[amazon forums]fans of k dramas please help (2015)

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Posted on Jan 2, 2015 4:45:00 AM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 2, 2015 4:50:45 AM PST luvnlife says: The first episode of MAIDS is really good. It has the feel of being as good as Princess' Man. The show is about 3 Maids during the Josean Era who fall in love. The main h is currently a 'royal' who has turned into a 'servant' overnight. She has a lot of spunk. The show starts off with her being tied up and beaten down to get her to her new home. The show is on hiatus until the end of January. A fire destroyed most of the set. One of the show's writers was killed. It is very tragic. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 2, 2015 7:49:58 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: It was really sad what happened at the Maids set. Once production resumes let us know if the drama remains good. I'm not a fan of the leading man (Oh Ji Ho), but might give it a try if it's good enough. The "nut rage" story seems to be getting weirder and weirder with four of the investigators now facing charges. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/12/30/korean-air-arrested-nut_n_6398346.html Finished watching Yoo Na's Street. Overall an okay slice of life drama, following a pickpocket h and other criminals living in a multifamily house. While the characters were interesting, the romances were very slow and lacked any intensity. Unfortunately, no fun, cute couple scenes at all. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 2, 2015 10:14:14 AM PST jak says: I've been watching Healer up to ep 6 as well. It is similar to City Hunter, without CH's great soundtrack or villains. I just find it okay, nothing special at this point, though I do like the lady who helps Healer. Also caught the 1st episode of Punch, since it seemed similar to Golden Cross and the writer supposed to be good. So not impressed. The directing seems really shoddy, a character decides to fight against corruption and there's this heavenly music playing in bg. It makes events that are dramatic enough already overly melodramatic with how its directed and the music. I had to look up the director it was so bad and found he did Fashion King. Figures. The writing didn't seem anything special either, and the bad directing just makes it worse. Also the main male character seems totally unlikable. He learns his daughter could have died in a bus accident, which is likely due to faulty parts, and seems only concerned with protecting his former boss (who likely was responsible for the parts), not his daughter. He seems such a jerk I don't know how I could root for him.

Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 3, 2015 12:38:30 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: So if anyone is looking for some very short, cute romances to watch Kara's Secret Love (2014) fits the bill. The series consists of 5 separate dramas each about an hour long. The h's are from the idol band Kara so don't expect much in the way of acting. But on the plus side they did at least snag some great guys for the heroes (Ji Chang Wook, Kim Young Kwang, Bae Soo Bin, Yun Woo Jin). So far, all of the episodes I've watched have been fairly decent. On a side note, Song Jae Rim really should get a new management company, as the poor guy couldn't even get a lead role in one of these dramas but instead was given a very minor part. I'm still a little ticked that he was billed as a lead in Surplus Princess but ended up having even less of a role than a second lead. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 5, 2015 10:24:32 AM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 5, 2015 10:26:18 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: I watched ep 9 of Healer raw, I can't remember the last time I watched a k-drama ep raw. I think I am more hooked to Healer drama than I was to "You Who Came From the Stars". Healer is one of the most attractive male characters I have come across. I can't wait to watch this ep subbed, so I can understand all the context. But it seems like the h was waiting for Healer at the phone booth? (when she called Bong Soo, the H's alter-ego/nerd-y disguise). Aw I felt a bit sad for the h Young Shin, when she sat in the phone booth. I think that Healer also got frustrated for the first time in his life, because he's falling hard for her but can't reveal himself. I just hope that Moon Ho (second male lead) is not out to catch Healer, because he's the one who hired him to begin with. Anyways I can't wait to watch this ep subbed. I think that this drama has the potential to become my top favorite drama/romance/suspense show, amongst my favorite dramas. But hopefully it remains great till the end, and doesn't fizzle out (fingers crossed). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Jan 5, 2015 3:54:55 PM PST luvnlife says: Whoo hoo - agreed Lovely. This drama is awesome. 2014 was such a down year for me and watching Kdramas. It is nice to find a drama that brings back my love for kdramas. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 6, 2015 7:50:20 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Yep - you know you're addicted to a show when you start watching it before it's subbed (Healer and Ji Chang Wook are both also generating very ardent support on Dramabeans). My fingers are also crossed hoping that it remains good until the end. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 6, 2015 10:35:36 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: Yes, I read some of the spazzing on dramabeans! lol Oh and episode 10 looks like it is a great ep, I can't wait until it gets subbed, but it seems that a big part of the truth is unraveling. I think that Healer has learned that his father killed YS's father, and I think that Moon Ho is gonna start suspecting Bong Soo, but hopefully he'll think that Healer is trying to frame Bong Soo. I don't want Healer to get caught! Oh and that elevator scene between H/h was so, so good, even though it was so subtle. I think he sort of pressured her to ride the elevator, because he wants her to overcome her fear. The way he touched her hand in the elevator though, was so sexy and beautiful, even though it was just a simple touch. H/h have great chemistry, and I love both their characters. Aw, I liked the rooftop scene as well. The last scene of ep 10, looked intense. I wonder though, when will the h start to notice that Bong Soo's mannerisms are changing. It seems that Healer's character traits are seeping into his Bong Soo facade, a little. I really like how this story seems to be unfolding so far, and it's pacing and how it balances several different elements together, to make one engrossing whole, so far. I also like most of the supporting characters, and most come off as interesting characters, even the minor ones. I can't wait to watch ep 10 subbed! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 6, 2015 11:01:42 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Finally, a love triangle that we can all get behind (Young Shin, Bong Soo and Jung Hoo/Healer). I'm just want the writer to avoid the usual k-drama trope of "my father killed your father so we can never be together," as there are much better ways to create angst. Right now I'm guessing that the killer of the h/H fathers turns out to be the Elder and not Moon Shik (will be totally unexpected if the H's father actually killed the h's father). And it will be interesting to see what Moon Shik's motivation was in abandoning the h as a child (hopefully its a lot more than just wanting the h's mother to move on from her late husband). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 6, 2015 9:29:47 PM PST Rashell Anderson says: Well, you've all talked me into watching Healer. I was trying to wait for it to end, but as usual didn't have the willpower. I just finished episode 2, and really should be going to bed. Instead I'm moving on to episode 3. Drama addiction. It's real. lol

Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 6, 2015 11:05:21 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: lol Rashell, welcome to the club! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 7, 2015 6:33:46 AM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 7, 2015 2:45:23 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Episode 10 of Healer was great. I may have to take back what I said about the love triangle it was still heartbreaking when the h rejected Bong Soo's confession because of her feelings for the Healer. It was even sadder when the Healer told Teacher that he had nothing to live for and was worried that he would commit suicide like his father. This show is turning out so much better than I had originally expected as I didn't think the writing in Faith, the writer's last drama, was that good (the villains were cartoonish and the story just seemed to circle endlessly). If this drama can maintain it's emotional intensity until the end it will oust City Hunter as my favorite thriller (the H, the OTP and the emotional beats in this drama are just sooo good). Yes, Rashell - welcome to the Healer addiction club! Believe me the addiction just gets worse as the episodes just get better as we move further into the story. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 7, 2015 9:23:49 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: Reader123, yes I felt sad for the H in that moment, it was like he was was feeling suffocated. Also the last scene of ep 10 was great and intense. I'm just hoping that Moon Ho will not make the connection (hoping against hope lol). I wonder if Young Shin will actually send her email (last scene) to Healer, requesting to meet. If she does, I wonder if Healer will meet her? I am looking forward to more heroine/healer scenes, as they tend to be intense and sensual. I also wonder what significance it has, Healer finding that old book with his nickname/workname "Healer" on it. I didn't know that this writer's last drama was Faith, in retrospect the one thing I enjoyed about that drama were the H/h moments (which tended to be very good, but nowhere near as good as the H/h scenes in Healer though), but the overall story was a mess. But hopefully Healer will stay great till the end, with a good and satisfying ending for the H/h (maybe on that island the H dreams of going to?). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 7, 2015 2:44:16 PM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. - my speculation is that the H/h parents and the others in the gang of 5 were not only involved in illegal radio broadcasts but also in the publication of Healer. It will be interesting to see who gave Healer his code name - Teacher or Detective Jo (and how Detective Jo ties in to the gang of 5). I've found the H's dream of escaping to a island to be really sad, as it seems he wants to leave everyone behind to avoid the hurt of being deserted again. While Healer seems to currently have a good relationship with his mother, similar to other k-drama mothers, she certainly doesn't win any awards for motherhood. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 7, 2015 6:41:54 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Wow - Comments on Dramabeans recap of episode 9 of Healers has now hit over 1,000 don't think I've ever seen that many comments on a recap before. Just when I was bad mouthing Song Jae Rim's management company I see that he has now landed the lead role in a drama. Unfortunately, the premise doesn't seem overly interesting. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 7, 2015 7:55:22 PM PST luvnlife says: Wow - 1,000 comments. That is crazy. So glad this drama is getting the attention it deserves. Does anyone know what show is coming on after this? Wondering if it might get extended... although if it does, I hope it doesn't break the flow of things. MAIDS is coming back in 2 weeks. I am excited about this. They are "re-editing" the first episode and will re-air it. Honestly the first episode was great as is but if redoing it pushes all the bad energy away from the fire, I am all for it. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 7, 2015 8:19:11 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Next drama after Healer is Blood (about a vampire doctor). The sad thing about Healer is I don't think it's Korean ratings are very high (hasn't even reached above 10 - another case of a drama loved internationally but not so much at home), so it's probably doubtful that it will be extended. Which is probably a good thing anyway. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 7, 2015 10:58:46 PM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 7, 2015 10:59:43 PM PST Lovely D.M. says:

Well Healer is going to be a 20 eps long, so it's a satisfying episode count. For me, I just hope that the second half of this show can remain as good as it's first half, and won't fizzle out. So long as the story remains engrossing with great H/h character arcs and interactions, then that's all I care about. Also I agree, that it does seem like the comments at db are at a record breaking level :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Jan 8, 2015 12:53:19 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: I watched the first episode of The Family is Coming with Jin Yi Han. Looks like its going for over the top humor/comedy and characters. The story is centered around the H's grandmother returning to Korea after abandoning her family 50 years before to distribute her wealth. Story seems headed towards a lot of backstabbing, etc. as everyone fights for the money. So far, most of the characters, including both the H and h, appear to be losers. The H is currently unemployed while the h is scheming with her brother (adopted son of the grandmother) to defraud the grandmother. Looks like this drama may lack the fun/loveable characters that at least kept Modern Farmer (the drama it replaced) enjoyable. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 9, 2015 5:14:15 AM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 9, 2015 9:53:00 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Pretty cute smash up/parody of You From the Stars/It's OK, It's Love from SBS Drama Award show. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNSdb-sVgIM ETA: Preview for episode 11 of Healer looks good. m.youtube.com/watch?v=_iqcw2D9z04 Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 9, 2015 2:07:05 PM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 9, 2015 2:13:34 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Thank you so much for sharing Reader123, I can't wait until Monday for the new ep of Healer. I wish this preview had English subs. So now I am wondering what Moon Ho wants from Healer, and why Healer went to meet Moon Ho. I can't wait to see how the heroine will meet healer! I also think that when the truth gets revealed, and healer's identity gets revealed at last (real name Jung Hoo), Young Shin will be hurt because he lied to her. I guess she will also be hurt by Moon Ho, who's also lying to her. She also already has trust issues, so I brace myself for the reveal, when that happens. I guess there will be angst, but for now just give me the tension and sensuality of H/h interactions, mixed in with the sweetness. Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 9, 2015 2:55:07 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Video Translations to Ep 11 preview (per video description from above video): Jung Hoo asks Moon Ho if he knew what happened in 1992. Moon Ho tells him, "If you let me see your face, I'll answer all your questions." Secretary Oh tells Moon Shik that someone is investigating the car accident case. Detective Yoo tells Young Shin that Healer is a suspect of at least 2 murder cases. Young Shin says, "Healer-nim, I want to meet with you. This is consider as my invitation." Moon Ho says, "The eyes are alike, are you Jung Hoo?" Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 9, 2015 3:09:46 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Wow, thank you so much for the translation! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 9, 2015 7:18:26 PM PST jak says: I've started watching Mischievous Kiss: Love in Tokyo 2 up to ep 4 now. And I don't really like it. The female lead is now playing a character in her 20s and she still looks close to her age of 17 and acts like she's 13 at most. Not only that, but she's overacting all over the place. She did it in the first drama as well, but not as much. And it's soo not funny. I was suspicious because of that and how the way things were shot and it seem like it's a different director? I really wished they had let her grow up more and got the original director back before they filmed this sequel. I'm hoping she'll improve as we go along and there's some jealousy scenes I'm looking forward to as well. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 11, 2015 10:54:17 AM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 11, 2015 3:47:59 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: I liked the first episode of Kill Me, Heal Me. H is kinda sweet, that is when his "monster" personality isn't in control. But I also liked the "monster" personality. Still waiting for the other personalities to show up. The h and her twin brother are a hoot. At least it's something to watch while waiting for the next episode of Healer. I thought that episode 9 Healer recap received a lot of comments on Dramabeans but it really exploded with episode 10, so far, over 2,800 comments. Gotta be a record.

ETA: I also liked episode 2 of Kill Me, Heal Me. Fortunately, I think Ji Sung is a good enough actor to pull off all of the personalities. So far, we've still only been introduced to two but the "monster" personality did mention a suicidal 17 year old. I also watched the first episode of Heart to Heart and it seemed ok. Since I'm not really a fan of Choi Kang Hee, I will probably only follow this one loosely, if at all. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 11, 2015 5:38:02 PM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 11, 2015 5:47:36 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: lol Reader123, they're already at 3000+ comments now, that's definitely a record setter! I'm so looking forward to tomorrow's ep. I watched eps 1 and some of ep 2 of "Kill Me Heal Me", and I don't think I will watch more of it. I think I will wait until it is finished, and your guys' reviews (that is if you watch it), before I watch more. Yes the H/h are good actor/actress, but their characters here are ridiculous so far. The first two eps come off as very weird, but I guess if one is in the mood for wacky and over the top comedy and premise, with some romantic elements, they might enjoy it more. I wonder how "Jeckyll, Hyde, and Me" will turn out (here the H only has two personalities). I watched the teaser, and it seems like it's going for a more magical and fairytale-ish feel. I guess I will check it out too, when it starts. I also watched ep 1 of "Heart to Heart", and the h here is so cute (this is something I never expected to say about this actress, but props to her for playing this part well so far). She has got to be the cutest grandma lol. However I don't like the H's character so far. I easily liked the second male lead (I think he is) more than the H, and that is not a good sign for a show to me. So I'm not sure if I will be following this more for now, or not. I guess I will watch ep 2 at least, and then decide. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 11, 2015 6:17:19 PM PST jak says: In regards to Kill Me Heal Me, and the other one, I really don't see how it will work as a romantic comedy? The movies I watched that involved multiple personalities was Three Faces of Eve and a horror movie, and they were well done, but I think to make something like that funny, you have to know the subject very well or it will turn out awful and shallow. I don't really like any of the latest dramas, except for Healer, and maybe Spy will be good, so I guess I'll try to finish It's Okay, It's Love and others I haven't gotten around to watching this year. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 12, 2015 11:05:09 AM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 12, 2015 11:13:10 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: Well now that I've watched ep 2 of Kill Me Heal Me properly (this ep was a bit more serious in tone, though the story remained ridiculous), I can see how it might/can easily veer into dark H/h interactions/story in future eps. I also watched ep 2 of Heart to Heart (I already have second male lead syndrome here, so hopefully the heroine will end up with second male lead). I'm putting both shows on hold. Then depending on the reviews, I'll either pick them up again or not. Oh and I also wanted to add about KMHM, it seems this actor/actress (I like both of them) always go for the crazy roles when they're cast together, they were also a crazy couple in Secret. Jak, though I can't say anything about "Jeckyll, Hyde, and Me" yet, but it seems like that show will be more grounded then KMHM, but again nothing can be said until JHM starts airing. I watched ep 11 of Healer raw, and it looks like another great ep. I think that Healer and Moon Ho are working together now. I really liked the blind date between the heroine and Healer. I felt like he deliberately gave her a chance to look at his face, but she didn't. I don't know if I admire that she trusts him so much, or if she is stupid to go on a blind date with someone who may be fascinating from afar, but really she knows nothing about him (aside from the fact that he saved her life, which I guess is why she trusts him). Last but not least, I loved that hand-holding scene! I hope that nothing bad happens to the h and the H, because the last sequence was intense. I can't wait to watch this ep subbed! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 12, 2015 1:34:30 PM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 12, 2015 1:39:21 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: I agree, can't wait for episode 11 of Healer to be subbed, but even without the subs the episode was great. I did like the flashback scenes of Moon Ho with both the H and h as 5 year olds - he really was like an uncle/older brother to both of them and hopefully he will stay that way for rest of the drama. He even got a little weepy a couple of times, first when he realized that the Healer was Jung Hoo and then when he pictured the H and his father together (and how much they are alike). I'm also hoping that in future episodes we continue to get at least one great H/h couple scene, as the OTP is what makes this drama so special. For someone who never had a girlfriend, the H sure knows how to woo a girl. Wonder how much longer it will be before the h figures out that her love triangle only has 2 players (the love triangle is one of the best of any k-drama). So will be interesting to see if Moon Shik was injured in the accident that hurt the h's mother or if he was beat up by the Elder's goons who also took the h away from him. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 12, 2015 7:25:52 PM PST Lovely D.M. says:

I've just watched ep 11 of Healer subbed, and I like it even more. I agree Reader123, this ep was great! Hopefully this show will be able to maintain it's awesomeness till the end. I can't wait to see what will happen next! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 13, 2015 7:19:07 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Yes, episode 11 of Healer was even better with subs. I do love the h's confusion over Dong Soo ignoring her while apparently becoming besties with Moon Ho. And we did get a little more of the backstory on the accident that killed the h's father but unfortunately for the most part it still remains a mystery (as does how the h's mother got hurt and how the h got "lost"). I also thought the the H's mother's reaction to the h's mother seemed off. She didn't believe her husband guilty and gave up looking for the truth because of threats made by Moon Shik (which she believed the h's mother to be aware of) but instead of being angry (which would seem to be the normal reaction) she was just embarrassed and ashamed. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 13, 2015 11:15:41 AM PST Rashell Anderson says: Okay, so Healer is as fabulous as you all have said. My love for Ji Chang Wook grows with each episode. He's wonderful. And Yoo Ji Tae is amazing as Moon Ho. The character with the most hidden agenda, but you really get a sense of the nostalgia he has for those days in the past. And the affection he feels for both those kids. That's real. How far he's willing to go to expose Hyung is still unclear, but I think he's getting ready to take it all the way. And I like how even hyung, the bad guy, isn't all bad. He didn't purposely lose Ji Ahn, but he made the choice not to look for her or report her missing. I don't think he killed his friend. But I think he was somehow complicit in his death, and was fine letting another friend take the fall. He didn't necessarily DO the bad things, but he was fine benefiting from other's unfair misfortune. Especially since it got him what he wanted most...his wife. His love for her is consuming. And he truly will do anything to keep her at his side. Even Park Min Young is adorable as the sweet heroine. She's got just enough sass to be interesting. And I like that she's now falling for both versions of the same guy. Best triangle ever!! Everyone gets an HEA. Or they better!!! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 13, 2015 3:54:29 PM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 13, 2015 3:59:29 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: I can't wait to watch ep 12 of Healer subbed! I can't believe that cool ahjumma called YS at the end. I think that YS is very close to finding out Healer's identity. The last sequence of this ep was so so intense, I just hope that nothing bad happens to Jung Hoo! And (spoilers) I wonder who's the double? Could it be Moon Ho pretending to be Healer, since Jung Hoo is wounded and unconscious?

Speaking of YS, I don't think that YS (h) is falling for Bong Soo per say, I think that she's starting to see Healer in Bong Soo without realizing it yet. In this ep for example when she touched his hand, she directly had a flashback of her blind date with Healer and the feel of his hands. Also Jung Hoo/Healer now knows who YS is and her relation to his childhood. I thought it was very moving when he and the h's mother met. I also agree that Moon Shik is not a one dimensional antagonist, but rather a multidimensional antagonist. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 14, 2015 9:15:21 AM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 14, 2015 9:20:01 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Another great Healer episode. So Moon Shik did knowingly decide to let the h remain lost. I agree that he is a great villain. The one major fault that I had with King 2 Hearts (and what kept it from being a favorite) was that the villain was way too over the top/cartoonish. I do think the h's mother will be destroyed when she finds out what her monster of a husband has done. I did like how both she and Moon Ho assured Healer that his father was not a murderer. I think the double at the end will turn out to be Teacher (we haven't seen him for awhile). On a bright note, I don't think we have to worry about the H's health until the final episode where, in keeping with k-drama history, either he or Moon Ho will die. I'm not sure I understand why one of the good guys always has to die in the final episode. For some weird reason, there seems to be this mistaken belief that in order to be good an action drama must end on a bittersweet note. I'm hoping that the h will figure out Healer's true identity next episode (it seems she was already getting a little bit suspicious, especially after holding Bong Soo's hand). This really is turning out to be the best drama that I've watched in a long time. ETA: It's seems like 2015 is going to end up being like 2014, with the best drama happening at the beginning of the year. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 14, 2015 11:12:36 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Spoilers on a couple of dramas that wrapped up recently: Pride and Prejudice (or as one person indicated "Prosecutors Prosecuting Prosecutors") - an interesting legal procedural/crime drama where given the corruptness of the prosecutors you didn't really need criminals. The lead romance (what there was of it) lack any chemistry and was pretty boring, while the secondary romance, which wasn't much better, was played mostly for laughs. And in keeping with k-dramas of this type, one of the main characters was killed off in the last 5 minutes. Why? Who knows? But it's just a k-drama given that for nonrom/coms a main characters (sometimes even the H) must die in the last episode. Say Yes I Do Again - this drama is the classic reason why I don't watch a lot of TW-dramas. Similar to so many other TW-dramas, the writer seemed to run out of material about half way through the show and was reduced to filling the remaining time with loony-toons OW craziness. The OW remained stark raving mad until she was about to be arrested in the last 10

minutes of the drama (hehe at her wedding to the H) for all of the crimes she committed (including attempted murder). But after she said "Oops, my bad, sorry," all was completely forgiven by everybody (even the legal system) - hey, it was a rom/com so we can't end on a bad note with jail time for the criminals. Birth of a Beauty - While the storyline was just OK, the OTP were adorable. Joo Sang Wook should be required to only play nerds in rom/coms. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jan 15, 2015 9:14:15 AM PST Aishwarya Prashanth says: Hi taz-mania :-) I've been a silent reader for a while so this is my first comment in this discussion. I tried watching Pride and Prejudice along with Birth of a Beauty and I just couldn't do it. With Pride and Prejudice, I managed to watch 4 episodes, but the heroine really killed it for me. Her behavior just came off as extremely juvenile and ignorant. I kept hoping to see some character growth and remained disappointed. With Birth of a Beauty, the premise seemed interesting but the first two episodes just didn't appeal to me. I ended up skipping around and watched the last few episodes. The dramas I have watched/watching recently are Kimchi Family and Pinocchio. Amazingly, I haven't skipped anything in Pinnochio. It was such a nice relief from the usual manipulative other women typically seen in dramas. The last episode airs next Wednesday :-). The other dramas I'm hoping to watch are Healer and Sweden Laundry. I'm just waiting for all the episodes to be finished. I hate waiting :-). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 15, 2015 10:19:49 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Welcome Aishwarya Prashanth! We love reading everyone's comments and opinions on dramas! It's also a great way to find new dramas to watch. You won't be disappointed with Healer it's wonderful. Great H and OTP. The drama has already had so many great scenes that even if the plot suddenly goes crazy (with the remaining 8 episodes), it's a drama that I'll rewatch. Unfortunately, I haven't been that impressed with Sweden Laundry, so far I'd only rate it a 5 out of 10. While the premise of the show sounded cute its actual execution is pretty juvenile. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 16, 2015 6:54:34 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Healer Ep 13 preview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=boRg7F4HEGc Translation: Yong Shin: Bong Soo ah Park Bong Soo, it's time for you to wake up now Jung Hoo: Chae Young Shin Let's go to Kim Moon Shik place, I'm gonna kill him Ajuma: go to your girl's mom place, it's that house Yong Shin's mom (Myung Hee): My hospital fees, where did those money come from? Kim Moon Ho: At "the elder" place, we have to fight from now on Yong Shin: I'll wait, I will wait for you but I'm angry, very... Also Written Episode Text: Episode 13 19 January 2015, 10pm KST, KBS2 "I'm waiting" Young Shin starts to get suspicious of Bong Su's identity and looks for evidence of it. Young Shin's name stops an angry Jung Hu in his tracks. Moon Ho tells Jung Hu about the opponent they have to fight against, and Jung Hu decides to follow Moon Ho's plan for now although he does not like the plan. Moon Shik starts to cross the line in order to defend himself. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 16, 2015 7:24:00 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: Thanks for sharing! I really didn't think that YS would be the one to find JH (BS for her) on the rooftop, but then how does she not then think that he is Healer? I guess she will soon find out. I can't wait for Monday's ep. Also I don't want to think about a sad ending! No sad ending please! I always thought that this show gave off hopeful vibes, and I thought that the additional flashback to the H/h playing the "island" game as children could be a foreshadowing to their well deserved happy ending now (so hopefully there will be a happy ending in this show! There has to be). On another note, I also think that the double Healer is teacher, because he is the most logical guess and he has the ability to do it, all the rest don't. I had wanted to check out Sweden Laundry sometime when there are no other dramas to watch, but since your review of it is that it is below average, I think I'll pass. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 18, 2015 12:41:10 PM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 18, 2015 12:51:24 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: So I ended up watching eps 3 and 4 of "Kill Me Heal Me", and while the first two eps were messy and were all over the place, I must say that eps 3 and 4 were good and intriguing,

especially ep 4 (because finally the story starts to take shape). I also think that in ep 3 we finally saw some personality from Do Hyun (the H), so even though Se Gi remains the most fascinating character (and I wish he was the H, and there was no multiple personality angle to the story), but finally Do Hyun showed personality in ep 3, so I think he's interesting too. I think it's also getting obvious that the H/h knew each other before, but only Se Gi remembers and unexpectedly the h's twin brother knows something too. I got goosebumps during the scene in ep 4 with the reflection, when Se Gi appears and says about the h "you called me, a long, long time ago". Even with the multiple personality angle, if only the H had had the two personalities Se Gi and Do Hyun, then the story would've been stronger. However, I guess I'm going to continue watching this show, because ep 4 had me really intrigued. I think it will be worth it for the potentially great H/h scenes, and I also really like the h's twin brother. On a side note, think that the h and her twin brother have cool and unique names that could translate to English, hers is "Oh Ri Jin" (Origin?), and his is "Oh Ri On" (Orion?), I wonder if that has any significance? Oh and Ji Sung as Se Gi reminds me a bit of JJ when he's in rocker mode! On that note, I also want to say that I've finally found my favorite k-actor and he is Ji Chang Wook (from Healer), just like Kim Jaejoong is my favorite artist/singer. So now my top two are those two, and they're both so so good looking. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 18, 2015 2:06:48 PM PST luvnlife says: @Lovely.. I agree with you. I am up to episode #3 and I like "Kill Me Heal Me." At first it is a little crazy especially since I am used to watching the actors in more serious dramas. I'm glad to hear episode #4 is good. There is something about a bad boy "Se Gi" that makes us all go wild. The wait is finally over... Hyun Bin back on the drama scene this week! I can't wait! Hyde, Jekyll, Me! Wed-Thur. Why do you think these type of themes always come out in two's? Do the writers pitch the stories to both networks and then the network that doesn't sign on the writer brings on another writer to replicate the theme? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 18, 2015 2:38:48 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: lol, yes it does seem like themes run through k-dramas at the same time. I am pretty sure there will be a lot of comparisons once JHM starts. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 19, 2015 7:11:02 AM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 19, 2015 9:25:52 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Spoilers Text preview for tomorrow's episode (Ep 14) of Healer Episode 14 20 January 2015, 10pm KST, KBS2 "It's all right even if you cry" Jung Hu who has confirmed Young Jae's death loses all rationale and flies into a rage. Moon Ho uses all his strength to stop Jung Hu saying that they will pay the price for it, but Jung Hu does not trust Moon Ho. Jung Hu, who learns of his master's last will, disappears/hides himself from the rest of the world. An unknown person comes to look for Young Shin who has been anxiously searching for the vanished Jung Hu... ETA: I agree that so far it seems that the H/h will get a HEA but I expect that for the "bittersweet" factor inherent in this type of drama Moon Ho will die. Watched Ep 13 unsubbed - Seems to be another great episode but has lots of angst - overall a very sad episode (unfortunately even all of the H/h interactions are sad). Similar vibe between Teacher and City Hunter's "father." I was expecting this to happen to Teacher but not until episode 20. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 19, 2015 9:22:57 AM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 19, 2015 9:25:10 AM PST Lauren says: Just finished watching Loving, Never Forgetting Chinese Drama. You can watch the show on this site: http://dramacool.tv/watch-drama/loving-never-forgetting-ep-1-english-sub.html DON'T WATCH this on Viki, as the subs timing are really off when it comes to the dialogue delivery. If someone is looking for an old harlequin novel come to life, this is it! The H played by Jerry Yan (GOD, he is getting so HOT w/ age). The h and H have so much sexual chemistry that I was screaming at my screen to get together already! If you like your H to be manipulative, ruthless, possessive, jealous, cold hearted then watch this show. I cried a lot of tears, but thankfully everything worked out fine in the end. Jerry Yan and the lead h have so much chemistry, and the OM is also really cute. But, I didn't like the OM in the later episodes as he did something very unforgivable for revenge.

But, yeah I got my dose of Jerry Yan (the same actor who played in Meteor Garden and Down w/ Love) Here is an link to this dramas' MV if that sparks your interest! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qz451yx92IM Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jan 19, 2015 12:53:44 PM PST cbela says: Lauren Wow! Thank you for sharing! I been wanting to watch a TW drama with Jerry Yan. Have you seen Lee Jun Kai with Peter Ho? I liked that one! I also saw some mentioned comments about the two dramas having similarities. I am definitely going to watch. ... I liked Birth of a Beauty and I really liked Pinnochino. I would just rewatch the memorable moments that I love in both kdramas. I am so excited and am looking forward to Hyun Bin's drama!❤ �� Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 19, 2015 1:20:50 PM PST Lauren says: @cbela.. Yeah, I think it is only similar to Lee Jun Kai in terms of the h having a kid w/ the H...Other than that it was very different. I have watched Lee Jun Kai but it was just too abusive and didn't had a HEA either...Though I did like the chemistry there as well. Loving, Never Forgetting is 34 episodes long..It may start a little slow for some but it was much much better than Lee Jun Kai. I wish that drama was longer b/c it left a bad taste in my mouth at the end b/c of how abusive the H was towards the h. Loving, Never Forgetting is totally my kind of drama..I love a ruthless type of H and the groveling that happens in this one, as you rarely see these type of H's who are so ruthless an unemotional. I can't even imagine anyone except Jerry Yan portraying this. His drama Down w/ Love was also one of the really good dramas I have seen. In that one as well the H pursued the h till the end and never gave up. I will recommend his other drama Down w/ Love as well. Here is an MV for Down w/ Love as well

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A44gCB16sWA Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 19, 2015 2:59:31 PM PST Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Lauren Loving Never Forgetting sounds perfect. I loved Down With Love, the heroine in that was too funny. Where should I watch Loving if the subs are off on viki? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 19, 2015 3:08:45 PM PST Lauren says: @Jennifer.. I posted this link on my previous to previous post..:) Here you go! http://dramacool.tv/watch-drama/loving-never-forgetting-ep-1-english-sub.html Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 19, 2015 3:18:57 PM PST jak says: You can also find Loving Never Forgetting on youtube. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvpAVnYN4lb0G0QvavGsVSVx6JtZz6RFq @Lauren, I watched a few episodes of it. spoiler alert but then it seemed like the heroine would fall for 2nd lead, who was fooling her? Can you tell me what happened with that? I didn't think I'd like that at all so I stopped watching. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 19, 2015 3:53:15 PM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 19, 2015 3:55:30 PM PST Lauren says: @jak.. No, she doesn't fall for the 2nd lead at all..

She considers him as her one of the trustworthy friends, as he has been there on her side be it b/c he wants to take revenge against his brother (Jerry Yan)..He was there for her both for teh right and wrong reasons. But, the heroine never loved him. He was there for comfort whenever she got into trouble especially w/ the H and her kid. He was sort of a support system..The OM had a crush on the h since he was a playboy, and this heroine wasn't giving him the time of the day or batting her eyelashes at him at lol.. He had two OW fighting over the lawyer. Lol..so if the h ever felt anything for the OM she would have been atleast jealous, but she never was. I believe the heroine respected the 2nd male lead a.k.a the H's brother for his support, views, truth on matters she didn't want to hear. The OM wanted her to be his gf in the future. So, no she never fell in love w/ the 2nd male lead. In her mind, he was the one through which she was able to get visiting rights for her child as he was her lawyer and she respected him a lot. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jan 20, 2015 11:02:46 AM PST jak says: Ah, thanks for the info Lauren, I thought h would be going on my TSTL if she did that. Have resumed watching and she's actually not that stupid, naive at times, and weeping always. I'm on episode 8 of Loving, Never Forgetting and amused at all the times someone gets hurt/sick or injured. It's like they can't go one episode without it. The little boy is cute, but his dubbed voice sounds more like 40 then 4 yrs old, sooo annoying and he's not a good actor. Still enjoying the music, directing and acting of Jerry Yan. The story is okay too. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 20, 2015 2:14:23 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Wow, even without subs, Ep 14 of Healer was outstanding. So sad, but wonderful H/h scenes and the best type of cliffhanger. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 20, 2015 2:44:06 PM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 20, 2015 2:49:54 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: I watched ep 13 of Healer subbed and ep 14 raw, and in ep 13 I felt so sad for the h. My heart broke for YS when she was crying and telling her father that BS (without naming him) had lied to her all along, and now she feels like a fool, yet even so she can't bring herself to

confront him because he might leave, and she can't be without him. On this note, I love the relationship between YS and her father, it is beautiful. I also really liked the scene when JH/BS and YS met again, it seemed like both knew and were directly yet indirectly talking to each other, when he told her that maybe "that person had a reason" for staying distant, and then YS telling him that even though she's hurt and angry she will wait for "that person". I really liked the way that scene was done. In ep 14 I felt so sad for Healer/Jung Hoo, because this ep was focused on his mourning for his teacher's death. I don't understand why he doesn't just use the footage that he has from when he worked for MS, remember when he went to MS's house and threatened MS with that footage (whatever that was)? So why not use it now? And *spoilers* I loved the way YS comforted him and bravely refused to leave or be intimidated by him, and the kiss at the end was so beautiful. I can't wait to watch this ep subbed. I agree Reader123 it was the best cliffhanger :) On this note and back to ep 13, I know that Healer/JH is sort of spiraling out of control in these two eps, but I felt a bit uncomfortable when he manhandled that girl who works with them. I mean he could've just dragged her out of the car without the manhandling, when he wanted to go kill MS. But I liked how even in his rage, the thing that stopped him was the knowledge that YS's mother is living with MS. I don't know if MS is the one who ordered teacher's death, but I would hope not. At this point even if the story surrounding our H/h (about the past) turns out to be weak, this show will probably still end up being one of my faves because of the H/h story and interactions. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 20, 2015 4:06:10 PM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 20, 2015 4:09:30 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: I agree about Healer, they will really have to screw up the final episode (i.e., no HEA ending) in order to keep it from being one of my all time favorite dramas. But even if the drama doesn't become a favorite, I can see rewatching the H/h scenes when I have a few hours to kill. The writer has done a great job in avoiding all of my hated drama tropes, while still giving us a fabulous love triangle. I'm still shocked by the low ratings that this drama is receiving in Korean, with episode 13 only getting 10%. I had thought that it's ratings might improve now that Pride and Prejudice was over, but I guess not. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 20, 2015 7:39:37 PM PST 1ladydevil says: Thank you, thank you, thank you for recommending Love Never Forgetting. I am enjoying the heck out of it!!! I should be going to sleep bc I have class tomorrow but I am going to keep watching. Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 21, 2015 8:06:50 AM PST 1ladydevil says: Does anyone know when the H in Love Never Forgetting is going to stop being such a harda$$ to the h? I'm on episode 7 and he is really mean. When is he going to start liking her? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 21, 2015 8:10:18 AM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 21, 2015 8:12:21 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Watched Healer episode 14 with subs - really an outstanding episode. Finally a drama that can bring angst and sadness without resorting to noble idiocy or any other trite drama trope. The H's pain over losing Teacher was heartbreaking. And hacker goddess/Jo Min Ja backstory was also pretty sad. She's such a great character that I was happy that she didn't leave the police force because she was corrupt but because it's corruptness negated the sacrifice she made regarding her son. Given her backstory, it was even more poignant when she told the h that she was "absolutely not a mother" but then acted like the H's mother when she sought out the h in order to be certain that the h truly cared for the H. And the h really knew what to say to the H. Given his history of everyone leaving him, it was a great scene with the h flatly refusing to leave and even begging the H to not make her leave (I don't think the H is capable of leaving anyone and this was probably the first time in his life that someone really fought to stay with him). I'm hoping the next 6 episodes have a much lighter tone (I can only handle so much pain), with the H, h and Moon Ho banding together to bring down Elder and Moon Shik. I'm also looking forward to the h reuniting with her mother and hopefully seeing the mother completely devastate Moon Shik by leaving him. Hard to believe but the ratings for episode 14 actually declined. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 21, 2015 11:50:07 AM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 21, 2015 11:52:09 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: Reader123 though I don't know about the k-ratings for Healer, but I thought that they were good just not great? However I do agree that this show, so far, deserves high ratings not just average good ratings. Also today there's the new ep of KMHM, and then there's the first ep of JHM (Hyun Bin's first drama in a long time). There's also JJ's drama, and this too is a show I want to check out, but I guess I'm putting this one on hold for now. So many shows, so little time, but I'm glad that it seems like the drama drought is over. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 22, 2015 5:13:35 PM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 22, 2015 5:34:26 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: I found Hyde, Jekyll, Me off to a decent start, with a twist on the classic tale of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. In this version the H is the (ooops) Mr Hyde monster type (rich, cold chaebol) while the second personality is the sweet guy. Do think the amusement park is at least a different work setting. Seems odd to have two multiple-personality dramas airing at the same time. I continue to really enjoy Kill Me, Heal Me (and so far prefer it over HJM) with its sweet H and his bad boy alter personality Se Gi (the Perry Park personality is ok but prefer the scenes when the H or Se Gi are in control). I'm actually hoping that the "cured" H maintains a portion of his Se Gi personality (got to love his guyliner). And they would do us all a favor if they toned down the h screaming. So wonder if the h's twin brother is going to turn out to be the long lost relative of the H. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 22, 2015 10:43:44 PM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 22, 2015 11:27:43 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: I watched ep 1 of "Jeckyll, Hyde, and Me" and ep 5 of "Kill Me Heal Me", I haven't watched eps 2 and 6 of each show respectively yet. My impressions of ep 1 of JHM, is that it is off to an interesting start (with the exception of that Gorilla scene). I like that this show has a fairytale-ish and magical feel to it (the fact that it is set in an amusement park, adds to that feeling), that scene under the water was magical. Also Hyun Bin looks better here than he did in Secret Garden. However I get the feeling that in this show, I will like Robin (the H's alter) a lot more. I also wonder why everyone is afraid of Robin reappearing? I guess maybe it's because that means that the H's illness is back? I guess that's why he also lives like a hermit, and doesn't allow himself to get into any stressful situation, because that would trigger his illness? As for "Kill Me Heal Me", like I said before I wish that the H had the two personalities only, his own Do Hyun and Se Gi. I think the Perry Park personality is so random and out of place, though he's funny. However I continue to enjoy this show, and I don't mind the h's screaming, I think it's funny that we have a high strung psychiatrist in training as the h. I like that her character traits seem at odds with her profession, it makes her quirky and interesting. I'm also starting to think that perhaps the H/h, and maybe even the h's (apparently non-biological) twin brother, are afraid of basements because they might have been locked up in a basement as children? and that something horrible must have happened. I too feel that Se Gi and Do Hyun are two parts of one whole, and I feel that once Do Hyun remembers, his personality will be mended. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 23, 2015 6:38:50 AM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 24, 2015 6:15:26 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says:

Spoilers on Episode 15 of Healer - text preview sounds good. Episode 15 26 January 2015, 10pm KST, KBS2 "I remember" Jung Hu wants to be together with Young Shin as his true self. Moon Ho tells Jung Hu, who came to look for him, about the methods their fathers used, and Moon Ho, Jung Hu and Young Shin finally begin their counterattack as a team. But Moon Shik, who received Moon Ho's declaration of war against him, secretly makes his way nearer to Young Shin... Ep 15 Preview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRNuqt5UmyY&sns=tw Translation: Moon Ho: You are not telling her who you are, right? Jung Hoo: I'm considering how much I should tell her. Myung Hee: Young Jae... he is dead. Jung Hoo: I want to revenge for my master. Moon Ho: Then... do you want to join me? Moon Shik: Those kids... they believe/trust you? Moon Ho: This phone call... can it be treated as declaration of battle/war? Myung Hee: Do you have time? I want to meet with you. Ahjumma: Distance reset, 4 minutes left, if you don't come back before that - it's the end. Moon Shik: So I can say he is the person in this photo? Healer. Young Shin: Seo Jung Hoo ssi, it's a pleasure to meet you. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 24, 2015 6:32:48 PM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 24, 2015 6:38:38 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Thanks so much for sharing the preview, and posting the English translation! So the h is going to learn his real name? But it doesn't seem like she remembers anything about their childhood yet? I can't wait to see what will happen next. I watched ep 2 of JHM and ep 6 of KMHM, for KMHM now I'm pretty sure that the H/h were together in a basement when they were children (I also think that the h's twin was there too). Nana is probably the h's memory in the H's mind. I like how this show mixes strange comedy with emotional intensity. Ep 2 of JHM was also interesting, though I still don't know how this show will turn out, but I like its atmosphere so far, and we also already have a mystery that is surrounding the H/h (however the H/h's past connection feels unneeded here, I feel that their present story is enough). Hopefully we'll get more background on both the H and the h, as the show goes on. Whereas in KMHM, the H/h's past connection, and the h's twin brother's past as well, is integral to the story and the characters themselves. So far, I am enjoying both shows, but it remains to be seen which show will ultimately be better - since it's still too early to tell. Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 25, 2015 7:58:44 AM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 25, 2015 8:00:27 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: H/h meeting a children (or at least previously) and reconnecting as adults must be a very common k-drama trope as its in 4 of the dramas that I'm currently following (Healer, Kill Me Heal Me, Hyde Jekyll Me and What Happens to My Family). Of the 4, What Happens to My Family has one of the cuter twists. H, h and OM all meet as kids (with H crushing on h, while h crushes on OM). After the h saves the OM from drowning, the OM promises to marry h when they grow up but uses the H's name and not his own. The adult h comes looking for OM (to hold him to his marriage promise) but since she has the wrong name she mistakes the H is her "promised" husband. Overall, What Happens to My Family was been a pretty lighthearted, good-natured family drama (if you don't count that dad is dying). And while a couple of the romances are cute, unfortunately, none have that "Healer-level" addiction quality. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 25, 2015 9:27:51 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: Oh, I'm not following "What Happens to My Family", but I agree with the other shows that you mentioned. I guess I will check out "What Happens to My Family" sometime, when there's nothing else to watch, and I have more time. For Healer (my favorite airing show right now), and it was the first show to use this trope amongst these shows, the H/h's childhood connection fits smoothly into the story like a puzzle piece, and adds to the story to complete it. For KMHM, the H/h (and probably h's brother) knowing each other before (and whatever happened in that basement) is integral to the story - since it seems like it's the catalyst for the way the characters are now. The H is suffering from multiple personalities, and the h has erased the memory completely from her mind (this aspect reminds me a bit of Healer), and the h's brother is obsessed with writing mysteries/crime stories inspired by his obsession with solving the mystery of the H's family. The only childhood connection that I feel is not needed so far, is the one in JHM. But since this show is still in its very beginning, I will reserve my final judgement on this issue until I watch a few more eps, to see if the trope here is used uselessly or if it is needed. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 26, 2015 10:02:41 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Healer's episode 15 was the best yet, with awesome couple scenes (yay! complete fanservice). This episode seemed to have a lot of light hearted scenes, especially after the angst from episode 14. So much cuteness doesn't bode well, as I'm now expecting a lot of angst in the future episodes. This drama is turning out to have one of my favorite romances.

Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 26, 2015 11:23:52 AM PST Rashell Anderson says: Reader123: How adorable are these two? OMG! He follows her like a little puppy. Skinship galore this episode. So, so cute. Don't want to say anything too spoilery, but yeah, this seems like the calm before the storm. I need a happy ending for these two though. Because honestly they are perfect and I just want to imagine them together forever. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 26, 2015 3:50:40 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Yes, I can't wait to watch this ep subbed! I just hope that no major angst will be heading our way, but this ep does feel like the calm before the storm. However, even if there will be a lot of angst in the coming eps before the end, I am optimistic that we will get a happy and satisfying ending for the H/h. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 27, 2015 8:04:28 AM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 27, 2015 12:44:59 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: The writer for Healer continues to hit all of the right notes as it relates to the OTP. Episode 15 may end up being one of my all time favorite of any k-drama episode. As expected episode 16 (which I watched without subs) was heavy on angst. And for parts of it I thought that the h was taking a turn into TSTL territory (I was disappointed that she actually got into the car with Moon Shik and then appeared to believe what he or his minions told her, especially given how she just assisted in exposing Moon Shik's secretary as Teacher's killer) but in the end the writer came through for us (yay for a fantastic OTP!). I'm also hoping that the cliffhanger at the end doesn't go the expected route. So far the writer hasn't let us down so I expecting her to come through again with a twist that keeps us and the OTP happy. ETA: I've actually been pleasantly surprised by the amount of skinship and number of kisses in this drama, especially given that its a network drama. And who would have thought that hands (and handholding) could be so hot. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 27, 2015 5:51:53 PM PST luvnlife says: Healer is so good... just catching up on the last 2 episodes after being away on vacation. Is anyone subbing this drama besides DF? The one day delay is killing me on the new episodes! Maids Episode #2 was released this week. Production has moved ahead after the fire. They

are only cutting 4 episodes which will make this a 20 episode drama. The story is moving along very quickly but I wish it aired more than 1 episode a week. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 28, 2015 2:30:30 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Reader123, I agree that this show has beautiful and natural skinship. Also this show has got to have the best hand holding scenes, the hand holding scene at the end of their blind date, a few eps back, was incredibly sexy. Also this show had the H/h consummate their relationship, and we got a beautiful morning after scene. The only other k-dramas that have a lot of skinship, similar to Healer, are Secret Garden and Queen In Hyun's Man. Now speaking of eps 15 and 16, it looks like the h is overdue a panic attack. She suffered two small ones, and I think with the ending of ep 16 the h is going to suffer a panic attack in ep 17. I really, really like how the h refuses to have her faith in the H shaken, and I love how he becomes so, so gentle when he's with her - especially if she's upset...his gaze is so beautiful. He'll be beating someone up in one scene, and then he'll be gently hugging the h in the next. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 29, 2015 2:48:52 PM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 29, 2015 3:08:12 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: I continue to really enjoy Kill Me Heal Me, despite its use of some very trite k-drama tropes, especially as it relates to the OW (and the classic OW belief that since she was the H first love, he must adore her forever even if she is now engaged to his cousin). Unfortunately, its a rare drama that can give us a decent OW or an even rarer drama like Healer that doesn't have an OW (and even better Healer lacks an true OM but was still able to give us a fabulous love triangle). But I do really like both the H and the h in this drama and some of the other fun characters make up for the sour taste left by the unlikable OW and the H's family. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 29, 2015 7:48:16 PM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 29, 2015 7:58:11 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: I agree about KMHM, it has an intriguing set up and characterizations of the H/h and even h's twin brother (but his character is getting weirder by the second), but for the supporting characters most of them are very cliche. I too don't like the machinations of the H's family, or the OW, and feel it is an overused k-drama trope. However the show's heart and strength is the H/h and their story, and trajectory. But for once, I would like it if the H was successful on his own, without being beholden to his family and their machinations. Speaking of Healer, in addition to it not having the OW cliche or traditional love triangle trope, Healer also has a H who is strong on his own and independent - so no controlling family, or waiting for an inheritance, annoying overused plot. So the only thing left is for Healer not to disappoint us in its last 4 eps, and I wish for more H/h scenes.

Now back to KMHM, when it comes to the wacky comedy aspect, I have to give it to KMHM, since I have never in my life seen a H/h cat fight until KMHM lol (it's weird that one of the H's multiple personalities is a teenage girl). KMHM story seems to be walking a fine line between intensity/mystery/romance and wacky comedy, but somehow it is pulling it off so far. I also think that had the cast (specifically of the H/h) been any different, KMHM could've been very bad lol. Lastly, are you watching JHM? I'm curious to know what you think of it. Though the characterization and story is more fluff than gritty in this show, but I like that it makes me feel as if I'm watching a fairytale. So I'm liking it as well so far, despite a few very cheesy scenes. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 29, 2015 8:47:38 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. - Good point about Healer being strong and independent. It's extremely rare to find a kdrama H that's successful based solely upon his own ability and isn't controlled by his family (or his usually nasty mother). The lack of hated k-drama clichĂŠs must be why I'm loving Healer so much or perhaps the writer has just found the magic formula for a great OTP. I am following Hyde, Jekyll, Me but haven't yet watched this week's episodes. Hopefully, this week we get to see more of the H's "nice" personality (Robin) as I wasn't overly fond of the H's normal personality. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 29, 2015 9:19:56 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Yes, it is rare in k-drama and I guess that's why JH (H from Healer) stands out, and I hope that we'll get more strong/successful H's without the "controlling family" overused trope, in new dramas. Come to think of it, the only k-drama among my favorites that has the controlling family trope, is Secret Garden. As for JHM, I have watched ep 3 (and to answer your question, there's lots of Robin in this ep) but haven't watched ep 4 yet. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 30, 2015 4:35:05 AM PST Last edited by the author on Jan 31, 2015 5:00:31 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Spoiler Alert Healer Episode 17 Text Preview Episode 17 2 February 2015, 10pm KST, KBS2 "Won't you answer me?"

With no time to resolve Young Shin's misunderstanding, Jung Hu continues investigating about his father. The Elder's special investigation team pursues Jung Hu in order to cover up the truth that he is chasing after. In order to find the truth through her own means, Young Shin goes to look for Myung Hee, There, she ends up meeting Jung Hu. Under Moon Ho's direction, they start preparing for a surprise attack together... Episode 17 Preview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4oAICjiIIM&feature=youtu.be&a MH: The victim must died at the scene YS: There was someone else there, but I couldn't see his face I have found my real mother Ajuma: Following Chae Young Shin actions right now I think she must be at Kim Moon Shik house YS: Can I ask a few questions about that story? YS's mom: Finally there is someone who ask about this story JH: If I kill you right now, then I will become a good person, right? YS: You...who are you? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jan 30, 2015 4:59:39 PM PST luvnlife says: Four episodes into "Hyde, Jekyll and I" and I am not sold on this show. Maybe I set the bar too high for my favorite actor. To me, the H is too extreme with both his personalities. Robin is too smiley... Hyun Bin has some awesome dimples but having them show nonstop while he is Robin is distracting and comes off as forced. The serious Goo side is hard to like because he is so serious. I don't feel the chemistry with our h yet either. Also, the backdrop of "Wonderland" doesn't seem to come off as magical as it could be. I am, however, liking the psychiatrist (OM) and hate to say it... hope he gets a love line soon to spice the story up. I also gave the weekend drama "My Heart Twinkle Twinkle" a try. It only has 4 of an estimated 50 episodes out. It is a typical weekend drama type storyline that I can see drawn out. The H is one of the worst villains I have seen. He has a long way to go to redeem himself. **Spoilers** H is the CEO of a chicken franchise company that uses an unhealthy drug to manipulate old chickens into looking fresh. The side effects of the drug are harming to humans. He is very aggressive and will do anything to make his franchises continue to grow. Our h is the oldest of 3 daughters who lost their mother in childbirth with the 3rd child. Her family runs a family-owned chicken shop (not a chain). H takes a liking to h at first sight and manipulates the father of h into borrowing money. The father dies in a fire that is caused by the H's minions. The H stood back and watched while the father goes up in flames. After the death of the father, the H tells the h to marry him. The episode ended there but you know the h will refuse the H until she gets into money trouble. I didn't realize this was an estimated 50 episodes so I might check back later to see what happens. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jan 31, 2015 7:01:07 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Well I agree that JHM is lacking that "it" factor, and so far feels like a "style over substance" show. I can say that KMHM so far, is definitely better, but we need more Se Gi - even though Do Hyun is starting to act more like Se Gi (so I'm thinking his personalities are starting to merge?) Reader123 thank you so much for sharing the preview of ep 17 of Healer, I can't wait to see what will happen next. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 1, 2015 7:40:08 AM PST 1ladydevil says: luvnlife-"My Heart Twinkle Twinkle" sounds interesting but I want to know more. Please keep us updated. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 3, 2015 10:40:24 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: I've watched ep 17 of Healer subbed and ep 18 raw, and wow. I can't wait to watch ep 18 subbed. Secretary Oh really creeps me out. If I thought that ep 17 was intense with Healer's side winning, then the ending of ep 18 happened... Young Shin and Jung Hoo have become my number one top OTP. I just can't with these two's relationship....*sighs dreamily*. I just think that JH leaving her at the end of ep 18, was his first not so smart move. I'm just hoping that the last two eps will be just as great as this show has been so far, because I keep thinking it will fizzle out a little or it won't be as great, but this show has been proving me wrong. I need a happy ending for the H/h! On another note, I think your prediction Reader123 about MH will probably come true :( However I think that, that will be what can finally snap MS out of it. The way I see it, he is the only one who can bring this "elder" (whoever he is) down completely - while Healer/JH fights to save YS and MH. I'm starting to think that maybe MS in the beginning sold his soul, to save the h's mother's life. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 3, 2015 10:55:49 AM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 3, 2015 11:20:46 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: As I've now come to expect with this drama, episode 17 of Healer was great, with a OTP that continues their devotion. And as a double bonus, Ji Chang Wook sings the new OST "I'll Protect You" (played during the H/h meeting/walk) and Park Bong Soo makes his reappearance. I'm really going to miss this drama when it ends next week.

ETA: I'm hoping that the writer continues to avoid the "normal" tropes and doesn't kill Moon Ho. Unfortunately, off the top of my head I can't think of a similar type dramas where the H/h are given a HEA and the second male lead doesn't die. I agree that it's beginning to appear that Moon Shik joined with Elder in order to save the h's mother, but there really was no possible redemption for him once he abandoned the 5-year old h. I actually feel the same way about the H's mother. And I agree that if the writer gives us a H/h HEA, they will become my favorite OTP and this may become my all-time favorite drama. I'm also looking forward the episode 18 subbed. Looks like we again get some light hearted scenes with "Park Bong Soo" meeting Dad. Wonder when Dad gets to meet JH? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 3, 2015 11:15:33 AM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 3, 2015 11:26:41 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: Yes, I'm going to miss it too :( But as long as we get that HEA, I will be fine. I heard the new OST, and I found the song to be okay (I guess it needed a better tune), but his voice is good - better than a lot of actors who try singing. The English translated lyrics of the song are touching. ETA: What about the H's mother? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 3, 2015 11:46:01 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. - H's mother abandoned him to remarry. While she received threats that JH would be harmed if she didn't quit looking to prove her husband innocent, that threat in no way indicated that she needed to abandon the H in order to keep him safe. And it seemed that once she abandoned him, the full burden of the H's father committing "suicide" fell on the H (causing him to get into a lot of trouble at school and ultimately going to juvenile detention). While this was happening, the mother was off living happily with her new family. The teenaged H even asked her why her new son could live with her, but he couldn't. And even then she didn't invite him to live with her and her "new" family (but hey, he was given a new coat, which she seems to think makes everything good). Overall, I have zero respect or forgiveness for a woman who would willingly abandon her child, especially knowing that he was struggling to survive (grandma was dead so who did she think was taking care of him?). Not sure I really understand the trope that in order to remarry, a woman you must abandon her kids (which also seems to be the reason that Moon Shik abandoned the h - so the h's mother would marry him). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 3, 2015 12:15:23 PM PST Lovely D.M. says:

I see, when you put it that way, she did indeed do a lot of mistakes, but I would definitely not put her at the same level as MS. MS is actively working with the bad guys, and MS is benefiting from his silence - when he knows everything that happened. Whereas the H's mother, cries all the time, (whenever she sees JH she cries, and he seems caring towards her and has forgiven her). But I agree, why couldn't she take him with her, when she remarried? It was such a simple solution, and it does make me dislike her, though I pity her a bit. But I also wonder, why her husband told JH when he was a teenager (in the flashback a few eps back), that he had forced JH's mother to be with him, and that it was his fault? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 3, 2015 12:35:21 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. I agree that the mother's sins are not at the same level as Moon Shik. I took the stepfather's words to mean that he kept pursuing the mother until she agreed to marry (i.e., she was initially reluctant to abandon her son). But then, I also think the step-father is scum, as he too had no qualms in not inviting the H to live with his mother. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 3, 2015 12:48:15 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Hmm, that is probably what he meant, and I agree it makes me dislike the husband of the H's mother as well. On another note, and speaking of parents, how awesome is YS's adoptive father? I just really like him, and YS was lucky to finally be adopted by him after being abused. I can't wait for the scene when he will finally meet JH (not in his BS disguise) as his daughter's boyfriend, and probably soon-to-be husband. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 3, 2015 1:00:56 PM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 3, 2015 1:09:08 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Yes, I also love the h's adopted father and his sidekick. ETA: Actually really loved the H/h scenes in ep 17, especially the H telling the h on the bus that if he gets arrested she's to pretend she doesn't know him and later as they approach the bad guy that if they get into a fight she's to close her eyes and he'll take care of it. Sooo cute. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 3, 2015 1:19:43 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Yes, I love this H/h!

Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 3, 2015 4:39:15 PM PST jak says: I finished Loving, Never Forgetting and enjoyed myself throughly. Loved, loved the soundtrack and Jerry Yan and couple scenes. The couple gets together by episode 20, but there is lots of angst afterwards. With 34 episodes at around 40 min, it's pretty well paced for the most part (a couple of boring parts but not bad overall), but near the end, I found I wanted a couple more episodes to deal with new developments. On the negative side, the acting isn't great (Jerry tried), especially the little boy who is so badly dubbed. There's the usual round of drama cliches, birth secrets, interfering relatives, you name it, but the main couple's chemistry made the story enjoyable nevertheless. B- to C+ range. Those who enjoyed Lee Jun Kai or Autumn's Concerto might like this one. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 5, 2015 10:32:37 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Not to sound like a broken record, but episode 18 of Healer was great. I was a little surprised that JH gave up his Healer identity so soon (wasn't expecting this to happen until episode 20) and while I adore Park Bong Soo I'm hoping that this too is only temporary, as I don't want JH to spend the rest of his life as a fake persona (I will say that after watching the scene between JH and h's dad with subs, I couldn't tell if JH was pretending to be Park Bong Soo or if JH is a lot more like Park Bong Soo than I thought). Also, JH needs to rethink his career choice, with his skills he should either be a martial arts instructor or run a security services firm rather than sticking with being a newspaper reporter. I am viewing the events at the end of episode 18 in a positive light, as I doubt that either Moon Ho or the h would be killed prior to the final episode. So it does seem better that any kidnapping/attack occurs at the end of episode 18 rather than episode 19 so that episode 19 can be devoted to rescue operations and bring down of Elder). I also hope that Moon Ho's kidnapping serves as the wake-up call for Moon Shik (I think it will be better for the h's mother if Moon Shik doesn't turn out to be a total monster). Best ending for me is with H, h, and Moon Ho surviving but Moon Shik dying while saving them and helping bring down the Elder and his operations. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 5, 2015 11:31:33 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Spoiler Alert Text Preview of episode 19 of Healer Episode 19

9 February 2015, 10pm KST, KBS2 "I'll protect you" The Elder wants to place Jung Hu in the palm of his hands like how he did to Moon Shik in the past, but Jung Hu risks himself and leaves Young Shin to begin his fight against the Elder. Moon Ho and Someday News do not give in to the threat and continue their report to expose the true face of the Elder. But Min Ja, who had been helping Jung Hu, is trapped by the chase from the Elder's investigation team... Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 5, 2015 2:59:10 PM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 5, 2015 3:16:22 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Reader123 I agree, about MS I hope he redeems himself a little - that way it will also be easier on the h's mother. I also agree that JH trying to live as BS was misguided, because BS is not his real personality. So even if he wants a normal life, he should still be himself, and find a job that suits his amazing skills - like maybe run a security service as you said. ETA: And yes the scene with the H and h's father was hilarious. This preliminary written preview of ep 19 seems a little out of sync with "edge of seat" suspenseful sequence of the end of ep 18. In that ending, we have Moon Ho kidnapped, and JH chasing the wrong target, and YS finding herself alone and cornered by creepy secretary Oh. Do you think maybe the elder will use that to force JH to work for him? I'm guessing the preview might mean that JH will agree to work for elder (in pretense), and also breakup with YS to keep her away from danger, and he will instead bring elder down from the inside? Anyways I am really looking forward to see how this drama wraps up. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 5, 2015 3:04:37 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Oh and not to forget, I watched ep 9 of KMHM, and Se Gi finally reappears at the end of this ep. I thought the scene with Yosub and the h though, was very moving. This show is strange, but somehow draws the viewer in. I am really glad that a show with a crazy premise, is turning out to be very good, so far - despite it's shaky start (first two eps). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 5, 2015 8:48:05 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: I agree that the episode 19 written preview seemed out of sync with the ending of episode 18, especially since it didn't directly address either of the cliffhangers. But it does appear that both Moon Ho and the h escaped their situations unharmed. Unfortunately, it seems that Min Ja/Hacker Goddess is going to run into problems. I hope this doesn't mean that the H is left to

battle the Elder without her support. So far, the writer has done an excellent job in avoiding noble idiocy, I'm just hoping we don't have a bout of it here at the end. I was kinda of surprised that the written preview was available so early this week - maybe the video preview will also be early. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 8, 2015 7:45:04 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Spoiler Video Preview & Translation - Episode 19 of Healer http://couch-kimchi.com/2015/02/08/healer-episode-19-video-preview-rough-translation/ Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 9, 2015 7:13:34 PM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 9, 2015 7:16:53 PM PST Hui Chi says: There are also some REALLY good pakistani dramas: ZINDAGI GULZAR HAI/life is a garden - wonderful female lead: she's very relatable with her flaws and strong character. Handsome male lead as well. He's spoiled, wealthy and grows to fall HARD for the girl. There's pride and prejudice elements in there as well. Definitely worth watching. HUMSAFAR - this one is also amazing as well. The downside is the lead male's character isn't as appealing as the one in the other drama. Just as good though in a very different way. It all depends on preferences. Overall, both dramas involve madly in love male leads. What stands out is that the female leads are just as compelling as the male. Also, the cultural aspect is fascinating and the overall message is powerful. Viki has both series complete with english subs (http://www.viki.com/tv/browse?country=pk&sort=viewed). You can also find them on youtube. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Feb 9, 2015 7:47:19 PM PST 1ladydevil says: Hui Chi - Thanks for the recs!!! If you come across any Asian dramas please share. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 9, 2015 8:37:08 PM PST luvnlife says: Thank you for the suggestions, Hui Chi. Also - thanks everyone for the Healer updates. I'm so sad it is the last week. This is ranking right up there with my all time favorites. Another drama I am really enjoying right now is MAIDS. (It is receiving high ratings from viewers.) Six episodes have aired so far and it is hard to choose between the H and OM at this point. h was in the process of marrying her first love (om) when their wedding is interrupted with an accusation of treason against h's father. h becomes part of the servant class. There are some really tough and brutal scenes... h getting beaten, etc. h is constantly getting brutalized since the OM keeps pursing her even though she is no longer considered worthy. But h is not a doormat. H is the head servant of the house but the way things are unfolding - we question if that is truly who he is. Besides, Healer, this is one of the better dramas I have watched in a long time. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 10, 2015 9:34:02 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Sob! What will I do with Monday and Tuesday now that Healer is over? This drama will be a tough act to follow and is now my new benchmark of what a drama should be. I watched the last episode without subs but will try to avoid spoilers for those who haven't yet watched. Overall, this drama ended up being a solid 10 for me (and I'm a tough grader, as out of the hundreds of dramas I watched, there are only two other dramas that I would rate as a 10) and will probably end up being my all-time favorite drama. Excellent mix of humor and action, with what has to be k-drama's all-time best OTP (no noble idiocy and no misunderstandings that aren't almost immediately resolved). And we got three great H's (Jung Hoo, Healer and Park Bong Soo) all rolled into one. Not a bad or boring episode in the bunch and a drama that I was never once frustrated with. Quite a feat. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 10, 2015 12:47:38 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Wow - Episode 20 of Healer was subbed faster than I've ever seen an episode be subbed. The version I just watched was listed as 94% subbed but I actually didn't see that much was missing. While this drama was never highly popular in Korean, it did seem to have an international cult following. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 10, 2015 4:00:01 PM PST Jennifer L. Rinehart says:

Yay, I'm glad Healer is done because now I am going to watch it all, no interruptions! I can't believe my level of self control waiting for this series to finish so that I can marathon it. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 11, 2015 1:14:31 PM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 11, 2015 1:24:14 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Okay so I watched the last two eps of Healer, and I'm glad that it's a happy ending. However the final episode left me wanting more H/h scenes. I felt that there wasn't enough H/h scenes or interactions in those last two eps, and the ending left many open threads. We didn't even get a proper reunion scene between the h and her mother. However, what I really wanted was more H/h time, and quiet/romantic moments. I would've really liked if we had gotten a scene with them walking on the beach (hand in hand) on their island, and the h being pregnant. They don't have to live there, it could've simply been a scene of them on their honeymoon. Anyways I've come to accept that k-dramas will almost always have rushed endings, that leave me in someway dissatisfied. In conclusion, the H/h were the highlight of this show (the best OTP in a k-drama), and I also really liked cool ahjumma and the h's father and his sidekick. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 12, 2015 8:11:38 AM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 12, 2015 9:00:27 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. - Healer definitely had the best OTP of any drama. I personally would have loved a final episode devoted entirely to cute OTP scenes but in the end I was satisfied with the final episode as it really came full circle from episode 1. Spoilers: - In the first episode the h begs her father for money to hire Healer for an interview in order to write a bestselling expose. In the final episode we see Healer answering her interview questions. I don't know if it's true but I did read that one of the scenes deleted from the final episode was a scene showing the "published" book that the h writes, which would have made it truly full circle. - In the first episode Healer's dream is live on a deserted island but by the final episode his dream has changed to deciding "to try living like other people, with my woman, having kids and stuff" and we get a final scene of the H now living like others (day job!) while working with the h. I did love that the day job seemed to still have a little of the "Healer" vibe. - In the first episode h wants to meet her mother and in the final episode we do have a mother/daughter reunion (albeit low key) with both fully aware of the relationship. - In the first episode dad wants the h to bring home a marriageable young man and in the final episode dad is finally introduced to Jung Hoo, in what was one of my favorite scenes of the final episode. - In the first episode the h kisses Healer's picture and in the final episode she kisses the real thing.

Overall things I loved about this drama: - Fantastic OTP - no noble idiocy, no misunderstandings that aren't almost immediately resolved, open communication, absolute trust in each other - Wonderful love triangle - no OM or OW, just the h/H and his alter identity - Fabulous wrist grabs - loved that for most of the drama, it was the h wrist grabbing and dragging the H around. The most memorable for me were: 1) h "saving" H at the end of episode 5 with him looking up at her and smiling, 2) the reverse wrist grab in episode 10 starts with h wrist dragging H but after he suggests going to a different location he reverses the wrist grab and for the first time drags the h along, and 3) the H wrist grab at the end of the movie date in episode 11. - Appreciated that instead of going "City Hunter" for the conclusion they opted to go with "The Sting." - h initiating kiss in episode 14 and the marvelous fan service that was the first 10 minutes of episode 15 - Unusually high number of kisses for a network drama - 6 in total - No angst for the sake of angst - Avoidance of all common k-drama tropes ETA: - Good OST - I must like it as I keep humming What the Eyes Say - Multi-layered villain - until the end Moon Shik could have gone either way. But do love his ending - losing Moon Ho and his wife and finally his mind. While the drama wasn't perfect (so how did he change into his Healer outfits in episodes 4 & 5?) it was, for me at least, one of the least imperfect dramas that I have watched. It's taken a few years to find a drama to topple The Princess' Man as my all-time favorite drama, but here's hoping that another drama will come along real soon to challenge Healer for its top spot. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 12, 2015 4:10:22 PM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 12, 2015 4:13:31 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Oh I hadn't paid attention to that about the interview, and I did wonder why he was answering those questions at the beginning of the last episode. See, this is what I mean when I say the last ep was rushed, little details should've been there to make it feel more cohesive. However seeing as almost all k-dramas suffer from rushed endings, I'm not going to hold it against this drama. I also like the underlying theme of the importance of freedom of the press and speech. But again if only they had at least made the last ten minutes all about the H/h and given us some details (like where do they live now?), I wouldn't have complained. My favorite H/h scene in the last two eps, was the reunion scene in ep 19, when the H opens his arms and the h comes running into his embrace. I watched ep 11 of KMHM, and this show is becoming more intense while maintaining the wacky comedy (but in smaller doses). So now it is clear that the H and h were together in that basement (it is unclear as to whether they were locked there or not), but it seems that both of them got abused in that basement, at the hands of the H's father. There are still many questions that need answering. Oh and at this point, we know that the h's step brother wasn't with them in that basement. Now moving on to the funny, that wheel of fortune scene was

hilarious, and the fight between the h and Se Gi lol. ETA: Oh and I agree about Healer OST, it is good. "What My Eyes Say" is my favorite OST song from Healer. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 13, 2015 5:00:56 AM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 13, 2015 6:52:17 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: I continue to really enjoy Kill Me, Heal Me, but my interest is primarily driven by Ji Sung as he's doing a fantastic job inhabiting all of the various personalities (so glad that the other 2 actors offered this part declined, as I don't think either could had done this part justice). I do find that my interest completely wanes when Ji Sung is not on the screen. The whole subplot with the OW and cousin should be entirely eliminated with more time devoted to Ji Sung's characters (hehe). I'm finding that I love both Shin Se Gi and Cha Do Hyun and really don't want either to disappear - guess I'm doomed for disappointment. ETA: I think with the latest reveal at the end of ep 12 (which has been hinted at for the last few episodes with the h being afraid of basements but the brother only pretending to be), I think the next twist is that Cha Do Hyun is not really the father's son (which is perhaps why the father was abusive and the grandmother so cruel). I also watched the first two episodes of Fool's Love/Ho Gu's Love. So far it's been pretty cute (with a somewhat serious undertone in that the h is contemplating an abortion) with a very innocent/sweet H and an interesting h (probably UEE's first role where I have immediately liked her character). Looks like the plot may potentially be that the h abandons her child (father is OM) with the H. Dramabeans seems to be raving over Persevere Gu Hae (by the same network as Monstar) but I'm not sure that I'll check it out until it's completed. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 13, 2015 7:57:53 PM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 13, 2015 7:59:47 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Looks like a c-drama version of Queen In-Hyun's Man (renamed as Love Through Thousands of Years / Xiang Ai Chuan Suo Qian Nian) is set to premiere February 15. Hopefully it will be as good as the original. http://engsubreview.890m.com/c-queen-in-hyuns-man-drops-first-pretty-teaser-ahead-offebruary-15th-premiere-date/ Also looks like Cruel Romance will premiere February 19. http://wiki.d-addicts.com/Cruel_Romance Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 14, 2015 4:57:07 PM PST Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Woohoo, thanks for the info about Cruel Romance, taz. I've been waiting for that one! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 15, 2015 10:16:31 AM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 15, 2015 10:42:53 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: Thanks for sharing Reader123, Queen In Hyun's Man is one of my favorite k-dramas, but it remains to be seen how a remake turns out. Cruel Romance seems like the type of show that will have a very possessive H. Also isn't the h the same actress who was in the TW-drama "Fated to Love You"? Anyways, I'll wait for your guys' reviews first. On another note, I have started a TW-drama called "Someone Like You", and so far (five eps in), this show is turning out to be better than expected. The H is a blind CEO of a department store, he is still hung up on his fiancee who died, and he became blind as a result of that accident. He refuses to treat his eyes, it's like he is punishing himself. The h is a simple girl with a nursing degree, who is apparently the lost twin sister of the H's dead fiancee, she is recruited by the H's assistant, so that she will be his caretaker. The h is funny, and clueless. I like that she is not stick thin. The H is closed off, and depressed, but it looks like he is slowly coming out of his shell. The downside (though still minimal in the drama so far) there is the stereotypical OW character, and another female character who had a heart transplant and got the heart of the H's late fiancee. However so far, the H/h have really good interactions and chemistry, and the H seems to be starting to like the h for who she is. So I hope the H's feelings will stay true to the h, and no love triangle with the heart transplant girl. Kill Me Heal Me continues to be a good show, but I didn't like that Do Hyun seems a little shattered and resigned again in ep 12, though he was getting stronger before. Also that grandmother is cartoonish-ly awful. I find that in the last two eps, I'm back to solidly liking Se Gi more than Do Hyun, but I still like Do Hyun as well and feel bad for him. The highlight of this show for me is the H and h, and I also like the h's step brother. The h's parents are also sweet. The H's family is so unlikable. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 15, 2015 12:28:12 PM PST luvnlife says: @Lovely - I was wondering how the storyline of "Someone Like You" was going. Keep us posted. SSH's (My Princess, When a Man Loves) movie "Obsession" is streaming on Gooddrama. Overall the movie was good and was what I expected. I am a fan of SSH so it was nice to see him play a different role. Before going and watching the movie, remember that the affair is an

"obsession" between the H and h. (This movie received a lot of hype in the media because of it's xrated scenes.) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 15, 2015 9:23:36 PM PST 1ladydevil says: Cruel Romance sounds really good. Please keep us posted. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 16, 2015 9:06:32 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: I watched "Obsession", and I thought it was an average movie storyline-wise, it's like these types of movies almost never have a happy ending, and considering the context a happy ending would've been difficult. SSH is very good looking, he is actually one of the best looking amongst k-actors, but acting-wise I find him average. However it was a bit hard for me to see him in this light, because in "My Princess" (where I first was introduced to him), and it's a drama that is on my "solidly liked" list, he was sexy but the whole romance was PG and cute. Now here he is doing this movie that has R-rated scenes ... And luvnlife, I will keep the updates coming for "Someone Like You", so far there have been some very good H/h scenes. Hopefully there won't be a love triangle with the heart transplant girl. I mean I don't mind if she likes him, but his feelings should stay only for the h, otherwise it could ruin the show for me. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 17, 2015 7:52:54 AM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 17, 2015 8:59:32 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: For those suffering from Healer/Ji Chang Wook withdrawals, I do recommend what I consider to be his second best drama, Empress Ki. On a positive note, JCW's Emperor is the most obsessed, possessive and jealous hero that I've ever seen in a K-drama. And while the writing wasn't the greatest, with a plot that had some of the weirdest time jumps I've ever seen (and I swear one character was pregnant for at least a year, with another having a full term baby in what seemed like a few days) at least the drama always moved at a fast pace (even if it does go crazy on occasion) and manages keep you full engaged. I did find it interesting that while Ji Chang Wook was the second male lead most of the romantic/fun scenes involving the h were with him, so I did consider him the H in this drama. The h did also have a loveline with the male lead, but they actually had very little screen time together (the male lead was always off elsewhere in completely different plotlines for most of the drama). JCW's Emperor does have the most interesting character growth arc of the drama, while the two lead are always portrayed as brave and heroic. ETA: JCW does sing an OST in most of his dramas, including this one from Empress Ki https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pKw8R1auZk

Some of the cute Emperor/h scenes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EESBQEop1Uo The family drama, What Happens to My Family ended its 53 episode run this past weekend. Overall, it was an enjoyable drama that managed to tell an engaging story without resorting to makjang plotlines (spoiler: even Dad's death was nicely done). And while the romances were for the most part fun, unfortunately they all seemed somewhat low key and lacking in addictiveness. It seems like it's been a long time since I've watched a really good family drama and while this one wasn't to that level, it was at least the best of the family dramas I've watched in 2014/2015. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 17, 2015 3:07:51 PM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 17, 2015 3:08:42 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: I miss Healer too :( Blood, the new show in place of Healer just doesn't measure up at all... I wonder what other Monday/Tuesday shows will start soon. I've skimmed through Empress Ki, I agree that the story is weak. However I checked it out because of Ji Chang Wook, and I also like Ha Ji Won (h from Secret Garden), though I feel like she really is being stereotyped in the female roles she gets. My favorite kissing scene is the one under the water between the Emperor and the h, the way it was shot with those rose petals in the water, it was beautiful and intense, even though he was actually reviving the h who was drowning. Ji Chang Wook looks like a good kisser, because I have yet to see a kissing scene with him that is not good :) So while I find Empress Ki just an average show with a weak plot, but the acting in it especially on the Emperor and h's part - was very good. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 17, 2015 5:12:55 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: The only two dramas that I'm currently really liking are Kill Me Heal Me and Ho-gu's Love/Fool's Love. I'm also loosely following a few other dramas (mostly Friday or weekend dramas) but for the most part am finding them to be boring. Not watching any Monday/Tuesday dramas. On a positive note, looks like we might have a new Hong sisters drama to look forward to this summer. http://koalasplayground.com/2015/02/11/upcoming-hong-sisters-romance-drama-titledjejudo-gastby-and-is-set-on-the-picturesque-island/ Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Feb 17, 2015 10:42:08 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Oh I'm glad that the Hong Sisters are coming back with a drama in the summer, I just hope that it will be good and interesting. I like that it will be set on an Island (Jejudo), which means the setting will be beautiful. Now I'm just hoping for a good and hooking storyline. I'll be waiting to see what the premise will be, and who will be cast as the leads. The only bad sounding thing about this drama, so far, is its title - it's so cheesy that I hope they change it. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 20, 2015 6:45:10 AM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 20, 2015 11:39:06 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: So I marathoned Ji Chang Wook's action drama Warrior Baek Dong Soo. Overall, a good action drama if you like fight scenes (and believe me this drama had thousands of fight scenes - one about every 10 minutes) but unfortunately it did lack anything even close to a halfway decent romance (the first half did have a few hints of a romance with the H falling instantly in love with his h and going so far as asking her to either go with him or wait for him when he has to go away for training. But upon his return three years later, he pretty much ignores her for the entire remaining half of the drama. Yep, zilch in the romance department for the entire second half of the drama - unless you count a few stares and a shoulder pat). But then who really needs a romance when you have two gorgeous guys (Ji Chang Wook and Yoo Seung Ho) in a bromance. And it was a bromance to end all bromances. But I will admit that I thought Ji Chang Wook looked prettier in Empress Ki but Yoo Seung Ho did rock in his ninja outfit. Unfortunately, like so many other dramas in the end this drama lacked the courage of its convictions. It spent 28 episodes repeatedly telling us that you can change your fate but in the end decided that, nope, not true, you really can't change fate. So in the end the true lesson was that in order to get a last episode touching death scene its okay to betray your core drama message. This seems to be one of the few YT videos that isn't a pure ode to the bromance. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Sl5QGmDbTo Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Feb 20, 2015 2:12:32 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: lol, your review made me laugh, this isn't a drama I'll checkout. On this note, I hope that Yoo Seung Ho appears in a new drama soon - a good one. I would like to see him in a lead role. As for Ji Chang Wook, whenever he returns with a new good drama, I'll be happy. When I have time, I want to checkout Ho Gu's Love, even though the premise doesn't sound interesting, but the reviews I've read make it seem like the show is turning out to be a lot better than expected, and you mentioned that you are liking it, so I am curious :) I watched ep 13 of Kill Me Heal Me, and Yona is hilarious, but I'm glad her scenes are limited because otherwise I wouldn't be able to see the H the same way lol. Also if the H is

looking for the child from his past, then how does he not remember his conversation with Se Gi (his reflection)? When Se Gi told him that he had found that "child" first (referring to the h). I thought Do Hyun would put two and two together. I also think the h is about to remember, especially after passing out and having the nightmare, in the beginning of the ep, but then when she woke up she acted like nothing had happened. Overall, I am enjoying this drama so far, but hope that it will move forward faster. I'm going to watch ep 14 soon. Ep 6 of Someone Like You, continues to be solidly good and touching. The scene when the h told the H about the legend of "flying village" was very beautiful. I hope the H will get his eyes treated soon, because by the end of ep 5 he was starting to come around. This show is the quiet, and romantic type of show that succeeds in keeping the viewer engaged throughout, so far. The H/h interactions range from cute/funny to moving, and they have good chemistry. Though I would've liked if it was faster paced, but I guess it's just not that type of show. On another note, I don't like the OW (glad her character is being kept to a minimum, so far), and the h's boyfriend (who's turning out to be a douche). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 20, 2015 2:39:46 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Not only was Yona hilarious, but I read that "her" lipstick has been a hot seller. Not many male actors can say that they caused a real increase in lipstick sales. I continue to really like Kill Me Heal Me and thought both of this week's episodes were good. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 20, 2015 3:04:53 PM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 20, 2015 6:06:27 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: lol at the lipstick sales! ETA: Wow I just watched ep 14 of KMHM, and it was so intense, and a big part of the truth was revealed. I didn't expect the reveal. I think that DH and SG are merging by the end of this ep. I feel so bad for the h and H. While the main cast are strong (H/h/ and h's step brother), I must say Ji Sung's (H) acting is really top notch, especially in that ending sequence. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 22, 2015 5:14:40 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: So I watched eps 3 and 4 of Ho Gu's/ Ho Goo's Love, and I will go back and watch eps 1 and 2. I found it interesting that the h is pregnant, as it is so rare to see in a k-drama. I liked the way that scene was shot, how Ho Gu was with her during the labor when she was scared, and then Ho Gu crying when he saw the baby - it was so moving. I just wish we saw more from the h's perspective, there seems to be a lot more to her, why she was obsessed with swimming, and how she ended up pregnant and alone.

The one major drawback for me so far, is the editing. The editing is ep 3 was just bad, but in ep 4 it was better (because there barely were any flashbacks). Anyways overall, I think that this show is a cute little show, that has an interesting premise, it just needs better editing and more h perspective. Also wasn't the H here one of the three colorful musketeers in Rooftop Prince? He looked familiar, so I looked him up, and he was one of those 3 supporting characters lol. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 22, 2015 8:45:15 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: What I like about Ho Gu's Love is the role reversal between the h and H. She's acts like the typical cold H, while he is the sweet one. And I do get a kick out of the h's ex-boyfriend and his selfies. Hopefully, the H's sister will completely straighten him out. Lots of fun characters in this show. I think the H was also in the Korean version of Fated to Love You (H's half-brother) and Pride and Prejudice. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 23, 2015 5:02:15 AM PST luvnlife says: It looks like Cruel Romance (C-Drama) is getting pushed back until March now. Not sure why so many changes on the start date. It's been over a year since the first promos came out. Someone has been translating the book into English and then another person posting the book on the Soompi forum. If the promos didn't pull you in, try reading the first chapters of the book. I'm hooked. h comes to Shanghai in search of her sister after their parents die. Sister ignores h and basically throws her out on the street. OM and H step in to help h after she has suffered out on the street for a few days without food. OM takes h to his hotel to have her nursed back to health. H continues to appear but h feels indebted to OM and tells H she likes OM. H suggest h works at OM's club as a dancer/escort. She agrees because she needs money. h is way too innocent to be working at a club. Alpha H see's this and tries to 'teach' h how to become a dancer/escort. Sparks fly. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 23, 2015 8:30:49 PM PST Jennifer L. Rinehart says: can you link the translation, luvnlife? I might give it a try too. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 24, 2015 4:43:30 AM PST luvnlife says:

Here you go.... there is a site they source but this link is up to date on how far they are translating.... http://forums.soompi.com/en/discussion/2022028/upcoming-mainland-chinesedrama-2015-cruel-romance-%E9%8C%A6%E7%B9%A1%E7%B7%A3%E8%8F%AF%E9%BA%97%E5%86%92%E9%9A%AA-chapter-5-4-translated Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 24, 2015 10:53:51 AM PST Jennifer L. Rinehart says: thanks, luvnlife! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 25, 2015 10:07:17 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: So on the potential good news front, Kim Woo Bin and Kang So Ra have been offered the lead in the new Hong Sisters rom/com, Jeju Island Gatsby, which is set to premiere in May. Hopefully, both will accept, as I do like these actors. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 25, 2015 12:13:23 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: That's good to hear, I like KWB he has a lot of potential and I have wanted to see him in a lead role in a good drama, so hopefully this will be it. As for the h I hope she's a good actress, since I haven't heard of her before. Anyways I hope that if KWB takes the role, that his character will be a badass, because that type of character would suit him a lot. I hope that this time the Hong sisters write a drama that is more romance/drama with some comedy, as opposed to a comedy/romance (their usual trope). I just hope that this drama will be good. I'm looking forward to watching the new eps of KMHM. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 25, 2015 6:28:16 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Thank goodness for Kill Me, Heal Me. It's completely prevented a post-Healer drama slump. Speaking of Healer, the writer recently answered about 50 fan questions at her website. Soompi has translated most of the questions/answers. A few of her comments that I found interesting: - Storyline was originally going to include a typical love triangle involving Jung Hoo, Young Shin and Moon Ho. This storyline was scrapped when Yoo Ji Tae accepted the role of Moon Ho as his portrayal of a caring/loving uncle was deemed enough without that. (Best K-drama decision ever.) - Writer always planned for the drama to have a happy ending. Originally, Jung Hoo's fake

death was to be in a plane crash. - The ending was initially planned to be after about a year's time had passed. The book that Young Shin wanted to write on Healer would have been written and published by then. - Her one line description of each character: Jung Hoo: I don't know how to run away. Young Shin: I knew it. Moon Hoo: My crime is silence. Min Ja: I had to see those eyes. - What she envisions a few of the character are doing in the future: Jung Hoo is a freelance cameraman, specializing in gathering information and pictures that an ordinary reporter couldn't possibly get his hands on. He doesn't make as much money but he still partners with Min Ja. When asked about his "honeymoon nest" she indicated he still lives in his warehouse but with better heat. Myung Hee works as the Writer of Editorials at Someday. She visits Moon Shik (who is in a facility) once a week. Moon Ho visits Moon Shik once a month. Secretary Oh still works for the "farmers" (guess no jail time for him). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 25, 2015 8:53:31 PM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 26, 2015 2:26:24 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: Ep 15 of KMHM was a very sad episode, I got teary several times. There were several memorable lines spoken, but one of my favorites is the ending scene with Do Hyun and Oh Ri On, and Do Hyun has agreed to breakup with Ri Jin, so that she won't remember their/her childhood. He tells Ri On "One day in the far future when time has passed and Oh Ri Jin is forgetting me ... and if she happens to be pained from her past, tell her this: It's not because you did something wrong, or because you didn't have the right to be loved, that you were abused. You definitely have the right to be loved, that you shine so brightly and are so lovely, that it's only right for you to be loved". This scene made me cry. There are still questions to be answered about the past though, and also about the fire. I usually don't like noble idiocy, but in this story the H does have a compelling reason to leave the h. So even though I don't like that he will breakup with her next episode, I can understand why he has to do it. I hope the breakup won't take long, because I want this drama to be different from other dramas. Plus if the h remembers, she will need him. Edited to make this post shorter :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 25, 2015 8:57:26 PM PST [Deleted by the author on Feb 26, 2015 2:26:33 AM PST] Posted on Feb 26, 2015 5:12:56 AM PST luvnlife says: Heard It Through The Grapevine started this week. The first episode is great. Props to the two actors portraying a wide range of emotions. Rich H gets poorer h pregnant. Now they are

faced with his family being unsupportive and with raising a baby. The drama is shot with different techniques and film -making it feel like an older drama but it works with the mood of our leads. The first episode was a roller coaster of emotions. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 26, 2015 10:17:08 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: Wow, I skimmed through ep 16 of KMHM raw, and the ending scene was completely unexpected, what a twist about the H/h's real names! I won't say anything about it, because I don't want to spoil it for those who haven't watched it yet, but I will say that Cha Do Hyun is not the H's real name, and Oh Ri Jin is not the h's real name. I can't wait to watch this ep subbed. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 0 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Feb 26, 2015 12:45:28 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. - I couldn't handle the suspense so I watched the last 10 minutes of episode 16 (I haven't even watched episode 15 yet). I think we've known for awhile that the h's real name wasn't Oh Ri Jin (since she was "adopted") but I totally wasn't expecting her real name to be what it was. The H still has one personality we haven't yet met. Will be interesting to see if this missing personality has his real name or since his mother's name is Shin Hwa Ran, if Shin Se Gi is his real name. luvnlife - Heard It Through the Grapevine sounds interesting (they had me at "black comedy") but I may wait until a few more episodes have aired before I start watching. Let us know if it stays good. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 26, 2015 1:36:11 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: I think that Cha Do Hyun is most probably Shin Se Gi (so Shin Se Gi is the original, and he was always the personality who had all the memories) or Mr. X (but we've never seen Mr. X, so I would go with Shin Se Gi). As for Oh Ri Jin, can you imagine how much she would be shocked? I mean all this time she's been telling Shin Se Gi that he's the fake and that Cha Do Hyun is the real one, when it turns out that Cha Do Hyun is definitely the fake name, and might be the fake one personality-wise as well (personality wise though, I think that Shin Se Gi might still be an alter, meaning he's missing some parts of himself, and once those parts are mended then he'll be whole). As for Oh Ri Jin, *major spoilers*, her real name is Cha Do Hyeon! So I'm thinking that the name is uni-sex. I don't think that the H/h are brother and sister, but I will wait until I've watched the ep subbed before I say anything. I think there was a switch, because the H is really the father's son from his mistress, and the h was registered as a Cha by her mother (the wife of the H's father), when the mother had an affair. So Ri Jin and the H don't share the

same father, at least that's what I think. The H's family, and apparently they are in a way the h's family, are so twisted that they ruined the H/h's lives in childhood and made them carry the baggage into adulthood. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 26, 2015 2:01:26 PM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 26, 2015 6:11:20 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: While the H's real name may be Shin Se Gi, I do think that the character we know as Cha Do Hyun is the "real" personality and the Shin Se Gi personality was created (as were the others) to help him deal with his past. The plot also seems based around Cha Do Hyun being the H, as he gets a lot more screen time than Shin Se Gi (who other than a few brief flashes doesn't appear much anymore). ETA: Both of this week's episodes of KMHM were angsty, with no light/comedy moments at all to relieve the sadness/angst. Given that the H now remembers his past, not sure that we will see much of his alters anymore. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 26, 2015 8:55:29 PM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 26, 2015 9:01:15 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Yes Reader123, I think that the H has already merged with Shin Se Gi (I just wish he would show more of Se Gi's strength). Also after watching ep 16 subbed, it's now for sure that he and the h were switched. I wonder why the h's mother registered her as a "Cha", and why did she leave her daughter alone in that house. We also still don't know the details of the fire either. I'm really looking forward to see what will happen next, and I hope that the H/h will get a satisfying HEA without a rushed last episode (fingers crossed). I agree that these two eps were angst-y and sad with no comedic relief. I look forward to see how this show will wrap up in its last 4 eps. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 27, 2015 6:04:21 AM PST Last edited by the author on Feb 27, 2015 6:31:03 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. I agree, it hasn't been explained why she had her daughter added to her husband's registry especially since the h was not her husband's child (but perhaps the FIL added her since he supported the h's mother inheriting his company). It's also not clear why the father never had the H added to his registry (would have thought he would have done so when he brought the H home with him). Also, given how hard Shin Se Gi fought in the early episodes to keep his stand alone personality, I'm surprised he allowed the H to regain his memories. I know the h told him that the H was mentally stronger than he gave him credit for, but still seems a little inconsistent with his "I want to live more than anyone" stance. I also didn't like the whole storyline of the h's twin brother interfering "for her own good". But with only 4

episodes left, I doubt if we will get much more of the noble idiocy storyline (or at least I hope that's the case). I continue to enjoy Ho Gu's Love, but mostly for the comedy, as so far I'm not completely behind a romance between the h/H. The H just seems too innocent/childlike (but in no way childish) to be in a romance with the world weary h (but I do like the h) and the OM needs a massive redemption arc in order for me to ship him with the H's twin sister. The twist at the end of episode 6 was hilarious. But I do wonder if it will turn out that the OM kissed the H's twin sister, not the H. Also, despite what the h says, I don't think she will give up her baby. Worst case might be that she leaves the baby with the H. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Feb 27, 2015 3:42:33 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: I agree about Ho Gu's Love, it is a nice comedy type show, but I don't see any romance between him and the h. I mean Ho Gu is a nice boy, but he's like a child as you said. I just don't see any chemistry between the h and Ho Gu, and I don't feel that they fit together at all. But I will continue watching this show because it's cute, and so far I like it for the comedy and heart, and I wouldn't mind if there wasn't any romance here. I also checked out "Heard it Through the Grapevine", and this show could've been so interesting, if the H/h were in college, and the H was strong. The H is a turn off so far, frankly speaking, because he's so wimpy. Therefore this is not a show I will be watching, I just checked it out due to curiosity. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 1, 2015 8:15:00 PM PST Last edited by the author on Mar 1, 2015 8:17:26 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Okay speaking of upcoming shows, beside Jejudo Gatsby (I really hope they change the title to something better) - which I am looking forward to, and hoping for a synopsis to be released soon - I've come across another show that could potentially be interesting, because its premise sounds interesting. The show is titled "Sensory Couple" or "The Senses" (I like "The Senses" better as a title). So basically the show's premise is: There's a murder case, where the H's sister ends up dead, and the h witnesses the crime. The H wakes up from a three day coma, after the incident, to find out that he has lost his senses. So basically he has no sense of taste or smell and he doesn't feel any pain (so I'm thinking his sense of touch and feeling is gone too?). So his character seems like it will be cold and potentially ruthless. The h suffers amnesia after the incident, and starts to display hyper-senses, where-in she can literally see scents (I wonder what that exactly means). Her character is described as a woman with a warm personality (so I'm thinking sweet/brave). I'm interested in checking out this show because it has potential, and hopefully it will be done right. However I don't really like the actress they cast as the h, but I hope she will show emotions properly here. Yoochun will be the H. Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 1, 2015 8:28:06 PM PST Rashell Anderson says: I'm so suffering from Kdrama drought again. I need a crack drama like Healer again. I haven't seen anything coming up that looks to be the cure. It's a bummer when I don't even have one drama that I'm following. :( Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 1, 2015 8:36:52 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: You're not following KMHM? It's a solidly good drama, much better than expected, and hopefully it won't disappoint in its last 4 eps. I'm also enjoying "Someone Like You", the only flaw in this show so far is that it has volume issues, but I still watch it because it's good so far. It's the type of show that is calm but engaging, and has very good H/h scenes so far. But yes these are the only two shows I'm following now. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 2, 2015 9:44:37 AM PST Rashell Anderson says: I'm not following KMHM. I'm waiting for it to end to see if I want to give it a try. But I have a hard time with the multiple personality dramas. But I do love the chemistry of Ji Sung and Hwang Jung Eum. So if it ends well, I'll probably go back and watch it. I haven't heard of Someone Like You. What's that one about? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 2, 2015 3:28:38 PM PST Last edited by the author on Mar 2, 2015 3:34:03 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: "Someone Like You" is a TW-drama that starts out kind of cheesy but cute, then becomes better and better with every episode. So the H is a CEO, an accident happens and his fiancee dies. He becomes blind as a result of the accident, and then refuses to treat his eyes, because he was the one driving. So basically he's torturing himself due to his guilt/depression. The h happens to be his fiancee's long lost twin sister, she is a simple and funny girl. She has a nursing degree, so the H's assistant scouts her to become the H's caretaker. The H/h have some beautiful moments, and some silly/funny moments. Even though the H is blind, he's strong and actually takes care of the h in his own way, despite his moments of pain/despair. The h also takes care of the H in her own way, and slowly starts to bring light into his life. By the end of ep 7 the H is getting ready to go to the hospital, to get his eyes treated. The only annoying/silly thing about this show, is that it seems that all the women who

surround the H are in love with him. First his step sister, though is starting to realize that maybe she doesn't love him romantically. The H only sees her as a sister. The OW woman, is a cliche annoying character, who's desperate for the H to love her. However the H doesn't see her as anything romantic, and flat out tells her. Then we have another character, who hasn't appeared much in the show, but she had a heart transplant, getting the heart of the H's fiancee. This is the only one, where I'm afraid they might make a love triangle. The H has been falling slowly for the h, so I really hope that his feelings for the h will remain true throughout. So far, despite these silly subplots, the show is 90% H/h, and their interactions as they grow closer. So I'm hoping that this show won't fall apart in its second half, and will remain pleasantly good till the end. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 2, 2015 10:25:19 PM PST cbela says: I am watching "Shine or Go Crazy"!:) I love it, it has a little bit of everything. I am liking it as much as the only historical fantasy kdrama "Gu Family Book". Lovely D.M... Where are you watching "Someone Like You"? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 3, 2015 4:50:20 AM PST luvnlife says: Today looks like the premiere of the C-drama "Cruel Romance." There is another C-drama coined a copy cat of Cruel Romance that recently got posted on viki "The Lady & The Liar." This drama starts out really good Bad Guy meets Good Girl but the ending was too quick without a lot of feels. Is anyone else keeping up with MAIDS? I am really enjoying this drama. The big question is who is the h going to end up with? The only way I think this drama can end up is if one guy dies for our h to live happily ever after with the other guy. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 3, 2015 6:27:57 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: You can watch it on dramafever, gooddrama, or myasiantv. I prefer the latter. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 5, 2015 11:08:32 PM PST Jennifer L. Rinehart says:

I know everyone is done watching Healer and talking about it, but I just have to get this out I love this show! I have the whole series to watch while walking on my treadmill and I just did two episodes, I'm exhausted (partly because I did a lot of walking earlier today) but I am having a hard time stopping for the day!!! I cried, I laughed, I crushed on the Hero, he is super duper cute. I don't want it to end. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 6, 2015 6:53:52 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Jennifer - I'm jealous that you're getting to watch Healer for the first time. I loved, loved, loved Healer (its now my all-time favorite drama). I watched the first two episodes of Song Jae Rim's new drama, Unkind Women. So far, it's been interesting (focus is on a mother, her 2 middle aged daughters and her granddaughter). Unfortunately, Song Jae Rim's has had very little screen time (probably less than 3 minutes total in both episodes). But the joint shower scene with the h did help. I continue to really enjoy Kill Me, Heal Me and Ho Gu's Love. Episode 18 of KMHM didn't have much in the way of plot movement and seemed instead to serve as a final farewell to some of the H's various personalities. Overall, the only complaint I have about this drama is the storyline regarding the OW/H's cousin but on the plus side, they really didn't have a lot of screen time. At least the grandmother and father served a purpose to the plot. I will be sad when this show ends next week. After Healer, it's been the second best drama this year (kudos to Ji Sung's acting). This week's episodes of Ho Gu's Love spent a lot of time focusing on the OM's humorous backstory. Given this week's developments, I don't think he's the baby's father and I'm now actually liking his character. I can't say that I'm surprised that it was actually the H's sister (and not the H) that kissed him. I hope they do a good job on the reveal. So what's going on with the "H/h first meeting as kids trope". It's now popped up in Heart to Heart. Must be the most common trope that I've seen so far this year. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 6, 2015 2:28:34 PM PST Jennifer L. Rinehart says: So tired today, I ended up watching episode 3 after midnight last night, I have a kdrama hangover. Let us know if SJR shows up more in Unkind Women, he is so adorable. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 8, 2015 2:24:57 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says: I'm looking forward to see how KMHM wraps up, hopefully it won't disappoint in its last 2 eps. I am glad that the H/h reunited by the end of ep 18. Now I'm just hoping for a good happy ending, without rushing or time jumps. I agree that it seemed like ep 18 was a goodbye to all the alter personalities, and the H's real name is not Shin Se Gi, his real name is Cha Joon Young. I thought it was very moving when the h told him that she doesn't mind if he keeps the name Cha Do Hyun, it's her gift to him. So she will continue to be Oh Ri Jin, and I guess since she was never really a Cha anyways, it sort of gives some closure in moving on. I wonder what will happen in the last two eps, as it seems that most of the conflict, in addition to what happened in the past, has been resolved/revealed already. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 9, 2015 6:33:07 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Mar 10, 2015 6:58:51 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: KMHM - I'm expecting the final story arc to be the H gaining control of the company from his cousins. I did like that they explained the origins of the names given to some of the H's alters - Shin Se Gi's name arose from the name on the box of matches that Se Gi used to rescue the h, while Perry Park was the would be name of the boat that the young H promised to buy his father. Spoilers - Spoilers - Spoilers A few shows that I was loosely following recently wrapped up: Heart to Heart - probably the best of the three dramas that just wrapped up. Overall, I'd rate it a 7 (out of 10), but then I liked the H while most folks probably wouldn't. The plot had the usual k-drama twist where the H/h were childhood friends (h's grandmother worked for H's family) and both were traumatized by an incident that resulted in the H's older brother being killed. The h was blamed for the incident and develops a social phobia, while the H also blames himself and becomes a borderline alcoholic. I did like that when the truth comes out, neither the H nor the h immediately forgave the culprits. Surprisingly, my favorite character of the show was the H's sister. She ended up being the most well-adjusted of the bunch and was also given her own happy ending. The Legendary Witch - Overall, would rate this drama a 5 (out of 10). You could tell that the drama was from the same writer as Hundred Year Inheritance as some of the underlying plot points seemed very similar - characters are either good or bad, no shades of gray - evil FIL frames sweet, naĂŻve (i.e., doormatty) DIL resulting in her going to jail for 2 years - former SIL completely obsesses over H. The 4 episode extension didn't help as the writer used these extra episodes to bring back the h's dead husband (must have stolen this idea from Prime Minister and I). Unfortunately, the writer isn't capable of writing a compelling main romance (both H/h were likable but their romance was at best lukewarm - h is way too goody goody to even hug the H so don't expect much in the way of intense moments - eeek I've been completely spoiled by Healer's OTP) so I actually found myself feeling sorry for and siding with the husband (I'm sure that wasn't the reaction that the writer was looking for) but not to worry as the husband was killed off again in order to pave the way for the H/h HEA (guess she couldn't be a divorcee). I was surprised that one of the "good" characters actually had a

spine - but not to worry as this was not the h, as the writer equates sweetness to spinelessness. ETA: OK this drama probably really deserved a rating of 6 but I was so ticked off that they brought back the husband (who was always a good guy) just to kill him off again that this drama lost points for me. I actually didn't find this drama as annoying as HYI. And the FIL does end up in jail (unlike the ex-MIL in HYI who just ends up with a DIL (not the h) she can't control/bully). Sweden Laundry - Not sure why I kept watching this drama as it really wasn't good. Overall, I'd rate this drama a 4 (out of 10). I had at least expected a romance between the leads, but all we were actually given was a one-sided crush by the H (the h never had any romantic feelings for the H) and even the expected love triangle never panned out (OM had a girlfriend the entire drama and only thought of the h as his friend's little sister - he was actually completely shocked when the h confessed in the final episode that he was her first love). I despised the h's mother, as she lacked any redeeming qualities. She treated the h worse than dirt for most of the drama and her justification/reasoning was incomprehensible. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 10, 2015 4:08:11 AM PDT Mrs. I. Peissakhovitch says: I recently saw a turkish version of an 2004 KDrama Im Sorry i love you the Kdrama has 16 episodes and a sad ending hero dies and a year later heroin dies at his grave the Turkish ending is a bit happier hero dies but heroine is a live and has a son from hero Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 10, 2015 4:09:31 AM PDT Mrs. I. Peissakhovitch says: Hero is a bad boy in both versions Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 12, 2015 7:38:57 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Mar 12, 2015 7:45:42 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Spoilers Kill Me, Heal Me, whose final episode aired today, remained very good to the end. I really liked that the final 2 episodes spent little time (but still brought closure) on those storylines that I didn't like (OW, H's family, and company takeover maneuvers) but instead primarily focused on the h/H and giving all of the alters a wonderful send-off/farewell - some with humor (Yo Na) and all with tears. This drama did a great job of mixing humor with heartbreaking moments and was able to do so in a way that never made light of the illness or its cause. ETA: And as I have said before, Ji Sung gave a truly wonderful performance as he brought to life each and every one of the 7 characters that he portrayed.

Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 12, 2015 9:01:47 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Mar 12, 2015 9:05:53 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: This week's episodes of Ho Gu's Love remained good. The scenes with the OM were a complete hoot (really some great lol moments - how often do you have a drama where the OM is crushing on the H) but the ending of episode 10 was heartbreaking. I'm kinda disappointed in the H's sister. I thought she was going to straighten out the OM but instead just seems to be moping around. If the OM can get over his crush on the H, I fully expect him to have a HEA with the H's sister (who is really his crush anyway). I continue to follow Unkind Women but alas Song Jae Rim continues to be shafted when it comes to screen time (even the OM in his love triangle gets twice as much screen time). He really needs to look for a new management company. I hope this doesn't turn out like Surplus Princess where he was billed as a lead but ends up with less screen time than even the character actors. I watched the first 4 episodes of Heard it Through the Grapevine. It certainly has a different tone, almost like watching a gothic. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 12, 2015 9:03:19 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Mar 12, 2015 9:04:28 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I agree that Ji Sung was really great in this drama, as his role was the hardest. I also give props to HJU (the h) and the twin brother, who were very good in their roles as well. All the characters were well cast. I like how this show ended, even though I didn't like how they had the abusive father wake up from his 21 year coma, and then left that thread loose. The other thing that rubbed me wrong in the last ep, was the H/h lying to the h's parents. I mean we have a year fast-forward in the end, however the h's parents still don't even know the H's real name yet. They think that he's a part-timer who can't hold a job, they have no idea that he's dating their daughter, and also they think that he's not suited for their daughter (understandably so). I just felt it was sort of disrespectful of the H/h to carry on the charade for that long, on the h's caring/simple parents. However I also understand that the H needs time to recuperate, and living a simple peaceful life is kind of therapeutic to him, before he goes back to being the chairman. Other than that I thought that the last two eps were well done, though I thought the personalities would disappear more subtly. Overall while this show is weird, it has a lot of heart and it made me teary several times. The H/h had great chemistry, but we already knew that from their previous show. I just didn't expect Mr. X to turn out who he turned out to be. The symbolic scene in the end with the basement door opening, and the child H/h walking out of that basement hand in hand, finally into the light, was very moving - as the adult H/h hold hands, with rings on their fingers - and smile. For the year 2015, so far, this show had the most solid and emotional (though strange) storyline with some unexpected twists (despite

some flaws, and a few open threads), and a good happy ending. This is a show that unexpectedly turned out really good, and I enjoyed it :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: Mar 17, 2015 7:09:51 AM PDT Last edited by you on Aug 9, 2015 11:54:02 AM PDT Adnana says: After a long break, I've started watching dramas again these past 3 months or so. I'll be posting a lot about older/completed dramas over the next few days... So fair warning. :) First to be crossed off the list: "My Lovely Girl" aka "She's so Loveable". In the beginning, I enjoyed this drama for its 2 main characters (and the OM) and the throw-back atmosphere. The story wasn't anything special, but it was pleasant enough and watchable. I also enjoyed Krystal's character (the h) and her straightforwardness with the H after she fell for him (though the less said about Krystal's anemic performance, the better). Of course, then the truth came out about the H's identity as the former lover of the h's sister, and the main characters' actions descended into the swamp of un-noble stupidity. Which in turn sunk the drama itself to new depths. I can maybe deal with a story that was going nowhere, with dropped plot threads and dropped characters (really, where did Hoya disappear to?)--if at least the romance stays strong, if the H and h stay likable. Alas, that was not the case here. Since I've got a really low patience threshold for adults acting like immature children and wallowing in their misery instead of just talking things out and finding a solution, I'll say that this drama turned out to be a big disappointment. Also, a total fail on the (supposedly) HEA front. Really, that was the best way they could wrap things up? Edit this post | Permalink Your post: Mar 17, 2015 7:15:49 AM PDT Last edited by you on Apr 3, 2015 5:35:35 AM PDT Adnana says: Speaking of dramas about heroines-getting-together-with-the-former-lovers-of-theirdeceased-older-sisters... (And wasn't that a mouthful? LOL) I've also watched "Which Star are You from" aka "What Star Did You Come From?" (starring Kim Rae-won from "Punch", "Love Story in Harvard" and the h from "History of the Salaryman"). In this one, the initial squick factor of the h falling for her unnie's former lover is amplified by the fact that the h also looks practically the same as her unnie (the 2 characters were played by the same actress); and the H initially gets close to the h exactly because of her resemblance with his lost love. He doesn't know, at that point, that the h and his dead lover are actually sisters... long story. Anyways, he does end up falling for the h for herself and not for her looking similar to her unnie (the h's personality, behavior, way of speech etc.-everything but the outer package is 100% different from the unnie). But then he finds out the true identity of the h, and he is. So. Completely. Wrecked. Because now he (thinks that he) can never have the h, because of who she is. (morality issues aside, the h's mother hates him with the passion of a thousand suns, from the time he used to go out with unnie; she also blames him, unfairly, for her elder daughter's death). The h has also fallen for the H, and she's the one who ends up pursuing him when he tries to push her away. Loved it! She says she never knew her unnie, never even saw her when she was alive, and she's sorry, but she doesn't feel it's wrong to love this man even if he used to

be her unnie's lover. She gradually chips away at the H's wall of noble sacrifice, and finally he gives in and decides he has to have her because she is his happiness. This drama was overall an okay watch. The story, revolving around movie-making (the H is a director, the h wants to become a screenwriter) was nothing to write home about, but the main leads were so cute. They have a really interesting dynamic in that they are always very straightforward and they get into a lot of fights when they disagree, and say they want to break up; but later without fail, one or the other looks the other up and they reconcile, and are even cuter than before. Not a drama that will be making it into my top favorites, but better than "My Lovely Girl" and maybe worth a watch sometime. Edit this post | Permalink Your post: Mar 17, 2015 12:24:27 PM PDT Last edited by you on Apr 11, 2015 10:29:48 AM PDT Adnana says: Based on everyone's rec, I watched "Boss & Me" aka "Shan Shan Comes to Eat". It was a cute drama, but honestly, after all the hype, I was left feeling a bit disappointed. In terms of kisses, I was expecting TW-drama levels of skinship, which was so not the case (this was my first C-drama and I guess I forgot about the censorship in China. Sigh). In terms of storyline, there were a few things that rubbed me the wrong way--mainly concerning the H's words and actions. **SPOILERS Some examples: 1) When they go on the company trip, the H rides his bicycle too fast for Shan Shan (talk about symbolism!) and he doesn't notice that she's fallen behind. He's not even the first to notice her absence later, at the gathering spot. I know this storyline was meant to make the H learn from his mistake, but I hated it, especially at that point in the timeline (the H had known--and supposedly liked--Shan Shan for a long time; so how could he completely forget about her?). 2) After the whole "false alarm" situation, the H openly admits he hadn't wanted to get married so early. And he acts as if the wedding could be delayed indefinitely and he wouldn't care. Did you see the disappointed expression on Shan Shan's face when he acted like that? I felt the same way. It left me with the impression that not only did he propose just because of the supposed pregnancy, but when it turned out to be a false alarm, he didn't actually want to marry Shan Shan anymore--at least not anytime in the near future. I don't know why the scriptwriter did this, when Teng Feng in the novel is very clear about the fact that he wants to marry Shan Shan quickly and reassures her on this point (unlike Teng Feng in the drama). Or did I miss sthg? 3) The H definitely messed up with the whole Li Shu situation. He didn't clarify things for Shan Shan. AND he let Li Shu kiss him, pretty much. You can't tell me that a big, strong man like that can't stop a tiny wisp of a woman from planting a kiss on him if he doesn't want it. 4) I liked that by the end Shan Shan became a confident businesswoman and could stand as Teng Feng's equal at his side, but I didn't like the contrivance used to bring about this development. That is, I hated the whole "her family owes him money" subplot, and I hated that they had to delay their wedding for another year. The writer should have figured something different out to show the h's growth, without driving this wedge between her and the H. ***END SPOILERS To conclude, I found this a cute drama, but because of these issues I had with it, it's not a favorite. Basically, I like the book Teng Feng better than the drama Teng Feng. On the other

hand, because the actress portraying Shan Shan is so gosh darn cute, with her pinchable cheeks and adorable expressions, I find this version of Shan Shan more loveable and 3D than the book version. Edit this post | Permalink Your post: Mar 17, 2015 12:39:22 PM PDT Last edited by you on Aug 9, 2015 12:03:02 PM PDT Adnana says: Speaking of book vs. drama... I also watched "(You Are) My Sunshine" aka "Silent Separation", a C-drama based on a book by the same author of "Shan Shan Come Eat". What's more, the author was actually a scriptwriter for the drama, so when she extended and changed the book's storylines to better fit the drama, it was all a-okay and in keeping with the spirit of the novel. I might be the exception, but I liked this drama so much more than "Boss & Me". What's it about: in college (shown in flashbacks) the H was seen as the smartest, most promising law student--as well as being handsome and aloof. Lots and lots of girls wanted him; he (of course!) never wanted any of them back. The h stumbles upon him by accident on her first day freshman year (his sophomore year) and pretty much falls for him at first sight. She's very cute, bubbly, friendly, not very smart--in other words, his complete opposite. She starts chasing after him relentlessly; and no matter how much he ignores her and/or tries to shake her off, she's undeterred. A thing here: somehow, she never comes across as pathetic or annoying like the h in "Playful Kiss". I mean, she's definitely a goner for the H (who's cold to her) and yes, she basically stalks him; but she's so lovable and hilariously shameless that you cheer her on all the way (at least, I did). Basically, she's Shan Shan levels of cute here. It helps that the H is standoffish but not mean; he does have thorny edges and an incisive wit that he occasionally sharpens on her (she's really a perfect target, lol) but he never becomes nasty (like the H in "Playful Kiss"). The H eventually starts to melt (you can see him disgruntled when she doesn't show up for a regularly programmed dose of stalking lol; he's moved when she buys medicine for him when he's sick etc.). Finally, they become a couple and they're so perfect together! He's still grouchy, and of course the h gets herself (and him) into lots of scrapes; but it's obvious they're a perfect balancing of opposites. I won't spoil how/why they break up, but it's basically a tragic misunderstanding and the h goes to study abroad without a word. On the outside, the H maintains his aloofness; on the inside, he's utterly crushed (there are lots of clues). There are also lots of clues about how he basically goes into "waiting mode", living for the day when she'll come back to him. Seven years go by, and lo and behold, the h finally comes back. That's how the drama proper starts (the college timeline is shown in flashbacks, like I already said). The H, Yi Chen, has become a super successful lawyer (intelligent heroes are so sexy; in which case Yi Chen might be the sexiest of them all). The h is a fashion photographer and, personality-wise, has changed almost beyond recognition. As if all the life and boundless joy she used to embody had been sucked out of her. She has never forgotten Yi Chen; but because of things that have happened in her life, she thinks she can never be with him again. I must say, unlike with "Boss & Me" (where I liked the book better in most regards except the portrayal of Shan Shan herself), in the case of "My Sunshine" I find the drama superior to the book. It basically kept all the beautiful interactions between the H & h from the novel, added more to them (cuteness and fan service galore!); and also did away with some plot points in the novel that rubbed me the wrong way (won't give details unless asked because of

spoilers). Cons to be aware of: 1) In the first half of the drama, the adult h is very meek and quiet and doormatty etc. (such a contrast to her young, bubbly self!), which can get annoying--but upon reflection I accepted it as a viable reflection of how the many hardships that the h endured in her years abroad could have changed her. Fortunately, later on she regains her liveliness & wit. 2) The h's stylist should have been fired (and banned from the industry forevermore), yet he/she wasn't, so the h's wardrobe is a huge eyesore. To balance the scales a bit, the H wears well-fitted, stylish 3 piece suits 90% of the time (he's a lawyer) and looks gorgeous 100% of the time. So there. :) 3) The English spoken in the drama is, for the most part, god-awful. Thank goodness for the FF button. 4) The sidestories (a secondary loveline + the OW's two relationships after she gave up on the H) are boring filler and add nothing to the main story. Skip, skip, skip. maybe 5) The drama overall, from a stylistic point of view, doesn't look as rich & vibrant as "Boss & Me"; but the more muted palate imo fits the mood of the story well. Whereas "Boss & Me" was a Rom-Com with lots of farcical and comical moments, "My Sunshine" is more of a somber drama--though the college parts are cute and sunny, and so is the latter part of the drama after the leads have reconciled. Conclusion: Watch if you like "first love is forever love"/reunion stories, crazy in love couples, obsessed & endlessly devoted heroes, dramas that show the couple's life together after marriage. Don't watch if you mind ff-ing through the boring parts (i.e. all scenes without the h or the H); if you can't tolerate average production values and choppy drama editing. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Mar 17, 2015 4:34:39 PM PDT 1ladydevil says: Will starts Cruel Romance since it has been recommended as having a OTT possessive H. Does anyone know anything about Lady and Liar? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 17, 2015 6:53:44 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Mar 18, 2015 5:01:52 AM PDT luvnlife says: Lady & Liar is on viki. I watched the first episodes pretty closely and then fast forwarded. It was pretty over the top. The H is possessive and you have the "amnesia" storyline. The ending is rushed. I think they intended for a non HEA ending but then last minute they dropped in a HEA that didn't have time to develop. The editing included a voiceover because they probably never filmed a HEA to begin with. Cruel Romance is over the top as well but I'm still following. I have only been watching the non subbed episodes and reading recaps so I don't actually get all the details. The positive is that the H is really good looking and he is possessive. He is forceful in the beginning with kisses which today no woman should stand for but he is being 'tamed' by the h. The negative is that the h is really 'naive" and murder attempts are happening almost every episode against

her. Any way you can attempt a killing... car crash, guns, knives, strangling, poison, TNT sticks, falling off a cliff and cave-ins - you'll see it all in this drama. The editing is a little choppy as well so some story lines don't make sense - but again I haven't seen the subtitles so maybe it'll come together after watching it again. I recommend this one over Lady & Liar. Two episodes air a day (1 on Friday/Saturday) and there is only a week and half left before the show is done. I pretty much fast forward to H & h parts. The stories take place in the same era but the story lines are completely different. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 18, 2015 2:27:45 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Mar 18, 2015 2:33:28 AM PDT Purse Monkey says: I'm watching My Sunshine right now. Episode 14. I have to say, I'm kinda hating both the h and H. Heroine is pathetic. She was pathetic in college and even more pathetic now. The H is kinda an ass. Aside from the fact that he waited for her, I don't really see his love for her. He puts his pride before her. It made me so mad when he put the blame on their breakup on her, and it infuriates me that she eventually believed it. Ok, so this girl chases after this boy for months. She made a fool of herself. She forsake her pride to get him to notice her. She stalked and followed him around like a pathetic dog. She acted like she won the lottery when he finally gave in. She begged him for his phone number. Then one day he told her he never wanted to see her again and that he regret having met her. He meant it at that time. Next thing he knew, she took off to America and oh my, he was soooo shocked that she left. He let everybody think that she dumped him and even believed it himself that she abandoned him. He even told her, "I always wonder if it was what I said that drove you away." Wtf. She came back after 7 years and though he "waited" for her, he played the total victim when his actions and behavior said otherwise. Oh boy is the winsome h a total doozy. Doormat, submissive, everybody's punching bag including the H. When H finally decided to "confess" his desire to be with her, he said, "I don't want to spend time getting to know anyone else. I don't want to go through the same feelings again. It's tiresome. Since I've had it with you before, why don't we try being together again." What girl could say no to that, right? And when she finally told him she was once married and now divorced, he said, "what made you think I want to be with a divorced woman?" Then the next day he parked his car at her place and told her he wanted go register for a marriage license and if she doesn't want to, then that's it. Being the doormat that she is, she went along with it. I wanted to throw my ipad at this point. I'm actually digging the OM a lot more than H at this point. He's mature and successful and seems to cherish the h. Instead of looking down on the h and calling her dumb all the time, he actually tells her she's smart. I would pick the OM over the H in a heartbeat. Even though H in Boss and Me is cold and aloof, I never got the feeling that he looked down on her or thinks she's stupid. I feel he really cherishes her and she's nobody's doormat. She's naive and oblivious and has her insecurities but she's lovable and spunky. One thing I will say about the h in My Sunshine is that she's good at her job. With that said, I will continue to watch the series bc while certain things annoy me, it's interesting and engaging enough for me to stay up until 4:30am writing this rant. Hopefully

the H will be more loving and the h will grow a pair. I hope the H will grovel and suffer and chases after her like she pathetically did with him throughout her life. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 18, 2015 5:00:13 AM PDT luvnlife says: The "Answer Me" franchise is set to have a new drama coming out called "Answer Me 1988" featuring the same parents as the previous shows. Although I enjoyed both of the previous shows this drama is going to focus more on family and neighbors. Sad to hear this because there has been such a drought of "good romances" lately. I'm just not getting hooked by any show out there. (I feel like a traitor to my celebrity crush Hyun Bin but even that drama, imo, is lacking. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Mar 18, 2015 5:58:35 AM PDT Last edited by you on Nov 4, 2015 5:08:04 AM PST Adnana says: "while certain things annoy me, it's interesting and engaging enough for me to stay up until 4:30am writing this rant" Lol at that, Purse Monkey. I was exactly the same the other night when ranting over "Boss & Me". When I watched the drama, I was so annoyed with the H Teng Feng (and the OW's passive aggression), yet I couldn't stop watching. Must have been Shan Shan's pinchable cheeks that kept me going. :) RE: "My Sunshine" I can't explain it very well; must be one of my little idiosyncrasies :) but I barely made it through "Playful Kiss", yet I found the h in "My Sunshine" adorable in college. She was so dogged and sunny that it made me admire her determination instead of finding it pathetic. And while the H was outwardly very cold, there were lots of clues showing how affected he really was by the h almost from the start. I see him as the Mr. Darcy type--icy and arrogant, and very intelligent--and I love that archetype. Also, I forgave Yi Chen a lot because I really felt how much he always loved the h. **SPOILERS Regarding the break-up in college: yeah, he was definitely at fault. But he was also right when he later said that their relationship shouldn't have ended over their first serious fight ever. The h should have stayed at least long enough to have a second talk after he had cooled off and to demand an explanation or wait for an apology; instead of immediately packing her entire life and leaving the country. Re: his "proposal" (i.e. "I don't want to spend time getting to know anyone else" etc.) I actually found him sooo transparent in that he was trying to keep his pride and not admit that he was desperate for the woman who had kept him waiting for 7 years. I mean, come on, that

whole spiel about it being tiresome to find someone else (when women had chased after him for years)? Only the h could not see through it. Re: "what made you think I want to be with a divorced woman?" This is so twisted, but I actually felt sorry for him. It was obvious to me that he was completely wrecked by the knowledge that while he had waited for the h to come back, she had supposedly gone on with her life to the point of finding another man to love, to marry. That she had let another man touch her. He doesn't show it often, but Yi Chen is crazy jealous/possessive and he actually later admits (in a monologue) that when he learned about the h's marriage he basically went mad with jealousy. So of course he was super furious at what he perceived as the h's betrayal of him. And divorced or not, he obviously still wanted the h and married her out of hand. As for the OM being better than the H. Oh no, no way. He was too much of a coward to confess his feelings for the h (or try and win her over) for more than 3 years. And he respects her intelligence and "cherishes" her so much that he tricks her into thinking they are divorced; thereby effectively causing the h to unknowingly become a bigamist upon her marriage to the H. If you're only on episode 14, you'll see later when the OM reappears and tries to destroy the h's new marriage what underhanded tactics he uses and what kind of man he really is. Me, I couldn't stand him and cheered for the H all the way. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Mar 18, 2015 9:29:40 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Mar 18, 2015 9:34:09 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Oh from your guys' reviews, I think I might checkout "My Sunshine". I am watching the TW-drama "Someone Like You", and so far, 10 eps in, this show continues to be very good and focused on the H and h. The H can see now. I like the way he looks at the h, there is this tenderness and quietly deep gentleness, in the way he gazes at her. I really hope that he's seeing her, after his initial shock, and not her sister. I mean her personality is very different than her sister's personality, and he's always shown that he knows that she's not her sister. I just want him to realize that he's in love with her. Of course she still doesn't know anything about having a sister to begin with. I thought the wish lantern scene was beautiful. This show may be slow and I still don't like the storyline with the heart transplant girl, and it had some cheesy parts - especially in the beginning, but it just keeps me engaged - and it has these romantic, sort of magical, moments between the H/h. Hopefully as the show enters its second half, it will continue to be good and focused on the H/h. Reader123, the only k-dramas that I am interested in checking out are: Sensory Couple which starts in April, because the premise sounds unique and it has potential (though the teaser makes the show feel more like a comedy than a suspense/romance, but I'm thinking that it will start light and then become heavier). Jejudo Gatsby, and the title has thankfully apparently been changed to "Feeling Good/Warm". I just hope that the story will be good since no synopsis yet, and not a waste of a potentially beautiful setting. I'm also interested in "Scholar Who Walks the Night", which I think will start after "Feeling Good/Warm". However the premise is still very vague for this but it has potential. I read that LJK was being courted for the lead role, and I don't really like him, but he's not bad either.

However I was hoping for either JJ, Papa Gu lol (CJH), or even PHJ (second male lead in My Love from the Star) to be the leads here. Anyways we'll see what becomes of this show, and hopefully it won't disappoint. Then there is "The Time I Loved You, 7000 Days", but this seems to be at it's very beginning stages. I read that this will be a remake of a TW-drama that I haven't watched. But IF HJW will be the female lead, then I can at least hope that it will be a good drama (but of course that's no guarantee, because the writer has to present a good/compelling story, with a well developed H/h, otherwise look at HB's new drama - as was mentioned on this thread before). Since I haven't watched the TW-drama, I won't be able to compare, but I'm hoping that this drama will be good, when/if it gets made. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 18, 2015 11:57:37 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Mar 18, 2015 5:07:53 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I continue making my way through all of Ji Chang Wook's dramas and recently finished watching Smile, Dong Hae (JCW's first lead role), a 159 episode daily drama (each episode is about 35 minutes). Similar to weekend family dramas, daily dramas tend to have a slower pace with lots of different characters and storylines. Overall, I found this drama to be enjoyable and at times somewhat addictive (really one of the better daily dramas) with an engaging lead H/h. JCW plays the title character Dong Hae/Carl Laker an American born speed skater with an unmarried, mentally impaired Korean mother (the mother is a very sweet, trusting but extremely naĂŻve character with the mental age of about 10). Dong Hae and his mother travel to Korean where Dong Hae, as part of the US National Speed Skating team, plans to participate in a major international competition and propose to his girlfriend of six years (and also to find the father he's never known). The h is a childhood friend of the H's girlfriend and becomes entangled with the H through the girlfriend. The girlfriend (the chief villain of the drama) dumps the H in order to marry a rich guy who turns out to be the H's half-brother. Due to an injury caused by saving the ex-girlfriend from an accident, the H is forced to give up speed skating and instead becomes a chef working with the h, while he and his mother live with the h and her family (the co-habitation trope is always one of my favorites). As the show progresses the ex-girlfriend becomes crazier and crazier in her attempts to hide her past relationship with the H and to hide the fact that the H is her FIL's son and her husband's halfbrother. But out of all her heinous actions, I thought that her repeated torment of the H's childlike mother was by far her worst crime. The lead romance is sweet (rather than intense) and surprisingly the H/h become a devoted/loyal couple fairly early (by k-drama standards at least) and remained so for the rest of the drama. As expected, lots of obstacles are thrown at the H/h on their way to their HEA, but for the most part the lead romance itself is fairly angst-free. This drama did include an OW (this is not the ex-girlfriend) and OM. I found the OW to be fairly likable as she was pretty straight forward and open in her pursuit of the H (and the H was always consistent in his repeated refrain to the OW of "I love the h and I don't love you"). But then with the crazy ex-girlfriend, step-brother, and step-mother all running around wreaking havoc, I guess the OW really didn't need to. The drama did have one tiny case of noble idiocy with the h

promising to give up the H in exchange for the OW saving the H's company, but added the twist of the OW not really planning to accept the h offer (so it didn't actually go anywhere) and later asking the h if this promise even made sense (which is exactly my question every time I've seen this trope). This drama did include a few other romances, but the lead H/h romance was by far the most enjoyable of the bunch. Due to the length of family and daily dramas and the need to keep viewers engaged these shows can sometimes become frustratingly OTT (and for me unwatchable), but I never felt that way with this drama, perhaps because the lead H/h remained unwaveringly devoted to each other despite the crazies. And for the most part the crazies were never trying to keep the H/h from being a couple (unlike most k-dramas where the conflict revolves around an OW or OM trying to break-up the H/h in order to win the H/h) but instead the primary focus was on trying to force the H and his mother out of the country. So my only major complaint about this drama was the repeated use of the threat "If you [insert reason for anger], I won't forgive you" every time someone got upset or angry. This phrase was used at least 4 or 5 times per episode - it got so obvious that it was about to be said that I started repeating the phrase along with the characters. And I'm not sure that I really understood the step-mother's obsession over her husband's underwear, but I guess a person whose marriage is based on threats of suicide would have a few quirks. She was the classic OW trapping her H in marriage knowing he doesn't love her and then doesn't understand why he isn't happy in his marriage. But the actress did an excellent job portraying a complex, rather sad character such that I was OK with the ending she was given. Some of the H/h scenes from the drama: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YztsKTg21Vk You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Mar 18, 2015 2:20:57 PM PDT Last edited by you on Aug 9, 2015 12:09:50 PM PDT Adnana says: taz, Thanks for the info about "Smile, Dong Hae"; I've moved this drama from my "maybe"-list to the "watch"-list. If you're making your way through all of Ji Chang Wook's dramas on purpose, I seem to be making my way through most of Lee Sang Woo's dramas by accident. :) Dramas of his I've recently watched : 1) "9 End 2 Outs aka Bottom of the 9th (Inning), 2 Outs" [2007]. Lee Sang Woo plays just a secondary character here; this is Su Ae and Lee Jung Jin's drama. The H & h have been friends forever and by accident (this is a drama, after all) they are forced to become housemates pretty early in the drama. Cohabitation hijinks ensue as friendship gradually turns into something more. Girlfriday describes it much better than I could, so here's her review: http://www.dramabeans.com/2011/03/bottom-of-the-9th-with-2-outs-series-review/ On the plus side, the H & h are absolutely adorable as best friends who know absolutely

everything about each other and pull no punches in telling each other off. Their developing romance was believable as well. On the con side, they spend much of the drama in relationships with other people and their developing romance was very frustrating because, for way too long, they just wouldn't be honest and admit their true feelings for each other. Oh well, they got there in the end. 2) "Don't Hesitate". Lee Sang Woo is the H. This daily has already been talked about here on the thread, so I'll try to keep this short(ish)... The H was an absolute goner for the h; he was completely devoted to the h, rich and smart... yeah, pretty much perfect. I loved it when, after the H got engaged to the h, the OM was all like "your father won't allow it, so you'll break up with her" (like the OM did when his mother wouldn't allow him to be together with the h, many years before). And the H said, "No, I won't let her go, because I'm not you, hyung." I.e. I'm not a spineless, slimy, cowardly worm. (I was like, "Theeere... In your face, b****"... umm, sorry for that :P I just really couldn't stand the OM). Re: the comments that the h didn't deserve the H. I thought she did, because I was satisfied with how much she loved the H back. She was just occasionally/often frustrating with her excessive goody-two-shoes attitude towards the people who had ruined her life. Surprisingly, I didn't find the h (as) dumb (as I was expecting). When she had amnesia, her behavior was Mary Sue-ish but not outrageously stupid (ahem, by K-drama standards). After she recovered her memories, I was fully onboard her train of revenge (even at the cost of her temporarily ditching the H). And she was actually pretty successful at taking revenge. Only towards the end did I ever truly lose patience with her (the whole 2nd transplant issue). Oh, well. All in all a surprisingly nice watching experience for my first daily. Edit this post | Permalink Your post: Mar 18, 2015 2:32:01 PM PDT Last edited by you on Apr 11, 2015 10:41:12 AM PDT Adnana says: And last on my list of Lee Sang Woo dramas (for now): 3) The Road Home. Another daily. Lee Sang Woo, again, the H. OMG, I barely got though this drama. It made the dumb contrivances in "Don't Hesitate" look like highly intelligent strategies, by comparison. So, the bare bones: H & h were college sweethearts. H didn't feel confident enough to take it to the next level with the h, so he encouraged her to accept the rich man that her mother was pushing her towards and he ran away to the army. The h married the rich man and lived with him in the US. Only the OM turned out 1) abusive; 2) gay; and 3) a cheater (he even had his male lover live with them in their house). Nice trifecta, right? Doesn't exactly grow on all trees in K-dramaland. Anyway, after a few years the h finally grows a backbone and gets a divorce. Back in Korea, at the airport she already meets the H again. He clearly has unresolved feelings for her. He's crushed when he later learns the truth about her former marriage. He starts pursuing her again (he's a documentary PD, and she becomes his writer; so there's plenty of opportunity bred by proximity). The h at first pushes him away; finally she accepts him. Only gasp! She's pregnant by her former husband (so he was bisexual, then? and the h didn't remain a virgin all these years? I was honestly shocked). The OM's family find out about the h's pregnancy (and smear her as an adulteress). Eventually the OM guesses that it's his child and starts terrorizing the h in his noble quest for custody or reconciliation or something. Maybe he just wants his punching bag back. The h tries to placate him.

Amid all this, the H is told by his mother that...wait for it. His former aunt-by-marriage (who remarried after being widowed) is now the h's (adoptive) mother. And the h's adoptive mother's biological daughter was raised in the H's family as his sister. So... drumroll! The H has to (and does) break up with the h, of course without explaining why. (I don't understand why.) The OM, in the meantime, terrorizes the h some more, until she miscarries (after having agreed to go back with him to the US). Long story short, the OM is guilt-stricken and leaves the h alone. The h finds out why the H broke up with her and approves. They don't reconcile until ep. 88 (out of 120); then the families (especially his) disapprove of the relationship. His mother, in particular, is berserk in her intransigence and stupidly motivated opposition to the relationship. Some very exhausting episodes follow. And then the highpoint of the drama (and I only had to wait 102 episodes for it!): the H marries the h WITHOUT having received his family's permission (lest you be impressed: he does apologize for it later on). More petty and passive-aggressive behavior by H's mother towards the new daughter-in-law ensues (h takes it on the chin and justifies MIL's behavior, since she's a divorcee and had a miscarriage; which apparently, rightfully, makes her lower than scum in her MIL's eyes. Nevermind that she's smart, college-educated, from a good family, beautiful, kind etc.). The HEA thus takes a while longer to accomplish, but by the final episode all is well. (my brain cells, having imploded during my watching of this wreck, beg to disagree) Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Mar 18, 2015 4:41:09 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Adnana - Yes, unfortunately some of the daily dramas can cause imploding brain cells. The Road Home has been permanently placed on my Never Watch list. I've now watched all of the Ji Chang Wook dramas where he has the lead role except for Bachelor's Vegetable Store. But since I've never heard anything remotely good about this drama, I'm still debating whether I should bother watching it or not. D.M. In addition to the dramas mentioned above (Warm and Cozy, Girl Who Sees Smells, and Scholar Who Walks the Night), I also plan to check out Producers (cast is looking great with Kim Soo Hyun, Cha Tae Hyun and Gong Hyo Jin), Orange Marmalade, and Falling for Innocence (Jung Kyung Ho). I'm still hoping that Kim Woo Bin and Kang So Ra end up being the leads in Warm and Cozy. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 18, 2015 5:29:18 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Mar 18, 2015 5:30:02 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Ugh the new title is "Warm and Cozy"? I don't know... now I'm thinking that maybe Jejudo Gatsby was a bit better. Why can't they come up with a title that sounds interesting, this title sounds so generic. At least "Feeling Good/Warm" was a better title. I hope this project will have a good title, but anyways even if this remains as the title, I've learned not to judge a book by its cover or title lol. So hopefully even if this is this drama's final title, the story/characters will be good. Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 18, 2015 5:50:09 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Given the Hong sisters haven't even figured out a synopsis, I won't be surprised if the title doesn't change a couple more times before the planned May premiere. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: Mar 19, 2015 6:59:12 AM PDT Last edited by you on Aug 9, 2015 12:18:26 PM PDT Adnana says: Another long drama I crossed off my to-be-watched list (unfortunately, by actually watching it) was "Dear Heaven" aka Love in Heaven / The Sky. This was a 2005/2006 weekend drama with a total of 85!! episodes, so it's the longest K-drama I've ever watched. Its writer: Im Sung Han, she of "Princess Aurora" fame. Her older dramas are fine, though: she also wrote "Assorted Gems" (an okay, mostly drama-free drama) and "New Tales of Gisaeng" (a favorite of mine). After watching it, I feel towards "Dear Heaven" the same way I felt towards "Assorted Gems": it's an average family drama, without extreme highs or lows. An overall pleasant watch, with a satisfying (if not particularly passionate) main romance. I didn't care about the secondary romances. The H is played by the actor who was the H in "Assorted Gems" while the h here was also the h in "Family's Honor". Their characters in "Dear Heaven" are actually very similar (personality-wise) to their characters in those other 2 dramas. What "Dear Heaven" is about: the h's mother broke up with her rich boyfriend because of his mother's disapproval and had his baby in secret. Only she temporarily lost her mind and abandoned the baby with the childless couple that had helped her. She went to the US, married the H's father, and had another daughter. (so later, when the H & h get together, they're not blood-related but they have a half-sister in common) Ever since the h's mother (I'll just call her Mom from now on) recovered her wits, she's been looking for the h. When the drama begins, the h is maybe in her mid-to-late-twenties, and Mom finally finds her. The h had been left initially with good parents, only her adoptive mother died soon, then her father remarried and died too. So she's been raised by the adoptive father's second wife, who basically treated the h as a cash cow. Stepmom never worked a day in her life, but made the h give up college and go to work to support the family (including her young stepbrother). What's more, Stepmom has extravagant tastes, and all the h's savings regularly go towards paying debts. The h has a short fling with Stepmom's much younger brother (he's an actor, h was his makeup artist). Stepmom and Stepmom's older sister react by verbally abusing and physically attacking the h to make her give up the relationship. Their mantra: as a more-worthless-thantrash-orphan, how dare the h set her sights so high? The OM doesn't defend her. The h is disillusioned (and had never been that much in love to begin with) so she breaks off the relationship. Later, the OM wants her back. Too late, sucker. The h has, in the meantime, met the H again--by helpful (and carefully planned) intervention of Mom (his stepmother). God, this is giving me a headache, trying to write this down and keep all the relationships straight. :) Basically, Mom sees that the h has led a miserable life and wants her to be happy. But she thinks that, simply as her mother, she can't give the h complete happiness, so she wants the h

to find love with her stepson because a) she raised him to be an outstanding man; and b) if the H marries the h, Mom becomes the h's MIL and can live with her, take care of her and treat her like a daughter. So Mom does a little matchmaking. The H had already noticed the h once before during a trip abroad (and been mesmerized by her, of course), so now that he's met her again, he pursues her. His family is well-off, and he himself is a famous TV news anchor. The h is his new makeup artist. They build a relationship that comes across as gradual, adult, realistic. One thing here worth mentioning: the h, very aware of the huge difference in their status, daren't dream of marriage. But she loves him and doesn't want to live alone once their relationship inevitably (she thinks) ends, so she tries to get pregnant with his baby. How? She borrows a friend's apartment for a few days, invites the H over for dinner, receives him all dolled-up. She is too shy to actually seduce him and hopes he'll try seducing her himself. Ironically, the H withstands temptation because his feelings for her (and his respect) go too deep. It's funny and a little bit heartbreaking. Anyways, after a little soul-searching the H decides she's the one for him, difference in status and his family's expectations be damned, and proposes marriage. Surprising him (ha!), his stepmom is ecstatic. Grandma and little sis not so much. The OW goes berserk. I haven't talked about the OW yet. She's the h's (adoptive) cousin (daughter of the older sister of h's stepmom) and she's had a crush on the H forever. She's friends (opportunistically) with his sister and basically pushes herself on him any chance she has. H's sister and grandma approve of her, Mom hates her. When the OW hears about H's marriage plans, she goes and attacks the h (for real), aided by her mom and aunt. The aunt (Stepmom) promises to hijack the wedding at any cost--mainly because she doesn't want to lose her cash cow (she had hoped the h would never marry). In what had to be the funniest segment of the drama (if you love black comedy. I do), Stepmom tries to dissuade the rich, handsome, perfect prospective son-in-law, the H, from marrying her "daughter" by telling him all about the h's questionable origin (she's an orphan!), her previous relationship with the OM, her nasty personality and faulty character etc. The H counters each of Stepmom's arguments calmly, and her reaction is like, "Crap, he's too in love and won't hear anything bad of her. No matter. I'll talk to his mother." And you know, if his mother were the typical K-drama rich MIL, how that talk would go. In this drama, it's the complete opposite. And so the drama goes. The rest covers life after marriage for H & h and the conflicts arisen from the eventual discovery of Mom's secret. Writing about the drama so long after I've watched it, I was actually bombarded by fond memories. There really are a lot of funny moments (another highlight: the relationship between H's grandma and the h's biological grandma), memorable characters (if, for nothing else, because of how caricature-like they are: eg. Stepmom), and interesting relationship development. Too bad that "Dear Heaven" is, at 85 episodes, so bloated with filler. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Mar 19, 2015 8:41:13 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Mar 19, 2015 2:34:57 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: This week's episodes of Ho Gu's Love remained very good - very heartwarming with several surprising reveals one of which is pretty heartbreaking. And the H was given a new haircut and no longer seems as childlike/innocent. The high school scenes between the H/h were sweet. It's nice to know that the love was never one-sided and as the h says the H is just "oblivious". I think it's now clear who the baby's father is - what an utter scum (hopefully he gets what he deserves).

ETA: And I agree about Hyde, Jekyll, Me - one of the most boring dramas I've seen in a long time. I'm stuck at episode 12 and am not sure I can force myself to watch anymore. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: Mar 20, 2015 4:07:22 AM PDT Last edited by you on Nov 4, 2015 5:08:45 AM PST Adnana says: Next in my series of "dramas I've watched during my hiatus from amazon" "One Percent of Anything". A drama I picked after reading about it in this thread. Given its 26 episodes, I agree with previous posters that 1% was too long and sometimes draggy/boring. Still, I liked that it showed more than just the "courtship" segment of the H and h's relationship (from the first meeting and initial mutual dislike; through the development of feelings; through facing her family's opposition to the relationship, as well as the machinations of a verging-on-the-insane clingy OW). Speaking of the rabid OW: worth noting that at one point she actually has the h kidnapped and hands her over, unconscious, to be raped by the OM, to separate her from the H. The OM is not a romantic rival to the H, though (just a business rival), and he's actually decent (or grows into a decent man over the course of the drama) and has a loveline with the h's best friend), so he doesn't harm the h. I liked that the H didn't make any excuses for the OW and was absolutely furious. He wanted to have her arrested for her crime (you hear that, other drama makers? that kind of action is a *crime*, and the OW should be treated accordingly). Of course, the OW doesn't actually end up in prison, because the h stops the H, but hey, at least the H tried. Side-rant here: I'm so sick of heroes who are stupidly blind to the OW's machinations and/or let her get away with any crazy behavior without putting a stop to it. Or, God forbid, they should strike back against the OW in defense of the h! Anyways, as I was saying before I got sidetracked... :) I liked that 1% showed not only the H&h's relationship before marriage, but also their life afterward (the wedding took place in ep. 20). That so rarely happens in short and mid-length dramas! There were also a couple secondary romances that were actually pretty interesting in their own right. Regarding the criticism that the h was too cold or that she didn't love the H all that much... I do think that the H probably loved her a bit more before their marriage (and was the one who always pursued her), but it's also true that his personality was the more expressive. He showed his feelings more openly and more often, but the h certainly loved him too. She just was more the quiet, restrained, dutiful daughter type. Also a very cool customer in making him be the one who pursued her and had to have her. I loved how she handled their relationship actually and, again, I have no doubts that she loved him too: she was sometimes hurt because of him, she was jealous, she accepted his faults, she also sacrificed things to have him (like, it wasn't a small thing for her, with her background and beliefs, to accept marrying into that kind of rich family). Later, I thought she became a great, loving wife. I'm glad I watched this, but I don't know if I would rec it to others. It's an old drama (2003), which is reflected in the production values, and the storyline is nothing special. Most importantly, the main couple didn't really make my heart flutter--which is my No. 1 lookedfor-occurrence before deeming a drama a favorite. But then again, tastes differ, so any drama is worth mentioning once or twice, right? One poster's hated drama may well become another one's favorite. I've definitely had that happen to me! Edit this post | Permalink

Posted on Mar 20, 2015 1:29:19 PM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: I liked that she had a career and a loving family who supported her. This was a nice drama, but the OTP OW almost ruined it for me. But I've spent a few weeks watching Thai dramas and the OW in korean dramas have nothing on the seriously unhinged OW in some of the Thai shows I've watched. These women are dangerous to all living creatures! You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: Mar 21, 2015 2:38:13 AM PDT Last edited by you on Apr 3, 2015 6:05:05 AM PDT Adnana says: One drama I had been very excited about was PINOCCHIO. After it finished airing, I marathoned it--only to end up disappointed. It was a good drama, to be fair, but it fell short of my expectations (which was my fault, I suppose, for having too high expectations). I was anticipating "I Hear Your Voice"-levels of intensity from this writer, but what I got was a pale imitation. I loved the entire cast of characters, but the story didn't grab hold of me. Maybe because I didn't enjoy the romance as much as I thought I would. Overall, the romance felt more like a side-story than an important part of the plot. Where it went wrong, for me: **SPOILERS 1. When did Dal Po suddenly go from ignoring In Ha's love confessions to kissing her? Talk about a whiplash about-face! Not that I didn't want that result, but it just felt too out of the blue to properly enjoy, as a viewer. 2. The 2 or so times (the bleeding feet scene & the whistleblower sideplot) when Dal Po didn't *see* In Ha. He was so focused on his own priorities that he completely lost sight of the girl he'd supposedly loved forever. Not that it wasn't realistic; it probably was, but it wrecked the fairytale image of the completely devoted romantic hero. And darn it, I wanted the fairytale! Lol 3. No true heart-pounding moments in the H&h's relationship. All kinda hum-hum, pretty much. **END SPOILERS At the complete end of the spectrum from Pinocchio, in terms of hitting ALL the right notes for me in terms of swoony romance was HEALER. That drama was pure shippy perfection for me and turned me into a loony fangirl, especially during its second half when I got caught up with all available episodes and started live-watching the rest. I won't get into all the thousand myriad ways that this drama fulfilled everything I've ever wanted from a drama romance (and even some things I didn't know I wanted until Healer gave them to me). Y'all have been awesome in your comments as you live-watched the drama, and there's little I could add to that. So all I'll say is, "Healer, I loved you so much. You were worth suffering through an entire year of lackluster dramas, since I got you at the end." Edit this post | Permalink Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Mar 21, 2015 2:40:50 AM PDT

Adnana says: Jennifer, what are the best Thai dramas you could recommend, in terms of having a well-developed romance? Hopefully ones in which the H & h don't act like enemies or are kept apart by stupidity until the last episode. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Mar 21, 2015 6:47:40 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Mar 21, 2015 9:54:16 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Another daily family drama that I watched (it's been a few months) was A Good Day for the Wind to Blow (at 173 episodes it's also the longest drama that I've watched). Overall, the drama was OK but had a OW storyline that caused it to lose some of its charm. I liked the lead OTP and thought that their romance was sweet and for the most part better than some of the lead romances in family dramas. Unfortunately, in so many family dramas the lead romance starts off promising but then never goes anywhere for episodes on end (such as in You're The Best Lee Shin Soon, Wonderful Days, Hundred Year Inheritance, A Little Love Never Hurts, Passionate Love, etc.). So it was nice to watch a drama that had a somewhat decent romance for the lead H/h (that is until the OW crazy kicks in). The OW was one of the most obsessed in kdrama and unfortunately in the latter portion of the drama her character sucked a lot of the fun out of the drama. Despite repeated and sometimes vicious rejections by the H, she was relentless in her pursuit. Nothing that the H said (she was repeatedly told that he didn't love her, that he never loved her and that he loved only the h) or did (H married h about half way through the drama) could stop her from trying to win him back. Sadly, this behavior continued until the very last episode. Wouldn't it be nice if just once we had a h that was as tenacious as these crazed OW. (This is one of the reasons that I liked Smile, Dong Hae. Even though the romance wasn't hot/intense but sweet, at least the H/h had the upmost trust in each other and refused any attempt to break them up as a couple. As a side note, it seems that romances in daily dramas tend to be more on the sweet side, perhaps since these dramas air in the early evening when children may be present.) The sister's romance wasn't too bad (but it did seem to go around in circles quite a bit) and at least you did see both her and her husband become mature but rest of the other storylines weren't very interesting. The second brother's relationship with the older woman was flat as it seemed like he was having a romance with his mother and it got extremely repetitious that almost every scene with her BIL/SIL involved them plotting how to get her money (you learn quickly to fast forward any scene involving these characters as its really the same scene repeated over and over and over again). Overall, drama doesn't offer anything new or ground breaking and has some of the expected family drama tropes - birth secrets (but hey, only 2), a MIL from hell, worthless or spineless fathers, uncaring parents, and characters whose opinions flip-flop continuously (and I really hated the theme that a step-mother is incapable of loving a step-child the same as a natural child) - but it does at least offer an fairly decent lead romance (or at least until the OW antics started sucking out some of the fun), with a sweet and honest but young h and a very likable H. You replied with a later post Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 21, 2015 10:25:21 AM PDT 1ladydevil says: I finished My Sunshine. It was ok. I thought the H was too cold for most of the drama but towards the end he is better. He treats the h like she is an idiot. Plus everyone kept mentioning that the H was so handsome but I just didn't see it. I just started Cruel Romance and so far like it. The fight scenes are OTT and silly but the H is so HOT!! I've only seen 3 episodes and can't find anymore with english subtitles. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Mar 21, 2015 10:42:10 AM PDT Last edited by you on Mar 21, 2015 11:11:42 AM PDT Adnana says: taz-mania, Thanks. "A Good Day for the Wind to Blow" is a drama I plan to watch. I know how crazy these OW can get in daily & weekend dramas, but as long as the H stays steadfast in his love for the h regardless of the OW, it's all right. Speaking of dailies... I was actually meaning to ask about "Ugly Alert". I've seen that drama recommended a lot on mydramalist, so I wanted to ask people on this thread what did they think of the romance. I vaguely remember being turned off by mentions of the H being a total beta and crying a lot. Is that true? And if it is, is "Ugly Alert" worth watching anyway for a super awesome h and romance? Last but not least: would you recommend "Wonderful Days" for someone like me who, especially when it comes to long dramas, mostly only watches for the romance? Thanks. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Mar 21, 2015 12:04:00 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Mar 22, 2015 12:06:24 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Adnana - I wasn't overly impressed with Wonderful Days (I rate it a 6 out of 10). It starts out really promising (second chance romance for lead H/h) but it seems like the romance stalls and goes nowhere for episodes on end. And the H is pretty emotionless/cold so you never feel that he cares much for the h. Also, about halfway into the drama, it changes focus with storylines just going away with new ones commencing. Didn't really care that much for any of the secondary romances - might have liked the one with the H's younger brother if the actor had been different. Of last year's family dramas, I preferred both What Happens to My Family and Glorious Day over Wonderful Days. I haven't yet watched Ugly Alert but it is on my TBW so let us know your opinion if you end up watching. ETA: Actually, of the 2014 long dramas (50+ episodes) Empress Ki, which is a sageuk and not a family drama, had the best romance. And I mean the romance between the Emperor (Ji Chang Wook) and Ki, not the one between the Prince/King and Ki (although I think lots of folks also shipped this couple). The Emperor also wins my vote as the most obsessed,

possessive and jealous H in k-drama. The writing wasn't that great but the acting really carries the show. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVcYtDkeRAI On the bad news front, it sounds like Kim Woo Bin has turned down the lead role in the new Hong sisters drama. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 22, 2015 9:30:21 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Wow you guys are on a roll :P Reader123, I hope that the casting for "Warm and Cozy/Feeling Good/Jejudo Gatsby" (hopefully will get a good title lol), will go the same as the casting for KMHM. I remember that there were some casting changes in KMHM as well, and that finally Ji Sung and HJE accepted after it didn't work out with some other cast, which IMO was the best thing that happened to that drama, because I can't see anyone else pulling off the H's role. So I hope that the same happens with this drama, and while I was looking forward to seeing KWB in a leading role, I hope that whoever accepts now will fit the role very well, and that the drama will be good (hopefully). Maybe Yoo Seung Ho? I would like to see him in a leading role. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 22, 2015 1:59:13 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Looks like Gooddrama / Dramago has permanently shut down. They posted the following message: "Due to unforeseen circumstances we are shutting and closing down the site. We do not plan to bring it back." Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 22, 2015 2:07:25 PM PDT Mina says: Some of us only know the big three-Dramafever, Viki and Soompi. (not counting Netflix, Huluplus or Amazon). Would it be asking too much for people talking about great shows to let us know where to go to find them? I usually end up buying them from ioffer or YesAsia but I am preparing to retire and they won't be in the budget much longer. Thanks in advance. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 22, 2015 2:38:09 PM PDT

[Deleted by the author on Mar 22, 2015 3:02:59 PM PDT] Posted on Mar 22, 2015 2:42:50 PM PDT Navya says: It's a sincere request to all the ladies, to avoid mentioning the site address, that's the reason they shut get down Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 22, 2015 2:45:43 PM PDT Mina says: Thank you I'll make a list. I have tried YouTube but can't figure out how to get the subtitles, it says they are subbed but I don't see them on my iPad. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Mar 22, 2015 2:46:49 PM PDT Mina says: Sorry, I didn't know or I wouldn't have asked. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 22, 2015 3:12:49 PM PDT 1ladydevil says: So you all know I love dramas with very possessive, obsessive, and jealous heroes. Someone mentioned The Innocent Man. Can anyone tell me if it fits what I'm looking for and if it has a HEA. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Mar 22, 2015 3:43:47 PM PDT Last edited by you on Mar 22, 2015 3:44:36 PM PDT Adnana says: Mina, It's great that you've asked, and I'd love to share some of my go-to sources for dramas. It's just that, to protect those sources, it's better not to mention them on the forum. But if you're game, I can temporarily post my email address here, you can shoot me an email, and I'll reply with a list of options for getting your drama fix. Just let me know. :) taz-mania, That's a real bummer about that site: it very likely had the most complete Asian drama library out there. Honestly, streaming isn't my preferred option because I depend greatly on the ff-

button whenever I'm not watching a rare favorite; and it's hard to ff when each episode is divided into 4 segments, you need to click to load each segment and then wait for it to buffer. Still, I love to have that alternative if I happen to be in the right mood for streaming as opposed to dld-ing; your news made me really sad. Edit this post | Permalink Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Mar 22, 2015 4:02:58 PM PDT Last edited by you on Mar 22, 2015 4:03:45 PM PDT Adnana says: @1ladydevil, The H in "Innocent Man" (aka "Nice Guy") manipulates and uses the h in the first half of the drama, protects and helps her in the second; and keeps his feelings very close to the chest throughout. He's a complicated character, neither good nor bad, and he is both of that towards the h. He comes to love the h deeply over the course of the drama, but he shows it in mostly subtle ways and is never as expressive or open about it as the h. The h herself doesn't know he truly loves her until the last episode. Which sort of says it all, doesn't it? In summary: a very interesting, layered H. Unfortunately, not a possessive/obsessive/jealous one. As for the ending: it is a HEA, sort of. Personally, it left me with a bitter taste because it involved a big time-jump (7 years, I think). The H&h went their separate ways (why, oh why?), reunited in their mid to late-thirties and started anew with a clean slate. The clean slate part was nice, the script acrobatics required to get there felt manipulative and fake. I was also sad because of the leads' wasted years and wasted opportunities. Edit this post | Permalink In reply to your post on Mar 22, 2015 4:13:59 PM PDT 1ladydevil says: Adnana-Thanks for your feedback on The Innocent Man. I will not be watching it. If you think of others let me know. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to your post on Mar 22, 2015 5:40:31 PM PDT Mina says: Adnana, thank you, I would just put up my email but I wouldn't know how to remove it. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Mar 23, 2015 5:39:29 AM PDT [You deleted this post on Mar 23, 2015 10:43:56 PM PDT] Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Mar 23, 2015 6:24:54 AM PDT Last edited by you on Nov 4, 2015 5:19:32 AM PST Adnana says:

@1ladydevil, So... Obsessive, possessive, jealous heroes. Those are actually my favorite as well, especially in books. Unfortunately, I don't think they appear very often in K-dramas; and K-dramas are what I watch 90% of the time. Sure, K-heroes (usually) love deeply and they always get a little jealous sooner or later, but it's a mild form of jealousy, and often played for laughs. Not the intense kind of jealousy+obsessive devotion that I imagine you're looking for. Like, Do Min Joon in "You From Another Star" gets *very* jealous when he fears that Chun Song Yi might accept the OM and get engaged with him; but the way he crushes a cup while listening to the h's convo with the OM (and hearing sthg he doesn't like); or the way he goes crazy imagining the OM&h's future as newly-weds, is hysterically funny rather than shiveryintense. Still, the few dramas I know of, with heroes that are obsessed with the h: **Secret aka Secret Love. The H is certifiable. Crazy-intense chemistry with the h. Storywise, this drama was just okay for me, not a favorite **Coffee Prince. There's no jealousy, but the H loves the h even when she pretends she's a guy. He struggles a lot thinking that he might be gay, but in the end decides he has to have the h no matter what. Later (once the truth is out) the H & h are given a passionate love scene **Secret Garden. The H is definitely obsessed with the h. He's also very jealous **The Heirs. Obsessed, crazy in love H--check **The Moon Embracing the Sun. Same as above. **Summer's Desire. TW-drama. The H can't function without the h, that's how much he loves her. He does anything and everything to have her. Loved this drama. **King of Baking. The OM is obsessed with the h. He schemes to separate her from the H, almost goes crazy looking for her when she disappears etc. He gets a HEA with her by the end. **New Tales of Gisaeng. Another H who's obsessed with the h. He doesn't realize the strength of his feelings until too late, though, and has to suffer and sacrifice a lot to win back the h. **My Sunshine. C-drama. One of the most crazy in love yet outwardly cold heroes I've ever seen. But you've already watched this and didn't like it much, right? **The Sound of the Desert. Historical C-drama. I'm watching this right now, and I love the H. He's a cold general who only melts for the h, he waits for her patiently while she pines for another man for 2+ years; and once he has her he's determined to never let her go. Backtrack to read Purse Monkey's informative posts. I'll write more about this drama once I finish watching it. Also, from discussions here on the forum, I think obsessed heroes are a staple in lakorns (Thai dramas). Can't rec any specific titles because I haven't watched any (I've tried a couple, but couldn't stand the histrionics and the OTT, screechy acting). Maybe someone else can help with recs? Edit this post | Permalink In reply to your post on Mar 23, 2015 12:28:34 PM PDT 1ladydevil says: Adana Thanks for your recs. I've already watched My Sunshine, Coffee Prince, Secret Garden, Secret, and New Tales. Did not like Coffee Prince bc the h really did look like a guy. Not a fan of gender bender or historical dramas. I hated Secret; so many bad things happened to the h and the H treats her so badly for most of the series. I also have tried watching lakorns but they are too OTT and ridiculous.

I am currently watching Cruel Romance and loving it. The H is so awesome. It is a period piece which I normally would not like but it takes place in the 1920s so the clothes they wear aren't that different. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Mar 23, 2015 12:51:07 PM PDT Last edited by you on Mar 24, 2015 3:04:47 PM PDT Adnana says: "...Secret; so many bad things happened to the h and the H treats her so badly for most of the series" Yeah, that's exactly why I didn't love this drama. The h's life was just TOO depressing, and while I can enjoy extreme heroes if they're well written (and if they are redeemed later on), I couldn't like the H in "Secret". I also hated that the villains got such a light punishment in the end (especially the OW, who not only wasn't punished but was essentially rewarded for her bad behavior, with those shares she got from the H). Still, I did appreciate "Secret" for a certain addictive quality it had, and for its sheer entertainment value. I'm glad I watched it once. RE: Cruel Romance Oh my, I'm so excited for this drama. I've been waiting what feels like forever for it to finally air, but I won't start watching until it's completely subbed. I'm happy to hear the H is awesome. The actor who plays him, Huang Ximing, is my absolute favorite eye candy from China. BTW, he's one of the two men vying for the h's heart in "Summer's Desire", the TW drama I mentioned above. ETA: And since we were talking about "My Sunshine" earlier, here's an interesting fyi: the big-screen adaptation of the story on which the drama is based will soon premiere in China. And the movie (called "Silent Separation") stars Huang Ximing as Yi Chen. CAN'T WAIT TO WATCH THIS. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Mar 23, 2015 3:32:45 PM PDT 1ladydevil says: I enjoyed Summer's Desire. Both guys were very possessive of the h. I love the H in Cruel Romance and did hear about him being the lead in the My Sunshine movie. If it does get english subtitled please let me know. I have totally fallen in love with Huang Ximing. By the way, has anyone heard of a drama called Blade man? It sounds so silly, I might actually check it out. Is the H possessive? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 23, 2015 7:59:46 PM PDT

luvnlife says: Sad news about the sites shutting down.. especially GD. Like someone said, it really had the largest collection of dramas and movies out there. Good news.. Cruel Romance subbing is picking up momentum. 9 episodes subbed/18 episodes segmented (ready for subs) in the last week. I took the dive and am an official segmenter of the drama. (First time segmenting a drama). I usually stick to watching Kdramas/Tdramas but this one caught my eye with its ubber-possesive H. Please keep checking back and consider supporting the drama. Lee Min Ho news... did you all catch that his agency reported that Lee Min Ho is dating Suzy? He is also postponing his military duty since he is coming out with another drama at the end of the year. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Mar 24, 2015 3:26:32 AM PDT Last edited by you on Mar 24, 2015 4:27:20 PM PDT Adnana says: Yeah, I caught the news about Lee Min Ho and Suzy. I'm happy for them, but unfortunately, their dating news has become a huge scandal in S. Korea. Apparently, they checked into the same hotel when visiting London recently and stayed for 3 days--and that sparked a roar of unimaginable outrage among k-netizens, because how dare Suzy sleep with her boyfriend after only dating him for one or two months. Me, I'm perplexed since when did staying together at the same hotel (not even in the same room) equal sex, beyond any shadow of a doubt, and with 100% certainty? Not to mention the obvious: how in the world is it anyone else's business, what Min Ho and Suzy did or did not do while spending time together? But k-netz are apparently all-knowing and in possession of the divine right to judge & criticize their celebrities' private lives without mercy. I'm telling you, the comments on their dating "scandal" are no joke. Poor Suzy's image is being completely trashed right now. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Mar 24, 2015 5:07:51 AM PDT luvnlife says: Thanks for the additional info Adana. With all the bashing, they must have felt pressure to make the announcement. Actors and Actresses, especially in Korea, have such high expectations to live up to. It's ok for fans to oogle at their favorite actors' bodies and make "sex objects" out of them. But it is not ok for two grown adult actors to stay at the same hotel. And like you said if they did or didn't get together is no ones business. Horrible. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 24, 2015 7:42:25 AM PDT

Lovely D.M. says: lol, I wonder what Rashell will think about the news that LMH is dating, since I remember he was her hypothetical k-boyfriend. I didn't know that he will come back with a drama (let's hope it's not another Heirs). Speaking of enlistment, I read that Jaejoong in enlisting at the end of this month, which means now new songs for a while :( I hope that when he comes back he will release a new album, and maybe star in a good/interesting romance/drama show. Reader123 it is sad that that site is closing, it did seem to have one of the most comprehensive drama libraries. I read that Rain is being considered for the lead roles in "Warm and Cozy", and " The Time I Loved You, 7000 Days". Since the characteristics for both H's are still not released, I'm hoping that none of the two are cutesy or light characters, because Rain can't do light characters lol. I was never a fan of his acting, but when given the right role he can do well, like his role in "A Time to Kill", despite the fact that the story in that show was a mess, but his character fit him. So I hope that if he is to be the lead in either of these shows, that he would fit the character, since I'm interested in checking out both these shows. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Mar 24, 2015 8:38:50 AM PDT Last edited by you on Apr 3, 2015 6:12:20 AM PDT Adnana says: Well, actually, Min Ho and Suzy admitted to their relationship (through their agencies) immediately after Dispatch outed them--since Dispatch obviously had pictures as proof. It was also Dispatch that apparently stalked them all the way to London and released the news about them staying at the same hotel (giving the story a malicious spin). If you think about it, it's actually scary how far these tabloid journalists' reach goes. Unfortunately, almost immediately the K-netz fixated on the whole staying at the same hotel issue and started to basically call Suzy a who*e. Something important here: Suzy & Min Ho were actually outed in a blatant attempt by the Kgovernment to obstruct & suppress news articles about a huge embezzlement scandal in the highest political circle. So that the people focus on the celebrities' "scandal" instead of on the corruption in their country. This technique is actually used with great effectiveness and often by governments in many countries, to distract people's attention from the really important issues. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Mar 24, 2015 10:14:47 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Mar 24, 2015 10:35:53 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: So on the really weird side, both of those drama sites now appear to be back up and operating. Perhaps they were hacked? I'm disappointed about the news that Rain has been offered the lead in two of the dramas that I had been looking forward to watching. Not sure what happened to the offer out to Lee Jin Wook for the lead in the In Time With You remake. I had been hoping that he would accept as I think he would have been perfect for the role. As for Warm and Cozy, I like D.M. suggestion of Yoo Seung Ho or even Song Joong Ki (since he gets out of the military in a

few months), Joo Won, Ji Chang Wook or Ji Sung (if he can have us believing that he's a teenaged girl, playing a guy in his 20s should be a piece of cake). Or I guess anybody but Rain. I feel sorry for all of the Korean actors, as it seems they so rarely get to enjoy any type of personal life without a major scandal erupting. Season 2 of Itazura na Kiss, Love in Tokyo just completed its run. As expected it was a cute, sweet show, but didn't really offer anything new from the other versions of this drama. And, unfortunately, at times it felt like I was watching a high lights reel of the TW-version, They Kissed Again (which is the gold standard for this drama). Joe Cheng's version of the H also remains unchallenged as the best. luvnlife - congratulations on being a segmenter for Cruel Romance. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: Mar 24, 2015 10:39:00 AM PDT Last edited by you on Jun 8, 2015 9:37:20 AM PDT Adnana says: Time for another installment in the series of dramas I've watched and hadn't posted about yet. :) "Star in my Heart" aka "Wish Upon a Star" gets the prize for the oldest K-drama I've seen (hailing from 1997!), so the fashion and the production values are what they are, though I suppose they could have been worse. The h is an orphan who is adopted into a rich family. From that family, the father is the only one who treats her well (and the only one who wanted the adoption in the first place); the mother is evil (played by the actress who was EMIL in "Hundred Year Inheritance"), the sister is stupid and evil, the brother is stupid and a pervert (he tries to force himself on the h). So the h is basically a Cinderella in that family, and after the father dies she is kicked out. BUT she wasn't a doormat. Really, a round of applause for a 1997 K-heroine who is less of a wetblanket & doormat than your average 2010s weekend K-drama heroine. She mostly tries to fight back when she's treated badly--from the H, especially, she never takes any crap--she's determined and self-reliant. The H is a rich family's son who's left home because he wants to be a musician instead of following in his controlling father's footsteps. Btw, the actor (Ahn Jae-wook) is so hot, despite the somewhat questionable hairstyle. I think he was actually the No. 1 heartthrob in the later 90s, early 2000s in the K-dramascape. The OM is a good man who helps the heroine out in her career as a designer. There never develops a true love triangle because (1) the H and h are too into each other from the start; and (2) the OM is actually in love with a woman who is the h's lookalike but who left him to marry another man. I watched this drama out of curiosity, because it was a H.U.G.E. success in its time, apparently. For me, it was an okay watch. The H and h had nice chemistry, and the story itself was vastly watchable despite some draggy portions, especially towards the end, when the h decided to break up with the H over a stupid reason. He actually was in the wrong and in need of a lesson, but it was still frustrating that she decided to cut all ties over a thing that was inconsequential in the grand scheme of events--i.e. he'd hurt her pride--and for which

he'd asked forgiveness. Anyways, **SPOILERS*** they do reconcile in the final minutes of the final episode, but I would have liked to see a wedding to be satisfied with the HEA. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Mar 25, 2015 5:19:21 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I was happy to hear that the H for Warm and Cozy will be Yoo Yeon Seok. Now if Rain will just decline the offer for the remake of In Time With You it will be good news all around. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Mar 25, 2015 6:18:27 AM PDT [Deleted by Amazon on Mar 25, 2015 6:37:29 AM PDT] Posted on Mar 25, 2015 9:23:00 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Mar 25, 2015 10:55:30 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: One other family drama that I recently watched (as part of my quest to watch all of Ji Chang Wook's dramas) was The Sons of Sol Pharmacy House (My Too Perfect Sons). I had gone into this drama with somewhat high expectations as Dramabeans had rated it an 8 (out of 10) in terms of enjoyment. Unfortunately, while the show was light and cute, it wasn't as good as I had hoped primarily because none of the romances had that "addictive" quality. In terms of tone, I thought it was somewhat similar to Ojakkyo Brothers in that its storylines were generally makjang free. The story itself follows the 4 Song brothers (ages 39, 37, 35 and 19) all unmarried as their mother has historically refused approval of all of their past girlfriends. The mother finally wakes up and realizes her sons aren't getting any younger. Plus, she doesn't have a DIL to help with the housework (but her second son's nurse (and his h) acts as the family's unpaid servant (and from what I saw actually does the bulk of the household chores) but as the mother later says while she certainly doesn't mind the free labor, the nurse just isn't good enough for any of her sons). For the first half or so of the drama the lovelines for the 3 older brothers are pretty muddled (to an extent I've never before seen in a drama). The oldest son (a pharmacist) pines for his first love, a dying married mother of 2 and the sister-in-law of his h (a lawyer). The second son (a doctor) falls in love with and very actively pursues the oldest son's h, while the third son (a reporter) has a crush on the second son's h (a nurse). Once the oldest son's h rejects the second son in favor of the older brother, the second son switches his attention to his h. After crushing on him for years, once she finally has his attention, she decides to run away and goes back to her old life as a brain surgeon (and has a personality transplant along the way). The third son's h is an actress and the daughter of the father's frenemy (she's actually a pretty fun character). The fourth son (Ji Chang Wook) doesn't have a loveline but instead ends up caring for his unmarried best friend's baby while the best friend is away serving in the military. While there is some angst along the way, for the most part the relationships do have a lot of humor. My one major peeve relating to this drama is the mother. I think she was supposed to be the protagonist of the show, but I found her to be unlikeable (and actually pretty lazy). At one

point she goes into classic k-drama mother mode taking to her bed in a fit of rage (and starvation) because her son wants to marry the woman he loves and not the candidate that she prefers. She even voices to her sister her disgust that her child was so ungrateful that he would even consider marrying the person he loves instead of the person that she likes best. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 25, 2015 9:46:57 AM PDT mike esteban says: I am writing this from my phone, so I am sorry for any typo :) I am so glad that the actor who played Chilbong ( my fave character in Reply series) will be the lead. I hope that his character here will be as loving, calm, and strong. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 25, 2015 10:33:06 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I'm posting this from a computer, I think the above person hacked into my phone an to my amazon account! I'm glad this happened, because once I'm out of work I will go to my phone provider to see how to fix this. Do you guys think I should tell amazon about this as well? Because it seems like it only happened when I posted from my phone. Anyways I'm glad that Chilbong got cast as the lead. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 25, 2015 10:57:09 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. - can't hurt to inquire of Amazon, especially if the issue appears related to your Amazon account. Worse they can say is that they can't figure it out. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 25, 2015 2:33:08 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I sent amazon two emails, so hopefully they'll reply soon. I also disconnected my phone from the internet, so that whatever is happening stops, and I will contact my phone service provider soon. Now back to dramas, I am glad that Chilbong got cast as the lead in the Hong Sisters drama, and it seems like the title "Agreeably Warm" or "Warm and Cozy" will be the name of the restaurant or restaurant chain that the H owns. Now that makes more sense. I also read some details about the h, and an initial plot summary was posted on soompi, and it's interesting. So hopefully the drama will be executed well, and turn out very good. I would also say that with this casting news, Rain is most probably going to be the lead in

"The Time I Loved You, 7000 Days", unless something unexpected happens. I just hope that the role fits him. Finally on the WTF front, apparently Changmin (who to my knowledge is not an actor) will star in "Scholar Walks the Night", the comments on db are funny. Hopefully his role will be a supporting role, that I can accept. The last thing dramas need is another Suzy - I still don't understand how she was ever cast as a lead when her acting skills are so poor and lacking. Anyways I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: Mar 26, 2015 7:26:50 AM PDT Last edited by you on Mar 26, 2015 7:31:12 AM PDT Adnana says: "Shut Up Family" or just "Family" I was curious about how a Korean sitcom is constructed, and after reading the rec on this thread, I watched "Shut Up Family". My conclusion: that style is not my cuppa. I did enjoy the main couple's romance, but only because I liked that the H accepted and loved the h just the way she was, quirks and warts and all. That said, I don't know how he did it. Lol. The h, with her total lack of feminine graces (or really, even basic social graces) and her propensity for not bathing very often, was a turn off for me. A tomboyish h can be really fun and lovable, but I thought the h in "Shut up Family" was just plain crass and I couldn't love her. But the H did, and that's what matters, right? "Kimcheed Radish Cubes" Let's see. This one is a medium-length family drama (at 44 episodes), starring the very handsome Joo Sang-wook, and a very young Park Shin Hye (she's 17, playing 23 in this drama). Their developing romance is cute; the way the stiff, cold, almost neurotic H loosens up and turns into a huge, warm teddy bear in the h's presence is adorable. Their relationship is mostly drama-free and stays strong until near the end, when the h is hit with a bout of idiocy and decides to break up with the H. The H was wonderful. He would have done anything for the h and was, I think, the first H I saw who wouldn't forgive his mother for hurting the h. Also, he never once wavered when outside forces (his mother, the h's mother etc.) tried to break him up with the h. Overall, I definitely got the feeling that he loved the h more than she did him. It didn't help that Park Shin-hye was so darn young when she filmed this drama, and imo, wasn't capable of generating proper chemistry with her co-star. Still, this was an okay drama, with only 2 really frustrating characters: the H's mother and the h's mother. Out of them, the h's mother probably annoyed me more, though she was supposedly a "good" character. She just wouldn't stop lying and even tried, so that her lies wouldn't be revealed, to manipulate her daughter into ending her relationship with the H. Though her situation was hard, I was still disgusted by her spineless cowardice. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Mar 26, 2015 7:28:45 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Mar 26, 2015 8:25:59 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I ran across this fabulous Healer YT video which includes a lot of the great H/h scenes from all 20 episodes. Great to watch if you need a Healer fix but don't want to wade through all of

the full episodes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKN4FOlPgIk I thought that this week's episodes of Ho Gu's Love were on the sadder side. I do like that the h finally confessed her feelings to the H but am somewhat disappointed that she seems to be considering a bout of Noble Idiocy (which with only 2 episodes to go seems to be a little late in the game). I was also happy that the OM appears to be falling for the H's sister without knowing their history (so much better than if the storyline had been him being told that she was the one who kissed him and voila he's over the H and now crushing on her). I am also continuing to enjoy Unkind Woman (romances all seem to be somewhat secondary (boo hiss - limited Song Jae Rim screen time) to the primary storyline focusing on the younger daughter (50ish divorcee) and her backstory of being bullied in HS) and Heard It Through the Grapeview (weird tone but fun). ETA: My daughter and I recently watched the new Disney live-action movie Cinderella (outstanding cinematography). While the h was sweet, she really didn't come across as a doormat like we see so often in the Cinderella themed k-dramas. Perhaps some of the kdrama writers should watch the movie to see how a h can be kind but not stupid about it. They can also get a few pointers on how a H should be, as Cinderella's prince really was charming and not in the least cold. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 26, 2015 8:51:01 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: One of my observations (and peeves) about k-dramas is that they always seem to want to make the h look as unattractive as possible (but still always well clothed - gotta get that product placement). Rarely is the h ever allow to look as attractive as the OW. Usually, the h has the worst hairstyle imaginable (I think Park Min Young took incredible criticism for her "unattractive" looks in Healer), mixed sometimes with extremely poor table manners or personal hygiene (the H was so disgusted with the h's hygiene in Tomorrow Cantabile he actually washed her hair for her). Perhaps the writers/directors some how feel that an unattractive h is more "normal" or girl-next-door-ish. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Mar 26, 2015 9:05:21 AM PDT 1ladydevil says: tax-mania (Reader123)-I completely agree. The h in My Sunshine dressed so bad and her hairstyle was UGLY. Even the H said her hair was bad. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Mar 26, 2015 9:32:59 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Mar 26, 2015 9:44:23 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I don't think all the heroines in dramas dress the same, for example in "My Love from the Stars" the h was very fixated on her looks, to the point that she came off as shallow (but funny) in that aspect of her character. In "I Hear Your Voice" the h was well dressed, but still like the girl next door. I think the examples you guys are using are extreme examples. I find that there are many heroines in dramas that dress well but comfortably, and are the girl next door type. What I like about dramas is that there is a variety of female characters, like the high strung psychiatrist in training (KMHM, but I agree her sense of style is bad), the famous actress (YFTS), the poor stunt double woman (SG), the new public defender (IHYV), the nun in training (You're Beautiful) ...etc. However I agree that there are some k-dramas that make the h almost cartoonish in her lack of hygiene and table manners, but those same shows also give the H's (and some of the supporting characters too) some over the top characteristics too, like the H in Nodame Cantabile was afraid of bugs, and he'd scream when he saw one lol. As for Cinderella, yes I watched the live action version too! I liked that Cinderella's and the Prince's characters were more developed than the cartoon, however the show felt a little flat. I mean it was a good live action presentation, and I liked it, but I wished that it had had more intensity and a climax - but then again it's not that type of story. I think Beauty and the Beast live action, will have more intensity, and a climax. I'm looking forward to see how that one turns out. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 26, 2015 12:23:30 PM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Someone asked for recs for Thai dramas, I've only watched a few all the way to the end, sadly, poor quality and acting have distracted from a good storyline, but these are ones I did finish and like; Full House - I know some of you watched the Thai version too, I liked it even more than the K version, though the OM in the K version is the hottest man in the universe, imho. The Thai version was a lot cuter and I liked the male lead more than Rain and his bizarro sweaters. Duang Jai Patiharn - A super obsessive hero and a strong willed and decisive heroine kept me watching through some of the stranger twists in this story. Sweet Promised Revenge - this one was pretty dark. The Hero was pretty bad and the heroine was a bit slow to catch on, but the second romance between his younger brother and the heroine's younger sister was so freaking cute, it was worth all the tears and angst from the main couple. Cube- This had an obsessed hero, 'cept he was obsessed with the h's sister. Also he was a gangster, a gangster leader whose symbol was a rainbow. Also, he and all his fellow goons didn't understand guns, it was unintentionally hilarious. I watched up to episode six, but it was so ridiculous, that I've put it on hold for a while.

I'm so looking forward to seeing Chilbong in a drama again. He was the best part of Reply 1994. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Mar 27, 2015 2:43:52 AM PDT Last edited by you on Mar 27, 2015 8:35:09 AM PDT Adnana says: To be fair, the heroine's bad hairstyle in "My Sunshine" was a plot point from the novel. I mean, the 2nd, short hairstyle (whereas the 1st, medium-length hairstyle was, plain and simple, a sub-par wig). The h went to a random salon after the wedding, and the "hair stylist" (who was actually a janitor, I think, with aspirations of becoming a hair stylist) butchered her hair beyond redemption. Cue the 2nd wig that the actress had to wear in the drama. Finally, after the H said that he wanted her to grow her hair long, the h's 3rd hairstyle in the drama was actually the actress' own natural, beautiful long hair. Of course, there's no excuse for the h's atrocious wardrobe. taz-mania said: "Perhaps the writers/directors some how feel that an unattractive h is more "normal" or girl-next-door-ish." You know, there's normal, and then there's off-putting. Though I don't like that, as you said, the h usually has a worse hairstyle and wardrobe than the OW, I can accept it. But the h having disgusting personal habits is in no way normal or girl-next-door-ish. And I don't understand why the writer/PD would ever believe that giving a h slovenly character traits would make her "adorable" or "cute" or anything of the sort. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Mar 27, 2015 3:32:34 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: Man, my comment got deleted. I think it's because I expressed how much I hated the sl&t shaming that was going on with Suzy in her coupling with Lee Min Ho. That word must be a blocked one. Oh well. I'm fine with that pairing. Suzy is definitely not an actress that I like, but I'm sure she's a fine person. And considering I'm married, I probably shouldn't judge Min Ho for dating. lol Still not seeing a drama to watch. But the casting of Yoo Yoon Seok in the new Hong Sisters drama is definitely peaking my interest. Love him!! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 27, 2015 8:30:32 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Mar 27, 2015 8:33:34 PM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: I'm up to episode 4 of Cruel Romance, it is such a fun series, but I saw that it is going to be 40 episodes long! Holy moly, not sure how it will keep me interested that long. Also there is a lot of man boob grabbing, not sure what to think of that! I think any girl that dates LMH would be in for rough treatment, his fans are legion.

Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 28, 2015 7:29:38 AM PDT 1ladydevil says: I'm on ep 8 of Cruel Romance and really loving it. Unfortunately, the eng subbing is slow so I have to wait for each ep. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 28, 2015 10:48:40 AM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Are only 8 episodes subbed? Oh no, now I wish I'd waited to watch it. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 29, 2015 3:04:45 PM PDT luvnlife says: Cruel Romance overall was pretty good for a Cdrama. There is a time jump but it was done well. I'm on the segmenting team for it and we are just waiting for the subbers to catch up. It sounds like the people translating are preparing for midterms so it has been a little slow going. I think things are 100% subbed through ep 11 and then sparatic to ep 15. It was a weekend of throwback Kdrama.. just powered through "Spring Waltz"... an oldie but still one of my favorites. I'm waiting for "Falling for Innocence" to start next weekend. Also, the Hong Sisters casting is looking promising. Chilbongie! :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 29, 2015 4:37:14 PM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: I am really liking it, there is an abundance of handsome men and obessive possessiveness, enough to keep me watching. I am so grateful to you and othe other segmentrs, it really is amazing. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: Mar 30, 2015 12:10:52 PM PDT Last edited by you on Apr 3, 2015 6:17:36 AM PDT Adnana says: I don't watch a lot of J-dramas, because--as far as I know--they're (a) either procedurals, a genre I only watch in American productions; or (b) they're romance-focused (which is rare!), but they're not to my taste. Japan doesn't seem to do many straight-up romance dramas nowadays, so when I got in the mood to watch a rare romance J-drama, I had to go further back in time for my picks.

Goldfish Club [2011]. Set in high school. A girl who's being severely bullied, and a boy who's careless/indifferent about life strike up an unlikely friendship. They help each other grow and become stronger people. Reviews at: http://mydramalist.com/2905-kingyo-club Tatta Hitotsu No Koi [2006]. A boy from the wrong side of the tracks and a rich, sheltered girl meet by chance and fall for each other. The drama chronicles the ups and downs of their relationship (and the ways in which their astronomical difference in status does and does not matter) in a thoughtful, realistic manner. Reviews at: http://mydramalist.com/56-tatta-hitotsuno-koi I liked how protective and yet down-to-earth and sane! the girl's family members were in regard to her relationship. All chaebol fathers/mothers in K-dramas should take notes. Also, high points for the h having battled cancer in the past, yet being in complete remission by the time the drama starts. And her illness doesn't return later for the purpose of turning this into another Autumn Tale or Stairway to Heaven and wringing the viewer dry of emotion! So refreshing and deeply appreciated. I started watching for the romance and would have felt so cheated if I had been served with terminal illness melodrama instead. The production values in these two dramas aren't very high (J-dramas are not even close to being on the same level as K-dramas in terms of prettiness). Their story makes up for it, though, in staying cohesive and logical in its progression until the end. I saw these dramas highly recommended for their story & romance elsewhere. For me they were fine (especially Tatta Hitotsu No Koi), but mostly I concluded that romance J-dramastyle and I just don't really click. Maybe because the way the relationships are depicted is so spare, without any bells and whistles? So realistic? The chemistry between the H & h also isn't the explosive kind that I'm looking for. But that's just me. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Mar 30, 2015 12:21:19 PM PDT Mina says: Oops, I was going to ask if anyone is watching Super Daddy (Yeol) 10, but it's a case of terminal illness. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 30, 2015 12:26:07 PM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: I've liked just a few jdramas, they are pretty serious about their workplace dramas and for that I guess I just prefer American or British shows. I wish there were more romance j-dramas. Love in Tokyo was pretty good and I loved Hana Yori Dango, the version with Matsumoto Jun. Hey, I'm just curious, how many here can read or speak korean? Are any of you asian american? Or Asian Canadian, or asian? What was the first kdrama (or cdrama, jdrama, etc) that you watched? Did someone recommend it to you?

Are you the only one in your house to watch asian dramas? If you were to recommend a drama to a person who has never watched one, which one would you recommend? Can't wait to hear everyone's answers. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 30, 2015 5:48:31 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Mar 30, 2015 5:52:29 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I agree about J-dramas, the only ones I like are: Hana Yori Dango (Why don't they make more shows like this? But with different settings), Koizora (but has sad ending), Kimi Wa Petto (it is weird but heartfelt), Absolute Boyfriend (I liked this J-drama, it has a unique concept. I hope they do a remake of this in which the h is not indifferent to Knight for most of the show). But yes in general J-dramas are more crime dramas or workplace dramas, and also a lot of high school settings. I'm not interested in those. Plus I can watch these types of genres in English without having to read subtitles. Now moving on, I just saw an English subbed 8 minute preview of "Sensory Couple/The Girl Who Can See Smells" thanks to the drama soompi thread, and it's looking good. I hope that this show will be a little like "I Hear Your Voice", in that it will mix heartfelt romance, with intensity/suspense, and some good comedic relief. The preview English subbed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iq_yhwhC-Vs Hopefully this show will live up to its potential. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 30, 2015 5:55:38 PM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Sensory Couple is the only upcoming kdrama I'm looking forward to - well, also the one with Chilbongie, whenever that comes out. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 30, 2015 6:06:36 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Yes, Agreeably Warm/Warm and Cozy and Sensory Couple/The Girl Who Can See Smells, are the two upcoming k-dramas that I'm most looking forward to as well :) I'm actually pleasantly surprised in SSK's acting, she looks like she's improved a lot judging from this preview. The role fits her, and the H/h look like they have good chemistry which is another good thing.

Oh, and did you want everyone on this thread to answer the questions you posted? If so, my first k-drama was "You're Beautiful", and I fell lol. I got introduced to dramas thanks to this thread. No one else in my family watches, but I'm trying to get my mother and younger sister to watch. If I had to recommend a drama, hmmm I guess I have to think about that...Oh, and I don't speak Korean. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Mar 30, 2015 6:23:04 PM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Yes, I was hoping everyone would answer my questions, I'm super curious. You're Beautiful is one of my favorites too. I loved how shocked Jeremy was, I watched that bit several times, it is too darn cute. It's hard to get others to watch a subtitled show, I don't know why. Is Agreeably Warm the name of the Chilbongie drama? How bizarre, but I'd watch a show called Smelly Socks or Mediocre Bunnies, just to see him again, he's my favorite. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 30, 2015 6:36:03 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Mar 30, 2015 6:39:03 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: lol, yes Agreeably Warm is the name of Chilbong's (YYS) new drama, and it's also apparently the name of his restaurant or restaurant chain (so that makes a bit more sense, I guess, though I had hoped for a better title). I wonder what the significance will be (if there is any) for the title to be the same as the name of his restaurant, or if it will just be a cute and warm drama without any subtext :P ETA: And yes Jeremy was so cute and funny in "You're Beautiful", and it was so funny when he couldn't understand why he was falling for Go Mi Nam, his character was very funny. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Mar 30, 2015 7:19:33 PM PDT Mina says: Jenifer, not Asian but am Canadian. I spoke more Korean in the 60's than I do today (Korean best friend in the Foreign Wives Club on a USAF base) but am taking a refresher course. I know we miss a lot in the translations because I've watched some French films with subs that completely missed the point. 49 Days was my first drama, i was browsing Netflix and gave it a go. I would say Coffee Prince or Secret Garden would hook about anyone. A year ago last Christmas, I "came out of the closet" so to speak and was shocked and delighted to find that my son and grandson watched and suggested CP. My daughter and granddaughters (3 of 4) started watching and the girls upped their reading skills three grades in under six months. My fourth GD watches (and draws) manga.

Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 30, 2015 7:57:24 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Mar 30, 2015 7:58:15 PM PDT jak says: I haven't watched many jdramas, but I do like they have fewer episodes. But I'm not into all the office dramas, or police dramas. My favorite jdramas would be the Keizoku Spec series, they have 2 seasons and numerous specials, movies (which are inferior to series). There is just a hint of attraction between the leads, I wished there were more dramas like them. No and no. My first kdrama was Full House. Some of my family do watch it, my mom started to watch it because we would watch it together and enjoy it. If i recommended a drama, it would vary based on the person. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 30, 2015 8:01:31 PM PDT darkice7_12 says: Up until now, I have been mostly a silent reader, but I am a huge KDrama fan, although I do watch Japanese/Taiwanese dramas, as well. I agree with everyone who said that Japanese dramas are usually lacking in the romance department, but one of my all time faves is "Pride" starring Kimura Takuya. Basically, the romance is the central story. My first Asian drama was actually the Taiwanese version of Hana Yori Dango called "Meteor Garden" which pulled me in. And My Lovely Samsoon pulled me into Korean Dramas, and I haven't looked back since. I've gotten my sister to start watching, and my brothers have watched a few, but they tend to stay away from reading while watching, so don't like things subtitled. I am also looking forward to the new Hong Sisters drama, and desperately hope that it is nothing like Big. ;) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Mar 31, 2015 1:11:25 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Mar 31, 2015 1:12:20 AM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Mina - I giggled about your 'coming out of the closet comment!' You are so lucky to have family that will watch with you. My Husband and son tease me about my obsession. I think Coffee Prince would be a good rec for first timers, it isn't the first drama I watched, but it is the one that made me realize how great it was to see Hollywood quality acting with high production values, also, that I'd become obsessed.

Darkice - I hope you are right about the Hong Sister drama, Big was traumatizing. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Mar 31, 2015 8:31:35 AM PDT Last edited by you on Jun 8, 2015 9:42:52 AM PDT Adnana says: The first drama I watched (to the end) was "Secret Garden", which started my ongoing love affair with K-dramas. Strangely enough, a year or so before that, I had tried watching "Boys Over Flowers" (and thought Lee Min Ho unhandsome, if you can believe that!) and "You're Beautiful". Couldn't get into them and gave up on K-dramas. Later, I stumbled yet again upon a rec for K-dramas right here on Amazon; I think it was on a thread for romance in movies/tv series or something like that. Was intrigued enough to give K-dramas another try and this time, by some weird confluence of events or alchemy or magic, I was completely sucked in. I marathoned "Secret Garden", came up for air to start this thread, and then dived right back in to watch some more dramas. And yes, I eventually went back to "You're Beautiful" and "Boys Over Flowers" and enjoyed the heck out of them both. I'm the only one who watches K-dramas in my family. Subtitles aren't the impediment; in my country all foreign series and movies (and there are a lot shown: Mexican, Turkish, Russian, American etc.) are broadcast with subtitles. Tried to get my brother to watch "City Hunter", because I thought that was the one drama that could for sure make a favorable impression on a new (and male) watcher. Alas, I struck out (he barely made it through the first episode, saying it was "boring"). My two besties know that I watch Asian dramas, but have never shown any inclination for watching too. I don't think there's one single drama I could recommend to *any* first-time watcher. "City Hunter" would probably still be my first choice for someone looking for action; "The Moon Embracing the Sun" I would rec to someone looking for romance in a gorgeous historical setting. Still, if a person is fundamentally reluctant to watch Asian dramas (or somehow biased against them), I don't think there's any drama that could make them change their mind. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Mar 31, 2015 9:49:12 AM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: I am so glad you started this thread, Adnana, I check in here all the time to find out what everyone is watching and their reviews for new shows. I don't know if it's an american thing or what, but most people I know are super reluctant to watch anything with subtitles. Years ago, I had to beg a friend to go with me to see Life is Beautiful. When we got to the theater it was so strange, but most all of the audience was deaf, it took me a few minutes to figure it out, like all the hand movements weren't enough of a clue. Anyways, I am the only person in my household to watch anime and dramas. You replied with a later post Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Mar 31, 2015 11:11:44 AM PDT Last edited by you on Mar 31, 2015 11:13:42 AM PDT Adnana says: Jennifer, I'm grateful to everyone who's "adopted" this thread and made it their own. It would never have survived without all of you/us. Can you believe it's been more than 3 years already? Anyways, let's hope for many more. :) I think the reluctance towards subtitles is common in all countries where TV stations broadcast only dubbed or original programming. Following along with subtitles is an acquired skill (and taste), and I can see where someone who's not used to (depending on) subtitles might find them inconvenient or annoying, or a waste of time/energy. Personally, I'm very grateful for having grown up with subtitles. The first memory I retain of them is, I was about 7 years old and my mom was watching a (Latin American) telenovela that looked terribly interesting to me. I couldn't understand Spanish, but I wanted to know what the characters were saying. Yet as they spoke, the white text across the bottom of the screen was streaking by too fast for me to read. Then gradually, the subtitles became, from impossibly fast, just a little too fast for me, and in the end just fast enough. A few years later, I didn't need subtitles at all anymore when watching telenovelas. I can't measure exactly how much original (un-dubbed), subtitled programming has helped me improve my language skills in my formative years (and until now), but it's got to be a great deal. I'm fairly sure, for example, that I learned more English by watching TV than by years (and years!) of formal study in school. Edit this post | Permalink 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Posted on Mar 31, 2015 12:00:41 PM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Wow, has it been 3 years already! The subtitles are so helpful, I know more Korean and Japanese than I ever thought possible. I wish I'd known about this years ago. I saw a lot of latino television as a child (I grew up in California), but it was mostly strange variety shows, so I never stuck around to watch. If I had, the four years of Spanish Class would have been a lot more useful. My hubby came up behind me when I was watching Cruel Romance and said, 'so which kdrama is this? I was kinda snooty when I said, 'this isn't a kdrama, they are speaking Chinese not Korean. He said both languages sound the same to him and I was appalled, because they sound very different to me." But before watching all of these other shows, I wouldn't have known the difference either, now its super obvious, like the difference between German and French. I almost never get a chance to practice any of it, but it's nice to know new things. I've also started to notice things in my community that I wouldn't have seen before, like a korean couple at the store wearing couple shirts and matching shoes. The bowls at the asian market that I thought were for baby baths are more likely there to make big batches of kimchi. I could go on.

Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 1, 2015 6:32:40 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I ended up marathoning the final episodes of Hyde, Jekyll, Me. Overall, not a drama that I would recommend to anyone looking for a romance (would rate it a 5 out of 10). The biggest problems with this drama were the writing, the complete lack of any emotional intensity (the leads all seemed deadpan and emotionless) and the lack of chemistry between leads. For some odd reason, the writer decided to build the romance around the h and the OM (H's alter personality Robin) with a heroine that fights tooth and nail against the H being cured of his mental illness (and is actually upset when he is finally cured). This loveline continued all the way into the final episode such that the H/h's HEA actually left me with a bitter taste (H deserved better than the h, especially since in the end she only accepts him since he's now Robinesque - not because she had actually cared for both personalities). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 1, 2015 8:57:33 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Apr 1, 2015 1:26:26 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Spoilers - Ho Gu's Love wrapped up yesterday. Overall, I really enjoyed this sweet/cute drama. While I didn't like the outcome of the rape storyline (rapist goes free), I was please that not only were the H/h given a HEA but the OM was also given a happy ending with the H's sister. On the good news front, Ha Ji Won was been confirmed as the lead in the Korean remake of In Time With You. Now if someone other than Rain is cast as the H, I'll be completely happy about this drama. I also read that Lee Min Jung and her scum of a husband gave birth to a son yesterday. I think earlier this year, Dahee ended up receiving a one year jail term for her blackmailing attempt against Lee Byung Hun. On the bad news front, Je Se Yeon is now in contention for the lead female role in Scholar Who Walks the Night. Han Groo was definitely a better choice, too bad her casting fell through. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 1, 2015 5:19:57 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: That's good casting news for "The Time I Loved You, 7000 Days", on the h front. I hope that this show will be good. As for "Scholar Walks the Night", it seems that the casting is just getting worse and worse. My interest in this show is plummeting. I don't think I will check it out.

Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 1, 2015 10:13:47 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I just read that Lee Jun Ki confirmed for SWTN, he'll be the H I just watched ep 1 of Sensory Couple/ The Girl Who Sees Smells, and it is off to a good/interesting start! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: Apr 2, 2015 12:31:57 PM PDT Last edited by you on Apr 3, 2015 6:22:07 AM PDT Adnana says: A couple of days ago, I said that when it comes to the procedural genre, I've avoided Asian dramas and gone for American series instead. Well, to every rule there's an exception, and I did indeed make an exception for the K-drama "Bad Guys". Why? I was intrigued by the concept of getting criminals to hunt even worse criminals, and by the fact that the "bad guys" are ruthlessly efficient in their role as hunters exactly because of their ability to understand (and identify with) the criminal mind. Also, it didn't hurt that Park Hae-jin, my sort of guy crush (among many others, lol. why limit myself, right?), is in this drama. I mostly ff-ed through this drama, and I can say that "Bad Guys" was more and at the same time less than I expected. It was dark and gritty, with layered characters and gripping performances; but the story (and its twists), though well-executed, still left me mostly unmoved. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Apr 2, 2015 8:34:11 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Apr 2, 2015 8:36:21 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I just watched ep 2 of "Sensory Couple/ The Girl Who Sees Smells", and the show continues to be good and promising, it's funny and intriguing so far. From the preview, (possible spoilers) it looks like the H will get the promotion he wanted, and become a detective, and then cause the h to get fired from her job, by not showing up when he promised he'd be her partner in her gag project (which is a mean thing to do). I'm guessing, then the H will make her become his assistant, so that he can use her talent to catch the killer of his younger sister, while both still don't know that the killer was going for her (unless there are two killers in this drama). Anyways I'll have to wait and see if my predictions, for the direction of this show, are correct. I hope this show will live up to its potential, hopefully it will continue to be good with more H/h interactions/development and story, as the mystery (investigation aspect) unfolds. On a side note, I really hope that now that the H will get promoted they will change his hairstyle and brush his fringe back (away from his forehead), it would suit him a lot more. I don't understand why in k-dramas, the hairstylists seem to be fans of variations of the halfbowl cut for the H, when I feel most of them would look better with their bangs brushed to the side or back.

Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: Apr 3, 2015 5:25:38 AM PDT Last edited by you on Jun 8, 2015 9:46:05 AM PDT Adnana says: Do you have any second-chance dramas? A drama that you watched once without paying it complete attention, or with lots of fast-forwarding. Or maybe you watched it at a time when you just weren't in the right mood for that kind of story? So you maybe almost liked it, but not quite; or you liked it fine but you didn't LOVE it. And THEN... One-two years pass, and you see that same drama highly recommended somewhere, on a site you trust or by someone with similar tastes to yours; and because you don't remember much beyond the general plot of the drama, you decide to watch it AGAIN. And this second time it's love. You've suddenly discovered a new favorite. I've actually had this happen to me twice, but both times were slightly different. Now usually, I don't re-watch dramas unless they're already on my keeper list, and someday (when the current crop of dramas is especially weak or I'm hit by nostalgia) I decide to fastforward to my favorite scenes of an old keeper drama. Which brings me to my first example. I liked "Ojakgyo Brothers" just enough on my first watch to decide to keep it, but I didn't love it. Whereas on my second watch, I fell so hard for it. Of course, the main romance was the main draw both times, but it took a second watch to properly appreciate it and be truly moved. And my second example of a second chance drama: this was actually a (very) rare decision for me in that I decided to re-watch a drama that I'd been underwhelmed by on my first watch and thus hadn't deemed a keeper. Like I said, I don't re-watch non-keeper dramas. I mean, who has the time, right? And yet here is an exception (I'm so glad I made an exception this time!). "Who Are You?" (the 2008 version). A father dies unexpectedly, leaving his young daughter-the h--(who's about to graduate high school) all alone in the world and in a financially difficult situation. He's given a chance to delay his departure to the other side for 49 days. Each day he can, for a few hours, inhabit the body of a young yet very successful, cold (and neurotic) businessman--the H--and during that time he goes looking for his daughter and tries to help her out. The father is well-intentioned but pretty much a bumbling fool, so he makes a mess out of the H's life in the few hours that he inhabits his body. He also comes across as weird towards his daughter at first, because she doesn't understand 1) why does a complete stranger want to help her and buy her things; and 2) why does that same person later act as if he doesn't know her and treats her like a crazy stalker (once the father's spirit has vacated the H's body). On this second watch, I liked "Who Are You?" very much, helped in no slight measure by my judicious fast-forwarding through the father's early bumbling behavior when he repeatedly messes things up for the H in his professional life--which annoyed me to no end in the past (I used to think the father soo selfish! Sure, he only had a very limited time to do what he needed to do; but, dude! You're just a temporary, unwelcome passenger in this other guy's body. Show a little bit of gratitude and a modicum of consideration; and don't go completely messing up the H's life with your shenanigans!). Fortunately, the father does get much better (and considerate), and overall I didn't find him unbearably annoying this time around.

Most importantly, I fell hard for the H this time; he's so ice-cold and aloof, and has all this obsessive-compulsive hangups, but the h gets him to gradually loosen up and to truly appreciate life. I loved the h as well; she was very forthright and didn't hesitate in going after what she wanted--and what she wanted was the H. Lol. He might have been older than her (she's 19 and he's 30, I think), but she was the first girl he ever loved and she hit him like a sucker punch. Such a cute couple, and a very cute, heart-warming drama. So, what about everyone else? Do you have any second-chance, better than you remembered from your first watch, dramas? Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Apr 5, 2015 5:08:26 AM PDT luvnlife says: I really enjoyed the first two episodes of Falling for Innocence. I'm a big Jung Kyung Ho (Paksa - Cruel City) fan. The first two episodes have a melodrama feeling which I like. All three main actors have great chemistry. I'm excited to be excited about a drama again. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: Apr 5, 2015 8:15:31 AM PDT Adnana says: I was thinking of checking out "Pride and Prejudice" and/or "Plus Nine Boys". Can someone who's watched either drama tell me if they have a good romance, please? Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Apr 5, 2015 9:14:39 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I only watched a bit of "Plus Nine Boys", and I didn't watch "Pride and Prejudice", so I can't help. About second chance dramas, I think for me the closest would be "Secret Garden", not in the sense that I didn't like it on first viewing and then liked it on second viewing. Instead I liked it on first viewing, but loved it on second viewing and it became one of my favorites after the second viewing. Also "Stairway to Heaven", the first time I tried to watch this, I stopped after the first two or three eps. Later I came across it again, and then I ended up watching it to the end, and while it's not a favorite of mine, and it is makjang with I think all the characters having a sad ending, the H/h did have very good chemistry and I enjoyed their parts together. I guess I will check out "Falling for Innocence", and hopefully it will be off to a good start (because the premise sounded a bit generic), and I'll like it. Oh and I read that "Warm and Cozy/Agreeably Warm" will start in May. On a completely different note, happy Easter :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 5, 2015 8:20:54 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says:

I really liked Plus Nine Boys, but mostly only for the middle brother's love line. I didn't mind the younger brother's, but it didn't have a complete HEA. And I didn't really like the h in the older brother's. She just didn't seem willing to really fight for him the way he did for her. Just far too passive. But the middle love line, which was the main one, saved the show. I loved both the H and the h. So I'd say that one was worth watching. Pride and Prejudice was not one that I would watch for romance. It was really, really slow, and unsatisfying, in the romance department. I did enjoy parts of the drama, but even the mystery dragged for far too long. I'd give that one a pass. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 6, 2015 2:36:07 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: While looking for a completed drama to watch, I came across one with positive reviews so I decided to give it a try. Overall, I liked Fermentation Family / Kimchi Family, which turned out to be a very heartwarming drama centered around a Korean restaurant that follows traditional cooking methods. Each episode is based on a different kimchi (who knew that there were so many different types) and instead of the usual trope of being presented in a cooking contest each are presented as a life lesson (don't watch this show with an empty stomach as it will have you craving food). While the tone of the drama is somewhat low-key and languid, all of its various characters are fully fleshed out. The H (Song Il Gook) is an exgangster who ends up at the restaurant looking for his missing past, while the h is the daughter of the restaurant owner who returns to help run the restaurant after her father goes missing. Their romance is slow building but very warm and sweet as they support each other through the obstacles thrown their way. This couple had no misunderstandings or breakups and there really weren't any OM/OW gumming up the works. While there were several short (but ultimately sweet/happy) storylines that served to help flesh out the characters, the overarching storylines involved the H's search for his real identity, a major company's attempted takeover of the restaurant and the unraveling of two crimes that occurred years in the past. This drama also had fantastic cinematography, with many visually breathtaking scenes. Probably not the cutest video of the OTP but I liked this OST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbVCesuhbnA Adnana - Of the two dramas you mentioned, I'd go with Plus Nine Boys. The romance was pretty lacking in Pride and Prejudice. Lead H/h didn't have much in a way of chemistry and the romance itself wasn't a big focus of the drama. I thought Plus Nine Boys was cute drama and the "29" year olds romance wasn't too bad. The "39" year old also had a HEA but I didn't really like his h - she really didn't deserve him. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 6, 2015 3:40:26 PM PDT luvnlife says: I second Rashell - skip Pride & Prejudice. I couldn't finish it even with fast forwarding. Too slow.

Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: Apr 6, 2015 10:20:53 PM PDT Last edited by you on Apr 7, 2015 3:28:27 AM PDT Adnana says: Thank you to everyone about the info re: "Pride and Prejudice". I'll skip this one and watch "Plus Nine Boys" instead. I know I'm late to the game with this drama, but I finally got to watch "That Winter, the Wind Blows". I really enjoyed the characters: the icy, prickly rich girl h; and the opportunistic, bad boy H who falls sooo hard for her that it completely changes all his priorities and he would sooner risk his own life than harm even a single hair on her beautiful head. Also, it's worth mentioning how completely gorgeous and mood-appropriate the cinematography was. Great PD. That said, I didn't find the story itself that addicting, and there were (more than) a few times when the characters' behavior left me completely exasperated and out of patience. Nor was the romance as all-consuming & passionate as I would've liked for this couple. And while I was okay with the ending (it was, after all, a HEA), I thought it could've been better. Overall, just an okay drama for me. Edit this post | Permalink In reply to your post on Apr 6, 2015 11:16:04 PM PDT jak says: I liked That Winter, the Wind Blows, but like you thought it could have been even better. There were some stuff, especially near the end, that really didn't make much sense to me. But I loved the characters, the actors and the dreamlike atmosphere. I would put it down as better then okay, in the B range. The writer and PD also did It's Okay, It's Love, and Padam Padam together so they make a good team, if flawed at times. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 7, 2015 9:10:42 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Apr 7, 2015 9:11:49 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I really liked "That Winter the Wind Blows", even though I agree that the last 4 eps were weaker than the previous eps, and that the show could've easily been better. However because of it's atmosphere, cinematography, and great H/h chemistry (though I wished the kisses were steamier, and I know that both these actors have done steamier kisses in the past) - also because the H was so protective of the h and so sexy (good haircut, very good looks), as he made the h's walls come crashing down - this became one of my favorites, though maybe it deserves more of a 4/4.5 star rating, rather than a 5 star rating. I was a bit generous when rating this drama because of those other things that came into play, that I've just mentioned, which made me overlook the fact that the story (while overall fairly good) did have some weaknesses and some flaws. Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 7, 2015 10:08:31 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I continue to enjoy Unkind Women but unfortunately Song Jae Rim, while billed as a lead, continues to enjoy significantly less screen time than the OM in his love triangle (I know I'm sounding like a broken record). Since the synopsis had indicated that he was the OM's halfbrother, I wasn't surprised when the drama finally made that reveal. So both of the h's love interests are sons (albeit that the OM is actually a step-son) of the chief "villain" of this drama (the teacher who bullied the h's mother during high school and ultimately caused her to be expelled). I'm also disappointed in the direction that the romance is going. Song Jae Rim finally confesses and starts dating the h but immediately drops her like a hot potato when he sees her with his brother (he can't even be bothered to have a conversation with her first). At the rate he's going, he won't deserve to end up with the h. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 7, 2015 6:44:58 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I really enjoyed the first 2 episodes of Girl Who Sees Smells/Sensory Couple. I'm actually liking both of the leads in this drama (which is something that I never thought I would say about the lead actress, Shin Se Kyung) as they are adorable together. And given the odd premise of the drama, the storyline is much better than expected - great balance between the comedy and serious. I also watched the first episode of the TW-drama, Murphy's Law of Love. It was interesting enough that I'll probably keep loosely following this drama at least until the plot takes a turn for the worst and the show becomes unwatchable (which unfortunately for me happens way too frequently with TW-dramas). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 7, 2015 8:34:37 PM PDT luvnlife says: Lee Min Ho fans... Gangnam Blues is listed in the upcoming lineup of featured movies on DF. It should be coming out in mid-April. @Taz. I thought the same thing about Shin Se Kyung but changed my mind when she played the h in Blademan. IMO - Blademan has a similar feel to Girl Who Sees Smells. If you are liking Girl Who Sees Smells you may want to check out Blademan (staring Dong Wook as the H) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: Apr 8, 2015 3:09:16 AM PDT Last edited by you on Apr 8, 2015 8:10:58 AM PDT

Adnana says: Two other dramas that I watched sometime in the past few months are "Pasta" and "It's Okay, Daddy's Girl". They weren't very memorable though, so I'm gonna have trouble remembering enough to write a mini-review now. Hmm, let's see... "Pasta". The setting is the kitchen of a high-end Italian restaurant in Seoul. The H is a bigtime chef who doesn't tolerate female cooks in his kitchen; the h is a newbie cook who's determined not to be thrown out by the new chef. There's no plot to speak of, and I didn't particularly like the H: I didn't find him attractive, and I thought he was (more than) a bit of a bully towards the h--and not only in the beginning when he was trying to chase her from her hard-earned position as a cook. There was a power imbalance between the H & h that just rubbed me particularly wrong. I have nothing against that setup per se (goodness knows, I watch--and enjoy--many boss/employee or even chaebol/poor Candy dramas), but I want to see a gradual balancing of scales, where the H steps down from his pedestal for the h, or the h finds enough strength in herself to rise and meet him on the same level. Well, this drama just didn't deliver that, as far as I'm concerned (obviously, this is just my subjective interpretation). In any case, the power imbalance I perceived and the leads' bickering sort of relationship didn't exactly float my boat (again, not that I haven't been known to enjoy bickering relationships in the past--just not the one in Pasta). Yet somehow I watched the entire drama, and I don't even think I ff-ed much. Maybe I was just in the right mood to watch a slow, talk-y drama? And to give credit where it is due: Pasta featured a set of very likeable second leads, who never went down the manipulating/backstabbing route to win the heart of the H and h respectively. "It's Okay, Daddy's Girl". I admit, I started this for Choi Jin Hyuk. He's the H, and the h is played by Moon Chae Won in what must have been her first lead role. She's a spoiled rich girl (and very annoying with her short-sighted, selfish behavior in the first half of the drama or so, until she gets a clue and grows up); he's a poor law student just out of the army and preparing for the bar exam. Their fates are intertwined when her father is unjustly accused of having killed the H's brother, and her family loses everything--riches to rags overnight. The H doesn't believe that the h's father is the true murderer, however, and feels responsible for the h's family when they lose everything because of the unjust accusation. And it goes from there. This drama, too, was nothing special. I watched because I wanted to see the "princess" h grow up, and because the H was so steadfast and awesome, and the daddy-daughter relationship tugged at my heartstrings. Most of all, I wanted to see the romance between the H & h--only alas, that never really developed. Not even one measly kiss the entire drama! Feelings are mutually acknowledged in the end, but then the h & H separate because the h wants to travel abroad for a career opportunity. Cue timejump and an unsatisfactory reunion in the last seconds (literally) of the last episode. Cue my half-disbelieving, half-annoyed, wholly-disappointed face. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Apr 8, 2015 6:42:26 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I liked the first 2 episodes of Falling for Innocence. The H/h interactions had a lot of intensity (which sadly seems to be lacking in most of the dramas I've watched lately) but we'll have to see how the "cellular memory" aspect plays out as the last drama I watched with this trope (My Spring Days) didn't have a happy ending.

luvnlife - I'll add Blademan to my TBW-list. I remember the initial impression everyone had of this drama wasn't good and since I'm not a Dong Wook fan I didn't bother to watch as it was airing. But sounds like the drama got better in later episodes. Adnana - I agree with your assessment of It's Okay, Daddy's Girl and also found the show's pacing to be very odd - perhaps best described by Dramabeans as a "highlights reel of a much longer drama". Did anybody watch "Maids" to the end? Is it worth watching? I'm not a fan of the lead actor (Oh Ji Ho) but will watch if the drama ended up being good. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 8, 2015 11:47:13 AM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: I'll check out Sensory Couple when there are more episodes. I've been watching two dramas, the tw drama Loving Never Forgetting, it's pretty good but the weak and pitiful heroine is dragging me right out of the drama. But seeing Jerry Yang as a heartless CEO who is gradually thawing because of his newfound son keeps me interested. The second thing I am watching is a lakorn called A Woman's Trickery. Sometimes its been silly, but I really like the chemistry between the leads and so far, there hasn't been any rapeyness. I was watching the The Lady and the Liar, but the dreamy hotness of Hawick Lau just couldn't overcome the flat, sorta passionless story between him and the heroine, so I quit a few chapters in. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 8, 2015 1:18:08 PM PDT jak says: A Woman's Trickery or Leh Ratree? Sorry to burst your bubble Jennifer, but it's a remake of an older lakorn that did have a rape in it. I'm not watching so I don't know, but maybe they'll change it to a willing. Mai Sin Rai Fai Sawart another one slap n'kiss on right now that will probably have rape in it too. I've heard good things about the chemistry of both couples, but I'm not really interested in that. I'm planning to watch the Mafia series on right now, it has some good actors. I watched two episodes of the Sensory Couple, but like so many other dramas I've watched recently (Healer, Blade Man, Pinocchio, Punch, etc.) I find it okay, but not necessarily compelling or good enough to really care if I continue it or not. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 8, 2015 3:11:45 PM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Jak - I didn't know it was a remake, but I already made it to the bed scene and while it did start out rapey he asked her if she hated him or not, if she didn't then would come some intense cuddles, if she did, he'd stop. Then there was the aftermath, him looking contented and her seeming overwrought with having slept with him when she has a boyfriend that she loves. She even told her boyfriend that she slept with him and it wasn't rape. So, to me, it didn't seem like rape, more like swept away by passion. I really liked the first epi of Sensory Couple, but it will have to step up the coupleness to keep me interested. Is the Mafia series a thai series? On a side note, I've been doing white people spotting in my dramas, in Loving Never Forgetting there was a kinda strange white woman dancing like a teletubby at a party, unintentionally hilarious! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 8, 2015 7:02:23 PM PDT 1ladydevil says: Damn, why can't I find more H's like the one in Cruel Romance? He is so crazy possessive about the h. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 8, 2015 9:40:56 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Apr 8, 2015 9:44:33 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Jennifer "Sensory Couple" is the type of show that is getting better with every episode, and it is intriguing and fast paced. I actually hope they will slow the pace down a bit, just so that we can get more character moments. I thought that episode 3 had very good H/h interaction, as the mystery continues. Reader123, I agree I never thought I would like anything with this actress, after seeing her in "When a Man Loves", and dropping that show after the first few eps. However I am glad that she is finally in a role that is good for her, and she is doing well. As for Yoochun, I really hope they will brush his fringe to the back (away from his forehead), I feel it would look better on him. Of course he is doing well in the role. I feel that this could be his best character in a drama, yet, but it is still too early to tell - and a lot will depend on the writing. "Falling for Innocence" has an interesting premise, and the first two eps were very promising. However I hope they don't drastically change the H's personality, and make it exactly like the h's late boyfriend. I hope that even though the H starts to show some of the boyfriend's traits, his original personality will remain the dominant one after the heart transplant. This show has potential. Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 8, 2015 10:57:21 PM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: 1ladydevil - He is super crazy about her, even when he thinks she might like someone else, he is totally focused on her. The Hero, or antihero, of Lady and Liar is pretty obsessed with the heroine, but the series is pretty slow and the heroine keeps falling for ridiculous things. I'll keep up with Sensory Couple, it does have a nice mystery and I like that the H/h have been thrown together. It seems like a lot dramas keep the couple apart for too much of the series. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: Apr 9, 2015 11:26:24 AM PDT Adnana says: I finished the historical C-drama "Sound of the Desert" (Da Mo Yao). I loved the characters and the romance, and managed to tolerate the overall slow pace and the palace politics. The romance is slow-moving, because the h first falls in love with the OM and waits quite a long time for him to love her back. And love her he does, only instead of admitting it, the OM pushes her away (again and again...) out of noble idiocy, which finally creates an opening for the H to swoop in and sweep the h off her feet (quite literally, as it happens, in this drama). BTW, all those years that the h loved the OM, the H loved her; and though not the patient type on surface (he's a fierce general), the H did wait patiently for the h, staying by her side as her friend and protecting her when necessary. As you've already guessed from this description, "Sound of the Desert" does feature the mother of all love triangles--and I usually hate those (only notable exception until now: TWdrama "Summer's Desire"). But the triangle in "Sound of the Desert" I found was well done because 1) all three leads were interesting characters AND good people (in particular, the OM didn't inspire any urges to stab him in the eye with something sharp--as the nastier OMs in dramaland are wont to do on occasion); and 2) though I did think that the h pined for the OM for too long, in the end the one who won her heart was the guy I had been rooting for all along. That happy outcome excused, in my book, the more tortuous twists and turns of the route taken to get there. I loved that the h was the H's one and only, that with her, he never held anything of himself back--which went against all his training and instincts (he'd grown up amid the backstabbing and constant one-upmanship of palace politics). He never even considered giving up on her, and once he had her, he did everything he could to tie her to him and keep her there forever. And in case you were wondering... Yes "Sound of the Desert" has a happy ending. :) Edit this post | Permalink Your post: Apr 9, 2015 11:44:21 AM PDT Last edited by you on Apr 9, 2015 11:46:24 AM PDT Adnana says: Oh, I also sorta kinda took my life in my hands and fast-forwarded through the makjang fest (and mess) that is "May Queen". LOL. Gotta tell you, though I skipped way more than I watched, I still barely survived the experience. But hey, at least I came out on the other side enlightened, with a new understanding of the true depths of stupidity to which a K-heroine

can sink. As it turns out, Min Chae Won from "Hundred Year Inheritance", who I'd considered the golden standard for abject and incurable idiocy, had barely scratched the surface thereof. P.S.: The H in "May Queen" was great. But when was a TSTL h NOT paired with a completely awesome H, like a yoke around his neck and leech upon his back and and... I could go on. Better not. :) Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Apr 9, 2015 1:51:24 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I'm really loving the humor of Heard It Through the Grapeview. The h was now completely won over the in-laws (they think she's a genius)and has the MIL's secretary's cowed. Loved her revenge on the guy that took advantage of her sister. And the H is always so proud of her. I wasn't too sure early on whether I would ever like the H's parents but they are turning out to be fun characters (so pompous but such dotting grandparents). D.M. I actually don't mind the H's hair in Sensory Couple but I do agree that he's doing a good job in this drama. So far, I'm not sure if I prefer his character in this drama over his sooo upright character in Sungkyunkwan Scandal. And you might need to brace yourself as I think that the H in Falling for Innocence is going to be given a new hairstyle that looks somewhat similar to Yoochun's. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 9, 2015 3:00:23 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Apr 9, 2015 3:02:14 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Oh lol, I mean I was more tolerant towards the variations of the bowl haircut before, but now after a while of watching dramas (k-dramas to be more specific), I'm starting to get annoyed with it, because other hairstyles would look much better. I don't understand why the H's can't be given good and more flattering hairstyles, like brushing the bangs to the side or to the back. I don't understand what this obsession is with the bowl haircut for H's, in dramas. I would've really preferred that the H in "Falling for Innocence" continue to have his previous hairstyle which is a lot better, anyways as long as the drama is good I won't complain (too much lol). As for SKKS, I still haven't watched that drama, even though it is on my "want to watch" list, I've watched like 5 or 6 eps of it, and then I stopped because I got busy, and then got distracted by other dramas. I guess I will go back to it sometime, and finish it. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 9, 2015 3:32:02 PM PDT 1ladydevil says: I absolutely hate the bowl haircuts. Plus, many of the guys have the early Justin Bieber hairstyle with the hair covering the forehead. Yuck! I am noticing that in Chinese dramas the men have the sides of the head shaved. It is ok but not everyone looks good with it. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 9, 2015 7:17:48 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Contains Some Spoilers After a few months of off and on watching I finally finished Loving Never Forgetting. Overall, I found the drama to be just OK. I liked the H but wasn't overly impressed with the h. She really needed to understand that in order to be trusted you need to be trustworthy (if you lie to your husband you can't be surprised when he thinks you're a liar). I hated the H's mother and thought she lacked any redeeming qualities. I don't think I ever once saw her show any love or affection towards her son and I didn't understand why she was allowed custody of her grandson, especially after the H found out that she was as mentally abusive towards her grandson as she had been towards the H. I also thought that both the h and the H's mother showed a complete lack of caring towards the H when they demanded that he donate a portion of his liver to his father (if you can call him that, since for most of the H's life he refused to acknowledge the H as his son). Neither had any questions or concerns about the potential risks or side effects of the operation to the H and both expressed to the H that he owed donating his liver to his father. Sometimes the "everybody is forgiven everything" at the ending of a drama can leave a bitter taste. While I didn't mind the H/h HEA, I wish the mother would have been given a better redemption arc to justify her HEA. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 9, 2015 10:33:12 PM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Taz - I've given up on Loving Never Forgetting mostly because of the h, she looks on the verge of fainting or crying or both all the frigging time. Seriously, I just wanted her to eat something (so that she could stop herself from fainting from hypoglycemia, she knew she was hypo, so why the heckola isn't she eating every few hours!!??) and with all that she needs to do to take care of her son and win back custody she spent a lot of time crying instead of actually working to get her son back. When she wasn't hanging out with her son she was falling over crying, or wandering the streets in tragically messed up dresses crying, crying crying crying, it was pretty much all she does. There were parts where all I could do was sympathize with the H, I imagined him thinking; 'how the hell did I end up in bed with this cray cray lady?' The mother of the H was pretty terrible and I couldn't figure out why he was living with her. Surely he has enough money to live alone. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 10, 2015 10:57:33 AM PDT djv41924 says: Hello Im a lurker on this and other discussions. I very rarely post, but I want to thank and jokingly curse at whoever recommended Cruel Romance. SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER

I am at the part where she just broke his mother's bracelet! I immediately hit pause and I am wondering does she redeem herself? I partly blame the H because he did not gift her the bracelet the correct way. He definitely should have told her what the bracelet signified and how important it was to him. However, I also blame the h because even without her knowing the history of the bracelet, she should have treated the gift with more respect. He has shown her many many times with his actions that he cares about her and is not trying to buy her affections. Okay, I'm diving back in now. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 10, 2015 12:15:11 PM PDT 1ladydevil says: djv41924-She does redeem herself. I was surprised by her actions as well. She treated an expensive gift like it was trash. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Apr 10, 2015 12:23:44 PM PDT djv41924 says: Thanks 1ladydevil! That makes it easier to keep watching. However, who am I kidding Im so hooked I've watched 12 episodes in a day and a half. I obviously can't stop until I finish it now. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 10, 2015 12:28:16 PM PDT annieo says: Hi, I just stumbled upon this forum. These stories sound interesting. Can you tell me how I can watch them? They aren't on my local tv station. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 10, 2015 12:57:58 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: annieo - the 2 most popular legal (and free) k-drama streaming sites are VIKI (www.viki.com) and Dramafever (www.dramafever.com). Both also have a paid subscription option if you want to avoid watching commercials. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Apr 10, 2015 2:19:31 PM PDT annieo says: Thanks for your help, taz-mania.

You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Apr 10, 2015 10:49:16 PM PDT Adnana says: Google is also pretty good at offering options & alternatives for your K-drama watching. Just now, I googled "korean drama online english subtitles" (you can also add the name of a particular drama you want to watch), and one result I got was this: http://www.quora.com/Where-can-I-watch-or-find-Korean-dramas-online There are some good answers there. Good luck and have fun! Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Apr 12, 2015 8:35:15 AM PDT luvnlife says: If you are enjoying Cruel Romance, another similar Cdrama we are subbing (Viki), set in the same time frame is "Too Late To Say I Love You." 20 of 36 episodes have been subbed in less than 2 weeks. h is set to marry her childhood friend (OM) but he gets caught smuggling goods by a military leader (H). h goes to H to asks for her fiancĂŠs life. H is a conniving and lacks empathy. He strikes a bargain with h that she must parade around as his 'close friend.' H is very calculating with h. h is not a doormat.. YAY! This H is possessive but maybe not as extreme as Cruel Romance's H. Check out the first episode - I was hooked in the first scene and actually prefer this drama over Cruel Romance. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 12, 2015 10:41:36 AM PDT 1ladydevil says: luvnlife-Thanks for letting us know about "Too Late To Say I Love You." I am always on the hunt for a great possessive H. I will start watching it today. I am actually watching Cruel Romance slowly bc it is so good, I don't want it to end. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Apr 12, 2015 2:05:51 PM PDT luvnlife says: 1ladydevil - let me know what you think once you start watching. What are some of your favorite possessive Hero dramas? I like this theme, too. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 12, 2015 4:37:23 PM PDT

1ladydevil says: luvnlife-My favorite possessive H dramas: Devil Beside You, Tomorrow I'll Still Love You, Cruel Romance, Boys Before Flowers, Mars, Summer's Desire, and Flower Boy Ramyun Shop. Thats the only ones I can think of right now. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Apr 12, 2015 6:53:12 PM PDT djv41924 says: Thanks luvnlife. I'm at ep 25 for cruel romance and was falling into a slight depression because I can't find any more episodes subbed. I'm going to give Too late a try and I was also thinking about Lady & Liar. Thanks 1ladydevil. I've only seen two off your list, so more options for me! Yeah Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Apr 12, 2015 11:16:29 PM PDT Adnana says: luvnlife said: "Too Late To Say I Love You." 20 of 36 episodes have been subbed in less than 2 weeks. Wow! That's the best news ever; thank you so much. I've known about this drama for a long time and wanted to watch it so badly. But it wasn't subtitled, and with the constant influx of new trendy dramas, quite frankly I had all but given up hope that "Too Late To Say I Love You" would ever get translated. I did finally track down a French subbed version of the drama a couple weeks ago and I was actually steeling myself to give it a go... despite my very rusty (i.e. almost non-existent) French. Your news has saved me that huge headache, though, and just in time. :) Edit this post | Permalink Your post: Apr 12, 2015 11:25:29 PM PDT Last edited by you on May 4, 2015 5:26:40 PM PDT Adnana says: Another drama I crossed off my to-be-watched list: "When It's At Night" aka "When Night Comes" [2008]. Kim Sun Ah is the h, who works for the South-Korean agency tasked with protecting and recovering national cultural artifacts. She's very serious about her job, very driven. Her secret motivation to be the best she can possibly be at her job: her father was a famous art thief. So she became an enforcement agent/protector of cultural treasures. For the first half of the drama she nurses a long-time crush on the OM, a co-worker who's a widower with a young daughter. Lee Dong Gun is the H, a lecturer at an arts university, who also has a big fandom thanks to his TV show about rediscovering cultural treasures. He's very knowledgeable and talented, but he also has a huge ego (though he pretends modesty) and basically thinks he's God's gift to women (a belief he might be forgiven for, seeing the flirty-adoring way he's treated by most women in the drama--except for the h, who sees through all his pretenses and doesn't

hold back in cutting him down to size). In terms of plot, I thought the drama was below average. As for the romance (the drama was, nominally, a rom-com)... The H & h had an okay, bickering chemistry, but their romantic relationship developed at the speed of... maybe a slug. As mentioned, the h has a crush on the OM (who rejects her politely early on in the drama and later regrets it); the H eventually crushes on the h but mostly just stays by her side without letting on that he likes her. ***SPOILERS It's only in ep. 15 (out of 17) that the H sorta confesses his feelings to the h but doesn't give her time to react. In ep. 16, the h tells the H she's gonna reject the OM (who has grown to like her in the meantime and who's just confessed) because now she likes someone else--i.e. the H. Followed by a lame kiss on the cheek. So yeah, not a very satisfactory drama on the romance front either. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Apr 13, 2015 5:13:25 AM PDT luvnlife says: djv... I would skip Lady & Liar for now. The group subbing it stopped and I think started subbing Cruel Romance instead. Cruel Romance subbing is picking up but they had some trolls mess with their work so they were focused on fixing it over the weekend. Plus I think Lady and Liar drags on in the middle for about 12 episodes. 1Ladydevil... what is "Tomorrow I'll Still Love You" about? I'm assuming you've seen "Autumn's Concerto." I love the time jump in that show. Possessive H. Adnana - I think the subbing is going fast for Too Late To Say I Love You because someone is translating it from the french version you mentioned. I'm excited - so far that show has been good and not too over the top. Jung Kyung Ho is rocking his bad self in "Falling For Innocence." This week his heart melted a little although I still like he is somewhat cold. When he hits the guy with his shoe I had to laugh. If Paksa was still alive (Cruel City) he would have taken care of the guy gang(num) style. This is my new crack drama of the year. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 13, 2015 12:37:31 PM PDT 1ladydevil says: Tomorrow I'll Still Love You is the only lakorn that I have enjoyed. The H was insane for the h. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 13, 2015 3:31:59 PM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Not that I totally want a spoiler, but does anyone know if Too Late to Say I love you has a happy ending. The title is making me worry. Lady and Liar has such a great set up, but the hero and heroine don't have a lot of chemistry

and really don't have many dust ups, they just sorta hang out together since she lost her memory. But it is pretty fun to see how completely evil the other woman is and how many people she kills along the way. I can't wait for her to be revealed. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Apr 13, 2015 3:43:30 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Apr 13, 2015 3:49:38 PM PDT djv41924 says: Thanks luvnlife. I will drop Lady & Liar way down on the tbw list. Im thinking after being so disappointed Cruel Romance wasn't completely subbed, I'm going to just look at fully completed dramas right now. Im very new to K-drama and C-drama so I can probably start at the beginning of this thread and get tons of recs. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 13, 2015 4:03:39 PM PDT 1ladydevil says: I watched a few episodes of Lady & Liar but stopped. Won't be continuing. There is no chemistry btw the H and h and don't like the story. Hate the evil woman, she looks stupid. I think this drama would have been better if the casting was different. The actors don't fit the characters they portray. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 13, 2015 7:06:04 PM PDT luvnlife says: Jennifer - yes happy ending. I haven't seen it yet but that is what others have said. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 13, 2015 11:01:24 PM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Thanks Luvnlife, I just don't want to commit to a tragic ending show Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: Apr 14, 2015 6:09:39 AM PDT Adnana says: One drama that I felt I should've liked more than I did was "A Man Called God". I mean, on paper is sounded pretty much perfect. There's the very gorgeous Song Il Gook (whose face is seriously so chiseled it could probably cut paper) playing the H with a secret identity as an internationally (in)famous assassin/spy. He returns to Korea after 25 years abroad, on a revenge mission against the corrupt group of Korean big-wigs that killed his family when he was 7 years old. The h is an intrepid and

spunky reporter who crosses paths with him while chasing a story (her target is also the H's target, though their motives & intentions are obviously very different). During their subsequent meetings, the H is always very aware of the h and later saves her more than once when her life is in jeopardy (luckily, the h's "damsel in distress" routine wasn't pushed to TOTALLY annoying levels, helped by the fact that her personality was always so forthright and positive, and not a wetblanket). There was potential for good chemistry between the H & h, but it wasn't realized, imho. The H was very cold. Though there were a few (though no more than a handful) meaningful interactions with the h, in the first half of the drama, I didn't really feel the H falling in love. He was so focused on his revenge, there wasn't much room for anything more in his life. Then, after the midway point, it was even worse. The H's secret identity is exposed, he's chased all over by law enforcement (led by the OM, who's on the side of the bad guys), and he pushes the h away very harshly (it is implied that it is for her own protection). So in the second half of the drama, there are barely any interactions between the main couple. On the other hand, there was an unending back and forth between the H & OM--with constant chasing and trap-setting and framing, and then the H turning the tables on the OM-repeated ad nauseam, which got sooo tiring. On the bright side of things, the drama did have a big budget, so the action scenes are mostly pretty cool (though OTT). Also, the h, despite overwhelming evidence against the H, both true and manufactured, and despite the OM's lies, never lost faith with the H. However, there's no true HEA for the romance. ***SPOILERS***The H somehow survives a car bomb, but the last scene has him flying out of the country, leaving the h beyond with just a note saying that he'll be waiting for her. I was like, seriously? He couldn't even be bothered to tell her in person that he was alive; then he just ups and leaves the country, again without talking to the h. How is she supposed to find him? Would she even want to leave her mother and her livelihood and everything to go chasing after him? If I were the h and the H had left me like that, I for one wouldn't bother. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Apr 14, 2015 7:38:56 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: On the good news front looks like the H in the Korean remake of In Time With You (The Time I've Loved You, 7000 Days) will be Lee Jin Wook. I'm now looking forward to this drama. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 14, 2015 8:35:54 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Apr 14, 2015 8:37:52 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Yes Reader123 I read about that, and this drama has solid casting, he is a good actor (wasn't he the H in Nine?). So hopefully now the writing for this drama will be good and interesting, because the casting is solid. I read that this drama will start sometime in June. I haven't watched the new eps of "Falling for Innocence", but I will soon. I noticed that it takes longer for eps of this drama to get subbed. I'm also behind on "Someone Like You", I'm going to catch up on this first, I think. As for Lakorns (Thai dramas), I rarely watch those because they're too crazy-ville for me

with too much yelling. However the one lakorn I solidly liked was "Evil Game Love Game/Game Rai Game Ruk", even though it was makjang as well, but the H/h chemistry was great. The H was so crazy about the h. So I was wondering where can I watch "Tomorrow I'll Still Love You" good quality and with good English subs? Or is this an older show (because I remember it being mentioned before on this thread), and at the time I wanted to check it out, but it wasn't available. Anyways I thought I would ask. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 14, 2015 9:04:41 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRpH46hV04BYIPFNQZMw4Hw/videos (This account has subs for Tomorrow I'll Still Love You through ep 22.) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTViJc5Vt7pOezIkoBWYSWA/videos (This account has subs for eps 23 through 30.) This is by FAR my favorite Lakorn. It's still got some forced seduction scenes (I hate that almost all Lakorns have this), but the H is completely 100% always madly in love with the h. She is what keeps them apart and he can't stay away from her not matter how hard he tries. It dragged in a few places, but I loved their romance enough to just skip through the boring and watch their interactions. The OW and the H's sister are always FF material. They're the typical screechy OW you expect in Lakorns. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 14, 2015 9:53:16 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Thank you Rashell! I will check it out soon :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: Apr 16, 2015 1:05:53 AM PDT Adnana says: Has anyone else watched "High School: Love On"? For me, the premise of a girl-angel saving a boy and becoming human as punishment for her interference was so promising! I really liked the h's wide-eyed wonder as she became acclimated to the human world, and I loved her relationship with the H--the friendship, the deepening mutual trust, them helping and protecting and leaning on each other. Finally, them becoming each other's only haven and lifeline. I mean, that's the stuff of fan fiction (i.e. I totally dig it!). Where the drama got really bogged down, I thought, was in the way the OM's character arc was handled--and in particular, in the way that arc derailed the entire freaking story. Dear writer-nim, you wanna turn a good guy really dark for no good reason? That's fine. You also wanna make him petty and miserable and determined to make everyone else (i.e. the H and h) just as miserable as he is? That's fine...? Well no, it's not, dear writer-nim, but if you insist to make this character whom I'd still liked up until now a total turn off instead, you just go right

ahead. I'll cross the OM off my list, but I'll still watch for the cuteness that is the H+h. But THEN, not-so-dear writer-nim, instead of having the H & h and for chissakes the adults! deal with the pettish and sulky and spoiled OM as his behavior warranted (i.e. with zero tolerance and a kick in the backside for good measure), you just had to go and make everyone tiptoe around the OM's nastiness and bend over backwards to make allowances and accommodate it. And that's where you lost me, writer-nim. Basically, the uneven acting from the idol actors didn't ruin the drama for me. Only the writing could, and did. Edit this post | Permalink Your post: Apr 16, 2015 1:14:16 AM PDT Last edited by you on Apr 16, 2015 6:47:08 AM PDT Adnana says: Oh, and speaking of school dramas... If you're in the mood for one, I highly recommend the KBS drama special "Junior High A-yang" aka "Middle School Student A" [2014]. It's only one hour long, but for me it packed more of a punch than "High School - Love On" managed to in 20 looong episodes. What's it about? The h, a straight A student, for the first time doesn't place first on midterms-she is superseded by the H, a new transfer. Despite her perfect GPA, she sort of has a bad girl image, but under her tough facade she hides many vulnerabilities. She's also under a lot of pressure (from home) to keep her grades up, if I remember correctly. She decides to seduce the boy/twist him up in knots and distract him to make him lose focus so that he doesn't place before her again. The boy seems an easy victim--he's not jaded and experienced like she is, and she gets under his skin quite easily. But with his straightforwardness and his protectiveness towards her, and his uncanny ability to see her for who she truly is, he gets under her skin as well. I know these kinds of judgments are always very subjective, and your mileage may vary... But I really enjoyed this short drama. The story moved me, and I thought the main actors did a really good job in their portrayal; they're still very young, but I will be watching for their names in the future. ETA: BTW, here's the link for "Middle School Student A" (with subtitles), on KBSWorld's official Youtube channe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7j7Wn0-9JJs Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Apr 16, 2015 5:56:33 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Apr 16, 2015 7:10:21 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Adnana - High School Love On was one of the numerous dramas that I watched last year (see page 161). Overall, I rated it a 3 "pretty bad" (out of 10). As you said story was totally derailed by OM storyline. I also hated the high school bullying and thought the H's mother (if you want to call her that) was a complete loser. ETA - When revisiting my year-end ratings on the dramas I watched in 2014, I noticed that my preliminary rating of Healer was just an 8 (based only on the first 4 episodes that had aired as of the date of my ratings), instead of the solid 10 that I ultimately felt that this drama deserved. It's now my gold standard for all drama OTPs (Young Shin/Jung Hoo) and love triangles (Young Shin/Jung Hoo/Bong Soo/Healer). While I'm enjoying several of the currently airing dramas, unfortunately none are as addictive as Healer.

Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 16, 2015 10:28:19 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Apr 16, 2015 10:29:50 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Okay so I watched eps 5 and 6 of Sensory Couple/Girl Who Sees Smells. In ep 6 the killer is already revealed! But I wonder how the h didn't notice when she was having dinner with him. I mean even if she doesn't remember anything wouldn't she have felt uncomfortable vibes? At first I really thought it was the doctor who was the killer, but no... (will keep spoiler free for now). The actor, and I've seen him a few times before, is very good giving off creepy vibes. There's something eerie about the way he looks at someone, even when he smiles (like when he looked at the h during their dinner together). Also to think that the h went out of her way to help him in ep 5, when he's the one who... Now moving on, the scenes between the H/h remain to be very good. The only flaw was the transition in the last scene of ep 5/first scene of ep 6, unless there are details we don't know yet. I liked the funny scene in the end, when the H looked jealous because the h was getting the autograph of an idol, while the music in the restaurant was (Oh Micky you're so fine), why do I feel like that is a pun on his nickname from before when he was in DBSK? But the funniest part was the gift he gave her, but apparently he had gotten the wrong box, and the contents inside were...lol. I also really like that he feels protective of her. I wonder when he will find out that she is the witness. Also the sidekicks in the police station are entertaining, and because this is based on a comic, I don't really mind that they're sort of idiotic because it gives comedic relief. Anyways I'm looking forward to see what will happen next. I watched ep 3 of "Falling for Innocence" and this show too is exceeding my expectations, but I feel like some of the H's antics don't go with his personality, but then again he is already starting to change after the heart transplant. Anyways I continue to enjoy this show, and I will be watching ep 4 soon. I just hope that his real personality will remain with some tweaks. The h may be vulnerable, but she has a backbone of steel, as she quietly tries to get through it all. I like her character, though I wonder why she is loyal to the uncle, or maybe she just doesn't want to be a part in the fight for the company between the H and his uncle? Anyways I look forward to more scenes between the H/h. This is a show that could've easily been a melodrama/romance and very intense, but instead I feel like they're taking a lighter approach to the premise, which could be a good thing or not, since it's still too early to tell. Both of these shows also seem to be getting better with every episode, so hopefully that will continue, and none of them will disappoint. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 17, 2015 4:22:20 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Continuing with my quest of watching all Ji Chang Wook's dramas, I recently completed the 2009 drama Hero. Lee Jun Ki was the H of this drama about a newspaper reporter (and his trusty friends) fighting to expose a corrupt/murderous businessman/politician. The drama itself was a comedy (not a rom/com) so while it included a romance (complete with love

triangle), the romance storyline was secondary and not as fleshed out as it would have been in a rom/com. Ji Chang Wook had only a supporting role, with a character that was probably the closest I've seen to his "Park Bong Soo" persona, albeit not as hapless or as nervous (and much to his character's dismay, he also kinda had a romance, but again not very well fleshed out). Overall, the drama was okay (a somewhat pleasant/feel-good drama without a lot of angst) but not one really offering anything new or unforgettable. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 17, 2015 4:06:09 PM PDT Mina says: Is anyone else in the US having problems with DramaFever? Every show is crossed out and I get the not available in your area message. I am a premium member but can not watch anything on my iPad. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Apr 17, 2015 10:54:01 PM PDT Spectator51 says: My Drama Fever is fine. It's probably some obscure setting in the computer. Check other streaming sites, like Amazon and Hulu, that have geographical restrictions. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: Apr 18, 2015 4:05:52 AM PDT Last edited by you on Nov 4, 2015 7:21:04 AM PST Adnana says: Now that I've entered drama special/mini-drama territory with my previous rec for "Middle School Student A", I thought I'd add a couple more recs. First, KARA's "Secret Love" project, which I think has been mentioned here on this thread before. Each of the five members of KARA is given their own separate story, developed over the course of 2 episodes (in the uncut version). The acting from the idol girls varies qualitywise, but is serviceable enough overall; and their leading men are all established actors. From the five stories in "Secret Love", my favorites were: Episode 1. "Missing You"--which was LOVE: Han Seung Yeon and Yeon Woo Jin in a story about losing your beloved and what you'd be willing to sacrifice for the chance to go back in time and save him; and Episode 5. "Have You Ever Had Coffee With An Angel"--which was solid LIKE: Park Gyu Ri and Ji Chang Wook (HEALER-ya!) in a story about chasing after your first (unrequited) love and getting the help of your guardian angel--only to fall for him instead. The other 3 episodes I thought were just okay. Second rec: "Secret Angel" with Kim So Eun. The h is a clueless angel who accidentally saves the life of an accident victim (the H) who had actually tried to commit suicide and thus his soul was destined for hell. Her interference causes a huge incident between Heaven and Hell; the h (as an agent of the former) and the

OM (as an agent of the latter) are sent down to Earth to battle it out for the life of the man at the root of the incident--he who should have died but didn't. Only problem: the longer these otherworldly beings stay on Earth, the more human-like they become, as they start to, y'know, *feel* things. The h is super cute as the earnest, bumbling angel, and the OM (so bad and so, so hot!) gave me a serious case of second lead syndrome. Though the H was okay too. Of course, this is just a short web drama, so don't expect too much complexity or story development. Just a little something for when you're in the mood for a quick drama fix. Edit this post | Permalink In reply to an earlier post on Apr 18, 2015 4:05:14 PM PDT Mina says: My iPad is an original, they only support iOS 7 and above now. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 18, 2015 9:25:05 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Oh Mina, I'm sorry this happened to you. Maybe you can try some other sites to see if they work with you ipad. Moving on, ep 4 of "Falling for Innocence", and I'm annoyed that they gave the H the dreaded bowl cut. Why oh why couldn't they keep his original hairstyle? Ugh Speaking of "second male lead" syndrome, I hate when I suffer from "smls" lol while watching a drama. I mean really if the writer can't have the H be at least as interesting and appealing as the second male lead, then maybe he/she need to change the H, or their writing yes smls annoys me a lot. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 19, 2015 6:52:43 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: Mina: You can maybe still watch on your iPad using your internet browser and just going to their website. That's crappy that their app won't work anymore though. :( Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 19, 2015 7:50:43 AM PDT Mina says: Thanks everyone, I went out and bought the Roku stick for 49$ for DF. Vicki still works on iPad but maybe they will finally come up with a Roku app. Crunchyroll, Asian Crush and the old KDrama also have apps on Roku, plus Netflix and HuluPlus. I will have more (and larger) viewing than before. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Apr 20, 2015 3:58:45 AM PDT Adnana says: taz-mania said: "I haven't yet watched Ugly Alert but it is on my TBW so let us know your opinion if you end up watching." Well, I've finally started watching "Ugly Alert"... This was long overdue, actually, because "Ugly Alert" comes from writer of "Family's Honor", which is my No. 1 favorite weekend drama. "Family's Honor" was, I think, my first long drama, and in hindsight--given that I've since waded through a lot of crap weekend K-drama fare--I appreciate even more its lack of reliance on makjang messiness, its tight plot, its layered characters (of whom even those who start out "bad" are redeemable, and in a way that feels earned and doesn't make you want to pull your hair out). I especially appreciated the consistency in story & character development. And because this latter quality is so important (and rare!) in weekend dramas, I eventually took note of the writer of "Family's Honor": Jung Ji Woo. Of course, one good drama on a writer's resume may be a fluke. Or... it might, just might, be an example of the kind of writing and character dynamics one can consistently expect from that writer. To decide, I went on to watch another of the writer's dramas: "Gloria". I loved its first half to pieces, and though it lost some steam in the last third or so, I still count this drama among my favorites in the weekend genre. And unbelievably (or maybe expectedly, by now), the list goes on. Another drama written by Jung Ji Woo: "Stars Falling From the Sky". I haven't given it a fair chance yet (though I plan to), but I remember other people on this thread being really positive about this drama. Given this writer's resume, it seems hard to believe now, how long I've avoided her latest drama. Sure, at 133 episodes of cca. 35 minute each, "Ugly Alert" obviously requires a bigger time investment. This, coupled with some hearsay I'd come across, about the H allegedly being a crybaby and extreme Beta, made me put the drama out of my mind for a long time. But now that I've recently taken the plunge into the world of dailies, and having stumbled upon some very favorable reviews for "Ugly Alert" elsewhere, it was finally the right time to start watching. I've actually seen a fair bit already, so I'll post my impressions soon. But first to watch some more... Wish me luck! (I haven't had the best of luck with long dramas recently, so I'll need it) :) Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Apr 20, 2015 8:09:35 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Adnana - I didn't realize that Ugly Alert was from the same writer as Family's Honor. Hopefully, Ugly Alert will be if not great, at least really good. I agree that Family's Honor is one of the best family dramas. I found Stars Falling from the Sky to be like the writer's other drama How to Meet a Perfect Neighbor, as both of those dramas had 2 distinct storylines, one that was rom/com-ish while the other was full-on makjang (with murderous folks and all). How to Meet a Perfect Neighbor has the distinction of being the first drama where the script was rewritten about half way through to elevated the second male lead to hero status.

Unfortunately, this still remains fairly rare (despite there being several other dramas where the second male lead really should have been the hero). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 21, 2015 10:20:17 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Apr 21, 2015 10:52:20 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I recently watched the 2012 TW-drama What Is Love, which was Chris Wu's first drama as the male lead/H. This drama was fairly short (at least for a TW-drama) at only 16 episodes and unlike so many TW-dramas I was actually able to finish watching this one. It does seem like a lot of TW-dramas start out good but about half way through the writer loses control of the plot and we suddenly find ourselves on the psycho OW crazy train (which for some reason I can usually handle in a Korean drama but can't tolerate in a TW-drama). I thought that the plot in this drama remained fairly on track (mostly focused on the H/h romance, with no side trips down crazy OW-ville). This drama for the most part stayed as a rom/com instead of turning into an angsty melodrama. While Chris Wu's character starts out as a player/playboy he does change and by at least mid-way through the drama he becomes the sincere, earnest character that he plays so well. In addition, the OW and OM were both fairly likable as were the h's father and the H's mother (but then for the most part I've found that the parents in TW-drama are usually fairly likable). So my only negative about this drama is that I found the H/h to be somewhat lacking in chemistry, as the h was way too reserved and emotionless. The drama did have a nice solid HEA ending for a lot of the characters. ETA: YT scenes of H/h and OM (the singer, Andrew Tan, also had a supporting role in the drama) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAx3O4q0x5I Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 21, 2015 12:15:28 PM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Chris Wu is my favorite TW actor, he was so great in the mostly lackluster Surplus Princess and riveting in Autumn's Concerto. What is this one about, Taz? Did you watch it on Viki? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 21, 2015 12:53:06 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: He was in Autumn's Concerto? Oh wait, yes he was a supporting character right? Also wasn't he the lead in that "music focused" drama with the very goofy/bumbly h? I forget the title, but that drama was very average. However, if that is the actor you guys are talking about, then I agree he is a good actor because he has a natural feel to his acting, that even seasoned actors sometimes lack. However I have yet to see him in a good/hooking drama, with the exception of Autumn's Concerto (where he was a supporting character). I think I will checkout "What is Love". Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 21, 2015 1:26:37 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Apr 21, 2015 1:40:23 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Jennifer - I didn't watch What is Love on Viki but I think that they do have it subbed. I'm also a Chris Wu fan and while I can't say it about a lot of TW-dramas, I have at least been able to completely watch all of his dramas that I've started (even finished Substitute Princess where I disliked both the H and the h, but loved Chris Wu's OM character). In What is Love, the H (Chris Wu) starts out as a player who targets the h for a short-term relationship (she's the latest in a long, long line of conquests). Once she discovers that he is a player and had faked their original meeting, she pretty much washes her hand of him. He then ends up spending most of the rest of the drama trying to regain her trust and win her back. D.M. Yes, that's who we're taking about. I was actually disappointed with the ending of Rock 'n' Road, which is the drama with the goofy/bumbly h (she finds success but he doesn't, while the nasty OW and the backstabbing best buddy are forgiven for all of their horrible actions why, I don't know as the show forgot to add a redemption arc for those characters). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 21, 2015 2:38:11 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Yes that's the title of the drama! I didn't know it had such a disappointing ending, because I stopped watching it halfway through. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 21, 2015 4:19:43 PM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Hmm, I'll give it a go too. I'd like to see Chris as something other than honorable and kind. A little bit jerkish would be a good change up. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: Apr 21, 2015 11:18:15 PM PDT Last edited by you on Apr 22, 2015 11:44:42 AM PDT Adnana says: "Ugly Alert": Halftime report, Part 1 I thought I'd start with a halftime report now, and I'll provide a final review later, after I've finished watching. First, I'll say that the H may not be everyone's cuppa. He's not an a chaebol or even an accomplished professional type to start with. He's also not an a-hole, and though he does have a tragic past, it hasn't made him close off his heart and give up on people. To put it in perspective: he's 100% the male version of Candy. Though possibly even Candy wasn't that

hardworking, altruistic, kind, and unfailingly cheerful and optimistic despite the most dire circumstances and in front of the most crushing of life's blows. This was the writer's acknowledged purpose, actually (the previous title of the drama went, "Warning: Fools Ahead"), to depict people "who devote, sacrifice, and endure for the ones they love with such devotion that others might call them foolish or stupid" (cr. dramabeans). So the H is that kind of "fool". The story starts when he's still a child, the son of an ex-con; and his father marries a beautiful kind woman who has one boy and one daughter from her previous marriage. The makeshift family doesn't gel well together initially; mom's children are resentful that their mother (a nurse and widow of a doctor) re-married so far below her station. But she did so because the H's father was her first love and she never forgot him. That kind of "crazy love" becomes another important theme throughout the drama, as her children--even though they initially hated that kind of love--as they grow up will secretly yearn for it as well. Through living together, the new family develop strong emotional bonds, even if they aren't acknowledged (the H's stepsiblings are easy to dislike in the first part of the drama; I actually skipped this part because I didn't want to hate them since I knew they'd grow up and eventually become the H's true family in heart as well as in name). But they are chased by misfortune. First the father is killed in an accident, then the mother dies because of complications following the birth of a new daughter. The H, though only 14 at that time, raises his 3 step/half-siblings for 6 years and never receives any gratitude from his stepsiblings (because they're scared he'll eventually leave and don't want to get attached). Misfortune strikes again when the H's brother accidentally kills a bully schoolmate during a fight (which he doesn't realize) and the H takes the blame. All ties with his siblings are cut off as the H goes to prison for 10 years. The story proper/main plotline then starts after his release on parole. His prison record is a black mark against him for life, and though manually skilled, the H has trouble finding a job. Eventually, he ends up working for the h at her clothes store, without having revealed his past. The H, like I already said, may be hard to sympathize with--ironically enough--because of his excessive goodness and selflessness. I mean, he starts out not even having a dream of his own because his life's dream is his siblings, their happiness. Even when he's treated badly/unfairly or taken advantage of, he never gets angry and only works harder to please. Though he falls in love with the h (because she's made of awesome, yo. Lol), he's ready to step aside the moment he realizes that his brother likes her as well (when she later finds out, the h is so awesome, again, as she angrily asks him, "am I a thing to be traded, that you would do that?"). Most significantly, he pushes the h away for a long time because he doesn't want to make her the woman of a former convict (the h isn't even a simple girl, but comes from an excellent background). He's such a noble idiot that the h really has a difficult uphill battle to make him come to his senses (he calls it becoming selfish) and fight for their relationship. So yeah, the H can get frustrating. And yes, he does cry a bit often, but he always/mostly has a good reason. Really, the guy just can't catch a break! And previously, I'd thought that no Khero ever could have a more miserable fate than the H in "All In". Obviously, I was wrong. Still, don't go imagining this is a "Winter Sonata"-grade tearfest or something. Lol. "Ugly Alert" is actually heart-warming and the overall tone is optimistic. The H gets better as well, fortunately. At the drama's halfway point, he's still 100% devoted to his siblings (who, luckily, deserve that devotion. They've grown into awesome people, though they too carry deep wounds because of the past), he's still way too eager to please. But he's also 100% devoted to the h and twice already he did a very creditable job at protecting her from the OM (an ambitious lawyer working for her company). I expect more confrontations in the future, as the OM grows increasingly more psychotic in his obsession for the h and furious at being rejected by her.

Also, molded by the h and a teacher she's put the H under, the H is developing into a very competent professional type, in the fashion industry. He was already smart; now he's learning great skills as well, to enable him to stay by the h's side and help her. Edit this post | Permalink Your post: Apr 21, 2015 11:18:38 PM PDT Last edited by you on Apr 22, 2015 12:33:00 PM PDT Adnana says: "Ugly Alert": Halftime report, Part 2 The first and foremost reason why I'm liking this drama so much, and why I've been so tolerant of the H's bouts of noble idiocy, is that the h--like I already mentioned--is made of pure awesome. I could probably watch a drama twice as long just for her (and the length of this drama is no joke!). If the H, Jun Su, is the Candy-character, then the h, Do Hee, is the icy rich girl with a wounded heart. What a stereotype, right? Wrong. She takes that classic, familiar character type and gives it so many layers, infuses it with so much steel and vulnerability at the same time, that she's honestly the best K-heroine I've seen since Se Ryung in "The Princess' Man" (I've loved Chun Song Yi and Chae Young Shin as well, but in a different way... I see Do Hee and Se Ryung as more alike in that they both have this amazing personal dignity and ironclad principles that they would never compromise). Anyways... Do Hee at the start of "Ugly Alert" lives for her work (a high position in her family's BY Group, and a personal business/shop that she financed and manages on her own, separate from her family's affairs), yet she values people over money. She's cool and competent, but underneath it all, she's hurt and lonely. She hasn't been able to forgive her father for marrying a woman only 7 years her elder not a year after the h's mother died (btw, the stepmom is a wonderful character, in no way the classic nasty stepmom). Do Hee doesn't trust people easily, but once she trusts/loves she holds nothing back--so it's great that she's so discerning. For example, she's pursued by the OM, who's a talented, handsome lawyer and has an excellent family background, but the h just doesn't care. She sees he's ruthless and ambitious to the point of lacking empathy, and never even considers him as a partner. Instead, she chooses the H, who comes from nothing and has nothing and, she'll later find out, he even (allegedly) committed an awful crime. But she sees beyond the outer trappings and falls for his goodness and loyalty--and once she's made her choice, she never wavers. I'm telling you, she's made of steel, this girl. Sure, I'm not yet at the point where she's introduced the H to her family as her lover (expect major conflict then!), but there've been many other obstacles already: first the H's repeated attempts to put an end to their relationship, and then the biggie: her finding out the truth about his past--and the h dealt with it all like a trooper. What's more, she pushes and prods the H not to run away/give up (his standard response) but instead stand by her and fight with her for their future. And yet--don't mistake this as her being an annoyingly bossy, alpha type woman either. She's definitely got a strong personality, but she doesn't dominate the H. More like she encourages and helps him become the best version of himself that he can be. And the H is actually strong enough to face off with her, when it matters. Then suddenly he's the boss and she's the meek lamb. So cute! Best of all, these two have chemistry off the charts! By the halfway mark, even though they met late (after the childhood portion and the H's prison term), they've already fallen in love (and the drama shows so beautifully that despite them being so different on the outside, the H & h are perfect for each other); they've become a couple, broken up, reconciled. They've had three real kisses and more hugs than I cared to count. Really, you guys, they act like a real couple: joking and laughing and horsing around and touching all the freaking time! I'm also

currently watching the daily "A Good Day for the Wind to Blow", and there couldn't be a greater contrast between the main couple there and the one in "Ugly Alert". There, the H & h barely touch and seem so awkward together. By total contrast, in "Ugly Alert" the H & h are a shipper's dream. There's even been a scene of the h going to the H's studio and saying that she intends to spend the night with her man (nothing happened, unfortunately, because the H is--as already established--a noble fool, but still! The girl tried, and this is a daily!). As a bonus, a secondary romance--between the h's spoiled cousin (i.e. h2) and the H's wonderful, anal prosecutor brother (i.e. H2)--has turned into a great surprise. h2 started pursuing H2 first, and he basically ignored her like a gnat. Lol. And I didn't even like her character at first (h2's mother is the worst character in the drama, and she's taught her daughter all the wrong things). But gradually, as H2 did, I've come to appreciate h2's sincerity and persistence and her basic kindness. It's great to see her continue chasing after H2 with unfailing determination despite his rebuffs (he's not mean, just cold); and surprise of surprises, he's begun to thaw. They're such a contrast (she's bubbly and flighty and not the smartest tool in the shed; he's the ultra-serious, upright former bookwork and current workaholic, with no conversational skills and basically no sense of humor), but you can really see them having a positive effect on each other. She's maturing and becoming more considerate, he's loosening up and becoming kinder. I'm really excited to see how things develop between them, but I'm pretty sure that h2 will soon mange to completely "stalk" her way into H2's heart. Can't wait! Bonus: For an outside review of "Ugly Alert", with (slight) spoilers for up to E.40, go here: http://newkdramaaddict.blogspot.ro/2013/07/drama-thoughts-my-love-affair-with-ugly.html Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Apr 22, 2015 11:04:37 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Adnana - You made Ugly Alert sound so good I feel that I should immediately start watching it. While it's difficult to find a drama that's really good, it seems that really good "family" or "daily" dramas are even rarer, but I keep hoping. D.M. and Jennifer - Just remember that my bar for TW-dramas is extremely low at "can I finish watching this drama or not" (to which the answer all too often is "Nope"). I haven't added a new TW-drama to my "Best of TW-dramas List" (Autumn's Concerto, Summer's Desire, Mars and They Kiss Again) in quite a while. But on a bright note at least K-dramas seem to crank out at least one or two winners a year (yay! Healer). You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Apr 22, 2015 12:24:03 PM PDT Last edited by you on Apr 22, 2015 12:24:18 PM PDT Adnana says: taz-mania, I don't even know how I ended up writing half a novel, lol, for my halftime review of "Ugly Alert"... but I just couldn't help myself once I started organizing my thoughts--there's so much to say (and praise) about this drama. I think it's painfully obvious by now, lol, that I have a major girl crush on the h. A girl who

knows what she wants and fights for it with nothing held back, unswayed by what other people would say or how they would judge her. From the moment she appeared on screen, outraged yet firmly in control and decisive in front of a major problem in her company, I don't think it took even one episode for her to completely win me over. I honestly would have wanted a better H for her; his extreme (i.e. stupid) selflessness and recurrent timidity (the h calls it cowardice. I agree) are the only serious flaw I could find in this drama until now--and "Ugly Alert" is chock full of story threads and characters. Yet he's the man she chose, I can also reluctantly admit that the drama convinced me that he was the *right* man for her; and so I respect the h's choice. Luckily, the H is still a work in progress as of now and I do like where he seems to be heading. Fingers crossed that he doesn't disappoint. And if you start watching, I hope you aren't disappointed either! Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Apr 22, 2015 1:26:37 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Apr 22, 2015 1:48:39 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I have checked out a couple of the k-dramas that have just started airing. So far, I'm liking the H in Divorce Lawyer in Love (Yeon Woo Jin) but am reserving judgment on the h. The drama starts out with the H working as an assistant for the unlikable, unethical lawyer h (you know she's unpleasant when the OW appears nice in comparison). After a major misunderstanding with the h, the H goes back to school becoming a lawyer, while the h ends up losing her license (I thought she got what she deserved) and is hired by the H's boss to work as an assistant to the H. In the second drama, My Unfortunate Boyfriend, the H (No Min Woo) is a shy, innocent flower-loving beta, while the h is a poor intern struggling to win a permanent job at a major company. While it's doubtful either show will become a favorite they are at least, for now, interesting enough to keep watching. Adnana - may try to hold off starting Ugly Alert until your final report. Here's hoping it doesn't go crazy in the second half. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 22, 2015 3:12:10 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Okay Reader123 I'll go into "What is Love" with low expectations, when I start watching it that is. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Apr 23, 2015 7:07:05 PM PDT Last edited by you on May 5, 2015 3:50:20 AM PDT Adnana says: taz-mania said: "Here's hoping [Ugly Alert] doesn't go crazy in the second half." No, this writer doesn't do crazy. I posted a halftime report, but as far as watching the drama, I'm actually well into its last quarter--and the story is still super solid. No sudden detours into makjang-ville. But I'll let you know for sure when I'm finished. Soon! (I'm totally addicted

right now) :) And on an unrelated note... Let's talk movies. :) I was actually on a K-movie binge until recently, and as I was watching I was all prepared to compile a list of favorites... only I didn't, in the end. I watched at least two dozens movies, all hand-picked from recs, and I couldn't find ONE keeper I'd want to own for re-watching purposes. The rom-coms were too shallow/forgettable; the few melos I found to have more depth and which actually stirred me of course had to go and end tragically. Total bummer. To sum it up: no K-movie entries in the "love" category for me. Maybe one entry in the "like" category: "Too Beautiful To Lie". Honorable mention for "Virgin Snow". Had a little better luck with J-movies. I really liked "Say I Love You" and "Love for Beginners", and liked "High School Debut". Whereas L.DK and "The Liar and His Lover" left me unimpressed. (I know that L.DK is well-loved on this thread, but I found the H too wishy-washy/lacking in devotion towards the h) Oh, and back to K-movies. The darkest film I saw also left the deepest impression. "I Saw The Devil". http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1588170/ Say what you want about Lee Byung-hun's personal messes, but the guy can ACT. "I Saw The Devil" is hardcore violent, so not for the faint of heart. I wouldn't watch it again, but on the win side, I discovered a Hindi remake that's less violent (umm, relatively speaking) and swoonily romantic (which the K version was definitely not). And ohmygosh the lead actor is HOT!! Ek Villain http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3175038/ (also: beautiful soundtrack) Watch this (spoilery) MV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkF0_lbBmjU The H is a total bad boy (mob enforcer); the h sees him when he's arrested and decides he's the perfect man for a job she has. She pesters him until he accepts (she's awesome like that; she pays him, btw, with a humongous jar of coins). She has a bucket list (she's dying); somehow he's drawn into helping her fulfill her wishes. Fascinated by her beauty and spirit, he ends up falling for her, hard. She saves him from his life of darkness (will never ever get tired of this trope. ever). He returns the favor by saving her life. Their story continues... but warning, it doesn't have a HEA. Loved the movie nevertheless. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Apr 24, 2015 9:39:46 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: So based upon Dramabeans mostly positive review (Dramabeans - Can't Lose: This mellow rom-com proves that conflict can exist without crazies or baddies. Simple but sweet. (7 / 7) Cute earnest story about a couple whose marriage and divorce are just stops along the road to finding love. (7 / 7) -GF) I decided to give Can't Lose a try and have been watching it off and on for the past several months. Overall, I found it to be a somewhat low-key rom/com with a warm, sweet idealistic H (Yoon Sang Hyun) and a cold pragmatic h (somewhat like the h in My Daughter, Seo Young). On the plus side unlike most rom/com this drama doesn't have the typical OM/OW characters (casting actually lacks the OW/OM second leads but did have somewhat brief appearances of a former boyfriend and girlfriend) while both mothers (H and h) were wonderful. Unfortunately, my one complaint about this drama was that for most of the drama I despised the h. I couldn't relate to any of her "issues" and found her to be somewhat self-absorbed. I

also disliked that she never once seemed to put forth any effort to salvage her relationship with the H. The full burden of keeping, then restoring, the relationship always seemed to fall on the H. Since I never disliked the h in My Daughter Seo Young, others may be able to relate to the h in Can't Lose and find her to be likeable (unlike me, it appears that neither of the reviewers/recappers at Dramabeans had a problem with her) and as a result might enjoy this drama more than I did. Drama OST sung by Yoon Sang Hyun https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14r_jesl0zw You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Apr 24, 2015 10:26:21 AM PDT Last edited by you on May 5, 2015 3:52:48 AM PDT Adnana says: I remember having issues with the h of "My Daughter, Seo Young" when I first watched it; I was disturbed by her lack of honesty, and maybe more importantly, by her intransigence with the H and her general lack of give (as opposed to give&take) during a good-sized portion of their relationship. Yet she's such a complex and interesting character that she made a strong impression on me. And it's noteworthy to me that the more time passes, the more lenient I become when I look back on her and her choices. Maybe because I choose to remember only the best parts of the drama, or maybe because I'm still doing some growing up myself... But the me right now likes or at least understands Seo Young better than I did before. A similar thing happened to me with "Unexpected You". A couple years ago, I dropped that drama after a few episodes because I intensely didn't like the h. Not long ago, I picked the drama up again and watched it to the end. This time, I saw the h with different eyes. No, I won't go as far as saying that I loved her this time around, but I thought it was wonderful that she had such strong convictions and personal strength. And I was always firmly on her side during her conflicts with petty MIL and bratty maknae SIL. This drama still isn't a favorite, but I'm glad I picked it up again since it's definitely one of the better long dramas out there, in my experience. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Apr 24, 2015 10:53:19 AM PDT 1ladydevil says: Thank you for who ever recommended "Too Late to Say I Love You." I am waiting for ep 33 to be subbed. It is such a tragic story that I hope has a HEA. The H is so utterly obsessed with the h. So much happened but I never questioned his devotion to her. He is devastated during their separation and even acts crazy bc he only thinks about her. I wish there were more dramas with this kind of H. The h in this is phenomenal. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Apr 24, 2015 4:31:33 PM PDT luvnlife says: yay - ladydevil - I'm glad you like that drama as much as me. I volunteered on that project as an editor and segment or for the drama. (You're episodes ahead of my editing though.) The next project we are going to be working on is "The Cage of Love" starting at the end of May. This looks like another obsessed H trying to get back at his enemy's daughter. Check out the preview on Viki. I'm excited. If you liked the Hero in "Too Late to Say I Love You" - check out "My Sunshine" if you haven't seen it. It takes place in modern day but the actor plays another obsessed/in love with h character. I had to watch this on YT. Yay - friday. Jung Kyong Ho time. (Falling for Innocence). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 24, 2015 5:00:29 PM PDT 1ladydevil says: luvnlife-I have a terrible memory so please keep us updated on "The Cage of Love" when it becomes available. Plus, I already watched "My Sunshine" and didn't like it. The H was too cold and the h was awful. I know there is a movie version of "My Sunshine" with the gorgeous Huang Xiao Ming but don't know when that will be subbed. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 24, 2015 5:29:56 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Speaking of J-movies, I really liked L-DK, but yes the H had no convincing reason to leave the h in the last 3rd of the movie, so that was a weak point of the movie. As for "Say I Love You" I liked the movie, but I found the anime to be better. I think if one watches this movie without having watched the anime first, they will probably enjoy the movie more. I also liked "Love for Beginners", but in the manga the H was a lot more intense, and that's why I felt that the movie was lackluster in comparison - also in my mind the setting is college. Moving on, I watched eps 7 and 8 of Sensory Couple, and this show is really good so far. The H/h interactions are cute and sweet, even with the intensity of the investigation surrounding them. The H seems to be starting to regain his sense of feeling (he's able to feel a bit of pain from his wound), and by the end of ep 8 it seems like the h is going to start remembering soon. It's also kind of ironic, that the killer too suffers from an impairment, where he can't remember/see faces (prosopagnosia). I also wonder who will find out that the h is the witness first, the H or the killer? I also wonder if the killer might possibly be having some feelings for the h, since he's always trying to keep her by his side. Anyways this show is intriguing, so far. Also I caught up on "Someone Like You", and watched eps 13 to 15, and oh I think this is one of the cutest/sweetest couples I have come across, and their kisses in eps 14 and 15 are so sweet. There is no love triangle with heart transplant girl. I just wish the story had a little more intensity/drama. However I like that this show is cute and light, even though it is a bit slow and low on drama, but it has heart. So I am liking this show, so far.

Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 25, 2015 11:13:47 AM PDT 1ladydevil says: Just finished "Too Late to Say I Love You." I'm still recovering. What an epic love story!!! Fantastic performances from everyone. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 25, 2015 10:35:29 PM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Wow, Cage of Love looks pretty intense. Haywick plays obsessed so well. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 26, 2015 7:57:53 AM PDT 1ladydevil says: Saw the preview for "Cage of Love." I may watch it. Is it bad that I don't like Lau Haywick? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: Apr 27, 2015 2:07:11 AM PDT Last edited by you on May 5, 2015 3:55:00 AM PDT Adnana says: "Ugly Alert": final thoughts As anticipated, this drama was well-written until the end. There were a few moments when I wanted to scream at the screen for so-and-so character to stop being such a noble idiot or to stop punishing himself or to finally kiss the girl, lol, but even I had to admit that for each character involved, any such decisions and reactions were consistent with that character's personality. Sidenote: I hate it went characters get sudden personality transplants; when they are supposed to be smart but suddenly turn stupid for story purposes; basically, whenever shoddy character development rears up its ugly head. This was never the case in "Ugly Alert". Though I was occasionally annoyed by how some characters reacted in times of conflict, I could always see where they were coming from and if I didn't agree with their choices, at least I could understand them every time. Whereas it's impossible to understand, say, a spineless lackwit like Min Chae Won (HYI) who decides to give her groom the boot on their wedding day. By phone. Anyways... Even frustrating situations in "Ugly Alert" luckily weren't dragged out too long, and the main players retained their likability. Other thoughts: 1) Do Hee=best heroine ever in a long drama. After she chose the H, no outside forces (including the most justified family disapproval I've come across yet) could shake her. I loved that the only time when the H & h's relationship was in real danger was because of a problem that appeared between the two of them, unrelated to outside interference. 2) After the H got over his initial bouts of noble idiocy, he never again seriously considered leaving the h (even when the h's father and grandfather asked him to)--and that was a huge

deal for the H, considering his character and feelings of guilt 3) The H was a work-in-progress throughout the drama, gaining skills and confidence and most importantly, learning to love himself. In episode 97 (yeah, I had to write down the episode number as I watched this) there was a HUGE WTF moment involving the H. I could have done without it existing at all, but since the writer chose to include it... well, the resolution could have gone either very wrong (to the point of ruining the whole freaking drama for me) or it could have gone very right. Luckily, the H made the right choice himself and learned a lesson so important that it became the most major turning point in his life. Objectively speaking, I was satisfied with the H's overall development (minus his final career decision in the drama--that, I couldn't get behind). On a subjective level, however, this type of H (with such extreme Candy traits) will never be my favorite. 4) The single most important advantage of long dramas--if properly used--imo is their ability to show the best gradual, organic development in relationships. Because there is room/time for showing so many more interactions and cuteness between a romantic couple, their relationship becomes very deep and as a viewer I'm also more invested. "Ugly Alert" showcased two beautifully complex romances (H/h and H's brother/h's cousin), and a few other minor ones beside. I'm telling you, I stopped counting the hugs and kisses (for both main couples), because there were so many of them. At times I was more attached to the 2nd couple (I have a huge soft spot for the icy guybubbly girl pairing), but then my love for them decreased a bit after **SPOILERS the truth about the murder that the H allegedly committed came out and H2 pushed h2 away. Then h2 had to chase after H2 and win him over for the 3rd freaking time in the drama. So that repetitive aspect dimmed my enjoyment somewhat. Still, I loved these characters more than enough to wait for the light at the end of the tunnel. 5) "Ugly Alert" has great bromance. Also loved the growth of the relationship between the h and her cousin: they start out almost as antagonists (at least on the cousin's side) and gradually become as close and supportive of each other as sisters. 6) "Ugly Alert" has a great ending--complete and immensely satisfying. 7) The drama has great sets (looks to have a much bigger budget than your average weekend drama) and is filmed beautifully. Plus, I had a major case of envy for In Joo's wardrobe (she's a genius designer and the H's teacher). Fabulous outfits! Everyone else looked great as well. 8) For a detailed outside review of "Ugly Alert", go here: http://koreandramareviews.com/year-end-review-2013-part-deux-best-family-drama-for2013/ Warning: this review contains spoilers about how all romantic relationships end (pssssst... happily). Also, don't read it unless you want to be convinced that you absolutely need to start watching "Ugly Alert" immediately. Edit this post | Permalink In reply to your post on Apr 28, 2015 6:22:41 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Apr 28, 2015 10:12:17 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Thanks for the great write up on Ugly Alert - it's next on my TBWed list - will start watching as soon as I finish marathoning Dong Yi (a 60 episode sageuk). So far Dong Yi is a pretty solid drama. Unfortunately, it's not as addictive as Empress Ki as I don't think the King will become as obsessed/possessive or jealous as the Emperor in Empress Ki (my new standard for obsessed/possessive/jealous). Also, I recently ran across an article that indicated the when MBC rebroadcast Empress Ki they changed the ending slightly. In the new ending Ki is racing with the Emperor (with a voice over of a discussion between

Ki and her son) instead of the original ending where she was standing between the King and Emperor deciding who to ride with. http://couch-kimchi.com/2014/05/07/empress-ki-mbc-makes-changes-in-rebroadcast/ Revised final minute of Empress Ki (doesn't include all of the changes made in the rebroadcast)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7hq9t_Jcv4 I also liked the NorthCape Empress Ki "Epilogue". My new ending for the drama. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-EB-eK1gUFg Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 28, 2015 7:29:09 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: I loved Dong Yi. The King wasn't as possessive, but he was pretty obsessed. And he was willing to do whatever he had to to protect Dong Yi and keep her with him. I really enjoyed that drama! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 28, 2015 8:51:02 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Reader123 that advertisement was basically like a trailer for a sequel to Empress Ki, or a short additional clip to that drama, and it was beautiful. Basically they tried to to give the Emperor and the h, a happy ending which is something they didn't get in the drama. I love when Ji Chang Wook brushes his hair to the side/back, like the last part of the clip/advertisement, that's the hairstyle that male leads should have in dramas! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 29, 2015 10:53:21 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Apr 29, 2015 10:57:32 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I do agree that so far Dong Yi is a much better written drama than Empress Ki. I think that at times the writers of Empress Ki lost track of their times lines (the drama had some really weird time jumps) and went completely makjang in their plot. But for all of it's faults (and it had many) I found the h/Emperor love line in Empress Ki completely addictive. I really wish that there were a lot more dramas that had such an addictive romance. Surprisingly, I actually wasn't upset with the ending of Empress Ki. While I would have preferred that the drama end on a happy note (unfortunately happy endings and sageuks don't usually go together), at least the time jumps that occurred in the last 10 minutes of the drama allowed me to be satisfied that the h/Emperor had been able to finally enjoy years of happiness together. So the NorthCape ad was icing on the cake. Video of the Emperor's growth arc.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f71KCPggRKc Ji Chang Wook's OST from Empress Ki https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGM4CYFdXn8 Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Apr 30, 2015 5:50:20 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Apr 30, 2015 6:01:15 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Eps 9 and 10 of Sensory Couple were so good. This is like the first k-drama where the h cluelessly has a lot of interaction with the villain. She even made him laugh in ep 10. I'm actually hoping that he feels something for her, because the ending of ep 10 had me on the edge of my seat, and I'm thinking at this point only if he feels something for her, will she be spared. On the other hand, the leader of the investigation unit, is very annoying. She took the H off the case (who was always quick to figure things out, and who was basically leading the investigation), and kept the three stooges. I mean the three sidekicks are likable, but they're just not good at their jobs, and the stakes by the end of ep 10 are really high. I hope that the H will go vigilante now, and hunt the killer by himself, otherwise it could be the end of Chorim (Eun Sul) the h. On another note, the lines/scenes between the H/h in eps 9 and 10 were all great (funny and moving). I love the scenes between them, it just keeps getting better with every episode! Also the writer(s) gave the villain all these appealing traits, *some spoilers* he's a chef who's successful, and he likes to read and he listens to classical music, and he has good body - but then made him very creepy as well. Anyways Sensory Couple is a show that is turning out so much better than expected, and hopefully it will remain good till the end. Reader123 thanks for sharing these two great mvs, Empress Ki is not a favorite show of mine, but the H (Emperor) and h interactions were memorable. I've noticed that Empress Ki has some very beautiful fanmade mvs, that are better than the show itself. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: May 1, 2015 2:52:29 AM PDT Last edited by you on Jun 8, 2015 10:09:18 AM PDT Adnana says: Time for a new entry in my series of posts about Lee Sang Woo's dramas. (I'm really just watching them by happenstance, not on purpose! lol) But first to close the book on "Glorious Day", which I watched (and wrote an intro about) a longer while ago. I really enjoyed that drama in the beginning. It was cute and light, and fun to watch. Of course, the main draw for me was the main couple's relationship (though I did like uncle's shenanigans!), and that's the same reason why the drama started to frustrate me after the H & h had their wedding. I disliked that the h seemed to prioritize her in-laws over her husband. Also wasn't too keen on the H's brother's romantic relationship. And the H's mother annoyed me to no end (though I suppose, compared to some other psycho MILs running around K-

dramaland, she was a saint). Overall, this drama now ranks for me much lower than this writer's other long drama that I watched: "Smile, You". Though I liked the H in "Glorious Day" better (though not by a wide margin), I much preferred the h in "Smile, You". And I thought that the couple in "Smile, You" had better chemistry. The new Lee Sang Woo drama that I watched recently (new for me, but older chronologically since it's a 2010 drama) was "Life is Beautiful". In it, Lee Sang Woo, in a secondary role, plays one half of a gay couple (the other half being the son of the family that is the focus of the drama), and this relationship is given much development and screen time. The drama is set on beautiful Jeju Island and feels slice-of-life. The atmosphere is very laidback; conflicts involving our major players are resolved maturely and easily (too easily?), and the drama doesn't offer much in terms of excitement or that get-you-right-in-the-heart feeling. At least for me. But there's merit in being an easy-to-watch, no-stress, makjang-free drama, too. The people in it are complex and flawed in interesting ways, but not one of them is nasty or evil or insufferable. There's really nothing OTT about "Life is Beautiful". The H is a very simple, pure-hearted guy (played by Lee Sang Yoon) who falls at first sight for the h (actress Nam Sang Mi, who later became Lee Sang Yoon's girlfriend after they met-and fell in love--while filming this drama). But the H & h get off on the wrong foot, and afterward the H has an uphill battle to get into her good graces since she's a total hard case-with him (she gets along perfectly with everyone else in his large family, and Mom especially loves her). The h is college-educated whereas the H is not, she's guarded where he's an open book, prickly where he's totally sunny, scarred by a past love whereas for him, she's his first love (and last). They do become a cute couple later on (though the h is a bit cold), but there wasn't really any oomph in their relationship, imo (also, no obstacles to overcome). Maybe the more interesting romantic relationship in "Life is Beautiful" was the one between badass ahjussi Kim Sang Joong (dad from "City Hunter"), who is the H's uncle (a lifelong bachelor), and his (age-appropriate) love interest, a Japanese-Korean divorcee. Don't really have much more to say about this drama, since it didn't leave that strong an impression on me. If you're interested in finding out more, though, I recommend this outside review: http://thefangirlverdict.wordpress.com/2013/01/19/review-life-is-beautiful/ Edit this post | Permalink Posted on May 4, 2015 5:05:56 AM PDT luvnlife says: Another great two episodes of "Falling for Innocence." Min-Ho tries it best to stay away/resist our h but he just can't do it. He fails every time. :) There were so funny scenes of him 'losing his house key' and asking his other secretary for tips on how to win our h over. This drama just hits me in the right spots. The storyline of him finding out who's heart he received was wrapped up fairly quickly and I like that he didn't brood around for episodes feeing guilty about receiving the h's dead boyfriends heart. In my book, this drama is as good as Healer. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: May 4, 2015 4:47:48 PM PDT Last edited by you on May 5, 2015 2:47:26 AM PDT Adnana says:

"Golden Bride", 2007, 64 episodes After reading this very positive review https://newkdramaaddict.wordpress.com/2014/12/27/drama-marathon-golden-bride-2007/ I marathon-ed "Golden Bride". For the most part... I didn't like it. There. :) Too short? Okay, I'll explain. The H, once a brilliant college graduate, suffers from debilitating PTSD (or something) after an incident caused by his ex-girlfriend 3 years earlier, which makes him incapable of functioning in society (he's unable to, say, take the subway or hold a job etc.). His mother gets the brilliant (not!) idea that getting her sick son (against his express wishes) a stranger wife from Vietnam--because no Korean woman would have him with his mental illness--will somehow cure him and lead to everlasting happiness for the new couple. Cue the h, who accepts to come to Korea and become a stranger's wife because she wants to find her Korean father, who left her and her mother behind 20 years ago in Vietnam. Luckily, she falls for her groom pretty much at first sight. Unluckily for her, her feelings aren't as easily reciprocated. Until episode 17, the H alternates between kindness and a-holish behavior towards the h. The a-holish behavior btw, though heartbreaking for the h, is understandable considering that (1) the H had the h practically forced on him as a bride; (2) he still hasn't completely forgotten his ex; and (3) he does suffer from a mental illness and is in no way equipped to handle a new wife. Also (4), and that may be just me, but I found the h soooo annoying. She was pushy and demanding and would get shouty with the H because, for example, how dare he still think of his ex sometimes. I thought she was a bit too much at that stage, when she was still just an unwanted bride and wife in name only. Nevertheless, the h's methods yield results. Her cheerfulness, her encouragement and determination help the H to gradually become stronger mentally. Suddenly, in episode 17 the H goes from rejecting the h's love to professing that he loves her as well--a transition handled very badly by SHOW imo (the suddenness/lack of proper buildup seriously gave me whiplash). From that moment on, the H is the ideal husband. And that's the one major plus I give this drama. Alongside maybe the skinship, which isn't too shabby either. On the negative side, I continued to have problems with the h. Big ones. Once the H is no longer a "patient", he returns to his former self: an intelligent, competent corporate expert who impresses his peers and employers with his skills. (There's also an old female friend from college--not his ex--who loves him and wants him in spite of his marriage.) The h-Vietnamese, uneducated, unpolished--now feels that she can't match up to the H's greatness/potential (the OW helps that thinking along). She has a huge inferiority complex, she's jealous, insecure, cloying. She gets her feelings hurt easily, for example when the H doesn't have time for her right that instant because of work, and she cries on a dime. (I could understand her insecurities and even sympathized with her to a degree, but it just got to be TOO. MUCH.) The H puts up with all of that because he's a saint. He's infinitely patient and keeps reassuring her that he loves her, that she's the most precious thing to him etc. Another thing about the h that I found annoying is how the H would ask her to please do (or stop doing) something, and the h would agree (verbally or tacitly i.e. implicitly), and then on the very next occasion she would break her promise and once again do only what she wanted. I didn't find that in any way cute. I don't want to end this on a negative, so let me think of something positive to say... The H's

family was great and treated the h very well. Oh, and the drama wasn't makjang... I think. I mean, there was one birth secret (the h), but that's practically required and standard fare in any K-drama, right? Anyway, "Golden Bride" was not OTT, and I did like how it depicted the husband and wife talking, dealing with their problems and bridging the necessary gaps to make their inter-cultural marriage work. And the h did eventually mature... sort of. Mostly. She became better than she was at the start, at any rate. :) She wasn't that bad, honestly; she just rubbed me the wrong way with some of her behavior. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on May 6, 2015 11:13:16 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: http://www.dramabeans.com/2015/05/jo-jung-seok-park-bo-young-couple-up-for-oh-myghostess/ This drama sounds adorable! I really love the casting for both the H and h. So maybe another summer drama to look forward to. I'm also really excited for Warm and Cozy. These posters are adorable. I need some light rom/com type dramas again! http://www.dramabeans.com/2015/05/breezy-island-romance-in-warm-and-cozys-posters/ Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 7, 2015 10:30:42 AM PDT Last edited by the author on May 7, 2015 10:36:59 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I'm also excited about a couple of the upcoming dramas. So far Warm and Cozy continues to look good. Hopefully, it won't disappoint. SPOILERS I also continue to loosely follow several of the currently airing dramas. While most are enjoyable, none are hitting that "addiction" level of goodness. Sensory Couple - somewhat disappointed with the storyline direction in episode 11 (lack of creativity in writing such that you could already guess everything that was going to happen). I hate noble idiocy and had hoped that the h would have an immediate cure (I continue to be completely spoiled by Healer and it's immediate clear up of all misunderstandings). The police continue to disappoint with their lack of brain power. Even once they realized that the h is the murder witness they fail to provide any type of police protection. Or fail to implement any real emergency actions once they realize that the h's father is with their chief murder suspect and that the h is also heading towards his house. And don't get me started on the H leaving the h standing at the bus stop (at night no less) while he needlessly broods. Or the h, after being told by the police the identity of their chief murder suspect, still willingly walks into his house (really TSTL). Hopefully, the cute couple moment (which is the main charm of this drama) will reappear in today's episode. Falling for Innocence - Don't have to worry about second lead syndrome when the OM is a sociopath.

Unkind Women - Drama ends next week. So far no redemption arc for the H & OM's mother (while she has remained horrible/unlikable, they do seem to be setting her up for an completely undeserved HEA). Song Jae Rim's romance is disappointing (his screen time is about 3 minutes per episode) and it's still open if he (or his half-brother, the OM) will get an HEA. The OM pulled the classic OW argument with the h - the OM saw and fell for her first so she needs to immediately break up with the H and instead become the OM's girlfriend - he has first dibs and all. I have always found this argument disgusting when made by the OW and it's doubly disgusting when made by the OM. My Unfortunate Boyfriend - Classic manipulative/backstabbing OW (but is interested in OM not H) but so far h has come out ahead in each encounter. OM is also the backstabbing kind, not the classic sweetie. Heard It Through The Grapevine - Great social satire (not a romance). The H's parents have now turned completely against the h and are focusing on breaking up the H/h marriage. I'll completely turn against this drama is the H doesn't remain 100% devoted to the h. The Lover - Humorously follows four couples currently co-habitating. A cable drama so storyline is a lot more mature. Murphy's Law of Love - H has decided to move on from OW to h, so I expect a reappearance of OW in the next few episodes. Gave up on watching Divorce Lawyer in Love (hate the h) and House of BlueBird (but might marathon this one once it's finished airing). You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on May 7, 2015 12:58:42 PM PDT Last edited by you on May 12, 2015 7:28:25 AM PDT Adnana says: To your list of currently airing dramas, I'll add "Who Are You - School 2015" as an interesting prospect. Disclaimer: I haven't watched School 2013, since I'm not big on bromance when there's no romance in the drama. School 2015 piqued my interest ever since the promos started trickling in. I'm now following it loosely, and I'm really liking Kim So Hyun in her dual roles (I love her more and more as an actress). Though, of course, she only had a brief appearance as Eun Byeol, and her main role is Eun Bi, who's been severely bullied and has had her inner strength and self-confidence ground to dust. In her new school (and new life) she finally has the chance to experience friendships, and she also meets two very cute and crush-worthy boys, which is part of this drama's draw for me, of course :) (so sue me, I'm shallow!) Not that I expect the romance to play a big part in a drama that's, at least nominally, part of the School franchise. Speaking of the 2 boys, I can't yet figure out who'll be Eun Bi's OTP. Gold-medalist swimmer Yi An seemed like the obvious choice at first, and he's a great character, but he's been crushing since long ago on Eun Byeol--not Eun Bi--and it feels wrong for Eun Bi to "steal" a

love that was gained by and rightfully belongs to her twin sister. Not to mention, Eun Bi's personality is completely different from Eun Byeol's, and whenever she's with Yi An, who knew Eun Byeol so well, Eun Bi feels very keenly the burden of his assumed knowledge of her and of his expectations that are rooted in a past that he thinks that they share but Eun Bi knows that they do not. So Eun Bi right now (as of episode 4) is possibly drawn to the more undemanding company of boy No 2, Tae Gwang, because he didn't know her before (i.e. he didn't know the real Eun Byeol). With him, Eun Bi can be herself without him tallying in his head the differences to her :former self: and without arousing suspicion. With him, she gets a clean slate. Also, Tae Gwang might be more interesting than boy scout Yi An; he's a rebel and a troublemaker and he's been wounded by his mother's abandonment and his father's neglect. He's experienced the kind of soul-deep hurt that makes him a kindred spirit to Eun Bi. Anyways, I'm looking forward to next week's episodes and the development of Eun Bi's school life (and relationships). Edit this post | Permalink Posted on May 7, 2015 3:31:42 PM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: I haven't been able to get into a kdrama since the ending of Healer. But I have started Too late to say I love you, wow, what an obsessed hero and seriously guys, he's sorta evil. I was watching with bated breath to see if he'd be able to let the heroine go and it seemed a near thing that he was going to toss her into a locked room and never let her out again. My husband said I was making too many excitable noises while watching the show; indrawn breaths and gasps of shock. I am super excited about Oh My Ghost - it looks super fun. Warm and Cozy Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 7, 2015 4:48:24 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Oh Jennifer, it seems like "Too Late to Say I Love You" is intense. I will put it on my "want to watch" list. Reader123, oh no, I haven't watched eps 11 and 12 of Sensory Couple yet. I was already annoyed with the investigation aspect of the plot, and stupid investigators, with the exception of the H who is doing well except for his uncharacteristic carelessness with the chef in ep 10. But now you're saying that we're going to have noble idiocy as well? Eh, anyways this show's strong point is the H/h interactions and dynamic with the villain. I just hope that if eps 11 and 12 disappoint me, that the remaining 4 eps won't. Rashell, I too am looking forward to "Warm and Cozy", I just hope that it will bring something fresh to the table, and that it will be interesting and funny with a bit of angst to spice things up. I like the stills they look so cute, and I like that this drama will have a beautiful setting. As for "Oh My Ghostess", the premise sounds cute, however it makes me think that it could become a bit murky in regards to who the H will fall in love with, will it be

the h or the ghostess? Therefore, I will wait for your guys reviews, before I decide whether to check it out or not. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to your post on May 8, 2015 3:22:06 AM PDT Navya says: I would like to thank all those ladies who recommended this gem called "Ugly Alert". You said all the right things about it Adnana. Every turn of the drama almost all the main characters in almost all the situations chose to take the most practical and sensible decisions, that's what made it such a big hit with me. Even the second H/h were great characters. Thanks a ton again to all those who mentioned it. And all the drama lovers don't miss it. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 13, 2015 6:31:44 PM PDT 1ladydevil says: Any word on whats happening with Silent Separation starring Huang Xiaoming? You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on May 13, 2015 6:38:08 PM PDT Last edited by you on May 13, 2015 6:39:28 PM PDT Adnana says: The movie You Are My Sunshine/Silent Separation has premiered in China (on the big screen) at the end of April and it was a success, financially. I suppose it'll take a couple of months or so until a DVD/web version is released (and subtitled)--so that we can watch it as well. In the meantime, to tide us over, here's a webpage with links to trailers and lots of stills from the movie: https://cdramadevotee.wordpress.com/2015/04/15/more-stills-for-my-sunshine-monk-comesdown-the-mountain-and-i-am-the-queen/ I'm looking forward to watching this. Edit this post | Permalink 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Posted on May 13, 2015 8:51:16 PM PDT luvnlife says: Jeju Island started this week. I thought the first episode was ok. The last 10 minutes were great and worth watching. In true Hong Sister fashion they had a "Master's Sun" cameo. It was great. Looking forward to episode 2 to really get a feel if this show is worth investing in. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on May 15, 2015 9:51:51 AM PDT Last edited by the author on May 15, 2015 6:19:03 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: SPOILERS Unkind Women (which followed three generations of women - the matriarch, her two 50ish daughters and her 30 year old granddaughter) wrapped up this week in a somewhat disappointing fashion. Overall, the drama was just okay. For me where it really fell short was with the romances that it followed - all as somewhat minor storylines - as none were very exciting, and the only one I was actually interested in wasn't even given a HEA. While the drama had numerous storylines, the main plot involved the younger 50ish daughter who as a high school student was bullied by a teacher and unfairly expelled from school. The drama followed her "growth" (yep, she's going to finally grow up at 50) and efforts to get an apology from her abuser. Unfortunately, the final two episodes left me totally confused by the message that this drama was trying to convey as she ends up becoming very similar to her abuser by being (repeatedly) physically abusive towards her daughter's boyfriend. It certainly was not the type of character growth that I was expecting, as IMO she becomes no better than those who had bullied and abused her. Unfortunately this concept seemed to totally elude the writer, as I guess we were supposed to be okay with her being physically abusive and only abhor abuse when it's directed towards her. And I've never understood why k-dramas equate a change in hairstyle with character growth (the daughter's hair starts out messy/frizzy but becomes smooth/sleek as she "matures"). Unfortunately, the most disappointing thing about this drama was the "open" ending given to Song Jae Rim's romance with the granddaughter (his storyline was actually the only reason I watched this drama). Not really sure why the writer decided to end this romance in such an unsatisfactory manner. On a positive note, I did find the mother's relationship and ultimate friendship/sisterhood with the woman that her husband had deserted her for was enjoyable. Overall, not a drama I would recommend to anyone looking for a good romance. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 15, 2015 3:52:52 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I watched the first two eps of Warm and Cozy, and so far I'm finding it to be cute but bland. The h has a good and interesting character so far, but the H's personality just doesn't do it for me - even with some of his nice gestures toward the h, and the fact that he doesn't start out a jerk in the show - because so far he is being portrayed as childish and lazy (why oh why couldn't we have a character similar to Chilbong?). Anyways since this is only the beginning, I will give this show a shot and hopefully the H will show a more mature side, and the story will become more interesting. On a side note, I thought SJS's cameo was funny, especially his "get lost" hand gesture from "Master's Sun". I also like the small recipes they give out at the end of each ep (well at least so far, at the end of the first two eps there were two recipes). Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 17, 2015 3:55:37 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I enjoyed the first two episodes of Producer (from the writer of My Love From Another Star) with Gong Hyo Jin, Cha Tae Hyun and Kim Soo Hyun. So far the drama seems somewhat like a cross between King of Dramas (except with a focus on variety shows instead of dramas) and Misaeng (with Kim Soo Hyun as the somewhat luckless newbie intern). It's definitely not following the usual drama formula. Anyway, it's interesting enough that I plan to keep watching. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 18, 2015 8:06:48 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I'm passing on this one: KSH's hairstyle is very bad (to put it nicely), and his character is bland/boring, also it seems that both of the female characters are variations of Song Yi from YFTS, and the directing is bad (I guess one would have to appreciate this style of directing, to be able to last watching this show), and the story is boring (couldn't finish the first ep), and the setting is not interesting (I've never had an interest in k-variety shows or music shows, and for music shows this disinterest increased after I read about JYJ's story). The only good thing this show has going for it is the writer and GHJ, but I don't think either can save this show. I watched My Queen again, and like Secret Garden, I guess the second time is the charm. I still think that the h was too insecure and always made a big deal out of the 8 year age difference, but I guess that goes to show her insecurity. I also still am not satisfied with the ending, where the h is sort of playing hard to get and keeps refusing the H's proposals. However I can also understand that a woman who was abandoned twice at the alter, can be a bit traumatized from walking down the alter a third time. So in my mind, they got married a few months later from the ending, and she got pregnant. So basically what I'm saying, is that this show has become a favorite of mine, even though it is flawed, but the H/h moments and kisses make up for the flaws :D Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 18, 2015 11:25:17 PM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Hey guys, need help with the name of a kdrama, where the heroine dresses up as an old lady and works as a housekeeper/cook. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on May 18, 2015 11:45:48 PM PDT darkice7_12 says: tvN's Heart to Heart?

Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 19, 2015 9:03:34 AM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Yes! That's the one, thank you darkice7_12! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 19, 2015 9:24:11 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I liked the first episode of Orange Marmalade, with a vampire high school student h hiding her identity (loved her family) and a H who is already attracted to her but doesn't like vampires. I'm also kinda disappointed with the storyline arcs of some of the other dramas that I'm following. H of Heard It Through The Grapevine has decided to cave to his parents manipulations and break up with his wife in order to preserve his inheritance (it's $500 million, but still). It seemed somewhat out of character for the H. And the police in Sensory Couple continue their Keystone Cops impersonations. Really poor writing. For example, once it starts raining and the h can not longer see smells, instead of doing a physical search (you know, normal police procedure) to locate the hidden entrance to the villain's house they decide that the only thing to do is to go to a restaurant and talk (knowing that the victim has only 20 minutes left to live). And later when the police enter a gas filled room, do they immediately grab the victim and escape? Nope, not this crew. Really, at this point they all deserve to be killed by the villain. I've concluded that if you added together all of their brain power, it still wouldn't equal one semi-intelligent person. Thank goodness the H/h remain cute because rest of the story is just too ridiculous for words (it's not even a fun ridiculousness). And unfortunately, with only 2 episodes to go, the romance in Falling for Innocence continues to feel completely one sided. While the H has really redeemed himself and become a great secret supporter of the h, the h continues to disappoint (the dragging out of the angst makes me really miss Healer's quick resolution of issues/misunderstandings). And like so many other k-dramas, the OM has become a complete psycho. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 19, 2015 9:51:46 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I agree that the investigation part of the plot in "Sensory Couple", and it is a big part of the story, is very weakly written. I stopped watching "Falling for Innocence" a while back, because I couldn't take the H's new

hairstyle lol, and because I felt that they changed his personality too much. So now I see it was the right choice. It seems like 2015 might be a weak year for dramas as well, but not as weak as 2014 though. I'm hoping that "The Time I Loved You, 7000 Days" will be good, and have a good start too, with good and interesting characters. Hey Jennifer, do you plan on watching "Heart to Heart"? If so, happy watching. I am planning on watching "Easy Fortune Happy Life" and "Office Girls" soon, since I feel like watching more TW-dramas after rewatching "My Queen". So has anyone on this thread watched any of these two shows, are they good? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 19, 2015 9:58:47 AM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: I think I'll give it a try, though the angst might be a little too high for me since the heroine seems even stranger than in Flower Boy Next door. I watched several episodes of Easy Fortune Happy Life but got tired of the H being a jerk somewhere around episode 7 or 8. I usually can handle a lot of jerkiness but he had a conniving girlfriend that really ruined it for me. But the heroine is pretty awesome, she stands up for herself and while she becomes more knowledgeable about the world, she is still the kind, determined country girl that she was in the beginning. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 19, 2015 10:11:28 AM PDT 1ladydevil says: I also stopped watching Easy Fortune Happy Life bc the H was an ahole. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 19, 2015 10:20:54 AM PDT Last edited by the author on May 19, 2015 10:22:34 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Jennifer, "Heart to Heart" is a fairly light show, so not a lot of angst, but then again I didn't watch the second half of it yet, lol. So I don't know if in normal k-drama fashion, there is angst in the second half. From what I watched, I found the show to be very average and also a bit weird. 1lady, I can bear with an an a-hole H in a drama as long as he redeems himself properly, but I guess I will start with "Office Girls" first then. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post, in reply to an earlier post on May 19, 2015 11:24:58 AM PDT Last edited by you on May 21, 2015 5:14:03 AM PDT Adnana says: I, too, enjoyed the first 2 episodes of "Orange Marmalade". The H was really too cute for words with that whole "How can she not notice me? How can she not know who *I* am?" spiel. Of course, rather than cutting him down to size (which she did--fabulously), now I want the h to fall for the poor boy sooner rather than later because goodness knows, he's already a goner for her. As a sidenote, this drama apparently is scheduled to have 12 episodes, which I think is great. I don't know yet whether "Orange Marmalade" will turn into a crack drama for me (though I hope so; those are the most fun to watch), but "School 2015" has already become addictive for me. Teen romance? Gimme more. :) I don't know how to rightly explain why I like "School 2015" so much. A major part of the attraction is, I think, the central conceit: the twin switch, whereby the sister with the tragic fate suddenly gets to live her sister's life, as the popular it-girl who has it all: family, friends, money. (My fascination with this theme makes me anticipate Soo Ae's upcoming "Mask" as well.) I'm also invested in the other aspects of the story: the mystery around the older twin's disappearance (and possible death), the expected punishment of the younger twin's chief bully (who drove her to attempt suicide), and yes, the romance. I mentioned before that I wasn't expecting a romance in a "School" drama, but apparently the writer of "School 2015" didn't get that memo lol, because not only there's romance, but there's a love triangle (of course, it's just stares and longing and moments of awareness when your crush steps too close to you, and cute jealousy from the boys...--but all of this melds into a "concoction" I find moving and immensely fun). Unfortunately, with episodes 7-8 it's become obvious that I've boarded the wrong ship... but oh well, I can just jump on the other one if the writer doesn't turn the story around soon. eta: I personally find Tae Kwang more interesting, just because he's got more layers to his character; Yi An otoh is pretty straightforward. But really, both male leads in "School 2015" are really nice boys and valid romantic prospects. I would honestly be okay with the h choosing either one of them, BUT if she chooses Yi An (as it now seems likely), I want the drama to make it clear that he also likes her for herself and not just as a fallback option because he can't have the other sister (who was his crush). Edit this post | Permalink Posted on May 19, 2015 12:24:40 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I thought Office Girls had a very similar vibe as Miss Rose (and had some of the same actors). So if you liked Miss Rose, you'll probably like Office Girls. Unfortunately, like Miss Rose it also featured the manipulative OW trope (which in TW dramas for some reason is always a deal breaker for me). You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on May 19, 2015 1:04:50 PM PDT

Adnana says: I can deal with the "manipulative OW" trope IF (and only if) the H doesn't fall for the OW's manipulations; if he's the one seeing though her deceptions and cutting her down to size, it can actually be pretty great imo. But I haven't watched many TW dramas so my question is: is the manipulative OW there a two-for-one deal together with a stupid, easily deceived H? Because that would be really bad, yeah. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on May 19, 2015 2:09:44 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Me too, I don't mind the stereotypical OW as long as the H doesn't fall for it. Amongst my three favorite TW-dramas, only "Down With Love" has this theme as a big part of it, but the H didn't fall for it. He only stayed with the OW because she was sick, and he would've pursued the h if she wasn't dating his friend. His friend was dating the h, because the exgirlfriend asked him to help her, so that she can get the H back (the friend loves the H's exgirlfriend, not the h). But anyways this didn't annoy me, because the H never led the OW on, and was in fact always there for the h. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 19, 2015 2:14:08 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Unfortunately, too often it seems that both the H and the h fall for the OW's manipulations. A few of these TW-dramas have gone so far as to have the H agreeing to marry or actually marrying the OW. But I've usually already quit watching before this occurs. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 20, 2015 12:35:23 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Reader123 is that what happens in "Office Girls", the H marries the OW? (please tell me no) Also I just read that the second male lead from "You from the Stars" is going to star in the upcoming drama "Cheese in the Trap". This drama is apparently based off of a web-toon. At first I didn't know what a web-toon was, but then I read the comments, and started reading a few chapters from the web-toon (English translated). So apparently a web-toon is similar to a manga, but the chapters are a lot shorter and the pictures are colored, whereas in manga it's mostly black and white. From the comments it seems like this is a good story. So I hope they get a good writer to adapt it, otherwise it could lose its potential. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on May 20, 2015 2:24:56 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says:

DM - its safe to watch Office Girls - he doesn't marry the OW (Fall In Love With Me had that gem of a plot - H in Say I Do Again was going to marry the OW but she got arrested at the altar). You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 20, 2015 3:17:36 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Thank you I agree about FILWM, that show was just a mess. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on May 21, 2015 5:03:43 AM PDT Adnana says: taz-mania said: "...Fall In Love With Me had that gem of a plot - H in Say I Do Again was going to marry the OW but she got arrested at the altar." Speaking of heroes who almost marry another woman than the h, I was 90% finished with the H in "Wang's Family" when he pulled that stunt; he abandoned the h for no good reason and without even trying to fight for her, then he seriously planned on marrying a random woman and got as far as attending the official meeting of the groom and bride's families. That's one family drama that I wish I hadn't wasted my time on (even with all the fast forward-ing I did). Edit this post | Permalink Posted on May 21, 2015 9:01:33 AM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Is anyone watching Who are you High School 2015? It looks like a pretty good mystery. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 21, 2015 7:44:07 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: I've started Who Are You - School 2015, and really, really like it. The mystery is compelling, and the love triangle is the first in a long time where I actually like both the boys. And I like that the high school setting keeps this drama from feeling to much like a melo. It's not quite a crack stage yet, but I'm only 4 eps in, so the potential is there. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 21, 2015 10:29:00 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Oh it looks like I'm going to have to check out School 2015, because I'm craving for a drama to capture me (it's been a while), even though the setting is high-school. Also all the reviews

of this show are good, so far. I was surprised that it was already 8 eps in, so I guess I can marathon through it, if not soon then when it is finished. Then again I also have "Office Girls" on my want to watch list. I also started reading "Cheese in the Trap" webtoon manga (I guess I'll call it that), because I was curious. At first it starts a bit confusing but engaging, and then it slowly pulls the reader in. The story definitely has that addictive quality to it - it just feels like the story is building up to something, with the atmosphere. Also the characters are good, the h reminds me a little of Makino Tsukushi! The H is an interesting character, who remains an enigma, so far (but I'm still fairly at the beginning of this story). He reminds me a bit of the H in "Piece". The time jumps though remain confusing. I wonder how she will end up being his girlfriend. I guess when this gets turned into a drama, it will have a lot of potential. Oh, and also the setting is University! IMO that's a much better setting that the usual high-school setting one often finds in other mangas. I never expected this, but it seems like my drama plate is finally getting filled, and I don't have time to keep up with everything I'm trying to keep up with lol. I haven't watched the new ep of "Warm and Cozy", or the last two eps of "Sensory Couple", yet. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 22, 2015 12:19:33 AM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: I'll start watching it too, maybe it will soothe my disappointment with Warm and Cozy. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 23, 2015 10:01:09 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I agree that "Warm and Cozy" had potential, and it could've been a lot better, but it is disappointing so far. I started watching "Who Are You School 2015", and I ended up marathoning through the first 6 eps. The first ep felt a bit too makjang for my taste, and the time jumps were a bit confusing. However starting with ep 2 the show became a lot better. I think the only weak point of this drama is the story with that bully girl, she's so evil (cartoonishly so), and I can't even stand seeing her face. The show would've been better with just the twin switch, and the other mysteries running through the plot. I'm just glad that the h is growing a backbone. This also has two great male leads, and it's not clear who the h will end up with. I think that the one I'm rooting for, will not be the one she ends up with :( I am rooting more for Tae Kwang (my fave character in this show, so far), but I think she will end up with Yi An. On a side note, I searched a bit about the actor who plays Tae Kwang (Yook Sung Jae), and I was surprised that he belonged to an idol group, because he's a good actor. I don't like the group songs, so I searched for him singing solo and I only found a few. He has a great voice it is a shame that someone like him doesn't have solo albums, and is not a solo singer. Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 26, 2015 2:00:58 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: So Who Are You School 2015 update. I'm completely current through today's episode. I don't want to spoil anything too much, but I will say that I've definitely picked a ship, and up until today was pretty sure that my ship was going to be the one to sink. But as of today, I have hope. Really both guys are good guys, but I just think one relationship is so much healthier for both characters than the other. I'm excited to see where it's going next week. :) You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 26, 2015 2:15:05 PM PDT cbela says: I am watching the tw drama "Murphy's Law of Love". I am currently on ep 7. :) I was really looking forward to kdrama "Masked Prosecutor"! I'll wait to try to watch it again. His mask is silly. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: May 26, 2015 2:37:26 PM PDT Last edited by you on May 26, 2015 2:38:55 PM PDT Adnana says: "School 2015" keeps getting better, intensity-wise. Also, the mystery plot thickens... As for the romance triangle, I am so, so conflicted. I still love Tae Kwang to bits, but now Yi An, too, has gone from "like" to "love" in my book, so whom am I to ship Eun Bi with now? I really can't decide. :) Oh, the dilemmas that dramas give us. I'm actually surprised at myself for liking both male leads equally and for not having a definite preference regarding who I want the h to end up with. This kind of ambivalence is a first for me. Or is it? **goes to quickly scan my list of favorite dramas** Yep, sure enough, even though I've watched a lot of dramas with awesome second male leads (I Hear Your Voice, Moon/Sun, To The Beautiful You, You're Beautiful etc.) and even some dramas where I didn't know from the start who the H was (Summer's Desire, Beautiful Days)--I've always rooted for the H without being swayed by the OM. "Brilliant Legacy" was the closest I've ever come to 2nd lead shipping, simply because the OM was perfect. But he wasn't perfect for the h, the reasons why you can see here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_sWhVZA3DY Anyways, back to "School 2015". I'm really proud of this little high school drama for creating two such interesting and layered male leads who are very different from each other yet each of them is a genuinely good person and I can see where each of them has the capacity to protect and make Eun Bi happy. It'll come down to her choice, and whatever (or whoever) she chooses, I'll be both sad and happy. I said before that I wanted Eun Bi with Tae Kwang and Eun Byul with Yi An, but episodes 9-10 have made me change my mind to a certain degree. For one, I think Yi An and Eun Bi share a connection as well; and secondly, I've

started to dislike Eun Byul, so I'm torn as to whether she even deserves Yi An's devotion. **SPOILERS*** As expected, Eun Byul is actually alive. Still, it was a surprise for me to see her fine and uninjured and freaking disguised, because I didn't actually think that she had disappeared on purpose (I thought something had happened to her). But if she simply chose to disappear and stay out of contact for so long, that's so selfish and thoughtless of her. Doesn't she care about the pain she's caused to all the people who love her, especially her mom and Yi An? It's even worse if she knows that they think her dead, and she still doesn't contact them. Worst of all, Eun Bi is in danger now because she's taken Eun Byul's place. I really hope that wasn't Eun Byul's plan all along, or even something that she's aware of, because it would mean that she's allowed her sister to unknowingly become bait for whoever/whatever is stalking Eun Byul. Edit this post | Permalink Your post, in reply to an earlier post on May 26, 2015 2:50:45 PM PDT Last edited by you on May 26, 2015 2:51:40 PM PDT Adnana says: Rashell, Please tell me who your ship in "School 2015" is. I think I can guess, but I want to know for sure. :) Anyways, if your ship involves the boy I'm guessing... I think Eun Bi is everything for him and he's definitely the healthier choice for her. But until now she still doesn't *see* him; all she thinks about is the other boy. When the h has spent I don't know how many episodes (but most of them for sure) crying at least once because of a certain boy, how can we still hope for her to end up with the other? Oh, and btw. Have you noticed, in the after-credits of episode 10, there were some snippets of deleted scenes. (1) After Eun Bi and Yi An's conversation at the beginning of episode 9, Tae Kwang silently follows Eun Bi home to make sure she arrives safely. *heart melts* And afterward, Eun Bi sits at her desk crying. *sigh* (2) In episode 9, presumably after Eun Bi goes to rest at the nurse's office, Yi An is staring at her desk, thinking about her. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on May 26, 2015 3:54:02 PM PDT Last edited by the author on May 26, 2015 3:54:21 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I have watched up to ep 9 of this show, and I'm loving it. I will watch ep 10 tonight. From episode 6 I was a Tae Kwang and Eun Bi shipper, and I think that's your ship too Rashell, right? I agree with you guys that this is the first show were I like both male leads almost equally. However Tae Kwang still has the definite edge with me. I mean, as you can see from my above post, he had my heart by ep 6 :D I am glad that this show is turning out to be hooking, despite its makjang elements. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 26, 2015 6:10:38 PM PDT

Rashell Anderson says: Yes, I ship Eun Bi/Tae Kwang. I agree that she hasn't really been seeing him, like she should, IMO. But I think a lot of that is tied up in how she's tried to adjust to living Eun Byul's life. Yi Ahn is in love with Eun Byul. He's not really able to see past that to see who Eun Bi really is. And now that we know Eun Byul is alive, I'm so hopeful that Yi Ahn ends up with her, and Eun Bi gets to just be herself with Tae Kwang. I just don't see how Eun Bi could ever really embrace being her very own person with Yi Ahn. His love for Eun Byul goes back years to their childhood. She needs Tae Kwang who loves HER and has no attachment to Eun Byul. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: May 26, 2015 11:38:18 PM PDT Adnana says: Can someone please update us on the ending for "Falling for Innocence" and whether the romance in this drama is good. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on May 27, 2015 5:08:34 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I watched ep 10 of "Who Are You School 2015", and I don't like that they're making it seem as if Eun Bi has feelings for Yi An. However now that we know that *spoilers* Eun Byul is still alive, I hope that she will end up with Yi An, and Eun Bi with Tae Kwang. I'm looking forward to see what happens next, it's interesting that there is more than one mystery running through this show, and it seems that they are related. I also want more on the romance front (Tae Kwang/ Eun Bi). I watched the last two eps of Sensory Couple/ The Girl Who Sees Smells, and overall I would say that this was a cute show with some good suspense running through it. I felt like the last ep had an interesting/suspenseful first half and then dragged a bit in its second half. However the H/h are one of the cutest/sweetest couples I've come across. I also think that more could've been done with the villain's character. Anyways overall I liked this show despite its flaws, but it's not a favorite. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 27, 2015 8:24:36 PM PDT luvnlife says: Falling for Innocence had a HEA. The romance is ubber cute and the leads have good chemistry. Good lead up to them getting together. Not a ton of relationship angst (1 episode of the h being a little over the top). To me this romance was #2 behind HEALER for the year. Cute - well done story. I am a huge Jung Kyung-Ho fan. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on May 27, 2015 10:19:42 PM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: I've just started watching Orange Marmalade, so far, it is super cute and has some pretty great jealous guys moments. I'd put it just behind Kim Tan and Young do fighting over the girl. Anybody else have some rec's for dramas with great jealous/posessive Heroes? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 29, 2015 5:41:20 PM PDT luvnlife says: Orange Marmalade - thanks for the heads up. I did see episode 1 and really enjoyed it. Looking forward to getting back to a fight (love triangle) - over a girl. Warm & Cozy - meh. Watching it but not feeling much of anything. Falling for Innocence - recommend. It wasn't your typical storyline. The relationship was very adult and real. Sad it ended last week. Love Weaves Through a Millennium - (The Cdrama remake of Queen In Hyun's Man) - this is a cute drama worth checking out. A few people commented that the remake is better than the original. I mentioned this before but I've gotten involved on viki as a volunteer recently. I started with segmenting, then turned into an English Moderator (updating subtitles with spelling and grammar checks... which I enjoy doing a lot.) Now I am co-managing THE CAGE OF LOVE Chinese drama channel. Please consider stopping by and giving it a thumbs up. We are trying to draw more support from Viki to bring more dramas to the channel. And if you like possessive men the previews for this one look good. The first two episodes are subbed but it will probably take a few weeks to get the whole drama completed. Two episodes are currently airing a day. Eight episodes have been released so far. Appreciate your support ahead of time. It's interesting as a volunteer - we take a lot of things for granted as a viewer. On our team there are probably 10 people you always see volunteering their time; however our team is working on 8 channels at the same time. That is why it takes so long sometimes for these Cdrama/Tdrama channels to get subbed. (We kind of have to follow wherever the subbers want to volunteer.) What is everyone else watching? Anyone check out Mask yet? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 30, 2015 12:02:56 PM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Cage of Love looks fantastico! But I'm not sure who killed whose father, guess I'll find out when I watch the subbed episodes. Hawick is the king of possessive, sorta crazed in love heroes. When will it be available?

I really want to watch Love weaves through a millenium, is it available on VIKI? I'm only watching two series, Orange Marmalade and Who are You Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 30, 2015 5:45:28 PM PDT luvnlife says: Love Weaves is on Viki. 15 of 24 episodes are subbed. The volunteers are picking up the pace trying to get this one completed. Maybe check back again next week? Cage of Love - I'll give more updates as we get things subbed. Only the first two episodes were subbed in the last 5 days. Kdrama - The Mask.... I checked it out last night. Very intriguing. Very melo. Some very bad men in this one. So far I am hooked. The cold H is marrying a lady not out of love but to build his company. The lady (ow) is in love with someone else. She suffers an injury which puts her into a coma... I think she is a coma for now. The h is the doppleganger of the ow. She is very desperate to save her family's little restaurant who has fallen on hard times. She is offered money to stand in as the ow by ow's lover. The h refuses. The ow's lover goes to drastic measures to ensure the h is forced to stand in as the H's woman. The H also has people targeting him. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on May 30, 2015 7:49:52 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I watched the first two eps of Mask as well, and it is a melodrama, so it is over the top plotwise. However I am intrigued, and it's been a while since I've watched a melodrama. I just hope we get a good/intense romance out of it, with a happy ending. So far, I am interested to watch more. Oh, and you forgot to add that the H is being drugged basically. I want to watch "Love Weaves Through a Millennium" too, because "Queen Inhyun's Man" is on my favorites list, so it will be interesting to see if this remake is as good. I guess I will check it out sometime. "Warm and Cozy" is meh. This show could've easily been much better had the H's character been mature and strong, and the storyline a little different, because the setting had potential. I agree that I'm not feeling it, and it's disappointing because I had hopes for this show. However, I will continue to casually follow it, I guess. I've read season 1 of manga "Cheese in the Trap", and I'm sad that seasons 2 and 3 are not translated to English. However just from reading season 1 - and even though the H/h haven't gotten together yet - I have high hopes for the drama that's in the works. If done right, it could be an addictive show. Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jun 1, 2015 7:33:37 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Jun 1, 2015 7:34:07 PM PDT Hui Chi says: Season 2 of Cheese in the Trap has been translated already. Go to oddsquad translations and follow the instructions from there. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 1, 2015 8:40:12 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Thanks for the headsup, I'll try that :) I watched ep 11 of "Who Are You School 2015", and I feel like they are now downplaying Tae Kwang's character, because they want to make Yi An's character more prominent. So then is Yi An the first male lead? Before it was hard to tell who the first male lead is, but now it's starting to look like Yi An is the first male lead, and I'm a bit disappointed. Still this is a good show, and I am enjoying the mystery, but I hope that they return to giving Tae Kwang a prominent role, because he is the best character in this show so far. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 3, 2015 7:52:45 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Heard It Through the Grapevine wrapped up it's 30 episode run yesterday. While not a drama that I would recommend as a romance (the teenaged H/h do end up together and happy, surrounded by a great support network), the drama was a well acted, well written, entertaining social satire. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Jun 5, 2015 4:23:32 AM PDT luvnlife says: The Mask... after week 2.. I think this will be my new crack drama. It reminds me a bit of "Secrets" in regards to the H really misunderstands the h and acts mean to her. More of an adult theme as well. We may get a bed scene the way everything is talked about openly. (I think this is a cable drama.) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 2 of 2 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jun 5, 2015 9:36:41 PM PDT H. Mera says: [Customers don't think this post adds to the discussion. Show post anyway.]

Posted on Jun 6, 2015 4:18:31 PM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: I am in love with Mask, it is addictive, I wished I'd waited to start watching it because there are only four episodes out. I gave up on Orange Marmalade, it was pretty good at first but the vampire, time travel-ish elements + amnesia was just too much for me. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 7, 2015 6:25:04 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: As a fan of the Dramabeans blog, it was a pleasant surprise to recently stumble across a YT video of Javabeans and Girlfriday discussing k-dramas. As a reader of their of recaps and listener of their podcasts it was nice to be able to actually put a face to each of these bloggers. I was probably most surprised by what drama each selected (in 2013) as their favorite. Javabeans picked Shut Up Flower Boy band while Girlfriday chose My Girlfriend is a Gumiho. (For some reason, I had expected either Coffee Prince or MNIKSS to be selected. Also, I wonder if asked the question today if Javabeans would select Healer?) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohOm7TjNhMw Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 7, 2015 10:44:31 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Reader123 thanks for sharing. I read the dramabeans blog sometimes, and I also find that many of their comments when recapping episodes are funny. H. Mera, welcome I guess, you seem very enthusiastic about dramas. I too rarely watch anything else besides Asian dramas these days (mostly k-dramas, followed by TW-dramas, and lastly J-dramas/anime when there's a good one). I also read some mangas from time to time. In addition, when it comes to music too, Kim Jaejoong is my favorite male singer/artist. @ Jennifer and luvnlife, I've finished watching ep 4 of Mask, and this show for me has potential to become a hooking drama, despite the makjang. I started to solidly like this show with ep 4, this is where I feel the makjang was toned down a bit. So now it remains to be seen what will happen next, and how it will turn out. I'm also finding that I'm liking "Warm and Cozy" more with every ep, I'm at ep 6 right now (a bit behind, but I'm catching up). This show is kind of slow, but it is keeping me engaged, and it is getting better with every episode. I would say this drama becomes good starting with ep 4. I also liked the parody of Secret Garden they did with the secondary couple lol. I also continue to enjoy School 2015 despite the flaws, and ep 12 had more focus on Tae Kwang (my fave character in this show). I'm just a bit disappointed that this show lacks the romance it had potential for, and it's pacing feels a bit disjointed sometimes. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jun 7, 2015 1:17:59 PM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: I especially like that the heroine in Mask is tried to get away. She really doesn't want to be a part of this scheme, she doesn't like the husband and honestly, who would, he's mean, rude, dismissive and frequently violent. But her yearning for her family, her care and love for them and her desire to help them were so believable and real. It is super exciting. The mother-inlaw character is always a villain, but she does it so well. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 7, 2015 2:51:40 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Yes Jennifer, I sympathize with the h. The h's father pisses me off, because he's the reason for the family's suffering. Even though he regrets it, but he still is the one who got into a debt that he can't repay. As for the villains, I agree the mother in law is definitely looking like one, and also the brother in law (as he's the mastermind). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 7, 2015 4:34:27 PM PDT luvnlife says: What surprised me about Mask episode 4 was the ending scene. I'm glad they didn't drag that part of the storyline out. Now I can't wait this week to see how it is going to unfold especially because the H is going to have some questions. @Lovely... I've been skimming through "Warm and Cozy." Now I want to go back and see the Secret Garden parody. When did this happen? :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jun 7, 2015 4:51:25 PM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: The Brother in law is pretty fantastic, he is so darn, unapologetically evil, when he threatened to kill her, I totally believed him. Also the way he lied about her mom, sheesh, he is bad. I agree, the dad's debt is disturbing, it makes me not like him, 'specially since he tried to kill himself, he can't believe that the debt will go away if he dies!? It's not like his debt is with a real bank. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 7, 2015 5:40:38 PM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: The ending scene of episode 4 is problematic, I really hope that she doesn't tell the H who she really is, I want the switch to stay secret a bit longer, it's more exciting this way. I'm

wondering why no one else has noticed how often the brother-in-law has been hanging out by his new sister-in-law. Especially his crazy wife. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 7, 2015 5:48:01 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Jun 7, 2015 5:48:54 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Yes luvnlife, hopefully he'll know the truth soon, so that the H/h can help each other out, and he can protect her. As for "warm and cozy" I think it was ep 5, were the H's older brother kept seeing the diver lady in front of him, just like what happened in "Secret Garden", and the music was the same as well. So basically the H's older brother is obsessing over the diver lady, and she is not believing that he is a "black pearl" she caught. She keeps thinking he's an unemployed bum lol. lol Jennifer, yes the brother is law is just cruel. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 7, 2015 7:40:25 PM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Any recommendations for TW dramas? I've watched a few, but they were mostly older ones, Fated to Love You, Autumn's Concerto. I'd like something newer. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 7, 2015 9:02:24 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I don't know if you've watched any of these, but "Down With Love" (but just know that the h might take getting used to, when I first watched this show it took me a while to get used to how goofy the h was, but overall she was a great h). "My Queen", I don't know if you've watched this or not, but it's worth checking out, and it's one of my favorite TW-dramas. Also "Love Now" (but this one is 72 eps long, so it tends to be a bit slow, but it is a very good show overall, with a good supporting cast as well). Those are the ones I can think of, off the top of my head. I don't know if someone else can give you some more recs. Happy watching :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Jun 8, 2015 12:28:45 AM PDT Last edited by you on Jun 12, 2015 1:19:12 PM PDT Adnana says:

For a new TW-drama, I rec "Someone Like You", which has finished airing recently. The H loses his fiancee and his eyesight in a car accident, and because of his survivor guilt, he refuses to have the operation that would restore his eyesight. The h becomes his caretaker and the H & h gradually grow closer. Issue No. 1) The h is the H's fiancee's identical twin (but she never knew her sister--or even that she existed--because they were adopted by different families). I must say, imo, the lookalike thing is handled very well by the drama. I.e. the H makes it very clear that he falls for the h for herself and not because of how she looks; also, he actually starts to love her while he's still blind, so the twin thing was basically a non-issue overall. Not so well handled: Issue No. 2) cellular memory. The H's fiancee's heart is transplanted into a girl who starts to act somewhat like his fiancee used to and to have feelings for the H. Fortunately, the H is never confused (he knows who he loves, and it ain't the cellular memory girl), but the h does have a bout of noble stupidity in how she deals with everything. Anyway, I hear that TW-dramas are often unwatchable because of the OW's machinations, and that was absolutely not the case with "Someone Like You". The OW was a good, sweet girl and she actually helped the H & h reconcile. It's just that I thought that the cellular memory concept was stupid in the first place. The main reason why I rec this drama is for the H. Seriously, best H I've seen in a long, long time. He's loving, protective (even while he's still blind), never misunderstands the h even when it seems that she's betrayed him, and he would basically do anything for her. And he's such a... man. Not a boy or a spoiled man-child, but the kind of steadfast, responsible guy that you would have no qualms entrusting your future to. And his kisses... wow, talk about hot. Basically, he's perfect husband material. The h is annoying in the first couple of episodes (she has a bad first impression of the H and doesn't take her caretaker role seriously), but she becomes much better. Sure, she takes too long to see through her boyfriend's (the OM) manipulations and kick him to the curb, she's not the sharpest tool in the shed, and she's too self-sacrificing... but she loves the H and he absolutely adores her, and so I liked them as a couple. She's very cute, and the H has this way of looking at her, like she's his sunshine and the most adorable thing in his world. It's heartmelting. Edit this post | Permalink In reply to your post on Jun 8, 2015 3:50:43 AM PDT Purse Monkey says: Adana, you always have a way of describing a drama that makes me want to checkout out, despite my initial reluctance. Alright, Someone Like You it is. :) You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Jun 8, 2015 4:37:20 AM PDT Last edited by you on Nov 4, 2015 9:15:55 AM PST Adnana says: Purse Monkey, That's a lovely compliment. Thank you. :) Honestly, when I find a drama that I liked and want to share it with y'all, it's sometimes hard for me because I want to do that drama justice with my words but at the same time I don't want to go overboard with my fangirling because yeah... that's not very cool. :)) Still, I AM a fangirl at heart, so I had better own it, right? Lol.

Anyways, tastes differ and your mileage may vary and all that obvious blabla... But I thought "Someone Like You" was a good series. Not very exciting (it didn't have lots of drama and angst or God forbid makjang ugh), but it was a nice, undemanding, genuinely heart-warming watch. (P.S.: I skipped the secondary loveline because it involved a priest... yeah, don't ask me because I can't even... But the main romance was wonderful). Sure, the h is about as dumb as a baby koala but she's just as cute, and the H loves her so, so much. He always understands the stupid things she does right away and never blames her because he knows she's too selfless and she just can't help herself in putting other people first. When he decides he wants her, he doesn't hide from his feelings, he doesn't hesitate; he just goes and sweeps the h off her feet. Not once does he act like an a-hole, not once does he waver in his devotion towards the h. He made this otherwise flawed drama a nearly flawless watching experience for me as regards the romance. (I honestly didn't know that dramaland made heroes like him. And can I please have one myself?) Edit this post | Permalink In reply to your post on Jun 8, 2015 6:55:09 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Jun 8, 2015 6:57:05 AM PDT Purse Monkey says: Sounds like my kind of hero. I'm excited now! Frankly I've been in a rut for awhile in both kdramas and books. This thread is the only one I lurk/participate in anymore bc the romance books nowadays does nothing for me. I blame it on 50 Shades and whoever else thought motorcycle gangs/clubs/s&m are a good background for romance. Bring back the days of good writing and good characters and good romance. Now it's just self-publishing crap that gets 4.5/5 stars on Amazon. Ok I'll get off the soapbox now. I'm the same when it comes to describing a book/drama I love. My fangirl tendency comes out. I get so excited about it and want everybody to enjoy it with me. Haha. I haven't found anything I'm that excited about in a long time. Thanks for your detailed reviews of dramas you've watched. I always appreciate it. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 8, 2015 8:02:59 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Jun 8, 2015 9:22:16 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Another TW drama that I enjoyed was In A Good Way. Overall it's a very sweet slice of life drama totally lacking in any bad guys/manipulative OW. Its only real negative is the producers decided to conclude the drama via a movie and since, unfortunately, the movie never paned out the drama ending is open. But still a good drama despite the ending (or lack thereof). While it's a very old drama (2008), one of the better TW-dramas is They Kiss Again. It's the second season of the TW-drama It Started With A Kiss. But I'd recommend you skip It Started With A Kiss, especially if you've watched Playful Kiss (K-drama) or Itazura na Kiss Love in Tokyo (J-drama). While the h can be annoying, the H finally grows up and becomes a great husband (especially during the final 5 episodes). ETA: It looks like a Thai version is in the works for Itazura na Kiss/Playful Kiss starring the

same actors who were in the Thai version of Full House. I thought that the Thai version of Full House ended up being a much better version than the original K-drama so hopefully they can pull off the same feat with the Playful Kiss remake. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 8, 2015 8:14:46 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Jun 8, 2015 8:20:19 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I second the recommendation for "Someone Like You", the only reason I didn't mention it in my recommendation list above, is because I still have to finish eps 16-20. I have watched up to ep 15, and I was enjoying this drama, but I usually recommend dramas that I've already finished. Now, I'm going to go back and finish this soon :) I agree that the H loves the h for herself, and not because she's the lookalike of his fiancee. The fact that he started liking her when he was blind, is a testament to that. In addition, up to ep 15, the H/h scenes were very good, some felt like magic, and some were cheesy but cute, and some moments were moving. I also like that they didn't go the love triangle root with the heart transplant girl. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 8, 2015 8:52:12 AM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: I watched Down with Love, it was so so cute, the heroine really carried the story, she is too cute and funny. I'll check out Someone like you, your descriptions sound wonderful. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: Jun 8, 2015 10:27:34 AM PDT Last edited by you on Aug 9, 2015 1:34:48 PM PDT Adnana says: Still waiting for the subtitles for episode 13 of "School 2015", but from what I've seen... this episode totally makes up for the somewhat weak episodes of last week. And yeah, by that I (also) mean there's lots of cute Taw Gwang **squee**. Lol. ETA: In an earlier post, I wrote: "I'm actually surprised at myself for liking both male leads equally and for not having a definite preference regarding who I want the h to end up with." Yeah, turns out I spoke too soon. I've now 100% boarded a very specific ship, and its name is Gong Tae-gwang. **squee** Yi An is okay, and I like him fine, but I'm really, really rooting for Tae-gwang to get the girl. ***SPOILERS So it seems that Eun Byul engineered the switch on purpose when she heard that Eun Bi had lost her memories, because she felt so guilty seeing the hard life that her sister was living. ETA: Also, she wanted to run away from her own problems.

That said, I completely agreed with Yi An's reaction. Eun Byul was selfish and inconsiderate when she just disappeared and let the people who love her believe that she was dead. She can't expect to just show up and say sorry and for everything to be fine right away. Nobody went and made her God, with the power to decide other people's lives for them. And people got hurt because of her. A simple sorry, especially with Mom and Yi An, does not (and cannot) make up for the pain and suffering she inflicted. Nevertheless, surprisingly I don't hate Eun Byul. The smackdown she gave So Young (so, so awesome) has made me her fan pretty much unconditionally. Now anticipating Yi An's answer... Which sister does he really like?... Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Jun 8, 2015 7:02:26 PM PDT luvnlife says: In A Good Way is still one of my favorite Tdramas. The way the romance builds up is so real. The ending is a little open ended because they were going to film a movie; however, imo I would still recommend to others. DF has "The Time That I Love You 7000 Days" front and center. The hero is looking pretty hot in the photo. Ha Ji Won is hands down my favorite actress. She is amazing. Speaking of Ha Ji Won.. now I have to check out ep 5 again of Warm & Cozy... thanks Lovely! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 9, 2015 4:16:54 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Jun 9, 2015 4:19:06 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I'm at ep 20 of "Someone Like You", so I only have this last ep to watch. So far, I continue to enjoy this show, and I didn't expect the accident. The H/h are so cute together. Even though the h had bouts of noble stupidity, however her reasons were very understandable. The H is great, and he never gave up on the h. I really like how he simply waited for her, and never let her go. I also liked Ya Ti's character, she is a very sweet girl. I hope that she too comes out alive after ep 19. Has anyone checked the new TW-drama "When I see you again"? I watched the first ep, and so far the show is off to an interesting start, although the H so far is being an a**hole. However I hope he will redeem himself later. On a shallower note, the H is good looking and he has these dimples when he smiles... if only he wasn't such an a**. I haven't watched eps 13 and 14 of "School 2015" yet, but I'm glad to hear that there's a lot of Tae Kwang! I also saw some pictures, and it seems that he got a new hairstyle, he looks so good and more mature with the new hairstyle. Hopefully the two new eps are good. I also read that he will be singing an OST song, which makes me glad. Hopefully the song will be good. Luvnlife, happy watching :) I think you will like the sequence with the older brother imagining the diver lady, like the H in Secret Garden lol. Hopefully "The Time I Love You 7000 Days" will be good.

You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 9, 2015 7:26:51 PM PDT cbela says: I am watching "The Producers" kdrama. I am liking it!:) ... I am also watching "Murphy's Law of Love" tw drama. I am liking it the Hero is protective, sweet, and reserve, too!:) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Jun 9, 2015 10:54:18 PM PDT Last edited by you on Jun 9, 2015 10:55:57 PM PDT Adnana says: Lovely D.M.: "I haven't watched eps 13 and 14 of "School 2015" yet, but I'm glad to hear that there's a lot of Tae Kwang!" Yes, I was already in heaven with the amount of Tae Kwang screentime in episode 13, but then episode 14 was even better! **SPOILERS It was unexpected (though definitely hoped-for) how smoothly my ship EBi+TK has been sailing for the last two episodes... and it would be so cruel for writer-nim to sink it at the 11th hour after keeping our hopes alive (and fanning them to new heights) for 14 episodes. I mean, Yi An is a cute boy and all, but he had his chance and all he did was make Eun-bi cry. I don't blame him if he likes Eun-bi now (it's not like he was ever in a full-blown romantic relationship with Eun-byul--he just had a crush on her--and the heart wants what it wants), but Tae Kwang has been so all-around completely awesome, always, that I can't help but root for him to be happy (and happy, for him, means being with Eun-bi; that couldn't be more clear and obvious at this point). So please, writer-nim, I know it's a tall order (since Yi An was set up to be the main male lead from the start and yes, Eun-bi liked him first)... but please let Tae Kwang be happy. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Jun 10, 2015 10:10:03 PM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: I just watched epi 5 of Mask, this show gets better and better. It has a cliffhanger ending, just like episode four and once again the brother-in-law is crazy and evil, he is so fantastic. The only other other show I've seen him in was I Summon You Gold, which also had a switcheroo element. But his character in this show is so mesmerizing. I can't wait for tomorrow's episode. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jun 11, 2015 4:32:40 PM PDT luvnlife says: Love LOve LOVE Mask. Episode 6 was just as good as 5. I'm so glad they are taking the progression of this show slow in regards to our H softening up. His shell is cracking when it comes to the h yet his old cold self is still there. His character is more believable that way. A few things I am already thinking: 1. With all this talk of skinship and the evil brother-in-law telling our h to get the H in bed, I wonder if this will happen sooner than later. 2. What is going to happen when the H figures things out? I'm afraid our h is going to go through some heartache before the H realizes it is the evil brother-in-law puling the strings. 3. Lastly.. are they going to give us a flashback scene to the end of 6? :) Why can't writers be more like this one? So many recent dramas with big name stars that just flopped because of the storyline. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 11, 2015 7:51:04 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Jun 11, 2015 7:51:28 PM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: I know, I love how the H is slowly starting to like the h, he often seems surprised by her behavior and her presence in his room is disrupting his orderly life making him worry about someone other than himself. Even his germaphobia has lessened as he's spent more and more time around her. The brother-in-law is acting so crazy and his evil henchman, I can't even begin to understand what his deal is, but he is unquestioningly loyal to bil and seems to enjoy tormenting the h. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 11, 2015 9:28:59 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Mask is getting better and better with every episode. Eps 5 and 6 were the best eps of this show, so far. I think the brother-in-law wants to take the company, so that means taking down the H, but I don't understand what role the h has to play in that. I really liked the scene when the H/h danced at the party, they have strong chemistry which I didn't expect, however I cringed when I looked at her shoes. She was wearing the type of shoes I wouldn't be able to walk in. I also really liked the scene when the H carried the sleeping h to the bed, it was so sweet. Also the scene when he took her to his mother's memorial. The H is surely falling for the h slowly, and I've started to like him with these two eps. Even though the h comes off as very demure, but I will say that her strength is subtle, in that she can endure all that has happened to her without breaking down. I feel bad for her brother though, but I think that he definitely suspects her of being his sister. I hope that he will at least know, so that the h will have some sort of support. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jun 11, 2015 10:56:57 PM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: The h's brother sure has risen to the challenge of supporting his family, he seemed kinda lazy and unmotivated before. I definitely think he suspects her, even after she offers him money to leave her alone. I love how cold and shut down Min Woo looked when the h said that the kid who showed up and called her noona was the man she loved. Competition! Her brother is no slouch in the brains department when he lets the sil think he is obsessed with the h and can't let her go. It was super cute when he carried her to bed also when he peeked when she was taking her wet clothes off. He is definitely interested in her, but he's cold as ice and it will take more than a few sweet moments to make him fall for her. The bil is pushing for her to seduce him, do you guys really think it will go to that? Aren't there Korean broadcast rules that would censure people sleeping together, 'specially hinting that they've had sex? We are at the end of episode six and we still haven't had a kiss. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Jun 12, 2015 12:10:54 AM PDT Last edited by you on Jun 12, 2015 10:22:01 AM PDT Adnana says: Jennifer said: "Aren't there Korean broadcast rules that would censure people sleeping together, 'specially hinting that they've had sex?" K-dramas in the mid-to-late 2000s (eg. Coffee Prince, City Hall, Personal Taste etc.) were likelier to feature hot kisses and bed scenes than K-dramas today, but still, it depends on the project and the screenwriter/PD. There are no hard-and-fast rules re: in what episode there should be the first kiss, or how many kisses are allowed overall, or whether the H & h get any bed scene. There's certainly no official Korean censorship (far as I know) that would interfere with the broadcast of a subtle bed scene (see: Healer), just hypocritical public opinion (I'm sketchy on the details, but apparently the Association of Korean Housewives or sthg protested when "Secret Garden" had its racier wedding night scene--and the H & h were married!). But Mask's writer did include a bed scene in his previous (and only) drama, Secret, so given the overall tone of Mask (i.e. adult), it's more likely than not that Mask will give up the goodies too, at some point sooner or later. The writer probably just wants to secure proper character development first and increase the chemistry between the leads so that by the time the physical action happens, it's more meaningful. Just my two cents. ETA: All I've written above refers to K-dramas aired by the Big 3 i.e. public broadcasters (SBS, MBC, KBS2)--and not cable channels which are more likely to push the envelope when it comes to showing make-out sessions (see Can We Get Married, I Need Romance etc.). Edit this post | Permalink

Posted on Jun 12, 2015 8:08:54 AM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Thanks for the detailed answer Adnana, so I guess we could eventually get a bed scene. I like that there hasn't been a kiss yet, when it happens it will be more meaningful. Wow, I can't believe there were protests over a married couple! So Mask is my addiction, what are you guys watching in between episodes? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 12, 2015 9:24:12 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Jun 12, 2015 9:25:31 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I too didn't know that there had been protests over the last ep of "Secret Garden", when it was a mild PG-13 tasteful bed scene with nothing explicit. I will also add "Queen Inhyun's Man" in that it had that passionate tip toe kiss in ep 11, and it definitely was clear that it was leading them to bedroom - so in this drama, the H/ h had sex too (Oh but this was a cable drama). I hope that in Mask we will get a tasteful bed scene. Right now my priority show is Mask and School 2015, but all the shows that I'm following are "Warm and Cozy", "Mask", "School 2015", "When I See You Again" TW-drama, and I still have to watch the last ep of "Someone Like You". Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 16, 2015 10:03:06 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Jun 16, 2015 10:03:57 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: So "School 2015" apparently ended on a disappointing note, I haven't watched the last two eps yet but I've read some of the comments. So the show is disappointing on the romance front. Anyways Taekwang was the main reason I continued to watch this show in its second half, when it started to drag. I also felt that all the reveals for the mysteries running in the show, were underwhelming. I think maybe because it was set in a high-school, the mysteries couldn't be more intense. However overall I fairly like this show, just because it had the really good character of Taekwang, and he was so well cast as well. I watched the new teaser for "The Time I Loved You", and I am looking forward to this show, it looks promising. I'm also glad that we will get a H with a good hairstyle! Yay, it looks like he won't have the bowl haircut. He looks so good (he was the H in Nine). Then there's Ha Ji Won, who is one of my favorite actresses. So now the only thing left is for this show to be good plot-wise. Hopefully, it will live up to its potential. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Jun 16, 2015 1:08:48 PM PDT Last edited by you on Jun 17, 2015 4:39:50 AM PDT Adnana says: Lovely D.M. said: "So School 2015 apparently ended on a disappointing note" I couldn't agree more. **SPOILERS about the romance The romantic storyline was GROSSLY mishandled, plain and simple. I know that Yi An was the male lead and that he was somehow pre-determined by the writer to end up with Eun-bi. So he did--end up with Eun-bi, I mean. The problem was that, by the time it came down to Eun-bi making her final choice, her choosing Yi An didn't make sense anymore. AT ALL. Tae-kwang was the more interesting (and better-acted) character, so the audience responded enthusiastically to him. He brought on the ratings (let's be honest, I think the vast majority of us were watching the drama for him), so the writer expanded his storyline. He had all these meaningful interactions with Eun-bi, and he was so swoony and unfailingly devoted to Eunbi that it just didn't make sense that she wasn't moved. Even a stone heart would have fluttered, that's how consistently amazing he was. Yi An, the way he was developed--and despite the writer's original intentions--just couldn't compare. Ever. After watching the finale, I have zero respect for the writer of School 2015. It's like she decided the beginning and end of the drama from the very start and clung stubbornly to that plan even when it didn't make sense anymore, even though the entire in-between (the middle of the drama, basically the story proper) was hijacked by Tae Kwang. I think the writer sold out (on her initial premise for the drama) and gave in to public opinion by expanding and developing Tae Kwang's role, and kept us hoping by leaving the love triangle unsolved until the last freaking episode. So that we would keep watching. And then, when the final episode came, the writer probably went, yeah, scr*w the audience, I've kept them watching this long, I don't care anymore about what they want and why they stuck with the story so long, I'm going to end the drama the way I wanted to from the start. So yeah, zero respect for the writer. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Jun 16, 2015 1:23:41 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Unfortunately, it's still very much a rarity for the second male lead to end up with the h (I'm only aware of about 10 or so dramas where this occurs). I keep reading that the primary reason that Korean maintains its live shoot system is so that plotlines can be modified based on viewer feedback, but it seems viewer feedback rarely changes the end game (and sometimes it actually results in truly horrible endings like what happened with Marry Him If You Dare). In addition to The Time I Loved You, I'm also looking forward to Oh My Ghostess. I did enjoy the first two episodes of High Society. But, so far, I'm actually liking the second leads somewhat more than the leads. I also continue to loosely follow several other dramas but am not finding any to be that unusual or addictive. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jun 16, 2015 3:26:23 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Jun 16, 2015 3:30:34 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Adnana, you make some very good points about why this show turned out so disappointing on the romance front. The mystery aspect of it too was underwhelming. I guess we can be thankful that at least we had the interesting character of Taekwang, though he was wasted in this drama. I hope Sungjae will be the lead in another drama, that will be well written. Reader123, I agree that rarely, if ever, does the h end up with the second male lead. This would be fine by me, if the writer made the male lead interesting and appealing, and actually can be a rival to the second male lead. The thing I dislike the most in a k-drama, if it has the love triangle trope (which is not a favorite trope of mine, but I can handle it as long as the H remains the most interesting/appealing), is that sometimes they just don't make the H interesting. So the viewer is left wondering why the h went with the H, as opposed to the second lead. I think that writers sometimes are stubborn, lazy, or just plain bad. However it is a treat when we get a good drama. I just wish we didn't have to go through the annoying ones, before finding that good one. On another note, I too am looking forward to "Oh My Ghostess" as well, but because of its weird premise I'm hesitant. However "The Time I Love You" is the show I'm looking forward to the most. Right now, the only k-drama that I'm finding solidly interesting is "Mask", but since it's still not even halfway through, I hope that it doesn't fizzle out or become bad later on. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 16, 2015 9:42:46 PM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: I am so glad that I didn't keep up with School 2015, the ending sounds like a real letdown. Oh My Ghostess looks adorable. I can't wait to watch it. Is The Time I love you a remake? It sounds a bit familiar to me. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 16, 2015 11:16:51 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Yes Jennifer, "The Time I Love You" which is now being called "The Time We Were Not in Love" for some reason, is a remake of a TW-drama called "In Time with You". I haven't watched the TW-drama, but I'm hoping that this k-drama will be good. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 17, 2015 12:40:55 AM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says:

It's strange how late in the game the drama names change. I am really only watching two shows now; Mask and the tw drama What is love. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 17, 2015 4:18:56 AM PDT luvnlife says: Silent Separation - the movie... is posted on VK. Just search under "clips" under "Cruel Romance"... 60% subbed but I thought most of the important dialogue was subbed. Looking forward to today's episode of Mask. :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 17, 2015 10:36:55 AM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Me too. Does Viki have Mask first, anyone know? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 17, 2015 10:40:12 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Jun 17, 2015 12:04:52 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Viki had Mask didn't they? I think I watched it on viki last week. Eh, I just tried to access it now to make sure, but I couldn't. I think maybe they are having some technical issues. ETA: I just accessed viki, and they have Mask. @Jennifer, yes I too think it is a bit strange that they sometimes change a drama's title just a week or two before it starts airing. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 17, 2015 12:37:54 PM PDT 1ladydevil says: I really want to watch the Silent Separation movie but not until it's subbed 100%. Any idea how long it will take for that? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 17, 2015 2:42:22 PM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Yay! I've been checking in waiting for it to be subbed at 100%. I've been looking forward to this show all week. Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 17, 2015 7:42:53 PM PDT luvnlife says: Not sure how long it will take. It got to where it is now in 2 days but now it has been a week since it has moved. Hopefully soon. Another good episode of Mask.... these writers are good. The ending scene really did it for me. Such great emotional acting. (Yes on viki but I too think the site was down for a bit earlier.) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 18, 2015 12:33:04 AM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: If there wasn't another episode of Mask tomorrow I would just die of impatience. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 18, 2015 7:42:59 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Jun 18, 2015 9:56:34 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I thought that High Society had some interesting plot twists this week. I did find it odd that Lee Sang Woo had such a minor role in this drama (it now makes sense that it was just an extended cameo) but I'm still expecting his character to make a brief reappearance at some point (because isn't it a k-drama rule that if you don't have a body, they aren't really dead). I continue to enjoy the secondary leads romance much more than the primary romance (but maybe that's because the H doesn't come across as really caring for the h but for her family connections). I was surprised that the h outed her identity this early in the drama. I wasn't expecting that to occur until closer to mid-way into the drama. ETA: Also, I'm finding the whole storyline relating to the h's family to be fairly boring/uninteresting - probable because other than Lee Sang Woo's character, all of the h's family members are rather nasty/unredeemable and really not worth wasting your time watching. ETA: And speaking of being more invested in the secondary romance, I'm finding I'm having the same reaction as it relates to Warm & Cozy. I am enjoying the older brother/diving lady romance much more than the H/h's romance. Which is too bad as I do like both the lead actors in this drama and it's unfortunate that the storyline isn't a little more interesting. This drama isn't as bad as Big but does lack the usual Hong Sisters spark of fun. And the OW is by far the worst compared to their other dramas, but I think it's mostly the actress' fault (they really should have cast someone capable of acting). However, I do think the H reasoning for continuing to pursue the OW to be pretty lame - she's nasty like my mother so I'll continue liking her no matter how unpleasant she is. Was glad H finally decided to man up in episode 11 but it does look like any happiness will be very short lived as "second half of drama" angst is getting ready to hit. Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 19, 2015 12:41:30 AM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Episode 8 of Mask was even better than the last. They really are setting things up with an ever widening circle of crazy for the villain to try to contain. All of the investigating the hero did, tracking down the pen, questioning his assistant and then just coming right out and saying, 'I know we said we wouldn't talk about our pasts, but I need to know.' He is burning up with jealousy and suspicion and it is awesome! Plus, that kiss in episode seven, wow! So romantic. That guy from Ji Sook's past was so cheap, him showing up like the proverbial bad penny seemed like something the writers were throwing at us to drag out the other parts of the mystery, but they sure cleaned it up and fast. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 21, 2015 5:45:39 AM PDT luvnlife says: Yes, Mask episode 8 ended awesome. The H is so mistakenly mad at the h right now. Just when you thought things were on an upswing. Hidden Identity... new Kim Bum drama started off very action packed. It reminds me of Cruel City. Hero goes into the underworld undercover. If the show can keep pace with the first two episodes it will be great. My Love Eun Dong... I've been leisurely watching this. Present day H and h really don't meet until about episode 6 but when they do their chemistry just sizzles. H and h meet in their youth but are torn apart. They meet again as young adults and are madly in love. An accident pulls them apart for 10 years. h lost her memory and is married with a child to someone else. (Could be H's child from the looks of things.) H is a famous actor/model searching for the h. He finds h and learns of her new life but won't let her go. h is attracted to H and has flashbacks. H is very straightforward and possessive. Favorite line so far from H to h "Tonight... don't sleep with your husband." Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 21, 2015 12:15:25 PM PDT 1ladydevil says: luvnlife-Damn, My Love Eun Dong, sounds good. I can't resist a possessive H. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 21, 2015 8:17:36 PM PDT

luvnlife says: 1lady... to give you a preview where I was hooked on his possessive intent/stare... go to the last 3 minutes of episode 6. This is right after they first meet again. It is a different kind of possessiveness than Mask but our Hero is a real straight shooter when it comes to telling the h what he wants. This scene got me hooked. Episode 1 & 2 are worth watching and then I skimmed through 35. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 23, 2015 12:34:54 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: A few dramas that I was loosely following have recently finished airing: Producers - The high rating of the final episode (probably one of the highest ratings of a drama this year) had to have been due to the drama's stars rather than the drama's storyline. While the drama started off trying to be innovative it did change directions becoming for the most part a standard rom/com complete with a dragged out love triangle. I guess the producers/writers also decided that the drama's main strength was Kim Soo Hyun (the second male lead) and seemed to focus primarily on his storyline (I did like his character) and onesided crush - which was actually too bad as I would have preferred a secondary romance between him and Cindy (the character that had the best arc in the drama). I did enjoy the romance between Ye Ji Won (the paper czarina) and Kim Jong Kook, actually more so than the main romance. Overall, the drama wasn't bad but it could have better utilized its leads and perhaps tried to be more innovative on the rom/com front. My Unfortunate Boyfriend - Didn't particularly care for any of the characters, including the two-timing h or the manipulative OM. And the H was just too childlike for any relationship. Ex-Girlfriend's Club - Overall, this drama was a nice fluffy rom/com, without much in the way of angst. I did enjoy the antics of the ex-girlfriends but didn't find a lot of chemistry between the leads - they seemed more like good friends. And after a couple of months of effort I finally finished watching Dong Yi. In comparison, I think it took me less than a week to finish Empress Ki. I guess that says it all about my viewing preferences (hot guy beats staid guy every time). While Dong Yi was very well written with an enjoyable story, unfortunately, I found the romance to be rather passionless (where is the obsessed, crazed Emperor when you need him). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 24, 2015 2:34:26 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I enjoyed the first two episodes of I Remember You/Hello Monster. It's billed as a romance/mystery/thriller and so far had been a nice change up from the string of predictable rom/com that I've been watching. However, similar to Sensory Couple, the police appear to be the comic relief and are almost as bumbling. Last scene was of the h racing to save a

woman from a serial killer - and you guessed it, she didn't bother to call for any backup or assistance. I've come to the conclusion that the TV industry must really hate law enforcement as they more often than not make them appear so incompetent. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 24, 2015 3:09:31 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Okay I came across this story, and the more I read about it - the more it looks real, and it's awful. However whatever the case is, this deserves legitimate investigation. So this is why I am posting this here. Some of the links in the article below contain some graphic content, so be warned. If you have a twitter account (I don't unfortunately), or any social media, please share. Here is the link where I came across the story: http://netizenbuzz.blogspot.com/2015/06/helpleejunghee-updates.html And here's another link, warning this is detailed (I skimmed through it, because it's awful) http://kpopkfans.blogspot.com/2015/06/please-help-this-woman-to-reveal-truth.html Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 24, 2015 4:02:38 PM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: I read about it and it is super disturbing, especially about her children being abused. But I don't know why the police still aren't involved since she's broadcast this as much as she has. Also, if they are American citizens she could go to an embassy for help. It is disturbing and mysterious. On another topic, I finally got back to watching Healer, I'm on episode 12 and it is so amazing, I love this show so much and never want it to end. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 24, 2015 4:22:05 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I know, this woman's story is just too disturbing. I read in the comments that she went to the police, and that they wouldn't help her (I don't know, but that's what I read). Oh, and happy watching on Healer. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 24, 2015 6:37:39 PM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Thanks D.M., let me know if you hear anything else, if any charges are filed.

Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 24, 2015 6:43:20 PM PDT luvnlife says: Today's episode of Mask was a bit of a low point for me. The h keeps falling for the bad guys tricks while the H is trying to trust her 100%. I hope the writers make our h smarter and maybe make our H less trusting until the h can do something in order for the H to trust her. (I thought the H was going to be ticked off after the police station instance instead the writers made him all trusting.... really unlike his usual character.) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 24, 2015 7:49:58 PM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Oh, I didn't realize a new episode of Mask was out! Yay! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 24, 2015 8:17:27 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I'll keep you updated, if I read anything new. As for Mask, I don't know but I feel like the show has been meandering a little, don't you agree? I wish the h was a little more active, I find her a bit bland for my taste. She is passive in a bland way, I don't know how else to explain it. When I See You Again, is a cute show, it has a few tacky characters (like the loan sharks), and is a bit cheesy as well with the H/h, but overall it's cute and I'm enjoying it. I watched the first two eps of "I Remember You", it was better than I was expecting, but hopefully the show will slow down after the setup and we'll get a balance of romance/character-development for H and h, and suspense/thriller aspect. I did get "The Girl Who Sees Smell" vibes from this show, in some of the portrayals of the police. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 24, 2015 10:26:32 PM PDT jak says: Yeah, I feel the same about Mask. I kept wondering when the heroine will get some guts. She's turned into such a passive character. I've been hoping for many episodes now. As for the plot, it's really just going in circles now, nothing new, h is threatened by guy, she has to hid from someone who knows her past, blah blah. Been enjoying Roy Leh Sanae Rai. It's a remake of an older lakorn that I loved about a guy who seeks to charm a girl into falling in love with him to get her money (which is half the

inheritance his dad left him). H is a jerk of course, but well, very charming. And I enjoy how he orchestrates all these moments you generally see in romances, like he cuts himself on purpose, seeks to get her alone, etc. Push, the charmer, is growing on me and he has an easy charm about him. The couple's chemistry is good as well. All the ow though, ugh. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 25, 2015 8:21:17 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Jun 25, 2015 8:29:02 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. - As it relates to I Remember You, I'm guessing that Dad actually locked the wrong son in the basement as the real family psychopath will probably turn out to be little brother (who I think was killing neighborhood animals and drawing disturbing pictures). ETA: I think the H even tried to cover-up what his little brother was doing. I agree that When I See You Again is a cute show. Hopefully, it will continue in this vein. I'm also continuing to loosely follow Murphy's Law of Love, which isn't quite as cute of WISYA. As of episode 11 the OW has made her reappearance and been rejected by the H. But I'm guessing that since the h has been hired to help the OW she's probably going to turn into a NI by trying to reunite the H/OW. Unfortunately, the plot of Warm and Cozy just continues to go in circles. I think the Hong Sisters are just phoning it in. They aren't even trying to create an interesting storyline - just pure boilerplate rom/com. And their OW just seems to exist to eavesdrop and create angst. Jennifer - I've got to admire your willpower in not marathoning Healer - it's my gold standard against which I measure all other dramas and unfortunately they all seem to be coming up lacking. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 25, 2015 8:57:26 AM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Taz - I promised myself that I'd only watch epis of Healer on my treadmill. Then I hurt my knee, when that healed I hurt my shoulder, sigh, it's been a difficult summer. So now I'm back to watching it on my treadmill and the time goes by so fast for each episode, I hardly notice that I'm exercising. Healer is coming out on top of First Shop of Coffee Prince and even My Love From the Stars, my two favoritest dramas. I Remember You is off to a promising start. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 25, 2015 10:34:40 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says:

Yeah, I'm trying to watch Mask, but the h is so incredibly stupid and passive that it's almost too much. She has no will to even try to fight back against the BIL and the poor H is battling all of his own demons plus trying to help her. I'm going to need her to step up in the next couple of episodes, or I'm probably out. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 25, 2015 11:04:00 AM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: My one big complaint with the show Mask, which I really really love, is that the h seems clinically depressed and on the verge of catatonia and bizarrely, no one seems to notice this AT ALL. Not even the hero, they act like she's just really quiet and standoffish. Either they are all in some kind of denial or they really can't tell the difference between normal quiet and frozen with fear, sorrow and anxiety. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 25, 2015 12:22:33 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: She can barely make any kind of eye contact with anyone. She is completely passive. You're right, Jennifer, she is almost catatonic. I suppose I should feel sorry for her, but mostly I just want her to finally grow a spine and start doing some plotting and planning of her own to counter all these things. And she's the worst secret keeper in the world. At this point it feels like only her husband and his family don't know that she's not really Seo Eun Ha. She just keeps digging herself more and more holes to fall into, and does NOTHING to try to get out of it. I'm so frustrated with her. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 25, 2015 1:40:06 PM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: I know, she hasn't even been able to pay off her family's debts to the Wigster! Then she was in trouble with the worst-ex-boyfriend-in-Korea, which she totally could have fixed by telling him off. A sneer and a few harsh words would have sent that puppy to the curb. Then she keeps showing up at her parents restaurant and being totally oblivious to the longing looks the H is sending her way, honestly the entire bed buying expedition proved to me that she might be drugged too, I'm thinking it's a dangerously high dose of Xanax. It totally reminds me of myself if I take motion sickness meds, just zoned out and distracted. But I can't stop watching it! It might just be that the lead is so darn handsome and tragic, I can't look away. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 25, 2015 9:46:35 PM PDT

[Deleted by the author on Aug 16, 2015 7:44:18 AM PDT] Posted on Jun 27, 2015 7:39:49 AM PDT Purse Monkey says: Do you think the woman and her two sons' story is real? I started reading it and it seems so incredible. I don't know what to think. People that's done more research on it, any chance it's a hoax? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 27, 2015 8:23:20 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I don't know, but the more I read about it, the more real it looks. I actually was hoping it was a hoax in the beginning, just because it's so awful. But the more I think about it, I can't find a reason for it to be hoax. Also now it seems that some solid evidence is starting to emerge. In the netizenbuzz link I posted above, there they link to two videos that apparently Lee Jung Hee and her sons uploaded to youtube, and in these vids they plead for help. Also on youtube they've uploaded two new vids, that have audio (but these are in Korean) so I can't understand them. Apparently from the translations in the comments section, it is the mother talking on the phone with the investigators, and what is said is that there's a video that they submitted, and the investigator admits that they received the video, but still don't do anything to help this woman and her 2 sons. So it seems that solid evidence is starting to emerge on this story. I believe them, so far. I always think to myself if this is a hoax (very unlikely), then I'll end up feeling very stupid and foolish, but I can live with that. However if this is real (very likely), and I ignore it, then that's just horrible. Regardless, awareness needs to be spread, so that a legitimate investigation can be done. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 27, 2015 9:19:37 AM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: I was hoping it was a hoax too. The husband of the woman is American which does wonders for all the crazy talk about why Korean women should never marry or date westerners. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 27, 2015 9:26:13 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Really? I read that he's Korean? I think you are mixing up, the children were born in America California (as they are claiming). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jun 27, 2015 1:09:39 PM PDT

Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Oh, I thought he wasn't korean, which made it all the weirder. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 2, 2015 12:20:37 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Aug 16, 2015 7:45:40 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Now moving this thread back on topic: Remember Me or Hello Monster, is better than expected, and I'm loving the H/h interactions so far. I just wish the show would slow down a bit, and give us more character moments for the H and h. I don't know what it is about this show, but it has that addictive quality to it. So I'm hoping it won't disappoint. To whoever recommended "My Love Eun Dong" (I can't remember who it was, was it you luvnlife?) thank you! I am enjoying it so far, I am at ep 7 right now, and it reminds me a bit of the Notebook. It isn't fast-paced, but the love that the H has for the h is beautiful and moving. He is so unmoved in his devotion to her, throughout the years. I just hope that she will come to terms with her memories soon, and that her situation can be solved, so that she and the H can be together. The only flaw so far, is that it took 6 eps for the H/h to meet again, and I would like to see more H/h interactions. I watched the first two eps of "The Time I Loved You", and it is off to a very good start. I will admit that I found Ha Ji Won's cutesy character a bit awkward in the first ep, however by the second ep the cutesy felt more natural. This show is already getting better with every episode, since ep 2 was better than ep 1. Also even though L is not a good actor, he is doing well in his cameo here, and there is no denying that he is very handsome. He is like a less attractive version of Jaejoong, this is a compliment (just to clarify). I also really like that the H really loves the h, but I don't understand why he chose to love her quietly all those years, and what prompted him to indirectly reject her when they were in high-school. Anyways this show has potential, and hopefully it will be good till the end. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 3, 2015 9:00:35 PM PDT luvnlife says: Wooo... Eun Dong this week. <SMALL SPOILER>I have never seen so much skin in a Kdrama. <END OF SPOILER> @Lovely... great analogy of "The Notebook." I am really really hoping this drama has a HEA. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 4, 2015 11:22:06 AM PDT 1ladydevil says: Is the Silent Separation movie fully subbed yet?

Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 4, 2015 3:18:27 PM PDT luvnlife says: No... still stuck around 50%. :( Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 6, 2015 8:18:29 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Jul 6, 2015 8:32:11 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I enjoyed the first two episodes of Oh My Ghostess. Unfortunately, the h is fairly pathetic/pitiful (and the H is somewhat obnoxious) but at least the ghost (and the h while she's possessed) stands up for herself. Hopeful the h will grow a backbone over the course of the drama as so far I'm liking the ghost a lot more than the h. While it's doubtful this will be a crack drama at least I found the first two episodes interesting. Spoilers A couple of drama that I was loosely following recently wrapped up: Warm and Cozy - One of the Hong Sisters worst efforts. The only thing that kept this show even remotely watchable were the lead actors. Unfortunately, the Hong Sister forgot to develop any sort of plot so that all we ended up with was the H and h going around in circles for episodes on end (with less likeable actors I'm not sure I would have lasted through this entire drama). And I hated the whole storyline relating to the death of the diver lady's husband and especially how they wrapped it up. So everybody is going to pretend that the H's father killed the husband so that the diver lady doesn't have to divorce her husband (not sure why she would have to divorce him for something he had no part of) and to top it off the diver lady and H's brother decide to move to Japan so that the diver lady never has to interface with the H (you know, for the crime he had absolutely nothing to do with). Really? Not well done at all. I had actually liked the H's brother/diver lady's romance but the ending just turned them into narrow minded unlikable folks. The Lover - it followed 4 co-habitating couples. Unlike most k-dramas, this drama lacked an overall plot as each episode was a stand alone based upon a theme. Unfortunately, the humor was for the most part extremely lame (and at times gross/raunchy) and I'm not sure why some of the couples were even together as they never seemed very loving towards each other. Overall, I wouldn't recommend this show as a romance. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 6, 2015 12:08:33 PM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says:

Warm and Cozy was so so boring. I couldn't stick with it. I'll try Oh my Ghostess, it looks fun. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 6, 2015 1:26:50 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: So it looks like the Thai remake of It Started With a Kiss/Itazura na Kiss is in the works. Unfortunately, no air date for this version (titled Kiss Me) has been scheduled but the teaser looks cute. I actually liked the Thai remake of Full House (which had the same lead actors as Kiss Me) better than the Korean version, so hopefully they'll do as good a job with this one. Unfortunately, the teaser doesn't have English subs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CeodKL1Vjl0 Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 6, 2015 3:16:19 PM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Ooh, interesting, thanks for sharing this Taz, I like the thai version better too. I just didn't warm up to Rain with his horrible sweaters and the way he liked the OW for such a long time. My only complaint was that the OM in the Thai version seemed super old for the heroine, it was a bit creepy. It will be cute to see them in a drama again, they are both adorable. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 6, 2015 5:24:38 PM PDT luvnlife says: Well said Taz about Warm & Cozy. I fast forwarded so many parts I didn't even know the storyline of the death of the diver lady's husband... it was that bad for me. (lol) Another odd resolution I probably missed but how were the H and h connected from the first episode of meeting in regards to the possibly being related? Did they address why they did that? I did enjoy the first two episodes of My Ghostess. It kind of has that "Master's Sun" vibe to it. It's an easy watch that I intend on watching further. The first two episodes lacked chemistry/interactions between the leads but I am thinking the storyline just hasn't gotten to that point yet. They haven't really interacted much except for the H being a bit rash to her about growing a backbone. The Time I've Loved You... I think the actors are doing a good job. Ha Ji Won has chemistry with almost any guy she is paired with. I guess the part of this story I was never a fan of is that there isn't much chase or development throughout the drama. The flashbacks at the end of the episodes are cute to see what our H is thinking but there isn't much build up of a relationship. Hopefully that makes sense?

Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 7, 2015 9:23:49 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I agree with you guys about "Warm and Cozy", it turned out very boring. I'm behind on several eps, and can't bring myself to catch up on the remaining eps. This drama had potential, but unfortunately there wasn't any good storyline or characterization, to back up the good cast. I watched the first two eps of "Oh My Ghostess" and I agree with your assessment Reader123, in that I find the H to be obnoxious. However I find the characters of the ghostess and the h interesting, and unexpectedly I am more interested in the story and journey of the ghostess and the h, and their character growth, rather than any romance plot because I'm not feeling the H. So I would say that this show is off to an okay start, but it could've been much better, had the H been given a better character. The shows I continue to enjoy are "I Remember You/ Hello Monster", "The Time I Loved You", "My Love Eun Dong", and "When I See You Again" (this is a TW-drama). Lastly, I have decided that if I come across an upcoming drama that sounds interesting to me, I will keep quiet about it, because it seems that any drama that I mention (before the casting has happened) somehow gets bad casting lol. I just read news about the casting of the h for "Cheese in the Trap", and that Suzy (the annoying one from Big, and the blank one from GFB) has been offered the lead role. If she gets the lead role, then I will be passing on this drama. Too bad, because Park Hae Jin (the H) is a solidly good actor, and I was hoping for a good casting for the h, alas... my interest in this drama is plummeting. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 8, 2015 11:29:00 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Jul 8, 2015 11:41:27 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: luvnlife - the think the H/h connection in Warm and Cozy was that their parents knew each other (prior to the H/h's birth) and during one of the parents outings the H's father took a picture of the H's mother/h's father. The h later found this picture and mistakenly thought that the woman in the picture was her mother. When she came to Jeju Island to find her "mother", she discovered that she and the H had the same birthday and concluded that they were twins (the same birthday was just an OTT coincidence - a case of poor writing). Spoiler - It turned out that the H's mother was the driver in the hit and run accident that killed the diver lady's first husband. The H's father took the rap and spent years in jail for the crime. Since the diver lady indicated that her relationship/marriage with her second husband (the H's half brother) would end if it turned out that his mother had caused the accident, the H's father continued to take the blame and everyone just pretended that it was the truth. D.M. - sounds like Suzy is getting a lot of negative reaction to her possible casting in Cheese in the Trap. I'm also hoping that she decides to turn down the part. Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 8, 2015 1:34:40 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I also enjoyed this week's episodes of I Remember You/Hello Monster. I'm glad we finally got the h's backstory and that it provided a reasonable explanation for her stalking the H and becoming a police officer. The show is also doing a good job in keeping the suspense up especially regarding the villains/bad guys. And the police, while still providing some comic relief, are a lot less bumbling. I'm also enjoying the secondary romance (rich guy/poor girl) in High Society. While this show has a lot of flaws (primarily the boring storylines related to all of the chaebol families) the second male lead and his romance is keeping me watching (their break-up scene was pretty sweet - oops, it's raining so we can't break-up today). Unfortunately, I'm not too invested in the main romance (rich girl/poor guy) as the H comes across as emotionless and calculating. Also, it looks like the fake girlfriend in When I See You Again is going to become even more unpleasant in future episodes. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 8, 2015 1:35:05 PM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: warm and cozy was so so boring, reading the recaps on dramabeans made me sleepy. When is Cheese in the Trap coming out? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 8, 2015 1:44:36 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: From what I've read TvN will broadcast Cheese in the Trap beginning in October 2015. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 8, 2015 3:06:28 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Jul 8, 2015 3:08:00 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Jennifer, yes I also read that CITT will be out in October. I have hopes for this show, but after this bad casting news my interest is taking a nosedive lol. Hopefully as Reader123 said, this h casting doesn't go through, and they choose someone else for the h. Reader123 yes "Remember Me/ Hello Monster" is very good, and it has that addictive quality. I too am glad that the h has a good back-story. I think that with the coming eps, more will be revealed. On the suspense front, I also think that *spoilers* the doctor is Lee Joon Young,

and the lawyer is the H's younger brother Min. They have enigmatic interactions. On another note, I really liked the scene when the h dressed the H's wound, and he pretended to be sleeping, then when he carried her to bed. I really think that he is softening towards the h, as much as he tries not to. I'm not watching High Society, because it seems so contrived, but keep us updated as I might check it out when it finishes, and skim through it, just to watch the secondary romance. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 8, 2015 3:08:09 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Jul 8, 2015 4:28:19 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Last but not least, I started watching a romantic thriller called "My Beautiful Bride", and I ended up sort of marathoning the first 6 eps. Eps 5 and 6 were the best in the show so far. The scene when the H/h met again (beginning of ep 6) had me in tears, especially when the H took his socks off and put them on the h's wounded feet, and then carried her as she cried. However they got separated again. This show is more violent than usual (I wish it wasn't). I think luvnlife would like this show a lot, because it has the feel of Heartless City, but with a cohesive storyline (so far), and romantic, and has better characters. Anyways this show is worth checking out, but I need more interactions between the H and h. I like the female detective as well. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 9, 2015 9:28:02 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Jul 9, 2015 2:15:48 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. I think the writer tried to give the secondary couple every couple trope in Episode 10 of High Society - piggyback ride, back hug, sweet date, run through the rain holding hands, break-up scene followed immediately by hot make out session. Too bad rest of the drama is so boring. The cute secondary couple - unfortunately the below MVs don't include any scenes from this week's episodes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQ0ylb2xerc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYFHPm9CcpA Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 9, 2015 10:30:18 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: They look so cute and lovely in the mvs, thanks for sharing :) It's too bad their screen time is being cut down (why?), even though they're the best part of this drama, and the popular couple of this drama - instead of the main couple. Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 9, 2015 11:29:38 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I hadn't heard that the secondary couple of High Society was going to have less screen time. I hope it's not true as the writers would be crazy to give less screen time to the only thing good about their drama (the secondary romance). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 9, 2015 12:32:34 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Oh, I mean you said that the secondary couple had no scenes in this week's eps (but now that I'm reading your post again, I'm thinking you meant the mvs lol), so I misunderstood and thought that they were cutting down the screen time for the secondary couple. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 9, 2015 12:53:10 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Ooops, sorry for any confusion. Yes, I meant that the MVs didn't include any scenes from episodes 9 or 10. I did try to find a MV that included their hot kiss scene from episode 10 but couldn't find one. However, I do expect that one will be created soon. Actually, we are only at episode 10 and this couple has already shared 4 kisses. Not too bad for a secondary couple as even very few main couples end up with that many kiss scenes. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 9, 2015 1:59:51 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: It's okay :) Glad to hear that they have a lot of kisses Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 10, 2015 4:18:31 AM PDT luvnlife says: Thanks for posting about Beautiful Bride, Lovely. I started watching it and it seems interesting. It got pretty high reviews so far. The scene you described with the socks seems intense. Agreeing with everyone about High Society. Love the secondary couple. Why is the main couple so flat? Mask... H/h moments are cute; however, I feel like I'm watching an American Soap Opera

where they drag out identities week after week. (Identity is about to be revealed but the phone rings. Identity is about to be revealed but one person says 'we'll talk later", etc.) I would like true identities to be revealed so our couple can start working through the fall out. At the pace we are going, there is going to be a real quick ending or a lot of loose ends. My Love Eun Dong is still going strong for me. This H is possessive to the h, almost a little creepy but he now see's the om getting violent. "I will kill you if you hurt her" - was one intense threat the H said to the om. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 10, 2015 9:34:13 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Jul 11, 2015 7:29:29 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I finally watched the first few episodes of The Time I Loved You. So far, I'm liking it's rather sweet, light tone. However, I was hoping that this would be a true friends to lovers drama and not one were the couple has actually been in love for the last 17 years but pretended otherwise. The Producers has this same trope where the H built his entire life around the h (got good grades in high school so that they could go to the same college, became a producer - which was the h's dream not his - so that they could work together) but pretended he only felt friendship for the entire drama. Even when the h confessed that she liked him (which occurred fairly early in the drama) he just kept pretending he only felt friendship. And when the H/h finally got together in the last one minute of the drama (I'm not kidding, that's just how gutless this H was) it just felt bittersweet that they had pretty much wasted the last 20 years of their life. Hopefully, The Time I Loved You wont go down this same depressing path. And speaking of common tropes, it seems that there were several dramas recently where the love triangle featured the H competing against an alter identity of himself. If done correctly, this is probably one of my favorite tropes. Healer is the best example of this trope done to perfection. No OW or OM causing conflict or angst and a h who is actually in love with the correct version of the H (who like his alter identity was also a rather sweet, lovable guy). Kill Me Heal Me was also successful in pulling off this trope. Again, it featured a h in love with the correct version of the H and a rather sweet, kind H (and a hot psycho alter identity). A couple of recent failures in this trope were Hyde, Jekyll and Me and Fall In Love With Me. Unfortunately, both of these dramas featured a h who fell in love with the alter identity and heroes who were both kinda jerky (at least to the h). These dramas also featured a h who had no interest in the H but instead clung tenaciously to their relationship with the alter identity. Hyde, Jekyll and Me went so far down this path that the only reason I think she ended up with the H was because the alter identity was gone and the H began exhibiting some of the alters characteristics. And unfortunately, Fall In Love With Me (which started out so promising) got sucked down into the crazy OW black hole. I actually completely gave up on the H/h as a couple once the H married the OW (and acted so kind and loving towards her). He should have been stuck with the OW for the rest of his life (if the best solution he could come up with was to publicly humiliate the h and then marry a woman that he considered a sister, then he truly deserved to be unhappy for the rest of his life) and the h should have moved on to someone else. Overall, I did find the ending to be completely unrealistic, as the OW was never the type who would ever have willingly given the H is freedom, especially after everything she did in order to force him into marriage.

Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 11, 2015 5:00:56 PM PDT cbela says: Has anyone started watching "scholar who walks the night" with Lee Junki? :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 11, 2015 8:40:23 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: So I marathoned/skimmed High Society, mostly watching Chang Soo and Ji Yi scenes (love them), their chemistry is wonderful. The main couple lack chemistry. I also like the h's and Ji Yi's friendship as well. I wish that Chang Soo and Ji Yi had been the main couple in a different drama (instead of this boring one), because they really are one of the best couples I have come across. The only thing I don't like about their story, is the use of the usual annoying "controlling family" trope. I hope that Chang Soo will soon realize that he loves her. Reader123, concerning "The Time I Loved You", I am enjoying it, and it is a solidly good show so far, that keeps getting better with every ep. Though the pacing is slow, it is not boring. I expected the pacing to be laid back as soon as I read that it is a remake of a TWdrama, because these tend to unfold like books. Hopefully the story will remain engaging. I also really want to know the reason as to why the H has held back all this time, and loved her quietly. This ep her ex-boyfriend (I think he's the second male lead) appeared, and I hope that he's not as big of a jerk as he's looking right now. The h looks like she still cares a lot for him. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 12, 2015 2:55:24 PM PDT luvnlife says: Scholar Who Walks the Night... the first two episodes were great. I am hooked/counting down the days to see episode 3 and 4 this week. Both episodes were pretty fast paced and at first I was a bit confused by the story but easily caught on afterwards. The writing is good. Both Lee Junki and the villain are some well written characters. Hopefully the storyline continues to keep pace. Nice to see a smart h. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Jul 12, 2015 5:19:48 PM PDT cbela says: luvnlife...:) Thanks for the update. I was hesitating about watching the kdrama because of its "horror" aspect. Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 12, 2015 11:10:34 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: "Oh My Ghostess/Ghost" is getting better with every ep, and ep 4 was the best ep in the show so far. However I feel bad and embarrassed for the poor h, how will she deal with the H after everything? The shenanigans of the ghostess lol. On another note, good news: I just read that Suzy will not be the h in "Cheese in the Trap" Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 13, 2015 8:51:05 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Yes, good news about Suzy. I think she faced the same public outrage as Yoon Ah when she was offered the lead in Cantabile Tomorrow. It seems that lots of folks have preconceived ideas about the characteristic that the h should have and were very vocal against a idol getting the part. Not sure what is going on with The Time That I Loved You as they are switching out writers for the third time. Perhaps we can expect the pace of the show to pick up? I am enjoying the show and wasn't minding the pace. I just didn't like the direction of the storyline (the H better have a very good reason for not pursuing the h other than being gutless, as I don't believe a gutless H earns a HEA). I hope that the writer change doesn't result in this drama becoming a typical rom/com, complete with nasty OW and interfering OM. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 13, 2015 9:12:19 AM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: I'm really liking Oh My Ghostess too. I think the h is hysterical and the H's reaction to her is priceless. I'm getting a little bit of interest on the part of Cordon for her, I like how she tried to seduce him and he sent her off. All of her antics at the public sauna are so fun to watch. Does anyone think that the cop killed her? And, I hope I'm not spoiling this for anyone, but what the hell was going on with that big dog, the two cops went on a call and then one of them asked Officer Choi if he got bit and he said no, then the camera panned away and then you could hear a dog crying out and the sounds of it being beaten (to death?!) WTF? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 13, 2015 9:55:26 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Reader123 it's interesting that they're swapping the writers for the third time in "The Time I Loved You", let's hope that the third time is the charm. I too hope that the H has a really good

reason for holding back all these years, otherwise it would sort of ruin this drama for me. Are they maybe hoping to speed up the pace of the drama, and insert more angst, to make it more interesting? Anyways I just hope that this change will be good for the show. Jennifer, I think you're referring to the ghostess as the h. I think the ghostess is the second female lead, so I usually say the ghostess's (Soon Ae) antics lol, because it's not the h's (Bong Son) antics. Now that the h is back to being herself, I wonder how she will deal with the H. I hope that from this point on, the ghostess will remain as herself, and the h will remain as herself. I also think that maybe Officer Choi killed the ghostess, there definitely is something weird/scary about him. cbela, I watched the first two eps of "Scholar Walks the Night", and I found the first ep to be overacted, over-dramatically directed, and awkward. However I found the second ep to be better and more natural. The music in this show however remains weird, and feels so out of place. The directing could be better too. However, the H/h have good chemistry already, and the villain is an actor I like and he's so good looking (unfortunately he's evil here). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 13, 2015 9:46:11 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: "I Remember You/ Hello Monster" is probably the best airing show right now IMO, so far. I am enjoying it a lot, it just pulls on my heart strings, and the main characters are interesting and intriguing, the cast is solid, and the OST is great, even though the police investigation part is shaky. I hope it will remain good till the end. Ep 7 was the best ep in this show so far, with more H/h scenes. I loved when they went to that old amusement park. The way the H looks at the h is so intense yet gentle. Before I thought SIG was a good actor, but he didn't really stand out to me. However with this drama, he is just great. He is not what would be considered traditionally handsome, however he is uniquely good-looking, and has loads of charisma (especially in this role). Jang Nara is a good actress, and her character here is cute, quirky, and has depth. I don't want Min (I'm almost convinced that the lawyer is Min) to be a bad guy, but by the end of this ep it looks like Min is a villain :( Will he really be able to take out his brother? Will he really harm the h? I hope not. On another note, I'm glad that there seems to be some good dramas this Summer season, and I have more time to watch them :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 14, 2015 11:19:46 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I agree that I Remember You/Hello Monster continues to be good. I wonder how many dramas have been filmed at that amusement park as it sure seems like a ton. I guess if you want to see your favorite actor, just hang out at that amusement part as he's sure to turn up at some point. However, this may be the first drama where the rides at the park weren't operating. Wonder how much it cost to shut the park down for filming (or maybe they just filmed early in the morning prior to the park opening?).

I also liked this week's episodes of Oh My Ghostess. Guess I'm liking these two dramas much more than a straight up rom/com as they seem less predictable (or maybe I've just watched too many rom/com so that they all now seem overly predictable). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 14, 2015 12:04:05 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: lol about your "amusement park" comment :D, I too am finding "Oh My Ghostess/Ghost" to be solidly good. I think if I were to rate the shows I'm watching right now, where they stand (most are still in their first half, so nothing is final in this rating): 1. I Remember You/ Hello Monster 2. Oh My Ghostess (it climbed to this position after ep 4) 3. The Time I Loved You, My Beautiful Bride 4. My Love Eundong (but I have catching up to do on this), When I See You Again (TWdrama) 5. Scholar Walks the Night Again this all could change, because these shows are still either in their beginning or reaching the middle, so nothing is final. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 14, 2015 1:31:02 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I was surprised that the hotel scene between the secondary couple wasn't a fake out in High Society (as is so often the case). Unfortunately, it appears that the second male lead's mother is kicking into evil overdrive in her efforts to separate the couple. Also, with 3 of the 4 main leads switching from Chang Soo's company to the h's family's company, can it be long until Chang Soo also switches employers? I thought the h's "step on him" revenge against the H was pretty lame. So the bad writing continues. I'm putting off watching the various melo's that are airing until I know how they end, as a bad ending can completely ruin an otherwise decent drama. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 14, 2015 3:45:17 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Yes Reader123, the only good thing about "High Society" are the Chang Soo/Ji Yi scenes. I too expected a fake out for the hotel scene, but it wasn't. I hope that Ji Yi will become pregnant. I also hope that Chang Soo will realize that his mother/family really have nothing to control him with. He has a good background and work experience, so he can easily find a good job at another company. I hope that he will fight for Ji Yi, and that he won't give her up. But like you said this drama has bad writing, and these two good characters (memorable couple) are unfortunately stuck in this drama.

Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 15, 2015 9:20:32 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Jul 15, 2015 9:57:28 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: The lawyer is *spoilers* Min, it was finally confirmed in ep 8. It looks like I was right about something else, he is a bad guy :( I mean I got goosebumps when he was standing by his car, all calm, even though he knew that the h was being attacked in her house. He was even wondering if he should let her live, as if he's wondering about the weather. Thankfully he changed his mind, and decided to save her. I'm glad that the h could hold off the attacker for those several minutes, despite the bad beating she got, but even then I felt it was exaggerated given her size and his size. Still, I'm glad the h was able to hold him off, until Min arrived. Now she thinks that Min saved her. I think that Min has either changed his mind, because he wants to toy with her and/or use her for something (maybe to piss of Hyun?), or because he has gotten interested in her and unexpectedly developed a liking to her (considering his "walking along a trail" analogy, and not stepping on some flowers just because). I think it might also be a combination on those things. Hyun is suspicious of him, but he still doesn't know/suspect that the lawyer is his brother. On this note, I continue to enjoy the scenes between Hyun and Ji An (h). He's definitely starting to like her, even if he doesn't want to admit it. It's interesting as well, how the writer is exploring the theme of being a "psycho", in that both the H and his brother have those tendencies, but one fed his bad side while the other didn't. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 16, 2015 7:42:13 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Jul 16, 2015 7:54:52 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I thought that both of the reveals in this week's episode of I Remember You/Hello Monster (spoilers - Sun Ho being the little brother and having been taken/raised by Joon Young) were as expected. I expect we also won't get any surprises about the identity of the adult Joon Young. But I am still really liking this drama. So I guess it's angst time for High Society with both couples breaking up. I hope they don't drag this out for the remaining 4 episodes as the only thing good about this show were the cute Chang Soo/Ji Yi scenes. Of the 4 leads, it does seem that Chang Soo is the most upset/broody about the break-up. With Ji Yi proving in episode 12 that she is more than capable of standing up to Chang Soo mom, we now need for Chang Soo to prove that he can. The lead couple continues to be flat as I'm not feeling their angst. I would also like to see some character growth by the h, who I don't think has ever once really shown herself to be independent of her family as every time something doesn't go her way she still races to use her family connections to fix/eliminate the problem. And it's also angst time at Murphy's Law of Love as the h has decided to dump the H because... why was that again? First time I've seen a h dump the H (with only 4 episodes to

go) with absolutely no outside influences or noble idiocy involved (no evil mother/OW/OM forcing break-up). I guess she just doesn't like their relationship (and I guess the writer decided we needed some angst). So if the h doesn't care, why should I? At this point, I hoping they both just move on to someone else (but, unfortunately, I know that won't be the case). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 16, 2015 10:16:10 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I didn't like Ji Yi in ep 12, because she annoyed me - hanging out with her best friend's exboyfriend. I feel that Chang Soo and Ji Yi characters are being wasted in this drama. What I like about "I Remember You", even though I was almost certain before that the lawyer is Min, the execution was still interesting and the drama continues to be engrossing. Now I just hope we get more romance, as the suspense/drama part continues to be intriguing. I know how you feel about "Murphy's Law of Love" though I'm not watching it, since I'm watching another TW-drama "When I See You Again", and while this drama is cute, I really don't understand the reasoning for the h to reject the H. I mean just because she hurt the feelings of her school mate when she was in high school, she decided that she won't date again? I just feel like the reasons are lame, for lack of a better description. I watched eps 7 and 8 of "My Beautiful Bride", and I feel that this show is starting to drag plot-wise. I mean if the H was really only a bank guy, I would understand why he continues to be very emotional. However he's supposed to be trained in the military, so after the first few eps I expected him to get himself together. Yet, we're in ep 8 now (halfway through the show), and he continues to act rashly instead of taking a deep breath and getting himself together, in order to come up with plan to save the h. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 16, 2015 11:50:20 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Jul 16, 2015 1:08:15 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I agree that the h's reasoning in When I See You Again seems pretty lame but I also thought she has been waiting for years for the H to return (even going so far as to make everyone think that his house is haunted so that it can't get sold). I also hope that they reveal the H's identity as the former school friend fairly soon as I think they've dragged out that storyline for way too long. Unfortunately, it's looking like the OW in this drama may turn pretty nasty. So far, both the OW and OM in Murphy's Law of Love have been pretty decent (with the OW in episode 17 actually attempting to reunite the H/h). ETA: I actually didn't have a problem with Ji Yi in episode 12, as I thought she was the voice of reason. To Chang Soo: "We are adults, so why is your mother interfering in our relationship" and she did a great job in handling Chang Soo's mother. I also didn't have a problem with Ji Yi hanging out with Joon Ki as she was friends with him long before he ever dated Yoon Ha. I probably would have felt differently if she had met Joon Ki through Yoon Ha but that wasn't the case - she knew and liked Joon Ki long before Yoon Ha ever met him.

Ji Yi even gave up liking him for Yoon Ha at the same time that Yoon Ha was lying to her about her identity. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 16, 2015 3:18:10 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Jul 16, 2015 3:20:33 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Now that you put it that way about Joon Ki and Ji Yi's friendship, I guess I can sort of understand where Ji Yi is coming from :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 19, 2015 4:51:20 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Jul 19, 2015 4:53:03 PM PDT cbela says: Lovely D.M Thanks! I am up to date with Scholar Walks the Night â?¤ . The OST songs could be better. So far... the kdrama is daebak! Looking forward to more episodes!! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 20, 2015 10:09:53 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Episodes 5 & 6 of Oh My Ghostess remained good. But I do wonder if the H is falling for the h or the ghost, especially given how much time the ghost has spent possessing the h's body and how it's been the ghost that has now saved them twice during the cooking show (the last time from a mistake caused by the h). Unfortunately, so far the h remains fairly inept and pathetic but hopefully this will change soon. Overall, the lead actress is doing a good job of emulating the second leads characteristics when she's "possessed". Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 22, 2015 12:13:55 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Reader123, I agree with you about "Oh My Ghostess", it remains a solidly good show, however I am afraid that at this point the H is falling more for the ghostess and not the h. But I also think that since he thinks that the h is bipolar, so he's coming to like both sides of her, because it's not like he doesn't know what she was originally like. I just hope that with the end of ep 6, the ghostess is out of the h's body for good, because we need to see interactions between the H and the h as she is (shy and timid), and him falling for her. I continue to love "I Remember You/ Hello Monster", and with ep 10 I am now 99% convinced that the doctor is Lee Joon Young. I think if only we had a bit more H/h interactions, this show would've been perfect. I mean I am satisfied with the H/h interactions,

but I crave more. This show, if it gets a good and non-rushed ending with a satisfying happy ending for the H/h, could be amongst my top 5 shows. I really liked the part when the H, Min, and the doctor (who I'm almost positive is LJY) worked together, and saved the h when she was kidnapped. This show has been addictive, so far, and I hope it won't disappoint in its second half. Oh, and hopefully the H will return the h's kiss, and properly kiss her in the next episode :) I also hope that Min means Ji An (h) no harm by giving her a bouquet of purple flowers, in the hospital. "The Time I Loved You" needs an interesting plot and some angst, I feel like the 3 main cast H/h/SML (all are actors I like) are being wasted here, because there is a lack of plot, and the drama right now is just slow and aimless. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Jul 24, 2015 9:37:47 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I am continuing to enjoy I Remember You/Hello Monster, but unfortunately am not finding it addictive. I like/enjoy the show while I'm watching it but don't have any desire to rewatch any episode or scene. Perhaps it's because the H/h haven't really had many squeal worthy moments as I'm finding the romance to be very slow in building. I do think it odd that that it's taking the H so long to figure out who Min is. So speaking of top 5 dramas, my current favorites are: * Healer * City Hunter * The Princess' Man * Queen In-Hyun's Man * You From Another Star Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Jul 25, 2015 3:45:27 PM PDT jak says: My top 5 kdramas The End of the World Cheongdamdong Alice Resurrection That Winter, The Wind Blows Goong and lots of others Does Remember You/ Hello Monster have bumbling cops? I feel like I've already maxed out my stupid cop limit with Sensory Couple. I'm on episode 4 of My Beautiful Bride and episode 4 made me want to keep watching it. It pumped up the action and danger while continuing to put out new info in bits and pieces. The major beef I have with the show is I can't really buy into their pinning the love story as some epic grand thing. Really don't like the bride Yoo Joo Yeoung as it seems like its always about her. I'm actually hoping its an unhappy ending for that couple. I don't really ship the cop and

Do Hyung either though. SLIGHTLY SPOILERISH: Even her helping the cops was because she wanted to get out of her situation, not because she felt it was the right thing. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: Jul 25, 2015 7:12:55 PM PDT Last edited by you on Jul 25, 2015 7:13:55 PM PDT Adnana says: I think some people on this thread were following this topic. http://netizenbuzz.blogspot.sg/2015/07/lee-jung-hee-scandal-revealed-to-be-scam.html Edit this post | Permalink In reply to your post on Jul 25, 2015 8:12:25 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Jul 25, 2015 11:31:35 PM PDT jak says: Hmm, I was in doubt about the Lee Jung Hee scandal and still am, but I wished people didn't automatically jump to the exact opposite conclusion, which is that it's all a lie. I think some of it could be true, let's wait and see what happens. And look at it critically, both sides. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMjOEi1Et30 did make me wonder further. The calmness of the boys, their demeanor, is interesting. One guy mentions being raped 300 times. It seems to be a statement they're reading from, but... Now, I don't see how you can not be totally traumatized by it and yet his voice is so steady. I know those under severe trauma can dissociate themselves from it, so maybe there's some of that. (eta: raped by 300 people is more accurate) On the other hand, it could also be that he's lying about it. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 25, 2015 10:03:40 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I don't know what to think anymore about this issue, I guess like Jak said, we just have to wait and see. Jak in reply to your question about "I Remember You/ Hello Monster", the police are a lot better than in "Sensory Couple". In SC, I felt that the police were used as comedic relief for the most part, whereas in IRY/ HM the police do their jobs fairly well but they make mistakes, and therefore they need the H's help as well (since he's a genius). The h is cute, quirky, vulnerable, and has a lot of inner strength, and some self defense skills. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to your post on Jul 25, 2015 10:11:28 PM PDT Amazon Customer says:

"My Love from another Star"- Kdrama "I hear your Voice" - Kdrama "Arang and the Magistrate" -Kdrama "Nine times Travel" - Kdrama "Master's Sun" -Kdrama Enjoy! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 26, 2015 7:45:49 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Jul 26, 2015 8:06:04 AM PDT Purse Monkey says: I just watched the footages of the newcast about the scandal. It looks really suspicious to me. I never bought it from the beginning bc the whole thing sounds so incredible and the "victims" sounded so rehearsed. I'm actually glad it's all a scam. My faith in humanity wasn't destroyed after all. As for the mother and two sons, they need help. Mentally. Mostly the mother. She's cray cray. Pointing to some random guy on the street and accusing him of being a rapist. She's ruining it for other legit victims since now it'll be harder for people to believe them bc of this lunatic. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 0 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Jul 26, 2015 9:33:01 PM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: I agree 100% purse monkey, it's so frustrating for real rape victims when crap like this happens. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 0 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Jul 27, 2015 4:01:56 AM PDT luvnlife says: What is everyone watching currently? Any great recommendations? Can anyone give a thumbs up/down on "I Order You." Scholar Who Walks The Night... enjoying. Lee Junki has those amazing eyes when he looks at the h. Kind of hoping our h is kidnapped by our evil vampire king. :) Mask... started off intense but now I feel like the plot is just dragging. Glad it's the last week. High Society... still watching for the 2nd couple. Starting to get draggy but it's the final week so I'm hoping for some good resolution. Love how strong the 2nd female is. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Jul 27, 2015 8:52:20 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I'm watching "Can We Get Married?", I just started it last night so I'm still at the beginning. From the currently airing shows, I'm watching: "I Remember You/ Hello Monster", I continue to enjoy this, so far I'm hooked, but I'm hoping for more H/h romance development soon. "Scholar Walks the Night", I'm liking this show more with every ep, because I'm getting used to the campiness lol. I like the chemistry between the H/h. I liked the fight between the evil vamp and our H vamp in the woods, it was hot :D I think the H needs to let his hair down, but have it in a better style. The evil vamp is hot, like I said before - he is an actor I like, but he's playing evil here. This show is silly and campy, but I like the romantic feel of it all, and the music got better starting with ep 4. Oh My Ghost, apparently now the ghostess has the h's permission to take over her body and make the H hers (because the h is too shy to make the H hers). I don't know how I feel about this plot twist. The show is funny and romantically cute with some subtle suspense, but it hasn't captured me, and the story is getting weirder. My Beautiful Bride, this has intensity and suspense, but the story is dragging, and the H/h continue to be separated, and continue to act in ways that frustrate the viewer. Too much focus on action. I like shows that are more balanced. The Time I Loved You, this show is slow and not that engaging, but I continue to casually follow it because I like the cast, and it's a cute show. The same goes for "When I See You Again", a TW-drama, that I'm casually following. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 29, 2015 9:30:17 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I'm having a hard time continuing to watch "can we get married?", because the h is annoying and the H is likable but sort of bland, so far. As for the secondary couple - the second male lead is an a*s. I'm at ep 3 and can't bring myself to watch more. I watched the two new eps of "I Remember You/ Hello Monster", and I continue to really enjoy this show, but I really wanted the H to return the h's kiss. I just felt that it was cruel of him to tease her in that situation, when she was that shaken up - it was also time in the drama to give us a good/passionate kiss, instead the H teased the h and didn't respond to the h's kiss. She felt so embarrassed, and yes it did create a funny reaction out of her, but still I felt that it was cruel and unnecessary for the H not to return her kiss, when the h was feeling at her lowest. He should've kissed her back! Anyways, I can't blame SIG, I know that he's a good kisser, but the writer and director take the blame for this. Aside from that, the H/h interactions continue to be adorable, and I really like how they are falling for each other. Ep 12, also had the Hyun and Min's sad/intense reunion, as Hyun finally confirmed his suspicions that the lawyer is Min. Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 29, 2015 1:17:25 PM PDT bluey09h says: Hey guys, I love this discussion but haven't been following for a while and there is too much to read. I feel like watching another K-drama. I love romantic k-dramas with OTT possessive male-leads. My last dramas were Secret and Heirs which I loved loved loved. I was wondering if anything recent has come out (in the past 5-6 months) which has similar H's who are crazyinlove. Thanks a lot!! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 29, 2015 5:37:05 PM PDT luvnlife says: blue... did you check out Healer? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 29, 2015 7:35:09 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: Yes, sadly Healer is about the only really great drama to come out this year. :( I wouldn't describe the H as OTT possessive, but he is extremely protective of the h. And the skin ship is pretty heavy between them. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 30, 2015 8:45:59 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Aug 16, 2015 7:39:50 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I would also recommend "Scholar Walks the Night", this is still airing, so I don't know how this show will turn out, but up to ep 7, it is campy yet romantic. The H is protective of the h, though he treats her harshly and coldly - because he doesn't want her to start falling for him since he's a vampire. The h is sweet and cute, the H is cold but protective. So you might enjoy this too, despite its flaws (since you liked Heirs). There's a lot of skinship here as well. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 30, 2015 9:04:09 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: So are there any dramas that you guys are looking forward to check out? For me, these so far: Cheese in the Trap: I just read that they cast a new comer actress for the h, and it seems like

she's a good actress from the responses in the comments. So I'm hoping for the best for this show - and that the writer/director will know how to mix the romance/slice-of-life drama aspect, with the psychological thriller aspect. YoungPal: This show starts next week, and it has an interesting premise. I'm hoping it will be intense and romantic, and be balanced between the thriller elements and romance/drama elements. When She Was Pretty: I just read that this has confirmed the leads in PSJ and HJE, both were in "Kill Me Heal Me". I also like the idea for this drama, seems like a reverse of "Beauty and the Beast" looks-wise. Hopefully this will turn out good, and moving (showcasing inner beauty). Twenty Again: I'm also interested in checking out "Twenty Again", this is looking like it will be a cute show, hopefully it will be interesting and not boring. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 30, 2015 4:09:19 PM PDT luvnlife says: I second Lovely and Scholar Who Walks the Night... just finished episode 8. This is the drama I'm most excited for every week. The H is cold but can't resist the h's charms. He even says that he admires her "strength of character" the most. She is a strong female lead in that she is always trying to do what is right for your family. Ep 8 was intense. I had flashbacks of Bridal Mask and the torture scenes. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 31, 2015 9:57:52 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: luvnlife, I think it's interesting that "Scholar Who Walks the Night" had the H kill the h's father. In dramas, it is usually the H's father who's killed the h's father, so that makes the conflict easier to resolve, since the H wasn't directly responsible. However interestingly, in this show, they went a step further (as if the H/h needed more obstacles to separate them). I also think that the reason the h was dressed as a boy from childhood, has something to do with Gwi (evil vamp). I'm thinking that maybe she is the key to his undoing? Anyways, what I've noticed about this show, is that it has an interesting story and a good cast (especially the H, h, and evil vamp). However its major flaw is the directing and editing, and those two things make the show seem silly, when the story has intensity. I laughed out loud at the torture scene in ep 8 (now here is something I never thought I would say). I'm squeamish, and I was about to fast forward the scene, when I saw those super elastic sticks lol. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Jul 31, 2015 12:37:27 PM PDT jak says:

Scholar Who Walks the Night, I watched the first episode, but not sure if I want to continue. I've heard people talk about it being cheesy, so your remarks were interesting Lovely D.M. Finished Mask. Ugh. I actually think the 4 leads had great potential to all be interesting characters, but the writing didn't make the most of it. And 20 episodes was a joke, way too long. A C-/D+ drama for me. Also watching My Beautiful Bride and caught up. A solid action thriller drama, still think female cop and Do Young make a better couple then Do Young and his fiancee. Probably will end up being one of the top kdramas this year. Not many dramas catching my eye coming up, so back to older kdramas or other countries' dramas. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 1, 2015 12:32:35 PM PDT bluey09h says: I just started healer and it seems interesting so far & i like the OST and the clips on youtube between the H & h. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 1, 2015 2:19:50 PM PDT luvnlife says: Good! Let us know what you think as you watch the drama. :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 1, 2015 6:02:43 PM PDT 1ladydevil says: Any news on the subbed status of the Silent Separation movie? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 3, 2015 3:17:12 PM PDT bluey09h says: Oh my gosh! I looooove Healer. I marathoned the drama and now I have just ONE last episode left! :( Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No Posted on Aug 3, 2015 5:54:11 PM PDT luvnlife says:

Wow - glad you liked it as much as the rest of us did! A Chinese drama you might like that involves possessiveness is "Too Late To Say I Love You." You can get a feel for the tone in the first episode of the drama. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 4, 2015 2:46:19 AM PDT bluey09h says: So healer, I loved the drama on the whole but I felt the last episode was slightly rushed or anti-climax. I wish they'd done an extra episode to tie up how everyones life, especially the evil brother. I also wish they'd shown more of the daughter-real mother time together. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 4, 2015 10:05:22 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I felt the same way about the ending of Healer. I too think that this show needed one more episode to show how everyone is settling into life after everything, and the mother/daughter reunion. However the H/h remain amongst my top favorite couples. Though because it is a sort of open ending on the details, it allows each of us to come up with the details. For me, the H/h get married, and live in a nice house, they spend their honeymoon on the Island that the H was planning to buy (he bought it). The H works as a photographer, he also might sometimes work as the night courier - only when it is urgent (every once in a while). The h continues as a reporter in the entertainment magazine she works at (low stress, and works at her leisure), then she finds out she is pregnant :) But I agree, that in many k-dramas it seems that the ending always leaves the viewer wanting more. I don't know why most of the time we get rushed endings. Though the endings to "Secret Garden", "You from the Stars", "Queen Inhyun's Man", and to a lesser extent "I Hear Your Voice", were not rushed. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 4, 2015 10:13:46 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Aug 4, 2015 10:28:01 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I noticed that the following note from Amazon appears on my version of this page: "Thank you for your support of Amazon Discussion Forums. Due to the changing needs of Amazon Forums, we have decided to stop supporting the Active discussions in related forums feature in order to focus on providing the most value for our customers." So are we to assume that this discussion forum will be closed by Amazon? ETA: Per comments on another discussion, looks like Amazon is NOT planning to drop

discussion forums. Guess they should have done a better job in the placement and wording of their notice. Sorry for any confusion. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 4, 2015 11:02:12 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Oh, I saw that, so what is the meaning of that message then? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 4, 2015 11:16:45 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Per what was mentioned from the other discussion: "The discussions that ARE being dropped are those related to individual products that most people don't know about. Those are usually discovered by accident when someone is reading a review." Not sure why Amazon prominently displayed the elimination of discussions that "most people don't know about" and "only discover by accident". Very confusing. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 4, 2015 11:17:57 AM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: I was trying to figure out where we could take this discussion, maybe goodreads? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 4, 2015 11:24:21 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Thanks for the clarification Reader123. Jennifer, why do you think that would include this thread? Anyways, if you guys plan to open a thread like this somewhere else, please tell me too, so I can know where you guys are at and post there. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 4, 2015 1:36:17 PM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Just worried, Amazon has been making a lot of changes in the last few weeks and some of them have really caused a ruckus in the forums. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Aug 4, 2015 3:45:39 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: Yeah, if this forum is going bye-bye, we definitely need to find a new place to talk about dramas. So let's try to keep our eyes open and come up with some alternatives if we need a new place. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 4, 2015 8:04:57 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Aug 16, 2015 7:49:34 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Hey Rashell, welcome back I guess, it's been a while since you last posted on this thread :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 4, 2015 8:13:58 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Spoilers Finally catching up on some of the dramas that I've been following, starting with the three that wrapped up last week. Overall, none of the three were very memorable, mostly just okay. Probably the best overall of the three (for what that's worth) was Orange Marmalade, a drama about overcoming prejudices. The drama itself was structured somewhat oddly into three parts (present day, past, present day) where the same story was somewhat retold each time. However, I did like the ending, as it was upbeat but still felt realistic (or as realistic as you can get in a story about vampires). High Society: Overall, I'm not sure what message this drama was trying to communicate. Only those born rich can succeed? Sons are better than daughters? Chaebols are for the most part truly horrible people? But I did like the secondary romance (which unfortunately lost some of its cuteness in the latter portion of the drama) and the second male lead's mother she may be the only reasonable chaebol mother in all of dramaland, and one who actually seemed to care about her child. But she did always come across like a second wife and her other son always seemed like a step-son. I never cared for the lead romance and didn't particularly like the h. And it seemed like the older sister got the shaft. I could understand her frustration with always being second fiddle to her brother since she had the misfortune to be born a girl. And poor Lee Sang Woo was totally wasted in this drama. Murphy's Law of Love: Overall, a fairly low key drama. Surprisingly, for a TW-drama, no nasty OW (she was actually likable) trying to separate H/h (h did that all by herself in deciding to dump H - I'm still not sure why). Unfortunately, didn't find a lot of chemistry between the H/h, mostly because the H always seemed deadpan/emotionless. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Aug 5, 2015 10:02:45 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I liked/enjoyed episodes 7 - 10 of Oh My Ghostess but so far most (all?) of the romance has been between the H and Soon Ae (the ghost) and not Bong Sun. So unless Soon Ae is actually the h (which would only seem to result in an HEA if the H dies, as I would hate for her to permanently take over Bong Sun's body), this drama now has to convince me that a HEA is possible between Bong Sun and the H or that the H really likes Bong Sun and not Soon Ae. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 5, 2015 11:23:27 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: Yeah, I'll be honest, I'm not really loving any of the current dramas. I've checked a few out, but I don't have anything really to say about any of them. I definitely don't have a "crack" type drama right now, and haven't really had one since Healer ended. And Healer was pretty much the only one this year. Add to that the what I see coming up doesn't look all that exciting either, and I'm a little frustrated with dramas right now. :( Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 5, 2015 11:45:46 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Oh Rashell, I hope that you will find something to your taste sometime soon :) I'm finding this year definitely better than last year, in the drama department, as I am enjoying several shows. However I agree that there hasn't been another show as good as Healer, on the romance front. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 5, 2015 11:55:09 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Aug 5, 2015 11:58:12 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Rashell - I agree that so far this year the only "crack" worthy drama has been Healer. Unfortunately, after Healer's great OTP I'm finding it harder to tolerate the mediocre romances/OTPs that seem to populate so many dramas. I'm especially disappointed that the Hong Sisters drama (Warm & Cozy) and the remake of In Time With You (The Time I Loved You) have both turned out to be so boring (truly a waste of the actors and their chemistry). But on a positive note, I really liked Ji Sung's performance in Kill Me, Heal Me (plot wasn't that great) and so far am enjoying I Remember You and Oh My Ghostess. D.M. In addition to the dramas that you listed, I also plan to check out the Thai drama Kiss Me (a remake of Itazura na Kiss). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Aug 6, 2015 7:21:13 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Looks like Kiss Me (Thai version of Itazura na Kiss) will have 20 episodes and begin airing next month. Hopefully, a subbed version will be available. While I know this story by heart (I've already watched 5 different versions of it) I'm still hoping they can do a fresh take on the story or at least do as good a job with this drama as they did with their remake of Full House. http://itazuranakiss.wikia.com/wiki/Kiss_Me Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 6, 2015 3:14:16 PM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: I'd give it a few episodes, I really liked the thai version of full house. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 6, 2015 9:50:12 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: How many versions of "Itazura Na Kiss" will there be in the end, I wonder lol. I watched eps 1 and 2 of Yong Pal, and the show is off to an interesting start. However the hospital where the story is taking place, is basically a makjang hospital owned by the h's evil half brother, who wants to keep the h in a coma. I like the H's character so far, he's a very smart doctor in training (I think he's in his last year of internship), and he's so devoted to saving his sister, since he needs to constantly pay for her dialysis - he does the dangerous jobs. I hope that the show will show more flashbacks, or touching moments between the H and his sister. I'm guessing that soon the H will have another lady to protect, and that is the h, who has been stuck in her nightmares and coma. Anyways I hope that this show will turn out good, even though the setup is over-the-top. It looks like this show will be thriller/medical/romance/drama, and I hope that it will be balanced. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 7, 2015 12:06:11 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Aug 7, 2015 12:32:10 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I watched eps 9 and 10 of "Scholar", and in these two eps the show lost its campiness (and I was starting to like the campiness, because it kept the show light), and became too depressing. I felt so bad for the h. This h has suffered more than the h in Princess Man, and at this point I don't see why she would want the H or the Prince to be in her life. I mean they hurt her more than Gwi did, and Gwi is supposed to be the evil guy. I also didn't see the twist about Gwi having a daughter coming. I think the revelation about a vampire/human hybrid off-spring was campy, but I can see now how that could apply to the h. But at this point, if she's his

daughter, I don't see why she would want to help anyone get rid of Gwi, I would think that she would just want the whole lot of them (the so-called good guys and the bad guys) out of her life for good. Anyways despite its flaws (and they're many), and the fact that it's stupid and upsetting how much injustice has happened to the h - in these two eps - but it manages to stay emotionally intense, even if the story is frustrating. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 8, 2015 10:11:07 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Aug 9, 2015 12:35:11 AM PDT Arc says: I was wondering if anyone could recommend some dramas like Cruel Romance (I haven't finished it yet - so no spoilers please- but I love it so far)? I love how the hero is an anti-type hero (gang leader) and although he is ruthless, dangerous and feared/respected by everyone and he says he is not gentle but he is so loving/loyal to the heroine who is a kind of naive/sweet girl who went through something rough (family murdered)- I love how the hero is so protective/possessive of the heroine and yet he keeps his distance and helps her in the beginning without the heroine knowing (and always saves her)they are kind of complete opposites ***Basically I am looking for: - anti-type hero (gang leader, assassin, military, spy,etc.)- he is dangerous/cool on outward appearances but through his actions is gentle towards heroine which shocks everyone since it is so out of the hero's personality (basically a hero just like the one in Cruel Romance :) -I want the heroine to be a sweet/kind//shy/naive type of character -I want a drama that has romance in it that you can see forming -I would prefer no high school dramas (college is ok or beyond) but if you have a high school drama with what I want you can post it as well - I am up for any time period (historical, modern, etc.), it can be supernatural, ( if it is a movie that is fine but I would like/prefer a drama with a lot of episodes- Cruel Romance is about 40 ep. which I like), it can also be any Asian drama (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Taiwanese,etc.) -Also have a happy ending :) **********Note below: I have watched shows like: - Hana Yori Dango-Boys Over Flowers and while I enjoyed it this is NOT they type of drama I am looking for- I don't want the obnoxious rich boy- and I don't really want the whole high school romance scenario but if you have suggestions with it that is ok, - Mars- I like the hero from the drama Mars (how he was so loyal and protective of the heroine and how the heroine was a shy girl who also went through something traumatic) -Devil besides you- (I just couldn't get into this drama-I didn't like how they styled the lead male's hair and the whole theme of the drama) I know I wrote a lot but thanks in advance for the help :) Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 8, 2015 10:53:09 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: Two dramas that immediately came to mind were City Hunter and Healer. In City Hunter the H is raised to exact revenge for the wrongs done by powerful men to hias father. He sees a picture of the h when he is a young man, and then sees her when he returns to Korea. His mission is everything he's ever known, but he can't stay away from the h. He's very protective of her. Healer reminds me a lot if City Hunter (the same actress is the h in both) in that the H is kind of a shadow operative. He is also very protective of the h. I think both of these would suit your request. I'll keep thinking of any others. Another you may want to try is Summer's Desire. The H in that one is obsessively in love with the h, and has been since childhood. He does anything and everything for her and is very willing to use his considerable money and power to remove anything that comes between them. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 9, 2015 8:29:26 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Aug 9, 2015 8:58:14 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Since you said you liked Cruel City and (ETA) Mars, you might also like "I Remember You/ Hello Monster". This show's H is not exactly an anti-hero, but he's very cold (especially in the beginning), and it's his brother who's apparently the monster. The characters are complex. The h is a detective, she is cute. The H protects the h, when she can't protect herself. I don't know, you might like it as well, because there's more romance in this than in Cruel City, but Mars had more romance than both. However this wraps up this week, on Monday and Tuesday, so I don't know if the ending will be good or disappointing. I'm hoping that the H/h will get a happy ending. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 9, 2015 1:41:07 PM PDT Arc says: Thanks for the recommendations so far they look great :) If you have anymore suggestions keep them coming- @ Lovely D.M.- I haven't watched Cruel City yet (Cruel romance is another drama) but Cruel City actually looks pretty good as well :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Aug 9, 2015 1:57:10 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Aug 9, 2015 1:57:37 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Oops sorry, I misread the title of the drama lol, but still since you liked "Mars", I think you might like "I Remember You/ Hello Monster" :) As for Cruel City, this show is first a crime thriller, and the romance was just a subplot (so the H and the female lead don't have a lot of interactions), and if I remember correctly they didn't have a happy ending - but you can check it out if you like. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 9, 2015 7:47:37 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: I Hear Your Voice is another drama you could try. The H is younger than the h, but he's still VERY protective of her. She witnesses a crime that was committed against the H and his father when they are both children. She testifies against the criminal, and the H loves her immediately. Later in life the H has the ability to hear what other people are thinking, and the h is a no nonsense public defender. When the criminal gets out of jail it brings the two back together. This drama has a lot of suspense, and a pretty great love story. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 11, 2015 6:17:53 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Aug 16, 2015 7:37:36 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I second the recommendation for "I Hear Your Voice", however the H is not an anti-hero. I Remember You/ Hello Monster has wrapped up, and I'm going to watch the last episode again when it is 100% subbed. But for now I watched it 97% subbed. I think the ending was sort of fitting with the atmosphere of this drama, *mild spoilers* in that it was sort of an open ending concerning LJY and Min. If I were to put this show in a genre it would be romantic psychological/crime thriller. I wish this show had a bit more focus on the romance, and had given us more light H/h moments away from the investigation stuff, but I'm glad we got a happy ending and a good kiss. Ah, Ji An's imagined happy ending was so sweet, but alas reality. The bromance between Hyun and Min was compelling. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 11, 2015 10:27:14 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Aug 11, 2015 10:30:20 PM PDT Arc says: Thanks for the recommendations so far :) I am almost done with I Remember You/ Hello Monster and I am really enjoying it so far (I really like H of the drama and how he is different from other people- he is cold/distant with human interaction until he meets the h where he becomes protective) I do wish there was

more romance shown like in Mars and Cruel Romance so if anyone knows anymore recs with more romance in them and with a hero who is dangerous/scary (he is different/separated from normal people/society ex.-a gang leader, assassin, or like in Hello Monster because of his past he is different in the way he interacts/thinks things out ) and the h is brought into his world? -I may try Healer next (is there more romance shown in this one)? Thanks again. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 11, 2015 10:55:47 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Aug 11, 2015 11:38:27 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Yes Healer has more romance, for Healer the genre would be romance/thriller/drama with some comedic relief. The H also fits what you're looking for, he's a bit dangerous. He's a cold, and reckless night courier, but then he meets the h and she starts to thaw his heart. The reason I really like this show is because of the romance, it is one of the best romances, even if the ending is a bit rushed. Happy watching :) ETA: you can also try "Scholar Walks the Night", the H is a vampire (though I don't know if you're interested in supernatural aspects) so he's very closed off and cold, but he protects the h, that is until ep 9 and the first half of ep 10 (it made me mad at the H and sad for the h). Anyways the show starts off very campy, but it gets better. I don't know how this show will turn out since it still has 10 eps to go, but you can also try it. Another one that might fit, "My Love from the Stars", the H is an alien who has lived 400 years on Earth. He is a cold and aloof man, who lives a solitary life. He is cold and sort of harsh, that is until his next door neighbor (the h) gets into trouble and then gets entangled into his life, and he starts protecting her. Also in "I Hear Your Voice", the H is different in that he can read people's minds, but he's not cold. He's calm and mature. He is very protective of the h. So I guess you can try these shows once you're done with "I Remember You/ Hello Monster" and see which is more to your taste. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 13, 2015 10:50:49 AM PDT [Deleted by the author on Aug 16, 2015 7:36:47 AM PDT] Posted on Aug 13, 2015 5:33:24 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Aug 13, 2015 8:01:25 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I finally finished watching the last 6 episodes of I Remember You/Hello Monster. Overall, it ended up being a pretty good drama. It lacked any boring episodes and I was never once frustrated with any of the storylines. All of the murder cases seemed to do a good job in helping to understand the villains and kept the plot moving along. I liked both the H and h

and thought that they even did a good job in making the villains somewhat morally ambiguous (so much so that I wasn't even upset with the ending that they gave the main villain and would have liked to have seen the outcome of Min's choice/decision). My only complaint about the drama is that I wished it would have provided a stronger romance storyline (I'm still spoiled from the squeal-worthy romance provided by Healer). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 14, 2015 2:49:14 PM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Okay, so I'm woefully behind on the new kdramas. I just started watching Scholar Who Walks the Night, it is ahmazing. 'Specially the bad guy, his voice could shake me right outta my knickers, it is that seductive. I totally get why the concubines let him bite them. I gave up on Oh My Ghostess, I just didn't get much feeling from the lead plus the living girl, only from lead + ghostess. It was a little bit disturbing. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 14, 2015 3:12:21 PM PDT cbela says: I am loving "Scholar Who Walks the Night". Hero is so sweet and protective!:) That bathtub sceneâ?¤ I am also really liking "Yong Pal". I am looking forward to hero and heroine interaction!:) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 14, 2015 3:40:05 PM PDT luvnlife says: What is "Yong Pal" all about? I agree with everyone on Scholar. The drama is moving along nicely. Is it bad of me to wish that the bad vamp would kidnap our h away this week? I think it would rev up our H a little. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 14, 2015 3:56:39 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Oh, it seems that you guys are enjoying the dramas that I'm enjoying too :D Jennifer, I agree about Gwi in "Scholar", he is one of the hottest men I have ever seen and his voice is like honey, but I wish his character wasn't so cruel. I too gave up on "Oh My Ghostess", it was getting too weird. As for "Scholar", while the show has many flaws, it remains enjoyable, and it has two highlights: 1. most of the H/h scenes, even when the scenes are cheesy, they are cute. 2. Gwi, I think that the show needs to show us more of his

background. Reader123 yes, "I Remember You/ Hello Monster" would've been a perfect drama if it had continued to be balanced. This show started out balanced between the romance and the bromance, but then in the last 3 eps the focus was mostly on the bromance, and the romance was given a backseat. If only we had gotten some H/h scenes away from the investigative stuff...anyways this show is still one of my faves, despite the flaws. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: Aug 16, 2015 10:25:53 AM PDT Adnana says: Oh, I'm sorry that so many of you have given up on "Oh My Ghostess". It's the only drama I'm following right now, and I'm enjoying it a lot. I suppose everyone's main complaint was, as taz-mania said: "...[Oh My Ghostess] has to convince me that a HEA is possible between Bong Sun and the H or that the H really likes Bong Sun and not Soon Ae" As for me... In the beginning, I fell for the drama because of the comedy--thanks to the ghostess' hijinks, and because I so loved Chef's befuddled expressions (and his hilarious attempts to preserve his "innocence"). I always knew, though, since the ghostess was... well, dead, the only possible HEA involved Bong Sun, so it was important to me to see the show prove that Chef and Bong Sun could be the OTP, that they were right for each other. It was iffy going there for a while (when the ghostess had so much more time and meaningful moments with Sung Woo), but in the end and overall, I thought that the romance was wellhandled. I liked that the H had noticed and cared about Bong Sun even before her possession. Yet for him to notice her in a "romantic" sense, the ghostess' intervention was needed. I'm okay with that. Sun Woo had to be made to consider a relationship with Bong Sun, to get close enough to her to start falling for her; and Bong Sun needed his attention and interest in order to start blossoming herself, to grow in self-confidence and, basically, just come to a point where she was able to reveal her true personality (which had been suppressed by depression, tiredness etc.). Bong Sun in the last few episodes has made me really proud. She's bright and affectionate and supportive of Chef... She totally deserves to be loved for her true self, and luckily, she is. I loved Sun Woo's honesty with himself. He thought about Bong Sun before she was possessed, he liked all of her after she was possessed (i.e. he liked the "quiet" i.e. real Bong Sun as much or even better than the "manic" Bong Sun i.e. the ghostess), and yes, he also liked the ghostess. But now that he knows everything, he misses the real Bong Sun and likes HER and wants to be with her. He's making that CHOICE--to be with Bong Sun--and he is happy with her, and that's why I am fully onboard their romance. The ghostess was the spark they needed to ignite their relationship, but Bong Sun+Sung Woo are the OTP, and the drama has managed to make that crystal-clear on an emotional and intellectual level. So me, I'm a happy camper. Edit this post | Permalink Your post: Aug 16, 2015 10:41:14 AM PDT Last edited by you on Oct 18, 2015 9:33:51 AM PDT

Adnana says: In other news... I've been duped. There are some drama MVs floating around on Youtube that are so artistic and well-crafted and intriguing that you basically watch them once, and you suddenly. Just. HAVE. To. Watch. That. Drama. *cough*falseadvertising*cough I'm daring anyone who doesn't actively hate Harlequin Presents to watch this particular MV and then NOT want to watch "Loving, Never Forgetting" (that is, if you haven't already seen it, in which case probably wild horses couldn't drag you back to re-watch). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qz451yx92IM Me, I fell for it like a chump. I slogged though endless episodes of the h tripping and falling and injuring herself repeatedly each episode, crying, moping, crying again... all in order to get to the juicy stuff i.e. the part where the h and H FINALLY get together. And then I got to that part (btw, wasn't sold on the romance, especially when the heck did the H fall for the h so hard; I mean, there were moments when I saw that she had got to him, but then there was no immediate follow-up, and the h was always with the OM, so yeah...). Anyway, the "juicy" part then just served me more heroine stupidity, with her basically always championing the manipulative OM and prioritizing him over her darn husband and family!! And wow, that mother-in-law. Such a shriveled-up bitter old prune, not to mention a viper since her youth, and yet the h was so desperate to gain her approval (ha. as if) that she wouldn't announce her marriage. So yeah, I just couldn't stand the h anymore, so around episode 27 I started fast-forwarding (i.e. watched maybe 2 min per episode) until the end. Do not recommend this (unless you want to start tearing your hair out while watching). P.S.: Such a waste of a beautiful cast. Jerry Yan... yumm. ;) Edit this post | Permalink Your post: Aug 16, 2015 11:09:22 AM PDT Last edited by you on Aug 17, 2015 4:59:23 AM PDT Adnana says: Okay, a final post for today. (sorry. I've been MIA for a while, and now I'm spamming you. sigh) Recently, I've been into C-novels. Like, really into them. I regard it as a tragedy (I'm joking... but only partly) that there aren't more of them translated into English. Basically, there are some very kind (awesome, great) people who've, voluntarily and for free, translated a few famous C-novels on their personal blogs, for Chinese-illiterate people like me to read. Gu Man is an author who can do no wrong in my eyes. I've read "Silent Separation" (liked it less than the drama adaptation, "You Are My Sunshine"), "Shan Shan, Come Eat" (liked it more than the drama adaptation "Boss & Me"), "Just One Smile Is Very Alluring" (drama adaptation in the works). They're all light, stress-free novels, with a quirky humor. No OW/OM, just the h and H falling for each other and being happy together. Though Gu Man's latest novel, "Blazing Sunlight", seems to be changing that formula somewhat (and it might be my favorite book of hers). I've also (finally, and unbelievingly) managed to get my grubby little hands on "Summer's Desire", the novel. It's 3 volumes long, and the first chapters are translated in a summary/word-for-word combo, but later chapters (i.e. the best ones) are translated word for word. Also managed to hunt down an epilogue (with Ou Chen, Summer, and their baby boy) that is so. Incredibly. Sweet.

I'm now following "One Life, One Incarnation: Beautiful Bones" (which, tragically--lol again at that word--is still in translation, but luckily on the end stretch), and I'm completely obsessed with it in the way one can only be obsessed with a serial novel/TV show that happens to also be very well-written. It's a reincarnation story (duh). The h and H loved each other in a previous life, but could never be. He was executed in a horrific fashion by her family and falsely went down in history as a self-seeking traitor to the crown. She killed herself after hearing the news about his death. In this life, she remembers him, and feels indebted to him, and loves him still. She doesn't care that he looks different on the outside, because his "beautiful bones" (his inner self) are the same. Now, when reading in the romance genre, I generally gravitate toward the cocky, possessive/protective alpha (sue me, I'm shallow like that), but the H in "Beautiful Bones" is so, so different from my literary "type", and yet I fell for him hard. He's a geeky professor, crazy-smart, anal, not very social, was never interested in women (before the h taught him better). I love him, and I love her. She's a perfect heroine (not Mary Sue-ish, but really a wellcrafted literary character, and an amazing person in the book). And the writing is smart (in the way it can only be when the writer is a very well-read, educated person), with many cultural references (the translator kindly provides footnotes to explain them), lines from ancient Chinese poems etc. etc. I admire the writer to bits. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Aug 16, 2015 11:57:31 AM PDT darkice7_12 says: I recently got into C-Novels due to the recommendation for the drama My Sunshine, which I liked so much that I had to do a little bit more research into it. I enjoyed reading the translation of the novels for both Shan Shan comes to Eat and Silent Separation. Thank you @Adnana for the above recommendations, I will definitely check these out since I seem to be enjoying Gu Man's writing style. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 16, 2015 12:23:17 PM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: I totally agree about Loving Never Forgetting, there were some serious flaws with the heroine. She was a real mess and I could understand why a court wouldn't grant her custody. The way she would forget to eat and end up sick or unconcious wasn't admirable it was dumb and needy. Jerry isn't the best actor, but in this, where he spend most of the time being irritated and downright enraged by her was pretty good. I wish I could speak Chinese or Korean or Japanese. It would be cool to be able to read cnovels or watch unsubbed dramas. What is Just One Smile about? When will the adaptation be out? I am slowly making my way through Too Late to Say I love you. I was a bit slow at first but has really picked up past episode three.

Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: Aug 16, 2015 1:16:16 PM PDT Last edited by you on Aug 17, 2015 11:31:01 AM PDT Adnana says: Jennifer asked: "What is Just One Smile about? When will the adaptation be out?" Here you go: http://www.avirtualvoyage.net/2015/06/yang-yang-and-zheng-shuang-pair-up-for-just-onesmile-is-very-alluring.html Quoted from source: "Our OTP, played by Yang Yang and Zheng Shuang, are nerds! Gaming nerds; he is a prince on campus and she's the gaming expert and what made him fall for her is the way her fingers dance across the keyboard while playing games." "Filming is set to be around the latter half of the year." Therefore, actual on-air date unknown. Lucky case: early next year. Unlucky case: umm, never? Lol. But that's unlikely. I'm guessing sometime next spring/summer. The synopsis might not sound very intriguing (I know I wasn't impressed at first) but when I finally read the novel, I was pulled right in (it might help that I'm a bit of a nerd and gamer myself, though I've never played online). I found the story really cute, and the two leads-together and apart--are awesome. The h is much better than either Shan Shan or Mo Sheng (she's smart! and not mopey!!), and the H is most similar to Feng Teng, I guess, though the comparison isn't 100% right. He's super intelligent and a bit of a black belly, too, which is always fun. eta: Here's the translated novel, "Just One Smile..." by Gu Man: http://cnovels.bookbychapters.com/translations/ A quote from the novel (spoken by the H): "If I knew there would be a day I would love you this much, I would definitely fall in love with you at first sight." I'm actually looking forward even more to another C-novel to drama adaptation (already filmed and allegedly very faithful to the source material) which aims to air this autumn. "When He Comes, Close Your Eyes" http://www.avirtualvoyage.net/2015/03/drama-adaptation-of-when-he-comes-close-youreyes-enters-production-stage.html The original novel is written by Ding Mo, who is well-known for her well-crafted investigative novels and all-around awesome writing. I actually got hooked on 2 other novels of hers, "Our Glamorous Time" and "When a Snail Loves", after I found translation links, only it turned out the translations are incomplete (and likely to remain so). So yeah, unfortunate for me, since I'll never get to read those novels to the end. Back to "When He Comes"... I've read a couple chapters from the book, and the story seems really interesting. Only caveat (for people who might care about that) is that the H & h will be investigating some gruesome murders and the novel went into *a lot* of detail with those descriptions, apparently. The drama might as well. The H seems especially intriguing (and off-the-wall) since he's a genius with a weird fishing hobby, only one friend, extremely low EQ, and antisocial tendencies. I think the novel plays a bit with the idea that, the high IQ-low empathy H could have, under different circumstances, gone down a darker path himself (as in, be the hunted instead of the one hunting murderers). Edit this post | Permalink

In reply to your post on Aug 16, 2015 1:21:37 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Aug 16, 2015 2:05:24 PM PDT cbela says: Adnana... :) Can you give us more spoilers about epilogue of Ou Chen and his family? Where do you go to find English translated novels? I am especially curious about "Blazing Sunlight". You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Aug 16, 2015 1:42:17 PM PDT Last edited by you on Aug 17, 2015 4:49:15 AM PDT Adnana says: Okay, so people here regularly misspell my nickname, which means that you've finally earned yourselves an unwanted & unrequested spelling+pronunciation guide. ;) No hard feelings, okay? So, my chosen nickname (my real name is plain & boring)--picked from a European novel I read when I was a teen--is Adnana. ADNANA It's pronounced Uhd-nah-nah. uhd: u as in UP; uhd rhymes with BUD nah: n is simply n (as in NO), ah is the long A in CAR So put together, again: AD NA NA Uhd-nah-nah. Um, yeah. :) P.S.: cbela, I'll start answering your questions right away. Just let me look up the links. :) Edit this post | Permalink Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Aug 16, 2015 1:50:05 PM PDT Last edited by you on Aug 17, 2015 5:04:52 AM PDT Adnana says: cbela asked: "Can you give us more spoilers about epilogue of Ou Chen and his family?" Yes, be glad to. Or you can read the scene yourself, at this link: http://afspot.net/forum/topic/723013-luo-xi-vs-ou-chen/page-2 Post by simoneaw88, Posted 23 June 2010 - 10:02 PM, in spoiler tag Scene starts with: New Year's Eve. The Ou mansion, despite it's French architectural design, is decorated with Chinese red lanterns hanging from the roofs. [...] **SPOILERS*** It's a really cute scene in which Ou Chen, Summer, and their baby boy are celebrating New

Year's Eve all by themselves. Summer has been dedicating herself completely to her small family, spending all her time with them, and she's very happy; but Ou Chen (of course!) is worried that she might feel stifled, that she might miss being an actress/singer, that she might become unhappy. So he gifts her a movie script and an album contract, lady's choice for a comeback to the entertainment industry. Summer instead picks her own gift, and asks Ou Chen to give her a daughter. :) Edit this post | Permalink In reply to an earlier post on Aug 16, 2015 2:04:21 PM PDT cbela says: luvnlife... "Yong Pal" is a medical drama that includes action and romance elements. Our hero is a third year resident surgeon who needs to earn more money to ensure his younger sister gets her dialysis treatments. At first, his part time job was Yong Pal where he gets paid for his medical help to outsiders especially mobsters. He gets blackmailed by chief and eventually becomes a doctor for money rolling clients on the 12th floor. There he meets our heroine a heiress as she is in an induced coma. Her fiancĂŠ died from a car accident, in which she survived. She has been in the hospital for three years. She plans to get revenge when she wakes up. Our hero will or will not help with her offer of money. Her halfbrother is supposedly the villain. I really like this drama!:) This is my first medical drama. There's the fun and caring sibling relationship. The heartbreak of losing a parent and significant other. The suspense of hero and heroine scenes and finally interacting hopefully in episode 5!:p Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 16, 2015 2:25:30 PM PDT cbela says: Adnana... Thank you for the correction about your name. I am sorry that I misread it instantly as the "close enough" name that I also correctly edited in my first post to you.:) I completely understand. Thank you also for the link, spoiler, and update! That is super sweet!!!<3 Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Aug 16, 2015 2:36:13 PM PDT Last edited by you on Oct 18, 2015 10:03:30 AM PDT Adnana says: cbela asked: "Where do you go to find English translated novels? I am especially curious about 'Blazing Sunlight'." There are many various blogs, but fortunately, there is a compiled source listing all available English translations of C-novels (and all C-novel drama adaptations).

Just follow this link: http://www.books.shushengbar.com/?page_id=27 I only looked at modern novels, and I recommend (translations are complete, except where noted otherwise): Gu Man's novels --but Blazing Sunlight not yet completely translated Really, Really Miss You by Mo Bao Fei Bao (so, so sweet) Doctor Unruly by Miao Yi You Xiu (cute) Union of Enemies by Xiao Yao Hong Chen (funny) Wipe Clean After Eating by Fei Gu Niang --translated except for the final chapter The Rice Pot Next Door by Jiu Xiao Qi (lovely novel) Beware of in-progress translations! Updates might be slow, or might even stop before the novel is finished. (I got burnt with Ding Mo's novels.) Still, if you have the patience to wait for updates, I also rec: One Life One Incarnation: Beautiful Bones by Mo Bao Fei Bao. The translator is guaranteed to finish the project, story is almost done (will be finished in cca. 2 months, including all epilogues), and there are 2 updates weekly. ETA: Translation for "Beautiful Bones" is now complete. Blazing Sunlight by Gu Man. Currently, there are 21 translated chapters out of 40 total. The translator can be trusted (has never abandoned a project), but updates are very slow at the moment (cca. 2 chapters every month). "Blazing Sunlight" I think it's Gu Man's best novel yet, but the problem is, it's part of a 2-book series, only Book 1 is published and C-netizens are going crazy waiting for Book 2, well aware that Gu Man is a notoriously slow writer (her nickname is "Turtle"). Despite all self-admonishments to the contrary, I've caved in to temptation myself, and started following the translation of "Blazing Sunlight 1". I got super addicted to the novel and... yeah, I basically read the remaining chapters using google translate on the original Cnovel. Book 1 doesn't end on a cliffhanger--on the contrary, it's a very happy-for-now ending--but it's clear that the story isn't finished and that things might change in Book 2. It's like this: you know how in all of Gu Man's other published novels (including "Just One Smile..."), the h ends up with her first love. Moreover, unlike in the drama adaptations, there's basically no romantic rival for either the h or the H. Well, "Blazing Sunlight" is different. The h, gasp, might not end up with her first love, because gasp, there's a 2nd man who loves her and who she might love back if she allows herself to. But Book 2 isn't out, and we *clenches fist* really can't know yet who the h will end up with. H1 is the first love, so there's that. Yet H2 is really awesome, too, and he actually plays the more important role and is given more "page time" in Book 1 (H2 needed *all* that time to win over the h, since she starts the novel crazy in love with H1). The writer *might* have hinted that H2 *might* win the h in the end, because the novel is supposedly about growing up and learning to let go etc. But who knows? (College years) H1 is sort of like He Yi Chen (the H in "My Sunshine"/"Silent Separation"), the most intelligent and most promising student in his Faculty; but he's poor. After meeting him, the h chases after him relentlessly for most of her Senior year. They never become a couple, though.

Things happen, a misunderstanding occurs, the h thinks her feelings unrequited and moves to another city. (After college) Enter H2, the h's boss at her new workplace. He is sort of like Feng Teng (the H in "Come & Eat, Shan Shan"). He's a great character--also brilliant and competent, of course--and the h finally starts a relationship with him. Still, I think she has unresolved feelings for H1, and he shows up again toward the end of Book 1. Also, H1 will allegedly play a prominent role in Book 2, so really there's no knowing for sure who the h will choose in the end. Incomplete translation aside, you guys might want to hold off on starting the novel (that is, if you're even interested) until you know who to ship the h with (i.e. who gets the HEA with her). The heroes are very different, both great in their way. I'm rooting for H2--he really loves the h a lot and, best of all, he shows it--but at the same time I'm sad that H1 didn't get a real chance with the h. I want the misunderstandings between H1 and the h (mostly due to a manipulative OW and H1's inferiority complex) resolved so that the h can make an informed choice. Oh, btw, the h is really nice. She comes from a rich family, but she's not spoiled or entitled. She's a bit lazy and isn't ashamed to admit that she isn't the ambitious type. She just wants to live a simple, happy life. She's not as dense as Shan Shan or as mopey as Mo Sheng. She's actually very self-aware and pretty funny. Her antics with H2 and his black-belly behavior (due to a misunderstanding between them) are hilarious. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Aug 16, 2015 6:31:10 PM PDT Purse Monkey says: Awww I love Shan Shan very much. Dense and all. And I loved the series adaptation of the book. The book itself is cute but the series brought Shan Shan to life. Thanks for the detailed summary of the novel, Adnana. It looks really promising and I love H like Feng Teng. But the reason I love him is because he fell for the h first. And the h is so oblivious about it. I think that's why I love the series more. The book implied that he didn't actually start to love her until towards the end. The series I believe he loved her throughout. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Aug 17, 2015 1:12:14 AM PDT Last edited by you on Aug 17, 2015 5:19:22 AM PDT Adnana says: Purse Monkey, Well, H2 in "Blazing Sunlight" definitely checks the box "fell for h first". In fact, **SPOILER** she doesn't even remember meeting him while he's thought about her for 2 years. He basically has reasons to think that the h did him wrong, so that's why he bullies her a little bit when she becomes his employee. At the same time (as he later admits) he was trying to find excuses for her behavior (i.e. their big misunderstanding, which put the h in a really bad light) because he liked her so much and wanted to pursue her again despite their "past". When the h cries in front of him, he softens like a huge marshmallow and forgives her completely. Afterward, he's so, so cute in that he's always trying to find excuses to keep her by his side, and he secretly plans for a future together while the h is, of course, still clueless. And he still likes "bullying" her, in a fun way, like Feng Teng bullied Shan Shan (the h in

"Blazing Sunlight" isn't as easily bullied but still she has no chance against the much smarter and craftier H2). So yes, I'm rooting for H2 to get the girl in the end. :) But I love it that H1 is great in his own right, and that the h will have a very tough choice. eta: I'm sure that "Blazing Sunlight" will eventually be adapted into a drama, the same as all of Gu Man's other novels. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Aug 17, 2015 4:25:45 AM PDT Purse Monkey says: Adnana, I'm starting to read Blazing Sunlight and is loving it. Thanks for reccing it and posting the link to c-novels. I have a feeling that's all I'll be reading for awhile. :) Blazing Sunlight does indeed remind me of Shan Shan and also Silent Separation. The h is this is very cute. Very Shan Shan. Hopefully the drama adaption will do her justice. It'll be awesome if the actress from Shan Shan plays her as well. I could see her playing this role nicely. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Aug 17, 2015 5:16:37 AM PDT Last edited by you on Aug 17, 2015 9:23:38 AM PDT Adnana says: Purse Monkey said: "Adnana, I'm starting to read Blazing Sunlight and loving it." Ha! I've managed to corrupt someone else! Yay. My job here is done. *evil grin* Hopefully you'll love the novel as much I do, so that you'll be my fellow sufferer while waiting for Book 2 to be published (and then translated, ouch!). We'll be able to commiserate together. ;) eta: I completely agree that the actress who was Shan Shan would also fit Xi Guang very well. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Aug 17, 2015 8:07:59 AM PDT Purse Monkey says: Adnana, I just finished chapter 22 for Blazing Sunlight and is frantically searching for more since it stopped at chapter 22. So addicting!!! You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Aug 17, 2015 9:19:42 AM PDT Last edited by you on Oct 18, 2015 10:09:17 AM PDT Adnana says: Purse Monkey said: "So addicting!!!"

I know, right? Right?! :)) Chapter 22 is the last one translated into English (you got lucky, Chapter 22 was just posted today); the rest of the story can only be found in Chinese at the moment. (I read further with Google translate and can totally give spoilers, though, if you want. But it's better if you discover all the twists and turns yourself.) I will say, though, that after Chapter 21 marked the turning point in Xi Guang (h) and Lin Yu Sen's (H2) relationship, what follows is the best part of the novel. LYS is a total dreamboat (with a most unconventional method of courting a girl, lol; I think he and Feng Teng went to the same "romance" school), and then there's also a big face-off with Zhuang Xu (H1) and the other college friends coming... Just wow. Really, I can't say how well written the novel is, objectively, but who cares, when it is so addictive? And subjectively, I do love the writing style. So many subtle gestures and reactions--especially from the 2 heroes--that I only properly noticed on my 2nd read-through and which say so much about the men's state of mind and about their (deep) feelings for the heroine. **SPOILERS*** Like, my first read-through, I felt that Zhuang Xu (H1) really didn't like the heroine that much, that he was maybe just attracted and a little bit attached. I was angry with him because of his passivity. But I had missed so much! In those few chapters set in college, he's always on the periphery of the heroine's life, and like a tuning fork reacts to Xi Guang's every action and word. He's so happy when he can spend time with her, even with their large group of friends, so desolated when she leaves early etc. He never imagined that she wouldn't work in the same city as him, that they'd get separated before he got the chance to raise himself up to "her level" so that he could be with her. I am so sad for him. And I hate Rong Rong (the OW), and the other roommate, who clearly knew that Zhuang Xu was not the least interested in Rong Rong. That's what I want Book 2 to resolve: Rong Rong to get her comeuppance, and Zhuang Xu to understand how much the heroine loved him; that she wasn't faithless but decided to bury her feelings for him because of her heartbreak and utter certainty that her love was unrequited. And my heart aches for Lin Yu Sen (H2), too, for the loss of his beloved career as a surgeon. When he finds out that it was all due to a misunderstanding... The whole story about that is revealed in the last chapters of the book, and it's a sucker punch. One of the most touching moments in the book is when the h takes his pain and makes it better the only way she can at that moment--by being there for him and promising him her future. ***END SPOILERS eta: I'm going to post the official book link for "Blazing Sunlight" from Shusheng Bar (Shusheng Bar is the No. 1 authoritative English source for C-novels). Beware, though, the discussion thread below the book description is chock-full of story spoilers. http://www.books.shushengbar.com/?p=3253 Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Aug 17, 2015 9:34:26 AM PDT Purse Monkey says: Adnana, thanks so much for the long summary!! Yeah, I'm actually digging H1 more right now but H2 is certainly catching up. I can't wait! Can you tell me how to get access to the Chinese version so I could google translate as well? Haha I don't think I can wait 2 months.

You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to your post on Aug 17, 2015 9:39:36 AM PDT Purse Monkey says: Btw, I love the h in this novel. It's refreshing to see a rich, attractive h that has equal social status as the H. Well, at least the H2. She doesn't have the same problems and insecurities as a typical h in her situation and that's awesome. I'm tried of mopey, woo is me h that think they're not good enough for the H. Heroine in this one has the confidence and attitude and self worth as one would expect from a person with money, yet is very sweet and carefree and oblivious. I thought it was obvious H1 was totally into her but she was too dense to notice, which is fine. I like oblivious h. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Aug 17, 2015 10:16:51 AM PDT Last edited by you on Oct 18, 2015 10:11:44 AM PDT Adnana says: Purse Monkey said [about "Blazing Sunlight"]: "I thought it was obvious H1 was totally into her but she was too dense to notice..." No, no! I mean it was obvious to us, maybe, but to the person concerned (Xi Guang), I totally understand why she was completely discouraged. For the h, the facts (regarding H1) were these: 1) she chased him for almost a year, but he never accepted her as a girlfriend or even encouraged her in an obvious romantic way. 2) the heaviest blow: she found out that H1 was, apparently, in a relationship with that other girl, Rong Rong; so how could he date another girl if he liked the heroine? She sent him that text message, apologizing that she didn't know that he was "taken", and she backed right off (totally admire her decision!). The decisive factor here is that H1 did NOT deny the heroine's assumption. A guy who likes a girl should never let her believe that he's in love with another girl (I'm thinking maybe he didn't see the text message? but the h couldn't know that; even we, the readers, can't know for sure) 3) Rong Rong was constantly throwing her "special" relationship with H1 in the heroine's face, and again, the H1 never put a stop to it. Maybe he wasn't aware of everything, but there were still a couple of scenes with their entire group in college when it was clear that everyone was acting on the assumption that Rong Rong and Zhuang Xu had something going on. So it's not as if the h assumed things out of thin air and all by herself. 4) By the end, the h was so discouraged by everything that had accumulated between them that even when H1 did nice things for her, she couldn't believe that it was for HER (for example, the thesis. wow). Later, that's the same reason why she doesn't consider that H2 might like her. In her experience, even when a guy cooks her favorite food, it's because he doesn't want to be indebted to her--not proof that he likes her. Her self-confidence when it came to male-female interactions was basically in tatters, her ability to correctly read male

interest destroyed. 5) actually a repeat of previous points, but it bears repeating: H1 never once made an overt romantic approach towards the h. Yes, he was bidding his time, waiting to reach a better status (professionally, financially etc.) to be worthy of her; but still, he couldn't expect the poor girl to be a mind-reader! They're talking about grapes, and he expects her to believe that he means her, that he likes HER? wtf? I understand his doubts and his decision to wait, but he was still in the wrong. Even if he didn't tell the heroine that he liked her, he should have at least let her know that he wasn't in a relationship with Rong Rong. Sigh. It was like he was expecting the h to do all the chasing and confessing herself, just like He Yi Chen, but unlike He Yi Chen, he never disclosed his own feelings or offered physical affection even to that small degree necessary that would have kept the heroine hoping and by his side. Like, during that long walk back from the train station, he waited for the h to speak, was disappointed when she didn't, but then he kept quiet himself. He didn't even reach out to hold her hand. Sigh again. :( Edit this post | Permalink Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Aug 17, 2015 10:26:21 AM PDT Last edited by you on Aug 17, 2015 10:46:27 AM PDT Adnana says: Purse Monkey, Oh, if you're hoping that the translation for "Blazing Sunlight" (another 18 chapters!) will be done in 2 more months, then you're excessively hopeful. Lol. I'm estimating closer to another 6 months (the translator, peanuts, has other projects ongoing, so her updates are relatively slow). eta: Still, it's a certain kind of fun to follow along with the serial installments of an Internet novel. To think about and dissect each chapter for a couple of weeks before the next one becomes available. Most of these C-novels were written and first published like that--in serial installments, on the Internet. Only if they reached a certain level of popularity/readership would the author be offered a deal by a publishing house. It's just that we've become used to instant gratification--in most things, but especially when it comes to "consuming" books and even TV shows. Anyway, if you decide to use google translate to satisfy your curiosity for now, be aware that you'll understand the main points, but that's probably it; automatic translations are always bad, incomplete and frustrating. eta: I honestly don't rec going down that road; you risk ruining your enjoyment of the book. Still, I'll link you to the Vietnamese as well as the Chinese ebook. Input both versions of a chapter into separate google translate windows and read side-by-side; you'll understand more this way. Where the C-translation is very bad, the Viet-translation might be better and viceversa. Also, if you decide to go ahead and google translate, later if you have questions about the plot, we can compare notes. C-novel: http://www.kanunu8.com/book4/10639/ Viet-novel: https://saharavuong.wordpress.com/co-man/nang-gat-co-man/ Edit this post | Permalink In reply to your post on Aug 17, 2015 10:30:32 AM PDT [Deleted by Amazon on Aug 18, 2015 3:41:18 AM PDT]

In reply to your post on Aug 17, 2015 10:34:20 AM PDT Purse Monkey says: Ok, I'll try the method you mentioned. I tried the Chinese translation and it was bad. Haha. Too bad I can't read Vietnamese. You know, this book might give me incentive to learn. My mom offered to teach me but I've been too lazy. Since I'm fluent in speaking Vietnamese, I bet it won't take me long to learn to read it. Thanks Adnana! You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Aug 17, 2015 10:38:36 AM PDT Last edited by you on Aug 17, 2015 10:41:12 AM PDT Adnana says: Purse Monkey, If you understand Vietnamese, then you might have another solution... It's possible you might find a Viet-Audiobook. Give it a try; the google translations are awful any way you spin them. :( eta: I agree with your reading of H1's intentions and with everything else you've said. Edit this post | Permalink In reply to your post on Aug 17, 2015 10:56:19 AM PDT Purse Monkey says: Omg thank you so much! Haha I found it!!! Omg I'm so excited! You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Aug 17, 2015 11:23:37 AM PDT Adnana says: ^o^ You lucky girl, you! (totally envious right now, lol) You're very welcome, and please come back after you finish "reading" to tell me which H you like better by the end. Edit this post | Permalink In reply to your post on Aug 17, 2015 12:21:43 PM PDT Purse Monkey says: I'm on chapter 29 of the audio. Love it!! It took me awhile to get use to the narrator and the different names used but it's a lot better than google translator. If you want, I could translate it to English. Not sure if you're interested but I think it'll be a fun project and since it'll take Peanut awhile to translate it, I don't mind giving it a go as a thank you for introducing me to this novel. It probably won't be as good as Peanut but it'll be better than google translator. Haha.

You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Aug 17, 2015 1:10:00 PM PDT Last edited by you on Oct 18, 2015 10:15:10 AM PDT Adnana says: Purse Monkey, Thank you thank you thank you. I think I love you. Seriously. :) Translating is really, really hard work; there's a reason why so many translators get overwhelmed and quit half-way. So I know I should do the right and polite thing and reject your kind offer... but I won't. Lol. 'Cause I'm really greedy and I'm obsessed with this story. The awful google translation drove me crazy, offering just a few glimpses of true understanding (and I might be wrong about half of them). I always knew I'd need to wait for the English translation to understand the story properly, and an estimated 6 months is an awful lot of time to wait. :( Now, if you're willing and can find the time to try translating at least some of the remaining chapters (but first chapter 29, pretty pretty please), then we could even take this further. That is, I could (I would absolutely not ask more of you). I could proofread the text and I could contact peanuts and offer your chapters for publishing on her blog (you'd get proper credit for your work, of course). Thus, peanuts' own translation load would be lightened, the project would get finished faster, and a whole community of people desperately waiting for updates-and not just myself--would be EXTREMELY grateful to you. Just think about how you felt after Chapter 22, completely addicted to the story but with no translated chapters left. There are a lot of us poor chumps still living *that* feeling right now. And then if somebody were to suddenly offer you those chapters... You'd think that person has earned a saintly halo, pretty much. ;) You'll be our hero, Purse Monkey. So, think about it... and please say yes. You can get in touch with me by going to adnanaj(dot)wordpress(dot)com and using the contact form to shoot me an email. (I don't want to publish my email address directly since this is a public forum and all...) Again, a thousand times thank you. And let me know what you think. (I may be getting ahead of myself with the whole "give back to the community" plan; just tell me if that's the case and I'll back right off.) Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Aug 17, 2015 1:26:54 PM PDT cbela says: Adnana... I definitely look into "Beautiful Bones"! I will wait till it is completely translated. In the meantime, I have begun reading "RRMY". I started it late last night. I was intimated by the 50+ chapters, but I am currently on chapter 5. So far I am liking all the cute and fun characters. Like them, I definitely could relate to talking and thinking about food.:) You replied with a later post

Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 17, 2015 1:35:41 PM PDT cbela says: I am also especially wanting to read "Blazing Sunlight". I think I only ever watched two dramas (My Sister in Law is Nineteen and Summer's Desire) where I wasn't sure who the heroine was going to end up with, but she ended up with the hero that I really liked. So I am curious! So... if you, Purse Monkey, do insist on translating the rest of the story into English, then I'll start reading, too. :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to your post on Aug 17, 2015 1:37:11 PM PDT Purse Monkey says: Hi! Haha no prob! I think it'll be fun! I'm kinda addicted to the story right now. On chapter 30 and sneaking out of the office to listen to it on my break. I've decided on my H already. H2 is wonderful! I might change my mind later but as of ch 30, his relationship and banters with our h is so cute! There are so many cute moments that I can't wait to translate. I must warn you that it may not be the correct translation since a lot will get lost in translation but I'll try my best. The Google translation is god awful so I'll do sympathize. I'll get started tonight and hopefully knock out a chapter. I'm on the part where h and H2 just attended H2's old college friend's wedding and afterward, they met up with H1 for the first time. The tension is intense!! I adore how aggressive and forthcoming the H2 is compared to H1. H2 is so into the h. Cute scene is at the friend's wedding everybody was prepared to mess with the bride and groom's marriage bed (I guess it's the tradition to tease them on their wedding night) and h was like, "I shouldn't go and mess with them. It's bad karma if I don't want people to mess with me on my wedding night." But she ended up joining the fun. Afterward, H2 said, "I thought you said it was bad karma." Heroine said, "I've decided that I'm too young to get married anytime soon so what's the point of accumulating good karma so early? But at your wedding! I can't wait to mess with you!" H2 smiled slyly and responded, "Is that so? I think at my wedding, you'll be too busy to have time to joke around." Ahh!! So cute! Alright, off to finish chapter 30! You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Aug 17, 2015 1:43:36 PM PDT Last edited by you on Oct 18, 2015 10:17:07 AM PDT Adnana says: cbela, Toupai is such a sexy hero! He's got some wow moves! Lol. Impressive EQ for being so inexperienced at love. The author somehow managed to perfectly convey, in text form, the

heart-melting, panty-dropping (lol) effect that a perfect voice such as Toupai's could have on a voice-lover such as the heroine. The author, Mo Bao Fei Bao, is really very talented and versatile--she also wrote "Beautiful Bones", which is mysterious and atmospheric, whereas "Really, Really Miss You" is cute, joyful fluff. Just a sunny read all-around. Both novels are great choices for you. :) I hope you'll enjoy. Oh, and don't forget, while reading "RRMY" to click on the Youtube links and listen to the music. It really enhances and completes the text and it is what the author intended. And don't worry about the number of chapters; they're pretty short and fly by very fast, in my experience. P.S.: To everyone else not interested in C-novels... I sincerely apologize for taking over the thread with this topic. We're going through all phases, though, aren't we?... We've somehow managed to talk about mangas a while back, and we've had anime aplenty, and Asian dramas, and even Russian & Turkish dramas... A discussion about Asian novels was bound to happen sooner or later, I guess. :) I actually love our diverse sub-topics within our main topic (which, I suppose, has now grown to be "Asian entertainment" or, even better, "Anything with HEA"). I hope everyone will bear with this sub-topic, too, for a little while longer. :) Edit this post | Permalink Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Aug 17, 2015 1:57:43 PM PDT Last edited by you on Aug 18, 2015 3:44:31 AM PDT Adnana says: Purse Monkey, That scene you described... I totally didn't get that from Google translate!! And it's so great!! And you're right, practically all interactions between the h and H2 are memorable--whether swoon-worthy, or funny, or or or... Like, when the heroine was feeling so victimized by H2 (stocktake, overtime etc.) and she went to the temple and prayed for him to somehow disappear from her life--whether through promotion or alien kidnapping or whatever--just so she could have some peace again, finally. And then the next Monday, she heard that H2 didn't come to work because he had got into a car accident! And she felt so guilty that she offered to take some documents to his house so that she could see that he was alright. And H2 was all, like (in a suspicious voice), "Why do you look so guilty?" rotfl See, see, that's why I ship H2 so hard with the heroine! I'm seeing you've abandoned H1 and boarded H2's ship as well, in the meantime, Purse Monkey? *evil and self-satisfied grin* (told you!) Please, if you start translating, don't try to do too much too fast. Don't burn yourself out, okay? :) As long as you're willing to translate, I'll gratefully and patiently wait for your updates and won't care if they're slow as long as they keep coming. :) eta: Please start with Chapter 29, if possible. Edit this post | Permalink In reply to your post on Aug 17, 2015 6:26:16 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Aug 17, 2015 10:47:33 PM PDT Purse Monkey says: I got done with the novel and started on translating chapter 23 before I saw your request. Is there a reason why you would prefer chapter 29? :)

I'm totally a H2 shipper. I agree though, that h needs to resolve her feelings for H1 before I could be satisfied with h/H2's HEA. H2 is totally awesome and very much a perfect specimen of a H. The H1 is tragic but I feel he didn't want the h enough to fight for her. He's so passive throughout their whole relationship while the H2, in comparison, did so much and proved his love much more. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to your post on Aug 17, 2015 7:09:21 PM PDT cbela says: Thanks for the recommendations and encouragement.:) While waiting for my kdramas "SWWTN" and "YP", I can use that time to read c-novels!^_^ I haven't finished any of my watched TW or C dramas lately. Since you mentioned manga would you suggest a few favorites and listed websites, too? You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to your post on Aug 17, 2015 8:46:30 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Aug 17, 2015 10:46:14 PM PDT Purse Monkey says: Adnana, I'm actually done with Ch. 23 and just sent it to you. It took me about 2 hours. I had to take artistic liberties on some stuff since it's hard to translate it word for word but I did my best. Feel free to edit it as you see fit and if you think it's good enough, you have my permission to contact Peanut. If it's not, no worries. It'll just be for your benefit. I enjoyed doing it. I'll pace myself like you suggested and hopefully will crank more out. Eta: I just reread one of your messages again and realized you just wanted ch 29 translated. I thought you wanted it translated from chapter 29 and onward. Sure, I'll do 29 for you. I'm actually almost done with ch 24 and will send it to you. About 3 more minutes of audio so might be about 20 mins in translating time. After that I'll translate 29 for you. I kinda forgot what 29 contains. The friend's wedding? You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Aug 18, 2015 3:30:54 AM PDT Adnana says: Purse Monkey said: "The H1 is tragic but I feel he didn't want the h enough to fight for her. He's so passive throughout their whole relationship while the H2, in comparison, did so much and proved his love much more."

This, what you said. I agree completely ;). Which actually makes things more interesting... because for now, H2 is the obvious winner, but there are still enough unresolved feelings, enough uncertainty, to lay the groundwork for a potentially very interesting--and different--future. H2 (Lin Yu Sen) was the uncontested main hero of Book 1 (more page time, more interactions with the heroine, all his background revealed etc.), but C-netizens are saying that Zhuang Xu (H1) will get his turn in the spotlight, too, in Book 2, where he'll play a prominent role. Maybe he'll finally fight for the heroine? H1's former passivity/lack of initiative aside, he is a very attractive character and he *could* be Mr. Right for the heroine. There are still many depths to him (and to his feelings for the heroine) that need to be plumbed, and if Gu Man writes Book 2 well (and I'm sure she will), I can't guarantee that our little shipper hearts won't be swayed. :) Also, you said that until now, H2 proved his love more. Very true, but in the end, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter which H loves the h more--only who SHE loves more. Unless she makes her choice based not only on pure heart feeling, but also on practical considerations; that is, after all, part of growing up. Either way, I can't wait! Edit this post | Permalink Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Aug 18, 2015 3:38:58 AM PDT Last edited by you on Aug 18, 2015 3:39:13 AM PDT Adnana says: cbela said: "Since you mentioned manga would you suggest a few favorites and listed websites, too?" The only manga I read was "Can't Lose", which I loved, but other than that... I'm really not familiar with mangas, so we'll have to ask everyone else here for recs. Worst case scenario, just do a google search for "best romance manga" or something along those lines, and see what pops up. In this thread, the earlier discussion about mangas, started with this post: http://www.amazon.com/forum/romance/ref=cm_cd_et_md_pl?_encoding=UTF8&cdForum =FxM42D5QN2YZ1D&cdMsgID=MxE6LW5IUAR3UO&cdMsgNo=2835&cdPage=114&c dSort=oldest&cdThread=Tx1PHCL78HPLNWV#MxE6LW5IUAR3UO Edit this post | Permalink Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Aug 18, 2015 3:51:00 AM PDT Last edited by you on Aug 19, 2015 12:20:18 PM PDT Adnana says: Purse Monkey, replying now to the edited part of your post, which I just saw when re-reading. Oh, I did want Chapter 29 and onward translated first, and afterward the remaining, earlier chapters. I totally didn't explain myself well earlier, though, I see that now. Sigh. Hope the misunderstanding is cleared, and anyway, we've moved this part of our discussion, regarding translations, to email. edited: Chapter 29 is the reunion with the college classmates (including H1). The wedding comes in the next chapters, along with H2's confession. I regard this entire segment of "Blazing Sunlight" as a climax of the novel. Edit this post | Permalink

Your post: Aug 18, 2015 4:12:10 AM PDT Last edited by you on Aug 18, 2015 4:13:01 AM PDT Adnana says: Speaking of novel-to-drama adaptations in China, and how long it might take from filming to airing. Usually, according to experienced C-drama bloggers, about 1 year. Sometimes less, if the drama content is especially complimentary or inclusive of the "Chinese dream" (don't ask me what that means!). Oddly enough, "Boss & Me" apparently had a really fast turnover time: filming to airing in the span of just a few months. But then there's the cases where a drama might sit in SARFT purgatory (SARFT is the official censorship organization in China when it comes to TV content) for years and years, waiting for approval and an airing slot. It happened to "Da Mo Yao" (Sound of the Desert)-which aired more than 3 years, I think, after it was filmed--and it's still happening to "Remembering Li Chuan". I'm actually really excited about this latter one, because it's based on a (translated) C-novel, it looks pretty faithful to the source material (though I can't be 100% sure), and the main actor is really tall and kinda hot. Godfrey Gao. Here's a En-subbed long trailer, in case you're curious: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NV74g3OEGag Like I said, though, no airing date in sight for this drama yet. Edit this post | Permalink Your post: Aug 21, 2015 10:36:21 PM PDT Adnana says: Fresh off the (koala) print press: Apparently, C-novel "Silent Separation", which was adapted to C-drama "My Sunshine", is for sure also getting a K-drama adaptation. http://koalasplayground.com/2015/08/21/popular-c-novel-silent-separation-getting-k-dramaremake-along-the-lines-of-c-drama-my-sunshine/ I know that not everyone on this thread is a fan of that particular story--or at least, of the Cdrama--but I love it, and I couldn't be more excited about this news. Now, onto casting watch. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Aug 22, 2015 6:55:13 AM PDT 1ladydevil says: Wow, I think that is great. I liked Silent Separation. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 22, 2015 10:39:02 AM PDT darkice7_12 says: @Adnana Yay on the Korean adaptation for My Sunshine! I am really liking My Sunshine (thank you everyone for recommending it!). I love the character of He Yichen! Can't wait to see how the Korean adaptation will be. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 23, 2015 7:55:16 PM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says: I thought that Oh My Ghostess wrapped up in a nice fashion, with a final episode devoted to Soon-Ae's farewell and a long send-off of all the other characters. The drama's only misstep seemed to be in a couple of the middle episodes when it focused too much of the romance on H/Soon-Ae and not enough on H/Bong Sun. Show did have a good character arc for the h, from pitiful to confident. Overall, a rather sweet drama. I watched the first episode of The Virtual Bride/The Eccentric Daughter-in-Law. So far it's been pretty low brow, with lots of fart jokes (never a good thing). I've also watched the first 12 episodes (out of the expected 120 episodes) of the daily drama A Daughter Just Like You. Nasty MILs abound. Unfortunately, not overly crazy about any of the three daughters but for a nice change their mother is fairly decent. I've heard good things about Yoon Kye Sang's drama Last, so might start watching it in addition to Yong-Pal and Scholar Who Walks the Night. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Aug 23, 2015 11:11:48 PM PDT Last edited by you on Aug 23, 2015 11:12:34 PM PDT Adnana says: I second taz-mania's comments about "Oh My Ghostess". I found the h's gradual change over the course of the drama a real highlight, and overall, I was satisfied with how the romance "triangle" (between H, h, and ghostess) was handled--though yes, I would have loved more cuteness between H & h sans ghostess in the middle portion of the drama. Oh, also wasn't a fan of that eternal K-drama finale staple--going to study abroad--rearing its ugly head in "Oh My Ghostess", but the drama's ending was still happy and, most importantly, felt complete. This was definitely one of the better K-dramas I've seen, though not a favorite. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Aug 24, 2015 4:14:17 AM PDT luvnlife says: Agree with you both... it was great that Oh My Ghostess dedicated a whole episode to a send off. But I agree - what is up with the 2 year's of being apart? It really made no sense in this drama. If it needed to go that way, they should have indicated throughout the series that it was our h's dream to go study abroad. Overall though a 7/10 for me. I would recommend. ***Spoilers if you haven't kept up on drama Scholar**** I am still watching but frustrated with the never ending cry fest from our h. Come on writers, do something with her storyline. There was so much potential. Gwi should have kidnapped her by now. They shouldn't have been related. He could have played around with her while our H desperately tried to save her. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Aug 24, 2015 10:53:22 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Aug 24, 2015 10:53:56 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I tried watching "Loving Never Forgetting", but I stopped after a few eps. The h was a complete doormat and TSTL, and she continued to act in a TSTL manner (that's what annoyed me most). The H was unnecessarily mean to the h, his character annoyed me a lot (even though I liked this actor in the older drama Down with Love). Plus the MIL was a witch. Even though I haven't watched "My Sunshine", but you guys gave it good reviews, so I hope that the k-drama remake will be good. I actually wish for a TW-drama remake of the older TW-drama Mars, so the new show can be visually compelling with a faster pace to better fit such an interesting story. luvnlife, I thought the h in "Scholar" was brave, because after discovering what the H was, it didn't take her long to accept him, and still want to be by his side. So even though she cries, and that's because of the things that are happening, she has consistently displayed courage. But I agree, that I too just want her and Gwi to meet already, because I am so interested to see how their interactions would be. I actually hope that if Gwi kidnaps her, he won't harm her. My problem is that I'm finding that H's character to be somewhat inconsistent. I don't understand why the H would agree to the king's plan, when he knows that the plan is stupid, and that Gwi will easily win and kill many of the royal guard. I found it interesting that Gwi protected that lady. Anyways that scene made SY (H) look stupid, before these two new eps, SY's character felt stronger. However, the show as a whole could've been a lot better, because the story is promising, but like you said it's taking too long to move forward. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 24, 2015 7:48:45 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I watched and enjoyed the first 5 episodes of Yong Pal - it kinda of reminds me of Nice Guy/Innocent Man - must be the medical connection and the sickly younger sister. Here's hoping there's no amnesia in this show's future. I also watched the first two episodes of the family drama All About My Mom with Lee Sang Woo and Eugene. Looks like its going to be a typical family drama - shiftless father, unlikable mother (at least the h's is fairly unlikable but I do like the H's mom), unemployed brothers, etc. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 24, 2015 11:07:58 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Aug 24, 2015 11:08:30 PM PDT darkice7_12 says: "IMPORTANT: Jeff H- Forum Moderator says:

The Amazon Deals team would like to thank the members of this community for adding engaging discussions to the Romance forum. As we continue to grow and evolve, we are taking necessary actions to ensure our efforts and resources are focused on the areas where we can create the maximum amount of value for our customers. As a result, we have decided to stop supporting this forum on Amazon.com. Effective August 31st, 2015 community members will no longer have the ability to create new threads or post new comments in this forum. On September 30th, 2015 the Romance forum will be removed from the Amazon website. Thank you for your continued support of Amazon Discussion Forums." Saw this on other threads and thought that I should share it. I've been a silent reader for the most part, but have really enjoyed the discussions here and have found some great gems. Appreciate everyone that has taken the time to share their views on dramas. Any plans to maybe move this discussion over to Goodreads so that we can continue the drama love? You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Aug 24, 2015 11:37:47 PM PDT Last edited by you on Aug 24, 2015 11:42:57 PM PDT Adnana says: darkice7_12, That's a real bummer, about the forum being shut down. Thanks for letting us know. I would definitely want our little thread to "live on" after August 31st, and I think that Goodreads is a good place where to move home. In order to (re-)create the thread on Goodreads, I think we'll first need to create a group, inside which we will then add the discussion thread(s). Everyone will be able to join the group and then see (and participate in) the group's thread(s). I can create the group (and our new thread) on Goodreads, if you agree, but no matter what, I'd like for us to decide on the group's name together. Maybe something along the lines of: Asian Drama Club (too generic?) Bibimbap or Kimchi Drama Club (too huh?) Happy Ending Drama Club Asian Drama Addicts/Fanatics/Lovers (TMI? lol) etc. etc. Votes? Suggestions? Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Aug 25, 2015 12:08:15 AM PDT darkice7_12 says: That would be great if we had the thread as backup or plans in place for when the forum closes.

But it seems that the message may have been a hoax? It was deleted from the original thread, and the Amazon member that shared it is also saying that it may not be true. Don't know what to think. :( I apologize for maybe passing on bad information. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 25, 2015 12:36:16 AM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Adnana - I think all of the names sound pretty good. I'd totally join in to a goodreads forum. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 25, 2015 12:37:46 AM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: It's hard to believe that Amazon would get rid of the Romance Forum, but they did get rid of the Gold Box Members forum, so maybe it was real? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Aug 25, 2015 2:41:06 AM PDT Adnana says: darkice, No need to apologize; you couldn't know if it was a hoax or not, and if there's even a slight chance that it might true, it was important that we be warned. Better to prepare as a precautionary measure even if it later turns out it wasn't necessary, than be taken completely by surprise if the worst eventually happens. I've always preferred the prepper mentality myself. :) I say we create the group on Goodreads anyway, so that if we ever need it in the future, we know it exists as a backup meeting place. Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Aug 25, 2015 4:25:09 AM PDT luvnlife says: Agreed... as long as everyone knows to check out Goodreads, just in case. Best to have a plan. Our thread though has so many messages in it. We must be in the top 10% of threads on here by size. If they do cut, hopefully that means they will only cut the smaller threads that are inactive? I don't see why you would get rid of this forum. Amazon is all about reviews. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 25, 2015 7:29:09 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says:

If you guys do start a thread over at Goodreads, please post under what title you started it (and maybe post a direct link to the new thread here). Thanks guys for the heads-up, and for always being on the lookout to preserve our drama fix :) Jennifer, yes it does seem like they are moving in the direction of getting rid of the forums, or maybe just the low active forums? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: Aug 25, 2015 7:52:10 AM PDT Adnana says: Okay, so which of these 3 group names do you like best? 1) HEA Asian Drama Club 2) Happy Ending Drama Club 3) Asian Drama Club Please tell me your preference or make another suggestion. ;) I'll create the Goodreads group and post the link. Then, we'll have an alternate meeting place in case the Amazon forums ever go offline (and only if the Amazon forums go offline; until then, we'll be sticking here, of course). Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Aug 25, 2015 8:17:22 AM PDT 1ladydevil says: Asian Drama Club sounds good. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 25, 2015 8:26:33 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Adnana - Thanks for taking the lead in creating a Goodreads group (and of course in starting this thread!). Whatever name you decide is fine with me, just let me know how to locate the Goodreads group once it's set up (option one probably does the best job in describing the dramas we discuss - although sometimes we do end up following and discussing some really good dramas what don't give us the HEAs that we desire - looking at you Heartless City, Bridal Mask and Empress Ki). Hopefully, this turns out to be a hoax but thanks for the headsup darkice7_12! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 25, 2015 1:18:00 PM PDT darkice7_12 says: I vote for the Asian Drama Club since we talk about all sorts of dramas here. And we've talked of some great dramas here that didn't have a HEA. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post: Aug 25, 2015 2:44:22 PM PDT Last edited by you on Oct 18, 2015 10:24:30 AM PDT Adnana says: Thank you for your votes. :) We'll be going with the majority's choice, then, which is also the most encompassing and thus "safe" name, I suppose. I rushed to get this done before going to bed tonight, so here it is now. I introduce to you our new Goodreads group: Asian Drama Club https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/170920-asian-drama-club Please bookmark it. If (and only if) our current Amazon thread should ever, for any reason, become inaccessible, everyone should know to head over to our Goodreads group where we will keep our discussion alive, with our people. The discussion I've created inside the group, "Fans of K-dramas... let's talk" (sound familiar? lol) is intended to be this thread's little sister. Or baby. Or whatever else we might want it to be, I guess. Sky's the limit. :) The group is, at the moment, private, because (1) it's not intended to become active unless (or until) we're booted away from here (from Amazon); and (2) if it becomes active, I would want it to only be open to our Amazon old-timers first, and then we should decide together if/how we want to accept new members. I hope that's okay? Whenever you should want to join the Goodreads group (now or in the future)--since the group is private--when you press the "Join Group" button you'll have to wait for approval. You'll be asked the standard question "Why do you want to join?"; just simply type "amazon" so I'll know who you are and then you'll be granted membership automatically. That's it, I guess. If there's any questions or suggestions, please go ahead. Edit this post | Permalink 3 of 3 people think this post adds to the discussion. Posted on Aug 25, 2015 3:45:06 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Great! Again, thanks for handling. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 25, 2015 4:36:30 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: "Asian drama club" sounds like a good title! If anything should happen to this thread, then I know now that there is a backup drama thread on Goodreads. Thank you :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 25, 2015 5:07:38 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Aug 25, 2015 5:09:59 PM PDT Spectator51 says: Very nice. Thanks! Should we join the group now or wait until it's needed? Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 25, 2015 6:36:31 PM PDT cbela says: Thanks!!!:) I like the GR title, too. yay!!! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 25, 2015 7:36:55 PM PDT darkice7_12 says: Great! Thanks for creating it. :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post: Aug 25, 2015 11:13:14 PM PDT Last edited by you on Aug 26, 2015 4:41:39 AM PDT Adnana says: You're all very welcome. :) I'm just glad we have a backup now. Spectator51, you can join the group now or only when it becomes needed; it's fine either way and completely up to you. Just don't forget to bookmark the group even if you don't join now, so that you can find it later. :) Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Aug 26, 2015 2:21:00 PM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Thanks for making this Adnana, you're a gem! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 26, 2015 4:02:58 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: I'm so behind these days, but I've asked to join the new Goodreads group. I hope they don't shut this forum down, but it's good that we're now prepared if they do. Thanks so much Adnana for setting it all up for us!! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 26, 2015 6:18:17 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I thought I would wait before joining, because I thought the Goodreads thread was backup. However I see that some of you guys are joining now, I wonder if I should join now too or wait. Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 26, 2015 9:43:00 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: I decided to join since it was already set up. I'm still going to use this thread as long as it's up and running. But I figured there was no harm in being ready to go on the other on the chance this forum really does shut down. But I don't think it matters either way. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 27, 2015 4:34:30 AM PDT luvnlife says: Is anyone seeing any potentially good dramas coming out soon? Besides Scholar nothing has really pulled me in. (Still holding off watching Yong Pal though... it does look interesting.) You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Aug 27, 2015 7:25:15 AM PDT Last edited by you on Aug 27, 2015 12:51:46 PM PDT Adnana says: No drama I anticipate in the immediate future. In the further-off future, I'm interested in "Descendents of the Sun", "Cheese in the Trap", "Arbitrarily Fond" (the Suzy+Kim Woo Bin drama), and the 2 C-dramas I mentioned before: "When He Comes, Close Your Eyes" (to air this autumn) and "One Slight Smile is Alluring" (to air in the first half of 2016). Oh, I just remembered a drama that might be interesting and which will air in September: "DDay" (the big-budget disaster drama, set after an earthquake has devastated Seoul). The main leads are 2nd tier actors but ones I like from other projects and the concept has me curious. "She Was Pretty" (with the h and her adoptive brother from "Kill Me Heal Me" playing the couple this time) might also be worth checking out. Honestly though, it seems there's pretty much a dearth of good, addictive dramas right now-and has been for a while--which suits me fine since I'm on a reading kick at the moment. :) Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Aug 27, 2015 12:47:07 PM PDT darkice7_12 says: Including the above in Adnana's post, I am looking forward to Choi Ji Woo's Twenty Again. It looks it might be a light watch. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 27, 2015 1:04:27 PM PDT cbela says: I am loving "Yong Pal"!:) I am looking forward to "Bubblegum" with Lee Dong Wook and the heroine from "Which Star Are You From". It airs in October.

Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 27, 2015 9:36:14 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Aug 27, 2015 9:37:56 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: All those dramas look like they have potential to be good, but I am disappointed about "Arbitrary Fond", the KWB drama. I read about this drama a few days ago, and was disappointed with the casting for the h. I don't understand why they insist on casting this girl Suzy in lead roles. Anyways I won't complain if she's just at least decent in the role, because I will be checking this out for KWB. I will check out most of the shows mentioned here, and then see which shows I like, and which I don't. There is also another drama that wasn't mentioned, it's called "The Village", and it will be a mystery drama, and I hope that it will be a mystery/romance/drama, this too has potential. I think this is slated to start after Yong Pal is done. I am enjoying Yong Pal as well, Yong Pal has been consistently solid so far, despite being over-the-top (with the exception of ep 4 which was all over the place). The kiss between the H/h in the church in ep 8 was moving, their relationship is moving at a faster pace then I anticipated. I hope that the H will protect the h, because really at this point, he is all she's got. I also hope that she will get out of her shell. I also continue to enjoy "Scholar Walks the Night", Gwi and the h finally meet! I watched that part, and I couldn't help but hope that Gwi would leave with the h and maybe SY (H), and they would go to live somewhere and be a happy vampire family lol, but that's not going to happen. I really hope that Lee Soo Hyuk will be the lead in a drama soon, and will have a similar hairstyle to the one he has here. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 28, 2015 4:29:29 AM PDT luvnlife says: Thanks for all the postings... you lit a fire under me to get excited again for dramas. When I read about Suzy, I just hope she can turn things around like Shin Se-Kyung (h actress from When a Man Loves). Shin Se-Kyung ruined that drama for me with the flat acting. However when she was paired off with Lee Dong Wook in Blademan, I couldn't even believe it was her. She had so many emotions. All I can think is that she was paired off with a good Director that helped in giving direction. Yes Gwi and h finally meet! Wow, this drama cast two beautiful people as our H and villain. The stare down at the end was good. Only 4 episodes left. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Aug 28, 2015 5:12:04 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Aug 28, 2015 7:30:48 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: The first time I saw Lee Soo Hyuk in a drama (High School King of Savvy) I commented that with his looks he'd make a perfect vampire, so I think his casting in Scholar was perfect (but I guess he'd actually already played a vampire in Vampire Idol). He's looking good in Scholar even better than the H. While I'm enjoying Scholar, I don't think the h acts like someone raised since childhood as a boy. The only other dramas that I plan to check out that haven't already been mentioned are the rom/com Oh My God with So Ji Sub and Shin Min Ah and the Thai drama Kiss Me. Looks like another Reply/Answer Me drama is planned (Reply 1988) but I'm not too sure I'll check it out as I'm still angry about the how they handled Reply 1994. I do agree that Suzy's acting ability is very limited, but I guess she's a huge star in Korea due to her singing. Similar to all of the other idols she keeps getting cast in the hopes that her popularity will equate to higher ratings. It seems like it's a rare drama that doesn't have at least one idol in the cast. ETA: Yong Pal remains good - it's still the best of the dramas that I'm currently following. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 28, 2015 3:09:33 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Aug 28, 2015 3:14:14 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Reader123 and luvnlife, I even recently checked out "Vampire Idol" because it has Lee Soo Hyuk and KWB. I watched several eps of this campy and funny sitcom, just to see how he is as a vamp. However there he's a weirdly cute vamp (same for KWB). Whereas as Gwi, he is smoking hot (like I said, I think his hairstyle in "Scholar" is the best hairstyle he ever had, it really suits him). I like Lee Soo Hyuk (after Scholar) more than KWB, also LSH is a stronger actor. As for Suzy, I checked her singing just to see what the fuss is about, and she's not even that good of a singer lol - she's average. I guess in SK they like the type of her face? Because that's the only other explanation I can think of, as to why she keeps getting lead roles, when she just is not good at acting. Anyways I just hope that she will be decent in the drama. Frankly if it wasn't for KWB and the writer having potential, I wouldn't have checked this drama out. You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Aug 28, 2015 3:29:58 PM PDT Last edited by you on Aug 28, 2015 3:32:53 PM PDT Adnana says:

Actually, Suzy didn't get famous off her singing--far as I know, and as others have mentioned, she's got a pretty voice but nothing out of the ordinary (like, say, IU). No, Suzy was always known for her pretty face first and foremost and though she's not the most beautiful (even in Miss A, her bandmate Fei is considered a greater beauty, I think) she just got lucky and got famous when so many other girls (and even her bandmates) didn't. Never underestimate the importance (and sheer unpredictability) of luck. There was her role in "Dream High", of course, but her real springboard to fame (and to becoming a *very* sought-after CF actor--and that's where the real money comes from, of course) was the movie "Introduction to Architecture", which was a great hit with Korean audiences. Suzy played the young (college-aged) counterpart to the h (played as an adult by Han Ga-in) and somehow her role and performance in that particular movie earned her the title of "Nation's First Love". And it is that title--with all that it implies: youth, innocence, girl-next-door sweetness--that made Suzy a household name in Korea, and it is also a major reason why the reveal of her relationship with Lee Min-ho (and especially, them staying at a hotel together) got her so much flak. Her image as the nation's first love doesn't really allow for her to be involved in such "scandals" (with the implication of sexual impropriety). Edit this post | Permalink Posted on Aug 28, 2015 3:43:21 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Aug 28, 2015 8:12:34 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Thanks for explanation Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 28, 2015 6:59:39 PM PDT luvnlife says: Interesting. Thanks for the back story on Suzy. Speaking of Lee Min-Ho... what is he up to these days? I know they keep pushing off his military duty. Do you think we will see him in another drama before he enlist? You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Aug 28, 2015 11:52:35 PM PDT Last edited by you on Aug 29, 2015 11:59:49 AM PDT Adnana says: Lee Min-ho will be filming a Korean-Chinese movie, "Bounty Hunters", with Wallace Chung and Tiffany Tang (the H/h from the drama "My Sunshine"); Lee Min-ho has the main role (and the loveline with the girl). He did say that he also wanted to do a drama before his impending enlistment, but who knows if he'll have time anymore. Besides, he had said he wanted to do drama movie drama movie etc., but then he followed up "Gangnam 1970" with yet another movie (the one he's filming now with Tiffany Tang) instead of picking a drama. Edit this post | Permalink

Posted on Aug 29, 2015 5:59:34 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Aug 29, 2015 7:08:12 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. - did you find a site that had all episodes of Vampire Idol subbed? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 29, 2015 7:22:38 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: No I watched several eps Eng subbed on youtube :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Aug 30, 2015 2:18:10 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Twenty Again is off to a funny and heartbreaking start, at the same time, though I find the heroine's reason for going back to college, especially after thinking that she has 6 months to live, is shaky. I hope that the h will regain her life and move on, and I'm looking forward to see how her relationship with the H will develop, now that they've met again in the University. I also hope that her (soon to be ex) husband will at least realize after the divorce, what he lost. I also watched the first ep of a TW-drama titled "I am Sorry, I Love You", and I will say that it has been a while since a TW drama has had a solidly good first episode, and this drama definitely has my attention so far. Although this drama will have a bitter/sweet ending, given the circumstances. This looks like it could be the better version of "Oh My Ghostess", but also sadder, because in this the ghost is the h's boyfriend (played by Jasper Lui). I'll call him H number 1. It looks like H1 will help the nerdy guy, I will call him H number 2, to get the girl. This drama has potential, and I hope that it will live up to it, and be good till the end. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 3, 2015 7:48:22 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 3, 2015 1:04:10 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I've started watching a slightly older (2013) daily drama (King's Daughter, Soo Baek Hyang) which, so far, I'm finding very good/engaging. For a daily drama, its production values seem quite good (as good as a prime time drama) and the story is set in a time period that I've never seen before (kingdom of Baekje, one of the Three Kingdoms of Korea) around the year 500 AD. Since I'm still in the fairly early episodes of this 108 episode drama (each episode is about 30 minutes, so it's equivalent to a 54 episode prime time drama), I'm hoping it stays good and doesn't go too crazy (that is for a show that has a couple of switched identities and a birth secret). I found the H/h first meeting in episode 17 quite cute (despite the circumstances). Some H/h scenes:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKDZj2N4kUY ETA: scenes including H/h first meeting (she pretents she's crazy) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v63bYzSiNEY You replied with a later post Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 3, 2015 3:11:28 PM PDT [Deleted by the author on Sep 12, 2015 9:50:22 AM PDT] Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Sep 3, 2015 3:44:34 PM PDT [Deleted by Amazon on Sep 4, 2015 3:05:47 AM PDT] Posted on Sep 6, 2015 3:03:17 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 6, 2015 7:26:37 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: "Twenty Again" continues to be good, and I'm glad that the H is finally starting to look out for the h. The ending of ep 4 was interesting, I wonder what the H has up his sleeve, because he blew the h's cover, and introduced her to her (soon to be ex) husband, when he knows that she doesn't want him to know that she is a student at the university. I'm also glad that pervy professor is getting his punishment. "I'm Sorry I Love You" (TW-drama), also continues to be unexpectedly solidly good! I like how this show goes from being very goofy/comedic to being moving. The last scene in ep 2 was beautifully intense and sad...that moment when H1 realizes it's his girlfriend... so sad. H2 has already started to transform, though he's a genius, he still has a long way to go from being a super socially inept geek. I'm wondering if he has a type of autism or maybe social anxiety? Since the h's friend told her it was an illness. I'm still hoping that maybe H1 is in a coma and not dead, and that way there will be a possibility of a happy ending for him and his girlfriend. But so far, it doesn't look like it :( Yong Pal continues to be solidly good as well. I liked that the H/h got some respite, and they had some moments of peace in the church. I do think that their romance is a bit fast, however in intense situations humans tend to bond a lot more quickly than in normal situations. I really like the H's relationship with his sister, as well. I really thought that the h would appear in her funeral, and that way her brother would not be able to lie, and everyone would know that she's alive. However instead she went back into her hell (i.e. the hospital), I'm thinking because she wants to be by the H's side? He tries to leave her and she follows him back, so now he will have the impetus to fight and save himself and her? I wonder. Anyways, the h's brother needs to go down. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 10, 2015 8:36:20 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 10, 2015 9:15:02 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says:

I've come to the conclusion that nobody does crazed, obsessed, possessive heroes like Thai dramas. Now if they would only develop storylines that didn't include such cheesy, over-thetop secondary characters. I've been watching and completely enjoying the Thai remake of Roy Leh Sanae Rai (despite the truly annoying secondary characters) with Push (who reminds me Ji Chang Wook, albeit with a slight overbite) and Lilly. Overall, I like this version much better than the original, mostly due to how much I ended up liking the OTP. Unfortunately, I could only find subs for the first 9 episodes and had to watch the final 5 episodes unsubbed - but since the storyline closely mirrors the original it wasn't too difficult to follow the action but I would have loved to have known what the H was saying to the h in several of their scenes. I do plan to rewatch the final 5 episodes once subs are available. OTP from Roy Leh Sanae Rai https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t04KKHlJb5Y Based on how much I enjoyed Push in Roy Leh Sanae Rai I've just started watching another of his dramas, Ugly Duckling - Perfect Match, which so far seems to be on the cute side. Next up may be his drama Leh Nang Fah. OTP from Ugly Duckling - Perfect Match https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZVbRTMOCj8 Unfortunately, I'm about a week or so behind on all of the K-dramas that I'm following. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 11, 2015 1:12:13 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Ugly Duckling series - Perfect Match ended up being a mostly light-hearted, cute drama (shockingly, for a Thai drama, it lacks any shrill, crazed characters). The h starts off pretty, rich and pampered but becomes temporarily "ugly" when she has a negative reaction to the anesthesia administered during some plastic surgery. After being ostracized by her friends and boyfriend due to her new ugly looks, she decides to go away to another university for the year that it will take for her face to return to normal. She also decides to spend that time living a normal life so she changes her name and hides that she's from a wealthy family. At the new school, she's immediately befriended by the H, who is very poor, works multiple jobs and loves to kid around, tease and flirt. The H does start out with a girlfriend but after he's dumped for being poor, he falls for the h and spends almost half the drama pursuing her. Overall, at only nine episodes a fast, mostly angst-free drama. I read that the Ugly Duckling series will consist of 4 different dramas. The second drama of the series (Pity Girl) started airing in July. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 13, 2015 9:19:42 AM PDT luvnlife says: My Sunshine - Director's Cut (C-drama) is now translated and available in 4 parts on Viki. :) Reply to this post

Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 13, 2015 11:10:48 AM PDT 1ladydevil says: Is the Silent Separation movie fully subbed yet? I really want to see it. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 13, 2015 1:20:35 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 13, 2015 1:21:36 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: luvnlife, I also saw "Summer's Desire" posted on viki, when I have time I will check it out, because now it is uploaded in good quality. ETA: I hope they upload Mars too Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 13, 2015 2:17:17 PM PDT luvnlife says: @ladydevil - I've inquired about Silent Separation (movie) a few times with the team but as of now it is on their list to finish. Whoever did most of the subbing jumped on another project. @Lovely - Ohhh - I have not watched Summer's Desire (or Mars) in a few years, I may need to check it out soon! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 13, 2015 3:16:16 PM PDT 1ladydevil says: luvnlife-Thank you for telling me about Silent Separation. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 17, 2015 3:24:07 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: Okay, FINALLY, the first episode of She Was Pretty managed to grab me. I love that the two female leads are actually besties. It's so rare in k-drama to have strong female friendships. The H is already great. And the h is completely understandable. Plus Siwon is hilarious as the guy that totally thinks he's a lot cooler than he really is. This show looks like it could finally break me out of the slump I've been in since Healer. I'm trying not to get too excited. It is only the first episode. But it was a GREAT episode. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Sep 17, 2015 7:25:31 PM PDT luvnlife says: Yay Rashell... I was just going to queue that show up to watch and thought I would check out this thread first. Now I am excited... for at least something to watch. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Sep 17, 2015 8:52:31 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: @luvnlife: I'm right there with you! I really did pretty much love the first episode, but I do find myself wondering if it was really that great, or if it's just been so long since I've watched a kdrama that engaged me that I'm blowing it up. So I'm very interested to see what everyone else thinks. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 17, 2015 9:48:35 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Yes, I think "She Was Pretty" is off to a solidly good start, unexpectedly good start! I think that this show is better than average, but I also think that we might be liking it a lot because even though we've had some fairly good and entertaining k-dramas, we haven't had any very good or addictive ones for a while, and this show has potential to be addictive. I can't wait to watch ep 2. I hope that this show won't fizzle out, and that it will live up to its potential. My two favorite airing shows right now, so far, are: "I am Sorry I Love You" (this show too is tugging on my heart strings, and has me thoroughly engaged, so far), and "She Was Pretty". However both of these shows are still at their beginning, so both have potential to fall apart, but hopefully both shows will not disappoint, and will continue to get better with each episode! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 21, 2015 2:02:25 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 22, 2015 7:13:44 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: While waiting for the final few episodes of the 2015 remake of Roy Leh Sanae Rai to be subbed (it's now been fully subbed), I watched Push's 2014 rom/com Fun Fueng (Daydream). Overall, the drama was fairly enjoyable with a cute premise - the H and his driver and the h and her maid switch identities. (The secondary romance involved the driver and maid and at times was given more screen time than the main romance). The H was a very caring/nice guy who was always sincere towards the h (and really didn't deserve the pranks pulled on him by the h and his mother). I did like that for the most part the main romance love triangle only involved the H, h and the h's alter identity (the OM was primarily just comic relief). Unfortunately, no drama is complete without a crazed OW (and this one was pretty crazy) but at least she was just the third wheel in the secondary romance (and does redeem herself in the

end). Main Couple: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anR55CRw4P4 Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Sep 21, 2015 8:13:13 PM PDT jak says: I need to finish RLSR too! I didn't expect to fall for Push when I loved Tik in original RLSR, but I did. He's still growing as an actor, but Push already has the charisma and screen presence. Oddly enough, Fun Fueng is a remake of another Tik drama, hehe. At any rate, I'll definitely want to watch more Push in the future, maybe Leh Nangfah? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 21, 2015 9:12:01 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: jak - Leh Nangfah is next up for me! I'm also trying to resist watching Wannueng Jaa Pben Superstar/I Wanna be a Superstar until it's finished airing. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 24, 2015 7:57:32 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I finally watched the final 5 subbed episodes of Roy Leh Sanae Rai (the 2015 version with Push) and overall ended up really liking this drama. It's now my favorite Thai drama (despite being a slap/kiss) and while it's not one of my top 5 all-time favorite dramas it will probably be one of my 2015 favorites. The H was truly relentless in his pursuit of the h and willing to do anything to keep her by his side. Really, I don't think there was any dirty trick he wouldn't do (kidnapping, blackmail) as long as it got him the h (the H was even willing to get down on his knees and beg for forgiveness). I also really enjoyed several of the cute H/h scenes, especially the food in exchange for kisses scenes. H/h scenes, including small portions of food for kisses scenes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lznlyz1InIk Based on recommendations from this discussion thread, I've also starting watching Tomorrow, I'll Still Love You (an older Thai slap/kiss). So far, I'm not liking it near as much as I liked RLSR. I guess it's because the H really isn't trying to win back the h. I guess I don't like my Hs to just give up and move on to another woman and then continue the relationship with the OW long after the h reenters his life (he really needed some lessons from the H in RLSR). There seems to be a lot of mentally unstable/obsessed people in this drama - H's sister, H's girlfriend, h's boyfriend and I'm not too sure the H isn't a little unstable (so far he's physically attacked the h twice). And the H's brother-in-law is a serial rapist. So far, I'm finding that I actually like the h's brother's romance a lot more than the main romance. I've

still have 11 episodes to go, so perhaps my opinion may change. I don't know if it's just me, but it seems like Thai dramas have a lot more violence/fighting scenes than Korean dramas. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 24, 2015 9:18:33 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Reader123 where did you watch "Roy Lea Sanae Rai"? it has been a while since I've watched a lakorn, but after seeing the mv you posted for it, I want to check it out! It also looks like this show has some real kisses, which is hard to find in lakorns. I haven't watched "Tomorrow I'll Still Love You" yet, because I've been waiting for it to be uploaded good quality. I think this is the lakorn that Rashell likes the most. For me I would recommend that you watch "Evil Game Love Game/ Game Rai Game Rak", in this one the H/h fall in love first on an island, when the h finds the h unconscious on the shore with no memories, so it was easier for me to swallow the slap/kiss parts in the second half of the drama. Afterwards makjang happens (over the top makjang lol), and the H/h get separated as a result. The h regains her memory of her life, but in the process loses her memories of the island and the H. One year later the H finds the h again, he's been searching for her. He forces the h to work for him. When he thinks that the h is going to travel and leave him, he goes crazy basically. So in true lakorn slap/kiss style, he won't let her go. I like this drama a lot because the H was really crazy in love with the h, like he couldn't live without her, even though he became a big big jerk for 6 or 7 eps in the second half of the drama. And yes, even though I've only watched very few lakorns, but it does seem to me that they have a lot more craziness, and the heroes are more of the crazy in love possessive/obsessive/jealous types, than k-dramas. But it also seems that the slap/kiss genre, is only a Thai drama genre, not present in other Asian dramas. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 24, 2015 9:22:42 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: On another note, I watched ep 4 of "I am Sorry I Love You" TW-drama, and I continue to really enjoy this show, it is getting better with every episode. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 24, 2015 10:37:53 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Oct 1, 2015 7:58:18 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Edited - links to YT, google+ and facebook have been removed Roy Leh Sanae Rai is now also fully subbed at Jasmin's Lakorn Blog (but I watched via the

google+ and facebook pages) Hope you enjoy as much as I did - truly an obsessed/jealous/possessive, will get the girl no matter what he has to do type of H. The version I'm watching of Tomorrow, I'll Still Love You is of very poor quality - picture is extremely blurry but at least the subs are clear and readable. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 24, 2015 11:06:18 AM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Thanks for sharing, I will check it out when I have time, as I am swamped right now. I hope it will get posted on viki soon as well :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 25, 2015 10:56:26 AM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: I just started watching RLSR, it is so exciting and isn't doing as much meandering as other lakorns I've watched. Thanks for the great rec!!!! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 25, 2015 12:34:07 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: I may have to check out Roy Leh Sanae Rai. I have a hard time with Lakorns. The rape aspect just really bothers me. Tomorrow I'll Still Love You is the only one of the slap/kiss kind that I actually did like. Yes, the H was a jerk a lot of the time, but since we saw how sweet he was in the drama's beginning I could believe that guy was who he really was. And I believed he loved the h. But I'm just never going to be a fan of forced intimacy. I'm still enjoying She Was Pretty, but I do wish the h would tone down the antics just a bit. And I can already see that the best friend is totally going to fall for the H. Boo. But it's still a cute drama. And the SL M is hilarious. He's adorable. Siwon is killing it in the role. If I didn't love Park Seo Joon so much, I could end up with dreaded SL Syndrome. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 25, 2015 4:18:18 PM PDT luvnlife says: Thanks for the Lakorn recommendation. Something to check out this weekend. I agree with Rashall on the She Was Pretty antics. The troupe is a little overdone. I do have SL syndrome already. Although I am enjoying this drama so far.

Cage of Love, a C-drama, is finally subbed. It was my first channel as a Viki Channel Manager. It stars Hawick Lau (Sealed with a Kiss). Overall the story is ok/typical C drama... the last few episodes are a little dragged out. The main leads didn't have much chemistry but the story moved along ok. I had some SL syndrome in the beginning. The story takes place in the early 1900's. h's father ruins/kills H's father which results in a feud between families. h becomes indentured servant to H's family. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 26, 2015 10:31:07 PM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: So I am still really liking Roy Leh Sanae Rai, I've been fast forwarding through the bits with the warring dancer girls and so far, it hasn't mattered at all! Any other lakorn recs? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 27, 2015 5:38:14 AM PDT luvnlife says: There is a new cute web series on DF called "Noble, My Love." There are 12, fifteen minute episodes. The h is a veterinarian working in the countryside while the H runs a big corporation. They have a love/hate relationship up until the h saves the H. Then the H wants to keep helping the h improve her life. It is an easy watch. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 27, 2015 2:15:43 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Jennifer, I am doing the same, I'm at ep 10 now, and I too am fast-forwarding the parts with the one-dimensional, cliche/crazy "other women" lol, in this case it's not just one but several. I am enjoying the show, so far, despite the craziness, the H/h have good chemistry. I am behind on "She Was Pretty", I am going to check out eps 3 and 4 when I have time. I am enjoying this show, even if there's nothing groundbreaking about it. I'm a bit sad to hear that it looks like the friendship between our h and SFL, will fall apart because of the H. As for Yong Pal, I have dropped it - this show went off the deep end in its second half, once the H/h returned from their little church vacation. I mean the show had its ridiculous, and makjang moments, from the beginning, and it was never going to be a favorite of mine - but in its second half, the show just fell apart. I feel that the characters are not consistent including the H, not well developed, and come off as bipolar (especially the h). I am really looking forward for "The Village" to start, especially since YSJ will be the male lead, since I see a lot of potential in him. MGY will play the female lead, and she's a good actress. I hope that this show will turn out good, like "I Hear Your Voice", and won't disappoint. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Sep 27, 2015 6:39:07 PM PDT Lauren says: Isn't "Noble, My Love" 20 episodes of 15-17 minutes each? I just finished watching it w/ ENG SUBS on Dramacool. Awesome series! It was great to see a possessive/jealous/cocky H!!! Totally loved it!! So many jealous, possessive and really sexy moments..I am re-watching it again! Thanks for recommending this. I needed a light hearted, funny yet an intense H who is extremely possessive about his h. Some of the lines he spoke were swoon worthy and so possessive lol..:) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Sep 27, 2015 7:13:02 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 28, 2015 4:04:03 AM PDT luvnlife says: Oooo - 20 episodes even better. :) I didn't get through the whole thing yet. Am on episode 7. Yes - the H is daebek in this one. Edited: Yes DF does have 20 episodes, I misread the info. Has anyone watched Misaeng/Incomplete Life? It is from 2014 and got good reviews on DB. Would anyone recommend? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Sep 28, 2015 7:56:43 AM PDT 1ladydevil says: I am always looking for a H that is super possessive and jealous!! Unfortunately, too many dramas have OTT angst. It's nice to have a light hearted romance. Thank you for mentioning Noble, My Love. I will begin watching it today. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 28, 2015 9:39:09 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 28, 2015 10:06:41 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Misaeng was a good office drama (very likable underdog H in a workplace from hell) but the drama had zero romance (it hinted once at a possible developing romance between the h and a co-worker and the H and a school teacher but absolutely nothing ever developed in either relationship). (Seems like the writer toyed with the idea of adding a romance for an episode or so but got over that idea fairly rapidly.) I wouldn't recommend it for this discussion (since it had no romance) but overall it's a solid workplace drama (the tone of this drama is serious and at times depressing - not a light-hearted drama at all). Edited: My comments from December 2014

"The slice of life work place drama Misaeng wrapped up this past weekend - overall an enjoyable drama (I would rate it a 7/10). While it didn't really have a romance, it did have 4 interns/newbies that you rooted for as they navigated the workplace from he!! (which also seemed like the place all of us have worked at one time or another)." Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 28, 2015 8:39:22 PM PDT luvnlife says: Thanks Taz... glad you pointed out there was no romance. I might stay away until a later time. I need my fix in the romance department. :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 29, 2015 6:19:56 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I started watching Push's supernatural rom/com Leh Nang Fah/ Angel Magic and so far it appears that its going to be a fun drama (but unfortunately it doesn't appear that it will have the intensity or obsessed/possessive/crazy in love H like Roy Leh Sanae Rai). The h is rich, beautiful, completely spoiled/selfish and terrified of birds. The H has known her from childhood (their families are co-owners of a business) and hates her. He also plans to enter into an arranged marriage with the OW who, so far, has been extremely sweet. As for the supernatural element, due to the h's bratty behavior, two angel's (one of whom is her late mother) have placed a spell/curse on her that turns her into a bird each night. The spell will only be broken after the h changes her behavior and also receives a kiss from someone she loves more than herself (hmmm, so sounds like the H/h won't be doing a lot of kissing until the end?). At 28 episodes, I'm hoping that the drama doesn't get draggy. Also, since this is a rom/com, I'm not expecting this drama to have those OTT screechy characters that seem to populate the slap/kiss genre (hopefully, this drama won't prove me wrong). jak - thanks for the rec/heads up regarding Roy Leh Sanae Rai! Any other Thai dramas that also have such a charismatic H. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 29, 2015 10:06:54 PM PDT jak says: @Reader123-charismatic H? Actually I thought Tik in original RLSR to be very charismatic and charming. He's like that in his other dramas like Wanida, Kaew Tee Pee. For charisma, Ken is hard to beat, and his acting skills are too. But his lakorns without Ann mostly disappoint. I do plan to watch Ken in Neung Nai Suang. Lah Ruk Sut Kob Fah has Weir, whom I find charming. Pong in Kha Khong Khon, and Willy in Manee Yard Fah also top the charm list for me. Oh, and I don't consider Mike from Full House to be charismatic, but he and Aom's Kiss Me

is coming out October 3, the Thai version of It Started With a Kiss. https://www.viki.com/tv/25476c-kiss-me Looking forward to it. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No In reply to an earlier post on Sep 30, 2015 7:41:37 AM PDT 1ladydevil says: I always wanted to get into "It Started with a Kiss" but no version could hold my interest. The h is always the one chasing the H and making a fool of herself. I like a H that does the chasing. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 30, 2015 3:17:31 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I will be checking out the Thai version of "It Started With a Kiss", the hairstyle of the H in this version reminds me of Hiro from Koizora. I hope that in this version the H won't be as cold. However I agree that this story has never been a favorite of mine, because the H is always so cold, and the h is always chasing him. However I do enjoy watching the different versions, I find it entertaining. On another note, speaking of Koizora, I read more of the manga a while back, and all I can say is that the breakup that happens in the manga is one of the worst breakups that I've ever read about. I mean Hiro did some outright horrible things to Mika, to make her hate him - She would cry (even hurt herself), in the manga. The breakup in the movie and the drama is a LOT better. I still haven't finished RLSR, but I will continue watching it soon, because I should have a bit more free time. Speaking of the hero, I watched the trailer to his other drama (Ugly Duckling), that Reader123 mentioned a few posts above. I was surprised that they actually gave the h really bad acne all over her face. In k-drama you would never see that lol, I'm looking at you "She Was Pretty". I will be checking out "Ugly Duckling", once I'm done with RLSR :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 30, 2015 9:59:46 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. You should also check out Push's rom/com Leh Nang Fah (Angel Magic). I'm about half way through the drama and so far am liking it even more than Ugly Duckling series: Perfect Match and Fun Fueng. I'm especially liking that as a Thai drama its not following the standard Korean rom/com formula. Makes for a nice change. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqWd00FsNEk Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No Posted on Sep 30, 2015 11:53:48 PM PDT

Jennifer L. Rinehart says: I'm still watching RLS, also started watching Game Rak, Game Rae, it's pretty darn good. I loved the bit with the bra! Hysterical! So I was looking around for more lakorns and came across this on a forum, any idea what it is from? I might want to watch a historical drama sometime, the outfits are ahhmazing! Here's the image; http://s1109.photobucket.com/user/jjinxx/media/suang3_zps3g3kinvs.gif.html Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 1, 2015 7:38:19 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Nov 28, 2015 1:02:29 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: That gif you posted looks good, now I too am curious about the drama it came from? I finally caught up with "She Was Pretty", I have watched eps 3, 4 and 5. I will say that ep 5 was the best ep yet, with eps 3 and 4 being average. ETA: Reader123, I will add that to my "want to watch" list too :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Oct 1, 2015 6:21:14 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Jennifer - I think the Thai drama is Bang Ra Jan See around the 37 minute mark for the scene from your image https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQAmqa_x42E Reply to this post

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In reply to your post on Oct 1, 2015 11:12:31 PM PDT S. Austin says: I love Asian dramas. Here are my recommendations: 1. Shan Shan come to eat (CHINESE Drama): Tells the story of a village girl who moves to the big city to work. Her boss is what many would call an alpha male, who shan shan dislikes at first but the two eventually come to love each other . 2. Coffee Prince: classic k-drama which many people watched. 3.Boys before flower: classic k-drama which was very popular. 4. Noble, my love: a love-hate relationship similar to secret garden. 5. Secret: My all time favorite k-drama...its very intense, has the love-hate relationship between the hero and heroine...great acting and a lot of suspense 6. Down with love...cute Taiwanese drama 7. Family Honor...great k-drama that is filled with a lot of drama, love-hate relationship between the H and H. Family drama , differing social background etc. I have watched this one a couple of times because I loved the story, the struggle and the eventual romance. I hope you enjoy my recommendations...if you need more please let me know :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 2, 2015 10:55:32 AM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Taz - that's it! Thank you for finding this! Reply to this post

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Posted on Oct 3, 2015 8:26:37 AM PDT bluey09h says: thank you so much to whoever recommended noble, my love. Comeplete possessive jealous H and it is a cute and light drama. <3 Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 4, 2015 6:33:01 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Oct 4, 2015 6:55:57 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I finished watching the Thai rom/com Leh Nang Fah (Angel Magic) and found it to be a welcome change from the Korean rom/com that I've watched lately. Overall, I liked the drama and thought the OTP were pretty cute together, especially when the h was in her bird form (she turned into a bird every day from 6 pm to 6 am). She spends almost all of the time that she's in her bird form hanging out with the H - usually spending the night sleeping on his chest and I think his sweetness to her while she's in bird form is why she ends up falling for him. Of course, the H thinks he's found himself one extremely intelligent bird that oddly enough has a personality similar to the h (he goes so far as to name the bird Beauty, which is the h's nickname). For the most, the H/h relationship builds slowly, with both moving from mutual hatred, to liking/love at about the same time (I hate the trope where one falls in love before the other). The h is definitely the protagonist of this drama (we hear a lot of her internal thoughts while she's in bird form) starting out as a prima donna/spoiled brat, but improving fairly rapidly to becoming a fun/very likable character. While a lot of problems were thrown at the h, she always stayed strong and never became a helpless/spineless character (I hate it when the h just waits around for someone to solve all of her problems). On the plus side, this drama lacked any OTT crazy/screechy OW and featured loving and supportive parents. The OW was very sweet (probably one of the nicest OW I've seen in a drama) and while I do think she was in love with the H, the H always treated her as a cute, adorable little sister. Really zero romantic scenes between the two of them. For the most part,

the H was either forgetting to show up for their dates (usually because of the h) or when he did remember to show up spent most of his time talking about the h. The OM was also fairly likable (the H's chief business rival), but instead of pursuing the h, he spends most of the drama pursing the OW (their secondary romance was also pretty cute). While this drama did have a villain, the writers tried to keep you guessing the identity by providing several potential candidates: the h's backstabbing cousin (whose goal in life seemed to be ousting the h from the company), the shady OM, the lying, potentially dirtydealing uncle, or the suspicious acting co-worker. The identity of the villain is not revealed until near the end of the drama. The only thing that I disliked about this drama was how they portrayed the designers at the H/h company - really horrible stereotyping. If Leh Nang Fah is representative of Thai rom/coms, I guess I need to be watching a lot more Thai rom/coms as it was so nice to watch a drama that didn't have a nasty OW/OM (but the cousin was fairly unlikable for most of the drama), uncaring parents or angst for the sake of angst. Includes scenes of h in bird form (blue feather outfit) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JR5U4hVrKuw ETA: Looks like I Wanna Be a Sup'Tar (Wannueng Jaa Pben Superstar) might also be really cute. It's currently airing, with 18 of its 26 episodes completed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyQZ-91O6_Y Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 4, 2015 10:14:15 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Nov 28, 2015 1:06:30 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: I finished "Loy Rae Sanae Rai", and I liked it. I really liked the H/h scenes, but didn't like the crazy OW. However I liked that it was two of the crazy women who brought down the two evil crazy women. I also laughed, at the two crazy evil women's names, one is called Pornfah (lol), and the other is aunt Ratt (I was like, well yes you're a rat). Moving to the H/h, I really liked the food for kisses scene. I didn't dislike the H, even when he was being a big jerk, because I always felt how much he loved the h. In addition, in his own way, he was the only one fighting for their relationship, despite everything. I also liked that even though the h was stubborn, and acted childishly/rashly at some parts, I always sympathized with her, and how

afraid she was of giving in to her feelings for the H. If this show didn't have several crazy OW, I would've liked it more. The H/h had enough compelling story-line and conflict between them, that the machinations of the OW was almost not needed to complete the story. Overall, I guess I like crazyville story-lines, every once in a while, as long as the H/h have good scenes together, and I can feel the H's love for the h. I have started another Thai drama called "Lom Sorn Ruk", and it has the H from GRGR. I've watched the first 4 eps Eng subbed, and it is off to a good start (lots of cute H/h scenes). I will see if I can watch the rest at Jasmin's blog, Eng subbed. I will also start watching "Leh Nangfah/Angel Magic" (oh that youtube mv looks super cute, it seems that when the H is petting the bird, they actually show the h?). I love cuddling scenes, especially when the H is being super protective and loving, of the h. I hope that they cuddled a lot, when she's in human form too :D - in addition to "Ugly Duckling Perfect Match" - I will find time to check them out :P Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 4, 2015 11:27:33 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Oct 4, 2015 12:13:18 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: The food for kisses scene in Roy Leh Sanae Rai was also one of my favorites. Leh Nangfah has a ton of cuddle scenes (and several kiss scenes) but for the most part they are between the H and the h in bird form. When the h is in bird form they usually start off the scene showing a real bird but then switch to showing the h (in her feather outfit) for the majority of the scene. A few years ago the head of Channel 3 announced that his dramas would no longer feature kisses on the lips and henceforth only kisses on the forehead or cheek would be allowed. So I guess forced seduction and violence are ok but kissing on the lips is ruining society. ETA: I plan to start watching either Panychon Kon Krua (recommended on MDL as being similar in tone to Leh Nangfah) or Sud Sai Pan (a slap/kiss) with the same lead actress as Leh Nangfah. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 4, 2015 12:13:14 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Reader123, oh wow really? So did we mention any lakorns here from channel 3? Is it LSR? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 4, 2015 12:17:08 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Looks like Lom Sorn Ruk is from Channel 3 - lets us know if it has any kisses on the lips! http://www.sharerice.com/index.php/Lom_Sorn_Ruk Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 4, 2015 12:35:13 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I don't know if I will watch all of it, or not. But if I do, I will tell you :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 7, 2015 9:09:38 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I finished watching a few dramas recently. Unfortunately, I didn't love any of them but all were for the most part at least watchable. Spoilers Included:

Panyachon Kon Krua - rom/com recommended on MDL as being similar in style to Leh Nangfah. Unfortunately, it wasn't as good as LNF. The premise itself wasn't too bad - h pretends to be a maid for a college project where the prize is one year of overseas studies (although drama never explained why the rich h couldn't have just paid her own way). The H was very likable and the drama did a good job in showing him falling for the h (he stalked her for most of the drama). Didn't much care for the h as she spent most of the drama lying to the H and didn't seem to care for him that much. Ending had the obligatory trope of a one year separation - I'm not sure why so many drama include these separations. Also, as this was a Channel 3 drama, there was no kissing on the lips - lots of near misses and head turning at the last second. And don't even get me started on how horribly this drama portrayed gays. Sud Sai Pan - Drama based upon mistaken identity with the same actress playing both the h and her evil twin sister (the OW). Unfortunately, the H had the intelligence of a gnat. All I can say is that it was a good thing that his grandfather was rich or this guy would have ended up being a bakery deliveryman his entire life. He was so slow that he was even reduced to asking a rapist (although to be fair, he didn't know the guy was a rapist) which sister was the good one - let's see, is it the sister who wears loud makeup and dresses in flashy clothes and who slept with him almost immediately after meeting him or the sister that dresses and looks like a schoolmarm and who refused to sleep with him for quite a while even after he married her. Even the rapist was amazed at the H's cluelessness and advised him to use a little brainpower. On the plus side, this is a good drama if you're looking for an obsessed H who ultimately becomes protective of the h. Tomorrow I'll Still Love You. I might have enjoyed this one more if I hadn't watched it right after Roy Leh Sanae Rai (2015 version) as I thought the H suffered greatly in comparison. While I did think the H loved the h, I didn't see him putting forth much effort in trying to win her back (and didn't really like the storyline of him moving on to the OW and only finally breaking up with OW after she became OTT/criminally nasty - by assisting in an attempted rape, no less). I thought the h was completely gutless (I'm taking shades of Hundred Year Inheritance gutless). Two weeks before the H/h wedding, the h decides to dump the H without telling him - she and her family just pack up and move away. And after he tracks her down, she refuses to meet with him and instead of facing him like an adult she decides to hide in the bushes and watch his anguish (yep, just like that loser h in HYI). She was also TSTL. I'm not too sure how many dangerous situations she blithefully walked into. On the positive side, I enjoyed the h's brother's romance and was pleased that the h's best friend ended up with sweet overweight co-worker - he was certainly the better man. The Virtual Daughter-in-Law -a 12 episode "family" drama. Since I watched this drama at the same time as the two other family dramas that I'm following (the 100+ episode A Daughter Just Like You and the 50 episode All About My Mom) which character belonged to what drama sometimes got confusing, especially since all three of these dramas are fairly boilerplate. This drama didn't offer anything new and the lead romance wasn't even given that nice of an ending. Two year separation. Mother opposing relationship (h is just not good

enough for her son). The ending was a little better than the classic `stand and stare' but not by much. Yong Pal - So I guess it's true that chaebols can get away with murder. While this drama tried to hit all of the right romance notes, something was just "off" in the H/h romance. Actually was surprised that the h survived this one. Scholar Who Walks the Night - you know something isn't right when you're rooting for the villain - guess they shouldn't have made him so good looking and conflicted. And is it a HEA if he's immortal and she isn't? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 8, 2015 4:31:07 AM PDT luvnlife says: Wow Taz... thanks for the recaps/thoughts. Always on the hunt for something new. A c-drama I started watching I really really like is "Love for Three Lifetimes." It isn't fully subbed on viki yet though. :( h and friend are being sold at an auction at a brothel. They escape. h hits head loses memory while friend assumes h's identity. h is taken in by nice "father" figure but forced to "give her hand in marriage" to H#2. On day of wedding, she is kidnapped by H#1 who is a bandit living in the mountains. She tries to escape but he continually captures her back. A lot of heat between these two. I think he may be end game, however, H#2 is nice/handsome and also in love with h. Anyways reminds me of the old romance novels where Scottish Lords steal their brides away and make them ride on a horse with them... lol Scholar ****Spoiler**** I was too conflicted by the ending. I thought maybe h lived out her days and then died meeting the H on the other side. Unnecessary... but still the HEA?******** She Was Pretty episode 7 hit the right comedy relief notes with me. The secondary couple and their bathroom break... too funny. To me there was a lot of laugh out load moments which is a 180 from how the h was feeling previously. It's like the writers heard the fans sighing about the grief so they switched it up. IMO it worked for this episode. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 8, 2015 10:20:06 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I did enjoy the first episode of Kiss Me, the Thai version of Itazura na Kiss/Playful Kiss and liked that they have added their own twists to the story, including how the H/h originally met, giving them a childhood backstory (which apparently he remembers but she doesn't) and having the H/h be in the same HS classroom. Since the drama is scheduled for 20 episodes I was hoping that it would cover both the H/h high school years and the college/marriage years but it appears that this may not be the case as I read that a season 2 covering the marriage years might be created if the show is a hit. I agree that She Was Pretty continues to be good. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 8, 2015 3:12:27 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Nov 28, 2015 1:17:08 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: I agree about "Scholar Walks the Night". I also wasn't sure about the HEA, because it was vague, but I guess they left to the viewer's interpretation of the events? Anyways this show had potential to be so much better, but it still had some great moments, and yes the villain was awesome - I hope he gets to be the H is a good romantic drama. Reader123, I can't believe you watched Yong Pal, lol I didn't even finish that show. Well I guess it did have a good atmosphere, and an interesting idea, but the execution and the way the plot unfolded, left a lot to be desired. As for Thai dramas, I started Leh Nangfah/ Angel Magic, and I'm at ep 5 now. So far I am really enjoying this show, since it is getting better with every ep. I do think that the h's curse is harsh, because she didn't do anything to deserve it, but I guess it was needed for the show. She just has a bad attitude and is spoiled, but mostly harmless and funny (and the viewer can always feel her vulnerability). The show as a whole became solidly good starting with ep 3 (when the h and the H finally meet for the first time, her in bird form). The scene when the cute little blue bird, slept on the H's chest was so SO cute! Especially when they switch to the h, and we see her pressed against the H's naked chest (H has a yummy chest). So far the story is unfolding in an entertaining way, better than expected for such a strange premise. But I think that the H is being harsh in training the h. Then again she's been too spoiled her entire life, and she needs to learn how the company works from the bottom up, if she wants to be a

co-president with the H. Hopefully this show will remain good till the end, and won't fizzle out. I've put LSR on hold for now, until I can find the rest of the eps Eng subbed, since I did like the first 4 eps, though I'm disappointed that there might not be any kisses. I haven't caught up on the new eps of "She Was Pretty" yet, but I will soon. Kiss Me (Itazura na kiss remake) has started already? I will checkout the first ep soon. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 8, 2015 9:21:54 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. - YT has LSR through episode 11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bseXP9bZ85g&list=PLELnuFIbdHcAHBhzdAfeZDjTP H2oBlcnK&index=1 Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 8, 2015 10:43:35 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Thanks for sharing, but it looks like the picture is cut at the top part, and the voices are altered a little. I watched the first 4 eps Eng subbed on daily motion, and the quality was solidly good. So I will wait until/if this gets posted in good quality :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 9, 2015 12:02:55 AM PDT Romance Lover says:

loved noble, my love ! so cute... it had elements i've always wanted in romance dramas --the kitchen scene and the thunder storm adorbs THANK YOU for the recommendation Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 13, 2015 4:47:25 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Oct 14, 2015 1:43:09 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I thought that Sassy Go Go was off to a fairly good start. Good cast and I like that the drama is only 12 episodes long - hopefully this cuts down on the angst and the sometimes boring middle episodes. Unfortunately, it would have been nice if this drama wasn't done in the typical Korean school drama mode where the poor/dumb kids are pitted against the smart/rich kids. And I could also do without the incompetent bootlicking teachers/administrators and strident mothers. Guess I'll have to stick with either a TW-drama (In a Good Way) or a Thaidrama (Ugly Duckling: Perfect Match) for a school drama that manages to avoid these tropes. When I See You Again (TW-drama) wrapped up it's 20 episode run this past weekend. Overall, I thought that the drama was just okay. I liked the H but wasn't overly fond of the h too naĂŻve/trusting and as the H said "her brain doesn't move as fast as her body". Did think they dragged out the h not recognizing the H as her high school friend for way too long. But on the positive side, drama didn't have a lot of angst and nobody developed a major case of noble idiocy, which is always a good thing. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 14, 2015 3:11:39 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Nov 28, 2015 1:18:55 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: I'm at ep 16 of Leh Nangfah/Angel Magic, and at this point I am really getting irritated with Pat always getting away with her bad and unprofessional behavior (she should be the one who is cursed to turn into a frog lol), and I'm getting angry with the H for not firing her. She has caused trouble for the company several times, and is extremely unprofessional, all in her quest to bully the h. I don't know why the H is constantly being lenient with her, but harsher with the h. It also seems to me that he's getting jealous because she's hanging with the OM,

even though he hasn't realized it yet - and he's letting that cloud his judgement. Now he's putting Beauty to train in the design department where Pat is, this made the H lose points with me. I'm also getting annoyed with that witch, or whatever she is, who cursed the h. However on the bright side, I love the moments when the viewer can just tell that the H is falling in love with the h, as she effortlessly and clueless-ly changes his perception of her. I can just tell in those moments that he's falling deeper, even if he hasn't acknowledged it to himself yet. He's also always there for the h. Also all the moments of subtle bonding between the H/h so far, have been good. I'm also enjoying the parts with the cat, when the h is in bird form, those parts are so funny. I just want the H to know about the h's curse already, and to admit that he loves her. Overall, despite its flaws, this is one of the better dramas around, so thanks for recommending it on this thread. Reader123, I am passing on "Sassy Go Go" k-drama, but if you continue watching it, tell us how it turns out. I just don't like watching high school set k-dramas, because they tend to be so limited and so formulaic. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post: Oct 17, 2015 3:07:32 PM PDT Last edited by you on Oct 18, 2015 10:26:45 AM PDT Adnana says: Since there has been a lot of talk about lakorns lately... I speed-watched a(n older) lakorn a while ago: Kehas See Dang/The Red Mansion. (it was recommended for its possessive/jealous H... Ha!!) This lakorn annoyed me on multiple levels: -H loves the OW at the beginning of the drama (which shows he has both bad taste and questionable intelligence--he apparently knew her for 5 years yet still couldn't see that she was a gold-digging shrew) -H is very mean to the h through no fault of her own (but because of something the H thinks that the h's mother did) -OM1 was *really* loud, immature and annoying. The h liked him a lot--as a friend, but was pretty touchy-feely with him. So doubly annoying. There was also an OM2 later -no gradual, consistent character development with the H & h, and no convincing portrayal of their falling in love -h is stupid -h doesn't accept the H until the last minutes of the last episode. Total fail for me.

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In reply to your post on Oct 17, 2015 3:14:24 PM PDT 1ladydevil says: I watched The Red Mansion a long time ago and I agree with everything you said. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post: Oct 17, 2015 3:35:43 PM PDT Last edited by you on Oct 17, 2015 3:42:06 PM PDT Adnana says: In C-novel(-related) updates: (1) The book "One Life, One Incarnation - Beautiful Bones" is now completely translated, on the Fanatical blog. It is a lovely reincarnation love story, with a great heroine and an unusual hero (a very slow-to-thaw, intelligent researcher/professor). (2) The drama adaptation for C-author Ding Mo's romantic thriller "When He Comes, Close Your Eyes" has started airing this week. The drama is called "Love Me If You Dare" and Viki has it. Subs are very fast, but unfortunately, only 2 episodes air each week, Thursday night. There will be 24 episodes total. The hero has got to be the most... ahem, unique guy to ever feature as the romantic lead in a drama/novel. He has a sky-high IQ and practically non-existent EQ. He only likes 2 things: profiling the most dangerous criminals (he works with the police) and umm, fishing. Or rather, eating fish. (ETA: He starts paying attention to the h because she likes fishing and, I think, brings him the fish.) He's never been interested in women before. So yeah, he's a bit weird, and he's so blunt and honest that he ends up saying the most outrageous things to the heroine (and probably to everyone else, only he doesn't like interacting with other people). The heroine is a recent university graduate who becomes his assistant. She's lovely, very smart, and his complete opposite in that she has a high EQ, which basically makes her his perfect complement. After watching only the first 2 episodes, it's too early to judge chemistry (the H, for obvious reasons, will be very slow to thaw), but I'm intrigued (I'm such a sucker for icy heroes who only melt for the heroine *sigh*). At any rate, once the H falls for the h, his "courtship" promises to be hilariously entertaining. I mean, again, the guy has absolutely no EQ! Also, the book has quite a few hot moments between the H & h later on, which I hope the drama will keep at least in part. So color me doubly intrigued. ;)

In case anyone's interested in this drama, I'll keep you updated! Probably better not to start watching until all episodes are available. Edit this post | Permalink

Posted on Oct 18, 2015 1:25:37 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Oct 18, 2015 1:27:37 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Oh, I'll probably check out "Love Me if You Dare", but yes please keep us updated. I'm glad that it seems there are several good shows around. Moving on, I have finished "Leh Nangfah/Angel Magic", and overall this was a good show, even though it frustrated me in some parts in the middle. The h had a great character arc here, and she had the best character development/growth. I felt with her, I laughed and got teary with her on her journey. The only aspect of the h's character that I thought was out of context, was her extreme bashfulness when it comes to intimacy with the H. Being shy is fine, but I felt that she was like a very shy teenager around the H. The H was yummy and interesting, and the reveal in the end involving him just added a layer to the story, and made the story better. It was also good that Pat didn't turn out to be a one dimensional character, since her character had a turnaround in the end. But I still think she should've been punished for her childish and unprofessional behavior. Basically this show didn't have any one dimensional characters. Overall, despite the flaws, this was a good show that I enjoyed :) ETA: And I'm glad that they gave the cat a happy ending! lol Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post: Oct 20, 2015 4:38:19 PM PDT Last edited by you on Nov 3, 2015 6:15:09 AM PST Adnana says: I finally buckled down and started watching the Chinese drama "The Lady and The Liar". Umm, I didn't make it to the end. (I'm pretty much a hero to myself for making it as far as I did.) I then helped myself to some recaps which--suffice it to say--more than killed any small desire I still had to keep watching. Now, the tough, crazy in love & obsessed hero is my No. 1 favorite type in dramas. *makes grabby hands* But even that kind of hero cannot carry an entire drama even on his broad shoulders all by his lonesome. Especially when his falling completely in love with the heroine is so sudden (and thus unbelievable)--thereby failing to involve me emotionally at the

crucial moment before the start of his crazy odyssey to win his lady's heart, come hell or high water or despicable lies. **I was like... what?? You met her, what, twice and sure, she saved your life, but she's also a judgmental witch and completely uninterested in you--so the logic progression to that is... you, Shanghai's No. 1 emotionally unavailable playboy and gangster lord suddenly want to marry this girl? again, what the what?** Even worse, I failed to see much (or, really any) chemistry between the leads, as much as Hawick Lau smoldered. Still, the hero was fine (and I do mean *fine*, criminal background and all--after all, it's fiction, so why be judgmental when instead you can appreciate the chocolate abs, right? right?). Especially when the guy is willing to face death, literally, for his girl; when he spoils her and cherishes her and would hand her the moon on a silver platter if she asked for it. The heroine, on the other hand, was *not* fine. Singlehandledly, she would have been enough to ruin this drama for me (so stupid... so indecisive... so faithless... so stupid...). Luckily, the h (and her character development--if it can be called that) didn't have to ruin the drama all by herself. She was more than helped along by the brain-dead story progression. Basically, by the time the villainess was allowed to finish exterminating every single member of the heroine's family (alongside more than a few involved bystanders), I had checked out. The heroine didn't even need to freaking SHOOT the hero (in a romance drama!) to give me that extra burst of speed on my way out--though, of course, she did anyway. ETA: Is "Cruel Romance" any better? I mean, it can't be worse, right? *whimper* Please somebody tell me that it is better. Edit this post | Permalink

Posted on Oct 20, 2015 5:36:23 PM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Adnana - Honestly, I couldn't finish either of these series, mostly because the heroines were so darn frustrating. In Cruel Romance she does everything but pluck the hero's still beating heart from his chest and stomp on it. Worst of all, I just couldn't figure out why she was so oblivious to the awesomeness of the hero. He is so kind and helpful to her I think part of the problem was the length of the dramas, they had to drag out the stories with additional cruelties by the OW and thus the heroines had to act dumb for more time. Also, I would have liked a little more manipulation, a little more desperation on the part of the Hero in Liar for him to win the girl he loves. And you are so right, when the heckola did Hawick fall for her? I think it would have been more believable if he lusted for her and just wanted her and had never really been turned down before, which made him want her to like him even more. That would have made sense to me.

But instead the writers wrote in an insta-love scenario which was so at odds with his gangster persona. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 24, 2015 6:55:38 AM PDT luvnlife says: I started watching the 100+ episode drama "Love & Secret." I'm 20 episodes in and enjoying it. The reviews overall make it seem like it's a good drama to invest in. It's a little over the top at times but the storyline moved along for the first 20 episodes. (I do ff some of the side storylines.) While in New York, h and om break up and she finds out she is pregnant afterwards. She has the baby and doesn't tell om or any of her family/friends. She comes back to Korea where she meets H who is in the same line of work as her. Eventually om shows up asking to be back with h. 20 episodes in and om and H don't know about the baby. They think it's a relative of h. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 25, 2015 7:27:43 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I finally finished the 108 episode (about 30 minutes each) daily sageuk King's Daughter, Su Baek Hyang. Overall, I found it enjoyable but somewhat similar in style to Dong Yi (strong, independent h and mature, capable H). Unfortunately, like Dong Yi the lead romance lacked passion (it really could have been vastly improved by emulating Empress Ki and giving us a completely obsessed/jealous H like the Emperor). I also think that the drama might have been improved with a different casting of the H/h as both were played by actors who were at least ten years older than the characters that they portrayed. This was especially true for the H, who was suppose to be only around 24 years old but instead looked like he was in his mid to late thirties. It was jarring each time he indicated his age.

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Posted on Oct 25, 2015 1:29:01 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Well I don't feel like catching up on "She Was Pretty" or "Twenty Again", and I don't feel like checking out "The Village" because the reviews make it seem like a suspense/thriller/horror without a romance or love story to complete the drama, and horror is my least favorite genre. So right now I'm filling my drama time with TW and Thai dramas for the most part, until the more interesting k-dramas start. For TW-dramas: I continue to enjoy "I am Sorry I Love You". I've also started following a new TW-drama called "Taste of Love" and this one is off to a good start, and has H2 from "I'm Sorry I Love You" (the nerd), and he's more good-looking than I was expecting :) There is also another TW-drama that is about to start soon, it is called "Marry Me or Not". I just wish they would air two eps per week, instead of one. I am also checking out "Love Me if You Dare". As for Thai dramas, I will start marathoning through "Full House" soon, since it is finished, and it got good reviews on this thread. I will also checkout "Kiss Me" because I'm interested to see how this remake will turn out. I'm at ep 6 of "Ugly Duckling Perfect Match", and it's my first slice-of-life Thai drama, I'm liking it so far, but it is not as good as Leh Nangfah. I also continue to follow "Brothers", when new eps with Eng sub are posted. As for J-dramas, "The Girl's Speech" looks like a show that might have potential. So this is my drama story for now, now that I have more drama time :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 25, 2015 9:05:00 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Oct 25, 2015 9:09:58 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Given its positive reviews at Dramabeans I had been planning to marathon Twenty Again, but perhaps it's not worth it? Did anybody finish this drama?

Also, Push's latest drama Wannueng Jaa Pben Superstar/ I Wanna Be a Superstar finishes airing this week (and all but the final 2 episodes have been subbed), so I do plan to marathon it since I've liked all of Push's other dramas. I do agree that Ugly Duckling Perfect Match isn't as good as Leh Nangfah or Roy Leh Sanae Rai. But I did like it more than Fun Fueng (but I also enjoyed this drama). So far I'm enjoying Kiss Me the Thai remake of Itazura na Kiss. This version has added some twists that I haven't seen in any of the other versions, including a childhood connection between the H/h. It also looks like there might be Thai remakes of Goong/Princess Hours, A Love to Kill and I'm Sorry I Love You and a rumor of a possible remake of Boys Over Flowers. I've also heard the Chinese drama Moon River being compared to Boys Over Flowers but with a stronger h. ETA: I continue to loosely follow several k-dramas, none of which I'm finding to be addictive. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Oct 26, 2015 2:02:25 AM PDT Adnana says: taz-mania said: "I finally finished the 108 episode (about 30 minutes each) daily sageuk King's Daughter, Su Baek Hyang" When you first started watching the drama and posted about it here, I wrote a reply, only for some reason it was deleted by Amazon. Anyway, I think I said that I was disappointed by the romance in the drama. Miscasting issues (and an arguable lack of chemistry between the main leads) aside, I didn't like how the heroine was always leaving (and leaving the hero behind) to do... something. They weren't given any cute, "together" scenes, really, were they? Since you just watched it you might remember better than I do. I do know that the writers were allegedly planning to show the H & h as a couple, after marriage, a bit more, but the drama was shortened (it was originally planned for 120 episodes, like all dailies, but ended with 108), so we weren't given those happy moments anymore. Also, I disliked how the OW was allowed to run amok, wreaking destruction, for so long, and the heroine wouldn't deal harshly enough with her even when she should have, in order to stop her. Even in the end, the OW wasn't punished because she became mentally ill (I always think that's a cheap cop-put when dramas use this trick so they don't have to deal with showing the OW getting her proper punishment).

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In reply to an earlier post on Oct 26, 2015 6:49:55 AM PDT 1ladydevil says: tax-mania (Reader123)-I am interested in all the remakes you mentioned. Always on the hunt for a drama with a possessive H. Please keep us updated. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 26, 2015 9:48:43 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: I've watched the subbed episodes of Moon River, and it does have a similar storyline to BOF. But it isn't as good. The h is better, but I'm not very sold on the H. And I always have the hardest time with dramas that I feel are too silly, and this one crosses into that a lot. I actually cringe during some of the scenes. But it's ok. She Was Pretty is still good, but it definitely isn't forging any new drama territory. And the h is a noble idiot which drives me INSANE. But it's cute. And both the guys are great. It's the girls dragging this one. Twenty Again is actually pretty great. I loved watching the h realize her potential. And the H is fabulous. He just supports her in every and any way he can while still letting her find her own way. Even the jerk of a husband is played in a way that he's more comic relief than rage inducing. It's a sweet drama with a sweet romance. I'd recommend it. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 26, 2015 12:42:13 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Rashell, thanks for the info on Twenty Again, I'll give it a try. And I agree about She Was Pretty. I'm really liking Siwon's character, he's even better than his King of Dramas character. Guess he should stick to OTT characters.

Spoilers Adnana - One of my pet peeves is how the villains in k-dramas are rarely, if ever, punished. But at least the h's sister/OW in King's Daughter did receive some punishment (consumed a drug which destroyed her memories and made her childlike), not as much as I would have liked but certainly more than the other villains in this drama. The queen's father who caused the death of the former king and lied repeatedly to the current king was forgiven all of his misdeeds, as was the current king's real son who caused the death of the h's mother. I do agree that the lead romance wasn't the greatest, but I actually wasn't that bothered by the h's leaving - early on her leaving was the result of the H sending her on deadly missions and then late in the drama she kept leaving to force the H to get over her since she thought they were brother/sister. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Oct 26, 2015 2:27:31 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Oct 26, 2015 2:28:18 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: 1ladydevil - Of all the 2015 dramas, I think the H in Roy Leh Sanae Rai (2015 version) has been by far the most possessive - he absolutely refuses to let the h go. While the drama has some flaws, primarily the secondary characters, the H/h romance is great. While not a 2015 drama (but I watched it in 2015), the Emperor in Empress Ki is also extremely possessive/obsessed. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 26, 2015 3:44:38 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Reader123 wow that's a lot of remakes in the works. I would especially be interested in the remake of "A Love To Kill", especially since a Thai remake of that would be so intense, and the H would be crazier (but I doubt that the kisses will be as passionate as the k-drama); The other remake I would be really interested in is "Hana Yori Dango", since so far I have only liked the J-drama version. I would've liked the TW-drama version, but it's too old and the style of the F4 is too funny, and the h is a bit too cold (my fave portrayal of Tsukushi is in the

J-drama). I didn't like the K-version, for reasons already mentioned before on this thread. So I hope that a Thai drama will not only be visually updated, but will be good overall. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 27, 2015 5:16:13 AM PDT luvnlife says: Bubblegum with Lee Dong Wook started this week. I'm half way through the first episode, not sure where the storyline is going but I've been looking forward to this. So I hope it's good. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 27, 2015 1:26:32 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: I watched ep 1 of Bubblegum, and this show is off to a good start. The first ep was engaging and heartfelt, and I like how the H is already protective of, and caring about the h. Now I have a k-drama to watch, alongside the other dramas. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 27, 2015 2:01:59 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: I'm also still watching Sassy Go Go. And yes, it does have the typical mean girl (this chick truly is a piece of work). It does try to humanize her, but at this point her bad deeds are getting to the point where I don't feel sympathy for her in any way. She may be a product of her upbringing, but at some point you have to own the bad stuff you do. I will say that none of her schemes ever seem to work out for her thank goodness. On the plus side, the rest of the drama is sweet. All the kids are adorable. The h is strong, loyal, and funny. The lead H is smart, cute, and clearly likes the h very much. The h's best friend ( a guy) is adorable. And

the second lead, best friend to the H, is played by Ji Soo, and he's the classic bad boy on the outside with the marshmallow center. There are adults that are awful, but there are a few that are good too. Again, this drama is not forging any new paths, but it's good at what it's doing. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 27, 2015 9:06:03 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: My biggest complaint with Sassy Go Go is that it has the cast and set-up to be so much better than it is. Unfortunately, the writer just keeps focusing on the wrong things - way too much of nasty girl and school politics and not enough of the cheerleading team melding together. So much wasted potential. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 28, 2015 9:12:06 AM PDT Rashell Anderson says: Yeah, I was hoping for more fun cheerleading highjinx. Instead it's just a typical school drama with bullies, crazy parents, awful principles, and kids struggling to be the best. But the cast is so cute that I still like to watch. I checked out the first two eps of Bubblegum. And already I'm shipping the h with the second lead guy. Lee Dong Wook's character is just way too immature, and he has the worst mother. She's awful. Yes, the second lead seems to be cold on the outside, but I really do think that he loves the h. I think he just doesn't really know how to show it. Plus since he doesn't have parents either, no horrible mother in law. It's a win! And he's played by Lee Jong Hyuk, and I just have a huge soft spot for him. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post: Oct 28, 2015 12:27:38 PM PDT Last edited by you on Nov 3, 2015 6:23:27 AM PST Adnana says: I haven't read many war stories, but I'm a huge fan of "The Bronze Horseman" by Paullina Simons. I'll always hope they'll turn this into a drama sometime (a movie wouldn't do it justice). Anyway, "The Bronze Horseman" hasn't been adapted to the silver screen (yet), but I have been fortunate to discover something very much like the next best thing--as similar a story to the "Bronze Horseman" as I am ever likely to find in drama format. "The Battle of Changsha". There is a novel, but fans have said that the drama actually improves on it. It's likely the best Chinese drama ever, in terms of story cohesion, acting talent involved, production values. It is a war drama, set during WWII, its background the Japanese invasion of China (among other Asian countries). At the center there is a wonderful, large, diverse family; each family member is well-realized, with their individual quirks and flaws. There is conflict between the family members, but when it comes to serious, outside threats confronting them, you'll never see a more tightly-knit and loyal bunch. And there's a romance--not front and center, but as a powerful narrative thread developing almost in the background and deepening over the course of years--between an honorable, aloof soldier and a young member of the aforementioned family: a stubborn, slightly spoiled dynamo of a girl, full of joie de vivre and recklessness. Later, she becomes a nurse (so, like I was saying, "The Bronze Horseman" deja vu). Under constant threat and overfilled with refugees, the city of Changsha is not a good place to live there anymore. Families try to marry their girls off to outsiders--or well-connected locals affording to leave the city--who would take them away from danger, and maybe help the girls' families as well. The H (not a Changsha native) is an Army officer; he was born into a very wealthy background and is his family's only son. Therefore, his father didn't want him to enlist and would do anything to yank him back from the frontline. The latest strategy (after pleas, threats, coercion all failed): arrange blind dates for him through a distant relative in Changsha (where the H is currently stationed). The theory: if the H marries, then he'll leave the army. (As if.) And on the other side of the equation, there's the h's brother-in-law (and de facto head of the family) desperately trying to arrange an advantageous marriage for her with the rich, wellborn H. The first meeting... Does. Not. Go. Well. The H has no interest in finding a bride (and even less in having someone else push a bride on him), the h doesn't want to get married. When they meet, the H is dismissive, the h is offended. Hostility overflows--on the surface. Below that, there's an almost tangible spark of mutual attraction and fascination (the actors are so good at bringing such subtleties across!). Nevertheless, the H has no intention of altering his life plans; he tries his best to bury his interest. Whereas the h is very young at first (only 16-17), and unequipped to deal with such

complex feelings. Snubbed by the H, she decides she dislikes him profoundly. They maintain an adversarial relationship for a long time--yet during that time the h wins the H's respect and commands his continued interest by being the unrelenting, mad-capping pepper that she is; and though the h professes to find him arrogant and hateful, she finds herself seeking the H's help and trusting him on more than one occasion. He never disappoints. The drama is actually not as romance-centric as I would have liked, but the romance is nevertheless thoughtfully developed, fully fleshed out, and captivating. The H is straight across the board wonderful; he's very straight-laced and even intransigent in the beginning (which is somewhat of a flaw), but how he always chooses to do the honorable thing makes him a worthy hero. He never compromises his principles to help the h, yet still he goes further for her than he would for anyone else. Also, interacting with her family, he does unbend a little over time. The h is also very interesting, a worthy match for the great H. At first, there are instances where she's immature, and her temper is a bit unrestrained more than a few times. But she seems like a real person because of that: she's 16-17 at first, she's very smart, very pretty and has been used to always getting her own way. She has a lot of growing up to do: and that she does. Over the course of the drama, we can see her learning harsh life lessons, maturing, growing wiser. And yet the essential "her" remains unchanged: her stubbornness, her courage, her always being true to herself. Even when she's still young and immature, even while she denies her attraction to the hero and almost makes a life-altering mistake in choosing to marry someone else--in the end, she refuses to compromise. And at 19, when she and the H finally confirm their feelings for each other, she's wonderful to behold in her strength and in her refusal to ever give up on the H. The romance has a happy ending. However, much like in "The Bronze Horseman", there are many casualties among the core people surrounding the H and the h. And you suffer because of their deaths--because the drama has made you care. So, highly recommended. It is not a brisk watch, at 32 40-minutes-long, often tension-filled episodes, but it is a worthwhile one if you're in the mood for this kind of story. You can watch on Viki, where the subtitles are complete even if not perfectly edited. Also, have a (slightly spoilery) MV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Of_9eXW5fag ETA: If you start watching the drama, I recommend going here for the first 4 episodes: http://www.wallacehuo.info/MinguoSeries/Battle-of-Changsha/Battle-of-Changsha-with/imLc7zDM The subtitles are much better than the ones on Viki, which fail to convey some subtle details in establishing the characters and for the H & h's first dialogues. Edit this post | Permalink

Posted on Oct 28, 2015 4:55:11 PM PDT

Lovely D.M. says: Rashell you should see the mother in "I am Sorry I Love You" TW-drama, usually TWdramas don't have hateful or controlling parents, but this show has an extremely stupid and annoying mother. She really deserves to be slapped for everything she has put the h through. I really hope that now that the H's eyes are being opened, he will (if he wakes up - unexpected twist in ep 9) make things right with the h, and maybe even cut ties with his mother. The H's eyes are now open to the betrayal of his best friend as well, and I think it will come out that the best friend was responsible for the accident. He too needs to pay for his bad deeds. Okay, I think I'm going off on a tangent, but I felt like mentioning this after I read your "mother" comment. As for "Bubblegum", I did think that the H had a bit of childishness to him, but also he comes off as dependable and mature when it matters (he is always there for the h, even if sometimes he acts rashly). But yes I agree about his mother being the typical-kdrama annoying, controlling and rude mother. I don't understand why many (thankfully not all) shows do this, and it makes the H look less attractive. But so far, I am enjoying "Bubblegum". I wouldn't mind if the h ended up with the second male lead, he just needs to learn how to express his feelings. For now, what makes me want to watch more of this show is its atmosphere, and the way the narrative is presented - it feels like a slice-of-life romance/drama mixed in with a subtle hopeful/magical feel, the atmosphere moves me. So I hope this show will turn out good :) I've started watching "Kiss Me" and "Full House", and I think both have the same actor/actress as the H/h? Anyways I am enjoying both so far, they're cute. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 28, 2015 6:31:12 PM PDT luvnlife says: Adnana - thank you... thank you. I am a HUGE fan of the Bronze Horseman book(s). It is one of those books that has really stuck with me. I also thought it should be turned into a drama as well! I will check out your recommendation and let you know what I think.

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Posted on Oct 28, 2015 8:49:33 PM PDT 1ladydevil says: I'm watching Roy Leh Sanae Rai 2015 and just finished ep6. When does the H stop pretending to like the h and become possessive for real? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Oct 29, 2015 2:43:02 AM PDT Last edited by the author on Oct 29, 2015 2:50:01 AM PDT Saki says: Episode 9/10 onwards. This is a remake of an old lakorn. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSx78yF5tOM (10 mins onwards) This guy is really popular in Thailand right now. I find it a little annoying but I like him in this lakorn....just not in the other ones he's been. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Oct 29, 2015 2:44:22 AM PDT Last edited by you on Nov 3, 2015 6:25:33 AM PST Adnana says: luvnlife, You're very welcome. ;) Now "The Bronze Horseman" and "The Battle of Changsha" are not identical stories; each has its very own distinctive identity, but still, there are important shared elements between the two (the war theme, the importance of family etc.), which is why "The Battle of Changsha" reminded me of the "Bronze Horseman"--which is more than any other drama has been able to do. Yes, let me know what you think after you start watching! In particular, I'm curious what

you'll think of the heroine's brother-in-law; imo he's the most fascinating character in the drama: scrappy, more than a bit unscrupulous, not always on the right side of the law, yet still essentially a good man and an absolutely devoted family man. Also, he's really funny. For episode recaps (up to episode 25) of "Battle of Changsha", you can read the "watch along" series on mookiehyun's website: https://mookiehyun.wordpress.com/tag/yang-zi/page/3/ She's a huge fan of the drama and as a native Chinese speaker is able to point out lots of subtexts during some situations and conversations that weren't captured 100% accurately by the viki subs (which is a shame). __________________________________________________________ After watching this emotional war drama, I'm really enjoying the lightness of "Sassy Go Go". I know people have been saying they're disappointed that it doesn't have more cheering, but I'm really not. I'm watching it as a simple school drama without expecting too much, find the issues that they do chose to focus on interesting (the principal's corruption, the pressure from parents for the students to get high grades etc.), and am loving the main trio of characters and their interactions. Kang Yeon Doo! Seo Ha Jeon!! Kim Yeol!!! Also, I thought that the slow coming together and forging of closer bonds between the White Tiger and the Baek Ho kids was well done: gradual and believable. This drama is fluff, but I find it really cute fluff and am actually enjoying it more than "She Was Pretty" (the other currently airing drama that I'm watching). Edit this post | Permalink

Posted on Oct 29, 2015 4:59:29 AM PDT luvnlife says: Adnana... thanks again. Only downfall.... I stayed up way too late last night watching ep 1-5. I should have waited until Friday night to start watching... lol. I agree with you on the straight-laced hero... love him. I'm in love with this drama. One of my favorite genres is war/romance types. Thanks for the recap link... I do like watching/reading recaps together in case I missed something. I'll keep you posted. My guess is I'll have the whole thing watched in only a few days since I find it so great already. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Oct 29, 2015 7:36:04 AM PDT

taz-mania (Reader123) says: 1ladydevil - the H of Roy Leh Sanae Rai has an "OMG what have I done" moment at the beginning of episode 8 and begins his relentless campaign to win back the h. I actually like this version much better than the original. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 29, 2015 9:15:53 AM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: I dropped Roy Leh Senae because I was tired of watching the hero be so unaffected by the heroine, but now I think I will give it a go since he turns into a possessive lover later on. The reason I really got tired of The Bronze Horseman was because of how long the heroine spent lying to her sister. It was maddening. If only she'd told her sister right off it would have hurt but everyone could have moved on. So is there a lot of noble idiocy in Changsha too or are both sides fighting their feelings in the midst of the turmoil of war?

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Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Oct 29, 2015 11:02:44 AM PDT Last edited by you on Oct 29, 2015 1:49:08 PM PDT Adnana says: Jennifer, RE: The Bronze Horseman. I too was troubled by the heroine's lying to her sister, but ultimately I understood her point of view--namely that no, everyone could *not* have moved on if Tatiana (the heroine) had told the truth. How could everyone in Tatiana's family have been fine with Dasha's "lover" (remember, Alexander had had a one-night stand with Dasha) leaving Dasha for her little (and considered lesser) sister? They couldn't have understood, and it's unlikely that they could have forgiven, much less accepted. If Tatiana had revealed her feelings, she would have ripped her family apart, and at that point in time, very likely have

lost Alexander anyway in the resulting emotional carnage. Quote from the book: "Tatiana knew: had Alexander told Dasha the truth from the beginning, he would have had to go his own way. He never then could have been part of Tatiana's life in the drab apartment with all those grand betrayals and hurts. Tatiana would have lost him, and Dasha, too. She could not have continued to live with her sister, knowing that Dasha-with her breasts, her hair, her lips, and the fullness of her heartwas not enough for the man she loved. The chasm that cheap knowledge would have wreaked in Tatiana's family no bridge could have spanned, not even the bridge of sisterly affection. No, Tatiana could not have claimed him for herself. She knew that." She could not claim for herself her sister's beloved, because she loved her sister and didn't want to lose her. Yet she also loved Alexander, deeply, ardently, and she couldn't bear to lose him either. It was a terrible dilemma for her, a 17-year-old girl at the time, and an impossible choice. Also an impossible choice that she forced on Alexander (who always wanted to tell the truth but had to keep quiet, had to stay with Dasha in order to remain in Tatiana's life and be able to help her and her family). Maybe the choices they made weren't the right ones, but they did the best they could. Tatiana was unwilling to give up her family even for her once-in-a-lifetime love, and I can't exactly blame her for it. Nor can I blame her for loving Alexander when their connection went soul-deep, and it wasn't like Alexander still had a physical relationship with Dasha. Even had she wanted to, Tatiana couldn't afford to chase Alexander away when, if it weren't for the food he brought them, her family wouldn't have survived as long as they did. Remember, all of this plays out during the terrible blockade of Stalingrad during WWII. Like I said, I can't back Tatiana's choices 100% but honestly, she was between a wall and a hard place; she was young (17!), and again, I think she did the best she could. There were frustrating moments for me as a reader, but the book made me care so much about these characters that I just couldn't stop reading. It led me on one of the most captivating and emotional narrative journeys ever, and I loved it to pieces. Edit this post | Permalink

Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Oct 29, 2015 11:52:26 AM PDT Last edited by you on Oct 29, 2015 12:07:37 PM PDT Adnana says: Jennifer, To answer your actual question, about whether the kind of relationship dynamics in "The Bronze Horseman" are also to be found in "The Battle of Changsha"--no, that is not the case at all. The points of similarity are merely these: the war theme; the narrative centering around a big, tightly-knit family, to which the heroine belongs;

the romance between an Army officer and a nurse. Also overall--and this is my very personal interpretation/reaction--I had a sense of familiarity when watching "The Battle of Changsha". But in their details, the 2 stories are very different beasts. And it can be argued that "The Bronze Horseman" is a romance novel with a war setting, whereas "The Battle of Changsha" is a war story with a romance. In "The Battle of Changsha", there is no noble idiocy driving the actions of either the hero or the heroine--not in the sense that they deny their feelings out of sheer obstinacy or contrariness. And there is definitely no love triangle. While there is some mutual denying of feelings, this was well-grounded in the hero's and heroine's character; it wasn't idiotic, it was a valid, understandable choice for these people at that point in their lives. Basically, the main obstacle for the development of the romance is the hero's determination to serve his country as a soldier, concentrating all his time and energy into defeating the enemy-and not in the pursuit of romantic entanglements. Of course, over time, as circumstances throw him and the heroine together again and again, he still can't keep himself from falling in love even against his will. Another obstacle to the romance is the heroine's initial immaturity. Like I wrote before, I thought (and she later admitted) that she felt a very strong attraction for the hero from the start, but when he was so outwardly dismissive (because again: his priority was the war), when she could feel the wide gap between them in their respective maturity and life experience, she was overwhelmed. He seemed uninterested in her, and she was not equipped to handle him--yet--which she must have realized subconsciously, so she denied her feelings even to herself and she adopted an antagonistic attitude towards the hero to mask her vulnerability. I felt that it was right that the drama didn't force the romantic relationship before the characters were ready for it in their minds as well as their hearts. I didn't regard the delay as a consequence of noble idiocy on either of their parts. She needed to grow up; he needed to let her grow up so she could meet him on an even playing field, and he needed time himself to come to terms with his own strong feelings for her, before he could approach her as a suitor. When that moment finally came, it was long-anticipated but entirely worth the wait for me as a watcher. Then there's the final obstacle, which comes in play after the hero accepts his feelings for the heroine: the fact that he could die on the battlefield, leaving her an emotionally devastated widow. The first time he's forcibly struck by the mortality of any soldier, it stops the hero from declaring himself to the heroine at a pivotal moment (after the heroine is nearly married off for the 2nd time to someone else). So frustrating! Still, I'd say that the heroine would not have been ready at the time, so it worked out better that way. The second time, the hero and the heroine are already (finally!) in a relationship, and he's just suffered his first serious (life-threatening) injury on the battlefield--and he tries to end their relationship to relieve her of the burden of worry, pain etc. Now that could be termed as

noble idiocy--except that his heart is in a good place and he explains his reasoning clearly to the heroine. He doesn't make an unilateral decision and just says/lies to the heroine that he doesn't love her anymore, or that first love isn't necessarily forever love (I'm looking at you, "She was pretty"!) or any of that stupid c*ap you can see in other dramas. No, he's honest with her, and her answer... It might be my favorite scene of the drama. I teared up at her impassioned response, and he was floored. He promises never to say such things to her again. So, anyway... I liked their relationship. But mileage varies, and all that, so I don't know what everyone else will think. Edit this post | Permalink

Posted on Oct 29, 2015 1:05:16 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: Where are you all watching the new Roy Leh Sanae Rai with subs? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Oct 29, 2015 1:16:17 PM PDT 1ladydevil says: Rashell Anderson-Youtube Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 29, 2015 1:24:17 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Oct 29, 2015 1:27:24 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Rashell - Unless a new version has been posted to YT, the one that was out there when I was watching this drama had a bad picture and distorted sound. I ended up watching on the Jasmin subber's google+ and facebook pages. https://www.facebook.com/Roy-Leh-Sanae-Rai-100-Tricks-Dangerous-Passion878885745516172/timeline/?ref=page_internal

https://plus.google.com/101044704677689035278/posts ETA: I'll delete the links tomorrow. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 29, 2015 1:45:15 PM PDT 1ladydevil says: Tawan Tud Burapa (the Brothers) and The Illicit Wife ~ Mia Tuean. Does anyone know if these 2 dramas are any good? Looking for a very possessive, jealous, protective H. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 29, 2015 1:54:09 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: Just finished marathoning the k-drama Twenty Again. Overall, found this drama to be very enjoyable. Given the show's premise, I had initially avoided watching it as I feared that the whole storyline related to the h's marriage/husband would be too unpleasant/angsty. But as Rashell indicated the husband (and even his girlfriend) served more to provide comedy than angst. Both the h and her husband had fairly decent character arcs (I think the husband may have even received treatment for his narcissistic personality disorder). And after all my complaining about wanting to see a school drama that lacked bullies, nasty OW and incompetent teachers/administrators, Twenty Again even delivered in this department. The H was even great. Despite his grumpiness, I liked him more than I did the h. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 29, 2015 2:16:30 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Oct 29, 2015 2:19:54 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says:

The crazy/jealous/possessive parts of RLSR start at ep 9 (if I remember correctly) and/or beginning of ep 10. Jennifer and Adnana, your conversation made me feel a bit nostalgic, since I read "The Bronze Horseman" around maybe 7 years ago (yes it's been a long while). I don't remember details about the book anymore, but I do remember the main plot. Jennifer, I also remember not liking how the h lied to her sister. Anyways I hope that maybe one day we will start getting romance/drama tv shows with beginning/middle/end, in English. 1lady, I'm watching "Brothers", I've watched up to ep 8. I think that this drama has more focus on the crime thriller aspects. The H Burapa so far is very gentle and sweet with the h, but he's also a bad boy. I don't know if he will become jealous/possessive later on in the drama or not. I will leave a review here, once I watch the complete show Eng subbed (hopefully), and tell you guys if the H is jealous/possessive and if the show is overall good. I read that this show is 17 eps long in all. The subbing is up to ep 10, so far. I watched up to ep 6 of "Kiss Me", and I really like it, I didn't expect that. The H is not as cold as the other versions. He is still cold, but the viewer can tell that he is falling for the h. I liked how they changed the story a bit here, and made the H/h know each other since they were children. The H's mother, just like in all the other versions, is very likable and quirky and a bit weird lol. I think this mother though is a bit weirder (I laughed so much when she wanted the H to tutor the h, while the h wore the dresses that the mother and h had bought together). This version is funnier than the previous versions, so far. I also like that they made the H a bit goofy/funny, when he wants to be. Also the chemistry between the leads is palpable. I am enjoying this show. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 29, 2015 2:36:59 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. I agree about Kiss Me - so far the best version yet (and the first to actually show the H falling for the h). This version probably also has the sweetest OM. However, at the pace the show's going, it will need a season 2 to cover the H/h post-marriage. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Oct 29, 2015 2:55:21 PM PDT 1ladydevil says: taz-mania (Reader123) - What version are you watching and where? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 29, 2015 2:58:01 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Oct 29, 2015 2:58:31 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Reader123, I agree :) Now I'm curious, how many eps will "Kiss Me" be? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 29, 2015 3:36:56 PM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: D.M. - Kiss Me is 20 episodes long. Some rumbling of a season 2 (post-marriage years) if season 1 is a hit. 1ladydevil - Kiss Me (the Thai remake of Itazura na Kiss/Playful Kiss) is on Viki and drama cool. 8 episodes out of the 20 total have aired so far (but only 6 are completely subbed). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Oct 29, 2015 4:11:35 PM PDT Rashell Anderson says: Reader123: Thanks for the links!! :)

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Posted on Oct 30, 2015 10:47:42 AM PDT Jennifer L. Rinehart says: I can't wait to watch Kiss Me, I was kinda cool to all of the previous versions, I felt too embarassed for the heroine most of the time. But this one sounds adorable There was one thing I really loved about The Bronze Horseman and that was the way the world began to fall apart, people scrambling to find food as the War pushed closer and closer. The details and the descriptions of the character trying to live normally were fantastic. So I think I will give Changsha a try. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 30, 2015 1:36:49 PM PDT 1ladydevil says: I want to watch this new version of Kiss Me as well. I never liked the others bc it was always the h making a fool of herself. Anyway, I saw that the H has shockingly white/blonde hair. Not sure how I feel about that. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 30, 2015 7:59:34 PM PDT Amazon Customer says: Anyone else bothered by Viki's new smaller video screen? Or is it just me? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 31, 2015 5:56:05 AM PDT taz-mania (Reader123) says: I've noticed that in the past week or so DC has stated to carry some Thai dramas, including Full House, Ugly Duckling series, A Woman's Trickery, Kiss Me and Hormones. Hopefully this will continue and they pick up some of the classics. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Oct 31, 2015 7:28:27 PM PDT Lovely D.M. says: Amazon Customer I saw that, however when I clicked full screen - the screen was normal. So I have no problem with it. Okay so as I wait for the new eps of the TW-dramas and Thai-dramas I'm following to be subbed, I started watching an unexpectedly interesting J-drama. This J-drama is called "From Five to Nine". The drama's setting is of course weird, and the H is a monk (then I found out that this is a manga being turned into a drama, so then it made sense lol). Anyways this H is unlike any H I've come across, he's so cold he's robotic and yet he somehow becomes obsessed with the h. I watched the first two eps Eng subbed, ep 3 is out but hasn't been subbed yet. By the end of ep 1 the H basically imprisons the h, until he can figure out why he's feeling so weird. Then in ep 2 he releases her (thankfully), but continues to follow her around. By the end of ep 2 he admits that he's the reason she didn't pass the examination and lost a chance to go work in New York, because he simply can't be separated from her. He keeps telling her that they will get married. I liked these first two eps (English parts aside), because they were kind of unique - it's my first time coming across a jealous/possessive Jhero (most J-heroes are usually cold but not possessive). I've also started "The Girl's Speech", which I'm guessing is also based on a manga, and that show is fairly good so far, though not as interesting as FFTN though. Jennifer, I read that "Wolf Girl and Black Prince" is going to be turned into a movie! Of course I would've preferred a drama, but I've noticed that J-mangas are mostly turned either into live-action movies or anime. Anyways I'm interested in checking out the movie, and hopefully it will be good. Reply to this post

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In reply to an earlier post on Oct 31, 2015 7:42:35 PM PDT 1ladydevil says: Lovely D.M. - Wow, "From Five to Nine" sounds like my kind of drama. Love a possessive and obsessive H. Please keep us updated on this drama and any others that have very possessive heroes. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 1, 2015 7:43:11 AM PST [Deleted by the author on Nov 1, 2015 7:43:25 AM PST]

Posted on Nov 1, 2015 8:29:18 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: I will keep this thread updated :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 1, 2015 8:49:23 AM PST JanaTM says: Hi All - I have been lurking in this forum for over a year or so and watching dramas based on the numerous recommendations here. Hope I can also contribute to the discussions here in some manner. I marathoned through the chinese drama-The battle of Changsa, again based on the recommendation here. While watching this drama, I came across another chinese drama which is currently airing; this one has the same male lead as in The battle of Changsa. It is called Love me if you dare. The first 6 episodes are 100% subtitled in Viki and it looks like that 2 episodes get added every week on Wed/Thurs. It is very addicting and I cannot wait for

the subsequent episodes. The male lead is very cold (high IQ and low EQ - like every other "genius" heroes in the dramaland) and a brilliant criminal profiler who works with the police to catch really heinous killers and the heroine joins as his assistant. I like both the hero and heroine so far. It is dark and gruesome as far as the cases are concerned but the romance is surprisingly well-developed and developing really well. Apparently this drama is based on a popular book by an author called Ding Mo ( I am not familiar with chinese literature at all). The name is Close your eyes and stay close to me. Is anybody on this forum familiar with this book? Again, glad to be finally joining this wonderful forum. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 1, 2015 9:19:48 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: Someone else already mentioned this show "Love Me If You Dare" on this thread, and I have it on my "want to watch" list. However you're the first one who has posted a review of the first 6 eps. Welcome to this thread :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 1, 2015 9:06:32 PM PST Jennifer L. Rinehart says: I've just marathonned ten episodes of She Was Pretty. I haven't been so in love with a show since I watched My Love from the Star. What'll I do when it's over!? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 2, 2015 7:56:28 AM PST 1ladydevil says:

I just finished Ep 3 of "Love Me If You Dare." As a crime drama it is really good and engaging. As a romance, it sucks. The H and h have no chemistry. The h is kind of stupid and I don't see why she was hired as the assistant. She is not good at anything. Plus, it feels like the H is trying too hard to be like Sherlock Holmes. He is no Sherlock! And all the men have the sides of their head shaved. Its not a good look.

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Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Nov 2, 2015 10:31:18 AM PST Last edited by you on Nov 3, 2015 6:32:30 AM PST Adnana says: The h in "Love Me if You Dare" really didn't strike me as stupid. I thought that episode 1 illustrated very well why she was hired as the hero's assistant: because she's very well qualified as a translator (which he needs), and most importantly, she has excellent observation skills. When investigating cases, of course she's going to play second fiddle to the hero because (1) he's a brilliant criminal profiler doing his job whereas she has no specific training in that field, only her common sense and intuition; and (2) the hero has a genius-level IQ. Naturally, he's always gonna be the smartest person in the room, but again, that doesn't mean that the heroine is stupid. Nor is she useless: she brings her own unique skillset to the table, complementing the hero's, for example when she sees social and emotional nuances that are relevant to the investigation and which he wouldn't grasp because of his low EQ. Also, I love that she doesn't let him walk all over her with his arrogance and smarta** attitude; she is well able to stand up to him, and when it comes to the things that matter, she can fight (and win) her battles very well indeed. I like the developing relationship between the H and h very much, and though I don't find their chemistry explosive (so far), I'm optimistic about future episodes building up on it. The anal and frankly odd H is a tough nut to crack, at any rate, but he's already unbent more than I could have hoped for in the short time he's known the h. I think the 2 cases they've investigated so far (I've watched up to episode 6) are interesting and the H never struck me as a try-hard. The drama showed enough of his thinking process and always right conclusions to convince me that he's excellent at his job. Funnily enough, I do see him as a kind of newer-model Sherlock, lol, with his emphasis, when solving cases, on getting into the criminal's mind and figuring out what makes him tick in order to catch him, and good old-fashioned on-site investigating; rather than just relying on forensic results etc.

Oh, I'm definitely not a fan of the side-shaved hairstyles that I've seen many leading men sport in recent C-dramas. Still, I'd argue that Wallace Huo (the main actor) makes it work well enough; I think he's gorgeous even with the fugly haircut. ;) I do love that he's always wearing suits in this drama, especially since he's a tad skinny (which might actually be on purpose, since it's relevant for the plot). Edit this post | Permalink

Posted on Nov 3, 2015 4:40:59 AM PST LouLou88 says: @Adnana thanks for Battle of Changsha, am watching it now (am rooting for the brother-inlaw too..quite a character). Also loving Love Me If You Dare..I've got a soft spot for Wallace Huo ; )

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Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Nov 3, 2015 6:49:05 AM PST Adnana says: LouLou88, I'm glad you've given "Battle of Changsha" a try; it really is the best-written C-drama I've ever seen--or read about: I do a lot of research before starting a drama, so that I might avoid my major pet peeves, which means that I end up watching less than 1 in 10 dramas that might have sounded interesting to me based on premise alone. And back to Changsha: yes, the brother-in-law is quite someting, lol. Such a lovable crook. ;) Speaking of well-written dramas: I am so, so frustrated at production companies gathering all those beautiful, talented actors, and placing them on rich, glossy sets (the budget of some of these new C-dramas is incredible)--only to then hire a writer with the storytelling skills and logical abilities of a 3-year-old. (Though the comparison might offend 3-year-olds!). Countless promising dramas--like "Lady & the Liar", "Perfect Couple" and so many others-turn out a complete disappointment because the plot makes no sense, the characters don't maintain any consistency and act TSTL to boot, and the story development overall--instead of providing joy or relaxation if mental stimulation it too high an aim--just makes you tear out

your hair in frustration. So I was meaning to ask: what is your most recent and biggest drama disappointment? I've already mentioned mine: Lady & the Liar, and maybe Perfect Couple. This latter one has more kisses than even a modern drama, and with two likable, interesting protagonists could have been so cute. Alas, character-stupidity & going-in-circles-with-no-way-out plot syndrome had to strike again, ruining everything. :( Edit this post | Permalink

In reply to an earlier post on Nov 3, 2015 7:11:46 AM PST Last edited by the author on Nov 3, 2015 7:18:22 AM PST Saki says: you can view some subs here for roy leh sanae rai: http://www.kwarmmeud.com/ but you need to register. it's free, though. The problem with the subs in youtube is that the voices are all wrong and high pitched like they sucked air from balloons or something lol. The old RLSR (2002 version) is also good and it can be found in youtube. This is the one drama where I actually love the bickering women around the couple. this is the only exception. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 3, 2015 7:15:21 AM PST Saki says: I tried to get into Kdrama but most of them end up sadly that's why I stopped but I've seen a few good ones. Has anyone seen Secret? It's very emotional and heart wrenching. Maybe too much angst for some but it ends happily; in there the H goes from hating h and later learning to love her a lot. It's a painful watch but I love the h acting and watching them happy in the end as opposed to dying somewhere was great Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 3, 2015 7:29:59 AM PST LouLou88 says: @Adnana, I'm with you on Lady and the Liar..and Cage of Love...at some point I'm like wondering why the h is doing what she's doing? why? why? why? Anyway, I quite enjoyed this c-drama with taiwanese actors/actress Queen of SOP...although the actress acting as other woman sucks!! She was so plastic....pretty but plastic. But strong h and H imo... Can't wait for An Alluring Smile to come out ; ) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 3, 2015 8:12:59 AM PST Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Lovely D.M. - I watched the first episode of from 5 to 9, it is so fun! I love what he tells her, that, he's been acting weird since he met her. His serious face, the way he enjoys watching her eat is too cute for words. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 3, 2015 8:29:59 AM PST Last edited by the author on Nov 3, 2015 8:30:58 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: I also like how he (most of the time) starts his sentences to her with "congratulations". I also thought the scene in ep 1 when he gets out of the car with an umbrella, while the h is under the rain, was magical - the way it was filmed and the music. The next two eps are also good. But in ep 3 she spends 2/3 of the ep being angry at him, but then she forgives him. There is something I didn't like in ep 3, the ending, but I won't elaborate because you haven't watched it yet, and it's not the h's fault (she didn't expect it). Maybe it will fuel the H's jealousy? I am looking forward to the rest of the eps. I really hope that this show will continue to be unique till the end, with a very cold but possessive H, and the sweet/cute/warm h. Reply to this post

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Posted on Nov 3, 2015 11:13:40 AM PST 1ladydevil says: Thank you, thank you, thank you for recommending "From Five to Nine." I just watched the first episode and it was amazing. I have to say in most dramas the H is very good-looking and this one is no exception. However, the h in this is very beautiful. She looks so beautiful in every scene even when she is wearing just sweats. She has the kind of beauty that doesn't need a lot of makeup and dressing up. Anyway, the H kidnaps the h at the end of the episode. Oh, I absolutely love it!!!! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 3, 2015 2:46:23 PM PST Jennifer L. Rinehart says: He is just so obsessed with her and goes to great lengths to be with her, resorting to kidnapping and undermining her plans by calling in a favor. It is just too fun and I'm already partway through episode three and bummed that I don't have more episodes to watch. I can't wait to see him get jealous, that guy from Mischevious Kiss is obviously interested in the h too so I've been waiting to see more from that quarter. It's been such a long time since I really enjoyed a jdrama, so if anyone can think of more, let me know! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 3, 2015 3:01:59 PM PST Last edited by the author on Nov 3, 2015 3:03:01 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: I know, you guys I feel the same way, it has been a long time since I've enjoyed a J-drama this much. The only other J-drama I can think of that had me hooked was "Hana Yori Dango",

however I hope this show has more kisses because it is not set in high-school. Jennifer, yes that guy does something at the end of ep 3 that I didn't like, but I guess it might get the H to start feeling jealous. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 3, 2015 4:38:06 PM PST luvnlife says: I'm with you all, I don't know why the great dramas are so few and far between. Lately I have been having to go back and rewatch from my favorite pile. Biggest disappointments: - Hyde, Jekyll, Me - Warm & Cozy Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 4, 2015 6:12:36 AM PST Last edited by the author on Nov 4, 2015 6:51:53 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: I like that Kiss Me continues to put its own spin of the story, including the "first kiss" which unlike other versions wasn't done because the h was threatening to move on to find a better guy in college. H continues to show more awareness of the h and more jealousy of the OM than in any other version. Unfortunately, subs remain very slow. I do agree that Perfect Couple was a failure as I couldn't even make it past episode 20 (and this from someone that usually completes about 99% of all dramas started - I usually even finish the really, really bad ones). The biggest disappointments of 2015 were The Time I Love You, Hyde Jekyll Me and Warm & Cozy. There were a few that I thought had even worse stories but all of those also lacked the outstanding cast of the biggest disappointments. But on a positive note, 2015 also introduced me to a couple of actors that have now become all-time favorites.

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Posted on Nov 4, 2015 8:33:19 AM PST 1ladydevil says: I finally finished Roy Leh Sanae Rai. I didn't like how OTT the show was also that the H rapes the h so they never have consensual sex in the drama. Plus, I imagine it was her first time which is even more awful. Both leads were great though. On a side note, it was strange that after both rape scenes the H and h are in bed with perfect hair and makeup. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post: Nov 4, 2015 12:06:15 PM PST Adnana says: Lovely D.M., You wrote a while back that you were interested in "Office Girls" and "Easy Fortune Happy Life". Did you end up watching these dramas? Edit this post | Permalink

Posted on Nov 4, 2015 3:10:14 PM PST Last edited by the author on Nov 28, 2015 8:48:59 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: 1lady that is the downside of the "slap/kiss" Thai dramas, they always feature rape by the H on the h. However I interpret the scenes as forced seduction, meaning she resists in the beginning and then gives in to his kisses and touches, and so I can then accept that she forgives him in the end. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to accept that the h forgives the H even in a fictional setting. Adnana, I started watching "Office Girls", and it was off to a cute start, however because of the low quality of the vids, I decided to put this show on hold and wait until/if it gets posted good quality. As for "Easy Fortune Happy Life", this one had a very intriguing premise that

had a lot of potential. Also the H and the second male lead are very good looking (the second male lead is the H in Office Girls), and the h is simple and sweet (h from Fated to Love You). The problem with this show is the execution, the H is wooden and I suffered second male lead syndrome. So overall I didn't really like this show. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 4, 2015 3:44:34 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: I watched ep 1 of "Marry Me or Not", and this show is off to a fairly good start, it is silly in some parts and touching in some parts. It has the same H from Office Girls, and I think the h is also the same actress/h in "Office Girls". "Taste of Love" also continues to be good, and this show has one of the better story-lines for dramas that feature cooking/food and romance/drama. I liked the scene in ep 3 when the h tells the H that he's not her type, because her type is like "a big tree" and he (the H) is like "the wind". I liked the metaphor, and how she perceives him so. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 4, 2015 3:55:40 PM PST 1ladydevil says: "I Remember You" was mentioned on this thread. I don't remember, does this have a possessive H? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 4, 2015 4:06:09 PM PST Last edited by the author on Nov 4, 2015 4:07:23 PM PST Lovely D.M. says:

No, he's cold but he's not possessive, and the show was more focused on the bromance and the crime thriller aspect than the romance, though the romance was still entertaining but I wished it was more prominent in the plot. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Nov 5, 2015 2:13:09 AM PST Saki says: Definitely disturbing. I don't blame people who have this reaction- in fact, I think this type of show should come with warning signs. The thing is that Thai culture is a lot more conservative that's why they have these scenes- from what I could understand when reading reviews, they're hits with the local masses and produce higher ratings. Ironically, kissing scenes aren't allowed a lot of times; go figure that one out. I usually fast forward through the disturbing stuff and just watch the sweeter moments. In general, I like stories where the heroine goes through a lot of trials and later gets redeemed/HEA. I also like stories where other people (not just the hero, even everyone around her) misjudge her and are later forced to admit they were wrong. I love it when the protagonist gets vindicated and that's one of the things a lot of these dramas have. In the case of RLSR I like how the H goes from being this greedy jerk who doesn't care about anything but his money until he gets together with the h. I also like the show girls - but this was the only exception as I normally hate catty females and their bickering. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Nov 5, 2015 2:33:59 AM PST Saki says: Have you seen Duang Jai Akanee? That's my favorite lakorn of Nadech and Yaya's although I also like GRGR Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 5, 2015 6:33:01 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: ...and that is why I barely watch Thai dramas, though right now I am enjoying Kiss Me - this one is good and it's not "slap/kiss", it is a remake of "It Started with a Kiss". I haven't watched the one you mentioned. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 5, 2015 7:10:32 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: I continue to really like Kiss Me (the Thai version of Itazura na Kiss/Playful Kiss) and have now watched through episode 10 (episodes 8-10 unsubbed). The changes made to this version have greatly improved the tropes that I disliked so much in the other versions. So far, the h isn't a failure at everything and even better they haven't made her an embarrassing stalker (let's hope this stays true for the remaining 10 episodes). And while the H is still a somewhat cold, unemotional character, we can actually tell that he likes the h as much as she likes him. Similar to the first kiss, this show added its own twist to the second "secret kiss" and as a bonus gave us an unexpected third kiss (so I guess the "rain" kiss will be kiss number 4). This show also now has the distinction of being the only drama I've watched where the H/h actually kiss when the previous episode has ended in a cliffhanger of a potential H/h kiss. In every other drama that has had this cliffhanger, the H/h are either interrupted or for some other reason don't kiss (H was just teasing h or h turns her head). I watched the first 2 episodes of Bromance (the premise sounded interesting - h has been raised as a boy and ends up the sworn brother of the H). So far, it's just OK - not very good and somewhat cheesy. I also watched the 1st episode of Marry Me, or Not? So far, it seems interesting but I'm finding that I like the H's sister better than the h. And while I recognized the H from Office Girls (and Miss Rose), for some reason I didn't recognized the h. Based upon D.M.'s rec I've now started watching 5-ji Kara 9-ji Made. It's seems like its been a long time since I've even tried to watch a J-drama, but oddly enough the last one I watched (Dear Sister, which wasn't too bad of a drama) had the same actress as the h. I'm still waiting for the final 2 episodes of Push's drama I Wanna Be a SupTar/ Wannueng Jaa Bpen Superstar to be subbed. Also, the first 2 episodes of Push's currently airing drama Love Flight have now been subbed.

Is Duang Jai Akanee also a slap kiss? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 5, 2015 3:14:55 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: I am really looking forward to watching the new eps of Kiss Me, I hope the new eps get subbed soon :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Nov 5, 2015 5:23:00 PM PST [Deleted by Amazon on Nov 6, 2015 6:52:44 AM PST]

Posted on Nov 5, 2015 6:27:25 PM PST Last edited by the author on Nov 5, 2015 6:40:54 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Jak I liked RLSR despite the flaws, and yes I know that the rape scenario is limited to the "slap/kiss" genre. I also just wanted to say that I checked viki, and Reader123 "Kiss Me" Edited (I mixed up the eps) eps 7 and 9 are 100% English subbed now. Ep 8 is 68% subbed. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 12, 2015 9:11:50 AM PST Jennifer L. Rinehart says:

Episode 4 of from 5 to 9 is up at gooddrama! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Your post: Nov 12, 2015 1:39:52 PM PST Last edited by you on Nov 12, 2015 1:42:55 PM PST Adnana says: "Sassy Go Go" aka "Cheer Up!" has finished airing. For me, it was a feel-good drama and I really enjoyed its storylines--the bromance, the friendship between the top students and the academically challenged ones etc. etc. Even the potentially explosive story threads--like the H and his best friend liking the same girl, or the H's father and the h's mother dating each other--were handled well, I thought. Overall, I'd say that "Sassy Go Go" was better written than the other school drama this year: "Who Are You School 2015". (Though this latter one had the superior crack factor in the person of the oneand-only Gong Tae-kwang.) The romance wasn't the absolute focus in "Sassy..."--the friendships were, as was right--but nevertheless Yeol and Dong-woo made a really cute couple that made me smile more than once. I'm glad that they didn't go the noble idiocy route for any reason and that they were given a(n age-appropriate) happy ending. Edit this post | Permalink

Your post: Nov 12, 2015 2:04:00 PM PST Last edited by you on Nov 12, 2015 2:07:03 PM PST Adnana says: I looked into a couple of Roy Qiu's TW-dramas. He may be a lousy boyfriend in real life, but he's veeeryyy attractive = perfect leading man material on-screen. I'm shallow like that when it comes to my fictional crushes, lol. Anyway, I decided not to watch his drama "Miss Rose" because I read spoilers and found out that ***SPOILERS***the H is on the verge of marrying the crazy OW when she decides, literally at the altar, to let him go after all so that he can be with his true love the h. Well, that disqualified him as a hero in my eyes. Sorry not sorry but I will never have the least respect for a man who abandoned his supposed beloved and was willing to marry another woman, and would have married her but for an deus ex machina (yes, I count in that category a scenario wherein the OW suddenly changes her mind and frees the H--after plotting endlessly and likely even committing criminal acts to get the H to the altar). I want the H to be man enough to decide his own fate--to be man enough to never, no matter the circumstances,

choose to give up the heroine in such a permanent way as marrying another woman. This may well be my No. 1 pet peeve, and the only reason I needed not to watch "Miss Rose". Also the reason why I ultimately hated K-drama "Spring Waltz". But I got lucky with the 2nd Roy Qiu drama I considered: "Office Girls". I liked this one. The h wasn't my favorite but she was okay and she was the undoubtedly the girl that the H needed to grow up and become the best version of himself that he could be. The H was great once he acknowledged his feelings for the h. He didn't waver in his commitment to the h no matter what the evil OW plotted or his mom threatened. I loved it when his mom tried to blackmail him by promising the medical help that the h's mother needed to survive IF the H agreed to break up with the h. And he freaking refused! He told his mom that he had absolutely no intention to break up with the h and that he would find another way to save his mother-in-law. Loved him! Overall, "Office Girls" wasn't a keeper for me but it was a good drama to watch once, and probably one of the better TW-dramas around. Edit this post | Permalink

Posted on Nov 12, 2015 3:45:51 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Jennifer I saw that, thanks for sharing! I watched ep 4 of "From Five to Nine", and this episode was more comedic than the previous eps, but I continue to enjoy this show. I watched episode 2 of "Marry Me or Not", and it was so funny, this show is more comedic than I was expecting, and the previews for ep 3 seem to be going a similar route to the happenings in "Fated to Love You", though the setting is different. I just hope we will soon see more depth to the H and h characters. "Taste of Love" continues to be cute and good. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 16, 2015 1:17:03 PM PST Last edited by the author on Nov 16, 2015 1:17:51 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: I continue to really like Kiss Me (the Thai version of Itazura na Kiss/Playful Kiss). So far, all of the changes from the manga continue to be improvements to the storyline. I like that this h does very little stalking/chasing after the H (with the only stalking incident being one instigated by her friends and the H's brother with her protesting against the activity). I also

like that they have made her of more average intelligence and that it's the H pushing her to become a nurse (with the implication being that he is becoming a doctor because he believes she has the aptitude to be a good nurse). OM continues to be the best of all the versions. I did think episode 12 was one of the more angsty episodes, with the H/h being separated most of the time and the OW somewhat tormenting the h. Adnana - I agree about Miss Rose - it ended up being a DNF for me (but unfortunately a lot of TW-dramas end up being DNF). Seems like several dramas have this same H/OW storyline (OW relentless pursues H and the H/h only end up together in the final episode because OW breaks engagement, is arrested at the wedding or divorces the H). The daily drama Save The Family (which just finished airing) had this storyline, as did Fall In Love With Me, How to Meet a Perfect Neighbor (but have to admit in this drama the H/OW both hated each other) and Say I Do Again (and I'm sure there are several others). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 16, 2015 2:01:36 PM PST Jennifer L. Rinehart says: It's hard waiting so long for episode os from 5 to 9, but I still like the show and love that while he seems to have an insta love for her, as time goes by this is only reinforced as gets to know her and she gets to know him. Taz - I really didn't like Playful Kiss, but the changes made to the story by the Thai version sound pretty great, where are you watching it? Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 17, 2015 5:02:44 AM PST luvnlife says: Answer Me 1988 is off to an ok start. Episode 3 was a hoot with one of our male leads getting turned on while rubbing against our h. It surprised me they took it that far... it had me laughing. I was young in 1988 so I don't understand all the pop culture references like I did in 94 and 97.

Oh My Venus... I'm excited to see So Ji-sub (Master's Son) in a drama again. I'm not too thrilled with the storyline of an overweight h trying to lose weight... some of the jokes already are distasteful but I'm hoping there'll be more focus on the romance part. Most likely there'll be a good "Cinderella" scene. Bubblegum... now this is what I expected "The Time We Were Not In Love" to be more like. Two friends becoming more than friends. (7 out of 10 so far) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 17, 2015 9:39:18 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Jennifer - I'm watching Kiss Me on Drama Cool (which is now starting to carry Thai dramas). Viki is subbing the drama. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 17, 2015 8:49:29 PM PST Rashell Anderson says: The first two episodes of Oh My Venus were cute and set up the story. I wish the story wasn't about the chubby girl losing her boyfriend and getting fit again to get revenge on him and the witch girl, but So Ji Sub and Shin Min Ah are so dang cute that it really doesn't matter the storyline. Just keep those two in adorable scenes together and I'll forget that this show is probably going to annoy me on the physical appearance aspect of things. Still even a chubby Shin Min Ah is really pretty, and his character doesn't come off as totally shallow. So maybe it'll surprise me. But even if it doesn't, I'll still take these two actors together in just about anything. The story is going to have to be really bad to ruin them together for me. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 17, 2015 9:55:31 PM PST Last edited by the author on Nov 25, 2015 4:23:14 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: Jennifer ep 5 of "From Five to Nine" has been posted, and I really liked the ending of this episode. I hope that the h will start admitting her feelings to the H. Ep 4 felt a little out of sync with the show, but with ep 5 it looks like the show is back on track, and it looks like the relationship between the H/h is going to the next level! I'm also enjoying the secondary relationships in this show, they're cute and weird at the same time. I have also added "Summer Nude" to my "want to watch" list, because it has the H from this show. I might also lookup other dramas for the h, and see which look interesting, and if they're available Eng subbed. As for "Kiss Me" Reader123 I agree that the changes they are making to the story are great, and I never thought I would say this about the H of this story, but the H in this version is great! He is also the best-looking one, among all the versions of this story. The h is also very cute and while she's not smart, she's not as dumb as the other versions. It was hard to believe in the other versions that she could become a nurse. Running her father's restaurant seemed a much more realistic fit for her. But in this version it would be more believable. I haven't watched the new eps yet, but your reviews make me excited to watch them. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 18, 2015 1:11:29 AM PST Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Thanks, Taz. Lovely D.M. I didn't realize that there would be two epis a week! I'm gonna watch episode 5 tomorrow! Yay for me! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 18, 2015 5:12:20 AM PST Last edited by the author on Nov 18, 2015 2:23:18 PM PST

taz-mania (Reader123) says: I thought that both episodes 13 and 14 of Kiss Me remained good (I watched unsubbed but with recaps). This is the first version I've seen where the H actually becomes jealous of the OM even resorting to a fistfight over the h and is also very protective of her (becoming her champion during the college initiation event). I do like that they continue to avoid making the h an embarrassing stalker, even going so far as to have her thank the H for all of his efforts in helping her get into college but then telling him not to wait for her anymore. He, of course, later replies that he will never let her go. ETA: Watched previews of episodes 15/16 which look to be angsty with an ex-girlfriend of H entering the picture. I had kinda hoped that they would avoid the whole storyline of H considering marrying another, but unfortunately that looks like where we may be heading for the next few episodes. ETA: Recaps of Kiss Me https://popv.wordpress.com/category/thai-drama/kiss-me/ D.M. - You might check out Dear Sister, with the same h as 5 to 9. She's somewhat immature (and early on does what appears to be some pretty nasty things to her sister), sickly and pregnant with the H's brother's baby. It does have a HEA for both the h and her sister. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 20, 2015 7:41:41 AM PST Last edited by the author on Nov 20, 2015 8:20:33 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: The 120 episode daily family drama A Daughter Just Like You recently completed it's run. Overall, it was an OK family drama, lacking that addictive romance which separates the really good family dramas from the just ok ones. Consistent with other family dramas, this show followed three families and their various intertwined love lines. The primary family of the drama is a mother and her three daughter. The mother, who starts out very atypical, is a successful business woman who has a very close, loving and protective relationship with all of her daughters. Unfortunately, during the course of the drama you discover she isn't so much protective as controlling, refusing to allow any of her daughters to make any decisions or really have any say at all regarding their lives. As the daughters start to rebel, wanting freedom to make their own choices, the mother becomes more controlling/nastier (bemoaning the fact she is no longer treated as the "Queen Bee") and ultimately disowns all of her daughters. However, in typical k-drama fashion, the mother does triumph, with all of the daughters falling back in line once the dreaded k-drama sickness arises. It was pretty disgusting when the youngest daughter announced to her new husband that she was now

going to devote the rest of her life to following her mother's every command/decision, including breaking up with her husband if that's what good ole mom wants her to do. Even worse, the husband was in complete agreement with this decision. I can only suppose that this type of family dynamic (parents completely controlling all aspects of their children's lives, even after their children marry) is one that the audience wants to see. ETA: I guess I could more readily accept this dynamic if we were shown during the course of the drama that the parent's decisions were made from a truly loving heart wanting only what's best for the child. Unfortunately, this rarely seems to be the cases. Unfortunately, the 50 episode family drama All About My Mom, is also taking a vary similar turn, with the H's atypical mother turning completely nasty towards the h. I'm also not finding any of the romances in this drama to be very addictive. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 24, 2015 5:48:53 PM PST Last edited by the author on Nov 25, 2015 4:23:49 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: "I am Sorry I Love You" is finished, ep 13 was the last episode. The ending was bittersweet. Overall this show is a bromance/drama with supernatural elements, and the romance was just a subplot and catalyst for the main plot. I will say that I wished that there had been more of a balance in the show, because while I liked the relationship between H1 and H2, and I liked H2 more than H1 by the last third of the show (because of all the character growth he had), I still wished that more attention had been given to the female lead (I won't call her the h, because the story wasn't really focused on her), and her best friend. I wished there was more of a story for the best-friend as well, because she was a very cool character. However the female lead ends up with H2, so that was good. I watched "Dear Sister", and this show on the other hand is focused on the sistermance (didn't know how else to term the equivalent of a bromance lol). Basically the two heroines of the show are the older and younger sister. The two male leads are supporting characters, major supporting characters, but supporting characters none-the-less. I enjoyed this show overall, although it had its slow parts, it was overall an engaging show, and one of the better J-dramas. I didn't like the younger sister in the first episode, but then by ep 2 I started liking her, and by the last three eps I was really rooting for her to get a happy ending. She is lucky to have someone like Eight by her side, and her sister. So even though Misaki (younger sister) has made mistakes, but she was a likable character who grew throughout the show. Is she the one who sings the OST? If so this actress also has a very good voice.

Happy Thanksgiving Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 25, 2015 12:06:30 PM PST Last edited by the author on Nov 25, 2015 12:07:06 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: I continue to really enjoy Kiss Me even though this week's episodes were on the sad side (but on a positive note we did get a 4th kiss). I'd be annoyed with the H, but the poor guy seems as stressed out about his actions as the h. With this drama having only two more weeks to go, I'm hoping it won't drag out the angst. I'm also really liking Oh My Venus (and its H/h). So far, this drama is handling weight and weight loss issues in a much better fashion than either "Incarnation of Money" or "Birth of a Beauty". D.M. - how about "womance"? It's one of the terms I've heard as being the female equivalent to "bromance". And Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 25, 2015 12:36:53 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Oh "womance", I like the term! At least it's better than sistermance (doesn't rhyme at all). I will be using this term from now on. However now I will focus on shows that are more focused on the romance. I like when a show focuses on a H and a h who are well developed characters, and I feel like I'm watching both their stories. On a side note: I also finally realized where I have seen the H in "From Five to Nine" before! I watched an older J-drama called Kurosagi around two years ago, and he was the lead. He is charismatic, however I remember that that show does not have a romance (even though

romance is stated as one of its genres). So they swindled the audience out of a romance (so to speak), I guess it goes with the H being a swindler. The potential for romance was promising (some interactions between the H and female lead), but it never got explored. And yes Happy Thanksgiving :) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 30, 2015 4:12:26 PM PST Rashell Anderson says: Oh My Venus continues to be very cute. And I like that the weight issue is being dealt with from a health standpoint. And I like that she has a medical condition that has contributed to her inability to lose weight. Plus the H clearly thinks she's the cutest thing even at her current size. The jui jitzu scene in ep 5 is actually really sexy. I know that a lot of what I like about this has to do with the two actors and their really great chemistry. But I'm ok with that. This is just hitting the right rom/com zone for me. And I can't wait for next episode. The h's work is paying off, and Shin Mina gets her cute dimples back. No one can resist them, and I don't think our H is going to be an exception. I really like this H. He's not exactly cold, but I wouldn't call him super warm either. He's just the right balance. And his life has clearly been hard, so I love him even more for being as open and sweet as he is. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Nov 30, 2015 10:08:09 PM PST Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Okay, I'll give this one a go, I was worried there would be a lot of fat shaming and judgeyness. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Nov 30, 2015 10:15:18 PM PST

Rashell Anderson says: I was too, so I've been pleasantly surprised. The h is actually really great. She's a very strong character that knows herself no matter what her size. She's smart and funny. There are still other people who are obnoxious about her size, but I don't feel like she really gives a crap what most people think of her looks. She is self conscious sometimes about her weight, but it doesn't come off as being ashamed of herself. She's really just realized that she's stopped taking care of herself, and wants to do that again. And the H can't resist helping her because he's a good guy, and he's drawn to her. It's cute. They're both really good in this. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Dec 1, 2015 5:12:08 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Kiss Me remains my crack drama. I continue to like almost all of the changes that they've made to the storyline but was a little disappointed that the new OW appears to have been the H first love (I guess I preferred the storyline of the H never loving anyone but the h). I do like that the h decides to forget the H and just move on with her life with no mopeyness and that the H seems more upset by their breakup (going so far as to actually cry) than the h. I was a little confused as to whether another year has passed as the H and h are again celebrating a birthday but it seems odd as the h is still in process of moving out (which I wouldn't think should take a year to do). The OM remains the best of all the versions (it's really hard not to have second lead syndrome in this version). Now that he and the h are dating, I just don't want his heart to be broken when she ends up with the H. Not too sure if this drama will have a second season but I won't be that upset if it doesn't. In all of the other versions, a second season was needed in order to show that the H actually loves the h as much as she loves him but that's really isn't necessary with this version since you can already tell that he loves her (and is stressed by what's happening). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Dec 1, 2015 7:19:22 AM PST Rashell Anderson says:

I was actually super frustrated by the H in Kiss Me. I think the fact that it's so obvious that he loves the h is making me less understanding of his current choice in being with the OW. It is clear that he can see that he's hurting the h, but he continues to chose to be with the OW. And the h is determined to move on, but she's definitely got some moping going on, but I think she has the right to grieve what she thought the H was giving her. I definitely feel like this H did the most to show his affection to the h, so that's why I'm way more bothered by his sudden about face in going with another woman. It feels a lot more like a betrayal of the h in this version. I hope he has to grovel to get her back. I do agree that the OM in this version is wonderful. He's not as over the top as he is in other versions. He's so sweet, and clearly would do anything to make the h happy. It's hard because in this one I really feel like he's so much the better guy. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Dec 4, 2015 8:43:26 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Spoilers So based upon the preview of the final 2 episodes of Kiss Me, it seems that the H will actually have to work a little harder than all of his predecessors from this manga to get his HEA. Doesn't appear that we'll get the final kiss in the rain but instead the h telling the H that she won't give him another chance. Maybe in this version of the drama, the h will actually get a marriage proposal from the H. I do wish that they had wrapped up the OW storyline much soon and devoted the final few episodes to the H/h wedding and honeymoon. Also wished that they had introduced Christine so that this drama would end with some promise of happiness for the OM. He's really getting his heart stomped on in this version, especially since he believes the h has accepted his marriage proposal. Sounds like season 2 may still be up in the air. Preview of the final 2 episodes (which air next week) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jS342gdtGOY Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Dec 8, 2015 9:41:16 PM PST

Rashell Anderson says: Good, cute episodes of Oh My Venus this week. The romance is blossoming and all of the secrets are coming out. Some very good couple moments along with dealing with the truth. It helps that this show has a very centered, strong h. She's not a shy, sweet girl. So she has no problem telling the H when he's wrong. And she also has no problem telling the mean girl the same. And the H is a sweetheart. He's so put together on the outside, but still so hurt on the inside. That makes the h so perfect for him because while her appearance is ever changing, on the inside she's always known exactly who she is. She'll be a source of stability for the H as they start into the company portion of the drama. I'm really liking this one. I'm also watching the latest Reply drama. I'd swore them off after the last one, but they're so heartfelt that I get sucked in. This time however, I think I'm on the right ship. While I appreciate the sweet boy that the Teak character is, I think they built up the first lead Jung Hwan enough that you keep rooting for him to get his girl. As usual, I love the family and friendship dynamics. This one actually has a group of families who are long time friends, so you meet and care about the parents and siblings of the main group of friends in this one. The episodes are pretty long at about an hour and a half each. But they're pretty good. If you've enjoyed the earlier seasons, then you'll like this one. Although it does have more of a season 1 vibe for me, which I think is a good thing. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Dec 9, 2015 9:33:44 AM PST Last edited by the author on Dec 9, 2015 2:41:40 PM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: I'm still bitter about the last Reply so I'll probably not watch this one until it's done airing but I recently rewatched portions of the first Reply and enjoyed it as much as I did the first time around. I do agree that Oh My Venus remains good. I'm also enjoying Marry Me, or Not which kinda surprises me as I really, really dislike the h in this one and hate it when she's successful in her backstabbing ways. But she and the H make a fairly fun couple. Spoilers on Kiss Me I was also surprised by how much I ended up liking Kiss Me (probably way more than the show deserved). Over the last few months it became my crack drama so I'm really going to miss it now that it's over. When compared to other versions of this drama, I liked that it had a

non-embarrassing/non-stalker h of average intelligence, a more emotional H (towards the end I think he cried about as often as the h) who made his feelings for the h evident (at least to us), a non-OTT OM and lots more kisses. I also liked that the h made this H work for his HEA (and for her efforts she got both a "I love you" and a "marry me"). I also appreciated that since Thai culture frowns upon students marrying we were instead given a fancy engagement ceremony and a H/h "practice" honeymoon trip. Overall, the show could have been improved over the last few weeks if we had been given some upbeat H/h interactions, a lot less H/OW interactions and a better explanation for the H's decision to give up on the h (the H being traumatized at age 6 by the h really didn't cut it for me). I also thought that the several of the storylines were either left open or not addressed in anticipation of a Season 2. I thought the show was also setting the stage for Season 2 when the H talked about wanting to be a doctor in a poor, remote area and asked the h her willingness to live like that. ETA: I really liked Kiss Me's twist on the classic H/h kiss in the rain scene. After H hears that OM has proposed to h, he races to confess but instead sees the h/OM hugging. He's devastated and ends up setting at the curb in the rain when the h walks by (she's the one with the umbrella). He says he's sorry for his actions, confesses that he truly loves the h and asks for another chance. The h tells him that he has been given tons of chances and has used every chance to hurt her so that, nope, no more chances for him. She leaves the H crying in the street (in the rain, without an umbrella). So no kiss in the rain for this H. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Dec 9, 2015 11:35:46 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: So it appears that the actor who played the OM in Kiss Me will get his first lead role playing the H in the Thai remake of Goong/Princess Hours. Since he was so great as the OM in Kiss Me, it will be interesting to see how he pulls off the somewhat unlikeable H of Princess Hours. Hopefully, they will do as good a job on the Thai remake of Princess Hours as they did on the remakes of Full House and Playful Kiss. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Dec 9, 2015 11:42:05 AM PST jak says:

Well Reader123, if you liked Kiss Me, you'll have a chance to watch more Thai dramas from kdramas, My Girl and Goong are in production from the same company (I think they also did Full House Thai). I've just realized it's near the end of the year and I have soo many shows I didn't watch. And want to watch. This year was pretty sucky for Kdramas for me, but there's a lot of Chinese/Taiwanese shows I want to watch. I'm going to try to finish at least a few dramas before the end of the month. I started From 5 to 9, 3 episodes in, I realize I just like admiring the beauty of the leads, lol. The story, plot, humor? Negligible. To me, Ouran High School Host Club and Rich Man, Poor Woman did a much better job of making me care about the romance. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Dec 9, 2015 7:38:53 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Now that "Kiss Me" is done, I will catch up on it sometime soon. I fell behind after episode 9, and then I decided to wait until it finished before watching more. I too continue enjoying "Marry Me or Not" and "Taste of Love". I agree that in "Marry Me or Not" the heroine's character desparately needs some depth and character growth, because she has the personality one would normally see in the OW in a drama and not the h. However the H and h have good chemistry, and their relationship is fun (because the show is taking a comedic approach to the scenario). "Taste of Love" continues to be cute, and I like the h here a lot more, though the H is a bit of a jerk, but the H/h also have solidly good chemistry, and even though the show is slow (TW-dramas tend to be slow), I continue to be engaged so far. I need to catch up though on the new eps of both of these shows, as I haven't watched the new eps yet. Eps 6 and 7 of "From Five to Nine" are posted with English subs. This show continues to be enjoyable. I haven't been interested in any k-dramas for a while now, but I miss watching good kdrama/romance shows. I will be checking out "Remember", because I really want to see YSH as the lead, ever since I discovered him in "I Miss You" (where I suffered second male lead syndrome, and he was the SML). I also like PMY, as the h. So I'm hoping that this show will be good with a balance of suspense and romance and drama. However I'm hoping that the synopsis is wrong, and that the H will simply suffer amnesia. If it really is Alzheimer's

(which I find to be a makjang plot point), then I will probably only watch the first few eps and then stop, because it would mean that there won't be a happy ending. I'm also really looking forward to "Cheese in the Trap". I just hope that they will get the balance right, because so far they are focusing on the lighter aspects and feel of the story, in the teasers. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Dec 14, 2015 10:09:44 AM PST May says: I stumbled into this discussion by accident and boy am I glad I found it. I got some great recommendations from here. Thank you!! This year has not been a good year for kdrama for me, so I'm branching out and doing a couple of thai drama recommended here (possessive/jealous/strong H, who wouldn't love them). I've watched cdrama and taiwan drama but they're not just as good as kdrama, EXCEPT Shan Shan comes to eat. I think i drool more than my dog at dinner time watching that H. It was such a sad time for me when I couldn't find anything else similar to that caliber. Puse Monkey/Adana: are you still translating "Blazing Sunlight" by Gu Man? I read all 31 chapters in one sitting and now biting my nails waiting for the next one to come out. I read the translated version on wordpress but i know they're also doing other projects too. So it's slow going. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Dec 15, 2015 4:45:31 AM PST luvnlife says: Still really loving Oh My Venus. I like the fact that there hasn't been angst and that it is the H and h are in it together. Ep 9 had me rewatching certain scenes because they were so cute together. I am hoping that the second half continues to be as good. This drama could rank right up there with HEALER for 2015. Reply to this post

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Posted on Dec 15, 2015 6:55:50 AM PST Last edited by the author on Dec 15, 2015 7:02:20 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: It's hard to believe that 2015 is almost over. What is even more surprising is the sheer number of dramas that I managed to watch during the year (but in my defense drama watching has completely replaced both reading and American TV watching). Unfortunately, the down side of watching so many drama is that I now tend to see the sameness/lack of creativity in so many of the dramas, especially k-drama rom/coms and family dramas which seem to follow the same boilerplate structure and plotting. But on a positive note, the lack of creativity in kdramas did force me to seek out dramas from other countries where I found some surprisingly good ones. My 5 personal favorite dramas of 2015 were: * Healer - was everything I wanted a drama to be and more * Kill Me, Heal Me - while some of the plot, especially that related to the H's family, was bad, Ji Sung in all of his personas was awesome * I Remember You/Hello Monster - and I don't even feel bad that the villains got away * Roy Leh Sanae Rai - 2015 Remake (Thai) (warning: slap/kiss) - one completely crazy/possessive H * Kiss Me (Thai) - while episodes 16-19 weren't that great (looking at you TenTen), this drama still managed to be my crack drama while it was airing, as I loved all of its characters Also, a special mention for the 2014 Thai rom/com Leh Nangfah for restoring my love of rom/coms. Since I'm on a top 5 roll, also: My top 5 all-time favorite dramas: * Healer * City Hunter * The Princess' Man * Queen In-Hyun's Man * You From Another Star And, my 5 favorite actors * Ji Chang Wook * Joo Won * Ji Sung

* Push (Thai) * Chris Wu (TW) Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Dec 16, 2015 8:22:15 AM PST May says: I watched my first thai drama this week and based on recs here, it's "Roy Leh Sanae Rai 2015". I alternate between grimacing and giggling by their over the top acting, cat/dog fight and long dramatic stares. I was going to cross thai drama from my list but I was bored so click on the first episode of "kiss me' thai version. Color me surprise because this drama is completely different from RLSR. The H in "kiss me" is totally hot and his acting skills reminded me of the H in Healer. So i'm going to watch "full house" thai version next. Do you have any recs for Thai drama that's not so over the top acting? I'm completely new to thai drama so I'm open to all recs, even the over the top slap/kiss if it has a smoking hot H :). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer 1 of 1 people think this post adds to the discussion. Do you? Yes No

Posted on Dec 16, 2015 9:23:09 AM PST Rashell Anderson says: Oh My Venus is still adorable. We're getting into the boring "company" part of the story now, but the cute romantic coupley parts are saving it from being dull. They're way too cute. May, Thai dramas are mostly a miss for me. I also struggle with the over the top acting and the slap/kiss aspect. I think you'll like Full House. I don't really have any other great recs. My first Thai drama, and one I liked even with the slap/kiss aspect, was Tomorrow I'll Still Love You. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Dec 16, 2015 9:34:10 AM PST Last edited by the author on Dec 16, 2015 9:34:56 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: May - Unfortunately, for the most part Thai dramas are the very definition of over the top. In addition to Full House - Thai version (which by the way is much better than the k-drama version), a few non-slap/kiss dramas that aren't over the top are Ugly Duckling: Perfect Match, Love Flight (a cute brief 4 episode drama) and Leh NangFah (all have the same H as Roy Leh Sanae Rai). Also, Tomorrow I'll Still Love You (warning: it's a slap/kiss) is another Thai drama that's well liked. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Dec 17, 2015 4:22:32 PM PST Last edited by the author on Dec 30, 2015 4:56:04 PM PST Lovely D.M. says: Okay so now that I've caught up on "Marry Me or Not" and "Taste of Love", I will say that "Marry Me or Not" is finally starting to show some depth to the characters', and now with ep 7 I am starting to think that the h did what she did in high-school, to make her friend realize that the man she was crushing on is a player, and now he appears again. I think what happened, is that since both the h and the H's sister have a childish streak, when the H's sister wouldn't listen to the h, the h got angry and simply decided to play the bad person. The H is also growing as a character, and I'm glad that he already admits that he's fallen for the h. Even though this show is very comedic and is a bit over the top, it feels like it is starting to get more serious as the plot continues. I am enjoying this show more than "Taste of Love". Taste of Love has a silly and exaggerated plot (no restaurant's fate would rest on one sauce recipe), but I guess it is giving the H/h time to bond. Both of these shows are feel good type shows, and also both shows had steaminess in their latest episodes. "Marry Me or Not" episode 7 (before H/h broke up unfortunately), and "Taste of Love" episode (Edited) 9, TW-drama kisses are some of the best kisses. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Dec 17, 2015 5:06:15 PM PST Jennifer L. Rinehart says: Is anyone watching Splash Splash Love? It is adorable and fun, but so far there is just one episode subbed. I'll have to agree that Thai dramas are pretty OTP, but some are so great that it is worth wading through a few duds. I am really liking Kiss me and can't wait so see a Thai version of Goong. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Dec 20, 2015 6:41:29 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: Spoilers on 5 to 9 I was very disappointed with the final episode of the J-drama "5 to 9." Given the H actions at the end of episode 9 and most of episode 10, I thought he needed to do some massive/major groveling towards to h in order to be forgiven. Ultimately, he chose the temple/family over the h and would have married the OW if she hadn't dumped him. Unfortunately, it ended up being the h and her co-workers/friends that made all of the efforts towards a reconciliation (while the so called H did absolutely nothing) so I ended up being bitter that the H was given a HEA as it was truly unearned and undeserved. Overall, a very unsatisfying conclusion to this drama. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Dec 20, 2015 7:50:09 AM PST Last edited by the author on Dec 21, 2015 11:31:54 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: Oh I haven't watched the last episode of "From Five to Nine" yet, but I'm disappointed to hear that the ending is like this. I will checkout the last episode soon. I knew when he broke up with her in episode 9, that we were going to get some heartbreak, but I thought he would put effort to get back to her. I guess overall this show will be one of those shows that started

out solidly good and unique, and then fizzled out. Since no k-dramas have been capturing my interest for a while now, I am focusing on checking out TW, J, and even a few Thai dramas. On this note, "office Girls" has been posted on viki English subbed, and its in good quality. I have started it already, because I am enjoying this couple in "Marry Me or Not". Their dynamic is different in "Office Girls', but their chemistry is just as great. So since we have reached the end of the year, I will post my year end ratings of the dramas I watched in 2015. This time, I will only include the dramas I watched till the end. k-dramas Healer 4.5/5 stars (the romance made this show for me) I Remember You/ Hello Monster 4/5 stars (the atmosphere...) Kill Me Heal Me 4/5 stars (wacky plot, but great acting and chemistry) Sensory Couple/Girl Who Sees Smells 3/5 stars (cute, and a bit suspenseful, overall just okay) Scholar Walks the Night 3/5 stars (Gwi was the reason I watched this till the end, he turned out to be the most interesting character in the show. I also liked the h) School 2015 2.5/5 stars (story-line was weak, but had the lovely character of Tae Kwang, and he kept me watching) TW-dramas Someone Like You 4/5 stars (sometimes cheesy, and sometimes moving and magical. I enjoyed it) I am Sorry I Love You 3/5 stars (supernatural elements, a bromance and the romance is a subplot, just okay) Thai dramas Roy Lae Sanae Rai 3/5 stars (some crazy plot points and over-the-top supporting characters, but H/h had good chemistry) Leh Nangfah 4/5 stars (weird fantasy plot, but H/h had great chemistry, and the fantasy aspect was well-executed with the h in that blue suit as a bird) J-dramas Dear Sister 3.5/5 stars (enjoyable show, though a bit slow, is a womance with some romance as the subplot) Au Haru Ride (movie) 4/5 stars (cute, and moving) ETA: From Five to Nine 3/5 stars Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Reply to this post

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In reply to an earlier post on Dec 20, 2015 9:57:33 AM PST Last edited by the author on Dec 20, 2015 9:58:05 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: You might like the ending to "5 to 9" more than I did. I guess the biggest reason that the HEA in 5-ji Kara 9-ji Made was a failure to me was the ending dynamic of the h having to chase him (they literally had her running to him) such that it seems that its him that gets to decide if their relationship will continue. He really didn't have to do any groveling and believe me major groveling was in order after he told her she just wasn't good enough, he hated her and that he was going to marry the OW. Whereas in the other two 2015 dramas where the H has acted unforgivably towards the h (Kiss Me and Roy Leh Sanae Rai) I was happy with the HEA because it was the H having to chase after the h and the h getting to decide if she would forgive him or not. I didn't like that in 5 to 9 the H in the end didn't have to work for his HEA (sorry, decorating a tree doesn't count in my book). Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Dec 20, 2015 8:39:19 PM PST jak says: @ Taz 5-ji Kara 9-ji was just an ok drama to me, I thought the premise wasn't much and the fact that English teachers were that bad at speaking English, especially the leads, bothered me. And Yamapi just isn't that great an actor. Plus the last minute plots brought unnecessary angst and noble idiocy. SPOILER But the ending made sense to me. The H was the one chasing the h in what 7-8 episodes, so he finally decides to let her go. The way he did it was nonsensical ( I couldn't believe she really thought even for a minute he suddenly hates her the way he devoted himself to her in previous episodes.), but it made a good synergy plotwise for her to finally be the one to pursue the relationship. No major groveling needed in my book. Although I do wonder does that mean she doesnt have to be a temple wife, so he's left the temple or what? At any rate, time to finish or move on to other dramas now.

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Posted on Dec 21, 2015 11:26:18 AM PST Last edited by the author on Dec 21, 2015 11:29:40 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: Okay I watched the last episode of "From Five to Nine", while the last episode left me underwhelmed, I thought the kiss by the Christmas tree was super sweet (given how much time they've spent trying to kiss and failing, they finally were able to! lol). This show overall was okay, but it could've been better. I will go to my previous post, and update my ratings now that I've finished this show. Oh and if you're looking for a show were this actor's acting is better (his role as the monk did feel awkward and wooden at times), I will say check out "Kurosagi". I only recommend the drama, not the movie special (because nothing happens in the movie, it's a waste). The drama ends with the possibility of the H and the female lead starting a romantic relationship. I watched ep 8 of "Marry Me or Not", and this show is on its way to becoming one of my favorite TW-dramas, it continues to get better with every episode. Hopefully it will remain good, till the end. This episode was the best episode so far, IMO, with some unexpected twists. I like that we are seeing the real h's self more clearly now. I like that the show is becoming more serious. I thought this show in the beginning, sometimes had a feel similar to "Corpse Bride" with wacky comedy that sometimes dealt with darker themes. Now that the show is getting more serious, I can feel the suspenseful and dark undertones. There really is something weird going on with the SML (the player). The h sensed from the beginning, that there's something not right about him. Also his older brother is definitely creepy. I'm starting to feel that the h is actually a victim in this tale, when she tried to save her friend. I know that she has a childish/rash streak that caused her to get into a silly feud with Sheng Nan. But it feels like the H's presence in her life put her in danger (this episode), and now we have the SML who seems to be throwing her under the bus for his creepy brother (though I still don't know what his motives are, sometimes it looks like he might be protecting Sheng Nan). I really hope that the H will be there to protect the h. I also felt the words of the h's mother and the cherry blossom tree withering were foreshadowing :( The H/h need to be honest with each other, and get back together ASAP. I am so looking forward to see what will happen next! On a side note: I also have to say this h's favorite K-dramas, from a few eps back (I think it was episode 2 or 3) are my favorites too :D I laughed out loud, when they altered their names

though like "My Love from Mars"= "My Love from the Stars", "Public Garden"="Secret Garden" lol. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Dec 29, 2015 8:09:58 PM PST Rashell Anderson says: Oh My Venus was actually really cute this week, and I was worried because last week ended with a scary cliffhanger. We got some angst, but it was mostly just really sweet to see how much Young Ho and Joo Eun love each other. Even the dreaded time jump wasn't as horrible as it sometimes is, and actually made sense as much as time jumps can. But these two are really, really adorable. And I love all the supporting players. Even the dreaded OW, who really never was a typical OW, is a good, fleshed out, character. Just a really cute romance in this one. Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

In reply to an earlier post on Dec 30, 2015 9:19:38 AM PST taz-mania (Reader123) says: My ratings for the dramas that wrapped up in 2015 that I watched (excluding all DNFs) were as follows: * Healer - 10 (my new all-time favorite drama) * Kill Me, Heal Me - 8.5 (Ji Sung was awesome) * I Remember You / Hello Monster - 8 * Kiss Me - 8 * Roy Leh Sanae Rai - 2015 remake (Thai drama) - 8 * Heard it Through the Grapevine - 8 (a social satire) * Oh My Ghostess - 8 * Twenty Again - 8 * Sassy Go Go - 8 * Noble, My Love - 8

* 5-ji Kara 9-ji Made - 7 * She Was Pretty - 7 * Sensory Couple/Girl Who Sees Smells - 7 (plot is just OK, but H/h are super cute) * Producer - 7 * Falling for Innocence - 7 * Ho Goo's Love / Fool's Love - 7 * Ugly Duckling series: Perfect Match (Thai drama) - 7 * Pinocchio - 7 * Heart to Heart - 7 * What Happens to My Family - 7 * Itazura Na Kiss 2 (Love in Tokyo) - 7 * Dear Sister (Japanese Drama) - 7 * Ex-girlfriend's Club - 7 * Love Flight (Thai drama)- 7 * King's Daughter, Su Baek Hyang - 6 * Orange Marmalade - 6 * Scholar Who Walks the Night - 6 * Yong Pal - 6 * When I See You Again - 6 * The Virtual Daughter-in-Law - 6 * High Society - 6 (secondary romance was the only thing that kept this drama watchable) * Pride and Prejudice - 6 * Unkind Women - 6 (the only couple I actually cared about didn't get a HEA) * Birth of a Beauty - 6 * Murphy's Law of Love - 6 * Panyachen Kon Krua (Thai drama) - 6 * A Daughter Just Like You - 6 * Warm and Cozy - 5 * Hyde, Jekyll, Me - 5 * The Legendary Witch - 5 * My Unfortunate Boyfriend - 5 * The Lover - 4 * Sweden Laundry - 4 (lead romance never materialized) Ratings on older (non-2015) dramas that I watched in 2015 * Empress Ki - 9 (h/Emperor romance was great - rest of drama was just ok) * Nice Guy/Innocent Man - 8 * Dong Yi - 8 * Leh Nangfah (Angel Magic) (Thai Drama) - 8

* Fun Fueng (Daydream) (Thai drama) - 7 * Joseon Gunman - 7 * Warrior Baek Dong Soo - 7 (good action drama but lacks a decent romance - but at least does give H happy ending with his h) * Smile, Dong Hae - 7 * Fermentation Family - 7 * Sud Sai Pan (Thai) - 7 * My Too Perfect Sons / The Sons of Sol Pharmacy House - 6 * What is Love (TW-drama) - 6 * Hero - 6 * Love Shuffle (J-drama) - 6 Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

Posted on Dec 31, 2015 10:43:41 AM PST Lovely D.M. says: Wow that's a lot of shows that you watched till the end, Reader123. I just have one question, where did you watch the last episode of "Kiss Me" English subbed? I'm curious, because on viki the last ep is not subbed yet. I have started catching up on the remaining eps, now that the eps are English subbed (last ep aside). I am at ep 11, and the chemistry between the leads makes me *sigh* sometimes (lovely chemistry). I know that the angst is coming, from your guys' reviews, but I hope I won't be too angry at the H. This drama is on the list of dramas I really like, even though I haven't finished it yet. I watched the first 5 eps of "Remember", and I can't seem to get into it. I hope that YSH will be the lead in another drama in the future, that is better. On this note, has anyone checked out "Imaginary Cat"? Is it worth checking out? It looks like a cute show. "Marry Me or Not" continues to be very enjoyable, this is the best airing show right now, IMO. Happy New Year! Reply to this post Permalink | Report abuse | Ignore this customer Do you think this post adds to the discussion? Yes No

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