. I was searching for this drama, and instead I stumbled upon a Jdrama called "a million stars falling from the sky", and I don't know why I watched that drama, but watch it I did. And it was a really depressing and dark drama/suspense (very dark, I need to clear my mind). But it does have that "it" element that just hooks the viewer. The hero reminded me a little of Anne Stuart heroes, he's the closest thing to an "Ice" series hero I've seen yet, even though he's not undercover or anything like that. The only one who evokes any emotion in him is the heroine, and even though the hero (well he's an anti-hero cast in the lead to be precise) sleeps with other women during the series (it is just disturbing to see how he manipulates the people around him), he only loves the sweet heroine. And once he and the heroine finally get together he becomes faithful. But there was an unexpected twist in the end that was just sickening and heartbreaking. The ending is tragic...now if you'll excuse me I need to look for something light to watch, I'm thinking I'll check out Hungry (J drama that looks light) or "Prosecutor Princess" (even though the title is silly) thanks to your synopsis. Oh and Happy Easter my fellow drama/romance watchers! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Apr 8, 2012 7:47:22 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @D.M.: Ouch, sorry I sent you looking for Wish upon a Star and you ended up with a depressing drama. But if you actually do want light and funny "Wish Upon A Star" fits that. I know it's at Viki. I think it's listed at Stars Falling From the Sky there, but you can find it if you search either name. But now I'm curious to check out your jdrama. Every now and then you need something a little dark and twisted. Prosecutor Princess is a very sweet drama. And if I didn't already love Park Shi Hoo from The Princess's Man, I fell in love even more in this one. He's just adorable and that smile of his just kills me! So that is a good light pick, not too angsty for a drama. @Jak: Maybe I'll check out some of those Lakorns you listed. I just have a hard time with the rape scenes in Thai dramas. I'm really needing some new dramas to watch. I saw that my boyfriend, Lee Min Ho, has a new drama coming in August. SOOOOOO Excited. I just need King2Hearts and Rooftop Prince to get a little futher along before I start watching. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 8, 2012 9:08:45 PM PDT Spectator51 says: I never heard of K dramas before I saw this discussion. I looked on netflix, and of course, once I clicked on one all sorts of recommendations started coming up. I started watching Pasta and I'm loving it. Totally hooked.

You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Apr 9, 2012 8:11:49 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @Spectator51: Be ready, it's like crack, you start watching one and next thing you know your spending hours and practically speaking Korean. Seriously Pasta is a cute, light, non-angsty drama. And the two main leads are adorable. If you like them you could try Best Love next, the h in that one is the same as in Pasta. Or you could try Coffee Prince, the H is Pasta is the second lead in that one. Happy drama watching. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Apr 9, 2012 12:05:09 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I'm watching Rooftop Prince Rashell, and it's very good so far (except for the first episode which is confusing and too fast paced). I'm enjoying it so far, but I hate having to wait a whole week for a new episode to be posted. As for that other one "king2hearts" I tried to watch it, but I couldn't get through the first episode, so no thanks, I didn't like it lol. Oh and if you want to check out "million stars" J drama, at least you know that there is a twist coming towards the end that will result in a tragedy for the H/h, so at least you won't be like a deer in the headlights (like me! lol) when that part comes. So I've prepared you a bit psychologically for it *grins*. Oh and I've added "Wish Upon a Star" to my ever growing "want to watch list". I'm watching "Hungry" right now, I'm still at episode two but so far I'm enjoying it (episode one was a bit slow, but episode two was very good), after I finish watching it I will either check out "Prosecutor Princess" or "Wish Upon a Star". Oh and spectator51, welcome! Now you won't be able to stop :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Apr 9, 2012 12:23:01 PM PDT Amazon Customer says: Yes welcome to the KAA club--->K-rack Addiction Anonymous. I've been a memer since September after stumbling across it on Netflix. By far the best addiction to ever have in life. I even rate it higher than books :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Apr 9, 2012 2:01:41 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @D.M.:Thanks so much for the Rooftop/King2Hearts info. Yeah, after watching Moon somewhat "live", I've determined that I can't wait a week for new episodes. So I am trying to

wait until they're at the end before starting. It's interesting that you like Rooftop best, because just looking at them King seems more appealing to me. I've made up my mind to at least watch the first 3 episodes of both and go from there. @aly: I have to agree that my drama watching is beating my book reading at this point. I never thought that I'd rather watch then read. But K-dramas are like the very best books set to life. And while I can read a book in just a couple of hours, a good drama is weeks worth of watching. LOVE!! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Apr 10, 2012 5:13:01 PM PDT Last edited by you on Sep 1, 2012 1:52:36 PM PDT Adnana says: Re: "Prosecutor Princess" I agree that it was a well-constructed drama and that the Hero & heroine truly loved each other. I really liked how well they treated each other, given the circumstances they experienced. But while this drama has two people falling in love with each other and then yearning for each other, things never really progress past the "yearning" stage and the H & h never became a couple (until, oh, the final 5 minutes of the drama). So, if you're a fan of the type of drama which has the H & h as 'just friends' or at odds with each other for 99% of the show (with no true romantic relationship developing between the leads and thus no cute dating moments), do watch this drama. Personally, I am not a fan of this relationship dynamic, so I was disappointed by "Prosecutor Princess". Edit this post | Permalink Your post: Apr 10, 2012 5:30:04 PM PDT Last edited by you on Apr 19, 2012 10:24:48 PM PDT Adnana says: Speaking of dramas which have closeness and many cute dating/bonding moments between the H & h -- I just finished watching "Can You Hear My Heart". Though not one of my favorites, this drama was really enjoyable and it did keep my interest, despite its 30-episodelength (to be fair, though, I fast-forwarded through the parts which weren't integral to the plot development). I found this drama unique in that it doesn't focus on the H & h's relationship woes in the sense that H & h meet, fall for each other, and then the obstacles keeping them apart start piling up, (his) rich parents try to break the relationship, crazy ex-girlfriends sow discord etc. Rather, the romantic relationship seemed more realistic, without any big misunderstandings or TSTL moments (though there was a lot of potential for the appearance of such clichees). More central to this drama is the evolution of the relationship between two brothers (though they aren't brothers by blood) and their respective relationships with their blood families. Also, this is a revenge drama (the Hero aims to right a big wrong that was done to him in the past), which I found interesting. ETA: I really enjoyed the way the romantic relationship between the H & h evolved and how deeply they fell in love with each other. The heroine is very loyal and supportive towards the hero, and the hero is very affectionate and open towards the heroine; he never treats her badly. Edit this post | Permalink 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion.

Posted on Apr 10, 2012 6:27:39 PM PDT [Deleted by the author on Apr 24, 2012 8:29:21 PM PDT] In reply to an earlier post on Apr 10, 2012 10:17:10 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @GMB: I really liked Best Love. It's a Hong Sisters drama, which for me almost always means good things. I think the h is adorable, and I've really enjoyed her in other dramas like Pasta. But the H is what makes this drama for me. Dokko Jin is just the most hilarous, over the top egomaniac. But his love and obesession for the h just completely baffles him at first, and then once he excepts it he's all in. I really liked the second lead in this one too, and honestly in some moments could really root for him to get the girl, but then Dokko would come on with his larger then life persona and I was once again firmly in his corner. This was just such a sweet feel good drama. Typing about it makes me want to check it out again because there were some seriously laugh out louds moments for me with this one. I really think I smiled through pretty much the whole thing. This is a GREAT recommendation! Thanks for bringing it up! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Apr 11, 2012 2:57:22 AM PDT cbela says: hey all...im starting to watch the ultimate audition..so far seems good reminds me of ur beautiful n dream high kdramas. :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 11, 2012 1:27:14 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I discovered a J drama called "Switch Girl" and I really like it. This has short (half hour) episodes, and 8 episodes in all (wish it was longer). I can't find the English subs for episodes 7 and 8 (the last two episodes), and it's driving me crazy lol. It's so good, hilarious (in a bit of a cartoon-ish way) and romantic. The heroine does some embarrassing stuff, but she is so funny and likable. And I have a crush on Arata, the hero. So I definitely recommend this romantic comedy. But if anyone has watched it, can you tell me where to find episodes 7 and 8 with English subs? please! As for "Hungry" it was okay, but it was a cooking show (the romantic aspect or romance was a small part, and by the end nothing was really resolved). So if you're in the mood for a cooking show then this series is entertaining. But if you want a balance of romance/character and cooking- or a romantic show first- then you will probably not find this show as interesting. Adnana thanks for the info., I don't like shows where the H/h are friends until the last five minutes, so now I will put off watching "Prosecutor Princess". I guess my next drama will be "greatest love" or "best love", since it sounds like a good drama. Here's to hoping it will be to my liking!

Happy drama/romance watching You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Apr 11, 2012 4:04:55 PM PDT Adnana says: Re: "Prosecutor Princess" They're not friends until the last minute, just for the better part of the drama. They don't, however, become a romantic couple until the last 5 minutes of the drama. *minor SPOILERS follow* When they're finally in love with each other (which happens cca. ep 10 for him and ep 11 for her), they're kept apart by exterior factors, so they never become a couple or openly acknowledge that they love each other (in all fairness, though, the fact that they DO love each other, and deeply, does color the way they react to the major events taking place in their lives, and it is also something that they are both aware of, only they don't openly acknowledge it to each other). Edit this post | Permalink 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. In reply to your post on Apr 11, 2012 10:12:22 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: D.M.: I'd still check out Prosecutor Princess. The H "helps" the h pretty much through the whole drama. And even though you know that something is up with him, you can tell that he really is caring about her. Considering the secret he is keeping, I couldn't help but believe that he loved the h from VERY early on. I admit that my Park Shi Hoo bias may be coming in to play, but he really does spend the whole drama comforting and fixing things for her. His motives aren't completely pure, but he really loves her in spite of himself. He's conflicted. And she's clueless. By the time it all comes out, she's fallen for him too. But the secret is devestating for their relationship. But its still not enough to keep them apart in the end. I liked this drama a lot. Best Love is probably the better of the two, but Prosecuter Princess is still worth watching IMO. I'm interested in what you think of Dokko from Best Love. I just find him completely hilarious. There were moments when I seriously couldn't believe how completely egomaniacal he was, and yet it was still somehow endearing to me. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Apr 11, 2012 11:32:22 PM PDT Jae says:

reader123 glad you liked it :-) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Apr 11, 2012 11:36:55 PM PDT Jae says: @rashnell I have to agree with your statement..kdrama is indeed addicting :-) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Apr 12, 2012 6:11:46 AM PDT Last edited by you on Apr 12, 2012 8:24:04 AM PDT Adnana says: Spectator51, Yay for yet another newly-minted k-drama fan! And since you're new to this genre, I envy you for all the great k-dramas out there that you are yet to discover. I feel like I've already watched all the best ones which appeal to me...;( Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Apr 13, 2012 10:35:32 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Thanks for the info guys, I still have "Prosecutor Princess" on my want to watch list, so sometime later I will try it. Right now I am watching "Greatest Love" and I must say Rashell when you said he was an egomaniac I thought you were exaggerating, but you weren't lol. He's a crazy egomaniac lol. And I didn't warm up to his character in the beginning at all, but I'm glad that I didn't stop watching. After episode 1 I skipped to episode 5, and starting with episode 5 this series becomes very good! I love how the hero is chasing after the heroine but saying all the wrong things to her, so she ends up angry and hurt. I'm at episode 7 now, hopefully the hero will be there for the heroine (it seems that he's finally coming to terms accepting that he's in love with her). Oh and when I was checking for drama updates, I found "Absolute Boyfriend" but this time it's a T-drama remake of the J version. So of course I was curious since I liked the J version. I watched the first episode and I like it so far, Night is hot, but it's still to early to tell how this will turn out. I am looking forward to episode 2. And there's still no subs for episode 7 and 8 of Switch Girl :( It's a good thing that the ending of episode 6 makes a very satisfying ending to the mini series, or else I would have gone crazy. I'm still sad, but at least it feels like I've watched a complete story (I'm consoled by that fact lol). I will still continue to check it out every few days though. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Apr 13, 2012 11:00:05 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says:

@D.M.: Ha...I did try to warn you. I just found Dok Ko Jin hysterical. Maybe because Ae Jung is so down to earth and sweet it makes the contrast between the two awesome. I don't want to spoil anything for you, so I won't say too much more. I'm totally interested in what you think once you're done though. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 13, 2012 11:18:46 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Once I'm done watching it, I'll come back with my report Rashell :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 14, 2012 10:13:07 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: So I broke down and started watching King2Hearts with Lee Sueng Gi (My Girl Friend is a Gumiho) and Ha Ji Won (Secret Garden) mostly because I've really liked them in their last dramas, and it's adorable so far. I'm only 2 episodes in, but I'm already engaged with the characters. Sueng Gi plays Jae Ha, who is the crown prince of South Korea. And Ji Won plays Hang-ah, who is a North Korean soldier. They meet up in a practice for a war games competition where the North and South are going to compete as one team. She's this awesome tough chick and he's the bratty little man-child. But she so has his number on the battlefield, and he has hers in the romantic department. Because she's so tough, she hasn't had really any experience with guys and he can manipulate her with that. But she can kick the crap out of him. Anyway so far I'm loving it. I know I'll regret once I run out of new episodes, but oh well. Besides I need to get used to watching in real time because I know I won't be able to wait for Lee Min Ho's new drama. And I read that Gong Yoo (Coffee Prince) is signed to be in the new Hong Sisters (My Girl, Best Love, MGIAG, ect.) drama this summer that I'll also have to watch as it airs. Now I just need Park Shi Hoo to be in a drama this summer and I'll have the trifecta. :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Apr 14, 2012 12:10:59 PM PDT Amazon Customer says: I'm really excited for King2Hearts. But haven't watched it yet. I'm waiting for it to finish so I can marathon a twenty hour watchathon. I'll be so loopy afterwards :) I've been stalking dramabeans for the recaps though and I love it so far. I hope that YA entertainment chooses it for one of their dvd selections. I have a feeling it will be a rewatch over and over for me. And watching on the computer is just plain hard sometimes. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 14, 2012 3:05:46 PM PDT Rum says:

I caved in and watched K2H a few weeks ago thinking its 16ep series only to find out its 20 yay and oh no theres gonna be alot of subtitle stalking and refreshing going on for new subs every week. I'm uptodate with the drama and already hate waiting a week for the next episodes.Why so long. Anyway rant over, I'm loving it and please tell me when did Lee Seung Gi get so hot. I stil remember him from 1N2D and his mishaps.lol. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Apr 14, 2012 5:33:18 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @Aly: That marathon is what I'm trying to avoid this time. Between work, husband, and kids my drama watching is getting done at night and sleep deprivation is becoming an issue. :) Maybe watching week to week will help with that even though I've gotten so spoiled being able to just jump to the next episode if I want to. @Rum:I'm going to be right there with you within a week I'm sure. But I really like King2Hearts so far. Lee Sueng Gi is still in the adorable cute zone for me, but I do love him. I miss him on 1N2D too. Although Uhm Tae Woong and Joo Won are two hotties in the place of one. I love Korean tv across the board at this point. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 16, 2012 8:12:59 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: So I wanted to come reccomend a drama called Ojakkgyo Brothers. This drama is a family drama about 4 brothers and their lives. It's longer then most dramas at 58 (I think) episodes. But it is soooo good. The oldest brother drives me batty (not my favorite) but he's this bumbling dork who is pretty much the spineless loser of the family. You feel sorry for him, but he kind of brings it on himself. The second brother is the "perfect" one. He has a great job as a news caster, and just seems to have the world at his feet. The third brother (my favorite) is a cop and he's kind of cold and detached. The last brother is the baby of the family and he's kind of what you would expect a little spoiled and bratty. All the brothers have love interests, but it's the third brother who is the main H of the story. And like I said he's a cop so for that and other reason he's kind of cold and unemotional. Except when it comes to the h. He's everything a great kdrama H should be. He's loving and possessive and protective and willing to lay himself pretty much at the h feet. Once he's willing to admit to having feelings of course. ANyway its sooo good so far. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Apr 16, 2012 8:24:12 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: Oh, I forgot to say that you can watch full subbed episodes at youtube. Just search for O. Br Eng Sub. There are also vidoes of just the Tae Hee (brother 3)/ Ja Eun cuts that are subbed if you just want those parts. Oh and the H is played by Joo Won of 1N2D fame. That's how I

found this..he's a hottie. Kind of reminds me of Kim So Hyun who played Hwon from Moon that Embraces the Sun. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Apr 19, 2012 12:59:46 PM PDT [Deleted by the author on May 11, 2012 6:17:16 PM PDT] In reply to an earlier post on Apr 19, 2012 1:10:42 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Apr 19, 2012 8:37:12 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @GMB: I just finished episode 9 of King2Hearts. And I'm loving it too. So I have a question for you. Did they have sex in episode 8? With Kdrama it's so hard to tell, but they were definitely in her bed and he looked naked. She was wearing a nightgown of some sort, but still. They did it, right? Even for Kdrama that scene was so ambigious. I'm not sure if they both passed out from exhaustion or if they "comforted" eachother with some lovin. Nothing was said about the situation so I'm so confused. Your thoughts would be greatly apreciated. (Never mind, this question is anwered in episode ten...sssoooobbb...won't spoil except to say that this drama is killing me.) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Apr 19, 2012 1:49:47 PM PDT AnekaTX says: I am now just jumping on this bandwagon (been a huge Thai lakorn fan for a long time). I started with City Hunter. Now I am on Episode 2...really loving it. But before I waste 20 hours on it, can someone tell me if this has a HEA? Unlike Thai lakorns, K-dramas don't always have a happy ending:( You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Apr 19, 2012 3:33:46 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Yes, City Hunter has a HEA Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 19, 2012 3:54:34 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Apr 19, 2012 3:55:29 PM PDT Amazon Customer says: @GMB~thank you. I saw that they took request but you never know if they actually listen to them. I will definately give it a shot. I've been purchasing some dramas recently not from YA. I was and still am kinda leery. But very satisfied with my purchases so far. I've actually, in the past few days, saw Myung Wol the Spy and Heartstrings up for sell. I'm waiting on

reviews of someone who has purchased the sets to see how good or bad the quality may be. @AnekaTX~ I think if you go back earlier in this thread there are some semi spoilers for City Hunter. Not too bad, but might help you decide if you want to spend the 20 hrs or not watching. Me, personally, I loved it :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Apr 19, 2012 8:39:38 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @AnekaTX:There is an HEA for the H and h in City Hunter, and seriously this is one of my FAVORITE kdramas (and not just because of Lee Min Hot). I'll almost guarantee that you won't feel like you wasted even one of those 20 hours. And most likely you'll be begging for more when those hours come to an end. Oh City Hunter, how I just love everything about you!! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Apr 19, 2012 10:19:52 PM PDT Adnana says: It is true that, unfortunately, K-dramas (unlike lakorns) don't always end with a HEA for the hero and heroine. But if you want to avoid those dramas, you can always ask for feedback before you start watching. "City Hunter" does have a happy ending and it is a drama I highly recommend to you. One other thing: in my initial post, I too was very determined that I only wanted to watch dramas with a happy ending. However, gradually, I changed my mind. There are some really GREAT K-dramas out there that do not have the romantic HEA, but which are still well worth watching. Like "The Snow Queen" or "49 Days" or "A Love to Kill". Or even "Stairway to Heaven" (which annoyed the heck out of me, but is an undeniable Hallyu gem). These dramas aren't counted among my favorites (for that category, a non-HEA is still a disqualifying criterion), but neither do I regret watching them (in fast-forward). And it really helps if I know from the start that there won't be a happy ending; at least, this way, I don't get disappointed. Edit this post | Permalink 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. In reply to your post on Apr 20, 2012 7:19:08 AM PDT AnekaTX says: THANK YOU for the feedback, Adnana, Rashell, Reader123, and Aly. City Hunter is really great! Even my husband is hooked on it (he absolutely hates subtitles, but he's making an exception for this). For now, I am staying away from non-HEA dramas. Real life is depressing enough:( Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Apr 20, 2012 9:02:42 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @AnekaTX: If there was a drama my husband would watch City Hunter would be it. You're so lucky that he's willing. Once you finish that one, come back to this thread. There are a ton of great HEA drama recs on here. But be warned..kdrama is like a drug..completely addicting. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 20, 2012 9:30:54 PM PDT [Deleted by the author on Jun 2, 2012 6:40:42 PM PDT] Posted on Apr 21, 2012 6:42:07 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Given its high ratings at Dramabeans (both Javabeans and Girlfriday gave it a 10/10), I have been watching The Return of Iljimae with Jung Il Woo. It's a fusion sageuk drama about a mythical Robin Hood type hero who returns each generation to save the downtrodden of the world. Its more of an action drama than a romance. However, I do believe that Jung Il Woo is almost as great as Park Shi Hoo in his Ninja costume. While The Return of Iljimae is good, I think my fav historical remains The Princess' Man. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 21, 2012 6:55:11 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Apr 21, 2012 6:56:13 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Rashell/GMB Another drama with implied scenes is The Return of Iljimae. The H/h live together as if married by ep 8 of the 24 episode drama. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 21, 2012 7:39:05 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Apr 21, 2012 8:34:32 AM PDT Anastasia says: Wow! It's cool to know that Amazon has a K-drama/J-drama community, and it keeps growing! Just got into the K-dramas and J-dramas the end part of last year and Boys Over Flowers was the first series I was introduced to. Then watched Hana Yori Dango; both are really good and put their own spin on the story (though I know the Japanese version is the original). My sister goes for the J-dramas, and I go for the K-dramas. The best K-drama I've watched so far is Scent of a Woman. Another one that I've seen is My Lovely Sam Soon. And can I say that Dramabeans is the site to go to when I look for these dramas. Right now, I'm watching a Jdrama called Tumbling. So far, it's great! Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Apr 21, 2012 8:02:32 AM PDT Adnana says: GMB, I'm very glad for the chance to have met so many fellow K-drama enthusiasts. To me, watching K-dramas has become an extension of reading the romance books I love -- the Kdramas I watch are, after all, beautiful love stories as well, only brought to life on screen. I, too, discovered this genre through the amazon community here, for which I am grateful as well. Edit this post | Permalink In reply to an earlier post on Apr 21, 2012 9:03:43 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @Reader123:I've debated about watching Return of Iljimae because of Jung Il Woo and the MOST beautiful mane of glory I've ever seen. That boy looks sooooo good in all the screen caps I've seen. But after watching Moon and Princess' Man, I needed a break from the sad historical. But Return will most likely be my next historical. And yeah, chosing between Park Shi Hoo and Jung Il Wool is not easy. I should be so lucky as to get to make that choice. :) @Adnana:I feel the same way. Amazon also led me to the kdrama and it's given me untold hours of entertainment. So grateful! @Anastasia: Welcome, and check through this thread there are a ton of great drama recs and not just kdramas. You'll have to let us know more about Tumbling if it turns out to be good all the way through. I'm all caught up on King2Hearts and, while I'm completely invested, I'm not ready to tell everyone to watch it yet. We're at the half-way point and right in the middle of the pure angst. This drama is ripping my heart out at this point. But I wouldn't care if it weren't sooo gooood! But this H better get some serious groveling going because this h deserves nothing but his heart served to her on a platter while he kneels before her. Seriously! It's crazy how much I just want to choke him one minute and hug him the next. And one thing I really enjoy about this drama is that HIS family is on HER side! Such a nice change not to have crazy in-law disaproval holding the couple back. No in this one the H and his manchild ways are the big problem. If Lee Sueng Gi wasn't so adorable I don't think this one would work. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 22, 2012 11:53:21 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Apr 22, 2012 11:54:15 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Quote: I'm very glad for the chance to have met so many fellow K-drama enthusiasts. To me, watching K-dramas has become an extension of reading the romance books I love -- the Kdramas I watch are, after all, beautiful love stories as well, only brought to life on screen. I, too, discovered this genre through the amazon community here, for which I am grateful as well.

I agree with the above quote, but I would like to add J drama/romance as well. So far I have 3 J drama/romances that I love (Hana Yori Dango, Sky Of Love/Koizora, and so far Switch Girl- this is a comedy/romance) and 1 K drama/romance that I love (You're Beautiful) and 1 k drama/romance that I really like (Secret Garden). Oh and Rashell I did say that I would come back with my report concerning Greatest Love, I'm at episode 13 and I find that I have no interest to go further with it unfortunately. I just did not like the hero's personality, they went more with a comedic/annoying angle for his character instead of strong and sexy. And I felt that the series dragged, once the heroine realizes that she likes the hero back, he thinks that he's fallen out of love with her and that his feelings were a fluke. This series felt like it was just going in circles, and I lost interest. But back on topic, I am really grateful for this thread which introduced me to great dramas/romances. I am a fan of J and K drama/romance, and I'm still exploring the T drama/romance. I wish that there were shows like these in English. It's been a while since I've watched any English language shows. Most English language shows really start to pale in comparison, because they lack the emotional intensity and depth that is presented in those J and K dramas. Plus there can't be any real conflict between the H/h in American dramas and most movies (and intense romance is almost non-existent in them, unfortunately). So I'm really glad that I discovered foreign drama/romance, SO much better :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Apr 23, 2012 10:51:29 AM PDT Amazon Customer says: @GMB- I ownYou're Beautiful Goong (Palace) Secret Garden Lie to Me What Planet (star) are you From One Fine Day(though i've never watched it) Boys Over Flowers vol 1&2 Non YAentertainmentHana Yori Dango 1,2 & final and It Started With a Kiss 1&2 And I was skittish buying those but I was happy that despite some so-so reviews the quality and subtitles weren't as bad as I expected. By no means perfect, but what I saw wrong definately didn't bother me. And I have a whole wish list of others. Don't we all :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to your post on Apr 23, 2012 4:33:05 PM PDT AnekaTX says:

I just finished City Hunter last night, and boy, I didn't want it to end. I wish they would have him definitively declare his love her Nana to Nana, just once! And did you guys get the impression that he was interested in her the first time he saw her picture in the Triangle? Again, I wish they gave us an epilogue of sort, showing their lives together LOL. On that note, I am going to start Secret Garden tonight. Hope it's as good as City Hunter:) You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Apr 24, 2012 12:53:53 AM PDT Last edited by you on Apr 25, 2012 12:01:29 AM PDT Adnana says: AnekaTX, So glad you enjoyed City Hunter! Re: Yoon Sung's feelings for NaNa In the Triangle, after seeing her picture, he definitely thought she was very pretty and was attracted to her. Also, I think that, to him, she was the symbol of the normal, content life he yearned for but couldn't have (he imagined her in Seoul, living carefree and happy with her family and friends, while his father was basically training him to become a killer). Yoon Sung himself had, up to that age, still retained some of his innocence and naivete, despite his harsh life, so he developed a bit of a crush on her. However, if she was like a dream to him, this dream he gave up after the loss of his substitute mother. With her death, and then his father's revelations, I think he understood that the type of life he had to live left no room for feelings and vulnerability. Like his father told him, he could never risk falling in love. Still, after meeting NaNa again in Seoul, he definitely remembered her and was sorry for her, because the good life he had imagined she was living was, in fact, just a baseless wish. Later, even if he never openly expressed his love to NaNa, she knew what he felt. His feelings for her colored their every interaction (like, for example, the way he saved her life, many times, risking his own, and even giving her his lifeblood when she needed it) and she understood that he couldn't be with her (and risk her safety) until he finished what he had started. Besides, there was that time when NaNa got drunk and the hero was called to take her home and, thinking she was asleep, he told her that he couldn't give her up and she heard him. Plus, in the context of their relationship, him finally asking her to wait for him, was, like, the ultimate declaration of love. So even though I would have also loved to see an epilogue with them living happily together, even without the epilogue I have no doubt in their HEA. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Apr 24, 2012 3:41:21 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @D.M.:I'm so sorry that you've lost interest in Greatest Love. I actually enjoyed the strange funny hero. I thought he was a nice contrast for the nice unpretentious heroine. She was so understated and he was so over the top. It doesn't take him long to realize that he definitely does love her, and that's when he also discovers that he has a problem with his heart for real. I

thought the series finished strong even if it lagged a little in the middle. @AnekaTX: I'm so glad you enjoyed City Hunter. As a first drama you've picked honestly one of my top favorites, if not my outright favorite. Secret Garden is a very good drama too, but if you thought that Yoon Sung wasn't expresive enough to Nana we ready for Joo Won. He things he's perfect and for the life of him he just can't figure out why he likes this unsuitable girl. And he sadly tells her that often in the beginning. But keep watching, he does redeem himself slowly. Can't wait to hear what you think of it. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 25, 2012 8:30:48 AM PDT ladygiggleton says: "Wish Upon a Star/Stars Falling From the Sky" is by far the best K-drama I've ever watched!!! I would also recommend "The Infamous Chill Sisters/Famous Princesses" and " I Really Really Like You/Love Truly ". Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to your post on Apr 25, 2012 8:37:50 AM PDT AnekaTX says: Adnana, That's a great analysis! Honestly, all my effort was spent on reading the subtitles, I couldn't concentrate on anything else (hope that makes sense). Reading 100% subtitle is a novelty to me since I've been spoiled by Thai lakorns dubbed in my native language. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Apr 25, 2012 8:44:46 AM PDT AnekaTX says: Rashell, I am on Episode 4, and here's my impression so far: the H, though he's arrogant/snobby/cocky in the way he talks and acts, he doesn't look it. He just does not have the looks to carry off this role (IMHO), and that distracts me from the story:( I enjoyed the story up until the "soul" swapping. I now find it sort of silly. But I will continue to watch to see if the story gets better:) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Apr 25, 2012 10:27:12 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says:

@AnekaTX: Yeah, I didn't love the body swapping either, but it did make for some good comedic touches and later some dramatic ones. You should watch some other Hyun Bin roles (that's the H) like My Name is Kim Samsoon, or Snow Queen. He's not at his hottest in Secret Garden. He's kind of the nerd in that one where in the others I mentioned he's the HOT guy. And when comparing anyone to Lee Min Ho (City Hunter) it's hard to find anyone who compares. I've mentioned that I have a bit of a Lee Min Ho bias in other posts...he's my fav! @iLady: I thought Wish Upon A Star was an adorable drama. I loved those little kids. It wasn't my favorite, but it was a nice non-angsty story with a sweet h and a good H. I haven't seen your other recs, so I'll be checking them out. Thanks! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Apr 25, 2012 2:08:21 PM PDT Adnana says: AnekaTX, Well, since childhood I've been watching all movies and TV series with subtitles; I'm so used to this system now, that I don't really need to expend much effort with it anymore. Honestly, I'm very glad that foreign movies are never dubbed in my country, but are subtitled instead -it's how I've improved my English and how I learned Spanish. I doubt, though, that I'll be learning Korean the same way -- this language is much too foreign to me. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Apr 25, 2012 6:27:33 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Apr 25, 2012 6:33:00 PM PDT GMB says: For Aly-- Thanks for getting back to me about your collection. :) You definitely have many titles that I don't own. I agree that many Korean drama, Japanese, and Taiwanese drama fans have wish lists, that continue growing :) :) For your convenience (and hopefully not to annoy other community members and Amazon members posting here) I'll list my collection here: YA Entertainment: **My Girl **City Hall **My Lovely Sam-Soon Other Official Releases: **1st Shop of the Coffee Prince I'd like to post a review of Coffee Prince when I begin watching this drama. I hope it will help others who would like to or once considered buying this drama. :) For Rashell Anderson-- This concerns King 2 Hearts. It's funny that I almost avoided this drama because of the title. Oh my goodness!!!! I just finished episode 10, and I can't imagine why we (as audience members) didn't get a bit more the subtle indication of what passed between them.

That said, I love love love the princess (his sister) and the fact that the "army guy" gave her a bird. I also love that she has a red wheelchair to match her red hair and a bird with red markings. (I apologize that I cannot be more eloquent with my write up at the moment. ) I'm still processing my emotions for all that has happened so far. Also, as a person who uses a motorized wheelchair--it hit me hard to see the princess suddenly experience life in this way...) For Reader 123--It sounds like I have another drama to add to my must-see list. However, I might watch "Illijame" first. Please post here again--when you finish or become almost finished with the drama. :) For Adnana--Funnily enough, I'm not a fan of the romance genre. (Despite the fact that I've read everything Jane Austen's written.) So, I guess that's what I mean when I say embarrassed. :) However, I find that a good story is a good story and romantic moments don't bother me...Unless, they are just too sappy. I feel like Korean dramas let you get to know the characters enough--- that you feel that that they've earned the right to be together. Also, I find myself rooting for more romantically tense moments between the characters. So, maybe I'm a secret romance genre fan. :) So much for avoiding this discussion board for a while. You guys are so great-- I continue to look forward to more posts! Take Care and Happy Drama Watching, P.S. Congrats to those who just finished "City Hunter!" I'll like to add my opinions on this series--at a later date. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Apr 26, 2012 6:25:55 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: GMB I recommend that if you watch Iljimae that you wait a month or so before watching The Return of Iljimae, as The Return of Iljimae is not a sequel to Iljimae but instead is a competing network production. While both are based on the same comic, I believe that the storylines differ, with The Return of Iljimae more closely following the comic. I would describe the tone of The Return of Iljimae as serene, as it never seemed overly dramatic or angsty, with a H that is quiet and thoughtful. I found The Return to be visually beautiful with an enjoyable/interesting (but not addictive) plot. The fight scenes were beautiful to watch (but not in a heart pounding, edge of your seat way) and each were different enough so that they did not become repetitive. I'm not sure where this drama was filmed (I assume Korea), but some of the locations were gorgeous. As it related to the romance in The Return, I didn't find it particularly romantic. The fact that the same actress played Iljimae's first love (Dal) and the h (Wol Hee), seemed to detract

rather than enhance the romance. While the H/h had a few cute scenes together, I never felt that Iljimae was as invested in the relationship as Wol Hee. However, the Return does have a HEA for the H/h and the final scene between the two does a good job in tying the man and myth together. Overall, I would rate The Return an 8 (out of 10). I enjoyed the 24 hours spent watching the drama and consider the time well spent. However, The Return is not a drama that once completed you want to immediately rewatch (unlike with some of those highly addictive dramas). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Apr 26, 2012 2:49:22 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: Quote: For Rashell Anderson-- This concerns King 2 Hearts. It's funny that I almost avoided this drama because of the title. Oh my goodness!!!! I just finished episode 10, and I can't imagine why we (as audience members) didn't get a bit more the subtle indication of what passed between them. :End Quote. I KNOW!!! I can't believe that we even had to question what happened between them. Only in kdrama. I almost skipped this one too, but watched because I like both leads. And I'm so happy I did. I'm now current through episode 12 and I LOVE this drama! I can't imagine what they could do to change that. I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! Seriously King2Hearts is soooo good!! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Apr 27, 2012 2:48:04 PM PDT Rum says: Ditto K2H is fantastic, there's something about it that gets you right there and if you're anything like me keep thinking about it all week till the next episodes roll in, rewatching all my favourite scenes over and over again. I'm already suffering from withdrawal syndrome and the drama hasn't even finished. Oh it'll be hard to get over this drama. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Apr 27, 2012 4:06:23 PM PDT Amazon Customer says: I'm not even watching K2H yet and can't wait until the next episode. I keep telling myself just a few more weeks a few more weeks and I can start watching. I like to wait until shows are finished before I watch. But this one I have followed through recaps from day one. I'm thinking I may just go ahead and start though. I already know I like it and I really can't see them killing off the H or h. Nor the second main couple. Right???? Oh why oh why can't they just give us happy for the next eight episodes. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Apr 28, 2012 9:44:26 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: King2Hearts is sooo addictive. This is the first time that I've watched a drama in real time, and I both love and hate it. It's so nice to be surprised by whats happening and anticipating Wednesday and Thursday for new espisodes is exciting. But waiting for Wednesday and Thursday is sometimes painful. I also find myself watching my favorite parts over and over to tide me over until the new episodes. Like Hang Ah doing the Bo Peep dance...so hilarious. The fridge make-out session, where they get caught by her dad and the king. Pretty much any scene of Hang Ah being kick-ass. Shi Kyung singing and the princess singing to him. Mom laying in to Jae Ha for being so petty and childish. And the last two episodes are pretty much complete re-watches. I'm fairly confident that the main couple are safe from death, but I'm worried about my Earnest Bot, Shi Kyung. He's such a great little soldier and he'd put his life on the line for the king, Hang Ah, and especially the princess. And once he finds out about his daddy's involvement, he's going to be even more earnest about righting those wrongs and saving the royal family. I'm really hoping that he just gets hurt and that he and his princess get a HEA. Cause I seriously just love them too. I love that this drama has two awesome couples to root for. I wish for happy episodes too, but we know that we've still got to get rid of the baddies which means some angst. But I'm hoping there is plenty of happy, light, funny, cute moments too. This drama has done a fairly good job of a blancing the sad and happy/funny. Really, I think I'm ready to reccomend this one. It's just that good. And my understanding is that the scripts are already written so there should be very little last minute stuff and the story is complete. I have faith that this writer knows EXACTLY where this is going and that it's going to be as good in these last 4 weeks as it's been in the previous ones. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 2, 2012 8:37:06 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I think I've watched too many K-Dramas - I'm now starting to recognize the character actors! GMB - Based upon your recommendation I watched Vampire Prosecutor. I found it a fun, fast CSI-type crime drama, with a twist - the vampire prosecutor through the victim's blood can "see" the victim's last few minutes of life. Each episode reflects a new crime to be solved. Also, based upon the recommendations here I watched both My Girl and Full House. I thought both were enjoyable and could understand why both are frequently mentioned as favorites. In the early episodes, I did think that both shows were somewhat similar. Not sure if it was the storyline as much as the lead actresses looking similar. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 2, 2012 12:28:16 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says: About King2Hearts, I have a question to ask, does the heroine remain so unbelievably a caricature after the first episode? (In the first episode, I think she was a military sergeant or what not, and there was a scene with a guy who's literally twice her size and military as well, and he was attacking her and he punched her at one point- so ridiculous and off putting to see a woman being punched by a guy twice her size- and she doesn't pass out (like I said it's so incredibly ridiculous). Oh and if I remember she wins the fight, or something like that, I just wasn't able to suspend disbelief. Does the hero have a strong personality? Is the heroine vulnerable, does she become a bit more real as the story progresses (although I don't know how that would be possible given the first episode, which I couldn't get through lol)? I really don't like heroines that are over-thetop caricatures (just fake), or heroes who are childish. But since some of you are really liking this drama, I was wondering if perhaps there is something that I'm missing :) Is it worth another look/chance? (knowing what I like) With Love Rain I watched the first episode, and it looked like a boring show set in the seventies- I wasn't interested at all, so I stopped watching it. But yesterday I went back and decided to give it a chance. I skipped to episode 5 and that's when the story of the new generation (the son and daughter of the two lovers from the seventies) starts. I ended up watching episodes 5, 6, and 7 in one go! Those three episodes are very good. I don't know if the remaining episodes will be as good, I'm going to watch them soon. But I think that this show should have started with episode 5, because the modern couple's story is much more interesting! (The hero looks so much better in modern attire). This series would have been a lot better if they had just focused on the modern couple from the beginning. So if any of you wants to check it out, just start at episode 5. So does the King2Hearts have an episode like that, where the story shifts and becomes a lot better? Happy drama/romance watching! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 2, 2012 8:00:34 PM PDT GMB says: For Rashell Anderson: I agree that "King 2 Hearts" is arguably one of the most addictive new dramas. And although, I recommended it early on, it's great to see the show continue to develop a strong following. I just finished episode 12-- and I'm not trying to put the show down in any way, but I found it slightly hard to believe that she could suddenly fly on the carousel. However, it's really the only slightly unbelievable moment I've had in all 12 episodes. (I didn't have as much concern with her earlier fight scenes...) I will concede that she went from tom boy to pretty, feminine girl without much hesitation. Yet, the drama never said that she literally had no ability to be feminine. It's just seems that she hadn't found a reason to be so. In other words, she can be feminine and innocent when she wants to be. As for the hero, I'm not crazy about him yet. I do feel he makes you earn his respect and trust.

It's also interesting to see the back and forth play between the hero and the heroine. Finally, I'm also enjoying the development(s) between the princess and Eun Shi Kyung. They also seem to be well matched, and I look forward to their scenes in each episode. For Reader 123: Hello! I completely agree with you! You do start to recognize more faces with every dramas that you watch. It's funny that you should mention CSI because I think S. Korea often attempts the crime show. However, from what little I've seen, "Vampire Prosecutor" has been their best attempt. (Perhaps, it's best attempt, in that it's the most believable.) I enjoyed the prosecutor's friend, the one he always met in a night club, and was actually a little sad/disappointed to discover what happened to him. (I won't give anything away here...) Anyway, I hope you liked the drama:) I also wanted to send a special thanks for your write up about "The Return Iljimae." I might like the sound of a hero that is kind and thoughtful. Actually starting the drama, might have to wait for a bit. Like you said, I feel like I'm watching way too many dramas right now. Happy Drama Watching, Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on May 3, 2012 11:17:34 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @D.M.: Okay, let me try to explain King2Hearts a little bit. Lets start with the h. Yeah, she is a tough North Korean soldier. But she is absolutely feminine and girly as well. That's her big issue in the beginning, how to get men to see her as a woman when she's such an awesome soldier. As the series has progressed they have shown way more of her soft womanly side, in fact some people complained about her losing her kick-ass toughness. But in the last episodes the soldier is back, and I find it refreshing to see both sides of her at play. Now for the H. He's harder to describe because in one way he's this big man-child but I would definitely not say that he's weak. He is so smart and witty. But he's used to being a playboy prince who doesn't have much responsibility because his older brother has always been the steady "good" son. When he's forced to step up and be a leader, you can see that there are depths there just waiting to be explored. What I love about this drama is that we go on that journey with the H and h. As he, through her love and other influences, grows into this strong savy leader. And she grows into her role as a woman and his partner. They truly are partners. He doesn't keep anything from her in order to "protect" her. He leans on her, and confides in her. But he still has some really stupid moments where he reverts back to being a man-child. But what is so awesome about this drama, is that he's called on it immediately by the people around him. His family is actually the h's biggest support. His mother is AWESOME. There is no OM or OW drama. No past love that gets in the way. This story is completely about the struggle between two very different people, from two countries that HATE

eachother, and their coming together in love and to fight a common enemy. The seconds leads are actually the H sister and the South Korean soldier/guard. And they are adorable too. I really would start at the beginning. The first episodes are always the establishing ones that you kind of have to get through to get to the "good" stuff. But with King2Hearts, the first episodes are the "light" ones, and you'll be glad to have the happy stuff to remember as the "heavy" episodes start piling up. Starting in episode 2, you get to see the "girl" in Hang Ah. She and Jae Ha (H) are "roomates" in the competition. Really, I LOVE this drama so far. Once you get into it, it's addicting. I would say if you don't like it by episode 4 or 5 then this one isn't for you. But I would say it is absolutely worth another look. It's turning into one of my favorite dramas ever. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on May 3, 2012 11:28:02 AM PDT Last edited by the author on May 3, 2012 11:28:38 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @GMB: I started watching this based on your rec. It seemed worth it to check it out. So let me say THANK YOU so much! I LOVE it! I agree that that the flying onto the carousel scene was a bit over the top. But I think that sequence was supposed to be a little bit. She was supposed to come off like the comic book type hero who swoops in to save the day and walks off in a puff of smoke. A scene that you'd expect from the H only in this drama it's the h. And that scene tied in perfectly to the next scene with the heart melting proposal from our H. I'm through Ep 13 and I just love everything about it. Even the creepy over the top villain who drove me crazy during the first episodes. I love that this drama has almost NONE of the standard K-drama stereo-types. No family disapproving family, no hateful OW, no too nice to get the girl OM, no noble idiocy. I like that it's so different. The H is completely gray and I agree kind of hard to like much of the time. But you can actually watch him change into a better man. And you can see how his love for the h is one of the main factors of that change. They are equals and to see that in a kdrama is awesome. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 4, 2012 6:29:59 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Just watched Legend of Hyang Dan - I found it a fast (only two episodes long), fun spoof of various Korean legends, primarily the Chun Hyang/Mong Ryong legend. In this version Mong Ryong falls in love with Chun Hyang's maid Hyang Dan. Rashell - King 2 Hearts sounds good, thanks for the updates - I would love to see a show without disapproving family and hateful OW - this seems very rare in KDramaland. I'll probably wait until all the episodes are completed, so hopefully it ends happily for everyone. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on May 4, 2012 9:03:30 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @Reader123: I don't blame you for waiting for the HEA on King2Hearts. I'll keep updating about it. It really is kind of a refreshing change for the other k-drama's I've seen. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on May 5, 2012 2:22:22 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: GMB I did like Vampire Prosecutor. I don't normally watch crime shows, but this one was interesting. From a write up at Dramabeans it looks like there may be a Season 2 this summer with the original cast members. Since the ending of Episode 12 was left somewhat open, it will be interesting to see where Season 2 may go. SPOILER... I was a little confused about his friend from the club because in the very last scene of episode 12 it looked like he walks past Prosecutor Min. Given how much I liked Park Shi Hoo in The Princess' Man and Prosecutor Princess, the next dramas I watch may be his older dramas, especially the two where as the second male lead he ends up with the h (Queen of Reversals and How to Meet A Perfect Neighbor) and Family's Honor. However, I think I will probably skip Iljimae, as I don't think it ends in a HEA - for either the Park Shi Hoo character or the H. If you watch, please let me know if this is true. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 7, 2012 6:46:50 PM PDT Last edited by the author on May 7, 2012 6:51:38 PM PDT GMB says: GMB I wanted to post a short review of "1st Shop of the Coffee Prince" on dvd. In this way, maybe you will feel more informed. While I enjoy owning hard copies of films and mini series, I don't know what will happen to dvds with the continued popularity of websites like Viki, Dramafever, and Hulu/Plus. I guess it just comes down to whether you want to own copies for your media library. Coffee Prince Region: 1, 4 Distributor: MBC America (The Official Dist. for Coffee Prince) Total Number of Discs: 7 (17 episodes total) Subtitles: English, Japanese, and Spanish Packaging: It comes in a brown soft cardboard package with a medium sized booklet. This brown booklet folds out (much like a real book) in order to reveal 6 disks. Also, there is a separate insert specifically labeled "Special Features." This 7th disc, which includes special features are subtitled.

**At first, I wasn't crazy about the packaging because I personally like the plastic protective dvd cases. However, each disc is held in place by a plastic circle with fitted dvd hub. Now, I would consider it to be great packaging. 9.5/10 Picture Quality: Great! Widescreen presentation. Note: While I do think this is pre-HD, it holds picture quality. (Each disc also has options for scene selection.) 9.5/10 English Subtitles: This was the part that made me question, research, debate with myself, and even cringe. "Would the set be worth the money?" **The English Subtitles are literally medium, white block letters that you may turn on during the opening menu. As I researched, I found many who reviewed the "1st Shop of the Coffee Prince." These reviewers claimed that the subtitles "were perfect!" I found only one slightly contradictory review. I just finished disc 3. (This means episodes 1-9.) There have been a few errors with the "him/her." (The main character is pretending to be a young man.) There's also a few errors with things like a character will say something in plain English, but it's translated slightly differently. 9/10 I should note that I've wanted to own this drama for a least 3 years. So all in all, I'm pretty happy with this copy and the money spent. I'll update this if the last 3 discs (the remaining episodes of the actual drama) are garbage. It may take a while before I watch the extras...I find that it ruins my ability to believe in the narrative. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on May 7, 2012 7:21:40 PM PDT Amazon Customer says: Coffee Prince and My Girl are two I have been wanting to watch. It seems everytime I start, something else catches my eye and I push those further down the list. Right now I am between dramas waiting for K2H to finish before I start it. And i'm afraid to watch something new as well because i'm afraid i'll love it (which is not a bad thing really). But then i'll want to put it on my purchase list because i'm terrified that either 1- my computer will crash and I can't watch them over and over again 2- Netflix will take them off the list like they did a few months back or 3- they just won't sell them any longer like YA did with Playful Kiss or 4they just won't put it on dvd period and have no hope of ever having it for my collection. (I'm big on having what I watch backed up on dvd so 50 years from now I still have access to it. Wierd I know but it's an OCD thing of mine) Anywho, I know Coffee Prince and My Girl seem to be fan favorites. So hopefully I will get to them soon :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on May 7, 2012 8:39:58 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says:

@GMB: Thanks for the info on the Coffee Prince DVDs. That is one drama I would definitely like to purchase. Loved pretty much every second of it. Yoon Eun Hye was wonderful, but Gong Yoo owned that drama. He was so perfect as a man struggling to come to terms with loving a boy. And how much did I love the "princes"? SOOO MUCH! Hang Sung was a great second lead. Heck by the end, I even liked Yoo Ju. @Aly: Coffee Prince is absolutely one of my favorite dramas ever. Easily in my top 5. I liked My Girl. But if I were picking between them Coffee Prince is an easy choice to make. Do try to get to them. Both of those dramas are worth watching. And I don't have to tell you how I feel about King2Hearts. That is my current drama crack. And because I'm not obsessed enough, I started to watch Love Rain, that D.M. rec'd above. I agree that the first 5 episodes are sooooo slow. But it does pick up at ep 5 when the "kids" story begins. I wouldn't say this drama is covering any new territory, but it is enjoyable to watch. And the characters are engaging. If you're a Jang Geun-seok fan, the you'll definitely want to check it out. He's still sporting some seriously strange hair, which I've learned to just count on from him. But he's still charming too. The h is sweet. And they do have very nice chemistry. I definitely will keep watching, and I like it. But I don't think it's going to keep me counting the days the way King2Hearts does. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on May 8, 2012 9:01:40 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Rashell You are soooo brave to be watching not one but two on-air shows. Once completed I plan to watch Love Rain, Rooftop Prince (have watched first two episodes) and King 2 Hearts. I do agree about Jang Geun Suk's hair. I think the worst hairstyle for him was in Mary Stayed Out All Night - his hair in that show made him look like a very pretty girl. His flawed hero in You're Beautiful still remains my favorite Kdrama character (but not my favorite hero), follow by Jung Il Woo's man-child in Flower Boy Ramyun Shop. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on May 8, 2012 9:16:53 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @Reader123: I KNOW! I'm crazy. But I needed something to fill my Monday/Tuesday nights while I wait for the new espisodes of K2H on Wednesday/Thursday. This is my first time watching a drama "live" from the beginning and now I've added another. I like that it keeps me from marathoning into the wee hours of the morning, but I hate that I can't find out what happens next immediately. Oh, Jang Geun Soek. I really don't think I'd recongnize him with a "normal" hair cut. But I agree that his character in You're Beautiful was fabulous and really in many ways his perfomance is what made that show work. As for Jung Il Woo, I love him in everything. He was awsome in flower boy, wonderful in 49 days, and his Iljimae sports a mane of gloory better then any I've seen.

Seriously I wonder what I did before I found kdramas. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on May 8, 2012 2:20:16 PM PDT [Deleted by the author on Jun 2, 2012 6:42:10 PM PDT] In reply to an earlier post on May 8, 2012 2:53:18 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: GMB Of the dramas listed I have only watched Protect The Boss, which I enjoyed. Overall it was a good rom/com, with very likable characters. The H and second male lead are first cousins in competition for the future chairmanship of the family conglomerate. The h is the H secretary. The H suffers from a phobia, which renders him panic stricken in crowds and public speaking. The two cousins are always fighting, but in a good natured immature way (bromance). The second female lead and the cousins were best friends growing up and both cousins had been at one time in the past in love with the 2nd female lead. I liked the 2nd female lead, she was immature but unlike most KDramas she was never malicious to the h. The H felt that in the past he had lost the 2nd female lead by not making his love clear so to make sure he never repeated this mistake, he was always telling the h that he loved her. I also like how the 2nd female lead spent a substanital portion of the drama chasing the 2nd male lead. Loved that those who misbehaved were punished with community service. I also plan to watch Rooftop Prince, Queen In-Hyun's Man and Oh My Lady sometime in the future. If you watch before I do, please let me know what you think. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on May 8, 2012 3:28:51 PM PDT Last edited by you on May 8, 2012 3:31:08 PM PDT Adnana says: I have "Time Between Dog and Wolf" (is supposed to be an awesome action drama) and "Rooftop Prince" (is supposed to be a heartfelt, funny drama) on my to-be-watched list. The only drama I've watched from your list is "Protect the Boss". Actually, I watched half of it, before giving it up. The heroine is nice enough I suppose, quite likable and very competent. Unfortunately, the hero is EXTREMELY immature, which was the deal-breaker for me. I just couldn't keep watching his man-child antics, which forced the heroine to take care of him and more or less mother him. I didn't feel the chemistry, you know. Plus, I prefer that the hero be the one who protects the heroine, not the other way around. But I may be in the minority regarding my opinion of the show. I know that many people liked it. P.S.: I put "Protect the Boss" in the same "immature hero" category as: Flower Boy Ramyun Shop Hello My Teacher

Wild Romance I didn't like any of these dramas. Edit this post | Permalink 1 of 2 people think this post adds to the discussion. In reply to an earlier post on May 8, 2012 5:39:20 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: GMB Thanks for the update on Vampire Prosecutor - sounds like we will get a season 2, with the original cast. Given its format (episodes are generally standalone) I may watch it while its airing. Will be interesting to see if the club owner is a returning character. Javabeans was also quite positive about Queen In-hyun's Man, so I'll keep it on my TBW list. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on May 8, 2012 9:45:26 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @GMB: From that list I've watched Protect the Boss, The first 5 episodes of Queen In-hyun's Man(waiting for subs on 6). I liked Protect the Boss. The hero is immature, but he does grow up during the drama. But I would say that the h is definitely his caregiver in the beginning. Protect the Boss also features one of the most hilarious "fight" scenes between the H and second lead ever. If you've ever seen Bridget Jones Diary, it reminds me alot of that fight. These two are just terrible fighters so it's a ton of slapping and flailing. And the h just doesn't have a clue what to think of it. So funny. I really like Queen In-hyun's Man but it is hard to find subbed right now. The h is fun and spunky and the H is brilliant. Really. He's so smart. And the way he just accepts and adapts to his time travel is refreshing. The second male lead is so funny. He's a "famous" actor and he's just so self-centered, but somehow still so cute. I like the drama and intrigue of the Joseon time period and the present day scenes are a nice funny light break from the heavier scenes from the past. I'll keep watching as time permits and subs come out. I'm waiting for Rooftop Prince to end before starting that one. I'm not as interested in it for some reason, so I'm taking a wait and see approach to that one. Equator Man is another that I may get to if I run out of dramas to watch one day. I do love Uhm Tae Woong and it has the Prosecutor from City Hunter as the second lead. I don't know either of the actresses. The revenge plot is interesting, but I tend to be more of a sucker for romance and this one doesn't seem really invested in that part of the story. I watched the first two episodes of Oh! My Lady, but couldn't get into it. I've heard it's cute but it just didn't grab me for some reason. I may go back one day and give it another try. I don't know Time Between Dog and Wolf so I'll have to research that one. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 8, 2012 9:46:05 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says: Rashell, it's good that you liked Love Rain. I'm liking it too, even though I don't care for the parents' story and I feel that it drags. I'm following this show for Joon and HaNa, their story is really good, and now it's getting to the angsty/sad parts - Joon has already broken up with Hana... Oh and I didn't think his hairstyle in You're Beautiful was weird, it really suited him. But his hairstyle in this show is a bit weird, but it still really suits him as well. As for Rooftop Prince, I didn't know that many of you have it on your "want to watch" list. I've been watching this ever since episode 2, and following it on a weekly basis :) This is a good show with a solid storyline so far. The first 6 or 7 episodes, after episode one, are heavier on the comedy, but then it becomes heavier on the drama/suspense. Every episode is getting better and better between the H/h. This drama is a mixture of comedy/suspense/romance, the suspense is especially prevalent in the later episodes as we take all the twists and turns with the H/h, and there are many twists as the hero discovers all the deceit around him and protects the heroine. So far I am enjoying it :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on May 9, 2012 8:28:07 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @D.M.: Yeah, I agree about the parents dragging the story down, but since that is the main conflict for the young couple I suppose they are necessary. About JGS hair, I agree that his hair suits him perfectly. I just can't think of any other actor that could pull it off. I mean can you see Lee Min Ho, Park Shi Hoo, or anyone else sporting the hairstyles that Jang Guen Soek does? He's the only one who could get away with it. I'm waiting on Rooftop Prince. I'm worried that the resolve of the time travel is going to separate the H/h and put them with their correct time period version. Don't think I like that. But I do think that it looks funny and cute. So keep us posted. I really want to know how it all plays out. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 9, 2012 12:39:48 PM PDT Last edited by the author on May 9, 2012 12:40:38 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Rashell I agree, the hairstyles he sports are the types that very few can pull off, but they always really suit him (Joon and Tae Kyung). I have yet to see anyone else pulling off such hairstyles, especially the Joon hairstyle. As for Rooftop Prince, it's like you and I have the same mind on this one lol, I was thinking the same thing, that's why even though I am liking and enjoying it, I can't make my final judgement concerning this show until the ending. With this one you never know what twists they will through the viewer's way :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on May 9, 2012 7:07:37 PM PDT Last edited by the author on May 9, 2012 7:10:30 PM PDT Jennifer says: Going to recommend some of my favorites that aren't exactly new Flowers for my life: Money hungry heroine attempts to seduce Hero into marrying her so she can keep his fortune once he dies from his tumor. Unfortunately he wants nothing to do with her and as times goes on, she begins to develop real feelings for him. There's a lot of banter, the humor is pretty dark and morbid which I loved. It's a beautiful, touching, funny drama that I can't praise enough. Soulmate: This offers an interesting insight into the Korean dating scene and the love games people play. Hilarious, refreshing, and romantic. Fantastic soundtrack. City Hall: I'm not really into political dramas so I was ready to skip this one until I kept hearing that it was the best drama of that year. They were right. I went through a roller coaster of emotions. And this couple's chemistry? H O T. Tamra the Island: The first 2 episodes are absolutely awful but if you can get past that, this is easily one of the best Kdramas. There is a big love triangle here but I loved it because it actually served as a catalyst to the characters' growth. Fans were also so enamored with the Hero that they named themselves "Team Park Kyu" :D Hong Gil Dong: Historical dramas aren't my thing but this one won me over from the get go. It's a bit like Robin Hood with a twist. Gil Dong unintentionally finds himself going from lazy bum to leader of a revolution. There's a healthy mix of humor and drama. I also loved that the characters were morally gray rather than just strictly good or bad. Lovers: This is one of those dramas that I know is not THAT great but I can't help but love. There's barely any plot. A mobster falls in love with his girlfriend's neighbor. Hilarity and angst ensues. Another couple with some smoking hot chemistry. The actors dated in real life so that may be why. A love to kill: The story of a man who sets out to seduce his brother's ex-girlfriend for revenge. Very angsty, emotions are always running high, so make sure that's your cup of tea before venturing in. Plot kind of falls off a cliff towards the end but overall it's got some of my favorite kinks and does them well: Revenge, dark hero, forbidden love, KISSING WITH ACTUAL LIP MOVEMENT :) Shining Inheritance: The fundamentals of SI are nothing new. Jerk is reformed into a nice guy by his connection with the sweet yet feisty heroine. What works is the execution. Everything in this drama takes its time to grow and flourish, from the hero's development to the OTP's relationship. The destination is the same as many other dramas but the journey there is quite the refreshing ride. Who are you?: Bear with me here on this one. This is the story of a father who dies before he can mend his relationship with his daughter, so as a ghost (And only for a few hours a day) he takes over the body of a cold, uncaring man in order to communicate with his child. Sound ridiculous? It should but let me assure you that the delivery is anything but. Through his

interactions with this ghost and his daughter, our hero begins a beautiful, heartwarming journey of growth and self discovery. This was the best thing about this drama, hands out. Watching all three characters learn so much about themselves through their connection with each other was lovely. Romantic, fun, and gut-wrenching at the best of times, this ones is highly recommended. Que Sera Sera: Intense and in your face, with a little controversy sprinkled on top. Definitely not for the faint of heart. The characters in this story love, need, and want to the extreme. They give the term "A dangerous love" a whole new meaning as the more they love one another, the more they tear each other apart. Fascinating, to say the least. The Legend: Want some fantasy with your romance? Trust me, you do. What a visual feast for the eyes! Impressive special effects, cinematography, vivid characters, and a well thought out story to keep you on the edge of your seat from beginning to end. I got screwed in the sense that I shipped the hero with the secondary female lead but it didn't ruin my overall experience. Dal Ja's Spring: If you're interested in older women/younger men relationships, this one's for you. In fact, it's one of the best. Dal Ja is constantly being reminded that she ain't getting any younger and she's still single to boot (GASP!!!!!) so she ends up hiring the hero to pretend to be her boyfriend. The OTP is delicious, the secondary characters are interesting and actually add something to the show, and the story itself never drags or stalls. A very fun watch. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on May 9, 2012 9:25:55 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @Jennifer: Thanks so much for some new recs. I've wanted to watch Soulmate for quite a while. It is definitely on my to watch list. I'm not sure I'm ready for the complexity of Que Sera Sera or the tragedy of A Love to Kill, but they both do interest me. I enjoyed Shining Inheritance, City Hall, and Dal Ja's Spring. Who are You sounds like another I should check out, along with Tamra the Island. So many dramas to watch, just not enough time to watch them. :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on May 10, 2012 12:44:17 AM PDT Last edited by you on May 10, 2012 12:45:08 AM PDT Adnana says: Jennifer, Wow, thanks for telling us about your favorite K-dramas. From the titles mentioned, I watched "Shining Inheritance", which, though not one of my favorites (I thought it was a bit too drawn-out) was definitely addictive. It's not really a romance drama, though, but more like a (mid-length) family drama, like "Can You Hear My Heart" (which is also very enjoyable). Of course, it does have romance, only the love story isn't given exclusive focus like in RomComs.

I watched "A Love To Kill" and I thought it was very well-made and well-acted. I really liked the intensity of this story but, of course, the ending broke my heart. I also watched "Who Are You?" and thought it was a very interesting drama. I especially liked the hero and his growth/transformation during the drama. The love story could have been better developed, though. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on May 10, 2012 4:51:30 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Jennifer - Thanks for the recommendations. I'm adding City Hall, Tamra the Island and Who Are You? to my TBW list. Rashell - Let me know what you think about Soulmate (especially the ending) - I watched it a few months ago and liked it, as it didn't seem to follow the usual Kdrama structure. Also, you made Queen In-Hyun's Man sound so interesting, I have started watching - not only is the H super smart - he is also super sweet - its a great change to have a H that is so much better than the second male lead (although I very rarely ever suffer from second male lead syndrome). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on May 10, 2012 6:48:58 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @Reader123: I've heard some rumblings about a strange ending with Soulmate due to the planned season 2 that never happened. I'm sure I'll have an opinion and I'll immediately come share of course. I agree about the H in Queen In-hyun's man. I actually like that they both obviously like eacother and are sweet about it. Even though I enjoy some witty bickering as love play, it is refreshing to have a drama where the H and h are just nice to eachother. There is enough drama surrounding them that they don't need the hate turned to love factor to make it interesting. I also don't usually suffer from second lead syndrome either, so I don't worry about that. But this second lead just makes me laugh. He's definitely comic relief. I really like this drama. I just wish quality subbed episodes were easier to come by. If you have a site that you're using, I'd love to know. Let me know what you think about City Hall. Warning the first couple episodes are kind of slow, but it does pick up. The H is the same as Best Love, although more serious here, and the h is Sam Soon. I liked it, and it has one of the most romantic scenes I've seen. I don't want to spoil too much. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 10, 2012 11:47:52 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Jun 2, 2012 6:44:10 PM PDT GMB says: I wanted to start this post in a different place than I typically do. So, here goes: I know we typically talk about korean dramas, but I wanted to actually recommend an author

worth reading. I want to recommend fiction books by an author named Banana Yoshimoto. Believe it or not, this isn't as random a tangent as it may sound. She, the author, is a fiction writer. She writes short novels and she's originally from Japan. She has many books out, but I feel that her strongest novels were "Kitchen" and "The Lake." In a strange way they remind me of korean dramas. Especially, those dramas like "Soulmate," which seem to connect the characters through music. Now, back to Korean dramas. I don't know where everyone watches there dramas, but if you watch them on the internet... Onward! For Reader123: I'm agree with you about Vampire Prosecutor's format. So, I too plan to watch it as it airs. This is assuming that my summer doesn't get too busy. I've also read, on the blog Dramabeans, that Queen In-Hyun's man comes from the same creative team. So, I'm hoping for a really strong, different, atmospheric drama. For Adnana: I've decided to keep "Time Between Dog and Wolf" on my "To Watch List." However, it's been pushed down that list pretty far--in preference for some other dramas. If you watch soon, don't hesitate to post. [Just be sure to indicate spoilers.] For Aly: It sometimes takes me a while to comment on all parts of any given conversation. I just wanted to add to what you previously said about watching too many dramas and loving them. I believe that I have this problem too. :) But I can at least offer you this small comfort. You can find "My Girl" and "Coffee Prince" on dvd. [However, I will admit that one is over priced when contemplating the purchase for a brand new copy. This doesn't mean you won't ever find a used one. :) ] Also, I wanted to add that you might want to check Best Buy for "Playful Kiss." I haven't looked for YA Entertainment releases there, but that doesn't mean they don't have them. Finally, you mentioned that you would like--YAE to release "King 2 Hearts." I have this strange feeling that this isn't going to happen :( :( :( I just don't feel that they will get to release to Prince/King dramas in fairly close succession. For Rashell Anderson: You are watching so many dramas at the same time. How do you keep them all straight? I think you asked me if I had seen Bridget Jones' Diary. I've actually seen the movie and read the book. Admittedly, it's not my favorite book or movie. Despite the inclusion of the original of Mr. Darcy. :) For Jennifer: That seems like such a great list! Here is my take: I love, love, love, love "City Hall." I liked "Soulmate." I couldn't make it through "Que Sera Sera" or "Shining Inheritance." They were just too long and I wasn't invested in the characters or the plot. Also, I've been trying to find a place on the web that will let me watch "Dal Ja's Spring" and "Flowers for My Life." So, those titles are still on my must watch list.

Have a Great Weekend, Happy Mother's Day, and As Always, Happy Drama Watching :) ***Post edited for an embarrassing amount of late night typos and run-ons. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 11, 2012 1:26:31 AM PDT Last edited by the author on May 11, 2012 1:36:22 AM PDT cbela says: omo! lol ive been occupied no kdramas lately...but of course thanks uall for the comments n updates...my must watch are "love rain" bc GJS frm "ur beautiful". :) "kings2hearts", " rooftop prince" as well "feast of gods". i will soon be back to my kdramas marathon of zombie mode. :) i really liked kim rae won..hero frm love story n which star planet u frm...i was way excited about his thousand promise drama but stopped on ep 5...is it worth watching like his others? and totally awesome my frd is going on a trip n there happens to be a kdrama n tw drama discount mv store..so ideas of dramas that will be worth buying n rewatching? so far..im thinking city hall. ur beautiful. myung wol the spy. snow queen. ...tw dramas... my queen. meteor garden. summer desires. thanks! gmb...will look into the mentioned author n book u suggested. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on May 11, 2012 4:06:11 AM PDT Last edited by the author on May 11, 2012 4:12:07 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Rashell - I'll let you know what I think about City Hall once I watch - I'll at least keep watching past the first few episodes. Right now I seem to be using both GoodDrama and Dailymotion to watch most of my Kdramas - but not sure the subbed versions are any faster than elsewhere - they both have through episode 6 of Queen In-Hyun's Man. GMB - Flowers For My Life and Dal Ja's Spring are both at GoodDrama. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on May 11, 2012 10:20:12 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @Reader123:Thanks! That's where I've been watching too. I was hoping that 7 would be subbed by now.

@GMG:Thanks for the book rec! I really do love to read too. And as for how many dramas I'm watching currently airing I'm watching 3. (I KNOW...CRAZY) I watch Love Rain on Mon/Tues and K2H on Wed/Thur. Viki is subbing both, so I can watch them the night they air with almost 100% subs. I watch Queen In-Hyun's man whenever the next episode gets subbed. It has aired through episode 8, but so far only subbed through 6. They are three completely different dramas, so keeping them straight isn't hard. On weekends, if I get a chance, I try some completed dramas that are on my watch list. It's really not too much different then when I watched shows on American tv. I have about 1 or 2 hours of watching a night once my kids are in bed before I go to bed. My Kdrama time at night is my "me" time and I savor every second of it! @changb: This is only my take on Thousand Day Promise, but it was soooo depressing. I didn't finish watching it, even though Su Ae gives an amazing performance. I read the re-caps at dramabeans for the last 7 episodes. There wasn't a shred of hope to be had in that drama. So if you don't mind seriously sad, this one is for you. Also I'm curious about Feast of the Gods. It's really long, but I've heard rumblings that the love triangle in that one is killer. There are fan wars like crazy on who the h should end up with, and even rumors that they are polling the fans to pick the who should get the girl. Is anyone watching this one? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on May 12, 2012 8:15:52 AM PDT Amazon Customer says: @GMB- I am excited to watch Rooftop Prince. I have been following that one on Dramabeans as well. I think I will wait for the dvd copy though. Late nights are not good for my back hunched over the computer :) I am really hoping it is just end of school year hecticness (is that a word?), but I tried to watch Coffee Prince. I had no less than 3 interuptions during the first episode that I couldn't get into it. I wonder if it's a case of wanting to watch to many at one time that I really just can't choose. I think so because I figured it was close enough to the final episodes of K2H that I started it last night. Two episodes down!!! Wow, I am loving it. I am usually not a person to laugh at shows. Even if it's funny I keep it in. But I literally cracked up at some of Jae Ha's antics. I am very excited to see him grow in the series. Thanks everyone!! You all are great!! P.s--@changb-- how cool is it that your friend is going to store that sells them. I know that sounds funny but I would love if there were an actual brick and morter place to buy them in my area. I've looked and as far as I know there isn't :( Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on May 12, 2012 9:20:54 AM PDT cbela says:

rashell... thanks for confirming. thousand promise can be way watched later...that has me thinking if drama is sad like "atutumn in my heart. im sorry i love you. sad love story. glass slipper. winter sonata. n stairway to heaven". plus i like heroine in "feast of the gods"...im sure its worth watching. i saw a few scenes while my older sister was drama. n yes its those u have to watch to find out the lead guy... which reminds me if " she is nineteen". :) aly... when "kim sam soon. devil besides you. meteor garden. meteor rain". came out my frd happen to vacay in canda so thats where she brought those for her. lol but this time i forget where shes plans to go smwhere other city in ca which she informed me about kdrama n twdramas. ill make sure get favorites n not get drama crazy. just to share..... a great chinese mv is "mermaid got married" it's on youtube with eng subs. plus "bodyguard in beijing". Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on May 12, 2012 1:59:44 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @aly: I remember not liking Han Gyul in the first episode of Coffee Prince. He was such a jerk in the beginning. But one the coffee shop opens and the "princes" start working together, I marathoned that drama straight through. And let's just say that I will forever be in love with Choi Han Gyul. Give it a couple of episodes at least before you write it off. And K2H is AWESOME. It's starts awesome and has pretty much been pitch perfect from there (IMO). But enjoy these first funny episodes cause darker stuff is coming. There is always a comic touch thrown in, but the material gets so much darker that you almost forget the funny. But it's sooo goood! I'm a little nervous about the ending because, besides the H and h, I love so many of the supporting characters. I worry! @changb: Thanks for the Chinese recs. I've never watched a Chinese drama. I'll check these out. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 12, 2012 6:24:07 PM PDT [Deleted by the author on May 12, 2012 7:53:54 PM PDT] Posted on May 13, 2012 7:55:19 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: GMB where do you go to find out what titles YA entertainment will release? Anyways I am glad that they will release Rooftop Prince, this show just keeps getting better and better. Now I'm waiting for the last 4 episodes, and hoping that it will continue to get better and not have a disappointing ending. Rooftop Prince could dethrone "Secret Garden" lol, from the second spot on my list of K-dramas/romances, it could become my second favorite after You're

Beautiful. But it's still early to say for sure. I'll wait for the remaining episodes and then make my final judgement :) Jennifer thanks for sharing all those dramas/romances with us! That's definitely one long list *grins*. I know I won't watch all of them, but if I have time I might check out some of the ones I find more appealing... as another poster said "so many dramas so little time" lol. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 13, 2012 5:48:36 PM PDT Last edited by the author on May 30, 2012 7:18:13 PM PDT GMB says: For D.M. (Lover of All Things Heart): If you go to the YA Entertainment website (just type it into google) you will find a newsletter option in one of their links. And if you sign up for the newsletter, one perk is receiving monthly announcements about recent/future releases. Another perk is their contest (where everyone on their newsletter can enter to win a box set.) Let me know if you would like me to send you the link :) -- The only thing I would add to my previous post--is that sometimes they push release dates back. So, "Rooftop Prince" might be pushed back to the month of August. (I seriously doubt this possibility, but I know they took a while with "A Thousand Days Promise.") However, I personally wouldn't want a crappy release for a great drama, so I'm willing to wait. :) For Changb: My suggestion would be to make a list of your top 5-7 all-time favorite dramas. So, that if your friend can't find one or two.... You'll have the others on your list. That what I decided to do when I finally learned that I could buy dramas/and wanted to buy them. :) Otherwise, I don't want to sway you too much. Just get your personal favorites :) For Aly: First, I wanted to say that I'm glad you started King 2 Hearts!!!! I think starting it now will give the drama plenty of time to finish so that you still have have a K2H drama marathon. It's so insightful that you mentioned holding back laughter while watching television or streaming television. Personally, I won't hold back laughing, but I will hold back tears. (It's why try not to watch sad films or dramas...) When you have time, possibly over the summer, give "Coffee Prince" another chance. The month of May is one of the hardest...Especially, if you are still in school or teaching school. It's worth it! Also, I'm not sure if/ when I will purchase another Korean drama. I feel like I'll have to truly love it! However, given my recent buys....I won't completely say: "Never Again!" ***This Concerns Buying Dramas***

The YA Entertainment Release Of The Following Dramas Are Available Online: *Snow Queen: $65 Ebay (Like New. Seller keeps dvds in excellent condition.) *Scent of Woman: $39.50 YFuFu.com (New and Sealed.) This is one is on sale, and it ends at the end of May) *Save the Last Dance for Me: $179.99 Ebay (Like New. YA Entertainment.) This is an older, harder to find Korean drama. Personally, I'd talk to the seller first. I'm not trying to push these purchases on anyone. This is just more possibilities that I've discovered. And when I find good news, I try to share it with people who care. Personally, the prices are too steep for me, but I haven't seen these dramas. So, if you know you love, love, love, love, them. Go For It!!! (I purchased "My Girl" from the last Ebay seller on this short list and they are very reliable regarding shipping options, and the condition of items listed.) For Rashell Anderson: You're welcome for the book suggestions. I'd be more than happy to mention more...when you want them. On another note, I can't believe King 2 Hearts is almost over. There's like four more episodes to go...unless they decide to extend the drama. Also, I retract my previous statement about you watching so many dramas. I'm watching four dramas myself. However, it feels more like three because "Love Forward" is slowly posting. Maybe, it's because you seem to know so much about dramas. For Reader123: Thank you for mentioning the website GoodDrama. It's always good to have more drama options! I'm sorry for another long post! I'll keep it brief next time :) Post edited May 30 For information accuracy... Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 14, 2012 8:13:52 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: GMB thanks for the info! I'll look it up. I didn't know that they offered box sets for free, if that is the case and if they're offering a box set of a drama/romance that I really like, I might just enter :) Happy drama/romance watching! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 14, 2012 8:22:23 AM PDT

Rashell Anderson says: @GMB: I know what you're saying about K2H. I'm so conflicted. I can't wait to see how it all plays out, but I don't want it to end either. I don't think it will get an extention because from everything I've read the script was already written entirely before the drama aired which is so unusual for a kdrama. But I think that it really has helped with the quality. It's also meant no live shooting for our actors which I'm sure they appreciate. K2H is the first drama that I started watching almost from the day it started. And I've actually enjoyed that about it. It was kind of nice to be forced to wait for the next episode, and it really gave me something to look forward to as my week went on. Plus that made it so I could watch another current drama (Love Rain). Even though marathoning is nice, it's also been nice to prolong my pleasure especially with a quality drama like King 2 Hearts. I'm hoping that my King 2 Hearts withdrawls will be satisfied by my next drama which I'm thinking is going to be Big. This one stars Gong Yoo in his drama comeback (post-army) and Lee Min Jung. The drama was written by the Hong Sisters who also wrote My Girl, Best Love, My Girlfriend is a Gumiho, etc. I'm really excited for this one. I love, love, love me some Gong Yoo. Its a war in my head between him and Lee Min Ho for my dream Korean boyfriend. And I'll get a drama from both this summer. Lee Min Ho will appear in Faith starting in August. It's just one good drama after another for me. I anyone else looking forward to watching any of the upcoming dramas? I'm thinking I'll at least check out Gentleman's Dignity and maybe Dr. Jin. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 17, 2012 9:58:18 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: So I started watching Soulmate, I'm only about 5 episodes in but the "soulmates" haven't even met yet. I do love Dong Wook, he's pretty adorable. But I hate the girl he's currently with. She drives me crazy. Anyway, I'm not loving it yet. Hope it gets better soon. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on May 17, 2012 12:15:52 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I'm enjoying Family's Honor. It's the first family drama I've watched and was hesitant to start since it's 54 episodes long and I thought it might drag. I'm at episode 39 and each episode seems to go by very quickly. The drama involves two families. The Ha's are a very oldfashioned noble family which still follows ancient customs (which have been interesting to see) and the Lee's are newly rich, ruthless businessmen. The lead romance between the Ha daughter and the Lee son (Park Shi Hoo) is by far the best of the five different romances in the drama. The romance involving the older Ha twin brother is very sweet. However, I didn't care for the younger Ha twin brother or his h and have fast forwarded through almost all of their scenes. The Lee daughter could give the Playful Kiss h lessons in stalking. The karaoke scenes with the lead H/h have been a hoot. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on May 17, 2012 1:00:22 PM PDT Rum says: I really enjoyed soulmate and yeah it takes them a while to meet, around ep 6 I think. I was like just meet up already but its one of the better dramas out there about relationships. Understated yet quite profound on its take on different people and relationships. Reminds me a bit of 9 ends 2 outs (another of my favourites). Not to mention it has a great soundtrack, so hang in there it's worth it in my opinion. And yeah that plastic doll is so annoying. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on May 17, 2012 1:22:29 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @Rum:Thanks for the Soulmate info. Good to know that I only have to wait one or two more eps for the main couple to meet. I'll stick with it. @Reader123: Anything with Park Shi Hoo is worth at least checking out for me. So thanks for the rec. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on May 17, 2012 1:48:09 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Rashell I agree about Park Shi Hoo - he has become one of my favorite kdrama actors. Too bad he doesn't have a greater backlist of dramas. He's great in Family's Honor - starts out as a coldblooded businessman but becomes very devoted to the h and fights hard to win her. Lots of hugging scenes. I still have about 14 more episodes to go - hopefully they will be as good as the last 40! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on May 17, 2012 8:26:17 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @Reader123: I watched Ojakyo Brothers and it was 58 episodes so I can easily do 54 right? Those long family dramas are hard to watch. It's a lot of time to invest so I like to know it's a good drama first. Let me know if the last 14 live up to the rest. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 18, 2012 1:21:22 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: You guys mentioned Queen In Hyun's Man and since I was waiting for an update for Rooftop Prince I decided to give this one a try. Oh my, I love the H/h in this one! I didn't expect it to be so good on the H/h front, but really some scenes made me want to squee :) This one is surprisingly better than Rooftop Prince when it comes to the romance (but Rooftop Prince has better suspense and the storyline is stronger. However this one still has a-

ways to go, while Rooftop Prince is almost over, so I can't really judge yet about Queen In Hyun's Man storyline). The way this hero (he's a scholar and a sword fighter, very smart and strong) looks at the heroine makes me feel aflutter! The heroine is sweet/cute, bubbly, and kind of hyper emotional. The hero is very calm, very smart and strong, and also kind. They have great chemistry so far. She's a struggling actress and he's a scholar from the past. What I don't like about this show though is the constant time travel, as there is a story unfolding in the present and in the past, and the hero basically time travels back and forth to change his imminent death in the past and to avenge his family. I wish that they would just leave the hero in the present. I've been watching this low quality, and I'm hoping that the HD version will be uploaded soon. On this note, does anyone know where I can find this drama/romance in HD? Anyways so far I am enjoying this drama, the H/h scenes are adorable. I'm definitely looking forward to the remaining episodes and hope to watch them in HD. As for Rooftop Prince, I don't know how many more cliffhangers I can take :) It's like every single episode has to end on a cliff hanger, specifically starting at around episode 12. I can't wait to see how it all will end (*Spoiler* I'm really thinking that the one who drowned in the Lotus Pond in the past was the heroine, and not her sister/princess as the hero thinks). Three more episodes to go! (What gets frustrating about this show is how the baddies seem to always get away with their bad deeds, it's taking too long to bring Tae Moo and Se Na down). :) You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on May 18, 2012 2:22:18 PM PDT Adnana says: I've found that http://reencodedtomq.blogspot.com is great for HQ uploads of my favorite dramas. Also, they're really good at creating a lot of mirrors for the files (especially for the new dramas), so that even if one links goes down, you can still download the file. http://reencodedtomq.blogspot.com/2012/04/queen-in-hyuns-man.html Edit this post | Permalink 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. In reply to your post on May 18, 2012 6:36:30 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: Oh, thanks for that link, Adnana. I love QIHM, but the subs are pretty slow, so I just fit it in when one finally gets subbed. But I love the H in this one. He's actually not an a$$. He's a nice, good, smart guy. And he's nice to the h. There are so many sweet, squee worthy moments between the two already. And because it's cable there is more skinship. They have adorable chemistry. I actually like that he's goes back and forth. What happens in the past changes what happens in the future, and he's always trying to lesson his impact on future events while still getting the outcome he wants in his time. And with the latest twist in the

past/present dynamic things are getting really interesting. I haven't watched Rooftop Prince because my drama crack right now is King2Hearts which may be the best kdrama ever, seriously. This drama is City Hunter levels of good to me. There are 2 episodes to go and pretty much each episode has me gasping, crying, laughing, and watching through my fingers. Every character, even the villian, is dynamic and interesting. The relationships between all the characters are real and important. There are no parents disaproving for no reason. There are no OM or OW causing problems. It's so suspenseful and just has so much heart. The h is a strong, capable woman who can still lean on her man when she needs to. And he's grown from this little man-child into this amazing smart man, who treats his woman as his equal and leans on her too. This OTP feels real and I love that. I'm terrified of the ending, so I'll update after its all over next week. But really this drama has been almost perfect to me. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 18, 2012 10:22:43 PM PDT Last edited by the author on May 18, 2012 10:33:51 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Rashell, I kind of agree about the time travel in Queen In Hyun's Man, it's just that I'm not used to so much paranormal stuff in my series. So if he were to time travel just once, then the paranormal stuff would be kept to a minimum, but when he time travels several times it makes the paranormal stuff stronger. But it does not matter, since so far I am really loving the scenes between the H/h. Adnana thanks for the info., I have already found this show good quality on dramacrazy.net but I wish they uploaded every episode without breaking it up to parts (I find that kind of annoying). I also hope, if this show continues to be really good, that YA entertainment would pick it up for release. As for Rooftop Prince, this episode kind of hit home for me on how many mistakes the H/h are making, especially the hero (it's bordering on the doesn't make sense territory). The problem is that their guard is always down, despite the fact that they know of the dangers surrounding them. I'm still interested to see how the last two episodes will end it, even though I feel that the story is getting sort of all over the place , episode 18 was weak. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 19, 2012 12:59:39 AM PDT cbela says: Rashell... The two mentioned chinese mv shld only be less than two hrs each, but they are still my fav frm childhood. :) GMB... THanks!! ive got several of what I had shared as my fav dramas. so ill add some more in case there arent any. :) Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on May 19, 2012 1:56:42 AM PDT Jae says: @reader123 glad you enjoyed Family's Honor too :-) loved park shi hoo in it too...loved the plot too :-) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on May 19, 2012 3:59:31 AM PDT Adnana says: Rashell, I've been reading all your posts about "King2Hearts" and getting more excited about this drama with each one. However, after the experience I went through with "The Moon Embracing The Sun" (which I started to watch before it had finished airing), I was determined NOT to watch another drama live -- not even for the last couple of episodes. So, needless to say, I'm happy that K2H is almost finished so that I can finally start watching it. I do have a question, though (or, rather, a request for reassurance): I had this initial image of the hero as a nasty, immature, spoiled man-child (which I hate). He changes and matures over the course of the drama, right? And he becomes sufficiently dreamy and hero-worthy? Edit this post | Permalink In reply to an earlier post on May 19, 2012 5:38:44 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Jae - I love the Ha family, but Park Shi Hoo is the one who carries this show emotionally. I haven't yet watched all of his backlist, but I will not be surprised if this doesn't become my favorite Park Shi Hoo character after The Princess' Man (my all time favorite hero). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to your post on May 19, 2012 6:55:59 AM PDT Amazon Customer says: I couldn't wait for K2H. It got the better of me. It is great. Especially ep18. WOW. But, I did a bad thing, and I deeply regret it. I kept reading the recaps until last weekend when I started. It took away my falling in love with it. You know that happy, giddy feeling you get? Not that I don't love it. But the suprise factor was all gone. Until now that is :) . And let me tell ya I hope in the end it gets all tied up in a pretty package with a bow on top. While I love the main couple the second lead Eun Shi Kyung is the man who has me on the edge of my seat!! I won't watch another live drama. And if I do plan on waiting until one is finished then I will definately not read the recaps until it's over and then take a sneak peek at the last little bit before I start. I still gotta know it ends good. @Adnana~ I do feel like he steps it up. A whole lot. About midway through. He is awesome and grows up to be very honorable. Now that's just me and one opinion. Someone else may think different. But I hope you will give it a shot and enjoy :)

You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on May 19, 2012 7:45:45 AM PDT Last edited by you on Aug 18, 2012 3:49:43 PM PDT Adnana says: Interesting that you would mention recaps... I have a love/hate relationship with them, LOL. I started out by reading dramabeans.com recaps for shows that I had already watched (like "Secret Garden" or "City Hunter"), just so that I could see an experienced reviewer's opinion and take on the plot and characters. The thing is, the girls (though they mostly offer interesting insights and draw my attention to things I may have missed when watching a particular episode), are also often quite snarky and critical, which I don't always appreciate, especially when they tear to shreds a show that I really enjoyed (like "Moon Embracing the Sun" -- which, I agree, is no masterpiece, but was really emotionally intense for me, and is thus a favorite in my book). Then I used recaps a few times in order to speed-watch a show (i.e. to watch only the most interesting parts of each episode, but still not miss out on the general plot). I did this, for example, with "49 Days" and "Will it Snow at Christmas?" and "Who are You?" which I didn't find interesting enough to watch in their entirety. The most interesting situation I experienced with "Scent of a Woman". I thought this drama wasn't really worth 16 hours to watch, so I started reading the recaps. And the more I read, the more fascinated I became. I broke down with episode 7, I think (one of the tango scenes), at which point I abandoned the recaps and started watching the show (with no fastforwarding). After I finished the drama, I went back to the beginning to watch the first episodes, about which I had only read initially. To conclude, I think that recaps are interesting for a different opinion (as long as I don't become annoyed because the opinion is too dramatically different to how I feel) or to save time in the case of mediocre dramas. When the drama is really worthwhile (as "Scent of a Woman" was, to me), the recaps only whetted my interest and made me give the show a real chance. With K2H, I had a feeling from the start that it would be worthwhile to watch, so I didn't want to ruin it for me by reading recaps. So I managed to resist temptation. :p Edit this post | Permalink 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. In reply to your post on May 19, 2012 8:35:21 AM PDT Last edited by the author on May 19, 2012 8:42:02 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @Adnana: The hero does start off as a nasty, immature, spoiled man-child. That is almost a perfect description. I don't always love that role either, but I have to say that he's what brings the funny in the first episodes. The H definitely matures over the course of the series. He doesn't have a choice. He still sometimes tries to take the easy road first but there is always someone there to put him back on the right track often the h. She actually tells him at one point that he has to be a man she can respect or she doesn't want him. And he wants to be that man for her. He's definitely more of a brains then brawn H. He actually mentions at one point that his IQ is 187. But I think he's pretty swoon worthy. His interactions with the villain make for some of the most intense scenes even though they are just talking. It's like word games

upon word games and the villain is so crazy that you're just holding your breath to see what insane thing he'll do next. I really love this drama, and not just for the romance of the main or secondary couples the whole story is so good. I'm excited for you to watch it because I'd love to know what you think. @aly: yeah, King2Hearts is definitely a drama you don't want to read re-caps of first because it takes away from the intensity of the episodes. And the twists are so good that its great to go in not knowing. But I'm guilty of reading re-caps first too. Similar to what Adnana wrote, I've used dramabeans to skip the setup of some dramas and only watch the parts that interest me. Sometimes I'm not willing to invest 16 or 20 hours in a drama so it's helpful to be able to pick and choose the parts or episodes to actually watch. I enjoy the snark at dramabeans and have just learned to take some of it with a grain of salt. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 19, 2012 8:56:17 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I still have no interest in K2H, but I have it on my potential titles to checkout so maybe in the future I might check it out, even though it doesn't look appealing to me. I am glad that I discovered Queen In Hyun's Man, so that when Rooftop Prince is over, I have another show to watch, a show which is turning out to be better than RTP. I can't wait for episodes 9 and 10 of QIHM to get subbed! As for "strong" heroines, I'm sorry to take this thread a bit off topic, but the reason I'm happy to discover K and J drama is because I don't have to endure "strong" heroines in the way that many American shows interpret it, i.e strength is only "masculine" strength and attitude (so annoying). For me the strongest heroine I have come across was Makino from "Hana Yori Dango" not because she had any masculine strength or attitude, but because she was smart and sweet, and had the strength to survive the extreme bullying/harassment she was subjected to. She didn't run away and tried to bear it for her parents' sake, they were so proud to have her going to such a prestigious school. She stood up to Domyoji despite her fear, when no one else dared. I admired her even more because I could feel her fear, and yet she still stood up for what was right to defend her friend (that's true bravery). Of course she suffered the consequences, but then even Domyoji couldn't help but admire her subtle strength and her perseverance, so he turned from the one who was causing her misery into her protector... and then into her soulmate :) Makino is feminine and sweet and real- with real admirable strength. And this is one of the major reasons why I like K and J drama/romance, in general, besides the emotional intensity which is another major reason. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on May 19, 2012 9:44:46 AM PDT Amazon Customer says:

@ D.M~ You said it all about Makino. I love her. I am a huge fan of Boys Over Flowers as well. But I didn't like Guem Jan Di she was just okay. I don't know why. Maybe I just didn't feel her love for JunPyo (I felt it from him) the way I felt it from Makino for Domyoji. I never watched Meteor Garden all the way through, so i'm not sure about that couple past the first few episodes. It's funny how some shows are supposed to be the 'same' but are totally different when you watch the other versions. I like that. My all time favorite It Started With a Kiss/ They Kiss Again has the different versions as well. I love them all but nothing tops ISWAK/THA :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 19, 2012 10:44:45 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: I agree that a "strong" h doesn't have to be a show of physical strength. Hang Ah in K2H is physically strong, but that isn't what makes me call her a "strong" h. She is also emotionally strong, has deep moral compass that she always follows even when there are easier paths to take. She's not afraid to be a woman with her man and show a vulnerable side. She's not afraid to break down once the imminent danger has passed, but she always musters the courage to deal with whatever situation she's put in. She's feminine and girly when she's "off duty", but she's kick ass when she's in soldier mode. The fact that she's a soldier doesn't mean she isn't a woman. She definitely is. Another h that is "strong" to me is Sae Ryong in The Princess' Man. Now there is a h who makes decisions about right and wrong and won't waver even when it means going against her own father. She's not in any way a physical fighter, but her spirit is strong enough that it doesn't matter. She suffers for her convictions, but she's willing to accept that suffering rather then buckle under the pressure from her family. One of the things that drove me crazy in BOF is that Jan Di constantly got into trouble and needed the F4 to save her. She didn't start off the drama that way, but it progressed to where I would roll my eyes at her latest difficulty knowing that one of the boys would swoop in and save the day. I'm totally fine with the H rescuing the h in her time of need, but I'd at least like to see her make a real effort to save herself. In the last episode of K2H, Jae Ha saved Hang Ah, but only after she'd managed to find a way to call him so he could find her. She needed his help, but she didn't just wait meekly for him to rush in and save the day. @DM:What is it about K2H that doesn't appeal to you? I'm not judging or anything. I'm just curious. That's kind of how I feel about Rooftop Prince. I think I worry a lot about how they're going to solve the time travel issue. And where there are "doubles" of everyone in the past and future, I worry that the H/h we watch throughout the drama won't end up together but with a "double". Its one I'll put on my list but I'm not in a huge hurry to get to it. QIHM seems like it's telling the same type story in a way that appeals to me more. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 19, 2012 12:06:53 PM PDT Last edited by the author on May 19, 2012 12:09:08 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says: Hey Rashell, first I guess we both agree on QIHM, I am loving this series. About RTP, even though I like it, I am starting to see the how the plot is starting to be all over the place and the lead characters' behavior is starting to border on the doesn't make sense. At this point I know that RTP will not dethrone Secret Garden. But QIHM has a chance of dethroning Secret Garden, and maybe even getting to the level of You're Beautiful for me (and that's not an easy feat, since You're Beautiful is one of my top favorite series). As for K2H, I know you're saying that the heroine is feminine, but I don't like this exaggerated and unrealistic physical strength they're giving her. I am also so sick and tired of kick-ass heroines or feisty heroines, which I admit might make me unfairly judge this heroine- it's just that she skirts too close to those types of heroines that I dislike, i.e the feisty or kick-ass types (but I do believe you when you say that she is different). However the main reason why this show doesn't seem appealing to me is because it seems to be very heavy on political intrigue, it seems like the whole story revolves around fictional politics. I really have no interest in political dramas (so the storyline isn't appealing to me), that's why I'm very hesitant to watch this. In addition, the hero is childish, yes he grows throughout the series, but I don't know if I could last that long lol. But happy watching to you, it seems like you're really enjoying it. :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on May 19, 2012 2:35:28 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @D.M. - Thanks for responding. And yeah, it sounds like QIHM is working for both of us. Let's hope it can retain its charm through the whole series. I get what you're saying about K2H. And you're right the plot does have a fictional monarchy and it does focus heavily on that aspect as well as North/South unification. I wouldn't say that Hang Ah has exaggerated or unrealistic strength. She's a trained North Korean soldier who could and should be able to fight hand to hand. The main plot of the story though is your basic good vs evil. And what makes the good guy good and the bad guy evil when they really are similar in many ways. Anyway I recognize that it's not going to be everyone's cuppa, but you're right I love it. That's too bad about RTP. You'll have to let me know if they bring it home in the last two episodes. Maybe they'll pull it together for the big finale. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 21, 2012 2:07:09 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Just finished Family's Honor and I'd rank it as one of my top 10 favorite kdramas, primarily due to the lead H/h - this was a drama with a lot of warmth. Thanks Jae, Hui Chi & Meng Wang for a great recommendation.

*********************************************************** Spoilers: This drama follows the Ha and Lee families. The lead h is a 30 year old college professor working on her PhD. She married at age 20 but her husband was killed in a car accident on the way to the airport for their honeymoon. She has spent the last 10 years mourning his death and plans to continue mourning him for the rest of her life. The h is very ladylike/prim and proper (but never annoyingly so) and is a member of the Ha family, which consists of four generations who continue to follow ancient traditional customs. The lead H (Park Shi Hoo) is a member of the Lee family, who through ruthless business practices has risen from poverty to extreme wealth. The H is a devoted son and brother and under goes the most character change of anybody in the drama - goes from cold/heartless businessman to distressed (then devoted/determined) boyfriend to ultimately happy husband. Due to the antagonistic nature of their early meetings (H starts out as a real jerk), the h develops a very negative opinion of the H. This opinion changes as due to circumstances related to the H's sister (who is a student in the h's class) the H/h begin a fake relationship. This drama has no evil OW/OM (the only real love triangle involved the H, the h and the h's late husband) and no silly misunderstandings. Also, this drama lacks any true villains. I found that one of the bonuses of a drama lasting 54 episodes was that there were numerous fun dating and other scenes involving the H/h. The drama did involve five other romances, but the lead romance was by far the best. In the end, HEA's for everyone. 54 did seem like an overwhelming number of episodes before I started watching this drama; however, I found that each episode went by very quickly and I would have even watched more. I loved the Ha family and in the end even liked the Lee parents. The drama does start off fast, with almost all of the major characters (11 for the Ha family and 4 for the Lee family) being introduced in the first episode. I never felt like the drama dragged (I did fast forwarded through the younger twin's romance as I didn't care for either him or his h) and found the Ha family customs interesting and the Lee family interactions humorous. For some of the lead H/h dating scenes see the attached video: http://player.vimeo.com/video/15120897 Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 21, 2012 7:42:47 PM PDT [Deleted by the author on May 26, 2012 7:18:39 PM PDT] In reply to an earlier post on May 21, 2012 8:27:30 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @GMB: Wishing you some good "real" times as well as good drama times too! I agree that K2H is something new and maybe that's why I love it so much. It just feels like a fresh concept that hasn't been done before. I'm so excited for the final episodes, but so sad to see it end. I just feel like it's a drama that has everything - humor, romance, intrigue, friendship, family, tragedy, violence. And it does all of those elements well and gives justice to each event.

@Reader123: You had me at Park Shi Hoo, lol. Seriously I'm going to check this one out. Weekends are usually when I get to watch my past dramas but the hubby was out of town last weekend and after chasing kids by myself all day I was too exhausted to do anything but sleep once they were down. But this weekend is open and it's even a long one - yay! So I'll get started. I swore after Ojakyo Brothers I wouldn't watch a 50+ episode drama again. You should check that one out too. Sooo good. Joo Won is awesome as Tae Hee. And I even liked Uee, which is surprising since I loathed her in You're Beautiful. Anyway, I'll update with my thoughts since I know all of you are just dying to hear what I think (insert sarcasm font). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on May 22, 2012 8:30:03 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Rashell - I know what you mean about those 50+ hour long drama. The only other drama I've watched that was that long was It Started With A Kiss/They Kissed Again which clocked in at 50 hours. However, in that drama I had periods where I was frustrated by or hated the H and never particularly liked the h (unlike the Playful Kiss h who carried that show). I considered the last 5 hours of They Kissed Again as the reward for the frustration of the first 45 hours. However, in Family's Honor I was never frustrated by or disliked either the lead H or the h. This is a drama that I know I will probably rewatch sometime in the future (but depending upon how much time I want to commit may fast forward through any scene not including the lead H/h - not that the other romances were bad - but for me lead H/h romance was what made this drama great versus just good). I have Ojakgyo Brothers on my TBW list. If you get to Family's Honor before I get to Ojakgyo Brothers, let me know how you think the two stack up. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 22, 2012 8:39:12 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKh6o9eGcG8, I had to give the link to this K2H fan video because it is captures what I love about this OTP perfectly. It's completely instrumental and uses Jae Ha's own words to narrate. If you're definitely going to watch this drama, then maybe think about checking it out because it could be a little spoilerish. But if you're on the fence, then definitely watch. You'll know for sure after watching if this is a drama you'd like. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on May 22, 2012 2:12:14 PM PDT cbela says: Rashell... om... thanks for sharing that youtube clip. :) I'm definitely am going to have to watch k2h... It's a HEA right? Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on May 22, 2012 6:05:35 PM PDT C.T. says: Rashell, thanks for posting the link...loved it:) It's definitely on my TO BUY list when it comes out on dvd. I haven't had time to watch this, much less any other kdrama, so I've just been keeping up with it on dramabeans and whatever is posted here...lol. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on May 22, 2012 6:07:20 PM PDT C.T. says: changb, not Rashell, but the last two episodes are showing tonight and tomorrow. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on May 22, 2012 7:23:40 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @changb: C.T. (Hey there!) already answered, but the final two episodes are this week. I'm pretty confident in HEA for the main couple, but I'm worried about the secondary couple who I love so much too. This drama has been one twist after another, so I really don't know how it will end. I'm so excited to find out, and yet so sad for it to end too. I'll come once its all over and update the HEA status at least. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 23, 2012 11:46:57 AM PDT Last edited by the author on May 23, 2012 11:51:39 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Rashell you have successfully succeeded in getting me interested in K2H because of that youtube mv you posted. Even though I remain uninterested in political intrigue type plots, and this seems to be very heavy on that, I have put it on my want to checkout list because after watching that fanmade mv, I think that this show is worth checking for the H/h scenes. In the vid, it shows the hero being mature and protective of the heroine (and his words to her are beautiful), so I liked that :) Aly, I'm sorry I didn't see your post or I would've replied earlier, I agree I love Makino! She is an awesome heroine, and Domyoji is a hot hero! Hana Yori Dango is one of those few shows that are just unforgettable. Oh and I've watched ep(s) 9 and 10 of QIHM and I'm glad that they didn't stretch out the amnesia plot point for long, it barely lasted for two episodes. Now the hero remembers the heroine again. I loved the last scene of episode 10 when the heroine's eyes fell on the hero and in shock she realizes that it wasn't all a dream (as everyone else had been telling her). I

love the way the hero looks at her (I just love how tenderly he looks at her, it's almost as if he is gently caressing her with his eyes and protecting her and loving her- I don't even know how to explain it lol). I can't wait for episode 11. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to your post on May 23, 2012 11:52:42 AM PDT W. WATTERS says: Hi! Maybe check the KBS World Radio website for information about Korean TV dramas. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on May 23, 2012 12:29:58 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @D.M. - yeah, K2H is heavy on the intrigue and the villain is one sick guy, but I do love the romance aspect the most. I just knew if I kept pushing you at it that eventually you'd cave and agree to at least try it. ;) QIHM is AWESOME so far. And it's so nice to have a drama that isn't ripping my heart out every episode. It's so sweet and I agree that it was nice to have the "dreaded amnesia" not even last a whole episode. He's just the sweetest, smartest Kdrama H ever. And she's adorable. And they just like eachother. It will be interesting to see how they work it out in this "new" present. I'm also waiting eagerly for episode 11. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 23, 2012 12:30:48 PM PDT J. Alonso says: Hi girls, I've been following this forum and I've started Boys over Flowers which I love so far. I find that I don't have too much time right now and I'm looking for your recommended Korean/Japanese, (etc.) MOVIES that I could watch and finish in one sitting! Please! I have Netflix and Hulu but if there's another way to watch them, please let me know!! You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on May 23, 2012 12:56:06 PM PDT Last edited by you on Jan 13, 2014 12:59:41 AM PST Adnana says: There are sites which offer links to third parties like mediafire and ddlani.me, from where you can download these movies on your PC and watch them at your leisure. I don't feel guilty about it, because where I live I can't buy the DVDs (that is, if these movies were even released on DVD) and I can't use US-based services like Hulu. A site I recommend that you check out is www.doramax264.com. Edit this post | Permalink

In reply to an earlier post on May 23, 2012 1:49:56 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @J. Alonso: www.dramafever.com is another website that has movies and dramas. There is also www.dramacrazy.com, this has a ton of asian dramas and movies but they are hosted on other sites and often you have to watch each episode in parts. I watch most of my dramas at www.viki.com. They have the fastest subs around. They mostly have series dramas but they do have movies as well. I've only watched a couple of K-movies and I found those on youtube. I watched 100 Days With Mr. Arrogant (it was okay), Kiozora (So sad), He Was Cool (didn't love it), and My Little Bride (Okay). I haven't really found an Asian movie that gets me they way the series dramas do. I'll have to update if I find one. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on May 23, 2012 2:26:44 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: J. Alonso I watched Innocent Steps on Netflix - it was OK - I have yet to find a movie that is as good as their TV series. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on May 23, 2012 2:35:29 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: J. Alonso Another movie which wasn't too bad is You're My Pet (AKA You Are My Pet)(on Dramacrazy or Youtube). Make sure to get the movie and not the Japanese TV drama. I did find that the subbing wasn't very good on the version I watched. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on May 23, 2012 3:10:34 PM PDT Amazon Customer says: J.Alonso~ Along with 100 Days With Mr. Arrogant and Koizora(have the kleenex handy) I would add Japenese mvies -Kimi ni Todake (From Me To You) it's very sweet -High School Debut -Paradise Kiss I believe I found them all on YouTube I agree with everyone else so far. The movies are okay but don't touch the drama's as far as epic greatness ;) The closest one for me was Kimi ni Todake but I have a huge crush on Haruma Miura so that may be why!! Good Luck! And I know the dramas can get long and drawn out sometimes but they are so worth it. Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 2 of 2 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on May 23, 2012 3:44:10 PM PDT J. Alonso says: Wow, you guys are good! And fast! I can't wait to watch one of these recs later on my new kindle fire! Last week I saw the Picture Bride which was okay and The Servant which was sad at the end (watch out, its NR for a reason but I fastforwarded). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on May 23, 2012 4:29:14 PM PDT Spectator51 says: Shall We Dance? (1996) was very good. This was the Japanese movie that the American version was based on. It's on Netflix Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 2 of 2 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on May 24, 2012 3:44:41 AM PDT Last edited by the author on May 26, 2012 9:21:26 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: J. Alonso I thought of a couple more movies that were ok - My Boyfriend is Type B, Hello Schoolgirl and Baby and I (this one is more of a comedy than romance). ETA: Two other movies - My Girlfriend is An Agent and Unstoppable Marriage Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 2 of 2 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on May 24, 2012 8:42:22 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: Okay, so I am finished with the final episodes of K2H and I still love this drama. I will say that this is not the type of drama to tie everything up in a nice little bow, but there is a HEA for my King and his Queen. The last two episodes stayed true to the rest of the drama in that they made me cry, laugh, and watch through my fingers in some parts. This is not a drama to watch if you're just looking for a love story. This is a story about bad guys and good guys and all the in between. But the romance is awesome too. I don't want to spoil anything for people who want to watch, but I loved this drama. It's easily in my top 5. It wasn't perfect, but it was dang close. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on May 24, 2012 9:57:29 PM PDT Amazon Customer says: @Rashell^^^ everything she said and my little 2 cents.

**********not really spoilery but you are warned just in case********** While i'm not one to LOL at stuff I will surely bawl my eyes out. And I don't think i've cried so hard since Shelby died in Steel Magnolias, just sayin'. K2H was great. And after I finished it I went right to the recap at dramabeans to see if I missed or needed clarification on anything. I wholeheartedly agree with one thing they said which is~it's not so much a love story as it's a story of Jae ha growing up. And that he did. I watched for the purpose of having a nice mushy best drama ever feeling after it was over. Not what I got, but neither am I dissapointed. My heart feels full but there is a dent in it as well. And if you have watched you know what I mean!! But it was good :) Now i'm off to watch some old favorites and wait until August for RTP on dvd!!!! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on May 25, 2012 8:49:42 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @aly: Yeah, I pretty much sobbed my little heart out. And like you I was left feeling bittersweet. But that has been this drama from the beginning, so I should have known they would stay with that till the end. But it was such a good ride. And you're also absolutely right that the essence of this drama is growth and maturing of one man. When you look back almost all the other characters were awesome from the beginning it's only Jae Ha who changed. And his change was fabulous to watch. I'm going to miss K2H! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on May 25, 2012 9:19:26 AM PDT Last edited by the author on May 25, 2012 9:21:30 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Rashell Thanks for all of your updates on K2H - I'm just not brave enough to watch a non-Rom/Com live - as it could turn ugly with either the H/h being killed off. I'll probably start watching this drama on Tuesday. Have a great holiday on Monday. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 26, 2012 8:15:20 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @Reader123: I wanted to give my first impressions of Family's Honor. I'm only through episode 14, so still early. But so far I love the main couple of course. They pretty much hate eachother right now, but you can already see that he's completely facinated by her. He can be such an ass, but he is the most adorable protective oppa to ever oppa. And I love his sister and her crush. She's such a shy, sweet thing. It's not a shock that she can't fit in with her much more, shall we say, outgoing family. In the Ha family, I love the oldes brother and his janitor. He's such a sweetie underneath that solomn exterior. And she's adorable. The second Ha brother mostly just makes me laugh. He's such a screw up. I haven't decided if I like his cop love interest with him yet. But I do like her individually. And I need Dong Dong to get a

mom again, although his bonding with great-grandfather is too adorable for words. I'm definitely hooked and enjoying it. It has Park Shi Hoo, that's all I needed to be in. As for a comparison with Ojakygo Brothers, well that's hard to do. They are really different. But I would say that everyone in Ojakygo Brothers is a "nice" character from the start, just with flaws that come with being human. They're all likeable and just when they push the h right to the point where she could turn to unlikeable the H steps in to shape her up. The H in Ojakygo is more the stern silent type then in family's honor where he's more outgoing. And the h is definitely less reserved. But I do enjoy them both, and both do have nice family elements. You'll have to let me know what you think when you get a chance to start Ojakygo. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 26, 2012 3:04:57 PM PDT Last edited by the author on May 26, 2012 4:32:33 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Rooftop Prince is finished, the last two episodes were good and moving. However the ending was very bitter/sweet, if you want me to elaborate just tell me and I will oblige. Overall, RTP was a good show even though it dragged (with the company storyline) in the middle. I've watched episode 11 of Queen Inhyun's Man, it was a good episode. I loved that kiss at the end, it was one of the best kisses I have ever seen... the way she got up on her tip toes, and the way he held her- something about it was so beautiful and sensual. Now I'm waiting for episode 12 to get subbed. I just wish they'd talk slower at some parts, but overall I am loving this show :) Happy drama/romance watching everyone! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 26, 2012 7:54:14 PM PDT GMB says: For J. Alonso: I agree with others on this discussion board. I just haven't seen many great dramatic movies from Korea, China, or Taiwan. If you are up for something different, I can recommend the Chinese film "Chungking Express." I own the Criterion Collection edition. I won't ruin the plot, but it's basically two short stories pulled together. If I find/watch anything else, I'll be sure to post again. For Rashell Anderson: I hope to be heading towards real "good times" soon... I can't believe the wonderful drama, King 2 Hearts, is over. (I just finished it today.) I won't be able to write my entire experience with this Korean drama, but it made me distraught in the 3 final episodes. However, I look forward to starting "Queen In-Hyun's Man," but I can't

find a good place to watch all of the episodes. Any suggestions? For Aly and W. Watters: How did you find out about KBS Media releases? Are you referring to the quality on the dvd box sets? Or the episodes on request? Any help at all--would help me with some possible decisions that I have. For Adnana: I think you were the one who mentioned that you like the type of hero who will take care of the heroine. Now, I can't vouch for how these dramas end. And one, I haven't even watched. (I've only read about it...) Still, here's a very, very short list. (You should find complete episodes listed on hulu.com/dramafever.com.) All About Eve (I'm currently watching this and I'm on episode 14) Baby-Faced Beauty (Haven't seen it yet. No immediate plans to watch.) Have a Great Holiday Weekend and Happy Drama Watching! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 26, 2012 9:54:30 PM PDT J. Alonso says: Omg. Just saw koizora and u weren't kidding about the kleenex....thanks again for the rec! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on May 26, 2012 11:46:37 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @GMB: QIHM is the only reason I'm not going through worse K2H withdrawl. At least I still have a drama I'm loving to look forward to. I know what you mean about the last episodes of K2H, that drama was seriously painful in some ways, but so good. As for where to watch QIHM, I'm having a problem finding timely subs. I've watched at both dramacrazy.com and epdrama.com, but they are usually at least a week behind for subs. They do post the raw episodes within a day though. I think that either of those sites has through episode ten subbed. I can't wait to hear what you think of it. After the trauma of K2H, I think you'll enjoy this one. It's so light and sweet with a H that is such a good man. Seriously this guy doesn't have to turn into the prince, he came already perfect. And the OTP are adorable together. LOVE IT! @J. Alonso: Glad you enjoyed Koizora even with the tissue use. I'll keep my eyes open for any other movie recs. Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 27, 2012 8:43:14 AM PDT Last edited by the author on May 27, 2012 8:55:48 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I'm watching QIHM on dramacrazy.net, though I agree with Rashell that it can also be found on epdrama.com On dramacrazy it seems that it takes a few days (3 to 4 in my estimation) after the raw episode is uploaded for it to get subbed. This show is definitely worth checking out! If it continues to be this good it could be another of my most favorites. My most liked Kdrama/romance list looks something like this now: 1. You're Beautiful 2. Queen Inhyun's Man (this could also be at number one beside 'You're Beautiful', but I can't put it there now because it hasn't finished yet) 3. Secret Garden This is a bit off-topic, I've also started reading English translated mangas (I'm still at the very early stages of exploring this lol). I didn't know that they are almost the same as romance books, in addition I like that they also have pictures, so it's almost as if you are seeing the early stages of a movie or show with a manga. J. Alonso, I'm glad that you enjoyed Koizora (did you watch the movie or the drama?). Anyways both movie and drama are tearjerkers, but the drama is my fave. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 28, 2012 7:15:45 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: Kimchidramas.net has episode 12 of QIHM subbed and up for those (like me) who've been waiting. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on May 28, 2012 7:18:59 AM PDT Last edited by the author on May 28, 2012 7:25:56 AM PDT Amazon Customer says: @GMB~ KBS media releases? I can't find where I posted specifically about this so i'm not sure how to answer. But this may be what i'm thinking you're asking- I remember posting earlier about Rooftop Prince on DVD. Earlier in the thread someone posted YAEntertainment was releasing RP in July here in the U.S. On their website they have since pushed it back to August. I think the site is just yaentertainment .com but they haven't updated for a May newsletter yet so any new information I have no clue about. Another possible answer- I posted sometime back about wanting to purchase MyungWol the Spy and Heartstrings. I have gotten both now on DVD and am quite happy with them. They were bought through an Amazon dealer and were the PMP liscened dvd's. The quality is really really good and the subs as well. Just a word here or there that is translated correctly

just not in the context we would say it. But not a big deal at all. The cases leave something to be desired, but i'm not complaing as long as I have them. They have little sleeve inserts instead of the little buttons? they are placed on. It causes them to slip out and rattle during shipping or any movement for that matter. And Myung Wol is broken into 22 eps instead of 18. If the answer is neither one of those (I feel silly because i'm drawing a blank about KBS media releases and when I wrote about it) Could you give me the page # it was posted on and I will clarify a hopefully better answer!! Thanks :) ETA: I went back a few pages and saw a post, you were actually the one to tip me off about RP in July so that's not it, lol. Sorry. And KBS world radio that W.Watters mentioned, i've yet to check that out. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 28, 2012 9:36:38 AM PDT J. Alonso says: Thanks Gumbo. Sm I watched the movie. I can only imagine the drama! Also when I saw it on youtube it recommended "The Classic" and "A Moment to Remember". They look great also!!! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 28, 2012 4:13:17 PM PDT [Deleted by the author on May 29, 2012 4:22:57 PM PDT] In reply to an earlier post on May 28, 2012 4:35:50 PM PDT Amazon Customer says: @GMB~ No problem at all :)!! I'm sure you've already seen DJS for sale here on Amazon. I'm not sure which version it is but for the one seller who has it, AsianEntertainment, i've had only good expierences with. (knock on wood) Of course the $80 price tag is pretty hefty :( But their shipping is super super fast so that is one plus. Good luck and I hope you are able to get a copy. And on a side note I hope you feel better soon!! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 30, 2012 7:08:56 PM PDT Last edited by the author on May 30, 2012 7:10:22 PM PDT GMB says: For Aly: Thanks for the encouragement and general kind words. I talked to AsianEntertainment on Amazon. They are selling a copy by PK Entertainment (which for everyone's reference is based Singapore.) I'm not sure I will buy this copy right away, but I'll definitely keep it mind. (It just might have to stay on my wish list for a while longer. Meanwhile, I'm glad you're being adventurous; Giving yourself the opportunity to try new production companies outside

of YA Entertainment.) For Rashell Anderson: I hope all is well with you:) I definitely think I'm going through "King 2 Hearts" withdrawal, but it's helped to be able to return to "1st Shop of the Coffee Prince." It really does offer those who watch a lot to love. Also, I believe it's based on a book. This means that the drama writers and actor already had a template to work around. This is something that I think helped dramas like "My Lovely Sam-Soon" (pre-written) and "King 2 Hearts" (pre-written). As a side note, I'm looking forward to watching "Queen In-Hyun's Man," "Big" and "I Do, I Do." However, I think I'll wait on "Queen In-Hyun's Man..." For C.T. I hope you do get a chance to buy "King 2 Hearts!" For Adnana: If you like a strong hero, I strongly recommend "All About Eve." If you can't catch it on dramafever, than I'm sure it's posted on other websites like dramacrazy or gooddrama. Now, he isn't a fussy hero, but I can't imagine anyone more loyal to the heroine. (Just watch out for the 90's makeup!) D.M. (Lover of All Things Heart): I hope you're enjoying mangas. I've seen them on websites like "Right Stuf," but I generally like to stay with contemporary poetry and fiction. Take Care and Happy Drama Watching! P.S. I hope that I didn't bring the Korean movie, Chinese, Taiwanese, and Korean drama discussions to an awkward pause. If it helps, I plan to stop lurking on this discussion board for a while. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on May 30, 2012 7:20:53 PM PDT C.T. says: GMB, Thanks:) I hope K2H comes out soon (as in before the end of the year). It's a bit of an exercise in frustration to watch dramas from my compy as it keeps buffering and stuff...which is one of the reasons I prefer to buy if it's something I think I'll watch more than once. I'm kind of in K2H withdrawal (even though I've only read the recaps)...not really sure what to keep up with next *shrug*...maybe, I'll read some books for now...lol:) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 30, 2012 7:27:48 PM PDT C.T. says:

Really random thought...but have any of you gotten interested in or made something because you saw it in a drama? Mine are bento lunches/boxes, like those in Boys Over Flowers and Playful Kiss:) I can't make all the fancy looking stuff, but it is fun to prepare them once in a while. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 30, 2012 7:35:29 PM PDT Last edited by the author on May 30, 2012 7:42:27 PM PDT cbela says: lol... @ CT Ive made kimbap... you know their wannabe sushi rolls. :) GMB... Thanks! Ive made my list, and they supposedly sell kdramas and twdramas in San Fran.. $20 for a drama set like You're Beautiful, Kim Sam Soon, and City Hunter. :) Im super excited will start kdrama marathon again soon. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on May 30, 2012 8:26:59 PM PDT Amazon Customer says: @ C.T- I learned how to eat with chopsticks!! Still not real good but I can do it. And I was on a serious Ramen kick after watching Lee Min Ho in BOF. So much so that the thought of ramen now makes me sick :( Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on May 30, 2012 8:38:42 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: I haven't made any of the food, but I'd sure like to try some of it sometime. Tonight was the first night that I really, really, really missed my K2H. I need a new Wed/Thur drama, and now that Love Rain ended this week I'll need a new Mon/Tues drama. I'm not really into Dr. Jin or Gentleman's Dignity. But I'm so looking forward to Big ( with my Gong Yoo of Coffee Prince). And I think Bridal Mask could be good. I'm still love QIHM but with the strange subbing it's hard to schedule it. I've been watching Family's Honor on Reader123's rec, and it is really good. Although the H parents, especially his mother, REALLY drove me crazy for a while. I'm through episode 44 now, (yeah, I totally marathoned over the holiday weekend). I love the main pairing, but there are some secondary pairings I really like too. Especially the oldest brother of the h and his cute love interest. They are so sweet. I also really like the H sister, she's a sweetheart. It's a

really good family drama. All the characters aren't as likeable as those in Ojakygo Brothers, but I still really enjoy it. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on May 31, 2012 4:56:49 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Rashell I'm glad you're enjoying Family's Honor. I've started watching Ojakgyo Brothers and so far am really liking it. If these two shows are representative of family dramas - I'm switching from rom/com to family dramas! I may give The Sons of Sol Pharmacy House (aka My Too Perfect Sons) a try after I finish Ojakgyo Brothers. I agree about QIHM, it is really a great rom/com and the H is by far the sweetest of any in Kdramaland. Hopefully the last four episodes will be as good as the previous 12. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 31, 2012 5:27:49 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Hey guys, I'm glad that several of you are also watching QIHM and enjoying it as much as I am, I thank you guys for mentioning this show or else I might not have discovered it. Right now I am watching two shows: QIHM: I watched parts of episodes 13 and 14, of Queen InHyun's Man, raw- I was just too impatient! Anyways the ending of episode 14 feels like an ending, so now I'm wondering what will happen in episode 15 and 16, because if I'm not mistaken this will be 16 episodes long. Anyways I love this show so far, and I can't wait for eps 13 and 14 to get subbed. The other show that I am watching is Absolute Boyfriend the TW version, since I've already watched and liked the original J version series. I am liking this show so far, however in this TW version it is very easy to like Night over his competitor for the heroine's affections. So I know that if this one has a sad ending with Night dying I will be very sad (so I'm hoping for a happy ending). Whereas the J drama had me liking Night and Soshi almost equally (and sometimes I would like Soshi more). So even though I felt sad for Night, I liked that the heroine ended up with Soshi. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 31, 2012 6:32:57 PM PDT C.T. says: @changb - kimbap...neat:) How'd they come out? I've been craving tuna onigiri, so I'm going to try making that this or next weekend. @aly - That's great:D I need to rewatch some of those, because I'm so bad at using chopsticks for an extended period of time.

@Rashell - if you decide to make something, http://lunchinabox.net/top-tips/ has some great tutorials on making some dishes. I'm just sad she's stopped updating this blog. She made some really user-friendly tutorials. Enjoy! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 31, 2012 7:11:17 PM PDT cbela says: CT. The kimbap turned out great... though at first I had to get use to the taste of the seaweed wrap...because I will only eat shrimp from the sea. :) It's much tastier to eat the circled pieces as one whole circle bite instead of taking bites from that one circle piece. lol hope that makes sense. Aly... I only learned to use chopsticks recently and the only thing so far that I can actually eat is pho. :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 31, 2012 8:07:15 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @reader123: yeah, Family's Honor is a winner. And I'm glad you're enjoying Ojakygo Brothers. I fell in love with Joo Won watching that one. He has the sweetest eyes. Something about him kind of reminds me of Kim Soo Hyun (Moon Embracing Sun/ Dream High) In fact, Joo Won was supposed to play his brother, Yang Myung, in Moon but because Ojakygo got extended he had to back out and Jung Il Woo took the role instead. Anyway, I just finished the "honeymoon" for the OTP so I'm almost done with Family's Honor. I can't believe how fast I've watched it. @D.M.: I haven't watched ep 14 of QIHM yet, but I'm scared after 13. And now your post is also making me nervous. I love Bong Do soooo much that I will be ticked if this doesn't have an HEA. @C.T.: Thank you so much for that website. I'm definitely going to check it out. I'm useless cooking my native food so I have some concerns trying my hand at Korean, but maybe one day I'll get brave. And it sounds like there are some good instructions. Since I really like Joo Won now, I'm thinking that Gaksital (Bridal Mask) is going to be my next drama to start. Its only a couple episodes in, but I think that Dramabeans is going to be re-capping. I think I'll wait another week before getting started. I'll let you all know my impressions once it gets going. I'm also waiting anxiously for Big. I'm not sure I can wait for that one. I'm pretty sure I'll be watching ep 1 raw even. GONG YOOO! I'm so excited! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on May 31, 2012 11:44:23 PM PDT Last edited by the author on May 31, 2012 11:48:45 PM PDT Courting Chaos says: I so love K-dramas, J-dramas, tw-dramas, and Thai lakorns. They are my guiltiest pleasures. Thai Lakorns are usually VERY over the top. And in probably 2/3 of them the H will end up forcing himself on the h. Usually due to jealousy and anger. So they really aren't for everyone. Tw-dramas are a often a bit goofy (sound effects and facial expressions) and K-dramas are the most slickly produced and sweet. Some darker K-dramas with possessive/obsessive guys (not humorous like Secret Garden) would be Que Sera Sera (emotional roller coaster. Eric didn't realize he loved her at first, but when he did he was a mess. He just killed me in this scene where he falls apart in the bar of the hotel.) and What Happened In Bali. (WHIB does not have a HEA, so be warned.) Lighter ones with jealousy and a touch of obsession: Boys Over Flowers was ridiculously addictive even if it was sometimes childish and insane. Lee Min Ho who played Gu Jun Pyo just fricken' killed it. When he cried, I cried. When he smiled, I smiled. And when that man got romantic I mentally sold my house, moved to Korea, and had tiny imaginary asian babies with him. Just turn off your brain and lean to love the eye-candy angst Best Love or Greatest Love (depends on where you watch it) is a comedy but he was obsessed in a "I can't believe I like YOU of all people" way. So funny. (The word "Panties!!!" will never be the same for me again.) Flower Boy Ramyun Shop- another one where it takes him like 3 episodes to realize what all these feelings he has for her are but then he's like a dog with a bone. A young, super rich, spoiled, and selfish little dog with a bad case of Noona love. (And even though I loved the H, I was totally second-lead shipping for a while. You'll see why, lol. ) Speaking of Noona love!!! Biscuit Teacher and Star Candy is awesome but very hard to find a decent copy of. I have loved Gong Yoo forever and Coffee Prince is one of my all time favorite dramas... but he was so amazing here. He fell in love with his student teacher after making her life miserable for a bit and it was just the sweetest thing ever. Cute HEA. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jun 1, 2012 5:05:50 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I refuse to believe that QIHM will end with anything other than an HEA! In addition to Ojakgyo Brothers, I have also started watching K2H - I agree that it's an absolutely awesome show. Big sounds good - I've enjoyed all of the Hong sisters shows that I have watched. Wonder if Big will be somewhat like the Tom Hanks movie? Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jun 1, 2012 7:26:32 AM PDT Amazon Customer says: I also can't believe that QIHM won't have an HEA. I'm sure it will!! I scan (not read) the recaps just so I get a feel for it and it will be my next after it finishes. I'm sure all will be well, K2H was except for that one part.... @changb- My husband and kids thought I was nuts there for a week or so. While teaching myself to use the chopsticks I ate every type of food with them. I think the only kind I didn't eat was pizza and ya can't pick that up with chopsticks :) @CourtingChaos- I love anybody who says Lee Min Ho "frickin' killed it". I cracked up at your post for BOF. He is also my imaginary boyfriend. But sometimes I two time him, shhhhhhh. There are just so many hot men to choose from, you can't love just one! I am finally two eps down in Coffe Prince. I do like it and i'm sure once I get a good marathon run at it I won't be able to stop. Maybe the kids will cooperate for me. But I think I figured out what is holding me back. I loved Go Mi Nam/nyo in YB because when it came to her being a girl she was very girly. She didn't mind playing the boy part but you could tell she had that soft spot for all things girly. The shoes the make up, hair, clothes. She wanted to be a girl, well I mean she was one so why not? I get why Go Eun Chan has to keep of the boy charade even before she met the H and after. She had a family to support and employers weren't to keen on hiring a girl. But it seems she stays that way even after she went to Italy or France and comes back. (I watched the last episode a long time ago to make sure it had an HEA) I'm all cool with the tomboy thing but does she ever embrace the femininity at all during the show? Because she doesn't seem the H's type at all. Not that she should change for him and I do like how the H does sorta change his way for her. Is there something that explains it better between now and the last episode? Is she just a tomboy- no ifs, ands or buts about it, no excuses that's just her, kinda thing? Maybe i'm overthinking it.... This drama has everything I love about drama's except for that one little quirk. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 1, 2012 8:39:15 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Hey Rashell, Aly, and Reader123 the ending of episode 14 was a happy ending, so rest assured that even if episode 14 is the last episode, QIHM ends happily, or at least that's what I got from some of the translations in the comments section! Once it is subbed we will know for sure, but *Spoiler, Spoiler* they are together in the last scene and it seems he's left Jeoson (sp?) for good. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jun 1, 2012 11:44:08 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says:

@aly: Eun Chan does have a scene where she is completely girl-ed up. (What's a k-drama without a make-over scene?) But to be honest she pretty much stays a tomboy. She isn't comfortable being girly since she's been the head of her house since she was a small child. There are a couple of scenes with her in a skirt or dress, and if you'd watched a little farther into the last epi you'd have seen that it was kind of a fake-out. She is definitely dressed as a girl in the last episode. But she does stay "boyish" through-out. But what you're talking about is sort of the journey of the drama. She and Han Gyul seem completely wrong for eachother. But if you like a drama where the H clearly loves the h the most, Coffee Prince is that to a tee. She loves him, but he's her slave. I don't want to spoil too much, but the scenes after they get together are so adorable. He just adores everything about her. Like I said in an earlier post Gong Yoo owns this drama. To quote Girl Friday of Dramabeans, I will forever be in love Choi Han Gyul! @D.M.: Thank you so much. I was worried to watch. I love QIHM and Kim Bong Do. @CourtingChaos: Even though Aly tried to claim him, everyone knows that Lee Min Ho is my Korean Boyfriend. I staked my claim long ago. But welcome to the k-drama thread. All the dramas you mentioned are great so I know you'll fit right in. Speaking of Lee Min Ho, he has a new drama coming out in August, so I know we'll have that to talk about. @Reader123: So glad you're enjoying K2H, I miss that drama so much. Yeah, I'm trying to wait patiently for Big because it has so much going for it. Here's hoping my Gong Yoo and Hong Sisters don't disapoint. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 1, 2012 2:10:22 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Okay apparently episode 14 is not the last episode of QIHM, and we were all right when we thought that this series is longer than 14 episodes. I say this because I Just stumbled upon the English subbed preview of episode 15 on youtube. It seems like there's more conflict coming our way, but it also shows some great adorable moments between the H/h too! Hopefully this show will end with an HEA :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 2, 2012 7:36:50 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. - Thanks for the update on QIHM - glad to hear we still have a few episodes to go - this is one drama that I wish could be longer than 16 episodes. I just read an article that indicated that the Hong sister's Big is a remake of the Tom Hanks movie (but the one character is older - 18, instead of 13). It will be great to see the Hong sister's twist on this film. I also read that Park Shi Hoo's next project is a movie where he's a serial killer turned author - what a waste! I guess it's good for him but bad for us. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jun 2, 2012 11:15:14 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Reader123 I agree, I wish that QIHM was longer than 16 episodes. But no matter, I can't wait for the remaining episodes and I'm really hoping for a very good ending- HEA :D Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jun 2, 2012 1:53:57 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @Reader123: Big is more of a Freaky Friday remake then the movie Big. From what I have read, there is an accident involving an 18 year old boy and the 30 something doctor. When the dust settles the 18 year old wakes up in the body of the dr, and the dr. is in the body of the 18 year old. Now I get the impression that the 18 year old's body is in a coma, so I'm not sure if we'll see both at the same time. And I'm not sure if the switch is permenant through-out the drama or if they switch back and forth. The 30 year old is engaged to our h, who is the teacher of the 18 year old. (Confused yet?) Yeah, I'm not sure how this one is going to play out, but it's Gong Yoo and the Hong Sisters so I'm keeping the faith. And oh, Park Shi Hoo, why? I love him as the awesome leading man, but I suppose it makes sense that he'd want to branch out a little. On to QIHM, I'm glad that we get 16 episodes, but agree that this drama could have been longer. And that we better get an HEA! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 2, 2012 7:28:34 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Jun 2, 2012 7:30:43 PM PDT GMB says: I know.... I said that I wouldn't post for a while, but I found some new information. Some of it.... I thought would be useful/ important for many on this discussion board. Rashell Anderson: I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one who is still trying to find a replacement for King 2 Hearts. I'm waiting for King In-Hyun's Man to go to Dramafever.com, Viki, or Hulu in order to watch it there. However, you [and many others are well into it's 16 episode run. I wanted to mention another website: http://www.mysoju.com/korean-drama/queen-in-hyuns-man/ It doesn't seem to have episode 6, something that irks me to no end, but that could just be a website glitch or typo. Anyway, please post if this website works well for you. :) Courting Chaos: Here is another website link for you (and anyone else) interested in the drama "Biscuit

Teacher and Star Candy." I'll admit they are a bit pricey, but they sell legitimate editions of Korean dramas, and they have free shipping right now. (This is something that's always a plus in my book.) By the way, I love your posting name. http://www.hanbooks.com/biteandstcas.html Aly: When you watch a drama---you really watch a drama. I'm still watching "1st Shop of the Coffee Prince." However, I wanted to add to the discussion. I love, love, love that Eun Chan wasn't transformed or essentially "girly" by the end of the film. I didn't think it was necessary because Han Gyul loved her when he thought she was a guy. So, he can love her as a tomboy. For me, I guess, it wasn't necessary for both characters to make huge dramatic leaps/change in their lives; it was more than enough to see Han Gyul make that big leap and for the other characters to make smaller, personal changes in their lives. Oh, and as much as I'm not a fan of pretty boys generally, I love Waffle Sun-Ki. He's wise, a bit blunt, and above all quiet...When all the other characters talk, talk, and talk. Finally, I wanted to update the YA Entertainment Release List. (I received the e-mail yesterday.) Protect the Boss (July 17, 2012) Rooftop Prince (August) Tree with Deep Roots (TBA) Will it Snow for Christmas (TBA) The disadvantage of the newsletter is--their content is subject to date change. The good new is: You have time to save for the ones that you want. I'd be more than happy to forward the email, if you're comfortable leaving your e-mail it in a future post. :) In addition to "Coffee Prince" and "My Lovely Sam-Soon", I've been watch Protect the Boss on Hulu. I'm on episode 4, and I'm not sure I love it. First, I haven't been a huge fan of the actress, and the actor's character is slightly off to me. He seems to dress to sloppy for a guy who doesn't like to touch people and has panic attacks. I am loving the fact that his family seems like her, but they aren't exactly honest themselves. (I.E. Their business is questionable.) Any thoughts? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jun 2, 2012 7:56:04 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @GMB: Thanks for the new link for QIHM. I'll definitely check it out. Finding timely subs for that drama is so hard. And King 2 Hearts is just impossible to replace for me right now. That one just got me straight in the heart. LOVE IT and MISS IT! QIHM is a great drama, but a much "easier" watch then K2H. So it's been a nice sweet drama to heal me after K2H would rip my heart out. Sun Ki was also one of my favorites in Coffee Prince. He didn't say much, but when he did

speak it was always so wise. Really all the characters in Coffee Prince were wonderful. I loved everyone in the end even Hae Ju. Now about Protect the Boss, not my favorite drama, but it did have some cute moments. It has a hilarous "fight" scene between the H and his cousin over the h. I never really fell in love with the main pairing. She always seemed more like his mother then his lover which is a bit of a turn off. It was a fine drama, and mostly entertaining to watch, but not one I care to revisit. Thanks for the update on DVD releases. I really am interested in Biscuit Teacher Star Candy. That drama is so hard to find complete and it has my Gong Yoo in it. Now I just need to save my money. I love this thread to pieces! It's so fun to have people to discuss this stuff with. All of my "real-life" friends and family think I'm crazy. They don't know what they're missing! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 5, 2012 6:15:15 PM PDT C.T. says: Has anyone watched episode 1 of Big yet? Just read the recap...it'll be interesting to see where the Hong sisters take this:) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jun 5, 2012 6:41:00 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: C.T. I plan to start watching beginning next week - still finishing QIHM, K2H and Ojakgyo Brothers. Since its Hong sisters, I feel somewhat safe in watching it as it airs. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jun 5, 2012 8:22:44 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: I know this will surprise everyone, but I have watched the first episode of Big. And I really did like it, but I'm also not sure where it's going. I'm not sure who the OTP is supposed to be and how it's all going to play out. Kind of interesting for a K-drama. But like Reader123 says, it is the Hong Sisters, so I'm sure that there is a plan and most likely one I'll like. I'm getting ready to watch the 2nd episode on Viki right now. I've also started watching Gentleman's Dignity. The writer is the same as Secret Garden, so I figured I'd try it. I really like it up until this 4th episode and now I'm unsure. So for some backgroud this drama is about 4 men who are in their 40's and have been friends since 18 and their lives and loves. Our H is an architect and kind of a cold player type guy, but he see the h and is immediately likes her (sounds pretty similar to Secret Garden, I guess you stick with what works.). The h is a teacher and umpires baseball games where two of the H friends play

ball. She has crush on one of those friends who is also his business partner. That friend starts dating the h roomate. It's all kind of confusing to type out. Anyway, I don't want to spoil too much, but the H knows that the h likes his friend and he tells the h that he's going to be in a one-sided love with her. He sends her an expensive pair of shoes as a gift. She goes to his apartment to return them, and he calls the woman he spent the night with out to take the shoes if the h doesn't want them. I know that they aren't in a relationship, and I know that she likes someone else. But it just seemed mean for him to rub her face in the fact that although he claims to love her, he feels fine sleeping around. What do you all think? I'm going to keep watching to see where it goes because I do like all of the different characters. The guys are all so diffrent and funny. But I'm kind of turned off of the H. Maybe he'll redeem himself. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jun 6, 2012 8:13:28 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Rashell - I'll give Gentlemen's Dignity a try - given the writer I'm sure she will redeem the H in the end - seems like the writers in K drama always want us to start out hating the H except QIHM, of course. Isn't the H the actor that the h in K2H kept mentioning? OK not only am I now recognizing character actors, I'm now recognizing names of actors I've never seen. My family also does not understand my obsession with Kdrama - however, I did succeed in convincing my son to watch City Hunter - rest of the family is proving resistant. I didn't realize that the author also wrote Lovers in Prague. I watched it not too long ago - I found it okay (maybe if I hadn't watched it after Family's Honor I might have liked it more Family's Honor was a tough act for any drama to follow). Both the H/h are 30ish. The h is a diplomat and daughter of the president of Korea (but politics does not play a big role in this story). The H is a police detective (but again his work does not play a big role). The H/h meet in Prague - she's a diplomat there, while he is visiting to locate his fiancĂŠ who just broken up with him via the phone. The fiancĂŠ is a weak, sad pathetic figure. OM is h's ex-boyfriend - he had left Prague 5 years previously to seek his father's permission to marry h but never returned or contacted h. 5 years later he wants to resume relationship. You actually feel sorry for the guy for most of the drama, he seems so depressed and his father is evil. I found the early part of this drama somewhat Full House-ish - OM chasing h, h chasing H, while H keeps going to rescue pathetic ex-fiance, who just wants someone to take care of her - so if you didn't like that aspect of Full House, you probably won't like this drama. Depending on the storyline, I don't usually have a problem with this trope. In addition, H believes the differences in the H/h social levels are too great for a relationship. As a side story, the h's brother, a young Jang Geun Suk (with normal hair!) has a high school romance, which is rather sweet (not a major part of the drama - probably only 7 or 8 scenes long). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jun 6, 2012 9:46:55 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Jun 6, 2012 9:48:31 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @Reader123:Let me know what you think of Gentlemen's Dignity...so far I really do like it. (And yes, the H is Jang Dong Gun, Hang Ah's crush from K2H.) I'm just a little mad at the H. Although he does explain everything to the h, I give him that. He's completely up-front and

honest almost too honest. The previews for the next episode look AWESOME. There looks to be some H jealousy in that one, so maybe she's going to get him back a little. I'm not sure about Lovers In Prague. I wasn't a big fan of Full House. I pretty much hated Rain's character. (I know, I'm supposed to love Rain, but he just didn't do it for me.) But I'll probably check it out anyway. You'll have to let me know how you're liking Ojakygo Bros. I watched episode 2 of Big, and OMG is it hilarious. I was seriously laughing out loud through most of it. I'm still completely confused about what couple I'm supposed to root for, but it's full of shirtless Gong Yoo scenes so that pretty much makes up for it. So distracted by the hot that it really doesn't matter who ends up with who. And now for QIHM. This drama is just really this perfect sweet thing. I don't think there has been 1 episode that wasn't perfect. Seriously it just doesn't miss a thing. I've watched through episode 14 subbed and now 15 raw. And OMG...I...just...can't. Sooooo Gooood! I'm in agony waiting for the last episode. And Kim Bong Do may really be the best k-drama H ever. He was never a jerk, he was never a noble idiot, he never lied, he just loved the h from the start. The drama wasn't about whether they loved eachother. The both aknowledged that pretty much from the start. The drama was about the fact that he lives 300 years in the past. How fabulous is that? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 6, 2012 12:45:40 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I too just watched episode 15 of QIHM raw! (I couldn't wait). This episode starts out amazingly sweet and romantic, and then it becomes really sad. The ending of episode 15 looked so sad, I can't wait for the English subs! Hopefully ep 16 will have our HEA (fingers crossed). I wish that they had uploaded a preview for episode 16, I'm too impatient lol. This is a great show. As for "Big" I watched episode 1 and 2 subbed, yesterday. The first episode was sort of interesting, but episode 2 was kind of weak IMO. This show is funny and the heroine is likable. The problem is like Rashell said, you can't tell who the hero is...is he the 18 year old in the body of her fiancee, or is it her fiancee? Also the main male character's personality is just not interesting to me so far, too child-ish. I guess we'll see how this goes. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 6, 2012 9:15:23 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Jun 6, 2012 9:17:06 PM PDT GMB says: For Rashell Anderson No, you're definitely not crazy. I may be a bit crazy for spending a good portion of my free time--researching and eventually buying Korean dramas. (Although, I have yet to be truly disappointed by a dvd set that I own.) On a different note, I'm now beginning episode 9 of "Protect the Boss." And I'm also start to see some credibility in the romance...

For example, he is fearful and she is fearless. However, she isn't smart (in the book sense) and he is...Right now, he is making an effort to stand on his own two feet and rise as a man in her eyes. This is in contract to Cha Moo Wan, his cousin, who wants to fall from his God-like status in her eyes. (In order to be seen as a regular viable man.) For me, I guess, it will come down to whether she can convince me that she genuinely likes her boss. (Not just to protect him.) For C.T. I haven't started watching "Big" yet. I must admit that I'm a bit behind on my Hong Sister dramas. (I haven't seen "My Girlfriend is a Gumiho.") I know I will most likely start it soon, but I've been waiting for dramafever.com to post the earliest episodes of "I Do, I Do" with Kim Sun-ah. For the Film Buffs: There's a film called "Finding/Creating Mr. Destiny." (Gong Yoo stars in it...) I wouldn't call it great...In my opinion, it's a bit predictable. However, it's one of the strongest, dare I say cutest, films I've seen out of S. Korea in a long time. :) For Aly: Did you finish "1st Shop of the Coffee Prince?" If so, what are you watching now? I hope you weren't too disappointed to hear about the release of "Rooftop Prince..." (Man, Korea has a thing for their princes don't they?) Anyway, I don't know if I will be seeing or buying that anytime soon. I still want my first time-jumping/ historical-fantasy drama to be "Queen InHyun's Man." I think it's because it's a little less popular than "Rooftop Prince" and I tend to enjoy a great underdog story. :) Take Care, Have a Good Week, and Happy Drama Watching! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jun 6, 2012 11:07:21 PM PDT Amazon Customer says: @GMB~ it is super late where I live but I am still up doing a marathon CP!! 12 eps down :) I'm hoping to be done by friday or saturday. I am loving it. It will definately be a top ten favorite for me and on the to be bought list if the bills would ever go away. It took maybe until the 4th ep for me to get hooked. And after that I never cared if Eun Chan was girly enough for me or not. She's just Eun chan and I love her. Yoon Eun Hye is awesome in this but I have always been a fan of hers. I'm hoping QIHM is fully subbed sometime next week. If all goes well with the finale, I can't wait to start it. I have so many drama's on my watch list that I wonder if I will ever see them all. So much eye candy and just not enough hours in the day for me to watch them all *sigh* Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jun 7, 2012 7:23:58 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: FYI - live recaps of QIHM (last episode is airing right now) http://www.vingle.net/posts/18727-Queen-In-Hyun-s-Man-Episode-16-Recap Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jun 7, 2012 5:24:45 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: Watched the last ep of QIHM raw, and I can say for sure that it has an HEA. Can hardly wait for the subs to come out. GMB, I'm almost jealous that you get to start watching it and I'm almost done. It really is a great drama. Aly, I'm so glad you're on board with Coffee Prince. I love, love, love that drama as you know. I agree that Big is confusing because you don't know what couple to be rooting for. I'm just enjoying all the shirtless Gong Yoo scenes until we figure out who's the OTP. GMB, you'll have to let us know about I Do, I Do. It's on my maybe later list, so I'm definitely interested in how it plays out. Reader123 & D.M. - what did you both think of QIHM? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 7, 2012 6:49:11 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Yes we got a happy ending for QIHM, thank goodness! I just wish they had elaborated more on that, like perhaps if we had a few scenes set one month later showing how the H/h settled down together. I loved the last ten minutes of ep 16, when the H/h are together, that kiss was so good and sweet. I also loved the last scene with the heroine's manager (who's just hilarious) asking the hero all the questions she had already asked him the two previous times lol, but since she doesn't remember... so the hero is going through the interview a third time. I like how she's like a protective older sister to the heroine. However there was one scene in this episode that seemed to be out of character for the hero, so I felt that it sort of weakened the last episode... you know what I'm talking about Rashell, I don't want to spoil it for the rest who haven't watched the last episode yet. I can't wait for the subs so that we can understand what is being said. I also hope that they will release this on dvd soon, this one I'm almost positive I'm going to buy to keep, because I know that I would want to watch the H/h scenes again and again :)

I also followed the link that Reader123 posted and I read the English recap of this episode, so thanks Reader123 for posting that as well. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jun 7, 2012 7:46:58 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I knew QIHM would not let us down and would give us a HEA. Overall this drama was very fresh and innovative - never relied on the usual overused Kdrama tropes. We had a hero who was great from beginning to end, a sweet heroine and an OM that mostly served as comic relief. For a drama that I consider a rom/com, it also had a lot of drama - life and death situations that felt life and death. While this drama will not end up as my most favorite Kdrama (The Princess' Man continues to hold that spot), will be one of my favorites. This drama is the second one I have watched from tvN (the other being Flower Boy Ramyun Shop) - both have been great. I'll have to check out other shows from this cable company. I'm still watching Ojakgyo Brothers - I'm at episode 20. I agree that Joo Won is great - so much so, I've started watching Bridal Mask, which is currently airing and so far seems to be more of an action show. As it relates to Lovers in Prague - if it's on your TBW list, I'd move it to the bottom. For me, it was just OK. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 7, 2012 9:11:32 PM PDT GMB says: For Rashell Anderson: I will let you know how "I Do, I Do" goes. On the one hand, I'm excited for Kim Sun-ah's return to romantic comedy. As much as I loved "City Hall," I want to see her in something as funny, strange, and just all around as entertaining as Cha Seung Won in "Greatest Love." (So, needless to say, my hopes are a bit too high. :) For Aly: I want to start "Queen In-Hyun's Man", but I still can't say soon. I try not to watch more than four dramas at a time because I place myself on television/streaming limits. You may not like me for this, but ever since you've mentioned the YA Entertainment edition "Mischievous Kiss..." I've been looking here and there for it. (Not necessarily so I can buy it) but so that others can have what they truly love. So, here's what I finally found.... An Amazon Seller named Timothyng001 (You can find him in the drama's seller list....) Wrote this to me (after I send an inquiry):

Yes, it is the YA Entertainment edition. It will actually be discontinued soon, so whatever stock that is left on the market now is it. We are actually are a retail store in Hawaii called Dragon Gate Bookstore that has been operating for 20 years. We carry a lot more Korean Dramas and have just started selling on http://amazon.com. Feel free to inquire about more. You pay only the $2.99 shipping or whatever amazon charges, but we will ship it out priority mail and pick up the additional shipping charges. Anyway, he seems honest. (Like many Amazon sellers) just trying to add to his small business. Again, this isn't just for Aly, but for any fan who truly wants it! Reader 123: Thanks for the fyi about "Lovers in Prague." To be honest, I'm not sure I would feel comfortable owning anything with the word lovers in the title. (Not because I'm super conservative, but because I won't admit to owning anything that is super sappy....) I didn't expect to post again before next week! :) :) As Always Happy Drama Watching, Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 7, 2012 10:32:42 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Jun 7, 2012 10:37:23 PM PDT Amazon Customer says: Reader 123~ thanks for the site this morning! I followed along as well and am happy as can be :) Rashell~CP eps are filled with some of the most lovey dovey mushy awesomeness of any drama i've watched. I love how she hugs him....with her arms!!!! GMB~ you are too kind to look that up for me!! I will keep checking up on that and hope that when I am able to purchase they will still have it. I would love to have the YA version if at all possible because I know it is legit and good quality. I'm holding out watching RP since they are releasing it in Aug. I try to only watch one drama at a time unless I have watched it before. Sometimes I break my rule ;) Take CP for instance, i've not saw it so it consumes my every waking moment (my poor family) just as K2H did a few weeks ago. When I rewatch it's all cool for me to stop at any given time and not feel the burning desire to never move from the computer/tv again. So it doesn't bother me at those times to watch more than one. That's why I love marathoning my drama's as much as possible. It gives me that happy giddy

rush of first love all over again. When you just can't get enough...And then I can start something new or go back to my past loves. I'm cheesy, I know. It's funny that you won't admit to owning the sappy, which as you can tell I thrive on, lol :) Thanks everyone!! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jun 8, 2012 5:26:29 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: J. Alonso - If you're still looking for Netflix recommendations - I have one, but its nonKorean and about 4 hours long. It's a BBC TV mini-series called North & South with Richard Armitage (this is not the American civil war mini-series). The romance is Pride & Prejudiceish and Richard Armitage is awesome as the cold Northern (England) mill-owner. The drama is based on a 1850s novel by Elizabeth Gaskell, who also wrote Wives & Daughters, which was another great mini-series. See youtube video for scenes from this mini-series: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjBl21tpE1A&feature=fvwrel Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jun 8, 2012 6:35:21 AM PDT Amazon Customer says: I second that recommendation for North and South :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 8, 2012 8:14:52 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: GMB 4 dramas at once? Wow that's a lot. For me I think the most I've done is watch two dramas at once, that is if the dramas are airing during the same period of time. But if I'm watching a drama that's already completed then I can't watch more than one drama, because if I really like the drama I will most certainly watch a more than one episode of it per day. As for QIHM, I will comment more on the storyline once the subs become available for eps 15 and 16. But I'm almost positive that my favorite K-drama list now looks something like this: 1. You're Beautiful, Queen In Hyun's Man 2. Secret Garden Since Playful Kiss was mentioned, I will say that this is one of those shows where I couldn't get over the hero's coldness (and he never softens towards the heroine). I can like a drama/romance series even when the hero is cold and/or mean/jerk, as long as I can feel early on that he loves/likes the heroine and that he is taking care of her. Hana Yori Dango and You're Beautiful are examples of that (I love both shows). But with Playful Kiss I never felt

that the hero cared for the heroine, so this is one that I wouldn't buy. But for those who liked this, I say happy watching. Now back to one of my favorite shows QIHM, since QIHM is over I'm going to start watching "The Princess Man". I'm hoping that this show will be to my taste and liking, it sounds good so we'll see :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jun 8, 2012 8:46:59 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. - Welcome to Park Shi Hoo world! To me, The Princess' Man was as close to perfect as a drama can get. I seriously doubt if any drama will topple it from my number one spot. I will warn you that it does involve politics, its a Romeo/Juliet (but with HEA), Count of Monte Cristo and King Richard III smashup. This is a melodrama not a Rom/Com. However, by the time you watch episode 14, you will understand the wonder of Park Shi Hoo (don't be fooled by the early episodes - he is hot). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jun 8, 2012 9:08:49 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: Oh D.M. you're going to LOVE that drama. Make sure you have some time carved out to watch, because you'll find it hard to stop. That is one of my top 5, and it made me fall so in love with Park Shi Hoo. And the h is one of my favorite K-drama h. She's right up your alley because her strength is strength of character rather than physical strength. So jealous you get to watch that for the first time. Reader123 explained well. In the first episodes, I was so confused about what the big deal was about Park Shi Hoo, but man does he grow on ya. By the end, his crooked smile just made me melt. @aly: I know what you mean about the mushy scenes in CP. I replay them over and over when I need a little romance rush. And seriously have you ever seen a man piggy-back a girl so easily? I just love that couple. He's just so giddy over everything about her. ADORABLE! @GMB: I know what it's like to set your expectations for a drama too high. But hey, maybe this one will actually live up to it. There's always hope. @Reader123: Oh, Joo Won. He really is just so yummy. I've also watched the first episodes of Gaskital, but man is his character just an a$$. He's so bad that even the Joo Won hottness may not be enough to redeem him. Ahhh, who am I kidding...the Joo Won hottness will totally redeem him. That drama is really dark and twisty though. I'm not counting on any sort of HEA from that one. I can hardly wait for subs of the last two eps of QIHM. And crazy of all crazyness, apparently the actor who plays Bong Do, Ji Hyun Woo, confessed his real-life affection for the actress who plays Hee Jin, Yoo Inna, publically at the wrap party. So this couple may be more then just on-screen. I knew there was a reason that there were like a million kissing scenes in this drama. And that last one took up half the episode I swear.

Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 8, 2012 9:50:58 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: My favorite MV of The Princess' Man - beware includes spoilers - Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8exmcxubNaM Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 8, 2012 11:32:14 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Rashell and Reader123 your comments made me really interested in Princess Man, and that youtube video is good and intense. I hope that I will like it as much as you guys enjoyed it. I can say that it appears to be really good, and the hero looks really good when his hair is loose/down. I hope that his hair is like that for most of this series :) Now I'm thinking, given your comments, that I should probably check it out sometime next week, because that is when I'll most probably have more free time! (So I could marathon some of it lol, if I end up really liking it) Happy drama/romance watching everyone! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jun 8, 2012 12:28:42 PM PDT J. Alonso says: Omg Reader123, I have seen North and South and I loooooooooooovvvvvvvveeeeeed it! If you guys have not seen the Korean movie, A Moment to Remember, you have got to see it!!!! Only if you are craving a good cry (or two or three). Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZxutTdYmRw&feature=related Super tough manly construction guy and very pretty girl bump into each and have an instant spark. They don't see each other for a long time but when she goes to her big shot father's work site, she sees him again! They fall deeply in love despite her father's protests. A huge challenge comes along when she starts forgetting things. He thinks it's cute at first but then realizes its serious when she starts forgetting how to get back home. And then starts to forget who HE is. This is where the angst begins! Though not exactly HEA the ending is very comforting. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jun 8, 2012 1:37:47 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says: J Alonso - I'll add it to my TBW list. I usually watch movies if I finish one Kdrama but don't immediately want to start another (HA - back in the days when I only watched 1 Kdrama at a time. Right now I seem to be watching 3 or so at a time.) Rashell - I watched the first episode of A Gentleman's Dignity - so far its pretty good - I'll see what I think once I hit episode 4. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jun 8, 2012 6:13:22 PM PDT C.T. says: Hi D.M., For playful kiss, did you watch the extra episodes on youtube. The H isn't as cold or it could be he gets over it faster because the episodes are about 10 min or so long...lol. I wish they had added those to the dvd set, but the episodes are exclusive to youtube. They were cute slice-oflife type eps after they married. http://www.youtube.com/show/naughtykissyoutubespecialedition?s=1 Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jun 8, 2012 6:51:27 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @J. Alonso: Thanks for the k-movie rec. When I'm in the mood for a good cry, I'll definitely check it out. @Reader123: I do the AGD gets better as the episodes progress but I'm still kind of ticked at the H as I mentioned earlier. But the preview for tomorrow's episode looks fabulous, so I'm way excited for that. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jun 9, 2012 5:43:53 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Rashell - Finished the first four episodes of A Gentleman's Dignity. It's still very good - much better than the writer's effort in Lovers in Prague, but not sure that its going to beat Secret Garden. I like the h. I also really like the little sister. Do you think she is going to end up with Yoon (actor was also in The Return of Iljimae - also played a quiet type, but seemed much older). I at first thought she might end up with the kid from the airplane, but not so sure now. As it relates to the H, so far he is continuing to live his life the way he always has - no change due to his crush. Actually pretty risque for Kdrama, but probably normal for a 40 year old single man. Did you catch the song from Soulmate that was played? Off to watch the first two episodes of Big. Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jun 9, 2012 10:09:10 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @Reader123: I love the little sister too. And I totally want her with Yoon. They seem like a good combo. She's so outgoing and he's so mellow and calm. I think she can bring him out of his shell and little and he can temper her wild side. I just think she's such a fun, fresh, character. Really she may be my favorite of the girls right now although I do like the h too. I'm excited to see the next episode. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 9, 2012 10:25:22 AM PDT Jasmine J. Park says: I'm pretty picky with my Korean dramas. I don't know if it's because I've been watching them since I was younger, but I am. But, a recent drama I found myself fixated on was "The King2Heart" starring Lee Seung-Gi and Ha Ji Won. It's basically about the love struggles between a newly appointed South Korean king and a specialized North Korean soldier. I definitely recommend it! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 9, 2012 11:18:52 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Jun 11, 2012 4:39:47 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I thought that the first two episodes of Big were very good. So far, looks like the H is the 18 year old since the h has almost exclusively interacted with him (in either his or the 30 year old's body). Looking forward to seeing how the next few episodes play out. It will be interesting to see if the h ultimately ends up with the 18 year old because he looks like an 18 year old (which so far to me is the biggest strike against it happening). In the two previous shows where a teacher ended up with her student (i.e., Flower Boy Ramyun Shop and Biscuit Teacher), neither of the students looked to be (and the actors probably weren't) the age they were suppose to be. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jun 9, 2012 5:12:52 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @Jasmine Park: I completely agree about King2Hearts. I had a total obsession going with that drama while it was airing and recommended it to everyone. Soo goood! @Reader123: Yeah, I think that you've nailed why I'm confused about the OTP in Big. Because even though we haven't seen much of the h and the Dr, the 18 year-old looks 18 (when he's not in the dr's body). And she's his teacher. It's kind of gross if you think about it. And I also think that the appearance that the Dr is cheating or not in love with the h is a fake out. So I'm definitely keeping an open mind about who our h is supposed to end up with.

Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 10, 2012 12:59:17 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Jun 10, 2012 1:02:12 AM PDT cbela says: ok! "I do, I do"... has made me watch kdrama again!!! :) go kim suh ah! park tae kang is oh soooo handsome when he grins! I'm really liking the drama thus far with comedy, romance, and heart tugging moments of seriousness, and surprising there isn't an annoying character so far. lol I've heard so much good things about king2hearts, so I'm going to start watching the drama, too. :) happy drama watching!!! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 10, 2012 10:20:58 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xrfq5u_qihm-15_shortfilms - That is a link for QIHM ep 15 with eng subs. Excellent quality, no segments, and no ads. I'm hoping she'll get episode 16 subbed soon. I wish I'd known about this site for the whole drama. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 10, 2012 2:10:44 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Jun 10, 2012 2:11:32 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Thanks Rashell, I really like that the episodes are not divided. Episode 15 was so good, starts out so lovely and ends up so suspenseful and sad. I love the part when the the hero tells the heroine, and I paraphrase "It seems that everything in this world is about kissing", after she showed him the purpose of the neck tie lol. I was sad about the death of Yul Won (sp?), I had hoped the hero would find a way to bring her to the present, and then maybe she would find a love interest as well. Oh and that last scene was so moving- he chose to burn the talisman, even though the memories are the only things he has left at this point. He still chose to burn the talisman in hopes that it will make the heroine forget their memories so that she can go on with her life, since he can't get back to her. I got teary eyed when he was writing that letter and then burned the talisman, knowing that he might lose his memories of her as well and then have nothing. I can't wait for the English subs for episode 16. I really hope that they release QIHM on dvd soon. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Jun 10, 2012 3:58:06 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @D.M. - Episode 15 of QIHM was fabulous even though it was sooo sad. This drama is just such a beautiful love story with probably the most perfect H even in a k-drama. He does everything for his h even giving up the last thing he has, his memories, so that she forget him and not suffer. But he writes that letter, so that their love isn't completely forgotten but wishing that if she ever sees it she won't know its to her. So sad. Those couples scenes in the beginning were adorable. Really that couple is just so adorable and smart girl really does find a way to make everything about kissing him. I love it and so does he. I'm so sad that this drama is over because it really just hit that sweet spot for me. Crazy that this last batch of dramas has two that are now in my top 5. King2Hearts which was just so intense and QIHM which was just so beautiful. LOVE k-dramas! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jun 11, 2012 4:05:32 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Rashell - Thanks for the link - noticed that Ep 16 was out there also. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 11, 2012 8:42:13 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Jun 11, 2012 8:56:06 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Yes QIHM is over (I feel kind of sad that I have no more episodes of it to watch). It was one of the best drama/romance shows I have seen. It would have been even more perfect if they talked slower, because it could get a bit hard to follow subs at some parts when they talked really fast. However, overall, this is a great/beautiful show and one of my top favorites alongside You're Beautiful, Hana Yori Dango, and Koizora. Edited to add: Yes I agree Rashell, the hero in QIHM is one of the very best, and the heroine is adorable, and their scenes together are sooo good and the storyline is also very good with its conflict/suspense and romance/drama. Come to think of it, QIHM (I'm not sure about this) but it might, for me, edge out You're Beautiful a tiny bit! I have started watching Princess Man, it's still early to say anything except that it seems to have two plots going on- the H/h story which is good so far, and the political intrigue story with the heroine's father plotting to overthrow the rightful king and kill the hero (who's on the rightful king's side). All I can say about this show at this point, is that the characters seem to be well drawn out, and the story seems to be tight and dramatic/suspenseful. However I do think that this show needs some comedic relief lol. That's all I can say about it for now :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jun 11, 2012 8:48:15 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says:

@D.M. - Yeah, The Princess' Man is not much on the comedy. Although there are some funny characters coming up so be patient. But it's still mostly pretty intense. But the romance is just sooo good! Keep us posted on your impressions. And remember to have some tissues handy, you're going to need them. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 11, 2012 8:58:58 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Alright, I'll keep you guys updated! Oh and I'll keep those tissues handy (okay I'm getting a bit scared here, I hope that the H/h don't suffer too much). It's good that some funny characters are coming up, because like you said this show seems to be intense throughout, it would definitely need some comedic relief. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jun 11, 2012 10:02:49 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. If you think its intense now - hold on to your hat cause the real intensity IMO is probably yet to come. One of the things I loved about this drama was that the intensity keeps you on the edge of your seat (and it gets harder and harder to stop watching because you absolutely need to know what is going to happen next). But as Rashell indicated some fun characters will be introduced. Stick with it, you will not regret it. Re: QIHM - I finished watching last two episodes - they were as great as the rest. Since episode 14 seemed like a conclusion to the series I was wondering if they could keep the drama alive in Ep 15 & 16 without seeming to retread over the same ground like some dramas. They were successful in keeping the drama fresh to the end. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Jun 11, 2012 1:19:46 PM PDT Last edited by you on Jun 11, 2012 1:20:20 PM PDT Adnana says: "The Princess' Man" is, imo, truly the complete package. Awesome cinematography, GREAT story and 2 main characters you truly respect as individuals and root for as a couple. Plus a fabulous soundtrack. Re: K2H I finished watching this drama and I liked it A LOT (I'll have to write a longer post about this drama later). Also, is it just me, or is the actor playing the H getting more handsome as he matures? I liked him better in K2H than in "My Girlfriend is a Gumiho", and there I liked him better than in "Brilliant Legacy/Shining Inheritance". Edit this post | Permalink

In reply to your post on Jun 11, 2012 2:19:34 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @Adnana:Yay, so glad you liked K2H since you know that I loved it. And I agree that Seung Gi is getting better looking as he matures. I think he's losing that boy look and turning into a man. @Reader123: I finished the last epi of QIHM too, and it was fabulous like every episode of this drama. So much love for it. @D.M.: Just keep going with The Princess' Man, and pretty soon you won't be able to stop. Like Reader and Adnana have said it really is the whole package. But yeah, the H and h are pretty much put through the wringer and then some. But they're both amazing characters so they just keep getting stronger no matter what. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 11, 2012 3:50:49 PM PDT Amazon Customer says: Hoping to start QIHM tonight!! Anyone watching Dr. Jin? I'm hoping for an HEA cause it looks interesting to me anyway :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 11, 2012 5:06:41 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Jun 11, 2012 5:07:53 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: QIHM is one of the best! Happy watching Aly :D Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 12, 2012 6:03:57 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Latest episodes of A Gentleman's Dignity (ep 5 & 6) and Big (ep 3) continue to be good. Spoliers In AGD I thought the h's roommate and the rich wife both became likeable characters. Up to this point I wasn't too sure if I would like either character, especially the rich wife. New character introduced in Big, who is "age appropriate" for the 18 year old. Still not sure where this will end up. So far I think that both dramas are a lot of fun. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jun 12, 2012 8:41:55 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: I agree with Reader123 about AGD and Big's latest episodes. I still am not a fan of Se Re in AGD. I think she's still pretty much a selfish B!tch, and I think it's sad that the only thing

that's going to make her treat a good man better is the possiblity of him realizing that a woman better than her likes him. But I am once again liking the H. He totally changed his ways and stopped seeing the OW because the h didn't like it. He wrecked his prescious car that he loved so much in a fit of jealousy. And he gave the h a sweet kiss to help her remember him. I also continue to LOVE the little sister and lawyer Yoon. The last episode you finally start to see that he isn't as indiferent to her as he wants to be. Big is still the most confusing kdrama when it comes to the love lines. And now they've added another 18 year-old girl, who is in love with the 18 year-old now stuck in the the 30 year-old body. They've also shown that the 30 year-old was interested in the h at first sight and kind of followed her around trying to catch her attention. But there is still cute chemistry between the h and the 18 year-old in the 30 year-old's body. See what I mean? So confusing. But it's really funny, and I'm so interested in how it's all going to work out. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 13, 2012 6:50:43 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Big continued to be good in Episode 4. However, I found parts of this episode to be very sad. I find the aunt/uncle to be similar to the aunt in You're Beautiful - out for what they can get will be interesting to see if they get somewhat redeemed like the aunt in You're Beautiful. The show continues keep us confused regarding the 30-year's intentions regarding the h they offset one scene where he's a good guy with another where he might be a bad guy. So far the show is keeping us guessing as to who the H is. As Rashell indicated earlier, the bad guy stuff is probably a fake out. Interesting how many times the h and the 18 year-old referred to the 18 year-old as a minor or indicated that he was not an adult. I've discovered the true downside of watching dramas live - having to wait a week for the next episode. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jun 13, 2012 8:53:19 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @Reader123: About Big, do you feel like they're going in the direction that Yoon Jae and Kyung Joon are related somehow? With the Miracle book, and the Kyung Joon's birthday being Yoon Jae's passcode, I just think they're setting something up there. And I'm not sure how I feel about it. I agree that they go out of their way to remind us that even though Kyung Joon is in a 30 year-old body he's still 18 and not an adult. So that makes me lean toward Yoon Jae/Da Ran as the OTP. But it would really help if we could actually see them together in more than just a flashback here and there. Because I love, love, love Gong Yoo, I want her with him, which should be Yoon Jae. But right now Gong Yoo is Kyung Joon, so I see cute chemistry with them too. And I need to understand what the heck is up with Yoon Jae and their relationship. This drama is driving me crazy!! Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 13, 2012 9:13:20 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Rashell - I think the tie-in/relationship - whatever it may be (half-brothers perhaps?) - will also be a key as to why they bodyswitched - so far no reason for that has been given. I continue to struggle with the h being with the 18 year-old when he is in the 18 year-old body. So do you think the person in the hospital will wake up soon or whether it will happen closer to the end of the show? HA - we are only at episode 4 - still a long way to the end. I guess one of the good things about watching this live is that we can't cheat and watch ahead to get the answers. Actually make watching the show alot more fun. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jun 13, 2012 10:24:21 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @Reader123: I think that if Da Ran/Yoon Jae is the OTP then he has to get back in his own body at least by the half-way point. Or how could we root for them? I'm not sure that these flash-backs would be enough. Especially since they seem like they could never quite get on the same page. Plus he needs to explain the suitcase, the plane ticket, and of course all things related to the OW. I even think that if Da Ran/Kyung Joon is the OTP they can't wait too much past the half-way point to change them back because you'd always wonder if she loved the body or the soul. But I agree that I don't really want the teacher and the student to be the OTP. Although I really do want him to find a family that cares about him, so maybe she'll really become a noona type figure for him. Right now, he seems to be crushing on her though. Yeah, I found watching live definitely makes a drama more suspensful. You can't cheat. And the next episode and of course the ending is a mystery. I love it now, but I haven't been burned by it yet. The first time I don't get my HEA maybe I'll feel different. Although, I'm watching Gaksital (Bridal Mask) on Wed/Thur and I already don't expect an HEA there. I think that one is going to be on long intense tear fest. But I'm enjoying it so far. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 14, 2012 12:56:59 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Finally had time to watch episodes 2 & 3 of Bridal Mask - so far, it's a very good melodrama, with the first few episodes being very action packed. The show is set in the 1930's and has done a good job of immediately putting us on the side of the independence movement and against the established authority. Since our H is part of the established authority, he does start out being, at least to us, one of the bad guys - although I guess you could argue that he's a non-corrupt police officer just doing his job, though with perhaps way, way, way too much ruthless zeal and in a very un-hero like way. This drama is doing its upmost in trying to make us not like him. Looking forward to his redemption.

I'm hopeful that like the other action/melodramas that I've watched recently, our H/h get a HEA. However, since it's a melodrama, it's never a sure thing. At a minimum, I expect the second male lead will be killed before this is over. In keeping with other melodramas, the second male lead is very sweet (HA - sure sign he's marked for death). I did notice that the h's father from Big is also in Bridal Mask, as well of the actress who plays the wife in A Gentleman's Dignity - they both must be very busy to be in two dramas airing at the same time. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jun 14, 2012 1:17:43 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @Reader123:I've watched through episode 5 of Bridal Mask, and finally the H is starting to make a turn for the better. But man does he have to pretty much have his life turned upside down to get a clue. I don't hold out hope for an HEA for the OTP in this one. I'm pretty much counting on one or even both dying for the cause. Especially the H. He'll give his life in order to redeem himself from all the terrible things he did in the past. I hope I'm wrong. I agree that the second lead is adorable and sweet. So yeah, that usually means marked for death. Heck with this drama they all could die in the end and I wouldn't be surprised. Maybe it's good that I'm prepared for that. I won't be too destroyed if it goes that way. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jun 14, 2012 1:25:32 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Rashell - I even tried to cheat and see if I could find any information on the manga that it's based on, but no such luck - so do I sound desperate?? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jun 14, 2012 3:50:56 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @Reader123: I didn't know it was based on a Manga or I'd have tried the same thing. We're not desperate at all, right? Watching live does have it's drawbacks. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 14, 2012 9:09:41 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: OMG...so I just finished episode 6 of Bridal Mask and I really had no idea that there were this many tears in me. This show is the darkest, most twisted thing I've ever seen. And yet I can't look away. Joo Won just ripped my heart out with his performance. I though yesterday was going to be the low point, but boy did I underestimate how low this would go. I just

seriously don't even have words. DO NOT WATCH THIS SHOW IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR LIGHT AND HAPPY! I just don't have a clue what's going to happen next, but I'm fully prepared for everyone to die and for them to probably kill each other. I don't know if I would have started this if I'd known how dark it would be, but now it's like I can't look away. This show is CRAZY! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jun 15, 2012 6:25:36 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I've now watched episodes 4 - 6 of Bridal Mask, which remains a very good/suspenseful melodrama. As Rashell said, episode 6 is very sad, but the major event that happened we knew had to happen - we just didn't know how. Unfortunately, it happened in the worst way possible, but this should be the major turning point for our H, who up to this point hasn't really been the hero. ********************************************************* Spoilers OK I had to cheat (not that it did me any good). Apparently Bridal Mask is a smashup of two manhwas: Gaksital and Swetongso. If interested, the following has a very brief discussion of both (discussion is at bottom of page) http://soulsrebel.wordpress.com/2012/06/13/bridalmask-e5-coming-up/ Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jun 15, 2012 8:34:59 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @Reader123: I'm totally going to cheat. After last nights episode, I need to have some clue of what's coming. Like you said, we knew what had to happen from the first episode. It was HOW it happened that was the killer. Man this show isn't afraid to make its H suffer. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 15, 2012 11:15:11 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Jun 15, 2012 11:18:05 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I am still watching Princess Man, so I will comment on that once I am done! As for Big, I agree that this show really makes me wonder who the hero is, so far. I hope that her fiancee is the hero, just because I love the flashbacks of them together. However I hate that they're making it seem as if he was cheating on her. On the other hand, they're having the 18 year old act too childishly, I don't know why, so I really hope that he's not the hero. Whereas there is something so mysterious about the fiancee, so I am rooting for him. But like Rashell said, if the fiancee is the hero then they will need to switch them back soon, because we need to see more interactions between the H/h besides flashbacks. Plus there are many questions that the fiancee needs to answer (I'm really hoping that he's not cheating, because that would ruin it).

Also I do think that they're trying to build a sort of either older brother/ younger brother relationship between the two male leads. They must be related in some way. I still don't know what to make of this show but we'll see where it goes. This has potential to be very good, if only they would get moving with the storyline already and stop lingering on the childish escapades of the 18 year old. I want the fiancee back ASAP! I've also watched a bit of Bridal Mask (yes I have more free time), I don't know what to make of this show, first I felt that it was a bit cheesy. I skimmed through episodes 1-3. But then by episode 4 we have (Spoilers) the hero having the heroine tortured (she is the heroine right?), and then finding out that she was his first love and they had gotten separated a long time ago. Then we have the hero shooting his brother and then finding out that he had shot his brother to death. But it will be interesting to see how the hero, who starts out as an anti-hero, will redeem himself. I do feel that this show is a bit scattered, because it has too many characters. I also wish that they would balance it more between the action/thriller story and the "personal and romance" plot points (more H/h focus). But I agree that this show is an emotional roller coaster starting with episode 4 and up to episode 6. I still don't know if I will end up liking this show or not, but for now it has my interest to see what happens next. I really hope that it will not have a sad ending. Princess Man is the best one so far amongst those three, even though I feel that it has a depressing storyline. Episode 14 is so good and intense! Happy drama/romance watching everyone! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 19, 2012 12:50:57 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Jun 19, 2012 12:51:43 AM PDT Arc says: I asked this in another discussion but I did not get a lot of recommendations. Anyway I watched the drama Mars and I really enjoyed the plot line and was wondering if anyone could recommend a drama like it. Mars is about a very shy girl who was abused and the bad boy/ popular hero helps her and they fall in love (so basically I would like a drama were the girl is very shy- can be from abuse, bullying,etc- and the bad boy/popular boy helps and protects her/falls in love with her- I have already been told to watch boys over flowers and I really liked it but I am looking for something more intense like in Mars were the girl is extremely shy and was abused; also someone suggested I watch Devil Besides You but I just could not get into it (I know it may sound strange but the hero's hairstyle bother me-I didn't like the style- people have suggested other dramas to me but again I found that like in Devil Besides Me something about how the main characters looked bothered me and I could not get into the drama- I liked how in Mars the heroine dresses very conservatively, for the hero I like the whole bad boy look (combat boot, chains, etc, - for example, though the story is not like Mars, I really like how the hero in High School Debut looked/dressed) Spoilers for Mars: Scenes I loved in Mars: (and that I would enjoy seeing in other dramas)

1.) When the hero sees the heroine and acts friendly towards her and then when he sees the art teacher starting to sexually assault her he protects her and tells her that if she doesn't want someone to touch her not to let them 2.) When the girl who is in love with the hero is talking to both the hero and the heroine in a restaurant and the heroine is feeling shy/insecure and the hero (even though he is talking to the girl and not looking at the heroine) goes and hold her hand under the table- I LOVED this scene because I felt like he understood that she is shy and he was showing that he loves her and that she has nothing to worry about 3. I really liked the scene in the hero's apartment when the hero is alone with the heroine but I won't get into that :) Anyway, sorry for writing so much but I have been looking for a drama like Mars for a long time and I haven't been able to find one as good yet. Also thanks for the recommendations in advance. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 19, 2012 9:40:33 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Jun 19, 2012 9:43:29 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Okay I've finished Princess Man, and overall it is a good show with some really intense and romantic parts. However I felt that this show as a whole was a bit depressing, I mean how many failed uprisings did we the viewers have to witness, with the body count always going up. Even the happy ending wasn't a complete happy ending, because the hero has lost his eye sight (it was completely unnecessary to do that to the hero). But this is a good show and it is one of the few shows where I couldn't fully hate the antagonists (for example: the heroine's father may do a lot of bad things, but he genuinely loves his children, especially the heroine). Still I wished that the hero had given up his revenge sooner and left with the heroine, then they might have had a complete happy ending. I thought the heroine was too self sacrificing, but I could understand that she too was going a bit crazy with her love for the hero and with her feelings of guilt due to the things her father was doing. The hero was also going crazy with his love for the heroine and hatred for the heroine's family, and his need for revenge. I place this show at second next to Secret Garden, or a close third. So my K-drama/romance favorite list: 1. You're Beautiful, Queen In Hyun's Man 2. Secret Garden 3. (close third) Princess Man As for Big, episode 5 was really good. The ending of this episode was so great and unexpected (with either scenario- don't want to spoil it for those who haven't watched it yetit was still really unexpected and good). Finally the story is really moving and it is getting so interesting! I can't wait for episode 6. Arc, concerning "Boys Over Flowers" did you watch the J-version or the K-remake? Because the K-version is more of a comedy and there isn't much intensity between the H/h. Whereas the J-version is more of a dark drama/romance with a comedic streak. You can feel the heroine's fear when she first stands up to the hero. Makino is vulnerable/sweet but strong in her perseverance and determination. Domyoji soon becomes her protector, alongside Rui,

after causing her misery. There is also a lot of chemistry and intensity between Makino/Domyoji which wasn't present in the K-version. So if you watched the K-version, I suggest that you check out the J-version (to me, it's a lot better). But if you're talking about the J-version, and you want something more intense, then if I remember something else or come across a series that would fit, I'll be sure to post! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jun 19, 2012 10:06:20 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Jun 19, 2012 10:30:33 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @Arc: Hmmm, that is kind of a hard request. I've seen Mars, and I can't really think of another drama that I would say is like it. I'm wracking my brain trying to find dramas that maybe have a similar vibe. You could try Family's Honor. The h isn't abused, but she does have a tragic past and some physical injuries to deal with. She's not really shy, but she's a more reserved type of h very proper. The H starts off as an ass, but once he decides that he loves the h he's adorable. They face A LOT of family disaproval on both sides to get through and the H always stands up for the h. He's completely devoted to her. He's also got a sister who has more of the issues that you're looking for. She's very sensitive and because of an incident in her childhood she suffers from serious anxiety. He is the most protective sweet older brother with her. And eventually she does get treatment and then a love of her own. One of the h brothers also has a sweet love story with a younger woman who is an orphan. He's the shy type and so is she, but their love story is so gentle and sweet. Although he does punch her ex at one point. This is a family drama, so it's 50+ episodes long. But I honestly loved the whole thing and don't really remember feeling bored at any point. QIHM has an awesome H that is great to the h from the moment he meets her. The h is not shy or suffering though. And the drama definitely isn't angsty in the same way that Mars was. I'm going to keep thinking on it and see what I can come up with. Oh, you could try Shut Up Flower Boy Band. The h is not abused, but she is abandoned and the H looks out for her. The show has a bit of the same gritty quality that Mars had. And it's about kids who are not part of the rich elite crowd. The show is probably more about the friendship of the boys in the band, but the love story is sweet and the H is great. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jun 19, 2012 10:11:55 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @D.M. - I know what you're saying about Princess' Man. It was in some ways so depressing and I really didn't expect any kind of HEA, so I was actually happy that they were together at all. Big episode 5 was a total game changer in the end. I can't wait to watch tonight's episode. So excited to see where this goes. Like you, I feel like finally things are moving forward.

My only issue with the J version of Hana Yori Dango is that unlike with Boys Over Flowers, I actually really wanted Makino with Rui. Maybe because Ji Hoo (Korea) wasn't such a hot actor and Lee Min Ho was so awesome as Gu Jyun Pu but I didn't fall for the second lead in the K version. But Rui was wonderful in the J version. Just the sweetest. So that made it hard for me to want her with the more bratty Domyoji especially with all the mommy issues. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 19, 2012 11:28:04 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Jun 19, 2012 11:39:33 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Hey Rashell, it seems that we're both enjoying Big now :) As for Hana Yori Dango/Boys Over Flowers, I guess it is a matter of taste, but emotionally the J-version is one of the few shows that really affected me and hooked me. And yes I really liked Rui too, but I felt that Makino and Domyoji had more chemistry and intensity between them. To me, Domyoji's character is so layered and interesting. I had to laugh at your last sentence about "mommy issues", I can't argue that he does have some mommy issues lol. I also feel that the J-version is more realistic, emotional, and edgy. Whereas the K-version is more flat (the heroine in the K-version was not that good, and the hero's character was not as menacing or layered as Domyoji IMO). But in the end happy watching, whichever version you like more! Edited to add: Quote: QIHM has an awesome H that is great to the h from the moment he meets her... Yup, I agree! The hero is just amazing, and the heroine is cute/sweet and vulnerable. I love this show :) Happy drama/romance watching everyone! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 19, 2012 11:46:59 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I finally watched My Name Is Kim Sam Soon. I thought it was the best and most humorous of the dramas I've seen with a similar "H in love with OW" plotline (e.g., My Girl, Full House, Lovers In Prague, Heartstrings, Delightful Girl Choon Hyang). To me, the drama was never overly angsty or unrealistically melodramatic and was able to tell a good story without resorting to the crazed/vicious mother/former girlfriend plot like so many of the other dramas seem to do. The h was strong and remained so. The OW was one of the most likeable/nicest that I have run across in Kdramas and I was glad that the writers also gave her an HEA. I was surprised how different Hyun Bin looked from his Secret Garden days. While this drama will not be a personal favorite, I did think that it was enjoyable and one I would recommend to others.

D.M. - I'm glad you liked The Princess' Man, which is my favorite kdrama. I personally never found this drama to be depressing. While the events portrayed were very tragic (and the deaths, at least, historically true), the tone of the show to me was gripping and suspenseful. I too would have preferred that the H not lose his eyesight, but I think this had to happen in order for the H to give up the fight. (I personally am going with the theory that the blindness is due to a blood clot pinching on a nerve which will disolve over time with his eyesight fully restored - and no one can convince me otherwise!) Off to watch episode 5 of Big - sounds like its going to be good! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 19, 2012 12:01:58 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Reader123 lol, I love that explanation for the eyesight loss of the hero. Okay I will believe the same thing. So we'll agree that he regained his eyesight sometime in the near future, after the end of the series! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jun 19, 2012 12:38:31 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: ARC - not sure that this is similar to Mars, but you might try You're Beautiful. The h is naive rather than shy (raised in convent due to death of parents) and the H is lead singer of a band. Tone of show is more comedy than melodrama but it does have its angsty moments. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 19, 2012 2:19:37 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @D.M. - I agree that the J version of Hana Yori Dango is better than the K version (except for Lee Min Ho). It was just harder for me to pick between the two boys in the J version because both were so good in different ways. I know that was the point of the story, but it was easier in the K version to just like Ji Hoo and love Jyun Pu. I also was not a big fan of Jan Di (K version of Makino). Wayyyy over the top in some scenes. Really the best thing about the K version was Lee Min Ho and the second love line of Ga Eul and Yi Jung. @Reader123 & D.M. - I think one of my favorite things about The Princess' Man is that it just put a twist on an actual historical event. What happened to the little King, the Prince Consort, even the H father Kim Jong Seo was real. The love story is the only part that fictional. So while I agree that it was depressing in a lot of ways, those events really did happen in the way the drama depicted them. I love that drama so much and it is definitely in my top 5. I feel the same as Reader about My Name Is Kim Samsoon. Such a good drama with a realistic h and H. While it isn't in my top five, it is a drama that I find myself going back to and re-watching from time to time. So funny and yet angsty in the right moments too.

Samsoon was such a relatable character and really the drama is about her growth rather then just about her finding a man. And QIHM is just the most awesome drama for pure romance I've seen. The H is basically perfect from moment one. The struggle is that they literally are from different times. But it's so good. And now the main pair are a couple in real-life. That doesn't really surprise me because the chemistry on screen between them is FABULOUS. You fully believed they were totally captivated and in love with eachother. And turns out they were. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 19, 2012 6:35:16 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I thought that both episodes 5 & 6 of Big continued to be very good and also very funny. The plot twist at the end of episode 5 was certainly unexpected. I'm not sure where this drama is going. I do love the h's family - they are a riot. Rashell & D.M. - I liked both Hana Yori Dango and Boys Over Flowers and I will agree that the acting in Hana Yori Dango was probably better than Boys Over Flowers. However, between the two I actually liked Boys Over Flowers better, even given its various flaws. One of its biggest flaws to me was the plotline of Ji Hoo and Jan Di being "soulmates" but not ending up together (not that I ever wanted them to end up together). Between the two H's I did prefer Jyun Pu, as Domyoji was too violent tempered for me. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 19, 2012 9:04:18 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I watched episode 6 of "Big" and I'm kind of disappointed that it's still the eighteen year old. But at least he's acting mature/attractive now, so we'll see where this goes. Rashell, I'm glad that we both agree that HYD is a lot better. Reader123 you're the odd one out (just kidding), happy BOF watching. As for QIHM, I didn't know that both leads were dating in real life, hehe I guess our talk about their great chemistry in the show was not without basis in reality. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 20, 2012 4:36:35 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Re: Big - Is there a big difference between being 18 versus 19 - is he now legally considered an adult and not a minor? The heros in both Flower Boy Ramyun Shop and Biscuit Teacher were 19, although both left for a few years before finally getting together with the h. In Big, the h still considers him a child, which does seem to frustrate him. Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jun 20, 2012 8:19:04 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: Re:Big-I didn't know what the legal adult age limit was in South Korea but according to Wikapedia a minor in South Korea is anyone under 20 years of age. Although according to CNN they were looking to change that to 19 in 2011. I don't know if they did or not. I agree that the biggest issue is the h still considers him to be a kid. And it doesn't help that he wears the face of the man she used to love who she found out (she thinks) was cheating on her. I'm still pretty confused by how this story is going to go but I do find it more interesting now that Kyung Joon is more mature. Re: QIHM - The scoop behind the real-life love story goes like this: There were pictures taking behind the scenes of the two leads acting very close. Him rubbing her shoulders. Her feeding him candy. His arm around her shoulders, etc. Well then at the wrap party, he announced publicly that he loved her. She seemed suprised by the announcement. Then this week they were spotted on a date holding hands. Then she announced on her radio show that she loved him too. It's been a huge story since the drama wrapped and he made his big confession. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 20, 2012 11:23:05 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I continue to enjoy A Gentleman's Dignity - episodes 7 & 8 were good. I'm not sure where they will go in the future with the short-term memory loss issue - so far not a major plotline, but wonder if it will become one in the future. I was glad to see the h tell off the roommate, and actually get an apology. The little sister certainly doesn't get treated by her brother as someone who is 24 - more like she's 18. However, after this episodes it does appear she will end up with Yoon. Wonder when they will start moving on the father of Colin plot. Re: QIHM - they are so cute together, very interesting (but not surprising) to hear that they are a real couple. Re: Big - will be interesting to see who she ends up with - I'm still not sure - in most Kdramas the h only kisses the H (only exception I recall was Ji Hoo/Jan Di in BOF). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jun 20, 2012 6:13:58 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @Reader123: I really really like AGD. Right now it's probably the drama I most look forward to each week. I continue to HATE the roomate Se Ra. She's just bitchy to everyone and at some point insecurity just no longer works as an excuse. She needs to grow up. I am so hoping that the memory loss stays the non-issue that it is. I love Me Ahri and Yoon is my favorite of the guys so I'm totally rooting for them. Tea San needs to let little sis go and be a grown up. I have no clue which guy is the dad, but it looks like it could be any of them. My

money is on either Jung Ryok or Do Jin. So I started watching another LONG drama (60 episodes) called Giant a couple of weeks ago, but I'm not watching it for the main pair or the corporate/revenge storyline. I happened to come across a youtube video for a couple when watching another drama there and found out that they were a secondary story in the drama Giant. She's MiJu the H sister who was seperated from him in their early childhood and he's MinWoo the son of the man who killed their father and her brother's biggest business rival. But they don't know that when they meet and fall in love. He's such an ass in so many ways in the drama except for when it comes to his love for MiJu. I skipped most of the parts about anyone else and pretty much watched their story only. LOVED THEM! For years, even when they weren't together, he was completely devoted to her. She was the only thing in life that made him happy and he would have excepted anything if they could be together. They didn't get a definite HEA, but there was definitely the hope for one, and of course I imagined one for them. Not a drama favorite, but a couple favorite for this one. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 21, 2012 1:33:26 AM PDT cbela says: I am really liking "I Do, I Do". :) awww..ep7. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 21, 2012 4:27:07 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: changb - thanks for the rec on I Do, I Do - as I liked the actress in My Name is Kim Sam Soon, I plan to start watching next week. Rashell - Yoon is by far the sweetest - but I think Do Jin has become my favorite - I like his continued willingness to confess his crush and pursue his h - despite rejection. Episode 7 of Bridal Mask remained dark and sad. But I believe our hero has definitely turned the corner - I think our second male lead has also turned a corner, but perhaps not for the good. I'm afraid that this friendship may be ending soon. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 21, 2012 8:30:42 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: I have I Do, I Do on my TBW list. I'm not sure if I'll start before it's over or wait for it to finish. So keep us posted on its progress. @Reader123: Do Jin is definitely working his way close to the top of my list, but looking at previews for the next episode I'm worried about a back-slide for him. I'm just such a sucker for the sweet, wounded hero. And Yoon is just adorable. His SNSD dance is still the funniest thing in this drama full of funny.

And Bridal Mask did take that turn toward good for the H. Although I hope it doesn't try to make him too good too fast. This guy was a complete ass and I still need to see him struggle to change. I don't even want to talk about what's going to happen with Shunji who's such a sweetheart. (See my Yoon issues coming to play). This is a drak drama but beautiufl to watch. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 21, 2012 9:44:53 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Jul 22, 2012 4:27:35 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Current top 10 favorite Kdramas (as of 7-18-2012): The Princess' Man Queen In-Hyun's Man Family's Honor City Hunter You're Beautiful Sungkyunkwan Scandal My Girlfriend is a Gumiho King 2 Hearts Prosecutor Princess Secret Garden Favorite Taiwan Dramas: Autumn's Concerto Summer's Desire Mars Kdrama list might look quite different a year from now! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 21, 2012 10:26:18 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: I'd struggle with a top ten, but my top 5 are: 1. City Hunter 2. Coffee Prince 3. Princess' Man 4. King2Hearts 5. Queen In Hyun's Man After that it get's harder to decide since I like so many others. But those 5 are pretty much perfect dramas for me. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 21, 2012 12:01:19 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says:

So are we stating our top 5 or 10 favorite drama/romance shows? If so, mine are: K-drama/romance 1. Queen In Hyun's Man, You're Beautiful 2. Secret Garden 3. Princess Man J-drama/romance" 1. Hana Yori Dango, Koizora (Sky Of Love) 2. Absolute Boyfriend, Switch Girl So these are my favorite eight, so far :) Now onto something else: I've watched episode 6 and 7 of "I do, I do" and it's an okay show, I guess. I won't watch eps 2-5, but I'll go back and just watch episode 1 because it's the setup. If I end up liking this show, then I will go back and watch the eps I skipped. I think it's interesting that the heroine is pregnant in this. I really like the doctor and I hope that she will end up with him, and not the other guy she got pregnant from by mistake. About "Big" I keep thinking that this show could have been fantastic, if the premise had been her fiancee waking up after the accident with memory loss, or partial memory loss, and then both the H/h would discover the things that need answering. It would have been a great suspenseful romance. Anyways this show is becoming better. The actor is really good looking. Before his sexiness was eclipsed by his childish behavior (eps 2 to half of episode 5), but at the beginning of episode 6 he smoldered (I'm glad that the story is moving on). So right now, I've decided I'll continue to follow these two shows. Happy drama/romance watching everyone! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jun 21, 2012 12:11:01 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @ D.M.: You asked, "So are we stating our top 5 or 10 favorite drama/romance shows?" My answer would be I don't know. Reader123 started it and I just followed. Gong Yoo is my other Korean Boyfriend (after Lee Min Ho) so I think he's pretty much perfect no matter what. But I agree that he was EXTRA hot in episode 6 playing the more mature Kyung Joon. The scene where he just watched her after she got out of his car was played perfectly. The look of longing and awe on his face. I'd watch this drama just for hm alone, but I am really liking the new direction the show seems to be taking. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jun 21, 2012 12:52:22 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says:

One of the great things about this discussion is that dramas have been recommended that without that recommendation I probably would never have watched, such as Family's Honor, Prosecutor Princess & City Hunter. I love seeing everyones favorites since I can usually pick up a new drama or two to watch. So thanks everyone! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 21, 2012 7:15:44 PM PDT Arc says: Thanks for the recommendations. I have watch both versions of Boys Over Flowers but have never seen QIHM and will try it. Thanks again for the help:) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 21, 2012 7:54:17 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @Reader123: I agree that this thread has helped me find dramas that I otherwise would have missed. And it is always interesting to see how everyone's favorites shake out. @Arc: I really don't think you can go wrong with Queen In-hyun's Man. It really does have the best, most perfect hero in drama history. He's hot, kind, gentle, funny, and so SMART. He's just the total package. The h is cute and bubbly and fun too. But the H is just swoon worthy. Just a really wonderful character. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 21, 2012 8:10:42 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Jun 21, 2012 9:20:35 PM PDT cbela says: @Reader123... I also really liked her bc of Kim Sam Soon drama. :) @Raeshell... It's the only drama I'm actually watching. @ D.M Lover... Noooo! In "I do, I do", I want her to end up with her company employee park tae kang. :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 21, 2012 10:37:58 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Arc, I second Rashell's comment concerning QIHM! The hero is a dreamboat and the heroine is adorable.

Chang, Haha I always like the character that displays more maturity. However seeing as I didn't watch eps 2-5, I might be missing something. I'm going to watch these eps when I have time, then I can better judge the characters. :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 21, 2012 11:10:22 PM PDT cbela says: lol DM ^^^... yes go back n watch. lol He is sooo adorably handsome. I just like him more and more...he's so sweet with umbrella scene n his drunk outburst! then wheel barrow scene. :) so far Im really liking drama though I didnt like the cliff hanger of end of ep 8... hahah so which drama uall recommend Ghost? Bridal Mask? Big? Ill save k2h for me to zombie watch for weekend. :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jun 22, 2012 8:52:10 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @changb: Bridal Mask is wonderful for it's look and feel. I really enjoy the story so far, but it's not a nice story. The H is awful in many ways and really terrible things happen that he is pretty much responsible for. But his life has been tough so you can almost understand how he's turned out the way he has. Now in episode 8 his life has completely turned upside down and he's taking on the role of the Bridal Mask, at this point mostly for revenge, but you know it's going to be the thing that turns him into a real H. It's a dark story, but nice for a change. I don't expect an HEA. If you're looking for more RomCom type stuff, I'm really liking A Gentleman's Dignity. The friendship between the men is fabulous and each episode starts off with a highlight of the 4 of them from the past. The male/female relationships are all real and different. I especially love the secondary coupling of Yoon and Meahri. He's her brother's friend and she's loved him her whole life. The OTP is also growing on me. The H is great and he's definitely learning how to be a good guy to win the h. I'm also watching Big, but not as invested in the OTP there mostly because I still am not sure who the OTP is exactly. But it has Gong Yoo. And he's been half naked in almost every episode, so it's an automatic winner for me. Seriously the man is looking MIGHTY fine! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 22, 2012 11:38:35 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Jun 22, 2012 11:42:22 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says:

Chang, about "I do I do", I watched episode 1 and episode 8 (since I've already watched 6 and 7) and I liked it. This weekend I will try to watch eps 2-5. Anyways I have a better feel for the characters now. The heroine is basically a workaholic and she's cold (but she has to be because of her position). I still liked her from the eps I watched, because I could always feel her vulnerability and loneliness behind the strong/cold front. I think it's worth mentioning that I love her shoe closet. I'm not obsessed with shoes and I don't really like wearing heals, but her shoe closet looked great :) The male lead she got pregnant from, is sweet and he's trying his best. I find that I like him too. He really is trying to take care of her, even though she hasn't told him that she is pregnant yet (he already knows). And of course the other male lead, the doctor who I really like, he really cares for her as well. He too is trying to take care of her. So while I still prefer the doctor, I like the other male lead (Tae Gang?) as well. I'm also watching "Big". I would say watch episode 1, then skip to the second half of episode 3, then go to episodes 5 and 6, that way you will get to watch the good parts. The hero is really attractive- specifically starting with episode 6. The heroine is cute and likable, and the storyline really starts moving forward with episodes 5 and 6. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 25, 2012 8:37:52 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: So AGD over the weekend was good. Finally the h realizes she has real feelings for the H, but of course it's at the time when he decides to give up. So now she's kind of chasing him. My favorite couple, Yoon/Meahri, are not moving forward together yet. In fact he pretty much cut off all contact this episode. But he loves her and everyone can see it. But she was devestated. I'm kind of hoping that she really does start to move on. He needs something to motivate him to go after her. Still really liking this one. Big tonight and tomorrow. Can't wait to see where it's going too. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 27, 2012 7:55:35 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: So who's watched eps 7 and 8 of Big? I just did and the ending of episode 8 was very interesting (on a side note, I love the tune that plays every-time something related to the body switch happens or when the picture of the two angels appears). I still feel that the story-line is kind of all over the place, but I'll give this series one thing and it's that I can't figure out what's going to happen next, and it also seems to be getting better with every new episode. Oh, and we were right Kyung Joon and Yoon Jae are apparently brothers. I'm looking forward to episode 9. I've watched the eps I skipped of "I do I do", and so far the storyline is interesting and the characters are good. But I feel that they are dragging the issue of the heroine telling Tae Kang that she is pregnant, too much (he already knows, so I don't know why they are dragging this

plot point instead of letting the storyline move on). I hope that the story will get moving at a faster pace, very soon. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jun 28, 2012 8:28:51 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I think half the enjoyment of Big is not knowing who the h will end up with. We are now at the half way point and almost all of the h's interaction has been with Kyung Joon, so if she ends up with Yoon Jae the writers need to bring him back very soon (with some great interactions with the h) or I'm staying permanently on the Kyung Joon bandwagon (unless I get icked out by is 18 year old body). I do think that despite what he said, Kyung Joon is crushing on her, and I think she may be starting to crush on him (but we probably won't know for sure until he is back in his correct body). I really like the Math and P.E. teachers and am hoping for a HEA for them with each other. I also like the h's brother, but am finding Ma Ri very self-centered/annoying. Given how episode 8 ended, I am expecting a body switch within the next few episodes - wonder if the writers will throw in some twist to keep Yoon Jae intentions unknown until later in the show. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 28, 2012 1:09:51 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Dramabeans is indicating that there are serious discussions to extend Bridal Mask to 28 episodes. I'm hoping that they keep it at its currently scheduled 24 episodes, as I can only handle so much gloom. I am still hoping for a HEA ending for this drama. I agree that episodes 9 and 10 of AGD were both very good. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 28, 2012 4:50:12 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. - Gooddrama has episode 8 of Switch Girl subbed in english. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 28, 2012 6:12:46 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Thanks Reader123 for the heads-up about Switch Girl! I agree that the viewer simply can't figure out what's going to happen next with "Big". I also agree that Mari is annoying. I've also just watched episode 9 of "I do I do", and apparently Tae Kang thinks that the baby is the doctor's and he told the heroine that. I hope that the Ji-An will clarify the

misunderstanding ASAP. I really liked the part when they were at the park, and she fell asleep with her head on his shoulder. It's getting more difficult to choose between Tae Kang and the doctor. Happy drama/romance watching everyone :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 28, 2012 7:39:23 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: So I've also watched 7 & 8 of big, and continue to find myself more confused then ever. I think that Kyung Joon is going to be the H, but I just don't think I can ship him when the other option is GONG FRIGGIN YOO! I mean really. When Kyung Joon is in GY's body, I simply adore him. The issue for me is going to be the switch back to the young guy body. And I still think there is more to Yoon Jae then we have seen. But I agree, if KJ is not the H then we need to get YJ awake and interacting with the h ASAP. I really don't know where this drama is going, but I'm along for the ride. I really hope that Gaksital doesn't get an extension. I don't think it ever makes for a better drama, and I agree that the depressing is only watchable for so many episodes before it's just too much. But I thougth these last two episodes were really strong. It took the second lead from H material to evil doer and finally made the H get on the path to actually being the H. Nice change of positions. Although the end of the bromance always breaks my heart a little. Can't wait for this weekend and AGD. That one for some reason is the one I look forward to most. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jun 28, 2012 7:48:25 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I haven't yet seen the last 3 episodes of Bridal Mask - good to hear that the H has taken a turn for the good. I'll probably watch over the weekend. I do agree that AGD is the best of the three. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 28, 2012 8:39:36 PM PDT cbela says: I just have to share that I really liked ep 10 of "I Do, I Do". :) totally liking them together. Looking forward to the other episodes. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jun 29, 2012 10:58:50 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Jun 29, 2012 11:01:33 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I liked episode 10 of "I do I do" as well. I get the feeling that the more Ji Ahn tries to be cold to Tae Kang, the more she is trying not to admit that she likes him. I liked the part when he carried her up to her apartment and their kiss, it was so sweet. I also felt a little bad for the doctor, during the last part of this episode. It will be interesting to see what will happen next, I just want the Ji Ahn to tell Tae Kang that he is the father of her baby. I also just know that Tae Kang's father applying for a position in the company (behind Tae Kang's back) is most probably going to cause problems (it kind of annoys me). I'm looking forward to eps 11 and 12 next week! Now onto something else, as you know I have started to read English translated mangas. So if any of you know of any good romance mangas, please feel free to post and tell me. I already have a list of a few mangas that look interesting to checkout, but I wouldn't mind adding to the short list. Happy drama/romance watching everyone! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 29, 2012 4:58:18 PM PDT cbela says: D.M... lol! when she closed her eyes and thought about him and her together under the tree... I was like yes! she has feelings for him. me too... I was like kiss already! and then they play the song as they kiss. :) For realz... his papa is always unintentionally causing problems for Tae Kang. :(... but then it is heart tugging when they make up. lol I think it's cute how she names her baby "ankle". :) What Mangas have you read? I'm thinking I think there was one about Summer's Desire. I think I'll start on that one. Which website do you go to for reading? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 30, 2012 11:09:49 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Hey, I've been going to mangahere website. I tried to read Koizora, but I didn't like the drawing style much. I won't read "Hana Yori Dango" because I love the drama too much. I'm reading "Kyou Koi Wo Hajimemasu", and it's good so far. There is another manga that has a weird premise, but I keep going back to see what happens next- I won't post it's title until I've finished reading it lol. I also plan to check out "Switch Girl", since I really liked the show. So is Summer's Desire good? I think I'll add it to my want to read list. Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jun 30, 2012 11:42:28 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. - I am currently going through the various recommendation from this site to find additional dramas to watch - I am currently half way through Summer's Desire. So far it is very good - note, its a melodrama and not a Rom/Com. Similar to The Princess' Man not alot of comedy to be found. If I hadn't read the rec here I wouldn't have been able to determine who the H is (and he is great). For most of this drama, other than some of the flashbacks, the h has been, and as the half way point, continues to be with the OM. She has somewhat of a cold personality and I'm not sure if she is faking her kindness to others. An earlier discussion indicated that the manga based on Summer's Desire is called Show Princess. But I recommend you watch Summer's Desire first since it is so good. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 30, 2012 12:31:42 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Reader123, thanks for the info. :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 30, 2012 2:08:05 PM PDT cbela says: Reader123... I know in Summer's Desire I really liked ou chen... too badd I haven't seen any current dramas he stars in. :( and thanks for the heaps up that the manga is called show princess. DM... Thanks for the manga sites I'll look into them. :) and yes you should def watch summer's desire! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 30, 2012 4:44:37 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Episode 11 of AGD was a lot of fun - opening scene was hysterical. Story line regarding the "airline" kid is starting to heat up. The Do Jin/Yi Soo romance takes a major step forward. Overall a very good episode. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jun 30, 2012 9:17:27 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says:

I've tried to read a couple of mangas, but I struggle with the comic book type text. I don't know why but the pictures take me out of the story. @Reader123: I loved Summer's Desire because Oh Chen was just awesome. I agree that the h was kind of a cold character, but sort of understood due to her past. She never really warms up too much, but Oh Chen loved her enough for both of them. And ep 11 of AGD was fabulous. That opening sequence seriously had me laughing out loud. So funny to watch the old men get schooled. I love the development of the Do Jin/Yi Soo realationship. They were adorable this episode. Yoon/MeAhRi continue to break my heart, but I did think that what he said to her was in her best interest. I still don't care for Tae San/Se Ra, and just hope that with the latest bump in their relationship he doesn't think he can turn toward Yi Soo. Jung Rok/Min Sook are still just comic relief for me. Tomorrow should be interesting since the "son" is now facing the F44. Really, Really liking this drama a lot! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 1, 2012 6:10:17 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: changb/Rashell - I agree that Peter Ho is great as Ou Chen in Summer's Desire. I'll have to check out his other dramas to see if he is as good in those. I'm up to episode 10 and it's interesting that all three of the main leads are broken individuals. The story itself is very riveting, but not much of a romance between the H/h. Rashell - Hopefully Yoon's talk with Ah Ri will result in her growing up - so far she seems more like 16 than 24. I agree that Tae San/Se Ra are not a very interesting couple - I wouldn't be watching if the story was only about them. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jul 1, 2012 7:32:25 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @Reader123:There is finally interaction between the OTP in Summer's Desire in the last half of the drama, so you have that to look forward to. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 1, 2012 5:52:10 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I have finished marathoning Summer's Desire, which was a very intense, riveting drama. The love triangle was one of the best I've seen and unless you already knew the ending, you may have had a difficult time in determining who the h was ultimately going to end up with. The H truly was wonderful and deserved his HEA, especially after he had been betrayed his entire life by those closest to him. Not to mention what they did to his poor mother or the h. One of the things I enjoy about Kdramas is that they usually have a very good OST, which I haven't found to be true of Tdramas or Jdramas. However, I thought the opening song in this drama

(Remembered Love, which was sung by Peter Ho) was very good. I guess its a remake of a Korean tune, which may explain it. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 1, 2012 9:17:40 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: Loved episode 12 of AGD. So far no real movement with the who's the daddy story. Just some really cute couple moments for the main pair. And some cute Yoon jealousy and MeAhRi FINALLY playing the game a little bit. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 2, 2012 4:24:50 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I thought that episode 12 of AGD was a lot of fun - its low angst was a welcome relief after the angst-fest that was Summer's Desire. I thought Do Jin seemed particularly struck by Colin's 1995 birth date. I also thought that the last three episodes of Bridal Mask were very good - a lot of action and suspense without any major sadness. I'm glad our hero is now acting like the hero and hopefully we can see him foil some of the plots that are brewing. I do hope he doesn't have to go the whole show with his identity hidden from the good guys/h. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jul 2, 2012 8:00:07 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @Reader123: I thought that is seemed like the H was leaning toward revealing himself and that it seemed some of the good guys were starting to suspect that he could be Gaksital. I think the next episodes are leading up to the identity reveal. The 9th episode of Big was cute, but I'm just worried that the plot isn't moving along quickly enough for this to finish satisfactorily in 16 episodes. And I'm still struggling with Kyung Joon as the H. Because while I love him as Gong Yoo whenever they show his real body he looks like a little kid. And I do feel bad that Yoon Jae seems to be having his life taken from him when he can't do anything to defend it. And now that it seems like they are definitely going the brother route with these two, that makes it kind of icky. What do all you other big watchers think? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jul 3, 2012 4:52:50 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Jul 3, 2012 8:28:54 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Rashell - I have always struggled with Kyung Joon as the H because of his appearance in his real body. I've said he looks like an 18 year old, but actually I've been generous - he really looks about 16. The problem is that he and the h do not look like a couple. But if he isn't the H, then what has been the point of the last 9 episodes. All of these episodes have been about their relationship. If this show was billed as just a comedy, I wouldn't have much of a reason to complain, but I thought it was billed as a Rom/Com. If the h ends up with Yoon Jae, I'm going to feel like I should have skipped the early episodes and just watched those involving her and Yoon Jae (assuming he ever wakes up). I don't have a problem with Kyung Joon and Yoon Jae being brothers, especially if she ends up with Kyung Joon, since she has never even kissed Yoon Jae (which is odd - but the Hong sisters made her whole relationship with Yoon Jae odd). Only solution I can see at this point is for Kyung Joon to stay in Gong Yoo body (sorry Yoon Jae - you have to die). Just kidding - won't happen since this is a Rom/Com. ETA - Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if the H ultimately turns out to be Yoon Jae. I don't think the writers can pull off Kyung Joon as the H once he is in his correct body - way too icky (unless they do a time skip and bring in an older actor to play Kyung Joon). But I will also be very angry if they make Kyung Joon brokenhearted. I don't like the Suzy character, I find her too annoying, so I do not want them to end up together. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 3, 2012 8:33:22 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I was looking at the Dramabeans ratings for the new shows which aired. They didn't seem to like Rooftop Prince (which I haven't watch yet), but were generally positive to QIHM and K2H. Surprisingly, The Return of Iljimae still remains the only drama that both JB and GF rated as 10/10 (even City Hunter didn't get this honor). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jul 3, 2012 8:42:39 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @Reader123: I think that Return of Iljimae got 10's from both because it really was a drama that didn't make a mistake. It told it's story perfectly and each episode seemed to build on the last. The romantic angle wasn't as strong for me in Iljimae. I'll always believe that he loved his first love only and settled for her look-alike after she died. But the story itself was wonderful and gripping. And Jung Il Woo was fabulous. It isn't on my favorite drama list, but I would agree that the drama itself was a 10. Now for Big...I'm now leaning toward the idea that Yoon Jae is going to die. His body was technically dead before Kyung Joon took it over. And I think that since Kyung Joon was born to save Yoon Jae's life, that now "fate" is having Yoon Jae do the same. But I really don't know. And maybe I should be enjoying that more, but the half-way point I wish I had more of an idea of where this is going. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jul 3, 2012 10:28:29 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says: Rashell - Interesting that you thought Iljimae loved only Dal. In an interview Jung Il Woo also indicated during filming that he thought Iljimae only loved Dal. ( http://www.dramabeans.com/2009/03/jung-il-woo-talks-about-acting-fame-and-the-future/ ) I do agree that if Iljimae had to choose between the two, he would chose Dal. I would definitely recommend that show to someone looking for a great action show (but not if they are looking for a great romance). Bridal Mask may also be a drama that I recommend for those wanting to see a good action show (unless they mess up the ending by killing either the H/h). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 3, 2012 5:15:44 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Episode 10 of Big was very sweet. Spoliers In this episode a lot of the mysteries were solved and it became clearer that Kyung Joon is our hero, as the h has now clearly developed feelings for him and seemed to indicate a change in her feelings for Yoon Jae. I thought that Yoon Jae and Kyung Joon would be half brothers but in turns out that are full brothers (their father's girlfriend was Kyung Joon surrogate mother). The mysterious trip of Yoon Jae was to find Kyung Joon. Ma Ri continued her as her usual self causing pain and misunderstandings. Not too sure where the plot is now headed but hopefully Se Young doesn't cause any harm to Yoon Jae. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 3, 2012 9:10:42 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I have decided to stop watching "Big" because the story is slow, and after episode 9 I can't take the uninteresting storyline anymore. Now with your summary of episode 10, I realize that this story is just not interesting to me. I guess now the only drama I'll follow is "I do I do", this one has a better storyline, even though they are dragging the issue of the heroine telling Tae Kang that he is the father. Overall, I'm liking this series. Kyou Koi Wo Hajimemasu updated and I was happy since chapter 76 ended on a cliff hanger. Yet unluckily for me lol, chapter 77 also ended on another cliff hanger! I like this manga, so far. I also watched "Vampire Knight" (it's anime), it is a romance/suspense series that is kind of riveting ... In the end, happy drama/romance watching everyone, and happy fourth of July :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jul 4, 2012 10:10:02 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Bridal Mask/Gaksital did get at 4 episode extension. It will now be 28 episodes long extensions are usually not a good thing for a drama's pacing, so here's hoping it doesn't hurt this show, which so far I am enjoying. Happy 4th of July Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 4, 2012 7:51:53 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: Aish...the 11 episode of Bridal Mask is PAINFUL. It kills me to see Shunji embracing the dark side so completely. I really feel that his change has been too much too soon especially his feelings for Mok Dan. He's loved her all these years and now in like a week he's willing to torture her. And of course he asks Kang To to do it. So yeah, in episode 11 of Gaksital the H actually whips the h. He doesn't want to, and you can feel how much he hates it. But he does it. This is just the darkest show. It's really really hard to watch sometimes. I'm not sure how I feel about an extention. In my experience they never seem to make a drama better, it usually goes the other way. But Gaksital does have a deep well of story to tell, and many characters to flesh out so maybe it will work. So since I needed a lighter drama on Wed/Thur, and I'm not ready to catch up with I Do, I Do, I've started watching I Need Romance 2. I saw the first one and enjoyed it so decided to give it a try. Tonight was episode 5. The basic set up is a woman in her 30's and a man in his 30's who have been in an on again off again relationship for more than a decade. They are currently off again but they share a duplex basically so they sort of live together. The woman wants more from the man then he seems willing to give. She's kind of needy and he's very private and closed off when it comes to his feelings. Not the best combo. They enter into a friends with benefits relationship. But of course it doesn't take long for the h to want more. In the mean time, she's met a man who owns a coffee shop where she's taking lessons and they share an interest in music. She doesn't remember, but he's actually taken a music class from her, and he has a crush on her. The man is a writer and he's got a young girl hobae who is crushing on him. So far I'm just waiting for the h to get her little heart crushed so that the sweet coffee guy can come sweep her up. Which of course will make the on again off again guy realize what he's losing. I really like both guys. The boyfriend is played by the guy who was the other spy in Myong Wul, Lee Jin Wook. And the coffee guy is the other man in Personal Taste, Kim Ji Sook. And the h is the girl from Que Sera, Sera, Jung Yumi. Anyway, so far I'm liking it a lot. And it's a nice "light" drama to help me deal with Gaksital's darkness. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 4, 2012 10:50:52 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Jul 5, 2012 6:39:25 PM PDT cbela says: ok... I really liked ep 12... awww... tae kang is sooo sweet! I can't wait for other eps to cm soon. :)

I started watching "QIHM's" and so far I'm really liking it. I liked hero in "over the rainbow". :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 6, 2012 8:11:22 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: Gaksital ep 12 was FABULOUS! Conflict and reflection from both the H and the second lead. The h being smart and brave. Sweet scenes between the OTP. Just a really great episode for character develpment and plot progress as well. Still had me crying, but in more of a bittersweet way then last episode. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 7, 2012 7:07:55 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Jul 7, 2012 7:08:26 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I watched eps 11 and 12 of "I do I do" and they were good episodes. I'm liking this show, it is light and with a fairly good storyline and characters. Also whilst awaiting updates for the manga I'm following, I started reading another manga called "Hiyokoi". The heroine is adorable, the author even draws a little imaginary chick on top of the heroine's head lol. The hero (a class mate) is really tall and easy going with lots of friends. The heroine is really short and, as a result, shy. This manga is so funny and sweetly romantic. I'm really liking it so far, as the heroine moves forward one small step at a time. I just wish that mangas were set in college or the work place as well, instead of just high school. On another note I have a question, does anyone know if Queen Inhyun's Man will get released on dvd, and when? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jul 7, 2012 7:23:38 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @D.M. - http://hosted.verticalresponse.com/163642/bfaf4b6e2f/334835/5e5a88fc43/ That is a link to YA Entertainment press release saying that it looks very possible that QIHM will be released on DVD with English subtitles. So keep your fingers crossed. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 7, 2012 8:19:01 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Rashell, thanks for the info! Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 7, 2012 8:46:33 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Jul 8, 2012 4:30:51 AM PDT cbela says: hey uall... so Ive watched the end of ep 3 for QIHM kdrama.. but just for reassurance it's a happy ever after? I had to re-watch "Summer's Desire"... and was reminded again why I had really liked drama and hero. :) Has anyone watch Peter Ho aka hero Ou Chen from SD tw drama in "Real Love Please Ring the Bell Twice"? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jul 8, 2012 8:19:35 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @changb: QIHM is DEFINITELY and HEA. Oh, you'll sob getting there, but it's so worth it. Love, love, love Kim Bong Do, perfect hero. And I haven't seen that drama with Peter Ho. Is it worth checking out? You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Jul 8, 2012 10:11:51 PM PDT Last edited by you on Apr 3, 2015 11:20:55 AM PDT Adnana says: "Summer's Desire" is REALLY intense. Really. (it bears saying twice, lol) It has a major love triangle, and I hate love triangles, and still this drama sucked me in and grabbed me by the throat and didn't let me go until the very end. I would have honestly gone and read the trilogy of books on which the drama is based, if it weren't written in Chinese. The heroine is a bit of a closed book, very hard to read, which made for a very interesting change from the usual heroines one sees in these romantic dramas. The hero (played by Peter Ho) is honest to goodness the quintessential perfect hero, imho. He's CRAZY in love with the heroine (to the point of falling TWICE for her, the 2nd time seemingly totally unrequited), he's possessive, he's jealous, but he would never harm a single hair on the heroine's head. He protects her and sacrifices himself for her. Oh, and he's mega super wealthy and a man's man--not a man child, or a mama's boy or anything along those lines. Loved him. Loved the drama. Do give it a try. :)

Edit this post | Permalink Your post: Jul 8, 2012 10:15:12 PM PDT Last edited by you on Apr 3, 2015 11:23:47 AM PDT Adnana says: Finally got to watch QIHM. The perfect love story, really. So sweet and intense. I loved everything about the hero (honestly, he had it all: good looks, smarts, fighting skills). And the heroine was so genuine and NICE. I loved that she wasn't one of those shrewish types. My one slight disappointment was with the ending; after such perfect storytelling over the course of 15 3/4 episodes, I would have really wanted the resolution to fit better in the established mythology. Still, even that misstep didn't overshadow my overall enjoyment of the drama. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Jul 8, 2012 10:18:20 PM PDT T-Rexy says: Is anyone watching "Love Rains" You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: Jul 8, 2012 10:18:21 PM PDT Last edited by you on Jan 13, 2014 1:20:21 AM PST Adnana says: I had promised to write a comment on K2H and never got around to doing it... There's not much to say, though. I liked this drama a lot; I liked the characters and I liked their journey, especially the H's transformation from a spoiled, selfish man child to a true and worthy ruler of people. The heroine was his perfect match. One slight annoyance with this show would be the portrayal of international affairs, of which some were a bit improbable. Still, overall a very good show, imho. Edit this post | Permalink Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Jul 8, 2012 10:21:51 PM PDT Last edited by you on Apr 3, 2015 11:24:25 AM PDT Adnana says: RE: Love Rain I was sort of intersted in watching this, because I was curious about the actor playing the hero (haven't seen him since "You're Beautiful"), but read recaps instead and lost interest in the show. Still, I think I may get around to watching it sometime in the future. The elders' love story seems plagued by annoyingly foolish decision and cowardice (on the hero's part), but the young couple seems interesting. Did you have any specific question about the show?

Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Jul 8, 2012 10:24:32 PM PDT T-Rexy says: I started watching it in the middle, right before they found out their parents were together. So I missed the beginning. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: Jul 8, 2012 10:30:21 PM PDT Last edited by you on Jul 8, 2012 10:30:52 PM PDT Adnana says: Is anyone watching Dr. Jin? The girls over at dramabeans.com seem to consider it a total disaster. I'm sooooo impatient for Lee Min-ho's drama "Faith", coming in August. It's also a TT doctor drama (only this time, the doctor travelling to the past is the h, not the H). Oh, and the past period isn't Joseon, but Goryeo -- when men wore their hair in really sexy (imho) manes of glory. I don't really like the tall hats and weird male hairdos in Joseon Sageuks. Edit this post | Permalink In reply to your post on Jul 9, 2012 12:01:09 AM PDT jak says: I watched some of Dr. Jin. It can be very funny in unintentional ways. Like the copious amounts of very fake looking blood and vomit, the romantic moment in the middle of open brain surgery. It's weird how the drama takes itself so seriously it really becomes a complete cheesefest. Couple bad directing with mostly mediocre to bad acting and you get Dr. Jin. Now I just read the recaps. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 9, 2012 8:57:41 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: I've watched Love Rain. The first 5 episodes of the parental love story are pretty much skippers for me. All you need to know is that the parents loved eachother and didn't get together in the past. That's pretty much the set-up for the real story which is the kids. I didn't love the drama, but I did think it was cute. Being an American the concept of not being able to be together because your step-siblings is not one that exists in my culture so that was hard to relate to. I kept thinking, "So what if your parents are getting married. You aren't actually related." But it was a cute easy to watch drama, that I wasn't too invested in. If you have more specific questions feel free to ask. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 11, 2012 12:16:24 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says:

So updates on Big and AGD. AGD last weekend was pretty sad. Typical angst for the OTP, but this time it was Do Jin that I wanted to smack. I'm not thinking this issue will not be a deal breaker and I don't want to spoil too much. But I'll just say that our OTP are apart for now but still loving eachother. And no real forward movement with Yoon/Meahri, although he does get adorably jealous of her in one part. She's just so cute with her little heart on her sleeve. Now on to Big, the drama that I want desperately to love and just don't. Although I will say the episode 12 was wonderful. And I think that Gong Yoo is the most adorable thing ever. I'm just struggling with the idea the in the end the h will be with the young man and not my Gong Yoo. Oh well. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 11, 2012 7:28:49 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Elizabeth I wouldn't recommend watching "Love Rain". I had started watching at episode 5 and stopped at around episode 11 or 12, it is not worth the time. I have just added another drama/romance to my watching list beside "I do I do", it's called "Rich Man Poor Woman" (yes the title is cheesy), but the storyline seems to be good- it's a Jromance/drama. The first episode is really good and the characters are interesting. I am really looking forward to see where this goes, it has the potential to turn out great. As for "Faith", I am looking forward to it! I'm glad that it's set in an era when men wore their hair loose in manes of glory :D I love longer hair on good looking men, so this makes me interested in the show. Now the only thing left is the storyline, I hope that it will turn out to be good. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Jul 11, 2012 10:11:32 PM PDT Adnana says: Have you seen the latest news about "Faith"? We now have a teaser and character descriptions. http://www.dramabeans.com/2012/07/faith-releases-teaser-and-character-descriptions/ Edit this post | Permalink Your post: Jul 11, 2012 10:15:53 PM PDT Adnana says: I'm also really excited about the upcoming Haeundae Lovers, in which the hero is played by the beautiful psychopathic villain from "A Man's Story/The Slingshot". http://www.dramabeans.com/2012/06/kim-kang-woo-and-jo-yeo-jung-for-haeundae-lovers/ CAN'T WAIT to see this actor playing the hero in a quirky RomCom.

Oh, and the Korean remake of "Hana Kimi" seems to be finally moving forward. As is usual for Korean dramas, they've assembled a truly beautiful cast. http://www.dramabeans.com/2012/07/cast-list-for-heroine-in-drag-rom-com-to-the-beautifulyou/ Edit this post | Permalink In reply to your post on Jul 12, 2012 8:58:45 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: I'm so excited for Faith, um yes it's Lee Min Ho. And the character descriptions sound fabulous and the teaser was beautifully shot. Can't wait. I'm also greatly anticiapting Haeundae Lovers for all the reasons Adnana mentioned. The storyline of a cop getting amnesia becomming a gangster and falling in love with the gangster's daughter is made of win. And Kim Sang Woo is gorgeous. Another that I want to see is Arang the Magistrate with Shin Mina (MGIAGM) and Lee Jun Ki (My Girl). She's a ghost haunting him to solve her murder. The next batch of dramas look AWESOME. Hope I'm not getting my hopes too high. I mentioned earlier that I was watching I Need Romance 2 and I just wanted to update that I'm loving it. The relationship between the long term couple is sizzling with chemistry, but at this point it's obvious that he won't give her what she needs. And the Coffee Guy is so sweet and adorable. The long term relationship has crashed once again and Coffee Guy is there to pick up the h. There is a hint that Long Term Guy has secret reason for not fully committing to the h, but we don't know it yet. I actually really like all sides of this triangle. The long term couple are real people with flaws, but you can actually feel the connection between them. You understand why neither can really let it go. And Coffee Guy is that perfect prince right now swooping in to show the h that some men are willing to put it all out there. I don't know who I'm rooting for as OTP. There are also side stories with the h's life long best girlfriends that are engaging and cute. The relationships between characters in this drama are wonderful. This one is worth checking out. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jul 12, 2012 11:19:09 AM PDT Amazon Customer says: D.M~ I also like the looks of Rich Man Poor Woman. It looks promising :) Arang and the Magistrate and Faith look good also but I will wait until they are over to watch. And I can't wait for To the Beautiful You. I've never watched the other versions. But I think the k-drama might pull this one off more my style. It has always reminded me of Playful Kiss and I love the premise. Just couldn't get into those versions. I am axious to see how they work with this one. I have high hopes. And I do expect an HEA so I will watch it live. Said I never would after K2H (there is still a gaping hole in my heart after that one that I can't seem to get over) but I figure this one is a safe bet. While waiting for the next batch to roll in, i'll watch Big and do some old favorites.

Adnana~ I saw the stills for Faith. LEE MIN HO..........that's all that needs to be said right? He is so flippin HOT. I am also wondering about Phillip Lee's character. I loved him in Secret Garden :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 12, 2012 11:23:45 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Jul 12, 2012 11:28:34 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Okay the description of Hundea Lovers sounds interesting as well! However if they go heavy comedy root it will ruin the potential of the storyline. I hope that it will be a romance/drama with a comedic streak. The other "Arang" drama however doesn't sound interesting to me. So now I guess I have: I do I do (watching, it will be over by the time the other two shows start) Rich Man Poor Woman (watching) Faith (will watch when it starts airing, hope it'll be good) Hundea "sp?" Lovers (will watch when it starts airing, hope it'll be good) Hmm, what else?... Oh! I've also watched another anime called "Maid Sama", it is a comedy/romance and it is good, I enjoyed it. Of course it is not at the level of the great "Vampire Knight" series, but this anime has its charm too. It could get slow at some parts (a few filler episodes), but I liked the relationship between the H/h. The hero knows just how to push this heroine's buttons lol. I'd like to see a live action of this, it has potential to be very good (because the art in the anime Maid Sama isn't as good as the art in Vampire Knight). This is a bit off-topic: I am also glad because I find that there are several romance type movies getting made for the big screen (I still wish they'd make some English language romance tv shows also, but alas...). So I am at least interested to see how these few movies might turn out. Now back to the main topic, I am looking forward to the new shows! Edited to add: Hey Aly, I can't believe I missed your post lol. Yes RMPW does look very promising! I just wish it aired more than just one episode per week. Happy drama/romance watching everyone :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jul 12, 2012 12:09:24 PM PDT Amazon Customer says: Maid Sama looks so cute!! I had to look up some YouTube music vids ;) I might just have to try that one!! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Jul 12, 2012 11:28:14 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Jul 13, 2012 2:46:43 AM PDT cbela says: awwwww "I do. I do" hero is just so sweet and he has a lovely singing voice. :) I was smitten by him bc of the umbrella scene and so on. I really like the drama for it's silly and serious moments. :) this drama just leaves me with a ^___^. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 13, 2012 9:04:05 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Aly, yes Maid Sama is a cute show, it is funny and romantic and worth checking out, happy watching! Chang, yes the hero in "I do I do" is sweet, the heroine finally told him about the baby in that scene lol. So it kind of ruined the proposal moment, because he got hurt that she hadn't told him earlier. I agree that this show is a light show with some serious moments, it's not one of my favorites but overall it an okay show. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 15, 2012 8:01:56 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: In addition to the above mention shows, I'm also planning in checking out Nice Guy with Song Joong Ki and Moon Chae Won. It's listed as a melodrama and not a Rom/Com, so it may be a real tearjerker. I thought Song Joong Ki was adorable in Sungkyunkwan Scandal and really liked Moon Chae Won in The Princess' Man so am hopeful that they will also be very good in this show. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jul 15, 2012 3:46:01 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: Yeah, I thought about checking out Nice Guy too. It will be SO wierd to see cutie Joon Ki being a jerk. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 15, 2012 8:08:43 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Just finished watching the drama Autumn's Concerto - I thought it was one of the best of the Taiwanese dramas that I have seen. Some of its plot seemed similar to Meteor Garden, but I actually liked it a lot more than Meteor Garden, primarily due to the H. While I didn't think Van Ness Wu really stood out as one of the F4 in Meteor Garden, I really liked him in Autumn's Concerto. His smile was fabulous and his emotions carried the show. On the negative side, the h was somewhat of a doormat and everyone seemed to lie to the H "for his

own good" - which seemed to frustrate him (and sometimes us) to no end. However, the H interactions with his son (who was adorable) were fun to watch. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jul 16, 2012 9:16:05 AM PDT Amazon Customer says: I love Autumn's Concerto :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jul 16, 2012 9:19:24 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: aly - have you seen Material Queen - I was thinking of watching since it starred Van Ness Wu but wasn't sure how good it is. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jul 16, 2012 12:47:11 PM PDT Amazon Customer says: Reader- I've not watched it. I've thought about it a few times but the description of the h kinda scares me off. She doesn't seem the kind that I usually connect with in a book or drama. She seems like she might be high maitenance, which is not my cup of tea. I'm more a fan of the innocent, sweet, loveable, comical, naive but strong where she needs to be kinda girl. I'm usually in the minority on that :/ But i'm with you that the h and all the friends/family sometimes treated the H like he couldn't handle stuff. I love Van Ness Wu. I liked him in MG even though I didn't like that show. Which is odd because I love BOF and HYD. Anyone have thoughts on Material Queen? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 16, 2012 6:59:00 PM PDT cbela says: after meteor garden... I really liked ximen (ken)... but I was watching dramas with Jerry Yan . hahha I did watch "autumn concerto" and from there I really liked Van Ness. I agree I didn't really much like the h, but nonetheless.. Van Ness was a HERO. :) I did try to watch "MQ", but I stopped watching... usually when I watch a drama I have to finish regardless... but the heroine was annoying. I just couldn't finish it. However, I really only liked Van Ness and the song :) That's just me though. Anyways... I'm so excited to finish up on I do, I do just come on Wed and Thurs. I was also watching "QHIM" I have taken a break after the time passing... but I'm liking drama. And yes HERO is soooo sweet :) and heroine is silly. I did start to watch the drama with Peter Ho

"Please Ring Me Twice"... so far seems okay. I like it because his character is positive and always saying to smile and so he smiles a lot thus far. :) The heroine is silly and likeable. Story is about restarting life after breaking up with their first relationship partners. She's to ask him to marry her... so I'll have to watch why and how that goes. LOL Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 16, 2012 7:37:30 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Thanks changb - I'll pass on watching Material Queen but may give Please Ring Me Twice as try. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jul 16, 2012 8:09:46 PM PDT cbela says: TW dramas that I really liked :) Rainie Yang and Mike He in Devil Besides You, Why Why Love Ethan Yuan and Cheryl Yang in My Queen (Defeated Queen)... He's 25. She's 33. Heart warming love story. :) Endless Love with Wilber Pan ... I liked the Red Strings connecting hearts. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 17, 2012 6:40:50 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: changb - thanks for the recommendations, I'll give the ones I haven't seen a try. I think of the three live shows that I am following (Big, AGD and Bridal Mask), Bridal Mask has turned out to be, for me at least, the best. It keeps getting better and more suspenseful each episode. The H and the second male lead each seem to be turning into their brothers while good for the H, not so good for the second male lead - who has certainly taken a very dark turn. The good guys remain very clueless as to Gaskital's identity, even with the H continuing to drop major clues. However, the bad guys have become very suspicious of him and he seems to have set himself up for major problems at the end of episode 14 - really looking forward to episode 15. While Big has its cute moments, I don't think its the Hong sisters best effort. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jul 17, 2012 10:22:38 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: I completely agree with you about both Gaksital and Big. Gaksital steps up its game every eposide, and even though it's a dark drama I really enjoy it. Big frustrates me completetly. I

love Gong Yoo and think that he's been fabulous, but every other character pretty much sucks. I almost despise the weak h at this point. She's just completely lackluster and it makes me wonder what in the world the H sees in her. I do still enjoy AGD. Although it did go down the noble idiocy path for a couple episodes, now it seems like it's getting back on track. AGD is just a light fluffy drama that's easy to watch but I'm not really invested in. I'm actually really looking forward to the next batch of dramas and hoping for some good things there. The posters for Hundae Lovers are out and OMG is Kim Kang Woo looking SMOKING HOT!! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 18, 2012 12:12:26 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Reader123 what's "Nice Guy" about? I like the poster for "Hundea sp? Lovers" and the new trailer for "Faith" makes it seem like it could be a large scale drama/romance with some action (which I hope it is). I watched episode 2 of RMPW, and it was just as good as the first episode. This show is very promising and I am anxiously waiting for episode 3! Lol, now onto something a bit off-topic, but I want to write a review for Maid Sama, however I can't. The reason being Maid Sama is a "4" star anime series for me, whereas "Vampire Knight" is a "5" star anime series for me that I rated "4" stars because of a few things that I got knit picky about lol. So now I just don't know how to rate Maid Sama (oh the tangled web we weave lol). It's the same with some dramas/romances for me... or maybe I'll just go back and raise the rating for "Vampire Knight"...I don't know Anyways back on topic and away from my reviewing dilemmas lol, happy drama/romance watching everyone! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jul 18, 2012 1:31:49 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. The full title is "There's No Such Thing as Nice Guys." The "H" (Song Joong Ki - who is a real cutie) after being betrayed by his girlfriend (Park Shi-yeon) decides to seek revenge. He comes across an amnesiac (Moon Chae-won) and decides to use her for his revenge scheme. Since its listed as a melodrama, I expect it will be somewhat dark (but hopefully not as dark as the current melodrama I'm watching - Bridal Mask). Nice Guy is scheduled to start airing in September after Bridal Mask (which just received a 4 week extension). I do plan to check out RMPW. I have found the humor in some Japanese dramas to be way over the top, bordering on cartoonish. So its always great to get a recommendation of a good

Japanese drama. After Autumn's Concerto, I was interested in watching another drama with Van Ness Wu in the lead. Unfortuantely, all of the English subbed versions of his latest drama, Ti Amo Chocolate, have been removed/blocked - even Viki's version has been removed. If anyone runs across an english subbed version, please let me know (the version on YT that indicates its Eng Subbed actually isn't). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 18, 2012 3:21:29 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Jul 18, 2012 3:22:24 PM PDT Lily Rose 81 says: I'm totally loving "Bridal Mask". The drama has it all and is magnificient...!!!!! Joo Woon is absolutely stunning in his acting. He IS Kang To. I'm watching "BIG" but the story hasn't turned out how I'd have liked. "I do, I do" and "The Moon that Embraces the Sun"...I'm about to start. "Rich man, Poor Woman" is my first Japanes drama after a long time. And it's a romantic comedy. A rarity! The first episode is good. I'm looking forward to " City Conquest", "Nice Guy", "Faith" and "Haeundae Lovers ". Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 19, 2012 8:16:39 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I practically had to watch episode 15 of Bridal Mask through my fingers - so suspenseful. This is one drama where I won't feel sad when the second male lead dies - quite a switch from my opinion in the early episodes of this drama. This drama has done a fantastic job of redeeming the hero and villainizing the second male lead. I enjoyed the first episode of Rich Man, Poor Woman, so I'm adding it to my list of live dramas I'm following. Thanks for the rec D.M. I agree that Big has not lived up to its potential, but I'll stick with it to the end (which thank goodness is next week). At this point, the h better end up with the 18 year old, since the 30 year old has spent almost the entire show in a coma (and was in no way the H). If she ends up with the 30 year old, I'm going to demand my time back. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jul 19, 2012 9:47:15 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: Bridal Mask is just fabulous. If episodes 15 was suspensful then episode 16 was even more so. The H is getting so smart and the poor second lead is getting crazier and crazier. Of this last

batch of dramas it really is the best. She has to end up with the kid in Big. Otherwise the drama is a complete waste of time. I guess the question is whether he'll be in his 18 year old body or the 30 year old one. I'll have to check out Rich Man, Poor Woman since you're all enjoying it. I'm now deeply invested in I Need Romance 2 at 10 episodes in. The second lead male is pretty much perfect and the first lead male is finally starting to lose the tight control he keeps over his feelings. The h is sincerely moving on and I really have no idea who she's going to end up with. And I love them both too. Such a good drama. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 20, 2012 7:05:34 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I agree that episode 16 of Bridal Mask was excellent. So far my only problem with this show is how uninteresting/borderline TSTL the h is. She started the show with great promise but after that has just been used as a devise to draw out Gaskital by continuing to be arrested over and over. All of the police force is looking for her, but she isn't even smart enough to wear a disguise or figure out a trap when she is suddenly released a few minutes prior to the time of an important meeting. Hopefully the writers will improve her character (or at a minimum, at least make her as interesting as Ra Ra - which isn't saying much). Both Joo Won and Park Ki Woong have been fantastic in their respective roles. Lily Rose 81 - I'm adding City Conquest to my ever growing list of dramas to follow live. This drama sounds somewhat City Hunter-ish, hopefully Kim Hyun Joong is up to the task, as Lee Min Ho is a very hard act to follow. As it relates to Big, I agree that Gong Yoo was been outstanding in portraying an 18/19 year old, too bad the rest of the characters have not been as interesting. The Hong sisters always make the second female lead unlikeable and Ma Ri is certainly upholding this tradition. The H's parents (especially the mother) are also running true to Hong sisters type. Rashell - I plan to watch I Need Romance 2 once it's completely aired. The second male lead sounds like the traditional kdrama type (completely perfect), but unless he's Park Shi Hoo, he can forget about getting the girl. However, I'd love to see a non-Park Shi Hoo kdrama where the second male lead - if truly more deserving - gets the girl. (Just to be clear - Park Shi Hoo always deserves the girl! - I've refused to watch Iljimae because he doesn't get the girl.) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 20, 2012 8:22:21 AM PDT Amazon Customer says: I am very excited to watch Rich Man Poor Woman. I am a fan of Shun Oguri. And I hope when this one ends it wraps it up good. The past few drama's i've watched with him ~Tokyo Dogs and Dolittle~ were good but kind of ambiguous on the ending.

I anticipate being a fangirl of To the Beautiful You (YAYYYYYY!!!!!!!) see, had to get that out there. And I will wait on pins and needles for City Conquest. I agree about feeling the City Hunter vibe. I loved CH and hope to love CC just as much but it will also be a watch after it's over only if it ends good kinda drama. Faith as well. For the same reason, never will I watch a drama with Lee Min Ho or Kim Hyun Joong dying in the end. I love them too much to subject myself to the grief that follows (Yeah i'm looking at you K2H.....STILL) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 21, 2012 12:57:36 PM PDT Amazon Customer says: For all of the Secret Garden fans out there, Soompi posted an article saying they are about to start filming the Chinese movie version! I will be anxiously awating to see how they will do a movie version. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 21, 2012 8:50:04 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: Awww today's episode of AGD was so good. I can't wait for tomorrow. FINALLY some movement for Yoon and Meahri. I can't help that they are still my favorites. And Do Jin and Yi Soo also had some adorable moments. Jung Rok and Min Sook (who is pure awesome) may finally be figuring out that they really do love eachother. I'd kind of gotten a little annoyed by AGD the last few episodes, so this one was a nice turn-around. Here's hoping the last three will be as good. I watched the first to episodes of Rich Man Poor Woman on everyone's rec. And of course once I knew it had Rui in it, I couldn't wait. That's my one issue with Hana Yori Dango. In that one I fell for Rui and never wavered. So it was a disapointment. With Boys Over Flowers I was in love with Lee Min Ho from episode one and also never wavered. So that love line at least worked for me. Anyway, I'm intruiged. I wonder what the past relationship is between the h and H since she clearly knows something about his mother. It looks promising. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 21, 2012 10:05:04 PM PDT GMB says: Hi Ladies and Gentlemen, I was lucky enough to go on vacation--out of town. This was a very new, strange experience for me. Needless to say, I had less time to start watching new dramas. However, I did finish a few--"Love Forward," which started out strong, but didn't hold me for it's 22 episodes. In my opinion, it just started to make less and less sense. I also bought "Dal Ja's Spring" and "Greatest Love" on dvd. I won't go into too much detail here. Especially, since I haven't finished either drama. However, I'm glad to have them in my collection. Aly--I hope you were able to get something new on dvd? I noticed the price of the

YA Entertainment release of "Mischievous Kiss" doubled since I posted about it. That is one popular drama! I believe this has already been discussed, but it looks like there is a good chance YA Entertainment will release "Queen In-Hyun Man." In some ways, this is GREAT news because that means the drama will have good subtitles and picture quality. Especially, given the price paid. However, it also means that's one less possibility for another great drama to be released. Happy Drama Watching and Take Care, Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 22, 2012 12:15:52 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Due to the London Olympics there is a possibility that the final 2 episode of AGD may be delayed and that during the Olympics some episodes of Bridal Mask may be preempted. While I can wait two weeks for the final episodes of AGD, I don't think I can go two weeks without Bridal Mask. If Bridal Mask continues to be as good as it currently is, and if the hero gets his HEA in the end, I believe it will be one of my top 10 favorite dramas. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jul 22, 2012 2:15:38 PM PDT Amazon Customer says: GMB~ I did end up purchasing MK a while back. I did get the YA release at pretty much standard price, which I was very happy about. I kinda feel that you either love or loathe MK :) I, of course, loved it. It's kind of my guilty pleasure that I always go back to when I need lifted up. It's by no means the greatest drama ever but, I can't just pick one. There are to many!!! And my wonderful husband instead of a vacation let me go crazy and purchase a few dvd's. I have been one happy lady recently. I purchased Devil Beside You last week and can't wait for it to get here. It is also a fave. I am hoping dvd quality and subs are good. Fingers crossed!! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 23, 2012 5:29:18 PM PDT Purse Monkey says: I finally watched A Gentleman's Dignity and o.m.g. I LOVE it. Do Jin and Yi Soo are freaking adorable! It's like watching a romance novel come to life. I haven't watched or liked a Korean drama this much since Secret Garden. I'm glad I waited to watch it or else the angst would kill me. Jang Dong Gun is hot! His deep, intense looks... I wanted to smack him from ep 14-16 cause he was such a freaking idiot but I forgave him just cause JDG is such a good actor. He's able to convey how much he loved Yi Soo through he idiotic sense of nobility. Episode 17&18 was amazing. The cutest couple! Honestly I kinda fast forward the other couples, especially Yoon and Meahri. That girl annoys and makes me cringe every single time she's onscreen with Yoon. I wanted to die of embarrassment for her. In a romance novel,

I would never have gotten thought the first page of her as the h. Anyhow, two more episodes! Can't wait for this Sat. I'm going back to watch the scenes of Do Jin and Yi Soo again. He's such a freaking jerk, especially when she caught him sleeping with ow at his apartment. For some reason it doesn't bother me as much as it would've been if I was reading a book. A scene like that in the book would've been a deal breaker for me. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jul 24, 2012 7:53:17 AM PDT Amazon Customer says: I jumped on AGD bandwagon last night!! I am loving it. I love the main couple of course, but I am also loving Yoon and Maehri. Rashell~ I may be with you that they are my favorite couple. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jul 24, 2012 4:22:29 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: I feel bad that Purse Monkey hates my faves from AGD Yoon/Meahri and I do admit that she does spend a lot of time crying, but I kind of love that about her. Her heart is right out there with nothing held back. I think that's kind of sweet and brave. And Yoon is just adorable. He's reserved and she's definitely not so I think they're a good combo. Aly, you'll have to let me know what you think as the series goes on. So an update on Big. I watched the last 2 episodes and I'm sorry to say I was completely disapointed. This one just never clicked for me, even though I adore Gong Yoo so so much. The ending was confusing and just felt unfinished. Too bad. This story had so much potential but they just never developed it in the way they needed to in order make a compelling story. And at the end no-one could see Kyung Joon with any face other then Gong Yoo since that was the face he wore except for the first episode. So they did a complete cop-out by not showing his face in the end. It really was just ridiculous. Here's hoping Faith with my Lee Min Ho isn't disapointing as well. I don't think I could handle both my favorites having crummy dramas right after each other. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 24, 2012 4:28:02 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: The final episode of Big aired today. While the ending wasn't bad, I would have liked to have seen a better wrap-up, especially for one of the characters. Overall, this drama was not the Hong sisters best (but still better than some dramas that I've watched) or most amusing, but Gong Yoo did give a performance that he can be proud of. It would be nice if for once we could watch a Hong sisters drama where the second female lead isn't totally unlikeable - I found Ma Ri to be their most unpleasant character yet - cruel, selfish and self-centered. Lately, I've been watching Taiwanese dramas and found Mars, Autumn's Concerto and

Summer's Desire to be excellent. I also finally finished watching Fated to Love You, which I thought was just OK. Personally, I'm very surprised at it being the top rated Taiwanese drama. The start dates of several of the new series have been announced: Faith (SBS, Mon-Tue) - August 13. To the Beautiful You (SBS, Wed-Thu) - August 15 Arang and the Magistrate (MBC, Wed-Thu) - August 15 Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jul 24, 2012 5:35:41 PM PDT Purse Monkey says: My problem with Meahri is that she doesn't have a life apart from wanting to be with Yoon. Her whole being is revolved around him. Does she have a job? A career? Ambitions? Does she want anything besides Yoon? Their relationship is uneven. While I agree that Yoon deserves to be happy, I want someone more for him. Meahri is a child that needs to grow up. She cries at everything. She's 24 years old. What woman in her right mind would run across busy traffic in excitement bc she saw her crush? I wish she would've left for America and came back as someone stronger and more mature. I admire her devotion but I despise her for being so simpleminded in her love that she doesn't evolve beyond Yoon. Sorry, Rashell, for being so harsh on your fav couple but to me, she's the worse kind of heroine. However, when she's not with Yoon, I liked her as a character. Unfortunately, it's very rare that she was showcase outside of her mooning over Yoon. Seriously, my gut reaction when I see them together is cringe with embarrassment. I think Yoon likes her because of her devotion to him, not because of her personality. Aside from loving Yoon and devoting her whole life for him, she has no personality. I like Do Jin and Yi Soo as a couple because their relationship is equal. The both have their own lives and personalities apart from each other. Theirs is a love based on mutual respect while Yoon and Meahri is based on blind love. While Yoon loves Meahri, there's no way he respects her as a person. He implies many times over that he doesn't. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jul 24, 2012 5:39:08 PM PDT Purse Monkey says: Reader123-- I heart Mars and Summer's Desire. I couldn't finish Fated to Love You though I wanted to many times. While I love the actress that plays the lead, the actor does nothing for me. I do love her transformation as a character. Now there's a girl that knows how to go from doormat to a stronger woman. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 24, 2012 6:39:04 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I have "Autumn's Concerto" and "Summer's Desire" on my "want to watch" list. I have watched Mars and I fairly liked it. I noticed that the Taiwanese dramas, while not high budget

like the K and J ones, have more passionate kissing scenes. I am waiting for the subs for episode 3 of "Rich Man Poor Woman", I almost watched the episode raw! But I don't want to spoil it for myself, so I will be patient :) The mangas I'm following and enjoying, so far: Dengeki Daisy (reading) Kyou Koi wo hajimemasu (waiting for update- cliffhanger) Hiyokoi (waiting for update, so cute) I wish they'd turn these into dramas or anime Reader123 thanks for posting the air date of "Faith" which I will be watching (hope it turns out good). I'd also like to know the air date of "Hundae sp? Lovers", has the air date for that not been released yet? The other one you gave me the synopsis about- short title "Nice Guy", I am also interested in it. Happy drama/romance watching everyone Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jul 24, 2012 7:04:03 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. I think Haeundae Lovers is scheduled to start August 13 (Mon & Tues). Nice Guy is scheduled for the time slot currently held by Bridal Mask - which will conclude sometime in September. I think the dates may be pushed further back, since due to the Olympics only one episode of Bridal Mask will air over the next two weeks. I really liked both Autumn's Concerto and Summer's Desire, so hopefully you will enjoy. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 24, 2012 7:56:16 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @Reader123: I appreciate your insight in the the Yoon/Meahri dynamic and I think it's great that we all have different views on things. Keeps this thread interesting. My take on Yoon/Meahri is a little different obviously. Meahri is a spoiled, indulged, rich girl who has pretty much had anything she wanted handed to her. Except for the one thing she truly wants and that is Yoon. While I agree that I like a herione who has goals and interests outside of her man, I don't have a problem with a character every once in a while who's main goal in life is to be the wife to the man she loves and the mother of his children. There was a time when that was the norm, and while I agree it isn't for eveyrone it is still the goal of some. And I find it a worthy one. Keeping in mind that I say this as a working wife and mother. Meahri is young and naive, and if her love was any one of the other F44 I would say that it wouldn't work. But Yoon is perfect for her. He's kind and patient. He's quiet and reserved. He's nurturing and protective. His personality traits compliment hers perfectly. I just love them.

And I think now that she can be confident in his love for her, she'll be able to blossom in her own right because she's secured her most important goal. I'm so excited for Faith, Haendae Lovers, Arang, and Nice Guy. I'm not sure how I'm going to fit them all in, but I intend to watch the first episodes of them all and pick my favorites to for sure watch live. Who am I kidding? I'm sure I'll watch all of them as they air. I can't seem to wait anymore. Oh well. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 25, 2012 5:23:28 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Jul 25, 2012 5:31:49 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I think the articulate insight belongs to Purse Monkey, not me - I don't want to take credit for someone else's thoughts and ideas. I guess the air date for City Conquest has not yet been established. I plan to at least check out Faith, Haeundae Lovers, Arang, Nice Guy, To the Beautiful You (Hana Kimi), and City Conquest, while continuing to watch Bridal Mask and RMPW. I've watched all three versions of Hana Kimi, which I consider more of a High School comedy than a Rom/Com - will be interesting to see the Korean take on this drama. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 25, 2012 6:13:14 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Jul 25, 2012 6:18:26 AM PDT T-Rexy says: what are your opinions on (actors) Ok Taecyeon's, Choi Siwon's, Ji Chang-wuk, Lee Pil Mo, & Kwon Min's dramas? I'm thinking of watching (some of these are old) Athena, Oh My Lady, Poseidon, A gentleman's dignity, White Christmas, Bachelor's Vegetable Store or the Woman who still wants to marry and sons of sol pharmacy... Any ideas? I love Choi Siwon (as a singer) ans Ji Changwuk was amazing in Smile, Donghae!!!! And my daughter loves Taecyeon (as a singer and actor from what she's seen in bits of Dream High & clips from Cinderella's Sister & his japanese drama) is a fan of Pil-mo (because of his role in golden age of daughters-in-law and , my love, my family, and bits of light and shadows) & thinks Kwon min (after seeing him on kitchen road she hasnt caught any dramas yet but wants to) is handsome and an ideal leading man type. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jul 25, 2012 6:26:46 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Of the dramas you've listed, I've only seen A Gentleman's Dignity, which I recommend. Although I don't always agree with their assessment, you might want to check out Dramabeans reviews/ratings on the dramas in question. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jul 25, 2012 6:49:57 AM PDT Purse Monkey says: Rashell-- I, too, think it's great we have different views. I respect it. :) I have to say I've watched more older dramas than the newer ones. Newer ones are less melodramatic, more witty and stylistic than the older ones, which are filled with angst and tears. However, they're more focused on the central romance between the leads. AGD is a good example of how good the writting has become. It focuses not only on the romance but the bromance amount the 4 guys. I love how it's shot and written. Every episode starts with a flashback of their history, which will be referenced throughout the show. Also every episode starts will give a slightly different POV than the ending of the previous episode. My favorite is when Do Jin was so jealous he crashed into the car that Yi Soo was going to get into. The next episode we see a different version of that from Yi Soo's POV. Reader123--I've only watched the Taiwanese version of Hana Kimi and tried to watch the Japanese version but couldn't get into it. While the actress in the Taiwanese is not very pretty or even attractive, there's something about her that fits the character more. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jul 25, 2012 7:44:18 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Purse Monkey - I've come to the conclusion that one of the most important elements to my enjoyment of a drama is how much I like the actor playing the hero. This isn't as true as it relates to the heroine. Even if I like the actress playing the heroine, if I don't like the actor playing the hero, I probably will struggle with liking the drama. For example, I've enjoyed several dramas with a childish hero (Flower Boy Ramyun Shop, Protect the Boss) because I liked the actor playing the hero, but found that I couldn't finish Delightful Girl Choon Hyun (which many people love), because of the actor (but I did like the actress). Same as with Fated to Love You (which I had originally quit watching several months ago) because I didn't care for the actor (but the actress was OK). Of the three Hana Kimi I did like the Taiwanese version best (but actually liked this actress the least of the three) - but this version did have the worst ending. The original Japanese version was way to cartoonish. While the Japanese remake wasn't as outlandish, I didn't like the hero as much as in the other two versions - but this version did have the best ending. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 25, 2012 8:42:01 AM PDT

Rashell Anderson says: @Purse Monkey: Sorry I confused your comments with Reader123, but you're right that the element of AGD that I actually love the most is the friendship between the 4 guys. The opening scenes are my favorite part of the drama. They are laugh out loud funny and showcase what an amazing thing life-long friendship really is. @I'm 5150:I've watched Dream High which I would STRONGLY reccomend. It's a really fun drama with lots of fun characters to follow and Taec is pretty good in it. He's really adorable in Cinderalla's Sister, but that drama is much more of a melo then a rom/com. And honestly I was kind of disapointed in the last few episodes. I liked Oh My Lady with Siwon okay. Not the best drama ever, but it was cute. The Woman Who Still Wants to Marry is s a really good drama too. So I'd rec Dream High, WWSWTM, and AGD strongly and Oh My Lady moderately, and Cinderella's Sister as somewhat. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to your post on Jul 25, 2012 6:00:01 PM PDT [Deleted by Amazon on Jul 25, 2012 8:08:41 PM PDT] Posted on Jul 25, 2012 8:54:04 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: I just had to come on to post that Gaksital (Bridal Mask) continues to be awesome. So much conflict and rich character development. I'm so bummed that we only get one episode for the next two weeks. But if they are both as awesome as this last one maybe I won't be as upset. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jul 25, 2012 11:52:52 PM PDT T-Rexy says: My daughter prefers "I Need Romance" from last year but is interested in the new one as well.. Is it really that good? As good as the other one? She loved the story of the one last year, especially the Hyun-joo/ Duk Soo pairing! I always used to come home and have to pry her away frm the remote and tv when it (especially him) was on so I could watch something! She thought he was so cute! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 26, 2012 9:04:42 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @I'M 5150: I liked I Need Romance the original a lot. My biggest issue was that the H actually cheated on the h. I have a hard time letting that go. But I did enjoy it, and I understood why she went back to him in the end. But I have to say that I LOVE the new version about 100 times more. I will agree that the secondary stories aren't as good as the original but the main love triangle is fabulous. Both of the guys are extremely hot, and they are actually best friends in real life, so it's kind of cute to see them antagonize each other just

from that perspective. The h is quircky and funny and extremely honest. The H is sweet and caring, but not able to express his feelings to the h. He's always holding back and it really does drive her (and the viewer) crazy. The second lead H is just the nicest guy ever. The two leads are very passionate while the second lead is more mellow. I really do ship the original pair, but I wouldn't be too upset if she ended up with the new guy. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 27, 2012 9:20:19 AM PDT 1ladydevil says: I need some advice. Does Bridal Mask have jealousy/possessiveness by the H? Plus, I just finished watching the Taiwanese drama MARS and LOVED it!!! The H was so protective and committed to the h who was very sweet and innocent. Plus, it was HOT!! I'm not use to seeing so much heat in asian dramas. I also liked Devil Beside You which had a really possessive H who got jealous all the time. This was another drama that had more heat than what you normally see in asian dramas. I watched Why Why Love which has a similar cast as Devil Beside You but wasn't as good. Can anyone give me recommendations?? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jul 27, 2012 10:06:01 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Jul 27, 2012 10:06:21 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: 1ladydevil Two other intense Taiwanese dramas are Summer's Desire (which is very intense and has one the best love triangles of any romance that I've seen - also, if you've followed the discussion on this thread, most consider this hero to be one of the best) and Autumn's Concerto. I highly recommend both of these dramas. As it relates to Bridal Mask I consider it more of a political action drama than a romance (its based on the 1930s occupation of Korea by Japan, and Korea's underground freedom movement). So far I don't think the romance element has been as strong as the political action element. However, I am really enjoying this drama. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jul 27, 2012 11:14:31 AM PDT 1ladydevil says: Thanks for the recommendations Reader123 but I'm currently watching those. Does anyone have any more recs? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jul 27, 2012 12:57:00 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says:

@1ladydevil: I've been discussing I Need Romance 2012 on here quite a bit, and I think it would apply as a drama you would like. The jealousy between the two men is just reaching it's peak now at episode 12, but because it is a cable drama there is A LOT more steamy scenes. The opening scene is pretty rauncy even. Bridal Mask is more of an action drama then a romance. But there is a romantic element and with both leads in love with the same gir (of course) there is some jealousy. But for a lot of the series the H relationship to the h is a secret. So he has to be careful about being too obvious with both his love and his jealousy. Now that his feelings are out in the open the jealousy especially of the other man is ramping up. The H tries to be protective of the h, but he also has to maintain his cover. That has made for some moments where he has had to be mean to the h. In fact up until episode 5 or 6 the H is pretty much an anit-hero. He's vile in the beginning, but that is one of the great things about the drama is the way the two men switch roles from the beginning to now. As for any other rec's with a jealous hero....Have to tried Flower Boy Raymun Shop. The H there is kind of a spoiled man-child, but he's definitely jealous. The h is older then the H too, but since you liked Devil Beside You that shouldn't be a problem. Another drama with a stepsibling issue would be Love Rain. But skip the first 5 episodes with the parents' love story because it really doesn't matter to the rest of the drama. It's not a great drama, but I enjoyed it. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jul 27, 2012 3:21:54 PM PDT 1ladydevil says: Thanks Rashell Annderson, I tried watching I Need Romance but couldn't make it pass episode 6. I don't like any of the characters; the women act so immature. I have already watched Flower Boy Raymun Shop and I LOVED it!! Looks like Bridal Mask is not going to be what I'm looking for:( Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 27, 2012 6:27:35 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Mars is a good show, even though it isn't one of my favorites. I also agree that Mars has one of the most beautiful/hot love making scenes. It's not explicit (and it doesn't need to be), it's amazing because of the context and their chemistry and emotional connection. I am going to watch Autumn's Concerto sometime soon, as I wait for the other shows to start airing. Right now I'm only watching "Rich Man Poor Woman" which is turning out to be a great show so far, so I have some time to check out a completed series- which will be Autumn's Concerto. So my question is for those of you who have watched Autumn's Concerto, does it have a hot/beautiful love scene like Mars? :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Jul 27, 2012 10:34:32 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @1ladydevil: Have you watched The Moon That Embraces The Sun? That one is a historical so it's saguek, but the H is completely devoted to the h. He is a king so possessive comes with the territory. Ojakkyo Brothers has a great possessive, protective H, but since that is a family drama it is 50+ episodes long. But the H is the same as the H in Gaksital, Joo Won, and he's dreamy. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jul 28, 2012 6:15:54 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. - Autumn's Concerto does have such a scene, but since the context is different from Mars, you may not consider it a touching. The attached shows all of the kissing scenes in Autumn's Concerto so does include spoilers: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mDMr808QZI&feature=autoplay&list=PL152E489AA1 117DB8&index=35&playnext=2 Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jul 28, 2012 8:10:55 PM PDT Purse Monkey says: Rashell Anderson--thanks for reccing The Moon Embraces The Sun. I'm on episode 3 and digging it! I wouldn't have watched it if you didn't mention H is devoted and possessive. Only thing is, I'm loving the H's brother right now. He's so sweet and heartbreakingly sad! I love his personality. So far, he's a much more complex and interesting character than the H. Questions...does the H sleep with any other women? Marry her? Promote her to queen status for whatever reason? I hope it's not the ending where H keeps h as concubine. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jul 29, 2012 8:11:54 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Jul 30, 2012 11:16:18 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @Purse Monkey: Yeah, Yang Myung is a heart breaking character. He's a devoted son, brother, friend, and lover. But he watches as all of the people he loves continue to become more and more his brother's people. And yet he does still love his brother. But Hwon is also very loveable. I was never conflicted about who the h would be with because as devoted as the H was the h was equally devoted. Be ready. I don't want to spoil too much, but have a ton of tissues handy for episode 5 and the last episode. Starting in episode 6, the cast changes from the child cast to the adults so be ready for that too. The H is COMPLETELY devoted to the h. He doesn't sleep with anyone else. Once again I don't want to spoil too much, but you don't have to worry about the ending being anything other then a complete HEA for the main couple. The h's status is exactly what you think it

should be in the end. Moon is at it's heart a love story between those two characters. Do not ship the second lead in this one...that way lies heartache. lol Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 2, 2012 6:55:08 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Episode 18 of Bridal Mask was excellent. Park Ki Woong continues to be outstanding as the sweet guy turned dual-personality psycho villian. This show has definitely mastered the ending cliffhanger. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 2, 2012 8:08:17 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @Reader123: Bridal Mask is great. And I agree that watching Shunji lose his humanity is an awesome arch in the show. He really is just creepy scary at this point. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 2, 2012 11:19:25 AM PDT 1ladydevil says: Thanks for recommending Autumn Concerto, I really enjoyed it. I tried watching Moon Embraces the Sun but couldn't get past the first episode. If anyone knows of more dramas with really possessive, obsessive, jealous H, please let me know. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Aug 2, 2012 11:44:25 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Aug 2, 2012 11:50:13 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: 1ladydevil If you haven't watched You're Beautiful, this hero is jealous on several occasions, but this drama is a Rom/Com, not a melodrama like Autumn's Concerto, so the jealousy is done more for humor. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Aug 2, 2012 12:47:23 PM PDT 1ladydevil says: Thanks Reader123 but I'm not a fan of dramas where the h pretends to be a boy. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Aug 3, 2012 10:46:24 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: So I was thinking that it would be fun to do a little poll within the group. We've already listed our favorite dramas, so how about something a little different. 1. Favorite Hero 2. Favorite Heroine 3. Favorite Actress 4. Favorite Actor So my answers are: 1. Choi Han Gyul - Coffee Prince. He was just the most adorable thing ever once he decided he loved Eun Chan. And his willingness to go for it even when he thought she was a guy was inspiring. LOVE HIM! 2. Se Ryong - The Princess' Man. She was a heroine with a will of iron. She knew right from wrong and was even willing to stand up to her own father when he went against her beliefs. She was awesome. 3. Yoon Eun Hye or Sohn Ye Jin - Hard for me to chose between them. Eun Hye is quirky and cute and Ye Jin is such a great actress. Just love them both. 4. Lee Min Ho - Of course the fact that he's so easy on the eyes plays a part, but he's also a really good actor with great charisma. He seems to have chemistry with anyone he's paired with. Okay, so it's mostly that he's smokin hot. I'm shallow that way. But my other arguements were good too. ;) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Aug 4, 2012 5:38:48 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Here's my list: 1. Kim Seung-yoo (Park Shi Hoo) The Princess' Man - the perfect hero in the perfect drama 2. Se-ryung (Moon Chae-won) The Princess' Man - The heroine with the most integrity and character and one who never once wavered in her devotion to her hero. 3. Ha Ji Won - I've enjoyed all of her dramas and movies that I've seen 4. Park Shi Hoo - I've loved every drama that he's starred in and he's the hero in what I believe are the two best romances that I've watched (The Princess' Man and Family's Honor). He's at his best when he's angsty, but his smile is fabulous. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Aug 4, 2012 7:46:48 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Aug 4, 2012 11:13:40 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Adding one more category - Favorite Couple

5. Tie between Se-Ryung/Seung-yoo (The Princess' Man) and Ha Dan Ah/Lee Kang Suk (Family's Honor) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 5, 2012 9:41:58 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: Ooohh good addition, but that makes it harder for me. Because while it's easy to pich favorite H and h, I have a harder time with the couples. Because I love my favorites soooo much. Maybe I'd say Bong Do and Hee Jin from Queen Inhyun's Man. I think because that relationship was the most equal of all my favorites. They seemed to love and sacrifice equally. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 5, 2012 10:19:03 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Aug 5, 2012 10:19:44 PM PDT cbela says: 1. Tae Kyung (Jang Geun Suk)---You're Beautiful. He was cute and handsome, possessive, cold, but he was also sweet and charming. 2. Myung Wol 3. Kim Sun Ah--- Her character can make me laugh and cry. 4. Hyun Bin--- I really liked him in Kim Sam Soon, Snow Queen, and Secret Garden. 5. Ahmon (Mike He) and Qi Yue (Rainie Yang)--- "Devil Beside You" I'll like to add what's your favorite ost song? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 6, 2012 4:14:24 AM PDT Amazon Customer says: 1. Favorite Hero- Zhi Shu, ISWAK and TKA (more on the TKA side tho) Same qualities as many of our drama hero's only take the coldness and add 50% buuuuuttttt, to me, ep 15-20 of TKA make him worth it. I totally get fan girl screamy when I watch those :) 2. Favorite Heroine- Kim Hang Ah from K2H/ Makino from HYD 3. Favorite Actor- Lee Min Ho 4. Favorite Actress- not sure :/ 5. Favorite couple- I've pondered these questions all weekend and this is the hardest for me. It's the equivalent of asking which of my children I love more. Seriously. But if I have to pick- Makino~Domyouji-- Gil Ra Im~Kim Joo Won. My heart just broke for the ones I didn't pick. I'm such a loser, lol. 6. Favorite OST ( good addition)- Suddenly from City Hunter. Ohhhh the memories this brings back when I hear it. My first experience with serious nailbiting cliffhangers. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Aug 6, 2012 4:49:26 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Aug 7, 2012 7:11:50 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: 6. What Should I Do (You're Beautiful) - This category was very hard as there are so many fantastic/addictive songs, but thought this song was integrated the best into a drama. Also didn't hurt that Jang Guen Suk is a wonderful singer. ETA - Enjoy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZfxi_Ba2R8 Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 6, 2012 3:26:17 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @aly: That is my favorite OST too!! That almost kiss scene in CH when the music started up, just love it. I also really like Back in Time from Moon Embracing The Sun. But Reader123's choice is good too. It's hard to pick a song too. I have tons on my mp3 now, and my husband mocks me for listening to music I don't understand. But I LOVE it!! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Aug 6, 2012 6:10:57 PM PDT C.T. says: I love this song and this scene - have watched it numerous times:) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Aug 6, 2012 7:27:35 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: aly - I agree that the last 5 episodes of TKA were great - so many wonderful scenes. I especially liked the scene in Episode 18 in his office where he had kept/treasured almost everything she had ever given him (but where was the massager??). He also ended on a high note when at the end of episode 20 he made one of her fantasies come true when he cleaned her shoe (I think it might have been the only fantasy that she had that did come true). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Aug 6, 2012 8:32:07 PM PDT Amazon Customer says: Reader- I know ISWAK and TKA is not everyones cuppa tea but it definately is mine. I know Zhi Shu's attitude (and Baek Sueng Jo from PK as well) isn't friendly but with these particular dramas it's more of what you didn't see but caught a glimpse of. From those scenes I saw some forever, can't live without you, love :) I wish they would have went into the relationship a bit further with PK. The youtube extras are good and you know I loved them I just wish they gave us something more. I think I read somewhere that it was the only fantasy that came true. And i'm not sure of their Emmy equivalent but Ariel Lin deserved an award for ep 11 of

TKA where she finally unleashed her anger. Wow, the emotion portrayed in that episode is great. Rashell- From CH I also love 'It's Alright'. I get that flurry of excitement when I hear it also. I bought a couple of OST's and replayed them so much that my 5 yr old would sing along. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 8, 2012 9:32:51 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Haeundae Lovers has already started airing! I thought it was going to start next week. I've already watched the first episode English subbed. I don't know if any of you have watched it yet or not, but I thought it was a good introductory episode. Episode two is posted as well, but there's no English subs yet, so I'm waiting on that. I'm also waiting for the subs for episode 5 of RMPW. Haeundae Lovers has a lot of potential, I'm loving it so far. I just think that the hero is a complete jerk at this point. His treatment of his new wife makes me really angry, and I hope that she will end up with the hotel vice-president- he's a handsome guy and she deserves a happy ending. The H/h meeting was hilarious and at the same time had some sensual parts. I'm looking forward to episode two, as this seems like a romance/comedy that will involve some funny misunderstandings (the hero thinks the heroine is the geisha he's looking for in his investigation), in addition to the hero accepting his false identity after he loses his memory (which hasn't happened yet). One last thing, couldn't they have chosen an area with an easier name for the title? lol. Anyways this series is already at a good and interesting start, and I'm looking forward to the next episodes :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 8, 2012 9:43:07 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Another drama that looks like it has the potential to be good is Answer Me 1997/Reply 1997. A subbed version is on YT. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 8, 2012 10:06:59 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Reader123 are you talking about a new drama? If so, what is the synopsis for it? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Aug 8, 2012 10:27:26 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Yes, it's a new TvN drama, which started airing at the end of July and will only be 8 hours long (each episode is a half hour and 2 episodes air back to back).The drama features a group of teenagers who are all 18 years old in the year 1997, and while the story unfolds there, it also flash forwards, where we meet them all again in 2012, as 33-year old adults. They gather for a small high school reunion dinner, and there, one couple will announce that they're getting married. We just don't know which pairing survives the 15-year gap. Viki doesn't have a subbed version, but YT does. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 8, 2012 10:44:07 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Thanks for the info. Reader123 This drama doesn't sound that interesting to me. I might check it out sometime in the future though. But happy watching to you :D Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 8, 2012 2:55:58 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: I agree with DM about Haeundae Lovers. The first episode was a great introduction to the characters. I already find the h adorable and her "uncles" fabulous. And let me just say that while there are already two hotties in Kim Kang Woo and Jung Suk Won, Maknea Uncle is not too shabby himself. The H is pretty much an ass to his new bride. But in some ways I think that helps because that way viewers won't be invested in their relationship. He actually LEAVES her right after their wedding when she has to be rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery. He really does only care about the case he's working on. The interaction between the h and H is both hilarious and shows some nice chemistry. I think I'll keep watching this one for now. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 9, 2012 2:48:58 PM PDT Amazon Customer says: Looks like AGD may finally wrap up this weekend!!!! I saw post on the Soompi forum along with a preview for ep 19 :) I hope they don't change their mind! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 9, 2012 3:52:23 PM PDT

Rashell Anderson says: YAY! I've almost forgotten about AGD. Seriously, I'm excited. I didn't LOVE this drama, but I did find it pretty cute. And the bromance of the F44 is by far the best part. If you watch nothing else of AGD watch each opening sequence. Almost all of them are laugh out loud funny. I Need Romance 2 ended today too. And this is a drama that I did love. It probably isn't in my top 5, but I enjoyed every episode. And for the first time I really was unsure how it would end and conflicted in my heart about how it should end. Yet, they did manage to end it in a way that satisfied me. I don't want to spoil, but this drama made me love both leads. I really just wanted the three of them together. considering the real life friendship between the guys, it could have worked. Oh, well. I would definitely reccommend this one to watch. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 10, 2012 7:24:55 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I do think that AGD is a good drama and one that I would recommend, but I'm not sure it's one that I will ever watch again (OK perhaps the opening sequences - which are great). I agree that the best part of this show is the friendship among the F44. Bridal Mask remains awesome. However, the death count continues (I thought that when the h in The Princess' Man said she would bite her tongue to death it was just a figure of speech, not an actual way to kill yourself). I'm hoping that this show redeems Rie - I've long since given up on Shunji (Park Ki Woong has been great as the psycho villain). However, it may be a moot point - not too sure about either's chances of survival. I do think that the writers have made Rie a much more interesting/conflicted character than the h. But I guess having h that is unwavering in her principles is never a bad thing. Just hoping that in the end Kang-to survives. The cliffhanger endings are killing me. I thought the scene in Ep 17 where Kang-to confessed to the h that he was the Young Master was great - I thought this YT video did a great job in capturing their history: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcsEUdITeQU Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Aug 10, 2012 12:13:18 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: aly - I do agree that ISWAK/TKA and PK are dramas that you either like or hate - I liked both of these dramas. I did like Zhi Shu better than Baek Sueng Jo, as he didn't seem as cold. He also seemed to tease the h more, so that you knew he was always completely aware her. However, I liked the h more in PK. My one complaint about ISWAK/TKA is that they made the h stupid/incapable of doing anything right. Help in H in the office - couldn't work the copy machine. Get a job in a restaurant - give change back greater than the amount given to her. I just wished they would have made her capable of doing one thing well. At least the h in PK seemed uninterested in learning, not incapable. She actually came across competent in her job at the restaurant.

However, both of these h were worlds better than the h in the Japanese version of this manga. This drama has the honor of being the only one where I wished the H would have ended up with the OW. No one deserved being stuck with this h - she was truly horrible. If you haven't watched, I recommend you avoid this version - it's a complete waste of time. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 11, 2012 11:24:02 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: Okay, so episode 19 of AGD is laugh out loud funny. The opening sequence is hilarious (as usual)!! And you can see the HEA for all the couples, so mostly it's just cuteness. When this drama wasn't trying to be angsty it was at it's best and this last episode is proof. So good and funny. Awesome scenes of the F44 being the F44. And awesome scenes of the ladies bonding too. And some adorable moments for my favorite couples. Some growth for DoJin's relationship with his son too. There is nothing that I find cuter then petty jealousy and this episode was chock full of it. So cute. Really a VERY good episode. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 14, 2012 7:58:50 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: So I watched the first two episodes of Faith, with Lee Min Ho. This drama is very different. So far it's full of all kinds of magic and mystery. LMH plays the head guard of the King and Queen of the Goryeo period of Korea. The first episode is basically LMH traveling to the future (which he thinks is "heaven") to bring back a "healer" to save the queen who has been cut badly on her neck. LMH has some kind of "energy" that he is able to use to affect objects and people. He can move them, slow down their body functions, etc. There is some kind of mystical portal that opens up for him to travel to the future to get the Dr, the h. He actually cuts a man the same way to prove that she can save the queen. The bad guys are also mystical. One plays a flute that can kill. Yeah, I don't know where it's all going. But the h is kind of a ditzy Dr. She's actually a plastic surgeon, but all of the people in the "past" think she's heaven sent. LMH is a badass, who thinks very logically, and mostly would prefer to sleep. It's like he can barely be bothered to fight, but when he does he's awesome. Anyway, it's LMH so I'm in for the long haul, but it actually may be an intersting story too. Very different from any other Kdrama I've seen. Arang starts tomorrow, and that one seem to have some magic and mystism as well. I'll be checking that one out too. So now I'm watching, Gaksital, Faith, Haeudae Lovers, and maybe Araing. Plus I want to check out the Hana Kimi remake that starts tomorrow as well. Plus I'm kind of keeping up with Rich Man, Poor Woman. I have never watched this many currently airing dramas EVER. I don't know how I'm going to manage. But I'm not sure which ones I want to wait to watch. Ahhhh so many good dramas, not enough time to watch them. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Aug 15, 2012 4:43:22 AM PDT Amazon Customer says:

WOW!!!! How in the world are you keeping all those shows together? I'm halfway through AGD. I love it! I had actually wrote it off earlier then someone said it reminded them of Secret Garden. It kinda does have that feel and I can already tell it's battleing for a top 5 favorite. I am very excited for To The Beautiful You. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 15, 2012 8:57:30 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @aly: AGD and Secret Garden have the same writer, so that could explain why they have the same sort of feel. AGD is not in my top 5, but I did really, really like it. I especially loved the guys friendship. It's amazing how many years they've loved and supported each other. They are truly brothers more then friends and it was so sweet how the show made a point to show how important those relationships are. As for keeping the shows together, this is really the first week of trying. LOL. But I figure I'll only be able to manage for the first couple weeks until I decide what must be watched immediately and what can wait. But who knows. I may love them all enough to keep trying. LOL Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 15, 2012 2:25:43 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Aug 15, 2012 3:52:26 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Hey Rashell, well that's a lot of dramas to keep up with! I know I couldn't do it. Good luck :) I've watched episode 1 of Faith, and I watched parts of episode 2 raw (waiting for the subs). This show has GREAT potential, and I love the interactions between the H/h, intense and sensual/emotional. *A bit of spoilers* I love the part in episode 2, when she had run away from the hero and then the hero found her. He carried her and she's fighting in his arms and then he pretends to drop her, that makes her still in his arms and their eyes meet... they have great chemistry. Oh and the scene towards the end, by the time portal...wow, so emotional and intense. I can't wait for the subs. I can only hope that they can maintain the drama/romance with this emotional intensity mixed in with the action/suspense. And Rashell, I agree the heroine is ditzy even though she's a doctor, but she's not annoying. I really like her so far, she's cute and a bit hyper emotional. She makes her character very human. Oh and I loved the scene at the end of episode one, with the flashback of the heroine going to a fortune teller to tell her when she will meet her man soon (I was laughing out loud). The hero is just yummy, he's very handsome, strong and protective, and very calm. I hope that the storyline will continue to be as engaging and well paced, and hope that it will also get clearer with the coming episodes. HL continues to be very good and very entertaining, it seems that it is getting better with every episode. Even though the storyline seems a bit scattered right now, I'm looking forward to the coming episodes to see how everything will fall into place. I just wish they hadn't made the hero get married in the beginning, I feel that is an unnecessary plot point. I'm looking

forward to episode 4. Episode 3 was funny and sensual. The leads have very good chemistry. I know that the first episodes in this genre tend to be heavier on the comedy and then later episodes become heavier on the drama. So I'm looking forward to see what happens next. So far, this show is very entertaining. And Rashell I agree with you, the heroine's uncles are great. I've also decided to give "Arang and the magistrate" a chance, since the drama/romance shows of this season, at least the two I'm following now, have turned out to be really good so far. I know it will be hard to follow three shows at once, but I will try! Oh and as for RMPW, I watched ep 6, and I feel that this show is starting to lag a little. I feel that most of the focus is on the problems in the company. I wish it would pickup on the relationship front. I also don't like that the hero is with the OW, so far. But I guess we'll see what happens next. Right now this show is rated as good for me, but not very good or excellent. Happy drama/romance watching everyone :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 17, 2012 8:09:52 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I've watched episodes 1 and 2 of Arang and the Magistrate, and this show also has great potential! The premise of this show is out there, but if the viewer accepts the mythology of the world of this story, then it becomes easier to suspend disbelief. I like Arang the heroine, she is spunky and sweet. I just don't know how she and the hero will get their happy ending, when she's already a ghost. I guess since it is a fantasy/paranormal show, perhaps there will be a way to bring her back to life in the end. The man that she was engaged to as a human is a major creeper. I think he's the one who killed her. I loved the part when Arang caused the cold/indifferent hero to become the magistrate, it was hilarious. So he had to keep his promise to help her find out her identity and how she had died, since she doesn't remember anything of her human life. My favorite line was said by the hero, when he's carrying Arang on his back, I don't remember it word for word, but he said "I never knew a drunk ghost can be so heavy" lol. This is an interesting show, and I'm looking forward to see what happens next :) I hope that Faith, Arang, and HL will continue to be very good and interesting. I'm looking forward to the new episodes next week! On a side note: I've noticed that both Faith and Arang are beautiful visually and high budget, so I hope that their story-lines and romance/drama/suspense will be just as good! They're both off to a really good start, with Faith- edging out Arang- as my fave so far. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post: Aug 18, 2012 3:19:51 PM PDT Last edited by you on Aug 31, 2012 5:24:32 AM PDT Adnana says: All this talk about the newest dramas (like "Bridal Mask" and "A Gentleman's Dignity") has gotten me very excited about them, but I honestly don't want to go again through the experience of live-watching. Since TMTETS I've been keeping my hand out of the cookie jar of the on-air dramas, even when it required major willpower in the case of "The King 2 Hearts" and "Queen In-Hyun's Man". Now I hope to somehow stick to this decision despite the mighty temptation of "Arang", "To the Beautiful You" and, of course, "Faith". Then, after they finish airing, I can just have myself a nice weekend-marathon per show, which I think will be a much more rewarding (not to mention less stressful) experience. ;) Still, I'm SOOO tempted by "Faith"; this is one show for which I've been waiting forever, seems like. BTW, what do you girls think of the romantic pairing in this drama? Specifically, do you think that the leading lady looks fine beside Lee Min Ho, or a bit too old? I watched some previews and thought that she looked fine, but I didn't find her very beautiful (like she looked in pictures from a few years ago). Whereas Lee Min Ho is gorgeous. Let me say this again, since it is absolutely worth repeating. ;P He is absolutely gorgeous. Edit this post | Permalink Your post: Aug 18, 2012 3:39:35 PM PDT Last edited by you on Aug 19, 2012 3:36:38 PM PDT Adnana says: I got a bit sidetracked, but I actually came here to post about this older show I've been watching. So, Park Shi Hoo... I loved him in "The Princess' Man" (the first drama I ever saw him in), but not to the degree where I would go and watch every drama in which he had ever starred in (like I ended up doing in the case of Lee Min Ho). Still, Jae (if I remember correctly) posted some nice things about "Family's Honor" (in which Park Shi Hoo plays the hero), so a couple of days ago I finally surpassed my gigantic reluctance for watching a LONG drama and I started "Family's Honor". I'm basically fastforwarding (i.e. skipping all scenes that don't involve the hero and heroine, separately or together), so I'm already almost halfway through the show. And let me tell you: this is seriously addictive stuff! I love the main couple's relationship. She's so dignified and collected and so very damaged by having lost her first love shortly after marrying him. Whereas he is this energetic, brash, outspoken shark of a man. Shark in the sense that he has killer instincts in business and in all aspects of life, truth to tell. He's never cared for any woman (except for his mother and sister) and it is absolutely awesome to watch him thinking he can play the heroine, but getting caught in his own net instead. Their blossoming love is beautiful to watch. Still, I really wish the drama wasn't so darn long. On the other hand, I do think that the writers needed all these episodes (time) to make the story itself believable, because of the major changes (shifts in beliefs) that the characters have to undergo. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Aug 18, 2012 4:09:37 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says:

@Adnana: I know what you mean abut watching live, but it honestly is easier for me to have a couple of episodes a night rather then trying to marathon on weekends. Kids and husband get in the way of my k-drama time. LOL. As for the herione from Faith, I think she's beautiful. And the age difference so far isn't an issue for me. I mean we are only 2 episodes in, so they haven't interacted that much. But it's Lee Min Ho, he can make chemistry with anyone. So far her character is kind of ditzy and funny. And he's very serious and literal. I think their dynamic will really work. I really don't expect to have any problems with the age thing. But keep in mind my favorte AGD couple were Yoon/MeAhRi, so age difference not a problem for me going either direction. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to your post on Aug 18, 2012 11:33:07 PM PDT Spectator51 says: I finished watching Family's Honor last week. It's one of my favorites since I first discoverd Kdrama (thanks to this discussion) a few months ago. I liked all of the characters and all of the several romances. Terrific cast all the way. I know it's long, but there is so much going on that it's never boring. I also liked Three Brothers, another family drama. I started watching that because I like Lee Joon Hyuk, the actor who played the prosecuter in City Hunter. He was the lead, but the other romances were good too. It was a much lighter role than his City Hunter part. Got to see him smile and laugh a lot and he has a great smile. I wasn't crazy about the heroine though. The heroine's sister has a romance with Lee Jang Woo, the kid from I Do I Do. I liked him better in this role. He seemed more mature even though this show was made earlier. I thought he was too much of a puppy dog in I Do I Do. Adorable, but not husband material, although he did develop more towards the end. I guess what I'm saying here is that he's a very good actor. Another actor who has inspired me to search out his other roles is Ji Jin Hee. I'm completely in love with him. I first saw him in Jewel in the Palace as the dashing scholar/guardsman. Then in He Who Can't Marry, which was hilarious. Then playing the king in Dong Yi. He was marvelous and the romance was terrific. Dong Yi is (sort of) based on historical fact. I also have not wanted to start any drama that isn't finished, so I haven't been posting. I've been following along though, and thanks to everyone for your comments and evaluations. I've built up quite a queue at Dramafever. When I first posted that I had started my first kdrama, Pasta, several people welcomed me to the new world and predicted addiction. This has happened. I have been sucked into the vortex. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 19, 2012 9:08:36 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Hey Adnana, yes the H/h in Faith are both really good. They have great chemistry so far, and I love that they have differing personalities- she's very cute and he's calm and strong. They have a great dynamic so far, and I'm loving all their scenes together. I can't wait to see more,

right now it is my favorite new drama. I'm really looking forward to the coming episodes. The only complaint I have about this show so far, is the closeups to the wounds. There were two closeups in eps 1 and 2, when the heroine stitched up the wound on the neck of the man and then the neck of the queen. I always skip those parts because I'm a bit squeamish. But anyways they were short scenes, so I can live with it lol. I have found that watching a drama while it is airing is easier for me, instead of doing a marathon through a completed one. Also if I watch a drama/romance while its airing, I can follow more than one show at the same time. I'm following three now! But I agree that the waiting for new episodes is an annoyance. :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 19, 2012 10:15:30 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @Adnana: I love Family's Honor. Great weekend drama and I actually really fell in love with all of the pairings and the families. Another great Family drama that I've mentioned before is Ojakgyo Brothers. Joo Won (Bridal Mask) is the H in this one and Uee is the h. It's adorable and even at 50+ episodes I was never bored. I'll have to check out Three Brothers as I LOVE the good prosecutor in CH. @Spectator51: Yeah, I've found that k-dramas are my "drug" of choice. I can't seem to get enough. So I've been watching a cute little Tvn drama called Answer Me 1997, and I wanted to mention it here because it really is so good. I think part of my attachment to it is that the characters are exactly my age. So even though I grew up in the US, I can still relate to so much of the teen angst of 1997 since I lived it too. Some things truly are universal. The h is now 33 (like me) and looking back on her senior year of 1997. She was obsessed with her favorite boy band H.O.T. And just starting to figure out that there were real boys to like too. We don't know yet who she ends up with, but of course we have our favorites. Mine is Yoon Jae. They've been friends since early childhood, and he's fallen in love with her pretty much from the beginning. She's oblivious to his feelings of course. The group of friends is adorable. And the interactions between them, their parents, and teachers really do resonate with me. It's 16 episodes of 30 minutes each. So about half as long as a regular k-drama. So far through episode 8 has aired. And it's subbed at dramafever through episode 6. Subs for this one are a bit slow. But it's one to keep on your radar, I think. I'll post again after it's over to let you know if the ending was satisfying. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 21, 2012 4:47:52 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Aug 21, 2012 4:54:43 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says:

Okay I've watched ep 3 of Faith and parts of ep 4 (waiting for the complete subs on this one). I think that those two episodes had a slower pace than the first two episodes. It seems that these two episodes are more of a setup for the world that the heroine has traveled to, or more precisely been dragged to by the hero. The story is also becoming clearer. There were two scenes that I loved in episode 3. The first in the female bonding scene between the heroine and the queen, in the carriage. I hope that they show more of those scenes. The other scene I loved was the last scene in this episode, when the heroine went to see the hero (Choi Young sp?) in shorts. The scene starts out light and then becomes intense. I loved her emotional speech because he's refusing medicine (her help), and I loved how she pleaded with him not to die. So I'm waiting for the subs for episode 4. This show remains interesting and good, and I get the feeling that the doctor is going to fall in love with the heroine, and that the queen might have feelings for Choi Young. I hope that the doctor and the queen end up together, simply because I like the queen's character as well and want a happy ending for her. I also like the doctor, and I think he and the queen would make a nice couple. I also hope that there will be more scenes between the H/h! I watched ep 5 of HL and this show is funny and cute, but it isn't one of my favorites. Still it's a pretty entertaining show, and I will continue to watch it. I'm also looking forward to the new episodes of Arang and the Magistrate. It will be interesting to see where this show goes. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 21, 2012 5:36:21 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Aug 21, 2012 5:38:01 PM PDT Lily Rose 81 says: At the moment my life is ruled by "Bridal Mask" (aka Gaksital). I'm totally obsessed by this drama.It's a little jewel in my opinion and the acting is superlative. Joo Woon is a revelation, really. I've started "Faith" and the first two episodes (above all the first) are a bit slow and boring. The second is better but the director has to work hard to give us at least decent cliffangers because the endings of the first 2 episodes really s*cks. And all the epicness I was expecting is not there yet. I think this show is "involuntarily" funny. XD "To the Beautiful You" is what it is. Predictable. But cute and funny. "Rich Man, Poor Woman"..I'm at ep 6. I don't know yet how many episodes there are but being it a Japanese drama not too many before the end I guess so the romantic part needs to get into gear. "Heundeae Lovers" ...I was not expecting a "surreal" comedy dealing the drama with mobsters and drug traffics. But if you suspend the reality you might enjoy it in its surreal way. Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 21, 2012 6:58:05 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: lol Lily Rose, I guess this just goes to show how we all have different tastes. I watched maybe the first 5 or 6 episodes of Gaksital, when those episodes were airing, and then I stopped because it just didn't capture my interest. Whereas I am enjoying Faith, and see a lot of potential in it. Different strokes for different folks, I guess :) Happy drama/romance watching Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 22, 2012 4:30:09 AM PDT Lily Rose 81 says: "Faith" is not bad. I kinda enjoyed the second ep but not to the point of obsessing overt he story yet. "Bridal Mask", I knew fron the beginning it was not a romactic comedy ( the genre I prefer) or light abd funny...but the acting, the cliffangers, the story...I'm totally in love since ep. 1 I love the "anti-hero" more than I do the hero. And Lee Kang To is the epitome of the villian hero. Ad you right...to each his own. ^^ Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 22, 2012 6:57:42 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: I love BOTH of them...HA! I'm so not a picky drama watcher. Actually right now I'm just really "liking" Faith, but it could certainly develop to love in the future. But I do love Gaksital (Bridal Mask). I think if you're watching dramas for the romance then Gaksital isn't for you at all (although there is a romantic element). It is more a drama about the Korean Independence Movement and the people who were involved. Lee Kang To is definitely the definition of villain turned hero, while his best friend takes the opposite path. Only a couple weeks left and I'm trying to prepare myself for the character deaths I'm sure are coming. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 22, 2012 8:36:10 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I've watched episode 4 of Faith subbed. I liked the scene when the heroine had a talk with the king, it was funny. Also Eun Soo gave the king a very good speech in her own way. I love how she wants to take some paintings and jars back with her, to sell in the present lol. This

episode showed more of the hero's, Choi Young, back-story, and it was a really sad and moving story. I hate that the king is using Eun Soo (sp?) the heroine to solidify his position as king, without her knowledge or consent. The king is putting Eun Soo in danger, and she's completely defenseless while Choi Young is unconscious (suffering from an inflamed wound). I'm not liking this king. I hope that Choi Young will wake up soon. I'm looking forward to next week's episodes, to see how the story will develop. I'm also really looking forward to more scenes between the H/h. So far, Faith remains my favorite new show. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Aug 23, 2012 3:32:05 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Aug 23, 2012 3:32:52 AM PDT Lily Rose 81 says: @Rashell Anderson About the political aspect I think we can get an Happy-for-Now ending since Korea will not achieve indipendence for many years to come yet. About the romantic element I'm still hoping for an happy ending for Kang To and Mok Dan. If this romantic happiness is not in the screenwriter's plans then I'd prefer they live or die both...together. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 23, 2012 5:34:34 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Woo Hoo!! - Park Shi Hoo and Moon Guen Young are teaming up in a Rom/Com to air later this year. I was so disappointed when Park Shi Hoo went off to be a big screen serial killer and am so glad he's returning to dramaland. So far I'm liking all of the new shows that just started airing, but Bridal Mask still remains the best (and the most suspenseful/stressful to watch). I continue to hope (and will probably be disappointed) that they give Lee Kang To a HEA. I would also like for Rie to live at the end, but I don't think it's going to happen for her either. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Aug 23, 2012 6:11:19 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Aug 23, 2012 6:14:23 AM PDT Lily Rose 81 says: @Reader123 Where did you read that piece of news. I like PSH but dislike MGY. Edit: Read on Dramabeabs now.

I knew she got the lead role in that week-end drama Alice-something and now I know who'll be her love interest. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 23, 2012 8:09:20 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: I was just coming to post the latest Park Shi Hoo news. I should have known that Reader123 would have it first. He's her favorite after all. But I'm excited too. He's in my top 3 and one that I'll watch pretty much no matter what. So glad he's back in drama land! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 23, 2012 8:32:04 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Aug 23, 2012 8:32:38 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Only down side to the new Park Shi Hoo drama is that it isn't scheduled to air until December - waaaaay too long to wait. Looks like Nice Guy will start airing September 12. In addition, Dramabeans also indicated that so far no network has picked up City Conquest with Kim Hyun Joong. Hopefully it will not fall into a black hole like Full House 2. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 23, 2012 9:37:32 AM PDT Lily Rose 81 says: Full House 2. I had great expectetions but if the screenwriter is like their hairdresser...I run away! XD Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 23, 2012 2:05:40 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I don't know if any of you guys are watching Arang and the Magistrate, but this too is a good show. Episode 3 was actually pretty sad, with the heroine's body being discovered and the very strange thing is that the corpse has not decomposed. The hero directly notes this. He also notes that his mother's hairpin is not in her hair, so how did Arang the ghost get it? I really liked how he tried to shield Arang by not letting her see her corpse. Arang running in the fields and crying, and remembering how much she suffered being a ghost and how she had to become tough, was moving. Episode 4 (I've watched a few parts of it) has an unexpected twist, *some spoilers* Arang has apparently returned a human to the magistrate's (hero's) shock. I didn't expect such a twist in the series so early on. I'm looking forward to see what happens next and waiting for the subs

on this episode. I'm liking this show so far, it's interesting even if a bit creepy underneath the cute/funny and moving. On another note, Waaa (lol) Nice Guy will start airing on September 12? Faith, Arang, and HL will not be done by then. Eeeck, I think I might end up following 4 shows at once! Or maybe dropping HL for the time-being, if Nice Guy ends up capturing me. I guess we'll see. Reader123 is Park Shi Hoo (sp?) the hero in Princess Man? If so, I hope they give him longer hair in the new romance/comedy drama he is going to star in, since I think he looks really good with longer hair. Is there a synopsis about what the drama will be about, or is it still too early? Anyways thank goodness that the other shows will probably have finished airing by the time this one starts, so I'll be able to easily follow it, if the synopsis is interesting. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 23, 2012 3:25:10 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @D.M.: I'm watching Arang (of course) and I agree that far I'm loving it. It must be my time for Fantasy because both it and Faith are keeping me interested. I've only seen up to ep 3 of Arang, but I can't wait for tonight's episode when she meets the Lords. Should be wonderful. I'm also wanting to check out Nice Guy because I love Song Joong Ki mostly from loving Running Man. He's not my favorite Running Man regular that would be Jong Kook, but I did love him and still miss him on that show. I've just decided that I'll figure out how to fit all this drama watching in somehow. I may not be able to watch episodes n the night they air. But that's okay. And Park Shi Hoo is the H from the Princess' Man. And I agree his mane of glory was HOT! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 23, 2012 4:07:11 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Quote: I've just decided that I'll figure out how to fit all this drama watching in somehow. I may not be able to watch episodes n the night they air. But that's okay. I guess I'll have to do the same, if I'm going to end up following four shows. We'll see. Also thanks for the info. about Park Shi Hoo. Rashell, if I had to rate the new shows I'm following now starting with my favorite, so far it would be: 1. Faith 2. Arang and the Magistrate 3. HL I don't know where Nice Guy will rate for me yet, but I hope that it will turn out good. I am not familiar with the actor like you Rashell. I'm interested in watching it because the synopsis is interesting to me (for me this is a basic requirement, in addition to an interesting start that

makes me want to watch more). I'm just hoping that Nice Guy will have a good story and romance, the synopsis is promising. Happy drama/romance watching everyone Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 23, 2012 4:18:50 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. I don't expect that Park Shi Hoo will be sporting his mane of glory in the new drama "Cheongdam-dong Alice", but will instead have short hair like he did for his roles in Prosecutor Princess and Family's Honor. The new drama is based upon the novel Cheongdam-dong Oduri and is about a strange and suspicious girl who has lived camping out in front of the luxury shops in Cheongdam-dong for 3 years - the story revolves around the happenings that ensue after her encounter with the CEO of one of its luxury shops. I am also watching Arang (and most of the other new shows - Faith, Haeundae Lovers, To the Beautiful You, etc.). So far I am finding all of these dramas to be very enjoyable (but remember I also started off liking Big and we know how that turned out). Given the angstfest that is Bridal Mask, I'm finding the humor of HL and To the Beautiful You to be a welcome relief. I also plan to check out The Thousandth Man and may follow it if it turns out to be good. I haven't watched the last few episodes of Rich Man, Poor Woman and may drop this drama as I'm not finding it as interesting as the other new shows. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 23, 2012 5:05:18 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I also plan to watch Nice Guy. My favorite Song Joong Ki drama is Sungkyunkwan Scandal where he twirled (yes, twirled) his way into our hearts. Sungkyunkwan was the first K-drama that I watched and it remains a favorite. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 23, 2012 7:11:19 PM PDT Amazon Customer says: Hmmm... where to start? I finished AGD last weekend. Very happy with how everything turned out. My favorite couple of the drama was Yoon and Mearhi. Suprisingly I ended up also liking Rok and Min Sook. Well, mainly Rok. He definately added a much needed comedic flare at times. The main couple were okay. I was really surprised at how whiny YiSoo was at times. I know Mearhi was but YiSoo (now this is just me) was just as much. Which got me back to thinking about the questions from a few weeks ago. Isn't it funny how you can like or not like certain characters but when they are a couple they become a favorite. My example, Domyouji and Makino from Hana Yori Dango. Love Makino but Domyouji

was just plum stupid at times. But, they made one of the best couples for me ever. I guess I really just felt the love on both sides. ( i've said that before somehere I know but i've just been thinking about it after I posted that they were tied for my favorite couple. thinking maybe I made the wrong choice but nah it's all good) I have yet to start any of the new dramas. But within the next few days I have plans for To the Beautiful You and Haeundae Lovers. I have every expectation that i'll get my happy forever from those 2. And a cute little 3 ep drama named Ma Boy. I hear it's geared towards a younger audience but i'm down for that :) I almost feel like i'm in a slump because I can't find a drama that I wanted to watch and then actually watch it. The Princess's Man, The Moon Embracing the Sun, Big, Queen In Hyun's Man(watched the first ep), My Girl, Ojakkyo Brothers( i have watched a few a those) . And probably some more. Rooftop Prince I do plan to watch when it comes out on dvd. But still. Big, I kinda wrote off cause i'm just not feeling it and it doesn't seem to catch my interest any longer. Dr. Jin was a possibility until the recaps at dramabeans made the show out to be too silly to watch. I'm sure had I actually started it I may have thought the same. But after reading the recaps who could take that show seriously now? And RMPW I also stopped watching. Not sure what I expected from Faith other than my lovely Lee Min Ho but sadly it doesn't seem to be sparking an interest for me. BUT Arang is looking really good and if I just knew that ending right now I would so be marathoning tonight. Golly gee, I sure feel like Debbie Downer right now :/ @LilyRose~ If were betting, it would be safe to say that Full House 2 had the same hairdresser as Wild Romance. Both of those hairstyles make you say what the what??? And finally I need your thoughts because I may add City Hall to my ever growing to be watched list. I'm sure back around 20 pages or so it may have been discussed but it's easier just to ask than to sift through all the pages we have going here. It is the same writer as AGD and my beloved Secret Garden. But i'm not a big Kim Su Na fan. Now remember awhile back I had reservations about Coffee Prince and it's now a top 2 contender for me. Will I love it or not? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 23, 2012 9:39:17 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @aly: Okay, City Hall. Well, I liked it. And since I really like Cha Sung Wan (Hero in Best Love), I wanted to watch it. The story is about a secretary to the Mayor of a small Korean town who gets fired unfairly and she begins a protest. This town is targeted by politicians that are higher up for reason's we don't really know in the beginning and they send Cha Sung Wan to get things under control. He actually comes before the firing but forms a bond with her despite his best intentions not to. Anyway in the end she runs for mayor and he helps her with her campaign and she wins. But the higher ups aren't happy with that because she isn't someone that can be controlled. He understands the way that politics works and she doesn't. There is definitely a romance running throughout the drama between them. In fact the scene where he proposes to her may be one of the most romantic K-drama scenes ever. But it is a

very political drama as well. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRoILqfXPkc That is the link to a funny and cute scene before the two really start to have a romance together. You can see if the chemistry is your thing. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 24, 2012 6:34:42 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: To the Beautiful You - as Lily Rose 81 indicates this show is following the Hana Kimi story line - nothing new from the other three TV drama versions out there. However, I do like this h the best of the four, not sure yet if I like the H better than Wu Chun (Taiwanese version). I liked the second male lead in The Return Of Iljimae, so am glad to see him in a more grown up role. Let hope they give us a better ending than the original Japanese and Taiwanese versions. Bridal Mask is entering its final push to the end and remains awesome in its darkness. Rie has gone a long way to redeem herself - I fear in the end she will die trying to save Kang-to. Shunji has moved completely past any hope of redemption (but I guess he did that many, many episodes ago) - I've always thought that he would die in the end and am now of the opinion that it will be a travesty if he doesn't. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 27, 2012 8:06:11 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: Aww this first episode of Faith this week was FABULOUS! Soo goood. I really, really love the h in this one. She's kind of this high maintenance ditz, but she's somehow adorable at the same time. She just makes me laugh with her expressions and actions. She's hilarious. And such a contrast to the H, who is so completely stoic and literal. But she's starting to get under his skin, and it looks like next episode she drives him batty which I just love. Haeundae Lovers continues to be campy goodness. Watch this drama with your mind blank and just laugh at all silly antics. Kim Kang Woo is completely letting himself go with the silly crazy funny and it's awesome. Just a funny light drama. I'm still watching Rich Man Poor Woman, but mostly just because I love the actor who plays the H. It did FINALLY move about one baby step forward in the romance department. But still mostly about the company issues. There are only 4 eps of Gaksital left, and I'm expecting epic death, and trying to prepare. I figure if I just plan for everyone to die, then it will be a pleasant surprise if anyone lives. But I'm sure it will be awesome since it's delivered all the way to this point. Arang was also great last week, and now that she's got a human body I expect things to get more interesting between her and the H. I'm also so curious about the seceret with her fiance. Can't wait to figure out what his deal is. Lots of good dramas, and I'm trying to follow them all. So far so good.

Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 27, 2012 8:07:57 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: Oh and I forgot Answer Me 1997, which is crazy since that may be the drama that has my heart most right now. I'm just DYING to know if Yoon Jae is the baby daddy. Really, if you haven't see this drama you should all check it out. It's soooo gooood. Dramabeans Girlfriday is re-capping so you can read that and get an idea of the fabulous. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 27, 2012 9:49:45 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Aug 27, 2012 11:36:27 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Eeck Rashell don't talk too well about another drama, I'll just get tempted! And then where would that leave me? lol (but since you're talking about it so highly, I'll put it on my "want to watch" list, and when I have more time I'll check it out). How many episodes have aired so far? Now back to Faith, I watched episode 5 and it was a great episode. I can't wait to watch this episode when it is 100% subbed. I loved how Eun Soo bravely took on the villain verbally and hid her fear, it was so funny. And I am more convinced that the doctor (who's also handsome) is going to fall in love with her (I liked how he held her and praised her bravery, when she collapsed in his arms afterwards). I love how the first thing Choi Young did after he had woken up was to go to save Eun Soo, regardless of the king's orders. In addition, Choi Young's completely unexpected confession in the end was so great (I won't spoil it for those who haven't watched the episode yet). However in the previews, the confession is explained, but still there must be a hint of truth to it :) Oh and the guy who plays the flute is so good looking. I hope they detail his character a bit and perhaps redeem him? And yes I can definitely see the heroine driving the hero crazy in the coming episode(s) lol. I love almost all their scenes together. I love their differing personalities, because they complement each other. I can't wait until the hero realizes that he really cares for her. I'm really looking forward to episode 6. I can't wait to see what will happen next, there is great potential. I haven't watched the new episode of HL, I will most probably watch it tomorrow when it is subbed. So much drama/romance...so little time lol Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 28, 2012 8:44:46 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says:

@D.M.: I know that the last thing we all need is another drama to watch...lol. Answer Me 1997 has 16 half hour episodes and today they aired 11 and 12. The h, Shi Won, is a high school senior in 1997 with an adorable group of friends. Her best girl friend is Yoo Joo. Shi Won is a rabid H.O.T fan especially Tony and she does all the crazy fangirl stuff to the extreme. Yoo Joo has just transfered her love to Sechies and Ji Won. The guy friends are Yoon Jae, who has loved Shi Won since they were kids. Jun Hee, who loves Yoon Jae, yes Yoon Jae. Hak Chan (played by Ji Won, HA!) who just transfered to their school. And Sung Jae, the loud annoying one. Anyway this drama does such a great job of capturing that teenage angst where every little thing feels like the end of the world. And the love lines are adorable. Definitely put it on your watch list. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 28, 2012 9:45:35 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Spectator51 - I have not watched either Jewel in the Palace or Dong Yi - do both have main romances that end in HEA? Also, I've added Three Brothers to my substantial TBW list (which at last count is over 70 dramas long - I'll need a couple of years just to watch them all ). Also, I just ran across a cute deleted scene from Ojakgyo Brothers - while it doesn't advance the plot, it's so cute they should have left it in. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HuqwWkBqzN4 For those who enjoyed Autumn's Concerto, I did find a web site that has a translated version of the final portion of the novel (Next Stop, Happiness) that the TV drama was based on. The TV drama does vary somewhat from this novel. One thing that I thought was unclear from the TV drama was whether the H fell back in love with the h prior to regaining his memory. In the novel it is clear that he did so, while in the TV drama it only seemed clear that he totally fell for his son. In the TV drama, the H didn't seem at all jealous at the OM's confession scene (episode 13). Also the OW doesn't seem as nice in the novel. I do prefer the TV drama version, which is a favorite, over the novel. http://subsbymin.jigsy.com/next-stophappiness-english-ver-novelReply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 29, 2012 12:45:59 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Reader123 I still hope they give Park Shi Hoo at least longer hair, if they can't give him long hair since the drama will be in a modern setting. The synopsis seems interesting, even though it is still a bit vague. Rashell thanks for the info. about "Reply"- or was it "Answer Me"?- 1997. Episode 6 of Faith was another great one, and I think it could be one of my favorite episodes of Faith so far. I loved that in this episode we got more time with the H/h being together and getting to know one another a bit better. I loved how the heroine was cutely teasing Choi Young, and asking about his feelings since she believed his confession. My favorite line said

by the hero, goes something like this: "why of all the doctors in heaven, did I bring her?". Ha, I can't wait until he admits that he really cares about her. *Spoilers*, Dae Man got poisoned! (I hope they don't kill him, since he's one of my favorite characters, so far). Also the story just added a new level of interesting with that action filled ending. So now Choi Young is considered a traitor? Which means he'll have to work for the villain, since the king will be after him? Oh also now the villain wants Eun Soo desperately, because he's just gotten convinced that she is from "heaven". In the previews they even show the villain carrying her bridal style lol, while the heroine looks confused and scared. My favorite characters in this show so far, are: The hero (Choi Young), the heroine "Eun Soo", Dae Man, doctor Jang, and the queen. The king is annoying me, he's making wrong decisions and his insecurity is stopping him from communicating clearly with others. I'm also getting really annoyed by the woman with the "heat" power and her fire bombs. I'm really looking forward to see what happens next. The twists in this one are very interesting and the scenes between the H/h are sooo good. Oh and the new episode of Arang and the Magistrate is very interesting as well. I watched a few parts of it without subs, and in this too there are some unexpected suspenseful twists. I will, patiently/impatiently lol, wait for the subs. HL, I haven't watched this week's two episodes yet. I'll watch them later. :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: Aug 31, 2012 3:10:05 AM PDT Last edited by you on Jan 13, 2014 1:24:58 AM PST Adnana says: I finished fast-forwarding through "Ojakgyo Brothers" and came back to thank you for mentioning this series. I loved the main couple's relationship (UEE and Joo Won). Also, is it just me or was the H in this one, like, the perfect boyfriend? So tough at his job, but so innocent and sweet when it came to romance. No to mention utterly devoted to the heroine. I loved those scenes where he would follow her around to make sure that she was ok even though she wanted nothing more to do with him. And then he stopped doing it when he realized that seeing him was hurting her. His jealousy in later episodes was super cute. And OMG, so sweet when she called to tell him she was having a bad day and he should do that children's song/dance to cheer her up (in public). And he was like "Do I really have to do this?", and she was like "Yes", so he just went ahead and did this funny song/dance for her right there and then in a busy intersection (she was watching him from across the street). And the heroine teared up and ran up to him and hugged him. Like I said, super cute romance; I'm glad I watched this. Edit this post | Permalink

Your post: Aug 31, 2012 3:36:50 AM PDT Last edited by you on Aug 31, 2012 3:37:18 AM PDT Adnana says: On another line of thought... I think this thread is really bad for me. ;p Oh, and dramabeans too... they should take at least half the blame for this. What I'm actually getting at here... there's 5 currently airing shows that I'm interested in (Faith, Arang, Heundae Lovers, To the Beautiful You, Gaksital), and I've finally decided to watch 2 of them live. The "winners"? Faith & TTBY. In case you were wondering: I love both shows so far. And yes, I definitely regret falling into the temptation of live watching. Still, it's kind of fun, too, having to wait for the next episode, anticipating and wondering what'll happen next. :) Edit this post | Permalink Your post: Aug 31, 2012 3:41:41 AM PDT Last edited by you on Aug 31, 2012 3:54:35 AM PDT Adnana says: To the Beautiful You So okay, this series is no masterpiece from a technical point of view. The way the plot is developed doesn't always make sense, and the directing could probably use some improvement, too. But you know what? I don't care about the technical aspects. All I care about is if the show has heart, if the story pulls me in, if I can root for the characters. And in all these, TTBY is a winner for me. Yes, the story is light and fluffy, but it is beautiful and so much fun to watch! And the idol actors are doing, imho, a surprisingly good job playing their parts. I really like and feel for the characters they're portraying. Also, as someone who's watched the Japanese "Hana Kimi", I definitely appreciate the greater romantic focus in the Korean version. The heroine is very sweet in her earnest desire to help the hero, and she's endearingly innocent and clueless. The hero acts gruff and distant, but you can already see the signs that he cares and worries about the heroine. He sure keeps running to save her, that's for sure! And the second male lead is just plain cute and funny. I'm so sorry that the show isn't getting better ratings; it's really affecting the crew and cast. They deserve better, but it'll be very hard when they're going against shows like "Gaksital" and "Arang". I just hope they don't end up shortening TTBY's run because of the bad ratings. Edit this post | Permalink Your post: Aug 31, 2012 3:52:22 AM PDT Last edited by you on Nov 25, 2012 1:00:51 PM PST Adnana says: Faith Oh my God, I'm completely engrossed by this series. I've read comments about how it isn't as epic as expected (and is thus disappointing), that the heroine is kind of annoying, that Lee Min Ho doesn't possess sufficient gravitas to play a sageuk swordsmaster convincingly etc. Well, I for one love "Faith". Yes, that previously much-touted 'epic' quality has yet to unfold properly, but what I've seen so far of the story line is plenty fascinating for me, thank you very much. And yes, the heroine took some time to grow on me, but I came to really like her. She seems materialistic and shallow, but I believe she has hidden depths. She speaks a lot of common sense (in an extremely funny way), and I just think she's perfect for the hero. She's mouthy and brash and his complete opposite, but I love how she's totally jerking his chain and affecting him, shattering his remoteness simply by being herself. (All of those who loved her reaction to the hero's "confession" in episode 6 please raise their hands. I foresee an infinite amount of enjoyment to be derived from their future interactions based on this.)

Another thing I love is the PROMISE of their romance. She's so flighty now, but the synopsis promises that when she falls in love she will come to care a great deal about the world she's been thrust into -- because her man is a part of it. And Choi Young... he's such a layered, complex character. Definitely the strong, silent, tortured type and we all know that when this kind of heroes fall in love... they fall deep. Throw into the equation the danger of the world they're living in and the whole 'doomed' aspect of their love (because they belong to different time periods), and I foresee an utterly delicious sobfest in store for us watchers. Gotta say, I can't wait. :)) Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Aug 31, 2012 7:54:16 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @Adnana: I'm so glad you watched Ojakgyo Brothers because I loved it for the exact reasons that you did. Joo Won's Tae Hee was absolutely the "perfect" boyfriend. He was rough and tough to the outside world, but just the absolute sweetest boyfriend ever. He ADORED his heroine completely. And like you mentioned would do absolutely anything for her to make her happy. He sang and danced in public, he sang to her on her birthday, he begged his grandmother on his knees sobbing to please let them be together. And he was sooooooo sweet every second that he spent with Jae Eun. His jealousy was also adorable. I loved those two in that drama even though I couldn't really get interested in the rest of the brothers. I'm with you on your Faith love too. I actually commented at dramabeans that the heroine in Faith my become my favorite h ever. She's HILARIOUS! She's kind of a ditz, but at the same time so smart about medicine. She's fiesty but still a total girly girl. She's willing to act tough and stand up to the bad guys, but falls apart right out of their sight. And Min Ho's Choi Young is the exact opposite so scenes between the two are FABULOUS. They're bickering adorable. And now that she thinks he's in love with her, that just adds to the fun. I agree that the promise of the romance between them is wonderful. I'm also watching To The Beautiful You when I can. I think I'm current now. And while I don't love it, I appreciate having a drama that I don't have to invest in. It's all surface stuff with no deep meaning so that makes it such an easy watch. And I agree that the characters are very sweet. I'll keep tuning in for some light comic relief. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Aug 31, 2012 11:57:03 PM PDT Adnana says: Rashell, You had posted before that you'll be watching all currently airing dramas which looked interesting (Faith, TTBY, Gaksital,...). So I'm curious: which one is your favorite so far? Another question: you were saying that "Gaksital" shouldn't be watched for the romance, because then the viewer would be in for disappointment. Does that mean that there isn't much screen time given to romance, or that it's underdeveloped or merely unsatisfying? Edit this post | Permalink

Posted on Sep 1, 2012 6:54:26 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: A heads up to anyone planning to watch Nice Guy while its airing - this show has the potential to not end in a HEA. It is my understanding that a substantial portion of the writer's backlist of dramas do not have HEAs (e.g., A Love to Kill, Sorry I Love You, Sang Doo Let's Go to School). I may watch the first few episodes just to see if the storyline is interesting. So far I have been very pleased with how entertaining all of the currently airing shows are (e.g., Arang, Faith, HL, TTBY), here's hoping they continue to be good. I have also started watching a family drama named Smile, You, which so far has been light and humorous (I'm only up to episode 6 of 45 - by family drama standards this is a short one). I do like the OTP. I am a little worried that the show may start dragging in the middle as it had a 16 episode extension - which generally doesn't seem to be a good thing for dramas. Also, interestingly enough, I have seen a substantial portion of the actors in this show in other dramas. l believe that the 4 episode extension of Bridal Mask has not hurt this shows momentium/intensity at all. Last two episodes air next week - I am hopeful that they give it the same ending that I understand the manhwa Gaksital had. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 1, 2012 7:38:04 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @Adnana: Hmmmm, it's still early but I would say my favorite of the new dramas is probably Faith or Arang. I go back and forth depending on which one I'm watching. I'm really enjoying the magical fantasy element in them both. Although, I do have to say that Arang has a much scarier big bad. That lady is about the creepiest thing to ever creep. But from a romantic aspect I'm really liking both pairings. What's not to like about 4 of the prettiest people ever pairing up right? Seriously both these guys and ladies are stunning. I think that I'm going to enjoy the mystery of Arang more (since Faith doesn't really have mystery). Both have bickering leads, but I think I'm liking the OTP from Faith a little more right now. They're bickering is funny and he's already ultra protective of her. In Arang, the magistrate is still in that, I'm going to be mean because I don't want to have feelings mode, and I don't love that stage. Both shows are beautiful to watch with the edge maybe going to Arang because of the higher tech camera they're using. Anyway, if you like Faith then I think you'll like Arang as well. Haeundae Lovers is purely comic relief. It's totally campy and hilarious on purpose and I do enjoy that. But it isn't a drama that's going to capture my heart. Same with TTBY. It's sweet and pretty, but not enough substance to linger in my mind for long. Now about Gaksital, which is a drama that will in some ways will probably linger with me forever. There is a romance in Gaksital, but do to the hidden identity of our H they can't be open about their love once the realize who eachother is. That's kind of confusing. Let's just say that the H and h loved each other as children, but don't, at first, recognize eachother as

adults. The H recognizes the h first, and after he shoots her (yes, you read that right) he realizes that he really does want her too. But he's still a baddie a that point and so she hates his guts. But once he becomes Gaksital, and she finds out that he's taken that secret identity and that he's the boy from her past she accepts his past wrongs and loves him back. But his Gaksital identity is still a secret, so they can't openly aknowledge each other. So that means for the OTP its mostly longing stares and small touches. Another thing that I think makes the romance less the focal point is the Mok Dan, the h, as a character isn't as interesting to me as the other main players in the drama. The relationship that I find the most interesting and heartbreaking is the one between the H, Kang To and his best friend turned enemy Shunji. Really it's like Kang To and Shunji are on exactly opposite tragectories. Kang To goes from evil to good and Shunji makes the opposite journey. It's soooo goood. It isn't that Gaksital doesn't have romance, it just isn't, for me anyway, the strongest draw in watching the drama. Hope that helped. :) You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 1, 2012 8:36:11 AM PDT Lily Rose 81 says: @Reader123 Actually Bridal Mask is based on a fusion of two manwhas by the same author and still not always in all faithful to them. One of the manwha, romantically speaking has a HEA. THis is why I still hope in an happy ending for Mok Dan and Kang To. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Sep 1, 2012 9:23:14 AM PDT Adnana says: Reader123, I remember reading over on dramabeans that "Gaksital" was originally conceived as a 30episode drama, but the network eventually settled on 24. Therefore, the subsequent 4-episode extension should by no means have stretched out the plot, but rather accommodated it better. Edit this post | Permalink Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Sep 1, 2012 9:44:59 AM PDT Last edited by you on Sep 1, 2012 11:27:38 PM PDT Adnana says: Rashell, Thank you for the detailed response. I'm sure I'll love Arang as well when I eventually get to watching it. For now, though, I'll just stick to "Faith" and TTBY. Speaking of which... I've been reading all these comments (in other places) about how Lee Min Ho isn't doing that great of a job acting the part of Choi Young because he seems so remote, and I think that's terribly unfair. Choi Young is supposed to be uncaring and unemotional in the beginning (I mean, hello, he's supposed to regain his zest for life and his

passion over the course of the drama, by finding true love and finally getting to serve a good, competent king), and I think LMH is great at portraying Choi Young's apathy, interspersed with glimpses (for now) of pure emotion. What do you think? I'm totally invested in Choi Young's character and can't wait for him to start falling in love with the heroine. In fact, I think he's already getting there... slooowlyyy. LOL. Another thing, in case anyone's interested... Given my current *cough*huge*cough* obsession with "Faith", I've been looking through its promotional materials, and I don't know if anyone's seen the long (6-minute) trailer. There's a sequence, at the end, with the heroine playing a harp and seemingly possessing an X-power of her own. http://joonni.com/2012/08/17/translation-for-faith-long-trailer-and-explanation-of-choiyoungs-power/ (06:05 mark) I'm really curious whether anything will come of it given that these images were actually filmed in 2010, when they created a trailer for the drama with Kang Ji Hwan playing the male lead. Also, at that time, the drama's story was VERY different... the H was the surgeon doing the travelling to the past, and I think the heroine was a Goryeo woman. Also, the show was much more mystical & medicine-oriented. (They ended up rewriting the story because the old concept was too similar to Dr. Jin and they were sued on account of this.) ETA a link for the old trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SyMrcMdcT6E Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Sep 1, 2012 11:20:28 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Adnana, I didn't know that the original concept was so different, thanks for sharing. But I'm really glad that they changed it, because Faith as it is now is sooo good and looks so much better, so far. The other old trailer with the different cast seems too focused on the fantasy and medical aspect. Whereas the Faith that's airing now is great because it is balanced and has great character, romance/drama, and suspense/action, so far. Also the actors in the new Faith are better looking and the acting seems better too. Quote: Haeundae Lovers is purely comic relief. It's totally campy and hilarious on purpose and I do enjoy that. But it isn't a drama that's going to capture my heart. Reply: I completely agree, Rashell you put into words exactly how I feel about this show. As for Arang and the Magistrate, this too is very interesting, and apparently *spoilers* the hero's lost mother is not his mother, or at least not this ultra creepy lady that looks like his mother. Oh and the heroine apparently can't die again, after returning as human. Oh and I have to say this, the Jade King is good looking. This one has great suspenseful atmosphere, but the sensuality/romance is still not really there, because as was said before the hero is still in his cold/mean phase. However Faith still gives us some great sensual scenes, even though the hero is cold and distant as well. Though it is still early and a lot could change, but so far I can say that "Arang and the Magistrate" has a chance of overtaking "Secret Garden" at the second favorite spot for me, in K-dramas. Faith on the other hand, could join my top favorites which are "Queen Inhyun's

Man" and "You're Beautiful". Faith is already edging out "You're Beautiful" for me so far. We'll see what happens :) You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Sep 1, 2012 12:42:48 PM PDT Last edited by you on Jan 13, 2014 1:30:58 AM PST Adnana says: D.M., I'm also happier with the current concept of "Faith". The title has stayed the same, but its meaning has changed: 'faith' and 'great doctor' are homonymes in Korean, and the intended meaning in the old version was 'great doctor' --the surgeon travelling to the past, with the show itself being all (mystically enhanced) medicine-oriented. Whereas the meaning in the new version is actually 'faith' --the faith required to build up a true king, the faith that both the hero and the heroine need to regain (he in himself and in life, she in medicine and in people). The only thing I'm dissatisfied with so far is that they chose to give Choi Young a previous love interest; furthermore, one for whom he's pined after for more than 7 years. I would have preferred for him to have a clean slate romantically (i.e. no unresolved past feelings), just like the heroine. Oh, and I absolutely hate that they used the same OST song ("Carry On") for the montage of Choi Young with his first love that they've been using for his parts with the heroine. It was a dumb decision, imho, because it takes away from the meaning behind the song (which, if you look at the lyrics, is perfect for Choi Young and Eun Soo's love). Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Sep 1, 2012 1:27:11 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Hmm, I guess you're right I hadn't really paid attention to that. I agree in that they should have played another song. Now I'm wishing that they hadn't played that song in his flashback with that woman. But since it was only one flashback, I think I can let it go lol. Also since it was only Eun Soo's tears that brought him back from dying, I think I can forgive them for using the song once for Choi Young and another woman. I'm thinking they did that because it ties with him not caring whether he lives or dies, and then it ties in with Eun Soo actually making him want to live so he can protect her (even if he hasn't admitted it to himself yet). Also thanks for clarifying the title of this show more, it makes a lot more sense to call it "Faith". Faith also sounds a lot more interesting and encompassing then a title like "great doctor". I love that this show is more focused on the characters, and that makes it great. Reader123, eh I hope that they don't give Nice Guy a sad ending. I mean the premise of this series seems to be a setup for angst and maybe even suffering for the H/h. If they are to go through that, then they should be given a convincing happy ending with the hero fully redeeming himself, so that we can root for them and enjoy the series. I'm still going to check it out, and if it is good I will continue to watch it and hope that it doesn't end sadly. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Sep 1, 2012 1:30:16 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: I've been really impressed with Lee Min Ho if Faith. I think he's captured his character perfectly thus far. And I'm actually okay with the idea that he's wounded from losing both his father figure and a past romantic interest. Plus I think the position he has held for all these years has worn him down as well. He hated the first king he served for obvious reasons and he was a father to the second only to watch him lose his power and be exiled. Now the new King is again looking to him for guidance and advice, and I think he's just burnt out on his whole existance. And then comes our h, who won't let him give up and pushes him to feel. He's so stoic and serious, but every now and then you see flashes of more feeling. And the Choi Young in flashback is a playful fun young man. The contrast is striking and I think that Min Ho is pitch perfect so far. Although the hilarious zany Eun Soo is the stand-out character right now. But that's more the writting then the acting IMO. She's supposed to be the in-yourface type of character. I really, really love Faith so far. I hope it maintains for 24 episodes. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Sep 1, 2012 2:21:40 PM PDT Last edited by you on Sep 1, 2012 2:25:10 PM PDT Adnana says: Rashell said: "I really, really love Faith so far. I hope it maintains for 24 episodes." I agree with both of the above statements. :) How great it'd be, if "Faith" became as engrossing in its latter half as, say, "The Princess' Man". I thought that drama actually got better with each episode, until the last few episodes were all keep-you-on-the-edge-of-yourseat fantastic. Until now, I've liked "Faith" more with each episode. And having seen the teaser, I'm especially excited for episode 7. Oh, another thing about which I'd like to ask your opinion... Do you think that the heroine will end up staying with Choi Young in the past? I mean, for obvious (i.e. historical) reasons he can't go to the future with her, so if we're to hope for a happy ending, it can only be with Eun Soo choosing to stay with him in Goryeo. Truth to tell, this kind of ending was always my favorite when I was reading time-travel romances. Yet I'm a bit worried by that quack/diviner/wizard/whatever's prediction in episode 1: that the heroine would be going on a major journey for the next YEAR. As in: will the journey unfold and then END at the end of the year? Gosh, I really hope not. 'Cause I'm really rooting for that happy ending. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Sep 1, 2012 3:26:59 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: Oh if only Faith was half as good as The Princess' Man it would be FABULOUS. That is on my top 5 drama list often in the #1 spot. (My top 5 seem to rotate around, but the same ones are always on the list.) I will say that the HEA for the OTP is the biggest question mark with Faith. I don't really see how they're going to have one unless Eun Soo stays in the past. And I'm not sure she'd be

willing or even able to do that. It really seems like it would be much easier for Choi Young to go to the future with her. But that would seriously mess with Korean history. So I just don't know. To go from the present back to a time period so devoid of all the modern medicines and technolgies not to mention leaving behind friends and family, that would be really really hard. So I don't know. I have never watched Legend from this writer before, but I've seen both Sandglass and Story of a Man and neither of those had an HEA for the OTP. So maybe prepare for the worst? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: Sep 1, 2012 4:28:43 PM PDT Last edited by you on Nov 25, 2012 1:06:34 PM PST Adnana says: Rashell said: "It really seems like it would be much easier for Choi Young to go to the future with her." Oh, no, I don't think so! Quite aside from Choi Young being a key figure in Korean history, who is he as a person? He's a highly principled, traditionally-minded swordmaster who can manifest his chi in the form of lightning, to boot. In other words, everything that he is, is inextricably bound to the world in which he lives and by which he has been molded. This man would never *fit* in our modern world. (Unlike, say, the hero in "Queen In-hyun's Man", who was of a wholly different bend, so I didn't doubt his ability to adapt to life in the future.) But in Choi Young's case: well, even putting aside his identity as (in Eun Soo's words) "a killer who goes around stabbing people each day" (okay, so that's a very narrow perspective, but still true at its core: Choi Young is first and foremost a warrior), he possesses a mindset and worldview which would be completely incompatible with the modern world. In order to be able to adapt and live in the 20th century, he would have to change everything about who and what he is, and I think that would be impossible to accomplish. Or it would turn him into a completely different person, which would be saddest of all. I may be biased, but I think it would be much easier the other way around, for a modern person to adapt to a past time period. At least, we would have a frame of reference provided by the basic historical knowledge everyone has. We wouldn't be jumping into a complete unknown (or a SF-like alternate reality which defies all our beliefs and expectations). My only major gripe in this scenario doesn't, in fact, relate to the loss of technological and medical advances, but to the loss of one's family. Modern comforts don't equal happiness, whereas we would maybe be able to give up modern comforts if this were the price (and only chance) for finding true happiness. Re: the unhappy endings of previous dramas made by this director/writer pair I'm really hoping that with the new direction in which they're taking the original script, they'll also lead us to a happy ending. At any rate, what sense does it make to promote a drama by touting an epic, time-transcending love story as its core... and then go and leave that love story unfulfilled? It would break every promise that's already been made to us from the first promotional material we've seen for "Faith". Plus, the viewers usually have a say as well in how a drama develops and even ends (I know of a couple of dramas which were changed on the viewers' say-so). So let's hope that the Korean audience will root for Choi Young & Eun Soo's love as much as we do.

Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Sep 1, 2012 4:51:47 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Well Choi Young by the end of episode 6, has just become a traitor in the sight of the king. There is no going back at this point, I think. On one hand, I agree that he is a warrior, and he has the mind of a warrior, and I agree that adapting to the present would be difficult for him, whereas Eun Soo adapting to the past would be easier. On the other hand, there is no place for them in the past given how the story is going, since they've just been framed (specifically Choi Young) for high treason. Unless that gets resolved somehow, but I don't see how. However whether the ending has Choi Young coming to the present or Eun Soo staying in the past, I don't mind as long as we get a satisfying HEA! The last paragraph of your above post, gives me a lot of hope for an HEA :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Sep 1, 2012 10:20:35 PM PDT Spectator51 says: Reader 123 Re: HEA's in Dong Yi and Jewel In The Palace The romance in Jewel in the Palace has an HEA - eventually. However, the romance takes a backseat for most of the story. The poor guy doesn't get to do much except gaze longingly at her from a distance and rescue her from time to time. The heroine starts out as a kitchen lady in the palace and after many trials and tribulations becomes a doctor, attending even the king. I found all the cooking and medical stuff interesting, but I would not recommend this show as a romance. There wasn't a lot of chemistry between the pair. In fact, I found her annoying at times. Dong Yi is much more romantic, and the relationship between Dong Yi and the king is central to the story. They are together on and off throughout the story and finally together at the end. I liked this one better. It was made by the same people who did Jewel and had some similarities that at times made me feel like Jewel was a warm-up exercise for Dong Yi. The actress playing Dong Yi was much better at romance. As a couple, they were great together. There was also plenty of action and adventure. The cast overall was excellent. This is one I could watch again. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 2, 2012 9:44:43 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: As a modern career woman myself, the concept of going back to a time when many of the conviences I take for granted each day don't exist is something I can't even fathom. Eun Soo is a person who has devoted almost as many years as Choi Young toward her profession. He's just ending his time as Woldalchi, while she seems to have found an even greater purpose in

being a doctor. I don't actually think that adjusting to a more modern world would be harder for him then her adjusting to the past world. And I'm not even talking about her physical safety at this point, she has already been kidnapped twice. Choi Young does have a righteous warrior mindset, but there are people like that even in modern times (think Shi Kyung, sob, from King2Hearts) who manage to find a path to suit their mindset. I'm not saying that either choice would be easy. But I think that Choi Young has less of a tie to his realm then Eun Soo has to hers. And it's way easier to adjust to clean running water and cars then it is to outhouses and horses. It will definitely be interesting to see how this treason issue plays out. But I do think it's too early in the drama for Choi Young and Eun Soo to fall out of favor with the new King completely. But we'll have to see where it goes. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: Sep 2, 2012 11:03:04 PM PDT Last edited by you on Nov 25, 2012 1:07:17 PM PST Adnana says: Rashell said: "Choi Young does have a righteous warrior mindset, but there are people like that even in modern times (think Shi Kyung, sob, from King2Hearts) who manage to find a path to suit their mindset." Uhmm, is Shi Kyung really the best example? Seeing how his anachronistic 'righteous warrior mindset' got him, you know, killed... :D Of course, your statement above is correct; I do agree with its general idea. As for the particular: whether it is believable that a warrior of the past can adapt to the future or that a modern woman can adapt to the past all lies in the execution (plot development). About Eun Soo having (already) found a greater purpose in being a doctor: imo, she isn't there yet. The last time she talked about medicine with Phillip Lee's character, she was still all 'real surgery (as opposed to cosmetic surgery) is too much risk for too little money' and claimed that she didn't like patients. So obviously, she still has a long way to go to become a 'true' doctor. Sure, she'll get there eventually because that's where the drama is supposed to be leading. But, by the same token, Choi Young won't stay careless and disinterested forever, living a half-life. Just as, in "Queen In-hyun's Man", we saw all of the hero's ties to the past being gradually cut off, we'll be seeing Choi Young's ties to life being rebuilt and reinforced. His promised journey will take him to a point where he becomes a hero of the people and the first pillar of strength and support to the king. Sure, right now he's in disfavor with the king, but that'll get resolved soon enough, I'm certain. And when that happens, Choi Young won't have a reason to escape to the future anymore. Before that happens... well, according to the preview, in episode 7 Eun Soo actually asks him to return with her to 'heaven's world'. And even with things being as they are now (with him standing accused of high treason), wanna bet what his answer is going to be? At any rate, I'm very excited for the next episode. At the very least, we should be seeing some cool fighting sequences. Edit this post | Permalink

Posted on Sep 3, 2012 9:48:46 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: Ha, I see your point about Shi Kyung. I think that we've hit the dilema of Faith's last episodes a little early. In the end they're going to love and adore eachother and then one of them is going to have to give up the world they know in order for them to be together. Based on Korean history, Eun Soo is the only real choice. I just like to argue for the sake of argument, lol. I'm so excited to see them falling for eachother. Can't wait cause I really do adore them!! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 3, 2012 10:35:37 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 3, 2012 10:37:16 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: As for me, like I said before I don't care whether Eun Soo stays in the past or Choi Young goes to the present, as long as we get a satisfying HEA. Even though I can see how it would be more dangerous for her to stay in the past, and she has living parents in the present. Whereas Choi Young has no family/parents in the past. Anyways like I said it doesn't really matter, as long as we get that HEA. Also has anyone watched the new episode? I already watched it raw and I'm waiting patiently/impatiently for the subs! I can say that it looks great. It seems that Choi Young has surrendered to save Eun Soo. I have to say that the death of the previous child king was one of the saddest parts and so unfair. He was basically the only one whom Choi Young still cares about in Goryoe (leaving aside the heroine of course), and now he is gone. I can't wait for the subs and for tomorrow's episode! In the previews they show Choi Young in prison and then the king will secretly release him? So will Choi Young become an outlaw? I guess once we get subs, we'll understand. I also wonder what will happen to Eun Soo now that she's captured by the villain. Oh and I'm hoping that they will redeem the flute guy. I noticed something about this show, in almost every episode so far there has been at least one standout scene between the H/h. I'm loving this show so far, even though the king annoys me, since he's the one who got Eun Soo and Choi Young into a world of trouble to begin with. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 3, 2012 2:33:41 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 3, 2012 2:34:10 PM PDT Lily Rose 81 says: Right now I'm crying like a baby because it's the last week Bridal Mask airs. What will I do after? Noooooooo..!!!! Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Sep 3, 2012 3:08:05 PM PDT Last edited by you on Sep 3, 2012 3:11:53 PM PDT Adnana says: The viki team is subtitling "Faith" slower than usual because their best sageuk subtitler is gone on vacation. Moreover, the wait is really hard now that the plot has started to really hit its stride. If you can't wait the couple of days for the subtitle (I can't) and are even willing to watch the episode raw, I'd like to point out a possible compromise. Softy over at joonni.com does live recaps for "Faith". She provides a very good combination of transcribed dialogues and condensed speech and narration. Thus, you can watch the raw episode while reading the live recap (by the time you can download the torrent, the live recap should be up as well), and this way you'll always know exactly what's happening. For example: for the CY/ES scenes in ep.7, I was able to match almost every line of the characters' dialogue to information in the live recap, so I didn't miss out on anything. Episode 7: http://joonni.com/2012/09/03/faith-e7-live-recap/ ETA (in case the above link isn't working anymore by the time you visit it): Joonni says: "I am recapping "Faith" with Softy. As she is able to provide live recaps, you will see her version posted first, titled in this format: Faith E(?) Live Recap. After I am done adding to and editing Softy's recap, you will see the post renamed in this format: Recap: "Faith" Episode (?)." Edit this post | Permalink Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Sep 3, 2012 3:25:25 PM PDT Last edited by you on Sep 4, 2012 11:08:27 AM PDT Adnana says: "In the previews they show Choi Young in prison and then the king will secretly release him? So will Choi Young become an outlaw?" I don't know how much good he could do to the king as an outlaw. I'm kind of hoping that scene is a flashback, and that Choi Young and the king had a prior understanding about (most of) the actions that CY was going to take when going to save Eun Soo from KC. BTW, is it just me or was ep7 brilliant in establishing the foundation for a really awesome change in CY's character? I mean, from a romantic point of view, he's definitely been regarding ES with new and increasing interest. From a motivational point of view: oh my gosh, killing off the former king (and the way it happened) was a genius decision on the writers' parts. With this act, KC has ensured that CY will never rest and will regard no sacrifice too big in pursuing revenge/justice for the young prince. It's an electric shock of epic proportions to tear CY out of his indifference and lack of commitment to any cause. It's also remarkable how the hero has never been more interesting than now, when he's just been brought to his lowest point. On a different tangent: ES has really disappointed me in this episode. In the past, I chose to overlook that she, despite being a doctor, didn't hurry to treat someone (the princess) who

was bleeding out right before her eyes. That she stabbed CY for stopping her from returning home, but didn't take the king to task at all -- even though he was the one truly and all-around responsible for her predicament. But it was this last episode that strained my patience with her antics and attitude almost to the breaking point. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Sep 3, 2012 3:59:36 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Thanks for the link Adnana, I'll check it out. I also started reading recaps on dramabeans sometimes (only for this show). As for the heroine's character, I really like her. She is very confused and afraid by everything that is happening around her. I also like that she can't just treat any disease, that's very realistic. Doctors can't just treat anything, because each doctor has their specialization. About her not taking the king to task, I think she didn't do that because he's the king and she was probably afraid she'd die. When she stabbed Choi Young towards the end of episode two, she wasn't thinking straight, at that point she hadn't even accepted that she was in the past yet. Also Choi Young basically stabbed himself, because she only nicked him, he's the one who placed his hands over hers and pushed the sword all the way through. About episode 7, I'll comment after I've watched the subbed episode or after I've read the recap. Right now, I can't say anything. All I can say for now is that I loved the scenes between the H/h in this episode as well, and that this episode seemed to have a lot of intensity and interesting plot going for it. I'm off to read the recap now! Thanks again for the link :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Sep 4, 2012 5:17:49 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Spectator51 - Thanks for the information on Dong Yi and Jewel In The Palace - I'll definitely add Dong Yi to my TBW list. Lily Rose 81 - I'm with you in continuing to hope for a HEA. Since Korea's liberation is still so many years away, letting Kang To live will also keep hope alive - however since his identity is known I guess he will have to stay in hiding until 1945. I do agree with Rashell's comment that Bridal Mask is a drama that will linger for a long time. It's definitely been one of the most intense/suspenseful dramas that I have watched. The cliffhanger endings (at which this drama excelled) are certainly more effective when you have to wait a week to see how they resolve themselves - I guess one of the bonuses(?) of watching as it airs. Kudos to both Joo Won and Park Ki Woong for their outstanding performances - would now like to see both as a H in a Rom/Com. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 4, 2012 9:31:19 AM PDT

Rashell Anderson says: Oh this last episode of Faith was so good! Both members of our OTP are definitely starting to fall for eachother. And Eun Soo proved that while her faith in Choi Young was shaken in the heat of the moment, she's still loyal to him. It's fabulous to watch her manipulating Ki Chul. The new King really stepped up his game this episode as well, and I'm glad to see him finally making decisions and being proactive instead of just reacting to all of Ki Chul's moves. For the cute couple moments, there was of course the moment when Choi Young caught Eun Soo so she wouldn't fall and of course disapeared without a word. But my favorite is how he kept the flower she gave him Awww, he loves her already. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Sep 4, 2012 11:00:48 AM PDT Last edited by you on Sep 4, 2012 12:49:26 PM PDT Adnana says: Rashell, I agree with everything you've said about episode 8 of "Faith". I love how both ES and CY have started to think about each other in their moments apart. They're definitely falling for each other. *doing*a*little*jig*of*joy But the true highlight of this episode for me was CY's (literal) "unfreezing" -- as revealed in the landscape of his soul/subconscious. Plus, that moment when he confronts KC in prison, telling him that he couldn't leave him alone, that he kept prodding at him until he made CY want to LIVE instead of just waiting to die... that scene was pure gold. Oh yes, and I definitely loved the king in this episode. I've also sort of decided to forgive ES for her thoughtless actions in episode 7; in fact, as long as she proves herself loyal to the hero, I can forgive her mostly anything. :) 'Cause I love the hero. ETA: With each of the last 3 episode, I kept thinking happily: "Faith" has never been better, then the next episode would be just as good, or better. And yet the show's ratings in Korea have started to FALL (with ep. 7 they've hit single digits for the first time)? I just don't get it. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Sep 4, 2012 1:20:09 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I love this show. Episode 7 was great and episode 8 (well I'm still waiting for the subs for this one) but it also looks great. I definitely love how all the characters are layered in this series, even the villain. About episode 7, I think what killed me a little was the fact that Choi Young in answer to that man's question (the man who was hosting them in his house), said coldly that he would have to kill the previous king (i.e the kid) if he ever wanted the throne, because that's what a woodalchi does, he protects the present king whoever that is. I'm sure that Choi Young didn't really mean it, or at least I hope not. At that time, the child king was actually drinking the poison to save Choi Young's life. And when Choi Young found him, it was a heart-wrenching

scene. For episode 8, I didn't understand what happened in the end with Choi Young, has he been reinstated as head of the woodalchi? I like that the heroine mentions that things are going differently from history, which means that it opens up the storyline for a lot of twists that could prove very interesting. Oh also was there some female bonding between the heroine and that "heat" power lady? Also I'm thinking the villain wants to use Eun Soo somehow. I'm waiting patiently for the subs :) And Rashell I too loved the scene when she tripped and Choi Young caught her, without her knowing it was him. They are definitely starting to really care for each other. I'm really looking forward to see what happens next! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 5, 2012 8:39:39 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Now I can talk about episode 8 in detail lol. I think that Choi Young became the head of the woodalchi again because he figures he can protect the heroine much better and fight Gi Choel (sp?) the villain, a lot better if he has his men with him and if he is not on the run or fighting with the king as well. He also wants to get his revenge for that child king's death. I think these are his main motivators. I loved how the first thing he did when he left prison was to go check and see if Eun Soo is alright, even though she didn't know that. Soo In, the heat power lady, didn't annoy me as much in this episode. There also was an unexpected female bonding moment between her and the heroine, when she told the heroine not to show fear in front of Gi Choel. Another unexpected twist seems to be the GC might actually be falling for our heroine, she's making him laugh at her antics and the way he looks at her seems to be changing. I laughed out loud when Eun Soo was mixing drinks and making GC and Soo In taste them. I just hope that Choi Young doesn't plan on leaving her under Gi Choel's roof for longer, because there's only so much the heroine can do to keep GC patient with her for long. When GC visited CY in his prison cell, he told him that he had to do what he did in order to bring CY back to life, it was unexpected and it showed how their fight is not just physical fighting but it's more about playing mind games with each other. CY is back to life alright, only he's motivated by revenge right now, in addition to protecting the heroine (she seems to be Choi Young's only soft spot). Choi Young kept the flower she gave him, that was so unexpected and sweet. I also liked that the king is finally showing some personality and standing up to fight as well. In the previews they show Eum Ja (the flute guy), talking to the heroine and asking if he should "kill him or not?" I wonder if he's talking about Choi Young? Is he just taunting our poor heroine, or is he genuinely conflicted? I want him redeemed! lol. In any case I can't wait for next week's episodes. I'm really enjoying this show, and I love how all the characters are getting fleshed out more. You replied with a later post

Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Sep 5, 2012 10:40:55 AM PDT Last edited by you on Nov 25, 2012 1:14:09 PM PST Adnana says: D.M., It was nice reading about your thoughts regarding episode 8 of "Faith". I agree that Choi Young (CY) has now offered his (complete) allegiance to the king because he wants to fight Ki Cheol (KC) and protect the heroine. Though the latter fact, he may not be wiling to acknowledge yet. But he's getting there, isn't he? :) I really hope, tough, that CY's first love doesn't show up before he's finished falling in love with Eun Soo (ES). I mean, I'm positive that she'll show up eventually (BTW, the broadcaster SBS published an image of CY kissing his first love when they were both still in the Red Moon Army), but I hope that the writer will get the timing right. I would hate it if CY put another woman before ES. ETA: I had misunderstood the situation with CY's first love. She did, indeed, commit suicide 7 years ago, and will obviously not be coming back. D.M. said: "When GC visited CY in his prison cell, he told him that he had to do what he did in order to bring CY back to life" No, what KC said was that he had orchestrated everything to make CY become one of his men. With CY imprisoned, accused of high treason, KC figured that CY would have no other choice but to switch his allegiance to him in order to survive. KC can never understand the huge mistake he made by pushing the young prince into taking that poison -- which is something that CY can never ever forgive. But KC, because of his own mindset, had no reason to suspect that CY or anyone would value someone else's life so highly -- even above their own. D.M. said: "In the previews they show Eum Ja (the flute guy), talking to the heroine and asking if he should <<kill him or not?>>" The preview I saw made it clear that Eum Ja was, in fact, referring to CY. But no, I'm certain that he's not conflicted; this is one villain that won't be redeemed. He's just testing ES. Also according to the preview, he's been set the task by KC to watch her and (?) find something out about her. After all, KC isn't about to trust her easily. I still haven't decided if he's genuinely attracted to ES in a romantic sense. It's true that ES chose to interpret all his talk about 'owning her heart' in a romantic sense, but KC and the king were betting on winning her loyalty/allegiance, not her emotional love. However, this is what I found in a promotional material about Ki Cheol: The General Choi Young unexpectedly disrupts his plans, and now he's openly accompanying King Gong Min to oppose him. And this female doctor from the Heavenly realm, she's a strange creature. When he tries to seduce her, her only response is "Can you stop being so annoying, you?" If he can't own something, he will destroy it, that is his MO. So this general and this doctor must both die. But the time has not yet arrived, and he wants to play with these amusing "toys" first. He intends to play them in the palm of his hand until he's satisfied.

(source: http://koalasplayground.com/2012/08/07/official-character-stills-and-descriptionsfor-faith/) ETA: I kind of like this side to the villain: that he cherishes the battle as much as he covets the victory. Just look at all his talk about things being more 'fun' if he doesn't win too easily, and his genuine appreciation of worthy opponents (CY and ES). Plus, he covets people's hearts like he would want to own inanimate objects. Kind of creepy and, just as ES points out (with her designer bag analogy -- which you can't buy and also can't steal), futile, right? At least in CY and ES's case. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Sep 5, 2012 11:39:02 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 5, 2012 11:58:13 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Adnana interesting reading your thoughts, but I was really surprised to hear you talking about Choi Young's first love, in the flashback in episode 3 or was it 4? They clearly show her committing suicide, so I don't see how she can come back into Choi Young's life since she's dead. Anyways I hope not, that would really annoy me and take away from my enjoyment of the series. As for Eum Ja, aw leave me my hope woman! Plus he's so quiet so you never really know what he's thinking. He does look ruthless, but that doesn't mean that he can't develop some emotions lol. I know I will sound shallow now, but he is too good looking for him to just be a one dimensional character. Plus it seems that all the characters are starting to feel more layered, even the villains, so you never know... The reason why I feel as if the GC is falling for Eun Soo, is because when she was running away behind his back, he knew exactly what she was doing and he smiled like he was really amused but not in a malicious way. Then when he looked at her retreating form, I saw some tenderness in his eyes (I think). I guess it's just so much fun to try to predict what will happen next. But I agree with your remaining analysis of this villain. This is also one of the reasons that I'm really loving this show, aside from the great H/h dynamic and interactions, all the characters as the episodes go by seem to become more fleshed out and interesting, with the H/h being my favorite characters. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 5, 2012 12:17:27 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Bridal Mask - if anyone else is like me and needs to know as soon as possible how the final episode plays out, Vingle has been doing live recaps - I expect that they will also be recaping the final episode live. Here's hoping that the final episode ends happily for Kang To and Mok Dan. Below is the link to Ep 27 live recaps. http://www.vingle.net/posts/49270-BRIDAL-MASK-K-drama-LIVE-RECAP-EP27

Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Sep 5, 2012 12:36:57 PM PDT Last edited by you on Nov 25, 2012 1:17:22 PM PST Adnana says: D.M. said: "They clearly show her committing suicide" No they don't. In ep 5 (when CY almost dies), they show his first love running away after the incident with the king (Gongmin's brother) and disappearing in the forest. She uses her whip (which was also her fighting weapon) to jump into the foliage of a tree, where she then makes good her escape -- but before leaving, she takes off her Red Moon Army bandanna in a symbolic gesture. This bandanna falls in the hands of CY, and since then it is always worn by him wrapped around his sword's handle. ETA: Later, I came to the conclusion that I had been wrong in the way I had interpreted that scene. Mae-hee (CY's betrothed) did, in fact, commit suicide. D.S. said: "[Eum Ja] does look ruthless, but that doesn't mean that he can't develop some emotions" He does have emotions -- he's secretly in love with the fire lady. And yep, I totally get your fascination with him, since he's a total hottie, but I try not to idealize villains who stand no chance of getting the girl. :P I have enough on my plate idealizing the more fortunate villains, lol. Still, you're right: with this show, you really can't predict what'll happen next. Edit this post | Permalink In reply to your post on Sep 5, 2012 1:01:27 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @Adnana: That's interesting that you interpreted the scene from the past with CY lover that she used the tree to escape. I got the same impression as D.M. That she climbed the tree and used her whip as a noose to end her own life. The scene in episode 5 clearly shows her putting the whip around her neck, throwing her bandana, then letting herself fall. They don't actually show her dead body hanging there, but I think it is clear that she committed suicide by hanging. The bandana finding it's way to CY was telling him that she had died. I don't think that he would have stayed back if his woman was out there somewhere and he could be with her. @Reader123: Oh, Gaksital! Episode 27 was (as usual) sooo goood! But that ending is painful to even wait one day to see what happens. I'm really not prepared for the end. I know someone I love is going to die. Tomorrow's episode will probably be epic. Can't wait to talk about it! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 5, 2012 1:19:19 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 5, 2012 2:23:32 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Quote: She uses her whip (which was also her fighting weapon) to jump into the foliage of a tree,

where she then makes good her escape -- but before leaving, she takes off her Red Moon Army bandana in a symbolic gesture. Reply: I thought she used the whip to hang herself? Since Choi Young looked devastated. Her movements on that tree branch strongly alluded to her hanging herself (at least that's what I thought). Eh, well if she did indeed run away I strongly hope they don't bring her back. I need the H/h to be together, the sooner the better. Edited to add: Rashell agrees with me too :) LOL at your opinion concerning Eum Ja, and I guess I agree. I'm looking forward to see how the characters and the plot will develop, and of course for more great scenes between the H/h. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 6, 2012 5:55:51 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Link to final Bridal Mask live recap which will start in about an hour. http://www.vingle.net/posts/49311-BRIDAL-MASK-LIVE-recap-ep-28-Final Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 6, 2012 7:16:06 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Bridal Mask - lousy ending - in fit of rage deleting all files regarding this drama. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 6, 2012 8:57:36 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Over the past week I haven't been following any of the currently airing shows (except Bridal Mask) as I have been marathoning the family drama Smile, You. Overall the drama is very cute, light and funny - low angst. This was one drama where I really liked both the lead H/h. The H is a very sweet beta male, but is also very intelligent, caring, capable and loyal. With this couple, the H is the romantic, while the h is the realist. The drama opens with the h marrying and being dumped by her husband (the OM) by the side of the road on the way to their honeymoon after he learns that the h's rich father is actually bankrupt. The H is the grandson of the h's family chauffeur and has a one-sided crush on the h's sister (the OW). With no place else to go, the h and her family end up moving in with the H and his family. One of the things that I liked about this drama is just when you think an angst-fest love triangle will ensue, none develops as the H/h once together (about a third of the way into the drama) remain completely devoted to each other, despite breakup attempts by the OW/OM/H&h family. This couple never suffers from misunderstandings due to lack of communication. Also, this is one drama where you never

root for the OM (a spoiled rich boy) as the H was always superior to him in every way. As per usual in Kdramaland, the parents were the cause of most of the issues and were at times completely unlikeable. In addition, the 16 episode extension did result in some out of character actions. There were some storylines not related to the lead H/h that I did fast forward through. The secondary H (the h's brother) was mostly comic relief, but he was very likable. On a side note, he and his h (the Lee daughter from Family's Honor) are married in real life. While this drama will not be a favorite and will never replace Family's Honor as, IMO, the best family drama, I liked it and will probably re-watch it in the future (or at least the cute lead H/h scenes). Some scenes from this drama: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2E4CB7Exdc&feature=related Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 6, 2012 10:40:04 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @Reader123: I'm not at all surprised by the ending of Gaksital. I still bawled like a baby through the whole episode, but this was a drama that I knew from the start would not have an HEA. It just was never set up that way. At the end of the last episode I was pretty sure who was definitely going to die. You don't have a bride in a pretty white dress in the second to last episode and expect things to end well for her. It's like a k-drama law, right? This drama was really about the love of a country and what had to be sacrificed in order for that country to secure it's independence. This drama showed that for one man, he had to lose every single person he loved, and yet he still found a way to fight on for the higher purpose - freedom. This is probably not a drama I will watch again as much of it was hard to sit through once. But it is a drama that will linger with me for a very long time. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 6, 2012 10:46:45 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: RE: Smile, You. I have watched this drama as well. And while I did adore the main couple very much, I thought the last 15 episodes or so kind of dragged. But the main couple did stay sweet and loveable to the very end. Another longer drama that I recently finished watching was New Tales of a Gisaeng. This drama is about a beautiful young dance student from a poor family who is friends with a group of rich girls. She dances traditional Korean dances privately for extra money and this is how she first meets the H. She is dancing for his grandmother at their mansion when she bumps into him. He is immediately stricken by how beautiful she is. But he's a rich, bratty young man. They do begin to date secertly, but she soon finds out that his intentions are not honerable. Her family falls on hard times and she makes the decision to become a Gisaeng to help support her family. At this news the H realizes how much he really does love her, but she won't forgive him. He actually enters the Gisaeng house as a servent to t try to protect her.

It also has some slow and draggy parts. But I did enjoy the main couple very much. And there are quite a few posessive and protective moments from the H. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 6, 2012 2:14:14 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Rashell - I guess the ending of Bridal Mask was the writer's way of keeping the independence hope alive, while still showing that sacrifices were made. I was actually expecting that they would use the ending from at least one of the manhwa on which the show was based (either H/h HEA or Gaksital's death). Other than the ending, the show was excellent and Joo Won and Park Ki Woong outstanding. I don't regret watching, but doubt that I will ever watch again. This was my first (and hopefully last) kdrama without a HEA. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 7, 2012 8:48:03 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: So I just finished watching episode 14 of Answer me 1997 (Reply 1997) at Dramafever and I just wanted to once again reccomend it to everyone. This drama is seriously too good. All of the characters are awesome and the H and h are fabulous. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VRoKTvs4hM - that's the link to a mv about the love square at the heart of the drama. You'll notice there is only one girl and that's something I kind of love about this drama too. The way they deal with Joon Hee (a boy) liking Yoon Jae (another boy) is done perfectly. They don't make that situation any different from the rest. It isn't special or highlighted or weird. It just is. And Joon Hee is one of the absolute best characters in the drama and his silent love for his best friend just breaks your heart because even he knows it will never be. And Yoon Jae's love for Shi Won is so wonderful too. The scene where he confesses to her is one of the most beautiful painful confession scenes ever. There are 2 episodes left each one hour long airing this Tuesday and next Tuesday. I really can't give enough love to this drama. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 9, 2012 11:49:03 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Aw Reader123 and Rashell, I can imagine how disappointing it would feel to invest all that time following a drama that you knew would not be one of your favorites and that has no HEA. So I am glad that I stopped watching this drama early on. Reader123, LOL at your rage comment (chin up girl, let's hope all the new shows we're following now will have an HEA). Arang and the Magistrate continues its twists and apparently the ultra creepy lady eats souls? But now we understand why she wants the body of Arang. I wonder if the Jade King returned Arang to life like this, so that he can lure the creepy lady out? It also seems like the romance/relationship story between Arang and the magistrate is finally starting to move. I continue to like this show, so far.

HL continues to be cute and funny and now romantic too. It's getting better with every episode. I thought episodes 9 and 10 were better than the previous episodes. Rashell I have Answer Me 1997 on my "want to watch" list. And last but not least, I can't wait for this week's new episodes of Faith! My fave new show, so far. :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 10, 2012 4:10:16 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 10, 2012 6:34:28 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Edited after watching the subbed episode: Faith episode 9 was so good. Some spoilers ahead :) I really felt for Eun Soo in this episode, especially when she collapsed in Dr. Jang's arms and cried and started talking about how she couldn't take it anymore. Choi Young was standing several feet away and he heard everything she was saying. Dr. Jang saw him, but Eun Soo didn't. Poor Eun Soo is at her limit and I'm feeling with her, she's been through a lot. I think that Eun Soo and the queen might become really good friends. This episode also established several plot points, it seems. Also Choi Young is definitely falling in love with Eun Soo, only she's hurt and angry with him now. His method of getting her back into the palace was somewhat heartless, but I think he didn't tell Eun Soo of his plan, because he needed her reactions to be real in front of the villain? But it's good that she's back in the palace now, so she's under Choi Young's protection. I'm also really starting to like Lady Choi (Choi Young's aunt). I can't wait for tomorrow's episode. Oh and there was that surprising twist in the end, about Hwa Ta's diary, and Eun Soo seeing her name written in it. So I am convinced now that Hwa Ta was from the present as well, and he also might be somehow related to Eun Soo. Maybe he's her grandfather? I can't wait to see what happens next and how things will be clarified. Oh and I like Choi Young's new look too (Minho is really good looking). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 11, 2012 10:30:10 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: I didn't think this week's episodes of Faith were as strong as last week. I felt like this week was more set-up for what's to come. I'm really wanting more time between our OTP and less time shipping Eun Soo back and forth between the King and Ki Chul. Assuming she picks

Choi Young as her most important person, and I think she will, next week should give us more scenes of them together. Right? But Answer Me 1997 was AWESOME today, as expected. And the preview for the final episode looks FABULOUS as well. How much do I love a hero that is a complete cold ass to anyone except the girl he loves? He simply just doesn't see anyone else. But she has him so wrapped around her finger, it's adorable. I can hardly wait for next week, and yet I don't want it to end. It's going to be so weird not to have Gaksital to watch tomorrow. I'm going to try Nice Guy, but I'm not sure how much I want a Melo after sobbing through most of the Bridal Mask episodes. I think I'll keep Haundae Lovers and To The Beautiful You in the rotation simply for the light, fluffiness of them. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Sep 12, 2012 3:39:41 AM PDT Adnana says: Personally, I found Faith's 9th episode really enjoyable (though I do wish ES would stop saying "Don't touch me" to CY), the 10th episode less so. I enjoy watching the king's political maneuverings and KC's counter-attacks (though, gosh, why do the good guys have such bad security?), but I'm getting really frustrated at the lack of romantic development. ES has basically frozen CY out, telling him that she didn't need his help anymore. Well, at least the end of episode 10 will have served her a much needed wake-up call from her misguided "I can handle everything (KC!) on my own" attitude. She should see that she needs CY's help, and I hope she will also help him in return. Until now, all she's done is stab him (ok, and then heal him, but still!), run from him, aggravate him, reject him (and thus hurt him) when he's started falling for her. To conclude: I'm still very much invested in this drama, but I really really want to see the romantic storyline advance. I hate the current standoff between CY and ES (and her cold withdrawal from him). Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Sep 12, 2012 5:05:50 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 12, 2012 5:52:11 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I'm going to also give Oohlala Spouses a try - cast includes a couple of folks from Bridal Mask. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 12, 2012 8:25:17 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Adnana I think that ES cares very much for CY. She even told him, when she found out that she had just cured the man who would later grow up to kill CY. She was crying and distraught and even though CY was telling her to shut-up (because he knew that Eum Ja was

around listening, apparently Eum Ja's powers don't just include the death note, but also he has the power to hear things from afar if he concentrates), she was crying and she told him if she didn't speak she was going to burst. However I do agree that by the sickening end of this episode, our heroine has finally realized that these are villains she can not handle, as she naively had thought. I hope that after this episode she will start listening to Choi Young 110%. I need them to start kissing ASAP! (however it's not like she left with the villain's willingly, she had to go with them because they threatened the mute girl's life). I also loved the twist that somehow the "original" history was different from the history books, but ES's presence is somehow and without her knowledge making history the way it IS in the books (it's a bit chilling). Anyways I hope that CY and ES will get together soon and then in the end get their HEA. I wonder what CY will do with the information she gave him, even though it was done in a hurry and CY didn't have time to process it at that point because he was busy protecting her. I hope that CY will find her soon and get her back. I also wonder why the fire lady and Eum Ja asked the heroine to choose who she treasures the most in that very last scene (Dr. Jang, the queen, or Choi Young). Are they planning to kill the one she treasures most? I think what's happening with the palace security is that it is unorganized. Also many of the woodalchi men are being lax because they don't expect that any of the maids would betray them (they also underestimate the maids). Yet that's exactly what's happening. It seems that Choi Young is one of the few who's 100% alert and trying to do everything at once. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Sep 12, 2012 2:32:25 PM PDT Last edited by you on Sep 13, 2012 1:46:08 AM PDT Adnana says: D.M. said: "I hope that after this episode she will start listening to Choi Young 110%. I need them to start kissing ASAP!" I'm 110% with you on that comment, lol. I also completely agree about it being very interesting (and chilling) that ES's presence and actions in the past do not alter recorded history but, in fact, make it happen as it is supposed to. About ES revealing to CY that she saved the person who's going to kill him... I understand her shock and desperation at the time, her intense need to share the terrible burden of her discovery, but I still think it's WRONG to have told CY sthg like that. In fact, she should have kept her mouth shut about EVERYTHING regarding the future. Like CY pointed out, then she wouldn't be in danger (KC would have little interest in her). For a supposedly intelligent surgeon, she's made some pretty stupid decisions regarding this. I mean, it should be basic sense that, if you know the future, you shouldn't go around telling people about it -especially not about their death. It's, Idk, unnatural for people to possess that kind of

knowledge about themselves... about how their lives are going to be shaped and even end. It comes too close to the concept of predestination, and I can't imagine that any person would want (or know how) to deal with being put in such a situation. Even the lesser things she's mentioned... like electricity, and computers etc. They have no place being mentioned that far in the past. Again, it goes against the natural order of things. What is she trying to do, what point is she trying to prove? People had already accepted that she is from 'Heaven'. Still, maybe I wouldn't mind if she chose to share her knowledge with ONE trusted person, like CY. But no, she keeps sprouting this stuff to anyone who will listen -- not just CY, but Jang Bin, the king, heck, even the entire court that first time that she confronted KC. Don't you agree that this kind of thoughtlessness and disregard is really dumb? Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Sep 12, 2012 3:30:29 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Well I think in the beginning she wasn't smart about keeping her mouth shut (in front of the king, that was her dumb move). But it was the king who got her into major trouble by declaring that she was the Dr. from heaven in front of the villain and the court. If she hadn't proved herself a little in the villain's eyes, he would have probably killed her. At that point in the series Choi Young was unconscious (due to his injury), so he couldn't protect her. But in these later episodes she is only confiding in Dr. Jang (and she doesn't know that Eum Ja posses a power of being able to hear from afar). Maybe the H/h's HEA will likely be in the present, meaning after the heroine's one year journey Choi Young will return with her, and then perhaps they can have someone else at the king's side? That would not change history in any major way, since the Joseon Dynasty would still come after the Goryoe Dynasty. Or H/h can get their happy ending in the past, if Eun Soo asks a favor out of this man (only he doesn't know what he will become later on), anyways since she saved his life he owes her big and she can make him spare CY's life, in the future. Or CY can find a way to stop what's going to happen to him, since Eun Soo has already told him. Since this is fiction, it makes the story exciting and leaves it open for differing scenarios...as long as we get that HEA. Last but not least, there were no previews for the coming episodes, this time. They meanly left us hanging *pouts lol*. I can't wait for next week's episodes! You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Sep 12, 2012 11:24:36 PM PDT Last edited by you on Sep 12, 2012 11:37:56 PM PDT Adnana says: ES didn't only confide about the future in front of Dr. Jang -- she also nearly let the cat out of the bag in front of the king and queen and co. (regarding the Joseon dynasty). Also, CY's death isn't an impediment to the HEA, as (historically) he dies at about 70 years of age -- so his death does in no way exclude the possibility of a happy, fulfilled life (40+ years) in the past. Edit this post | Permalink

Posted on Sep 13, 2012 12:10:40 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: I'm enjoying your discussion about the last episodes of Faith. I'm trying to cut Eun Soo a little bit of extra slack. Up to now she's been kidnapped multiple times. She's been expected to save lives with barely any of the instruments and medicines she's familiar with. She's seen killing and death that she'd never experienced even as a doctor in the future. She's been treated as a pawn in the political game between the King and Ki Chul. She's just been shown a diary that bears her name and has her handwritting, but that she doesn't recognize. And now she's seeing that not only are her actions not changing the past, she's actually the one making the past happen the way it was written in her time. Plus she realizes that she's saved the life of the person who eventually will betray and kill the one person in this world who has always protected her. I think that all of it is just finally pushing her over the edge. She can't listen to reason at this point because she's been pushed beyond her limits of reason. I agree that is was dangerous and ill advised to tell Choi Young the identity of the person who will one day bring about his death. I just don't think Eun Soo is in a place to think rationally right now. And I think that her immediate instict was to be horrified at her patient's identity and to in some way warn Choi Young. If you knew the fate of a person you cared about wouldn't it be very hard not to confess it to them? Even if you were unsure of how the future would be affected. She's running on about a million different emotions right now and it's one shocking revelation after another. I'm giving her he benefit of the doubt for now. Let's see how she reacts to her latest horrible position. In other drama news Arang's first episode of the week was very good. Some adorable couple moments for Arang and Eun Oh. He's already adorably jealous and not wanting to admit it. The mystery keeps getting deeper and more interesting too. And I think maybe I saw a little sincere interest in Arang from Joo Wal too. It doesn't change the fact that he's a killer, but maybe he's going to become a killer with feelings? I guess we watch and see. And speaking of adorable jealousy To the Beautiful You is pretty much full of it. Between Tae Joon and Eun Gyul, it's hilarious to watch. And of course our h is completely oblivious. They've introduced yet another guy who's in love with her because the two adorable one's she has now just weren't enough. It's the same actor who played the student in A Gentleman's Dignity. I really like him. Anyway, it was a fun episode capped by Tae Joon confessing to the new guy that he knows Jae Hee is a girl, and is keeping it a secret to keep her by his side. This drama is light, fluffy, and very cute. It's a perfect escape from the more serious Arang on my Wed/Thur viewing. I don't LOVE it like I do Answer Me 1997, which is probably going in my top 5 assuming next week's finale is as awesome as the rest, but I do really like it. And I'm addicted to the Onew from Shinee song that's in it called In Your Eyes. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Sep 13, 2012 1:57:29 AM PDT Last edited by you on Nov 25, 2012 1:21:18 PM PST Adnana says:

Rashell said: "[ES] can't listen to reason at this point because she's been pushed beyond her limits of reason." I get what you're saying (rationally), and therefore I'm also trying to cut ES some extra slack. Still, emotionally, I want her to react better... maybe I expect her to be some kind of Mary Sue, always doing the right thing at the right time. But then again, she wouldn't be as interesting, would she? Right now, she's fallible and human, and though she frustrates me, I'm also really rooting for her to get her act together. And dear gosh, for her to finally find some (romantic) common ground with CY. *hint*kiss*kiss*kiss*hint Or at least a hug. Surely that's not too much to ask for, after all the times (3!) she's already hugged Jang Bin! Who's NOT the hero. Re: "To The Beautiful You" I love this show, despite its many technical weaknesses. It's fun and entertaining and I'm loving me some adorably jealous Tae Joon. Also, though it's a bit annoying that the heroine is constantly in need of saving, the unfeminist part of me loves it that Tae Joon is always there to do the necessary saving. He's so cute when he's taking care of her and teasing her for always getting in trouble. :) Still haven't started watching "Answer to 1997" or "Arang" or "Heundae Lovers". I am considering "Nive Guy", however, and I've watched the 1st episode of "Five Fingers". That one also *seems* to have potential, but I haven't yet made up my mind if I'll continue watching it. About "Bridal Mask"... now that it's finished airing, I could conceivably start watching it. But I'm really reluctant... not because of the tearjerker material, but because of the lack of a HEA. I don't mind crying along the way, if there's an emotional payoff at the end (a la "The Princess' Man"). Without one, though... Idk. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Sep 13, 2012 8:21:58 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: ~sigh~ Gaksital....I don't know exactly what to reccomend on this one. I'm so glad I watched it live because if I'd waited, similar to Adnana, I don't know if I would have watched it. But it was such a GOOD deep dark drama about a time periond in Korea that I knew very little about. And while some of it was very hard to watch and there was no HEA for anyone really, I'm still so glad I watched it. I guess my advice is watch it, knowing what you're getting into. I wouldn't marathon this one. I'd watch a couple episodes a week, which I know will be hard due to the constant cliffhanger endings. But it's so dark and depressing in some ways that I think watching all at once would be emotionally rough. And I'd definitely have a light rom/com type drama to watch at the same time to lighten your mood. It's such a good drama that I hate to no reccomend it just because there is no HEA. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 13, 2012 9:56:05 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Hey Rashell For me, I don't need to cut ES some slack because she hasn't annoyed me. I've really liked her from the beginning. She is one of my favorite heroines, and I agree with almost everything you said about her :) I also really liked that she told Choi Young that she had just cured the man who would kill

him, because it showed how much she cares about CY. If she hadn't told him, then I would have been annoyed with her. I can't wait for next week's episodes, our poor heroine is in the hands of the villains now, and they're basically leaving a trail of dead bodies for our hero to find. I hope that CY will be able to save her soon. I hope he holds her close when he finds her. I think it's time we see CY calming her down instead of Dr. Jang :) As for Arang, it was a good episode, the magistrate is finally realizing that he really cares for Arang. I will watch today's episode after it gets subbed. I haven't watched HL's new episode yet, I will also watch it soon. Also has anyone watched the first two eps of Nice Guy i.e Innocent Man? I'm interested in this show too and will be watching the first two eps when the second ep gets subbed. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Sep 13, 2012 11:22:14 AM PDT Adnana says: Re: Nice Guy I've just finished watching the 1st episode of "Nice Guy". Hmm... I have mixed feelings about what I've seen so far. There's very little time afforded for establishing the background of these characters (i.e. you have no time to get to know them and become invested) before the bad stuff starts to happen. So I didn't FEEL what it is that drives the hero. I mean, I've seen the teasers so I know the gist of the story, but I wish the drama had done a better job in explaining the hero's relationship with his first love so that I could understand (sympathize with) his sacrifice. I think maybe the writers are trying to be mysterious, only offering little nuggets of information with each subsequent episode, but this tactic can backfire if not done well. In a nutshell, I haven't yet connected with the hero (unfortunately) and I have no idea about what drives the OW either. Is she a victim or a villainess? On the other hand, I find the heroine a very layered, fascinating character. Can't wait to see more of HER. I'm still cautiously optimistic about this drama; I hope that the 2nd episode will help me make up my mind... one way or another. Edit this post | Permalink Your post: Sep 14, 2012 9:49:32 AM PDT Last edited by you on Sep 14, 2012 11:27:13 AM PDT Adnana says: Update RE: "Nice Guy" I think maybe the first 2 episodes should be watched/regarded as a unit in order to better understand the characters' motivations. Like I said before, the 1st episode by itself underwhelmed me because I didn't know the H well enough to completely sympathize with him when he made his big sacrifice. Luckily, the 2nd episode filled just enough of the blanks for me to become invested in the story and especially in the H's and h's characters. And oh my gosh, Song Joong Ki is a fabulous actor; I didn't know him that well before "Nice Guy", but now you can totally count me in as his newest fan. He looks so innocent and, well, nice that it comes as a complete shock how good he can do DARK. To quote someone

posting over at dramabeans, <<When his eyes acted dead, you almost wanted to knock on his head and say, "There is a soul in there, right?">> Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Sep 15, 2012 11:43:16 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 15, 2012 12:33:27 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Adnana, I've finally watched the first two eps of Nice Guy. I will say that at this point I don't know whether I like this show or not. However I am interested enough to watch more. The problem is what you said in your first post, it's that they don't give enough background on the characters (maybe they're doing it to maintain suspense). But in this case we need that background, because they all act bitterly and if we don't have that background, we the viewers are left out and can't really sympathize with any of them. For this reason, I don't feel invested in any of the characters so far and I don't particularly like any of them either (especially the two main female characters). But we'll see what will happen next. By the way who is the heroine? Is it his first love who has a four year old child (I'm thinking that child might be his)? Or is it the cold/b*tchy company director, who has some kind of heart or respiratory sickness, and who is his first love's stepdaughter? Now onto Arang, episode 10 filled in some gaps and it had a sadder more contemplative tone to it. Now we know who creepy lady is. I liked that this episode was more focused on the relationship between Arang and the magistrate, but the ending was kind of sad. Overall, I continue to like this show and I'm interested to see what happens next. And last but not least, I can't wait for the new episodes of Faith! Edited to add: Does anyone know if and when YA entertainment will release Queen In Hyun's Man on dvd? Is there any new news concerning this? You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Sep 16, 2012 12:00:47 AM PDT Last edited by you on Sep 16, 2012 12:02:41 AM PDT Adnana says: Post chock-full of SPOILERS re: the first 2 episodes of "Nice Guy" D.M., So far, I like the hero in "Nice Guy" and really want for him to stop being Jae Hee's doormat. I was surprised that he didn't want revenge after his 6 years in prison and being abandoned by his first love; in episode 2, when Jae Hee accuses him at the police station, he's actually thinking that she didn't have to go this far. He would have let her go because he understands that it's too late for the 2 of them, and he wants her to be happy. Plus, there's the fact that he hadn't changed his house because he was still hoping that Jae Hee would come looking for him... Despite everything, he had still kept his hope throughout 6 years of separation, until he met Jae Hee again and saw that she was married. It's only later, in the hospital, over his sister's sickbed, that he comes to a different, darker

resolve. If Jae Hee's son is only 4 years old, then he can't be the hero's son; he went to prison 6 years ago. Also, for a while, Jae Hee kept visiting him in prison, so if she had been pregnant that long ago, the hero would have noticed. From the 2 female characters, I intensely dislike Jae Hee. Weirdly enough, I like Eun Gi, though. Or at least, I sympathize with her. Sure, she seems like a total bitch, but it's obvious that she hides a world of pain and loneliness inside. That she's a hurt girl who's lost her mother, been betrayed by her boyfriend, and is unloved and deemed unworthy by her father. I want her to find happiness, but obviously, that's not in store for her. Instead, she's to become the instrument of an angry young man's revenge. Who's the heroine, you asked? I think it's Eun Gi, and not Jae Hee. "Nice Guy's" writer actually has another drama in which the hero goes to prison for his first love, but in that drama the first love was the heroine. Jae Hee, on the other hand, seems completely irredeemable to me. Nevertheless, it does add to the confusion that, in the drama's character chart, the hero and Jae Hee are shown as loving each other, and Eun Gi as loving the hero. Weird. Still, I maintain that, in this instance, in this drama, considering the initial setup (and the promotional materials) Eun Gi is the heroine. Mind you, that doesn't mean there's a HEA in store for her with the hero. Like it's already been mentioned in this thread, this writer isn't exactly known for ending her dramas with HEAs for the OTP (Sang Doo, Let's Go To School; Sorry, I love You; A Love to Kill). The HEA in "Will it Snow at Christmas" does give me hope, but even there, it took so many years and so much suffering for the OTP to get there, that even that happy ending was more bitter than sweet, imho. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Sep 16, 2012 8:31:13 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Thanks for the info. Adnana! I thought the hero went to prison for five years, that's why I thought perhaps that child was his son, then I would have understood Jae Hee and her wanting to protect her son. But now I sympathize with Eun Gi (the cold one) because you're correct about the things you mentioned about her. I agree that Eun Gi seems to have suffered a lot, but the problem like the problem with the hero, we only see glimpses of her past in flashbacks, so at this point I don't really feel with her. The thing that put me off Eun Gi was the fact that she was mean to the four year old child. But anyways I will give her a chance because yes she does seem like a hurt, vulnerable and lonely person underneath the cold/b*tchy front, and she's also physically sick. I'm thinking she will become more likable with the coming episodes. I don't see how a person with a serious heart or respiratory problem could ride a motorcycle the way she did in episode 2, she's being very reckless with herself at this point. I'm also starting to sympathize with our hero because the points you mentioned are correct, but still I can not fathom how he left a sick sister behind to take the blame for a crime his first love committed. I mean if he didn't have a sick younger sister at home who is dependent on him, then I would have admired him and felt completely sympathetic with him. But because of his sick younger sister situation, that sacrifice on his part seems sort of selfish instead of selfless (I don't know if I explained myself properly).

Anyways you said this author was not known for her HEA's, but maybe this time she will change her style? (here's to hoping...because I really don't want to get invested in a drama/romance with a tragic ending lol). After all every author needs some variety in their repertoire, don't you think? So I'll keep hope that our H/h will not suffer too much, or even if they suffer that there will still be hope and a satisfying HEA and no long separations! So Eun Gi will be the one our hero will use for his revenge, and she's the heroine correct? Now at least I know who to focus on and root for, if the coming episodes keep my interest. I'm looking forward to see what happens next :) You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Sep 16, 2012 10:08:09 AM PDT Last edited by you on Sep 16, 2012 10:17:08 AM PDT Adnana says: D.M. said: "So Eun Gi will be the one our hero will use for his revenge, and she's the heroine correct?" That's definitely my understanding. As a side note: I'm positive that Eun Gi will fall for Ma Ru, but I don't know when (or even if) he will reciprocate. Were this a normal drama, I wouldn't doubt this latter fact, but this isn't your run-of-the-mill drama. Plus, again, see the characters' relationships chart: http://wiki.d-addicts.com/File:IM_cast.jpg. There's no love arrow from Kang Ma Ru toward Eun Gi. D.M. said: "but still I can not fathom how he left a sick sister behind to take the blame for a crime his first love committed" That's why I, too, wish the writer had done a better job with explaining Ma Ru and Jae Hee's relationship/love in the first 2 episodes. Still, it's safe to assume that by the time Jae Hee's desperate phone call about having killed someone comes in, Ma Ru has loved this woman for about 13 years. His beloved was in a desperate situation, so maybe in his desperate need to go and help Jae Hee, he chose to underestimate the seriousness of his sister's condition. Also, it seemed that his sister was exaggerating her illness: at first she insisted that it was nothing serious and only after Jae Hee called and Ma Ru wanted to go to her, his sister suddenly started insisting that she was so very sick (probably out of jealousy, to stop Ma Ru from leaving). Sure, she was in fact sick, but she didn't exactly act trustworthy, so as an objective viewer I thought that she could have been overplaying things. Besides, even though Ma Ru ran to Jae Hee, he didn't forget his sister and asked his friend to go check on her. Honestly, I understand his decision. Family is very important, but when you're crazy in love, your priorities tend to shift. And Jae Hee's situation was definitely no less dire that Choco's on that occasion. Not to mention, when Ma Ru left, he thought that he would soon be back; his decision to go as far as taking the blame for the murder only came later. D.M. said: "you said this author was not known for her HEA's, but maybe this time she will change her style?"

I know of 3 of her dramas ending unhappily and one (the most recent) ending happily. Like you said, here's to hoping that the writer continues the HEA trend in "Nice Guy". D.M. said: "The thing that put me off Eun Gi was the fact that she was mean to the four year old child." I didn't like that scene, but neither did I dislike Eun Gi because of it. First of all, I understand her need to protect herself by keeping herself remote/not forming an attachment to her enemy's child. Remember, Jae Hee is the person she holds responsible for her mother's death. And sure, it's not fair to hold the parents' sins against their children, but it is nevertheless human to do so. How can you give your unreserved love to the child of your mother's "killer"? Moreover, when you're (understandably) actively leading a war/seeking revenge against said "killer". Plus, don't bash me for saying this, but I also sort of get Eun Gi's rationalization for her attitude: "Before he is of my own flesh, he is Han Jae Hee's son. [...] That's why I am also scared of this child. I don't know when he will bare his hidden fangs to suddenly come at my throat... ...and bite it." Family (mostly) sticks together, after all. It is not hard to imagine how, in a few years, her enemy's child, having been raised/indoctrinated by his mother, will became Eun Gi's (active) enemy as well. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Sep 17, 2012 9:42:37 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. - Be prepared for the worst regarding Nice Guy - I very much doubt it will have a HEA - actually will be shocked if it does. Doesn't appear that this show will have much, if any, in the way of humor. Finally watched the latest episodes of Haeundae Lovers and To the Beautiful You - both remain light and humorous. While amusing, I find that I am really not that invested in Haeundae Lovers - I don't particularly like the heroine. However, I do believe that To The Beautiful You may end up being, for me at least, the best of the 4 live action versions of Hana Kimi - while different, its storyline is closer to the Taiwanese version with more focus on the relationship and less on the school hijinks. I do like both the H and h in this version. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 17, 2012 11:27:49 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Aw Reader123 don't destroy my hope! lol. Anyways this author does have one drama/romance that ended happily (as per Adnana's post). Maybe just maybe this one will get a proper and satisfying HEA...I'm keeping the hope here :) I don't mind that the show does not have any humor, it is a melodrama after all and I am

interested in watching more, so far. I just want the H/h to get their HEA after all the pain and angst they will go through. Quote: Still, it's safe to assume that by the time Jae Hee's desperate phone call about having killed someone comes in, Ma Ru has loved this woman for about 13 years. Reply: Good point, but that's why we needed more background. The viewer should have felt their love and connection before that part, for us to be able to appreciate the sacrifice and feel with Maru. Now onto Faith, I have watched parts of the raw episode and I've read the English recap. Now I'm patiently waiting for the subs so that I can watch the episode properly. But I think I can safely say that this episode can be titled "self-sacrifice". It seems that our heroine wants to go find "heaven's door" on her own, and not make history the way it IS in the history books. She doesn't want that responsibility and I can fully understand her guilt after she cured the man who would later kill CY. She also wants to protect CY, because she knows that if he's protecting her he will fight GC and probably lose (CY's words), because at this point GC has more power. But CY will protect her regardless, and at this point he probably thinks that letting her go is the safest choice for her. But without her Choi Young is back to being someone who doesn't care whether he lives or dies, and that's why in the end of this episode (according to the recaps) he went to see GC on his own. In the previews they actually show Choi Young stabbing himself in order to get the sword through GC's body as well (I can't believe he'd do that!), while our poor heroine is running back to stop CY. I can't wait for tomorrow's episode, and for today's subbed episode. I hope nothing serious happens to CY! As for HL, I've stopped watching it, because even though it is cutely fluffy, it's not keeping my interest at all. Right now I've substituted HL with Miss Rose (this one is a TW romantic comedy), this will be the show I'll follow to get the comedic relief from all the angst/suspense of the other shows I'm following. So now I'm watching Faith, Arang, Nice Guy, and Miss Rose. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 17, 2012 12:20:20 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Oct 26, 2012 8:20:43 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. - Sorry, didn't mean to destroy your hopes - I'm still suffering PTSD from Bridal Mask's ending. Actually after a week of reflection, while I wouldn't recommend Bridal Mask for this specific discussion thread (i.e., romances with HEA), it is a drama that I would recommend for those interested in a (non-romance) riveting action drama. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Sep 17, 2012 1:02:06 PM PDT Last edited by you on Sep 17, 2012 1:09:42 PM PDT Adnana says: Re: Faith, episode 11 I really dig this episode -- because it (finally!!) brings about a profound shift in Eun Soo and Choi Young's relationship. We now have ES's (reluctant) acknowledgment (not openly expressed, but definitely present in her awareness) that CY is important for her. That she doesn't want him protecting her at the cost of his life. That her feelings for him go deep enough for her to shed tears over him. Sure, to this latter admission she adds that she doesn't want this -- to cry over him. She doesn't want to get involved in the Goryeo world. Understandably, she still clings to her wish to return home, and if she is to view Goryeo as no more than a passing stop, then she can't allow herself to get emotionally involved. Therefore, she releases CY from his promise, her rationalization (I think) twofold: keep him safe by pushing him away AND keep herself safe (emotionally) by not spending more time with him. I hate that, with her decision, she hurts CY once again. I agree with D.M. that he doesn't want to let her go, but I admire him for nevertheless respecting ES's decision. It's the only thing he can do, since he wouldn't feel entitled to hold her back because of his own nascent feelings for her. Plus, she's safer away from KC. As much as this separation pains CY, I LOVE that ES is no less affected. I had written before that there were many clues for CY's change of heart, but that I still didn't know if ES liked him as well -- as more than simply her protector and punching bag. Well, episode 11 has finally(!) provided a satisfactory answer to my burning question: ES is falling for CY as well. She wants to keep him safe, she keeps thinking of him after she leaves, and in the end, she's desperate to stop him from his suicide mission. So yay for the romantic development; as I said at the beginning of my post, I believe that this is it -- the turning point in ES and CY's relationship. Obviously, we now have clear confirmation of their developing romantic feelings for each other. As for their obvious reluctance to act on these feelings -- well, that'll suffer a serious blow what with (1) ES's desperate race back (and her holding a dagger to her own throat, in the preview, to force KC to spare CY, I believe/hope) and with (2) CY's only reason to continue living being ES. ETA: I'm not convinced that CY stabbed himself in order to stab KC (by passing the sword through his own body). From their respective positions, CY's move can also be interpreted as a backwards stab to the side (bypassing his own body). Either way, CY will obviously not die, but I'd hate for him to be once again laid down with yet another sword injury for God knows how many episodes. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Sep 17, 2012 1:23:19 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Reader123 *sends a virtual hug your way*, your PTSD comment made me laugh. Adnana great post, I hope that the relationship starts moving forward at a much faster pace starting with next episode, we also need more skinship (as they call it) between our H/h *grins*. Also I'm relieved to read your view about it being a backwards stab, I really hope that's what it is. In the preview it looked like CY stabbed himself in order to stab GC at the same time. But since the scene was shown so quickly, I really hope I am wrong on this and

you're right. Happy drama/romance watching everyone! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 18, 2012 12:17:49 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 18, 2012 6:51:00 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: It looks like we were both right, CY does indeed stab himself to stab the villain in this episode, but it was just in his imagination as he was preparing himself for the attack. Only the real attack between the two played out differently, and our heroine arrived in time to stop both men from killing each other. Edited: I've read the recap and watched episode 12 subbed. I liked this episode more than episode 11, this is probably one of my favorite episodes. I love the parts between the H/h. I love how the heroine talks about her and CY becoming partners which means he will have to tell her what he plans to do before he does anything, and she promises to not do anything without telling him. I'm also liking the relationship between the king and queen, since that too is moving forward. My favorite scene was when she held CY's cold hand in hers and blew on it, trying to heat it up. CY silently/gently pushes her hair away from her face and looks sort of tenderly at her. She was trying to hide her face because she was crying. He gently tells her that it's a habit for him to easily put his life on the line, but he won't do it again "so don't cry"....awww, I love how their relationship is getting deeper. The viewer can feel them falling in love. Oh and CY went to kill those assassins, did he tell ES about it first? lol. I don't know but I got the feeling that he was only half sincere when she was talking about them being partners. I felt as if he was humoring her to a certain extent, but also didn't mind starting to discuss some things with her first as well. The other thing, ES finally has Hwata's diary, the one that has her name in it (I wonder what she will discover after she inspects it carefully). Again no previews for next week's eps *pouts*, I can't wait to see what happens next. I continue to love this show. I really enjoy how it is a mixture of historical intrigue/suspense and great/memorable romance/drama, completed with action sequences when needed and some comedic relief... so good. Now moving on, Miss Rose is such a cute/funny and romantic show, it's a charming show that starts out slow but then picks up and I'm really enjoying it so far. Looking forward to the new eps of Arang and Nice Guy (both of which will air their new episodes on Wednesday and Thursday). I don't know which I'll end up watching first and which I'll watch later, but both shows really have my interest and I like both of them so far (but I think Nice Guy has the edge for now, simply because I want to see how the story will unfold). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Sep 19, 2012 7:17:55 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Watched the 3 episode drama Ma Boy. Its a cute story with, for a change, a cross-dressing boy. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: Sep 19, 2012 11:45:21 PM PDT Last edited by you on Sep 21, 2012 12:44:00 PM PDT Adnana says: Re: "Faith" Episode 12 of "Faith" is a dream come true for any Choi Young/Eun-soo shipper. It's weird, actually; with any another K-drama, by this point I would surely be expecting romantic developments along the lines of a (forehead) kiss or at least a hug. None of this has happened yet between our main couple in "Faith", yet somehow, I feel this couple's connection and mutual care so keenly that each of their interactions, no matter how small and innocent, seems more meaningful than any openly passionate scene would. I don't think I've ever been so excited before about seeing a K-drama couple finally (!) touching hands, or gotten goosebumps just from watching the hero hesitatingly reaching out to tuck the heroine's hair behind her ear so that he can see her face. The scene where *SPOILERS* CY promises ES that he wouldn't be careless about his life anymore, so she should please stop crying *endSPOILERS* was incredibly beautiful and moving to me! With the amount of tension between this couple, I think that when they finally get around to touching lips instead of just hands, my screen will likely go up in flames. Plus, the Woodalchis' heads will explode. How funny are those guys!! Re: "Nice Guy" I'm fascinated by this drama. I think it's the darkest I've watched until now, and I'm drawn to it somewhat like a moth to a flame. That is to say, despite my fear that this drama will end badly. I'm not sure yet if I like the writing (I'm withholding judgement until I see a bit more about how the story develops; honestly I'm a bit annoyed at all the mystery), but I find the directing top-notch and the acting superb (especially from the 3 leads). Also, for reasons I couldn't explain very well, I LOVE the cold, prickly, rude heroine. She really deserves a nice guy to love her sincerely and help her heal her wounds. She's the character I feel for most in this drama, even more than Maru, and I feel so sorry for what's about to happen to her. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Sep 20, 2012 10:13:30 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Haha I agree, when CY and ES start kissing my laptop will probably go up in flames as well! Oh and the woodalchi men talking about ES and CY was a hilarious touch. I can only imagine what they will be saying if one of them sees ES and CY actually kissing lol. Episode 12 was one of the best episodes of Faith yet. I hope that CY isn't seriously hurt, he looked in quite a lot of pain in that last scene of this episode, after killing those assassins (I think his

shoulder has not healed from GC's power and then his hand was hit by GC's power again so it just made it worse for him). As for Nice Guy, after watching episode 3, I agree that Eun Gi is now officially my favorite character in this show, and I firmly like her. I mean there really is something heartbreaking about a girl who has a cold front, actually crying in the arms of a stranger (our hero) after the motorbike accident that she wants her doll (the last thing left to her of her mother). The scenes when she holds her doll are so sad. Eun Gi is really alone and hurt, there is no one on her side (except for that colleague who's gay, he's the only one on her side). I hate Eun Gi's father. I hope that our hero will realize that Jae Hee and Eun Gi are actually enemies. So if he wants revenge on Jae Hee he needs to help Eun Gi not break her heart and use her. However this is a revenge type melodrama/romance show, and our hero is blinded by his anger/hate towards Jae Hee right now. I just hope he will eventually come around and start caring for and protecting Eun Gi, before it gets too bad. We'll see what happens, waiting for episode 4 to get subbed. On another note, is it true that she will lose her memory? that makes me feel even worse for her even though none of it has happened yet, because then she would be left completely defenseless. I hope that Maru will protect her. As for Arang, I'm watching episode 11 and 12 soon (probably after episode 12 gets subbed). You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Sep 20, 2012 3:20:11 PM PDT Last edited by you on Sep 20, 2012 3:24:05 PM PDT Adnana says: D.M. said: "Eun Gi is really alone and hurt, there is no one on her side (except for that colleague who's gay, he's the only one on her side)." But is that attorney really gay? In that scene in the 1st episode when Eun Gi came out of the bathroom wrapped only in a towel, he didn't seem exactly unaffected. Plus, the drama's relationship chart shows him as being in love with Eun Gi. D.M. said: "On another note, is it true that she will lose her memory?" That's what I heard, too. I have no idea, though, how memory loss will be incorporated in this story's tapestry. Right now, out of hand, the mere idea seems absurd to me. D.M. said: "our hero is blinded by his anger/hate towards Jae Hee right now" I'm waiting for the subs for episode 4 to confirm, but I'm afraid that Maru may not be after revenge as of right now, but simply after Jae Hee. As in, wanting her back. I thought it was weird in the first place that he didn't hate her even though she let him go to prison instead of her and then basically left him there to rot. But really, if he still wants her back after all she did as of episode 3, then I will have lost all respect for the hero. Angry and vengeful is the appropriate attitude for him in this case, not staying a doormat.

"To the Beautiful You" I was disappointed in this week's episodes (especially after the ones from last week being so much fun). By contrast, episodes 11 and 12 were hardly any fun. I so hate contrived conflicts. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Sep 21, 2012 9:19:56 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 21, 2012 9:57:25 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: You know I thought the same thing, that the colleague might not be gay. But in the first episode our heroine asked him if he liked men, he seemed hesitant but he did reply "yes". So I'm thinking why would he lie to her? Or maybe he's lying so that Eun Gi would be completely comfortable around him? but it seems like a very feeble excuse. Thinking about it, if that colleague is not gay, it means our poor heroine is surrounded by people who are lying to her- including our hero- and that's sad. On another note, I hate Eun Gi's father. Yes I said it before, but it bears repeating. About Maru taking Jae Hee back, he does say it to her in this episode, but I didn't get any romantic vibes from it. I'm thinking that he'll get his revenge by taking her away from what she worked so hard to achieve. She is willing to go to great lengths, sacrifice anything and crush anyone who gets in her way, just to get to the top. But he will not let her get there, and I'm thinking he figures that would be the best payback. Maru: If you can't come down from there, I'll go up there. I'll go up and bring you down. Pack your bags and wait until I come get you Jae Hee: So where is the place that I have to be? Where is the place I belong? The filthy and trashy slums?! Maru: No, even that place would be an honor for you By the end of episode 4 though, our hero now definitely knows that Eun Gi and Jae Hee are enemies. I wonder what he really means when he tells Eun Gi in the end "let's kill them all". Is he planning on helping Eun Gi in order to achieve his goal, and using her feelings for him so that he can get to the top? So does his "let's kill them all" have a double meaning? One he will help Eun Gi, and two (the subtle meaning that's only for himself) that he doesn't care who he will hurt in the process of achieving his goal? Or maybe he will simply help Eun Gi and hence get revenge on Jae Hee, but without breaking Eun Gi's heart afterwards? I'm hoping it's this scenario, but I think realistically it might be a mixture of both scenarios. We'll see what happens next, and how Eun Gi's amnesia will affect Maru's intentions (I wonder how she will lose her memories). The one thing that I dislike is that Maru's intentions are very unclear towards Eun Gi, so it leaves the viewer in fear of the worst case scenario lol. I hate being confused. We'll see what happens next... I want Maru to start caring for Eun Gi ASAP :) You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Sep 21, 2012 12:33:07 PM PDT Last edited by you on Nov 25, 2012 1:30:16 PM PST Adnana says: D.M. said: I wonder what he really means when he tells Eun Gi in the end "let's kill them all". That may be a translation error in the viki subtitle, I think. I don't remember where (I've been browsing through a lot of promotional materials for this drama), but I saw this exchange explained as being along the lines of ''come out and kill me" (said playfully to Eun Gi after he throws her in the water). A thing I've noticed: previews for this drama sometimes show stuff that doesn't appear in the immediately following episode, and they also contain red herrings. Like, in the preview for episode 3 they show a scene where Maru grabs Eun Gi's hand to keep her from following down the slope, and in voiceover we hear his voice: "I can't kill you until I've reaped all the benefits from saving you". Yet this line actually shows up in episode 4 and is said teasingly by Maru to his sister. D.M. said: "The one thing that I dislike is that Maru's intentions are very unclear towards Eun Gi, so it leaves the viewer in fear of the worst case scenario lol. I hate being confused." I feel the same way you do, but can't deny that this ambiguity is, nevertheless, a big reason why I find this drama so fascinating. All characters have layers upon layers and it's impossible to determine their actual intentions. Like Eun Gi: why does she fall so quickly for Maru? Maybe she knows about his relationship with Jae Hee and wants to use him? (unlikely, I know, but it's a theory). Jae Hee: does she still have feelings for Maru? Like, is she jealous when she sees him with Eun Gi, or just wants him gone to protect herself? Maru: Does he want Jae Hee back or does he want to bring her down? Honestly, it's very hard to say. Yes, he claimed that the slums were too good a place for her, yet he didn't throw away their picture from years ago. The one thing I'm certain of, is that, at this point in time, Maru is totally playing Eun Gi. I definitely don't like this, but I'm positive that he doesn't have any feelings for her. Edit this post | Permalink Your post: Sep 21, 2012 12:52:55 PM PDT Last edited by you on Sep 21, 2012 12:54:40 PM PDT Adnana says: Oh, and did I confide already that I'm totally addicted to "Faith"? ('cause of course my addiction hasn't been noticeable in my previous posts, lol, when I was getting all worked up about the characters' actions/decisions or cheering them on) I'm sooo annoyed at the stupid editing and directing. I like the writing/story, and I love the characters. What this drama could have been, if only it were better filmed! Anyways, new episodes are still a few days away, so in the meantime I've been experimenting with creating my first MVs. Enjoy. :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kUH4m-rPUU *contains violence, so recommended for mature audiences only, lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyYHzTFwq9o *for an epic perspective

http://www.dailymotion.com/dm_505a4a32cb5ca#video=xtr3pf *using my favorite song in the drama's OST Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Sep 21, 2012 1:27:23 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 21, 2012 1:32:59 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I agree with you about the previews, it's like they're designed to make the viewer confused, that's why for this drama I don't watch the previews for the later episodes. About the "Viki" translation error about what the hero said in the end, I guess we'll have to wait until dramafever or dramacrazy gets the episode subbed and Viki gets its final translation up, and then compare. I am fairly new to the Viki site. I started watching dramas/romances on their site with "Faith", because they are great and really fast when it comes to subbing "Faith". I hope the subs for Nice Guy will be done soon, so we can properly know what he said at the end. Edited to add: Oooh I loved the "Breath of Life" one, great work! So intense. The other vids are really good too :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: Sep 22, 2012 3:51:44 AM PDT Last edited by you on Sep 24, 2012 7:14:48 AM PDT Adnana says: Update: the "let's kill them all" line ("Nice Guy") final translation by viki: Miss Sleepyhead! If you slept that much then it is time to wake up. Get your head together. Let's kill them all. translation by DramaFever: Hi, you sleepy head! You've had enough sleep. Time to get up. Let's pull it together and go kick some butt! My final conclusion: "Let's kill them all." is what he actually says, literally. What he means is "Let's kick some butt!" I think he'll help Eun Gi find a solution for the cash flow problem without selling the resort. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Sep 24, 2012 1:52:44 AM PDT Spectator51 says: Some recommendations. All with HEA, all completed. Some have been mentioned before in this discussion. I think they are all worth 4 or 5 stars. The Perfect Neighbor/How To Meet a Perfect Neighbor (Park Shi Hoo is the hero even

though he doesn't get top billing) Outrageous Women Coffee House Baker KIng Kim Tak Goo Feast of the Gods Kimchi Family Lie To Me Last Scandal Midas Personal Preference/Personal Taste When It's At Night/Night After Night Bachelor's Vegetable Store Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Sep 24, 2012 4:19:08 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Spectator51 - Thanks for the recommendations on some great dramas with HEAs, I'll add the ones I haven't seen to my TBWed list. You had several dramas that I had not heard of before (Outrageous Woman, Night After Night, Kimchi Family) so I'm a very happy camper! How to Meet a Perfect Neighbor was a real groundbreaker with the second male lead actually winning the h. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 24, 2012 2:53:43 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 24, 2012 2:56:39 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Yes Adnana I agree, the translation was correct. I can't wait for this week's episodes, in one teaser trailer for this show there's a scene between the H/h where the hero kisses the heroine (but the dead look in his eyes, even as he smiles gently at her before he goes in for the kiss, makes me sad). From the way the heroine looks, I think it will happen after she has lost her memory. So I'm thinking this week's episodes should be very eventful and should fairly clarify the storyline and characters for us. I'm really looking forward to that :) And I've just watched the new episode of Faith subbed! I think today they broke the record for fastest subbing (the subbers on viki are on fire!). This was a really good episode as well. I loved all the parts between the H/h, especially when he's teaching her how to use a knife (this scene was sooo cute, funny, and sensual). I also loved that he went shopping especially to get her a light knife. I loved CY in this episode, his love/care for ES was evident. I also love seeing CY's genuine smiles at some of ES's antics. I laughed when she was giving out (homemade lol) toothpaste and soap to the palace maids and guards. Poor ES is suffering from nightmares, Dr. Jang knew that while CY didn't know that before, which seems to have made CY even more protective of ES upon discovering that. Oh and the diary, apparently it isn't Hwata's diary as the villain thinks, because ES clearly states that it can't be a 1000 years old, because the paper doesn't look that old and the marker color has not

faded. She says the diary would have to be at the most a hundred years old. So this opens us to new unexpected scenarios, is she the owner of the diary? ... so perhaps some connection between her and CY will be uncovered. I love that I can feel ES and CY's love for each other and I hope they admit their feelings to each other soon. I can't wait for tomorrow's episode :) You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 24, 2012 2:59:50 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Oh and Spectator51 thanks for the recs! (I'm glad that they all have HEA's). I'll add some of them to my ever growing "want to watch" list lol. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 24, 2012 8:12:43 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Soompi is reporting that Park Shi Hoo latest drama Cheongdam-dong Alice may be involved in a potential plagiarism controversy. Hopefully, this will not cause any delays in the production schedule. To provide a PSH fix since this drama is not scheduled until December, I found a great YT video of PSH kiss scenes from his TV dramas & music videos (excluding The Princess' Man). I love his smile at 3:08 (Prosecutor Princess) and his tears (at 4:33) upon realizing he won the h (Queen of Reversals) (another drama where he was the second male lead who won the h). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5kLhj2177bM Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 25, 2012 12:32:56 AM PDT Spectator51 says: Ooo! Thanks! Somehow I overlooked Queen of Reversals when I was looking for PSH dramas. I just started it. It's only the first episode, but I like it. I also like the Rhapsody in Blue background music. One of my favorite pieces of music. BTW if you like RIB, there is a great you tube performance http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veCKrxP9A4A Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Sep 25, 2012 5:50:09 AM PDT Last edited by you on Sep 25, 2012 5:50:32 AM PDT

Adnana says: D.M. said: "I loved CY in this episode, his love/care for ES was evident." Honestly, I've come to love everything about Choi Young. Disregarding the faults which are the drama's own (lackluster editing, bland cinematography, un-inventive directing and subpar directing of action scenes -- to borrow someone else's words, who put it best), I think that CHOI YOUNG himself might be Lee Min-ho best character/hero yet. Why? Because he's completely selfless in his interactions with the heroine, which is especially heartbreaking now that he loves her, but is still determined not to hold her back in the past. Softy (a blogger over at joonni.com) said it so beautifully: "While I was recapping live, I had a strong desire to kick Young's butt for asking DH [the king's uncle] to stay by her side as she reads the diary so the two of them can figure out the clues together. Until I realized he was doing all that so she can find her way back home so her heart will be at peace. in that instant, not only did I forgive him - his selflessness in putting her needs before his crushed me. I felt guilty for jumping the gun and thinking he was foolish for letting DH spend any time with her cuz Young only did that out of love. He has proven once again he is the right man for her. She keeps her homesickness to herself so he wont feel bad, but he is one step ahead of her and is trying so hard to help find her way back. To the extent that she comes before everything - his life and even his own heart and what it wants. *swoon city*" Another comment, this one by farstrep, a poster over at soompi.com: "Eun Soo's nightmare is a nice touch added by the writer. It clearly shows how very affected she is, both by the Goryeo world she inhabits and her fear for Choi Young's safety. However, while she's with Choi Young, she's always putting on this cheerful brave front for him because she doesn't want him to worry about her and get distracted from his handling of the King's affairs. Isn't that what he's been doing all along too? He knows she abhors the sight and smell of blood on him and will worry if he has sustained any injuries, so he takes pains to clean himself up after he does his job. He even goes to the extent of smelling himself to make sure that the smell of blood does not linger on his hands and clothes. He tries as much as possible to protect and shield her from the violent Goryeo world and bloodshed. And asking the King's uncle to return the diary to Eun Soo so that she can figure out her way home? Need I say more? Somebody, give him the best boyfriend of the century award!!!! Right now!!!!!!" And that is why I love Choi Young. If Eun-soo doesn't want him, may I have him? Please? Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Sep 25, 2012 10:18:57 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I second the recommendation of Reply 1997 as a good coming of age drama. I have been very impressed with the quality of TvN's dramas. I found all of the characters in this drama to be very realistic and enjoyable. While I wasn't overly thrilled with the Tae Woong/Shi Won storyline, the writers did an outstanding job on the Yoon Jae/Joon Hee storyline. Seo In Gook (Yoon Jae) is now starring in the family drama Rascal Sons which I plan to check out. So far I have had very good luck with family dramas, as the lead romances in both Family's Honor and Smile, You were excellent. Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 25, 2012 4:14:55 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Spectator51 - PSH also had a secondary romance with HEA in the family drama Let's Marry/Let's Get Married. His role wasn't very large and he didn't appear in every episode. Only place I found this drama was on Dramafever. The below YT shows some of PSH scenes from this drama (might want to turn your speakers down as the sound track to this video isn't very good). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0PFiu8zdG4 Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 25, 2012 7:37:11 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 25, 2012 7:55:31 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Another great episode of Faith. As usual I loved all the scenes between the H/h. We got a hug between ES and CY, and they also almost kissed in this episode. The way CY looks at ES is beautiful and intense. We also got the funny/playful scenes between them and moving scenes as well. I think that this couple rivals the couple from Queen In Hyun's Man (but of course I can't say for sure until Faith is finished). None the less ES/CY are among my top favorite couples, so far! This episode left us on such a cliffhanger though, with CY desperately holding a very sick ES in his arms. Add to that the fact that CY is on the run with ES (they're basically on the run from GC and the king), so it just makes the situation even worse. I don't understand why the king's uncle DH (who is just as young as the king and CY) would give ES poison. I don't like DH, and I wonder what he will do if Lady Choi gives him the location where ES and CY are staying, because he has the antidote. I hope CY can get the antidote ASAP. I really can't wait for next week's episodes, they left us with a terrible cliffhanger. Reader123 thanks for sharing that youtube video of PSH's kissing scenes from his various roles, I really liked it. Now I want to check some of his other dramas (besides Princess Man) out. I think I'll be watching Prosecutor Princess once I have the time, it just went up the ranks on my "want to watch" list lol. And last but not least, I can't wait for tomorrow's episodes of Innocent Man (AKA Nice Guy). I'm really interested to see what happens next. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: Sep 26, 2012 12:41:57 AM PDT Last edited by you on Sep 26, 2012 9:25:58 AM PDT Adnana says:

For all you fans of "Queen In Hyun's Man" -I think you'll want to watch this. :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dp6JEbTAVko RE: "Faith" I, too, loved all of CY and ES's interactions this week. This couple is definitely one of my favorites in K-dramaland, and I so wish for them to have a HEA. As for DH... He's a sly man. Also, he's one wanting to survive when his life is at high risk. Like he well said it: now that GC has brought him forward, he either becomes king or he dies. So he's hedging his bets as much as possible -- playing on GC's ambitions, bringing Il-Shin over to the dark side (though, arguably, Il-Shin was already on the dark side, even if in a different way) and, perhaps most importantly, trying to gain control over the High Doctor, who is important to so many powerful people (the king, GC etc.). Obviously, DH had no way of knowing that ES would run off... which makes it even more disturbing that he decided to poison her without any real reason other than to have her at his mercy -- in a bargain for her very life, I don't think there's much (or anything) that ES could have denied him in exchange for the antidote. To conclude, GC said it well: he called a tiger to chase a fox. So as interesting (ie revolting) a villain as GC is, I've got to say that DH seems a notch above even GC. Also, might I say I am very eagerly anticipating a CY crazed with fury at seeing his beloved ES's life at risk? His stoic, indifferent attitude is truly a thing of the past. And lazy warrior transformed into 'scorch the earth for my love' warrior should be a joy to behold. After all, he's never had to play for such high stakes before. :D Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Sep 26, 2012 8:44:40 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 26, 2012 8:46:12 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Adnana thank you so much for sharing that YT video :D I didn't know there was an extended director's cut... what a hot/beautiful ending. I love this extended scene. So this will be on the dvd, right? When are they going to release this dvd?! I'm dying over here lol. I'd buy a QIHM extended edition dvd (with english subtitles of course) in a heartbeat. I can't wait to watch this scene in HQ/HD *grins*. And yes I agree about DH, he is trying to survive. So now we have a king who is not unlikable but who the viewer doesn't really care for either, GC a villain, and DH a villain with more brain and subtlety. All of them want CY or ES to a certain extent. I hope that CY and ES can stay on the run (outside the palace) for a while at least, because it would provide for more exciting/interesting plot/events that way, and they'd have ample opportunity to get closer. I hope CY or the Suribang will know of a cure for ES. Like I said, the cliffhanger they left us with was really mean this time, and I can't wait for next week's episodes! Oh and I felt really sad when ES was telling the Queen goodbye (of course without the queen knowing that ES was about to runaway with CY). Because I did read a bit of the history and the queen will die in childbirth, after which the king will go into a deep depression. I'm guessing that's why ES left some medicines, for the uterus and such, with Dr. Jang, in hopes that that might prevent the queen from dying. I love the queen, so that scene and ES's sad look and subtle words were really moving.

You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Sep 26, 2012 9:29:30 AM PDT Adnana says: The Director's Cut edition for "Queen In Hyun's Man" has already been released -- earlier this month, I think. A Google search should turn up various outlets. Edit this post | Permalink 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Posted on Sep 27, 2012 9:26:56 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: I've missed this thread so much!!! Real life stepped in the last couple weeks and I had to let my drama love take a backseat. But now I'm getting caught back up. I picked Faith to catch up with first and I'm so glad I did. LOVED the last 4 episodes so much. So much movement between the OTP and the King and Queen. Choi Young is a great K-drama hero. He's definitely the strong silent type, but his actions are where his love for Eun Soo really shines through. So good. I now need to finish catching up on Arang, To the Beautiful You, and Haeundae Lovers. I did finish the final episode of Answer Me 1997 and loved it of course. It really is a sweet drama about growing up. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 27, 2012 10:10:48 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 27, 2012 10:13:21 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. - As I've mentioned on this discussion thread before, I loved Park Shi Hoo in Prosecutor Princess. With that said, I do think PSH second best romance (after The Princess' Man) was Family's Honor. PSH holds the distinction of being the only Kdrama actor who was twice cast as the second leading man but because he was so much more charismatic than the lead actor, the scripts were rewritten in mid-production to make him the hero (and to increase his screen time). In both cases, I think it was a epic failure in casting the lead actor, as PSH was so much better/hotter and his relationships with the heroines so much more interesting. Had to be very embarrassing for the two actors who had their "hero" status/leading role taken away. The YT video shows PSH highlights from Queen of Reversals: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzW1azlfSMY Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Sep 27, 2012 10:12:13 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says: Welcome back - we missed your commentary! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 28, 2012 4:47:06 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I think the current batch of TV dramas have been extremely good (Arang, Faith, To the Beautiful You, Reply 1997) and I hope that the ones scheduled to follow will also be as good. Joo Won has just signed on for a Rom/Com spy drama, based on the movie My Girlfriend is An Agent (which was cute). Drama is set for January 2013. (Lets hope Park Ki Woong also gets a Rom/Com.) Siwon new drama King of Dramas starts in November and Park Yoo Chun has signed on to star in I Miss You which is also airing in November. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 28, 2012 9:10:53 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 28, 2012 9:33:45 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Reader123 thanks for the info. about PSH, that must have been a bit embarrassing for the lead to be given the role of second lead halfway through a series, so that PSH can be the lead. I've put "Family's Honor" on my "want to watch" list as well :) I agree that this batch of drama/romance shows are really good, with Faith at the top, followed by "Nice Guy/Innocent Man", and then "Arang". I've watched the two new episodes of "Nice Guy/Innocent Man". However I think the best title for this show is a title I saw on youtube for it "The Good Man Never Seen". I think at this point such a title would be perfect to describe Eungi's situation. It also describes Maru really well in terms of who he used to be (a good man), and who he's becoming (a ruthless man, where the good man in him is not seen). Episode 6 in particular broke my heart a little, because in this episode it seems that the game is finally full on. At this point I'm sure that Maru is still not over Jae Hee, but now his feelings are of the destructive sort not romantic sort. He's going to bring down Jae Hee and destroy himself with her, that much was clear from their conversation in this episode. I really want him to get over her completely soon. What was really moving and what killed me a little were Maru's words to a drunk Eungi, when he tells her that in the future she may look back at this and regret it "but just think that you're having a nightmare" then his gaze softens "you can wake up from nightmares, as time goes by you wonder what you dreamt of, not being able to remember anything". Basically he's talking about her moving on after he's out of her life, so sad that at this point he's going to go through with his plan (we still don't know what it entails exactly, but it doesn't look good for vulnerable Eungi). I think/hope that Maru may have some feelings for Eungi, but at this point they're so buried

underneath all the mess that Jae Hee has created, that he himself does not realize it yet. Anyways I am kind of afraid to watch more, but at the same time I can't not see what happens next lol. This show is so intense. I like Eungi, I like lawyer Park (who's the only one on Eungi's side). As for Maru, I vacillate between liking him and disliking him. I just want Maru to start caring for Eungi ASAP! I'm also wondering when Eungi will lose her memories, and how that will play into the story, because right now I can't see that fitting into the story. I still don't know what to make of this show, but it does hook the viewer so far...so we'll see what happens next. Happy drama/romance watching everyone! Oh and welcome back Rashell :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 28, 2012 10:38:15 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: D.M. - your comments about Nice Guy are very intriguing for me. But after the pain of Gaksital, I'm not ready yet for an intense melo. But keep the reports comming. I know I'll want to watch it soon and it does sound very good! I've heard rumors that the h in the Yoonchun drama may be Yoon Eun Hye (Coffee Prince) so I'm very interested in that one especially if she confirms. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 1, 2012 3:18:44 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Yes Reader123 I feel you after all your "PTSD" posts lol. I just usually write reports about the shows that I really enjoy, Nice Guy/Innocent Man being one of the top shows I'm enjoying so far :) Now onto my report for the day lol Episode 15 of Faith was really one of the best episodes, and I'm waiting patiently/impatiently for the subs. I've already read the English recap. CY is basically fighting on his own now, his main priority being saving ES's life. I've got to say that DH is smart, and I understand that he is simply trying to survive. As for CY I continue to really love him, in this episode his love/care for ES is very evident. It was intense when he had to fight his own men and threaten the king. I'm loving all these twists! Last but definitely not least, I loved the scenes between CY/ES. It seems to me that CY is seriously contemplating a future with ES and not letting her go :) I'm really looking forward to tomorrow's episode. I adore the relationship between our H/h amidst all the historical intrigue, and the lengths CY will go to in order to save ES's life. It's like he just snapped by having ES in his arms poisoned- especially given the loss that CY has suffered before- and it's amazing to watch. You replied with a later post

Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Oct 1, 2012 11:51:16 PM PDT Last edited by you on Apr 3, 2014 7:56:04 AM PDT Adnana says: D.M. said: "I adore the relationship between our H/h amidst all the historical intrigue, and the lengths CY will go to in order to save ES's life. It's like he just snapped by having ES in his arms poisoned..." I *LOVED* that CY was so out of his mind rattled and worried for ES that he would have gone to DH without his sword, had JB not stopped him. Let's say it again (it totally bears repeating): CY, the quintessential warrior, forgot all about his Precious Sword. If that's not love, what is? ;) And later, when CY told DH: "I've killed countless men, and I've always tried to make it quick and painless, but this time I'm going to enjoy cutting you up piece by piece." I know it's wrong, but oh my gosh, I found CY insanely hot in that moment. I was cheering him on like a crazy person, and going like "punch DH harder, cut him deeper, make him BLEED"! :D I don't know what's with "Faith" -- it's not like it's the best K-drama ever made. But especially in these last few episodes, it's become like my personal crack, tailored after all my heart's desires in terms of what I want to see in a love story. I've honestly never been so obsessed with a drama before; I kind of hope I never will be again, because it's occupying more of my thoughts than it should. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Oct 2, 2012 9:51:49 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: lol Adnana I agree with you. I find the historical plot with the whole going back and forth between the King, GC and now DH, sort of tedious- because nothing really substantial is coming out of it so far, since the powers are balanced. This is also why I wished for ES/CY to be away from the palace for a while. The reason I love this show so much is because of the ES/CY relationship. This show really excels in developing that relationship. The moments between ES/CY are sooo good, they range from romantic sweet/playful to intense/moving. Like I said before I adore our H/h, they're just perfect for each other. CY is strong/sexy/extremely protective of ES, generally silent and calm, but has a temper (and all bets are off) when ES is in danger. Then we have ES who's a bit ditsy, sweet, brave, cute/funny, and who tries to hide her tears behind a smile. Love them!... I desperately want an HEA for CY/ES. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Oct 2, 2012 12:12:25 PM PDT Last edited by you on Oct 2, 2012 12:13:57 PM PDT Adnana says: D.M., Have you seen episode 16? I think I've gone crazy; I bought a subscription at Showboom this week, just so I could watch "Faith" live (with no "freezing" of the stream) and real-time subtitles. And I don't *DO* that kind of stuff. Usually. :P Anyways... episode 16. That ending *killed* me. Especially knowing where CY and ES's hearts are at in that moment -*SPOILERS* we finally have confirmation that they're both desperately in love with each other, but CY thinks that ES has no thoughts/feelings for him, and conversely, ES may have figured the truth of her feelings for CY too late to save his life. *END SPOILERS* When is it Monday again? :D Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Oct 2, 2012 1:20:28 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Oh I watched parts of episode 16 raw. I usually watch the raw episodes on viki, since viki basically has the episode up at around 9:00 in the morning, and then I watch it again in the evening after the subs are done or almost done. I haven't read the english recap yet, your spoilers just made me more anxious to watch this episode subbed. I hope that ES can somehow get to CY in time :( Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Oct 4, 2012 5:51:54 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. - Hopefully Nice Guy does not cause you to suffer PTSD - I've watched the first episode but decided to hold off watching any further until I know the ending. So far it sounds very good - here's hoping that it remains that way (and that you can keep reporting) until the end. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 4, 2012 10:10:35 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Hey Reader123, I've just watched eps 7 and 8 subbed, and I can say one thing about this show, it is unpredictable. Now my report :) By the end of episode 8 it seems as if Maru is finally ready to put Jae Hee behind him, and not go with his revenge plan either (so my fears of suffering PTSD are eased for the time being, lol). However now Eungi knows that he made her fall in love with him simply for his own ends, and she's hurt. From the previews it seems as if episode 9 might be the episode that

Eungi loses her memory in (I still don't know how that will play into the plot). I also don't hate Eungi's father anymore, I don't like him but I don't hate him because he's realized his mistake. I also don't hate Jae Hee, because I can understand that she grew up in a messed up environment, so she's messed up too. I'm starting to really like Maru, despite his shades of grey because in these two episodes it seems like he not only is regretting dragging Eungi into the mess, but that he also is starting to care for her. I can't wait to see what will happen next, I hate that I can't predict how the story will go with our H/h (Eungi and Maru). I hope that she doesn't lose her memory in the next episode, but I have a feeling that it's upon us...dun dun dun lol. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 4, 2012 10:11:43 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Oh and about episode 16 of Faith (Reader123 are you watching this show? it's very good), and Adnana you were correct about the ending of episode 16, it is a mind eff. So now it seems that Eunsoo and CY have met before and were probably lovers, but both don't remember it. It also seems that the first time around ES was too late to warn/save CY and that's why she left behind a diary to warn herself not to be late this time (when it seems like it's already too late...but let's hope not). So this means that ES was in the past before (was she also dragged by CY the first time around, I wonder?). Anyways I can't wait for next week's episodes, this show is killing me. I think it's bad for my health to be following two addicting shows at the same time lol. Happy drama/romance watching everyone! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 5, 2012 7:48:00 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. - I am following both Faith and Arang - I agree that both are excellent. I also followed To The Beautiful You and Haeundae Lovers - both of which have now finished. I thought To The Beautiful You was the best of the four live action adaptions of Hana Kimi, as this adaption was a romance which took place at a school versus most of the other adaptions which were school comedies with a romance. It remained cute/fun throughout, with a H that was very loving and jealous. It also had a much better ending than the original Japanese and Taiwanese versions. Haeundae Lovers was a light rom/com which I never truly became invested in. While I liked the H and uncles, I found the h annoying (although I think it may be that I didn't like the actress who was playing the h, as there has certainly been more annoying heroines that I haven't disliked as much).

Overall, I will probably rewatch TTBY sometime in the future, but can't imagine ever wanting to rewatch Haeundae Lovers (primarily due to my dislike of the h). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 5, 2012 9:36:30 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Reader123 I stopped watching HL some time ago, but I guess I will have to catch up on the last 5 or 6 episodes sometime in the future (maybe lol). I haven't watched TTBY, I watched the original J-version and thought it was an entertaining silly/wacky comedy but nothing memorable. I also found the premise too ridiculous. But since you're saying that in your opinion this K-version is the best adaptation so far, and since you're saying that it is a romance/comedy, as opposed to a silly/wacky comedy with a little romance (Hana Kimi), I am now interested in checking it out. So it this show finished now? How many episodes is it, and does it have a happy ending for the H/h? As for Arang, I haven't watched the two new episodes yet, I'll probably watch them sometime during the weekend. I continue to like this show, but it is not capturing me the way "Faith" and "Innocent Man/Nice Guy" have. With Faith and Innocent Man I want to watch new episodes as soon as they're posted, but with Arang I can put off watching new episodes and catching up later. So for me the shows rate, so far: 1. Faith, Innocent Man 2. Arang and the Magistrate Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 5, 2012 10:15:09 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. - Last episode (#16) of To The Beautiful You aired yesterday. It does end with a HEA for the H/h. It is based on the same manga as the Japanese version so that you will recognize elements of the plot (and it does have the same premise - girl pretending to be a boy in an all boy school) but the focus is different - this version focuses much more on the H/h relationship as opposed to school hijinks. I did like both the H/h in this version - the H was very sweet to the h especially over the last several episodes. While the show is not in the same league as Faith, it was a cute, fun, low angst drama. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: Oct 5, 2012 12:55:21 PM PDT Last edited by you on Oct 10, 2012 11:22:02 PM PDT Adnana says: RE: "To the Beautiful You" I've also been watching this drama as it aired -- in fact (before Nice Guy), Faith was my MoTu drama, and TTBY was my We-Th drama.

I agree with Reader123 that the Korean version of Hana Kimi was much more romantic than the Japanese one, and I loved the main couple's interactions. Especially the fact that they got to be a "couple" (even though not for very long) and even before that, they had a lot of nice "couply" moments -- which the Japanese version lacked. Also, there's an explicit happy ending to the drama. So I definitely recommend that you give TTBY a try -- just don't go in with the greatest expectations. It's cute and fun, but fluff ultimately. Also, beware that the heroine, though very sweet, is also very dense (I liked her throughout, but she definitely had a few too many 'damsel-in-distress' or dim moments. I did love, though, that the hero was always there helping her and rescuing her in her times of need -- sometimes without the heroine even being aware of it). Overall, I enjoyed TTBY almost as much as "You're Beautiful", which goes into my "keepers I LIKED" category (as opposed to the "keepers I LOVED" category). Edit this post | Permalink Your post: Oct 5, 2012 1:21:08 PM PDT Last edited by you on Oct 5, 2012 1:22:10 PM PDT Adnana says: I'm very captivated by what I've seen so far of "Nice Guy", but I think I want to stop watching for now. I find live-watching dramas a bit nerve-wrecking, and (I hope) I'm not that completely engrossed with "Nice Guy" as to the point of being unable to delay watching it until after it's finished airing. Too bad I can't say the same for "Faith". :( I love "Faith", and I'm completely invested in the OTP's relationship. Yes, I love the heroine and hero as a couple, but I also truly love both of them them as individuals, which I've realized is sort of a rare thing for me. Eun-soo is awesome -- lively and quirky and loyal --, and it's actually refreshing (as well as annoying) that even though she seems so open and impulsive, she's actually the half of the OTP who has the spiked, ten feet wall built around her heart, and all the "no trespassing" signs placed before it. As for Choi Young... well, I think I've already explained (at length, lol) why he's one of my absolute favorite drama heroes ever. In fact, he's seriously THIS CLOSE from toppling Ou Chen from my number one spot, which I would have believed almost impossible to happen. Something (okay, a great many things) about this character get(s) me right in the heart, and as much as I love LMH the actor, it's like he inhabits this character so perfectly, that I can only see Choi Young now, not LMH. I want roses and sunshine for this couple. At the very least, if they're still to be subjected to angst and separation in the future, I want a few happy moments of togetherness for them before the storm strikes. I want a mutual acknowledgment of their feelings for each other before the 12th hour. I'm very afraid that I won't be getting what I want. :( The preview for episode 17 has me seriously bummed out. *PREVIEW SPOILERS* follow ES is supposed to make a deal with DH to save CY's life, since CY has been supposedly caught in a deadly trap. And whatever ES's deal with DH is, CY supposedly becomes furious at hearing about it and asks ES to just stay by his side. So why am I bummed out? I have this bad feeling that DH's request from ES (in exchange for CY's life) will go along the lines of "be my queen". "Make a public show of giving your allegiance to ME." And ES will play along and not even reveal her true motives/intentions to CY. Who will be left feeling all alone and betrayed -- and gosh-darned it, with his heart torn

to shreds! Since we all know by now that he loves ES deeply. But he believes his feelings are unrequited. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Oct 5, 2012 2:50:37 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: OMG Adnana, where did you see the preview for episode 17? (I want to see it too!) *sighs* I want them together! Why oh why do we need more angst, after everything we've been through lol. Anyways I hope that CY will figure out what she's doing, and save her. I also want to know what exactly does that diary signify. Hopefully this show will have an HEA between the H/h, such a scenario would not be impossible or far fetched (I'm keeping the hope). About "TTBY", thanks Reader123 and Adnana for your input, and if it is half as good as "You're Beautiful" then it means that I will like it! Since "You're Beautiful" is one of my favorite K-shows. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Oct 5, 2012 10:41:39 PM PDT Last edited by you on Oct 6, 2012 1:09:07 AM PDT Adnana says: D.M., Just woke up and saw your post. :) Well, given my unfortunate addiction to "Faith" :P, I've been "stalking" some forums and sites where the (written first, then the video) preview and even spoilers for "Faith" get posted prior to the episodes airing. Last week, for example, they posted on Friday the written previews for both episodes 15 and 16. Therefore, I was happy to learn that CY would save ES from poison, but I was worried at the "extreme terms" DH had required from CY in exchange for the antidote (that's how the previews went). And then on Sunday there came the video preview for episode 15, and I saw CY asking for the seal and fighting the Woodalchi, and I went all googly-eyed and waited with bated breath for the actual episode on Monday. Anyways, I mainly get my info from the soompi "Faith" forum -- they're the fastest in terms of relaying the latest news, and they have a few members who even translate spoilers from Korean articles or forums (like dcinside and baidu). But, for our purposes this time, just go to this link on Joonni's site for the written preview for episode 17: http://joonni.com/2012/10/04/written-preview-faith-episode-17/ Also, check this out; it's a spoilery picture: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=444417938944524&set=a.350934844959501.988 35.350877554965230&type=1&relevant_count=1 *SPOILERS*

I was afraid that the above picture depicted ES's dress in court while at the side of DH, but according to the latest batch of spoilers (don't know how accurate it is this time, though), she's actually wearing it when GM returns to the palace. God, I hope so. *end SPOILERS* As to the ending of "Faith"... I have GREAT hopes that it is a happy one, even though this writer/PD team isn't exactly known for giving their dramas happy endings. Still, the reasons why I'm hoping: 1) "Faith" was officially called "a love story that transcends time and space" -- so it should transcend all obstacles until the end, right? Why advertise a romance and then give people a tragedy instead? OK, so I know that reason 1) doesn't sound the most logical/convincing, but then luckily there's also reason 2) Not much is known about the historical Choi Young's private life, but he did allegedly have a (second) wife he loved very much, and when he died he was buried with her. This wife's name was YOO (her surname; her first name isn't known), and supposedly, our heroine Yoo Eun-soo was at first called Jeon Eun-soo in the script, but then the writer changed her surname to "Yoo". So everyone is hoping and hoping that was a clue regarding the ending. :) Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Oct 6, 2012 9:13:10 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Oh I didn't know that historical CY had a wife who's last name is the same as our heroine's last name. So now I'm curious, who was CY's first wife? Was it his first girlfriend, the one who killed herself? Anyways so after CY's first wife died, he married a second wife who's last name is "Yoo" the same as our heroine's last name, correct? Which really means that it is a strong hint for a possible HEA for ES/CY :D Thanks for the info. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Oct 6, 2012 10:50:33 AM PDT Last edited by you on Apr 3, 2014 8:07:16 AM PDT Adnana says: RE: Historical VS. Fictional Choi Young D.M. said: "So now I'm curious, who was CY's first wife? Was it his first girlfriend, the one who killed herself?" The thing is... the folks over at the soompi forums have been researching A LOT about the real CY's life. There isn't that much to learn, truly, (on the personal level) but what they DID manage to find out... they keep trying to fit into OUR fictional CY's life. With unfortunate results, imho. Here are the "facts" (though, really, how genuine these "facts" are, when we're talking about such a distant past, is anyone's guess): 1) In the Korean wiki, Choi Young is described as having had a wife (and a son by her) and a

concubine (and a daughter by her). Both the wife's and the concubine's names: unknown. 2) Then, a very reliable source on VIKI (someone who's basically translated the drama "The Princess' Man" almost by herself and is almost certainly of Korean parentage) posted that tidbit about CY's beloved wife being named Yoo, and how Faith's writer changed the drama heroine's name accordingly. http://www.viki.com/channels/1058/posts/21301-spoiler-cy-s-wife 3) A source on the soompi forums, however, had contact with someone in possession of a Chinese history book (allegedly), and it seems that in that book, CY is recorded as having loved a woman very much, and that woman was named Yoo, but she was CY's concubine, not his wife. So people became a bit (or a lot) outraged. Who was CY's first wife? Can we consider Maehee (the fiancee) as the first wife? Or will Eun-soo become a concubine? Or will CY marry Eun-soo and LATER take a concubine? And so it went... Personally, I thought this all-out effort to somehow reconcile fact with fiction (in this situation) was completely pointless. In my mind, there's a very clear distinction between the real and the fictional CY. The former could have had a hundred concubines, for all I care (and for all we know). The latter, however, stayed faithful to his first love Mae-hee for 7 years, then he fell in love with ES and, as I see it, he will never ever love another woman again. And I think Eun-soo's surname is "YOO" simply to maintain a slight connection with history -- because a woman going by the surname Yoo seems to have been the love of the real CY's life. Nevertheless, the Choi Young I love so much is purely a fictional creation. I mean, I don't love him because he's going to become some big-shot general and win a lot of wars for Goryeo. And later be considered a national hero. No, I love the Woodalchi captain who's been hurt and hardened by tragedy, but who's managed, through Eun-soo, to find a new purpose in life. I love that he's loyal and honorable and that he accepts Eun-soo for who she is -- brash attitude and mouthiness and quirkiness and all. In other words, the things I love about CY are the fictional aspects of his character and life. I do approve wholeheartedly, though, that actual history gives us a sliver a hope that there's a HEA in store for CY and ES. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Oct 6, 2012 12:56:09 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Thanks so much for all that information. Lol at the outrage at trying to fit in historical CY's personal life (where very little fact is known anyways) with fictional CY's personal life. I agree with you completely that there is a distinction between fictional CY and historical CY. Also even for historical CY, so little is really known about him, we can safely say that the concubine/wife stuff is also speculation more than fact. But yes in this drama we have a fictional account of CY, and the CY character in "Faith" is the CY we love. Quote: And I think Eun-soo's surname is "YOO" simply to maintain a slight connection with history -- because a woman going by the surname Yoo seems to have been the love of the real CY's life. Reply: I wholeheartedly agree. I also wholeheartedly agree with the last part of your post, about CY's character in the drama/romance "Faith", and him being the one we love.

Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 6, 2012 1:03:12 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. Are you still watching Miss Rose? I started watching it yesterday and so far I like it. H seems very protective of the h. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 6, 2012 1:19:02 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Yes Reader123, I'm still watching Miss Rose, it's my light/fluffy romantic show right now. I still haven't watched episode 9 or was it 10? I'm going to be watching the new episode or two soon. At what episode are you? (Did you watch the episode when the hero meets the fortuneteller who knows his mother? I think that was the most hilarious scene in the series so far). Like you said, I really love his protectiveness of the heroine too. I also started "TTBY" (I know, crazy of me to start a new show right now, when I'm already following four shows). Anyways I get the feel of "You're Beautiful" from it, even though I don't think it will be as good. Anyways I am liking it, and it does seem like it will be a very entertaining ride. Of course there's still many episodes ahead, but I will be watching more of this one when I have time. I like shows like Miss Rose and TTBY, because they are a perfect balance to the heavier shows I'm following (AKA Faith, Arang, and Innocent Man). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 6, 2012 2:19:56 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. - I'm up to episode 8 of Miss Rose (which is all Gooddrama has so far). I did see the H/fortuneteller scene - it was pretty funny. I'm glad you're liking TTBY - its not as good as You're Beautiful, but its still a very enjoyable drama - similar to You're Beautiful, I think it's a show that will do much better in the international market - it had very low TV ratings in Korea. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 7, 2012 9:42:45 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I have finished watching all of the episodes of Miss Rose that have aired to date (at episode 10 out of 20). As D.M. indicated this is a good light/fluffy romance. It does have a twist on the normal drama trope of H loving OW, while h loves H. In this drama, the H falls in love (for the first time) with the h, while the h at first seemed to be somewhat stuck in the past,

unable to recover from the fiance who dumped her. The H is very protective and supportive of the h, even going so far as to clear up a misunderstanding between the h and the OM. In addition, I think the interactions between the H and his bestie/sidekick are a hoot. This is the first time I have watched a drama with the actor who plays the H - I will say that he is one of the best looking actors in dramaland. Here's hoping that this drama remains good till the end. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 8, 2012 10:03:49 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Reader123 glad that you're enjoying Miss Rose, it is a really good romance/comedy fluffy show. I too have watched episode ten, and I'm waiting for new episodes to be uploaded :) Also I don't know if you or Adnana have watched the new episode of Faith, I've watched the ES/CY parts only (raw), and all I will say is (spoilers) they finally kiss! I'm really looking forward to tomorrow's episode to see ES's reaction. Also I can't wait for this episode to get subbed, so that I can understand the context, and what they say to each other in this episode. I wonder why CY doesn't just drag ES away? I mean he can do it easily, so why is he listening to her? I'll be reading the English recap, soon. Here's to hoping in tomorrow's episode he drags her away before she marries or gets engaged to DH. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 8, 2012 10:16:57 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: OMO!!! Finally a FAITH KISS!! YAY! And LMH can always deliver in the kissing scenes, so this one is sure to be HOT! I also watched TTBY and found it to be cute, light, fluff. The he is TSTL a lot of the time, but both the H and the second lead are so adorably protective of her that it was mostly okay. It did remind me of You're Beautiful in the sense of a h that was just so dense sometimes. But Tae Joon is sweet but he's no Tae Kyung. It's like TTBY is You're Beautiful the lighter version. Maybe I'll have to check out Miss Rose. I'm not ready yet to watch Nice Guy. I'm thinking that is one I'm going to have to wait until it's done. But I am still watching and enjoying Arang. But Faith is still my fave. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Oct 8, 2012 10:40:17 AM PDT Last edited by you on Oct 8, 2012 1:04:58 PM PDT Adnana says: I could only watch half of "Faith" live on Showboom, and now I've just finished watching the rest...

I'm speechless, frankly (in an oh, so good way). I will say this much, though: best episode ever. Seriously. E.V.E.R. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Oct 8, 2012 2:18:27 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Did anyone watch Rich Man, Poor Woman to the end? I stopped at episode 5 and wondered if it was worth finishing. D.M. I probably will not see today's episode of Faith till tomorrow - I watch on Gooddrama and it usually takes a day for the subed versions to be posted. I don't like to watch on Viki as it has too many segments and doesn't seem to run well on my computer (lots of buffering). Sounds like its a good episode. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 8, 2012 3:13:15 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Hey Rashell, I didn't know that you were watching Faith too! And about LMH being a good kisser, I'm looking forward to tomorrow to see the full kiss! I also agree with you about TTBY, it does feel like a lighter version of You're Beautiful, but not as good. So far I'm finding it fairly entertaining, but it is not one of my favorites. As for Miss Rose, so far, I recommend it if you're looking for a very good fluffy romance/comedy show. Reader123 I stopped watching RMPW also around episode 6 or 7, so I don't know if anyone else on this thread watched it to the end. So I'm like you, I have no idea how it ended. I also want to say that you have admirable self control, as for me I watch the new episode of Faith as soon as it is uploaded lol, at least the ES/CY parts. I'm lucky that Viki seems to be compatible with my PC :) Adnana, it was a good episode especially with that ending kiss. I haven't read the English recap yet, but I will soon. I can't wait for this evening, when the episode will hopefully be fully subbed. And last but not least, aw it seems I'll be the only one following Innocent Man on this thread. But I can understand how you guys who followed a previous melodrama are now weary of getting drawn into another one. However I'll report if it doesn't have a happy ending, but I'm hoping for an HEA. This show is now my Wednesday/Thursday show now, so far. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 8, 2012 10:26:04 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @D.M. - If LMH is in it, I'm watching it. He's my fav. The absolute best LMH kiss, and maybe the best drama kiss EVER is the Game Over kiss in Personal Taste. That kiss is epic. Really. If you haven't seen it, and don't want to watch the whole drama its the end of ep 10 or the beginning of ep 11. Yeah, it was so good they put in two episodes. Seriously, I actually squeed out loud when it happened. Soooooo Gooood! And I will have to check out Miss Rose.

I always need a fluff drama to just watch and enjoy. I want to watch Nice Guy/Innocent Man, but I'm still reeling from Gaksital. I love Song Jun Ki and Moon Chae Won, so I know I'll get to it soon. Do keep us posted. @Reader123: I finished RMPW and it was okay. Still a lot of company politics and not enough romance for me. Although it did have an HEA but it didn't pay off until the last episode. But the last few were actually really cute with couple moments. Once the Rich Man became a poor man and the sweet girl stayed by his side. I'm glad I finished, but I don't think I'll be watching again. @Adnana: My favorite scene in this Faith epi wasn't the kiss actually. It was the scene where he backs her up against the pillar. WOW! So hot! But I agree this was a great episode! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 9, 2012 6:03:57 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Oct 9, 2012 6:11:18 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Since I've watched all of the episodes of Miss Rose that have aired, I have started watching another light romantic comedy called Office Girls which so far seems to have a very similar vibe as Miss Rose (haven't watched many episodes yet so this may change). The h works in the Sales department of a department store. The H (the same actor who is the H in Miss Rose) is the son of the store's owners and is just returning from the US after spending 5 years getting his MBA (yep, he apparently didn't study very hard). In order to not be disinherited the H must work at the store for one year, at an entry level position in the Sales department, while not revealing his identity, living solely on his earnings and earning a very good performance rating. So far I like show - I'm hopefully will be as good as Miss Rose - with the bonus of being a completed drama. Rashell - Thanks for the info on RMPW, I don't think I'll finish this drama since the romance remains weak. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 9, 2012 10:08:23 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Oct 9, 2012 10:10:20 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Rashell I have watched that kiss in Personal Taste, since I've watched Personal Taste before. It's not one of my favorite shows, but it was a pretty entertaining series even if a bit slow at some parts. I agree that kiss was hot, but I wish they hadn't put LMH in short pants (he has long legs, and it seems as if they couldn't find pants that would fit him properly in this show or something lol). I also agree that the scene in Faith when CY pushed ES against the pillar was hot! I've just watched parts of episode 18 of Faith raw, and read the English recap too. I'll just say one thing, it appears that ES has confessed her feelings to CY! And by the end, it seems as if Yuan now knows of the "heaven's doctor" existence and they want her, which prompts CY to

say that they needed to run. I'm waiting patiently/impatiently until this episode gets subbed, and I'm looking forward to next week's episodes :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 9, 2012 10:55:27 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @D.M.:Personal Taste is not one of my favorites either, but that kiss was FABULOUS! I was so busy watching his handsome face that I didn't even notice his pants. LMH always wears floods. I've noticed that in all his dramas including City Hunter which is actually one of my favorites. I think that he's much taller then the average Korean, so maybe he does have a hard time finding clothes long enough. @Reader123: Thanks for another drama to look into. A finished one is always good because then I can watch at my own pace and not wait for new episodes. It's been a while since I've watched a completed drama. Episode 18 of Faith broke my heart raw, so I'm anticipating tears once it's subbed. There does seem to be quite a few intense ES/CY scenes which always make me happy. And I LOVED the convo between Choi Young and Gongmin, where he tells the king that Eun Soo comes first for him. He just loves her so deeply. It's the sweetest thing ever. (Even in my limited Korean I got that part.) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 9, 2012 12:20:54 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Oct 9, 2012 1:49:33 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I agree Rashell, I loved that part too when he tells the king that ES comes first for him. Only I got that due to reading the English recap lol. I also love the scene when ES confessed her feelings to CY. CY is trying to keep a distance with her, because he wants to send her back where it is safer for her, but I'm glad that she confessed her feelings for him. But it was a sad scene, because of the circumstances. Also I just checked and (edited) it's already subbed at Viki! I think today was a new record :) And last but not least, aw Rashell I certainly hope that this show won't break our hearts in the end. On a side note about the short pants, I noticed the short pants before that scene in Personal Taste *grins*. I just wish that they had given him better attire in Personal Taste. His clothes in Faith are really good and suite him a lot. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 10, 2012 4:22:24 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says: Full House Take 2 with Noh Min Woo and Park Ki Woong finally found a slot on Korean TV. It's scheduled to begin airing October 22. Whoever said their hair was scary is right - the show's hairdresser should be fired from the industry. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 10, 2012 8:55:27 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: Yeah, I'm thinking Full House 2 will be a train wreck of Dr. Jin proportions if not worse. I'm not even going to try. But I did see that Yoon Eun Hye confirmed the drama I Miss You with Mickey Yoonchun (Rooftop Prince). I love her so I'm so excited. Sadly I'm more hopeful that she'll guest on Running Man and reunite with Kim Jong Kook in order to promote it. I love them from their x-man days. You all should watch the you-tube clips of them. Best variety couple EVER. LOVE! But I'll definitely be checking this drama out too. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 10, 2012 9:19:42 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: If they hadn't messed up their hair so bad, Full House 2 would be worth watching just for the pretty. I'm still hoping that Park Ki Woong gets a leading role in a Rom/Com as a reward for his outstanding performance in Bridal Mask. YT had a video showing that performing in Bridal Mask was as hard on the actors as it was on those of us watching the show - had to stop filming a scene due to Park Ki Woong breaking down in tears even when his role didn't call for it. Hopefully the drama shows scheduled to start in Nov - Jan with Joo Won, Park Yoo Chun and Park Shi Hoo, etc. will be as good as the current crop of dramas (Faith, Arang, Reply 1997, To The Beautiful You). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 10, 2012 10:23:31 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @Reader123: Yeah, I'm bettng that going as dark as Shunji had to go was hard for Park Ki Woong. Really many of the scenes had to be hard on all the actors to go to such an ugly place, and with the almost no sleep the actors get when filming I'm betting it made for a few breakdowns. Yeah, I'm soooooo excited for the Park Shi Hoo drama. That will mean my three favorite actors were in a drama right after eachother - Gong Yoo, Lee Min Ho, Park Shi Hoo. Joo Won is trying to make it on that list as well. He's got to be exhausted from going from one project straight to the next. I really do hope he's looking after his health. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 10, 2012 8:46:41 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: So what will "I miss you" be about? Is the synopsis out yet? I hope it has an interesting premise. *Sighs* I watched episode 9 of Innocent Man, and what can I say? This was probably one of the saddest and intense episodes in this show so far. This episode with its twists, was also a turning point for the storyline and many of the characters. I can't wait for tomorrow's episode, and I hope that Maru will protect Eungi. On a side note, I love the new hairstyles of the characters, especially Maru's. The last scene of this episode, when Maru and Eungi meet again, made me teary (this show is toying with my emotions lol). Eungi without her memory, in that last scene, was so sweet and vulnerable. I get the feeling that the real drama is starting now... but I'm hoping that Maru will realize his feelings for Eungi soon. Happy drama/romance watching everyone! You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: Oct 11, 2012 12:06:19 AM PDT Last edited by you on Oct 11, 2012 10:12:19 AM PDT Adnana says: RE: "Faith" (part 1) For all the people who are watching (and loving) "Faith", I'd like to post a couple of tidbits from episode 18's script which (imho) showcase some really beautiful aspects about the characters' thoughts and actions during key scenes. Credit for these tidbits (translated from the Korean script) goes to @icesiren at the soompi forums. *Post-kiss: CY finds himself taking a step back so he can gauge ES's reaction. Luckily, ES, after opening her eyes, doesn't evade his gaze but looks back at him. Only then does CY, while suppressing a voice that wants to tremble, speak. During this scene, he keeps taking looks at ES to make sure she is ok, feeling reassured only when he sees her smile at him. Then, when he is being taken away and he turns back to look at her, ES is standing there looking at him. In that moment, ES can see no one else but CY. *After CY runs to see ES and hugs her, he can't believe she's standing in front of him so he hugs her more deeply. And when she asks him doesn't he have to go to the king and he just stands there after saying yes - its because he can't stop looking at her. It says he FINALLY manages to turn away, but then turns back again, with a face that says he wants to run back to her again. Only when ES smiles, is he able to walk away. D.M. said: "I wonder why CY doesn't just drag ES away? I mean he can do it easily, so why is he listening to her?" That's really an awesome thing I love about CY -- even with his completely macho, alpha

warrior personality, he never uses his superior strength to force his will onto ES. He always listens to her reasons/thinking, and even though he often argues with her, opposes her (flawed) plans, and sometimes manhandles her a bit (drags her around by the wrist), ultimately he always lets her make her own choices (like visiting KC at his estate to speak with him after the poisoning incident, or staying in the palace for the "Mata Hari" operation and even after the engagement with DH). Always, CY ends up supporting ES, even when he doesn't agree with her decisions/actions, and he's always there beside her to protect her if she needs him to. Speaking of which... Did anyone else burst a gut laughing in episode 17, when ES was sneaking around in the palace in search of her diary, sublimely unaware that she was being trailed by that guard? And CY just appears out of the shadows, knocks out the guard with a single blow, and then just stands there watching her inept fumbling with this amused/exasperated expression? Edit this post | Permalink Your post: Oct 11, 2012 12:21:26 AM PDT Last edited by you on Oct 11, 2012 10:15:29 AM PDT Adnana says: RE: "Faith" (part 2) Rashell said: "My favorite scene in this Faith epi wasn't the kiss actually. It was the scene where he backs her up against the pillar. WOW! So hot!" I found that scene intensely sexy as well, especially since we also got to see CY initiating that heartpounding hug. All this time (even after having fallen for ES), CY had kept his feelings under strict rain, trying not to get too close to ES, yet now he's finally pushed to his breaking point (when he learns of what lengths ES is willing to go to for him), and FINALLY he takes that step forward and makes a (small) push in his relationship with ES. It's like his feelings just burst out and he can't help himself from grabbing her and wrapping her in the fiercest, most possessive embrace of his life. Then the scenes between the OTP in episode 18 (even those tinged with sadness/heartbreak) were all so beautiful. Truly, this week's episodes of "Faith" felt, overall, like shipper's heaven, lol. Still, my absolute favorite CY/ES romantic moment has to be their kiss, especially after learning from the script about CY's feelings at the time. His determination to stop the marriage, his fear of ES's reaction, his need for reassurance from her, how he was so overcome after the kiss that he had to control a tremble in his voice, how she only had eyes for him in those moments before and after the kiss. Rashell said: "And I LOVED the convo between Choi Young and Gongmin, where he tells the king that Eun Soo comes first for him." I just about *swooned* when CY said that to GM. "Always, she was first." Even knowing how honorable CY is and how deeply he's fallen for ES (i.e. knowing that CY is bound to ES BOTH by his honor/promise and his love), I didn't expect that admission from our warrior. That he didn't really know about loyalty to Goryeo -- i.e. that everything he had done had been for ES. It's heartbreaking how much he loves her and how much he depends on her in order to be

able to go on, to keep fighting... to keep living. I nearly cried with ES during the back-hug scene in episode 18, when she (more or less) verbalized her fear that, without her, CY would revert to the man he had been before meeting her (or worse): either always rushing into danger, or sleeping his life away. Mostly, I was heartbroken by her request that he should forget her (after she's gone from his world). Because I KNEW that he could never forget her. And that he could never keep himself together without her. You guys, I have great fears about what's in store for CY/ES in terms of the drama's ending. They're already so completely enmeshed in each other that I can really see no life for either of them if they have to live it apart. Conversely, even though I've always rooted for ES to stay in Goryeo with CY, I've started to get really worried that she will never be safe if she does this. And that, being aware of these dangers, CY won't agree to give her the chance to stay by his side. Edit this post | Permalink Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Oct 11, 2012 12:26:33 AM PDT Adnana says: D.M. said: "So what will "I miss you" be about? Is the synopsis out yet? I hope it has an interesting premise." From dramabeans: The 20-episode melodrama is described as a hide-and-seek love story, about a pair of teenagers who fall in love and get painfully separated, and then meet again as adults. [...] Yoochun who plays Han Jung-woo, a cheeky detective in the violent crimes unit, and Yoon Eun-hye as Lee Soo-yeon, a talented rookie fashion designer. Both characters are cheerful types... The heroine is bright and confident, despite carrying a deep scar from something in her past, and the hero is a cheeky monkey off-duty, and a baddie-chasing fiend when he's wearing his gun and badge. source: http://www.dramabeans.com/2012/10/yoon-eun-hye-joins-yoochun-in-i-miss-you/ Edit this post | Permalink Your post: Oct 11, 2012 12:36:51 AM PDT Adnana says: Oh, BTW, I've made another MV about "Faith", sort of combining my love for this drama and for "The Princess' Man". Enjoy. :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVfJ6V8852Q Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Oct 11, 2012 6:09:10 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Of the new dramas set to air later this year, the premise of Joo Won's sounds like the best of the bunch. However, Park Shi Hoo is my favorite actor so I'm watching all of his drama even if it ends up stinking (heck, even if he only reads the phone book for 16 hours - I'm watching). Looks like Park Yoo Chun's new drama, I Miss You, is going to be a melodrama, not a Rom/Com - the premise is interesting so I plan to watch as it airs, even with the risk of no HEA.

D.M. - thanks for the recap on Nice Guy. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 11, 2012 8:32:31 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Reader123 how will "I miss you" be a melodrama, when the premise that Adnana just posted sounds like a romantic comedy premise, an uninteresting romantic comedy lol. I know that PHS's romance/comedy will be "Alice in something (long name) lol" and that one sounds interesting, even with its vague premise. Also "King of Dramas" sounds interesting. So far I have "Alice" and "King of Dramas" on my list. So what is Joo Won's new drama/romance about? And Reader123 you're welcome about Nice Guy/Innocent Man, I'm glad that you like my reports :) I didn't give spoilers because some of you might want to check it out later, but if you want spoilers just tell me (I'll be happy to oblige lol). I am currently hooked to this show! Adnana wrote: Speaking of which... Did anyone else burst a gut laughing in episode 17, when ES was sneaking around in the palace in search of her diary, sublimely unaware that she was being trailed by that guard? And CY just appears out of the shadows, knocks out the guard with a single blow, and then just stands there watching her inept fumbling with this amused/exasperated expression? Reply: Yes I loved that scene! It was so cute and funny. I love the way CY always takes care of ES. Also thanks for all that information Adnana. I can't wait to see what happens next for our H/h in Faith. Oh and beautiful MV, I loved the combination of Faith with the opening music of Princess Man. *Sighs* I'm hooked to Faith too. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 11, 2012 9:37:41 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. - Dramabeans has been referring to I Miss You as a melodrama not a Rom/Com. I would much prefer a Rom/Com - on a positive note the writer also wrote Smile, You which I really liked (had one of the absolutely best beta heroes). Joo Won's new drama is called Secret Agent War - a 20 episode rom/com spy drama, based on the movie My Girlfriend is An Agent (which was cute). Not sure how close the TV drama will follow the movie. In the movie the h is a spy, in a relationship with the H. The H breaks up with her thinking she is cheating on him - he doesn't know she's actually a spy and was on a mission. A few years later they met up again and the H is now also a spy, working for a different agency. IIRC, in the movie the H was somewhat of a bumbling character. I also plan to check out King of Dramas.

Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 11, 2012 10:23:12 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I always thought that the underlying theme of Smile, You was that there are no second chances at love, as all three potential "second chance" relationships ended with no HEA 1) h was abandoned by husband by side of the road on the way to their honeymoon - he spent most of the drama trying unsuccessfully to win her back, 2) H was devoted to his first love for 8 years - she never gave him the time of day - he moved on and she pleaded unsuccessfully for him to come back, 3) h's sister was never treated as a priority in her relationship - she gave up on her boyfriend and he was never able to win her back. Will be interesting to see if the writer carries this same theme over to I Miss You. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 12, 2012 6:48:46 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Oct 12, 2012 6:51:42 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: With the currently airing dramas starting to wrap up, and the next batch probably not concluding until 2013, the following are the dramas that I currently consider the best of 2012 (not all of which will make it to my top 10 of all dramas list): Faith (while still airing, has been so good so far that even a bad ending will not take it off the list) Arang (concludes next week) Queen In Hyun's Man King 2 Hearts Bridal Mask (while a true heartbreaker, this was the show I was the most invested in during 2012 - going so far to watch portions pre-subbed on Viki - no other show caused such devotion) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 12, 2012 8:43:27 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Oct 12, 2012 8:53:27 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Reader123 about "I Miss You", since you are familiar with the work of this author previously, and you think that her previous dramas/romances were good, I will put "I Miss You" on my list of new dramas I'm interested in checking out :) Oh Reader123, as for me my favorite dramas so far are: Queen In Hyun's Man Faith (but if it ended sadly, with no HEA, then I most probably won't buy it on dvd. If it ends

with a satisfying HEA for our H/h then I'll probably buy it to keep) Innocent Man (If this new direction keeps being as good as I think it will be- with Maru becoming the sweet/vulnerable heroine's protector, and then finally admitting his feelings for her- and if it ends with a satisfying HEA, then this show too could be one of my top favorites and keepers) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 12, 2012 12:08:01 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: Hmmm....For 2012 the dramas I really liked were Moon Embracing the Sun, Faith, Arang, Answer Me 1997, Bridal Mask. I loved Queen Inhyun's Man and King2Hearts so much they're now in my top 5. I'm also tentitively excited about I Miss You not just for the cast but because I've enjoyed previous works by both PD and Writer. And of course I can hardly wait for the new Park Shi Hoo drama with Moon Guen Young Alice in Cheongdam-dong especially if Yoo Ji Suk (I Need Romance 2012, Personal Taste) signs on as second lead . I also want to check out the drama with Cha Tae Hyun and Euee from Ojakygo Brothers called Jeon Woo-chi. I'm not as excited about the new Song Hye Ko "That Winter Wind Blows" drama since it sounds incredibly depressing. I'm really only LOVING Faith right now of all the dramas I'm watching, so I'm hoping this next batch will have a few more that grab me and suck me in. Although I do like Arang too. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 12, 2012 5:12:19 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Oct 12, 2012 5:14:54 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Rashell I looked up the synopsis of "That Winter Wind Blows" because I was curious, and apparently it is a remake of a J-drama and also a K-movie. Imagine my surprise when I realized that I had watched the movie "Love Me Not" around two weeks ago, when I was browsing Viki and had nothing to do lol. I thought the movie was average. However the story has a lot of potential, and could make a really good drama. Since a tv show would give a lot more time for character and relationship development. I also hope that the cast for this drama/romance will be good. Now back on topic, what I wanted to say was that the movie had a happy ending! (if you want spoilers, just tell me). So if the drama/romance is going with a similar storyline, then it should have a happy ending too :) And I agree that "Alice" so far, seems like it will be the best one out of the new bunch, but of course we'll have to wait until it starts to really know. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post: Oct 13, 2012 2:18:17 AM PDT Last edited by you on Oct 13, 2012 5:54:14 AM PDT Adnana says: I've been watching the weekend drama "Five Fingers" and finding it enjoyable. It's not as addictive to me as, say, "Faith" (but then again, what drama in recent memory is?), and it doesn't have the keep-you-on-the-edge-of-your-seat kind of tension that "Nice Guy" does, but I find it, nevertheless, an interesting drama: it features a well-constructed plot, good to great acting, and of course, awesome eye-candy in the form of the 2 male leads. I especially enjoy the utter sweetness and mutual devotion intrinsic to the OTP's relationship. The hero is a really nice guy (*snicker*) -- for now -- and the heroine is so genuine and GOOD for him. She's cheerful and well-grounded and very loyal to the H, and I love how she deals with the second male lead's unwelcome advances -- without being mean, but nevertheless making it very clear that she only loves the H. I've watched up til episode 13, and the H is gradually being driven towards a VERY DARK place by his half-brother and stepmother's (i.e. the antagonists') machinations. As of now, he still has the heroine to keep him sane, but with the direction in which the story is going, he's about to lose her through no fault of his (or her) own, and I really fear for how that is going to affect him. Mostly, I suspect that the nice guy will flip the switch and turn into a scorch-theearth-with-his-fearsome-fury avenger... so I'm definitely intrigued. :D In other updates... I've been watching my very first Chinese drama on Viki. A romantic Time Travel story to boot: Startling by Each Step (Bu Bu Jing Xin). It has a Qing dynasty setup, so I hate the guys' hairstyle (mostly bald head, except for the hair at the nape which is pleated in a long braid), but the story is very interesting. It has a modern-day woman suffering an accident and having (as a consequence) her soul transported in the body of a previous incarnation, who lived in Ancient China during the time of the bloody battle for succession between the Nine(?) Princes. The heroine is the sister-in-law of one of the princes and thus becomes involved with all the various princes, forming different relationships with them: friendship, romantic crush, unrequited love, first love, forever love. All very complicated, right? :) The drama is lush and poetic, but weirdly enough, I don't actually find it that romantic (as Korean dramas are). Still, it's strangely addictive, so I'll keep watching it until the point where I know that things are about to go to hell in a handbasket, plotwise. Edit this post | Permalink In reply to an earlier post on Oct 13, 2012 5:43:53 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Oct 13, 2012 5:47:26 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. Please give spoilers on Love Me Not. ETA - also do you know if the J-drama had a HEA? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 13, 2012 7:01:31 AM PDT Amazon Customer says:

Adnana~ I hadn't thought to watch Five Fingers but your description sounds interesting. The "utter sweetness and mutual devotion of the OTP" got me. Of course i'll wait for the finish but if you do continue to watch please keep us up to date if it keeps you interested of falls flat. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 13, 2012 8:50:02 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Adnana are you still watching Innocent Man? I thought you were going to take a break from it, for the sake of your nerves lol. I'm so hooked to this show, especially with the way the story seems to be going now. Reader123 I don't know if the J-drama had an HEA, because I haven't watched the J-drama. I did try to look for it online just to see if it is available, because I just wanted to watch the last part of the last episode, just to see if it too had a happy ending. But I couldn't find anything about it. Now about the movie "Love Me Not" which apparently "That Winter The Wind Blows" will be based on the same story. Anyways the story premise is basically that the heroine is a blind heiress (she was blind by an illness around the age of 14). She is living alone with the staff, after her parents' death. She is waiting for her brother to come and take control of the company, because she is blind and can't run it. The hero is a gigolo and a con man, and when he realizes that he knew her brother and that now she is all alone, he sees an opportunity (because he owes a lot of money to a loan shark). So he decides to make her think that he is her brother and take his part of the money, which will be more than enough to repay the loan. At first he's an a**. But along the way, he starts to really care for her and then he starts to protect her as he falls in love with her. The scene before the end scene, the hero has been stabbed trying to save the heroine, who had still not done her surgery to see. This is after they have separated, because the heroine basically found out that everyone around her was lying to her and only wanted her money. Of course the hero at that point had fallen in love with her, and even though she gave him money and told him to leave, he returned the money without her knowing and then even prepared for her eye surgery. That's why the heroine- when she finds out- goes to the club where he works (only he doesn't work there anymore) to talk to him before her eye surgery, because she loves him. Anyways after that scene when he gets stabbed by a knife and the viewer thinks "oh no sad ending", then we get another scene of our heroine walking in the snow in the land surrounding her house. She's wearing a pretty hat and clothes, and she can see. She's looking at everything. Then she stands by a tree just taking in nature, when suddenly a man appears. The heroine seems to instinctively know him. It's the hero who looks well and recovered, but of course our heroine has not seen him before, she only knows his voice. So she just looks at him and then asks "who are you? Don't lie to me, because..." and she has a smile on her face and teary eyes (like she instinctively knows him), he smiles slightly and continues her sentence for her "because I can tell just by listening to your voice"

You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Oct 13, 2012 9:52:14 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. Thanks for the info - I'll put this drama down as a possibility, especially as it isn't due to air until January. Let me know if you are able to find the J-drama version - I looked on Gooddrama and they do not have. My list of new dramas to watch is getting pretty long. Only one I'm 100% sure that I'll watch from beginning to end is the Park Shi Hoo one, as for the rest, will depend on how good they are. The one that will star UEE also sounds interesting unfortunately, I don't like UEE. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Oct 13, 2012 10:23:37 AM PDT Last edited by you on Oct 13, 2012 2:19:44 PM PDT Adnana says: D.M. said: "Adnana are you still watching Innocent Man? I thought you were going to take a break from it, for the sake of your nerves lol..." I did think I should take a break from "Nice Guy" (to protect my fragile constitution, lol, from the perils of live watching such a tension-filled drama), but of course I couldn't keep from noticing the latest episode recaps on dramabeans and koalasplayground, and they sort of provided more temptation than I could resist. To make the long story short... I ended up watching episodes 9-10 this weekend, and OMG I *love* where the characters are at right now (innocent, childlike Eun-gi dressed in white reaching out to Maru -- yet again --, and villainous, soulless(?) Maru dressed in black rejecting her, seemingly against his true wishes - yet again). I also absolutely *hate* where the story itself is going: I'm 90% sure that (after the H and h fall crazily in love with each other over the 2nd part of the drama), Maru will end up dead because of his current brain injury. This is that sort of writer, y'know? *BIG*SIGH* It seems like all OTP relationships I'm watching right now are complicated or twisty-twisted ones. I mean, the OTP in "Nice Guy" is, obviously, not exactly one that inspires *happy/relaxing* feelings. And my babies CY and ES in "Faith" -- well, they're completely good and RIGHT for each other, but their love seems so hopeless right now, that it also makes for painful watching. I had my one sweet, roses-and-sunshine OTP in "Five Fingers" to even the scales out (as opposed to all these other heavy, complex drama pairings), but that's just been blown to smithereens, so... yeah. I'm all out of roses-and-sunshine in the Kdramaverse. I miss TTBY. :) Speaking of Song Joong Ki... I'm really excited about his upcoming movie "Wolf Boy" (coming on the 31th of October). I've seen the trailer and even though it seems like a dark story, it nevertheless *totally* looks like the kind of story I'd enjoy. In other updates... The written preview for Episode 19 of "Faith" has been out since Thursday. You can check it

out here: http://joonni.com/2012/10/11/written-preview-faith-episode-19/ Edit this post | Permalink Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Oct 13, 2012 10:36:09 AM PDT Last edited by you on Oct 14, 2012 12:15:21 PM PDT Adnana says: aly, Yes, among all these tension-filled OTP relationships that I've been seeing lately, the OTP in "Five Fingers" made for a very nice change of pace. So sweet and lovely! And sane, y'know? After a bit of a rocky start, Jiho (the H) and Dami (the h) quickly grow closer and they are given a lot of beautiful scenes doing couple-y, everyday things togther. Like, IDK, riding their bicycles together, or her inviting him to a meal and him eating all his food even though he didn't enjoy the taste, but without a word of complaint since she had been the one who invited him. He respects her integrity and her choices, never once looking down on her because she's poor and he's rich. She stands by him in his darkest moments without once doubting him. And we get to see Dami in scenes such as the one where the OM tells her that he'll take everything (riches, status etc.) from Jiho so that the heroine will leave him and come to the OM, and she replies to the OM that if he thinks that, he'll only be hurting himself when he sees that, even after he's ruined the H, she (Dami) will still stay by his side since she doesn't care about the outer trappings, only about the man himself. I'll definitely keep you updated about how this OTP evolves. :) Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Oct 13, 2012 11:13:38 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Oct 14, 2012 10:04:57 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Adnana thanks for posting the link for the written preview of Faith, I just read it and yay it looks like ES/CY will finally get some time together without any palace shenanigans, since they're on the run. I can't wait. About Innocent Man, I'm glad you're watching it! I'm loving this show so much. I think Eungi didn't just lose her memory, she also has some sort of brain damage too that's why she's learning how to read and write again. I don't know if she'll ever heal from the brain damage, but I'm afraid when she regains her memory she will be too hurt. Now without the memories and life experiences, she has no cold front. She is just too sweet and adorable. I also of course love that it's pretty obvious that Maru really cares for Eungi at this point, and by the end of episode 10 (after trying to push her away from him, for her own sake), he's become her protector. I can't wait for next week's episodes, and for the H/h to interact more. And yes I noticed the contrast too in their clothes color when they met again, him in black and her in white. Oh and about Maru's illness, I thought that the mortality rate was 20%? So that gives us a good chance of a happy ending right? I'm keeping hope for an HEA! Reader123, yes when I was watching that movie I always thought that the story had so much potential and could make for a great drama series. So I'm glad that it's getting turned into a

drama/romance series. Hopefully it will be good and with a clear happy ending. I'm interested in checking the drama out when it starts, we'll see. Edited to add: But like you, amongst the new upcoming shows, I'm most interested in the "Alice" drama so far. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 13, 2012 3:27:39 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: D.M.: The male lead in That Winter Wind Blows is Jo In Sung (What Happened in Bali) with Kim Bum (BOF, Padam Padam) and Jung Eun Ji (Answer Me 1997) also looking at accepting roles. So I know the male acting will be fabulous with those two. Hye Ko is pretty to look at but doesn't always knock it out of the park acting wise. The HEA for the movie version does make me feel a little better, but I think I'm going to be cautious about this one. My only issue with Alice is that from the description the h decides to basically become like Cinderella and is mainly interested in finding and marrying a "prince". I'm just hoping there is a little more to her life goals then that. I'm actually most interested in I Miss You. Love Yoon Eun Hye and think that Mickey is okay. And I love the whole first loves who never get over each other theme like Moon and Answer Me 1997 which both had that theme. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 13, 2012 5:58:24 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Rashell, about "Alice", I actually like that the heroine (who's apparently of humble roots) decides that becoming Cinderella is her new goal (it makes her a different and funny character). As I understand it, she already is a fashion designer, who works her tail off. I really like the premise of "Alice" (I'm sure there's more to the plot, since a premise is just that), it could make for greatly entertaining and romantic scenarios. And she'll apparently end up with PSH's character in the end (since he's the hero), who is the owner of a company and handsome :D Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Oct 13, 2012 7:43:07 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: D.M.: I'm hoping that it plays the way you're describing as a successful woman who's now looking for prince charming to finish off her "perfect life". I just don't want to see a smart woman chuck her career and search for a rich man to take care of her instead. It just hits all my women's lib hot spots. LOL Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Oct 13, 2012 11:03:02 PM PDT Adnana says: D.M. said: "Oh and about Maru's illness, I thought that the mortality rate was 20%?" Yeah, in real life, maybe. But this is a Lee Kyung Hee drama we're talking about. She's had even healthy heroes/heroines killed off like flies in her past dramas. So how much of a survival chance can the poor hero stand who already has a brain bleed? Idk, but that whole discussion with Maru's former schoolmate in the hospital seemed to me like a *huge* foreshadowing of a tragic future. After all, if that brain injury wasn't going to cause terrible consequences for Maru later on, what would have been the (narrative) purpose of it being included in this drama at all? Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Oct 14, 2012 9:32:19 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Adnana, there goes my hope of an HEA...*Sighs sadly* so I guess I'll have to prepare myself for a sad ending, I feel like crying :( Still, even as I prepare myself for the worst, I will keep the slight hope that maybe against the odds, there's a happy ending in store for us. How about this theory, the author knows that the viewers know that she kills off her perfectly healthy leads, so she gave this one a brain injury but with low mortality rate. So the viewer will think "oh no, this is a strong hint for an assured sad ending". Then she'll surprise us and he won't die, and instead we'll get an HEA! (I know it's mostly wishful thinking on my part lol, but I'm still trying to keep a bit of hope). Rashell what I got from the synopsis of "Alice" is that she is fairly successful in her job, but I guess she might be burnt out? I'm not sure. I too would prefer is she didn't leave her job in the end, still I won't really care if she decides to do so. However what I think will happen, and what I would prefer, is that she'll continue to work as a fashion designer, only she won't have stress in her work anymore (since she can work at her leisure). Lol, I just realized we're discussing the possible ending scenarios of a show that hasn't even started yet! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Oct 14, 2012 11:37:38 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. Wow - you're starting to sound like me when I was justifying why Park Shi Hoo's character wasn't blind at the end of The Princess' Man. I'm also hoping that Nice Guy ends in a HEA since it sounds so good and I wont watch if they give it a bad ending. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 14, 2012 12:45:55 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Well you know what they say, desperate times call for desperate theories! And don't worry, if it ends sadly I'll tell you. Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 15, 2012 9:39:45 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @Reader123: Ha! How in the world did you argue that Sung Yoo in the Princess's Man wasn't blind in the end? This is have to know. LOL! @D.M.: Well, we're clearly very interested in the drama before it even airs in order to debates it's ending already. Let's just hope it lives up to our expectations! Can't wait for Faith tonight and tomorrow. That really is my drama crack of this batch but only because I adore Choi Young and Eun Soo so much. He's the sweetest warrior boyfriend EVER and she's just awesome. She cracks me up. And him too. He can't help but smile at her. Soooo CUTE! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Oct 15, 2012 10:28:13 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Rashell - Re: The Princess' Man - my theory is that the blindness is due to a blood clot pinching on a nerve which will disolve over time with his eyesight fully restored (would have happened in the very next scene after they returned from their horse ride) - anyway that's my theory and no one can convince me otherwise. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: Oct 15, 2012 11:38:00 AM PDT Last edited by you on Nov 25, 2012 1:47:48 PM PST Adnana says: @Reader123 I *love* your theory that the hero's blindness in "The Princess' Man" is only transitory. So the horse ride at the end should definitely have dislodged the last of the blood clot which had been impeding his sight. @Rashell "[CY] is the sweetest warrior boyfriend EVER" Okay, that statement is totally true, but it's nevertheless so darn FUNNY! I mean, putting "sweet" and "warrior" in one sentence, right next to each other, has to win some prize for novelty/ingenuity, right? :)) RE: Faith, episode 19 I'm still feeling a bit breathless after beholding the awesome hotness and manliness of CY in this latest episode. I loved all his fighting sequences and I totally melted during each and every one of his interactions with ES. His smile for her has got to be the most beautiful thing this side of heaven, no kidding. Also, I *loved* that he can still be exasperated by her extreme bubbliness & casual oddity. I had missed that recently! During that scene where she is trying to teach him "aja" and how to

make promises etc., I had a flashback to their similar scene in episode 6 (after CY's "love confession"). Once again, ES is jumping all around him like an energized bunny, trying to get his attention and trying to get him to do things her way, and he's all avoid-y and exasperated, but this time he ends up giving in to her, LOL! (up to a point) But my absolute favorite moment in this episode? When they sit down to rest by that tree, and CY basically orders ES to lean on his shoulder/chest. The introverted, "do not touch me" Woodalchi Daejang, who never used to want/ask for anything and who would only follow the king's orders... he actually demands something from the woman he loves, for himself. No hesitance, no bashfulness. So HOT!! Okay, I'm going away now before I completely surpass in one go my yearly quota for using the word "hot". :)) Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Oct 15, 2012 12:07:59 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @Reader123: I like it. I'm going to go ahead and adopt the blood clot theory as my own and use it for my own fantasy ending to Princess's Man. Cuase DAMN those two more then earned a perfectly HEA!! @Adnana: Hey, I just have to call it like a see it. And your explanation of episode 19 just proves how much the description fits. I mean in one minute he's casually kicking ass and killing people. Then the next minute he's asking for snuggles with his girlfriend. No not even asking. He's demanding she snuggle him. He's just so CUTE and yet still deadly. I just love him. And I love how you describe his reaction to ES. Cause that's pretty much how he responds to her every time. She drives him crazy and he LOVES it. And he pretty much awalys gives in to her. He'll still try to protect and keep her safe, but he lets her make her own choices even if they're not what he wants her to do. And he lets her push him to do things he's not sure of too. I just really really really love them. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 15, 2012 12:27:40 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Oct 15, 2012 12:36:51 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Adnana great post describing a really great episode, and I couldn't agree more! I LOVED this episode of Faith, and all the ES/CY interactions and like you the scene when CY basically orders a tired ES to lean on his shoulder/chest was my most favorite! *sighs* Also CY looks absolutely gorgeous with the new hairstyle. Oh and on another note, not to forget that twist in the last scene of this episode. ES finds a letter she had left to herself. So this means that somehow ES and CY are meant to be together (strong HEA hint?). So does that mean that time repeated itself so that, that outcome can be accomplished?! Because clearly they weren't able to end up together the first time around...I just don't know what to think at this point, but I am sooo loving this show! I can't wait to see what will happen next, but I feel sad that the queen is pregnant, does that mean that she will die of child birth? Reader123 I still remember when you first posted your theory here about Princess Man lol,

that's why Princess Man became one of my favorites (but not top favorites because I still found the show too depressing). Rashell Faith is also my top favorite show amongst the ones airing now, and Innocent Man. And yes I am really excited for "Alice", I feel like it has the potential to be a great show. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 15, 2012 12:31:08 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Also I want to know if I have this info. correctly, so if anyone of you can confirm for me I would appreciate it :D Faith will be 24 episodes long right? Innocent Man will be 20 episodes (so we're exactly at the halfway point now), and Arang is 20 episodes (which means it will finish this week). Also does anyone know how many episodes Miss Rose is going to be? Reader123 you're watching this one as well, do you know? Happy drama/romance watching everyone! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Oct 15, 2012 12:41:02 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Oct 15, 2012 12:53:11 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. Nice Guy - 16 Episodes Faith - 24 Miss Rose - 20 Arang - 20 - ends this week ETA - Nice Guy/Innocent Man - Dramafever says 16 episodes & Dramawiki says 20. So I'm thinking it's 16. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Oct 15, 2012 1:01:26 PM PDT Spectator51 says: @Reader123 Of course! Why didn't I think of that? I'm sure you're right about the blindness being temporary. Same thing with Mr. Rochester. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Oct 15, 2012 1:04:36 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Oct 15, 2012 1:06:23 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Spectator51 - Yes, that's how I remember Jane Eyre ended (ETA - eyesight restored in next scene.) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 15, 2012 1:10:59 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Thanks for the info. Reader123! I thought Innocent Man was 20 eps, hmmm I feel like 16 eps is too short especially because it feels like we're just getting to the meat of the story. Thanks for telling me that, I guess we'll just have to wait and see how this show goes. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 15, 2012 1:14:28 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: HA! Now we'll just change Bronte too. In our stories no one goes blind or at least STAYS blind. LOL! See that's what I loved about The Princess's Man. They suffered so much, but they loved eachother so much that they continued to do what they needed to do to be together. Her father murdered his and yet he still loved her. He kept trying to kill her father and she still loved him. She denounced her whole life and family because it was the right thing to do and because she loved him so much. All the awful things that happened and yet it couldn't stop them from fighting with eveything they had to be together. Awww....The Princess's Man was epic. I marathoned that whole 24 episodes in one weekend. I couldn't stop myself from going to the next episode. I bawled through so much of it, but the love story just touched deep in my heart. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 15, 2012 1:27:31 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. Dramabeans indicates that Jeon Woo-chi which follows Nice Guy premieres November 21 - so last Nice Guy episode would be Nov 15 - so I think you're right it has 10 more episodes. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Oct 15, 2012 2:02:21 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Rashell - The Princess' Man remains my all-time favorite drama - I also marathoned it over a short period of time. I think marathoning a drama provides an overall emotional intensity

buildup that is somewhat lacking when watching shows as they air. And as it relates to our dramas, you are correct - no one stays blind - and if it becomes necessary limbs may somehow grow back... Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Oct 16, 2012 2:32:31 AM PDT Last edited by you on Oct 21, 2012 4:31:08 AM PDT Adnana says: D.M. said: "like you the scene when CY basically orders a tired ES to lean on his shoulder/chest was my most favorite!" After watching the episode with complete subtitles, I now have a second scene which is tied for first place re: "favorite scene of episode 19". It's that scene I already described, when ES is jumping all around CY, trying to teach him things. Without proper subs, I didn't imagine the incredible depth and meaning behind ES's actions. But now I know. :( Her greatest wish is that, even after she leaves him, CY lives a good life: *She teaches him the "aja" fighting word so that, when he feels down and dispirited, he should find his strength again instead of just going to sleep. *She teaches him how to promise the "heavenly" way, so that he wouldn't have to stake his life ever again while making a promise the Goryeo way. *She teaches him the "high five" to use with the king as a symbol of their friendship and solidarity and as a foreshadowing that CY won't be alone without ES -- there will still be people who care about him. Such a simple scene at its surface, and yet so weighty and soul-crushing in its hidden depths. D.M. said: "Also CY looks absolutely gorgeous with the new hairstyle." I agree. Also, I find it significant that CY has a different hairstyle for each major phase of his life over the course of "Faith". D.M. said: "I feel sad that the queen is pregnant, does that mean that she will die of child birth?" The queen dies in child birth 14 years into Gongmin's reign, and we're not there yet. I think she will have a miscarriage now, and the complications of that miscarriage will be the reason why, historically, Nogook wasn't able to conceive (again) for so many years into her marriage. Edit this post | Permalink Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Oct 16, 2012 2:36:18 AM PDT Last edited by you on Oct 16, 2012 2:47:37 AM PDT Adnana says: D.M. said: "Oh and on another note, not to forget that twist in the last scene of this episode. ES finds a letter she had left to herself." The short answer. Writer Song said that there are no alternate timelines/parallel universes or multiple time-traveling ESs. There is ONLY ONE ES. Therefore, the gray & sad ES in episode 19 is the same ES -- only older (the current ES's future self, chronologically) and (ironically) from an earlier time -- cca. 100 years before the current time, which is 1351.

The long answer. This is the theory I developed to explain the time-traveling mystery in "Faith" (sorry for the long post): I believe there is a single timeline (and a single ES) -- as per writer Song's admission -- and that single timeline is consistent within itself. Thus, first of all, ES being kidnapped by CY from the future was always supposed to happen and indeed happened in Faith's timeline, and whatever ES does in the past, she won't change known history, since everything she does in the past would have been part of history all along: ES's actions, decision etc. in Goryeo shaped the very past/history about which a young ES learned in school, in the 20th century. (Novikov self-consistency principle) So ES's life, chronologically, goes like this: (1) ES is born in 1979; (2) ES goes to school and learns Korean history; (3) ES is kidnapped by CY in 2012; ES is taken to 1351 Goryeo, where she lives and shapes the very history she already knew from school Under the premise that there is only one timeline and only one ES, CY never died in the trap at the end of episode 16. In Faith's timeline (the only timeline that ever existed, since we have to agree that there are no parallel universes or multiple ESs), ES saw the aged diary pages, learned about the danger, and saved CY's life. The flashback sequence where she finds an unconscious CY in the teachers' house was always just a nightmare, a by-product of her coma and an expression of her subconscious fear that, without her intervention, CY really would have died. Another clue that the flashback sequence isn't an actual memory from another ES/another timeline: if CY had been killed by the explosion, his body would have been blown to smithereens. What happens next in ES's chronological life: (4) ES is forced to return back home to the future (maybe to treat her illness) (5) because her separation from CY, the love of her life, was involuntary, ES wishes to return to him, but the door between her time and CY's time won't open for another 67 years. That doesn't mean, however, that the door won't be opening between her time and other time periods. Therefore: (6) ES researches the "time portal - sun flares" correlation, figures out all the time points when the portal opens (and what time periods it connects each time it opens) and writes it down in her violet diary. Finally, she stocks up on further modern items (ballpoint pen, film case, surgery tools etc.) and goes through the portal again, only this time she travels further back into the past (before CY's lifetime). Since the items she finds in 1351 (the aged diary) are about 100 years old, we can assume that she travels to around 1250. *It is possible that ES actually travels to more than one past time period -- namely to all those times which had been marked with the yellow marker in the diary. At any rate, cca. 1250 is definitely one crucial time point which she visits. (7) In 1250 Goryeo, ES becomes Hwata. Yes, Hwata was supposed to have been 1000 years ago, but weren't all those relics (diary, surgery tools) supposed to have belonged to Hwata as well?? Well, the relics are not 1000 years old, only 100. And if they belonged to Hwata when we know that they actually belonged to ES => ES is Hwata. Oh, and Hwata is remembered as a man because olden time people tended to look down on women, and how could a mere woman have been the legendary surgeon? So history was

manipulated to make it seem that Hwata was a man. *It's not essential to my theory that ES be Hwata. She could be, or she could simply have been sucked into his myth. (8) In 1250 Goryeo, ES is all alone, desperately missing her beloved CY. She cherishes all her memories with him (from when she was in 1351). She leaves hersef the clues which the younger ES already found in 1351 (the diary, the film case etc.). Having already lived through the events from 1351, she knows when CY was in danger and had to be saved, she knows where to leave herself the film case so that she will find it etc. (9) In 1250 Goryeo (or some other time in the past which was marked with the yellow marker in the diary), ES waits for the portal to open again. You see, she has already calculated that the portal will open in her current time period (that's why she traveled to that time in the first place) and that it will connect to cca. 1351-1355 Goryeo (during CY's lifetime, after the point she left him when she went back to the future before). So you remember the animated sequence at the very beginning of "Faith" (episode 1)? When "Hwata" flees the King's men by entering the time portal? Well, that's actually future ES (the sad, gray figure we saw in episode 19) time slipping back to CY. HEA!!! ETA: The main points are: 1) the current ES will return to the future 2) after returning to the future, ES will want to go back to CY, but as she can't do this directly (the portal between their respective time periods doesn't open for another 67 years), she will first travel to other time periods (before CY's lifetime). In the time cca. 1250 she will be leaving herself the clues which she has already found (chronologically) in 1351. 3) hopefully, in the end, ES will reach a time period that has a portal which takes her back during CY's lifetime, and she can be reunited with her love Edit this post | Permalink Your post: Oct 16, 2012 8:49:28 AM PDT Last edited by you on Oct 16, 2012 8:50:44 AM PDT Adnana says: Addition to my latest post about "Faith", regarding the physics of Time Travel Well, after watching episode 20, it seems that some crucial aspects of my time-travel theory (see previous post) have been blown out of water. Since it seems that future (older) ES has made different choices than present (current) ES -- which means that future ES can't really be the future self of THIS CURRENT ES. I dearly hope that I haven't overestimated writer Song by expecting that she can keep her time travel theory in "Faith" consistent. Unfortunately, right now I don't see how she can achieve consistency without using the "multiple ESs/multiple parallel timelines, with different parallel outcomes" device. Which she said she wouldn't use. And which would be lame. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Oct 16, 2012 10:33:49 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Oct 16, 2012 11:25:11 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Adnana my theory was that it seemed as if ES/CY had been together the first time around but couldn't work it out, and it seems that for some reason (maybe because they're meant to be together?) time repeated itself (so that's not parallel time lines but time itself repeating). But this time ES has the notes she left to herself. But I guess we'll just have to wait and see how

they explain it, only four more episodes remain. As for today's episode, I am a bit disappointed that ES/CY are back at the palace so soon, I wanted them to be away for a while. On another note, I loved the last scene of ep 20. The way CY walks towards ES, after seeing her standing there in her woodalchi outfit looking so cute, and she starts to back up while he kind of traps her. Apparently ES's brilliant- not- idea is to hide out under the guise of being a new woodalchi recruit until heaven's door opens. But I got the feeling that CY has other things in mind *grins*, that was a hot scene (I hope we get a kiss next week's episode). I'm looking forward to watching this ep subbed. Like I said before, I feel that this show drags with the whole fight for power, back and forth shenanigans. But where it really succeeds is on the ES/CY front, and that's why I love it. I also think that things should now be picking up a lot, as we enter the last four episodes. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 16, 2012 11:24:58 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: Really the only parts of Faith I care about are the character parts. I adore CY and ES. And I love the Woodalchi boys. The king and queen make my heart ache just knowing how their story ends. All the politics and manuevering are just something I have to sit through to get to the parts I love. Faith is not the best drama I've ever watched. It is boring in parts, but the romance is pitch perfect for me. And that's all I need to be invested in drama. It's kind of like Return of Iljamae was the exact opposite. It was a fabulous drama, but because the romance angle wasn't strong for me it didn't get me in the heart. I enjoyed it. And I realize that it is a really well made and well told drama. But I didn't love it because I always knew that Iljamae loved Dal Yi and was only with Wol Hee because they had the same face. Faith is not a very well made drama, and it is only marginally well told, but the romance between CY/ES and even between Gongmin/Noguk is fabulous. That's enough for me to love it. While the drama won't go in my top 5 dramas, this couple will be in my top couples. They are so good. And considering everything else it really is the actors who are making this thing work. LMH isn't my boyfriend for nothing. LOL! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Oct 16, 2012 11:34:21 AM PDT Adnana says: RE: "Faith", episode 20 D.M. said: "On another note, I loved the last scene of ep 20. The way CY walks towards ES, after seeing her standing there in her woodalchi outfit looking so cute, and she starts to back up while he kind of traps her." I loved that final scene, too; the girls over at the soompi forums were joking that CY's gaze upon ES was so scorching hot and intense that if natural laws apply she should already be

pregnant -- just from that high-octane gaze alone, LOL. I also *loved* that scene after Nogook's miscarriage, outside the queen's room, when CY steps forward to shield an almost crying ES, creating a barrier from the outer world and sheltering her behind his body. And he secretly catches her hand in a gesture of comfort and tenderness. I swear, these two people are so perfectly in sync with each other, it's soulshattering to even think that they may not end up together forever. And each of their little touches, each time they look at each other, lost in each other, there's so much emotion and intensity and yes, sexual tension, it's like a bubble surrounding them and setting them apart from the rest of the world. That's the beauty of these (comparatively) tame K-dramas, and of "Faith" especially. The way CY has come to accept ES's casual touches (and even seek them), so easily and naturally, is worth more to me than the raciest Hollywood movie sex scene. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Oct 16, 2012 11:57:54 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Oct 16, 2012 12:02:27 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Rashell said: Faith is not the best drama I've ever watched. It is boring in parts, but the romance is pitch perfect for me. And that's all I need to be invested in drama. Reply: That's exactly the way I feel about it too. But Faith still is one of my favorite shows because I really love CY/ES- as you said the romance is pitch perfect. I wish that when they release this on dvd, they will have an ES/CY fast-forward button... wouldn't that be great :) Adnana I completely and wholeheartedly agree with everything you've just said! I especially loved that description of CY's gaze upon ES, I agree that "Scorching hot" is the best way to describe it! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 17, 2012 2:35:11 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Oct 17, 2012 7:17:09 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Recently watched two Kim Ji Hoon rom/com dramas - Stars Falling From the Sky (20 episodes) and Love & Marriage (16 episodes). I thought both dramas were enjoyable, with likeable H/h. Of the two, Love & Marriage had the most realistic storyline, involving a matchmaker h and a divorce attorney H. A cute Park Ki Woong played the nerdy/wimpy ex-boyfriend. Overall, a fun, low angst drama. Stars Falling From the Sky was also a fun drama that at times wanted to veer into melodrama land, with a murderous mother and an obsessive OW. In this drama, the h is left to raise her 5 siblings after the death of their parents. For the five years prior to this, the immature, somewhat shiftless h had spent most of her time obsessing over the lawyer H (poor guy, surrounded with obsessive women). Fortunately, the h does mature over the course of the drama. Lots of bathroom and children humor in this drama.

The Park Shi Hoo drama How to Meet a Perfect Neighbor also includes murderous women (and a murder mystery). While this drama had the same writer as Family's Honor (which is my second all-time favorite drama), it wasn't as good. However, overall it was still good/enjoyable. In this drama Park Shi Hoo plays a somewhat weak, cowardly, angsty recovering alcoholic (not your typical hero, but when the show started he was the second male lead and it wasn't until mid-production that he was switched to the hero). The original hero wasn't much better - he started out as a gigolo. The drama did have its lighter moments and the secondary romance (h's sister) was more of a rom/com. The H's mother and the OW were both somewhat over the top and put the H/h through the wringer. Might be one of the few dramas where the hero cried more than the heroine (but an angsty Park Shi Hoo is never a bad thing). How to Meet a Perfect Neighbor: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzpQZ_yFkm8&feature=channel&list=UL Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 17, 2012 8:26:02 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I've just watched the new episode of "Innocent Man" and wow it was a great episode that ended with a boom! lol. Also I love that right now it is obvious that Maru really cares for Eungi (dare I say that he is in love with her?). The intensity of this show is amazing. Anyways I can't wait for tomorrow's episode, as it seems that the story is really rolling now on all fronts. Reader123, haha it seems like you are watching all of PSH's dramas :) I will definitely try to check out "Family's Honor" sometime soon. I've watched "Stars Falling From the Sky" and I thought it was a fairly good show. At times it was very light and at times really dramatic, I fairly liked it but it is not a favorite of mine. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 19, 2012 8:06:54 AM PDT Amazon Customer says: Looks like Netflix has added a few new drama's. My Fair Lady- The Musical- Dream High 2Padam Padam- Becoming a Billionaire- Operation Proposal- Flower Boy Ramen Shop I'm going to put a few of those in the TBW pile that is ever growing :) And now I am off to start watching Arang and the Magistrate!! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 19, 2012 9:37:35 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Arang and the Magistrate is over, I liked that it had a happy ending for our H/h even though the last episode was bitter/sweet. Overall this was a good show and I enjoyed it, but it is not

one of my favorites- it didn't hook me. Episode 12 of "Innocent Man" was sooo good, and I love that we got some tender/sweet moments between Maru and Eungi (Maru is being gentle with Eungi), and at this point I'm pretty sure that either he is in love with her or starting to fall in love with her. I'm still hoping, against the odds, for an HEA for our H/h. I can't wait to see what will happen next... this show is on a roll! I've watched a short trailer for "I Miss You" and it looked good. I see potential, so I am interested in checking this drama/romance out. So now my question is will this show start next week? You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Oct 19, 2012 11:27:18 AM PDT Last edited by you on Oct 19, 2012 11:28:16 AM PDT Adnana says: D.M., "Missing You" has had some trouble with the casting process; as far as I know, even until now the 2nd male lead hasn't been announced. So I don't see how the adults could have done a lot of filming as of yet. At any rate, in order to gain a bit more time, "Missing You" doesn't actually start airing for another 2 weeks (a drama special will be aired instead during that time). Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Oct 19, 2012 12:45:54 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Thanks for the info. :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: Oct 19, 2012 12:47:15 PM PDT Last edited by you on Oct 19, 2012 12:51:07 PM PDT Adnana says: RE: "Nice Guy" I've also thoroughly enjoyed episode 11-12 of "Nice Guy". What I think about Maru's feelings: *One year ago (before the accident) he was still hung up on Jaehee, and that was the sole reason why he approached Eungi. Moreover, up until the rain confession scene, I believe that he was largely untouched by Eungi (emotionally). But the confession -- I think that moment actually struck a chord in his soul; he wrapped Eungi in his embrace as if to protect her from Jaehee (who had arrived behind them), and later he kissed her in her sleep. But it still wasn't

love. Point in case: *Jaehee calls him for help the next day, and Maru instantly cancels the planned trip with Eungi and runs to Jaehee. But then he sees that woman's true face (thank you, Jae-shik!) and finally breaks free from her. *Maru then meets Eungi on the beach and even though we can see it costs him to reject her that cruelly, reject her he does. She's lost her initial purpose for him (as an instrument to use against Jaehee) and more importantly, he feels remorse for having dragged her in his schemes in the first place. Most likely, by this point he also believes that Eungi deserves better than him. Also, he doesn't actually love her (until hours ago, he had still been obsessed with Jaehee). *The accident happens. We don't have all the details yet, but it's obvious that it leaves Maru with serious psychological scars (in addition to the physical ones). He can't get over Eungi. He keeps remembering her. Dare we even believe his friend's supposition that he doesn't move house because he wants to be there in case Eungi ever returns looking for him? *But then why does he reject Eungi once she finally comes for him? If he was truly waiting for her? It's still not love on his side, I believe. But there is terrible regret. And terrible guilt. And yes, a measure of yearning, accumulated during this past year when he hasn't been able to get her out of his thoughts. Also, I find it telling that he's turned scammer instead of staying a gigolo -- which means he hasn't been with any other women since Eungi. So again: why would he then reject Eungi once more? I think it's because she comes to him not because she's forgiven him but because she doesn't remember his crimes against her. She's innocent and unaware and thus more untouchable than ever before. Because she's too good for the likes of him to touch. *But then he comes to realize that Eungi is in real danger, and he can't stay away any longer. Gosh, I loved how he goes crazy looking for her after she's been kidnapped by Jae-shik. How frustrated he is at her lack of defenses. How hurt he is when she tells him "up until here. I won't ever bother (look for) you again." How panicked he is when he realizes that Jaehee means Eungi serious (maybe even mortal) harm. What he later says to Jaehee is true: she (Jaehee) doesn't even blink on his radar anymore. He's come back only because he needed to protect Eungi, his woman, from her enemy, Jaehee. BTW, it's now that his previous unresolved feelings (yearning) for Eungi have started to blossom into love. Now he truly, wholeheartedly has started to fall for her. And I can't wait to see him fall ever deeper. :)) ETA: As a sidenote, I think that Jae-shik's character is fabulous. He's so incompetent in his wrong-doings, and he always ends up helping our OTP. :) Edit this post | Permalink Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Oct 19, 2012 1:01:17 PM PDT Last edited by you on Oct 19, 2012 1:15:27 PM PDT Adnana says: @D.M. (and all the other "Faith" fans) In case you're interested, we have the written preview for episode 21 of "Faith": (translation by icesiren@soompi)

ES becomes a Woodalchi member and is together with CY. A furious and betrayed GC uses DHG to mount an attack on the palace, while GM prepares to attack the opposing domestic party [Chin-Won-Pa --> the party that is pro-Yuan]. As each day passes, CY's desire to keep ES by his side mounts and his heart becomes anxious... Another thing: I bet we're all really excited by that final scene in episode 20, when CY slowly backs ES into the wall and gives her that *cough*panty-dropping*cough* smile, looking like he's about to pounce on her. Well, it seems that no pouncing of any kind is actually in the cards. According to a Korean insider article, the meaning behind that entire scene is a lot different than we were all thinking. (credit for this info goes, again, to icesiren@soompi) "So I was reading this article, which highlighted the deeper romance between CY/ES that hit a peak in episode 20. And they had an interesting take on the smile CY gave at the end to ESWoodalchi. I know [we] thought: hey - CY is smiling 'cause he's finally got his woman in his man-cave and expects hot times to come a-rolling. But the article offered a different perspective that I, for one, completely didn't consider: "궁에 남아 호위대장으로서의 최영 곁을 지키겠다는 은수, 그런 그녀의 마음을 헤아린 최영의 화답으로 가까이 눈을 맞추고 미소 짓는 두 사람의 엔딩 장면" Basically they describe the ending shot as one in which CY fully appreciates the reason behind ES making it a point to come stay with him at Woodalchi headquarters: she wants him to remain in the palace as the general of the bodyguards and wants to protect him. [remember how he offered the option to quit all his positions and go hunt some Bad People down to protect her?] Hence the smile he gives her. This absolutely didn't occur to me because I was so preoccupied with just the thought of her co-habbing with CY. She came up with this solution to give CY back the ground he lost during his crisis of faith in himself - now he HAS to be the Wooldachi Daejang again because his woman is going to stay in the Daejang room with him, as a Wooldachi. Ingenious, I'd say. ES gave CY a purpose AND some titillation, all in one swoop. Smart girl. I gotta give ES props. She had her "A" Game on today. Rock on, smartypants. Rock on." Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Oct 19, 2012 2:50:06 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Aw do you mean we won't be getting some kissing in the next episode of Faith? I want them to kiss at least one more time. Plus I hope that she is staying with him under the guise of being a woodalchi, and not that she will actually become one (that would just be ridiculous lol). About "Innocent Man/Nice Guy", I agree with you about Maru/Eungi and their progression. I too think that Maru started to care for Eungi starting with her vulnerable/teary confession in the rain. As you said later when he's watching her sleeping, he gently kisses her. Then when he was ready to completely put Jae Hee behind him, and wasn't even interested in taking revenge on her anymore, he realized that he had wronged Eungi a lot and was definitely feeling guilty for dragging her into the mess, so he pushed her away cruelly.

I'm guessing in his mind, he wanted Eungi to be able to move on from him quickly because he didn't think he deserved to even try to have a relationship with her. However things went terribly wrong, because poor Eungi lost her father on that same night and basically lost it...hence the accident. I too think that there could be some details to that accident that we still don't know. Maru after that spends almost a year being completely dead on the inside, it's like without Eungi he lost his soul and is completely heartless as he cons people. Even his friend notes with concern that Maru hadn't been like this when Jae Hee had betrayed him. This tells me that Maru probably had very strong feelings for Eungi during that time mixed in with strong feelings of guilt, only he himself at that point had not sorted out those feelings. Then Eungi walks back into his life, so sweet and vulnerable and without any memories. His first course of action is to push her away from him, because he doesn't want her to get hurt because of him anymore. But then he becomes her protector, after Jae Shik kidnaps her. I really loved the scene when Maru gently hugs an exhausted Eungi, after she's made her first appearance at Teasan (as the fight for her rightful place at the company begins), and he's quietly comforting her. I loved when he said "you just stand behind me, I will do the fighting"... I think I melted a little :) I agree with you, I too think that at this point Maru is simply acknowledging his feelings of love for Eungi, as he completely falls for her. Quote: Dare we even believe his friend's supposition that he doesn't move house because he wants to be there in case Eungi ever returns looking for him? Reply: I think Maru already confirms this, when he tells his friend "she has come back", which leads his friend to exclaim something along the lines of "don't tell me we hadn't moved before because you were waiting for her?!". But hadn't Maru just answered the question, even if he remained silent after his friend asked? I am so loving Innocent Man right now. I love how intense and moving this show is. I have to say that story-wise I find this show much stronger than Faith, but romance-wise I think that both shows are great. So overall I would say that Innocent Man right now is my number one show, followed by Faith. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 19, 2012 2:59:07 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Also before I forget lol, I found this amazingly good mv of Innocent Man, I think it is the best one I have come across so far. Just search for "Nice Guy mv she still came back to me", it has Maru's thoughts at the end of episode 12 with Maru/Eungi moments, and it is so moving and beautiful. Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Oct 19, 2012 3:15:05 PM PDT Last edited by you on Oct 19, 2012 3:23:19 PM PDT Adnana says: D.M., As engrossing as I find "Nice Guy", "Faith" is still absolutely my No. 1 favorite drama in recent memory (dare I even say "ever"? I'll withhold judgement until I see how it ends). "Nice Guy" is definitely way above "Faith" in terms of directing (the PD is totally awesome with building tension, and with the flashbacks, and with showing the same scene from a different perspective, and I could go on and on :) ). But I don't find the story in "Nice Guy" better than Faith's. I mean, we have betrayal by first love, revenge, using an innocent for said revenge, amnesia, corporate battle. I.e. it's nothing we haven't seen before in dozens of Kdramas. I do give this to "Nice Guy" though: it has managed to take all these clichee story elements and somehow combine them to something fresh and vivid (but again, I give a LOT of credit for this to the way the drama is filmed. And oh yes, acted. *Not* to the way it is written). At any rate, what I'm actually getting at is I think Faith has a more original story. Unfortunately though, it's told in a far less interesting/engrossing manner. Nevertheless, it's Faith's story and Faith's OTP that get me 110% in the heart. I like "Nice Guy" a whole lot, but I haven't connected to it emotionally to the degree that I have to "Faith". Another thing: I don't even *want* to get that emotionally invested with the characters of "Nice Guy". Why? Self-preservation. Since I'm almost (i.e. 99.99%) positive that it'll have an awful ending, and I could really do without the heartbreak. Whereas with "Faith", I hold great hope that there'll be a HEA for CY & ES. Speaking of which: words really cannot express how much I love these two, individually and as a couple. They're the reason why I can forgive "Faith" just about any flaw -- be it in directing, or editing, or awkward music usage, or whatever. Just as long as CY & ES get a HEA. ETA: Thanks for posting about the "Nice Guy" MV. I'll definitely look for it. :) Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Oct 19, 2012 3:33:07 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: haha I had completely forgotten about self-preservation, so I got invested in the characters of Innocent Man (let's hope it ends well, even though as you said the odds are not on our side). However I am equally invested in ES/CY as well, as characters. When I said storyline-wise, what I meant was that in Faith the historical/political intrigue part of the storyline (not the romance, ES/CY part of the storyline), I find it tedious and it's like we're going around in circles instead of moving forward. Whereas with Innocent Man the storyline is moving forward on all fronts, and it's much more cohesive. Anyways Faith and Innocent Man are my top two shows right now, and the sequence of their ranking might still change as the shows progress. Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 19, 2012 5:29:44 PM PDT [Deleted by Amazon on Oct 20, 2012 8:37:49 AM PDT] Your post: Oct 23, 2012 1:47:22 PM PDT Adnana says: D.M., I also find the political intrigue in "Faith" tedious more often than not -- mainly because there's never any real resolutions to the conflicts. Plus of course, if I had my way, each episode would be, in its entirety, a collage of ImJa moments. Alas, that's not possible, so I'm grateful for any tiny morsel of seeing my absolute favorite Kdrama couple together, and I'll grin and bear though the rest. It's not like it's all bad, actually. :) With that said, Faith's latest episodes -- in the span of only slightly more than 24 hours -have brought me the biggest emotional high (episode 21) and the most painful low (episode 22) in all my K-drama watching experience. I've replayed the final scene of episode 22 at least 4 times by now -- and through the first 3 times, I cried. The first time, I'd go as far as saying, I bawled my eyes out. And I'm someone who VERY rarely cries when watching movies (as in: practically never). BTW, I take back each and every unkind thought I ever had about ES -- for (seemingly) not falling in love with CY quickly enough (as quickly as him), for putting him through such heartbreak with her efforts at keeping him at arms' length, for not loving him as much as he does her. Seriously, ES, my deepest apologies. I've never seen any K-drama heroine loving her man as completely and heartwrenchingly selflessly as you do CY (and I've seen a LOT of crazy in love drama heroines). Once you've given your heart to that man, you've really given him your all, with nothing held back. Seriously, if these 2 don't get a HEA, I'll learn voodoo just so I can stick some really sharp rusty needles in writer Song's voodoo doll. :D In other updates: I've seen an extended preview of episode 13 of "Nice Guy", and it's made me really excited about this upcoming episode. Happy drama watching, everyone! Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Oct 23, 2012 8:58:47 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Oct 23, 2012 9:47:08 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I've finally gotten around to watching the new episode of Faith. Episode 21 was all hope between our H/h (we got some beautiful moments and I wish they had added a kiss), and then episode 22 was all heartbreak. I got teary during the last part of episode 22 as well, but I think that if they can't find the antidote then CY should just come with ES to the present... that is if

the time portal will really open again. I can't wait for the final two episodes. I'm really hoping for an HEA for CY/ES (find an antidote!). I also felt sad when the queen asked ES about her future with the king. Since you mentioned a preview of Innocent Man (and I'm not patient lol), I googled it and found a preview on (edited) soompi of episode 13 and there was an english transcript to go with it. I am really excited for the new episodes of Innocent Man (AKA Nice Guy) as well! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 24, 2012 7:54:28 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I've finally watched the final two episodes of Arang, while not a overall favorite, I did find the drama very entertaining with an innovative/creative storyline. The ending tied up all loose ends and provided the OTP with a HEA that was in keeping with this drama's "world". I do consider this drama to be one of the better dramas of 2012 and one that I would recommend. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: Oct 24, 2012 10:22:10 AM PDT Adnana says: @Reader123 Thank you for your recommendation; I'll definitely have to watch "Arang" sometime in the future. And "Bridal Mask" too, I guess. Speaking of Joo Won (the hero in "Bridal Mask"). Seems like the leading lady for his upcoming spy rom/com has been confirmed as Choi Kang Hee (the actress who played the heroine in "Protect the Boss"). Not to be too judgmental here (so okay, I'm being judgmental. sorry)... but I must say, I find this pairing utterly *wrong*. These 2 actors have a 10-year difference between them and, unlike Lee Min-ho (in "Faith") and Lee Seung-gi (in "King 2Hearts"), Joo Won looks *very young* for his age. Conversely, his leading lady (unlike Kim Hee-sun in "Faith" and Ha Ji-won in K2H) looks *old* and (sorry) frumpy for her age. I really can't imagine how these 2 are going to establish convincing chemistry. Well, there goes an eagerly anticipated K-drama in the "will not watch" pile. ETA: Read this older blog entry "Casting people are clearly doing drugs" http://dangermousie.livejournal.com/2609048.html Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Oct 24, 2012 10:35:10 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: In addition to being disappointed in the selection of Choi Kang Hee for Joo Won's new drama, I am also disappointed in Suzy being selected as the h in Lee Seung-gi new drama. Not overly impressed with either actress. But I did like Protect the Boss, primarily because I like Ji Sung. You replied with a later post

Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: Oct 24, 2012 11:18:28 AM PDT Adnana says: RE: "Nice Guy" So earlier I wrote this long post about how I had interpreted the evolution of Maru's feelings for Eun-gi. And I said that, imo, Maru didn't love Eun-gi when he broke up with her on the beach (after all, until mere hours earlier, he had still been all about HJH), yet nevertheless, he did have some unresolved feelings for Eun-gi (which grew in strength over the next year). And when Eun-gi came back into Maru's life, these unresolved feelings (guilt, regret, a measure of yearning) started to blossom into love. My problem now is the following: After watching the latest episode (13) and seeing Maru so over-the-heels gaga for Eun-gi... Well, this very insidious question has arisen in my mind, and it's bothering me a great deal: Just *who* exactly has Maru fallen in love with? Here's the thing: Old EG and amnesiac EG have *very* different personalities. Consequently, the two EGs are NOT interchangeable to me -- so who does Maru really love? Are they interchangeable to him? I doubt it. After all, he didn't love the original (true) Eun-gi. Reading between the lines of his words (when he describes his first meetings with the old EG), he seemed not to have liked her personality (arrogant, rude, prickly, defensive etc.). Yes, after everything that happened later, he felt guilt and regret and maybe some yearning. Yet the facts remain: before, he was able to permanently break things off with Eun-gi, then she was gone, and he hadn't felt love for her before their separation. But then the new (and improved?) Eun-gi came back into his life. And this Eun-gi is kind, and soft-spoken, and sweet. Basically, I think that this (the amnesiac EG) is Maru's dream girl and the one he's actually fallen in love with since (during their 2 months together). Yet she's only a mirage -- about to vanish in a puff of smoke once her memories return, and she recovers her true personality. What does everyone else think? Aren't you bothered that Maru seems to have fallen for an Eun-gi that isn't the real Eun-gi? And that, according to episode 13, he would have wanted to keep that Eun-gi forever? (i.e. for her to never remember her past) Edit this post | Permalink Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Oct 24, 2012 11:26:02 AM PDT Last edited by you on Nov 25, 2012 1:57:07 PM PST Adnana says: Reader123, I thought that even in "Protect the Boss" the heroine seemed older than the hero, and the 2 actors are, I think, the same age in real life. And if she looked that way next to Ji Sung, how does she think that she will look next to Joo Won, who is 10(!!) years younger, and younglooking for his age? Don't get me wrong -- I have no issue against noona romances, as long as the actors look good together, and they create believable chemistry. I mean, KHS and LMH in "Faith" have created the most memorable (for me) couple in K-dramaland in... forever. Regardless of age. And I also loved the pairing in K2H. But Joo Won and Choi Kang Hee? It. Just. Does. Not.

Compute. Plus, I'm annoyed that they're even going to change the original concept (the H & h are the same age and met in college) to accommodate the actress' age: now the heroine is supposed to be the older, experienced spy to the hero's rookie agent. Re: Suzy I don't feel either way (positively or negatively) about her. I did read some comments though, that she seems to be improving with each role, so I'm willing to keep an open mind. Moreover, I think that even a statue would look good next to Lee Seung-gi, so... yeah. :D Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Oct 24, 2012 1:18:18 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Hey Adnana, concerning Innocent Man (AKA Nice Guy), I don't think that Maru has fallen in love with a different Eungi. Eungi was always vulnerable and had an innocence about her, way before she lost her memory. In the first two episodes yes she was cold and even b*tchy at times, but then after she met Maru (and her initial defensive rudeness which Maru could easily see through), he was able to get through her defenses. Before she lost her memories, she was sweet and vulnerable when she was with Maru, though not as sweet/vulnerable as she is now. Before she lost her memories, she was even willing to leave Teasan and follow her mother's dying wish for her, and that is to find love and happiness...and that vulnerable/teary yet brave confession of hers in the rain... Now Eungi is very sweet and vulnerable, but I would argue that this is more her true self than her previous self when she had the cold front (because that was the defensive part of her). However I don't find this Eungi and the old Eungi that different, as I said before because she always had that vulnerability and sweetness about her, only now without her defenses those traits are more defined and not hidden. It seems that Maru really wants Eungi in his life! and he seems willing to fight to achieve that. But where you as shocked as me, by that end scene? (even with my very limited Korean, I could tell that Eungi was asking him "who are you?", and then I confirmed this by reading a summary English recap of this episode). I can't wait until this episode gets fully subbed! This show is killing me with its twists, and I can't wait to see what will happen next. I thought that Eungi would recover a bit more of her memories, but that got blown out of the water by that unexpected ending. Jae Hee's presence seems to have pushed Eungi to remember too much in too little time, which I think may have had an adverse effect on Eungi's brain. I loved how Maru coldly told Jae Hee to leave, as he carried Eungi out of the house. I can't wait to see what will happen next! Also what drama are you guys talking about, which has the casting of a Suzy? (title please my pretties, so I can look up the synopsis). As for that other drama, it doesn't sound that interesting (I found the synopsis lacking), and now that you guys are not even happy about the casting of the female lead, it only cements my previous impression, so I won't add it to my list of new dramas to check out. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 24, 2012 1:27:00 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. Dramabeans info on the new Lee Seung-gi/Suzy drama called Gu Family Book - a fantasy sageuk to air in 2013. I'll watch just because of Lee Seung-gi. http://www.dramabeans.com/2012/10/lee-seung-gi-and-suzy-cast-in-fantasy-sageuk/ Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 24, 2012 1:33:28 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Thanks for the info. and the link Reader123 :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: Oct 24, 2012 2:49:00 PM PDT Last edited by you on Oct 24, 2012 2:53:04 PM PDT Adnana says: BTW, it seems that the airing date for "Missing You" has finally been confirmed. 7 November, We-Th drama. The actor who'll be the second male lead (they finally got one this week) appeared in "Arang" (I think he was the "good" God there?). @D.M. I loved reading your thoughts about Maru's feelings, and I definitely got a new insight into my "old vs. new Eun-gi" dilemma (i.e. yes, they basically seem the same, at their core. It just threw me when, today, Maru told Eun-gi not to remember her past, that she could stay just the way that she is now. But he probably did that out of fear of losing her when she recovers her memories, and not because he doesn't want the "old" Eun-gi back.) Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Oct 25, 2012 7:35:05 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Watched the first episode, which was only about 30 minutes long, of Full House Take 2. So far it appears to have a completely different storyline than the original Full House. H/h meet as very young children. H is a singer in a duo with the OM - they don't appear to get along very well. h wants to be a clothes designer, not a writer. First episode wasn't bad, so for now, I plan to keep watching. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 25, 2012 8:54:18 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Oct 25, 2012 9:29:42 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: After watching episodes 13 and 14 subbed of Innocent Man, what can I say? Except that I am really loving this show so far, and I can't wait for next week's episodes. I love how Maru is taking care of Eungi, and I just hope that he doesn't die in the end (because it seems that

they're torturing us by hinting at it during this episode). I loved the beginning of episode 14 (so moving and sweet, amidst Eungi's tears), and that whole part really showed how much Maru is in love with Eungi. Then I loved the ending, with a completely oblivious (not knowing what Maru had just done to protect her) sweet Eungi, being surprised that Jae Hee would offer her the position of CEO (Eungi doesn't seem ready for that yet, but I'm guessing Maru will be the one doing the work?). While Maru stands by the door with that smirk and half smile on his face (looking so sexy, as he looks at a losing Jae Hee). I also want to say that I really like lawyer Park, he loves Eungi so silently without expecting anything in return, and he also silently protects her. So I really wish he'd get a happy ending but with another girl, because I'm really hoping against the odds that Maru/Eungi can get their happy ending too. I really like how almost all the characters in this show, specifically the major players, are multidimensional. On a side note, I really like Choco (Maru's younger sister), she is too cute. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 25, 2012 9:01:26 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Also Adnana thanks for sharing that info. about "Missing You", this show has potential and I hope that it will be good. So the second male lead will be the one who played the "Jade King" on Arang, hehe that means we're going to have a handsome second male lead :) Also thanks for posting the date of when it starts airing. Reader123, so is this new show worth checking out? I saw a picture of the three main leads, and they really seem to have weird haircuts (especially the H/h, the hairstyle of the second male lead looks more decent lol). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: Oct 25, 2012 11:21:18 PM PDT Last edited by you on Oct 25, 2012 11:56:08 PM PDT Adnana says: The written preview for episode 23 of "Faith": (credit: sbs, translation by icesiren@soompi) 최영은 마지막날까지 은수를 한시라도 떼어놓지 않으려 하고, 은수는 해독제의 희망을 버리지 않으며 최영 손의 이상을 주시한다. 벼랑 끝에 몰려 도주 중인 기철은 마지막 역습을 위한 작전을 실행하는데.. CY is determined not to be apart from ES for even a moment, until the very last day. ES, who has not lost hope in her antidote, closely observes CY's hand irregularity. On the run and at the edge of a precipice, GC begins his last counteroffensive... ETA: This info has also been posted on joonni's site, here: http://joonni.com/2012/10/25/written-preview-faith-episode-23/

P.S.: According to Korean netizens, Hwasuin has been sighted in the region where the Goryeo-side portal is. And "Faith" was (is?) scheduled to also film at the statue thingy where the Seoul-side portal is. (This info is totally unofficial, though, so take it with a grain of salt.) Edit this post | Permalink In reply to an earlier post on Oct 26, 2012 5:33:56 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Oct 26, 2012 8:22:47 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. Full House Take 2 - so far all I can say is it hasn't been bad (as opposed to it's been good). All of the cast has weird hair - the H has sported 3 different styles (think Jang Geun Suk) just in the first two episodes. H actually hasn't looked as bad with his hair as the h has with hers. I'm just hoping for a light, fluffy, fun drama. Given the history of this show - on the shelf for months - I think this is probably the best I can hope for. The h's name means "Full House" in Korean - which so far is the only connection I've seen to the title - none of the storyline is similar to the original Full House, but perhaps this will change in future episodes. Both the H and the OM seem immature - whereas in the original Full House, only the H seemed immature. No appearance by the OW yet - and no evidence so far that this show will have the H in love with the OW trope. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: Oct 26, 2012 6:40:18 AM PDT Adnana says: If I remember correctly, there are quite a few fans of actor Park Shi Hoo (of "Princess' Man" and "Family's Honor" fame) on this thread. :D Well, girls, here's a present for you. http://enewsworld.mnet.com/enews/contents.asp?idx=18964&idxType=KDramaMovie Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Oct 26, 2012 8:19:19 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Forgot to mention that Full House Take 2 had its first kiss scene in episode 1 - unfortunately it was between the H and the OM. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 26, 2012 9:08:43 AM PDT Amazon Customer says: For the dvd collectors out there- PMP will release Queen In Hyuns Man and A Gentlemans Dignity here in the next few weeks. And some others also, but those are the ones that stuck out for me. I've always had good luck with the subs from PMP dvds. Except for Personal Taste. They were a bit off but still understandable considering I had already watched it online. I know YA was trying to get the rights for QIHM but haven't heard if they will be releasing it or not Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 26, 2012 9:31:56 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Aly, thanks for sharing the news, I am interested in owning QIHM (let's hope it won't be too expensive). So the company that will be releasing it is good as well? So we will be getting good picture quality and good English subtitles, right? Reader123 I think I will check out Full House, just because it sounds interesting and I'm trying not to judge a book by its cover lol (those hairstyles in the picture). I'm glad that there's no OW for the hero. Right now my light show is Miss Rose, which I am enjoying. I guess it wouldn't hurt to add another light show to the list. Adnana thanks for sharing the written preview of episode 23 of Faith, I'm really looking forward to see how this show wraps up and what is in store for our H/h (please let it be a happy ending!). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 26, 2012 12:55:24 PM PDT Amazon Customer says: D.M. ~ from PMP I own My Princess, Personal Taste, Heartstrings, and Spy Myung Wol. Picture quality is really good on all four and the subs are as well except on PT. They weren't horrible but they aren't great either. Had I not watched it online i'd say the way they translated some things would have lost me. It's been awhile since I watched it so I can't give an example. But I definately wasn't dissatisfied, just kinda 'oh well'. SMW was broken down into 22 eps instead of 18 and one part in Hearstrings, I guess they didn't have the rights to a certain song so they covered it with a different track. But subs on them were just fine. If YA doesn't release QIHM, I wouldn't hesitate a bit to buy it, I would trust it. As for price and if you purchase from Amazon i'd say anwhere from $45-$70 (hopefully on the lower side) I've used 3 different suppliers and always been happy with whom I bought from. Maybe someone else has stories about quality from PMP? I haven't seen yet, but I hope they or someone releases K2H. I would love to own it and watch it again not hunched over the computer :) Question about FH2~ How many eps will there be in all? I've seen info about 20eps but Viki has them at 30mins long. So will there still be only 20 or will it be 40 30 min eps? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 26, 2012 2:09:29 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Oct 26, 2012 2:28:21 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: aly - FH2 - I noticed when I watched what was called episode 2 on Gooddrama that the show itself indicated it was Episode 1 Part 2. I am expecting it to be 20 hours long. I do watch Kdrama on TV by hooking my PC to my TV via a HDMl cord, with a Cable Matters adapter (with newer PCs you can even bypass the adapter and just use an HDMl cord - but I my PC only has USB ports so I need the adapter).

ETA - I also noticed that the picture on my TV is sharper and clearer than what is showing on my PC. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 26, 2012 2:56:38 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Aly thanks for the info! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 29, 2012 6:22:27 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Oct 29, 2012 6:37:38 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Watched several enjoyable rom/com Korean movies, all of which I would recommend: The Beast and the Beauty with Shin Min Ah and Ryu Seung Beom. Blind beauty has eyesight restored, with "beast" boyfriend resorting to cosmetic procedure (which goes wrong) to improve looks. http://asianwiki.com/The_Beast_and_the_Beauty Too Beautiful to Lie with Kim Ha Neul and Kang Dong Won. http://asianwiki.com/Too_Beautiful_to_Lie My Love/Love, First - follows four relationships, including one with Jung Il Woo. http://asianwiki.com/Love,_First ETA - My Love/Love, First - not all of the relationships end in a HEA. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 29, 2012 1:15:12 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Reader123 I started watching FH, and I am unexpectedly enjoying it (despite the hairstyles). So far, the first five (half hour) episodes have been funny and entertaining. So I'm guessing our heroine will soon find herself in a love triangle? On another note, I've watched My Princess and I loved the H/h. I enjoyed this show more than I thought I would. The only problem with this show, is that I found the storyline surrounding our leads to be ridiculous. If the storyline surrounding the leads had been better this would have been a keeper for me, because I loved the moments between the H/h! The hero is so sexy and strong, and the heroine is funny/bubbly and sweet. I was laughing out loud at "noonas of darkness" and "the secret desires of the female professor" scenes, and then there were scenes between the H/h that were so moving, and I loved that hot kiss in episode 13? (I think it was that episode). However, as I said before, the storyline of her being a princess and the monarchy and the hero's inheritance... it was just a mediocre storyline. I

really wished that our H/h had been given a different and better storyline (they deserved a better storyline, because their romance was so good) for their meeting and interactions. Now my question is to whoever has watched this as well, what did that ending mean? I know it's a happy ending, but did our heroine take an extended leave from being a princess in order to leave with the hero? or what exactly? I mean I knew it was a happy ending, I just didn't know what the context of it was and I hate when that happens to me lol. So please tell me! And for those of you who haven't watched this, I definitely recommend it- if only for the H/h moments :) About Faith I still haven't watched episode 23, I'll probably be watching it this evening... last episode is tomorrow... hopefully it will have a good ending. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 29, 2012 7:55:58 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @D.M.: Oh, I really really liked the OTP in My Princess as well. I thought Song Sueng Hyun was great in that role. He really is wonderful in the rom/com wonderful leading man type drama. I wish he'd do more like that and less of the dramatic melo type. I think the ending indicated that she chose to be with him over being a princess. That was my take anyway. He'd asked her before if she could give up being a princess and just be his woman, and I think that is exactly what she ended up doing. They really did have some of the most adorable couple moments in a story that was kind of a mess. But I thought it was worth watching. And about Faith 23...loved it. Young and Eun Soo are so beautiful together. The way he looks at her is just enough to make me sigh. And I love her fighting spirit and relentless optimism. She just won't let anything get her down. So opposite of him. I really really hope for an HEA so that I can just love this drama forever! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 30, 2012 8:08:10 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Oct 30, 2012 8:33:08 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Hey Rashell! After thinking about it, I think I'm going to buy My Princess despite the fact that I find the non-romance part of the storyline sort of weak (even ridiculous at parts), but since the H/h parts and romance are just so good and the ending is an HEA, I know I will want to watch the H/h parts again and again (and there are plenty!). So I'm seriously considering buying this. So my question is do you own it? If yes, can you tell me which is the good version with the good English subs? Because there are several versions here on amazon and I'm kind of lost as to which one to buy. This question goes for you Aly as well, since you own it too :) As for Faith, I read a recap for episode 24 and apparently the ending is kind of anti-climatic. The episode has still not been uploaded, anyways while I enjoyed the ES/CY romance, now I can say that this show is not among my favorites (ones I'd want to own). However I still like

the ES/CY romance/parts, just wish they had been given a better and more engaging storyline and more time together. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 30, 2012 9:23:07 AM PDT Amazon Customer says: D.M~ this is the link for the one I bought. However, my copy doesn't look like the one shown nor did I pay $78 for it My Princess (4-DVD Digipak Boxset All Region English Sub) This is what my copy actually looks like My Princess : Korean TV Drama + Making of My Princess (4 DVDs) And that's about what I paid for it but the seller I used is no longer avaliable. I have the PMP and am very happy with it. I have not used the sellers from the second link but from the ratings i'd say they are okay. And from the first link, I have used Asian Entertainment and have always had great luck with them. None of them say they are the PMP version but i'm sure they would all reply back if you contacted them. I don't have any products liscensed through PK or TS entertainment (the other products that are listed) MP was the first drama I watched and I hold a very special place in my heart for it. Sadly, I was so used to American tv and the whole time I was like, where's the kissing? the bedroom scene? what?? so much chemistry and just a few kisses?? I laugh at myself now and how much I prefer asian drama over what we have on tv here and how beautifully innocent some of them are. While not my number 1 it is definately a top 5 and I love it!!! Glad you have also enjoyed it. Good luck buying. I hope you are able to find a copy!!! If you have any questions about any of them I am happy to help if I know the answer :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 30, 2012 12:11:31 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Hey Aly, I so agree that the chemistry between the two in My Princess was awesome, and they had great banter and great moments whether funny, romantic or moving/angsty. So regardless of the weak storyline of princess/monarchy/hero's-inheritance, the romance and the H/h make this a keeper for me and a great feel good romance/comedy that is filled with great sexual tension, laughs, and also moving moments. Anyways I finally decided to buy this dvd set of My Princess My Princess Korean Tv Drama Dvd (4 Dvd Boxset NTSC All Region) (Korean/ Mandarin Audio with Good English Sub/ Chinese Sub) It does say good english sub, so if my dvd is any way not good I'll just return it. Plus I bought it from Asian Entertainment, which I've also had a good experience with so far. Thank you very much for your help, I hope that it will be a good dvd set and the same as yours! I'll probably end up writing a review for this drama too, once I receive the dvd set I guess.

Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 30, 2012 12:45:04 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @D.M.:I don't own My Princess. I didn't love it enough to buy it, but I did enjoy it. I have seen episode 24 of Faith and I actually wasn't that disapointed. As with so much of this drama, it definitely could have been better and the wasted potential makes me sad. But I thought the end was sweet for our couple. I haven't seen it subbed of course. But she travels back and forth through time to get to him, and he faithfully waits for her to come knowing that she'll keep looking for him. They don't embrace in the end, but the way they look at eachother is beautiful. Similar to My Princess, I don't know that I'll invest in the purchase of this one. But I will definitely go back to watch Eun Soo/Choi Young parts over again. I really did enjoy the love story between them which was mostly due to the chemistry between the two leads. This director did no one in this drama any favors, but Lee Min Ho and Kim Hee Sun managed to still bring something beautiful to their roles and this love story. I definitely enjoyed watching it even if it wasn't all that it could have been. And an HEA makes up of a lot of mistakes in my book. I'm looking at you Gaksital!!!! LOL! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 30, 2012 12:58:52 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Rashell which dramas do you have on your keeper shelf? I'm curious, maybe I'll find something good there that I haven't discovered yet :) As for me, I only have You're Beautiful K-drama on my keeper shelf and now I'm adding My Princess. I feel that My Princess is better than Faith because it does not drag. Plus My Princess had a lot more moments and banter between the H/h and that's why I decided to buy it. And yes I've watched parts of episode 24 of Faith, and like you I won't be buying Faith, but I'll go back and watch the H/h parts online every once in a while. Overall it is a show that I liked and enjoyed, but it's not a keeper. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 30, 2012 3:32:32 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @D.M.: Well my favorite dramas are my keepers, but I don't own all of them yet. Coffee Prince, City Hunter, The Princess's Man, King2Hearts and Queen In-Hyun's Man. I only own the first two. The last two aren't out yet with subs. And I'm saving up for The Princess's Man. So I don't know that you're going to find a hidden gem there since all of them are pretty popular and often talked about on this thread. But if you haven't watched any of them, you really should all have fabulous OTP's in my opinion. I'd probably also buy You're Beautiful, My Girlfriend is a Gumiho, Personal Taste, Answer Me 1997, Flower Boy Raymun Shop, The Moon That Embraces the Sun, Ojakkyo Brothers, and maybe Sungkyunkwan Scandal if I

had unlimited funds. Sadly as I'm not rich, I just keep watching my favorite parts on viki or dramafever. Again, I'm not sure there are any unfamiliar dramas in that bunch either, but all were worth watching and watching again for me. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: Oct 30, 2012 5:50:39 PM PDT Last edited by you on Nov 7, 2012 6:16:26 AM PST Adnana says: "Faith" : my conclusions This drama gave me what I had wanted so much: a HEA for the ImJa couple -- so in turn I'll keep the promise I had made to myself and love "Faith" forever, LOL. I've decided to put all my grievances about this drama's flaws and wasted potential in a tiny drawer and then close that drawer firmly. What use is there, after all, to lament "what could have been"? Especially if this makes you unable to appreciate "what actually is". And really, there was a whole lot, for me, to love about "Faith". The OTP's romance, in particular, was perfect in all its little beats, up until the very end. I've never loved a K-drama couple as much as I love ES+CY, nor have I ever seen anyone more deserving of their HEA. I'm so happy they got it. Also, speaking of positives: I really, truly enjoyed the acting in this drama. LMH, especially, bowled me over, even independent of his undeniable gorgeousness. Regarding the ending: I was staggered by that look that CY gave to ES in their reunion scene, expressing that he had been waiting for her all this time, with unshakable faith that one day she would come back. That he loved her beyond anything else in this world, and always would. That in her, he had found his reason to live. LMH was pitch-perfect in portraying all of that, with just his luminous eyes and his gentle smile, and he's got in me a fan for life. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Oct 30, 2012 6:08:53 PM PDT ink says: Didn't read the entire thread but some of my Favs are: Boys Over Flowers (Korean version) Princess Hours (aka Goong) City Hunter Personal Taste Playful Kiss I recommend them highly. Full of romance comedy (some), and action, family drama, etc. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Oct 30, 2012 7:28:17 PM PDT Amazon Customer says: ink~ I LOVE all of those you have listed. Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Oct 31, 2012 9:25:30 AM PDT Amazon Customer says: Reader123~ Unknowingly, you have possibly made me the happiest girl in the world at the moment. The past few days I haven't watched any of my drama's because I just didn't want to set my laptop up for viewing. But when you mentioned hooking up the HDMI to your tv a lightbulb went off (yes the one I have now is incredibly dim, tech savvy i'm not) But tonight after the kids are in bed and I have my quiet time, I wil be happily snuggled on the couch watching on my tv!!!! Thanks for mentioning that the other day. No clue why I never tried it before :/ Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 31, 2012 9:47:49 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Oct 31, 2012 9:49:05 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Rashell I am surprised that you don't have Secret Garden on your favorites list :) Thanks everyone for sharing your favorites, I have seen those titles mentioned before and have watched several of them, and several of them are still on my "want to watch" list. So no undiscovered gem for me lol. My favorites are: 1. Queen In Hyun's Man, You're Beautiful, My Princess (these are my top favorites) 2. Secret Garden, Princess Man (these I'm not interested in buying, but they're still favorites) Innocent Man (AKA Nice Guy) will most probably end up being in one of those categories, but I don't know for sure yet until it is finished. So far I am really enjoying it (waiting patiently/impatiently for ep 15 to get subbed). And there are several that I have enjoyed but that are not favorites, like Faith and Personal Taste etc Happy drama/romance watching everyone! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Oct 31, 2012 10:11:22 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @D.M.: Oh, Seceret Garden...I liked it, but for some reason I never could connect with it. Joo Won (Hyun Bin) was just too much for me in some parts with his attitude that I could never quite bring myself to fall in love with him. He did somewhat redeem himself in those last episodes where he switched his life for Ra Im's, but part of that still felt selfish to me instead of selfless. It was more like he did it for himself instead of for her since we all know that is not what she would have wanted. I don't know. I really can't explain why I don't love it more. @Ink: Those are great dramas. Boys Over Flowers was my first k-drama so even with all it's

flaws it does hold a special place in my heart. And it introduced me to Lee Min Ho, whom I love the most. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Oct 31, 2012 12:54:31 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: aly - happy drama watching! Last year I told my husband that the only thing I wanted for Christmas was the HDMI cord/adapter to be able to hook my PC to the TV. I was actually amazed at how much better the picture on the TV was compared to the PC - the subtitles are also much easier to read. Hopefully your experience is the same. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 1, 2012 2:05:35 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: I'm so ready for the new crop of dramas to start. Alice, I Miss You, Jeon Woo Chi, 2013 School. I Miss You is first and starts next Wednesday. This one is a melo and the teasers are all pretty much a sob fest. But it's Yoon Eun Hye, and I'm a sucker for the first love torn apart but still longing for eachother type story. (See Moon Embracing the Sun, The Princess's Man, Answer Me 1997) So I'm in, but I'm going to try to prepare for a non-HEA. Alice seems most likely for a HEA, and with Park Shi Hoo there is sure to be some swoon worthy scenes. Now that Faith and Arang are over, I actually am not watching a drama currently. This has never happened to me before. I'm going to start Nice Guy, but I really wish I knew the end now that it's this far into it's run. But I've heard nothing but good things, and I love Song Joon Ki from Running Man days. How sad is it that I can't even go a week without a new drama to watch without complaint. Yeah, I probably have a problem. LOL Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 2, 2012 7:54:23 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Nov 2, 2012 9:07:39 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Upcoming dramas that I either plan to watch live or follow as time permits, as all look to have the potential to be good (casting issues that I have with some aside): - Cheongdamdong Alice (Park Shi Hoo - my all time favorite actor, of any nationality - do I need to say more?) - Secret Agent War (Joo Won - I liked the movie and hopefully this will have the same fun vibe) - Gu Family Book (Lee Seung Gi - I am disappointed in the selection of Suzy as the leading lady - since she is only 18 I expect any romantic scenes will be what we are use to seeing when young actors are involved - actress stands there frozen with eyes bulging) - I Miss You (Park Yoochun - Given the writer's history with writing HEAs, I am hopeful that this drama will also have a HEA - but, hey, I was the idiot who was also hopeful that Bridal Mask was going to have a HEA and we all know how that turned out, so don`t trust me on this one)

- King of Dramas (Siwon - he was the best thing about 18 vs. 29 - that drama should have featured him and his h more than the grown up versions) - Jeon Woo Chi (sounds interesting, I'm not a fan of UEE, but I will still give this a try) - City Conquest (What I've read so far seems to give it a City Hunter vibe - while I don't expect it to be outstanding like City Hunter - if it is just half as good it may still be OK) - That Winter The Wind Blows So Park Shi Hoo - I noticed that his Queen of Reversals drama has never been discussed. QoR was K-dramaland's last (failed) attempt to cast PSH as a second male lead. After this drama I'm not sure that any actor would want to be cast as the leading man if PSH is cast as the second male lead. Overall this is my third favorite PSH drama (behind The Princess' Man and Family's Honor, and just inching out Prosecutor Princess). This drama kept getting better and better as PSH's role started increasing - this drama was extended by over 10 episodes to flesh out Yong Shik (PSH) character and back story (complete with abandonment issues and villainous stepmother and half-brother) and to significantly amp up his screen time. I thought Yong Shik made a great hero as we saw him overcome his family issues to become a leader who was protective of "his team". He was probably one of the few second male leads that actually deserved the h way more than the leading man (but then again, I think starting around episode 13 or so, he became the leading man/hero). In addition, Yong Shik scenes with his secretary/bestie were a complete hoot (and one of the things I enjoyed the most about this drama) and his relationship with his roommate was sweet. Also, Yong Shik and the h had numerous fun/cute scenes together. The h in this drama, Tae Hee, may be one of the older K-drama heroines (for most of the drama she is 38 - five years older than Yong Shik), but she is strong, smart, creative and competent - and for her its learning to trust/love again after a divorce. However, I do think the stylist did her a disservice in making her hairstyles so unattractive for most of the drama. As for the original leading man, Joon Soo, the writers made him a weak, incompetent, easily manipulated beta loser - this even before they decided to make Yong Shik (PSH) the hero. While he did mature and become more competent during the drama, I never believed that he loved the h as much Yong Shik, so ultimately I never felt that he deserved to re-win the h. Unfortunately, this show did include my least favorite K-drama trope - the malicious OW. No action was too despicable for this OW. I can sorta forgive her numerous attempts to backstab the h and to break-up the h's marriage (as this is normal K-drama behavior), but her stealing the h's work product multiple times and claiming it as her own is a behavior that for me there is just no redemption - it shows a complete lack of any morals or ethics. The writers did try to redeem her and make us sympathetic to her but her actions against the h were so overwhelming horrible (making her so unlikable) that I could never become interested in her or her romance. While not a favorite, I did think that this drama was good and one that I would recommend (especially the later episodes where PSH shines). As an interesting side note, the heroine's real life husband was the leading man in How to Meet a Perfect Neighbor, the other role where PSH as the second male lead won the h. Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 2, 2012 12:49:01 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Hey Rashell, I'm like you if I don't have a drama to watch I feel like something is missing lol. Happy watching of Innocent Man, four more episodes to go and my fingers are crossed that we will get a happy ending despite the odds. I would say this show is kind of dark romance/suspense drama. Also you should know that the hero actually doesn't start caring for the heroine until episode 8 (heroine's confession in the rain). This show is really good so far, and I can't wait to see what happens next. I would love to write some spoilers, but since you haven't watched it yet, I will refrain. Happy watching! And since it seems we're listing the upcoming dramas/romances we are interested in watching, mine are: Cheongdamdong Alice I Miss You/ Missing You That Winter the wind blew The other ones on your list Reader123, I might check out. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: Nov 2, 2012 1:01:39 PM PDT Last edited by you on Nov 2, 2012 1:03:14 PM PDT Adnana says: At the moment, I'm only watching "Nice Guy". It's gripping and exciting, but -- thank God!! - I'm not obsessed with it. Seems I fulfilled my yearly quota for K-drama obsession with "Faith". :P Still, the story in "Nice Guy" has gotten particularly interesting this week. We've been given a *lot* of cute, romantic scenes with our hero and heroine and also, might I say, I've never seen so many hot K-I-S-S-E-S in a K-drama before. Love it! *wink*wink* In a fabulous reversal, I've come to really feel for the hero whom I had despised at first. And I'm really scared that the (up until now) fabulous heroine will make me hate her if she decides to hurt the hero. (**As an aside: there was some talk about extending this drama since it's been getting good ratings. I hope they won't go through with it, though.**) From the upcoming crop of dramas, I'm interested in "Cheongdamdong Alice" (**BTW, a 16 episodes length for a weekend drama is really unusual. And PSH seemed disappointed as well; in an interview, he said that there would barely be time for him to develop his character. But he would say that, wouldn't he? -- most of his projects have been long or very long dramas.**) I'll definitely check out Lee Seung-gi's project as well and, depending on reviews, "Missing You". But no more live-watching for me :D (after "Nice Guy" finishes). First, because livewatching "Faith" nearly drove me crazy. (Especially towards the end, when I began to doubt the conviction I had held fast to over the course of the drama -- that there would be a HEA.)

And second, I have a lot of *finished* dramas on my to-be-watched pile. Like "Arang" and "My Princess". So I'd better get to them. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Nov 2, 2012 1:14:14 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Good luck watching the finished dramas Adnana. Arang is a pretty good drama. My Princess is very good (it's become one of my favorites despite the ridiculous premise). On another note, I didn't know that there was talk about extending "Innocent Man/Nice Guy", I am loving this show. However if extending it means that the storyline will start to lag then I don't want that. I just hope that the remaining four episodes will be as good as the previous episodes. And yes I agree with you in that I hope that the heroine does not become unlikable, because that could ruin the show. I love the whole bad boy/ sweet girl combination, and I wouldn't want that to be ruined. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 2, 2012 8:28:33 PM PDT Amazon Customer says: Just saw some news that YA Entertainment is going out of buisness. This makes me really sad :( Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: Nov 3, 2012 1:11:14 PM PDT Adnana says: Just a quick update RE: "Nice Guy" It seems that, luckily, there won't be an extension to this drama after all. After, in the past week, reports had surfaced about the writer & main cast considering a possible extension, KBS has now confirmed the start of upcoming sageuk Jeon Woo Chi for November 21st (in Nice Guy's current timeslot) -- which means that "Nice Guy" will finish as originally scheduled (i.e. only 4 episodes left to air). ETA: another thing **SPOILER for episode 16** It seems that most of Nice Guy's fandom is convinced that it was Maru who sent Eungi the accident report. And that, after that board meeting when Eungi said that she wouldn't hide behind her representative, he's aware that Eungi has, in fact, recovered all of her memories. So right now, he is simply letting her take the lead and playing things as she decides. I'm not completely convinced of this theory, but it does sound plausible, for various reasons. At any rate, I'm very curious how things will continue to develop. I still have absolutely no hope for a true happy ending, though. At most, if Maru and Eungi survive, I think that Maru will be left somehow impaired because of his hematoma. Like losing all his memories. Which would be just about the only thing which could make me utterly hate "Nice Guy" at this point

-- seeing Maru lose all knowledge and awareness of the journey to redemption he's traveled over the course of this drama. So here's me hoping my dark suppositions never become reality. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Nov 4, 2012 2:09:39 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Aly I have received my "My Princess" dvd, and the dvd set looks nice, and the subtitles are good so far. But I am really disappointed that the ratio is "full screen" 1:33:1, I thought it would be 1:78:1 same as You're Beautiful. On Viki, where I watched this show first, it was wide screen not full screen, so how come on the dvd it is full screen? My question is, is your dvd set of this show "full screen" or "wide screen"? eh, why must this happen to me :( Adnana, that's a very interesting theory about Nice Guy/ Innocent Man. Come to think of it, Maru is very smart, and it wouldn't surprise me if he had put that document on Eungi's desk if he has some sort of plan that is. So what you're saying is that he is playing along with letting Eungi take the lead/revenge on him? Meaning that he knows that she has just recovered all her memories? That is an interesting take, I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens next to know if your theory is right, but it could be plausible. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Nov 4, 2012 3:32:32 PM PST Last edited by you on Nov 4, 2012 3:36:48 PM PST Adnana says: RE: "Nice Guy" Truthfully, I wouldn't have thought of that "theory" (from my previous post) on my own. But since "Faith", I've become acquainted with the soompi community, and it's there that I've stumbled across this theory -- that it was Maru who left that document for Eungi (after all, who else would have that accident report??) and, even if he didn't, at the very least he is aware that she's remembered everything. Like I said, personally I'm still not completely convinced this is true, but the posters who think so make a very convincing case. Like, if you carefully look at Maru's expression when he goes looking for Eungi before the board meeting (after she's read the accident report), he seems apprehensive. Or somewhat wary, at any rate. But when Eungi greets him with a smile, he seems to relax. And during the board meeting, when Eungi deviates from the plan by declaring her intention to stand on her own, he seems more shocked than the situation warrants. Idk, maybe all this is just reading too much into Maru's reactions. All the same, "Nice Guy" does seem to specialize in playing with our perceptions, so I'm not discounting anything. If Maru does, indeed, know the truth, then it means he's knowingly willing to take whatever Eungi is prepared to dish. Even if she wants to pretend she hasn't remembered yet, even is she wants to use him or punish him. Which would make their kiss at the end of episode 16 truly heartbreaking -- because while Eungi acts, Maru does not. He sinks into that kiss entirely, with nothing held back. Offering his very soul. Really, there's *no way* this drama can end well. Sorry for being such a pessimistic killjoy,

and I really do hope I'll be proven wrong. I just can't see it happening in the case of "Nice Guy". Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Nov 4, 2012 4:49:52 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: About the last kiss between Maru and Eungi, I thought that Eungi seemed to melt into that kiss at first, but then she probably mentally slapped herself and her eyes opened and she was acting. And it is sad is how wonderful the moments between them were earlier in the episode, with Eungi dragging Maru excitedly/cutely to show him the wedding dress she wanted for their wedding. And all the time they were walking down the street and she was talking happily about their wedding, Maru would smile gently at her and barely speak. So I'm thinking that if this theory is true and Maru is the one who left her the document, then I'd like to believe that he has a plan. Otherwise why would he jeopardize his temporary happiness? Also I hope that Eungi will realize that Maru has already proven that he loves her. During the end of episode 16 she looked like she was forcing herself to smile with that detached calm serene look on her face. She seemed like she might crack at any moment. My heart breaks for both Eungi and Maru at this point. I'd like to believe that somehow this drama will surprise us, and we will have a good and happy ending. I can't wait to see what will happen next in this show Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 5, 2012 6:27:43 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: The third "flower boy" drama from tvN is scheduled to air beginning January 7, 2013. This drama - Flower Boy Next Door - stars Park Shin Hye (You're Beautiful) and Yoon Shi Yoon. The first two flower boy dramas - Flower Boy Ramyun Shop and Shut Up Flower Boy Band - were well done. The new drama is based on an existing webtoon called I Steal Peeks At Him Every Day. It's an upbeat, lively story that centers around an "urban Rapunzel" type character, played by Park Shin-hye, who is locked up in her lonely tower. She sneaks peeks at her neighbor across the street, and gets caught by a different guy, played by Yoon Shi-yoon. I plan to add this to my ever growing TBW pile. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 5, 2012 9:54:52 AM PST Rashell Anderson says: @Reader123: I agree that one sounds like something right up my drama alley. And the other two flower boy shows really were fabulous, so I have high hopes for this one. I'm not really familiar with the male lead, but I do like Park Shin-hye from her You're Beautiful days.

Hopefully it will be adorable and heartfelt like the other two. In the mean time, I Miss You starts Wednesday and I'm preparing for tears there, but I'm debating on checking out King of Dramas with Siwon that starts today sound like it could bring the funny which will likely be needed if I Miss You is as depressing as it's teasers look to be. But my goodness the sad seems to be filmed very prettily. The teasers have been beautifully shot. @D.M. & Andana: You're Nice Guy talk is appreciated. I haven't been able to convince myself to start watching yet. Like Adnana, from everything I've seen and heard so far an HEA doesn't seem like a very good possibility. I hope I'm wrong, then I'll watch wholeheartedly. I can suffer through just about anything as long as it ends HAPPY! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 5, 2012 2:00:10 PM PST Last edited by the author on Nov 5, 2012 2:00:48 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Reader123 "Flower Boy Next Door" (wish they'd give it a better title) seems to have an interesting premise with potential, and since it has the heroine from You're Beautiful, I'll just have to give it a try when it starts airing. However I thought the guy she watches would be the hero? So what does the hero do then? (aside from living next door to her that is *grins*). Rashell I agree in that I too don't mind suffering and tears, as long as it ends happy (our H/h triumph). I seem to be more lenient when it comes to movies on this (the few good romance movies available), because movies are only for two or three hours at the most, so I don't get as invested with the characters as I do when I'm watching a drama/romance show :) Once Nice Guy is finished (these two weeks), I'll directly report back here to inform you and Reader123 of how it ended. I'm loving this show, I just hope it doesn't end up depressing me. As for Missing You, the previews are beautiful but filled with tears and angst. I agree it seems to be a beautifully shot show (and since you said this author usually gives happy endings to her stories, so I have hope that there will be an HEA for our H/h). There's a lot of potential. So now I have two shows to watch on Wednesday/Thursday, with Nice Guy being the priority show for me of course. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 5, 2012 5:23:41 PM PST Evie says: I'm so glad to see that I am an not the only person who LOVES kdramas in America!! My first one was The Princess Hours and then it snowballed from there. 16-20 episodes of non stop drama, handsome leading men, and funny shenanigans complete with happy ending! Who could ask for more? Since then, I've watched sooo many more dramas such as My Princess, Secret Garden, Full House, Partners, City Hall, Delightful Girl Choon Hyung, My Girl, and many, many more. Just can't get enough!!! Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 5, 2012 5:53:13 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. - couple of additional titles I've seen for Flower Boy Next Door are: 1) My Flower Boy Neighbor & 2) Neighbor Hottie. Didn't see much info on the webtoon. So here's hoping for a good ending for Nice Guy. Looks like the C-movie version of the K-drama Secret Garden will premiere in December don't know how long it will take till it's released on Viki or Dramafever. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 6, 2012 3:04:40 PM PST Last edited by the author on Nov 6, 2012 3:50:42 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Evie - Welcome - Yep, several K-drama addicts on this thread. I have now watched the first 4 hours of Full House Take 2 - so far it has not been a trainwreck, but instead a light fluffy drama. I remain confused as to why it's named Full House Take 2 as it seems much more like You're Beautiful (without the cross-dressing) than Full House. I've started watching a cute drama called Panda and Hedgehog. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: Nov 7, 2012 6:38:43 AM PST Last edited by you on Nov 7, 2012 6:39:38 AM PST Adnana says: "Nice Guy", episode 17 **SPOILERS** Yeah, so it seems the soompi fandom was more than half-right: it really was Maru who left the accident report on Eungi's desk. And he did this expecting/hoping/fearing that it would jolt her memories and make her remember. So when he came looking for her in her office he truly was apprehensive because he didn't know what he would encounter. Also, I think he suspected Eungi from that moment on. He couldn't be completely sure that she had remembered, but he had to have seriously considered the possibility -- especially since Eungi didn't immediately confront him about the accident report. And once he found that crumpled piece of paper in Eungi's room ("Maru is a nice guy that can't be found anywhere else in the world" -- with "nice guy" misspelled) he knew the truth. And he decided to wait for her decision. It was heartbreaking to see him trying to cling to hope while at the same time being weighted down by a sense of doom. Because deep down, he knew that he had already lost Eungi. Edit this post | Permalink

Posted on Nov 7, 2012 8:47:44 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: Hey Adnana, first I want to thank you for introducing me to the soompi forums, I am lurking there sometimes at the "Nice Guy/Innocent Man" Thread. They are very active over there, like 680 pages of posts already lol. I haven't joined because I don't think I'll have the time to post. Anyways I noticed that they post the earliest links to the new episodes. Therefore I have already watched episode 17, or parts of it, and I can't wait until it gets subbed so I can understand the proper context of the events. I also can't wait for episode 18. I'm wondering about something, was Eungi the one who sent that document about Maru and Jae Hee being in a past relationship to the press? And that last scene, did Maru just tell Eungi that he knows that she remembers everything? I am really sympathizing with Eungi, I mean she has the right to be angry- at least for a little while. Now I'm waiting patiently/impatiently for episode 17 of Nice Guy to get subbed, and I will also be watching the first episode of Missing You this evening (hopefully subbed). You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 7, 2012 9:26:02 AM PST Rashell Anderson says: OMG...just finished the first episode of Missing You raw, and people prepare to sob from the first scene to the last. Soo Yeon's life will just break your heart, and you already see why Jung Hoon wants to be her protector so badly. She needs one. Her mother, just from one episode, already winning worst K-drama mother EVER! Seriously, this lady is beyond words. I didn't understand all that was happening in Jung Hoon's world and will definitely needs subs for that story. But Soo Yeon's life requires no language understanding, it's AWFUL. I don't know if I can take any more of the childhood episodes because they're going to rip my heart out I can tell. This writer usually has tragic backstory and ends with an HEA. But this was just painful to watch in many ways. So PLEASE, PLEASE writer keep to your history. Because even after one episode if these two poor souls don't get some happiness in here somewhere, I'm going to be seriously ticked! You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 7, 2012 9:52:53 AM PST Amazon Customer says: D.M~ I just got around to double checking my copy of MP. I don't know the exact ratio but, when I watch any (not just MP) of my dvd's on the player in the bedroom they are all widescreen. When I watch them in the living room they are all full screen. I don't know if it's difference of tv brands or size, dvd player brands or dvd brand, that's just how they play. Maybe a setting I have it on? Not really sure why. Think I will check out Can We Get Married starring Jung So Min (from Playful Kiss) and

Sung Joon (from Shut Up Flower Boy Band and Lie to Me) I love those two actors. I've been watching Arang and it is really cute but the old lady is REALLY creepy. And the faithful sidekick Dol Soe really reminds me of Secretary Kim from Secret Garden. He's really funny :) I know there is a ton of upcoming drama's but I am really excited about the Park Shin Hye drama Flower Boy Next Door. Now to the Secret Garden movie. I'm not for sure I will be that excited about it. SG along with ISWAK and TKA are my absolute favorite drama's. After seeing the trailer posted of Koala's Playground, I may not watch it. 1- how can they fit 20 hrs of material into 2hr movie format. 2- Just the look on the actors faces made it seem like they were making fun of the drama and how silly some of the plot line could sometimes be. Shoot, I know i'll end up watching, but no one could ever take the place of Gil Ra Im and Kim Joo Won ***sigh*** (I know some couldn't stand him but to each his own :) ) Welcome Evie!! You are definately not alone. I sometimes wonder how I fit my real life into my drama watching addiction ;) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Nov 7, 2012 11:08:33 AM PST Last edited by you on Nov 7, 2012 11:10:41 AM PST Adnana says: D.M., Your questions about "Nice Guy" -- I'll answer them this way: (the final scene transcript - by chrissy96@soompi) *SPOILERS** EG: Where were you and what took you so long? MR: Let's talk. EG: Where were you after throwing me away (leaving me before the wedding)? MR: Is this what you wanted? EG: I said, where were you?! *** Park: Pardon me? (What did you just say?) Sec: The leaking of the relationship between Maru and Jaehee... Eungi did it. Park: The events today... Eungi did them? (She planned them?) Sec: I tried stopping her... Park: This can't be... This can't be *** Maru: I know everything, Seo Eungi. I know that all your memories are back. I know that you now remember what a bad guy I was. My comments: Maru has known for sure about Eungi recovering her memories ever since he found Eungi's torn "nice guy" paper. His voiceovers, over the course of this episode, reveal his desolation:

Eungi is back; Eungi can't forgive him; he doesn't know what Eungi is thinking, and he can't ask her because she won't tell him, but he probably won't be able to walk her chosen path with her; Eungi doesn't trust him, but he'll wait for her. Personally, I think that Eungi has absolutely no leg to stand on with her revenge against Maru (if she does, in fact, want revenge against Maru). Yes, he initially approached her with hidden intentions -- but she learned the truth early on and was still willing to take the risk of being with him. It was her choice and thus not really his fault/responsibility. Then yes, he broke up with her, but these things happen in life. He shouldn't have been as cruel as he was, but at least he didn't lead her own. On the other hand, it's *her* who went all batshit-crazy afterwards and tried to kill *him*. Which might still cause his death, for all we know (the hematoma). In return, Maru has been spending months protecting her and trying to help her at Taesan. Facing off against Jaehee for her. Yes, he didn't directly tell Eungi the entire truth of their past, but that was because she was clearly too fragile to handle it. But he never stopped trying to help her remember, and he never stopped trying to warn her about him as much as he could. So I really don't see what has Eungi so twisted and mad with him. Sure, a certain degree of anger and distrust is warranted, but overall, I really hate the way she's decided to handle things. I think she has less justification for her dishonesty and nasty mind-games than even Maru did. As for Maru... I think he understands her anger and he's so guilt-stricken and self-sacrificing and in love that he really wants to pay whatever penance Eungi demands of him. But I also think he's really disappointed that she's chosen to act this way and play those kinds of games. Especially what Eungi did with their relationship -- pretending that she still loved Maru, pretending that she still wanted the wedding, all the while planning to sabotage it all herself -I thought that was really low. If I were him, at this point, I would probably just wash my hands of the whole entire mess. I would take Choco and Jae-gil and leave, without looking back. Edit this post | Permalink Your post: Nov 7, 2012 11:21:26 AM PST Adnana says: --Regarding the soompi community You're very welcome, D.M., and I hope you'll learn a lot of interesting things there. Truly, they're the very best (English) resource when it comes to spoilers (translated from official Korean articles, or even just posted on Korean forums like DCinside), images, raws, MVs. With "Nice Guy", they provide some really cool live recaps, so that I can watch "Nice Guy" even live, if I want. With "Faith", the thread was a real treasure trove of information -regarding, for example, omitted bits from the episode scripts. (Like, if you still have any questions regarding the ending: how did CY survive, how long did he wait for ES, how much time passed for ES until she was able to find CY again etc., you can ask me anthing, LOL. There's a 95% possibility that I'll know the answer. All thanks to the soompi and viki communities.) Edit this post | Permalink Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Nov 7, 2012 11:24:52 AM PST Adnana says: Rashell, Your description of "Missing You" has me *really* intrigued. I don't mind a tragic backstory as long as the protagonists get their HEA in the end. It's only the combo "tragic backstory"

AND "tragic ending" *cough*Nice*Guy*cough* that has me gnashing my teeth in frustration. If I watch the drama at all, that is. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Nov 7, 2012 11:41:14 AM PST Rashell Anderson says: @Adnana: That first episode of Missing You with the first full scene honestly had me in tears and so shocked. I don't do well with anything bad happening to children so I sometimes struggle with the "child" part of k-drama's anyway. But this one was by far the worst so far for me. I won't spoil the whole episode, but the first scene of this drama has the young Soo Yeon walking to her house and hearing a strange noise inside. She enters cautiously and a hand immediately grabs her across the mouth and pulls her all the way inside. A man screams in her face while she cowers in fear. She obviously isn't telling him what he want to hear. He throws her to the ground; throws a blanket over her; and proceeds to beat and kick her while she screams for him to stop. At one point she calls him "Abba", but it's clear from his reaction that he isn't really her father, but just her mother's boyfriend. He just keeps wailing on her even after she stops making noise of any kind. While this is happening, the drama cuts to the outside of the house and show the "mother" (I'm using the term loosely in this case) listening outside but doing NOTHING to step in for her child. Finally the police come to take this guy away for something else that he has done. They've obviously been looking for him. And thank heaven the police officer looks under the blanket where he finds a completely battered Soo Yeon. Yeah, that is scene one, people. And things don't really get any better for her, other then that she meets Jung Hoon and he refuses not to be her friend. He witnesses the awful that is her life first hand after following her home and the devastation on his face kills me. Seriously this first episode was just hard to watch. And it kills me to know that Jung Hoon will try to be her port in the storm but as a child himself won't be able to really protect her. I don't know how I'm going to watch this one. Seriously. This is painful. And with the lastest Nice Guy updates you guys have posted, I'm definitely going to wait on that one. I can't take two dramas that emotionally drain me at the same time. I need some fluff to with all this tragic angst. Really. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Nov 7, 2012 12:08:44 PM PST Last edited by you on Nov 7, 2012 12:13:25 PM PST Adnana says: Rashell, Thank you for your in-depth post about "Missing You". A particular phrase you used really struck a chord with me "And it kills me to know that Jung Hoon will try to be her port in the storm but as a child himself won't be able to really protect her." It made me remember that one of this drama's taglines is, in fact, something along the lines of "Old enough to love her. Too young to protect her." This tagline touched me deeply the first time I saw it -- it's both terribly romantic and terribly tragic. It's what stirred my interest for "Missing You" in the first place. Plus, I'm a sucker for childhood sweethearts

stories in which the "first love" is also the "forever love". Though I could do without the years of painful separation that the H & h have to endure before meeting again as adults. I'll definitely have to check this drama out. After all, God forbid I'm left without my weekly dose of heart-wrenching melodrama once "Nice Guy" finishes its run next week. :D ETA: I don't know how quickly "Missing You" will get subbed, though. Seems like Viki still hasn't acquired the license for America, so contributors (subbers) from that area can't access the videos yet. Which means that they won't be able to sub the episodes. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Nov 7, 2012 12:57:58 PM PST Last edited by the author on Nov 7, 2012 1:05:10 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: I have watched the first episode of Missing You (or parts of it) raw on dramacrazy, and Rashell I agree that it is a heartbreaking first episode. I can't believe I actually got teary on this first episode. I think this show will be a major tearjerker throughout, but hopefully it will have some good/peaceful moments for our H/h as well. And I agree right now our hero will most probably not be able to protect her, because he himself is still young and helpless. But I'm guessing when they meet again as adults, our hero will become her protector. What is it with these very heavy shows lately? I'm glad I have Miss Rose to balance the intensity and heartbreak of these two shows, and also I'm kind of glad that Nice Guy will finish next week or else I would have had to put off watching Missing You, because I just don't think I could handle two emotionally draining shows at once lol. From what I've seen so far, I think Missing You will be heavier on the sadness while Nice Guy is heavier on the angst. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 7, 2012 12:58:40 PM PST Last edited by the author on Nov 7, 2012 1:19:10 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Adnana thanks for that analysis of Nice Guy/ Innocent Man, but I wouldn't say that Eungi tried to kill Maru, she did drive towards him in that tunnel, but that tunnel was empty and Maru could have easily swerved his car out of the way. I think it was like he was at peace with dying at that point, and I hesitate to say this because it would really make the show dark but I always got the feeling that at that moment it was suicide for both him and her. I think that she just wanted to end it all and she wasn't thinking straight after losing her father before getting a chance to even say goodbye, and Maru was probably just numb and didn't care whether he lived or died. I don't think she intended to kill him. In her defense, I think she simply lost it in the heat of the moment, and felt like she had just lost everything and there was nothing left to live for. Whereas Maru was more at peace with dying, meaning he was calmer and he simply continued to drive on his lane when he could have avoided the collision. In addition, since we know Maru's thoughts, we know that he loves Eungi truly. However I'm trying to see it from Eungi's point of view, and she doesn't know what Maru is thinking, so in her mind she would logically think (after she regained her memories) that Maru is simply using her to get to Jae Hee. Maru's protecting her would be all twisted in her sight, of him

simply using her for his revenge (just like she remembers). Edited to add: Thanks for the translations Adnana Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 8, 2012 9:24:35 AM PST Rashell Anderson says: I'm happy to say that after the complete depression of yesterday's episode of Missing You today's was actually quite sweet. I know it's the calm before yet another tear storm, but I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts. I adore the young actor that plays Jung Woo. He's got the most expressive eyes, and you just see how he comes to adore this sweet girl who has not one other friend. The worst mom ever actually steps it up a notch with the help of the detective in the first episode. He pretty much adopts both mother and daughter into his family. He's a single dad with a young daughter around Soo Yeon's age. Of course said daughter takes one look at our hero and falls in love with him too. But this episode showed how Soo Yeon blossomed with a friend who loves her and a new family too. It was full of heartwarming moments to undercut the few moments that were still a bit sad. I'm dying for subs for this one, so I hope that Viki will get it's license issues straightened out. But dramabeans did re-cap the first episode and hopefully will keep going so I'll have that for now at least. I'm eagerly awaiting the usual Nice Guy update! I may not be watching, but I am following the conversation at least. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 8, 2012 9:45:08 AM PST Amazon Customer says: I didn't watch(and don't plan to just yet) MY. But you gals got me interested with the comments yesterday and then the recap on db last night. That did seem to be a mighty powereful first episode. I'm interested now to see what all happens and I will definately keep it on the radar screen for now. I've got a few eps of Arang left to watch and later this weekend I hope to start Rootop Prince. I've been banned (by the husband) from buying anymore dramas until next year. But he was nice enough to let me get my Christmas gift early once I told him YA was going out of buisness and I didn't want to miss a chance buying their copy. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Nov 8, 2012 10:39:05 AM PST Last edited by you on Nov 14, 2014 7:24:06 AM PST Adnana says: D.M., I agree that Eungi was in a very disturbed state of mind when the tunnel "incident" happened.

But still, saying that Eungi didn't try to *kill* Maru is just stylistics to me. Eungi did, in fact, want to die herself, and she did, in fact, want to have Maru die with her. She recognized him in that tunnel, she knowingly changed lanes and accelerated, and she crashed her car into his. The fact that Maru, for reasons of his own, decided not to try and avoid the crash doesn't change the fact that Eungi was the instigator. Just because you don't jump to dodge the bullet doesn't mean it's alright that you were shot at in the first place. I don't know (or care, really) if Eungi really *intended* to kill Maru or not; I only know that, if he had actually died when she crashed into his car, she would have basically committed murder. Which is not to say that I'm not making allowances for Eungi's state of mind at the time. I know that she could not have been thinking clearly. So we're prepared to understand and even forgive her. But honestly: would you feel as forgiving towards Eungi's actions if Maru had actually died because of them? While Eungi herself survived. 'Cause things could have just as easily gone that way. Rashell, After watching the latest "Nice Guy" episode, I really need to vent. But other than this post, there will probably be no more "Nice Guy" updates from me until this drama is finished. Since it's *really* annoying me with the plot contrivances it's decided to put into play. Like, today's episode should have been the most heartbreaking and emotional ever, but I just couldn't feel much beyond dashed hopes and utter frustration -- all the time thinking (screaming at the screen, more like it) "Just freaking *talk* to each other!!". There's a big misunderstanding keeping the two leads apart right now, and to me it just seems contrived and unrealistic that, the hero especially, would act this way. Because when everything falls apart and the hero appears painted in the blackest paint ever, he reacts by... staying completely silent. No apology, no declaration of love to the heroine, not even a throw-away attempt at a freaking explanation. Even though it is obvious that most everything that the heroine wants/needs is to hear him offer a valid, honest justification that she can believe (and she's so far gone, crazy in love with him, that she would probably accept even a lie). I just wish the writer had found a better actual reason for the OTP to be at odds -- 'cause forget about all the lies and the guilt and the need for revenge. The heroine still loves the hero, and all that's really keeping her away is her belief that the hero loves someone else. And why does she think that? Because the hero couldn't be bothered to speak even a single word in his defense. (Sorry, if I'm being harsh. It's just, big misunderstandings are my single biggest pet peeve ever, and this particular big M hangs entirely on the fact that the H & h wouldn't have a minute's honest conversation with each other. Which is just lame.) Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Nov 8, 2012 10:55:45 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: Lol Aly, happy drama/romance watching! Which drama do you want to buy? Also I am sad to hear that YA will stop releasing dvds. Their releases always had very good picture quality and very good english subs. Rashell Innocent Man is making me cry and stressing me out lol. I've just watched episode 18 raw (most of it), and read a summary English recap. The angst/tension and heartbreak are so prevalent and raw, yet somehow quiet/silent, that it is suffocating. I cried during the Eungi/Maru scenes. I cried when Eungi was crying in the bathtub. I got teary when Maru and Eungi were on the phone, but barely talking (I wished Maru would say something). All this suffering for our H/h. I wish they'd sit down together and let it all out. Oh and that last scene,

I am pretty sure that next week's episode will clarify that end scene- like they usually do- or else I would have been angry to see Maru hugging Jae Hee. I wish I knew what Maru was doing, it's stressful not knowing. Anyways as you can see I am completely drained by these two episodes of Innocent Man, and I can only hope that next week's final episodes will somehow give us a satisfying happy ending for Maru/Eungi, because I really don't know how much more angst I can take. I can't wait for next week's final episodes. As for Missing You, I watched parts of episode two raw and I agree that our OTP had some cute/warm scenes today, despite the melancholy and intense mood of this show. I am kind of glad that there is a delay in the english subbing/licensing for this show, because Innocent Man is completely draining me at this point lol. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 8, 2012 11:32:40 AM PST Rashell Anderson says: @Adnana & D.M.: Sounds like Nice Guy is staying pretty dark even going into the final episodes. And I agree Adnana that I HATE when the "big misunderstanding" could be easily cleared away if the two people would simply say in words what is really going on. It's frustrating to watch and seems so pointless. And sadly it is a plot device used often in books, movies, and television. Drives me batty. Hopefully this is just the last bit of darkness before things go in the right direction in the final week. Fingers crossed for you guys (and me, if I'm ever going to watch this one.) @aly:Happy drama watching. I enjoyed the last episodes of Arang. I'm interested to hear your thoughts on Rooftop when you finish. That was a drama I started, skimmed through the middle episodes, and watch the end only to wish I hadn't wasted my time. Depending on your POV it does have an HEA. It just didn't work for me. So definitely let me know what you think. Missing You is already a very intense show. And the way it's filmed only adds to that. It's beautifully shot, but somehow even the filming is sad like D.M. mentioned. I definitely enjoyed watching ep 2 more then ep 1. But both episodes were impossible for me to look away from. I'm not sure that I'll love this drama, but I definitely think I'll invest in it. And probably end up heartbroken. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 8, 2012 1:14:38 PM PST Amazon Customer says: Rashell~ When RP came out around the same time as K2H, I remember a bunch of us were all excited about those two shows. I waited for the recaps each night for both. RP was interesting to me but K2H won me over and I jumped on the 'watch live' bandwagon. Well, we all know how wonderful that show was but how utterly heartbroken I have been since. I am very glad I quit following RP at that time and since I didn't watch with baited breath NOT knowing what would happen, I am confident that I will be okay with the ending because I have had such a long time to process how it did end. Same with Arang. I was really really excited about that show and am proud to say I didn't even read the recaps. I just peaked at

each weeks preview and then watched the last five minutes. So I am also cool with it. I know they have a bittersweet taste to them but I don't think i'll have a 3 day sob fest like I did after K2H. D.M~ None right at this moment. But the dear man let me purchase most of my collection this year with a smile plastered on his face and an empty wallet in his pocket. So I can't blame him when he said no more, lol. But I do know A Gentleman's Dignity and Queen Inhyn's Man will be out soon and I will wait patiently until my ban is lifted :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 9, 2012 7:57:15 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: Aly Rooftop Prince is just an average show, and the ending is a happy ending but not really lol. So I agree with Rashell in that overall I didn't like this show much. Anyways I'm interested to know what you think, so keep us updated. Now onto something else, for anyone interested I wanted to post this really good recap of episode 18 of Innocent Man/ Nice Guy. I found new insight into the conflict and the story as a whole while reading this person's introduction and recap as well. However I disagree with the conclusion, because I don't believe that Maru will die at the end :( At this point it would just be lazy writing on the author's part if she kills off Maru, or if he loses his memories in the end, because everybody is expecting that. The best surprise ending at this point, is a complete happy ending! (wishing...wishing...). So back on topic, here's the link for anyone interested in checking the recap out. http://koalasplayground.com/2012/11/08/nice-guy-episode-18-recap/ I have watched episode 18 subbed, and that bathtub scene where the heroine cries gets me in the heart every-time I watch it. I cried with her more the second time I watched this scene (subbed, her words are clear and heartbreaking). I also cried at the scene when Maru and Eungi were standing on either side of the door (Eungi inside her room), and Maru called Eungi and asked about how she is doing (that whole exchange was heartbreaking). I am on pins and needles waiting for the final two episodes! I can't wait to see how everything will get resolved with all the characters (especially our H/h) in this very messed up situation they're in. Also I have just watched the first episode of Missing You subbed on dramacrazy, and I cried at the last part when the heroine was on her knees begging and saying she was wrong. The same mantra she used to try and stop her father/step-father (I'm not sure which one he is) from hitting her. And then when the hero followed her to where she was hiding, and told her "let's be friends". Also the second hero is he the sick child who is on the run from the hero's father? I didn't expect that the second lead (who's life apparently sucks too) would be basically the hero's uncle, even though he is younger in age. No wonder these characters will grow up with baggage and will be somewhat messed up. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 9, 2012 9:03:14 AM PST

Rashell Anderson says: @D.M.: Thanks so much for the link for Nice Guy. As a non-watcher at this point re-caps are what I'm most looking for. I'm crossing my fingers for an HEA too. Just so I can actually watch. Missing You is now being subbed on dramafever as well. I actually figured that once Viki didn't get the license that dramafever would. They're kind of starting to get a monopoly for some shows and networks. I'm not sure how I feel about that yet. They were the only one's with approval for Answer Me 1997 and actually shut down a bunch of other sites who were subbing it. Dramafever is linked to Hulu, so they have pretty huge pull when it comes to online video streaming. But I'm still just really happy to be getting some subs for this series! I do think that they guy beating her was her father. And he is executed for murder which is why the whole town hates them. In the second episode we learn he was wrongly convicted, which is how the mom guilts the detective into letting them stay with him. The second lead is the sick child who is the H's uncle. Yeah, the family dynamic there is very strange. I'm just happy that Soo Yeon finally has some small piece of happiness in her life even if it doesn't last. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 9, 2012 9:40:52 AM PST Last edited by the author on Nov 9, 2012 9:41:58 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: In case Nice Guy has a happy ending, YT has full episodes of the drama (with subs). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eetzNXnHURs I finished watching Panda and Hedgehog - it remained a sweet, very fluffy, low angst drama to the end. While this drama is not a favorite, the romance between the H/h was cute (but not overly dramatic or addictive). Overall, this drama was more about the friendship between the H, h and the OM. While not as epic as the bromance in Queen of Reversals (between the H and his secretary/bestie), the bromance in this drama (between the H and the OM) was sweet. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 9, 2012 9:51:19 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: Rashell thanks for the info. about episode 2, I look forward to watch it when it gets subbed. I wonder when the adult actors will come in (the real leads)? Reader123 it seems that Nice Guy/ Innocent Man is on youtube too! I'm glad that this show is also killing it in the ratings apparently :) On another note I am looking forward to "Alice" and "Hottie/ flower-boy next door" because I am in need of some romance/comedy shows to balance out all the drama/romance shows I'm following now lol. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 10, 2012 1:26:38 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: After watching episode 2 of Missing You subbed, I can say that with these beginning two eps Missing You is off to a good start. I really liked the warm/sweet scenes with the H/h in this episode, even though it was sad how them sitting on the stairs scene ended with the scene frozen like a picture of a treasured memory lost in time, and the ending scene. I am looking forward to see what happens next, and I hope that the adult actors will have as good a chemistry as these younger actors. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 14, 2012 10:46:56 AM PST Rashell Anderson says: Okay...wow...After watching episode 3 of Missing You, I'm thinking that episode 1 wasn't as sad and tragic as I first thought. Because this episode was about 50 times worse in the tragic/heartbreaking/painful to watch category. I really don't know if I can take this kind of sad, this poor, poor girl. But now I'm all invested in the characters, so I can't quit watching. But seriously people episode 3 is not for the faint of heart. And I know now why the hero can't stop searching for the herione. And why he can't move on. That poor boy as well. I'm willing to spoil if anyone would like, but going into this episode completely cold made it that much more shocking for me. I almost do wish that I'd known what was coming so I could have been more mentally prepared. This drama really really really needs to find some happy in here somewhere. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Nov 14, 2012 11:02:21 AM PST Amazon Customer says: Wow...... That sounds bad/sad. Drama land needs some serious funny after the angsty year it has been so far. I could really use some fluffy happy moments :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 14, 2012 1:39:58 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Rashell I agree, I too watched episode 3 of Missing You raw and read a summary English recap of it. I don't think I'll watch this episode again with subs, I think I'll just read the detailed English recap when it becomes available this evening on dramabeans, instead. I was completely unprepared for what happened to our heroine and hero, and of course the second hero's life also continues to be awful as well. Even without the subs, it was heart-wrenching. But what happened to the heroine was the worst. She and the hero also got separated under the worst circumstances ever, and now a lot of things start to make sense. She probably thinks that the hero abandoned her, and that's why she didn't contact him for 14 years. It also explains why he's going crazy searching for her all those years.

This show has got to be the heaviest and most intense show I have ever watched, so far. I hate how our three poor leads are suffering, especially the heroine. I hope that as they grow older they will triumph, and be able to overcome these traumas that they have been subjected to. The acting by these young actors is some of the best I have ever seen. I also completely agree, that the show desperately needs some light/peaceful moments now, to balance out this episode. I hope that our main leads will make their appearance soon, and yes I agree that this drama really, really, really needs some happy. On a side note, do you know when the main leads will appear? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 14, 2012 1:51:02 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: As for Nice Guy/Innocent Man, I have watched the episode raw and am waiting for it to get subbed. I have also read a detailed English recap of this episode, and I don't know what to say except that I am confused. I really don't know what Maru is doing now. I am convinced at this point that almost all the characters in this drama have a bit of crazy in them. Anyways I am looking forward to tomorrow's episode to see how this show will wrap up. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 14, 2012 1:58:42 PM PST Rashell Anderson says: @aly: Yeah, I agree that dramaland need some light rom/com type dramas right now, because all this angst is depressing. @D.M.: Yeah, episode 3 is not one I'm really looking forward to watching subbed. I'm kind of thinking same as you; that I'll just read the re-cap. Those poor kids. All of them, but yes most especially the herione Soo Yeon. I completely understand why Jung Woo did what he did. It really was the only way to even attempt to get help for them both. There was no way, especially in his condition, that he could have fought the kidnappers to save himself or Soo Yeon. But to her it must have seemed like her only friend abandoned her when she needed him most. And the fact that the only reason she was there is because she couldn't just watch him get taken makes it that much more heartbreaking. This show is just SAD at this point. I'm really hoping there is some happy mixed in here very very soon. I think that the adults take over either at the end of ep 4 or the begginning of ep 5. The description of adult Soo Yeon is that she is a happy, cheerful girl. I don't see how that is possible given her life up to this point, but I hope it's true. She really deserves some happy. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 14, 2012 2:32:35 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says:

hmmm...I may put off watching I Miss You for a while, I think I used up all of my angst quota for 2012 watching Bridal Mask. But keep the spoilers coming... I was surprised to see that Dramabeans rated To The Beautiful You a 3 (out of 10). While I agree it wasn't Shakespeare, I think it was better than a 3. Their 2012 favorites (ratings of 8 or higher) were Arang, Answer Me 1997, King 2 Hearts, Queen Inhyun's Man and Bridal Mask - I don't disagree with any of these ratings as I thought that they were all very good dramas (although Bridal Mask was a heartbreaker). You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Nov 14, 2012 11:27:17 PM PST Last edited by you on Nov 14, 2012 11:29:55 PM PST Adnana says: It's true that the Dramabeans girls were especially harsh towards TTBY; in one of their podcasts, they said that the characters were acting like aliens(?). Since it was never explained/they didn't understand why the characters were doing the things they were doing. Which, to me, seems like taking criticism a bit too far. Oh well, to each their own. Personally, I would never dream to call TTBY a masterpiece K-drama; but not all dramas are intended to be that, you know? It was cute, unpretentious fluff, and I had lots of fun watching it. I was very happy with the development of the romantic relationship. And I actually found the characters human, and flawed, and relatable (except for the cross-dressing and entering a boys' dormitory part, lol). Based on my enjoyment of this drama alone (and really, why should anything else matter to me? I.e. what do I care if the writing is flawless if it's about characters I don't care about? What do I care if the drama is perfectly filmed and edited if it shows a story that leaves me cold?), TTBY is a solid 6 in my personal ledger. And it's actually a drama I've kept in order to (selectively) re-watch again. Which I doubt it will be the case with, say, "Nice Guy" -- a much better drama than TTBY, objectively speaking, but I don't imagine finding the guts (or the interest) to re-watch that sucker. It was draining enough (not in a good way!) the first time around. Though the ending could potentially redeem some things. So I guess I'll wait a bit more to form my final opinion. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Nov 15, 2012 5:19:17 AM PST Amazon Customer says: I finished Rooftop Prince last night. I really enjoyed it. It was not a favorite but I will watch it again someday and I don't regret buying it. The first 3 or 4 episodes were lol funny at times. Then they had to bring in all the conflicts, I get that. You all know I tend to stay on the happy side of drama land so to see the sister act that way..... Kinda speechless on how to describe her. I have seen lots of mean characters before plus the bat crap crazy mom in Arang, but that girl was the worst and had some serious jealousy issues. She got off WAY to easy in both worlds. However, I was happy with Tae-Mu's punishment in Joseon period *evil laugh* Really everything that good 'ol sis did started to grate on my nerves episode 7 onwards. I can't believe how many stupid little missed connections they threw in the pot. I just had to start rolling my eyes and say "really again?! WTH!!" (it's early and I can't think well but if you've seen it then you know all of the stuff i'm probably referring to)

Now to the ending. I was bothered by it more than I thought I would be. Throughout the show Lee Gak kept making reference to reincarnation and that was the way of life. And i'm all cool with that. I know that once he traveled back he was sad and missed Park Ha. If he could have been with her he would have been but from what he spoke about reincarnation I, personally, feel that he was comforted knowing he would one day be with her again (asuming he knew Tae Young woke up from the coma and would reconnect with Park Ha) I was sure that if I watched I would have a more solid belief of whom she was with at the end. Yes, I do believe it was Tae Young. The same Tae Young who drew her picture in New York and had a crush on her, woke up from the coma and incidentally walks into a juice bar and sees the girl he had been crushing on before his accident. BUT, I couldn't figure out if the Drama Gods smiled down on him and let him, somehow, wake up with all those memories of Lee Gak. If it was there I didn't see it. I read peoples comments after the finale that you could tell by the way he was standing all stiff and proper and his speech that it was sort of Lee Gak. I didn't see it but it could have been. Him flashing into the prince didn't really answer the question. Also, I must have missed it somewhere, but how did he figure out in one day back in Joseon what he'd been trying to figure out for months in the future? I know he figured out his beloved wife was a %^#%$&(* and couldn't be trusted. When he returned his friend commented that only one day had passed since they left and returned but months went by in modern day. Then we cut to a scene of him telling the story of what happened, finding his wife and handing out punishment. Maybe it was late and I just missed it but it seemed he just returned and BAM questions answered except where his wife was and it didn't take long to find her obviously. Or maybe it's too early this morning and on that note I apoligize for any grammatical mistakes. I feel to lazy to proofread. Hopefully you understand what I was trying to put out there. Over all I am happy with the series. Just that one little pesky thing at the end still bothers me :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 15, 2012 9:03:53 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Watched the family drama Creating Destiny with Eugene and her now real life husband Ki Tae Young (doctor from TTBY). While not the best drama, it was still enjoyable. It was fairly short at 31 episodes, but included the multiple romances and crazy mothers that I've come to expect from a family drama. As usual, the lead romance was the best - H/h are forced into a betrothal and decide to fake date to fool parents in order to avoid having to immediately marry. The h was likable/smart and was usually always able to see through the plots of the OW - H did sometimes seem a little clueless as to what was going on around him. The romance between the h's sister and the "dimwit" doctor was the "for laughs/fun" romance - I liked both of these characters. I wasn't as thrilled with the romance involving the H's sister, as I thought she ended up with the wrong guy - but given her situation, you knew from the start that was the way it was going to end. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 15, 2012 9:27:38 AM PST Lovely D.M. says:

Okay I've watched the last episode of Nice Guy raw and am waiting for the subs, and I have read the ending monologue of Maru in English. So now I can say that the ending is apparently a happy ending! (This is especially for you Rashell and Reader123, since you guys wanted to know). I was wondering if that last part of this episode was just a dream on Maru's part after he lay there stabbed in the street (weak plot point). But if Maru's ending monologue (thoughts) have been translated right, then it is not Maru's imagination of how he wished his life would have been, but really how things turned out in the end! So for now, I can say that it's a happy ending. As for Missing You I've watched parts of episode 4 raw and I will wait for the subs for this episode, so I can understand it properly. However I am glad that the heroine ended up with the second hero, even though he is young now he's trying to protect the heroine, and he stood up to that crazy nurse. So at least now we know that during those fourteen years, our heroine will be living a relatively peaceful and happy life being protected and taken care of by the second hero. Aly it's nice that you enjoyed Rooftop Prince, even though I found it just average. I thought the ending was that the heroine ends up with the present version of the prince, and not the prince himself. So she ends up with the man who went into the coma in the beginning of the series. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 15, 2012 9:27:56 AM PST Last edited by the author on Nov 15, 2012 9:42:26 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: Oops I just realized that I accidentally made a double post, edited to delete the double post. :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 15, 2012 9:47:36 AM PST Rashell Anderson says: @D.M.:Thanks for the Nice Guy update. I guess is sounds like an HEA sort of. But considering what you've posted about this drama in the past, I guess that was to be expected. Now that I'm watching Missing You, I really, really, don't think I can handle any more angst. So Nice Guy is going to have to wait. I agree that Missing You did provide some hope for Soo Yeon this episode, but poor Jung Woo. Next week is the adult cast. I'm excited to see how they all transition. @aly:Glad you enjoyed Rooftop. I liked the main couple and the Joseon trio that came with the prince, but I hated all the corporate stuff. And the end just didn't cut it for me. I felt like it was kind of a cop out and poor Lee Gak had to spend his whole life alone waiting to be "born again". But I agree that it had some very cute parts too. Just not enough to make up for other failings for me. Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 15, 2012 9:48:45 AM PST Ian Fraser says: A question for the K-drama fans, am sitting with the whole season of 'Coffee Prince' - and wondering if its worth devoting the time and energy to get into. (Previously, I totally loved 'Pasta'). Just a little unsure about whether to start climbing this episode-mountain. K-fans who might have seen it, please weigh in? (No spoilers, please) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 15, 2012 9:55:37 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. Thanks for all of the updates on Nice Guy (glad you ultimately didn't "take one for the team") - given the writers history I was really expecting a bad ending, so am thrilled she came through with a good one. I can handle angst as long as I know that the ending makes it worth it - I'll probably watch after Thanksgiving - unfortunately have limited free time until then. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Nov 15, 2012 9:58:08 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Ian Fraser - Coffee Prince is well worth watching. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Nov 15, 2012 10:26:45 AM PST Ian Fraser says: @Reader123 thanks, okay, I'll give it a go. Its just a little daunting, having all the episodes stacked up, and wondering if its going to be worth the time investment :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 15, 2012 12:59:24 PM PST Rashell Anderson says: @Ian Fraser: Just wanted to weigh in and also say that Coffee Prince is definitely worth watching. Seriously one of my top 5 k-dramas....LOVE IT! Please, if you do take the time, come back and tells us if you enjoyed it. Always love to hear other opinions. I have a feeling that those hours will fly by and you'll end up wondering why they didn't make more episodes. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 15, 2012 1:41:15 PM PST

Amazon Customer says: Ian~ I agree that you should at least give CP a go. I had misgivings myself about watching it but I believe it was Rashell and a few others who talked me into it and I am so happy they did. CP is easily a top 5 for me. I will add, and this just my opinion, it did take a few episodes before I warmed up to it. The first 10 are great but the last 7 are the bomb :) !!! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 15, 2012 1:47:54 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: So speaking of top five - my five favorite Korean dramas are as follows (in ranked order): 1. The Princess' Man 2. Family's Honor 3. City Hunter 4. Queen Inhyun's Man 5. Sungkyunkwan Scandal Top Taiwanese drama - Autumn's Concerto Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 15, 2012 3:03:03 PM PST Rashell Anderson says: @aly: I completely agree with you that, while I enjoyed every episode of Coffee Prince, it was the best in the last episodes. Han Gyul was such a playboy jerk in the beginning episodes, but he was so adorable and in love by the end that he's just my favorite k-drama hero ever. @Reader123: We have 3 the same...Princess' Man, City Hunter, Queen Inhyun's Man. But my other two are Coffee Prince & King 2 Hearts. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 15, 2012 8:47:15 PM PST Last edited by the author on Nov 15, 2012 8:56:11 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Okay so now that I've watched the last episode of Nice Guy/Innocent Man subbed, I can say that it is indeed a happy ending but a bit confusing. Edited to add (Spoiler alert): Both Maru and Eungi act as if they never had their past experiences in life, it's almost as if they literally where given a chance at a new life. Eungi is happy and sweet (she apparently has left Teasan) and has her own bakery shop in a little village by the sea. Maru may have lost his memory or suffered from prosopagnosia after his surgery, or perhaps non of those things (it's left very unclear), and then got to finish becoming a doctor. He works as a doctor in this nice seaside village, and is apparently dating Eungi. We don't know for how long they have been dating, but his thoughts make it seem like it's not something that he is imagining. The last scene is Maru proposing to Eungi. (End

Spoiler) I will say that those last scenes with Maru and Eungi made it feel like almost a different world from that of this drama, like they really were given a chance in a better world. Overall Nice Guy/Innocent Man is a show that I have enjoyed and it is one of the better dramas out there, despite its flaws (a few plot points don't make sense, some character actions don't make sense). This show had an interesting storyline/pathos, and an intense/dark yet quiet atmosphere. I would have preferred if they had added another ten minutes to the ending to clarify how the H/h had gotten to that point of being in that nice seaside village. What happened to them during those 7 years? I also thought the time jump should have been 3 years maximum, not 7 years. Anyways I am glad that it was a happy ending, because I really had been preparing myself for a sad ending. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: Nov 19, 2012 5:40:07 AM PST Last edited by you on Nov 14, 2014 7:34:40 AM PST Adnana says: My overdue final report on "Nice Guy" This drama concluded with a sort-of happy ending for our H & h, so there was that, at least. **SPOILERS** Still, I'm not completely satisfied with the ending because of the 7-year time jump. I get that it was necessary in order for Maru to go back to his studies and become a doctor, but I consider it a waste that he couldn't be with the heroine during this time. BTW, why couldn't he be with the heroine during this time, exactly??? By the time Maru and Eungi reunite they're both approaching middle age (he's 37, she's 36), which makes me so darn sad at all the time that's been wasted in terms of them finding happiness together. Also, Eungi left her former life completely behind, which sort of nullifies the past 10 episodes, which were all about her side's fight to help her regain her company. Yet now she's given up her company without a second thought in order to cook bad food for Maru in the countryside. I'm not saying it's out-of-character for her; it isn't. But it makes the latter half of the drama -- which was mostly about the corporate battle -- kind of pointless. **END SPOILERS** I don't regret watching this drama; it was a suspenseful ride, well acted, well filmed -- in fact, technically it was all-around very good, imo. However, I didn't really connect emotionally with the characters, and there were more than a few plot turns which I found odd. To conclude: "Nice Guy" had an interesting story to tell (even if not very realistic), and it told that story well. It was not, however, a story that ever truly spoke to me, or touched me on a deeper level. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Nov 19, 2012 9:30:48 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: Hey Adnana, I felt the same way about the time jump, I wish it had been shorter. Like I said in my above post, a 3 year time jump would have been more than enough. So I want to ask you, what side effect did Maru suffer due to his operation? Because I'm pretty sure it's not

amnesia, but they make it seem like he did suffer something. For me the strong point of this show is that it's storyline is pretty interesting and overall solid, even if it has its weak parts. Also the pathos is captivating somehow, and I think that is enhanced by the good acting of the H/h and chemistry, good direction and a great OST. I think the OST affects how the scenes are presented a lot, and this show had one of the best OSTs around. I feel the same way about Secret Garden, the story may drag in some parts (the Osca parts and also most of the action school parts), and the hero's (Joo Won) mother is cartoonishly evil and one dimensional. But because it has such a great OST and an overall solid storyline (though not devoid of its weak points as well)- and good chemistry between the two leads- it makes all the difference. So right now I've decided that Nice Guy/ Innocent Man is one of my favorite K-dramas. I will have to watch it again (at least the H/h parts and only the imp. other parts) to decide whether it makes it to top favorite or not. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 19, 2012 9:35:07 AM PST Rashell Anderson says: I don't know if any of you watch dramas at dramafever.com, but I was sooooo excited to see that they added the Tiawanese drama Summer's Desire. I know we talked about this earlier in the thread, but I LOVED this drama and hated that it was only available in pieces with low quality. Now it's in HD!!! YAY! Can't wait to watch it again. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 19, 2012 9:37:07 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: On another note: For all those interested in "Alice", thanks to the soompi forums (where I lurk from time to time lol), I saw a teaser trailer for this show but unfortunately no English subs, so I don't understand what they are saying. However this show seems like it will be very cute, romantic and fun show. It has a fairytale-ish touch to it, even though it remains a bit vague. The heroine seems like she could give the heroine in QIHM a run for her money in cuteness/adorableness. The hero, since I know he's the same one from Princess Man, will probably have that same very manly aura about him. Here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=iscfqUDBejI :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Nov 19, 2012 12:18:00 PM PST Last edited by you on Nov 14, 2014 7:39:20 AM PST Adnana says: D.M., I really enjoyed the OST in "Nice Guy", and I agree that it enhanced the watching experience. I also agree about this drama being very captivating -- I'd have to compare it with watching a train wreck. (Sorry if this is a bit inappropriate.) You really *wish* you could look away from the tragedy, but you can't. It just became frustrating to me when the characters kept compounding their tragedy by repeating all their bad choices ad nauseam, up until the very end (like Maru holding himself responsible for Jaehee's mistakes). D.M. asked: "So I want to ask you, what side effect did Maru suffer due to his operation?" Well, according to Maru himself, he did have amnesia immediately following the operation. He still retained general facts and information, but couldn't remember the people he had loved. Then he went to the US and became a doctor. Again, I find it unrealistic that Eungi-who was head-over-heels crazy in love with him, and always had been--would have simply let him go (or let him go alone) instead of fighting to the death to make him remember her (*that* would have been more in character for her). Whatever. So Maru returns to Korea seven years later and works as a doctor in the countryside. Eungi immediately dumps Taesan to open a bakery next to his clinic and to stalk him. Subsequently, at some point, Maru does recover his memories of Eungi--which is hinted at when we learn that he always eats her food, though everyone in town knows it tastes bad. And which we then know for sure when he waits for her along the route she takes with her bike and hands her those rings. According to Song Joong Ki, by giving Eungi those rings, Maru is also letting her know that he remembers her now. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Nov 19, 2012 1:09:27 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Lol, I guess your comparison is actually somewhat appropriate for some of the characters' actions at certain points :) Thanks for the explanation, I had hoped that he didn't have amnesia, because I don't feel that it moves the story forward. Eungi's amnesia had a reason and purpose, and it moved the story forward. Maru's amnesia however is unnecessary. I had really thought that it wasn't amnesia. This is one drama that I think could have benefited from an extension, because I felt that the ending was rushed. So now I'm wishing that they had extended it by two episodes. Anyways like I said before, I feel that this show was one of the better dramas I've watched this year :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 20, 2012 4:33:48 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Cheongdamdong Alice teaser with English subs. Looking forward its December 1 premiere. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWz1pbd92uU Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 21, 2012 9:07:33 AM PST Last edited by the author on Nov 21, 2012 9:15:38 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: Reader123 thanks for sharing that, but even with English subs the story remains a bit vague. Anyways it looks like it will be a fun and romantic ride, so I'm looking forward to when it starts. Question edited out, it seems I haven't completely woken up yet, you've already posted when it starts airing! lol I've watched parts of episode 5 of I Miss You raw, and now the main three leads appear! However I must say that at this point, I really really hope that the heroine "Soo Yeon" (sp?) will end up with the second hero "Hyung Joon", in the end. They have so much chemistry, and he is so handsome, and the way he looks at her makes me melt a little. There is something very compelling about the pairing of Soo Yeon and Hyung Joon. I'm just not feeling Jung Woo and Soo Yeon, and I know that they have not had any scenes together yet, but still I don't think anything could beat the chemistry I'm seeing with Hyung Joon. I also love that this episode is a lot more relaxed, and had cute moments between Soo Yeon and Hyung Joon. I'm looking forward to episode 6 and waiting patiently for episode 5 to get subbed :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 21, 2012 9:46:23 AM PST Rashell Anderson says: D.M.: I also watch ep 5 of Missing You and I have some of the same feelings you do. That is the power of Sueng Ho...that kid is sooooo good even at such a young age. He must have an old soul because his eyes always seem to have the deepest emotions. I agree that he and Soo Yeon have amazing chemistry and that picture of them with him holding her is too sweet for words. But Jung Woo frantically trying to climb the gate to get to her was moving for me too. I think I'm going to be conflicted about which couple to ship in this one. At this point I really only ship Soo Yeon. I want her to have whomever and whatever will make her happy. It hurt to watch her crawl back into her shell once she landed in Seoul. Can't wait for subs and episode 6. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 21, 2012 12:42:14 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Rashell, I also feel that Joon and Soo Yeon can have a better happy ending, than Jung Woo and Soo Yeon. Because with Jung Woo and Soo Yeon, the memory of that day will always be there hanging over their heads. Whereas with Hyung Joon and Soo Yeon, they both had

really bad experiences as children, and those experiences affected both of them in different ways. So they must have healed each other, if only a little bit, through the years. Even though Hyung Joon gives off this cold and closed off vibe, but when he's with Soo Yeon, he is so gentle. Also we can tell just from this episode how attached Soo Yeon is to Hyung Joon. I just love the chemistry between those two. But I agree I ultimately want Soo Yeon to be with whoever makes her happy (and at this point, I'm hoping that that person will be Hyung Joon). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 22, 2012 12:02:39 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: I've just watched episode 5 subbed, and I still maintain that HJ and SY have the best chemistry. I have watched their scenes together like five times already :D I have also watched parts of episode 6 raw, and now I will wait patiently for the subs. JW and SY have some chemistry since they met again in this episode, but it is nowhere near the chemistry with HJ and SY. When HJ hugged SY when she was crying in the bathtub, that was such a heartbreaking scene, and their chemistry was amazing. Also when she couldn't sleep and he got into bed with her, the way he looks at her and the way she grabbed his sleeve, and then they went to sleep holding hands (it was sooo beautiful, and again their amazing chemistry just oozes). Also doesn't EJ (the good detective's daughter) deserve a happy ending as well? So I'm hoping that JW will end up with EJ, and SY with HJ. On koalasplayground site, I was also happy to see that the person who recaps there was also team SY/HJ, and many of the posters there seem to agree! SY had around two months with JW? Whereas she had 14 years with HJ. I just hope that they don't turn HJ into a villain, I understand that he might be a sort of dark character, just please don't make him evil or a villain! Because right now, I am firmly on the ship of SY/HJ. I really like JW, but I feel he would be a lot more fitting for EJ. Plus I feel that his reason for searching for SY all those years is foremost his guilt. On a completely different note: Happy thanksgiving :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 25, 2012 7:16:11 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Re: Full House Take 2 - I noticed that Dramawiki changed the number of episodes from 20 to 16 (every episode divided into two parts). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 27, 2012 3:54:31 PM PST Rashell Anderson says:

So I had to come post about an older drama that I found that I haven't seen mentioned, but that I am loving. The drama is called Thank You. Gong Hyo Jin (Best Love) is the h. She is a single mother living on a small island with her daughter and her senile grandfather. The hero, Jang Hyuk (Tazza), is a doctor from Seoul. His girlfriend, also a doctor, is dying and her last wish is for him to find a young girl she accidentally infected with HIV. The girl is of course the h's daughter. I was reluctant to watch, but after 10 episodes of 16, I can say that it is soooo good. The h is one to suffer in silence, but her love for her child is beautiful and makes the hero fall in love with her. The daughter is simply adorable. The OM in this one is the girls real father who abandoned them before the girl was ever born. He is a weak man, but I do somehow have sympathy for him. The H is fabulous. He's tough and detrmined. He stands up for the h when she won't do it for herself and he is so sweet with the little girl. I'm not sure of the ending yet, but I have hope for a happy one. This is a drama I thought would be so depressing, but its actually really uplifting and sweet. I thought maybe you guys would like it too. I think it's available at both viki and dramafever. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 27, 2012 6:54:35 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Rashell - Thanks for the recommendation - I've concluded that there are still a lot of Kdrama gems out there waiting to be watched. I admire your restraint - prior to starting any completed drama, I always watch the last 15 minutes to be sure that the ending makes the drama worth watching - and yes, back in the days when I use to read books - you know, prior to developing K-drama addiction - I always read the last page first. I'm looking forward to "Alice" starting on Saturday. I recently found a website that has all of just PSH scenes from his very first kdrama role, a family drama called Let's Marry/Let's Get Married. In total PSH had over an hour or so of screen time. Unfortunately its not subbed in English, but an explanation of each scene is provided so it is somewhat easy to follow what's happening. Dramafever does have a subbed version - PSH appears beginning in Episode 24, and has a short scene in every episode thereafter. Other than PSH, I thought that this drama was just OK. http://parksihoo4u.com/2012/05/27/lets-get-married-psh-cut-1/ http://parksihoo4u.com/2012/06/03/lets-get-married-psh-cut-2/ I have found that Dramafever is easier to watch (and scenes are easier to fast forward through) on their iphone app - so far I haven't had any commercial or segment breaks. Viki also has an iphone app. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 28, 2012 2:48:20 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Rashell I've already watched the first two episodes of Thank You and I found them slow, but I already feel so sad for the little girl, and the heroine's struggle to protect her child is very moving as well (I can't imagine how much she is suffering in silence). However it does seem like things are picking up, and since you said that it becomes so good later on, I will continue watching it. Please tell me if Thank You will have a happy ending for our H/h, before I watch

more and get invested! I remember you guys mentioning that this writer usually gives sad endings for the drama/romance shows she writes. On another note, are you still watching Missing You? Reader123, you are just like me :D I used to read romance books a lot before, but since I started watching K-drama/romance, I find that I prefer it a lot more to reading romance books. These dramas are almost like watching a romance book unfolding on the screen. I feel that K-drama/romance shows and some shojo anime/manga, are much more intense and emotionally honest. I love the sweet heroines and the sexy heroes. I've come to the conclusion that K-dramas have a lot more female writers than tv shows here. Oh and Reader123 I'm looking forward to "Alice" too, and hoping that it will be good. On another note, do you know when "Hottie Next Door" and "That Winter the Wind Blew" will start airing? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Nov 28, 2012 3:42:49 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M.- Hottie Next Door premieres January 7, 2013 and That Winter the Wind Blew in Feb 2013 (per Dramawiki). Also Secret Agent War's name has been changed to Level 7 Civil Servant. http://wiki.d-addicts.com/Upcoming_KDrama Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 28, 2012 8:00:35 PM PST Rashell Anderson says: @D.M.: I am pleased to report that Thank You does have an HEA. I wish it was a little more obviously happy, but from this writer I'll take even a vague HEA. The H really carried this one for me. He was so devoted and never played the noble idiot. He refused to leave the h's side no matter what. I am still watching Missing You and really liking it. I'm having a hard time picking between the two guys. Both are completely obsessed with Soo Yeon and would do anything for her. It's going to be interesting to see where it all goes. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 29, 2012 5:58:52 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Since it was on my TBWed list, I think Save the Last Dance For Me has probably been recommended on this thread before, but I just finished watching and thought that it was a very good drama. As a melodrama, it did have some of the usual tropes - amnesia, villains, crazy OW, nasty girls, disapproving parents, time jumps, etc. - but I did think that the drama was put together in such a way that they never seemed to over the top or overly frustrating. Ji Sung, one of my favorite actors, played a H who never once suffered from NI - despite the

crazy OW and disapproving parents. Eugene played a practical, likable h, who did unfortunately suffer a few bouts of NI. I did think that the show could have wrapped up fine without the final twist, but it didn't drag out so it wasn't frustrating. Overall, it was a drama that I liked and one I will rewatch in the future. I did recently rewatch The Princess' Man (or at least all of the scenes involving either the H or h), I must say it was as fantastic the second time around as it was the first. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 29, 2012 9:38:33 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: So I've watched ep 7 subbed and parts of ep 8 raw of Missing You (now waiting for the subs), and I've got to say that HJ/Harry looked swoony in that suit and hairstyle he sported during the party. I'm really looking forward to see how he will take down HTJ. It seems to me that HJ is toying with HTJ now and has him perfectly where he (HJ) wants him to be. I want a kiss between HJ and SY so badly lol. I'm also really liking JW, but I still like HJ/Harry more (and see more chemistry between HJ/Harry and SY). However I've just realized something, that foreshadowing scene that they played twice in the beginning episodes, that featured our three main leads? Come to think of it, while this foreshadowing might give a bit more hope for HJ/SY couple, it still does not look good for all our three main leads, specifically JW (who looks dead in the foreshadowing sequence). Maybe it's just an imaginary sequence, but then what purpose would that serve? I hope that this show will not have a sad ending. Oh and I'm glad to hear that Thank You has a happy ending, which means I can proceed to watch it safely. Reader123 can you give me the basic premise of "Save the Last Dance"? My ever growing want to watch list, keeps getting longer thanks to you guys :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 29, 2012 10:03:07 AM PST Rashell Anderson says: @D.M.: Yeah, I worry about tragedy for all three leads in Missing You as well. Harry always looks beautiful because YSH is simply a beautiful man. His eyes are amazing and so soulful. I really do like him better then Mickey Yoonchun, but I'm still torn about which character I think is best for Soo Yeon. That poor girl has so much baggage she still needs to sort through. But I love how tender Harry is with her. And Jung Woo looks at her like she's the most beautiful thing too. This drama is sooo twisted. Save the Last Dance is about a rich chebol who is in an accident (really attempted murder) out in the country. He of course loses his memory. He is found by a woman and her father and they take him in. He of course falls in love with the woman. Then just when they are getting married, he regains his past memories, but forgets everything that happened during the time he had amnesia. The h father dies and she goes to the city to find work and hopefully

find her missing fiance. She does find him, but he is engaged to someone else and doesn't remember her. But he's drawn to her of course. He doesn't know why, but he just can't seem to stay away from her. Anyway, that is the basic premise. It is a cute drama, but does have quite a few makjang elements to it. Still it does have an HEA, so that at least is right. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 29, 2012 10:18:12 AM PST Last edited by the author on Nov 29, 2012 10:18:37 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: Thanks for the info. Rashell about Save the Last Dance, it sounds interesting. I guess I'll be watching this one after I finish "Thank You". And yes I agree, Seung Ho (that's his real name right?) has one of the most amazing gazes I have ever seen, very beautiful/intense and natural. I think where this show really succeeds, is that it gets us to really care for the three main leads. For me I'm not as torn about who to ship SY with, because I am on the HJ/SY ship! However I do wish for a happy ending for JW as well. *Sighs* I just hope that that foreshadowing is not real :( Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 29, 2012 12:19:17 PM PST Last edited by the author on Nov 29, 2012 12:20:10 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: I started watching my first Thai drama - while the underlying premise of the story is great (h inherits a large sum of money from H's father. H decides to make h fall in love/marry him in order to get control the money - she isn't aware of inheritance - immediately after the wedding h finds out H's plans and plans divorce/revenge - H has to spend rest of drama trying to win back h) the execution is sooo bad. The acting by the H/h isn't too bad, but the other characters are way, way over the top. Too bad the Koreans haven't taken this storyline and turned it into a k-drama - it has the potential to be outstanding. D.M. Here's a YT video with the Save The Last Dance for Me main characters - Eugene, the lead actress, is the one singing the OST. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sch5O0lJpaA Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Nov 30, 2012 6:30:59 AM PST Last edited by the author on Dec 1, 2012 7:35:55 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Watched the first episode of Jeon Woo Chi, which was quite fun - with lots of magic. Our hero is a Clark Kent/Superman type. Looks like it could be good, so I plan to continue watching. Watched the 2009 movie Jeon Woo Chi - other than the H being a wizard, the TV drama bears little similarity to this movie, as the plots are completely different. I would classify the movie as a humorous action film (I expect that the TV drama will also be more of a action

drama than a romance). However, on a positive note, the movie did have a happy ending for the H/h. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 3, 2012 9:35:04 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: Okay I've watched the first two eps of "Alice" and this show has potential. Has anyone else on this thread watched it yet? I found the second episode better than the first episode because it sets the characters up well (especially the heroine's character). I already really sympathize and feel with the heroine. The hero played by PSH is literally nuts, a CEO who is apparently very smart but also a bit nuts in the literal sense. I mean this is the first time I'm watching a drama where the hero is a bit crazy and not in the metaphorical sense, I mean literally crazy lol. I hope that they tone down a bit of the crazy for our hero. I am very interested to see how the interactions between our H/h will be, since both their characters are intriguing. I hope that the story they're setting up with continue to be better. I'm liking this show so far. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 3, 2012 12:13:11 PM PST Rashell Anderson says: @D.M.:I just finished watching the first two episodes of Alice and I'm also intrigued. Park Shi Hoo as Cha Sung Jo is hiliariously crazy and yet still somehow hot. And Moon Guen Young's Han Se Kyung is now becomming interesting to me with her change from the typical long suffering k-drama h to the now doing whatever it takes to get ahead girl. I loved her realization that in real-life often hard work and perserverance don't pay off. I don't mind seeing a drama h be a little ruthless in getting what she wants. And Cha Sung Jo needs a little reality check. He's gotten too focused on getting his revenge instead of living well which is the best revenge. All he has to do to blow both his father and ex-wife out of the water is to fall for Se Kyung. It's really a win win for both of them. Although I do have a soft spot for poor In Chan Oppa, who can't seem to catch a break in life. I really hope once Se Kyung is rich that she gives him a helping hand. He really did love her, but their situations were just too pitiful for them to make it work. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 3, 2012 1:40:17 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: I agree, I think the H/h falling for each other would be the best solution for both of them and their emotional problems. I also agree that I really liked the heroine's boyfriend, who broke up with her because they just couldn't make it work due to financial straits (he realizes his inability to give her what she deserves)- it was a really moving scene, when he broke up with her. I also hope that his character will find some happiness.

I'm still watching Thank You, it's a good show so far. However it is the first show that has me really hoping that the heroine will scream and cry her heart out at one point. I don't think it's good to keep things buried inside, and this heroine is the epitome of the "suffer in silence" type. I understand that she has to be strong for the sake of her little girl, and she does it by hiding her tears and pain, but she really needs to let it all out at least once for her own health. I really like the hero in this. He is kind of the opposite of the heroine, tough and takes no crap from anyone. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Dec 3, 2012 2:06:29 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Yep, my first hero on meds for being crazy - but it's PSH! Actually, the drama is turning out better than I thought it might be - H/h are both interesting. But then PSH makes any drama that he is in so much better because he's in it. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Dec 3, 2012 2:32:31 PM PST Last edited by you on Dec 4, 2012 2:54:45 AM PST Adnana says: aly, I owed you an update re: "Five Fingers". So here goes: I wasn't drawn to this drama by its plot, because it was too over-the-top for me in too many ways and it severely strained my patience almost from the start. However, I really fell for the OTP in the first few episodes (when the adult story began) -- and the utter sweetness and rightness of that pairing would have redeemed a lot of Five Finger's plot failings for me. Alas, the OTP would soon crumble as well, cut down without mercy amidst increasingly insane plot developments. Anyways, to make the long story short: I dropped this drama about halfway through. By that point, I didn't care for the story, and I did not sympathize with any of the characters. I do not recommend "Five Fingers" -- unless you love dramas riddled with makjang elements and with characters that give you whiplash with their behavior. Plus, the cherry on top of the cake: there's an open ending AND, at the same time, a definite non-HEA for the OTP. Thank you, but no thanks. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Dec 3, 2012 3:48:37 PM PST Rashell Anderson says: @D.M.:Yeah, I did mention that the h is kind of your typical long suffering in silence type. I don't really think she ever totally just lets it all out. But she does have a couple of moments where she does break a little. But she never learns to stand up for herself really. Thank heaven the Hero is exactly the opposite and he's not afraid to stand up for her if she won't do it. I mentioned that he is really what carries this drama for me. His love for the h and that little girl are the elements that made the drama worth watching. I love that the H is so tough and no nonsence and yet you believe 100% in his complete love and devotion to "his" girls. I

do wish that the h would show a little more of her affection for him. I think she confesses her feelings about him to everyone but him. But he seems to be getting what he needs anyway, so who am I to judge that I guess. In Thank You, as long as the H and Spring are happy then so am I. @Adnana:Wow, Five Fingers sounds like a hot mess. I started watching May Queen and stopped after about the second episode of the adults. I could just tell this one was going to be too over the top makjang for me. Sounds like Five Fingers is the same. There is only so much drama for the sake of drama I'm willing to suffer through. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 6, 2012 12:50:00 PM PST Last edited by the author on Dec 6, 2012 2:21:45 PM PST Rashell Anderson says: So I watched both episodes 9 and 10 of missing you, and I have to say that this show is so sad, and yet I'm still so interested in how its all going to play out. I feel like there are so many hidden agendas and motives from side characters. I still love Harry and Zoey, but I do see him starting to get a little shifty with his worry that she's moving away from him and back towards her life as Soo Yeon. I feel sorry for him though. She is the only person in the world that he has and he loves her obsessively. I just worry that he will cross the line due to his worry about losing her. Jung Woo is also still so devoted to Soo Yeon. He's adorable in how he still talks to and about her all the time. But really when you think about it, both guys are a little unhealthy in their obsession over this poor girl. Harry actually approached Jung Woo asking for all of them to be friends since that was the only way he could see them all being happy. But Jung Woo confessed that he liked Zoey, so friendship wouldn't work. Harry was a bit scary in his fake smile with deadly eyes warning Jung Woo that it isn't good to piss him off. Soo Yeon finally meets her mom, and those scenes had me completely in tears. Such great acting. I don't know where all this is going, but the tone of the show is still so meloncholy that my feeling is that it isn't anywhere happy. I also started watching School 2013 on Mon/Tues. And so far (2 episodes) I really like it. It's kind of a cross between a Dream High (less singing) and Answer Me 1997 (less funny). I've already developed an affection for the young teacher and her detached/troubled student. I'm also curious about the bully character and what his backstory really is. Woo Bin (A Gentleman's Dignity, To the Beautiful You) will appear in episode 3 to hopefully give our poor lonely hero a real friend. There are some potential love connections as well the actress who played Queen Noguk in Faith is sparking with our hero currently. *edited to fix name from Won Bin (Don't I wish he was in a drama) to Woo Bin (Who also isn't too shabby). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Dec 6, 2012 1:43:24 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Is School 2013 the drama they were touting as the sequel to Answer Me 1997 or is that a different show that hasn't started yet?

Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 6, 2012 2:19:37 PM PST Rashell Anderson says: @Reader123: School 2013 is not the sequel to Answer Me 1997. That drama's working title is Answer Me 1993 and it is still in pre-production. School 2013 is a re-visit of a drama from the 90's called simply School. Here is a link to the dramabeans article about it. http://www.dramabeans.com/2012/10/nineties-drama-school-gets-a-revival/ The first was VERY popular and introduced many faces we reconginze in dramas today like Jang Hyuk, Ha Ji Won, Gong Yoo, Kim Rae Won, Sue Ae...the list is HUGE. The 90's version had 4 seasons and they are thinking this one could have multiple seasons as well. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 6, 2012 2:36:10 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: I have watched ep 9 raw and read a summary English recap. I still haven't watched it subbed (I will soon). I haven't watched episode 10 yet (I will soon as well). I guess if these characters interacted with each other in a normal/healthy way the drama of the story would be diminished, and they wouldn't be the fascinating characters they are now. I also think it makes the three main characters more realistic, in that they're all messed up to varying degrees and in different ways given the awful background of their childhood. I think HJ/Harry is the most fascinating character among the three leads. He is mysterious (no "woe is me" displays) with a sort of dark/cold air about him, and yet always so gentle and loving with SY, and always so protective of her. As for SY, I care and sympathize with her the most (I wish they would show more of her POV). I cried with her when she was crying in her room in ep 9. I so wanted HJ to enter and hold her, but he stayed standing outside her door listening to her. JW I feel for him because he's been beating himself up for a long time (but sometimes I feel like they're pushing his POV too much in order to make us sympathize with him). I also admire his openness and devotion to SY. But I sometimes think that his intense jumbled emotions cause him to act in a wrong way with SY. I actually think that episode 9 (even though I haven't watched it subbed yet) was one of the strongest episodes of this show so far. The most powerful scene for me, was when HJ was holding onto one wrist of SY while JW was holding the other, and the gazes of all three of them while standing there...that scene was powerful without any words. I'm still rooting for SY/HJ to end up together, but I also like JW. Quote: Harry actually approached Jung Woo asking for all of them to be friends since that was the only way he could see them all being happy. But Jung Woo confessed that he liked Zoey, so friendship wouldn't work. Harry was a bit scary in his fake smile with deadly eyes warning Jung Woo that it isn't good to piss him off. I loved that scene too (I love how HJ's gaze changes depending on who he's interacting with, and how he can say so much with his eyes without saying a word. I also thought JW looked

good in that black jacket during this scene. It was a great scene between these two). It would have been nice if they could all be friends...but alas apparently that won't be so. So do you think that this show will have a sad ending? You seem to be almost sure of that. I thought this author usually gives happy endings to the drama/romance shows she writes, so I was trying to keep the hope despite that foreshadowing sequence :( Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 6, 2012 2:47:21 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Oh and I've finished watching Thank You. This was a good show, that had a melancholy yet uplifting/beautiful atmosphere. I thought it was a bitter/sweet show. I liked that it ended on a hopeful/happy note (well as happy as the circumstances allow) and had the H/h together with the heroine's little girl (a family), but I wish that the ending had been more detailed. I haven't watched school 2013, is this show good? What is the story about? Who is the H/h? So that if I decide to give it a try, I can know who to focus on lol. The two shows I am following right now are "I Miss You" and "Cheongdam Dong Alice" :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 6, 2012 2:53:48 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Rashell - thanks for the info - I'll check out School 2013. I'm going to put off watching Missing You until I know it has a HEA, so keep the spoilers coming. I recently watched Wonderful Life, which I thought was in some respects similar to Full House, but I actually liked this drama better than Full House. H/h are forced to get married due to having a child after a drunken one-night stand. H starts out immature but does grow up/mature during the show. The h seems a practical, straight forward type (this is the third drama that I seen starring Eugene - all of her h seem very similar). Like Full House, the H starts out in love with OW and the H/h bicker. However, in this drama the H/h seem to fall in love with each other about the same time (as opposed to what appears to be a norm in other dramas with this trope with the h falling for H while H continues to pursue the OW) and the last several episodes introduced a new storyline (sick child) instead of repeating like Full House did the love triangle issues. Overall not a favorite, but a solid drama. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Dec 6, 2012 4:01:39 PM PST Rashell Anderson says: @D.M.:This writer does tend to have HEA's, but this is the first show by this writer to be this DARK. Can You Hear My Heart, Smile,You, Can't Lose, and the drama we both just watched Thank You, are all past dramas by this writer. None of them are as gritty and painful as this one. Smile, You and Can't Lose are light hearted in comparison. While Cany You Hear My Heart and Thank You do fall more on the Melo side, but are still significantly

happier in tone and content. The foreshadowing just caps it for me. Plus that fact that it seems like everytime it looks like there is a chance for everyone to connect and find a way to figure it all out something else happens to spiral things more out of control. I really, really hope that I'm wrong and this writer follows in the trend of past works. But I'm preparing for the worst. As for School 3013, it's more of a coming of age drama then a straight romance, but there is expected to be romantic elements. The main adult pairing is the two teachers. Jang Nara plays the young idealist teacher In Jae and Daniel Choi plays the older jaded version Se Chan. The hero in the kids is Nam Soon (Lee Jong Seok (Me Too, Flower, High Kick 3)) he's a loner but clearly smart who is detached and disinterested in school. He's often the victim of the school's bully because he tries to stand up for the disabled kid in class. He's unwilling to tattle or make waves and so is often in trouble with the bully. His love interest is Ha Kyung (Park Se Young (Faith)) who is the class over-achiever. They are connected because the class votes him as class president and her as vice-pres (she didn't want to be pres because she just wants the bullet point on her college application without having to work like the actual president does). They're connection is minimal at best for now, but there are sparks between them. So far it's really good and has me totally rooting for Nam Soon to get anything he wants that would make him happy. He's just such a good kid with such bad luck. Woo Bin is going to play a transfer student who befriends Nam Soon. @Reader123:Hmmmm...I'll have to check out Wonderful Life. I didn't really care for Full House for many of the reasons you mentioned so the difference in this one may make it more appealing for me. Since you're on a Eugene kick have you tried I Really, Really, Like You with her and Lee Min Ki as leads? Eugene plays a country girl who lives with her grandmother and rescues the son of the current Korean President when he's in an accident. Ryu Jin plays the son, who is married to a woman with dementia, and he befriends her. Lee Min Ki plays a playboy Blue House secret service agent who is sent to find the missing son. Of course he and the heroine initially hate eachother. After her grandmother dies, she goes to Seoul to try to find her father and asks for help from her only friend the presidents son. He helps her get hired as a kitchen aid in the Blue House kitchen where she ends up meeting Lee Minki's father who feels sorry for her and lets her stay with him and Min Ki. Anyway the story is cute and for a bit of a change this time it's the hero who falls first because the heroine is totally crushing on Ryu Jin. And the Ryu Jin story is so bittersweet. He is on one hand so devoted to his ill wife, but on the other can't have a real life or have their little daughter with them because she's so unstable. He slowly falls for our heroine too, but is in the end to much a good guy to really act on it. Anyway it's a cute drama with little angst that light and easy to watch. And Lee Min Ki is adorable. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Dec 6, 2012 4:30:37 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Rashell - It does seem that I have been on a Eugene kick - I haven't watched I Really, Really Like You yet - was thrown by the 34 episodes. Based on your rec will move it up in my TBWed list. Am currently watching a Kim Jae Won (H from Wonderful Life) drama called Great Inheritance - so far it's very light & fluffy. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Dec 6, 2012 7:52:00 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Thanks for the info about school 2013, I might check it out sometime but not now. I think the next complete show I'm going to watch is Save the Last Dance For Me. Oh and on a side note, I thought the writer who wrote Thank You was the one who wrote Nice Guy/Innocent Man? So I was wrong and she's the one who's writing "I Miss You"? lol, I'm getting confused here. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 6, 2012 8:04:35 PM PST luvnlife says: I'm looking for some good "bad boy/rich guy" story lines. Need some recommendations... I feel like I have seen all the good ones out there. Kdrama's I've really Liked... 1. Secret Garden 2. City Hunter 3. Spring Waltz/Winter Sonata 4. K2H 5. Boys Before Flowers 6. My Princess 7. Flower Boy Raymen Shop 8. My Name is Kim Samsoon 9. Full House 10. You're Beautiful jdrama... oh the angst of the stories... sigh Summer's Desire Autumn Concerto Thanks! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Dec 6, 2012 9:18:18 PM PST Rashell Anderson says: @D.M.: Yeah it is confusing, but the writer of Nice Guy wrote I'm Sorry, I Love You, A Love To Kill, and Will It Snow For Christmas. Of those only the last has a sort of HEA. That's why there was so much worry about Nice Guy not ending happy. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Dec 6, 2012 9:35:40 PM PST Rashell Anderson says:

@ Karcz: Well some good dramas that weren't on your list and meet the bad boy/rich guy request are: 1. Coffee Prince - He's the rich guy rebelling from his family and she's the poor girl who acts as a boy to try to support her family. He spends more then half the drama thinking she's a guy and worrying he's gay. But Han Gyul is probably my favorite kdrama hero ever and his love for Eun Chan is adorable. 2. Personal Taste - This one is sort of opposite of Coffee Prince in a way in that in this one the h thinks the H is gay but of course they fall in love. And then he has to start confessing all his lies. The hero in this one was rich but has fallen on hard times and he's lying about being gay in order to live in the h house which will give him an advantage in getting a contract to save his business. This one does have some issues but Lee Min Ho and Son Yi Jin are so sweet that it makes up for it. 3. Shut Up Flower Boy Band - This one definitely has the bad boy element going for it. There is probably more bromance then romance in this one but the romance there is is wonderful. 4. My girlfriend is a Gumiho - He's a spoiled rich boy. She's a beautiful but deadly Gumiho. He needs her "bead" to live and she needs him to keep it for 100 days in order to become human. This one is by the same writers as You're Beautiful and it's as good as that drama IMO. I do have some other suggestions if none of those listed are what you're looking for. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Dec 7, 2012 4:33:21 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: S. Karcz - I'll add Family's Honor to the list Rashell provided. It's a family show so it has 54 episodes but the lead romance is IMO one of the best. If you don't want to watch the full 54 episodes, I recommend that you fast forward through any scene not involving the lead H/h (either together or apart). This allows you to follow the lead H/h story but skip the 5 other romances in this drama (a couple of which are good, but not as awesome as the lead romance). The lead H (actor Park Shi Hoo) is a cold-hearted rich businessman and the lead h (actress Yoon Jung Hee) is a prim/proper widow. The length of the show allows the romance to develop a truly full arc. The h starts out hating the H, while the H is fascinated by the h. For reasons related to the H sister, the H/h fake date which turns to love. The H undergoes the most changes, from cold hearted businessman to determined angsty boyfriend to loving husband. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Dec 7, 2012 6:48:48 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: S. Karcz - I'll add one more drama - The Princess' Man. This is a completely different type of drama from the dramas your list, but this drama is hands down my favorite Kdrama, and the H and h are both awesome. The Princess' Man is based on true historical events occurring in

the 1600s, but the H and h are both fictional characters. The H, the son of the King's right hand man, starts out as a frivolous playboy but as events become more serious develops into a true hero. The h is the daughter of the King's brother who wants to seize the throne. While billed as a Romeo & Juliet tale (with a dash of Count of Monte Cristo and Richard III), it does have a HEA for our H/h. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Dec 7, 2012 1:33:45 PM PST luvnlife says: Thank you! Thank you! I have been counting down the hours until I got home from work to check these dramas out. I plan on checking out Family's Honor first followed by the Princess' Man. I keep reading the description for "My girlfriend is a Gumiho" and it always looks a little weird but it sounds like you all liked it. I'll have to give it a shot. Thanks for the recommendations. I'll keep you posted on what I think! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 7, 2012 1:51:08 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: In addition to the dramas mentioned above, I would like to add the J-drama/romance Hana Yori Dango which is the original version of Boys Over Flowers. I like Hana Yori Dango more than Boys Over Flowers. So if you haven't watched it yet, you might like it as it fits the criteria you're looking for. You can find it online on dramacrazy. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 7, 2012 4:02:06 PM PST Rashell Anderson says: @S. Karcz: Be prepared to spend the weekend watching kdrama because The Princess' Man is one you won't be able to stop watching. It is that gripping. Rearder123 didn't exagerate. It really is one of the best, if not the best, kdrama. Family's Honor is great too, but it's a long one. Try not to hate the h's family in the beginning because they really do turn out to be wonderful. I won't be able to help hating the H's, but they do redeem themselves. It just took them a little to long for me to come around. If you're okay with historical kdrama another that is wonderful is Queen In-Hyun's Man. This story is a fusion, so it involves time travel with parts of the drama happening in the present and parts in the past. But it's a really, really great drama as well. This one has a bubbly herione and a noble, smart, honest hero. Really they're both good people through out which is not typical in kdrama. The thing keeping them apart is simply that he was born 500 years before her. This one also has an HEA. And D.M.'s Hana Yori Dango rec is a good one too. It is the same basic story as Boys Over Flowers, but there are some differences. And I really liked Rui (the Japanese version of JiHoo) the best. I actually kind of shipped those two instead of the main pairing in Hana Yoir Dango.

Not an issue for me with Boys Over Flowers. Can't love anyone more then my Lee Min Ho. I was hesitant on My Girlfriend is a Gumiho as well, but it really did work. Mainly because Shin Min-Ah was adorable and Lee Sueng Gi was at his man-child best. This drama has some seriously adorable scenes with just the right amount of angst thrown in. Do at least give it a try. I really don't think you'll be sorry. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to your post on Dec 8, 2012 12:56:35 PM PST Amazon Customer says: Adnana, Thanks for the update on Five Fingers. Sooooounds like i'll skip that one as well. Wow, some really interesting dramas this year and i've passed up 75% of them because they are way too melo for me. We really need some funny happy love. Not that I have much time right now to enjoy anyway. My TBW pile is massive at this point and that makes me sad :( Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 9, 2012 1:20:47 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Aly if you want a lighter one watch Cheongdam dong Alice. I can't say if this show is good or bad yet, but I can say that it is off to a solidly good start :) To those watching Alice, I've watched episode 3 subbed and the last part of episode 4 (waiting patiently for it to get subbed). It seems that our hero has become the heroine's protector in that last scene of ep 4. Now about episode 3, I love the twist in that she's the one who doesn't believe in love anymore (not that I blame her), while she unwittingly made our hero believe in love again. I don't like her ex-boyfriend after episode 3 and what he did, he is a loser. So I love this twist, in that it seems that the hero will be the one pursuing our heroine and he's the one in love with her first. I think they both have a journey to go through. On another note, the hero's dance in his apartment was hilarious with a capital H. I'm really liking this show so far. As for Missing You, I did not think episode 10 was good like episode 9, and I don't like that HJ/Harry was acting somewhat uncharacteristically. Like in that scene towards the end, when he tells SY that she can't return to France because he wants her by his side. Why would he say that? Her returning to France would guarantee that she would be away from JW and hence never waver towards JW- it just doesn't make sense. In addition it seems like they're trying to put some conflict between him and SY, and it feels contrived to me, so they can push SY towards JW. Anyways I hope I'm wrong. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 10, 2012 6:29:43 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Like D.M. I'm really liking Cheongdamdong Alice. The H is a complete hoot - his antics and delusions are lightening an otherwise sad story. I think we have seen the last of the exboyfriend - a truly sad figure. The second male lead, Tommy Hong, finally made an appearance in episode 3, although brief. Let's hope the show remains as good as it has been and that the h does not break the H heart - I don't think he can handle much more heartbreak he's already had one mental breakdown, so let's hope she doesn't cause another one. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 10, 2012 9:56:52 AM PST Rashell Anderson says: @D.M. & Reader 123: I'm loving Alice. The H is so wacky and yet still manages to be smoking HOT! Witness the awesome that is PSH!! The last episode cemented my love for this drama. He is so her prince charming, she just doesn't know it. Really the H and h are the same. Both believe in that true real love and honestly want to find it. But real life and experience has jaded them and both seem to be trying to change into somthing else to live and get by in this "real" world. But they just can't quite let go of their true natures. That's why they're perfect for eachother! Now they just need to realize it. Especially before the h sells her soul trying to become something that she can never be. But watching the H try to be her seceret white knight is just a joy to watch. LOVE THIS! Finally a drama that I can just enjoy. As for the last episode of Missing You and Harry's behavior, I think that what we see is a character in conflict. He's focusing on his revenge for his mother, and using Zoey in part of that is acceptable to him as long as he feels like he can control it. But as you see in the end of the episode where she has locked him out and he's banging on her door, he really doesn't want to lose her. He's walking a fine line. This episode was the first time that I was really aware of how YOUNG Harry really is. His immaturity was obvious this episode. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 10, 2012 12:19:33 PM PST Last edited by the author on Dec 10, 2012 12:21:39 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Rashell and Reader123 I agree episode 4 was good and sad, with some funny thrown in. I think the hero should tell her that he is the CEO soon, or else she might never forgive him in the future. I can't wait to see how their relationship and story will develop. I love that this hero is strong/capable, even though he has a crazy side. I loved the last scene when he punched Tommy Hong. I also like the other second leading lady, and the phone conversation between our heroine and her was moving. Edited to add: Reader123 Tommy Hong is the second male lead?! I had no idea lol, but I mean he is off to a very bad start. Is he supposed to be the antagonist? Rashell about Missing You, my understanding was that they both (HJ/SY) agreed that SY was to go back to France and wait for HJ there. At this point, he had already started his revenge plan against HTJ, so why would he suddenly change his mind when he already has the upper hand, and start making decisions that we all know are designed specifically to push SY towards JW? I don't like it when I feel that a story is becoming contrived, and this is

exactly what I feel here. Also I don't like how they keep making it seem like SY's feelings for JW are still strong because it doesn't make sense to me (I don't feel it's emotionally honest/true). JW has done nothing of significance for SY up to this point in the story, so it is very hard for me to buy that her 1/2 months with JW somehow affects her the same (or maybe more, we'll have to see in this week's episodes) as 14 years with HJ who saved her (it just feels too contrived). I guess if I see the story veering clearly into pairing SY with JW and breaking HJ's heart, I will just stop watching to save myself the aggravation. :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 10, 2012 12:54:55 PM PST Last edited by the author on Dec 10, 2012 12:55:40 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. Yep, Tommy is the second male lead - not sure what his role will be. Dramabeans did have an announcement about the second lead but I don't think it said much. http://www.dramabeans.com/2012/10/alice-in-cheongdam-dong-casts-second-leads Having seen PSH in all of his "hero" roles (including those where they unsuccessfully tried to make him the second male lead), I can say that he is always awesome. Just finished watching Great Inheritance. I was a very light-hearted romantic comedy. The hero was a gangster who inherits a kindergarten if he works there for 100 days. His gang boss and a rival group both want the land that the kindergarten sets so the gang boss forces the H to work there. The plot was sometimes absurd, but overall it was a light, angst free drama (I would rate it as OK/good). However, I have become a Kim Jae Won fan. Interestingly this drama did not have an OW and the OM was one of the villains. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 10, 2012 1:06:02 PM PST Rashell Anderson says: @D.M.: Well, I don't want you to stop watching, but there is a reason that Mickey Yoonchun has the top billing in this drama. He is the male lead, so I would expect that if anyone is going to get the girl, it's going to be him. I agree that in my reality I wouldn't carry a torch for someone I only knew for less than a month, and who's last image for me was leaving me lying in a pool of blood on a cold cement floor after I'd just been violated in the worst possible way. But this is kdrama, where "first love" trumps everything else. And I fully expect Harry to start veering toward more villain territory as his hold on SY is slipping until I'm sure he'll do something that will finally fully push Zoey away from him. But I have to disagree about SY deep feelings for JW being contrived. He was the first friend she ever had. He was there for the most horrific experience of her life. And he left her there to save himself. She should have deep feelings about him in many ways. And they should be twisted, the way the seem to be now. Through that one event, she has a connection to him that can never be

broken IMO. She lived it, but he watched it. He is the only person who really knows what she suffered. And just like the guilt of leaving her there has shaped and molded his life from that moment on, what she went through, and him leaving her, has shaped her life too. I think the most real portrayal of that was when JW questioned SY in the police station and she said to him that if she was SY the first person she would kill would be JW. I won't be happy if they have her just "getting over" her anger for him in a simple way. Like just because she realizes that he never forgot her. I don't know how she can forgive him, but I need more from him toward her then we've seen to this point. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 10, 2012 2:24:26 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Rashell when I say strong feelings I meant in the romantic sense, not in the sense that you're talking about. I agree with you on this: " I won't be happy if they have her just "getting over" her anger for him in a simple way. Like just because she realizes that he never forgot her. I don't know how she can forgive him, but I need more from him toward her then we've seen to this point." Anyways I guess I'll watch this week's episodes, to see if they can at least make the story a bit more convincing- like you said. Reader123 thanks for the info. Anyways I am really liking this show, especially after episode 4. I can't wait to see more interactions between the H/h :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 11, 2012 7:36:54 PM PST Rashell Anderson says: As usual I've come with yet another drama rec. I just finished basically marathoning Baby Faced Beauty over the weekend since I was down sick. I'd found the bickering chemistry between Jang Nara and Daniel Choi cute in School 2013, so I decided to check out their first drama together Baby Faced Beauty. She plays a 34 year old who end up pretending to be her 25 year old sister in order to realize her dream of becoming a fashion designer (of course..this is a kdrama). The H is a marketing director with the company. The second lead (played by Ryun Jin whom I've come to love) is the CEO and the dreaded OW is the head of the design team. This h is probably the unluckiest drama h ever. By about ep 3, it becomes obvious that no matter what her task it will all somehow go wrong. But the cute bumbling hero is always there to help her out and give moral support. They do start the drama at odds, but it isn't long before they're a team. The big issue becomes her lie of course. But the H gets past it pretty quick and never really turns away from her. He's also adorably jealous, possessive, and protective of the h. The OM is his boss, but he doesn't hesitate to warn him away from the h and to get in his face when he doesn't listen. The h is tiny, so he's always worried about her safety. He is just so cute. Anyway this was a sweet rom/com drama with minimal angst and a like able h, H and second lead. The OW was the typical kdrama conniving witch, but since she never wins it didn't bother me too much. And for a change her interest is in the OM not

our H, so that made it even easier to ignore her. Anyway this is a cute one with a definite HEA. Not top 5, but well worth watching. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Dec 11, 2012 10:35:48 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Baby Faced Beauty sounds like a cute and funny romance/drama type show, I guess I'll add it to my "want to watch" list. However I want to ask the first male lead is more interesting than the second male lead right? So that I won't be in danger of rooting for the second hero. After experiencing the second male lead syndrome in "Missing You" for the first time ever since I started watching K drama/romance shows, I don't want to go through that again lol. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Dec 12, 2012 6:51:57 AM PST Spectator51 says: I liked Baby Faced Beauty too. I tend to like the shows where the heroine is a little older. Dal Ja's Spring recently became available on Dramafever. I'm about halfway through, and I think it's going to be one of my favorites. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 12, 2012 7:46:02 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Another good rom/com is 1% of Anything, which is an older (2003) drama. I watched it primarily for Kang Dong Won, who unfortunately does not appear in very many TV dramas (he's mostly in movies - Jeon Chi Woo and Too Beautiful to Lie were both good). Sounds like there are still a lot of good dramas to be watched. Keep the recs coming. I think my TBWed list is about 80 dramas long - most of which I got from this discussion. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 12, 2012 8:23:12 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Looks like Alice's ratings are improving. http://www.soompi.com/2012/12/09/park-shi-hoos-tears-boost-up-ratings-for-alice-incheongdamdong/ Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 12, 2012 9:14:58 AM PST Rashell Anderson says:

@D.M.:I don't think you'll have second lead syndrome in Baby Faced Beauty. The second lead is a more restrained sedate type of guy while the hero is much more in your face affectionate. The second lead does have an adorable daughter that I fell in love with. But really if the second lead hadn't been Ryu Jin (who for some reason just sparks for me), I probably wouldn't have liked him much at all. There are not any real "romantic" scenes between the h and the second lead. And while you can see him starting to "like" her, she remains clueless to it right until the end when he finally confesses. But the H is always right there to claim her as "his woman" and to tell the OM in no uncertain terms to back off. He spends most of the drama thinking he is older then the h, so even when he learns the truth he can never quite turn away from being the protective "oppa" even though she is now the "noona". He's a cutie. So I don't think you'll have to worry about falling for guy two. I think you'll see the appeal of both guys, but be firmly in the H's camp. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 12, 2012 1:31:40 PM PST Last edited by the author on Dec 12, 2012 1:34:01 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Thanks for the info. Rashell, I guess I'll add Baby Faced Beauty to my "want to watch" list without any fear. Good to hear that the hero is protective of the heroine, I love that. This show sounds sweet and romantic. Reader123, Yay I'm glad to hear that "Alice" is going up in the ratings. This show is off to a really good start. I hope that they can maintain the heroine being sweet even as she tries to change herself, and the hero being strong/sexy even if he has a crazy side :) . This could become one of my favorite or top favorite shows, but right now it's still too early to tell. So I was thinking about my top favorite K-drama/romance shows, and I've realized that my list has changed. Now it looks like this: Top Favorites: Secret Garden, You're Beautiful, My Princess, Innocent Man (I think episodes 3-18 were really good, so I decided I won't punish the entire show for the weak last 2 episodes and rushed ending). Favorites: -Queen In Hyun's Man (the heroine is adorable in this and the hero is a dreamboat, but upon watching it a second time I realized that it lacks conflict. The only conflict in their relationship is the time difference- i.e. 300 years). I still love this show, and I think the H/h have one of the best romances, but I wish it was more suspenseful or dramatic. -Princess Man Edited to add: Happy drama/romance watching everyone :D Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 16, 2012 9:29:15 AM PST Lovely D.M. says:

I haven't watched the new episodes of Cheongdam Dong Alice yet, I'm going to watch the two new eps soon. I've started watching Baby Faced Beauty, and I want to say that I didn't expect it to be so funny. I also think that this show takes the award for most embarrassing first meeting between the heroine and the second hero. The hero in this one is sweet and I'm loving his antics so far. The heroine is so cute. The H/h interactions are a mix of funny and romantic/sweet so far. The "age" issue has been exaggerated so there can be conflict in this drama. I feel like it is dragging on this plot point, where the heroine is almost discovered to be masquerading as her sister, but then isn't. These near discovery escapades are starting to drag. However so far, this is an entertaining show. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 16, 2012 11:13:14 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Episode 5 of Cheongdamdong Alice was outstanding - lots of cute/funny interactions between the OTP. PSH was hysterical, especially the hospital scenes when he trying to hide his real identify from the h. If this show stays this good, it will become a favorite. Several blurbs about the drama indicate that the OTP will learn about love & marriage - wonder if they will be getting married well before the end of the drama? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 16, 2012 11:43:10 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: Oh Reader123 that could be a great twist (about them getting married well before the end of the show)! So is there anything like that mentioned in the synopsis or plot summary of this show? Your review of episode 5 makes me want to watch it right now. I thought about waiting for episode 6 to get subbed, and then watching both episodes back to back. But it seems I just may end up watching episode 5 earlier :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 16, 2012 12:38:40 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. - I agree it would be a great twist - not sure if it going to happen though. VIKI plot blurb includes "will the two of them learn about love and marriage?", while the plot summary per wikipedia indicates that "Se-kyung agrees to enter into a marriage, but what ensues is a "warm and cheerful story of finding real happiness."" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheongdam-dong_Alice Also, last month wedding dress photos were published to MGY's facebook page http://www.kpopstarz.com/articles/17767/20121129/cheongdamdong-alice-moon-geunyoung-wedding-dress-photo.htm

Guess we'll have to see how the plot actually goes and if these teasers pan out - or if as the name implies are just there to tease us poor drama watchers! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 16, 2012 12:40:58 PM PST Rashell Anderson says: I agree that ep 5 of Alice was strong. PSH is so damn funny as this totally wacky guy. It's so funny that he even knows he's wacky but just accpets that about himself. The measuring scene was adorable. She is completely clueless and he's completely affected. You can see that he just LOVES having her touching him and in his space. Soooooo cute. I'm really enjoying this one. Which helps because Missing You is sooo depressing. I'm staying with it because I've come to care about the characters, but man is it just a sobfest. I'm almost becoming imune at this point. Although when Harry cried, my heart did break a little. I just wish the writer would give just a few minutes of happy mixed in with all this despair. So glad you're liking baby-faced beauty. And yeah, it is FUNNY! I just thought it was a nice change from so many makjang, high angst dramas. And the H is so adorabley dorky and sweet. So many times he wants to be mad at the h, but just can't quite do it. I agree that the age plot was a little flimsy, but enjoyed that it was the only "big lie/misunderstanding". It was just an easy fresh drama to watch. I've started watching a drama called Gloria. I don't even know how I found it, but so far it's cute. There are two main couples and the consist of a rich man/poor girl and rich girl/poor man combo. The poor pair grew up together and are best friends, while the rich pair are being set up in an arranged marriage by their fathers. Right now the rich girl/poor boy pair are getting most of the romantic action, but things are picking up between the rich man/poor girl. I love the rich girl/poor boy pair. He's the sweetest guy and he honestly becomes her reason to live. He adores her and his best friend encourages him to go for it even though she's out of his league. The 4 have become pretty good friends together and the rich two pretend to be getting married in order to enable everyone to meet. There are a ton of "secrets" out there just waiting to blow everyone's relationships apart, but I'm pretty sure they all get an HEA so I'll keep watching. Cause they are all really cute. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 17, 2012 8:45:17 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: Okay I've watched eps 5 and 6 of Cheongdam dong Alice, they both were really good episodes. The best scene so far for me, is the scene that is before the end scene in episode 6. Someone pushes the heroine and she falls into the hero's arms. Flustered, she tries to push herself away from him, but he holds her firm and pulls her back to him. She looks so sweet/vulnerable and he looks so hot, then they almost kiss... so much chemistry, *swoony* :) But the sad song they usually play, and the fact that he's lying to her and she's using him in a way, makes me dread for when conflict will set in. They are so perfect for each other, gah I just want them to get married already and have an HEA.

About Baby Faced Beauty, I'm glad they didn't drag the fake identity thing for too long. Episode 10 and she's confessed. I just think that this heroine takes a lot of crap from everyone. I wish she would fight back more. Anyways I like her, and I hope that the hero will stand up for her. On another note, I think it's so cute that she's tiny and the hero is tall. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 17, 2012 9:24:25 AM PST Rashell Anderson says: @D.M.: I love that song in Alice if this is the one you mean http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kfqv9U7h8Ng. Sooo sweet and if you check out the English translation it really isn't sad. Now on Baby Faced Beauty one of the things I loved most was that the h was so tiny compared to the H. It just made him go all out always trying to protect her. He constantly worries when she's out of his sight that someone could have just carried her off. I too wish the h had been a little less long suffering, but the H steps in every time to help her in any way he can. You're getting to some of the really cute stuff when his possessive/protective side really comes out. He's so cute. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Dec 17, 2012 9:37:30 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: Yes Rashell, this is the song I'm talking about! So what is the title of the song, so I can look up the English translation of the lyrics? Wait is the title of the song "daddy long legs" as written in the mv? About Baby Faced Beauty, oh I'm glad to hear that I'm getting to the really good parts between our H/h, this makes look forward to the remaining episodes more :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 17, 2012 1:02:16 PM PST Rashell Anderson says: @ D.M.: Here is a link with English subtitles http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERyKkV9GGHk to the song from Alice. And it is called Daddy Long Legs. The lyrics are basically about realizing that what you feel is love even if you're just beginning to fall. I love the chorus: Maybe it is love, though it may be lacking, I close my eyes, I cover my ears but, the love inside me feels you. Such a sweet song about the beginning of a romance. Gives me hope that our couple won't have too much angst. I just want them to keep being adorable together. That almost kiss scene was great and showed that they have really good romantic chemistry. I love Park Shi Hoo. Yeah, even though some of the typical kdrama plots come in at the end of Baby Faced Beauty, I loved the last episodes. The H knows he loves his girl and nothing will stop him from getting her. He "mines" her to everyone including her, and it's so dang cute. Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Dec 17, 2012 3:22:18 PM PST Last edited by the author on Dec 19, 2012 4:57:58 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: The final episode of Full House Take 2 aired last week. This drama ended up being an entertaining/good drama, not the train wreck that I had initially feared that it was going to be. I'm not sure why this drama had such a hard time getting on the air and I still don't know why they felt the need to name it Full House Take 2 as the plot had very little resemblance to the original Full House - other than the H (not the h) spending most of the drama trying to get his house back from his management company. Overall, one of the things I liked about this show was that it lacked most of the story lines that I found frustrating in the original Full House. From a personality perspective, the H is more like Jang Geun Suk from You're Beautiful (prickly personality, allergies) rather than the childish Rain. The OW, a former girlfriend of the H, doesn't appear until episode 14 (of 32) and the H and the second male lead both despise her - somewhat like UEE in YAB. The h stands up for herself and rarely takes any nonsense from anyone. I will admit that the h's hairstyle is the worst thing about her and she isn't given a decent hairstyle until episode 22. The H also has weird hair but it doesn't appear that bad on him. The H/h don't have a fake marriage; however, for a few episodes they do have a fake engagement and the H/h both confess that they like each other (the H confesses a couple of times) well before the last episode (but don't become a couple until near the end). While not a favorite, it was a cute, light drama and one that I enjoyed. My OST addiction from this drama (seems like I have at least one from every drama that I watch): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-yP_WFdWvY Park Ki Woong really needs to be given a lead in a Rom/Com - he was truly adorable in this drama. I actually wasn't impressed with Noh Min Woo in My Girlfriend is a Gumiho, but I did like him in this role. ETA: Full House 2 in total was 16 hours long but aired in 32 half hour shows. Ji Sung new movie P.S. Partner looks to be very good - was just recently released in theaters hopefully, it will make it to YT, Dramafever or Viki sometime next year. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Dec 18, 2012 4:06:14 PM PST Jennifer L. Rinehart says: I saw this forum months ago and wasn't sure what a k-drama is, but now I do and am totally obsessed with them! I've watched 17 episodes of Boys Over Flowers - love it, but not totally loving how selfless Jandi becomes as time goes by, why doesn't she ever stand up for herself?! The first five hours of My Princess - Song Seung Hun is sooo lovely to look at.

The first episode of Princess Hours - pretty fun. These are next on my list, Itazura No Kiss (this one's a j-drama, I read the manga and the hero made me so mad, so I'm not sure if I can handle him again). Anyone's input on this would be appreciated. Also thinking about 1% of anything, it looks fun, has anyone else watched this one? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Dec 18, 2012 6:19:31 PM PST Last edited by the author on Dec 18, 2012 6:43:27 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Jennifer L. Rinehart - Welcome - you've come to the right place for those with K-drama addiction. I recommend that you do not watch Itazura Na Kiss - it is an extremely bad version of the manga - this version was so bad its the only drama that I have watched where I wanted the H to end up with the OW as the h was horrible. I recommend instead that you watch the Taiwanese version and its sequel called It Started With A Kiss and They Kiss Again - this version is faithful to the manga. The Korean version - Playful Kiss - is also good. The h's of the TW and K version are both very sweet. I also watched and enjoyed 1% of Anything. For other recommendations, my 5 favorite K-drama's are 1) The Princess' Man, 2) Family's Honor, 3) City Hunter, 4) Queen In-hyun's Man, and 5) Sungkyunkwan Scandal. All have been discussed on this thread. ETA - Jennifer - My previous comments (from page 1 of this discussion) regarding the three live drama versions of Itazura Na Kiss: MISCHIEVOUS KISS (also called PLAYFUL KISS) This Kdrama is based on the Manga ITAZURA NA KISS. There is a Taiwan version named IT STARTED WITH A KISS and its sequel THEY KISSED AGAIN and a JDrama version named ITAZURA NA KISS. In Playful Kiss, the h is a warm, bubbly but not too bright girl, who has a crush on H. The H is a genius (IQ of 200) with a cold personality (robot boy). Upon the destruction of the h's house, the h and her father are invited to live with the father's childhood friends, who turn out to be the H's parents. The H's mother is great, and is 100% supportive of the h. The OW is one of the better ones in KDramaland. While snarky to the h, she is never cruel or evil. In addition to the 16 episodes of the drama, 7 special edition 10 minute YT episodes were created showing the H/h post marriage. In addition, a diary (Baek Seung Jo Diary) was created by the production company indicating the H's thoughts during each of the 16 episodes. The Taiwan version of this drama was also good. However, the h is this version was not as sweet as in the Kdrama. As it related to the JDrama, I didn't like the h, her personality was just annoying. This version lacked any romance between the H/h and them getting together at the end didn't seem realistic (was a real head scratcher). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Dec 18, 2012 6:35:28 PM PST Rashell Anderson says: @Jennifer: welcome to the kdrama obsession. Once you start it really is impossible to stop. Reader123 is steering you in the right direction. I have 2 favorite dramas different from her. King2hearts and Coffee Prince. It's funny that you mentioned 1% of Anything as I am now on episode 12 of that drama. My comments so far would be that if you like a VERY jealous hero then this is the drama for you. This guy can't stand anyone so much as looking at the h. But he is a terrible wrist grabber and has a bad temper. I like her and actually do like him. It's Kang Don Wan after all. Her family is great but they don't like him because they've witnessed his jealousy. And in a crazy kdrama change, they don't want her to marry into a rich family because of all the pressure that comes with it. An ow just showed up last episode so I don't know where that will go. But so far I definitely like it Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 18, 2012 6:41:33 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Hello Jennifer, welcome to the club! So you're watching more than one drama/romance at the same time? Okay about My Princess, this is one of my favorite shows, just know that the story is kind of weak, however keep watching till the end because it is totally worth it for the great H/h moments. Their romance makes this show great :) Princess Hours, I didn't like it because the hero was so cold and I never felt that he was really there for the heroine (think the hero from Itazura Na Kiss/ Playful kiss), he's the same. The poor heroine suffered throughout. So I wouldn't recommend this show, but again it is up to you to decide whether you want to continue watching it or not. Playful Kiss is the k-drama version of the manga which I haven't read, so apparently the hero is just as bad in the manga? I couldn't take the poor heroine's mooning over this jerk and really cold hero throughout. So yes, I didn't like this show either and don't recommend it (I don't remember if I finished it). But again it's up to you whether you want to watch it or not. As for Boys Over Flowers, I also suggest that you check out the J-version which is the original entitled Hana Yori Dango and it has two parts that complete each other (this is my favorite version). Hana Yori Dango has one of the best endings in drama/romance history! Other recommendations for great K-dramas you can watch online: Secret Garden, You're Beautiful, Queen In Hyun's Man, Nice Guy/Innocent Man (this one is a melodrama/romance that is flawed, but overall it is one of my favorites as well) Happy drama/romance watching Rashell when I finish Baby Faced Beauty, I'll write my final report on the show :) Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 19, 2012 10:36:02 AM PST Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Great, thanks everyone, now I have even more fun stuff to watch while treadmilling! These are some that I've now added to the list; Coffee Prince 1% of Anything Playful Kiss Hana Yori Dango (I've read the manga too, I just can't get enough of this story, has anyone else noticed a strange HYD/Veronica Mars similarity? Rob Thomas, musta read HYD!) You're Beautiful Faith (read about this one somewhere else and heard it kinda drags, but it has Lee Min Ho and he is too dreamy) King2Hearts Princess Hours - I love the female lead and the guy is amazingly beautiful, but he isn't terribly likable and his romance with the museum director woman really makes me despise him, that woman is cold and selfish, that he can't see it is a serious flaw. Flower Boy Ramyun - Anyone have any thoughts on this one? I watched the first episode and while I adore the female lead and like the hero (not just for his bishoneness) it bothers me how starstruck she and every other girl is over him, how can she ever distinguish herself from the legions of girlfans he already has? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Dec 19, 2012 10:48:05 AM PST Last edited by the author on Dec 19, 2012 11:10:59 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Jennifer - Jung ll Woo is awesome in Flower Boy Ramyun Shop - his man-child character is one of my favorite k-drama characters. He does become somewhat obsessed over the h. ETA: Re: Baek Seung Jo Diary (Playful Kiss H) YT videos matching his diary/thoughts to the drama scenes have been created. It's helpful to watch the diary video after watching the drama episode to understand the H. Below is the link to one version of the diary videos - other videos do exist - some are shorter than this version. (Diaries were also created by BSJ little brother Baek Eun Jo) http://www.youtube.com/user/playfulkissaddict/videos Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 19, 2012 11:35:35 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Jennifer - another rom/com you might want to add to you list is Prosecutor Princess - as Dramabeans (if you're like the rest of us, a website you will also become addicted to) says the main pair is aces and it will make a Park Shi Hoo fan of you Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 19, 2012 11:44:10 AM PST Last edited by the author on Dec 19, 2012 11:50:02 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: Jennifer, Flower Boy Ramyun shop was a cute entertaining show my main problem with it was that I thought the ending sucked because it was so confusing. But overall it is a cute show, if you want to check it out. Also if you're going to watch both "Playful Kiss" and "Goong/Palace", then I feel obligated to tell you that Playful Kiss has a better ending than Goong. Yes it seems I've watched Playful Kiss till the end, I checked lol. Oh and I hope that you'll enjoy "You're Beautiful" and "Hana Yori Dango" as much as I did, those two shows are among my top favorites! :) Rashell I've finally finished watching "Baby Faced Beauty" and I thought that overall this was a nice show. But I felt the first half dwelt too much on the "will she/won't she" be discovered - age/identity issue, and the second half dragged on the clothes design competition issue, with the female character that likes the second male lead always making life miserable for our heroine. However I really enjoyed the relationship between the H/h, it was so sweet. Yes, I loved the parts when the hero "mined" her as you put it, as in "she's mine". In conclusion I liked this show, but it's not one of my favorites. Edited to add: Oh I read the synopsis for "1% of anything", and it sounds sooo interesting. I guess this will be the next drama/romance show I watch. I really liked the synopsis (hope the show will be as good), it made me wish they'd make a new updated version with this plot premise. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Dec 19, 2012 11:56:18 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. - What did you find confusing about the ending of Flower Boy Ramyun Shop? I thought it was pretty straight forward. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 19, 2012 12:05:23 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Hey Reader123, okay it ended with the hero meeting the heroine again after he apparently left for military service. However we don't know if he is on leave to just visit or if his service is over.We don't know if he fixed things with his grandfather and if he will return to work in his grandfather's company or not. We don't know what he will do now that he's come back. We don't know where the H/h will live. At least that's the way I remember it, but maybe because it's been a while since I've watched it I'm missing some details from the ending?

Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 19, 2012 12:18:40 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. - It's been a while since I watched so I may not remember correctly, but I thought he was out of the military - he had avoided contact with the h while in the service because he was afraid he could not handle hearing her voice and not seeing her. Last scene involving his father I thought was the father instructing his secretary to make sure investments were transferred to the H - so I took it that financially the H was going to be OK. I think you are correct that they did not address where he would work or live, but I was just happy that the ending showed them together again. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 19, 2012 12:31:30 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Thanks for the info. Reader123, even though not all the questions are answered but at least the more important ones seem to have been addressed even if not clearly. Well your post makes me think that the ending did not suck, it was an okay ending that should/could have been better. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 19, 2012 2:40:11 PM PST Rashell Anderson says: Thanks for the update on your Baby Faced Beauty feelings, D.M. Same as you this was a show I enjoyed watching, but wouldn't add it to my list of favorites. 1 % of Anything was decent through the first half, but is dragging in the second half. I'm actually more interested in the romance between the H's cousin and the h's adopted sister at this point. I think my main issue is that the main couple don't really have any "spark" between them. I don't feel like she loves him. I'm almost finished and these two haven't even kissed. All we've had are some sincere "hugs" to this point. Kang Don Won is adorable and I can't help but wish that he and Joo Won(Gaksital) would act together in a drama as brothers since they really do look that much alike. I'm going to finish this one, but I don't love it. It gets an okay. @Jennifer: Flower Boy Raymun Shop only gets better from the first episodes. The H becomes basically obsessed with the h. He's so cute trying to figure out all his new feelings. His reaction to discovering that he's jealous still makes me grin. Plus it's got Jung Il Woo and Lee Ki Woo. It's a cute fluffy drama with an HEA. I'd definitely reccomend continuing. By the way, Coffee Prince has the same h and Goong, but she's completely transformed since the H thinks she's a boy for about 80% of the drama. But she's still adorable. I wish I could go back and watch all these great dramas again for the first time. And about Faith, if you go in for the romance between the h and H then I don't think you'll be disapointed. The H is Lee Min Ho, there is really no downside to this. Speaking of Lee Min Ho, his other two dramas

after Boys Over Flowers are worth watching as well...City Hunter (LOVE) and Personal Taste (REALLY LIKE). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 19, 2012 4:54:28 PM PST Jennifer L. Rinehart says: I'll keep up with Flower Boy, his shock over getting water on his cashmere sweater was priceless! Lee Min Ho could read the dictionary aloud and I'd probably watch it, he is, checking over my shoulder to make sure my sweet hubby isn't looking, so handsome! I will definitely check out City Hunter and Personal Taste (the premise for PT sounds super fun). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 19, 2012 8:35:06 PM PST Last edited by the author on Dec 19, 2012 8:36:14 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Happy watching Jennifer :) I'm feeling kind of jealous lol, because you have so many new shows to check out. Rashell your review of "1% of anything" made me less excited about checking it out. The synopsis is good, but anyways maybe someday (soon) they'll take the idea and use it for a new show? I think the idea could make for a really good romance/comedy type drama. On another note: I'm excited for the movie "Kyo Koi Wo Hajimemasu" (Love For Beginners). I've read some of this manga and liked it, and apparently they've made a live action movie of it! I'm looking forward to when it becomes available with English subs. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 19, 2012 10:03:52 PM PST Jennifer L. Rinehart says: D.M. - - It's like discovering chocolate and coffee after a lifetime without them. I was trying to explain my recent obsession to a friend and she just stared at me amazed and then said, 'I fell asleep halfway through Life is Beautiful, still not sure what it was about." Kyo Koi Wo Hajimemasu is the one where she cuts his hair, right? Wow, it has a kinda cold, forceful hero, reminded me a little of the lead in Honey x Honey drops. But I'd totally watch it, the manga is good. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Dec 20, 2012 5:53:07 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Jennifer - if you liked the manga Hana Kimi, you might want to check out To The Beautiful You. In all there are 4 live action dramas of this manga (2 Japanese, 1 Taiwanese and1 Korean), of these the Korean verison, To The Beautiful You was IMO the best - more focus on the romance between the H/h and less on the school hijinks. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 20, 2012 7:26:57 AM PST Last edited by the author on Dec 20, 2012 7:37:41 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: Good morning, and yes Jennifer Kyo Koi wo Hajimemasu is the one where the heroine cuts his hair and then he promises to take all her firsts. I agree the hero is kind of cold and forceful, but then he becomes sweeter to our sweet/shy heroine. Yes I agree the manga is good, which makes me more excited for the movie! Are you interested in anime? I like live action drama and movies more than anime. However there are a few really good Shoujo anime that I like. I wish they'd make a live action version of Maid Sama and Vampire Knight/Vampire Knight Guilty (those are the two anime that I really like). Edited to add: lol at your friend's response, she needs to watch one of those dramas and read one of those mangas to know what she is missing. Oh and yum at your analogy, it reminds me of how I felt after I discovered these shows too :D Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 20, 2012 10:25:42 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: I'm looking forward to Joo Won's Level 7 Civil Servant drama scheduled to premiere in January. I do agree that he and Kang Dong Won look alike and would be great in a drama together. Unfortunately the last TV drama that Kang Dong Won appeared in (he only appeared in three) was in 2004 (Magic - in which he did not get a HEA) - I think he now only does movies. I don't think his TV drama Country Princess is available anywhere - but since he was the second male lead, I doubt if he got a HEA in that drama either. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 20, 2012 11:00:38 AM PST Last edited by the author on Dec 20, 2012 11:13:37 AM PST Amazon Customer says: Kyo Koi Wo Hajimemasu sounds very exciting and possibly right up my ally!! D.M~ I would also love a Maid Sama live action. I've still not found a subbed version of Ouran High School Host Club. DramaCrazy only has raw. Anyone know where I can watch subbed? Over the holiday break I have hopes to catch up on my drama watching. Starting with FH2 and Alice. And maybe rewatch My Princess and Playful Kiss :)

If I don't happen to make it back before~ I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and safe and happy New Year. I am happy to have found you this year!! P.S~ Welcome Jennifer, whatever recommendation they give you here, enjoy them all. We have an awesome group of drama watchers here!! Edit to add~ just watched the movie preview for Kyo Koi Wo Hajimemasu (Love for Beginners) now i'm really excited!! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 20, 2012 11:19:27 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: aly - Gooddrama has Ouran High School Host Club http://www.gooddrama.net/japanese-drama/ouran-high-school-host-club Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 20, 2012 12:08:58 PM PST Jennifer L. Rinehart says: I love anime and manga, just finished watching Ouran HHC, so finding out that there is a live action movie is ah-mazing, I have some serious host club withdrawl! I just started Hana Kimi, I like the premise, but haven't been totally in love with it, but I bet I'd love the drama. Are there a lot of shoujo mangas made into dramas? I wish Tonari no Kaibutsu was made into a live action, but I'm pretty happy with the anime. Thanks, aly, everyone has been super nice and helpful here, best of all, no weird sock puppet spammers to deal with! D.M. There's a lot of resistance to watching subtitled movies, I can't understand it. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Dec 20, 2012 12:17:40 PM PST Amazon Customer says: Sorry Reader, I should clarify I meant OHSHC the movie. I have watched the drama. Thank you though!! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 20, 2012 12:45:54 PM PST Lovely D.M. says:

Aly, yes I'm really excited for the movie too! I hope that they turn more good romantic Shoujo manga into live action shows or movies. Also happy watching with "Cheongdam dong Alice", which is the only "still airing" show I'm following right now, and I'm really liking it so far. Jennifer, I didn't like Hana Kimi that much, for me it was just an average show. I would place Hana Kimi in the wacky comedy genre, instead of any romance/drama genre. Oh and since you like anime, if I come across another good anime series (besides the two I've already mentioned) I'll be sure to tell you! Reader123 are there any other new shows that will start airing soon that could be to my taste? This Level 7 Civil Servant one, I just don't find the premise that interesting but I might check it out when it starts airing. The only two new shows that I'm really excited about, are "Pretty Boy Next Door" and "That Winter the Wind Blew". Oh and Aly's post reminded me, I hope you all are having a wonderful Christmas vacation! Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays to all :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 20, 2012 1:16:47 PM PST Rashell Anderson says: OH, I can't WAIT for Pretty Boy Next Door. I'm practically stalking that thread at soompi trying to get as much info as I can. I'm hoping that Viki subs it since they are the fastest. But this is a drama where I could totally have second lead syndrome. I adore Kim Ji Hoon. SO HOT! And we'd better get the mandatory return from the army abs scene or I'm going to be very displeased. D.M., be glad that you dropped Missing You. SY and JW kissed in today's episode. And poor Harry is so jealous and terrified to lose her that it breaks my heart. YSH is just so pretty to look at. I can't even imagine how good looking he will be once he's actually a man. (Have to remind myself how young this guy is) She does tell JW that she won't leave Harry behind. But still it seems that her heart is with JW. I'd like you manga readers to give some rec's here too. I've never really tried to read one, and many of my favorite dramas are manga based so I'm up to checking them out. Thanks! I love this thread to pieces. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 20, 2012 1:39:20 PM PST Last edited by the author on Dec 20, 2012 1:40:00 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. - Actually, I am really looking forward to Level 7 Civil Servant - Joo Won is one of my favorites. Also, looking forward to Pretty Boy Next Door. Only other future show I have on my radar is Gu Family Book with Lee Seung Ki, but I don't think it airs till April. Apparently City Conquest will not air in 2013.

I'm currently following Alice and Jeon Woo Chi. Happy Holidays everyone! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 20, 2012 2:46:13 PM PST Last edited by the author on Dec 20, 2012 5:27:45 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Hey Rashell, thanks for the headsup! Now I'm feeling glad that I dropped Missing You. Oh and please no second male lead syndrome in Pretty Boy Next Door, I hate suffering through that lol. They have to make the first lead more appealing than the second lead! About manga recommendations, I'd say try out Kyou Koi Wo Hajimemasu that one has a lot of chapters up already and it has a good drawing style and an interesting story (and a live action movie that I hope will become available soon with English subs). Also I'm right now following a new manga, only one chapter is up so far. The manga is entitled "Boku no uchi ni oide" (Come to My Home), it is off to a really good start. Just know that those mangas are not finished, meaning if you start them you will have to wait for a month or more for some of them to update with new chapters. As for anime, the two I mentioned "Vampire Knight/Vampire Knight Guilty" and "Maid Sama" are my favorites. Reader123, what is Gu Family Book about? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 20, 2012 3:01:50 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. - Gu Family Book is a fantasy sageuk. Dramabeans info on the drama: http://www.dramabeans.com/2012/10/lee-seung-gi-and-suzy-cast-in-fantasy-sageuk/ Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 21, 2012 12:24:24 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. - Did you know that there is a Season 2 of Switch Girl currently airing? http://www.dramacrazy.net/japanese-drama/switch-girl-2/ Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 21, 2012 2:00:15 PM PST Lovely D.M. says:

Thanks for telling me Reader123 :) I've already watched the first episode of season 2 raw, and I just found it a bit too weird for my taste in its humor. The cute and sincere scenes between the H/h are what makes this show for me, and there is a scene like that in almost every episode. I still like how calm Arata is in comparison to how hyper Nika is. I guess I'll wait until it all gets subbed before I decide whether to watch it or not. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 21, 2012 2:09:56 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Oh and thanks for the link about Gu Family Book, hmm I don't know if I'm interested in this show or not. So I'll reserve judgement until more info. or a trailer becomes available. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 23, 2012 10:17:28 AM PST Rashell Anderson says: Thanks for the manga recs. I don't think I'll read anything that isn't finished though. I can hardly wait a week for new drama episodes so months for a new chapter would be impossible. Alice continues to be delightful to watch, but I think now at the halfway point we'll be getting more angsty. I actually really sympathize with Yoo Ju and really hope that her husband loves her. It's not that I don't feel bad for Sueng Jo, but I know there were times in other dramas where I wouldn't have blamed the h for ditching the H over his massively jerky family. So I can understand why YJ didn't want to battle that. And honestly maybe she really didn't love him as much as he loved her but that doesn't make her bad. To me she is a very sympathetic character and I don't want to see the life she worked so hard for blown apart. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 25, 2012 3:33:57 PM PST Last edited by the author on Dec 25, 2012 3:49:02 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: I agree Rashell, I also really sympathize with Yoon Joo, and I don't understand why she's not happy. Is it because she's afraid of being found out? I agree with the points you made, and I hope she gets a happy ending with her husband. I'm interested to see where the story will go from here with our H/h, since JTC has just revealed his true identity to our heroine SK. I'm also interested to see what Tommy will do, he's the person who seems to know everything about everyone. Now onto another topic I wish the trailer for the movie KKWH movie was English subbed. Anyways when I was watching it, I stumbled upon this medley mv of the movie. I simply loved the movie scenes shown! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hlvCXII6AU The KKWH movie is looking great, I can't wait.

And here's two favorite parts of the OVA/anime KKWH. The second one is very apt for Christmas! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0qFoSdtp5U https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zB8VU_ZqAvc On another note, there's a new trailer for Pretty Boy Next Door! I'm excited for this show as well. It looks like it's going to be a very cute, funny and romantic show. I love when the hero does the "I'm watching you" sign to the heroine. Again, I wish this mini trailer had English subs. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=hjKSR-bbH1M Edited to add: I was sure I put this in the end, but I don't know what happened, so I'm writing it again. Merry Christmas :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 25, 2012 10:08:15 PM PST Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Merry Christmas K-Drama fans!!! So, I've been watching a lotta drama, I watched several eps Princess Hours, the first epi of Coffee Prince, the first epi of Playful Kiss, the last few epis of Boys over Flowers and there is one thing that really stands out; FOOD. There is so much eating and discussions of food, it seems a bit strange (then again, maybe it's strange that characters in American shows never eat - if they go to a restaurant, they'll sip a glass of wine, but that's about it). The black noodle challenge in Coffee Prince was just about the longest eating on film I've seen since watching an episode of Guy Fieri's show on Food Network. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 26, 2012 7:58:03 AM PST Last edited by the author on Dec 26, 2012 8:32:45 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: In addition to a lot of food, a few other K-drama observations: - Great cell phones but unfortunately no on/off switch - batteries must be removed in order to turn off (older models of course). Also no way to leave a voice message - if they don't answer you're just out of luck. - No washing machines - all clothes are washed in a basin or bathtub using your feet. Clothes dryers are also questionable. - Drinking water is always in a pitcher - never from the tap. - At least one piggy back ride per show (you can always tell who will get the girl - he's the one giving the piggy back ride). - Great refrigerators - love the door in the front. - At least one or more U-turns, with no car wrecks per drama

- Streets of Seoul are very safe - h is always out walking or taking the sub in the middle of the night. - H/h get raging fevers if they get the least bit chilled - but usually clears up by next scene. ETA: - Only very high heels are worn by the women of K-drama land - sneakers and flats do not exist. - h can pack all of the clothes she owns in a tiny suitcase, but is still able to have a different outfit for every scene in the drama - very effective packing. - Nothing good ever happens at the Han River - it is actually filled by the tears from dramaland folk. Lots more - I'm sure there is a manual that all of the k-drama writers use in order to get the kdrama behaviors correct... Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 26, 2012 10:27:25 AM PST Rashell Anderson says: Reader123, you forgot the mandatory "wrist grab" scene that happens at least once in every drama but usually multiple times. I always feel sorry for the poor h being dragged around by the wrist. I think it stands out for me the most because I kind of hate it. Another that happens alot is the "back hug". It's usually the h giving the H the hug but sometimes (City Hunter) it's the h being hugged. D.M., I also think that Tommy is going to come along and blow everyone apart. I think we're getting to the really angsty part of Alice. Se Kyung was not a very sympathetic character last episode. And I just adore Cha Sung Jo. Park Shi Hoo is fabulous as this character. Thanks for the links. I'll be checking them all out. Jennifer, never watch a Kdrama on an empty stomach. They make even simple ramyun look like the best meal ever. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 26, 2012 10:57:17 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: Reader123, I disagree about the the high healed shoes, or maybe the shows I liked the most happened to have heroines who didn't wear a lot of high heals? In Secret Garden the heroine wore flats 90% of the time, in You're Beautiful same thing, and in Hana Yori Dango same thing. In Queen In Hyun's Man, the heroine wore high heals but she also wore flats sometimes. In My Princess the heroine wore a lot of flats before becoming a princess, then she mostly wore high heals after becoming a princess. Rashell I like the wrist grab if done right, because it creates a sensuality between the H/h when they already have great chemistry that is. It also adds drama, makes the scene more angst-y even suspenseful. So yes, generally speaking this issue is not a big deal for me in drama/romance land.

On another note and before I forget, since some of you said that you are interested in good romantic anime, I'm following one such anime. The anime is titled "Say I Love You" (what was it's Japanese title *goes to look it up* Aha Sukitte Li Na Yo) and it updates every week with a new episode with English subs. There are twelve episodes up and available already with English subs. I'm really liking this anime so far, despite the fact that it can get slow. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 26, 2012 11:04:54 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: Oh and Jennifer, I too noticed that when I started watching these dramas/romances. I actually like that the drama characters eat like normal people and don't starve themselves. I have already resolved to try the Kimchi one day soon lol. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 26, 2012 1:33:23 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: I continue to love Cheongdamdong Alice. This is one of the few rom/com where you have as much sympathy for the second female lead as the h (and in episode 8, I had more for the second female lead as the h's activities took a somewhat unpleasant turn). As usual PSH was fabulous - he certainly can turn on the angst. Hopefully, angstville will not last for too many episodes. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 26, 2012 2:20:49 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Found this article on K-drama cliches - so true. http://vanillacherryice.wordpress.com/2007/09/21/50-things-you-learn-from-k-dramas/ Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 26, 2012 3:03:17 PM PST Jennifer L. Rinehart says: I've been scouring the net for recipes for all kinds of things I'd never even heard of before; black noodles, pumpkin porridge, green tea cake, miso soup (okay, I had heard of miso soup, I've even tried it at the local sushi place, but I might have to try it at home). The shows do make me hungry and the back hugs and piggyback rides made me giggle like a madwoman (husband is still giving me weirdy sideways glances). Another thing I've noticed in k-dramas - lot's of fist pumping while saying the words, 'fighting' in english.

There is always a competition, usually sports related. There's always a makeover complete with makeup and hair Angry mobs of female fans Shopping for clothes Sad goodbye scene at an airport jewelry gifting Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 30, 2012 12:46:49 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Happy watching Jennifer! Have you finished any of the shows you've started yet? Do you have any favorite shows yet? :) Now concerning "Pretty Boy Next Door", can anyone tell me on what days it will be airing? I know it will start next week, does that mean it will air Mondays and Tuesdays? Thanks Happy New Year's everyone! I hope that this New Year will be a blessing for all of us with joy, love, and prosperity. I also hope that we'll get some good drama/romance shows in 2013 :D Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 30, 2012 1:58:40 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Happy New Year - wishing everyone great K-drama for 2013... D.M. Pretty Boy Next Door airs Mondays and Tuesdays. I'm so disappointed that there is no Cheongdam-dong Alice this week - going into PSH withdrawals! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 30, 2012 3:03:18 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Thanks for the info. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 30, 2012 6:04:25 PM PST Jennifer L. Rinehart says: I'm almost done with Princess Hours (wish Hyo-Rin would disappear and I'm getting tired of sad Yul looking sad). I'm on episode 18 and things are finally, FINALLY getting closer for Chaekyung and Shinm they are even sharing a room, squeee!

Also, almost done with To the Beautiful You, I'm pretty sure Jae Hee will end up with Kang Tae Joon, but Eun Gyul has won me over, I don't usually find the third part of the love triangle this sympathetic, he's just too adorable, swoon! I watched a few epis of the live action Ouran High School, the weird hair was distracting (Tamaki's hair looked moldy!), but Haruhi's cross dressing dad, the twins and especially Kyoyo Sempai won me over (I liked him better than Tamaki, I have a guys in glasses fetish). I'm all caught up on my fave anime (based on my favorite manga) Tonari No Kaibutsu, if everyone hasn't given this one a try, you are seriously missing out, it is amazing and so so romantic. My list of dramas is super long now, please suggest any that I might have missed; Faith City Hunter Cheongdam Alice My lovely Sam Soon My Princess (already watched some of this and got kinda bored, but I might get back to it) Flower Boy Ramyun Playful Kiss Boys Over Flowers Hana Yori Dango Flower Boy Next Door Coffee Prince Prince's First Love (Not sure of this one, because I only like romances with a happy ending, anyone know if someone dies of a slow growing tumor, leukemia, etc?) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 30, 2012 6:12:18 PM PST Rashell Anderson says: I'm so so ready for Flower Boy Next Door. The character descriptions make it even more interesting to me. Kim Ji Hoon's character is not her crush that she peeps at. He lives across the hall from her and is a protective daddy long legs or oppa for her. Yoo Shi Yoon is the cousin of the crush who moves into the cousin's apartment and catches her spying. So really that makes 3 hot guys around this girl. I worry that my hopes are too high. I haven't forgotten the disappointment that was Big. Lets hope this one delivers on its awesome pre-drama hype. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 30, 2012 9:44:42 PM PST Last edited by the author on Dec 31, 2012 5:52:07 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Jennifer I may have mentioned some of these before - I consider all of these to be either outstanding or very good dramas: The Princess' Man - I consider this to be the best K-drama that I have watched, both the H

and the h are awesome. The show is an historical drama based upon true events which happened in the 1600s (but H/h are fictional). The show is a smashup of Romeo & Juliet (but with HEA), Count of Monte Cristo and Richard III - story is truly riveting - hard to stop watching once you start, as the intensity keeps building. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yh2vDbl8D9M Queen In-hyun's Man - a time travel fairy tale romance - the H is one of the absolute best (and smartest!!) in K-drama. A pure romance. Also had one of the best kiss scenes. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GV81ZwIJIo Family's Honor - At 54 episodes this family drama covers 6 romances but it's the lead romance that makes this show one of my favorites. The h is a 30 year old widow and the H goes from being a cold-hearted businessman to a determined/angsty boyfriend to a playful/loving husband. The customs of the h family are also extremely interesting. If you don't want to invest 54 hours in a drama, I recommend that you fast forward through any scene not involving either the lead H or h (either together or apart). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDCHaOV9HuU You're Beautiful - The Hong sisters at their best - a truly great drama with a cross-dressing want to be nun in a boy band. Jang Geun Suk is wonderful as the prickly perfectionist H. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzQn6M80dHA My Girlfriend is a Gumiho - Another great Hong sister drama - H/h are both adorable. H starts out childish but truly matures - h is a sweet/naive "gumiho" (Korean legendary character) - show gets better as it goes along. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qC-BStV3Io Autumn's Concerto - my favorite Taiwanese drama - it has a lot of drama tropes - cancer (but no death), memory loss, secret child, evil mother but was put together in a way that really works. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CmjwfYQrHk Prosecutor Princess - Main couple was "aces". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umV_oPkiSOc King 2 Hearts - Fantasy drama where H is South Korean prince/king and h is North Korean soldier. Great drama on the H's journey to maturity - romance was good also. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cuKSRb9eTLg Also, don't feel bad, my to be watched list is over 70 dramas long... Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 30, 2012 10:12:10 PM PST Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Thanks so much Reader123, I'm adding all of these to the list. I tried another Taiwanese drama, Devil Beside You, but it was a bit uneven with a lot of sports stuff that didn't really add to the story (at least, not to me it didn't), maybe I'll get back to it, I'm just spoiled for choice right now, which is beyond awesome.

You had me at cross dressing wanna-be nun! Ha! That's gotta be the best story ever!!!! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 30, 2012 11:22:49 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Lol Jennifer, You're Beautiful is one of my top favorite shows. Anyways the clip Reader123 posted emphasizes the comedic parts of the show, but the show also has angst/drama romance in it. Here's another clip, but this one emphasizes the serious parts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEzxK5iEvUg Reader123 your list made me want to make one of my own complete with links to some of my favorite mvs of my favorite shows lol. I also remembered that I still haven't watched my Girlfriend is a Gamiho, I put off watching this because honestly the hero did not look appealing at all. But I guess I will give it a second chance, since you said it gets better after the first episodes. Back to you Jennifer lol, I've added the anime you recommend to my "want to watch" list. Right now I'm watching an anime entitled "Kimi Ni Todoke" and it's really cute so far and I'm enjoying it. Rashell, yes I too hope that "Pretty Boy Next Door" will live up to expectations, because so far it has been looking really good. Also thanks for the info. about the plot, so now we know the exact setup. Happy watching everyone! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 31, 2012 12:21:17 AM PST Jennifer L. Rinehart says: I was already adding You're Beautiful to my list, but that clip bumps it up! It looks fanfriggingtastic, angsty with obsessive and hot guys, lots of arm grabbing and kissing, totally swoonworthy. Also, it adds another k-drama item to the list; drowning. The heroine almost drowns and gets rescued by a handsome man in pretty much every drama! Kimi Ni Todoke looks really good, it was made into a live action, right? This is the one where the girl looks like a character from The Ring, right? Are Pretty Boy Next door and Flower Boy Next Door the same series? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Dec 31, 2012 5:33:47 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Jennifer - Pretty Boy Next Door and Flower Boy Next Door are the same drama show, as the term "flower boy" refers to a "pretty boy". A lot of k-drama go by a couple of titles that we use interchangablely. However there is a Flower Boy series which includes Flower Boy Next Door, Flower Boy Ramyun Shop and Shut Up Flower Boy Band. None of the plots of these shows are related. The live action movie Kimi Ni Todoke was good (but generally the Korean movies are never as fantastic as their TV dramas). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 31, 2012 6:20:13 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Jennifer - One more to add to your list - Sungkyunkwan Scandal - a historical rom/com (rare in k-drama) - h is another cross-dresser and the H always triumphs over the baddies. Does include a drowning rescue scene and falling in love in the library (this is what you get when both the H and h are highly intelligent). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4yBiHtdH3w D.M. I always love to watch YT MVs of my favorite shows. Unfortunately I couldn't find my favorite one of Autumn's Concerto - must have been deleted. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 31, 2012 8:45:09 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: Good morning, and yes Jennifer Kimi Ni Todoke was made into a live action movie. I've watched the movie and liked it, and I hope that one day they turn the anime into a live action drama/romance series (Reader123 it is a J-movie not a K-movie lol. However on another note, I agree with you about K-movies versus K-drama shows, the dramas are definitely a lot better). Now back on topic, Jennifer I'm watching the anime and I feel like I like the anime better, because it is a series so it gives more time for the development of the characters, and the relationship between the H/h. And yes this is the one where the heroine looks like the girl from The Ring, her name is Sawako but everyone calls her Sadako. However she's actually adorable and so cute, and I love how the friendly hero is kind to her, comes to her aid, and tries to give her the confidence to make friends. He also likes her but she doesn't seem to catch the hints he drops, while she secretly likes him too. About "You're Beautiful", it doesn't have a lot of kissing (even though I would have liked it even more if it did *grins*). But it definitely has the angst, wrist grabbing, and some of the other things you mentioned. "Secret Garden" has some really good long kissing scenes and wrist grabbing too. I have to make my list and post it first lol, so you will see. Also Queen In Hyun's Man has some really good kissing, as the clip Reader123 posted shows.

Reader123 I agree about YT mvs of favorite shows, I too love to find good ones to watch. I've decided I am going to make a list of my own and post it sometime soon! :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 31, 2012 10:28:20 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Jennifer - Re: "Eun Gyul has won me over, I don't usually find the third part of the love triangle this sympathetic, he's just too adorable, swoon!" You're suffering a classic case of "second male lead syndrome", its common in k-dramas for the second male lead to be utterly fabulous and to always support and be there for the h unfortunately the second male lead is very rarely rewarded for his devotion (if the h even notices - usually she is completely oblivious). So far there has only been one cure for the second male lead syndrome - the "Park Shi Hoo effect" (PSH is the only k-drama actor that started as the second male lead, not once but twice, but was so awesome that the drama scripts were rewritten in mid-production to give him the h) - so the general rule regarding second male leads winning the h is "if your name isn't Park Shi Hoo, forget about it". Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 31, 2012 3:08:23 PM PST Rashell Anderson says: Yes, Jennifer, be VERY careful about developing second lead syndrome that almost always leads to heartbreak. As Reader mentioned really only Park Shi Hoo is able to break that mold and go from second lead to first lead. Just to add my 2 cents to the You're Beautiful discussion, it is my favorite of the Hong Sister's dramas. What absolutely makes this drama is Jang Geun Suk at the hero Tae Kang. He is so fabulously flawed and yet still amazingly sexy. Not many actors could pull of all the quirks that Tae Kang has and yet still come across as hot, Geun Suk is really perfect in this part. Mi Nam is not my favorite drama heroine. She falls a little into the too stupid to live catagory sometimes. But she's sweet and innocent and you can excuse some of her naivety by remembering that she grew up sheltered in a convent. This is one has lots of laughs combined with just the right amount of angst. I'd remind you to beware of second lead syndrome since Shin is a pretty great guy in his own right, but Tae Kang is so fabulous a character that I don't think it will be an issue for you. Enjoy. It really is a great drama. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 31, 2012 3:24:17 PM PST Jennifer L. Rinehart says: I just finished watching episode 4 of You're Beautiful, it is so amazing and I cried about the phone call. Tae Kang is pretty cool, but I'm really torn between him and Shin, they are both so awesome, so far of all the kdramas I've watched (Not that many, but still) this one is my

new fave. I am def suffering from second male lead syndrome, I just can't bear seeing Eun lose out. All the drama where he wondered if he was gay and then decided he liked her so much, that being gay was okay if he could have her, le sigh. It just breaks my heart! I'll definitely add Sungkyunwan Scandal, I wasn't sold on the crossdressing angle, but after watching epis of You're Beautiful and To the Beautiful You, I'm loving it. I have a question about Secret Garden, it sounds like the hero and heroine spend the series with switched bodies ala Freaky Friday? Is that right? It doesn't sound very romantic to me. A little clarification would be great if I have this totally wrong. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 31, 2012 4:11:32 PM PST Last edited by the author on Dec 31, 2012 4:18:26 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Jennifer - Re: Secret Garden. H/h do not spend the series with switched bodies - first time doesn't happen until around episode 6 or 7. Thereafter they switch back and forth whenever the switch trigger (rain) happens. In total they may spend the equivalent of 4 or so episodes switched. Its been a while since I watched so I may be off on total time spent switched. A lot of people didn't like the body switch but I found it humorous (and the final time they switch will probably make you cry - at least it did me!). ETA - OK I checked - first time switch happens was episode 5. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 31, 2012 4:17:09 PM PST Rashell Anderson says: I have to say that in To the Beautiful You, the reason that Eun Gyul is so much more appealing is once again the actor. Lee Hyun Woo, similiar to Yoon Sueng Ho who is close in age, is just one of those really really charasmatic and talented actors that you always root for. Let's just say that idol Minho wasn't much competition in the acting and giving your character layers department. Sungkyunwan Scandal is a good drama with cross-dressing. It's actually a theme I tend to enjoy in dramas with Coffee Prince being my favorite of the bunch. Han Gyul, similar to Eun Gyul in To the Beautiful You, struggles to come to terms with the fact that he's got romantic feelings for a person he believes is a man. And at thirty something it's a little more intense of a realization then it would be for a teenager. Now on to your Secret Garden question. The body swapping only happens for a few episodes in the middle of the drama and is actually quite funny. And it actually does play in to one of the most romantic parts of the drama, where you truly see the H's love for the h. It is a romantic drama, and it does have a H that is completely obsessed with the h. But for the first episodes especially, the H is really kind of an ass. He truly believes he is "better" then the h,

and can't understand his obsession with her. He constantly puts his foot in his mouth when meeting her because of his crazy elitist attitudes. But he does change as the drama goes on. Although he's always a very pushy, in your face, kind of H. I don't think you'll have second lead syndrome in this one since the second lead really never even makes a move. (SPOILER **The H takes care of that issue when he's in the h body**SPOILER) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Dec 31, 2012 4:24:11 PM PST Last edited by the author on Dec 31, 2012 4:34:22 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Jennifer I am glad that you're enjoying You're Beautiful. I remember the first time I watched it, I loved it. About Secret Garden, the body swapping thing is not a big part of the drama (I'm like you, I wouldn't have enjoyed the show if they had spent most of the show in each other's bodies). The first time it happens is the end of episode 5 and continues to episode 8 (this is the longest they spend in each other's bodies), the second time it happens in episode 14/15, and then the last time it happens in the end of episode 17 and by the middle of episode 18 they get switched back and then that's it, the magic is done and they are back to their own bodies for good. So most of the show they are not in each other's body :) And here's two mvs to give you some feel for Secret Garden: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyFJaVdP9o0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1TnljsVQcE Also since I'm posting mvs lol, here's a clip to give you some feel of another really good show I enjoyed, Hana Yori Dango (Boys Over Flowers): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbkqlbAUQrM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KC1hnFSp2DQ (edited, it is my favorite ost from HYD, to me it embodies the emotions of this show and Makino and Domyoji's journey). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

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